#Geeks Under the Influence
im-josh-b · 2 months
Job Legacy Challenge Rules:
MUST USE ONLY THE SAME PLOT FOR WHOLE CHALLENGE.(Doesnt mean you cannot change house for each gen),
5.ONLY ONE CHILD PER GEN (if you have twins triplets etc, you must move them out of your lot and continue with your heir of choice, 6.MUST COMPLETE THE ASPIRATION OF EACH GENERATION. Now Time For The Generations:
Generation 1-Barista! The first gen is the barista career, Your dream is to be the best barista in the sim world Aspiration: Master Mixoligist Traits: Clumsy, Outgoing, Loyal MUST: Max Mixoligy Skill
Generation 2-Criminal (Boss Branch)! Your the child of a master barista but you dont like the goodness and kindness of your family, Unlike your barista parent your not telling people to have a nice day… no no no you are going to be turning to a life of crime an d want most sims to hate you. Aspiration: Public Enemy Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Non committal MUST: Have 3 failed marriges with the fourth being the parent to next gen, Max Mischief Skill.
Generation 3-Buisness (Management)! Unlike your criminal parent you want to be more like your Grandparent and be kind to people, Your a buisness man/woman living your best life working in the office and having many friends. Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Traits: Good, Family Orrientated, Neat MUST:Max Writing Skill
Generation 4-Astronaut (Space Ranger)! In your childhood you dream of flying to space andexploring new worlds and galaxies, Your buisness parent for your birthday when turning into a teen buys you your very own rocket in the garden. Aspiration: The Curartor Traits: Genius, Loces Outdoors, perfectionist MUST: Max your fitness skill, Get married during the night with no guests and exchange vowls under the stars
Generation 5-Style Influencer (Trend Setter)! You wanna be popular in the world, Your gonna be popular but a heartbraker at the same time taking after your criminal ancestor. Aspiration: Friend of the World Traits: Cheerful, Self Assured, Romantic MUST: Break 5 Hearts and Marry The Sixth Have 3 best friends by being Young Adult
Generation 6-Painter (Patron of the Arts)! You love art and want a wall in your house dedicated to your paintings, You want a wedding in a museum. Apiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Art Lover MUST: Max Painting Skill
Generation 7-Freelancer (Artist)! Growing up with a painting obsessed parent you have naturally gained a liking for painting and want to make a buisness out of it, You only start painting when becoming a young adult where your parent finally lets you touch their paint supplies. Aspiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Art Lover, Creative, Childish MUST: Your child must not see the paintings you create and dont let them gain a liking for painting.
Generation 8-Writer (Author)! Since you were not allowed to get into painting you get into writing instead, You dream of being a world famous author and making books as big as harry potter. Aspiration: Best Selling Author Traits: Neat, Pefectionist, Bookworm MUST: Have made atleast 10,000 Simoliens of off books in your lifetime
Generation 9-Tech Guru (eSport Gamer)! Unlike any of your ancestors you want to be a world famous gamer and have many who want to become just like you. Your goal in life is to make a living off of playing games. Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Geek, Lazy, Materalistic MUST: Max Gaming Skill
Generation Ten-"Final generation"-Baby Sitter! You love kids and want the best for them in their lives therefore you spend your weekdays spending time with your familky and sacrifice your weekends to help fellow parents have a break from kids, Aspiration: Big Happy Family Traits: Family Oriented, Good, Outgoing
!!!CONGRATS!!! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE JOB LEGACY CHALLENGE!!! If you want to continue with your save file i recommend going from generation one to generation 10 again but the next ten never knew about the previous 10 that they turn out just like!!! Thank you for completing my Legacy challenge an dhope you enjoyed playing -Josh
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octuscle · 29 days
hey dude, I’m not a writer, but a bro sent me this request and I think the chronivac team can help him out
I’m a 21 year old gay geek who lives in a very loving but nerdy family. My dad is a geek who has been taking me to gaming conventions since I was little. Me and all my brothers take after him. I love my family, but I’ve always wondered what it would have been like growing up with a jock family. Could I have been the jock I fantasize about being if I had more masculine influences in my life?
March 10th, 2024
I never thought my family would turn into a bunch of fitness fanatics, but here we are. Mom, Dad, even my little brothers, they're all obsessed with this new super athletic lifestyle. Protein shakes, chicken breasts, and hours at the gym have become the norm in our household.
I used to be content with my telescope and chessboard, but now I find myself being dragged to the gym and force-fed protein shakes. It's like my family has become a cult, and I'm the reluctant follower. I'm not sure how I feel about all of this.
March 25th, 2024
I can't believe how quickly things have changed. Just a few weeks ago, I was the nerdy kid who spent his days studying the stars and playing chess. Now, I'm a typical high school jock, hanging out with the popular crowd and making fun of anyone who doesn't fit in.
I've traded my telescope for dumbbells and my chessboard for a football. And the worst part? I'm starting to enjoy it. I feel powerful and invincible, like I can do anything. But I'm also starting to notice a mean streak in myself that I never knew existed.
April 10th, 2024
I've become a bully. I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true. I'm the one pushing kids into lockers and stealing their lunch money now. And the worst part? I'm not even sorry about it.
I've also developed this gross habit of forcing kids to smell the stench from my sweaty armpit after football practice. It's like I get some sick pleasure out of humiliating others. What has happened to me?
April 30th, 2024
Yo, dude, like, physically, I'm a whole new person now. Went from a scrawny little dude to a 280-pound muscle beast. My clothes are bursting at the seams, and I gotta turn sideways to squeeze through doors. But hey, ain't complaining - diggin' all the stares I'm getting. And guess what? Bagged a wrestling scholarship to a college out in the Midwest. Me, the dude who used to daydream about space and stuff, gonna be slammin' in the ring for a college team. It's bonkers, but man, I'm totally stoked about it.
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May 20th, 2024
Yo, OMG, peeps! I am legit ecstatic right now, like I never in a million years thought I'd be uttering those words, but BOOM, it's straight facts, fam! E'en though I've gone through some major transformations, like morphing into this 280-pound jacked AF bodybuilder who lowkey bullies nerds, I am L-I-V-I-N-G my best life and am beyond stoked about it! I've finally discovered where I belong in this crazy world, and that's under them bright lights on the wrestling mat, ready to throw down and slam some bodies, chug some protein shakes, and maybe, just maybe, dial back on the bully vibes a smidge. Here's to the next epic chapter in my saga, AKA living my dream and taking names! #OnTopOfTheWorld #LivingMyTruth #BodySlamsAndBulkingBro
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lowkeycasanova · 10 months
under the influence
pt 2 to “you ain’t my boyfriend, I ain’t your girlfriend” but can be read as a stand alone
It's been about two weeks since the conversation with Vinnie in the kitchen.
Since then, it's been all good natured teasing between you two. There have been times where you'd flip him off, and he'd flip you off right back. Or he'd playfully raise his voice, and you'd do it back to him.
But there was definitely some unspoken tension between you two.
And it wasn't until someone's birthday party at a club where that tension would actually be tested.
Upon arriving, it was immediate sensory overload. The music reverberated through your body, talking and laughter filled the air, and the light illuminating the dark created an ambiance that was captivating and mysterious. You didn't know what to do or who to look at first.
"Hey, there's Vinnie!" Sophie exclaimed and you looked to where she pointed.
He was a few feet away, taking a picture with who you presumed was a fan.
Sophie pulled your hand to walk to him. He was looking down at his phone and the girl on his right that he took the picture with was still geeking over him.
"Hi." He smiled at the sight of you and Sophie. You two greeted him back and gave him a short hug.
"Finally got out of the house huh?" He turned his attention towards you.
"I know you ain't talking." You teased back.
Sophie had stepped to the side engaging in conversation with some people but you didn't know them. Leaving you and Vinnie.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked, his voice slightly raised so you could hear him.
He turned to the bar behind him and told the guy at the counter what he wanted. You couldn't hear him, but you trusted that he'd get something you liked.
He turned back to you, handing you a shot glass filled with a drink that probably had lime in it. You both clinked your glasses and took it together.
You sat at the booth with Vinnie and some other people you didn't quite know that well. Vinnie sat beside you with his arm around you on the top of the seating area.
You swallowed the last of the Hennessy in your glass, squinting as someone put their phone up to Vinnie with the flash on. And someone beside him was trying to get him in their video.
You're not sure how he deals with that. It aggravated you just being in the middle of it.
He was handed a bottle of something but you're not sure what it was. It was clear, like water, and he downed it as such.
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As the night went on, you began to notice a small shift in your demeanor. The initial warmth and relaxation brought on by the number of alcoholic drinks started to amplify. Your inhibitions begin to loosen. Conversations became more animated, social interactions more engaging.
You tugged on Vinnie's arm, signaling for him to get up with you. He does so and you bring him in the direction of the dance floor.
"Mhmm, I don't dance." He laughed, clearly tipsy, but then again, so were you.
You don't either but you felt confident enough to sing along to some of the music at least. In the dimly lit club, the rhythmic beats of the music pulsed through the air.
The DJ dropped Under the Influence by Chris Brown. You and Vinnie exchanged knowing glances, your smiles widening as you recognized the song. The lights above changed to red and the lyrics resonated a connection you two shared but never dared to vocalize.
Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh yeah
Bring it over to my place
And you be like "Baby who cares?"
But I know you care
Bring it over to my place
As the chorus hit, your voices joined in unison even more, singing along. Laughter mixed in as you smiled and sang. His hand on your waist and your thumb and index finger on his chin to keep his eyes on yours.
You don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight, speaks to me
I don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight, speaks to me
The distance between y'all seemed to vanish. Caught in a world of your own, oblivious to the crowd around you.
The lyrics articulating the feelings that were buried deep within. The lights illuminated your faces, revealing the genuine joy in your expressions.
You two weren't drunk, but there was no way you could do this sober.
Before the song ends, you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him in closer to speak in his ear.
"We should go. Before we start a scandal."
You dropped your arms to your sides and gave him a smug smile. His lips turned up into a smirk, as if he was surprised by the invitation but wasn't going to decline it.
He took your hand and interlocked your fingers, guiding you through the crowd towards the back, near the bathrooms.
There was more of a bright light in that hallway. Vinnie leaned against the wall across from you. The weight of unspoken feelings hung in the air like a delicate secret. And there was no denying what happened back there.
"What are we doing?" He asked and met your gaze.
You shrugged and smirked. "You tell me."
He stood there for a moment with mischievous eyes as if he was contemplating what he was going to say. But in a swift move, he closed the gap between you two and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. Your laughter bubbled up as you grabbed his hands in response.
He couldn't resist teasing you and finally planted a kiss on your lips. It wasn't slow or passionate, but more playful and curious. His hand cupped your cheek and you could feel each other smiling into the kisses.
Neither of you needed to explain because actions speak louder than words.
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nhoirr · 4 months
KEEP A PLACE FOR ME. | Album by gojo satoru
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1/3 ★ : TRACK O1, = chapter one. — “SPRING CAME TO KEEP A PLACE FOR ME.”
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PREFACE : A love that sprouted way back during early days, young eyes too naive to see the truth — what would unfold in later events are the weight of the lies spoken that very faithful night.
PROMP & THEMES : Childhood sweethearts, foolish teens inlove, fem-reader, some-implied-misunderstandings.
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#.smitten!gojo, #.ooc?, #.fluff, #.angst, #.cliché-scenes, #.bittersweet.
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#.ALBUM? — 💽 : SPRING CAME - g. satoru.
❒ .TRACK-LIST • O1. keep a place for me • O2. [no place other than home] • O3. [too soon, too late] – RECORD SLEEVE.
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you first met GOJO SATORU when you were young, a formal meeting of the clans to discuss their collaboration — a momentary meeting, a fleeting bow and starlike eyes meets at a place where time seems to stop.
innocent eyes staring at the abyssal ocean depths that never seemed to have its end, threatening to swallow you whole.
never did you think such pretty eyes could be so terrifying.
".. do you want a tart?" you nervously push your plate to the glaring boy, his eyes following your fingers like guarded cat.
but infront of the sweet treat does the ocean waves calm, glancing at you once or twice before finally accepting the offer.
It was not at all a pleasing meet, but it was then did your friendship start.
from polite knitted poise of greeting, to whispers under the table with interlocked pinkies, stifled laughs during late night escapees through his bedroom windows — you were a menace, and your influence seemed to rub off on him.
the once less than a glance now turned to longing stares speaking a million words, from the many times it's happened, you could read each other's intentions through it — like a special messenger where only the two of you could read what the letters contained.
one time, across the meeting table where the two clans flock together, prideful geeks speaking like birds of a feather. always so passionate when it comes to matters about their clans, status and what not — like peacocks flexing their plumes.
with eyes glazed with tiredness and boredom, a burning gaze had you seeking where it came. your tense shoulders immediately slacken when you meet a familiar pair of eyes, glaring at you with the words you've been waiting to hear since this god forsaken meeting had started — let's run away.
and you take your chance, watching the way the younger boy disappears down beneath the tables — panic quickly quelled when you realize no one noticed, nor seemed to really care to at the moment. so you follow suit, ducking down to crawl within the small but long meeting table. almost immediately meeting eyes cheekily with the boy, but he moves a finger to his mouth, stopping you from speaking.
Just then, clan leaders immediately shout in panic — scuffling to their feet, breaking their neck by looking all around for the two heirs that have gone missing.
you nod along, trying to bite down the laugh bubbling up inside of you, while your eyes following keenly when he points at the door. the exit.
he glances at you — extending a hand for you to take as he counts to three with his fingers.
and once he counts to three, you both ran like there was no tomorrow.
little you held his hand and hid behind bushes, leaves dusting both your forms and you've never seen such a lively expression on the boy's face, laughing for once like a child of your age.
"its clear, I think." he murmurs beneath what was left of his breath, heaving a sigh of relief with his hand to his beating chest, heart still drumming in his ears with adrenaline from the run.
you give a stuttered laugh, chasing your breath to say, "that was so awesome."
there was a moment where you both meet eyes, cheeky expression and a victorious grin — one stifles a laugh, causing the other to laugh in sync. melodic fits of giggles you both sounded in harmony underneath the starry night.
"you almost got us caught," he reminds you without any bite, almost teasing if you really read between the tones. "and we didnt," you bark back smugly puffing out your chest, which he laughs to.
time seems to subside and laughs begin to fade into the night, you find yourself watching the stars. even when you've finally caught your breath, your heart still thumps with adrenaline at the sight.
"hey," he starts, breaking the silence yet peace still seems to fall. "can you still run?" you perk up at his request, seeing there was no jest, you smile as an answer.
standing up first, you repeat your answer; vocally, "you think?"
and.. never in your life did you think you could run. you knew you ran fast, but for that long?
you were starting to regret your past words of confidence, internally screaming at your past self for your own foolishness.
should you even mention the boy who was the same age as you, having the stamina of a lion?
"w-wait!" you shout, feeling your knees buckle and your hands fly to your knees - catching your breath. "where.." you breathe, "where are we going anyways?"
you could faintly hear the sounds of the grass moving halt.
"somewhere," you feel a vein pop - immediately taking back the words of thanks you were going to say for waiting. "cant we rest?" you reason, raising your head to see he was looking else where. as if pondering your words.
there was a secondary pause, hesitating before he tilts his head to the said to say, ".. come with me."
you feel the energy lost come back at his words, enough to ignore the aching of your legs as you follow him with a skip to your steps.
.. whatever hope you had disperses in matters of minutes when your form slouches from tiredness, and now returned to a groaning, noisy complaining fit.
"you said we'll rest!" you complain.
he shrugs his shoulders, not batting an eye when you seem to fall behind, "I never said that," he answers - annoyance building up inside of you so much that you remember this was how much you hated him before, as much as you feared him atleast.
merely you let out a bummed sigh, and you wonder if you would ever get the time to rest your poor tired feet. "were almost there," he answers your thoughts and you raise your head to speak with a scoff, "really? where-"
the words on your tongue seems to drift to be forgotten with your latter annoyance, your eyes now enchanted by the view of the falling stars and lush garden.
there was such a place? you dont think you would ever find out if it weren't for him, you give him credit for that.
too dazzled by the sight, you don't notice the way he looks your way. "its beautiful," feeling his gaze, you look his way with a smile, catching the way he tenses like deers in the headlights - swiftly turning his head to look at the night sky, "yeah," he coughs out, but you catch the pink tint coloring his ears, uncovered by his white locks.
"it is."
"were you looking at me?" you call him out and he almost jumps, looking at you with annoyance that has you fulfilled - a bit petty of you, but you wanted revenge for his annoying behavior earlier. "you could've sai-"
"I wasn't!" he shouts causing you to blink, mesmerized he was showing more emotion to this than any of your findings - apart from sweet treats. "so defensive," you puff out a breath, thinking if you should rile him up more.
.. ofcourse, would that even be a question? "then why are you red?" — you'd take all the reactions you can with this rare opportunity.
he 'calmly' sighs, "its simply.. hot today."
almost perfectly on cue, the wind blows with the coldness of the night, as if to betray him for his lies.
"right.." you don't press on further, saving him the embarrassment.. not like he'd ever live this down.
he opens his mouth to save whatever was left of his dignity, but you beat him to it. "do you think this will happen again?" you slowly walk your way over to the fountain laying at the center of the garden, sitting by the stones beside it - careful not to fall.
curiously, he follows you with cat-like eyes, "what will?"
you pat the space beside you, beckoning him to sit with you, "come look at the view."
carefully he sits, keeping a distance away but not enough where your hand seem to hover on his own for a fleeting moment.
from embarrassment or disgust, you both recoil away as if the touch burnt you.
realization dawning with a synchronized 'oh' - your eyes meet once again, a pause for a moment or two before you both laugh at each other.
"this is what I mean," you suddenly say, and he stops. "this?" - he repeats your words as if to test if the meaning would change if he says it, but it seems to inquire more of an answer.
an answer you couldn't give, not into words atleast.
you could describe it as a feeling.
"this moment," the answer flies over his head when he stares blankly, but doesn't push forward. if he did, perhaps you could've explained that day what you meant.
"i.. also get lost in the moment here, whenever I look at the skies." he seems to create a meaning of his own to your words, and you don't correct him either, "you come here often?" he pauses, looking down to the flowers blooming at his feet, "when I want to escape.. from everything."
there seemed to be more weight to his words, was it a sensitive topic?
"no one knows about this," you freeze at his words, giving a lopsided smile when he turns his head to look at you, halting again to return your smile - awfully menacing considering you felt guilty and threatened, if this was his secret hide-out, why did he tell you?
as if to answer the thought - "thats why I showed you," you don't know if this was a threat or a comfort..
"am I your accomplice now?"
he gives you a smile that makes you shiver for the first time this cold night.
he presses a finger to his lips, whispering not any louder than a voice pretending someone could hear, "keep it a secret between us."
that night he whispers a secret, and the stars became the witness to the birth of a newfound secret sealed by a promise.
you faux to think it over, entertaining his shenanigans when you too, whisper back, "okay, its a secret."
his eyes sparkle with your answer, for once, the ocean waves were calm. you've seen it before, but never at you - so gently smiling with warm that made you feel giddy.
you've exchanged so many laughs with one another, you could almost think you were friends..
but alas, for children your age, naivety was futile to the innocent eyes beheld the world. not enough to be understood, not enough to understand. maybe and perhaps, may the regrets lie in the future, you knew you would always turn back time to relive this moment where you both felt more alive than alive.
only if..
the tranquility of the moment was broken by the sound of shouts, hurried footsteps and faintly, you could hear the call of your name.
you stand before you realize, already starting to walk away if not for the hand grasping at your wrist - telling you not to go.
"wait," he spoke but you knew a second was a luxury, a minute longer would be when you get caught.
he feels the panic flicker through your features, making him spit out the words before his brain could comprehend, "will I see you again?" desperation clings to his tone, as if there was something more he wanted to say.
you pause to think but knew you had no such time, glancing at the light of torch fire growing closer - so were the sounds of rustling leaves and hurried footsteps.
so you gave him a promise you never knew if you could live through, "next spring," you spoke without thinking, heart beating out of your ribcage to the point that it was all you could hear through your panic state of mind.
"when?" he tightens his grip on your wrist as if afraid to let go, more than getting caught.
you glance back at the light somehow disappeared in the night, darkness once again envelopes your form where only the moonlight helped you to see; although not enough to read his expression, once again staring at nothing but those glowing blue eyes - you swear you'll dream about it.
"next month? after this winter, or next year?" this time, he was the one panicking, not noticing the way he was continuously tugging for your hand.
so you give him the bitter truth, coating with the sweetness of lies to give flavor to the indigestible truth.
"I don't know," a lie but not - you really didn't know, but you were sure your father would never let you leave again once he hears about the elder's mishaps of keeping an eye on you.
you bit the insides of your cheek, staring endlessly at his eyes to the point that you're drowning before you know it - drowning at the raging waves flickering with unbridled emotions threatening to consume.
within the depths of the sea, you are pulled out of the abyss by your reflection in his eyes - pleading.
"Keep a place for me here," you turn to look at him softly, almost enough to comfort him - but he remains stubborn, motioning to stand up but you sit him down with both hands to his shoulders.
'here' - he doesn't know if you meant a place by the way you were looking, enough to say you were looking through his soul, like you knew who he was when he never found it himself.
silently he stares back at you, knowing he never found the answer to your words either.
"when we meet again.. promise me-" he answers before you finish, "I promise," his hand finds its way back to your wrist, and when you don't recoil away, he moves to stand.
with the unsaid words remaining forever unsaid, he swears an oath - kissing the back of your hand, lashes fluttering gently with the caress of the wind - for the first time, he used proper etiquette with you.
when you try to speak again, he steals the words you wished to say and somehow — a part of you was also whisked away, and you wouldn't know what for a long time.
"ill keep a place for you when spring comes."
.. two people, two hearts and promises for the future - where only the stars would bear witness the past to be remembered.
in spite of all that, fate will always be relentless to those who never knew the unknown — where the doe-like eyes would one day remember, how cruel the world could be.
that night, you were yanked away from his hold.
watching the way you way forcefully taken from him - ripped away from his hold where he watches you smiling at him despite getting dragged away.
you were so unbearably cruel, telling him to stay. to not fight back when that was all he wanted to do at that moment; because he feels like he'll regret if he doesn't, that this will be the last he'll see of you if he doesnt.
but dear, oh dear..
your words always go before his, and he doesn't recall to when he developed such a mindset.
so he stays - still, so eerily still until his figure fades in the night, covered by the bushes and leaves as you get dragged further and further away.
the image still remains - where he was standing there ever since that day, at that garden during the same eternal night, he'll stay still - and ever waiting for the promise of the past, acting as his chain.
maybe the momentary emptiness that follows the bittersweet farewell he has to swallow will one day catch up to him in the future, forever haunting him. like the abyss reaching the depths of his soul, to one day tug him down when the burden weighs heavy on his tainted heart; now had its first scar.
gojo satoru will now carry the same weight as your promise - he, the guilt if he ever tried harder; while you, the burden of a promise you cannot keep.
that night, two hearts met, and only one left with a heavy heart carrying the weight of a future filled with endless rue.
may the world take pity.
somewhere, you could hear the first chirps of spring birds awoken from hibernation, singing for the day of a new beginning - the month of spring came. marking the start after the end, the aftermath of that night. a start of a path beckoning you to stray from the path, to the path of lies and regret — first spring after winter, a spring without the other.
.. thud.
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want to be tagged in the next chapter ? comment or reblog, interact to tell me and ill write you a letter (tag u) when the next track comes out !
[📨] : Hey! chapter 2 will be soon, it will be longer since there are many things I have to solidify in the fic.. oh also, I tried a new writing style, any constructive criticisms? or at least a little feedback? ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧
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2knightt · 4 months
For the 600 followers event, could you do a song fic for the Artic Monkeys "Whyd You Only Call Me When You're High?" With Dallas?
Take your time, and congrats on the followers !!
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3 in the morning. it’s 3 in the goddamn morning and your phone is ringing off the hooks. you tired to ignore it the first time, then the second—but the third time was the final time.
you groaned as you got out of bed, grabbing the phone.
“hey, doll.”
dallas winston. of course it’s him: it always is. he was probably out partying, out smoking, or god knows what else.
you heard a giggle or two leave his lips as he spoke. a feeling of annoyance and anger boiled up in you as you realized—once again—he’s calling you high out of his mind.
“i lett you messages, y’know.”
“why do you only ever call me when you’re high?”
your relationship with dallas was on and off constantly. one day you two are the best lovers the world has ever seen—the next—you’re wishing he was dead.
the other line went silent before he stuttered over his words—another indicator he’s under the influence.
you slammed the phone against the hook, not bothering to hear the excuse ready to come out of his mouth.
why does he only ever call you when he’s high? is that all you’re ever there for?
“i-i never jus-“
click. there it is. you hung up on him. dallas sighed, putting the phone on the hook before slumping over on the edge of his bed. he rubbed his temples, aggravated at himself.
why does he always do this? he loves you—he really does. you’re the only person he’s ever felt like this with. so, why does he fuck it up everytime?
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sshewonders · 5 months
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Chapter 02: The Quarry
chapter synopsis: Seeking refuge after explosions, you, Lori, Carl, and Shane join a growing group in a quarry. Newcomer Glenn forms a bond with you, bringing humor and positive influence. The infected, nicknamed "geeks," pose a constant threat. Internal conflicts arise due to Shane's leadership and his relationship with Lori. Food scarcity adds pressure, and Dale's RV becomes a place for reflection and art. Through sketching, you depict the transformed world and find solace in camaraderie.
chapter warnings: This chapter contains mentions of PTSD triggers, violence, and intimate situations. Reader discretion is advised.
word count: 2.1k words
author's note: Do you want to be part of my taglist? If so, just comment! Anyway, this is chapter two, and it's kind of a mess, I guess, but don't worry. Our crossbow-wielding redneck will be in the next chapter, so hang on tight! Thank you for the support, by the way! I love you all!
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You, Lori, Carl, and Shane had sought refuge in a quarry, a decision influenced by Dale, an elderly man with a generous heart who often camped there with his late wife. Using your unique persuasion skills, you managed to convince Shane and Lori to follow Dale's suggestion.
It had been a span of six days since the harrowing explosions that disrupted your lives. During the time, you witnessed an influx of newcomers seeking shelter. People arrived one by one, driven by a shared desire for safety and a sense of belonging. The growing community included Morales and his family, a woman named Jacqui, a fellow survivor who adopted the nickname T-dog, a man named Jim, and a woman called Andrea, who came with her younger sister, Amy.
While a few other individuals occupied the vicinity, the core of this makeshift society revolved around your group.
On the second day, however, while you were out picking mushrooms in the forest, you stumbled upon an Asian guy, specifically Korean, who appeared dehydrated and in need of help. Although initially skeptical as you were naturally shy and cautious around strangers, decided to offer him the bottle of water you had with you. He eagerly drank it all and introduced himself as Glenn. In return, you shared your name, and a tentative connection was formed.
After providing Glenn with the much-needed water, you decided to bring him back to the camp. He introduced himself to everyone, and from that day forward, Glenn seemed to stick to you like a shadow, following you around as if you were long-lost friends.
Both of you were about the same age and discovered you had striking similarities. Glenn, in contrast to your shyness, was known for keeping his composure under pressure and making quick, practical decisions. He often used humor as a coping mechanism, bringing much-needed levity to their dire situation.
Hours turned into days, and Glenn's presence had a noticeable impact on you. You started to adapt to his sense of humor and gradually shed some of your shyness and awkwardness. While not entirely transformed, you were becoming more like Glenn in some ways, thanks to your shared experiences and growing friendship.
Meanwhile, in terms of the unknown disease, it was an understatement to say that things had gone from bad to worse. The infected, whom you and Glenn had come to humorously nickname "geeks," now roamed the woods surrounding the camp. There was a unanimous agreement that any encounter with these geeks was a deadly threat that had to be neutralized, as they showed no hesitation in attempting to bite the living.
Despite the dire circumstances that had become your new reality, you felt a sense of gratitude for having crossed paths with such a helpful and supportive group of survivors. The companionship provided some solace, a welcome distraction from the persistent grief that still weighed heavy on your heart.
The group's only tether to the outside world was through sporadic radio broadcasts, but they provided little in the way of assistance or useful information. The broadcasts served as a constant reminder of how isolated and vulnerable they had become in this new world, where everyone's only choice was to rely on each other for survival.
However, there was a lingering dissatisfaction that seemed to revolve around Shane, the man who had taken up the role of leader within the group. Yet, there was something about Shane's demeanor that rubbed her the wrong way. He seemed overly confident, even bordering on arrogance. You couldn't quite put your finger on why he had assumed the role of leader, and the fact that he had been a police officer wasn't reason enough in your eyes.
You often pondered what it truly meant to lead in these dire times, and what kind of leadership the group needed to survive in this harsh new world. The notion that Shane had simply taken charge because of his previous profession left you with a sense of uncertainty, as if the group's dynamics weren't quite as clear-cut as they appeared.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of anger and discomfort as you observed the growing closeness between Shane and Lori. There were times when you spotted them emerging from the woods together, and it was clear that something had transpired between them; sex.
Your thoughts turned to Rick, and the fact that he had essentially just passed away. It frustrated you to think that Lori might have found solace and intimacy with Shane so soon after such a loss.
On one hand, you recognized that grief can take many forms, and you didn't want to judge Lori for seeking comfort in whatever way she saw fit. However, the idea of Lori and Shane being intimate was a concept that repulsed you to the point where you couldn't even bring yourself to make eye contact with them or engage in conversation. It was a complex mix of emotions, and you were grateful that Carl remained blissfully unaware of your internal turmoil.
The reality was that the food situation had taken a turn for the worse. While Dale had brought along some fishing gear, they had been unable to catch much in the quarry. To make matters more challenging, Ed, Carol's abusive husband, had a stash of M.R.E.s in his survival kit. However, they were now down to their last box, and Ed was far from generous when it came to sharing them. Unfortunately, nobody in the group had experience as a hunter or trapper, and that included you.
Your recurve bow had been more of a decorative piece, used solely for target practice, and you were far from proficient in using it to catch living, moving creatures. In the current predicament, your bow felt almost useless.
Six days passed. Perched on the roof of Dale's RV, you sat in silence, your sketchpad resting on your lap. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the world around you. To one side, a vast expanse of mountains stretched out, their peaks painted with shades of blue and green that melded seamlessly into the sky. The water below shimmered like a sapphire gem, reflecting the tranquil beauty that was now a distant memory.
Your fingers danced across the paper, your pencil capturing the contours of the landscape with precision. Your eyes moved back and forth between the scene before you and the sketchpad, each glance translating the vivid panorama into lines and shades. The pencil strokes were deliberate, a careful mimicry of nature's artistry.
But as the drawing took shape, it morphed from the serene image of the mountains and water to a darker, more ominous rendition. The mountains retained their imposing majesty, but the colors bled into a palette of greys and blacks, casting an eerie shadow over the once vibrant scenery. The bluish water turned into an inky abyss, its depths hinting at hidden dangers lurking beneath.
Your brows furrowed as you meticulously etched these changes onto your sketchpad. It was as if your pencil was channeling the transition that had swept over the world. The tranquility had been marred, replaced by an air of uncertainty and foreboding. Your fingers moved with a mix of determination and resignation, a reflection of the emotions that swirled within her.
Beside you, Dale watched with a knowing gaze. He understood the weight that your sketch held, capturing the essence of the reality in a way that words could never fully convey. The scene before you was no longer just a picturesque landscape; it was a mirror reflecting the transformation of your lives.
Your pencil continued its dance across the sketchpad, each stroke a deliberate expression of the world around her. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Dale's thoughtful gaze fixed upon you.
Dale cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "What's catchin' your eye there?"
You paused, your pencil hovering over the paper. You glanced at the drawing, the transition from vibrant beauty to haunting darkness captured in those lines. A sigh escaped your lips before you turned to Dale, your voice soft. "I guess I'm trying to capture both sides of this world now."
Dale's brow furrowed in curiosity as he leaned closer, his eyes studying the sketch. "Both sides?"
"Yeah," you replied, your voice soft. "On one hand, you've got this breathtaking landscape, those mountains and the bluish water. It's like a memory of how things were. But then..." You gestured to the drawing, the greys and blacks casting a somber overtone. "There's this darkness, the gloom that's come with all the changes. The beauty is still there, but it's... different."
Dale nodded slowly, his gaze shifting from the sketch to the world beyond. "Seems you're capturin' the heart of it all. The way things used to be, and the way they are now."
You nodded in agreement, your eyes fixed on your drawing. "It's like we're living in this in-between space. Remembering what once was, but constantly reminded of what's become of it."
Dale placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "It's important to remember where we come from."
A hint of gratitude flickered in your eyes as you turned to Dale. "Yeah, you're right. It's just... strange to put it all into a drawing, to see it right there on paper."
Dale's gaze softened. "Art's got a way of showin' us things we might not see otherwise. Helps us make sense of the world, in its own unique way."
You returned his smile, your fingers curling around the pencil once more. "Guess I'll keep sketching then."
Dale's eyes brightened. "You know, I got more coloring materials in the RV if you need 'em. Could add a splash of color to your sketches."
Your cheeks tinged with a shy smile. "Actually, it's not the coloring materials I'm running out of... it's the paper."
Dale chuckled warmly. "Well, next time we're out on a supply run, we'll keep an eye out for sketchbooks, too."
"Sounds like a plan," you replied, your gratitude evident in your voice.
As your pencil resumed its dance, you couldn't help but feel thankful for the camaraderie that existed in your makeshift family, and the small gestures of support that reminded you that you were all in this together.
With a final stroke, you completed your drawing, capturing the stark beauty of the world around you on paper. The pencil rested in your hand, and you admired you creation for a moment, a bittersweet smile gracing your lips. Your thoughts were interrupted by Lori's voice echoing from the distance.
"Y/N, it's time for you to go pick mushrooms in the woods for dinner," Lori called out from the campsite.
You nodded, setting your sketchpad aside. You climbed down from the RV and headed to your tent. As you unzipped the tent, your eyes caught the glint of your bow leaning against a corner, an old friend you hadn't used in a while.
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streets-in-paradise · 8 months
Friday the 13 Th - Eddie Munson x (Fem) Henderson! Reader
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Warnings: Friday the 13 Th franchise references.
Summary: Eddie has convinced you of making something big to bother Jason in the most fitting day for your inside joke about him.
Notes: Happy Friday the 13 th! Let's make fun of Jason lol
The school's cafeteria was a stage where Eddie loved to play being a dreaded artist annoying the well adjusted students with his unhinged dramatizations. He was an autentical court jester despite many loathed his performances. You may have been once too shy to get involved or even engage, but the spirit of companionship of Hellfire had slowly and consistently changed that.
As two lonely weirdos doing their best to not be noticed during most of your highschool experience, you have always been in a distant bubble with Jonnathan doing your own thing unless bullies would disrupt you. There was no one else at least untill he started to date Nancy and you befriended Eddie first, later also Steve. While you remained best friends, some of that crave to hide together in a little corner going unnoticed began to change and that was way more evident in you under the influence of Eddie.
For once at least, Jonnathan acceded to get involved for a small role in a carefully crafted espectacle you were planning because he got to appreciate the concept. Fellow horror geek, he found it simple yet quite effective. At very least you both would have a funny story to share with Will and Dustin.
Staged action took it's course as you approached him limping and pretending you were crying your heart out.
" Please, please! You have to help me!! " You begged him for the entire place to hear you, your ketchup soaked hands seeking to hold his clean ones . " … He is coming, he got my friends!!! He is gonna kill us! "
Pretending confussion wasn't that hard given your performance.
" What are you talking about?"
" The councelors were making love while that young boy drowned!!" You directly referenced the speech of Pamela Vorhees in a mashup with a victim character. " … Now we are all cursed. WE DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!!!! "
When your agonical, prophetic scream gave him the sign Eddie emerged rushing like a maniac into the scene.
" FRIDAY THE 13 TH!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13 TH, PEOPLE!!" He began to scream to anyone in his way. " RUN FOR YOUR LIVES CAUSE JASON IS GONNA COME TO GET YOU!"
The joke was perfectly timed with the entrance of Jason Carver. Annoyance was the less concerning feeling it awakened on the target. When you once started it he could have never imagined it was going to stick with the full weirdo group and even escalate.
" Are you looking for trouble, freak?"
Enacting a reaction fitting for a horror movie, you got in between them shielding Eddie with your body.
" No, Eds! Don't sacrifice yourself for me!! "
Eddie turned dramatically to play pretend a heartfelt objection.
" I must do it. You are the final girl and i am just the disastrous but charming male lead following you into the woods just because i'm in love with you. " He followed your performance with a self awareness touch. " Go, my beloved. Save that stoner and remember me. "
You held his hands as if his life trully depended of listening to you.
" I won't let you go! I know how to defeat Jason, you just have to trust me. "
The basketball player was frankly weirded. Still angry, but his lack of contextual orientation to whatever you were thinking to be doing temporally overcame his desire to punch Eddie in the face.
He was accidentally incarnating one of the lapsus of confussion Jason Vorhees could sometimes had in the films before resuming the chase for his victims.
Perfect moment for you to iniciate the end of the third act taking off your jacket to reveal a striped sweater in matching colors with the Tigers.
" Look at me Jason!! Look! Come over here … " You began to call him in the sweetest tone. " Do you recognize this? You are in home, honey.. It's gonna be ok, I'll take care of you!"
Your friends were laughing uncontrolably and you realized that even a guy in the jock's table was holding his chuckles. Probably only just for the excessive female nudity of the franchise, but he must have watched the film your joke was referencing. Not missing the chance to expose it, you smiled at him and his amusement turned inmediately into disgust.
" Friday the 13 Th Part 2, just in case you want to rent it for the weekend. " You explained to Jason after abandoning the character. " My interpretation didn't stick completely to the source material, but I found this sweater in a thrift store and inmediately thought of you. Eddie insisted we had to save it for the next Friday the 13 Th. "
" Meaning that you got that cheap sweater in my team's colours and prepared a scene arround it just to annoy me. " Jason summarized out loud, clearly fed up with all the freaks. " At least i can say you took too many bothers to get my attention in this oddly specifical charade. "
" Bullshit! He is pissed off, only tries to hide it because he lost. " Eddie quickly corrected. " We made it, sweetheart!!"
You both hi fived each other and rushed in the opposite direction, but hubris made Eddie deliver one last comeback on the way.
" Happy Friday 13 Th, Carver !!!! Don't get in the lake!!! "
Despite he did enjoy the thrill, Jonnathan was giving you judgamental looks as you reached him.
" … If i get targeted again for this."
Eddie patted him on the shoulder cheerfully before reassuring him.
" Chill, man! His feud is against us, you are totally safe. "
" That was freaking awesome! " You followed the cheers. " Don't lie to me, I saw it in your eyes. You are as excited as me. "
You had a point and he couldn't deny it.
" Fine, it was quite fun … Not as satisfying as punching Steve, but still. "
Eddie clearly supported the posibility of finding someone to complain about Harrington with that you couldn't object to. Besides, he was a big fan of the referenced episode.
" I heard all about it, the freak that kicked his bully's ass and stole his girlfriend … I just want you to know that Hellfire considers you a hero. You will always be welcome among us. "
His most inmediate answer was an awkward smile.
" Thanks. I really appreciate it, but i would like to keep my girlfriend. "
They chuckled and Eddie's was the loudest.
" Good call, man! Good call. "
Something in the specifical way Eddie choose to congratulate Jonnathan made you feel uneased. Probably because you were just jealous imagining he could want to steal his bully's girlfriend too if he had the same chance.
" Eds, if we were in a horror movie. Do you really think we would be the romantically coded final girl and last kill boy sacrificing himself so she could make it to the final fight?" You asked him as you were walking thowards the Hellfire table. " I mean, I won't do well as a final girl. To be one you need more than just be the virgin ... "
The joke may have been themed as a different thing, but you were masquerading your will to figure out if that was the case.
" ... And most times they aren't unwanted freaks, they are normal cute girls just too shy to approach their crush or too nervous to let their boyfriends convince them of sleeping together. "
He wasn't sure of where the point was going, but didn't mind to indulge you.
" Realistically, I would be the guy who dies alone getting high in the woods. " He mocked himself. " but i do think you could be a final girl. Although a rare breed we don't often get blessed with, freak girls tend to be passionate horror fans. You know all the rules to survive, my prediction is that you would make it and at the end of the film Harrington would be asking you out. "
The answer deviated from the path you expected.
" I thought you would accuse Steve of being the asshole jock dying in the sex scene. "
" As a judge I'm cruel, but fair. That has to be Hargrove, Harrington has higher chances of making it if he sticks with you. "
That made you laugh for reasons he could never possibly understand. In real life, Steve was the resourcefull fighter.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that Steve is a final girl ? "
He was laughing harder then, untill your softly delivered conclussion stopped it.
" I would like to make it with you too … It would be a refreshing change for the slasher formula. "
Eddie wasn't sure of it, but for an instant he choose to treat himself imagining you said you wanted to be with him in a very freakish way.
" There is no way i could make it. Ríght now i can tell you I would die for you. "
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britcision · 1 year
I have not slept more than 5 hours together this whole fucking week and not more than 7 hours a day
It is therefore appropriate today to give you TIM! And TUCKER! All aboard the Lore Drop!
Chapter 14’s nearly fucking done I swear I was waylaid but I think I have solved the problem. Now the new second secret much bigger problem is my intense desire to commit Dragon Age crimes
Soooo chapters will probably stay a lil slower here for a bit, but hopefully not this slow again until June, when I will be Busy As Shit
A Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence V
It was a weird feeling to have his body shaken while his consciousness was so far from it.
Feeling his face pull into a frown not quite mirroring what he felt it should be. Tucker could never have explained precisely what part of him entered his devices; just that it was him.
Quintessential, pure essence of Too Fine. Everything he was without the meat he was born in.
But then he did have to slot back into that meat, and trying to do that without matching positions always left him feeling weirdly off kilter the next day. Like he’d put on a shirt but the shoulders were skewed too short.
So despite not being conscious of a face on his extended form, Tucker tried to form it into a frown anyway, sliding back under his own skin like a teen sneaking back through a window after curfew.
Hadn’t those been heady days?
Eyes slowly opening, it took Tucker a moment to remember how to focus them. That they weren’t cameras. But then Tim Drake-Wayne came into focus, and the frown changed to a grin even before he fully “woke up”.
“Morning,” he mumbled, rolling and stretching, getting used to the feeling of a body again. It was a little weirder each time, which he might have worried about if he didn’t see himself as an extension of his PDA anyway.
“You were singing in your sleep,” Tim told him without preamble, returning the smile.
Tucker hesitated for a moment, suddenly embarrassed. If… well. If he’d been singing along, that…
Look he’d picked songs that’d embarrass Danny, he wasn’t gonna give a fuck about it. The only actual question was, did he tell Tim?
Who else would ever understand better just what it meant to interact with tech the way he could? Could get excited with him about how cool it was?
He wasn’t fucking gushing to Technus. No way. Tuck was easily the one winning that ongoing hackathon, but it was the principle of the thing.
To the zone with it. Tim knew about Amity Park, he knew about the ghosts and the liminal tech. And while they hadn’t exactly discussed liminal people, it’d come up.
Tim could have a sneak preview. As a treat.
Decision made, Tucker gave the younger man another broad smile because yeah, bragging about your super powers to a very cool and impressive person? That felt good.
Tim might be a vigilante too, but Tucker was pretty sure Jason was the only souped up Robin. Most of the bats were famously power free.
“Oh, yeah. I was bullying Danny,” he explained with a light chuckle, glancing up to find his beloved PDA, Ida. She was half under a blanket now, so he tugged her back out.
Tim chuckled softly, leaning back and stretching himself.
“Good dream?” He asked and Tucker snickered, stroking gently across the screen.
“Danny wishes it was a dream.” Tucker paused, frowning a little at the confusion on Tim’s face. “So you remember we kinda talked about the whole liminal thing?”
That seemed to jog Tim’s memory, confusion fading into an analytical frown that Tucker was already becoming familiar with. That good ol’ geek face.
“The humans with budding ghost powers,” he agreed, and Tucker had to wonder if maybe he just hadn’t put the right pieces together yet.
He hadn’t exactly said that most of Amity Park were liminal, but it was a little hard to remember he had to. Like, they lived on a portal to Hell.
Maybe he shoulda.
Well, at least it was a cool way to introduce it to him.
Tucker pulled Ida into his lap, flipped her over, and tapped the plain plastic backing to demonstrate.
“Mine’s a low level technopathy at the moment,” he explained as the PDA hummed and then began playing… well, still Montero, so he flicked it again and changed it immediately to Country Roads.
Tim was watching him with a kind of hungry fascination, and Tucker turned the music off with a thought, then passed her to Tim so he could check for secret touchpads.
“It’s not something I can do with anything,” he explained with a modest shrug, grinning with pride as Tim immediately got to scanning the casing.
All simple plastic, not even biometrics; what would be the point? Even touching the PDA was pretty much a formality at this point. She was a part of him.
“Technopathy? So you can control it with your mind? Why not with anything?” Tim asked eagerly, hands stroking over the plastic, eyes darting between it and Tucker.
Like he wasn’t sure which was more interesting, Tuck or tech, and Tucker absolutely took that as a compliment.
“It has to be a device I’ve really gotten into. Like, down to the source code, or something I’ve cracked before a couple times, and then I can just feel how all of it works.”
Tucker wiggled his fingers demonstratively and the PDA beeped to life under Tim’s hands, making the other man gasp. And yeah, totally envy in those cute blue eyes he turned all balefully on Tucker.
“How many of the functions can you use? Anything the PDA can do, or…” Tim trailed off, clearly thinking of everything he’d already seen the PDA do.
The real question would have been what couldn’t Ida do. And honestly? Yeah, Tucker remembered the trial phase.
He gave another shrug.
“Technically? Yeah, anything it can do, but I still prefer hacking the old fashioned way. Most of the network stuff too, cuz I’m only really “in” the PDA. Or Danny or Sam’s phones.”
Tucker hesitated, wondering how best to really explain the difference. Danny had never been any good at it, Tucker’d had no idea what he was talking about from the video game thing right up until he’d been sucked in himself.
Which… was probably gonna be a next-hangout adventure for Tim and the bats. And Oracle, if he could swing it.
For now he gave up, giving Tim a hopeless grin.
“Honestly it’s something you’ve really gotta feel for yourself. Danny’s great at the transition from real world to code, but he always just punches things, y’know? Turns out knowing how code is actually supposed to work doesn’t translate well to being part of it,” he added with a sigh.
Because frankly? It was bullshit unfair. Tucker could code an entire other galaxy around Danny with his eyes closed, but put them in the same metaphysical layer as a firewall and Danny could just.
Punch it.
Which, theme for the week, was also not how firewalls fucking worked. At some point Tuck figured he’d either gain a new level of understanding through liminality, or give up and ask Technus a couple questions.
Technus was currently Tucker’s subject instead of Danny’s anyway. They’d made a bet.
Which meant Technus shoulda told him about their shenanigans in time, which was probably what Tucker would hold over his head for the whole firewall thing.
It was so nice when things just worked themselves out.
Tim looked a little disappointed, but mostly still intrigued. Tucker could see his fingers just itching for his own tablet to take notes.
“Do you think that’ll change?” He asked, blurting it out like he couldn’t hold back now that Tucker stopped talking, “I mean, if you become more liminal? Or just practice your abilities more?”
And see, this was what Tucker loved about Tim Drake-Wayne. They were on the same wavelength. He grinned back.
“Probably. But I mean, it’s kinda cheating too. For now I kinda like that I have to do things the way I always used to first, before any ghostly powers kick in. It’s more me, y’know?” And like hell he’d let anyone think his code skills were just some meta ability.
He’d worked damn hard for those skills, and he was damn good. One of the best, and he was also good enough to know he still wasn’t actually top of the charts.
That was the Oracle, although knowing they still hadn’t cracked his servers felt really good.
Tim was all but vibrating, clearly full of questions, but they were both interrupted by a loud growl from Tucker’s stomach. Immediately echoed by Tim’s, so at least he wasn’t alone.
The two shared sheepish grins, and then Tucker stretched.
“So, breakfast and then Twenty Questions?” He offered cheerfully, and Tim nodded at once, thrusting the PDA back and rolling off the frankly massive bed.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai
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fanaticfangirl001 · 2 months
Headcanon 1 of Bucky Applebees and the adventuring party. (Freaks and Geeks)
It's named Freaks and Geeks. None of them are popular or will ever be.
Consists of a Paladin (Bucky), Cleric (Oviva), Barbarian (Gaia), Wizard (Eileen), and Rogue (Brigitta)
Oviva is a half-orc. Gaia is Centaur, Eileen is wood elf, Brigitta is an Aarakocra, that's is styled after a Vulture.
The majority of the adventuring party was constructed in Oakshield Middle school. (Bucky went to Mumble so he was a late addition to the group on the first day)
Oviva and Gaia decided a paladin was necessary to the group. So they picked Bucky as he was one of the few left. They didn't pick him because of Kristen or her reputation.
Oviva hates Buddy Dawn (she doesn't know anything about the plot just doesn't like him and the influence he's trying to have on Bucky)
They eat lunch together outside under a massive oak tree when the weather is nice and hang out there during free period. It's understood after the first few weeks to be their tree.
Oviva finds it really weird that Bucky just eats a ham and cheese sandwich during lunch and has on several occasions gifted him a whole rotisserie chicken. (Oviva brings three chickens for lunch now)
Their first adventure was very simple. They had to clear out an abandoned manor of the undead.
The group met up at Basrar's after and got sundaes.
Bucky-Butterscotch, Oviva- hot fudge, Gaia- Brownie, Eileen- Strawberry, and Brigitta-Caramel
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pagib1g · 2 months
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yeah ok jumped on the @jimothy-hopkins oc template bandwagon late but #BOOM mimi info! and misc doodles! plus some more stuff about xem under the cut
finally broke my years-long streak of making my sonas non-clique lol. xe's a part of the nerds now because i'd be clocked as a lame ass geek unfortunately. xe is usually the cleric during the gang's G&G sessions.
xe's very irresponsible for a nerd though. xe's the type to do their homework last minute and is easily tempted into giving up when xe doesn't immediately master something. most STEM disciplines are also lost on them, but they're excellent at humanities and art.
is mostly considered a nerd because xe is obsessed with computer games and knowledge no one cares about. will talk your ear off about fnaf sims 2 lore. the type of person to make their current irl crush in the sims and have their own sim marry them.
good friends with cornelius and beatrice, and on amicable terms with the rest of their clique (algernon has somewhat latched on to them as a guiding figure because xe is his senior and is very kind towards him). xe doesn't really respect earnest though (xe hides it to keep the peace).
mostly keeps their nose out of clique politics and is only enemies with the jocks (and the bullies) via association. they're so non-offensive that they're hardly registered as a viable target.
cares a lot about hygiene and appearance and tries to influence certain cliquemates to do the same. on that they actually do have to wear glasses, though they ditched that for a pair of contact lenses (they thought they looked better without them).
the most "normie" guy in the group. because of this (and their seniority), sometimes their cliquemates will turn to them for advice on typical teen stuff like dating. they really aren't THAT experienced (just observant), though they're a decent advisor and mediator.
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grandmother-goblin · 9 months
Some thoughts about Astarion and romantic relationships because why the hell not!
As always, these are my opinions! My experiences color my interpretation just like your experiences color yours! Not here to fight, just here to talk about a character I like because I’m a huge geek.
1. After all he did whilst under the influence of Cazador, I strongly believe that he doesn’t really want sex or romance without a genuine connection with the other person.
2. This is why the potential scene with the drow twins makes me feel a little bad for him. I think if Astarion agrees to it, it’s mostly for Tav’s sake and not because he really wants to. But he does want to make Tav happy. And I think Tav, in that case, is a bit selfish for asking that of him.
3. Or! If Astarion agrees to the thing with the drow twins, it might just be because he doesn’t know how to say no or he’s falling back into old habits.
3. Or! Lastly, maybe he does genuinely want to try it! And then he gets there and is like “oh…. Oh no… Well, I’m committed now.” While I can see this being possible, I find it a little difficult to wrap my head around why he would want to try it in the first place. Because he’s essentially just using his body for people again. One of those people is Tav, who he cares about, but he doesn’t know the drow from the gnome two blocks down. (This is probably just a me thing. I’m sure him wanting to try would make total sense to some people and that’s valid! My little pea brain doesn’t totally get it though lol)
5. All that being said, I think Astarion is perfectly capable of being in a healthy polyamorous relationship in certain scenarios! But it would depend a lot on his current mental state, where he is in terms of healing from his trauma, and how secure he feels in his relationship. I’ll use Halsin as an example because that’s a possibility in game.
6. Case 1: Astarion and Tav are in a secure relationship and Tav wants to hook up with Halsin (just sex). Astarion, I think, would be okay with that provided that he feels confident/secure in his relationship with Tav. Far be it from him to keep Tav from a good time! No pressure for his involvement beside his permission.
7. Case 2: Astarion and Tav are in a secure relationship and both of them are emotionally close with Halsin. I think Astarion would be totally chill with polyamory in this case. Him and Tav want the same thing and he doesn’t have to worry about Halsin stealing Tav away.
8. Case 3: Astarion and Tav are in a secure relationship, and Tav wants a threesome with him and Halsin. Unless Astarion is already close with Halsin, I feel like he would be less okay with this. It would be similar to (2) on the list where Astarion is mostly just trying to make Tav happy.
9. Last headcanon and one that I know not everyone will agree with: Astarion is a possessive bastard.
10. Astarion went so long without having anything to call his own, not even his own body, so I think that when he’s in a relationship that Tav is his. He can share Tav if he wants to, but at the end of the day he has to know that he is Tav’s first choice.
11. This is where polyamory would probably get messy with him. I think that he would need to be Tav’s favorite. If Tav seemed to be liking their partner just as much as they liked Astarion, I think Astarion would get really jealous and insecure really fast.
12. My personal favorite scenario for Astarion is a monogamous relationship (this is not everyone’s favorite scenario! That is okay! I’m not fighting you!) The reason why this is my favorite because I think this is ultimately what Astarion would feel most comfortable with. It leaves less room for doubt, insecurity, jealousy, etc (I am fully aware these pop up in monogamous relationships as well. I am not exalting monogamous relationships here. I personally just think that would be the most comfortable situation for this particular character. Your opinions may differ and that’s fine!)
I can probably talk about this more, but that’s all I’m gonna say for now! Again, absolutely not judging or calling out anyone who thinks differently. You do you! I’m just throwing thoughts around like confetti because why not?
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rayofmisfortune · 5 months
There are two sides of my brain, one side is holding onto Ruin Eclipse and Solar bein best friends and understanding eachother and bonding over their strangely similar pasts. And the other is occupied by Solar and Moon geeking out about each of their latest projects to eachother, quietly working together on a project, watching mlp while they voice over the characters (*cough* Twilight and Applejack *cough*)
And then somewhere in the corner, we have New Eclipse struggling to come to terms with being alive again, with his own actions being out of his control. His greatest fear becoming a reality. And if I'm being honest, I think he's desperate enough for release to delete the directives.txt file himself. Just to be free. Just to finally stop being forced to live through the same thing over and over again, repeating the mistakes he'd done in the past, but now under the influence of something else.
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[Part -I]
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Sunlight peered through the glass windows, the smell of delicious food lingered in the air. It was lunch time and all the students were busy chattering, joking, eating and goofing around. Except you , who was rather focused on the tiny piece of paper in front of you with pen twirling between your fingers.
Mathematics, geometry.
You had nearly spent fifteen minutes trying to figure out the same problem. It wasn't some simple maths question, it was the chocolate problem of the week, the toughest question on the practice sheet. Whoever solved it or even figured out the initial steps were considered to be a genius in the classroom. And after getting inspired by a few classmates, you were trying your best to figure it out. Not for the chocolate's sake, but because of Akadou University. Although you were still in middle school, your father's friend's son had been successfully admitted to a prestigious university. It was a proud moment for their family. And the happiness it brought on their faces was euphoric with the feeling of pride swirling in the air. You wanted to be there too, someday, in the same position watching the gleeful faces of your loved ones. Being the reason for their smile. 
“Yes! ” you exclaimed out loud in excitement when all of a sudden something clicked in your mind. You opened the cap of your pen and started writing the solution on the white paper. Before you could reach the end, someone snatched away the parchment beneath your hand making you raise your e/c coloured eyes, only to meet the magenta coloured eyes of a green haired boy.
Kazama Ren, the school basketball player and bully. You inhaled sharply as he gave it a look of malice before crumbling the paper in front of you, making your fingers curl in temper. You rose from your seat, making the chair under you squeak  and giving him a hard glare which he returned with an equally vicious smirk plastered on his face making your blood boil with rage. 
“Don't you dare to act all Einstein. You clearly aren't worth such things”he mocked tilting his head. 
“That's right, I'm worth more”you growled squinting at him , a look furrowing your eyebrows.“Now give it back,”you demanded in a stern voice. 
“Fine” he said, changing his expressions , surprisingly making your face cool down. He unfurled the paper and offered it to you giving a genuine smile. You raised your hand forward in order to take it only for him to back away, making you stop dead at your position. You were too naive to know his intentions. He held the paper right in front of your face, before bringing another hand up. 
He turned the paper, placing the torn ones one upon another. 
He turned the paper one upon another again. 
By now the whole class was looking at the farce happening in front of them. 
He continued looking at you smirking as he tore the paper slowly bit by bit and threw them on you making them fly in the air, a few pieces landing on your h/c coloured hair. The class watched as the green haired mocked you , not even a single person willing to stand up for you. You stood there dumbfold staring at him, as you felt your chest heavy with the insult you received.
“Happy now?” He mocked before laughing with his goons who latched around him like a leech because of his influencing attitude and money. 
“A geek should know their place, you know where it is?”
You deadpanned at him not speaking a word. 
“Its the trash bin” 
You averted your eyes to the ground trying to hold back tears pricking your eyes as he spat those words like poison darts.
Contented with his victory, he snickered, bumping your shoulder and walking away. You bit back your cry, lowering down on the ground staring at the ink written on the bits of paper that now layed on the ground. You clenched your fist as you cursed yourself to be so vulnerable to a bullies words when it didn't matter at all. You knew it was just a little push for you to break out from your shell ....so that you could improve but it was just so brutal .You stood up after pulling your strands of emotions together, lighting up something else inside instead of rage. The thirst to prove yourself. 
“We'll see what we're worth in the end ” you muttered before sitting back on your seat as the bell rang. 
The sound of ball and shoes squeaking against the floor echoed through the gymnasium as the crowd watched the players cheering, chattering and squealing at their every basket. It was the final  basketball match of middle school , so there was a lot of enthusiasm and excitement filled within the players as well as the  student crowd.
The match had been tougher than usual which was obviously because it was the final match. But Kazama was already on cloud number nine with the attention and appreciation he was receiving from the cheer leaders and students.
He was a bit more confident than usual , as he played his chest filled to the brim with pride and ego. There was no doubt he was the best player in the field , he knew he was the centre of attention for his looks,money and popularity. And that just added more into his ego,the more he thought about it. He was so engrossed within himself he was almost sure he would be the one to win. No scratch that. He was going to win, he was the elite , the ace of his team. There was no doubt someone would surpass him. He was so indulged within his narcissistic thoughts he ignored the pleas of his fellow teammates to play carefully. 
The referee whistled as making everyone come to halt, signalling everyone it was the last few minutes of the match. There was a lot of tension among the teammates and surrounding. Even the crowd kept on biting their lips anxiously, unable to guess who would win. 
Kazama looked at the scoreboard only to find both the teams had tied. The trophy would belong to the one who baskets the ball. He smirked , this trophy was definitely going to him. He could do it with the back of his hand. It felt like a piece of cake to him! 
Underestimating his opponents, he grabbed the ball to himself the second the shrill sound of whistle entered his ears. Dribbling and saving the ball from the opponents, he made his way through. He could almost see it, the basket and the ball, only a few feet away. Few feet away from the final victory.
He was so lost in his lust of victory he could almost imagine himself holding the golden shiny trophy gleaming in his hands, the students cheering his name . He made his way through lightning fast and jumped, throwing the ball with his pale lean hand and before he knew it , the ball landed in the basket, circling around the ring and finally falling through the net. 
“Yeah!!!! ” he screamed his throat out giddy excitedly, finally taking a breath of relief . 
He was the winner. No one else. Nobody else was as best as him. He was the king of basketball. 
His victorious smile dimmed down when he noticed instead squealing and cheering of the crowd, all he heard was dead silence. No one was screaming his name, not even a single person. All just stared at him dumbstruck as if he did something gravely wrong.His eyes darted around as he scanned the faces of his teammates who wore a disgusted expression and shot him grimace looks.
He furrowed his eyes in confusion, not understanding what he did wrong. They won didn't they? He scored the point, then why the gross looks? 
He snapped his head in the opposite direction to check on the other team, only to find the faces of his opponents smiling, smirking, giving lopsided grins. 
They lost, didn't they?  Then why are they smiling? 
Before he could process what was going on, the referee whistled and pointed out towards the opponent team as the winners of the match and half the crowd started squealing over the victory while half the crowd started booing. 
Suddenly reality hit him. His smile disappeared and his heart bursted out in guilt. 
He scored on the wrong side of the court. The wrong side of the fucking court. Overconfidence and pride had dumped him down in the drains. 
How could he make such a silly mistake? 
Guilt tripped, he looked over his teammates for support, for consolation but all he received was grunts and grimances. They were surely cursing him under their breaths. He tried to take a step forward towards them but his heart ached when he realised they were leaving the court without waiting for him. Without waiting for their ace who had been alongside him in all their long journey. 
​​​​He should've listened to them. If he weren't blinded by his ego and narcissism none of this farce would have occurred. He was too drowned within his own ego to even realise his wrong doings. 
He scanned the vast gymnasium where people booed him, cursed him. This chest started feeling heavy as cold sweats covered the back of his neck. He had official made a fool of himself in front of every student, in front of his teachers and fans, in front of the whole fucking school. And now even his teammates were shooing him away. 
He pressed his lips together trying to control his feelings of embarrassment, regret and guilt at the same time.
Obviously he was the one and only to blame and there was no doubt it was his fault. He signed, averting his head down. 
For the first time in years he was accepting his mistake. 
And it was hard. 
He numbed away his feelings during the trophy announcement, clapping away pretending to be happy for the other team who had won because of him. Because of his ridiculous mistake. They would probably make fun of him after everything is done and he wouldn't be left to show his face to anyone. 
After shaking hands with the opposite team, he silently made his way to the locker room to change as the crowd started leaving the gymnasium. 
Right before opening the door, he hesitated. He didn't want to go there . He just wasn't ready to face them yet. They were probably waiting to scold him in there and he thought it was best to let them cool down. He decided to ditch the plan and wander around instead, to keep away from people's judgemental eyes. 
“You suck Kazama! ” a voice yelled at him. He turned only to meet eyes with his teammates who were fuming with rage, crossing their hands in disapproval and disappointment. 
“Why the heck did you have to act so extra smart you fucking piece of shit?!”
“We lost because of you! We lost because of your fucking mistakes! ”
“You dumbass bitch why didn't you listen to us? ”
His teammates removed all their frustration, scolding him right on the spot. No matter how many times he apologised, no matter how many times he said sorry, nobody listened to him. Nobody. He doubted if they even considered him as a friend after noticing their behaviour towards him. They treated him like a prick, a dumb asshole. He knew he deserved it but what hurt him more was when they said “You don't deserve to be in the team if you think you could win all by yourself. Yes, we are kicking you out and don't come crying because we fucking won't accept you back for your shitty behavior.”
​​​​​​With that, they just left. There was no sympathy or mercy in their tone. They all blamed him , gave him the burden of all their mistakes, broke away their friendships for a silly game. For a fucking game. 
​​​​​Disappointed, he ran out of the gymnasium holding back his emotions. There was nobody to support him. Who would? He had been a bully all his life in middle school, it was obvious everyone disliked him, hated him, including his friends. He had no one to go for comfort or consolation, nobody to correct him and make him realise his mistakes. And that just broke him even more, so he ran. He ran until the gymnasium was out of view, until he was exhausted 
He finally stopped to hold his breath after he was sufficiently away from the building, panting heavily resting his palms on his knees. He sat on the nearby bench as his eyes finally opened about himself and about others. 
He curled his fingers in anger and hurt recalling his friends. 
How could he call those bastards as friends when they just left him in the moment of need? How could they hang out with him only for the sake of popularity and money? 
He was busy blaming himself for being so naive and selfish, trying to cope up with the insult and hate he received when a shadow fell over him, blocking the bright rays of the sun. He looked up to see a silhouette of a girl standing beside him. He couldn't exactly figure out who it was until his eyes adjusted to the light. 
It was a h/c haired, e/c eyed girl standing in front of him. Recalling from his memories,he had bullied you a few months back and he definitely knew you were there to rub salt in his wounds. A perfect timing to take your sweet revenge. He ignored you and just stared at the blank space. 
“Just say whatever you want to say and leave, even bicker if you want but just leave me alone,” he spat, not making eye contact.
It wasn't that you had followed him there. In fact, it was a coincidence! You didn't guess he would be inside the park after the felicitation ceremony, especially after what had happened today. You definitely sensed hurt in his voice as his face showed expressions of internally breaking apart. He was having a hard time, he was in a rough spot. Despite him being your bully, you wanted to help him. 
Without a thought you sat down next to him “That's not the reason I'm here for” you replied suavely. 
“Then why are you here?” he ranted , still refusing to make eye contact. 
“I saw the match and... ” you trailed off. “I also saw what your friends did.”
“So are you here to add more to my pain? Do the same thing my friends did?” his lips quivered as he still tried to hold back his intimidating composure. 
“I already said I'm not here to do any of that” you said soothingly “And what you called friends, I don't even think you should consider them that..., ”
“What do you mean?”he questioned, curious to know what you wanted to say. 
“I mean how could you be so blind? After noticing their persona in my perspective, they were only taking advantage of you... ”
An awkward silence bloomed between you two as you stared at the blank road.
“Sorry I shouldn't have said that–”
“Actually , you're right”he cutted you off. 
He knew it! He fucking knew it all along! But he didn't confront them about it, thinking he would be left friendless and without support... Thinking he would turn into a loser. Thinking it would add a strain to his image.
But right now, when he thought about it... What tree did the seed bore? At the end he still became the joker he thought he'd become, didn't he?
Accepting the reality seemed hard to him and your words overwhelmed him even more. 
He finally looked at you, tears welling in his eyes.“They never considered me as their friends, they only fucking used me for my money, for my fame” he confessed.
His chest moved up and down as he finally broke down and before you knew it he latched himself on your shoulders in a hug and started wailing. 
“Those fucking... Bastards... They were only using... Me... They never cared about me...” he sniffed “Everyone hates... Me... I'm stupid idiot... Who believed they were my friends... I lost the match... I was so lost in my pride and ego.... ” Being a sensitive soul yourself, you consoled him by patting on his back, something which your grandma used to do while you cried during childhood. It was odd for you to do such a thing , especially after he had bullied you before , but you patiently listened to him.  People tend to make mistakes and maybe if you help him, maybe if you're there for him when he needs it the most , he'll become a better person. You were sure sooner or later he'll give up on his antiques and do the right thing. He was already redeeming his actions anyway. 
“It's okay” you soothingly said flashing back to the memories of your grandma and her sayings“Just let it all out, it will be alright. Everything happens for a reason you know....We lose people so that sooner or later we realise we need to depend on ourselves...Good things fall apart so better things can come together and whatever happens we can always learn from it” 
He broke away from you sniffing, wiping away his tears as his face came pink. “But it hurts.... A lot” he sobbed, taking large breaths. 
“It sure does” you gave him a soft smile offering him your handkerchief “But eventually things will turn out better” 
Somehow those words got through him as he accepted your handkerchief and he finally calmed down wiping away his tears. You placed your palm on his back , comforting him as if like a child and it did turn out fruitful. After spending a good time with him to ensure he doesn't cry again, finally you decided to leave. You stood up from the bench, preparing to depart . It was time for you to go home. 
Kazama didn't seem fazed about you leaving at first, giving you hints that he was okay now. So, being self satisfied with your given time, you started walking away. 
“Thank you” The words fell over your ears making you halt on your spot. You turned your head in his direction somehow baffled by his changed behaviour. He never thanked anyone as far as you knew. 
“Thank you... For being there for me.” he mumbled, grinning sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. His face was a mess but he looked quite adorable  now that he was emotionally stable  however you couldn't overlook the fact his behaviour was quite ....strange.
“You're welcome.” you returned the smile showing your satisfaction with his behaviour. However, awkwardness did not waver a bit. Not knowing what to respond any further ,you continued walking your way when once again his words made you stop. 
“Would you like to hang out for lunch tomorrow?” he called out from a distance , his words sounding genuine and wishful. 
You turned your head only to find him staring straight at you, frantically waiting for your answer. His expressions seemed stern and desperate. 
You chuckled before answering him back with a wide grin “Sure.”
Yes and yes I'm going to continue this later but do let me know if you want a part 2 posted here ! 👀 but I'm curious regarding how you feel about the backstory. Let me know in the comments, if you wish,feel free to ask about the questions of the character . Last but not the least don't forget to like and share ;) 
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
The UK has a new Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Tech and the Digital Economy, Conservative MP Saqib Bhatti, and the politician seems very enthusiastic when talking about things like “cooperation” with Big Tech, particularly in terms of elections.
That’s because, critics will say, those in power want to absolutely control the conversation, what can and can’t be said online, and thus directly influence the vote; whereas those in power say, it’s all just a perfectly benevolent effort to make sure misinformation plays no part in the campaign.
One person’s “cooperation” is another’s “collusion.” And so Bhatti hinted in a recent interview that ahead of the UK’s upcoming general election a key task to be achieved is to have the government and Big Tech “reconvene” for another round of “misinformation tackling.”
And that, as easy as not, may mean aggressive online censorship of views critical of the ruling party.
After possibly offending any real “tech geek” by calling himself that – Bhatti in time revealed that actual technology is not the most important thing a person in charge of Tech and the Digital Economy, as well those in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”), have to work on in the UK.
No – instead, it’s “misinformation and disinformation.”
A very succinct way of demonstrating that those in power think about staying in power far more energetically than they consider things such as innovation, economic progress tied to digital tech, and even properly regulating the field.
And so people who call themselves “tech geeks” are deeply involved in making sure “moderation” (i.e., censorship) is alive and well on major platforms, and also, framing all this as a crucial “battle for democracy.”
It’s all politics in other words – and no “tech.”
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nikatyler · 2 years
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teen a day 📚 download
Final dump!
TOU and notes:
You can play out the storylines I gave them, or you can ignore it and use them any way you like. I’d be happy to see it anyway!
They only have one outfit set. I would suggest changing their other outfits, otherwise you’ll probably see them around town wearing nothing but a towel 😅 Still better than the randomized madness I had to see them in though.
Please, don’t change their pronouns, gender and sexual orientation.
Don’t change their genetics. Feel free to give them a makeover - new hair, new clothes, makeup etc. Don’t claim as your own, don’t reupload or use as a base for your own sims.
Although I have included my simself in the picture because I didn’t want to have an empty space there, she is NOT included in the sim dump.
This dump is split into two parts, one has the first eight sims, the other has Grace, Gabriel and Eden.
Download link, used CC and individual posts linked under the cut.
All of them use these eyelashes and most of them use this blush. Some of them might also use this belly slider, jaw slider, mouth slider and eyelid slider.
RYLEIGH (Horse Girl; she/her):
skin overlay | freckles | nose overlay | hair | necklace | eyeshadow | dress | shoes | jaw preset
HENRY (Teacher’s Pet; he/him):
skin overlay | freckles | hair | glasses | top | pants | socks | shoes
MAIA (Influencer; she/her):
skin overlay | hair | earrings | eyebrows | eyeshadow | eyeliner | lipstick | top | pants | shoes
BIRDIE (Artist; fae/faer):
skin overlay | eyelids | lip tint | hair | hat | eyeshadow | eyeliner | top | pants | shoes
EVAN (Pot Head; he/him):
skin overlay | acne | eyebags | hair | facial hair (tsr) | piercing | necklace
TALLULAH (Valedictorian; she/her):
skin overlay | hair | lipstick
ADRIAN (sk8ter boi; he/him):
skin overlay | eyebags | freckles | nose overlay | hair | hat | necklace | eyeliner (tsr) | top | pants | body hair
LUCAS (Class Clown; they/them):
skin overlay | tattoo | another tattoo (I think they have it lol) | body hair | freckles | eyelids | hair | piercing | glasses (tsr) | eyeliner (tsr) | top | pants | nails
GRACE (Geek; she/her):
skin overlay | hair | earrings | necklace | top | pants
GABRIEL (Future Olympian; he/him):
skin overlay | body hair | skin details (tsr) | highlight | facial hair | top (tsr)
EDEN (Activist; she/they):
skin overlay | hairline | hair | piercing | earrings | choker | eyeshadow | top | skirt | shoes |  legwarmers | vitiligo
DOWNLOAD (sfs): Ryleigh - Lucas | Grace - Eden
Part 1
Part 2
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rosieposiepie · 1 year
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tarot Deck Review: Major Arcana
A year after I pre-ordered it and five months after it was supposed to ship, I finally have my hands on the Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tarot Deck! I'll post five reviews, this one for the major arcana and four more, one for each suite (Stakes, Scythes, Chalices, and Pentacles).
I'll do my best to provide images of every card and copy down relevant snippets from the guidebook. I'll also be comparing the iconography and description of each card with more classic, established tarot meanings, most of which will probably be influenced by the decks I actively use and read off of, but I did do some outside research for other decks and their guidebooks. Obviously, Tarot is very subjective and most of this is my opinion. If my nerdy geeking out about Tarot at all interests you, the full review is under the read more.
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0: The Fool
The Fool Card is Xander because, of course, it is. Season One Xander as well, based on his colorful shirt. This is very much inspired by the Rider-Waite imagery of the fool about to take a misstep and tumble into the unknown. Both because it represents Xander at the beginning of his journey and literally depicts him about to step into an open grave. The Fool represents the beginning of a journey or the path to personal development, both apt for this early Xander. The guidebook explanation for the fool upright is pretty consistent with my past experience in tarot. It differs for the reverse. Reversed Fool usually indicates, in my experience, immaturity or being in a state of needing that journey and emotional growth. The negative side of being a fool, so to speak. Which I personally think could apply to early Xander. But the guidebook says Reversed Fool represents a need for caution or that there's danger ahead. I kind of think Reversed Fool means the opposite; it means you need to go on a journey (while Upright Fool signifies you are already on that journey). I still think Xander is a great choice for this card, though.
I: The Magician
The Magician is a Season 3-esque Willow in the middle of her Wicca phase, happily performing a ritual. Again heavy inspiration from RW tarot iconography, particularly with the lemniscate (infinity). In my experience, Upright Magician signifies limitless potential, and the card itself can mean many things in context (creativity, self-confidence, ambition, opportunity) depending on the reading. The BTVS guidebook is more narrow, speaking about motivations and goals and "conducting oneself mindfully," which works for Willow in context. Still, I'm not sure is always so applicable to The Magician. The Magician Reversed in the guidebook, however, is pretty consistent with traditional interpretations. It means that there is an obstacle and highlights the importance of self-reflection to discover the best path forward.
II: The High Priestess
It's Tara, duh. I'm really glad I agree with this deck's authors that so many of these character archetypes fit. Again, a lot of RW iconography with the pomegranates and the hat. The crystals and the cameo from Miss Kitty are a nice touch, too, to make this card more Tara. The upright explanation is pretty on par with what I'm used to - mystery, spirituality, wisdom, etc. The reverse is more specific for Tara, who speaks about her family and how she lets the opinions of others be an obstacle. Again, that's a very specific reading for Reversed Priestess. I usually like a more general interpretation that there's some kind of conflict between your personal life and your work toward enlightenment; it could be your friends or family. Still, it could also be some personal flaw or your job or finances. So the "just be yourself!" advice that the guidebook implies for Reversed Priestess is not always applicable, in my opinion.
III: The Empress
It's Drusilla, you guys!!! Traditionally The Empress card is painted as whoever the current queen was (usually to avoid religious persecution in Renaissance Europe), so I feel like Drusilla is apt because she is The Queen in my heart. She represents the divine feminine and also mother nature (kind of ironic for a woman who whatever she puts in the ground withers and dies). But I actually like it. Mother nature is known for her unpredictability, capable of fertility and destruction in equal measure. And I feel like that is apt for Dru. Upright Empress is the nurturing side of mother nature, and Reversed Empress is the destructive side. This is why it's a little strange to me that the BTVS guidebook says Upright Drusilla is both, and Reversed Drusilla means... you need self-care?
IV: The Emperor
BUFFY ANNE SUMMERS ON A THRONE LIKE SHE DESERVES. It's also really interesting to me that so many people have written fantastic media analyses about how the slayer represents masculinity, and Buffy's struggle with it can be a metaphor for queerness. And now, they give Buffy the card that represents divine masculinity (I know not everyone vibes with the gender essentialism in traditional tarot, and I try to ignore that, too, but the Emperor is one card where I can't ignore it). Also, Buffsilla nation, rise! As for the analysis, the Emperor is the leader, representing cosmic enlightenment and ultimate power, which definitely works for Buffy. The Upright in the guidebook favors this interpretation, but the Reversed explanation is a little odd to me. My experience is the reversed Emperor is the downside of power and is a warning about arrogance and advice for humility. The Buffy Guidebook says the opposite, interpreting Reversed Emperor as being in a position without power and encouraging someone to fight back and stay true to their convictions. It works in the context of Buffy's character, and I don't necessarily dislike that reading, but I'm not familiar with it in my understanding of Tarot.
V: The Hierophant
The Hierophant represents practical lessons, the study of natural law, and the search for knowledge, which fits this face, Rupert Giles. The iconography for the Hierophant is based on Melchezidek and Rabbinic teachings and passing down knowledge. Admittedly, I can't speak to the cultural context of that, but I think Giles fits fairly well for the general interpretations. This is actually the best card so far in my agreement with the guidebook. The Reversed Giles is basically Ripper, according to the guidebook, and Reversed Hierophant usually represents rebellion and ignoring tradition, so I think it fits perfectly.
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VI: The Lovers
I am SO RELIEVED that this card is Tara/Willow. First of all, I'm so happy to see my favorite Lesbians in an archetypal role usually given to Adam and Eve. Secondly, it fits so well with what I interpret The Lovers to represent (no hate for the other relationships but metaphorically, none fit better than this one). I never consider it a purely romantic card but rather the struggle of choice. Choosing pleasure and happiness over other things like spiritual enlightenment or social acceptance, which I believe perfectly encapsulates their relationship. The reverse usually means resistance, resentment, and division. The guidebook agrees with my interpretation pretty consistently for The Lovers and does a great job putting a Tillow spin on the explanation.
VII: The Chariot.
It's Cordelia! Traditionally the Chariot Represents a victorious hero being paraded through the streets in triumph. It signifies a warrior and represents empowerment and achievement. I think Cordelia is a perfect choice for this one! Her journey in BTVS seasons 1-3 is from becoming a spoiled mean girl to a seasoned hero in her own right, a journey that only expands in ATS (seasons 4-5 didn't happen, fight me). The reversed chariot is a call to action, a reminder to move forward and overcome. The guidebook also agrees with me here, although it uses some strange wording to do so, including "inner Cry-Buffy" and"spank your inner moppet." I know they're references, but it can get a little awkward.
VIII: Strength
Dawn Summers, I love you! And I love this card! Strength is usually depicted by a woman taming a lion, representing the ability to control and refine what is considered indomitable and wild. Therefore, it's rarely a card of physical strength, but rather mental/emotional/spiritual strength, and indicates a strong will above all else. I love this for Dawn, and I feel it can be particularly apt in the context she's an uncontrollable thing (the Key) refined in human form. Strength reversal is more of an inability to access those traits, either via a position of powerlessness or internally lacking the will or spiritual strength to achieve your goals. The guidebook, for the most part, agrees with my upright interpretation ("Like Dawn, you are extraordinary," so true, guidebook) but says the reverse is an omen of impending doom, which again just is a little off, in my opinion. I feel like any time you imply a tarot card has an absolute objective meaning about the future, especially, you're in dangerous Tarot-tory.
IX: The Hermit
It's Oz, my beloved! Right off the bat, it does lean into some of the traditional imagery here again, with a streetlamp instead of a lantern. One thing that is Oz-specific is the large full moon in the background and the cool electric guitar. The Hermit card is all about the journey to enlightenment and self-reflection, and introspection in general. Sometimes it means the need for solitude and letting go of worldly attachments to best facilitate that journey. Kind of perfect for Oz, right? The Reverse, then, is resistance to this journey, whether it's a personal unwillingness or worldly attachments getting in the way. All of that, by the way, the guidebook is pretty consistent. I think the only interpretation of Reversed Hermit I've seen that wasn't included is when self-imposed isolation and solitude are actually an escape from what needs doing rather than a way to facilitate it.
X: The Wheel of Fortune
The Slayer Cycle and Sineya again are perfect imagery for the Wheel of Change, which represents the inevitable cycle of change. When Upright, the card signifies the height of the cycle, which is usually positive fortune, spiritual clarity, or luck. The Reversed is the depths of the cycle and is a misfortune, failure, or a lack of control. But it is also the beginning of a new cycle and can be a call to action to renew oneself or start on a new path. I'm a little conflicted about the guidebook's explanation because I like it in the context of the BTVS narrative but not so much for the archetypes and imagery of Tarot. The guidebook says that the Upright Wheel is about being trapped within your fate and needing to accept a situation that is out of your control. Reversed Wheel is about accountability, learning from the past, and breaking the cycle. I think it's fitting for BTVS and the Slayers that the Wheel of Fortune isn't inevitable and can be broken, but that's the complete opposite of what it traditionally means in Tarot. Also, I don't like how they used Hebrew lettering for the Wheel of Fortune, a la Rider-Waite, and then blocked or obscured half of the letters.
XI: Justice
Angel being the face of Justice actually works really well, in my opinion. The fundamental meaning of Justice is "karma," or the balance of actions and consequences. I think no character has this more important to their journey than Angel. I also think it's interesting the card has him holding a double-edged blade which usually means either clarity or the execution of judgment. However, the scales of balance and the crown of Solomon are printed on tombstones. It's almost like saying Angel is the hand of justice, he is on the journey toward righteousness, honor, truth, and balance, but he is not the arbitrator. Justice Reversed usually indicates falsehood, abuse, lies, or imbalance in general, which the guidebook explains as "more Angelus than Angel lately." For the most part, this card fits really well, and I'm happy about it.
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XII: The Hanged Man
Spike is the Hanged Man, and it's a perfect characterization. The Hanged Man is all about a trial, awaiting judgment, and holding one's energy in meditation until a resolution comes, usually one which will bring significant change. It is also about sacrifice. Per traditional imagery, Spike is upside-down with his legs crossed in a 4 and his hands "restrained." It works really well for Spike because he is a character that embodies constant change and self-discovery, which I think later transforms into an inevitable sacrifice. Reversed Hanged Man is then more about unwillingness to change, false prophecy, useless sacrifice or an otherwise empty gesture, or self-denial. I do think this fits Spike, but I don't think I agree with the guidebook when it says Reversed Spike means you need to stop stalling and "jump into the fray." Usually, when I see Reversed Hanged Man, I give the opposite advice that this is a time for patience and not rash action.
XIII: Death
Death as a card is fundamentally about change. And not little changes, but huge, monumental changes. It's about transformation fundamentally, and classical imagery used the reaper because of his association with the Harvest and the passage of the seasons. That's why I'm not so sure I like the Gentleman who is the face of Death. Yes, they're essential "reapers" in their own way, but how in Buffy did they facilitate necessary transformative change? Taking people's voices away? I don't know. The vibes aren't there for me, metaphorically. The guidebook also struggles because it knows what the Death Card is supposed to represent - it says outright "change is coming" - but can't really connect the Gentlemen well to that meaning. It says stuff like "you need to find your voice!" which feels like a platitude. Reversed Death is about resisting change, fighting what is either inevitable or necessary. Or sometimes it can be about change not coming as soon as you want it and advises patience. Tarot can be contradictory, but for the most part, the guidebook agrees with the first interpretation about accepting change.
XIV: Temperance
The Temperance card is usually represented with water flowing between two cups to show the mixing and combination of different elements and energies. Upright, it's about synthesis, fusion, harmony, patience, moderation, and peace. It's the reconciliation of two opposite things. In reverse, it is discord, conflict, imbalance, impatience, chaos, frustration, and hostility. I think for so much of Buffy's story, especially the early seasons, Joyce was in the reversed role. She represented the conflict between Buffy's normal life and her responsibilities as the Slayer. The guidebook tries to emphasize, I think, what Joyce could have been, a harmonizing force in Buffy's life who made sure she was able to balance her "normal teenage girl stuff" with her "cosmic, stabby duties." The Reverse Joyce also advises to "channel Joyce's energy" when you get news like "your daughter is the Chosen One." And while I do think what Joyce actually did when she found out Buffy was the Chosen One works for representing Reverse Temperance (asylum, kicking her out), the guidebook seems to think Joyce was patient and steady in her reaction to that news and indicates how Reverse Joyce encourages that behavior. There's just something fundamentally off with the guidebook explanation of Joyce, in my opinion. Almost like how the card itself is a little off, considering they don't show the balance between the two cups, the fundamental iconography of the tempering in Temperance. But I do think the card archetype can work for her character. They just don't explain it well.
XV: The Devil
The Devil as Dark Willow is the perfect characterization for this archetype. The Devil represents addiction, temptation, selfish ambition, that which is taboo, and fundamentally whatever exists in our darker self or the shadow of our psyche, that which can never be truly tamed but we constantly struggle to control. That is Dark Willow. The Reverse Devil usually means the same thing, but when reversed this dark aspect is not being restrained or tamed. Therefore the card itself is a warning of the possible consequences that may come from indulging in this kind of behavior. For the most part, the guidebook is consistent with those readings of the Devil, and the explanation applies to what Dark Willow does in the story. Also, usually, The Devil and The Lovers share some reversed imagery, so I like they kept Willow on both cards as a consistent through-line.
XVI: The Tower
The Tower is the worst omen in the entire Tarot deck. It represents disaster, chaos, madness, and despair. Sometimes it can be more neutral if this disaster or upheaval is a necessary one, but even then, there's some degree of suffering. Even Reversed, it's a bad omen, representing being trapped or imprisoned or stagnation, sometimes by external forces and sometimes by an internal refusal to change. So, what better scene to represent this card than Buffy diving off of Glory's tower at the end of Season Five? The ultimate disaster is represented by the creation of a Hellgod known for creating madness and despair. And the guidebook is pretty consistent here, too, with the meanings for the card that I'm familiar with.
XVII: The Star
The Star represents connecting your soul with the divine, transcending family, community, personality, and reputation to embrace the true freedom, clarity, and insight of the celestial influences. The Star represents exalted origins and a union with a higher power. It represents the Celestial Mandate - the reason for being, the duty behind existence, and our true mission in life. Nobody better represented their dedication to their Slayer Duty than Kendra. She truly embodied that transcendence (while there was a touch of tragedy to it). I think this card is so apt to her characterization, and it's making me upset again about how quickly she was killed off. I love Faith, I do, but Kendra deserved better. Reversed, the Star is the consequence of being disconnected from your true purpose and the misfortune and disappointment that comes from that. Much like my disappointment when Kendra died. The guidebook, I think, does Kendra the discredit of not committing enough to how well the characterization fits, mostly making references to her "only shirt" and platitudes like "unleashing your inner star." But I do really like her on this card.
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XVIII: The Moon
Our other Slayer, it's Faith! I've seen a few conflicting interpretations of the Moon. Still, for the most part, I like to interpret it as the veil between reality and what is imagined or mystical and the journey into the unknown and unknowable. This can mean positive things like expanded consciousness and self-discovery but also negative things like illusions, trickery, and the more terrifying aspects of traveling into the unknown. For the most part, the guidebook aligns with some of the more simplified interpretations of the Moon. Upright represents illusions and shadows that need to be overcome, and Reversed is about intuition and achieving clarity. I guess it's really hard to say, depending on the context, that a card can mean many things, even if that's the point. I do think the Moon fits Faith. She has a lot of layers to her, a conflicting sense of self-identity, and a tendency for bravado to hide a lack of confidence. She certainly undergoes quite a journey of self-discovery.
XIX: The Sun
The Sun is one of the best cards in the Tarot Deck. It is radiance, positivity, primordial goodness, truth, and beauty. It is the human incarnation of the divine, the resolution of all conflict, the ultimate accomplishment and the purest joy. Even Reversed, it traditionally has no negative meaning and is either a reminder that obstacles are temporary or that it's important to honor those who aided your success. Some guidebooks will say the Reversed Sun might indicate uncertainty, unhappiness, and doubt. The Buffy Guidebook is more consistent with the traditional interpretations, upright being an indication of "peace, positivity, and an apocalypse expertly halted" and Reversed, meaning that any obstacles are "as fleeting as a passing storm." This is the perfect moment to encapsulate The Sun, a moment of victory, the destruction of the Hellmouth, and the incandescent beauty of Spike's sacrifice, Buffy's moment of truth and confession of love.
XX: Judgement
Despite its name, the Judgement card is about healing, renewal, transformation, and reuniting all aspects of the self, so one is whole and multi-dimensional. I really prefer one of the earlier names for this card, Resurrection. Also, if you think about the Major Arcana as telling a story - the Fool being the man at the beginning of his journey and each card being an obstacle overcome or a lesson learned - then Judgement is the Fool toward the end of his journey, his complete self. I just think it's interesting because Xander is the Fool, and Anya is Judgement. And she really does fit the role, going through the major transformation in the show from an ancient Vengeance Demon to a mortal woman and learning how to heal from her past, enduring several spiritual awakenings. Even Reversed Judgement works for her, representing everything that obstructs someone from reaching this whole self, the fears of death, failure, and illness that Anya struggled with after becoming mortal again. The guidebook, again, is pretty consistent with my interpretation of this card.
XXI: The World
Like The Sun, The World is one of the truly positive cards in the Tarot deck, even reversed. It's the true conclusion to a journey, the epitome of growth, completion, perfection, fulfillment, triumph, victory, and the cosmic awakening of the immortal soul. Traditionally, the reversal has the same exact meaning, although some guidebooks try to put an inverse meaning. I think the point of The World is that it is complete and whole and therefore means the same thing no matter the perspective. The Buffy Guidebook, however, does prescribe a different meaning to the Reversed World: there's a temporary setback, and you must remain motivated, "put on your sparkliest prom dress," and persevere. I do really love Buffy with the Class Protector Award as the face of The World, however. It is a moment of considerable triumph for her and almost represents the end of her High School Journey and the fulfillment of recognition by her peers. Plus, it's one of the best moments in the show.
My Final Thoughts:
So far, I really like all of the chosen characters/faces for the cards, with the exception of Death. My problem is mostly with the guidebook and how it oversimplifies Tarot. They clearly looked at a Rider-Waite deck because of the heavy inspirations in imagery. Still, based on some of the missing elements, they probably didn't do that much research into the history or meaning of those images. However, whoever the artist did a great job, I think, with the deck. I think the guidebook is clearly designed for people with limited Tarot experience and was written by people who don't practice, so a bit of the nuance is missing. Also, usually, I love cringy, campy stuff. However, some of the explanations try to shoehorn in as many BTVS references as possible rather than try to give a coherent explanation. So, I love the cards, and the guidebook is kind of take it or leave it.
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