#Gemans AU
lee-vc · 4 years
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Meet Virika "Cutie-2" Maheswaran-Universe! What I imagine Steven and Connie's daughter to be like. Her design and bits of her personality were inspired by Mabel from Gravity Falls. At the time of the story, she would be about 7-8 years old, I'm thinking, still thinking about how the timeline would be set up. I'm just posting up pics and designs I thought up really. I'm gonna try and post up art like every Tues and Friday. So onto to some head-canons about her: Virika is a Hindi name meaning "Bravery." Her nickname is "Vivi." Her "middle name" was, of course, given to her by Garnet. Just as Steven was "Cutie Pie", his daughter would of course be "Cutie-2"! Legally, her last name is indeed "Maheswaran-Universe." Connie and Steven didn't really take each other last names when they married, just kept both of their names and they wanted their daughter to have both names too. Although Steven is no longer resentful of how his father raised him, he still wants Vivi to have all the things he didn't really experience as a child. Namely, normal human child things. So she goes to school, lives in a proper house, goes to the Doctor on a regular basis and all that jazz! But that doesn't mean she's completely sheltered from Gem stuff either! Since the time she was a baby, Steven and Connie bring Vivi down to Beach City for her summer Vacation from school! She plays Video Games with Amethyst, goes exploring Little Homeworld and learning about Gem culture with Pearl and even is apart of Ruby's scout trope! (She already has 5 merit badges!) On her 5 birthday, Pearl knitted a "Crystal Gem" sweater for Vivi (which she never takes off). Like Steven was in her early youth, she optimistic, friendly, extroverted and bubbly. Even more so since Steven and Connie make sure to shelter her from some of the more traumatic facts of Steven's life. That's not to say they'll never tell her but they're waiting until she's older. She's pretty much met all of the Crystal Gems, including the Diamonds and Spinel at one point. She finds the Diamonds to be a bit intimidating but she still loves them. They are her great aunts after all! She, of course, loves Spinel the best and absolutely considers Spinel to be her "Best Friend." She even tried styling her hair after hers so they could be "Hair buddies." And she absolutely adores her cousins! Being an only child, they're like her older brothers but she wishes she could see them more often. - Powers - Bubbles At first, Connie and Steven were sure that Vivi was fully human with the only hint her of her Gem heritage being the subtle Pink glow to her eyes that can only be seen in just the right light. But when she turned 1, she displayed her first bit of gem powers. That being, whenever she sneezed, a Pink bubble would involuntarily form around her (which Steven always had to pop.) This involuntary self-bubble sneeze still happens to this day. Healing She also inherited Steven's healing powers. It was first discovered it when drawing with Pearl and had gotten a paper cut. After putting her finger in her mouth, she pulled it out so Pearl could put a band-aid on it only to see the wound had healed. So far she's only used this to heal little cuts and scraps she's gotten from time to time. It's unknown if she inherited any other Gem powers from Steven but her parents aren't exactly rushing to discover that fact. If more powers do show up, they'll handle it. For now, they just want Vivi to enjoy her life as much as possible.
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su-era4-comic · 4 years
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Family Photo - The Diamonds
© Steven Universe / Rebecca Sugar
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akhuna · 3 years
Oh, you had a birthday! Happy birthday!!!
Or how we gemans say it: "hoch sollst du leeeben, and der Decke kleeeben, Runterfallen Arsch auf knallen so ist das Leben" 🎵🎶🎵
To many more years! 🥂
XD Vielen, vielen Dank!! Bei uns endet es auf "Tor, Tor, Tor" aber ich komm ja auch aus dem Ruhrgebiet. ;) Vielen vielen Dank!! ❤
Der Tag war super - ruhig, und ich habe BÜCHER und WOLLE bekommen und die BESTEN TASSEN DER WELT!
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shizu-draws · 4 years
What if I were to accidental make a new Steven Universe AU? Jk jk... Unless..
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Too late
AU in which Rose Quartz's are just a result of a successful experiment conducted mainly by Pink Diamond to make organic gems using mainly her essence and human DNA, Greg Universe's DNA to be exact. But since the process is very delicate, difficult and takes a long time to complete, there are currently only three perfect Rose Quartz's in exsitence in this AU.
Honestly, a very summarized version of the AU I made up in my mind. Might make another post explaining more about it but for now, concepts for the Rose Quartz's! (so heavily based on the Rose Bud RQ's it might kinda hurt)
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Might come out with another post about this within the next 24 hours tbh, I can't get it out my head T_T.
Oh, and the eldest one decides to become an army geman(wip name)/fighter so like....
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sprachtraeume · 7 years
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Kommandos - commands
Sitz! -Sit! Platz! - Lay down! Gib Pfötchen! - shake hands! Roll dich - Roll over! Gib Laut! - Speak! Fass! - Attack! Bei Fuß! - Heel! Bleib! - Stay! Aus! - Stop! or Drop! Komm (her) - come (here) Hol! - Fetch! Braver Hund - good dog
Verben - verbs:
bellen - to bark adoptieren - to adopt apportieren - to fetch loben - to praise jmd. etwas beibringen - to teach sb. smth. knurren - to snarl jaulen - to howl (den Hund) anleinen - to leash (den Hund) ableinen - to unleash streicheln - to pet Gassi gehen - to walk your dog
Nomen - Nouns:
Der Hund - dog Die Hündin - female dog Der Rüde - male dog das Leckerli - treat die Leine - leash der Welpe - Puppy das Hundespielzeug - dog toy das Fell - fur die Rute - a dog’s tail der Kauknochen - chew bone
einige Hunderassen - some dog breeds
Dackel - Dachshund Schäferhund - Geman Shepherd Mops - pug Spitz - Pomeranian Deutsch Drahthaar - german wirehaired pointer Berner Sennenhund - Bernese mountain dog Windhund - greyhound Mischling - mixed breed
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Ei sunt elevii de 10 la Examenul de Evaluare Națională și la Examenul de Bacalaureat, sesiunea 2020!
Ieri, prefectul Mircea Gologan a participat, alături de inspectorul școlar general al județului, prof. Loredana Roman, la festivitatea de premiere a absolvenților clasei a VIII-a și a celor de liceu care au obținut media generală 10 (zece) la Examenul de Evaluare Națională pentru clasa a VIII-a, respectiv la Examenul de Bacalaureat sesiunea 2020.
Acțiunea a fost organizată de către Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Vaslui, în Amfiteatrul Liceului Teoretic „Mihail Kogălniceanu” din Vaslui.
„Vreau să vă mulțumesc în numele autorităților pentru faptul că ne demonstrați că în județul Vaslui avem copii foarte buni, care ating performanțe, ceea ce este deosebit și ceea ce ne dă nouă speranță că generația de mâine va fi pregătită să ne facă tuturor viața mai bună.
De asemenea vreau să mulțumesc părinților, pentru că au fost suportul pentru copii și în perioada pandemiei au reușit să fie alături de ei, să îi sprijine și iată că vă răsplătesc cu rezultate pe măsură. Vă urez succes, sper să reușiți în continuare să păstrați acest nivel și să demonstrați că puteți obține note foarte bune și în viitor. Vă mulțumesc tuturor și vă felicit!”,
a declarat prefectul.
La nivelul județului Vaslui, un număr de 11 elevi au obținut media generală 10 la examenele naționale, sesiunea 2020:
Media 10 la Evaluarea Națională 2020
1. Afrăsînei E.Aida –Elena – școala Gimnazială „Elena Cuza”, Vaslui
2. Bercea N. Andrada Maria – școala Gimnazială „Iorgu Radu”, Bârlad
3. Chiriță D. Eva – Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Kogălniceanu”, Vaslui
4. Drăgunoi C. Miruna ��� școala Gimnazială nr.1, sat Hoceni
5. Herghelegiu M. Bianca Maria – Colegiul Național „Gh. Roșca Codreanu”, Bârlad
6. Istrătucă M. Daria – școala Gimnazială „Constantin Parfene”, Vaslui
7. Sandu A. Alicia Bianca – școala Gimnazială „Mihai Eminescu”, Vaslui
Media 10 la Bacalaureat 2020
1. Brînză D.R. Tudor Alexandru – Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Kogălniceanu”, Vaslui
2. Geman S.G. Amalia Alexandra – Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Kogălniceanu”, Vaslui
3. Perju Ș.C. Maia Teodora – Colegiul Național „Gh. Roșca Codreanu”, Bârlad
4. Surdu M. Ștefania-Miruna – Colegiul Național „Cuza Vodă”, Huși.
Ne mândrim cu voi, tineri vasluieni!
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I don’t know if Pokémon fans from english speaking countries are aware that many of the Pokémon names are “translated” to fit the language better. 
For some reason I decided to go through all of the Pokémon and look for my favorite names in my native language german.
The entries in the list will be structured as follows:
german name [ pronunciation advice], name origin                     (english name)
Might I suggest to play a little game and try to guess the Pokémon from the german name and take the origin as a hint.
But now to the list
Pummeluff [”u”s are pronounced like “oo” but short], from “pummelig” engl. chubby and according to the Pokéwiki also “fluffig” engl. fluffy, but i don’t really see that                               (it’s of course the beloved Jigglypuff)
Mauzi [as you’d think, maybe the z a little bit sharper than usual], Well it’s the sound of a cat, what did you think                              (It’s team rockets Meowth)
Snobilikat [ the first syllable ends after the o, “kat” is pronounced similar to “cut”], From “Snob”, “nobilis” (latin for famous, glorious) and “Katze” (Cat)                          (since I make this list in Pokédex order you might already guessed Persian)
Quapsel [the a like the a in Naruto], From “Quappe (or the loner version ‘Kaulquappe’)” engl . tadpole                           (It’s Poliwag)
Kleinstein [like Einstein just with Kl], literally “little stone”                             (well it’s Geodude)
Sleimok [like slime only the m belongs to mog], pretty close to english, because “Sleim” is closer to “slime” than to the german translation “Schleim” and “Mocke” apparently is a dialect word for mud related to the english word “muck”                                     (I already wrote the name, Muk)
Nebulak [even though an english pronunciation would sound cool as well in the correct one the u would be like “oo” just short and “lak” like “Jak” just with L], The wiki sais it’s latin (nebula) but the german word “Nebel” makes sense too. both mean “fog”                                             (It’s Gastly. " ghastly “ is a fun word because like “gift” it sounds like a german word but means the opposite (in german “gastlich” means ‘hospitabl’ and “Gift” is Poison or venom)
Traumato [the “au” sound is hard to discribe but some people in pain make it], From “Traum” (engl. dream) and “Tomato”           jk. “tomato” would be “Tomate” in german. it’s rather from “traumatisch” (engl traumatic)                               (with two dream related Word parts you can bet it’s Drowzee
Owei [the “ei” like in Einstein], again the wiki tells me partly latin with “Ovum” and “Ei” (latin and german word for egg) but also a word play with “auwei” similar to “oh dear” but a little bit more neagativ                                        (how many egg related Pokémon are there? well at least two but this one is Exeggcute)
Schlurp [ Shloorp (”sch” is pronounced like “sh” and “u” like “oo”)] , it’s a wet sound with air... like if you drink through a straw                                             (an other name close to an english word (slurp). the english name though is Lickitung)
Smogon [the “o”s a little bit flat. more like oe], Obviosly from Smog and the wiki sais another word but that’s a bit Farfetch’d                                  ( It’s Koffinf)
Goldini [as you’d think], it’s from Goldfisch and mini but i like to pronounce it like an italian                                   ( I didn’t bother to translate anything, because everything is nearly as obvious as that this is Goldeen)
Pantimos [ “pant” like  “(to) pant” in a british accent], “Pantomime” is mime in german                                 (at least as obvios as Goldini, it’s Mr. Mime. This is one if not the only one that I choose just because I like this better than the english one)
Evoli [the “i” as “ee”], Evolution is the same word in german                                        ( apparently we are in the obvious part of the names because it’s Eevee)
Aquana [that’s latin], as I said, it’s latin for water                                         (a bit harder, bacause there are more then one water Pokémon. It’s Vaporeon. you might be suprised because there isn’t  the -eon as the ending of all eveelutions, but in german the ending is just -a)
Flamara [the “a”s like the a in Naruto], from “Flamme” engl “flame” (some words actually mean what they sound like)                                                      (that’s Flareon)
Amonitas [the a like the a in Naruto or like “Amon Amarth” if you like death metal], Same name origin as the english one. Ammmonit, one of my favorite dead shelled animals                                                        (we’re back to obvious names. Amonitas is Omanyte, but I like the german name more)
Lavados [as you’d think], apparently from Lava and “dos”. why is there a spanish two? I have no Idea.                                  (the english name is Moltres. Why it’s now a spanish three? I have still no idea)
Fluffeluff [”u”s like a short “oo”], the cutest Pokémon name, especially if you make the vowels as short as possible. The name comes from “fluffelig” or “fluffig” which translates to...you guessed it... fluffy                                                                    (as you might remember the first entrance in this list was Pummeluff (Jigglypuff) and that sounds a bit like Fluffeluff. That s of course  due to the fact that Fluffeluff is Igglybuff)
Waaty [If you’d say this name when your denstist works with you, they’d be proud], combination of Watt and something other (the wiki can’t decide) but maybe it’s “Watte”  actually cotton wool, or “baa” as the sound of a sheep. So it’s a Electric Sheep... ELECTRO SHEEP... ELECTRO SHEEP                                      (I think there’s more then one electro sheep in Pokémon, but this one is Flaaffy)
Hoppspross [the second o should sound exactly like the first one], “hopp” or the verb “hopsen” are exactly what they sound like and “Spross(e)” is a scion or shoot (of a plant)                                                                 (they just changed one word from pip to scion. yeah, its Hoppip)
Well that’s not the complete list, but I’m exhausted so I’ll continue this list an other time.
Until then I’d really like to hear some Pokémon names in your language in your language, because language is interesting. And of course if you like the geman names. I personally think, some names suck, but many of them sound pretty good and are much more telling for a german child then the english ones
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thatsjustsupergirl · 7 years
I understand your point and I'll watch hoping that they will do a good job with the story telling of fighting nazis. I still hate the implication that the heros could be Nazis giving the right circumstances. I know that this is realistic , still when talking about superheros we hold them to a higher morality. I can see Oliver fiting that, even Lauren and Sara, but how to explain that Barry (whose best friend was Iris) or Kara, Cisco , Amaya and the others ? That disturbs me to no end.
I’m glad you mentioned that this kind of AU is still a realistic possibility even though it’s uncomfortable and scary to think about, because that was the thing that also threw me for a loop when the original announcement came out in July. I was upset by the premise of portraying iconic heroes as this specific type of villain, especially given the US political climate right now. But then I looked into the story and watched the trailer, and didn’t find it nearly as objectionable as I expected.
To the second part of your question… you may be talking to the wrong person, because I realized in an AU I’ve been working on that it’s actually pretty easy to spin a Kara whose morality is significantly altered simply by changing who raises her when she lands on Earth as a child. And with Barry, well. That’s like asking why Severus Snape became a Death Eater even though Lily Evans was his best friend for his entire childhood and he wasn’t always a terrible person. It can happen.
And that’s the point: this particular AU scenario could have happened. Easily. And we are standing on that cliff again. The Nazis could have won in Europe if the Germans had persisted just a little longer in their attacks on England. They could’ve made inroads here if the Japanese hadn’t attacked the US and given us a concrete reason to mobilize against the Axis. Most people don’t know this, and I only know it because of research I did years ago, but German ethnicity is the most common heritage in the United States. Between 25-30% of the US population was Geman-born or first generation American in the 1930s, and there was a sizable enclave of Nazi sympathizers who were actively working to spread Nazi ideology here. There are declassified records of FDR saying that he didn’t think he could get public support for a Congressional declaration of war to aid the Allies. That’s why it took two and a half years and a bombing of Hawaii to get us in. It’s not like we didn’t know what was happening in Europe before 1941. We did.
US hands have never been clean in the moral war against antisemitism, no matter how we have painted ourselves as heroes in cultural memory. Racists in the United States were Hitler’s inspiration for all the devastation he wrought in the first place. 
There is a big difference between broaching the topic of Nazis in America from an angle of “futuristic dystopia we should all be very glad isn’t real because that would be terrible and counter to who we want to be as people” (DC) vs. “let’s take our iconic hero created by WW2-era Jews who symbolizes the best of American values and make him a Nazi and narrate from his POV so you sympathize with him and also market Hydra as cool” (Marvel).
Context matters. Mentioning a thing does not automatically mean condoning it. And demanding censorship at the drop of a hat every time we don’t like how something makes us feel is an ironically authoritarian way to govern media.
(ETA: here’s a writeup of the story with hints about the crossover, and it says that Cisco and several other characters are actually on the Freedom Fighters’ side.)
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kareenvorbarra · 8 years
yesterday i saw a rogue one WWII au graphic on tumblr, and before i could reblog it with all my own ideas in the tags i realized it was a graphic for a specific fic. when i looked at the fic i noticed it didn’t seem to have any jewish characters in it, which i thought was absurd, so i am posting my own character/plot ideas here. this is pieced this together from my rather incomplete knowledge of the time period, along with some quick wikipedia research and a lot of names i found on the internet so lmk if you notice any glaring mistakes.
this got WAY MORE DETAILED THAN I MEANT IT TO BE so i’m putting most of it under a read more.
Galen Erso is Gerhold Esser, an Austrian farmer’s son whose cleverness and passion for science led him to attend the University of Salzburg and eventually become a chemistry professor at the University of Munich. During the early part of his career he was immersed in his work and totally uninterested in politics, and when Hitler’s new government offered to fund his research if he would come and work for them, he didn’t think too hard about it before agreeing. 
Lyra Erso is Léa Esser (born Léa Haïm), a French Jewish scientist who met her future husband while studying at the University of Paris, which he was visiting to collaborate on some research with a French expert in his field. They fell in love and got married, and she returned to Germany with him and became his primary research assistant. She had reservations about his Nazi government job from the very beginning, but with the passing of the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 she decided it was no longer safe or ethical for her family to remain there. She contacted her old acquaintance Saul Guerrera, who helped the Essers escape Germany and promised to keep in touch with Léa in case the Nazis caught up with them. 
Orson Krennic is Otto Krone, a friend of Gerhold’s from their student days. Always a bit of a right-winger, he joined the Nazi party in the mid-1920s and soon rose to a mid-level leadership position. When Hitler came to power in 1933, he became the director of a major weapons development project, and recruited his old friend Esser to be the lead researcher. 
Jyn Erso is Jocelyne “Jyne” Esser (known aliases include Alena Halék, Tiphaine Ponthieux, Christine Donne, Lara Rädler, and Noreen McPhee). Born in Munich in 1922, she moved to Berlin with her parents at the age of 11 when her father took a research position funded by the new government. Her parents tried their best to shelter her from the increasingly anti-Jewish political environment, but by 1935 her mother had had enough, and through her connections in the French leftist underground relocated her family to a remote farm in Austria. They lived there peacefully until Germany annexed Austria in 1938 and Otto Krone discovered their hiding place. When he turned up at the farm, Léa contacted Saul and sent Jyne away to hide. Gerhold tried to stall Krone so his wife and daughter could escape, but Léa, unable to stand the thought of her husband being taken away, returned and tried to kill Krone. Krone shot her, and Gerhold went back with him in despair. Jyne waited in her hiding place until Saul Guerrera arrived to take her away. She went back to France with him and fought in his resistance cell until he abandoned her sometime in 1941. Jyne spent the next three years fighting, stealing, and conning her way through Nazi-occupied Europe, just trying to keep her head down and survive. In 1944, she was caught and imprisoned as Alena Halék, one of her false identities, and sentenced to forced labor. It’s been a long time since she practiced her mother’s religion, but she’s managed to hold onto the Star of David necklace Léa gave her before sending her away.
Saw Gerrera is Saul Guerrera, a Sephardic Jewish Frenchman - he was born in France but his parents were North African descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain who mingled with the local population. Léa and Saul lived near each other in France at some point and met, and he was the Essers’ link to the resistance. Saul's people helped Léa and her family escape the Nazis when things got too dangerous for them in Germany. Now he leads an independent resistance group somewhere in Southern France, known for its violent attacks that often result in unplanned civilian deaths. 
Cassian Andor is Cassiano Andor (Western name order: Andor Cassiano), a half Hungarian-half Italian resistance fighter. Cassiano is actually his surname, but he was raised mostly in Hungary and insists on using non-Western name order, so lots of people think it’s his given name and he doesn’t bother to correct them. His parents were murdered when he was a teenager, and soon after he fled Hungary and ended up in France, where he became a radical leftist and eventually joined the resistance after the German invasion. Lately he’s been working as a spy and occasional assassin for the French underground, using the code name Fulcrum. Andor and his partner, Kai Thomas, break Jyne Esser out of prison on the orders of one of their bosses, French resistance leader and politician-in-exile Monique Mathieu. 
K-2SO is Kai Thomas, an acerbic Welsh POW-turned-resistance-fighter who became Cassiano Andor’s partner and best friend after Andor rescued him. He was an engineer in the British Army, has an extremely good memory and and uncanny ability to do complex math in his head, and can fix practically anything. Since he’s big and blond and tough-looking and picked up a fair amount of German during his captivity, in a pinch Andor sometimes has him dress up in a stolen Wehrmacht uniform and pretend that he’s taking prisoners somewhere. This goes fine unless Kai finds himself having to talk a lot, in which case he inevitably can’t maintain his cover and has to start shooting people. 
Bodhi Rook is Boudewijn Rooijakkers, born in the Netherlands to a Dutch father and an Indian Muslim mother (Riz Ahmed’s family is from Pakistan which didn’t exist as an independent country until 1947, but Boudewijn’s mother was born in Sindh, the province where Riz’s parents are from). He takes a job driving supply trucks for the German occupying forces to help support his aging parents, and ends up befriending disaffected Austrian collaborator and secret saboteur Gerhold Esser, now working at a research facility near the Dutch-Geman border. Gerhold helps convince Boudewijn to defect, and asks him to get an urgent message about the nature of his work to French resistance leader Saul Guerrera. 
Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus are Ruta Abramowicz and Basia Malinowska, two Polish Jewish women and longtime lovers who grew up together in Warsaw. Ruta is very religious, and Basia used to be but has largely abandoned her faith in recent years. They were living there together when the city fell to the Germans, joined the Jewish armed resistance, and fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. However, the ghetto was ultimately destroyed and Ruta and Basia were forced to flee, barely managing to escape capture and deportation. They’ve been on the run ever since, killing German soldiers and helping people wherever they can, until a chance encounter with Jyne, Andor, and Kai ends with them drawn into a larger plot. 
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roxanatrandafir · 6 years
In cazul in care nici macar nu v-ati gandit ca instalarea unor jaluzele exterioare la ferestrele din diferite spatii, inclusiv ale caminului vostru, poate atrage dupa sine o multime de beneficii, aflati avantajele de la specialisti in domeniu, precum si de la persoanele care au optat deja pentru aceste produse.
Compania Soral Technik vine in intampinarea voastra cu o gama larga si diversificata de solutii personalizate si eficiente de fiecare data cand vine vorba  de jaluzele exterioare.
Avantajele acestor jaluzele exterioare
Dupa cum spuneam, instalarea unor jaluzele exterioare va va aduce o multime de beneficii pe care nu aveti cum sa le treceti cu vederea. Asadar, aceste produse de calitate pe care le puteti comanda de la Soral Technik, la preturi corecte si avantajoase, au o serie de avantaje importante: imbunatatesc aspectul oricarei locuinte datorita plusului estetic, asigura protectie solara sporita, impiedicand razele soarelui sa patrunda in spatiile interioare, protejand piesele de moblier impotriva decolorarii, datorita posibilitatii de reglare a lamelelor din aluminiu, gradul de luminozitate din incapere poate fi controlat, se preteaza oricarui tip de imobil (locuinte, cladiri de birouri, hale industriale, etc.), diminueaza pierderea de energie termica prin simplul fapt ca protejeaza geamul de contactul direct cu zapada si temperaturile foarte scazute, se integreaza perfect in arhitectura oricarei cladiri, sunt usor de intretinut si de manevrat etc.
Suntem siguri ca veti fi incantati de beneficiile pe care aceste produse vi le vor aduce!
Tipuri de jaluzele exterioare
Compania Soral Technik are o experienta vasta in domeniu, fabricand jaluzele exterioare inca din anul 1995. Astfel, puteti avea certitudinea ca alaturi de noi veti beneficia de solutii de calitate, personalizate in functie de cerintele si necesitatile fiecaruia dintre voi. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti pentru ca asteptarile voastre in materie de jaluzele exterioare, sa fie atinse, este sa ne contactati cat mai curand.
Va punem la diapozitie 4 tipuri de jaluzele exterioare: jaluzele suprapuse, jaluzele aplicate, jaluzele, atipice pentru ferestre si jaluzele atipice pentru wintergarden.
Atat jaluzelele exterioare suprapuse, cat si cele aplicate, au  trei modalitati de actionare: panglica, manivela si electric. Primele dintre ele se monteaza in acelasi timp cu ferestrele, iar cele aplicate, ulterior ferestrelor.
In ceea ce priveste jaluzelele exterioare atipice pentru ferestre si wintergarden, suntem capabili sa oferim solutii de umbrire pentru orice forma geometrica, cu  ajutorul producatorului geman  SCHANZ ROLLADENSYSTEM cu care avem o colaborare de succes, bazata pe profesionalism si comunicare.
Caracteristici jaluzele exterioare
Izolarea termica si fonica a jaluzelelor exterioare se poate realiza  cu ajutorul lamelelor din aluminiu cu spuma poliuretanica, a sinelor de ghidare din PVC extrudat cu perii si a casetei suprapuse din PVC cu izolatie din polistiren si capac de vizitare etans etc.
Culorile disponibile pentru caseta si ghidaje sunt variate, la fel ca si culorile pentru lamele.
Avand in vedere temperaturile crescute din timpul verii, nu recomandam culori inchise pentru lamele si casete.
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          jaluzele exterioare
Jaluzele exterioare – un plus pentru caminul tau! In cazul in care nici macar nu v-ati gandit ca instalarea unor jaluzele exterioare la ferestrele din diferite spatii, inclusiv ale caminului vostru, poate atrage dupa sine o multime de beneficii, aflati avantajele de la specialisti in domeniu, precum si de la persoanele care au optat deja pentru aceste produse.
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su-era4-comic · 4 years
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Virika "Cutie-2" Maheswaran-Universe
Mini-Bio below “Keep Reading”
What I imagine Steven and Connie's daughter to be like. Her design and bits of her personality were inspired by Mabel from Gravity Falls. At the time of the story, she would be about 7-8 years old, I'm thinking, still thinking about how the timeline would be set up. I'm just posting up pics and designs I thought up really. I'm gonna try and post up art like every Tues and Friday. So onto to some head-canons about her: Virika is a Hindi name meaning "Bravery." Her nickname is "Vivi." Her "middle name" was, of course, given to her by Garnet. Just as Steven was "Cutie Pie", his daughter would of course be "Cutie-2"! Legally, her last name is indeed "Maheswaran-Universe." Connie and Steven didn't really take each other last names when they married, just kept both of their names and they wanted their daughter to have both names too. Although Steven is no longer resentful of how his father raised him, he still wants Vivi to have all the things he didn't really experience as a child. Namely, normal human child things. So she goes to school, lives in a proper house, goes to the Doctor on a regular basis and all that jazz! But that doesn't mean she's completely sheltered from Gem stuff either! Since the time she was a baby, Steven and Connie bring Vivi down to Beach City for her summer Vacation from school! She plays Video Games with Amethyst, goes exploring Little Homeworld and learning about Gem culture with Pearl and even is apart of Ruby's scout trope! (She already has 5 merit badges!) On her 5 birthday, Pearl knitted a "Crystal Gem" sweater for Vivi (which she never takes off). Like Steven was in her early youth, she optimistic, friendly, extroverted and bubbly. Even more so since Steven and Connie make sure to shelter her from some of the more traumatic facts of Steven's life. That's not to say they'll never tell her but they're waiting until she's older. She's pretty much met all of the Crystal Gems, including the Diamonds and Spinel at one point. She finds the Diamonds to be a bit intimidating but she still loves them. They are her great aunts after all! She, of course, loves Spinel the best and absolutely considers Spinel to be her "Best Friend." She even tried styling her hair after hers so they could be "Hair buddies." And she absolutely adores her cousins! Being an only child, they're like her older brothers but she wishes she could see them more often.
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Elevii de 10 ai județului, recompensați de ISJ cu diplome și premii în bani
În amfiteatrul Liceului ”Mihail Kogălniceanu” Vaslui a avut loc un eveniment festiv încărcat de emoție, dar și de bucuria recunoașterii muncii elevilor de nota 10 din județ.
11 elevi au obținut anul acesta nota maximă la Evaluarea Națională și Bacalaureat.
7 dintre elevii premiați pentru nota 10 la Evaluare Națională sunt de la școli din Vaslui, Bârlad și Hoceni. Pe lângă diploma acordată, aceștia au primit din partea ISJ Vaslui și un premiu în bani, în sumă de 1.000 de lei fiecare.
Cu diplome și recompense în bani au fost premiate și 4 elevi din Vaslui, Bârlad și Huși, care au obținut nota 10 la examenul de Bacalaureat. Suma pe care au primit-o aceștia, care și-au luat examenul maturității cu notă maximă, a fost de 3.000 de lei fiecare.
Amalia Geman și Alexandru Brânză, ambii de la Liceul ”Mihail Kogălniceanu” (LMK) Vaslui, Maia Teodora Perju, de la Colegiul Național ”Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu” Bârlad, și Miruna-Ștefania Surdu, de la Colegiul Național ”Cuza Vodă” Huși, sunt elevii de la 10 de la bacalaureat.
Aida-Elena Afrăsînei (Școala ”Elena Cuza” Vaslui), Andrada Maria Bercea (Școala ”Iorgu Radu” Bârlad), Eva Chiriță (LMK Vaslui), Miruna Drăgunoi (Școala Hoceni), Bianca Maria Herghelegiu (Colegiul ”Gh.Roșca Codreanu” Bârlad), Daria Istrătucă (Școala ”Constantin Parfene” Vaslui) și Bianca Alicia Sandu (Școala ”Mihai Eminescu” Vaslui) sunt elevii de 10 de la evaluarea națională.
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saibhaktabrasill · 5 years
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Geman, 02.APR.2019 Om Sri Sai Ram GEDANKE FÜR DEN TAG AUS PRASHANTI NILAYAM VOM 2. APRIL 2019 Die Kapriolen des Verstandes sind sehr überraschend! Ohne eindeutige Form oder Gestalt unterstellt er die Form und Gestalt einer Sache, mit der er sich befasst. Es ist seine Natur von Wunsch zu Wunsch und einem Begehren zum anderen zu wandern. Deshalb verursacht er Verlust und Kummer, Nachteil und Depression. Seine Effekte sind sowohl positiv als auch negativ. Versteht deshalb die Charakteristika des Verstandes und erlernt Wege, ihn für euren ultimativen Vorteil zu beherrschen. Der Verstand ist anfällig für das Ansammeln von Erfahrungen und deren Aufbewahrung in seinem Gedächtnis. Er kennt die Kunst des Aufgebens nicht. Als Konsequenz  kochen Kummer, Unruhe und Elend weiter in ihm. Die meisten von euch engagieren sich in Bhajans, Gottesdienst und Meditation. Fragt euch: Ergießt sich oder schwingt euer Herz ernsthaft in spirituellen Übungen (sadhana)? Eifert ihr danach, ein kleines Sadhana durch einen höheren und edleren Zweck zu veredeln? Wenn nicht bleiben diese Aktivitäten rein physische Übungen! Wenn ihr eurem Verstand Opferbereitschaft lehrt, könnt ihr spirituell  gelassen werden! Sathya Sai, 8. Januar 1983     Sathya Sai Baba www.sathyasai.org #sathyasai #saibhakta #sathyasaibaba #saibaba #saimaa (em Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvZLUtAR40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bp3nz878u1d5
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