#Gemre G'vund
thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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✦ 4 BBY Versions ✦ 0 BBY Versions ✦
As I was looking through all my AI files, I thought it was cool to see how the main crew of the Lady Lucy had progressed over the years, so I thought I’d share how everyone’s changed from their first designs! I of course have more age-ups planned, but still, I wanted to show off these now that I have them done :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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After an eternity compared to the last four, here’s the next OC age-up! This time around, we have squad commander and head mechanic for the Angels as he looked in 4 ABY, Gemre G’vund!
I felt like I sorta nailed it with the previous design, so with this one I tried going in a totally different direction with all the little details and such. Sure, all the main points are there—progressively bigger horns and facial hair, robot limbs, his big ol’ whompin’ wrench, all that—but hey, the tattoos and goggles are new! I dunno. Basically, I wanted to make Gemre look older and more put together in this version (he’s 27 here, after all), and I think to some extent I succeeded!
So yEah, I’m super happy with how he turned out, but what do you guys think? Is this design as good as the others? Do you wanna see him run about and bonk some Imperials with his Big Wrench? Is it even possible to tell he’s trans anymore? Is it weird that four of my five aged-up OCs have beards now? Let me have whatever feedback you’ve got! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Even though I’m way behind my original schedule, I’m happy to say I finally got another chapter of Hes and Cer’s story done! I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out and I’m super excited to see where the story goes from here, so yeah, I hope you guys like it too! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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To round out the set, here’s all my new, aged-up OC designs together! All in all, I’m super happy with how these turned out, and I’m super excited to do stuff with these new versions! I hope you guys like ‘em, too! :D
Refs of each one individually:
✦ Cer ✦ Hes ✦ Russ, Vonnie, & Gemre ✦ U’ruk & Kobelka ✦ Heraath ✦ 0R-D3 ✦
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Here’s Gemre, Russoc, and Vonnie’s ANH/Rebels season 4 age-ups! Not too much changed with Russ and Von, admittedly—I couldn’t think of any major things I wanted to update, so I just elected to give Russ some chin scruff, grow out Vonnie’s hair, and give ‘em both some sleeves. Minor stuff, but I like how they turned out!
Gemre, on the other hand, got a whole new look—I figured that being on testosterone therapy (or whatever the alien demon man analog is) would change his appearance more than the others, so I decided to draw him up a whole new ref! Thus, he’s got bigger horns, his skin spots are starting to fade away, and he’s got that sick new beard—plus some robot parts, but those aren’t from T, that’s a whole other story. Point is, I’m really happy with how these guys turned out, regardless of how much effort went into each!
BUT HEY, what do u guys think? Do these designs look cool? Which one’s your favorite? How do you think Gemre lost his arm n’ leg? I’d love any feedback you got! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
TMI Tuesday! For everyone who isn't Hes: what is the most awful not safe for work story Hes has ever told?
It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
Russoc: “Awful as in how graphic it got, or awful as in, ‘wow, that was a pain to listen to’?”
Gemre: “Don’t both criteria usually go hand-in-hand?”
Russoc: “Ahh, yeah, that’s true. Also, can they really be called ‘Not Safe For Work’ when Hes almost exclusively tells her stories at work?”
Vonnie: “I dunno, man, but I got an answer for this. For me, the worst ones are the ones I was there for—’cause I always ‘member how much it sucked havin’ to be the designated driver. But like, for fuckin’ instead ‘a drinkin’. Like, y’all ‘member the one with the Dowutin bouncer? Who do y’all think had to drag Hes to the hospital after she went n’ shattered her pelvis? No amount ‘a free drinks coulda fixed that girls’ night. Oh, and don’t even get me started on last year’s Koh’hibril party—no, seriously, don’t get me started. I’d really rather not relive the Orgy Pit™ situation, thank ya very much,”
Russoc: “God, yeah, that was a mess—what was it, like, seventy, maybe eighty guys? Man, did we use a lotta febreze after that. But yeah, my opinion? I actually don’t mind Hes telling her stories all too much—let her have her fun, y’know? Who am I to stop her? It’s just…the puns…my god, the puns. That’s where I draw the line, when she starts working those in. Like, I think the worst it ever got was, and I quote, ‘my ass is delic-Hes and it wan-Chaddic’. Not like I don’t have a sense of humor or anything, I just…there’s only so much a man can take, y’know?”
Gemre: “Yeeeah, those get rough when they’re that forced. But yeah, I’m of the same mind, I don’t wanna stop her from having fun. I don’t even mind it that much, my only problem is sometimes I get, uh, jealous a little bit, ‘cause I’m a, uhh…”
0R-D3: “01100001 00100000 01110110 01101001 01110010 01100111 01101001 01101110 00111111″
0R-D3: “01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100″
Russoc: “Obviously.”
Vonnie: “Eh, don’t worry about it kid, it’s no big deal—take it from a flyin’ ace like me, y’ain’t missin’ much. Besides, doin’ it that much might not suit you; not everyone can be like Hes and be a total—”
Hes, bursting through a door: “SAY IT TO MY KRIFFIN’ FACE, D’RUEXIEQ—”
Russoc, holding Hes back as she tries to murder Vonnie: “oKAY, well, thanks for the ask!”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Rek: “...So when I woke up, I was totally naked ‘cept for a pair of panties stretched over my lekku, my left kidney was missing, and the Nightsister was never heard from again!”
Hes: “Duuude, that’s crazy! I can top it, though—so one time I met this Harch arms dealer on Garel, and man was she handsy. I mean, she had me totally off the ground at one point, with one arm waaay up in my...”
Tales of (mis)adventure and sexploits aside, here’s the final product of a collab I did with the wonderful @rekkingcrew! He sketched these two out, and he was kind enough to let me do the lines and colors! Not only did it all end up looking great, but it was super fun to bring Rek and Hes’ unique brand of competitive vulgarity to life—thanks so much for doing this with me! :D
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Russ does not approve.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Zip me, Gemre and your choice.
drabbles: send me characters and a prompt
Leave an “Zip Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character dressing another, or the other way around [this can also be used for shutting them up as well, but feel free to specify.]
Whoooo, boy, this is gonna be a sad one—and a long one, too. Full story’s under the read more! :D
“Is all this really necessary?”
That was always my question. About all the fanciness, the etiquette—all that was expected of me. Dance this way. Talk like this. Impress them. Show you belong. What was the point of it all? What good did it ever do me? Why was this what I had to be?
This time, however, I was asking about my outfit: a pure white dress, adorned with the finest silk and jewellery, topped off with a similarly decorated tiara. Not only that, but I had roughly a kilo of makeup on my face, supposedly very expertly applied to make me look as bright and beautiful as possible. As if being weighed down by the bulk of it all wasn’t enough, I was forced to sit in a chair while our family’s small army of servants worked on me, so I had nowhere to look but at my reflection in the mirror. It made me sick to my stomach.
“Yes, Ghurussa,” my mother said, clearly frustrated at my lack of enthusiasm. I could see her face in the mirror: old and stern as always, yet especially tired and stress tonight. Whatever makeup she had applied to make herself look young and carefree, it wasn’t working. “This is your debutante ball we’re going to, after all—you need to look your best. You want the rest of the planet to think highly of you, do you not?”
I sighed. “Yes, mother,” In truth, I didn’t give a happabore’s ass what Devaron’s old, rich, and powerful thought of me. “I just wish it wouldn’t have to be tonight, is all—I was so looking forward to spending the evening with my friends. Mokhix and Craarh found this old speeder bike, and they wanted me to help them fix—”
Before I could finish, my mother cut me off. “Ghurussa, darling, we’ve been over this—those boys you call ‘friends’ are nothing but trouble. Besides, working with machines is hardly becoming of Devaron’s future president,”
“Darling, don’t be so controlling,” my father cut in. He’d been sitting in the back of the room this whole time, reading the news on the holonet. It seemed that was all he ever did. “Ghurussa may take a different path than you—she could be a senator instead,”
“Hm. Well, my point still stands,” she continued, turning back to me, “You should be less concerned with what the boys are up to and more concerned with establishing yourself as a future candidate—it’s never too early to start campaigning, after all,”
I was getting fed up with all this talk of my future. “What if politics isn’t where I end up?” I asked—challenged, almost.
The room went silent and still as I spoke. The servants left the room, and my father turned back to the holonet. Finally, my mother replied, the masked fury evident in her voice. “And pray tell, Ghurussa,” she said, “what would you rather do?”
I was immediately regretting saying that. “I don’t know, umm…I could see myself being a swoop racer, or a mechanic, or perhaps a—”
Before I could finish, my mother swung my chair around to face her. She was clearly fuming—though rather than show it, she simply glared down at me. “You will do no such thing, young lady. You are going to do exactly as I have done: you will work your way through the system, take every office you can, become Devaron’s next great leader—and you will preserve our family’s position. So help me, Maarhegul G'vund’s eldest daughter will not sink so low as to take a man’s lot in life. Do I make myself clear, Ghurussa?”
Shit, she was intimidating. I wanted to say something back—maybe defend myself, finally stand up to her—but I didn’t know what to say. So instead, I just lowered my head and muttered “yes ma’am.”
“Good.” she said, turning and walking away from me. “And don’t start crying, either—we don’t have time to redo your makeup,” she read my mind there—tears were starting to well up the second she turned away. “Now,” she continued, “Go out there and make your family proud.”
Shaken as I was, I managed to find my footing and get up from the chair. I walked out of the room, down a hall, and eventually I found myself in a ballroom. My chaperone was there. All the aristocracy was there. Anyone who was anyone had come to see me. I was supposed to feel flattered, I know I was, but I just felt nothing—and as I walked into the ballroom, I began to see nothing, too. With every step, the world around me shifted into blackness, until I reached the center of the room and the floor gave out beneath me. Suddenly I was alone, floating in space, all dressed in my pretty white gown, suffocating in the cold nothingness.
And that’s where I woke up. I shot outta bed, a shrill gasp escaping my lips. I couldn’t tell where I was at first—all I could feel was my heart thumping in my chest and the cold sweat on my brow. And then, the world started to come to me. I heard my squeaky ceiling fan spinning, doing little to cool the humid room. I saw my room, the mess of dirty clothes and spare ship and droid parts that cradled me like a cocoon. I looked down at myself—no dress, no makeup, just an oversized t-shirt and some underwear.
But then, were my—oh thank heavens, they were. I felt my forehead, and I sighed with relief as I felt my two little horns, right where they should be. Ghurussa doesn’t have these. I do. That’s ‘cause I’m—
“Gemre!” I heard a couple loud thuds and a voice through the ceiling above me—Vonnie’s voice. “For kriff’s sake, man, turn off that music, it’s three in the morning!”
I hadn’t even noticed but, lo and behold, my homemade radio was still tuned to some heavy metal song, and sure enough, the clock on it read 3:00 AM. I leaned over to switch it off, yelling a quick “Sorry!” up to Vonnie as I did. Even through the ceiling, I could hear her grumbling something—I dunno what, but it probably had obscenities mixed in—before shuffling off to bed. I laid back, too, figuring I should try and get some more sleep before the day started. Maybe dream a better dream, while I was at it. Anything better than having to revisit the night before I left home.
Besides, it’s in the past—Ghurussa is back at that house, but Gemre’s right here. Right where he belongs.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
I ship Gemre and lazyartistwastaken's Lulu
Anonymously send me what characters you ship my muse with!
Hes: “YES! I’m so down for this—two awkward little nerds like them, they’d be perfect for each other! Then again, maybe Lulu’s type of nerdiness wouldn’t mesh perfectly with Gemre’s type of nerdiness—he’s less into books and more into old monster holodramas, holo-comics, action figu—”
Gemre: “gAAH, HES, STOP TALKING! YOU’RE NOT HELPING MY CHANCES HERE! I mean, uh…don’t listen to her, Lulu, I promise I’m a totally well-adjusted, perfectly eligible bachelor with perfectly average social skills!
Hes: “Uh-huh, totally. While you’re at it, why don’t you tell her about how you’ve never been on a date befo—okay, Gemre just stormed outta the room, nevermind. Nah, but for real though @lazyartistwastaken, we might need to make this happen—I dunno about Lulu, but Gemre needs to get a girlfriend and get outta the base a little bit. How ‘bout it? Think these nerds got a chance?”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Character fact, i have a bith called Malt, and they sound like Whoopi Goldberg.
Tell me a fact about your OC(s) and I’ll respond with a fact about mine!
Oh yeah, I think you told me about them once! They sound cool, I can’t wait to see more of them! :D
I’ve got most of my guys’ voice claims figured out, too: Hes’ is Danielle Brooks, Cer’s is Art Parkinson , Russoc’s is Keith David, Vonnie’s is Susan Egan, Gemre’s is Dante Basco, and 0R-D3′s is a pithced-down version of a dial-up internet router. Beyond those guys, I haven’t really figured out much—granted, I haven’t really done much of anything with Heraath, Kobelka, U’ruk, and the rest of the B-team, but still. Maybe I’ll start to figure it out when I get more of a read on their personalities, idk.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Happy pride month, everyone! :D
So late last night I had the idea to try some colored lineart type stuff, and somewhere down that road I decided to make these little pride flag headshots showing off how some of my OCs identify! I’m sure stuff like this has been done a thousand times by a thousand people way earlier than me, but I thought it’d be fun to try anyways!
To be clear on who’s what, I headcanon that Hes is pansexual/panromantic, Vonnie is asexual/demiromantic, Russoc is homosexual/homoromantic, Gemre is transgender as well as bisexual/biromantic, and Cerate is heterosexual ally—and he’ll always support them and whoever they end up loving!
All in all, I love how these turned out! What do you guys say, though—do these look cute? Should I do more stuff in this style? Let me know what you think!
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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So the amazing, wonderful, super-talented @nexivus/@nexivusabee is doing 50 cent headshot commissions rn, and I thought it would be fun to get the whole gang drawn together! (Except 0R-D3, cuz he’s more like a glorified forklift than an actual soldier)
Nex isn’t too active on Tumblr, as far as I know, but if you wanna commission her or follow her somewhere, you can reach her through Kik at @ACynicalBanana or on Ifunny through @Nexivus. She’s super cool and her art deserves all the love in the world, so yeah, go hit her up! 😄
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Hey look, some new OCs with an actual theme and purpose for existing! I mentioned in Hes and Cerate’s backstory posts that they fight alongside the “Devaron’s Angels”—a rebel cell dedicated to fighting the Imperial presence on Devaron, while also vying for social and governmental reform. Well, here’s just a taste of what that rebel cell is comprised of: from left to right, meet Gemre G’vund, Russoc Dhaalgondt, 0R-D3, and Vononnue D’ruexieq! Together with Hes and Cer, they pilot Hes’s ship: the heavily-modified Freefall-class bomber, the “Lady Lucy” (pictured above, colors by me and lineart by @empress-only-in-name). I really love how these guys turned out, so yeah, lemme know what you guys think! :D
Just as with all my OCs, the backstories of the new four are below:
Russoc (Russ, for short) was the first to meet Hes, and he was one of the few people to see her before she became a leader. When Hes was still living on the streets of Montellian Serat, Russ—a retired soldier turned farmer—would take pity on her, always saving a few bits of food for her when he’d go to town to sell his harvest. However, as much as Russ loved his simple farm life with his husband and daughters, his little vegetable stand was never enough to pay the new, heavy taxes levied by the rising Empire. He tried his bet to pay his debts but, one day, the Empire grew tired of waiting. As the story goes, late one night Russ came home from Montellian Serat to find his home and fields in flames.  He thought it to be a freak accident at first, but then he saw the stormtroopers brandishing flamethrowers outside. This, coupled with the realization that his family would have been asleep inside, sent him into a blind rage. He immediately rushed the troopers, managing to pierce his horns through one’s stomach and fight the others off with the trooper’s limp body still hanging from his head. He managed to kill four more troopers with his bare hands before the rest brought him to his knees, stunning him multiple times and sawing off his horns to prevent any further gorings. Bloodied and beaten, Russ was taken back to prison in Montellian Serat to await his proper execution, but before it could be done, an angel swooped in and saved him. That is to say, the newly-formed Devaron’s Angels raided his prison in order to rescue allies of theirs, and among all the chaos, the recently recruited Hes Chaddic noticed Russ: the kind soul who had helped her to stay alive all those years ago. She decided to return the favor; she freed him of his restraints and helped him to his feet before offering him her spare blaster. Russ didn’t take it right away, but as he thought of his position, he realized he really had nothing left to lose, and right then and there he joined the Devaron’s Angels. Since then, Russ has been one of Hes’s best friends and a great asset to the Angels—not only is he a strong and experienced soldier, but he’s pretty much the only one of the Angels who can kill a stormtrooper face-to-face and feel no remorse at all. This led Hes to choose him for the “Lady Lucy”’s crew when she rose to power amongst the Angels, electing to have him in the rear gunners position, just so he could kill all the troopers his heart desired.
Vononnue (or Vonnie, for short) was the next Angel Hes recruited. As the daughter of a starfighter mechanic operating out of the city of Plaeree, Vonnie grew up around and had a natural talent with ships, and she often entered illegal podraces with the hope of winning cash rewards just to put food on the table for her and her father. She often did win, too, yet when the Empire started cracking down on anti-gambling and anti-podracing laws, the money all but stopped coming in. Soon after, the D’ruexieq’s repair business went bust, and Vonnie and her father began to starve just so they could keep a roof over their heads. It was when Vonnie’s father began to fall ill that she realized something had to be done. She began stealing food and medicine from Imperial strongholds around Plaeree, always managing to evade the authorities with the help of her old racing pod, the “Happabore”, which was both strong and fast enough to push past an Imperial troop transport without so much as a scratch. On one such job, Vonnie and the Devaron’s Angels happened to be hitting up the same base, and after they both made their escape, Hes commended Vonnie for her skills as a pilot, and offered her a position with the Angels. Vonnie explained that she really only stole enough for her and her father, but when Hes promised to share the Angels’ stash of medical supplies and food, she gladly accepted the offer. Nowadays, Vonnie’s father serves as a mechanic for the Angel’s fleet of ships, and Vonnie herself serves as the “Lady Lucy”‘s pilot—Hes was never too good at dogfighting, so she was happy to take a backseat to her more experienced and talented ally.
While the previous two had families they loved before the Devaron’s Angels, Gemre was not so lucky. Born to a family of politicians in Montellian Serat, Gemre—previously named Ghurussa, before he came out as trans—was expected to maintain the proper, distinguished visage common among the higher-class females on Devaron. Despite his parents’ best efforts, however, Gemre refused to fall in line with that way of life, often sneaking off to hang out with the far more scrappy and fun-loving boys a few neighborhoods away. All the while, tensions between him and his parents grew, and they finally came to a head when he came out as trans, and asked that he be called Gemre from then on. His parents, the fundamentalists that they were, saw his transition as not just as an unnatural perversion of his gender, but of his social standing—”how dare you lower yourself to the men’s level”, they said. After a fierce shouting match, Gemre, only fifteen years old at the time, walked out of his family’s home, never to return. Soon after, during a raid of an Imperial base in Montellian Serat, Hes found Gemre living on the streets, much as she’d done when she was his age. While the rest of the Angels fought for the base, Hes sat beside Gemre and offered him her spare ration pack, and he told her his story. As she spoke, her feelings toward him went from pity to empathy, and she shared her own story. The two spend the evening laughing together, while explosions and gunfire erupted from the Imperial base not far off. When the raid was done, Hes helped Gemre to his feet and offered him a position among the Angels’ ranks. With the promise of not only food and shelter but a new family that accepted him for who he was, he gladly accepted the offer. From then on, Gemre served as the mechanic on the “Lady Lucy”—something it certainly needed, since the thing needed constant in-flight maintenance just to make sure it didn’t explode on its own. What’s more, since she believes a soldier’s at his best when he’s comfortable in his own skin, Hes dedicates a small portion of her share of the Angels’ “earnings” to fund Gemre’s transition, and now, with her help, his horns are finally growing in, and he’s finally starting to feel happy again.
Sappy backstories are great and all, but honestly, 0R-D3 just exists for shits and giggles. His conception occurred one night when Hes got bored and decided she wanted a droid, and for the next week she, Gemre, and Cerate all worked together to build one. The only problem was none of them had any business building a droid; Hes had no knowledge of mechanics whatsoever, Gemre was really only experienced with ships, and Cerate’s only knowledge of programming came from old, tattered and stolen books. When all was said and done, 0R-D3 (or Oh-Ar, for short) contained parts from an imperial sentry droid, a B2 battle droid, a couple astromechs, some protocol droids, a magna-guard, plus some other odds-and-ends from ships and a speeder engine powering him. His code was simple, his construction was wonky, but somehow, he sprang to life. He began to speak in broken, garbled binary, and immediately Cer and Gemre began having second thoughts about their “creation”. Hes, however, was overjoyed—immediately, she threw her arms around the new droid, declaring he was her new boyfriend. Soon after, in realizing that heavy lifting was all he was really good for, Hes employed Orde as the bombardier on the “Lady Lucy”, and to this day he remains a beloved staple of the Devaron’s Angels and Hes’s pride and joy. In a way, they see him as a symbol of their rebellion—badly designed and badly constructed, yet somehow, he works.
OKAY, so those all went on longer than I thought, but hey, lemme know what you think of these guys! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Tmi Tuesday- for the whole crew, what is the Most Embarrassing thing you've been recorded doing?
Its TMI Tuesday! Invade my muse with personal questions!
Hes: “NOSE GOES! Ahh, Oh-Ar, you lose!”
Vonnie: “He doesn’t even have a nose, Hes”
Hes: “Probably why he lost. Either way, he’s goin’ first! Whatcha got, Ordie?”
0R-D3: 01001001 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 00100111 01110010 01100101 01100011 01101111 01110010 01100100 01100101 01100100 00100111 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100001 01101110 01110011
Hes: “Ey, that’s just great—Russ, what’ve you got?”
Russoc: “Well, there was the whole ‘dancing stormtrooper’ debacle,”
Hes: “Oh, yeah, I remember that! Do you still have the video?”
Russoc: “Oh, of course! Okay so, for anyone who doesn’t know, we sometimes have missions where I have to disguise myself as a stormtrooper, and this one time I thought, ‘hey, let’s mess with the Imps a bit’. So basically, I just started doin’ the hustle whenever the other troopers had their back to me, and I thought no one would see me,”
Hes: “But then me and the others made it up to the base’s command center, and they didn’t even see us comin’ in—cuz they were all watchin’ Russ on the security cams!”
Russoc: “So we raided that base in record time with no casualties—all because I’m an amazing dancer!”
Hes: “Kriff, man, we’re gonna have to watch it again after this—alright, Von, your turn!”
Vonnie: “Aight, so one time, back in my podracing days, I was in this race against an old rival ‘a mine—some Zeltron dick named Phobos—and I swear, I saw him mess with my pod before the race. I was able to keep it together for the first two laps and take the lead, but he pulled ahead ‘a me just as my bottom-left engine was startin’ to smoke on the final stretch. He won, I came in second, and damn was I pissed—so what’d I do? I jumped out, ran over to him, and started beatin’ the shit outta him. Like, just ruining his smug pink-ass face. Eventually the security guards pulled me off him, and thought that was the end of it, but I uhh…I wasn’t aware that race was bein’ broadcasted all over Devaron,”
Hes: “Holy shit, what? How’ve I never heard this story!”
Vonnie: “I thought you knew! It was everywhere on the holonet the next day, I was sure you’d already seen it,”
Hes: “NOO, I remember now! I never knew that was you, though—shit, Von, I never took you for a violent type,”
Vonnie: “I ain’t—I’m just not a good loser”
Hes: “Amen to that, man—Gem, what about you?”
Gemre: “Ah, man, I guess I gotta talk about the time you guys caught me jackin’ off to—”
Hes: “GAH, WAIT, no, none ‘a that talk in front ‘a Cerate,”
Gemre: “Oh, thank goodness—Alright, well, what’s your story then?”
Hes: “I don’t think even you are old enough to hear that story, let alone Cer,”
Cerate: “Hes, come on, I know what sex is—I’m sure it’s not that bad”
Hes: “Eh, you say that, but ten minutes in you’d be begging to have your innocence back—that, and I’d have to explain orgies and sybians and—”
Cerate: “OKAY, okay, I get it! Ummm…I guess mine would be the video from my fourth birthday, where I got icing all over my face,”
Hes: “Aww, Cer, that wasn’t embarrassing, that was adorable! And you had your little party hat and everything, it was so cute!”
Cerate: “Yeah, but do you have to show it to everyone you introduce me to? It just makes me look silly!”
Hes: “Pffft, no it doesn’t—if anything, it makes people like you more! Either way, I think that’s everyone—thanks for the ask, Rek! Now let’s go watch the thing of Russ dancing again, that shit cracks me up every time!”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
29 Gemre :^)
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme: send a number & character to my ask box  and I’ll write an answer/headcanon in reply.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
As a kid, Gemre dreamed of being a speeder bike racer, despite his parents’ wishes for him to follow their path and pursue politics. He was even fairly dedicated to that dream, which is how he got so good with machines—he spent more time tinkering with and modifying his bike than actually racing. Of course, that dream sorta went to the wayside when he left home and eventually joined the Angels, but someday he’ll probably pick it up again.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
gemre and cerate?
10 Facts About My Characters
I answered for Cerate here :D
1. Gemre’s goggles give him a pretty terrible tan line—hence why he almost never takes them off.
2. His goggles also have a dual-function as corrective lenses—another reason he’s always wearing them.
3. I headcanon Gemre having a voice like Dante Basco’s, possibly just a bit higher.
4. Within his junkpile of a room, Gemre has a collection of old horror and sci-fi holo-dramas, comics, etc.—like, stuff that’s so old and cheesy it’s not even close to scary. I dunno if there’s a Star Wars equivalent to B-movies, but stuff like that is basically what Gem’s into.
5. Additionally, Gemre’s a big music fan, with his favorite genre being heavy-isotope and core drive. Basically he loves anything he can play way too loud at obscene hours of the night, at least before Vonnie threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t turn it down.
6. Gemre’s even tried his hand at making his own music, using the old drum kit he stole found a while back on a mission to Ton-biri. He and Cer even jam sometimes.
7. All those hobbies considered, though, Gemre’s first and greatest love will always be machines. Be it starfighters or droids, he loves tinkering with, modifying, and reverse-engineering anything he can get his hands on. Hence his position as the Lady Lucy’s mechanic—not only is he the only one capable of keeping her from exploding mid-flight, but he’s the only one who sees it as a fun pastime rather than a job.
8. It took Gemre four years of blood, sweat, tears, and HRT to grow his four-inches worth of horns, but he’ll be damned if anything happens to them. Thus, he takes extra care of his horns, even moreso than the average Devaronian man. He buffs and shines them twice a day, he protects them from harsh weather, and he will not hesitate to straight-up murder anyone who gets too close to them.
9. Every once in a while, Gemre writes letters home to his parents—just to tell them he’s okay, he’s got food and a bed to sleep in, and he’s surrounded by kind, supportive people. He always trashes the letters before sending them, though.
10. Even though he lives pretty rough-and-tumble nowadays, hints of Gemre’s former prim-and-proper lifestyle shine through every once in a while. He writes in perfect cursive, he speaks a very clean-cut dialect of Devaronese, he can waltz without missing a step—and he’ll sometimes catch himself talking with an accent similar to Imperials. He does all of this subconsciously, in fact—though he left the upper crust, the upper crust never really left him.
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