#especially Hes and Cer
thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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To round out the set, here’s all my new, aged-up OC designs together! All in all, I’m super happy with how these turned out, and I’m super excited to do stuff with these new versions! I hope you guys like ‘em, too! :D
Refs of each one individually:
✦ Cer ✦ Hes ✦ Russ, Vonnie, & Gemre ✦ U’ruk & Kobelka ✦ Heraath ✦ 0R-D3 ✦
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sagidaviswrites · 2 years
Just Come Home
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female! Reader
Summary: You attend Christine’s wedding with Stephen by your side, only for your suspicions to be confirmed about the ex-couple. Of course, it leads to a not-so-nice argument between you two.
Genre: MAJOR angst, Arguments, Stephen being a slight asshole? 
Warning: Slight cursing, NO spoilers from Multiverse of Madness, besides Christine’s wedding
A/N: Good morning loves! It has been a very long time since I’ve written anything on Tumblr, but I was feeling extra creative from all the Stephen Strange fanfiction I had been reading over the past week. There’s not many out there, which is pretty disappointing, so I thought I’d give him a shot. I hope people really enjoy this one,and asks for a sequel, because I’ve been brainstorming one already. 
Part 2 posted here 
You knew it was a bad idea to go to that fucking wedding.
You fucking knew it and you did it anyway, just to be a good and decent girlfriend.
But you instantly regretted it when you stepped foot into the expensive venue in one of New York's beautiful chapels. Especially when your boyfriend couldn't keep his damn eyes off the bride.
The taxi came to a quick halt in front of the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the driver internally anxious from the high-rising tension that surrounded both you and Stephen, no doubt. Not bothering to say any sort of thanks, you quickly opened the door and slipped out of the vehicle, your heels clicking against the pavement.
"So what? You're going to give me the silent treatment all day, is that it?- Thank you sir." Stephen asked sternly, slamming the car door, not before he kneeled down to wave at the man with a forced smile.
You continued to stay silent, yanking roughly on the door handle and letting yourself into the open foyer.
"Y/N, I'm speaking to you." He tried again, but to no avail, seeing that you continued walking, pausing only to take your heels off. Before you could reach the grand stairwell that was in the middle of the large room, Wong entered suddenly from one of his portals, a bowl of cereal in his hands.
A surprised look was in his eyes at the sight of the both of you. “You guys are back from Christine's wedding already? It couldn't have been that quick."
You huffed angrily at the mention of her name, ignoring the Sorcerer Supreme entirely, and hastily ran up the stairs.
"Not helping, Wong." Stephen mumbled under his breath, finally having an idea of why you were so angry.
What he didn't get was that it had been years since him and Christine had been together. Sure, it took some time for him to get over the woman and it was only right to attend her wedding since they had been colleagues for so long.
But his life completely changed for the better when he arrived at the Kamar-Taj to seek help for his injured hands and met you in the process. 
He despised the real and brutal arguments he rarely shared with you. He much preferred the playful ones. 
But based on the way you were currently stalking towards your shared bedroom and yanking away from his attempted grasps, this one was going to hurt. 
Once you reached the door, you tried to slam it behind you, but it bumped hard against the doctor's shoulders, frustrating him. "You do realize you're behaving like a child, correct?" 
"Oh, I'm a child now?" You snatched the fancy clip out of your hair, letting it fall on your shoulders, whipping around to face him.
"Yes, you're acting like a brat." 
You swallowed hard, praying that you remained strong enough to not let the tears fall.
"Are you still in love with her?" 
The grown man took a few seconds to stare at you hard, before he let out a harsh laugh, shaking his head. "This again?" 
That's when you just surrendered to the anger that was brewing deep inside of you, hot tears rolling down your face as you went to the closet, tossing the fancy shoes inside. "You're a fucking asshole, you know that? You obviously think I'm too stupid to notice you were staring at her during the damn ceremony." 
Stephen unbuttoned his tuxedo jacket. "It was a wedding ceremony, aren't you supposed to be looking at the bride when she first enters?" 
"Not when the bride is your ex-girlfriend, Stephen." 
"Then what the hell did you want me to do, Y/N?” He raised his voice at you, despite you moving across the room, occupied with getting ready for a hot shower. "Deny the damn wedding invitation?" 
You walked toward the dresser, snatching some comfortable clothes out, glancing at him with clouded vision. "You know that's not what I meant." 
"Then what do you mean, huh? Because this bullshit always seems to turn on me-" 
You slammed the drawer loudly, interrupting him. "I asked you a simple question, Stephen. That you deliberately chose not to answer." 
A hard look covered his handsome face at your words. "I am not in love with her." 
But it was too late, you didn't want to hear that shit. He had a perfectly open opportunity to answer truthfully and instead laughed in your face about it. You saw the way he looked at her and you knew that look all too well. You'd imagine that's exactly how you looked at him. 
With so much love and adoration. 
It almost made you sick to your stomach. 
You felt yourself cry harder, looking away from him. "You do love her, and you can lie to all of these other people, Stephen, but you can't lie to me." 
"Don't go turning this on me." His voice was dangerously low and filled with irritation. "This is about you. This is about you and those damn insecurities of yours! That nagging fear of a man leaving you for another, causing you to self- sabotage whatever the hell that comes your way." 
The painful insult that fell from the tip of his tongue seemed to echo in the completely silent room, which he had instantly regretted. 
He hadn't meant to say it. 
He had the habit of being a complete and arrogant asshole from time to time and the increasing frustration didn't help in the slightest. 
Your breath was hitched, as you stared at particularly nothing, the tight grip on the clothes loosening. You had, had enough. You didn't deserve to be someone's second choice. And you damn sure didn't deserved to be hurt like that either. 
"Y/N... shit- I didn't mean to-" Stephen breathed, desperation in the edge of his tone. 
You slowly turned around with no specific expression, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. 
"You're right, Stephen. And since my insecurities are so much for you to handle, then I'm not sure why I'm here at all.” 
You both stood there for a moment, before he tried to move closer to you, grabbing your hands, but you pulled away from him, shaking your head. 
"Forgive me...." He whispered, but you straightened the straps of your dress, grabbed your keys and bumped your body against his, headed for the door. 
He found himself standing alone in the quiet room, his hand covering his face. "Goddammit." 
What the fuck did he do?
It had approximately been almost seven days since he last saw you. 
And he’s never been so messed up in his entire life.
Since you had made the decision to leave after the argument without so much as a goodbye or even grabbing an overnight bag on the way out, he had spent the days either distracting his mind with the large collection of books in the library or keeping a watchful eye if there were any known threats to Earth and its residents. 
It kept him busy enough throughout his days.
The nights were what was hell for him. 
He had become so accustomed to having your warm body against his, once darkness fell over the sky, the moonlight peeking through the silk curtains, streaming along the hardwood floors of your bedroom. But his sleepless nights were cold with your side of the bed empty; his body tossing and turning from the lack of your touch or your soft exhales sounding near his ear. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. 
Every morning, the doctor was met with the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror, entire body sluggish and aching in pain with dark circles surrounding his blue eyes. 
He missed you. He craved you.... your touch, your scent, your laughter. 
But he also was afraid that he had lost you forever. And that nothing he did or said was going to get you to come back to him at all. 
He knew Wong couldn’t help but hear the argument from downstairs that day, the man was far from being an idiot to not know what had transpired.
And he was very, very tempted to ask him to search for where you were staying.
But, surprisingly enough, one morning, Wong beat him to it. 
Stephen was dressed in his soft robes, resting uncomfortably in an armchair in the library, beginning the third book from the stack of unread ones that he was working on. Wong had entered the room as he normally did, biting roughly into an apple, with a piece of paper in his other hand. Stephen ignored him entirely until the man stood in front of him, slipping the paper on top of the page that he was reading from. 
“What is this?” He answered monotone, staring irritably towards him. 
Wong took a moment to chew whatever that remained in his mouth. “The hotel that Y/N is staying at. Fix it.” 
A hard lump seemed to had formed inside Stephen’s throat instantly, as he stared silently at what was in front of him. Wong had found a map of the street that they currently stayed on, drawing a red circle over a hotel that was only a few blocks away from the Sanctum. 
You were so close... and yet, you were the furthest that you’ve ever been away from him.
It was hard for him to swallow as he stood to his feet, escaping down the long hallway and into your bedroom. Setting the paper down on his desk, he sat down, covering his face with anxiousness. 
He needed to call you. 
You were more than likely to shut the door in his face if he had showed up to your room and who knows what you would have done if he had just portaled himself inside instead. 
Letting out a shaky breath, he grabbed his phone, opening it with his passcode. His thumb hovered over your name for a long while, his mind racing like the speed of sound itself.
What if you hated him? And could never bring yourself to forgive him for what he said?
He wasn’t sure when it began, but his hands... his hands that were covered in scars from past treatments and surgeries... were trembling... just as they did when he first left the hospital, years ago. His finger shook as he tapped on your name and waited for you to reject the call almost immediately after the first ring. 
But two rings sounded.... and then three... and then your beautiful voice penetrated his ear from the prerecording of your voicemail, almost knocking the breath away from his lungs. 
It had only been a week and... your voice.....
Tears collected at the edges of his eyes, as the beep rang in his ear, persuading him to speak up. But all he could do was stare silently at his shaking hands, his breaths having emotional chokes in between them. 
He needed to pull himself together. 
Inhaling heavily, Stephen swallowed hard again, a single tear falling from eye. “I know that you don’t want to hear from me right now sweetheart.”
He paused, clenching his hand and closing his eyes.
“I know that I can be a fuck-up. I know that, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I took that frustration out on you that you did not deserve. But you have to know... when I look at Christine, it’s not... it’s not because I’m in love with her. I can be one hundred percent all into you and this relationship, I can. But I’m scared. I’m terrified, really.” He explained, wiping the tears that were now streaming down his covered jaw. “That I’ll fail you just like I did her. And I can’t- I can’t fail you. I’m not strong enough... to deal with that type of pain... that guilt. Not with you.” 
 His voice trembled as he spoke the last line, the man taking a moment to recollect his thoughts. 
“Come home, Y/N. Please. Just come home.” 
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Disney & the Impact on TWST’s Main Story
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With the slow but steady release of localized content on the TWST EN server, I’ve been reliving the experience of reading TWST, more specifically the main story. It has really put some of my thoughts into perspective, especially pertaining to how TWST’s ties with Disney have impacted some of it, so I wanted to share them in this post.
Please be warned that these thoughts come from the perspective of someone who has knowledge of future content yet to be released to the TWST EN server.
Additionally, I would like to provide the disclaimer that just because I am critiquing Twisted Wonderland does not mean I think TWST is “bad”. On the contrary, I am analyzing TWST as much I am because I want this game that is so close to my heart to be the best it can be (and I just enjoy talking about it in general). Just because I don’t love every single aspect of TWST or support all the decisions its story chooses to make doesn’t mean I don’t love TWST.
I’m also NOT shaming anyone if you do enjoy the main story or the chapters I critique in this post. These are strictly my own thoughts and opinions, and everyone is allowed to think differently.
With all of that out of the way, let’s begin.
***Massive main story spoilers below the cut!***
This may be a controversial take, but I think that TWST’s association with Disney properties both helps and hinders it.
Obviously, a massive part of the marketing and “selling points” of Twisted Wonderland ARE that the world and its characters are “twisted” from classic Disney movies and franchises. There’s no doubt that the big names behind Twisted Wonderland (not even just Disney but also Aniplex, Yana, the VAs, etc.) are a part of the reason why it was and is so successful. I’m NOT trying to understate their accomplishments or the cultural impact their creative works have had.
A lot of us have nostalgia and happy memories associated with Disney movies, which in turn makes it easier for us to find TWST’s cast and world so endearing. It’s like one extended game of “I spy” where you get this warm, fuzzy feeling as a reward for catching Disney references scattered around. There’s the obvious ones, like how each dorm is modeled after a member of the “Great Seven” and the biomes they hail from, or how the dorm leaders (except replace Kalim with Jamil) reflect traits of the Great Seven Disney villains. Then there are more obscure references too (such as hidden Mickeys in card art, or characters dropping lore that talks about other movies, like how Silver makes mention of Mulan’s courageous deeds when talking about a great hero he admires during Endless Halloween Night). In these instances, I think it helps Twisted Wonderland a lot and enriches both the characters and the world they inhabit.
Now, that’s all well and good, but I bet you’re wondering “so if you think the Disney elements make the world and its characters more fleshed out, how are the Disney elements also a bad thing?” I’m glad you asked.
It’s no secret that the main story of Twisted Wonderland heavily relies on recreating story beats from their respective Disney movie counterparts. Most likely this has an explanation in the overall narrative, as the protagonist, Yuu, has had constant premonition dreams (of the movie scenes), which later eerily sync up to the events that play out in the real world of Twisted Wonderland. (At the time of writing this, we haven’t yet seen the full scope of the main story. Chapter 6 is still incomplete, chapter 7 has yet to be released, and there are still TONS of mysteries surrounding Yuu’s dreams, how they connect to the world, and what role Mickey plays in all of this.)
To be clear, I’m NOT here to say that the Disney movie dreams and Twisted Wonderland have NO connection (because it’s clear that there is); I’m here to say that the main story’s reliance on replicating the movie events limits TWST’s plot. Not only does this make it extremely easy to predict what will happen in certain chapters, but it also tarnishes the character of some of NRC’s cast as a result. Let’s go chapter by chapter, and I’ll explain.
Chapter 1: The Rose Red Tyrant
While chapter 1 still “follows the Disney movie”, Alice in Wonderland’s story is actually so nonsensical and really has no plot that to try and perfectly replicate it in the twisted world would be nearly impossible. The most “direct” ways chapter 1 really “recreates” Alice in Wonderland is Chenya showing up to guide Alice (Yuu, Adeuce, and Grim), Heartslabyul painting the roses red to avoid upsetting the queen, and Riddle “executing” multiple people. These are arguably some of the most iconic parts of the original movie, and are so few it doesn’t overstay its welcome.
What really helps chapter 1 is, again, that the elements it carries over from Alice in Wonderland are more terse and mainly motifs rather than entire events to replay, which helps chapter 1 to have its own flavor and identity to ease new people into Twisted Wonderland. It’s a good, if kind of generic, start. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for…
Chapter 2: The Usurper from the Wilds
This chapter is the most disliked one among the fanbase, for various reasons. While I can’t speak for everyone, I personally don’t like chapter 2 because literally almost none of the major story beats make sense and feel so forced in order to live up to The Lion King’s legacy. You have many elements that call into mind Scar’s situation, with Malleus being the Mufasa that Leona schemes to take down, and Ruggie and Savanaclaw being the “hyenas” that support Malleus being “overthrown”. The problem lies in the context; because TWST builds Malleus up to be this “all powerful” figure, Leona’s plan makes no sense/wouldn’t realistically work, and his character massively suffers as a result of it.
Leona is said to be an intelligent, cunning person that doesn’t feel motivated because he feels that his efforts won’t amount to anything. However, in chapter 2 they try to show us how smart Leona can really be when he’s giving his all to topple the crown, and this attempt fails because of the intention to carry over the stampede from the movie that kills Mufasa. A huge huge HUGE plot hole in Leona’s plan is that Malleus can EASILY avoid the stampede with magic. Malleus is even SHOWN to poof away in a flicker of lights when Yuu meets him earlier in the chapter. What here is stopping Malleus from doing that teleportation magic as soon as he sees a crowd of people racing at him? NOTHING. Leona comes off as dumb because he didn’t plan around this, and it’s even worse because the story itself doesn’t acknowledge Malleus poofing away as a possibility and seems to quietly hope we just don’t notice that despite the same chapter showing us Malleus’s easy out much earlier.
There are also smaller and more subtle elements of Leona’s plan that doesn’t make sense, like when Jack tells Yuu he’s sure he won’t be taken out by the culprit. Later on, it’s revealed that Jack knew all along that Leona had Ruggie perpetrate the attacks. Do you realize what this means? It means Jack KNEW Savanaclaw was responsible and wouldn’t attack their own kind (hence why he knew he wouldn’t be hurt). It means there were probably NO Savanaclaw victims in the series of strange injuries. THIS WOULD MAKE THEM THE OBVIOUS CULPRITS IN THE EYES OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND IT MAKES NO SENSE WHY NO ONE IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF THEM.
Chapter 2′s set up was perfectly fine, but it experiences its major downfalls when it tries to replicate The Lion King’s story events. Leona’s intelligence takes a big hit as a result of this, and it’s very obvious when you look at any Leona materials outside of chapter 2. In vignettes, other chapters, AND even story events, you can see his true intelligence and thinking outside of the box coming through. It’s just such a shame that the chapter revolving around him and his struggles is so poorly constructed and doesn’t do a good job of demonstrating his true strengths to us.
Chapter 3: The Merchant from the Depths
I feel that a lot of people enjoy chapter 3 because of its association with Octavinelle, which I believe to be the most popular dorm overall. I have to say that I disagree with this sentiment. While this chapter may put Azul, Jade, and Floyd in the spotlight, I think that the story trying so hard to stay true to the sequence of events shown in The Little Mermaid ends up watering down some of the most interesting and intelligent characters (especially when compared to chapter 4, which we will get to later). Chapter 3 isn’t BAD (it certainly has fewer plot holes than chapter 2), but it could be a lot better.
In terms of following the plot of their movie counterparts, chapter 3 is the worst offender. Yuu makes a deal with Azul, which is the entire crux that the chapter relies on to drive its plot forward, and just like in The Little Mermaid, Azul sends the eels to interfere so Yuu and co. can’t make the 3-day deadline Azul set for them. This set up is the closest to the movie of all the dorms so far, and it suffers the same problem as chapter 2 because of it. The character writing suffers because of having to carry through with The Little Mermaid’s plotline, with issues starting to arise after he makes the deal with Yuu.
It’s made clear by the end of chapter 3 that Azul wanted Ramshackle but that he also wanted the picture from the Atlantica museum. To obtain the first thing, it would require Yuu not fulfilling the contract. To obtain the latter thing, it would require Yuu fulfilling the contract. Do you see the issue here? If Azul desires both of those things, it’d be impossible to get both because whether Yuu fulfills the contract or not is yes or no answer. Either Yuu does it, or they don’t. AZUL CAN ONLY GET ONE OF THE THINGS HE DESIRES. It seems like he is placing priority on getting Ramshackle, seeing as he DOES send the twins to interfere with Yuu and co., but then that begs the question… How DOES Azul plan to get his hands on that picture if Yuu fails? He could do it himself and meticulously plan around it, but that’s a huge risk and we know that he dislikes those (which is why I presume he is having others do it for him). I would say that it was clever of Azul to interfere with the mission (since nothing in the contract said interference wasn’t allowed), but that actually leads us to another personal gripe I have with chapter 3.
The twins take a big character hit because of how chapter 3 insists on being faithful to the original story. The most they do in this chapter is lead Yuu and co. to Azul and then stall them from infiltrating the museum. This is the extent of the eels’ roles in The Little Mermaid, and I do not think they should have been relegated to this; even in chapters 1 and 2, the card soldiers and Ruggie (who is an obvious parallel to the hyenas) did more than their movie counterparts. Because of how little they do to differentiate themselves from their movie counterparts, Floyd and Jade just come off as generic evil henchmen (one polite and one more laidback) that do whatever Azul say (with maybe the one caveat being the time when Floyd and Azul get into an argument because of how carelessly Floyd uses his signature spell indoors). There’s a lot more to both of their characters than just what is shown to us in chapter 3, and again, I find it so odd that a chapter which focuses on a certain dorm fails to show us how interesting that dorm really is.
You know what actually does a far better job at showing off the twins AND Azul? THE VERY NEXT CHAPTER.
Chapter 4: Tactician of the Scalding Sands
Chapter 4 is what I like to call “the dawn of a new era”, because it has a completely different vibe than chapters 1-3. TWST gains a new confidence and starts being more experimental with its depictions of Disney movie events. (Meanwhile, chapters 1-3 seem much more tentative and afraid to branch out to do its own thing and relies too MUCH on sticking with Disney movie events. I think this is in part due to Twisted Wonderland initially “testing the waters” to see how the new IP would be received by the public, so they may have leaned way too much on their Disney roots as a crutch. Arguably the best thing TWST did to “mix it up” in the early chapters, and continued to do in later chapters, was bringing back the previous chapter’s dorms to help in the current chapter. It adds a new element to the story and helps to spice things up, even if the events of the main story still largely follow that of the movies.)
(I honestly think that chapters 1-3 aren’t terrible, but they could be much better if they weren’t so stringent on following certain Disney movie events to a T. If you want an example, I would recommend checking out my chapter 2 rewrite. It’s not perfect, but it still largely retains elements presented in the original chapter 2 but reworks the events in a more non-linear way that differentiates it from the movie.)
The main story beat that chapter 4 emulates from the original Aladdin is Jamil/Jafar betraying Kalim/the sultan. The reason this works is because the general idea is being referenced, but it differs greatly in the details. Twisted Wonderland took the concept and made it its own thing instead of making it a perfect 1:1 recreation. For one, Jamil is seen as benevolent by all, rather than predominantly by the dorm leader. His manipulation extends to BEYOND just Kalim, to his dorm mates and even to Yuu and Grim, whereas Jafar really only successfully manipulated the dim-witted sultan in the long term.
For another, Octainvelle’s presence really shakes up the climax of the chapter. Their own scheme was not included in the movie–it’s ALL original to Twisted Wonderland and it does a fantastic job of showing us how cunning Octavinelle can be when it’s not bound by the story of The Little Mermaid. We can see that they won’t hesitate to use tricks, lies, and manipulation of their own to get what they want, and their plan in chapter 4 is honestly a lot more coherent and tightly knit than in chapter 3. We see the finer points of their personalities, like how Azul takes charge in the plans and can be overdramatic, how Jade excels in prying information from people but also has a cruel side despite his politeness, how Floyd loves just derping around with his low voice but also isn’t afraid to just tell Kalim he’s done fucked up by trusting Jamil.
Chapter 4 is also great in that it marks a shift in which things from the Disney movies are referenced moreso in metaphors or in short cute happenings rather than in literal major events or objects in the game. For example, Jamil calls Azul his “genie in a bottle” because Azul can offer valuable information that Jamil can weaponize. Imagine how contrived the story would have been if they literally tried to throw in a segment where Jamil finds a real genie in a lamp and achieves power THAT way. It would invalidate all the plotting he has done on his own up until that point through his own powers, and it would only further complicate things. In another example, the magic carpet makes an appearance, but it just serves as a cute and convenient mode of transportation to show off how rich the world (specifically Scarabia) is. It doesn’t interfere with the flow of the story because it’s just an accessory.
Chapter 5: The Beautiful Oppressor
It’s the idol boot camp arc.
… This has to be the most outlandish premise for any chapter so far, and while I’m not a fan of idols, I have to say it’s an interesting direction for TWST to take. Like in Alice in Wonderland, Snow White doesn’t really have much in the way of an extended story. (In fact, I feel like most of the movie is just the dwarves and Snow White hanging out and chilling.) This allows TWST to focus on really making this their own fresh and modern take on one of Disney’s classics. In doing so, the game ends up offering commentary on the entertainment industry, self-worth based on clout/others’ perception of you, and a number of other topics that aren’t necessarily covered in the barebones story of Snow White.
To be clear, I don’t like chapter 5. I think the pacing is very inconsistent and that the story chooses to focus on all the wrong characters. However, if there is one thing that chapter 5 does well, it’s that it has confidence in being itself. It spends a significant amount of time with the boys training and talking, learning from one another, etc. We don’t even really meet Neige and the dwarves until the last segments of the story, and the only real main event the chapter carries over from the movie is Vil trying to poison Neige. (The jealousy and asking the mirror who is the most beautiful are short bits that I won’t be counting.)
I’d also like to say that beauty in this chapter isn’t JUST beauty. It’s very much a metaphor for other things, depending on the context. In some instances, beauty refers to individual efforts towards an achievement, or determination. (Vil says time and time again that he WORKS HARD to achieve his looks and that he’s not interested in a beauty that “lasts until the stroke of midnight”; Rook affirms that Vil’s determination makes him beautiful when he says that even his deadly Overblot state is a beauty.) In other instances, beauty is referring to inner beauty. (Vil realizes the gravity of his attempt to take another life and calls himself ugly, not because he IS physically ugly, but because he is inwardly ugly for his actions and he KNOWS he is going to Overblot as a result of it.)
TWST is mainly doing its own thing for chapter 5 instead of relying on what its predecessor has laid out for it to follow, and that’s what works so well here.
Chapter 6: Keeper of the Underworld
Chapter 6 follows the spirit of chapter 5 by mostly proceeding with its own ideas instead of making its Disney inspiration the focal point of the major events that transpire. Part of the reason why chapter 6 is allowed to be this creative is because it has the luxury of NOT being one of the introductory chapters. Everything else has been slowly building up to this, with the frequents Overblots and Grim eating the blot stones. It leads into this whole kidnapping and human experimentation plot (yeah, definitely don’t recall THAT in Hercules), which is wild and totally out of left field but sooo refreshing to see after the by-the-numbers plots of the early chapters.
Chapter 6 is still incomplete, so I won’t pass my final judgement on it quite yet, but as far as I can tell, it has, as of part 35, not really mimicked anything from its movie other than some inspired visuals and general motifs of death and Greek mythology via STYX and Idia/Hades being “unwelcome” in Olympus.
In my opinion, the best chapters or the best parts of chapters are the ones where the story is allowed to “be itself”, take more creative liberties, and do its own takes using Disney as an inspiration or a springboard for ideas (chapters 4-6) instead of being shoehorned or constrained into making direct recreations of Disney movie scenes (chapters 1-3). It unintentionally creates plot holes which damage the overall narrative and, at times, also downplays the characters involved in acting them out. Using motifs, symbols, and themes from the original movies doesn’t have a large impact on writing quality, but forcing the world and its characters to carry out certain movie events does.
I think (with the way the story is currently proceeding) we are gradually evolving and that Twisted Wonderland is, at this point, finally confident in telling its own tale without being so heavily reliant on its source materials. That’s exciting, and I can’t wait to see what happens next! ^^
If I had to rank the chapters in terms of personal enjoyment (and not just based on plot holes/quality of the storytelling) from most to least, it would be: 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Smut tember day 18; being watched with Cersei Lannister
Warnings: being watched, degradation, Dom/sub, power imbalance (Cersei is a queen, YN is a maid), Jaime x Cersei (in case u didn’t know they’re twins with a canonically incestuous relationship),
Notes: I know this was meant to be w Ramsay Bolton, but I couldn’t bring myself to write it (it was kinda dark). This includes Cersei and jaimes canonically incestuous relationship (they don’t have intercourse, but they do kiss). I have not tagged the people on my GOT tag list bc I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I tried something new here, hated every moment of it, but hey, they’re in character 🤮 pls don’t have intimate relationships w ur family bc it’s icky
Gif creds to owner
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As the door to your Queen’s bedchamber swung open, you froze, the fingers grasping at the expensive silk of Cersei’s dress slackening as you stared over her shoulder at the intruder.
There in the doorway stood Jaime Lannister, tall and proud, his golden hand glinting in the candlelight, his mane of golden hair waving over his shoulders. He was as beautiful as his twin, but his green eyes were narrowed suspiciously, not matching the mischievous smirk twitching at the corner of his plump lip.
“What on earth is going on in here, sweet sister?” He drawled, shutting the door behind him, leaning against it as if he hadn’t walked in on his sister (and lover) with her tongue down one of her lady in waiting’s throat and her hands up your skirt. “I was under the impression you had summoned me for dinner,”
You gulped as Cersei lowered your skirt, smoothing out the delicate crimson fabric (that she had chosen and gifted you especially). “Oh, something like that,” she said nonchalantly, flicking her eyes to the chair at her vanity. Smirking, Jaime nodded, sauntering over to the stool and sitting down, wide legged and leaning over slightly.
“And who is this pretty little thing, Cersei?” He asked. You expected your lover to bristle at her brother’s complement- they were closer than siblings had any rights to be- but she matched his smirk, stepping beside you.
“This is YN… she was one of my maids,” she said, cupping your cheek and tilting your face this way and that, before finally having you stare at the golden lion before you. “There. Let Jaime see your beautiful face,” she murmured, kissing your forehead, feeling the heat of your embarrassment. “Bless her, brother. She is getting shy,”
“And she’s not normally?” Cersei shook her head and he let out a laugh. “You’ve corrupted the poor girl, Cers,” he said.
“And she loved ever moment of it, didn’t you, sweetheart?” She said, pushing stray strands of your hair out of your face.
“I… every second, your Grace, Ser Jaime,” you chirped, catching your lip between your teeth and nibbling it gently.
Tutting, Cersei tapped it, before holding her slender finger in front of your mouth, smiling as you wrapped your lips around it and suckled gently, your eyes fluttering shut slightly. From the corner, Jaime groaned, leaning back to display the tent in his breeches. “That mouth could be put to much better use that suckling on your finger, sweet sister,” he commented, gesturing to his straining cock.
Eyes droopy with lust, your eyes slid from Jaime to Cersei, keeping your eyes firmly on hers as you took more of her fingers down your throat until you gagged.
“Hmm… excellent idea, Jaime,” she murmured, before pulling her fingers from your mouth, kissing your forehead and swaying over to lay on her bed, lounging against the plump pillows. You dithered on the spot, your eyes flitting between the twins, before settling on your queen, awaiting your orders. “Come here, YN, darling,” she said softly. “And take off your dress… don’t worry about it ripping… I’ll have another made for you… good girl, now remove mine,”
You felt your blood run red hot as you felt Jaime’s gaze boring into your nude figure, and Cersei laughed. “No need to be shy, sweetheart. He has seen it all before,”
Jaime stared between you both, before his hands darted down to unlace his breeches. But quick as a flash, Cersei had hold of his wrists, tugging them away and holding them at his sides as she pressed a deep kiss to his lips. As she pulled away, he glared at her, but she merely smirked, strutting back to you, taking you into her arms and kissing you, pinching your nipples. “Tonight, Jaime, YN will show you how she eats my cunt… she will tell you how I taste when I come on her face, how I feel when I spasm around her fingers. And then you will watch as I fuck her,”
Jaime glowered at the pair of you, shifting his legs to make himself as comfortable as could be with his erection. “And what about me?” He said haughtily.
“Oh. I suppose you could take yourself in hand at some point. But I do not share. And I have not forgiven you for leaving me for so very long,”
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melrosing · 2 years
(tea emoji) grrm's writing of cersei
Ugh it's so complicated because it's like... Cersei is one of my top three in ASOIAF, and she just wouldn't be if I didn't love the vast bulk of GRRM's writing of her character. She plays on like a dozen established tropes and still manages to be completely original. I think she's especially unique as a portrait of both a victim and an abuser (a female example no less), where GRRM affords her full sympathy for what she lives through even as he refuses to write her victimhood as 'redemptive'. And the myriad of conflicting emotions a reader experiences reading Cersei's POV just have to co-exist.
Anyway the list of things I like about Cers could go on for ever but there are a couple of significant gripes I have with how she's written (and sorry to everyone who's read me complaining about these same things before lol):
The Maggy the Frog retcon. And it is such a retcon. Cersei didn't need the valonqar prophecy to treat Tyrion like shit - she was already doing that. She didn't need the YMBQ prophecy to despise competition in the form of Sansa or Margaery, she already would've done. She didn't need this prophecy to grow increasingly paranoid - she is already a traumatised woman living in a state of high anxiety where she trusts no-one, has lost her firstborn son, fears she'll lose her other children, has enemies on all sides... I mean. There's just no need. It adds nothing to the story imo, nothing meaningful to her character, and whilst as ever I don't want to get into theories about who the prophecy refers to, I just find it a deeply disappointing addition to her story
I like laughing at Cersei's chapters sometimes but I don't feel great about the fact that our only villainous female POV is so often written as a fool and an object of fun. Given her lack of tutelage in this regard, plus her tendency towards impulsivity and her general inability to empathise with others... it's understandable that she wouldn't be good at governance. GRRM could dig a bit deeper into that, but more often it's written off as Cersei just being kind of daft. Her brothers say she has wits in her own way, but GRRM seems to have too much fun with the comedy of errors in Cersei's chapters than really exploring these supposed wits of hers. The result is a number of men, like Kevan, calling her stupid... and they're just proved right?? Like I really don't object to Cersei's mishaps being a bit funny sometimes, but I think overall there's more that could be done with them. Just writing her as a straight up fool has resulted in a pretty misogynistic reception in some spheres (looking at r/asoiaf :-|)
Anyway. I love her but this is my beef
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tipsydipsydo · 3 years
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Pairing: tall! & sub! Reader x dom! OT7 BTS
Gender of the Reader: male
Word Count: 2.3k  
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut/PwP
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Dom-/Sub-Dynamics; accidental overhearing of a phone call, Mentions of Exhibitionism & Voyeurism; Mentions of Sex Toys & Masturbation; slightly mentioned Double Penetration; mentions of Anal play; Praising; Petnames; some Degradation; Daddy-Kink; Teasing; slight Edging; the boys are teasing the poor reader to Death
A/N: Well- that was a quick writing. Instead of studying I decided to write this funny request and to use my procrastination in a better way than scrolling stressed through TikTok. I hope y’all like it!!
Status: unedited bc I am lazy and should study. 
Request: i want to request a drabble/one shot: sub taller male reader and his seven boyfriends in which he confidently talks naughty things with his friend on phone but when he realized his bf are watching, he became crazily shy because he is just a big cute boy, then his bf decided they want to test those ‘words’ he has said, poor boy =))
Requested by: anonymous 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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After too many and super busy weeks full of work, you’ve finally managed to find a free afternoon in your schedule where your best friend and you have enough time for a nice, long telephone call on the couch. You are already over one and a half hour on the phone, exchanging the newest stuff that happened in your life with each other and joking around. Slowly your conversation turns their focus to your more private life and your bestie asks you about your polyamorous relationship with your boyfriends. At first just normal things like, how’s it going in general, how you all manage the relationship with all the different time schedules, how often it comes to fights and how you deal with that etc. Just normal stuff and  the ‘typical’ questions you’re already used to, when people realize that you’re not in a monogamous relationship. 
Your best friend and you grew up together. You met each other in elementary school, went through the curses of puberty as an inseparable team and even survived middle and high school thanks to the other one. Already in your teens, where both of you made your first experiences and got into your first relationships, your best friend had a guess that you’re not as straight as you want him to believe. No, they even assumed that you’re maybe not made for the typical monogamous relationship which the society preach every fucking day. 
Well, turns out that your best friend really knew you better than you did yourself back then but honestly, nowadays you’re thankful for their suggestions and that they gave you the save space you needed to dare to make new experiences in those directions. 
Nevertheless, they were still more than surprised when you introduced him to not only two or three boyfriends, no that you brought seven (!) other men to their birthday party two years ago. At first they were a little worried if you didn’t overload yourself with such a complex relationship dynamic and that it’ll turn out as a serious burden and not an enrichment for your life. Turns out, now it was their turn to make a false assumption about what’s the best for you and theu were more than happy to admit that everything turned out just fine. It truly makes their heart swell to hear the happiness in your voice through the phone everything you mention something about the boys. 
Quickly your phone call turn into an even more private talk and dedicate itself to the really interesting stuff. You’re sharing every detail in your life with another, so why should it stop when it comes to sex talk? You have absolutely no problem and any shame to talk freely with your best friend about your kinks and dirty thoughts. Sometimes you even think that you’re better informed about each other’s preferences better than your actual partner(s) are. 
“I think, I already told you that idea more than once... that I have a thing for exhibitionism and the thought of getting catched doing something ‘forbitten’ or ‘dirty’, right? Uhm... TMI but I don’t give a shit, whenever I am alone at home because they’re busy and we can’t meet for some days... I mastubate with some of the toys they’ve bought for me and imagine that they catch me. You know, when we have sessions with Dom and Sub Dynamics, they’re only temporarily and usually we go back to normal in the moment when the scene is over... that means, when I am alone and horny, I can do whatever I want to. I can jack off or fuck myself as much I desire and they wouldn’t say anything about it. It’s not like, I don’t appreciate my personal freedom when it comes to masturbation or that I want something completely different, no! We both already talked about that too, I don’t like the idea of Total Power Exchange, I prefer to be an independent person as soon as I walk out of the bedroom- okay, not only bedroom, we have sex in other places than the bedroom too- ANYWAY, what I wanted to say with that: ...”, you mutter and take a deep breath into your lungs. 
After holding such a long monologue your mouth dried up terribly and now you need quickly something to drink. You get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen island to pour some soda into a glass. A satisfied hum leaves your throat after you took some gulps of your favourite sparkling sugar bomb. 
The whole time, where you moved around in the eat-in kitchen of the apartment, you are not that alone anymore as you thought you’d be, especially right in this moment. Namjoon, Hoseok and a boyish smirking Jimin joined you around ten minutes ago, leaning casually against the wall next to the door of the room and listen very interested to the conversation you have with your friend right now. They didn’t mean to overhear your private talk, they just wanted to know what kind of take-out food you’d prefer for tonight. 
Unfortunately your conversation turned out to be very, very interesting for them, so they decided to give you some more time to talk with your best friend about the sexual fantasies you have which they don’t know about... well, until now.
Hoseok texted the other boys in the group chat to join them in the living room as well, they need to hear those very important information too! 
Poor you, completely oblivious and naïve to what’s happening in this moment, not getting any kind of hint that not only your best friend would get those significant informations...
“...-what I actually wanted to say with that: I prefer to be independent in relation to all other non-sexual life-responsibilities. Well, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t increase the Erotic Power Exchange, right? To be very honest, I can’t get the fantasy of them taking my sextoys away and to forbid me to touch myself without their permission out of my head. I love to be their good boy and to get praises, I really do... but there is this thrill to be break the instructed rules, getting caught while doing it and getting punished for it. I want... I want to get called bad, filthy and dirty names, I want to be a disobedient, greedy and insatiable slut for them. I want to get spanked, edged and overstimulated, I want to get fucked into the mattress so bad, up to the point where I can’t get a single clear thought together and my brain turned to mush... I want to get used, ruined and wrecked by their cocks, getting my holes stuffed full with their cum and then plugged up, so nothing can run out anymore- God fuck, I should stop talking like that or I’ll get a serious problem! Well... sorry for so much detailed TMI, you know that this shit always happens when you tell me to stop overthinking and encourage me to spill everything that comes to my mind. Now you got every filthy detail you’ve asked for, you’re welcome.”, you joke sarcastically and facepalm yourself. You can’t believe how incredibly blunt and shameless you just threw your latest sex fantasy in every fucking detail at your poor best friend. 
Usually you’re more than shy to talk about such things, in your understanding the magic for your shameless mouth towards your best friend has to reside in the deep thrust you have in him and simply the knowledge that your relationship is platonic. It’s not like that you couldn’t trust your boyfriends wholeheartedly, god no! You know, that they would never kinkshame you for anything, 
it’s just... after sharing those thoughts it would result something out of it. You don’t want that they  think you’re a weirdo or that they only do specific things because they know it would turn you on. 
The other one just snorts in amusement when you voice this slight helpless apology, they can imagine the significant blush which has settled down on your cheeks. 
“Hey buddy, don’t apologize for that. There is nothing to apologizing for, I am way too curious for my own good as well and I need to make sure that you’re happy in your relationship, especially when it comes to the point if they are able to fulfill your sexual desires. I need to know that, believe me. Okay, there’s one thing... I knew you were submissive, my dude. But I didn’t expect that you’d be such a masochistic hoe and that you’d have such a thing for degradation, Jesus! Nevermind, more important: did you talked with them about that fantasy? Would they be down for this idea and would they like to be more in charge? Please do not tell me that you’re too shy to talk with them about it, not again! I tell you this every goddamn time, communication is key!”, your best friend says to you in a serious tone. 
Here you go again, getting scolded by your friend all over again. He is right, you know that... y’all already talked about ‘how to deal with certain kinks some of them or you have but the others aren’t into and how to not make them feel bad or insecure about it’ several times, you tend to overthink everything you have ever said to them all over again. You are always so flustered when seven pairs of eyes are looking at you, waiting for an answer. You are tall, even taller than Namjoon, but under their curious stares you feel always so small, fiddling with your fingers around like a little schoolboy. You love that about them, putting you into such a submissive place just with their aura and charisma and giving you the feeling as if they overtower you physically too. 
“I can absolutely agree with Y/BF/N, communication is key. Why didn’t you told us those nasty fantasies you have in your cute head up here, right away? Too shy again? Do we really need to call your best friend the next time to get some hints to your secret kinks, Babyboy?”, Taehyung rasps into your earshell and wraps his arms around you. He chuckles slightly as you squeak high-pitched in surprise. 
An equal surprised yelp of your best friend comes out of the speaker of your phone which takes Yoongi out of your hand and excuse you with the apology that ‘they need to have an important talk with you now and that you have to hang up unfortunately’. 
The display of your phone turns dark and Yoongi puts it on the surface of the kitchen island before he flashes you a dirty smile. That you’re mortified that they caught you spilling all those filthy fantasies to your best friend is the understatement of the century. Never and you mean never did you hoped so bad that the floor opens up and swallows you whole, saving you from this embarrassing misery. But Yoongi give you much time to drown in shame, coming up to you and connect your lips to a rough kiss. 
“God, I love it when our so sweet and shy Baby has such nasty and indecent fantasies in his head... why don’t you tell us these ideas in every single filthy detail once again? I think we could turn the information into some very good use, big boy~”, whispers the smaller one with blown-out eyes against your lips.
“...or would you prefer that we call you a needy cumslut, hm? The things I’ve heard give me the assumption that you want to get fucked stupid and pumped full with cum as if you are our personal playtoy?”, growls Jungkook and grabs himself a handful of your right asscheek, kneading it with a firm grip in his big palm. 
“Come on, big boy, admit that you want exactly the things Jungkook just said... I can feel how fucking hard you just got from his words... already so hard and swollen against my palm even though we barely touched you. You’re truly such a pathetic, needy slut... I bet you’d already cum in your pants if we just tease you enough... Am I right?”, chuckles Namjoon in his deep, arousal soaked timbre against your neck, nibbling at the sensitive spot of your Adam’s apple. 
“...what about we change our location to the bedroom and talk about the things you’ve said to Y/BF/N? Maybe we could try some of your newest kinks out? Would you like the thought of us watching you from the couch while you prepare your needy asshole for us? Showing us how you stuff you clenching rim with a girthy dildo? Wearing a cockring so you couldn’t cum without our permission? Prepping yourself all messy, whining for our finger, tongues and dicks in your ass like the greedy slut you are? Yeah, you’d love that thought.”, Seokjin teases you mercilessly, rolling your sensitive balls in his palm, just how you like it.  “Y-Yes, Daddies... I’d love to be a greedy cumslut for you... please turn me into one!”, you wisper. 
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@cys-mental-escapades​; @bangtanloverboys​; @btsxmalereaders​
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gaykey · 2 years
i don’t get if im not getting what happened in this episode or if all that has actually happened in the episode made exactly zero sense??? how the fuck is kinn going to say that he was going to porsche to talk about tawan working for vegas when they have a whole scene with them pointing guns at each other and then kinn doesn’t say shit to him and lets him go without any explanation whatsoever??? and how did a mess like tawan manage to escape the main house with the help of one person alone when the house is supposed to be packed with security (especially considering they are in fact checking if he’s working with vegas as they suspect, so it’s really fucking crucial to keep an eye on him)???? and what kind of stupid shit is kinn talking about with his “i feel like I’m forgetting something” like he didn’t considered out loud the risks pete was going to take infiltrating the minor family??? how are you going to forget the whole reason your half baked potato plan even worked??? AND WHY THE FUCK DID THEY NEED TO KIDNAP PORSCHAY, CONSIDERING PORSCHE WAS ALREADY WITH VEGAS SO IT’S NOT LIKE THEY NEEDED TO LURE HIM SOMEWHERE SOMEHOw?!?!?!?! Honestly im so baffled… nine almost perfect episodes and now im wondering what am I supposed to expect next…
1) not kinn actually demanding apologies after the whole shitshow was kinda his doing??? The lack of self awareness?????
2) bible’s acting was so fucking good… he manages to be so deranged but also so delicate??? I don’t know, it’s impressive to the point of being creepy
3) im sorry but I don’t get the vegaspete hype
idk, it all made sense to me? i loved this episode.
like, maybe because i am a self-proclaimed kinn girlie, but his choices, though not ideal, made sense for his character and situation.
heads up, my kinn defender cap is firmly ON.
he said he was on his way to talk to porsche, but, at that point, porsche had already been broken out of the cell by vegas, and had had a fight with pete.
what could kinn do at that point? he can't just lock porsche back up like he didn't just do all that and risk making tawan suspicious and fucking up the plan.
also, that again would make him look weak. porsche knowingly left with vegas and attacked his friend (pete) and kinn just what? overlooks that? he has appearances that he must maintain at all times and he's trying his hardest to balance that along with his relationship with porsche.
he's doing what he thinks is best for everyone.
the small thing kinn could do in that moment, before more guards arrive and all hell breaks loose, was lower his gun, showing porsche he trusts him.
and yeah OK, tawan escaping right under their nose was a bad move on their part - but like, there was a lot going on, to be fair, and this dude has cheated death numerous times. i'm sure he can give a few bodyguards the slip.
yeah no, i did say, has no one remembered that pete had a whole secret mission that was crucial to the entire mission and had not been seen since?
he's not dumb though :( he's relieved to have his lover back with him safe, and mourning the loss of a loyal bodyguard - he's not functioning at full capacity atm.
ummm the kidnapping of chay was clearly all tawan? like vegas explicitly says that wasn't part of the plan. you can see he's pissed when they go to porchse and chay's house and realise he's not there.
tawan is not in his right mind, and he's making rash decisions out of? anger, fear, desperation? decisions vegas definitely NOT ok.
chay was never meant to be there.
1. was he demanding apologies though?? like, i saw that scene as kinn mainly trying to break the ice and get porsche talking to him again. i don't think he actually felt porsche needed to apologise. his tone is playful and his face has a softness to it. he's also trying to explain to porsche in that scene, why he did what he did.
this is just a teeny bit off topic but it's relevant - but kinn has a history and not being able to deal with certain emotions and shutting down. he's not good at saying what he means and feels outright - he needs time to work up to certain interactions. but he says and shows his feelings in other ways. you need to look underneath the surface a little to get his true meaning.
which makes it actually super intriguing that you interpreted that scene so negatively. like, the way some of y'all perceive kinn's actions and reactions is so off i feel.
2. yeah bible is amazing. the way he plays vegas is just, perfect. he's so good at making the way people fall for and trust him so believable whilst also maintaining that unsettling aura he has - so even though his actions seem pure, you just know somethings off with him - is mwah! superb.
like, it'd be so easy to go over the top with vegas, and head into campy comic book villain territory, but bible makes vegas seem like a realistic villain. someone tou could imagine yourself meeting and being drawn in by.
idk like, he's just captivating to watch tbh
3. hm. a controversial opinion.
ok, so i only know about the bare minimum when it comes to novel vegaspete, but what i have heard......i don't like it? or get it?
now, with show vegaspete, with what we have so far? i can see the hype. i can understand it.
that's probably mostly down to how amazing bible & build are (like, i'm honestly just looking forward to the both of them acting their fucking arses off in a scene together). i'm super super intrigued to see how they adapt it.
but, the way some people are like? going so hard for them based on the novel alone has me......just, kinda side eyeing a little ngl.
we'll see what happens with them though. i have a lot of faith in the show, and i think they'll do a really good job.
so yeah, in my opinion - absolutely stellar episode. one of my faves in fact. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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hanafubukki · 3 years
Oof I just realized something. In your au, the one where the great force could be a magical disaster, could create a lot of tension and anger on magic users. Like the large amount of non magic survivors blame the mages and the overblots (after it gets leaked in public).
So magic becomes very hated and blamed as the main cause of the world's end. And many mages were forced to possibly leave or hide depending where they were from.
It's even worse for Malleus and Leona. Leona already having a bad reputation , and even some people going so far saying he should have died instead of his brother. And while most of Malleus' country still respects him, you can feel the tension and judgement on those who blame him. Even worse when other countries refuse to speak to Malleus or acknowledge his kingdom.
[In reference to this AU]
Hello Anonie! 🌻🌹,
You have big brain Anonie 👏👏 Very big brain, You're a genius 👏👏💚💚💚
The idea of the overblots and the Great Force leading to people hating magic?? That is epic thinking and full of so much potential. Magic is a very big part of Twisted wonderland, and for it to become something hated?? That will change society as everyone knows it.
What if magic wasn't the only thing that became hated? What if certain races such as the merman, Fae, and beastman became hated as well? Because prejudice and hate and the unknown caused people to point fingers at each other, leading to more disasters and disconnect among people, at a time when working together was the most crucial.
What if, this hate and prejudice led the non-magic population to start hunting those with magic? What if Magic become forbidden? At a time when magic would be beneficial against the Great Force, people have turned against it. Thinking by forbidding magic or stopping the use of, the Great Force could be stopped or appeased. Fear and hate brings out the worse in people after all. 
(My heart hurts. 🥺🥺🥺 Thinking about how, the world regressed from everyone getting along to everyone being separated. the Toal opposites of what Lilia wants among the humans and fae. 😔😔😔)
It is especially hard for Leona and Malleus.
First, Leona: 
Leona who had finally become king.
Something that he as always wanted.
but it was at the cost of his brother’s, Farena, life
Something, he never truly wanted. Despite the way he talked or acted, he loved his brother.
Cheka is too young to become king, and the kingdom fell into Leona’s hands. 
Farena’s wife is incapacitated. (Maybe she is in a coma or injured to the point that she cannot lead her people.)
Now, Leona has to lead his people, deal with his grief, and take care of Cheka. 
Of course, there is always going to be whispers. 
Whispers on how it should have been Leona who died and not his brother. 
How, maybe it was Leona’s fault, that Farena had died. Maybe, Leona had betrayed his brother?
Now, to add on to all that, he has the anti-magic group to deal with.
This is the time when Leona will need all the help he can get, he has MC, Ruggie, Jack, Cheka, and his friends (and rivals) from NRC to help him.
Next, Malleus:
Malleus has already lived a life of loneliness.
He lost his parents, and now his grandmother.
He was forced to become quicker than was planned.
Of course, Malleus’ country still respects them .
But how much of it is admiration, fear, and force?
He had overblotted. In their eyes, he had conteibuted to this great disaster. 
He couldn’t stop it from happening either.
This dragon-fae that is so powerful.
One of the top ten strongest in Twisted Wonderland.
He was useless in some of their and the outside people’s eyes.
It becomes harder for him when other kingdoms refuse to acknowledge him and his kingdom, especially after the anger against magic rises.
The fae, are after all, one of the longest living beings in Twisted Wonderland who has delved in magic for centuries.
Malleus feels more alone then ever.
But this is where, MC and all his friends from NRC comes.
While he might not have ties to certain places anymore, his friends from NRC all come from high status and are willing to help him out.
Because after all, only the help with all of them will they be able to stop the Great Force from happening.      
This was fun to explore Anonie 🌻🌻, Big brain anonie, such a big brain. I love it ☺️☺️💕💕
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
ooo, fukumori for the ship ask 👀
Oh damn, didn't see this one in inbox
Who's the cuddler: Mori, but he hides how much he loves the pats and cuddles by sarcasm and I'll humored jabs. On other hand, it implicitly reminds Fukuzawa of feline behavior, which of course he finds adorable. Neither of them would ever admit their preference, God forbid.
Who makes the bed: Fukuzawa struck to me as a 'proper type' who'd always do same daily things on same exact time, including waking up and making bed. Mori however, he sleeps in. More often than not, Fukuzawa lets him be, after all Mori has his shares of stress and issues with mafia dealings regardless of him keeping it all to himself. Yes, let him rest a bit more, Fukuzawa thinks.
Who wakes up first: Fukuzawa as I mentioned above. Tho one morning he overslept and woke up to Mori watching him. It unnerved him at first, but as Mori diverted his gaze Fukuzawa concluded such act did not come out of malicious intention but something else entirely. Then Mori teased him about sleeping like dead, more then obvious evasion of what happened.
Who has the weird taste in music: I can't imagine Fuku - scratch that they both have weird taste in music and no shame regarding that. Fukuzawa unironically listens to Nyan cat unironically, while Mori blasts anime op's from some gothic lolita shows. It's a fight which would outloud the other. Pray for neighborhood guys cuz I will.
Who is more protective: hmm, both but I'd say Fukuzawa a bit more for a very good reason: Mori is a mafia boss. Now, not to say he couldn't get into trouble or had bounty put on his head as agency's president, but chances of same happening to Mori are far greater. So it's more of apprehension and worry than straight out panic; still Fukuzawa keeps it in cheek most of the time with stoicism as he knows there's nothing he could truly do, nor that his concern would be wanted from Mori's side as it wouldn't change anything.
Who sings in the shower: Mori of course, but it's more for stress relief, something fun to do. Fukuzawa doesn't mind. If he's really loud tho, then he bangs on bathroom's door. So far it did little help.
Who cries during movies: Neither, I think unlike most of bsd ships they can be normal about movies and watch them properly in silence (or rather little memery and jests).
Who spends the most out shopping: Mori, especially when he drags Elise with him, which is always. They don't really need that much of clothes and sweets (especially since she's a product of ability) Fukuzawa thinks, but it's endearing to watch Mori be genuinely excited about something holding no ulterior motives for once, even if mundane as shopping trip.
Who kisses more roughly: hmm, well Mori but more as a tease and a dare, but once cer line has been crossed and Fukuzawa's stoicism has been shattered he by no means hold back then. Rest well... it's history
Who is more dominant: in terms of bedroom play I'd say they switch the power dynamics quite frequently. So I wouldn't say equal per say, but more of 'have similar number of X and O in tic tac toe games'. In terms of personality however, that's where I'd say they're equal but in a way that neither would truly bow down to other or underestimate what they're capable of. Kinda like on defense all the time but also in concealed manner rather than passive aggressively competing. To be fair, both of them would have what to lose by admitting defeat, nor just in matter of pride and etiquette.
My rating of ship from 1-10: let's give it 7/10 for I have never thought about this ship before this ask but it'd be one hell of a dynamic (affectionately). Also once again, they are rival codes which in BSD translates to UST so that's rather tale telling on it's own.
Send me a ship and I'll tell you:
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angelkurenai · 3 years
So much for a surprise - Chris Evans x Reader - Part 2
Title: So much for a surprise
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: I’d love a chris evans x reader one shot, where they’re dating, and after the knives out movie, he’s been spending a lot of time with his co-star Ana de Armas, and like in one specific interview she was getting very flirty and such with Chris, and touching his arm and stuff, and I’d just want to see how you’d interpret jealous!reader, and Chris reacting to that jealousy!!
Read Part 1 here!
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There was an echo. A distant one. Far away. And there were words too, he was sure of it, but they couldn't reach him. They tried to, as did the person saying them. However it felt like there was something more, preventing them from getting to him. Maybe it wasn't the voice or the person. Maybe it was really him, him that had walls around him. Preventing the outside world from getting to him.
And the echo seemed further away, muted somehow though he could still hear it. Maybe he was underwater? He didn't know, he had no idea what was going on in the first place anyway, but it felt like it. And not just because he felt like no sounds could get to him clearly, not because his own ears were ringing and the pressure building on each side of his head made him feel like he was thousands of feet deep into the sea, crushing his head in a way that oddly enough didn't hurt as much as the rest of him, as much as his chest and not because of his eyes stinging, burning as did his lungs as he held his breath. No it wasn't because of those reasons that he thought he was beneath the sea but because he felt like- He had taken you on your first date for a picnic by the sea. You had commented on how punctual he was. How him being right on time might seal the deal for you and make you fall for him in the end.
The memory seemed to shake him to the core. A link to reality which assisted in pulling him further and further up from the depths he had found himself in, the surface almost tangible and the other side... painfully there. It hurt more to be back to reality than it did to be underwater in the sea of his thoughts, after all. Maybe, and he was almost certain of it, it would hurt much less to really be underwater. The physical pain would be nothing compared to what he was feeling now.
He blinked. Once. Twice. Then some more. Everything slowly started coming into focus, all of his senses sharpening. His vision more clear, the sounds reaching his ears more acute and precise, to the point he could tell what was being said.
“Chris? Chris? Chris are you still in there?... Are you alright? The door is locked. Please, just say something.” the voice on the other side of the door was unmistakably Ana's, and while both the tone in it and the knocking on the door was frantic and panicked, to say the least, he couldn't find it in himself to move a muscle just yet.
Whether it was that he didn't care to move or that his mind still hadn't made the connection to the rest of his body so as to not feel the full scope of pain, especially the one harboring within his chest and broken heart, he didn't know. All he did was blink several times again, his eyes slowly focusing on the small open box in his hand. He had spent so much time agonizing over picking the right ring, wanting to treat you right he wanted to pick a ring that could express all of his love for you, and then agonizing over trying to organize the perfect occasion to finally ask the question. It had almost been months now, though he couldn't dare admit to that (mostly because he was almost sure now, he wouldn't get the chance to) just like he wouldn't dare admit that you had been right about Ana. Only up to some point though.
He had been spending more time with her, maybe much more than he did with you, but he was completely oblivious to the way she could possibly feel about him, let alone about all the flirting you had seen. He had too much on his mind, you and his possible future with you, that he didn't even notice half of it. Appreciating only the fact that it somehow managed to make him forget his worries, he went along with all of it. Not that you were to blame for it, if anything it was possibly one of the sweetest kind of worries, but it was still something that kept him up at night. And staying away for some time he had the chance to prepare, mentally if nothing else. He feared that if it didn't go right, if you said no, then maybe that would be it for the both of you and for good. It was a risk, no matter what, and he feared losing you to it.
“Chris? Chris, are you alright? Please just- Say something, I'm getting really worried here. I'm going to get someone to kick the door open if you can't-” her words didn't really register in his ears after that but that wasn't necessary when the purpose had formed in his mind.
Taking in a deep breath, albeit shaky, he shoved the closed box inside his pocket and got up. He cleared his throat and finally unlocked the door, opening it to face his costar standing on the other side. Her face showed the same amount of worry he had detected in her voice through the frantic knocking, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He didn't have the mind to.
“Chris! You- Are you alright? What happened? I've been waiting for you. We- you said you were coming with but then you didn't show up and I- I got so worried.” she said with wide eyes.
He felt a pang in his chest at those words but didn't dwell on it “I- Yeah. I'm fine, I'm- I'm sorry. I was actually a bit in a world of my own, I didn't mean to worry you.”
“Well, no- it's alright, don't worry about me.” she blinked several times, shaking her head “It's just that you've been here for hours and I-”
“Yeah, I've got lots of things going on at the moment and I- To be honest with with you, I'd prefer to be alone right now. So I apologize but I just- I actually have to be somewhere else, I won't be able to make it tonight. I'm sorry, I just... I don't think I will be any good company.”
“Well, it's not like you have to even try to be any good company. Not if you don't want to. You could just come with and not have to talk at all to anyone else if you don't feel like it. And after-” she paused, as if hesitating for a moment “Not to intrude or anything but I kind of noticed that things got bad after your girlfriend showed up so I couldn't help but think that maybe... it would help take your mind off things?” she suggested hopefully but it only made Chris' insides twist “Cause I could help if you'd let me, I'd love to. You know that. I- I mean maybe it's not my place but it seemed-”
“You're right, it's not.” maybe it came out more harsh than it was supposed to, maybe more harsh than he meant it too and more harsh than he even realized, not until h saw Ana's eyes widen in surprise that is “I-” he started before he cleared his throat “Sorry.” he mumbled.
“No, of course- It's alright.”
“It's just that there's something very important going on right now at the moment that needs my full attention. And you can't help me. I would actually appreciate it if you left my out of your plans for quiet... quiet some time. I'm sorry, it's really not you specifically. It's between (Y/n) and I, it can only be that way and it should be that way. Which is why right now-” he hurried to grab his phone and close the door “I have to hurry. I'm truly sorry Ana for...” he paused, looking at her with a frown “For more things than were in my power and I wish things could have gone different but right now (Y/n)'s my main priority. She's always been, even though I did a shit job of showing it.”
“You- uh you don't have to apologize. It's personal. I get it.” she put on what could only a a brave, albeit forced, smile on her face “You go to your girlfriend. I might not know what's going on but... it's clear she could do with seeing you. I can certainly say you need to see her. You should go.”
There were far too many things he wanted to tell her, to apologize for having let things get this way because she wasn't entirely at fault either. He had been so busy worrying about the proposal that he had led her on in his selfish attempts to unwind. In his mind, and heart without a doubt, though he knew that there was no space for any other woman but you. You came first and all the pain he'd put you through, one which he was willing to spend the rest of his life trying to amend for if you'd just let him. Hopefully. So instead all he did was give Ana a short nod and tight smile with a soft “Good night.” before he was sprinting to his car, ready to find you.
Even though he didn't really know where to begin with, the thought of which filled him with ten times the panic of having to propose to you. Moments like this, he really wished he could go back in time and change everything. If he could, he would ask you to marry him with a napkin ring on the spot, without waiting a minute let alone months, from that first morning he realized that he really did want to wake up to you like that every morning for the rest of his life. He even had some crazy hope you would say yes. And it was certainly much more hope than finding you tonight in time and before things took a turn for the worse.
If only he knew where to find you, that would have been great.
It felt like forever, going around with his car, from bar to bar. It was almost crazy, futile even, but it was the only thing he could think of; even if it didn't work out. And it really hadn't because he hadn't been able to find you, or better yet you and your companion, in any of the places he went until he found himself in the most unlikely place for you to be. Or maybe it was the most likely one, who knew?
All Chris knew was that had he not struggled to get out of his car and into your apartment then he would have never noticed the familiar car, parked just a few feet away. And therefore would have not gotten a warning for the man whom he saw exit not shortly afterwards that apartment complex which he certainly didn't live in. Chris followed your costar with his eyes, frowning but otherwise making no move. He wasn't planing on approaching, much less confronting him; he wasn't even ready to know what he was doing at your apartment, because he knew that's where he'd been and he knew that's where he'd find you now. He watched the man get in his car and slowly drive away on the other lane. He kept looking even after he was long gone, no other car in sight or any other person but darkness. The kind of darkness he was afraid would swallow him up whole, most probably from within.
He shut his eyes tightly, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists around the steering wheel and took many breathes in and out as well as a few seconds to calm himself and his thoughts before he left his own car and made his way to your shared place. Or maybe it was a couple minutes trying to prepare himself, but he didn't want to dwell on what he was preparing himself for.
Opening the door and walking into your shared apartment he almost prayed deep down to find you at leas on the living room and when he didn't, he only felt his heart rate pick up. Holding his breath, fearing that even that would make a sound audible enough to alert of his presence, he made his way to your shared bedroom. He would have looked for you in the kitchen or probably any other place he wanted but that would have only been stalling and an attempt at sparing himself some pain and truth was he felt like he didn't deserve it. Even if it was eye for an eye, even if it was more, he had it all coming.
So with that in mind he walked into the bedroom only to, if possible, be more hurt by the sight that greeted him than he initially expected. His breath hitched in his throat when he spotted you sitting on the floor of the room, back resting on the bed, staring at the open wardrobe with red eyes, still glossy from the tears you had no doubt shed. Because of him. And that was a knife to the chest.
It was Dodger, who was as always attached to you and currently laying on your lap, trying his best to comfort you, that noticed Chris first and gave a small bark. You blinked, almost jumping in your place, before you turned your head to meet his eyes. Your own eyes widened briefly, maybe you really didn't expect to see him there, and after a few seconds of hesitation and confusion, you looked away from him again and back at your clothes. He still wouldn't look away, nor make a single sound.
“He only offered to drive me back home. I wasn't-” in came a shaky breath “I clearly wasn't in the mood to stay with them and I- I couldn't really calm down and he got worried. He- He stayed for only a few minutes as I, well-” your smile was so bitter it cut him open “Cried my eyes out. Didn't tell him anything though, don't worry, he didn't ask either.” a heavy sigh “Don't worry about this... us either. I'll uhm I think I've figured out what kind of clothes I need, I haven't talked with Lizzie yet but she wouldn't have a problem letting me stay at her place for some time before I make my way back home.”
“What?” his words came out choked out, probably barely above a whisper, but ringing in his ears “Home? (Y/n)... this is your home. This is our home. What are you talking about?”
“I think I was rather clear, Chris. It's better if we put some distance between us. And after that... Well, I'm going to go back home. There's obviously no other way this can go.” your voice was low “Besides, it's not going to make a difference to you, be honest. Whether I am here or not, how will you even notice the difference when you barely remember you have a girlfriend let alone are around enough to notice her.”
He wished there was some anger in your voice, he wished there was venom or bitterness direct at him. But instead there was nothing, nothing but exhaustion and possibly pain. And that was the worst of it.
“(Y/n), no.” he breathed out almost desperately “No, please don't say that.”
“Well, it's the truth.” you shrugged casually.
“That you're leaving him? Is that the truth? Is that the truth of what you wanted? Of what we were fighting for in this relationship? Of all that we wished and dreamed about? Of what we promised each other when we took the next step?” his voice cracked, and he knew his vision was getting blurry, but he couldn't bring himself to care of how pathetic he could look right now.
“The truth of what the past couple months have been leading to. Of what all this secrecy and distance between us has led to. Even if, as you see, I've been right here for you all the time; maybe it's really time for me to take a step back too.” you looked sadly only at Dodger, no wonder feeling sad that you'd have to part with him and possibly for good after today and-
Chris shook his head, banishing all the thoughts from his head and trying to fight off the lump in his throat. No, no this was not how things were supposed to go. This was not how he was going to let them go.
“It's only natural after today.” you spoke softly “Look, I- I don't want to take any of it out on you. We've had our talk, there is nothing else to say anymore, not really, so I will simply gather my things and-”
“No!” it was the first time a voice was raised in the room, coming from Chris who, as his ears were buzzing, was shocked as well by it all “No, you won't. Not until you've heard my side of the story!” he sounded more firm and determined than, he was sure, he had ever heard himself be in his entire life.
“Chris, honestly, there is no need. I told you I don't blame you and I'm not even jealous anymore. I simply-” you gave him a forced smile “I'm simply tired. I don't have the mind or heart for any of it. And if you really want to be with Ana then you are free to, you don't even have think about me. Much less try to explain yourself or the situation.”
“This is not some sort of excuse, (Y/n). I would never-” he sighed heavily, dragging a hand down his face before slowly making his way to you and sitting down in a way that looked more like he was collapsing, making sure to still leave some small distance between you in case you felt uncomfortable “You know I've never cheated on you. I would never try to hurt you, especially in that way. Though, I understand, by not paying closer attention to Ana flirting with me I did just that. You know I-”
“I do.” you whispered “I do know that... Just like I know that all those promises we made each other all that time ago mean nothing anymore. So really there is no reason for you to try and mend things between us. There is no reason to-”
“There's always a reason. There's-” his eyes widened before he shut them closed tightly, shaking his head and fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. It looked like you had given up and that hurt him even more. He couldn't have you give up, because if you did then he probably could do nothing to undo the mess he had created “I love you more than anything in this world, more than my own life.” his voice cracked but he didn't care, he could almost not hear his own words, not as he almost subconsciously reached inside his pocket and pulled the small box only to slowly place it in the space between you.
And even though he was sure all words had left him by now, he surprised himself when he recalled only a few. The ones he had practiced in his head – and ridiculed himself while failing to say out loud – he would tell you when he did get the courage to propose to you “You're my reason.” he whispered, fully looking at you and therefore being able to notice the way your eyes reluctantly but surely trailed from him to the small object between the two of you. Shock was the word that could easily describe the look on your face but not the only one. The gasp from your lips sounded louder in his ears.
“You're my reason for everything. Everything good that happens in my life. Everything good that makes me happy. Everything good that I manage to achieve, you're my reason. Everything I've become these past years, you're the reason. Because you push me to be the best of who I can be . But when the world demands that of me, you're the reason I remember it's also good to not be the best I can be. It's because of you that I remember that falling and failing isn't so bad, because you will be there to help me stand up again. You're the reason I smile and laugh, and cry and get angry more often than not. But you're also the reason I love doing all that as well. You're the reason I love life, with its ups and downs, that I love waking up and that I wish it could be next to you for the rest of my life. You make it all worth it in a way no words can describe it... even the one I've already used. Even-” he stopped himself, the lump in his throat too much to bear anymore, the unshed tears making his eyes burn.
He didn't say anything more, and you weren't about to break the silence that had set around the two of you, his uneven breathing being the only sound that was heard besides the ticking of the clock. In the end, Chris let out a pained laugh “There was a lot I was planning to say after that too, before I really asked the big question you know. For obvious reasons... I probably won't. Not that I think I can really... I'm sorry. But that's the most I've said without messing it up so uh-” he rubbed that back of his neck, painful smile on his face “I guess if things were different, you would have been proud of me? If...”
“Chris... When did you get this?” your voice cracked, hurting him worse than his broken heart.
“It's- I've had it for months now. I couldn't bring myself to- I was scared to ask you. But instead of facing that fear head on I did the stupid thing of trying to get my mind off of it by... well, you know what I've been doing lately.” he sighed, letting his head lean back on the bed, he closed his eyes and fought off the tears. Or at least so he told himself, he was actually scared to face you “I'm so sorry, (Y/n). For everything I've done. For ruining easily the best thing to ever happen to me in my entire life.”
“Fucking hell, Chris. That's- Damn it.” you shocked out, burying your face in your hands. The silence that hang in the room was so thick he felt like chocking. But the way your low voice whispered to him in pain, he realised that there were worse things than that silence. “You did all of this for- for that?”
“I know, trust me I do.”
“You should have told me.” you shook your head, fresh tears running down your face “You should have... That's not how you- I deserved to know. I deserved it... I needed it.”
“I know... I know now. And I understand how... scary it gets. And it's much more scary than asking you that question.” he let out a shuddering breath, eyes opening and falling on the small box “Realizing that there was a real chance of losing you to another man made me feel so helpless. It scared me more than anything and I hate that we had to come to this for me to understand the truth... That I can't lose you, I can't live without you. Only real question here is-” he gave a humorless smile “Is it too late for that?”
Three beats. Three beats of his heart. The longest three beats in his entire life and he felt like drowning again. Before you finally sighed and whispered "You're never too late."
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imalayla · 2 years
Stoli has regressed in his crate comfort, probably my fault for not working consistently during my concussion. And I'll admit i got frustrated during the concussion period and shouted at him to shut up a few times, not my best moments. So, now I'm having to start from ground zero and form a positive CER again. I hate how testy and short tempered that incident made me. Concussion anger + major pain + depression + lack of sleep did NOT make me a good puppy owner or a good trainer.
He also gets REALLY angry if i do anything with Layla that excludes him, even if it's just walking to the back door to let her out. I'm talking full on angry barking and biting at the bars. I really and truly don't know how to work on that, since i even cover his crate so he doesn't have to see us leaving. I've been taking to opening and closing the door throughout the day and jingling the keys and dog collars then going to sit back down. I'm so scared of causing separation anxiety, or him being too dependent on Layla. My friend suggested mandatory crate and rotate, like having him crated in a separate room for nap time and then have Layla away in another room when he is out, so he learns some separation.
Another thing is, I'm afraid I've poisoned food for him since i tried following the whole "feed meals and only give chews in his crate, especially if you are leaving somewhere" so now he thinks meal time is containment time/being left alone, even though I've stopped feeding him in his crate. It's so frustrating because he's kinda thin.
The good things we are experiencing is:
loose leash walking is becoming easier and easier for him (not that he struggled much but it's nice to see how well he does with it.)
Learning to disengage and look to me if he sees another dog while we are walking (this is still a work in progress but baby steps are still wins)
Learning that even if dogs rushing the fence and barking is very scary, we can turn around and he will get lots of treats and reassurance from me.
Learning to have his nails trimmed (still a work in progress... Right now i have to have him on his back in my lap)
Learning to sit on cue. I've been lazy as fuck with this so it's still not the best.
Learning to jump in a box.
Learning to drop a toy (or whatever object) on cue
Learning to take a toy on cue
Fetching a toy
We are still working on learning wait and leave it. I really don't remember how on earth i taught Layla these things and i cant wrap my head around the methods online since Stoli doesn't do well with drills and he gets kinda frustrated or disinterested and if he can't have it RIGHT THEN then he'll just leave thanks.
Learning to go to his mat (haven't added a cue yet, again lazy trainer 😅)
no longer trying to jump on the table for food
Goes to his pen or to a bed when i have food out (does not relax, i still get the border collie stare but baby steps)
Stays close when off leash for hikes. He drags a leash just in case.
Has learned "too far, wait please" on hikes
Is getting the hang of not snatching Layla's treats (is not getting the hang of snatching her bully sticks -_-)
Learning to free stack and hold it very well. Hot take and a personal pet peeve is people saying a dog standing in the yard is a free stack... That's just standing. A free stack is when you actually put it on cue and your dog sets themselves up properly, needing minimal to no adjustment.
Learning to gait on a leash (though this is also a work in progress. Sometimes jumping and biting your handler is more fun 😈)
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goodqueenaly · 3 years
Under normal circumstances, what's the best marriage littlefinger could have reasonably hoped for?
As Petyr Baelish, lord of the unnamed "ancestral" tower on the "smallest of the Fingers"? Not much, probably. Littlefinger is the son of "the smallest of small lords" and the grandson of a "landless hedge knight"; Jaime thinks in AFFC that Littlefinger is "too lowborn to threaten any of the great lords, with no swords of his own". More specifically, Tyrion notes, when describing Littlefinger as a man "of such undistinguished birth, one step up from a hedge knight", that he had "no banners to call, no army of retainers, no great stronghold, no holdings to speak of, no prospects of a great marriage" (emphasis added). In a world where marriages (certainly in the aristocracy) are largely dynastic contracts of power and prestige, Baelish simply does not bring much to the table; he does not have the centuries of blue-blooded antecedents, the (literal) armies of sworn vassals, or the landed authority to make himself an attractive candidate for marriage. In a world where Petyr Baelish was not the Petyr Baelish we know and loathe, I think he would have married around the same (probable) status of his own mother - that is, the daughter of some very petty nobleman or minor landed knight, probably of the Vale.
(It's perhaps worth pointing out that Baelish's early fostering might have, barring the actual circumstances of OTL, given him a bit more cachet in the marriage market. Being the foster son of the Lord of Riverrun and foster brother of the future Lord of Riverrun is far from nothing; it's entirely possible that (again, in other circumstances) Lord Hoster or the future Lord Edmure would have given Littlefinger positions or powers in the administration of the Riverlands - especially since, as a minor Vale lord, Littlefinger would have had few responsibilities at home. In that sense, getting in good with the close advisor of the ruler of the Riverlands might have translated into an ambitious riverlord marrying, if not his own daughter, a perhaps lesser relation of his to Lord Baelish, in the way that might have influenced a marriage for Jon Snow in another world. Of course, given Littlefinger's absolute, scandalous dismissal from Riverrun following his near-fatal attempt to break Catelyn's betrothal with Brandon - and the subsequent abortion Hoster forced on Lysa from her pregnancy by Littlefinger - there was no way that Riverrun would be vouching for Littlefinger as a marriage prize, much less showing him any favors to make him one.)
Now, are there ways in which Littlefinger might have angled himself into a higher - maybe slightly higher - marriage? Possibly. Of course Littlefinger is a member of the king's small council, which is not nothing itself, but I don't think that alone would have changed his marital position. Rather, thanks to his almost ineffably extreme embezzlement of the royal treasury, Littlefinger is a very, very rich man; more to the point, Littlefinger knows how to use his money as a means of gaining, maintaining, and asserting his power. Littlefinger IOTL has certainly not been shy about manipulating the blue-bloods of the Vale for marital purposes, having arranged the marriage of Lyonel Corbray to the rich merchant's daughter from Gulltown and used his financial pressure on Anya Waynwood to get her to agree to the marriage of Harry and "Alayne". If he started singling out one of those similarly "very old and very proud, but not as rich as one might think" families - especially one perhaps on the outs in its local geopolitical situation, as Lyonel Corbray was - through similar financial pressure, it's possible he might have been able to get them to agree to a marriage between himself and at least some female relation of theirs.
(Of course, this all assumes that Littlefinger would have tried to marry someone else, when from the first his sights have been set squarely on possessing Sansa - so much so, in fact, that Cersei recalls in ADWD that sometime after the fall of Ned Stark, Littlefinger asked for Sansa's hand, only to be rejected for being too lowborn.)
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xu-ren · 3 years
A Kinder End
Genre: Fluff and angst
Pairings: Diarmuid (Fate/Zero) x reader
Wordcount: 2000+
My requests and askbox are open, so pretty please don't be shy.
“Lancer, prepare yourself! I can’t hold this spell for long.” Lancer readied himself at [Name]’s words. “God of the North wind, Boreas, God of the East wind, Eurus, God of the South wind, Notus, God of the East wind, Zephyus, Your faithful servant besieged you to lend get your strength so that she may vanquish her mighty foe!”
The wind tore her hair away from her usual bun, letting it whip freely around her. Had it been any other time, Lancer would have appreciated the sight of her unbound black tress. As it was, the wind she summoned started to clear a path to Caster. Lancer tensed up as her wind went closer and closer to Caster. ‘Come on…Just a bit more…’ Just as Lancer caught a glimpse of Caster, her spell failed and she collapsed.
“My lady…!” Luckily, he managed to catch her just before she hit the ground and lowered her down gently. Saber and Rider, who had stopped their assault on Caster when [Name] started her spell, prepared to resume their assault on Caster. Rider offered to buy them time to think of another plan to defeat Caster as [Name]’s plan had failed. Lancer didn’t hesitate to break Gáe Buidhe so that Saber could defeat Caster. His number one priority was to get [Name] to safety now that she was unconscious and vulnerable. However, he had to ensure that Caster was defeated first so he stood at the water’s edge cradling [Name] carefully as he watched Saber defeat Caster.
Lancer laid [Name] down as gently as possible at an abandoned building. It was unfortunately the best place that he could find for now.
“My lady!” *Her eyes narrowed for a brief moment before they relaxed again. It was a testament to her weariness that she didn’t even bother to correct him.
“Where are we?” “An abandoned building, my lady. I apologise, it was the best…” Lancer trailed off as [Name] raised a hand to silence him. They both kept silent as [Name]’s eyes darted around, absorbing every minute detail of their surroundings.
“Diarmuid, where’s Gáe Buidhe?”
“I…broke it so that Saber could defeat Caster. I apolo…” This time, [Name] pushed herself up and placed a finger upon Lender’s lips to silence him. They stayed as they were for what seemed to be an eternity until [Name] collapsed upon Lancer’s chest. What meagre strength she had accumulated from her brief rest had been spent.
“You are apologising a lot today, aren’t you, Diarmuid?” asked [Name], her tone mildly scolding.
“I apolo-“
“You are doing it again, Diarmuid. You have no reason to apologise to me, after all, you merely did what you thought was best at that moment. Besides, we are a team, not master and servant.”
By the end of her short speech, her voice was scarcely a whisper. If not for their proximity, he would have never heard it.
“My lady…”
Suddenly, Lancer tensed up and he tightened his hold on [Name].
“Someone’s here.”
“Go, Diarmuid.”
“My lady…”
“Go on, I await your return.”
“Yes, my lady.”
He hated to leave [Name] alone, especially when she was so vulnerable but he couldn’t disobey her either.He wasn’t very surprised when it was Saber who met him in the courtyard of the abandoned building. At the very least, they would finally be able to finish their battle.
She watched from her spot as the two servants fought it out. Such honourable warriors, there were no one more deserving of the title ‘Heroic Spirits. She was glad to have met them despite her reluctance to enter this war in the first place.
Suddenly, a shadow was casted upon her and she looked up to see Kiritsugu pointing a gun at her. 
“Mr. Kiritsugu, how…expected,” she whispered quietly as her lips formed a small, wry smile. 
He put his finger to his lips in the universal gesture of silence. She cocked her head to the side. In response, Kiritsugu hands her a scroll.
‘A Self-Geas Scroll. A magical item used by Magi to form an unbreakable contract. Binding spell… Affected Party: Emiya Kiritsugu. The Emiya family crest orders the following. The pledge is to be observed by the affected party upon fulfilment of the conditions described herein. Pledge: Kiritsugu, son of Norikata and the fifth descendant of the House of Emiya, will be forever forbidden from harming or intending to harm, [Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name]. Condition…’
 After reading the scroll, she looked at Kiritsugu searchingly. She gathered the magick stored at the amulet around her neck before speaking into his mind. To his credit, he didn’t even flinch. In fact, the only outwardly respond he showed was the slight widening of his eyes.
‘I won’t do it.’
Kiritsugu responded by pulling the safety of his gun.
‘After all, it doesn’t matter, does it? You are going to kill me either way. A master without a servant can form a pact with another servant and you can ill afford that.’
For a moment, she thought that she saw a shadow of surprise pass through Kiritsugu’s face.
‘Kill me, Emiya Kiritsugu. Let me be but another life you sacrificed in your quest to save the world. However, will you listen to this girl’s final wish?’
He lowered his gun slightly and she took it as her cue to continue.
‘Ensure that my death isn’t instant.’
This time, she definitely saw the surprise on his face. She smirked. It was a highly unusual wish as most people hoped for the opposite.
‘I wish to say farewell to Lancer.’
He nodded and shot her in the aorta, ensuring that it gazed the aorta so that she would bleed out in 5 minutes.
‘Thank you.’
The gunshot rang across the abandoned building.
Lancer’s head whipped towards the direction where the gunshot came from so fast that he gave himself whip splash. He immediately abandoned his stalemate with Saber when he saw that the gunshot came from where he had left [Name].
“My lady!” 
He raced towards her, hoping against hope that she wasn’t shot. His heart had never been filled with such rage as when he saw her bleeding from where he left her with Emiya Kiritsugu standing over her holding a gun. He readied his lance to slay the miscreant who dared to harm his lady.
Her voice was authoritative and they had been together long enough to know that she wanted him to stand down. He tore his gaze from where he was glaring at Kiritsugu to look at her. He barely registered the shocked gasps of Saber behind him.
Her right hand on her chest was stained with blood while she used her left hand to gesture for him to come to her side. He approached her while keeping Kiritsugu in his line of sight. As he got closer, Kiritsugu backed away to give them some privacy.
He dropped down on his knees next to her as she smiled at him. Her face was paler than he had ever seen and that only makes the blood on her lips stand out even more starkly. He held her gently and lowered her carefully to not aggravate her wound so that her head rested on his knees in hopes of making her more comfortable.
***His clothes changed to the daily wear that [Name] had bought for him and he made to tear it apart to make some makeshift bandages.
“Lea…ve it.”
“My lady…”
“Leave. It.” 
“My lady, I can see the blood on your clothes.”
She opened her mouth to answer him but more blood merely dribbled out of the corner of her mouth. Instead, she spoke into his mind.
*‘Is that so? I will find even darker clothes next time then.’
She tilted her head to the scroll resting innocently at her side so he picked it up and read it. His eyes widened with understanding as he read it.
“My lady! You should have let me die.”
 ‘Do I seem like such a heartless person to you, Diarmuid? I would never even think of sacrificing another’s life for mine.’
“I don’t mean to insult you, my lady, but I have already died once.”
‘It doesn’t matter. Kiritsugu had no intentions of allowing me to live either way.’
“My servant. By her Command Seal, [Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name] orders you, Lancer, to not take revenge upon…” she coughed, causing blood to bubble out of her mouth. “Emiya Kiritsugu or anyone else that you hold responsible for her death.”
“My lady!”
“By my Command Seal, I order you to return to the spirit world upon my death. And by my Command Seal, I order you to not form a pact with another master for the duration of the 4th Holy Grail War.”
More blood spilt from mouth and her face was bone white.
“My lady! How can you possibly expect me to do such things?”
‘You will do it, either because I commanded you or as a deathbed promise to me. And no more of that my lady nonsense, I have used up all three Command Seals and therefore am no longer your master. Call me [Name] at least once before I go, please?’
A wide, genuine smile spread across her face and suddenly, she looked as if she was full of life despite the blood seeping out of her. Using the last of her strength, she spoke into the minds of Diarmuid and Kiritsugu respectively.
‘Don’t despair. Let’s meet again in another life, Diarmuid.’
‘The ends don’t justify the means, Emiya Kiritsugu.’
Lancer’s heart clenched as she raised her right hand to stroke his face, her eyes memorizing every feature of his face hungrily before her hand fell and her eyes closed for all eternity.
“[Name]…! [Name]…! Please…come back…!”
He rocked back and forth while holding her tightly to him, his lithe body wracked with sobs. He brushed her hair from her face and the memory of brilliant smile she had gifted him with when he called her by name only made him sob harder. If he knew how happy it would have made her, he would have called her by name more often, propriety be damned. If only he had disobeyed her and stayed with her, she would still be alive.
How could life be this cruel? She was a powerful magus with a bright future ahead of her and suddenly, it was gone. She was no more than another life lost during the Holy Grail War. 
How desperately he wanted to take revenge for her death and yet her words bound her. He couldn’t bear to disappoint her, even in death.
“My lady, why are all your clothes black?” Diarmuid was curious, never had he seen a woman who wore nothing but black.
“Black is my favourite colour. Besides, doesn’t it look good on me?” she asked as she gave a little twirl.
Black did look good on her. It emphasised the paleness of her skin and made her eyes look bigger. Her lips, painted black as well stood out starkly against her pale skin. It also made her look slender and intimidating despite her diminutive height.
“Finally, you can’t really see blood on me if I’m wearing black, right?”
“My lady!”
“Kidding… Don’t be so uptight, Diarmuid,” said [Name] while giggling.
“Yes, my lady?”
“Stop calling me ‘my lady’. I have already said it many times but we are a team and therefore equals. Call me [Name].”
“I’m afraid that I can’t do so, my lady. It would be highly improper to call you by your name.”
“Diarmuid, do you have nothing else to wear?”
“I’m afraid that this is my only outfit, my lady.”
“Well, you certainly can’t go out like that. Let’s go shopping.”
“My lady, there’s …there’s no need to trouble yourself!”
“It’s no trouble at all. Besides, I have been wanting to explore the shops here anyways. How about this? You be my bag carrier for the day and I buy you an outfit as a thank you present?”
“Al…Alright, my lady.”
(Time skip)
“So, so? What do you think?”
“You have good taste, my lady.”
“Of course.”
Lancer couldn’t help but admire his outfit that consist of a dark green shirt, black pants and black shoes paired with a black vest in the mirror. 
“As a bonus, we match too,” said [Name] as she gave a twirl in her black dress with dark green embellishments.
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Anon from before with the amnesia request. You can do the normal (retrograde) amnesia if you'd prefer doing that ^^
Since I don’t feel confident enough in myself to do your previous suggestion we'll stick with this… I regret nothing! Time for some emotional torture!
*Sigh* I can never decide if I want to just summarize these or do mini stories/story building… Oh well
Memory Lose
Child of the Nein (Mighty Nein & Child!Reader)
Retrograde amnesia: The loss of existing, previously made memories. This type of amnesia tends to affect recently formed memories first. Older memories, such as memories from childhood, are usually affected more slowly. Causes include but aren’t limited to head injuries, lack of oxygen, stress and trauma
You open your eyes, staring at the bright blue sky. Did you fall asleep? No that doesn’t sound right, where were you, what happened? You rub your head, noticing it felt extremely sore, and stretch yourself out. You’re suddenly lifted into the air and pulled into a hug by a strange blue woman, now you weren’t one to deny a hug but you were a little worried your caretaker might not like the idea.
"I’m so happy you’re okay. Don’t scare me like that." The woman says. You look at her confused and after a moment she copies your expression. "(Y/n)? What’s wrong?"
"I didn’t mean to scare you miss, but how do you know my name? Who are you?" You ask, you don’t remember meeting her yet she knew who you were, strange. She looks at you with concern and gives a nervous sounding laugh.
"Don’t be silly (y/n), you know me." You just tilt your head at her genuinely confused. The woman’s smile drops completely as she reaches forward, her hand giving off a greenish glow and placing it on your head. Instinctually you close your eyes, the magic flowing through you helping relieve the soreness in your head. "How’s that?" She asks once she’s done her spell.
"The soreness is all gone! Thank you miss…" you trail off, still unsure of her name, but something did feel more familiar about her. This poor lady in front of you looked like she was about to cry, now you felt really bad for her. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad." You reach out for her and she responds by picking you up and holding you close to her, something about this felt really familiar and you wanted to know why. "It’s okay, mama. It’ll be okay." The words just slipped out so naturally, you didn’t even bother to argue it.
"That’s right! I am your mama. Don’t you worry, we'll fix this, I promise." She looks at you with hopeful eyes and you give her a small smile, surely there was a reason you were here, one you couldn’t remember but were willing to regain the memories of. With this lady, because she refused to tell you her name saying she wants you to remember it on your own, and her friends help you slowly start to place the missing pieces back together.
You snap your eyes open to unfamiliar terrain and immediately jump into a defensive stance. Darting your eyes this way and that, trying to figure out where you were and what was happening. A tall woman walks into the room and stares at you, was she a threat? She looked like a threat so you hiss at her, she responds with a confused look and approaches you. Panicked you pat yourself down, your hand landing on your dagger and you throw it at the woman with another loud hiss.
"Okay, okay, okay." She holds her arms up and backs out of the room, victory way yours, for now. You scurry around the room, looking for a way out or a place to hide, especially when you hear more commotion outside the doorway. You quickly duck into a corner and hide yourself from view, watching, waiting for whoever was outside to leave. Another figure enters the room, this one a lot shorter, they also had more goblin features so you hoped they weren’t as big a threat.
"(Y/n) I know you’re still in here, it’s okay to come out. We just want to know why you tried to attack Yasha." You cautiously step out of your hiding spot, looking very confused but still defensive. Who was (y/n)? Who was Yasha? Should you be concerned about this? The other goblin looks over at you about to say something but upon seeing your confusion, her smile drops and she looks at you with worry. "Are you okay?"
"Who-who are you talking about? I don’t know you." You found it strange how non-hostile this lady was, goblin or not people usually start pushing you around due to your smaller then average size, but not her, it was so strange yet somehow familiar. Her expression drops more after hearing your words and she takes a quick swig from her flask before sitting on the bed, patting the spot next to her for you. You still approach with caution, unsure if this was some sort of trap and sit down next to her.
"You do know me, I’m Nott and your name is (y/n), that’s the name I gave you anyway, we escaped together from a cruel clan of goblins." She starts, looking at you. You tilt your head at her, it sounded vaguely familiar to you so you nod and let her continue. "We’ve been traveling together for quite a while and made more friends then we could’ve imagined…" She continues on like this for a while, recalling different moments you’ve experienced together. The more you ran these moments in your head the more you were able to remember on your own. Not all the pieces came back right away but it was enough for you to trust her and meet with the rest of the group to help continue recovering the rest of your missing memories.
You stretch and yawn, feeling sore in the head but maybe you just bumped it on the table again. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you look around and realize your not in your house, that’s odd you don’t remember leaving for a trip anywhere. There’s a purr coming from beside you making you look over at the pretty kitty staring at you, they looked familiar but you don’t remember meeting a cat like him before, but who were you to refuse cuddling a cute kitty. After a moment the cat wiggles out of your grip and walks across the room pausing at the door and looking at you as if waiting for you to follow. Curious as ever you decide to follow them, there was just something about this cat that you trusted, letting it lead you around until they stop in front of a man who was deeply invested in a book. You pick up the cat and tug the mans coat, when he doesn’t budge you tug a little harder.
"Excuse me mister, is this your kitty?" You ask, giving the cat gentle pats on the head. He looks up from his book and over at you, first he looks confused then it turns to relief before shifting into concern. You tilt your head slightly at this. "Is something wrong mister?"
"Do you not recognize me?" He’s voice was quiet and full of worry. You shake your head and place the cat on the ground who walks up to the man and begins to purr and rub against him. He picks up the cat and looks deep in thought for a moment. "What is the last thing you remember?"
"Oh! Ummm, my mama and papa were getting ready to meet a guest for the night and they told me to go play in my room so I wouldn’t break something by accident. But now I’m here." You explain, then a thought comes to mind. "Wait, are you the person my mama and papa are supposed to meet?" He stares at you a moment before going deep into thought again.
"(Y/n), that memory of yours was over 5 years ago," he starts, sounding as calm as possible. You look at him confused, how could that have been so long ago when it only felt like it happened yesterday. "You’ve been traveling with me ever since then. Not long ago we were ambushed, you’d gotten yourself injured as a result, I see now there was more damage to you then what we first thought. I didn't… I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you." He continues, kneeling down and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, a look of guilt and shame on his face by the end. You didn’t want it to be true but there was something you couldn’t quite shake, that deep down you knew he was telling you the truth. You reach forward and try to comfort him by wrapping your arms around him in a hug, it seems to help a little as he returns the gesture.
"Maybe I don’t remember what you’re talking about, but I trust you." He brightens up a little more at your words. "So what happens now?" You question.
"Now," he stands up and offers you his hand. "We can work together to bring your memories back, if you’d like. Be aware it will take some time." It was more of an offer then anything but you give him another smile and a nod as you place your hand in his. It took some time a patience, but you manage to regain your memories back, even a few you had well forgotten about long ago.
Your head was pounding even before you opened your eyes, have a look around you knew you weren’t in your room or at home for that matter. Slowly you get up and have a better look around, trying to orientate where you were and what was happening. Soon enough you hear a door opening and look over at the firbolg that entered the room, he didn’t look like anyone from your family and yet he reminded you of your father, strange.
"I’m so glad to you’re awake. You really had me worried." He pauses a second and takes a good look at you, his relief turning to worry. "Are you okay? You don’t… you look like you don’t know who I am."
"Well, umm, you do have something familiar about you, I just don’t know what it is right now. I’m sorry." You lower your head sadly. Why was he so familiar? Did something happen and you'd forgotten about it?
"There’s no need to be sorry." He shushes you calmly, kneeling down and placing a hand on your head, you wince a little from the pain but it quickly disappears thanks to his healing magic, slowly you look up at him again. "What happened to cause your memory lose isn’t your fault, none of use could’ve known this would be the outcome." So it was memory loss. It was a bit difficult to wrap your head around but your mother always told you to trust in your instincts and let nature guide the way and you certainly felt a strong sense of trust from him.
"Can, umm… is there a way to fix it?" You give him a curious look. He smiles at you kindly, giving a gentle pat on your arm.
"I don't have means to give your memories back right away, but if your willing to give it time and patience they should be able to return on their own." He explains to you.
"What if I don’t like it? What I remember I mean." You ask, quickly adding the last part so it’d, hopefully make more sense.
"I couldn’t say for sure. I don’t know everything you’ve seen before we met, but I do know we share a lot of good memories together." You could tell he was being genuine with you but not saying everything, maybe as a way to encourage you to regain the missing memories, who knew. You think it over a bit before finally agreeing, there was a reason you were here instead of home with your family, a reason you might not like but learning the truth would be better then living in the unknown, and no matter how painful it might be you had someone to help you through it.
The first thing you notice when you gain consciousness is the splitting pain in your head, you could smell the blood and place a hand over the wound wincing. The second thing you notice is the lack of sound, no waves crashing or ship bells tolling to set sail. Finally when you open your eyes you find yourself laying on your side in some grass, you try to survey your surroundings but the pain was preventing you from thinking clearly so you instead roll on your back with a groan.
"(Y/n)!" You vaguely recognize the voice calling you but can’t pinpoint it, soon a half-orc comes into view. "You’re bleeding, here let’s take care of that wound." He lifts you up into his arms without another word and carries you over to two other strangers who help patch up the wound on your head. Something wasn’t adding up to you how did these people know who you were if you didn’t know them? It was strange yet you also felt like you knew them. Maybe that wound had something to do with this? You just weren’t sure, but you didn’t want to cause any concern with these people so you figured you’ll try to solve this mystery on your own. While you were able to start putting a few of the missing pieces together, your charade didn’t last long, as much as you played off everything as normal, after a day everyone was catching on that something wasn’t quite right.
"You sure you’re feeling well (y/n)? You don’t seem quite like yourself." You look over at the half-orc as he approaches you, you hadn’t quite gotten everyone’s names yet.
"I'm uhhh, yeah. I'm fine, F-Fjord?" You we’re trying so hard to sound confident but you slipped and it came out more as a question. No surprise he picks up on this and gives you an odd look before he lets out a sigh and kneels down to match your height.
"I thought we worked on this stubbornness of yours and you’d be more honest with me about your problems." He says matter-of-factly, you slightly turn away from him with a nervous scratch at your arm.
"I… I don't know what your talking about." He gives you another look like he didn’t believe you. "No, I mean it, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. I can’t remember much of anything. I didn’t want to bother anyone so I’ve been trying to figure things out by myself but it hasn’t done a lot." You admit sheepishly, feeling guilty now for not saying something earlier.
"You don’t remember…" He trails off, taking in a breath. "Well, you’ve been very brave to go so far on your own, but you’re not alone anymore. I’m here to help you, and I want to help you so don’t think I’ll take no for an answer." He puts on a confident face for you and as embarrassed as you were about hiding it before you can’t help but give him a smile and nod.
There was a ringing in your ears like voices in your head as you take in a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Where were you, and why were you wearing such a odd outfit, surely your parents didn’t approve of this, although try as you might you never could impress them. You shake your head, that was right they sent you away because they wanted to "help" your behaviour, but you don’t remember changing or being out in the middle of nowhere.
"Hey, you doing alright? You were hit pretty hard." The ringing stops as you turn to see a woman standing over you, her expression looking disinterested but her eyes held worry. Getting a good look at her you could see she was wearing an outfit similar to yours, making you realize that you were in fact sporting attire from the Cobalt Soul. This just gave you more questions then answers.
"I feel fine, mostly, but… you said I got hit?" This was awful, you hated being left clueless and if your sudden theory was correct you were missing more to this picture then you’d like.
"Yeah… do you not remember that?" She stared at you with growing concern. You rub your head with a groan, guess that answers that question.
"No, I don’t, and there’s probably a bunch of other things I can’t recall." You say more annoyed then anything. The woman raises an eyebrow at you but says nothing, waiting for you to explain. "You talk like we know each other but I can't remember who you are. I should be panicking over talking to a stranger, but at the same time I feel like I should know you and it’s bothering me." You explain as best you can. She stares blankly at you for a moment, letting your words sink in.
"You do always hate being left in the dark." She mutters more to herself. "Alright, well…" she trails off a bit and lets out a sigh. "I don’t really know what to say or do about this, the best I can suggest is getting Jester or Caduceus to look at you and see if they can fix it. If not then I guess all we can do is hope your memories come back on their own." For as calm as she sounded you could see genuine worry and even a bit of fear in her eyes.
"Hope?" You cross your arms and give her a determined look. "You say that as if there’s a chance I’m not going to remember, and if you really know me you should know I don’t give up until I find my answers." The comers of her mouth slowly curve into a smile at this and she lets out a soft chuckle, walking up to you and giving you a pat on the back. The two of you proceed to strut your way over to the others to fill them in on your situation and get started on brining your memories back.
You open your eyes and instantly something feels off, you can’t quite place what it is but it just feels off. You stretch and yawn while trying to figure out what felt so off. Lets see the last thing you can remember was practice for… that’s it! Wasn’t your trial today? You get up quickly, this ritual was too important to the tribe to be late. You hurry down some stairs, thinking little of your different surroundings and step outside, taking in the fresh open air. No one else from the tribe was around, maybe you woke up earlier then you thought, you survey your surroundings just to be sure you weren’t missing anything when a someone approaches you. The woman in question didn’t look to be from your tribe but there was something very familiar about her you couldn’t quite place. Before you can say anything the woman wraps her arms around you and pulls you into an embrace.
"I was so worried, they attacked from nowhere… there was so much blood… I-I-I'm just happy you’re alright." Her voice quivered a little, you couldn’t make sense of what she was saying. An attack? You don’t remember the tribe being attacked. But she sounded to genuine it was hard not to believe her, like there was a fuzzy memory in the back of your mind to confirm it.
"Umm, thank you for the concern but…" You trail off a little, she pulls away and looks at you confused and worried, you felt bad but you had to ask. "I uhhh, I don’t mean to be rude miss, but can you tell me where I am and who you are?" Her expression drops more and she looks away slightly, you can see the tears running down her face as she takes several deep breaths.
"It’s me, Yasha. I-I’ve been taking care of you for… well for a long time now. Don’t you remember me?" She sounded so heartbroken, you can’t help but give her another hug which she returns.
"I’m really sorry, but I don’t remember." You say quietly, her grip tightens a little and you swear you can hear soft sobs coming from her. "Maybe… maybe that's why things don’t feel right… but you are familiar. I can’t really say why but I feel like I know you." You continue. She pulls away enough to look you in the eyes, a glimmer of hope sparkling in them.
"I could help you get them back. We have some friends that are really good at this kind of thing. They can help." She suggests, gently placing a hand on you cheek, you lean into her touch and give a small nod. It was clear now that things weren’t quite as you originally thought but you were willing regain everything you’d lost and move forward to a new future, your new destiny.
Everything hurt and you sigh, had you done something to anger Ms. Wolona again? You really hoped not. Sitting up you’re in for a shock when you don’t recognize anything around you. A lavender tiefling walks into the room, and there’s this feeling of familiarity about him you can’t quite place, you don’t remember meeting him, yet you couldn’t shake the thought that you knew him somehow. He looks relived to see you but his expression drops slightly at your confusion.
"You look surprised to see me, I know I’m always quite the looker but you know me." He says nonchalantly, you caught a slight hint of concern in his voice. You weren’t sure what to say or do, you’ve been told countless times not to talk to strangers otherwise punishment wouldn’t be far. Apparently your silence doesn’t sit well with the tiefling, his brows furrowing at you. "Come now (y/n), this isn’t the time for games." His tone was lower and more serious now, and he slow reaches a hand out towards you. You start to panic, knowing whenever you upset someone Ms. Wolona would have to punish you for bad behaviour.
"Imsorryimsorryimsorry! Please don’t hurt me, I promise I’ll be good." You sputter out, throwing your arms over your head and cowering. It gets deafeningly quiet for a moment as you wait for something to happen. The only sound in the room being your beep breathes, wait… no those weren’t your breaths you were hearing. Slowly, cautiously you lift your head slightly and see the staring wide eyed at you, looking just as, if not more so panicked they you.
"No nonononon, not you, not you." You hear him faintly mutter. Before you can wonder what he was talking about he’s out of the room, shouting something down the hall. Now you were really confused but also filled with fear, was he getting Ms. Wolona? After what feels like forever you get an unexpected answer when a different tiefling enters the room, she offers a friendly smile.
"Hi, do you remember me?" She asks. You just shake your head, she lets out a saddened sigh. "Well, would you like to?" Magic sparks to life in her hands and you flinch away. "I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. I want to help you." You stare at her for a moment before you give a slow nod. One part of you was telling you that doing this would get you in a lot of trouble, but another part of you felt like you could trust this, thinking about it after all that first tiefling you met looked so familiar and before he’d run out you could see the pain and fear in his eyes for you. As scared as you felt, you wanted to make it better, so with a deep breath you hesitantly reach forward…
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swordmaid · 3 years
i personally dont tolerate jaime slander especially those who say oh jaime's redemption isnt going anywhere, oh im sorry does someone transition from pushing kids out windows to like a hero in 2 seconds??? and i think they fail to understand that. people accept the love they think they deserve , just like jaime was with cers yk it was toxic and all but its kind of the only love he had , apart from tyrion , he isn't a golden retriever character but he is my little meow meow idk about the rest of the fandom 🚶‍♂️
yeah exactly. like his story started when he got his pov in asos, and the overall story isn't finished yet so why are you expecting HIS to be done? or the character that he started with is who he's going to be in the end as if his narrative doesn't exist 😭😭😭 it's just so dumb to me, but you can already tell these folks have a biased against him BEFORE knowing his character and they're unwilling to have their minds changed so i don't even bother
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kingslayerstew · 2 years
i feel like modern au loras would either be some nepo haute couture model or some sort of athlete or ballet dancer that NEVER uses social media....while his bf renly is an influencer on ig
loras would 100% be an athlete of some sorts. the whole point of his character that he's this super talented knight/hero figure/masculine ideal! see this quote by grrm:
Tumblr media
+ he just doesn't have the personality to be a model imo. what he takes pride in is his skill, and i can't think of a single moment where he comments on someone's looks or his own. stuff like his fancy armor and cloak at the hand's tourney seems like nothing more than tyrell PR, just as impersonal as the rose he gave sansa. i dont think he personally cares about appearance that much, and he definitely wouldnt choose a job that focuses on looks when his athletic talent is literally right there.
as to which sport he'd do.. his talent shines when he's combatting against others, especially 1 on 1. that and his use of different fighting styles (weapons in canon: long-handled axe, morningstar, longsword, lance...) + his excellent resilience, speed and balance makes me think mma.
also if anyone it would be margaery who's an influencer lol shes one of those aesthetic girls on tiktok whos really good at pretending shes just like you despite her dad being a millionaire. ppl love her and cers has no idea how she does it
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