#Gen 4x4
thatyotalife · 2 months
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20 notes · View notes
voiceoffenrisulfr · 2 months
Paws for Applause - Chapter One 'Anatolian'
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> James "Bucky" Barnes x Original Nonbinary Character (Soldierbug)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> After his time in Wakanda, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is struggling to adapt back to life in the wider world, hiding out in the Pacific Northwest as he fights to regain some control over his life. Or: Bucky gets a dog, and meets a cute salesperson.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Panic attack, trauma references, medical prejudice and medication disdain, general PTSD things, anxiety, vulnerability, implied alcohol abuse.
𝐀/𝐍 -> PSA: Do not get a dog after such a short contemplation period please! This is a work of fiction, and we didn't want to write several months of pro-con weighing. Make informed choices, y'all.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Dividers by us!
Prompts used;
- 'Anxiety' - Build a Bucky Bingo (July) @buckybarnesevents; - ‘Goats’ – @buckybarnesbingo (B049); - ‘Vibranium’ – Bucky Barnes Bingo (B005); - ‘Leash’ and ‘New to the City AU’ – Bug’s First Bingo; - "I Need Help." – @fandom-free-bingo, Flight Edition;
- 'Puppy or Play Mate' - @julybreakbingo (4x4); - 'Earbuds in Public or Strangers in a Checkout Line' - July Break Bingo (5x5) - 'Emotional' - July Break Bingo (6x6); - ‘Amputee or Paralysed’– July Break Bingo (7x7); - 'Drowning or Drowning Your Sorrows' - July Break Bingo (Summer);
- 'Double Standards' - @multifandom-flash Discrimination; - ‘Adopt a Pet’ – Multifandom-Flash New Year Gen; - ‘Pet Store AU’ – Multifandom-Flash Round 2 (Card 1027); - 'Difficulty Breathing' - Pick Your Poison @hurtcomfort-bingo (C025).
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I sighed as I dropped to the bed, forearms resting on my knees as I took in the dimly lit room, accompanied by a melancholy orchestra of squeaking springs.
Steve had found me exactly what I had requested - small, discreet, and unlikely to attract any unwanted attention. The studio certainly fulfilled all criteria, the small windows along one wall looking only into an alley woven with shadows, offering the privacy I craved.
The building seemed largely abandoned, save a few similarly reclusive tenants; most of the bells at the front door were unlabelled, and those that were claimed were faded and yellowing, the curled edges of the tape thick with dust. The entire place seemed stagnant, lost in time amongst the sleek modernity of a continuously evolving city. But I felt at home amongst the 50s sconces and age-worn carpets – far more comfortable than I had in the high-tech metropolis that made up most of Wakanda.
I looked down at the black and gold metal that made up my left arm, fingers reflecting in the weak light as they flexed slowly. The advanced prosthetic was the only reminder of my time in the African nation – that, and the seemingly enduring clarity in my mind.
It had taken a month after Ayo’s test for me to even consider that I may no longer be controlled, ordered to acts of evil by the darkest of minds – and to allow Steve to visit me in my new life as a goatherd.
I wondered for the hundredth time, looking around the dim, sparse room, if I had made a huge mistake.
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The query persisted throughout the evening, following me doggedly as I unpacked my meagre possessions from a tatty holdall. My belongings were limited to a few sets of clothes, some basic toiletries – and a handgun that had me lay on my back in the dust beneath the bed, tongue between my teeth as I fitted the holster to the wire frame.
Maybe I was paranoid – but I’d rather be paranoid than dead.
One of my biggest concerns about being back in the ‘wider world’, as Steve called it, was just how wide – and, more importantly, unprotected – it really was. The list of people who would like my head on a pike was far from short, with Steve’s own teammate being one of them.
Things had been complicated since I’d last seen the team; while the divided factions had eventually come back together, there was still tension at times, particularly when the Accords came up. The majority were working to get through it, making their peace with the eventual conclusion that the conditions laid out in the Accords would work in a perfect world – but this world wasn’t perfect. It was messy, and chaotic, and unpredictable. While the Avengers could – and would – make mistakes, they wouldn’t make choices based on politics or power. Their only interest would always be minimising harm.
But Tony was the outlier.
While the others worked to overcome their animosity, seeing the clear need for peace, Tony stayed angry – at both sides of the schism, but particularly with Steve. He’d never forgiven my friend for defending me, and since learning that Steve knew of my whereabouts, his fury had only grown.
In Wakanda, I found comfort in the knowledge that the country’s location was a well-guarded secret, with a barrier surrounding the nation obscuring and protecting it from anyone who may stumble across it by chance. For all his intelligence, even Tony hadn’t known the real nature of Wakanda before they were ready. If there was anywhere in the world I couldn’t be found – by both Tony and others alike – it was Wakanda.
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I at beans cold from the tin, leaning against the bedframe, settled with my arms on my knees in my nest on the ground. One of the first things I’d done had been to take Steve’s carefully made sheets from the bed and rearrange them on the floor, an irrational pang of guilt pulling at my gut.
Steve had worked hard to set it all up for me – especially without Tony knowing – and had seemingly thought of everything, from basic furnishings to a few home comforts. But I didn’t have the energy or motivation to cook, despite the food in the fridge, and I hadn’t slept in a bed in longer than I cared to remember; the knowledge that it was a comfort I didn’t deserve was far too ingrained in my mind to allow such behaviour.
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It was after I’d set the empty tin on the floor, letting the shifting colours of a kid’s movie lull me, that I dared to acknowledge the other reason that I’d felt safer in Wakanda.
It wasn’t just that I was protected from the outside world in the secluded African nation; perhaps more importantly, the outside world was protected from me. Even after my apparent deprogramming, I fought vehemently with Steve about leaving Wakanda, citing my concerns about being a target – and potentially putting the rest of the team at risk, too. When he came back to me, having secured an apartment and a new identity for me, I’d reluctantly admitted that I feared what I may do without the advanced technology of Wakanda to defend innocent people.
But Steve had simply parroted my activation code, despite my shaking and pleading, and beamed broadly when I remained in control of my facilities.
How can I explain that I’m afraid of myself?
How can we explain that we are many?
That we don’t know what we’re capable of, even without someone else controlling us?
Where do we even begin?
I sighed, grimacing as I settled deeper into my nest. The voices in my head had always been there, in one way or another, but ever since I’d had my deactivation confirmed, they’d become louder and more conversational, their personalities shining through as they chimed in.
“I’m losing my mind,” I murmured to myself, eyes flicking to the screen as I laid my head on a folded-up sweatshirt.
It’s possible, agreed the first voice readily – ever the stoic voice of reason of the two.
But at least you’re not doing it alone, soothed the second, his soft voice and endless optimism wreathing around me comfortably.
“That’s true,” I replied, smiling tenderly.
… Hey, Buck?
Thanks for the movie.
My smile spread a little wider, and I pulled the blankets closer with a contented sigh.
“You’re welcome.”
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I woke to my cell buzzing insistently, the harsh summer sun streaming through a chink in the curtains directly onto the black metal of my left arm. Drawing it back quickly, I winced as my other hand brushed over the scorching vibranium tentatively.
It was easier when it had no feeling…
True, but it was awful smart of Shuri to be able to do it!
I hummed in agreement as I flexed my uncomfortably hot fingers, grimacing, and reached for my cell, the vibration still sending it shifting across the floor slowly.
“Bucky, I’ve been trying to reach you for almost an hour!”
My eyebrow arched of its own volition, drawing back to glance uncertainly at my screen.
Eight missed calls.
And twelve messages…
“What is it? What’s happened?” I snapped, slamming the phone quickly back to my ear as I darted about my space, stuffing only the barest of essentials into my holdall.
Nothing that will weigh us down.
Or draw attention.
“Bucky – calm down,”  Steve interjected, the panic evident in his voice. “I-I’m sorry – everything is fine. I just wanted to remind you about your appointment, and I worried when I couldn’t get through…”
I couldn’t help but wince at his palpable guilt, settling back on the ground with a heavy sigh. “It’s okay. Thanks, Stevie.”
“It’s important you go, Buck.”
“Yeah, I know,” I muttered. We’d already argued – more than once – about me needing to see a doctor. I said I was fine; Steve disagreed, talking about anxiety and depression and trauma, telling me about the therapies he’d done since he came out of the ice. He talked about the men who used to come back different – angry, or unable to get out of bed, or living life at the bottom of a bottle - and how it had a name now. He told me I didn’t have to live with those things.
How was I supposed to tell him that we deserve it?
It’s a poor repentance for our crimes, but it is the only one we have.
It would break his heart, to know the things we’ve done…
So in the end, I’d let him win, and he’d made the appointment, gushing about what my life could look like if I put in the effort. I figured I’d go to this first appointment, just to get it done and get Steve off my back; I didn’t need – or deserve – anyone’s help. I had my apartment and my solitude, and that was enough. With my fake documents, I could get a job and pay my own way in the world; I wouldn’t be reliant on Steve anymore.
I wouldn’t be putting him in danger.
But first…
“I’m heading out in a few, Stevie. I’ll let you know how it goes, okay?” My voice had softened at the distress in his own, and he let out a quiet, relieved exhale.
“Thanks, Buck. I just… I really think that this will help, you know?”
I nodded to myself, looking around my sparse apartment, fingers curling in my blankets unconsciously.
If it were anyone else… We’d think they deserved help, the softer voice pointed out gently, and I let my eyes close with my own sigh of resignation.
“Yeah. I hope so.”
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This is why I hate people.
I fought the urge to snort as the doctor took our blood, gawping openly at our left arm, the black and gold shimmering under the florescent lights each time I moved.
He’d deemed us in peak physical condition, and allowed me to shrug my shirt back on, sitting on the opposite side of his desk as I rolled my sleeve down – clearly, the limb was proving too distracting from him.
“So, Mr. Smith,” he started, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at predictable alias Steve had chosen for me, “now that your first appointment baselines are out of the way, what can I help you with? You don’t strike me as someone who particularly struggles with his health,” he added, offering me a broad – and somewhat unnerving – smile.
“My friend thinks I need help,” I offered uncertainly. The aging, grizzled physician simply watched me curiously, head cocked to one side.
“You seem to have a good life,” he noted, eyes flicking once more to my arm. “That’s a high-quality piece of kit if ever I saw one. You’re in great physical health. I’d say you’re pretty lucky. What could you possibly need help with?”
I blinked in surprise, dumbfounded into silence.
Fucking hell.
I was born over a hundred years ago, and even I know better than that.
That was pretty ignorant…
Clearing my throat, I raised a finger to tap at my vibranium shoulder pointedly. “D’you wanna know how I got this?” I offered quietly. When he simply nodded, I rolled my jaw, leaning forward. “I was in the war. A sergeant. There was a… Train accident. Most of my arm was ripped from my body, and the part that wasn’t was later cut away – without anaesthetic,” I added, my gaze locked on his. “I’m in constant pain. I was held captive for a long time, and forced to do horrible, awful things. I barely sleep for nightmares. Every time I leave the house I’m on high alert, waiting for something bad to happen. I never want to get out of bed.”
He watched me for a second longer, his jaw hanging half an inch before snapping shut with the distinct click of ceramic on bone. “I-I- I had no idea. I’m sorry- Sergeant Smith, Sir. My mistake. Of course.”
It shouldn’t take pointing out our service to make this man flounder and treat us with respect.
No, but… I’m quite glad that Steve made us those papers saying we fought in Afghanistan.
It’s not really stolen valour, is it? I mean, we are veterans, and it’s not like we can be honest about which war we fought in – not without drawing a lot of attention and probably putting ourselves in danger… We didn’t even specify, it’s only on the paperwork…
Seems little Stevie knew what he was doing.
“The local VA has excellent facilities for-”
I interrupted him with a quick shake of my head, hand raising. “I’d rather go mainstream, if that’s okay.”
Knowing my luck, I’d end up bumping into someone who really was in the unit I’m supposed to have been stationed with…
He nodded again, head ducking graciously. “Of course, Sergeant.” Hesitating, his eyes flicked away, a minute grimace pulling at his lips. “But… The VA would see you in a matter of weeks. The wait for our own referrals is currently up to a year.”
The bottom dropped out of my stomach, and I felt nauseous. While I’d little intention of working with the resources offered to me, the idea that the support was there, should I want it, was more comforting than I’d realised; now, however, my breathing came a little too hard, vision darkening around the edges, my palm tingling. “And in the meantime?” I pressed, the steadily increasing panic making the blood in my ears roar, my own voice sounding faded and far away.
The doctor simply gazed at me sadly, offering me a weak shrug. “It’s an underfunded and undersupported system. That’s why I would recommend contacting the VA, and-”
“I’m not going to do that,” I snapped, eyes narrowing in annoyance before I let out a sigh, pushing away my irritation stubbornly. “Look, being around other veterans – it’s not good for me. I don’t want to be treated like a soldier; I just want to be a regular guy.” The excuse was thought up on the fly, but he nodded sympathetically, turning to his computer and tapping at the keys slowly.
“Our trauma team is currently fulfilling referrals from eight months ago. That’s the most accurate time frame I can give you, I’m afraid; it entirely depends on how many they’ve had in the meantime. It could be less, or it could be more.” He looked to me again, his smile strained. “I think that’s the best we can offer, if you’re reluctant to-”
“What about pills?”
I blinked in surprise, more startled by the words that left my lips than he was. It happened, from time to time – I spoke without intending to, with no plan or consideration, to the extent that the words often didn’t even feel like mine.
He cleared his throat, humming under his breath, considering me for a moment. “Well, I mean… I suppose I could offer you something to ease your anxiety, though I don’t particularly like prescribing medication…”
I couldn’t help myself – I arched an eyebrow, eyeing him curiously. “… Interesting approach…”
He shrugged minutely, turning back to his screen and tapping a few keys passively. “The younger generation are being mollycoddled. We didn’t have all this ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’ when I was a boy. It existed, of course – but it was a serious condition, not these children who feel a little blue sometimes.”
My mouth moved wordlessly, utterly dumbfounded, annoyance boiling under my skin.
We can’t. The medication…
Fuck that. Screw this guy. Break the callous bastard’s goddamn nose.
I paused for a moment, then nodded once, closing my mouth with a soft click and a terse smile, humming non-committedly. “So… The medication?” I prompted, earning a quiet sigh – which I ignored – as he offered me the script.
“This should only be an interim stop gap,” he warned, finger extending to point at me when his hand was free. “Just until your referral has been actioned, okay? And I really think you should reconsider getting in touch with the VA. The sooner you’re off the pills, the better, in my opinion.”  
I don’t give a fuck about your opinion.
I simply nodded once more as I pushed myself to my feet, reaching down to grab my bag as he extended a hand to me, pretending I hadn’t seen the motion.
What the hell are you doing? The fiercer of the two voices had a snarl in their voice as they snapped at me, but I continued to exit the room. He can’t get away with that!
He won’t, I soothed, following the short corridor absently. He won’t, I promise.
He continued to object quietly – but when my steps turned away from the exit, he immediately fell quiet, watching curiously as I approached the reception desk.
“Hi! Can I help you?” The man behind the counter offered me a reassuring smile, and I felt my muscles unclench infinitesimally as I offered a tentative grin back.
“Hey – I, uh… I’d like to register a formal complaint, and request a change in GP.”
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I spun the card thoughtfully between my fingers, staring up at the store sign uncertainly.
‘Paws for Applause’.
Oh God. Puns. Why puns…
It’s cute!
It is quite charming, I admitted with a chuckle, humming as I considered my next step.
The receptionist had been endlessly helpful; he led me away from the main room, carefully noting every detail of my complaint with a sympathetic grimace, admitting there’d been some issues with that GP in particular as of late. He’d arranged another appointment with a different doctor he was sure I’d get on far better with – a young woman with significantly more progressive views. When I’d lamented the wait time, he’d pursed his lips in thought, offering me the card I now held.
“The thing that made the biggest difference to my husband – he’s a veteran, too… It wasn’t the VA, or therapy, or medication. We actually got a dog. She gets him out of the house and out of his own head, and helps him feel safer when he’s in public.”
That was how I’d found myself here, chewing on my lip nervously.
I’ve never looked after anything alive before…
We’re going to be terrible at this. Our whole life has been about killing.
No. We’re going to be awesome at this. We can ask for help if we need it. We can do this!
I inhaled deeply, metal fingers forming an anxious concealed fist in the pocket of my sweatshirt as the other hand tugged my headphones out – the sound of songs from my own era was one of the few things that kept me from being entirely overwhelmed when I went out in public.
There was no bell as I opened the door – instead, I was met with a distant but multi-layered series of tweets and chirps, punctuated by one intimidating scream as something loud and green swooped over my head.
I nearly turned right back around and left again.
“Denzel! Shit, sorry about him; he can be a right arsehole sometimes. Dezzie, come here, you gremlin!”
I turned toward the voice, startled – and charmed, despite myself, by the presence of an English accent in the Pacific Northwest – as a thirty-something person appeared from behind a box on the counter, the green parrot-looking thing flapping down to settle on their shoulder with another abominable shriek, earning a wince from his owner. “Jesus, Denzel – put a sock in it, would you? How can I help, other than providing free earplugs?” they added, looking to me once more.
“I- I, uh…” My voice failed me as I looked around, panic rising as I took in the endless pet supplies in infinite materials, breath hitching unsteadily.
Their head cocked minutely, and they glanced at the bird once more. “Denzel, go home,” they murmured. To my distant surprise, he obliged immediately, flapping off through a narrow hole in the door behind them, which they slid shut in his wake, cutting off the quieter series of tweets and whistles before rounding the counter, palms raised imploringly. “Hey. You’re okay. It’s a lot, huh? But you don’t have to do that right now. Just look at me, okay?”
My eyes found theirs desperately, focusing on the chocolate depths, flecked with mahogany and sand. Their hand reached for mine, and I baulked instinctively, jerking ack, wincing guiltily at the brief look of hurt that flickered across their face. “Just take a few deep breaths, okay? You’re safe here. I promise.” The anxious, rejected expression had passed already, leaving only a soft worry, and I forced myself to breathe more evenly – even if it did hitch a little in the process.
But they simply stood with their eyes on mine, smiling gently, murmuring encouragement and reassurances as I fought to control my spasming lungs.
By the time I was calm, red-faced and sniffing intermittently, they were humming quietly – a song I didn’t know, but the gentle, lilting melody smoothed the raged edges of my mind. “Thanks,” I murmured, my cheeks flaming, and I looked away in shame.
God, we’re pathetic.
Fucking disaster.
We shouldn’t have come here…
“Sorry,” I muttered, rubbing my hand roughly over my face. “W- I shouldn’t have come here. It was a stupid idea.”
They frowned, head cocked slightly, hand extending as I took a stumbling step backwards. “Hey- it’s okay! You’re doing really well. Look, I’ll flip the sign and we can take it easy – we’ll take a seat and just talk, okay?”
I swallowed again, nauseated by the pounding of my heart in my chest, coupled with the undeniable urge to bolt. But eventually, I  offered them an uncertain nod, watching nervously as they stepped away to flip he sign in the window and turn the catch with an apologetic grimace. “People don’t always bother to check the sign,” they offered with a guilty shrug, and I nodded stiffly, clammy hand rubbing against my thigh in a display of anxiety. They turned over a couple of crates and settled on one, a foot tucked beneath them, and indicated to the other. “Join me?”
I settled nervously, fidgeting and shifting as they watched me with a gentle gaze. “I’m- this isn’t necessary, really. I’m okay.”
They smiled weakly, shrugging a shoulder and gesturing around themselves. “Hey- it’s a hectic job. Maybe I just wanted ten minutes break, hm? I mean, you’ve met Denzel, right?” I chuckled quietly, and they grinned. “There you go! It’s not so bad, huh? So – how about we try this again?”
I watched them for a moment, unable to shake the last of my suspicion and anxiety, but eventually let out a soft sigh. “I… My name is B- … James. I… There was a guy at the doctor’s office, I guess, and he…”
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They listened politely the entire time I spoke, grimacing sympathetically as I briefly mentioned the intensity of my nightmares. I found myself divulging details I’d never shared with anyone before – the way being in public made my skin crawl and heart pound, the way I was movement and faces in shadows, and the way I lay awake at night, eyes open and ears pricked for every minute sound.
Through it all, they never looked away – not even when the metal of my arm flashed between glove and sleeve, simply keeping their eyes on mine, gentle and warm.
“You can call me Mars,” they began, leaning forward to rest their forearms on their knees. “And it sounds like you’ve had a really tough time of it, huh?” I shrugged and nodded, and they gestured around the space once more. “I moved here from the UK a few years ago. I did all the therapy and stuff, but…” They offered me a shrug of their own, eyes flicking away. “Sometimes there needs to be some distance, y’know?” Humming, I nodded sympathetically, and they looked back to me with a soft smile. “But yeah – I get it, and I’d be honoured to help. I know a shelter about ten minutes outside of town – how about you meet me here tomorrow morning, and we can head over, see what’s what?”
I hesitated only briefly, their dark eyes locked on mine drawing me in despite myself, and I nodded.
“I’ll be here.”
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Mars sat with me for over an hour, discussing training methods, common problems, and where to find help, should I need it.
I slowly found myself relaxing in the unusual company – they were certainly an odd one, from their flickering gaze unable to hold mine unless they put in conscious effort, to the unique way they settled with one leg curled beneath them with a youthful flexibility.
They were… Quirky.
Even as I left the store, heading back out into the mid-afternoon crowds, I couldn’t help but feel elated and optimistic, weighed down with a bag full of goods to welcome my new housemate. The occasional glance rolled off me, my mind occupied with thinking through the training exercises Mars had given me, committing them to memory.
As soon as I got home, I emptied out the contents of my heaving bad on the floor, settling on my nest to sort through my supplied. Absently, I wondered if they’d been taking advantage of my naïveté, pushing products on me, as I weighed three different leashes thoughtfully.
 But they didn’t push anything; they just explained the different options.
Yeah. We’re the ones who decided to buy, uh… Well, everything. And they did give us a pretty generous discount.
I hummed in agreement as I set up the bowl stand – to stop an overeager pup from catapulting them across the floor - settling the matching bowls inside with a soft smile. “Yeah – they were pretty open about how useful this stuff was really likely to be,” I agreed. They’d steered me away from a lot of the things with premium price tags, pointing out that the cheaper versions were often exactly the same.
I set up the bed next to mine, then stopped, gazing at my nest thoughtfully. It had been drilled into me that the dog deserved their own space, and I’d opted against the crate because of my limited space – perhaps the pup would appreciate having the floor to himself…
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I fell asleep curled around a bottle of whiskey – my first, rather than third. I never slept well, and the soft cradling of the bed around me felt foreign and unearned, but I managed to force myself between the sheets, even as my muscles clenched in anticipation of a  pain that wouldn’t come. I knew I was safe here, but that didn’t stop me from reliving the fear of punishment, every inch of my body aching at the memory of the abuse.
But sleep I did, clinging needily to the hope of a better future moving forward. Distantly, I marvelled at the knowledge that I’d been certain this morning that the appointment was purely practical – a way to get Steve off my back, with no real consequences. And yet here I was, planning to start the next stage of my life with significant long-term effects.
Maybe everything really would be okay.
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6 notes · View notes
onlyhappyvibes · 7 months
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thefiatpanda · 1 year
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omg!! Went for a ride and this cool guy was just outside my house 🤩 never seen him around, hope I'll see him again
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I have a major soft spot for usdm vehicles especially ones made by general motors
📸: jarretgalephotography
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quiobibingo · 1 year
QuiObi Bingo interest check
Welcome to the QuiObi Bingo. This will be the first bingo focusing on the relationship between Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, both gen and romantic.
Q: What is a bingo?
A: A bingo is a fandom challenge where participants fill as many prompts as possible. You will receive a card (either a 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 grid) containing a prompt in each square, and the goal is to try to get a bingo by completing prompts in a line (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) or a blackout if you fill all of the prompts.
Please note that this is intended as a low-pressure bingo and will likely run until the end of the year. More info will be coming soon.
Even if you don't think you can manage a bingo or if you think you’ll only fill one prompt, or aren’t sure you’ll be able to fill any, we would still love to have you take part!
If you are interested, please fill out our interest check here!
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rahimaldemir · 1 month
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Is this DLC2 to Dying Light 2 Stay Human?
It initially started during our work on DLC2, but a story leak made us rethink the narrative, the scope and the general approach. When we decided to make Kyle Crane the hero of Dying Light: The Beast, it gave us a powerful boost of inspiration. Like many of you, we really wanted to bring Kyle back to do justice to the hero of Harran. That's how Dying Light: The Beast was born - a self contained zombie survival adventure offering a new setting, new set of gameplay features and new story, culminating in a standalone, 18+ hours adventure.
I have Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Ultimate Edition and I was promised a story DLC as part of the package - will I get it?
We are grateful to our community that supported us since the launch of Dying Light 2 and has been patient with us. To show our appreciation, we will be offering Dying Light: The Beast at no extra cost to all owners of the Dying Light 2 Ultimate Edition. We hope that upgrading your experience from a story DLC to a full standalone game will make up for the time you have been waiting.
Does it mean I can get Dying Light: The Beast via buying Dying Light Stay Human Ultimate Edition or Ultimate Upgrade?
Yes, we will be offering Dying Light: The Beast at no extra cost to all owners of the Dying Light 2 Stay Human Ultimate Edition. However, we will stop selling Ultimate Edition and Ultimate Upgrade by September 30, 2024. Everyone who owns Ultimate Edition by that time will be eligible to receive Dying Light: The Beast at no extra cost.
What is the launch date and how much will the game cost?
While we haven’t announced the release date and price just yet, we’re approaching the point of content completion and will share this info as soon as we are ready.
Who do I play as?
You play as Kyle Crane, the man whose selflessness during the initial virus outbreak saved many from a fate worse than death. But if you’ve never played Dying Light before, this standalone adventure presents a great introduction to the franchise.
How big is the game?
Our goal has been to find the sweet spot between it being too short and too long so instead of overwhelming players with scale, it will offer a rich, concentrated gaming experience - like a double shot of espresso! Right now we are looking at around 18-20 hours of thrilling survival action.
What new gameplay features will we experience in Dying Light: The Beast?
In Dying Light: The Beast you play as Kyle Crane, the long-lost hero from the original Dying Light game. You explore a tightly crafted new open world set in the countryside - with lots of variety and new 4x4 vehicles to expand movement options. We’re also adding new and deadlier enemies and new weapons.
Where does the game take place?
Dying Light: The Beast is a thrilling zombie survival adventure set in a rural region. The open world of Dying Light: The Beast is different to the urban setting of Villedor. The valley of Castor Woods is home to a national park with mountains, forests, fields and swamps, small villages, industrial complexes and the touristy Old Town, which is perfect for parkour. The new location is densely packed and tightly-crafted with lots of mysteries to uncover.
On which platforms will the game be available?
The game will be released on PC, current and old gen consoles - Xbox and Playstation.
When, in relation to Dying Light 1 and Dying Light 2 Stay Human, DL: The Beast is happening?
The story of the original Dying Light took place in 2015, while Dying Light 2 was set in 2036. The story of the Dying Light: The Beast begins right after the events of Dying Light 2 Stay Human, which is over 20 years after the events of the original Dying Light.
How does Dying Light: The Beast differ from Dying Light 1 and Dying Light 2 Stay Human?
In Dying Light: The Beast, there are many new elements, including a new countryside-environment that we haven’t seen in any Dying Light games before.The game also brings a bunch of new gameplay features, like 4x4 vehicles and new weapons. Although Dying Light: The Beast will feel unique, you will find that the core elements that make Dying Light special are still present.
Will Dying Light: The Beast have achievements?
Yes, Dying Light: The Beast is a new standalone game and will offer a set of its own achievements.
—via the official Dying Light discord server
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alufeed1186 · 1 month
Art Series (27) Sasha Wearing Princess Jasmine And Take Asus Tuf Gaming F16 Laptop
Got Drawing Idea In China Version Tuf Anime Girl, Named 'Tian Xuan Ji' (天选姬), Idk What She About Eng Name.
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About This Laptop :
16 Inch 16:10 HD+
Intel Core i7 13650HX Inside(Have 14 Cores, 20 Threads, 6 P-Cores, 8 E-Cores, L3 24MB Cache)
Nvidia RTX 4060 130 W TDP Full Blood Version
1200P Screen Resolution And 165 Hz V-Sync Refresh Rate
Dual 84 Flade Fans Coldling System
90 Wh 4-Cell Li-Pon Battery, 240 W Fast Charge
DDR5 16GB 4800 Mhz Speed RAM (Can Update RAM)
PcIe 4.0 NVVe M2 SSD 1TB SSD (Can Update SSD Storage)
Support Pcle Gen 4x4 Slots
Support Doldy Atoms
Malaysia Price Is RM5999 To RM 6299
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See CarCrash429’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: carcrash429 Discord: carcrash429
Preferred organizations: - Innocence Project - National Network of Abortion Funds - The Bail Project (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: gen or platonic relationships light romance/implied ships only
Will not create works that contain: NSFW, whump
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1017
Will create works for the following relationships: Clint Barton-centric - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes-centric - 616, MCU Bobbi Morse-centric - 616, MCU
Work Description: Target story length will be 5-10k words Familiar with MCU up through Endgame, including Agents of SHIELD seasons 1-3, happy to include any characters from that Familiar with some comics, but happy to read up to one 8-12 issue storyline for context Willing to do crossovers with: Stargate Atlantis, Haven, Merlin BBC, Stardew Valley, Legend of Zelda (BOTW/TOTK) Also happy to do AUs, particularly fantasy, historical, space, American football, high school/college/grad school
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Craft or Merchandise --
Auction ID: 2012
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen and ship - 616, MCU X-Men fandom any gen and ship - X-Men movieverse
Work Description: Round 4x4 logo/symbol cross-stitch eg: Hawkeye's chevron, Captain America's shield $20 and up will do a half and half maximum 4 colors winner will be required to provide at least one example picture of the desired logo/symbol. Attached is a past cross-stich project as an example. For shipping, I will cover costs for within the US and split costs with bidders for outside the US.
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Craft or Merchandise --
Auction ID: 3004
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen - MCU
Work Description: one 5x7 rectangular or similarly sized circular cross-stitch will include logo/symbol slice/square for each of the 6 MCU Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk) Attached is a past cross-stich project as an example. For shipping, I will cover costs for within the US and split costs with bidders for outside the US.
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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dynamischreisen · 11 months
Max, Costa Rica, Tag 6
Pura vida und so
Heute ging es endlich das erste Mal auf diesem Trip surfen. Bisher habe ich insgesamt drei Kurse genommen, in Ericeira, Portugal und Lima, Peru. Jetzt war es also an der Zeit, mein über die Jahre gesammeltes Wissen an Nico weiterzugeben. Leider gab es nur ein ungewohnt kleines Board zu mieten, was es schwerer machen würde, die Wellen zu stehen. Aber hey, ein Bisschen Erfahrung hatte ich ja. Aufgrund der Tidebedingungen blieb uns morgens nur eine knappe Stunde. Also bin ich großspurig als erster ins Wasser, damit Nico analysieren konnte, wie es richtig geht - schließlich stand ich zuletzt in Lima acht von zehn Wellen. Ein Symbolbild, wie es lief, findet Ihr hier:
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Anschließend dann bei einem Käffchen in unserem Lieblingscafé ging es an die Reiseplanung für morgen. Es folgt: ein klassischer Max-Rant. Wie kann es sein, dass ein zivilisierter Staat ein derartig beschissenes öffentliches Nah- und Fernverkehrsnetz hat? Es ist absolut nicht möglich, innerhalb eines Tages von Santa Teresa nach La Fortuna zu kommen. Also wortwörtlich. Wir reden über eine Strecke von 100km Luftlinie und 211km Fahrstrecke. Erst dieser Umstand machte uns klar, dass wir wohl auch die gesamte Karibikküste skippen müssen. Denn so geht es auch weiter. Nun mussten wir uns ein fucking Shuttle eines Privatunternehmens buchen. Costa Rica hat 1948 sein Militär abgeschafft und den Etat in den Naturschutz gesteckt. Chapeau! Aber: zu Nachhaltigkeit gehört ein bisschen mehr als Wiederaufforstung - wenn der einzige Weg, dieses schöne Land zu sehen ist, sich einen fetten 4x4 SUV zu mieten und damit durch die kleinen Hippiedörfchen und Nationalparks zu heizen, läuft eindeutig etwas verkehrt! Noch dazu wenn für eine 200km Strecke ein Zehntel(!) des üblichen Lehrergehalts drauf geht. Das ist wirklich etwas schade, aber es kann ja auch nicht alles geil sein.
Was wiederum der Hammer ist: in Santa Teresa lebt man so naturnah, dass es immer wieder zu coolen Begegnungen mit Tieren kommt. So wie heute, als uns ein gigantischer bunter Leguan direkt an der Straße vor unserem Hostel begegnete. Geschickt hat er den einen, mehr oder weniger ersten Moment abgepasst, an dem ich meine Kamera nicht dabei hatte. Mit meinem Handy hat er aber nicht gerechnet.
Als ich mich wieder beruhigt habe, ein paar mal „pura vida“ vor mich hingemurmelt und den Surfergruß in Nicos Richtung geschickt habe, gingen wir wieder zum Surfen und wiedermal: chillen am Strand. Ich lerne wirklich neue Lebenswege hier. Nach einem schönen Strandspaziergang liefen wir wieder gen Hostel, wo es heute früh ins Bett geht, da das Shuttle uns morgen sehr früh abholt.
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carcrash429 · 11 months
couple days left to bid for @marveltrumpshate 2023!
do you have a favorite character that's hard to find stuff for? do they have a cool logo, either official or unofficial? would you like a cross-stitched version of that super cool logo??
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– Craft or Merchandise –
Auction ID: 2012
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen and ship - 616, MCU X-Men fandom any gen and ship - X-Men movieverse
Work Description: Round 4x4 logo/symbol cross-stitch eg: Hawkeye’s chevron, Captain America’s shield $20 and up will do a half and half maximum 4 colors winner will be required to provide at least one example picture of the desired logo/symbol. For shipping, I will cover costs for within the US and split costs with bidders for outside the US.
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I’d rather not be bid on by pods
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thatyotalife · 5 months
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15 notes · View notes
voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
The Real Winter Soldier, Part Three
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Winter x Greg (Bucky Barnes x Original Male Character)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Winter finally gets his first date with his Lieutenant, and it goes... Predictably.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (E) CW: BDSM, utter depraved smut.
𝐀/𝐍 -> It was demanded from me, so here's part three. Love you, Sailor.
Prompts met; - ‘Double Penetration’ – @anyfandomdarkbingo ; - ‘First Date’ – @fandombingo ; - Sensory Deprivation’ – Gen Prompt Bingo, - ‘Culture: Talking About Sex’ – @multifandom-flash , Taboo – 6046; - ‘Sadist’ - Multifandom Flash – BDSM, - ‘These are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know’ – Multifandom Flash  Mini-Event, Round Two – 4047, - ‘Beat Them at Their Own Element’ - Multifandom Flash  Mini-Event, Round Two – 2031, - ‘Shy Finger-Twiddling’ - Multifandom Flash  Mini-Event, Round Two – 2032. - ‘Eat Me Out’ – @sweetspicybingo (sweetheart bingo), - ‘Love’ – @julybreakbingo (4x4); - ‘Sweat’ – July Break Bingo (5x5); - ‘Condescending Praise Kink OR Degradation Kink’ – July Break Bingo (6x6); - ‘Oral Sex OR Phone Sex’ – July Break Flash Bingo; - ‘Kink: Cowgirl’, ‘Love as Attentiveness’, ‘Monster Under the Bed or Secret Identity’ – July Break Bingo (7x7); - ‘Kink: Creampie’, ‘Comfort’ - July Break Mini Bingo.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Divider comes from our infinitely talented partner, @unfortunate-beetle-and-friends ! Boards below the text:)
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The afternoon of our date, a package appeared on my doorstep.
My head cocked curiously as I placed the carboard box on the table. It wasn’t large, but surprisingly weighty for the size. Fingers brushing the tape, I smiled softly at the only distinguishing mark on the box – a small, sparking snowflake sketched in one corner, delicate and precise.
I tugged gently at the tape, mouth running dry as the contents were revealed.
My fingers shook as I pulled out the scrap of paper, heart hammering in my chest.
I expect these to be in place for our date tonight.
I touched the boxes inside tentatively, blushing softly at the images depicting their contents before removing each with a reverent delicacy, eyeing the clock in anticipation.
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I’d had to consult the internet for the best way to prepare my hitherto-unused ass – but I couldn’t deny that the slender dildo positioned inside me was intoxicating.
The larger of the two was more familiar by now, but the way it followed the curve of my body to press almost tenderly against my clit was… Different.
He was already seated when I entered, leaning back in his chair, collar undone and sleeves rolled up to the elbow. I felt my abdomen flutter at the mere sight of him, hyperaware of the toys buried inside me at his command.
He was on his feet before I reached the table, drawing out my chair and pressing a kiss to my cheek as I blushed. “That colour looks good on you,” he purred playfully, brushing a tender thumb over my jaw, and I felt myself grow darker, ducking my head shyly as I slid into my seat.
“Uh… Nice place,” I replied, glancing around the Italian, forcing myself to remain calm so he couldn’t see my nervousness.
He might be more experienced… But tonight, it’s my turn.
He settled himself opposite, silent for a moment as he considered me. Leaning forward onto his forearms, he fixed his dark eyes intensely on mine. “Did you do what you were told?” he breathed, and I couldn’t look away as I nodded weakly.
“I did,” I replied softly, and he grinned, predatory and seductive.
“Good boy. How do you feel?”
Time to shine.
I mirrored his position, leaning forward with my arms on the table, offering him a saccharine-sweet smile. “Deliciously full… Though my ass would feel much better stuffed with your cock.”
He blinked owlishly, my confidence catching him off-guard and leaving him momentarily wrong-footed, “I- Yeah, I-I’m sure it would…”
“You do stretch out my pussy incredibly, after all,” I added nonchalantly, taking a sip of my water to hide my smile at the infinitesimal drop of his jaw.
“Feels pretty incredible from my end, too,” he replied after a moment, clearing his throat when his voice cracked. “But you… You feel good? Comfortable?”
I nodded, leaning back in my chair to fold my arms across my chest, draping one leg luxuriously over the other and smirking when the motion drew his eye. “Very good,” I purred, dropping my gaze to the menu before me. “Though I’m somewhat regretting choosing a date that required us to wear pants.”
His gulp was audible, and I glowed internally, enraptured by my power over him – this man who had surely seen and done more than I could imagine, and yet here he was, squirming visibly in his seat.
Over me.
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We kept the conversation polite and free of more private subjects while we ate - discussing our lives, both past and present, aims for our future, and the things that brought us to where we were.
“It sounds like you’ve lived a hard life,” he’d observed, never looking away as I briefly recounted my seventy years under HYDRA service. I could only nod at his tender gaze, a surprising lump swelling in my throat, touched by the concern he showed.
His own offered history had been just as vague, telling briefly of naval service and implying interactions of his own with the surreal and fantastical – in the most horrifying and haunting of ways, judging by the way his eyes glazed over as he caressed faint scars on the back of his hands absently. He didn’t offer more information, and I didn’t ask – the cursed look in his eyes was painfully familiar, and said more than his words ever would.
Inevitably, however, the conversation turned teasing and flirty as we ordered dessert, and I marvelled in his ability to be utterly confident hitting on me in public; I found myself glancing around, cheeks flushed, when he mentioned making me moan, stunned by his straight face and unabashed nature – he didn’t bother to drop his voice as I had, and seemed unphased by the occasional glance he received.
But as much as he was able to talk about these things in the middle of the restaurant, I had a few tricks of my own up my sleeve – even if they were reserved for a more private setting. I was only bold enough to keep my eyes on his as I licked whipped cream from the tip of my spoon, watching as his throat bobbed at the motion. “So… Shall we get out of here?” I purred, unable to keep myself from twisting my fingers together timidly, my voice cracking at the end and betraying my nerves. He smiled sweetly, reaching out to take my hand gently.
“Are you okay, Snowflake?” he breathed, kissing my knuckles softly, making my heart stutter and swoon.
“Wonderful,” I murmured back, a shy grin creasing my features. “I, uh… Just- I’m looking forward to getting you back to my place.”
His eyebrow arched in surprise, tongue passing between his lips to contain a chuckle. “Oh, you are, are you?” I nodded, and he groaned under his breath, pushing back his chair as he stood. “Let’s go.”
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The second the door closed behind us, he was on me, his hands tangling in my hair as he pinned me to the wall, mouth colliding with mine in a hungry whine.
The sound ratcheted up when I spun us, his back replacing mine, my hand resting lightly on his throat. “Wh- Uh… This… This is… New…” he stammered, eyes widening with delight, and I smirked, trailing soft kisses over his jaw. “Not- ah, not that I’m complaining, I ju- mmm…”
His words died as I sucked lightly at his pulse, his fingers tightening against my hips, my own grip trailing slowly to press against his chest, pinning him in place. “I think it’s my turn to call the shots,” I breathed, drawing back just long enough to meet his gaze with a grin. “I’d like to give the whole ‘dominance’ thing a go…”
He gulped and nodded quickly, tipping his head back just a little as he rested it against the wall. “I’m yours, to do with as you wish.”
With a soft, nervous sigh, I kissed him tenderly, pressing my body closer to his for a moment of vulnerability before growling under my breath, sliding my hands under the edge of shirt and pushing it up quickly, trailing my mouth over the exposed skin as it passed over his head. I lost myself for a moment in the taste of him – salt and rope and strength, so delicious and intrinsically him that it drove every thought from my mind as he trembled beneath my lips. “God, you taste so fucking good,” I murmured, nipping roughly at the curve of muscle over his chest and eliciting a sharp gasp and a shudder of delight.
My fingers curled in the hair at the nape of his neck as I pulled him toward me, stumbling blindly towards my bedroom with my lips pressed to him. The grunt of delight as I pushed him onto the bed made goosebumps erupt across my arms, and I straddled him quickly, moving to remove my tie. His lips parted in ecstasy as I draped it across his eyes, head raising obediently to allow me to secure the fabric. “Is this okay?” I breathed, and he nodded eagerly.
“Very,” he whispered, squirming minutely, his cock grinding against me pointedly. “God, please…”
“Patience, pet,” I chuckled, leaning in once more to create a bruise on the smooth, exposed skin of his throat, nails scoring red lines down his chest with a purr, making him whimper quietly. “I’m going to take my sweet time with you… And you’re going to love every goddamn second.” Another quick, desperate nod, and his fingers flexed on my hips, dipping under the fabric my shirt. My own closed around his wrists, and I pinned them over his head, humming as I rolled my hips against his. “So needy! Did nobody teach you any endurance?”
“I thrive on instant gratification,” he replied softly, a smirk playing on his lips, and I laughed under my breath, kissing him once more.
“Your perseverance will be rewarded,” I murmured, and he swallowed, his muscles relaxing beneath me as he nodded once more, submitting to my will entirely. I tentatively let go of his wrists, but he stayed obediently where he was, trembling as I trailed slow kisses down his chest to sink to my knees between his thighs. The soft pants that fell from his parted lips sent bolts of lightning through my veins, hot and fizzing, and I licked my lips as I fumbled with his belt, hands shaking with enthusiasm.
The sigh that escaped him as I flicked my tongue over his leaking tip made me grin, and I sucked lightly at the end of his length, humming contentedly, fingers lightly caressing his thigh. His hands dropped to the sheets either side of his hips, clenching with the urge to bury themselves in my hair, no doubt longing to fuck my throat with reckless abandon, and I grinned as he whined when I drew back, his hips jerking against nothing. But he lay obediently prone as I moved to my feet, shrugging out of my shirt, delighting in the way his cock bobbed at the sound of my trousers hitting the floor.
His palms found my thighs when I straddled him once more, unconsciously pressing me minutely down, quietly straining to press himself inside me, pressing the toy still buried inside me even deeper. I let his head brush against me, making him shiver with delight, before shimmying forward, relishing in the desperate whimper that erupted around the lip clamped between his teeth. “Shhh,” I murmured, caressing his cheek gently as I moved to place a knee either side of his head. “Make me feel good, pet, and you’ll get reward.”
His eyes lit up as I slowly withdrew the toy from inside me with a soft moan, teasing it against the edge of his lip. His mouth opened obediently, eagerly taking the toy and swirling his tongue around it hungrily, sucking and swallowing with a groan. With a quiet chuckle, I withdrew the toy, tossing it to the sheets and moving closer.
The moment my dripping pussy met his lips he dove into me with a groan, my back arching as I gasped and shuddered, eyes open wide. “Fuck- that’s it, sweet boy. Lick that cunt like the desperate whore you are… So fucking good…” He simply whimpered in response, and my fingers tangled in his hair as I rutted against him needily, relishing in each pass of his tongue over my clit. When he buried himself inside me hungrily, I mewled aloud, thighs clenching around his head. “J- god, yes, just like that! Just there, baby boy, fuck…”
The lewd sounds of my wetness passing over his mouth and his eager lapping only drove me higher, hips jerking faster, rocking against him frantically as he snatched breaths where possible. I couldn’t keep myself from tugging off his blindfold, wanting to see those eyes as I used him for my pleasure – the mahogany depths danced with delight as he worked his mouth against me eagerly, unable to stop his hands from moving to my waist to pull me closer and anchor me nearer to his probing tongue. Distantly, I considered chastising him, but his desperate grip digging tight into my skin was too good, dragging me over the edge as I rutted desperately against him, a cry of pleasure falling from my lips.
The full-body tremors that wracked my body as I came down had me leaning back, one hand resting on his hipbone to support myself as I panted hard. His tongue on me eased up as I whimpered in overstimulated pleasure, trading quick, precise flicks for long, slow laps, hungrily chasing down any drops of my wetness he may have missed, thumbs tracing comforting circles on my thighs.
My movements were slow and shaky as I moved to straddle his hip once more, biting back a grin at the sight of his slick face and glassy eyes. “My poor, sweet boy… Eating my pussy seems to have blown any thoughts from that pretty head, hm?” He nodded weakly, dazed, licking his lips as his gaze shifted to me.
“I-” He cut himself off with a soft groan, lids fluttering in pleasure before his eyes found mine once more. “So… So good…”
I purred, pressing back minutely, the toy still buried in my ass shifting at the motion and earning a soft, pitiful mewl. “I think you deserve a reward for performing so well…” I hummed, shifting to let my wetness slide along his length, eliciting a stuttered, breathless groan. His hands shifted to my hips, holding me to him as he rocked against me hungrily – and his eyes grew wide as my metal fingers wrapped around his throat, a warning growl rising in my chest.
“Remember you place, pet,” I breathed, grip loosening infinitesimally when his hands dropped to the sheets once more, hips stilling, a frustrated whine slipping between parted lips.
I picked up where he had left off, rocking and grinding atop him, head falling back as his leaking tip nudged my clit lightly. He could only whimper beneath me, his fingers clenched in the bedding as he fought to contain himself, and I leaned forward, offering him a sweet smile. “Beg.”
“Please,” he breathed immediately, eyes wide and pleading. “I- Fuck, please, Sir… You feel so good, I-I want you- Want to be buried in your beautiful, soaked, tight pussy… I love how wet you get, wanna let you drench me while you use me to make yourself feel good… Please, Sir, I-”
He cut himself off with a deafening groan as I twitched my hips, letting his length press inside me quickly, pausing with him buried deeply as he sobbed his gratitude and pleasure.
My pace was slow and gentle as I rocked atop him, relishing the gasps and moans that fell from his flushed lips. His eyes were locked on me, blown wide with rapturous adoration, the heat of his gaze making my skin burn with lust. “Don’t stop,” I breathed, rocking more firmly, fingernails scoring lines down his chest as I moaned gently. He swallowed, hips twitching minutely, head falling back as his lips parted once more.
“P-please- God, fuck- Please, Sir… It’s so good, you’re so good… Please Sir – use me – I’d be honoured to be a sex toy for you – anything you want, please… I just want to watch you feel good…”
My fingers found his, guiding his hands to my hips, showing him exactly how I wanted to move me and earning a soft groan of delight, biceps flexing as he obeyed eagerly. “That’s it,” I murmured, back arching as he shifted me on his length, pressing him deeper with each thrust. “Fuck- just like that, pet… Don’t- Don’t stop, f-fuck… I’m gonna s-soak that cock, and you’re g-gonna fuck me th-through it like a good slut, a-and then– mmm- then you’re gonna put those muscles to p-purpose and pound me into the g-goddamn mattress…” The stutter was unfortunate but unavoidable as his hands tightened on my hips, rutting into me more forcefully as I spoke.
“Please- fuck, please soak me- so, so hot when you squirt, Sir… I want you to make a mess of me,” he grunted, impaling me roughly atop him as the sounds of his cock pounding into my wetness obscenely punctuated each desperate breath.
The cry I released as he raised me was of utter ecstasy, juices flowing freely to soak the willing, obedient, hungry man beneath me, who could only groan out his pleasure, nails digging in as he slammed me back down.
True to orders, he moved me against him diligently as wave after wave of pleasure broke over me, interrupting only long enough to permit another gush of my wetness, leaving him soaked and slick, trembling with the effort of keeping his control.
When I was little more than a ragdoll, jerking in time with his hands rocking me, I leaned forward to wrap a hand around his throat, pulling him into a hard kiss as I quivered. “Fuck me, whore. Make me come, then maybe – just maybe – I’ll let you fill me up,” I whispered, more breath than vocalisation as I panted heavily, smirking at the whine he let out when I slid from his lap.
His own breath hitched when my chest met the bed, ass in the air proudly, my knees inched apart to offer him a full view of my dripping cunt. “What are you waiting for?” I purred, hips shifting to wriggle pointedly. “Don’t leave me waiting, fuck toy, or I’ll leave you want-”
My words were cut off as he buried himself inside me quickly, setting up a ferocious, bruising pace, eliciting a deafening yelp and a groan of depraved pleasure. His hands found my hips once more, dragging me forcefully against him, and I hissed in delight as his balls collided with my clit, sending sparks of electricity shooting through me.
True to orders, he gripped me roughly, breath coming in short, sharp pants as he exerted himself. A bead of sweat pooled at the base of my spine as I grunted and gasped, fingers dragging rapturously at the sheets, body jerking. “Fuck- that’s it, that’s it – just there, Sailor… Fuck me, pet – oh, God…”
He groaned roughly, nails digging into my flesh as he unmade me, my own sounds of pleasure dissolving into frantic whines, rutting back against him and earning a hand between my legs, deftly caressing my clit. “There we go- God, you’re so beautiful, so wet, so tight- Fuck, Snowflake, please, I-I can’t-”
I cut him off with a desperate wail, leaning back to crush myself against his chest, muscles convulsing around him as I sobbed helplessly. His free arm wrapped around my waist immediately, holding me tight to him, and – despite the shuddering of urgency in his own body and the staccato tempo of his thrusts as he fought to restrain himself – continued to fuck me just as ordered, spearing me on his cock as my cries faded to pleasured whimpers, head falling back against his shoulder.
“Come for me, Sailor,” I breathed, reaching back to tangle a hand in his hair, holding him tight to me. “Fill me up… Please.”
My words had immediate effect as he buried himself with a relieved, deafening groan, forehead finding my neck as he finally let himself fall still, save the pulsing of his length as he spilled inside me. The ragged breaths against my skin made me smile, and I smoothed his sweat-damp hair tenderly. “My good boy,” I purred, eyes closing for a moment as bliss washed over me. “Such a good boy.”
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We lay in a sweat-slick, tangled heap, his cock still buried inside me, my body crushed to his and our foreheads pressed together. My fingers found his cheek, caressing gently, and his eyelids fluttered open to offer me a soft smile.
“Hey, beautiful,” he murmured, eyes half-open as he considered me. “You doing okay?” I nodded once, returning his smile, enamoured with this exhausted man who had worked so hard for my pleasure – but I was unable to keep up the eye contact, and his brow furrowed worriedly. “What’s wrong, Snowflake? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” I replied quickly, hand dropping to squeeze his bicep gently in reassurance. “You were… Amazing.” I chuckled softly, shaking my head, still feeling weak from the waves of pleasure that had crashed through my body, then paused. “You’re not… Afraid of me, are you?”
His frown deepened further, fingers finding mine to hold tight. “Why on Earth would you think that?”
Hesitating, I looked away, swallowing with difficulty around the lump in my throat. “I… I know the stories people tell about me. That, y’know, I seem like an alright guy now – but that I’ve done some real bad things. Some folks understand that it wasn’t me; others just… Think I’m a live grenade, ready to blow at any moment. Just waiting in the darkness, and maybe they’re right; I’m the monster under the bed that their mother warned them about, after all.”
He considered me for a moment, eyebrows all but descending into his eyes as he stared. “… Oh, Win, no,” he murmured, holding me tighter to him and pressing a soft kiss to my head. “My sweet boy. I’m not afraid of you – and you are not a monster, do you hear me?”
I curled closer to his chest, burrowing into his willingly offered body and clinging to him needily. “You think so?” I muttered, and he nodded against my hair.
“I know so. I could never be afraid of you, Snowflake. I love you.”
I hummed gratefully before pausing, the gravity of his words sinking in as I looked up, finding him slightly pink-cheeked and nervous, but smiling softly. “You… Love me?”
A gentle chuckle, and he nodded, skimming his lips against my forehead lightly. “I love you, Winter.”
My heart hammered in my chest, and I blushed as I looked down, suddenly shy, despite the cock still resting inside me. “I… I love you too, Lieutenant Tyne.”
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onlyhappyvibes · 3 months
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aurorans-solis · 2 years
Language Maths???
Right so here's a first post I guess. A while back when I started learning German I noticed that you could make a 4x4 matrix out of the definite articles:
┌──────┬─────┬──────┬──────┐ │ masc │ fem │ neut │ plur │ ┌─────┼──────┼─────┼──────┼──────┤ │ nom │ der │ die │ das │ die │ ├─────┼──────┼─────┼──────┼──────┤ │ acc │ den │ die │ das │ die │ ├─────┼──────┼─────┼──────┼──────┤ │ dat │ dem │ der │ dem │ den │ ├─────┼──────┼─────┼──────┼──────┤ │ gen │ des │ der │ des │ der │ └─────┴──────┴─────┴──────┴──────┘
Naturally the obvious thing to do was treat it as such and find things about it like the inverse, Gram-Schmidt QR decomposition, and of course most fittingly the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Attempting this leaves a bit of ambiguity: do we treat the words as sums or products of letters, or maybe even variables in and of themselves? Not wanting to answer this myself (read: I couldn't decide lmao) I ended up just doing all three:
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And the results?
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Absolutely perfe-
Hold on. I need to zoom out a bit for the sums matrix inverse. Let's just zoom out as far as wxMaxima will let me.
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Okay, time to export to HTML and view the webpage.
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Cool. Now what about QR decomp? Turns out exporting to HTML just dies and then equations aren't rendered. I have to export to TeX and render that to a PDF. Also I have to edit the PDF to be uh... 10000cm wide. Yes, that's right, 100m wide. 328ft. And let's have a look at our beautiful German definite article QR decompositions:
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So at regular font size in TeX (12pt I believe?) that means that the Q and R for the sums matrix (page 1) and R for the variables matrix (page 3) are >100m wide. Both Q and R for the products matrix are a measly 19m wide or so.
That was fun! Let's do the eigenvalues and eigenvectors next! Or so I thought. I gave all three 16GB of heap space and calculating the eigenvectors for every single one of them ran out of memory (taking OVER A WEEK to do so for the variables matrix). So, for the time being, the world does not know what the German definite article eigenvalues and eigenvectors are. A truly pitiable result.
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Anything for the shot
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