#pet shop au
haihaihaitani · 1 year
He's Mine Now ~ *Kazutora Hanemiya*
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Summary: You finally decided on what kind of pet you want. Unfortunately, Kazutora wants the same one. Can a compromise be reached before all hell breaks loose?
Pairing: Kazutora Hanemiya X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Word Count: 487
Warning: Swearing, Kazutora’s kind of an ass
Taglist: @soulangel​
“Alright, I’ve made my decision.”
Kazutora’s eyebrow perked up. “Oh? After all these month’s, you’ve finally made your choice?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “I finally know what kind of pet I’m going to get.”
“And that would be?”
“I’m getting a cat.”
“Ah.” He went back to organizing the inventory.
You frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? Besides, I thought you would be more excited for me. You love cats.”
He stared at you. “It took you four months to decide on a cat?”
Leaning over the counter you tried to smack him, but he just scooted away. “Hey!  There are a lot of different kinds of cats out there. I have it narrowed down to one specific type.”
Kazutora didn’t answer you, causing you to pout. He groaned. “Fine. What type?”
“A black cat!”
“Wow. So original.”
He held up his hands to keep you from trying to hit him again. “Alright! I’m sorry! So where are you going to get this black cat?”
“Well this is a pet store, isn’t it?” You giggled. “Besides, Chifuyu was telling me all about this cute black cat here-”
“Wait, are you talking about Inky?”
You frowned. “Well, I was going to call him Midnight.”
Kazutora rolled his eyes. “That’s such a stereotypical name for a black cat.”
“And Inky is any better?”
He paused before folding his arms over his chest. “Either way, you can’t adopt him.”
Your jaw dropped again. “And why not?!”
“Because he’s mine!”
“Did you adopt him?”
“I don’t have the money for that!”
“So he’s not yours!”
Kazutora’s glare turned deadly, but you were one to back down. “He’s mine.”
“No, he is not!”
“They’re right, he’s not. He’s theirs.” Chifuyu stated, a cat  carrier and manilla envelope in his hand. He smiled at you. “All the paperwork is in order and the microchip is activated. Midnight is all yours.”
As soon as you placed your hand on the handle, Kazutora slapped your hand away. However, his glare was fixated on Chifuyu. “How could you do this to Inky? To me!”
He frowned, unimpressed by his tantrum. “You don’t have the money to buy him and they did. They used that money to buy Midnight, and now he’s theirs. That’s how business works.”
“But he’s mine!”
Chifuyu groaned. “Oh my God, you’re so annoying. Besides, aren’t the two of you friends? It’s not like you’re never going to see him again.”
Within an instant, Kazutora’s attention was back on you, but he was no longer glaring. He grabbed your hand and exclaimed, “I need to be there for everything! Every milestone, every step, every cute thing that kitten does! I have to be there!”
“I don’t know-”
“Just say yes.” Chifuyu butted in. “He’s going to be insufferable otherwise.”
You sighed. “Fine. We can co-parent as long as you admit he’s 75% mine.”
“Fine! Whatever you  say! Now let me see the baby!”
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 2 months
Paws for Applause - Chapter One 'Anatolian'
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> James "Bucky" Barnes x Original Nonbinary Character (Soldierbug)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> After his time in Wakanda, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is struggling to adapt back to life in the wider world, hiding out in the Pacific Northwest as he fights to regain some control over his life. Or: Bucky gets a dog, and meets a cute salesperson.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Panic attack, trauma references, medical prejudice and medication disdain, general PTSD things, anxiety, vulnerability, implied alcohol abuse.
𝐀/𝐍 -> PSA: Do not get a dog after such a short contemplation period please! This is a work of fiction, and we didn't want to write several months of pro-con weighing. Make informed choices, y'all.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Dividers by us!
Prompts used;
- 'Anxiety' - Build a Bucky Bingo (July) @buckybarnesevents; - ‘Goats’ – @buckybarnesbingo (B049); - ‘Vibranium’ – Bucky Barnes Bingo (B005); - ‘Leash’ and ‘New to the City AU’ – Bug’s First Bingo; - "I Need Help." – @fandom-free-bingo, Flight Edition;
- 'Puppy or Play Mate' - @julybreakbingo (4x4); - 'Earbuds in Public or Strangers in a Checkout Line' - July Break Bingo (5x5) - 'Emotional' - July Break Bingo (6x6); - ‘Amputee or Paralysed’– July Break Bingo (7x7); - 'Drowning or Drowning Your Sorrows' - July Break Bingo (Summer);
- 'Double Standards' - @multifandom-flash Discrimination; - ‘Adopt a Pet’ – Multifandom-Flash New Year Gen; - ‘Pet Store AU’ – Multifandom-Flash Round 2 (Card 1027); - 'Difficulty Breathing' - Pick Your Poison @hurtcomfort-bingo (C025).
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I sighed as I dropped to the bed, forearms resting on my knees as I took in the dimly lit room, accompanied by a melancholy orchestra of squeaking springs.
Steve had found me exactly what I had requested - small, discreet, and unlikely to attract any unwanted attention. The studio certainly fulfilled all criteria, the small windows along one wall looking only into an alley woven with shadows, offering the privacy I craved.
The building seemed largely abandoned, save a few similarly reclusive tenants; most of the bells at the front door were unlabelled, and those that were claimed were faded and yellowing, the curled edges of the tape thick with dust. The entire place seemed stagnant, lost in time amongst the sleek modernity of a continuously evolving city. But I felt at home amongst the 50s sconces and age-worn carpets – far more comfortable than I had in the high-tech metropolis that made up most of Wakanda.
I looked down at the black and gold metal that made up my left arm, fingers reflecting in the weak light as they flexed slowly. The advanced prosthetic was the only reminder of my time in the African nation – that, and the seemingly enduring clarity in my mind.
It had taken a month after Ayo’s test for me to even consider that I may no longer be controlled, ordered to acts of evil by the darkest of minds – and to allow Steve to visit me in my new life as a goatherd.
I wondered for the hundredth time, looking around the dim, sparse room, if I had made a huge mistake.
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The query persisted throughout the evening, following me doggedly as I unpacked my meagre possessions from a tatty holdall. My belongings were limited to a few sets of clothes, some basic toiletries – and a handgun that had me lay on my back in the dust beneath the bed, tongue between my teeth as I fitted the holster to the wire frame.
Maybe I was paranoid – but I’d rather be paranoid than dead.
One of my biggest concerns about being back in the ‘wider world’, as Steve called it, was just how wide – and, more importantly, unprotected – it really was. The list of people who would like my head on a pike was far from short, with Steve’s own teammate being one of them.
Things had been complicated since I’d last seen the team; while the divided factions had eventually come back together, there was still tension at times, particularly when the Accords came up. The majority were working to get through it, making their peace with the eventual conclusion that the conditions laid out in the Accords would work in a perfect world – but this world wasn’t perfect. It was messy, and chaotic, and unpredictable. While the Avengers could – and would – make mistakes, they wouldn’t make choices based on politics or power. Their only interest would always be minimising harm.
But Tony was the outlier.
While the others worked to overcome their animosity, seeing the clear need for peace, Tony stayed angry – at both sides of the schism, but particularly with Steve. He’d never forgiven my friend for defending me, and since learning that Steve knew of my whereabouts, his fury had only grown.
In Wakanda, I found comfort in the knowledge that the country’s location was a well-guarded secret, with a barrier surrounding the nation obscuring and protecting it from anyone who may stumble across it by chance. For all his intelligence, even Tony hadn’t known the real nature of Wakanda before they were ready. If there was anywhere in the world I couldn’t be found – by both Tony and others alike – it was Wakanda.
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I at beans cold from the tin, leaning against the bedframe, settled with my arms on my knees in my nest on the ground. One of the first things I’d done had been to take Steve’s carefully made sheets from the bed and rearrange them on the floor, an irrational pang of guilt pulling at my gut.
Steve had worked hard to set it all up for me – especially without Tony knowing – and had seemingly thought of everything, from basic furnishings to a few home comforts. But I didn’t have the energy or motivation to cook, despite the food in the fridge, and I hadn’t slept in a bed in longer than I cared to remember; the knowledge that it was a comfort I didn’t deserve was far too ingrained in my mind to allow such behaviour.
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It was after I’d set the empty tin on the floor, letting the shifting colours of a kid’s movie lull me, that I dared to acknowledge the other reason that I’d felt safer in Wakanda.
It wasn’t just that I was protected from the outside world in the secluded African nation; perhaps more importantly, the outside world was protected from me. Even after my apparent deprogramming, I fought vehemently with Steve about leaving Wakanda, citing my concerns about being a target – and potentially putting the rest of the team at risk, too. When he came back to me, having secured an apartment and a new identity for me, I’d reluctantly admitted that I feared what I may do without the advanced technology of Wakanda to defend innocent people.
But Steve had simply parroted my activation code, despite my shaking and pleading, and beamed broadly when I remained in control of my facilities.
How can I explain that I’m afraid of myself?
How can we explain that we are many?
That we don’t know what we’re capable of, even without someone else controlling us?
Where do we even begin?
I sighed, grimacing as I settled deeper into my nest. The voices in my head had always been there, in one way or another, but ever since I’d had my deactivation confirmed, they’d become louder and more conversational, their personalities shining through as they chimed in.
“I’m losing my mind,” I murmured to myself, eyes flicking to the screen as I laid my head on a folded-up sweatshirt.
It’s possible, agreed the first voice readily – ever the stoic voice of reason of the two.
But at least you’re not doing it alone, soothed the second, his soft voice and endless optimism wreathing around me comfortably.
“That’s true,” I replied, smiling tenderly.
… Hey, Buck?
Thanks for the movie.
My smile spread a little wider, and I pulled the blankets closer with a contented sigh.
“You’re welcome.”
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I woke to my cell buzzing insistently, the harsh summer sun streaming through a chink in the curtains directly onto the black metal of my left arm. Drawing it back quickly, I winced as my other hand brushed over the scorching vibranium tentatively.
It was easier when it had no feeling…
True, but it was awful smart of Shuri to be able to do it!
I hummed in agreement as I flexed my uncomfortably hot fingers, grimacing, and reached for my cell, the vibration still sending it shifting across the floor slowly.
“Bucky, I’ve been trying to reach you for almost an hour!”
My eyebrow arched of its own volition, drawing back to glance uncertainly at my screen.
Eight missed calls.
And twelve messages…
“What is it? What’s happened?” I snapped, slamming the phone quickly back to my ear as I darted about my space, stuffing only the barest of essentials into my holdall.
Nothing that will weigh us down.
Or draw attention.
“Bucky – calm down,”  Steve interjected, the panic evident in his voice. “I-I’m sorry – everything is fine. I just wanted to remind you about your appointment, and I worried when I couldn’t get through…”
I couldn’t help but wince at his palpable guilt, settling back on the ground with a heavy sigh. “It’s okay. Thanks, Stevie.”
“It’s important you go, Buck.”
“Yeah, I know,” I muttered. We’d already argued – more than once – about me needing to see a doctor. I said I was fine; Steve disagreed, talking about anxiety and depression and trauma, telling me about the therapies he’d done since he came out of the ice. He talked about the men who used to come back different – angry, or unable to get out of bed, or living life at the bottom of a bottle - and how it had a name now. He told me I didn’t have to live with those things.
How was I supposed to tell him that we deserve it?
It’s a poor repentance for our crimes, but it is the only one we have.
It would break his heart, to know the things we’ve done…
So in the end, I’d let him win, and he’d made the appointment, gushing about what my life could look like if I put in the effort. I figured I’d go to this first appointment, just to get it done and get Steve off my back; I didn’t need – or deserve – anyone’s help. I had my apartment and my solitude, and that was enough. With my fake documents, I could get a job and pay my own way in the world; I wouldn’t be reliant on Steve anymore.
I wouldn’t be putting him in danger.
But first…
“I’m heading out in a few, Stevie. I’ll let you know how it goes, okay?” My voice had softened at the distress in his own, and he let out a quiet, relieved exhale.
“Thanks, Buck. I just… I really think that this will help, you know?”
I nodded to myself, looking around my sparse apartment, fingers curling in my blankets unconsciously.
If it were anyone else… We’d think they deserved help, the softer voice pointed out gently, and I let my eyes close with my own sigh of resignation.
“Yeah. I hope so.”
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This is why I hate people.
I fought the urge to snort as the doctor took our blood, gawping openly at our left arm, the black and gold shimmering under the florescent lights each time I moved.
He’d deemed us in peak physical condition, and allowed me to shrug my shirt back on, sitting on the opposite side of his desk as I rolled my sleeve down – clearly, the limb was proving too distracting from him.
“So, Mr. Smith,” he started, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at predictable alias Steve had chosen for me, “now that your first appointment baselines are out of the way, what can I help you with? You don’t strike me as someone who particularly struggles with his health,” he added, offering me a broad – and somewhat unnerving – smile.
“My friend thinks I need help,” I offered uncertainly. The aging, grizzled physician simply watched me curiously, head cocked to one side.
“You seem to have a good life,” he noted, eyes flicking once more to my arm. “That’s a high-quality piece of kit if ever I saw one. You’re in great physical health. I’d say you’re pretty lucky. What could you possibly need help with?”
I blinked in surprise, dumbfounded into silence.
Fucking hell.
I was born over a hundred years ago, and even I know better than that.
That was pretty ignorant…
Clearing my throat, I raised a finger to tap at my vibranium shoulder pointedly. “D’you wanna know how I got this?” I offered quietly. When he simply nodded, I rolled my jaw, leaning forward. “I was in the war. A sergeant. There was a… Train accident. Most of my arm was ripped from my body, and the part that wasn’t was later cut away – without anaesthetic,” I added, my gaze locked on his. “I’m in constant pain. I was held captive for a long time, and forced to do horrible, awful things. I barely sleep for nightmares. Every time I leave the house I’m on high alert, waiting for something bad to happen. I never want to get out of bed.”
He watched me for a second longer, his jaw hanging half an inch before snapping shut with the distinct click of ceramic on bone. “I-I- I had no idea. I’m sorry- Sergeant Smith, Sir. My mistake. Of course.”
It shouldn’t take pointing out our service to make this man flounder and treat us with respect.
No, but… I’m quite glad that Steve made us those papers saying we fought in Afghanistan.
It’s not really stolen valour, is it? I mean, we are veterans, and it’s not like we can be honest about which war we fought in – not without drawing a lot of attention and probably putting ourselves in danger… We didn’t even specify, it’s only on the paperwork…
Seems little Stevie knew what he was doing.
“The local VA has excellent facilities for-”
I interrupted him with a quick shake of my head, hand raising. “I’d rather go mainstream, if that’s okay.”
Knowing my luck, I’d end up bumping into someone who really was in the unit I’m supposed to have been stationed with…
He nodded again, head ducking graciously. “Of course, Sergeant.” Hesitating, his eyes flicked away, a minute grimace pulling at his lips. “But… The VA would see you in a matter of weeks. The wait for our own referrals is currently up to a year.”
The bottom dropped out of my stomach, and I felt nauseous. While I’d little intention of working with the resources offered to me, the idea that the support was there, should I want it, was more comforting than I’d realised; now, however, my breathing came a little too hard, vision darkening around the edges, my palm tingling. “And in the meantime?” I pressed, the steadily increasing panic making the blood in my ears roar, my own voice sounding faded and far away.
The doctor simply gazed at me sadly, offering me a weak shrug. “It’s an underfunded and undersupported system. That’s why I would recommend contacting the VA, and-”
“I’m not going to do that,” I snapped, eyes narrowing in annoyance before I let out a sigh, pushing away my irritation stubbornly. “Look, being around other veterans – it’s not good for me. I don’t want to be treated like a soldier; I just want to be a regular guy.” The excuse was thought up on the fly, but he nodded sympathetically, turning to his computer and tapping at the keys slowly.
“Our trauma team is currently fulfilling referrals from eight months ago. That’s the most accurate time frame I can give you, I’m afraid; it entirely depends on how many they’ve had in the meantime. It could be less, or it could be more.” He looked to me again, his smile strained. “I think that’s the best we can offer, if you’re reluctant to-”
“What about pills?”
I blinked in surprise, more startled by the words that left my lips than he was. It happened, from time to time – I spoke without intending to, with no plan or consideration, to the extent that the words often didn’t even feel like mine.
He cleared his throat, humming under his breath, considering me for a moment. “Well, I mean… I suppose I could offer you something to ease your anxiety, though I don’t particularly like prescribing medication…”
I couldn’t help myself – I arched an eyebrow, eyeing him curiously. “… Interesting approach…”
He shrugged minutely, turning back to his screen and tapping a few keys passively. “The younger generation are being mollycoddled. We didn’t have all this ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’ when I was a boy. It existed, of course – but it was a serious condition, not these children who feel a little blue sometimes.”
My mouth moved wordlessly, utterly dumbfounded, annoyance boiling under my skin.
We can’t. The medication…
Fuck that. Screw this guy. Break the callous bastard’s goddamn nose.
I paused for a moment, then nodded once, closing my mouth with a soft click and a terse smile, humming non-committedly. “So… The medication?” I prompted, earning a quiet sigh – which I ignored – as he offered me the script.
“This should only be an interim stop gap,” he warned, finger extending to point at me when his hand was free. “Just until your referral has been actioned, okay? And I really think you should reconsider getting in touch with the VA. The sooner you’re off the pills, the better, in my opinion.”  
I don’t give a fuck about your opinion.
I simply nodded once more as I pushed myself to my feet, reaching down to grab my bag as he extended a hand to me, pretending I hadn’t seen the motion.
What the hell are you doing? The fiercer of the two voices had a snarl in their voice as they snapped at me, but I continued to exit the room. He can’t get away with that!
He won’t, I soothed, following the short corridor absently. He won’t, I promise.
He continued to object quietly – but when my steps turned away from the exit, he immediately fell quiet, watching curiously as I approached the reception desk.
“Hi! Can I help you?” The man behind the counter offered me a reassuring smile, and I felt my muscles unclench infinitesimally as I offered a tentative grin back.
“Hey – I, uh… I’d like to register a formal complaint, and request a change in GP.”
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I spun the card thoughtfully between my fingers, staring up at the store sign uncertainly.
‘Paws for Applause’.
Oh God. Puns. Why puns…
It’s cute!
It is quite charming, I admitted with a chuckle, humming as I considered my next step.
The receptionist had been endlessly helpful; he led me away from the main room, carefully noting every detail of my complaint with a sympathetic grimace, admitting there’d been some issues with that GP in particular as of late. He’d arranged another appointment with a different doctor he was sure I’d get on far better with – a young woman with significantly more progressive views. When I’d lamented the wait time, he’d pursed his lips in thought, offering me the card I now held.
“The thing that made the biggest difference to my husband – he’s a veteran, too… It wasn’t the VA, or therapy, or medication. We actually got a dog. She gets him out of the house and out of his own head, and helps him feel safer when he’s in public.”
That was how I’d found myself here, chewing on my lip nervously.
I’ve never looked after anything alive before…
We’re going to be terrible at this. Our whole life has been about killing.
No. We’re going to be awesome at this. We can ask for help if we need it. We can do this!
I inhaled deeply, metal fingers forming an anxious concealed fist in the pocket of my sweatshirt as the other hand tugged my headphones out – the sound of songs from my own era was one of the few things that kept me from being entirely overwhelmed when I went out in public.
There was no bell as I opened the door – instead, I was met with a distant but multi-layered series of tweets and chirps, punctuated by one intimidating scream as something loud and green swooped over my head.
I nearly turned right back around and left again.
“Denzel! Shit, sorry about him; he can be a right arsehole sometimes. Dezzie, come here, you gremlin!”
I turned toward the voice, startled – and charmed, despite myself, by the presence of an English accent in the Pacific Northwest – as a thirty-something person appeared from behind a box on the counter, the green parrot-looking thing flapping down to settle on their shoulder with another abominable shriek, earning a wince from his owner. “Jesus, Denzel – put a sock in it, would you? How can I help, other than providing free earplugs?” they added, looking to me once more.
“I- I, uh…” My voice failed me as I looked around, panic rising as I took in the endless pet supplies in infinite materials, breath hitching unsteadily.
Their head cocked minutely, and they glanced at the bird once more. “Denzel, go home,” they murmured. To my distant surprise, he obliged immediately, flapping off through a narrow hole in the door behind them, which they slid shut in his wake, cutting off the quieter series of tweets and whistles before rounding the counter, palms raised imploringly. “Hey. You’re okay. It’s a lot, huh? But you don’t have to do that right now. Just look at me, okay?”
My eyes found theirs desperately, focusing on the chocolate depths, flecked with mahogany and sand. Their hand reached for mine, and I baulked instinctively, jerking ack, wincing guiltily at the brief look of hurt that flickered across their face. “Just take a few deep breaths, okay? You’re safe here. I promise.” The anxious, rejected expression had passed already, leaving only a soft worry, and I forced myself to breathe more evenly – even if it did hitch a little in the process.
But they simply stood with their eyes on mine, smiling gently, murmuring encouragement and reassurances as I fought to control my spasming lungs.
By the time I was calm, red-faced and sniffing intermittently, they were humming quietly – a song I didn’t know, but the gentle, lilting melody smoothed the raged edges of my mind. “Thanks,” I murmured, my cheeks flaming, and I looked away in shame.
God, we’re pathetic.
Fucking disaster.
We shouldn’t have come here…
“Sorry,” I muttered, rubbing my hand roughly over my face. “W- I shouldn’t have come here. It was a stupid idea.”
They frowned, head cocked slightly, hand extending as I took a stumbling step backwards. “Hey- it’s okay! You’re doing really well. Look, I’ll flip the sign and we can take it easy – we’ll take a seat and just talk, okay?”
I swallowed again, nauseated by the pounding of my heart in my chest, coupled with the undeniable urge to bolt. But eventually, I  offered them an uncertain nod, watching nervously as they stepped away to flip he sign in the window and turn the catch with an apologetic grimace. “People don’t always bother to check the sign,” they offered with a guilty shrug, and I nodded stiffly, clammy hand rubbing against my thigh in a display of anxiety. They turned over a couple of crates and settled on one, a foot tucked beneath them, and indicated to the other. “Join me?”
I settled nervously, fidgeting and shifting as they watched me with a gentle gaze. “I’m- this isn’t necessary, really. I’m okay.”
They smiled weakly, shrugging a shoulder and gesturing around themselves. “Hey- it’s a hectic job. Maybe I just wanted ten minutes break, hm? I mean, you’ve met Denzel, right?” I chuckled quietly, and they grinned. “There you go! It’s not so bad, huh? So – how about we try this again?”
I watched them for a moment, unable to shake the last of my suspicion and anxiety, but eventually let out a soft sigh. “I… My name is B- … James. I… There was a guy at the doctor’s office, I guess, and he…”
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They listened politely the entire time I spoke, grimacing sympathetically as I briefly mentioned the intensity of my nightmares. I found myself divulging details I’d never shared with anyone before – the way being in public made my skin crawl and heart pound, the way I was movement and faces in shadows, and the way I lay awake at night, eyes open and ears pricked for every minute sound.
Through it all, they never looked away – not even when the metal of my arm flashed between glove and sleeve, simply keeping their eyes on mine, gentle and warm.
“You can call me Mars,” they began, leaning forward to rest their forearms on their knees. “And it sounds like you’ve had a really tough time of it, huh?” I shrugged and nodded, and they gestured around the space once more. “I moved here from the UK a few years ago. I did all the therapy and stuff, but…” They offered me a shrug of their own, eyes flicking away. “Sometimes there needs to be some distance, y’know?” Humming, I nodded sympathetically, and they looked back to me with a soft smile. “But yeah – I get it, and I’d be honoured to help. I know a shelter about ten minutes outside of town – how about you meet me here tomorrow morning, and we can head over, see what’s what?”
I hesitated only briefly, their dark eyes locked on mine drawing me in despite myself, and I nodded.
“I’ll be here.”
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Mars sat with me for over an hour, discussing training methods, common problems, and where to find help, should I need it.
I slowly found myself relaxing in the unusual company – they were certainly an odd one, from their flickering gaze unable to hold mine unless they put in conscious effort, to the unique way they settled with one leg curled beneath them with a youthful flexibility.
They were… Quirky.
Even as I left the store, heading back out into the mid-afternoon crowds, I couldn’t help but feel elated and optimistic, weighed down with a bag full of goods to welcome my new housemate. The occasional glance rolled off me, my mind occupied with thinking through the training exercises Mars had given me, committing them to memory.
As soon as I got home, I emptied out the contents of my heaving bad on the floor, settling on my nest to sort through my supplied. Absently, I wondered if they’d been taking advantage of my naïveté, pushing products on me, as I weighed three different leashes thoughtfully.
 But they didn’t push anything; they just explained the different options.
Yeah. We’re the ones who decided to buy, uh… Well, everything. And they did give us a pretty generous discount.
I hummed in agreement as I set up the bowl stand – to stop an overeager pup from catapulting them across the floor - settling the matching bowls inside with a soft smile. “Yeah – they were pretty open about how useful this stuff was really likely to be,” I agreed. They’d steered me away from a lot of the things with premium price tags, pointing out that the cheaper versions were often exactly the same.
I set up the bed next to mine, then stopped, gazing at my nest thoughtfully. It had been drilled into me that the dog deserved their own space, and I’d opted against the crate because of my limited space – perhaps the pup would appreciate having the floor to himself…
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I fell asleep curled around a bottle of whiskey – my first, rather than third. I never slept well, and the soft cradling of the bed around me felt foreign and unearned, but I managed to force myself between the sheets, even as my muscles clenched in anticipation of a  pain that wouldn’t come. I knew I was safe here, but that didn’t stop me from reliving the fear of punishment, every inch of my body aching at the memory of the abuse.
But sleep I did, clinging needily to the hope of a better future moving forward. Distantly, I marvelled at the knowledge that I’d been certain this morning that the appointment was purely practical – a way to get Steve off my back, with no real consequences. And yet here I was, planning to start the next stage of my life with significant long-term effects.
Maybe everything really would be okay.
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sngchngs · 2 years
Modern day sangcheng au (that may or may not ever be written)
Pet shop owner and hobby painter Nie Huaisang. He's got a thing for exotic birds, he has a few in his private aviary behind the shop; he talks to them a lot. His brother tells him he needs human friends, and "Wei Wuxian doesn't count".
Single uncle Jiang Cheng (martial arts studio owner and trainer) caring for teenager Jin Ling. Jin Ling was given Fairy as a birthday present from his other uncle Jin Guangyao.
"Why the fuck would Jin Guangyao give you a puppy?! No. Don't answer that. Fuck, what to we need to look after a puppy?"
"Didn't you have dogs before, uncle?"
"I had dogs when I was a kid! Where's the nearest pet shop? We need supplies if we're keeping her."
"Found one! SangSangs Pet Supplies and Bird Specialists. It's a 10 minute drive from here."
Cue the first meeting between Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang at the pet shop.
Huaisang is happily chatting away about his latest painting to a grey parrot on her perch near the counter.
Who has the audacity to wolf whistle at the handsome fit man who just walked into the shop.
"I swear I did not teach her how to do that"
Things spiral from there.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku ft. No Quirks AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW / no smut … still check tags.
Art not mine … from “Puppies Puppies” story.
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Puppies Puppies by Esselle
Summary: Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Can I Have Your Number? by Astranger015
Summary: Bakugou tries to get Izuku's phone number. (Cafe AU)
Complete | 7 Chapters
Working On The Weekend by CallMeCharles (dinkelbeerrgg)
Summary: The wonder duo has been working together for years to expose the worst the world has to offer. One villain has always remained out of reach by keeping his hands out of the pie, but now that an entire civilization is at stake, the wonder duo and their team have the opportunity to save lives and win a decades-long battle. As long as they don't get distracted.
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Or the team has to work an undercover mission and Katuski is too emotionally constipated to understand why he's so pissed about Izuku getting tons of attention from a handsome extra. But with a bunch of spy cliches and action movie drama.
Complete | 24 Chapters
Cuddle Buddy by category6
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo wasn't expecting his friends to send him a 'Cuddle Buddy' for his birthday, but quite despite himself, he suprisingly liked the service when the man who knocked on his door was cute, freckly, and good at his job.
After he ended up calling this 'Deku' guy back for more cuddling services, he found himself hoping that at least some of Izuku's kind words and gestures were real.
He also hoped that the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about the cute freckled man wouldn't become a problem.
[Professional Cuddler au]
{One Shot}
I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts by PassingShadow
Summary: Izuku is a professional cuddler and Katsuki is his new client that’s just a little rough around the edges, and needs a natural healing touch.
[Professional Cuddler au]
{One Shot}
The New Assistant by dracofides
Summary: “My name is Izuku. I am a prototype created by CyberLife Japan. My main purpose is modeling, but I can also do any sort of assistance.”
“What the fuck?”
His mother brought home a new android, only the new android was unlike any android Katsuki has ever seen.
[Fashion au]
{One Shot}
Case Closed by spicymacaron
Summary: The squad finally meets Bakugou’s mysterious long-distance boyfriend, Deku, but he’s not what they expect.
{One Shot}
Empty by Mikacrispy
Summary: When bored billionaire Bakugou sees his old childhood friend down on his luck, living on a park bench, he can't help dragging him home and taking care of him.
He can't help falling in love either.
[unintentional sugar daddy au]
{One Shot}
The Dive Bar by huliganships
Summary: Katsuki gets dragged out by his friends. He plans to indulge them for an hour before ditching them and going home again. His plans are being overthrown though when his eyes meet a pair of eyes that threaten to pull him under and into the green depths of the sea.
{One Shot}
Are you into science? Because I LAB you! by huliganships
Summary: “Are you checking out the florist?” Kirishima whispered to him.“And what if I am?” Katsuki shot back, his eyes not leaving the figure of the green-haired man in front of them.
“Please don’t use one of your stupid pick-up lines on him. He knows what he’s doing and maybe I want to come back here sometime.”
“I will absolutely use one of those,” Katsuki answered. “I’m not willing to invest time in someone too stupid to get chemistry jokes.”
{One Shot}
Trophy by Mikacrispy
Summary: After winning the State Championship with his football team, Izuku promises himself he'll tackle an even greater challenge - asking his crush out on a date.
It's way easier to throw balls on the field than it is to face Katsuki, the feisty top student in their school.
[High School AU]
{One Shot}
Shoto, The Siamese Cat, Gives His Statement by GinaDeSpell
Summary: We observe the vicissitudes of Shoto, the Siamese cat, as he observes the growing love life of his owner Izuku Midoriya with Katsuki Bakugo, and how the feline makes them come to their senses when they are being stupid.
{One Shot}
Love (Won't) Tear Us Apart by Golden_Writes
Summary: After stumbling upon "Nitro Records", a vintage record store, Izuku can't help himself from going back almost every day to see the explosive blond behind the counter and maybe buy a vinyl or two. The catch? Izuku doesn't actually own a record player! [Music Store AU]
{One Shot}
Watching You by Mikacrispy
Summary: Katsuki uses his position as Head of Security to watch Deku, the CEO's secretary, through the CCTV every day. He knows he's bordering on stalking, but it's worth putting up with the teasing of his friends just to see Deku's crazy antics when he thinks he's all alone.
— — —
Or: Good-hearted stalker Bakugou
{One Shot}
Cheese Nachos and Pretty Boys by Chumpy
Summary: This whole day was very quickly crashing and burning, and Izuku realized he'd probably never recover. For one, the Triple Cheese Extreme Nachos he had for lunch were definitely negatively affecting his digestive system as they spoke, and two, he'd gotten the attractive Claire's employee's attention in the worst possible way.
Never again would Izuku Midoriya show his face in this Claire's, nor in the food court, nor to the outside world, probably; never again would Izuku Midoriya let himself feel confident.
— — —
(Or, Izuku goes to Claire's.) [Mall AU]
{One Shot}
Momentum by meteormind
Summary: "You be the girl," Katsuki tells him.
"But... we're both boys," the dummy says like Katsuki doesn't have eyes.
"So? There has to be a girl. And I'm taller." Katsuki skates his hand over the shrubby mess of Twig's hair to his own cheek. "See?"
"Why do you get to be the boy just because you're tall? There are tall girls too." Twig looks around the room at all the poofy-skirted girls. "I don't want to be the girl."
"Someone has to be the girl, and you already look like one so it might as well be you, ya girly twig-boy."
Twig gasps. "I am not a girly twig-boy!"
— — —
Martial Artist Katsuki x Violinist Izuku
RIP Kacchan's Toes
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Sugar Stardust by milkcandie
Summary: Between baking pretty macarons and sculpting wedding cakes, Katsuki slowly falls in love with a certain green-haired coworker who has effervescent stars in his eyes. Maybe working as a pastry chef in Nowhere, Japan isn't so bad after all, especially when he’s in such close proximity to a boy who manages to beautify every little thing in his presence.
☆ A pâtisserie AU where Katsuki and Izuku are really the perfect ingredient for each other.
Complete | 14 Chapters
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crispysnake · 1 year
Yyyyoooo!!! Congrats!!! For D100 I got 63 and I'm using my D6 from my first set of dice ever got a 3! ^-^ And of course, I made ya a lil something, I don't dabble in this style often but thought it was worth the occasion! Hope you like it and yet again congrats!
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BRO😭😭😭 I'm actually gonna cry, I need you to know I have a little folder on my phone of all these drawings. genuinely from the bottom of my heart thank u so much HES JUST A LITTLE BOY!!! THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME!!! It is very fitting that you got a Pet Shop Au
• Keyleth and Grog work at an animal sanctuary / shelter, which just so happens to be where Vex took Trinket after finding him in the woods
• Vex takes Trinket back to the sanctuary regularly for check ups and to give him a safe and contained space to roam and do all his bear things. and sometimes, Vax comes along and looks around.
• One time when Vex met Vax back in the car he had a cardboard box in his lap, and looked incredibly flustered. it took half the drive home until Vax finally said that there was a cute girl at the front desk, and now he owns a little snake with one eye.
• (a bonus because ily) When Vax first saw him in his little terrarium, Simon was sitting on his little branch in the exact way you drew it, and Vax fell in love immediately (with the snake and the girl at the front desk)
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mazanarry · 5 months
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Iggy like human👀
A former gang member and thief who bothered the streets of Manhattan and later redeemed himself after Abdul took him out of police arrest and then saw Abdul as Big brother, father and friend
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And Pet shop like human🦅🦅🦅🔥
Pet shop, a native American who is mute and only communicates in signs, sought wealth and power, guiding himself to Lord Dio, who gave him an office in his mansion to later be his apprentice like a brother or son
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ryoalouette · 8 months
Oooh got inspired with DPxDC with cameo of other idk, anime cartoon and all that.
Pet Shop of Horrors AU
Of which CW is being a troll, Long Now is visible to several ppl. It's been reported that whoever enters will get creatures that aren't of natural origins. Most of what they get are living blobs that glow alarmingly green. Someone got a floating black cat thing. Another gets some sort of chubby blue bird(?) that can only say Puu. Someone got a literal pink fluff ball that somehow flies around with it's very pink tiny wings.
Damian saw the shop. None of the Batfam sees it. Not even Duke with his meta powers.
So he entered.
CW brought him not a blob though. It's Little Baby Man.
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shelbswastaken · 11 months
Stardust Crusaders au where everything is the same but iggy is a person. like the speedwagon foundation flies in a special stand user to help the gang and he's just the most annoying, abrasive 20-something Bostonian urchin who's like 5 foot 5 and smells like cheap whiskey and car parts
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stimboardz4kidz · 4 months
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theme: howial relationship, with themes of glow in the dark!!
requested by: no one, but made as a gift for kc!!
before reblogging/liking, please read my dni!
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[🛸] [🛸] [🛸]
[💙] [🩷] [💙]
[⭐] [⭐] [⭐]
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leyendadospuntos · 2 months
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Mrs. Twombly adopted two dogs for the camp! After a while, Blythe finally got used to the chaotic children.
(The papa dog is nowhere to be seen, the kids say he is flying, but hes actually barking at passing planes-)
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starsnores · 1 year
any tidbits abt the pet au stirring in your brain?
uuhmmm not a whole ton currently. i had been thinking about "why karkat?" like out of all the pets why would kanaya lead gamzee to him. The answer is that she Correctly assessed he'd be the type to like some resistance, something to break in. And also he's an expensive virgin and you gotta upsell!!
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 2 months
Paws for Applause Masterlist
Bucky gets a dog, and meets a cute salesperson. Rated T.
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Chapter One - Anatolian After his time in Wakanda, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is struggling to adapt back to life in the wider world, hiding out in the Pacific Northwest as he fights to regain some control over his life. CW: Panic attack, trauma references, medical prejudice and medication disdain, general PTSD things, anxiety, vulnerability, implied alcohol abuse.
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nyaifyz · 6 months
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octodrawn · 7 hours
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Some quick LPS based ponysona ideas I've had bouncing around in my head that I did to take a break from homework.
Zoe and Vinnie are pegasi and Sunil is half unicorn and half zebra! (the little Minka in the corner of Sunil's is also a pegasus maybe... I have yet to decide)
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Fish, 7 (For your prompts! ❤️)
Hi, anon!! Thank you for the prompt, you were the very first one to send one in! 7 was, again, the wildcard, so I randomly generated a different number to land on Yue Qingyuan (from Scum Villain)! I have no choice but to dedicate this to @bytedykes, because I told her about this prompt and she said “yqy pet fish mental health speedrun” and we went, uh, a little insane about it. Enjoy some yuefang, folks!!!!
“Mu-xiong,” Yue Qingyuan says. “I’m sorry to bother you. Are you available?”
“Yue-xiong is never a bother,” Mu Qingfang says warmly. “And I am, actually, yes. Is everything okay, Yue-xiong?”
“I think I need help.” A bit dramatic, perhaps, and Yue Qingyuan hates to trouble Mu Qingfang on a rare day off, but Yue Qingyuan and impulse have never been the best combination, and he would appreciate a second opinion.
Mu Qingfang’s voice turns hard. “Where are you? I'll come right away.”
“What—?” Yue Qingyuan stares at his phone like the blank call screen will tell him why Mu Qingfang suddenly sounds so serious. “I'm at home, but—”
“I'll be right there,” Mu Qingfang says, and hangs up.
Yue Qingyuan stares at his phone for another second, then lifts his gaze to his sparkling new aquarium. His new betta, white and black and resplendent of fin, stares back. Was his crisis of faith about his viability as a fish owner really so deserving of such urgency…?
“So,” Mu Qingfang says. “This was your emergency?” He looks about as unimpressed by the betta as it does by the two of them.
Yue Qingyuan feels obscurely like he’s being scolded. Mu Qingfang is one of the nicest men he knows, but that just means that his censure takes the form of a blunt instrument of mass disappointment.
“In my defense,” he points out meekly, “I didn’t say there was an emergency. Mu-xiong just assumed.”
“That’ll teach me,” Mu Qingfang huffs, but at least he looks amused. “Yue-xiong should get used to asking for help more so this gege doesn’t have to panic every time he does ask.”
Yue Qingyuan’s mouth almost drops open. He can only hope his cheeks aren’t as red as they feel. “Er—well, I asked this time, didn’t I?”
“You did,” Mu Qingfang allows, looking something horribly close to fond. Yue Qingyuan swallows and tries to hurry on.
“So—not an emergency, but I do want your opinion,” he coughs out. “I’m having… doubts. About the fish.” Mu Qingfang’s eyebrows contract. Yue Qingyuan rushes it out. “Do you think I should keep it?”
“Yue-xiong…” Mu Qingfang looks politely incredulous. “Why does my opinion matter? The fish is already yours, isn’t it? If you don’t think maintaining its upkeep will be feasible, that’s one thing, but… Surely Yue-xiong did the research before getting it?”
He doesn’t sound judgemental, but Yue Qingyuan feels his cheeks warm. “I did, but I wasn’t planning on getting a fish; I was only admiring the tanks. There was a salesperson who was… very insistent.”
Mu Qingfang regards him doubtfully, which is fair. Yue Qingyuan towers over most people he meets, and his bulk only further adds to the impression of immovability. It’s only when he opens his mouth that it becomes clear how spineless he actually is.
Yue Qingyuan falters. “I had thought… I thought it might be nice.” The bettas had seemed so majestic in their tanks, iridiscent monarchs of false grass and plastic coves, and Yue Qingyuan had thought, wildly, that one might be rewarding to keep, might breathe a touch of life into his immaculately sleek living room. The whole affair hadn’t even been expensive by his shiny new standards, forget difficult to physically arrange. It was only when installation and set-up for his new aquarium had finished and he was left to watch that jewel-bright being swim disaffectedly through its new home that doubt had seized him, all-consuming and black. He had, admittedly, panicked a little after that.
(Yue Qingyuan’s apartment is very large, and very clean, and very empty. It holds the barest amount of decoration and muss to qualify as lived-in rather than a snapshot from a magazine ad. The fish may, in fact, be the only thing in the entire place which really qualifies as his. No wonder Yue Qingyuan wanted to jettison it from his life as soon as he got it.)
Mu Qingfang’s expression hovers between concern and simple confusion. “I’m sure Yue-xiong will be a more than adequate caretaker,” he says, more gently than Yue Qingyuan and all his neuroses probably deserve. “What’s this really about, Yue-xiong?”
Ah. There it is. Being the mildest person of Yue Qingyuan’s admittedly sharp-tongued social circle doesn’t preclude Mu Qingfang’s wit from being as keen as the scalpels he works with.
“I don’t…” Yue Qingyuan falters. How to express to Mu Qingfang how manifestly unfit Yue Qingyuan is to care for any living creature at all? He changes tack. “I think he hates me,” he admits dolefully.
Mu Qingfang stares at him for a long time, long enough to imply that he’s reevaluating certain opinions about Yue Qingyuan’s intelligence. “Yue-xiong, with all due respect to your new pet—it’s a fish.”
“Fish have emotions!” Yue Qingyuan argues. He flushes at the volume at which it comes out, and at the way Mu Qingfang’s eyes go wide-eyed in startlement. But the salesperson had been very insistent about that, as well. “Bettas are intelligent animals. They dislike certain colors, apparently, and they’re very sensitive—ah, to environmental disruptions, that is. And—”
Mu Qingfang’s eyebrows are still high, but his face has relaxed into a smile. “It sounds to me like you like it quite a bit already. Isn’t that reason enough to keep it?” His tone curls with sudden mischief. “Have heart, Yue-xiong—you’ve hardly known each other for a day! Give it time to adjust to you, and I’m sure you’ll win it over as surely as you do everyone else.” And he grins, sure and easy in his trust that Yue Qingyuan won’t fumble and shatter something so small and monumental as a life that he could cup in his palms.
While Yue Qingyuan is still dazed by that, Mu Qingfang’s eyes alight with interest. “Ah, Yue-xiong—what have you named it?”
Mu Qingfang’s face falls as devastatingly as it had lit up. “Yue-xiong…”
“Mu-xiong is aware that I was unsure of whether or not I’d keep him!” Yue Qingyuan is terribly aware that his ears are now heating up to match his cheeks. Mu Qingfang’s ensuing laughter does not help with that matter.
Yue Qingyuan is not very good at holding onto things. More often than not, he makes a mess of whatever he’s set his clumsy hands to, lets it fall right through his scarred fingers. But Mu Qingfang’s words ring through his head: Isn’t that reason enough to keep it? And, well, isn’t it? Surely Yue Qingyuan is adult enough to follow through on this. Maybe happiness can be look like his new betta swimming up to the tank to observe the new colorful form moving in front of it, can come as easy as Mu Qingfang quipping that his knowledge about fish is clearly lacking and vowing casually to read up on bettas to be a better fish uncle.
Yue Qingyuan buries a smile and walks over to let Mu Qingfang know that bettas can be trained to follow fingers around. The betta’s clear preference for Mu Qingfang over Yue Qingyuan is as good a marker of intelligence as any fun fact the pet shop worker could have given him. Yes, Yue Qingyuan thinks with a smile—he thinks he’ll be keeping this after all.
#yqy in canon: i make impulsive decisions of a scale where they torpedo my entire life#me: got it. in a modern au he makes expensive impulse purchases and then returns them immediately after#bc he can't conceptualize doing things for himself and also has no idea how to spend all his money he doesn't know what to do with#(this is suchh a vague modern au lmao like mqf is obv still a doctor#but i didn't write yqy as his boss here and am not sure what he does in this world or why he's rich now#and i have no idea who the fucking pet shop salesperson was either)#don't worry about it okay? just enjoy the yuefang and the fruits of my and nik's agenda to make all our fave sect leaders fish owners#i personally see mqf as older than yqy! in this au he thinks he could be really into yqy#but he respects that yqy doesn't seem to be looking for a relationship (and that he has some shit going on that he hasn't seen fit to share#with mqf yet)#so he's content to stick to some mild flirting while enjoying their friendship#meanwhile yqy is totally divorced from the concept of attraction (directed at or coming from him)#so he panics every time mqf flirts with him but has no fucking idea that that's actually what's happening#they would be so good together :)) mqf is going to be such a good fish co-parent :)) this fish is going to get these two together okay :)))#the betta is a black dragon/orchid; i couldn't decide so it's up to you#writing this was kinda funny bc the fish could and probably should have been a metaphor for sj#but i wanted to write smth yqy-centric that didn't directly allude to him even once#and i succeeded!!!#the entire reason i wrote this as modern au was bc i thought of mqf calling yqy 'yue-xiong' and went insane btw#OKAY SHUTTING UP NOW. THANK YOU AGAIN ANON!!!!!#asks#anonymous#my writing#svsss#yue qingyuan#mu qingfang#yuefang#yqy tag
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hype-blue-fixation · 1 month
Alastor Multiverse Day 15: Littlest Pet Shop
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Marketable plushies, and now marketable toys lol. Alastor would be one of those old school ones with the magnet in his foot too.
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