#Genesis is rated fairly low for other reasons as well
coconutcows · 2 years
*Watches Children of the Corn franchise and judges each one based on how much corn there is*
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twitchyblogged · 5 years
What are the rough tiers of power in crossthick?
off the top of my head, and mindyou this is VERY rough and doesn’t really account for fine details,this is the basic set of tiers I’ve been working off of. notexactly a full system but it should give you an idea!
example heights given arerelative to the possible character being human-sized; for beings ofnaturally bigger species or are modded to be larger, scale upappropriately!
Note that tiers are additive,and the tiers should indicate maximum output of power. How long thatpower can be MAINTAINED depends on the individual character.
Tier 1 - Puny. Below any realheavy hitters, and instantly defeated by the raw power of anyone in ahigher tier.. Untrained humans and related beings in that approximateweight class fit here, as well as larger species that are notablyfragile. Bust sizes are close to real life sizes, but still notablylarger/thicker than realistically likely (average cup size is F, forexample). this is the tier of the untrained, the small prey, andthose whose narrative role is to be in grave peril!
Example characters: randombackground characters that are there to be rescued, or be gobbled up.Average civilians of unpowered civilizations! This tier is actuallyvery rare, and typically reserved for the weakest of the weak, andalmost never for named characters or factions outside of theCommonwealth.
Tier 2 - Setting Average. Thehigh action, intense scope and cinematic tone of the AU means thatanyone who has at least a bit of power should be around this level:they are capable of low to mid superhuman feats in proportion totheir size: they could throw a car a notable distance, surviveattacks that should insta-kill them, and their magic is at least onpar with an average D&D magic user. However they are fairlylimited compared to other tiers: they might survive that deadlyattack, but they’ll probably lose a limb. Still they areridiculously tough by real life standards, and tend towards a ‘toostubborn/lucky to die’ in terms of survivability. Their lack of rawpower renders them largely helpless against more powerful figures.Boob size is at least as large as their head, and they should atleast be 12 feet tall, and are often maxing out around 20 - 30 feet.
Example characters: Regularcivilians of powered civilizations or ones where superpowers nad modsare reasonably common: most factions (included Endowed Fleet andCobalt Stingers) are the obvious example. The children of the Fleetand Stingers, as well as their unpowered citizens/serfs would alsoqualify. Any character who isn’t so weak as to be insta-beaten isat least here. Powerful mechs and war machines can elevate the punyto these, but their fighting spirit would let them qualifyregardless. Most characters are at least this!
Tier 3 - Starfaring Heroes. Moreexperienced and powerful, able to take on many lesser foes and easilybeat or eat them; 50 feet on average. These beings can take on anarmy of tier 1s, and barring extreme number differences, there is noway the punies can possibly even annoy them, though they might slowthe Starfaring down. At this rate, raw power overcomes realism; theirpower allows them to overcome the Square-Cubed Law and breath inplaces where it logically should be difficult. Their magicalpotential rapidly expands, giving them a vast amount of energy anddestructive power for whatever abilities they have. Likely able totank hits that could destroy a hillside. Boobs at least as big asupper torso.
Example characters: Namedcharacters who feature frequently and haven’t specifically beenlisted as super powerful; most Endowed Fleet Transformers, Centorea,Miia, the other Monster Musume characters. Average Pokemon andDigimon trainers are here, barring fusion/partnering with theirmonster friends. Powerful magic users and members of Houses in theStingers would be here. Allmembers of the TaskForce are at least in this tier!
Tier 4 - Modern Titans. Thebeginning of upper power scaling for most characters, these are theepic heroes who can jump across mountains and toss kaiju around. thisis the point where things start getting ridiculous! These titans, atfull power, ignore all damage from anyone save a large group of Tier3s; punies simply cannot damage them at all, with even an entireplanet’s forces only able to slow them down. Tier 2s must resort toclever means to even make them notice any damage. Their powercontinues to escalate, and they likely can manifest any baggagerequired by their powers directly, and can reshape local landscapewith their strength. Their size ranges into the hundreds of feet,from at least 100 to 500 for the most powerful. Boobs are at least asbig as their whole body from neck to groin, as big as a proportionatebean bag bed.
Example characters: The biggestheavier hitters in the setting generally start here; the Crystal Gemsfrom canon (Pearl, Bismuth, Amethyst, Garnet) would be here, as wouldthe individual Dinobots (Grimlock, Sludge, Snarl, Swoop, Slug). Namedcharacters emphasized frequently by the mun generally are at leastthis, and the more notable members of the Task Force (Harley, Reyesin full Reaper mode, Ranamon at low levels) fit here. Stinger Houseelites, certainly, and most of the dangerous world-eating monstersthe Fleet does battle with. The Neon Genesis Evangelion pilots aswell, provided they use their EVAs. The Avatar bending characterswould be here as well, with Toph, Azula, and Katara at the upper endof the tier.
Tier 5 - Worldshakers. Thesebeings are so powerful that they can easily destroy worlds if theyare so inclined, and at this level, mundane forms of attack areprobably an inconvenience; nuclear weapons are harmless, and they arecompletely immune to environmental hazards, possibly even capable ofbreathing in vacuum. At least as big as entire planets; they can growover four thousand miles across, and can express their power withsuch precision they can perceive and interact human-sized beingsregardless, and fight them directly if desired. Can outright warmreality as far as their impact is concerned; they can smack a planetwithout disturbing a single atom, or otherwise immunize others to theconsequences of their size, as well as substitute raw power forthings like oxygen, food, and so on. They DO need to eat eventually,though. Breasts and other curves at LEAST as big as their entirebodies!
Examples: Any of the big leaguefemale characters at the focus of the AU should atleast be this.Sierra, Wicke, Toriel, Rose Quartz, Terezi and the other Homestuckcharacters (should they fully tap into their divine powers) would sitcomfortably in here. However, they rarely hit this specific powerlevel, implying that they are unused to exercising this power, orrarely encounter a point where it is reasonable to use this. Vriska.Ranamon, at her higher power levels. Harley mightbe in this tier, ather strongest. Eventually, of the Avatar characters, Aang and Korrawill hit this power level. The female AVatars (Yangchen, Kyoshi) areprobably already at this power level but have no particular reason toexpress it.
Tier 6 - Cataclysms That Talk.Now so powerful that the only size capable of expressing their formis progressively larger, this tier covers a wide variety of beings soabsurdly strong that they can destroy entire solar systems with ease,and scaling up. They are unfathomably massive, able to swallow wholesolar systems. Similar power levels of increasingly vast size arecounted in this, ranging from the size described here, to ‘galaxysized’ and increasingly bigger. Because of their immense size andpower, this is only really relevant to beings of similar size; theyare so powerful that only direct divine action will even register tothem, and mundane means are completely meaningless. Fighting themdirectly is futile, unless you have equivalent power! At this point,their breasts and other curves grow so large that the breasts can bedozens of times larger; it can be very difficult to make out theirbodies beneath all the boob-age.
Example characters: the mostpowerful of all characters MIGHT be here, but given the sheer powerat play, very few would qualify in the serious stories; Sierra hasthe potential for this, as does Rose Quartz and Terezi, andTransformer Combiners and Gem Fusions (Volcanicus, Obsidian) couldconceivably hit this, though they are canonically not yet that strongyet. Individual Reapers would qualify. Any true god, provided theyhave an intact legend and have not been forgotten, are at least thispowerful if they are able to to manifest fully on the mortal planes.This is quite rare, though, and usually restricted to the magicalrealms.
Tier 7 - Universal. The ultimatepower tier for all beings on the mortal plane, and assumed to be thehigher end for supernatural entities such as the rulers of elementalplanes, and the stronger gods when acting in the magical realms. Thissize is so big, you fill up an entire universe, with power to match!At this point, the character is a physical god, able to perform anyfeat that falls into their powers, no matter how microscopicallyminor or massive in scale; she can create universes, digesttimelines, and warp reality around herself as she sees fit (if youwant to reason how things can exist around her body, or its impact onthem). Absolutely omnipotent, and barring highly unusual and specificweapons that attack the giant’s weaknesses or overcome magicaldefenses, she is completely immune to any and all damage, save fromanother in her league, or enough foes of Tier 6. Given the powerlevels involved, this would require a multiversal-sized league of 6sto even pose a small annoyance. Finally, they can muster so muchpower, they can induce instant absolute extinction across entireuniverses, or create entire universes at will. Breasts are so now somassive they are hundreds to thousands of times larger than thecharacter, who swims upon a sea of cleavage.
Example characters: Currentlyreserved only for beings such as the gods and rulers of the elementalrealms, but feasible for the big name characters like Sierra, Terezi,Vriska, Rose Quartz, and theoreticallyanyone, in the rightcircumstances and given enough time. The big name gods maintain thispower level primarily within their own realms, where they areeffectively omnipotent regardless. The Nymphs of Rayman as well,particularly within their elemental planes. (It is allowed to send insuggestions for characters being this powerful, but its not canon!)
Tier 8 - The Mythic. This tier’spower is unknown, but possible; it would involve much of the samepower level as Tier 7, but on the scale of macroverses and the entirecosmology, and grow bigger than the multiverse itself. Such immensepower would make the character completely immune to all damage,instantly win any conceivable battle, and be threatened only by abeing of equal power; even Tier 7s would be unable to fight them.There is no understating how absurdly powerful this character wouldbe! You fight them, you lose, and not even the gods would be able tochallenge them. This tier is, however, not currently reached by anyknown character; multiple characters INTEND to achieve this power(Vriska for one, the Endowed Fleet through mass fusion of entireuniverses, and the Good Planes intend to do this with allGood-aligned beings in a time of great crisis), but its sheer andoverwhelming power makes it the ultimate dream for someone who wantslimitless power, and instantly allow the character to fulfill alltheir goals and that of their allies, akin to making the perfectwish. The maximum bust size for this scale is incalculable; thebreasts would defined the edges of entire multiverses!
Example characters: None currently,though Unicron’s plans include killing the multiverse so the deathempowers her to this state, allowing her to recreate it freely; thegoddess Jubileus has a (less genocidal) plan that follows along thesame lines. Assume that this power level is the big pipedream for allambitious characters, at least those who are aware that it ispossible!
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leonawriter · 7 years
To Change A Sombre Morrow (chapter three)
Read it on AO3
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth, Cloud, others.
Summary: Genesis continues to student-poach, and concerns are voiced.
"You should be careful," Angeal's voice says at his shoulder, far too amused to be a memory. "At this rate, the other Seconds are going to start thinking that if he gets promoted soon, it'll be because of favouritism, rather than actual talent."
Genesis snorted. With how difficult Zack had been the previous day, he'd made sure to tell Angeal what he was planning after the Second had gone off to do other things, so that when he appeared in the morning with a low-level Fire materia and a target, at least one of them wouldn't find it unexpected and Zack would be unable to say that there was anywhere else he could be.
Currently, the boy was making dismal attempts at hitting the centre of the target even once, let alone ten times in a row, as he'd asked for.
"If it's favouritism your'e worried about, you should have thought about that before you took him on. As things stand now, no honour remains, the arrow has left the bow of the goddess."
Angeal rolled his eyes with a smile at the use of LOVELESS in such a mundane setting, but as far as he was concerned, it was apt.
They stood in companionable silence for a while, watching as Zack grew frustrated with his training and lack of success - all of which were down to, as Angeal would put it, the boy's lack of focus. 
Then again, he had never lacked focus when fighting him. Perhaps it was simply that he lacked the necessary motivation. He wasn't, however, about to make a target of himself merely to prove a point.
His thoughts had begun to wander towards his situation, and the fact that sooner or later, events were going to begin to unfold as they had before, whether he changed things or not. He did intend to, but the important thing was how - how to change anything in any conceivable way that could have things turn out better than they had, and not worse.
He could desert again, but simply choose not to ally himself with Hollander. That would give him the time and space with which to choose where to direct his energy the best; but of course the other side of that was that he would be classified as an enemy of Shinra again, and he would have neither resources nor allies. So perhaps that was not the best idea. 
Which left his only other option, which was to stay where he was. In the heart of the monster itself, within the reach of the doctors and scientists who had made their lives hell ever since before they were even born. Yet at the same time, it would mean staying closer to Angeal, and monitoring how well - or not - he adapted to the information he would inevitably have to share at some point, because it was either that, or leave it to Hollander. It would also mean being able to keep an eye on Sephiroth, as well. As if just keeping an eye on him would be enough, from everything that he had seen, heard, and experienced.
It was almost a shame that the second option was already looking to be the one with the least bleak outcome. If he had defected, then he would not have needed to keep any of his more unique traits to himself. It had barely been a full twenty-four hours and he was already missing the ability to fly, with the wind against his face and through feathers that both were and weren't made of anything physical, that - despite logic and his memory of how things had gone the first time he had discovered it following his injury - he could feel behind his shoulder, phantom feathers itching to be spread-
He crossed his arms with an irritated frown, only to wince when the movement pulled at the injury that was still there under the dressings that he had reapplied earlier that morning.
In the training room, Zack had a slight loss of control of the Fire spell, and could be seen waving his fingers as though he were attempting a particular kind of cultural dance that he might have seen at some point.
He recognised that tone of voice. He didn't like it - he never had. That was Angeal's I know you won't like what I'm about to say voice, and he was always right. Genesis never did like what Angeal had to say at these times. He had a feeling that this one wouldn't be any different.
"I ran into Sephiroth again after letting Zack go," Angeal said. Genesis hoped that the way he had tensed at Sephiroth's name could be put down to their fight the previous day, rather than anyone gaining any suspicion of its true cause. "He was relieved to hear that you seem to be doing well enough, but he has his concerns. I can't say that I blame him, either."
Angeal sighed. For a moment the sound and the fact that the presence beside him was real reminded him of the number of times when he had missed his friend over the years, almost thought that he was right there, but it had just been an idealised wish, not a person with the ability to irritate him as much as this.
He closed his eyes for a moment, and focused on breathing normally.
"He suggested before that you might have had some sort of... bad experience the last time you were stationed in Wutai. Or one some mission you hadn't told us about. And he asked me to say this, because he's worried that there was something about him that set you off back there. Which is ridiculous - I've seen him put you into one of those moods where you just want to knock him off the top spot, but that was something else."
You have no idea, Genesis thought, stonily keeping his eyes on Zack and continuing to not facing Angeal. None. And I would much prefer to keep it that way.
"Something like that," he grit out instead when he realised that Angeal wasn't about to leave the topic alone if he didn't give some sort of answer. "I'd prefer not to talk about it, if you don't mind."
He expected some form of resistance. Instead, there was a pause, and then Angeal's hand briefly rested on his good shoulder. It gave him an unfamiliar, vaguely discomforting feeling. Angeal thought that he was being honest and opening up; what he had said wasn't entirely wrong, but it also allowed Angeal to believe what he wished.
"All right," Angeal said, who then started moving toward the training room's door, before pausing and turning back to look at Genesis over his shoulder. "I'm going to go and give him a break to catch his breath and cool off. You could... at least tell Sephiroth there isn't some major problem between you, though. Especially if it isn't his fault."
My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honour remains... truly, it is apt. You truly don't have any idea what you ask of me.
"Don't be ridiculous!" He almost could have laughed, but the fact that it hadn't been all that long since one of their number, currently glaring at him with narrowed mako-blue eyes, had brought him to a standstill in a duel and none of them looked all that amused with themselves held him off. "The last time I ever saw him, I tried to warn him about what we were - what Shinra made  us. Do you want to know what he told me? He said that no matter if I was lying or telling the truth, that I could rot. He was one of the most infuriatingly loyal people I knew!"
There'd been a quiet tension in the air. The creak of leather as someone's gloved hand was tightened. 
He'd been missing something. And he never liked being unaware of anything - that usually meant secrets, and secrets meant danger.
"And when was that, huh?" The heavy thud of the large, black man's gun hand hit the table. "'Cause it looks to me like you're runnin' on out of date info!"
It had taken him a moment to piece everything together. The years he'd lost. The years when each day went by with no new information, and both he and Hollander fuelling each other's feelings of despair at their ever more increasingly impending deaths.
"Nine years," he'd said eventually, tapping agitatedly on the table. "I'm fairly sure it has been, by now."
It had been late Autumn - or was it early winter? Either way, the season had seemed right.
For whatever reason, several of the people in Tifa's bar had stilled, and those who were not already staring at him turned to do so. Usually, he had no objections at all to being the centre of attention, and never had done even while a fugitive of Shinra that the company had declared legally dead. 
This, however, had given him the distinct impression of his back being against the wall, and with a ceiling above him, that meant there was no way out, if these people had heard something they didn't like. The door had been blocked by the man in red and black, who he'd vaguely recognised as the same Vincent Valentine who must have been the one central to Deepground's destruction.
He'd known that snapping like that at people who'd appeared to be just as competent as SOLDIERs in their own way as far as he could tell was not a wise move, but he'd been tense, he had been since before he had stepped foot inside of the place, and the current atmosphere wasn't helping.
"Nibelheim." The single word had been spoken quietly, and although softly said held great weight. "It'd be about nine years ago now. You were there, weren't you?"
Cloud had seated himself opposite him at the start, and now his blue eyes were hard, inscrutable, shut off.
It would have been easy to lie, and say that he had not been there - but it would have also been too easily found out. And it would simply backfire on him when he was, inevitably, found out.
"Yes," he'd said, meeting Cloud's eyes. 
"And you thought that was a good thing to say to someone like... him?"
Genesis had shrugged with all the sense of purpose of a performer. "My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment... to find the end of the journey in my own salvation and your eternal slumber." A smile, though he'd had to force it. A hand to his face to brush away the hair that wasn't bothering his eyes, to give him an excuse to break eye contact. "I can no longer say that my life has been free of mistakes."
Cloud, eyes still stormy, had looked away and crossed his arms. Someone else had huffed noisily.
"Sephiroth was the one who killed President Shinra." It had been Tifa who spoke then, sat next to Cloud and sending a concerned look the blond's way every so often. "He's also the one who called down Meteor, and destroyed Midgar. He - he killed Aerith."
The name had seemed familiar somehow, but not enough to remember who it might be, or care past the fact that these people all seemed to. Genesis had been far more interested in the fact that they'd said things like 'called down Meteor' and 'destroyed Midgar', and twice now, at that.
"He was reported Killed In Action - and trust me, I was, and I know that SOLDIERs who are only written off can't be that quiet."
There was a certain amount of dark humour in the fact that Shinra still sent its supposedly deceased and/or defected employees emails. Not least the fact that he'd seen one for his and Angeal's own deaths, long before he'd even been showing any grey hairs, let alone Angeal.
"That..." Cloud, again, and still not looking in his direction. "No, that was true."
"Cloud-" Tifa reached over, putting her hand on Cloud's arm, and the former trooper closed his eyes for just one moment, but seemed to be strengthened by the woman's presence.
When he'd opened them, they'd been burning brightly again.
"The thing is, he came back. Because of Jenova. If you were there, you should know about her, right? And that's not it. Just last year, he came back again. It'd be nice to think he's gone this time, but..." Something had seemed to haunt the blond, making him tense for a moment, before he breathed slowly out again. "I'd prefer to be prepared."
It had seemed ridiculous, at the time. At one point, he had been prepared to take the world down with him, if he could not find a cure of some kind for his degradation. He had terrorised and murdered and stolen in order to aid Hollander in his research - research that had all come to naught, in the end. And yet here, it was Sephiroth who had done what Genesis had only made grand plans for, Sephiroth who was remembered, Sephiroth who was feared, in that way...
Sephiroth, who apparently would not stay dead.
Perhaps a number of years ago he might have felt hot fury at the thought that even in these  things, even after all of this time, Sephiroth still far outstripped him. Had achieved so much.
Instead, he could remember wondering about the amount of anger that had been in Sephiroth's voice when he had told Genesis to rot. 
He wouldn't say that he had made a habit of avoiding anything in his life other than death, but Sephiroth had, at some point, gained that vaunted position. 
Genesis had found himself taking on a simple monster hunting job that even Fair could have done that very afternoon after Angeal's talk with him; the last thing he had wanted was to turn a corner and be unexpectedly met with silver hair and green eyes, and react... inappropriately.
He soon found that the mission was harder than he had anticipated. More because the memories of the destroyed corpse of Midgar sometimes ghosted over his vision, leaving him blinking in the light that was dimmer than what he'd become used to, and losing his way in streets he hadn't walked down in years, than because of the monsters.
Monsters, he could deal with. These monsters, at least.
By the time he was returning back to the Shinra he had come to several realisations. The first of which was that there was no way in hell he was defecting again - freedom of movement was most assuredly not worth giving up that he knew for a fact that he was heading back to somewhere at least reasonably safe (by which, he knew that he wasn't actively being hunted down by the entire military), that had a goddess-blessed shower, that food wasn't going to have to be stolen in order to be halfway decent and edible, that when he found that there were strange stains on his clothes from the monsters he had been fighting, he would be able to hand whatever needed cleaning over to be properly cleaned... all of the things he had taken for granted the first time he had been a Shinra employee, which he had only just started to re-accustom himself to after settling into life in Edge.
Another was that it probably wouldn't be too difficult to request missions that sent him further afield. He had even seen something on the notices for Nibelheim, which had set his mind on the track of just what he could accomplish there, of all places. Banora, unfortunately, had not been on the list, and despite his feelings for his and Angeal's hometown being rather... complicated still, it was where he had found his restoration in his personal past. Its inaccessibility grated on him, especially given how Shinra watched over its employees' movements as closely as they did, and SOLDIER members even more so.
The most irritating, however, had to be that Angeal had been right. On not just one count, but two.
For one thing, by the time he had finished the mission, his shoulder was hurting like hell. The stress and strain he had been putting on the new wound was apparently far more than it should have been put under, and he had been treating it as though it was the old wound of several years, forgetting that it was still fresh. It was likely bleeding into the dressings he'd reapplied that morning, which was even worse, because if it was, then it was likely that it might have bled into his clothes. 
The other thing, which made his mood take an even further downturn on top of the irritation of everything else, was that... whether he liked it or not, he would eventually, sooner or later, have to talk to Sephiroth again. It was either that, or... the best case scenario was that he would inevitably find himself sent on a mission alongside the man, and thus far, no one other than Angeal had any idea that such an eventuality could possibly go wrong. The worst case scenario was that Sephiroth would decide that there was clearly an irreparable rift between them, and that-
Was unacceptable.
He was still ruminating on precisely why that might be, wincing every so often at the fiery ache that mako refused, because of his biology, to heal, when he turned a corner and there he was, at the end of the corridor.
Their eyes met, and Genesis forced his gut instinct reaction down and out of the way. This wasn't a fight. It wasn't even a confrontation.
Sephiroth met his gaze for just long enough for it to become almost uncomfortable, before glancing away and acknowledging Genesis' presence with a slight incline of his head.
His name was said in an even yet careful tone, with just enough volume that if one were not a SOLDIER, it could almost be ignored. 
It sent a shiver down his spine. Not because it reminded him of anything that the General had done in the future, no - but to think of Cloud? The resemblance was almost uncanny, and given how things had developed back then - or whatever he wanted to call the future he had come from - the question of who do these mannerisms come from, and were they shared through Hojo's meddling, or are these two simply that similar by a freak point of nature was not particularly one that he wanted answers for.
"Angeal," Sephiroth continued, taking slow, measured steps toward him when Genesis had made no sign of saying anything in return, "strongly suggested that I pushed you beyond some limit I was unaware of in our last fight."
Genesis' eyes narrowed in response.
"If you had held back, then you would be dead, and I would be feeling insulted."
"Don't flatter yourself." Sephiroth's tone was unimpressed, but there were also hints of probing curiosity. "Your injury is still bothering you."
It wasn't, of course, a question. That was the infuriating thing about having had the same damn injury before, and for so long - he'd become used to its presence, not having had to hide it, and its current state in the present didn't leave much room for hiding it at all.
"I'll be fine, although-" he cut himself off. The urge to add although no thanks to you was strong, and he pushed that down as well. It wouldn't get him anywhere useful, and undignified though it may be, he needed useful over satisfying right now. Even if the memory of their first training room spar that had ended in disaster was now fresh in his mind, and he had still been mourning his sword even though it was now returned to him in a younger, less blemished state. "Thank you for the concern," he made himself say instead.
One of Sephiroth's eyebrow's raised slightly, but he - thankfully - did not make a point of the acknowledgement.
"Even mako does not heal everything instantaneously. Cure and Restore materia still require the patient to rest afterwards. Just because you are a high-ranking First, does not mean that you are excluded from those rules. I... look forward to sparring with you again, when you have recovered."
Hesitation like that coming from Sephiroth was the last thing that Genesis had expected coming into this conversation, but my the time he had recovered from his confused state, the only sign of the man was silver hair vanishing into the elevators.
Perhaps he was not the only one to have had Angeal talk to him, he mused as he found his way to his old office, sitting down to scrawl out a halfhearted mission report, then scrolling through his PHS' emails to refresh him on the goings-on before heading to his rooms for that much-needed shower.
It was the only reason any of that could possibly make any sense.
AN: Oh, Genesis. What's important to remember about our dear protagonist here, is that he's what I like to call an 'unreliable narrator'. 
Sephiroth back then (now?) really isn't that cold and uncaring toward his friends. In canon, he was rather upset and confused to be told that he couldn't donate blood for the transfusion they said Genesis needed, and that sense of empathy - although with no real people skills to back it up - is there right up until *Nibelheim*. Before the library at least, that is.
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lefthandedtribune · 7 years
somebody once asked me
which Gainax/Trigger animus I enjoy most. I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed (but I made a list anyway). Some spoilers I guess, so beware. Also quite a few personal opinions, so beware of that too; I’m a horrible fanboy, especially when it comes to Imaishi’s work, and this list reflects that in its disgusting positivity. Anything not on the list I simply haven’t watched, off the top of my head it’s missing Kiznaiver but I’m sure there’s other stuff too; I’ve actually only been watching animu for a year or two, so lots of catching up to do.
1. FLCL - pride of place. I think there’s literally not a single scene in the whole of it that I’d dislike; as far as I’m concerned, it’s a tightly packed bundle of sheer fun, entirely not bothered by constraints of form, substance or style. And it only gets better with rewatches. Also, dat OST hnng
2. Kill la Kill - this is kind of a contentious one for me, because I actually don’t know if I’d put KlK or TTGL first; both are a case study in why I love, aye LOVE Imaishi as a director. I suppose it’s a question of how much I love ensemble shows done absolutely right (KlK) versus a sheer emotional rollercoaster ride (TTGL). At the end of the day, though, while I’d say KlK has the less impactful plot structure (scissor sisters ending WHEN - you don’t just have a weapon broken in two, and two sisters, without having both of them at the final confrontation), I am a sucker for how it handles characters and characterization; just taking tropey archetypes and turning them up to 11, and giving everyone a chance to show off and do their thing. If FLCL doesn’t have a scene I’d hate, KlK is the same for characters. It helps that it’s also phenomenally directed and so very imaginatively animated (making the budget cardboard cutouts episode actually one of the best and funniest imo was a masterstroke), and that Ryuuko is basically just my favouritest trope done right.
2.5 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - it should by now be clear I am a huge sucker for INTENSE HOTBLOODED ACTION (which is, again, one of the reasons Imaishi is my spiritual liege). In my opinion, TTGL has an overall weaker cast of characters than its scantily clad sister series; Kamina overshadows absolutely everyone in the first part of the series, and Simon takes up the mantle soon afterwards (with a slightly awkward gap in between), giving precious few chances for the rest of the cast to shine. Nia also never sat right with me, feeling a little external to the cast, which meant that one of the emotional hooks for the second cour didn’t work as well on me as it could’ve. On the other hand - the pacing is insane in just the right way, and like I said earlier, it was much more of an emotional rollercoaster for me than KlK (many tears shed over episode 8). If I was in a slightly different mood, I might rank it over KlK - that’s how close they are in my mind, and frankly I adore both of them.
3. Inferno Cop - I unironically love it, so sue me. To me it’s why I love Trigger as a studio; it’s such a glorious shitpost, it pretty much feels like something they did for their own fun rather than to get viewers. Also, the sheer fact that this was the first thing all these incredibly talented animators did after leaving Gainax never fails to make me laugh. Bring on season 2.
4. Little Witch Academia - talking TV series here. I can’t really neatly slot the OVAs into a list together with episodic things, it feels like cheating because I adore the animation in both the original and Enchanted Parade so much (yes I know, FLCL was an OVA too, but shhh). If I did have to rate the OVAs, I’d put both of them very near FLCL, they’re masterpieces in animation, distinctive character design and compact storytelling IMO.
The series was a little weaker, which is natural given the differences in the two forms. If I could rank the two cours separately (and in many ways they feel like separate shows to me), the first cour might even rank above TTGL/KlK - but maybe that’s just me being an enormous sucker for slice of life; either way, and even though it stuttered in a few places, I felt it was closer to the original spirit of the OVAs and just an adorable, comfy ride throughout, with a cour finale that was basically... the Enchanted Parade but better? I’d say the second cour felt more awkwardly paced, maybe because it was (I think anyway) Yoshinari’s first time as a director for a full-length series. The plot came at the expense of any screentime whatsoever for Lotte and Sucy (and a lack of Sucy is an inexcusable crime in my eyes), Diana was properly introduced too late for me to really appreciate her at all, which meant her prominence in the climactic scenes (Akko coming to terms with her loss of magic, and the final missile fight) likewise struck me as awkward, too forced. Some episodes made me wonder if they shouldn’t have just made a separate series about Croix and Chariot (as they seemed to want to), who had probably the best and most dynamic relationship out of anyone in the series - but also struck me as a bit... tonally inconsistent with the rest of the series? On the other hand: I nitpick because I love it enough to constantly think about it, and the final episode was hands down some of the best animation I’ve ever seen. Also I love all these little witches too much.
5. Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion - I’m not at all versed in mecha animu, so I didn’t appreciate the deconstruction as much as I might’ve otherwise. Still, it’s something of a seminal piece, isn’t it; even if plagued by budget issues (hello elevator scene, hello final episodes), I found it a gripping piece of storytelling, just... emotionally draining - which was rather the point, I guess. It’s actually a fairly deep work (though I hate using that word, being firmly in the ‘style over substance’ camp I don’t see how being shallow is at all a bad thing - if you do it right, it can be just as gripping, after all there was little revolutionary or especially ‘deep’ about TTGL or KlK but both are among my favourite things ever, ditto with Redline). That’s rare enough that I have plenty of love for Eva (+ EoE, I’d say you can’t really separate the two).
I’ll admit though, I originally watched it just because of dankest Cruel Angel’s Thesis memes.
6. Space Patrol Luluco - as with Inferno Cop, I unironically love it; secretly, more so than many serious and renowned animus I should, by rights, appreciate more than Luluco. It made me laugh until I cried, it was chock-full of shamelessly overt references to some of my favourite Gainax/Trigger shows, and the OP is catchy as fuk. Also, “the most worthless thing in the world - a middle schooler’s first love” remains a staple joke with my best friend.
7. Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt - the fact this is so low on the list is more testament to how much I love the other Trigger/Gainax series, rather than any failing of its own. I can see why it’d be hit and miss for some people, but as far as I’m concerned, Panty&Stocking was a hilarious, irreverent, sometimes (most times) giddily stupid ride, and the fact we’re not likely to get a second season is a crying shame.
8. NinjaSlayer from Animation - “but wait, you loved Inferno Cop, why isn’t NinjaSlayer higher then?” Well hypothetical reader voice, while I found swathes of Ninjaslayer to be hilarious in their own right, I couldn’t help the feeling that - unlike Inferno Cop - it sometimes overstayed its welcome, and wasn’t quite as punchy as a result. Maybe that’s a fault with the source material, who knows. Still, something about the fact that this is basically the only adaptation Trigger has done (I think so, anyway - something else might’ve slipped by me) tickles me the right way.
I’m not a very serious person, if you couldn’t tell yet.
Whew, that got much longer than I expected it to. I guess it’s good for finally getting my blog on brand, there hasn’t been a single ramble on it (reasonably priced or otherwise) since I started.
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gavbon · 4 years
In this review we’re looking at the Genesis Thor 420 RGB, a slim mechanical keyboard with Content-branded switches. What sets this keyboard apart from others we’ve looked at is a laser focus on gaming. Many keyboards brand themselves as “gaming”, but Genesis have engineered the Thor 420 RGB specifically for blazing fast response. There’s also a host of gaming-specific features – read on for details.
Gensis Thor 420 RGB Specifications & Features
Switch Brand Content Switch Type Content Slim Blue Switch Characteristics Tactile, Clicky, Short Travel Actuation Point 1.2mm Maximum Key Travel 2.5mm Actuation Force 45g Switch Lifetime 50 Million Actuations Key Count 104 Media Keys 12 Layout US Only Interface Wired (USB 2.0 Type A) Cable Length 1.65m OS Support (hardware) Windows XP or newer, Android, Linux OS Support (software) Windows XP or newer Rollover N-Key Dimensions (mm) 418x113x24 Weight 573g Backlight Addressable RGB Accessories Cable management strap
  On top of the specs, the Genesis Thor 420 RGB has several special features;
Fast response time with 1000Hz polling rate
Windows key lock
WASD and arrow keys swap with FN+W
Five backlight presets for popular games and genres
Genesis Thor 420 RGB Closer Look
Unboxing the Genesis Thor 420 RGB, we find an appropriately sized box and a well protected keyboard. We do prefer recyclable packaging here at Play3r, so we do have to gripe a little. Not only are the foam blocks not recyclable, the plastic bag lacks a recycling mark. Nonetheless, the sizing is reasonable.
The keyboard comes with a small booklet with operating instructions in English, Polish, Czech, Slovak, German, Romanian, Russian and Bulgarian – you can tell Genesis are based in Poland. Otherwise, the only accessory is a cable management strap for the USB cable.
The manual covers software installation, RGB controls and the ability to swap WASD with the arrow keys using FN+W. There’s also some general housekeeping like safety information.
Visual Inspection
Genesis have topped the Thor 420 RGB in brushed aluminium, dyed to a gunmetal grey finish. A bevelled edge has a bright mirror finish. It’s a striking look, further accentuated by the visible torx head screws that hold it all together. Personally I love this – it’s nice to see metal being unapologetically bright and shiny, rather than trying to be understated. Underneath there are six round rubber feet, and a couple of basic plastic legs.
This is a very slim keyboard – a feature Genesis are enthusiastic to highlight. Even flipping the legs up doesn’t add much height. The slim profile makes the keyboard very comfortable for long gaming sessions.
The LEDs are very bright with distinct colours, and shine clearly through the keys. However, the transitions are bit… off. I can’t put my finger on it but it feels like rather than a constant colour change, the LEDs fade between fixed colours quite quickly. They’re clearly capable of producing intermediate colours, but don’t dwell on them for long.
The windows key lock function is activated by pressing FN plus the windows key. This renders the windows key inactive, keeping it from interrupting a game. A slight nitpick is that subsequently unlocking it also presses the windows key – great if you wanted the start menu, not so great if you wanted a shortcut. One good point is that Genesis have thoughtfully included a “win lock” LED in the top right as a reminder.
FPS Mode
CF mode
COD mode
LOL mode
RACE mode
There are five prebaked game modes. All are easily accessible, with FN plus a number 1-5. These light up certain keys in red, and turn off the rest of the backlighting to minimise distractions.
I personally spend more time typing than gaming, and am a very heavy typist. I’m going to be honest and say that for me, typing with this keyboard is not a fun experience. With wide flat keycaps it’s very very easy to brush against an adjacent key. The sensitive switches mean that this light brush is usually turned into a keystroke. On top of this, the only available layout is US – a little jarring and inconvenient as a Brit.
The thing is, this is not a typing keyboard. This is a gaming keyboard. So naturally I have to test it properly – by playing some games. You know, for work.
I’m pleased to report that for gaming, the experience is far better. The lightness and responsiveness of the Content slim blue switches is suddenly a huge plus. In particular I’d call out wingsuiting in Just Cause 3 – a game I have nearly 800 hours in – as something that I personally found to benefit massively. Not only do the ultra-fast switches let me make delicate adjustments with ease, but thanks to short travel even my lead fingers turn into a light touch. Vehicle driving would also benefit. Outright racing games are usually considered better with a controller, but vehicle use in other games is common and tends to happen with a keyboard.
Genesis describe the switches as “giving you an unfair advantage over your competition”, and I had initially intended to refute that. After all, a keyboard is not a replacement for skill. However after using it I can honestly say it really does genuinely help in some situations. Overall, the Genesis Thor 420 RGB has serious gaming credentials. If you’re a lighter, more precise typist than I then you might absolutely love it.
Genesis Thor 420 RGB Software
The software for the Genesis Thor 420 RGB has two tabs – “PCMODE” and “SETTINGS”. The “PCMODE” tab has most of the options greyed out. The only options are profile management, and backlight settings. Moving to the “SETTINGS” tab, an individual key can be selected to unlock the rest of the options.
We have fairly powerful set of macro options here in the “SETTINGS” tab. The recording interface is a little clunky, but does the job well. By default, the delay that your human actions had is recorded. Macros can then be edited, with actions inserted or deleted and delays edited either per action or blanket. In addition, we tested if macros work without the software running. Having closed the software and manually killed the low level service (THOR 420HID.exe), our test macro kept working. However, after unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in again the setting is lost. This is a good balance of behaviour that avoids a user thinking they “broke” their keyboard because a macro or key reassignment stuck.
When we first got this keyboard a couple of weeks ago, the only backlight options were prebaked effects. Correlation is not causation, but we queried this with Genesis and as we were finishing this review a software and firmware update was posted that adds proper backlight customisation. The Customize setting has “Background” mode, which sets the entire backlight, or alternatively there’s “Single Key” mode which allows colours to be set up per key.
The colour picker is a little fiddly and would really benefit from a few presets, but it does the job. Colour reproduction seems off but manually finetuning the R, G and B values helps a lot. For example, clicking on orange on the colour picker yielded 253/127/6, which came out more like peach. Manually setting 255/127/0 gave us a good orange.
Overall, the software is a little clunky but does everything it needs to do now Genesis have added backlight customisation.
The Genesis Thor 420 RGB Review: The Verdict
Going into this review, I was sceptical about this keyboard. I didn’t doubt the claims of responsiveness, but I did doubt that it would matter. I’m pleased to report that I was wrong.
In some games, having the light and responsive switches can make a huge difference. Tasks that were previously frustrating due to a lack of fine control became far more achievable. On the flip side, sensitive switches are unforgiving towards heavy and inaccurate typing. The slim profile also makes long gaming sessions comfortable, without needing a wrist rest.
What’s hot:
Slim design
Very responsive switches
Makes fine control much easier in some games
Comfortable even for long sessions
What’s not:
Non-slip feet could be better
US layout only
Switches this responsive aren’t for everyone
As a gaming keyboard, the Genesis Thor 420 RGB excels. For typing, it depends if you’re a light typist and comfortable with the US layout. To review the Genesis Thor 420 RGB though we are judging it against the pitch, and the pitch is gaming. Though there are one or two minor grumbles, for the overall performance and comfort it easily earns the Play3r Gold Award.
At time of writing it’s hard to find the Thor 420 in the UK, but Irish retailer Maxbitt has it in stock for £60.42.
Thanks to Genesis for sending a sample of the Thor 420 RGB in for review.
Related Reading:
SAHARA GAMING R20 Keyboard Review: The Meaning of “Value”
Cherry DW 9000 Slim Desktop Set Review
Thermaltake Challenger Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo Review
MSI Vigor GK60 Keyboard Review
Thermaltake Level 20 RGB Titanium Gaming Keyboard Review
Many keyboards are branded as "gaming", but Genesis have engineered the Thor 420 RGB specifically for blazing fast response - in this review we look at how. In this review we're looking at the Genesis Thor 420 RGB, a slim mechanical keyboard with Content-branded switches.
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templified · 6 years
Best WordPress Portfolio Themes for Creative Websites and Artists
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Best WordPress Portfolio Themes for Creative Websites and Artists
If you’re looking to get creative, you’ll want a fantastic portfolio theme to help provide the perfect frame for all of your projects.  This collection is simply stunning, every one of the themes here is great for artists, for photographers, creative businesses and freelance designers too.  No matter what kind of art you’re into, the themes you see here are going to blow you away with amazing style, colorful designs, solid features and ease of use.
We only select the absolute best themes out there, premium quality themes with outstanding support, solid documentation and more features that we’ll get into in more detail as you see the themes themselves.  With these themes, you have tons of theme options, plentiful shortcodes and a variety of portfolio layouts and styles to keep everybody happy.  We also try our best to find themes that work well for both beginners and WordPress experts alike.
Here we go, the absolute best WordPress portfolio themes on the market.
Divi WordPress Portfolio Theme
This is the first theme in our collection of the best WordPress portfolio themes because, well, I think it’s the best theme on the market.  Divi is a truly premium WordPress theme that is the top of the line for multipurpose themes.  I’ve included it in this collection of portfolio themes because I’ve seen some pretty incredible themes built with Divi and I think you’ll find that it’s perfect for artists, photographers, graphic or interior designers and plenty more.  If you’re a creative and you want a stunning WordPress theme that has everything you need to make a really, really high quality website, this is the one for you.  Divi is a really full featured page builder theme, so if you’re in the market for a theme where you have infinite possible layouts, it’s worth taking a look at for sure.
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Oshine WordPress Photography Portfolio Theme
This theme is called Oshine and it’s a hard working theme for all kinds of creative websites.  The demo pictured above is the photography portfolio splash page, but Oshine is equally adept at showcasing your creative work of all kinds, whether it’s fine art, paintings, tattoos, web design, interior design or logos.  Oshine is probably great for a bunch of other stuff I’m leaving out too!  With well over 20,000 downloads and a stunning 4.81 rating, Oshine has proven to be as popular as it is adaptable.  Oshine is a fine theme for design agencies, creative digital firms, architecture companies and even eCommerce sites, thanks to the full integration with WooCommerce.  You’ll have access to a ton of different designs, top rated support, an intuitive page builder plugin and fast loading times too.  If you want to build your dream website, Oshine is a fine place to start.
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Create Premium Quality Portfolio WordPress Theme
Create has been one of my favorite themes for a long, long while.  I just really enjoy what Theme Trust does with their themes.  Now that it’s been upgraded to Create v2.0, it’s even better!  There’s more to love, but I don’t mean in terms of code bloat.  The Create WordPress theme loads up as fast as ever, it’s got the same cool, slick and flat design, it’s built for all kinds of artists and it’s really simple and straightforward to use.  So, what’s new with Create 2.0?  Well, there are five all new demo pages included, you’ve got a handful of slick, smooth CSS animations, easy to use background videos, new page builder widgets and they’ve upgraded to Slider Revolution for maximum impact on all of your pages.  With Create, you get Theme Trust’s most popular page builder template and you can get it for just $58, which is a very reasonable price, considering all you get with this theme.
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Immense Full Screen Portfolio WordPress Theme
Graph Paper Press is known for their high quality blog themes, but this one caters more to portfolios.  The name is Immense and it really sums up the quality and number of features that you get if you should select this theme.  The style is fairly minimalist, Immense lets your images do most of the talking.  With perfect responsiveness, Immense adjusts on the fly to fit your browser, no matter what size.  That’s critical these days since responsive themes tend to rank better in Google.  Immense is very simple to customize, there are unlimited galleries available, slideshows can be made quickly and efficiently, you can even drag and drop images to change the load order.  With all graph Paper Press themes, you get automatic updates when they make changes to your theme.  Considering that fact, it’s probably wise to use a child theme if you go to make any changes to the themes code.  Then again, that’s always a great idea.
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This Gnoli portfolio WordPress theme is as simple as it is adaptable.  Gnoli is very reliable, easy to use, attractive and filled with creative features, it’s functional, feature filled and SEO friendly, amazing for commercial photographers, ad companies, designers, publicity or PR businesses, freelancers or design companies. You can create a great first impression with a well made, powerful WordPress portfolio theme like Gnoli and that’s exactly what this theme was built for, creating an awesome first impression.
Visual Composer is the leading drag-and-drop page builder theme for WordPress, as it’s impressive and accommodating features make it quite easy to build any sort of web page you want to develop.  Visual Composer works with major after-market plugins such as Contact Form 7, both Gravity and Ninja Forms, Essential Grid, WooCommerce and sliders like Layer or Revolution Sliders. All of that makes this amazing theme super adaptable.  You’ll really love the many options that save you time, the fact that it’s compatible with everything, the ability to craft any kind of highly functional site, the simplicity of the interfaces and the low price.  Visual Composer offers the detailed documentation, tons of content elements, popular front end editor, responsive, professional design and wide ranging template library, plus tons more.
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Studio 8 Premium WordPress Agency Portfolio Theme
Studio 8, from WPLook, is a wonderful, simple creative portfolio theme that’s got everything you need to make a flat out fantastic looking website in just a few minutes.  Seriously, this theme is that fast.  With Studio 8, you obviously get a very clean, modern looking WordPress theme, but you also get a lot of stuff that can’t be seen.  Immaculate code helps this theme load up very quickly and that can really help with your SEO efforts.  There’s nothing worse than doing all the hard work of blogging, only to see some other site get more traffic because your site loads up too slowly.  Studio 8 is a really flexible, elegant looking creative or digital agency theme too.  With it, all kinds of folks can create an outstanding portfolio, whether it’s motion graphic design, video, photographs, web designers or digital agencies.  What about font foundries?  Yep, there’s nothing that Studio 8 can’t make look great.
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Massive Dynamic Premium Multipurpose Theme for Portfolios
Massive Dynamic has proven to be among the most popular WordPress themes on ThemeForest.  It’s pretty simple to see why, the theme offers a great looking style, boatloads of features and perfect support too.  This theme has been purchased over 14,000 times so far, which isn’t quite the record, but it sure is a lot of downloads.  That means they’ve really got the support dialed in at this point, so any issues that arise will be handled quickly and effectively.  Massive Dynamic scores a perfect 100% on Google’s performance tests, which is absolutely going to help your SEO efforts.  Massive Dynamic uses a great little drag and drop page builder to help you craft any sort of layout you want with unlimited color schemes and typography to match any brand.  For creating a memorable and effective portfolio, that’s really important.  With dozens of pre-made web templates to choose from, you may not even need to use that page builder!  I should note, Massive Dynamic is also a WooCommerce ready theme, so you can set up an eCommerce shop to go with all your other content.
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Grand Portfolio
This theme is Grand Portfolio, but it’s more than just a portfolio theme.  This WooCommerce ready theme has a simple and clean style, plenty of features to make it work for a wide variety of websites, from creative companies, architects, agencies, personal blogs and much more.  If you want to sell products, WooCommerce is among the most popular shopping cart plugins out there and choosing a theme that’s specifically built for WooCommerce is always a great idea.  For photography, artwork, magazines, fashion lines and really anything else you can think of, WooCommerce can help to make your business a huge success.
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Lookbook WordPress Grid Theme for Portfolios
Using a beautiful mosaic grid layout, Lookbook is a strong looking WordPress theme for portfolios.  Whether it’s wedding photography, nature shots, portraits or news photography that you’re into, you’ll need a strong portfolio to showcase your work.  The simplicity of this mosaic grid ensures the focus is on what really matters, your images.  Lookbook is very simple to customize, it’s completely responsive, allows for multiple post formats like video, audio, image galleries, quotes and links too.  With multiple custom widget areas, you can add things like text blocks, subscription forms, images and a lot more.  The entire theme is well documented and well supported by Graph Paper Press.
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Elegance Pro Genesis Framework Portfolio WordPress Themes
Elegance Pro is a very nice looking WordPress portfolio theme with clean, elegant style and plenty of features.  The design of this theme lends itself to all kinds of portfolios, from fashion design to photography, paintings to web design.  Stephanie Hellwig created the Elegance Pro theme and I believe she’s done a really nice job with it.  The theme takes advantage of everything that the Genesis Framework has to offer, with a rock solid code base and tons of options to customize your site.  Then, she took things up a notch with plenty of widgetized areas, custom headers, mobile first design, a multitude of layout options and more.  Genesis Framework themes are considered to be among the most SEO friendly sites around, owing to their superior load times and well coded pages.  With Elegance Pro, you get a stunning design that will really capture your reader’s attention.
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Wright Clean, Minimal WordPress Portfolio Themes
Wright is a very nice little minimalist portfolio theme that was created by Made by Minimal.  These guys are known for their simple, modern designs for blogs and eCommerce, not to mention portfolios.  I really enjoy the style of Wright, it keeps things simple but never boring.  Wright has multiple lightbox galleries, the display is Retina ready.  You can quickly manage colors and fonts in the custom theme options panel.  With WooCommerce installed, you’ll be able to set up a delightful shop.  I think Wright could be perfect for showcasing products with the portfolio, then allowing people to purchase what they see on your blog.  That’s a really nice combination that I think could be a really successful business model.  The Wright theme isn’t cheap, it costs $100, but that does give you access to everything that Made by Minimal has created, which includes five themes at this time.  You also get a year’s worth of updates, one on one support and I think all of that is a pretty sweet deal.
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Ultra Portfolio WordPress Theme for Creative Websites
This is Ultra, from Themify.me and it’s a wonderfully powerful and flexible portfolio theme that lets you control the outcome from the very start.  Almost everything in the Ultra theme is adjustable, from colors to layouts, fonts and addons.  You’ll get the site you’ve had in mind, that’s for sure.  For designers, developers or end users, Ultra is simple to get started with, though that doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly powerful.  There are several skins included with your download, with demo sites for spas, restaurants, eCommerce shops, gaming magazines, weddings, fitness and more.  What’s more, there are over sixty basic layouts to choose from, which is a pretty stunning amount.  I looked at all of these and I’ll say this, there’s a nice variety of basic styles in there.  I’ve decided to include Ultra in this collection of portfolios because it’s so incredibly flexible, I think you can’t go wrong with it if you should happen to download it.
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Infinity Pro Stylish and Modern Portfolio Theme
For digital businesses who are looking to up their web presence, a well made, fast loading and stylish portfolio like Infinity Pro could be the right solution.  With how much competition there is, having the right webpage is a really key component to success.  Just a few degrees difference can take you from page 2 to the top of Google’s search results and that means a massive boost in traffic.  With Infinity Pro as your portfolio, you’re going to get a lot of compliments, that’s for sure.  This theme is elegant, it’s fast loading, the typography is really easy to read and attractive.  Nearly everything about Infinity Pro simply oozes class.  With this responsive theme, you’ll be delivering a consistently positive user experience for every one of your visitors.
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Cre8or WordPress Grid Portfolio Theme
This is Cre8or, a uniquely named WordPress theme from Tesla Themes.  I really like the basic, simple style of this theme.  It looks like it’d lend itself to a wide variety of uses, though portfolios are clearly Cre8or’s strength.  Cre8or is a very modern blog and portfolio combination with incredible attention to detail and lovely typography too.  With Cre8or, you can highlight your projects in a charming and innovative way.  Cre8or was made with all sorts of creative folks in mind, whether it’s personal projects, agency or studio work, or freelance design.  No matter what type of work you’re in, the basic style of Cre8or helps make your presentation a memorable one.  Animated transitions, fancy image or video lightboxes, simple customization, powerful plugins, multiple single post and page layouts and more, you certainly get a lot of value with the Cre8or WordPress theme.
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Motive Beautiful WordPress Portfolio Template
Tesla Themes is back with another really strong WordPress theme, it’s called Motive.  Motive is clean, modern and full featured, it’s pretty advanced in terms of code, it’s lovely to look at, the portfolio you create with Motive is really going to stand out from the crowd.  With the Motive WordPress theme, you can have a blog to go along with your portfolio, whether you choose to go with a grid layout, a masonry grid layout or a more traditional design, that’s totally up to you.  Motive has two basic styles with tons of great features in both of them.  Features such as the Revolution slider, parallax scrolling backgrounds, sticky navigation, multiple post formats, tons of different short codes, multiple handy widgets to extend functionality, a user friendly contact form builder and plenty more.  With great support and extensive documentation, I think Tesla Themes has created a real winner with the Motive theme.
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Zerif Pro Creative WordPress One Page Portfolio
Zerif Pro is an attractive one page WordPress theme that’s ideal for building an online portfolio to show off your work.  If you want the best first impression you can get, a modern and well designed WordPress theme like Zerif Pro could be the right choice.  Most people don’t think about one page themes when they think of a portfolio, but Zerif Pro manages to pull it off with style.  With this parallax scrolling theme, each and every section of your website has it’s own area of that single page.  The demo site shows a setup with the portfolio, about us, team members, plans, testimonials, contact form, eCommerce shop and, of course, the blog sections.  Now, you don’t need to use all of those, that’s just this demo.  Anyway, as you scroll down, or navigate via the top menu, each section appears.  So, the portfolio is right there on the front page, waiting for folks to click down to it.  It’s a really unique setup, I like it a lot.  So, Zerif Pro is a unique and different theme in this collection, since it uses just that single page.
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Composition Best WordPress eCommerce and Portfolio Theme
Composition blends classic photography portfolio aspects with eCommerce to allow you to create a really neat website where you actually sell your images.  Whether you’re licensing stock photography or selling prints, it works either way.  You could integrate with WooCommerce for either of those options, though I’d recommend Easy Digital Downloads if you’re going to be selling downloadable goods.  Either way, your images will look incredible.  With Composition, you get a theme that was designed by creative people, for creative people.  Pretty Creative helps show off your content in a polished, professional way.  This theme uses multiple widgetized areas to customize your site, it’s mobile first with a responsive design that looks amazing on all devices.  The header area is customizable, the colors and backgrounds are too.  It’s a really nice theme for selling photos and for getting the word out about what you have to offer.
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Eris Minimalist, Modern WordPress Portfolio Theme
Eris is crisp, Eris is elegant, Eris is a really great looking, unique portfolio theme for WordPress.  When you add more and more photos, particularly ones that have really different styles, that’s when Eris is at it’s best.  It’s funny, but the more variety you add to your images, the better the entire narrative flow of your images will be.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a graphic designer, an interior decorator or a photographer, your images will become the stars of the show with Eris.  Making a great first impression is crucial and Eris allows you to do just that with an impactful slider to showcase your featured projects and posts.  Eris is a natural, contemporary theme at the slider feature really helps set your images off.  You can swiftly shift between three or four column layouts and if you’re not really into a structured grid look, you can shuffle your images up to create what the developer calls ‘organized chaos’.  Pretty cool, right?  Typography changes are a snap too, but I really like the fonts they’ve chosen in the basic design, so you may choose to keep things as it is and just add images.  If you’d like to see more themes like Eris, why not have a look at our minimalist WordPress themes collection.
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Simply Pro Portfolio Themes for WordPress
When it comes to selecting a great portfolio theme for WordPress, you want one that loads fast and looks great on all devices. That’s a guarantee with the Simply Pro WordPress theme, since it runs on the Genesis framework. The Genesis framework is a stable and fast loading framework that allows you to used Genesis framework themes. These themes are high performance, attractive and professional. Simply Pro offers a mobile first experience for all your readers. The theme customizer let you change almost any setting you can imagine and there several widget areas to add even more functionality to your website.
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The Agency Creative Agency WordPress Themes
The Agency is a creative and simple WordPress theme that is agreeable to use, debonair to look at and it’s a fertile ground for growing your business.  This theme is an amazing frame for all sorts of creativity. Many webmasters have been thankful they’ve purchased the Agency theme, because of the substance behind it.  Sure, it’s a very nice and attractive theme to look at, sure horses have long necks.  Both are obvious, right?  Well, there’s a lot that you don’t get to see with The Agency, the intangibles.  To keep it brief, this theme is incredibly well coded, it’s got detailed documentation and invincible support to go along with it’s fetching style.  With The Agency, you can craft a marvelous and hypnotic portfolio site to keep your readers entertained and keep feeding them that proverbial popcorn.
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Hestia Pro Minimalist WordPress Portfolio Theme
A lot of folks won’t even consider a one-page theme when they’re looking for a new portfolio template. It’s understandable, there aren’t that many that can pull it off, but Hestia Pro is one such theme. This template has a great looking material design style, it’s ideal for startups and brick-and-mortar businesses, e-commerce websites, creative portfolios and art organizations. This stylish one page layout accentuates your images and text with Parallax scrolling that helps your content stand out. You can even create an online store with woocommerce, assuming you don’t have too many products. This theme probably won’t be a great setup for truly extensive stores selling hundreds of items. But, if you want to highlight a few items and you have a relatively small portfolio, the one page design could be a winner.
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Benson Responsive WordPress Portfolio Theme
Benson is WordPress theme that is focused on photography, though I think that it attached itself perfectly to be a creative agency themed as well. This stunning web template uses a fullscreen image to make a great first impression on everyone in visit to your website. Or photography skills. This theme has you covered with a gorgeous widescreen hero area, there are multiple image layouts to Showcase your work, complete and utter control over colors and fonts and there are several custom widgets to add functionality or web page. CSS igniter built this mean with a drag-and-drop homepage Builder, that way you can design your own website to fit your style. No coding skills are required to, the dragon drop page builder is user-friendly and straightforward to get started with. This adoptable, flexible and responsive theme looks great on all devices, which is very beneficial, since you never know what type of device your readers will access your website from. I think that all creative companies could benefit from Benson.
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Hellomouse Minimalist Portfolio Theme for WordPress
Hello Mouse is a minimal portfolio theme that has a really cool grid-style and unique a typography. There are multiple different portfolio layouts at your fingertips and each of them gives your website a slightly different look and feel. Hello Mouse was created by CSS ignitor and they do a great job of supporting all of their templates. I think that these simple and straightforward design lends itself to any type of creative content. This theme is very simple to setup, simple to customize and delivers a fantastic first impression. This theme is SEO optimized for fast page load speeds, well coated and straightforward to customize. There are multiple layout options, Hello Mouse works with your favorite page Builders to add any sort of design touch you can imagine. This template is certainly worth a second look if you’re looking for a perfect portfolio theme.
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Coup Full Screen, Clean WordPress Portfolio
I’ve always been a fan of the themes that I’ve seen from the Themes Kingdom, and Coup is no exception. This blog and portfolio combination theme features light and dark demo Styles, a full screen slider where your image appears on the entire screen. You can send her the headline text or set the slider to display a smaller featured image with headline and short text. There are three column grids and Shuffle grid layouts and your posts and projects will automatically pop to either landscape or portrait orientation, depending on their dimensions. Coup includes a handmade portfolio feature that you will be able to use to Showcase all of your work. It makes it really great for the visitors to see exactly what they want to see right off the bat. There’s breathtaking typography, custom color options and plenty more that you can customize in this perfectly responsive WordPress portfolio theme.
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Shutter Photography Portfolio Theme
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Montblanc WordPress Portfolio and Personal Blog Theme
Montblanc is a fine looking multipurpose personal blog and portfolio theme for WordPress.  Built by Tesla Themes, Montblanc has the design and features to make your website run like a top or purr like a kitten.  Something like that anyway.  So, for many portfolios, one page is enough and, wouldn’t you know it, Montblanc allows for one page or multi page layouts.  Either way, you get the same well coded, well designed theme.  It’s important that both humans and spiders are able to read your site in it’s entirety and Montblanc is optimized for SEO as much as it’s design is optimized for human consumption.  Montblanc is great for portfolios for businesses, creative firms and individuals.  If you’re looking for more great personal blog WordPress themes, you may want to have a look at our collection that we’ve built.
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Shutterbox WordPress Portfolio for Photographers
Shutterbox is a full featured theme that has everything you need to build a great photography business.  With WooCommerce integration, you can set up an online shop within minutes to sell prints or downloads of your work.  This theme loos great on all devices, because it’s totally responsive.  There are a variety of layout options to choose from and everything is very simple to customize.  You’ll be able to visually arrange and organize your portfolios, blog posts and welcome message.  There are even custom widget areas to add flexibility to your website.
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Emily Nolan Creative WordPress Photography Portfolio
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Pretty Creative Pro Genesis Framework Portfolio Template
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Ronneby Popular Parallax WordPress Portfolio Theme
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0 notes
Car insurance please help?
"Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help?    OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons    ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only.    aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that !    when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it.    BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best car insurance in Toronto?
I'm currently with Belairdirect for my car insurance. I'm a fairly new driver with my G2 and I've only had the insurance for 1 year. I just got my renewal for the year and it's going to be DOUBLE! Granted, I did have an at fault accident about 7 months ago so I expected it to go up regardless, but not that much. It's going from about $2200/yr to $4400/yr. I know no matter where I go I will have to pay more because of the accident, but can anyone recommend some place that won't gouge me?""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
im doing thiss on my phone im at work so i cant call an insurance company. please help
I do not have auto insurance and my license is suspended (child support). I live in California?
Is the other driver still responsible to pay for damages to my car? He has insurance. What do I do first? Thank you for your help
Electric Car insurance and teen drivers.....?
How much does insurance go up if you add a 17 year old with a learner's permit to your plan. I live in Florida and have Electric Car Insurance.
What to do when you have no health insurance?
I dont understand what to do if I'm sick or hurt and I dont have health insurance. The government wont help me, my community has meidcal assistance available to pregnant women, low income families with minor children and those who are aged, blind or disabled residing in the community or in a nursing home. And I dont qualify for any of these, I'm only 21, I'm not pregnant, and I dont have children. -how come help is given to people that are less responsible, but the people that try to do right dont get help at all? I cant afford health insurance, I dont qualify for government help, and I cant afford to go the hospital outright and get charged thousands of dollars that I will never be able to pay!""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car insurance...no frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)""
What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?
One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can't afford it, andshe doesn't know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don't know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?""
What is the cheapest car insurance and that is good for a teenager?
Im starting to almost drive already but i need to knowwhat insurance company has the most economical car insurance for teens?? please let me know and tell me how much you pay for ur kids or even for yourself btw my car is a 2004 volvo s40 2.4i if that matters.
What car gives the cheapest insurance for a first time driver??
What car gives the cheapest insurance for a first time driver??
Insurance for 2001 celica?
considering everything else equal (age, experience, w/e), how is the price of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica compared to cars of the same price range? eg accord, sports cars, compact cars, midsize""
How much does renters insurance usually run?
I'm 25 and this is a pretty new concept to me. My new landlord (a management company) suggested that everyone get it For our own Protection. I just need a ball park number. Thanks.
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
Can I claim my car insurance back? It was cancelled after my car was written off & I couldn't afford another.?
My car insurance company cancelled my insurance because I did not buy another car. I could not get another as I'm still waiting for my excess to be paid out. I had paid 4 months of my annual car insurance so had to pay the remaining balance when they cancelled it. The accident was not my fault. I understand that I have to pay a full year's car insurance but wondered if I could claim for the months which I have not been able to benefit from due to the accident rendering me car-less!
Is a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy?
is the cost of repairs for a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy? Example: engine or transmission? I have full coverage on my vehicle
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
""If I already have health insurance, but my deductible is way to high $4000?
and I am eligible for medi-cal...am I supposed to cancel my other insurance or how does that work?
Can my car insurance just go up for no reason at all?
I have been paying $150 for my car insurance for the past year, but now my dad just told me that it went up and know i have to pay $250. Why is that if I haven't got into any accident or anything. Or is he lying to me?""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Car insurance question....?
I had full coverage on my 01 honda civic coupe. Fixed up but i know insurance wont give a rats. ***. My question is, if it is totaled and my car had full coverage. How much would i get from them? i tried going to kelly blue book. But i don't know if insurance goes by retail, or dealer quote or what... If u can answer give u all the pnts for best answer.""
I need cheap insurance for saxo 1.6 vtr?
ive just passed my test and already had a car which is a citreon saxo 1.6 vtr, ime 26 and getting quotes for 5000. i only paid 600 for the car. does anyone know where i can get cheaper insurance on that car. thnks""
Car insurance opting out?
I renewed my car insurance for the year, but then my car broke down and i do not wish to spend the money to fix it. its been 4 months into the insurance plan, can i cancel it and get some money back?""
What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina?
Hi. So I recently moved from New England to North Carolina. I have my 2002 Toyota Camry. It was my Dad's and is still under his name. However, I want to get the title in my name hopefully by early 2014. That means paying for insurance too. I figure I'm going to have to do this soon, might as well do it now and learn more responsibility. My parents are paying for my car and their cars under MetLife. (Yes, the one with the Snoopy logo). They are paying about the same plan they did in Massachusetts. I know North Carolina has more competition in pricing and I want to shop around for a decent plan that gives me what I need but for a better price. My Mom is hysterical and doesn't want me to go anywhere else because she think NC insurance is crap. I like that MetLife gives me what I need but I'm not paying more than I have to in insurance. Sorry Mom. So my question is. What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina? Any suggestions. I would like a company that offers affordable plans but also is a reliable company when I need them. Please NO cheapo discount insurance. Here are my only two liabilities in my driving history: 1. Got into a minor car accident in October of 2011. Just a paint smear with another car. Nobody was hurt and neither car got in worse performance condition. 2. Got a seatbelt violation ticket in January 2013. (It was actually for speeding but the cop went easy probably because he saw I was wearing a suit. I was on my way to a family memorial service near the South Boston area.) Any experiences? I mean, what is my Mom worried about? I never hear in the news about people dying because they have NC car insurance. I know there is cut rate (bad) insurance out there because of competition. But there's got to be something better in NC than paying a Taxachuetts MetLife plan. (Sorry BayStaters, but you know it's true) Thank you!""
How Much Would My Nissan Figaro Insurance Be?
Hello Everyone, I'm looking to get a Nissan Figaro for my first car, the car price isn't a problem but I can't find insurance anywhere! Figaro Insurance comes under classic car insurance, I am 18 years old, just passed no NCB can anyone tell me how much it would cost me please??""
How can I get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. I'm 18 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon.""
How much will my insurance cost?
Hi! I'm a new driver and thinking of getting a new honda accord 2013. I'm 20 years old and I'm wondering whats my quota gonna be? thanks!
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help?    OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons    ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only.    aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that !    when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it.    BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
How much will my father's insurance go up for me?
yea well i want my license and he says no because it will raise his insurance through the roof. just how much will it increase? im 18 and i live in brooklyn. the car id drive would be a 06 nissan maxima. any idea around how much it would go up?
How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?
I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks""
What motorcycle insurance i should get?
i am not sure wat i want cause like whose the cheapest one to go for
I totaled my car. No insurance. Still owe money to the bank! Want to refinance. Help!!!?
Ok here's the deal. I financed a car through a dealership (1st time buying a car) and got completely taken. I didn't understand the paperwork, and the person selling told me that the GAP insurance would take care of me if the car was totaled. What I failed to realize was I needed to have full coverage to have the GAP insurance!! I only have liability insurance. I totaled the car. I still owe $8000 to the bank. I've had the car for 8 months and the bank has never come after me to get full coverage insurance; I'm not sure why. I haven't told the bank that I totaled the car, and I'm trying to pay the loan off as quick I can. In the mean-time I've kept the liability insurance on it, so as not to alert the bank, but I would rather drop the insurance since it is just wasted money at this point. I also want to drop the GAP insurance and the extended warranty they sold me, but again I don't want to alert the bank that I don't have full coverage. Any advice appreciated!!!""
What are some car insurance people?
I know Progressive, and Geico. Who do you use? who do you not use and why? We just got a new toyota Sienna and i want to shop around for cheap insurance.""
FL health insurance?
Can anyone tell me how FL health insurance works? I am moving here from MA. In my state, health insurance is mandatory. What is the case in FL? Can I keep my MA health insurance while living in FL? How much do FL health insurance plans cost?""
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Auto insurance rates!?
im trying to find really low auto insurance rates...iv been in quite a few accidents tho, this seems to be the biggest prob..anyone with simalar experiences??""
Buying a new car but confused on car insurance...what should I do?
I am going to be part exchanging my old car for a new one. In terms of car insurance I still have 2 months left so I believe its cheaper if I just go with another insurance company as my current insurance might charge a lot for just 2 months. I am thinking of using my previous insurance NCB( elephant 1 year ) for the new insurance as proof of my NCB but the problem is I sent my NCB 1(year) (elephant) to my current insurance(Directline). Basically I would like to know if its possible to use my previous NCB (Elephant) which I it proves I have 1 year no claims for the new car insurance. I done some research and found it that having 2 years NCB makes 20 compared to 1 year NCB. What should I do?
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
What is the Average Car insurance cover for UK Provisional driver?
I need one and looking at most covers, they are hell of a lot costy. But I have an eye of one which is about 2.81 per day. What do you think of that? Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Any suggestion will help. Cheers.""
Does affordable FAMILY Health insurance in California even exist? :( Desperate!?
Hello: My husband and I are in the process of moving on in our life and figuring out the next step. Rather than moving ahead now and planning later I would rather plan now then move ahead. I feel that its not smart to start trying for a baby until we know if its going to be possible to afford health insurance. Right now we are both working fulltime but my work is not family friendly when it comes to health insurance. Currently to add my spouse and a child to my insurance whether its PPO or HMO its over $1,200 for us 3!!! When looking outside of my employer at what is out there its over $800! We make about $4,000 a month but after rent, car payments, cell phones, car insurance, bills, groceries, and gas we are left with only about $800 a month to live off of. And that is not nearly enough for a baby with daycare and health insurance!! We obviously dont qualify for state funding or and government assistance. I am just wondering if anything exists out there for people like us! :( Unfortunately it seems things would be easier if we both worked at a low income job or not worked at all!! Please help, I want a good future for us all and dont want to depend on government funding!!""
Does anyone have a moped and pay insurance for it?
I would like to get a moped when I get my driver's liscence in a few months or so. Does anyone own a moped and pay insurance for it? I've heard it's much higher than car insurance. And also, would the insurance rate be higher for a new driver, rather than one who has had a liscence for a few years?""
What is the average cost for health insurance a month?
I need to know the cost for health, and dental insurance a month.""
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
Medical insurance questions?
I've been considering on going to a psychologist, however I do not want my parents to find out. I still live with them and I am going to be 22 soon. I am still under their insurance. I have the means to go out on my own and I can pay the copay on my own. I am not sure how it works when you use insurance. Will my parents be able to find out through my insurance? (For example, will insurance alert them in any way?)""
Classic car insurance for non-garaged car?
Anyone know of a company that will cover my cars if they are in a carport instead of a garage? Hagerty says no, anyone have any suggestions? I live in So. Cal so it would cost me half a million dollars to get a home with garage.""
Another question about health insurance?
alot of people are angry that they have to have health insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent we suppose to have car insurance by law if drive?
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
Cheap car insurance offers?
Hi Folks....What companies are offering good deals on car insurance these days,based on your experience.......Frederick""
Insurance for a 16 year old?
Im currently looking around for my first car. What would the insurance be for a 16 year old male for a 2005 chevy silverado. Also what would the insurance be for a 2001 camaro. I have a a good gpa if that helps. Also Travelers insurance and live in Connecticut.
Health insurance internationally?
im traveling to france and i need to know if my health insurance will still be valid there. if i have to go to the hospital will they accept my american insurance card? i have aetna insurance.
Ford Mustang for a 21 years girl?????
Hi I'm thinking of getting Ford Mustang 2007 but Im a 21 years old girl.. so you think how much the insurance would be?? cuz my friend told me since its a sport car. it might be around $200 a month :(
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help?    OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons    ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only.    aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that !    when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it.    BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
How much does car insurance usually cost?
I'm 19 now. When I wanna get my own car when i'm 20. I never had a car before. but my dad says he won't let me drive away his car without him sitting next to me. I hate that, so I want to buy a second hand car n I can be free to go anywhere, and hide it at my friend's place so my dad won't know it. so I guess I need to purchase somekind of insureance by myself, I don't want to be covered under my dad's insurance since I dont want him to know at all. any information or opinion will be helpful thx!!""
Looking for Catastrophic Health Insurance provider in Florida?
Hi, I DO NOT want to compare rates, I would like a link or phone number of a specific provider if someone knows of one that they can recommend. And please tell me your experience with them, or how you go their number... All the sites I have been to are regular plans not catastrophic, plus, I want a personal recommendation, (well, this is better than just going on the internet blindly). If is for a friend of mine. She is 50, lives in FL. She wants Catastrophic Health Insurance only, (no doctor visits, labs, rx...) Thank you -Dixie""
Only Teens please :) How much do you pay for auto insurance?
Teen payments 19 years old preference
Can I get arested 4 driving my car w/my name on the insurance if my dad calls the car(undr his nam) in stolen?
The car is under his name my name is on the insurance can I be arrested if my name is on the insurance and he calls it in stolen because he is mad that I left the state with it?
How do I find a good Health Insurance Agent In Texas?
Back in California where I am from I had a great Health insurance agent. He took care of everything. My health insuranc, home insurance, life insurance and auto Insurance. I get to Houston Texas and find out that most agents either deal with home and auto or life and health insurance. I now have a freat home and auto insurance agent but he does not deal with health insurance. His reason. He does not have time to keep updated with current trends in health insurance so he does not believe he would be a good health agent. I appreciate his honest but it kinda leaves me hanging. Does anyone have any agents they can recommend?""
""Can't get insured, what to do?""
In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
""How much is insurance going to cost me, 18 and driving a Nissan altima?
How much will it cost to insure myself at this age?
Health Insurance for a family of 4?? Help?
Help........I need health Insurance for a family of 4... I dont work and my husband's Company doesnt Offer Health insurance...We have 2 little Kids ages 4 and 3..we need health insurance for a family of 4 we live in california between sacramento and san francisco....Can anyone help me by telling me who they use? and what can i expect to pay for a family of 4
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
""After a year of insurance, i heard it gets a little cheaper the next year. is this true?
i also heard if you get car insurance it will be cheaper after you had motorcycle insurance.
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
""Why do women get cheaper car insurance, that's stupid and totally discriminatory and plain our racist?""
In Europe the European courts have already ruled it unfair. google Cheaper insurance for women ruled unfair Wtf? Women are horrible drivers. I've only been in one accident my entire life of driving and it wasn't my fault, a WOMAN backed into me as I was passing a parking lot. Apparently that wasn't the first time she did that either. One other time a WOMAN almost crashed into me on the free way, she wanted to get into my lane but apparently she didn't see me and just without using a turn signal just decided to turn into my lane and luckily i was paying attention and was able to break soon enough and she probably came within inches of her back side smashing into my side. it caused me to break suddenly which made the car behind me break suddenly and honk his horn, i honked my horn and the lady in front of me was apparently clueless to the world. Anyways the reason if this is true because I don't believe it men might have more accidents is because they're more likely to become drunk. Men drink and drive more, not only that but they probably like to show off more. rates should be higher for people like them, not all men. Gender biases are unconstitutional because that's prejudice. Also it's a total lie that women make less money than men. when i waited tables, the women got all the good tips from men. while i generally just got the minimum tip. not only that but sometimes if i was dealing with another male, sometimes they didn't give me a tip at all especially if they were drunk or some scruffy looking truck driver trying to hit on the other girls. But if one of those hot girls waited on them, they would sometimes give them a tip that was more than the food that they ordered! I think it's all bs. and of course completely racist. Why does america allow this? You know in some countries they don't allow women to drive. MAYBE it's because they're bad drivers!!!""
I want to get my car insurance. So how much does the average cost get for 19yrs?
how can i know that the my car insurance cost which can help me for further analysis of budget.
Can I get my own auto insurance?
I am 16 years old and about to buy a car. My mother doesn't drive, so she doesn't have auto insurance. Would I be able to get insurance if she doesn't have her license? If so, with what company?""
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy?
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy? I am Looking For the Best Life Insurance Policy We are having another child and I have to do something about not having any life insurance Can I get A free Online Life Insurance Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks for your time
What kind of Life Insurance is out there for the Elderly? 70 years old and up.
I've seen some on TV and for the life of me, I can't remember all of what's out there. So far, there is no life insurance on my husband's mother and he and I are wanting to take out life insurance on her. What kind of life insurance is out there for ppl 70 years and up that does not require a medical background? She has a bad hip, smokes like a turned over train, and she hasn't had a physical in aprox. 15-20 years. And she has no assets of any kind to help with expenses if she should pass unexpectantly. This is why my husband and I feel that it is important that we take out Life Insurance on her. Thank you for your help. :-)""
""If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
Cheapest insurance in nj?
Just got a brand new Evo x gsr and they want me to pay 279 a month. That's way to much for me and I use progressive. What other car insurance is really cheap. Please help!!!
""Will my auto insurance go down, now that I have turned 25?""
I just turned 25 today, will my insurance go down? should i call my insurance company?""
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help?    OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons    ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only.    aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that !    when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it.    BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
Where you could drive a car without insurance and out of state license?
i have a small car i want to register in newhampshire that i dont have to have insurance there, i have ma drivers license, can anyone tell me where i can do this,i dont want to pay auto insurance and i have ma driver license, i can find anyone to provide me with thier address at defrent state
Insurance and pregnancy?
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I am on my own private insurance right now and will not get on his insurance until April 2009. If I get pregnant before then will they cover my pregnancy bills etc?
New Insurance Extension?
If the companies extend insurance to young adults up to age 26, what happens if they get married? Are you automatically removed from your parents insurance when you get married?""
Where is the best place for cheap insurance for a 100cc scooter in northern ireland?
age 26, honda scv100 lead 2007""
Can I be primary driver on my insurance on a car that my daughter and my ex-wife are financing?
My daughter would like me to be the primary driiver on a 2010 charger with a V6 on my insurance, so it will be cheaper payments for her. She and my ex-wife will be financing the car.""
How much will car insurance cost?
I want a 2002 toyota Celica and a suv like 2003 escalade Im 15 now but when I get my license I'm going on my mom insurance but I have to pay the bill how much
Cheap car insurance with no deposit?
where is the best place to get insured that is cheap and no deposit asked for or cheap deposit?, thanks""
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Motorcycle insurance on a 17 year old.?
i'm 17 years old and planning on gettin a sportbike. i was wonderin how much full coverage cost for a suzuki gsr 600.
Car insurance goes down after you turn 25?
I recently turned 25 and got my renewal for my car insurance. I know it goes down after you turn 25. I got a ticket last November. Of course, it went up. But was my car insurance suppose to go down after I turned 25? Even though I got a ticket.""
Does car insurance cover this..?
my freind borrowed my car and he and his father went to the mall,his father got into a car accident which was his fault.now the car is totaled.i only have basic insurance does that cover my car or am i out of a car?""
Scion tC...how much woul i pay monthly with car & insurance?
Im 19, been driving for two years, no accidents, no tickets or anything like that. I juss ont know how muc it woud be monthly. if anyone knows please.""
Quick health insurance question?
I want to get a specific Kaiser health insurance plan that has an annual $500 deductible. My question is, does annual deductible mean in a calender year? Or 1 year starting when you started your insurance (e.g 11/1/11 - 11/1/12)?""
Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?
Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!""
How much would insurance cost me?
Hi im 16 and an about a week im going to get my car the honda s2000. my parents wanted me to look around for insurance under there name? you guys know any cheap insurance companys? and how much do u think it would cost me a month?
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
Is the insurance is cheaper if the car is fully paid?
so i checked the esurance company site's quote, i was checking out the subaru wrx 05, when its on lease.. the insurance is $500/month, but if fully paid $170/month both of them are in minimum coverage. im just getting insurance just for the heck of it. is this just a glitch or real?""
Car insurance with motoring conviction?
trying too find insurance, that isn't a ridicules price for a close friend, he got 6 points for driving while uninsured last year, 200 fee. (and since it was in the first 2 years of him driving he had too re do his license). he has 2 criminal convictions... the cheapest i've found is at-least 5.000+.. don't want any judging, but surly insurance shouldn't be refusing too insure them, when they're actually trying too get insurance when there conviction was no insurance?""
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
New Car/ New insurance...need it immediately?
I will be buying a car on Sunday. I am under my parent's insurance right now but will be getting my own when I get the new car. Do I need to get the new insurance policy before driving the car off the lot? How can I do this without the VIN number? I live in Florida.
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Car insurance?????????????????????...
i just got a quote from adrimal car insurance... and im going on through someone elses insurance..... i have been driving for a month and there quote was 658 a year.... around 54 a month.... the car is a saxo 1.6 8v is this quote good? thanks x
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help?    OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons    ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only.    aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that !    when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it.    BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
0 notes
imagecars-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://image-cars.com/hyundai-i40-2018/
HYUNDAI I40 2018
Every year the i40 was gaining popularity due to its practicality, attractive design and good equipment. This proposal by the South Korean auto industry has changed significantly in recent years. At the same time, changes have affected not only the style of the exterior and interior design, but also technical equipment. Hyundai i 40 2018 (new body), bundling, prices, photos of which will be presented in this material, has quite a few features, which will be discussed in more detail later.
Presented recently to the interested public the renewed car Hyundai i40 2018 has justified long expectations and pleased fans with its original appearance and advanced design solutions. It looks like a cast sculpture from flowing graceful lines. Each part of the body smoothly flows into the other. The front looks very impressive with a large hexagonal radiator grille with a large number of chrome cross strips.
The car in question has a relatively small popularity, which is due to the high cost of this model. This model is appreciated by many for reasons of comfort, universality and solidity. These points were taken into account when developing the design of the new add-on. Note that the new version is not significantly different from the previous one, the main touches are:
The windshield was placed under a large slope, which determined an increase in its area and improved visibility. The angle of inclination also reduces the resistance that occurs when driving at high speed. Appeared Hyundai i40 2018 (new model) has an updated head optics. At the same time in the lower part of the bumper there are niches in which there are fog lights. On the body appeared two additional longitudinal stamping lines to provide a sporting style.
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
In general, it is worth considering that the profile of the car has not changed. The rear is characterized by an unusual luggage compartment lid, which received smooth features and wider lanterns produced by diode technology. The exhaust system has chrome-plated fittings, which determines the sporting style of this vehicle.
According to the automaker, a large number of heavy-duty alloys were used to create this car, which determined a significant increase in the body stiffness and controllability of the car. In addition, technical innovations have allowed a little weight reduction, which also had a positive effect on the car.
The appearance of the new Hyundai i40 model year began to resemble its older brother – Genesis. In particular, changes have touched on such elements as: grille, LED lights and another form of front and rear bumper. The set includes wheel rims with a rim diameter of 16 or 18 inches. Absolutely new was the head optics, which is completely LED. It is very suitable to compare this optics with the wings open. This is exactly what we see in the photo of the new Hyundai i40 in 2018. Particular attention is attracted to the new fog lamps, which also resemble wings. The profile of the newcomer looks sporty, presentable, courageous.
Front Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
The salon is impressive with an abundance of free space. In this car, you will not feel discomfort in your legs and knees after a long ride. It will be convenient for a tall person to be here. There is plenty of space above your head. The general style of the interior repeats the smooth, wavy design of the exterior. The instrument panel has completely changed. The new bright blue illumination of the instruments does not irritate the eyes, but all indications are clearly visible. The center of the console is an eight-inch monitor connected to the latest navigation system. Some of the panel elements also have a wing-shaped shape.
Very original and stylish looks a massive wave of plastic, separating the dashboard and console. The presence of such elements always causes delight. They give the interior a special charm and uniqueness. In addition, this modernized sedan for the first time used a real “piano lacquer”, which can not but rejoice. The driver’s chair is adjusted in every way. He has a comfortable back and a high seat with side supports.
As for the equipment, the basic version has the following: airbags in front and behind (seven pieces); Anti-lock system, which helps to move on the rise; the system of exchange rate stability; sensors for rain and light inside; complete electrical package; climate control of the two-zone type; on-board computer; multifunction steering wheel; navigation system of the newest model (for Russian-speaking countries in Russian); ventilation and heating of the driver’s seat. Everything is done to ensure that the driver and his passengers are as comfortable as possible.
Dashboard view of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
The relatively high cost of this model defines that the salon has a very high-quality equipment. Pay attention to these features:
The steering wheel is multi-functional, has 4 spokes and several control keys. They in a certain sequence allow you to control the basic functions of the car. Scale instrument panel is made in a classic style, between small wells is a display. The design of the center console changed significantly: there were smooth transition lines, mounted monitor multimedia. The climate control control unit has also significantly changed. Front seats have several heating modes. Seats have lateral support and the ability to adjust in 10 positions. Air ducts were also taken for the rear passengers. Between the front seats there is an armrest, which has a compartment for things. In the top version, seats are installed that have an individual control unit.
In addition, should take into account the presence of various finishing materials: fabric, leather, soft plastics and aluminum trim.
Turning to the technical characteristics of the restyled Hyundai i 40, we will describe the types of motors that are offered by the manufacturers. In total, two diesel engines with a capacity of 1.7 liters will be available. The first will be released in the standard version (115 hp with 280 Nm), and the second in a more powerful (141 hp 340 Nm). Also, the kit will include a seven-speed manual gearbox with the option of shifting gears under padded “petals”.
In addition, the updated Hyundai i40 2018 sedan will be able to complete the newest ATCC system, which is designed to improve the management of the vehicle in heavy traffic conditions. In the body of the station wagon, the buyer will assess the capabilities of the rear suspension, equipped with adjustable shock absorbers for all kinds of needs of the car owner.
Engine view of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
With the advent of new generations, cars of the Korean car industry improved, and in terms of technical characteristics, they catch up with representatives of the German car industry. Always paid a lot of attention to the installed engines. The following motors are installed on the Hyundai i40 2018:
Gasoline with a volume of 1.6 and 2.0 liters, their power is 135 and 149 hp. respectively. Due to the increase in the volume of the motor, the consumption is also increased to 10.4 liters in a mixed cycle per 100 km of the traversed path. The diesel power unit will have a volume of 1.7 liters, due to which the power was 141 hp. Despite the fact that diesel engines often have high efficiency, in this case, the motor consumes 10.8 liters per 100 km in a mixed cycle.
All complete sets are delivered exclusively with a forward drive, and here rotation can be transferred through МКПП and АКПП in case of petrol motors. These designs have 6 gearshifts. But with a diesel engine there is a new DCT robot with a dual clutch function. This significantly reduces the time it takes to switch gears.
In addition, torque is transmitted more effectively by dividing by 7 gears. For comfort when driving on roads with poor quality, an independent suspension with springs responds. In addition to this, stability stabilizers are installed in addition to the basic design. As for the dimensions, they are as follows:
The width is 1810 mm. Length 4745 mm The distance between the axles is 2770 mm. The height is 1470 mm. The ground clearance is small, 140 mm.
Entering the market, the Korean automaker drew the attention of potential buyers to the low cost of their offers – the main reason that many bought Kia. However, over time, the quality of equipment vehicles produced under this brand, has increased significantly. This is due to the implementation of various developments.
Recently, the Korean automaker provides a fairly large selection of options for equipment. This moment determines the possibility of purchasing the car in question in 7 basic configurations. New Hyundai ai 40 of 2018, photos are presented in this article, you can buy in the following equipment options:
Comfort With the base motor and mechanics you can buy at a price of $ 30,000. The basic equipment has quite a large number of options, as well as security systems. An example is BAS and ABS, HAC and ESS, ESC and VSM. In addition, the head optics is represented by LED flashlights. The interior is air-conditioned, the finish is of high quality, represented by a combination of leather, textiles, plastic and aluminum linings. The list of options is very large, and the price is much lower than that of competitors.
Comfort Plus It differs from the previous configuration with a more powerful motor and an automatic box. The price of this offer is $ 32,000. For a relatively low surcharge, two-zonal climate control is installed, as well as a rain sensor. The driver’s seat can be adjusted using an electric drive. The design of the seats has lumbar support.
Active Available as 2 liter petrol, and the previously mentioned diesel engine. The option with gasoline and mechanics costs $ 33,000, with automatic transmission at $ 33,500, diesel and a robot at $ 34,000. Limited Edition You can buy for $ 36,000.
Rear Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Active Plus It is an extended version of the previous version, the cost of this offer is $ 37,000. Lifestyle Plus A very expensive proposal, which costs about $ 40,000.
Business You can buy at a price of $ 42,000. Already in this version, a qualitative display is installed on the instrument panel. External mirrors are added automatically when the car is parked. In addition, the car can be set up taking into account the parking sensors.
High-tech In this version, a diesel engine is also available. The option with gasoline costs $ 43,000, the diesel version is $ 44,000. As previously noted, the diesel version comes with a new robot that has a dual clutch. This list indicates that it is possible to buy this car with minimal equipment, as well as with all the popular options. Due to a surcharge, the average representative of his class became a fairly comfortable car.
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Despite the fact that the car in question has a very high cost and is in no hurry to buy, this model has quite a large number of competitors. The main ones are:
KIA Optima. Ford Mondeo. Volkswagen Passat CC. Peugeot 508. Opel Insignia. Toyota Camry. Mazda 6. Honda Accord.
It is difficult to advise a choice with such strong competitors. Some prefer the proposals of the German car industry, others have learned to trust Asian manufacturers. As a rule, the decisive factor is the cost of the car.
Like any other car, the Hyundai i40 2018 has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages can be distinguished: a stylish and luxurious appearance; spacious and comfortable lounge; affordable cost; inexpensive maintenance; high-quality interior trim; good equipment; excellent handling and maneuverability; fast overclocking. But there are also disadvantages: a harsh suspension; unstable paint and varnish; insufficient power.
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Rear Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Left side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Front Right side of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Dashboard view of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Dashboard view of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
Engine view of Hyundai i40 of 2018 year
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Wow, appears like they forgot to resume their domain. Seems a bit odd, it’s commonly challenging to not setup the automobile renew for a domain with most area registrars now. In this video, I load up all fifty seven on the provided templates, so you're able to see them in all of their glory. In the end, That is what we're really right here for – letting someone else do the vast majority of hefty lifting for us. This decide-in plugin for WordPress from Maxblogpress provides you quite a few methods to easily add sign-up kinds to your site. You may use kinds inside of in posts, on sidebars, choose-in by way of the remark variety using wp profit builder a checkbox pop-ins, web site footer varieties and write-up footer sorts, in addition to the header stripe bar as well as potential to cover sorts from buyers who have previously subscribed. 2) allow for us to go through the Dwell edit back for the website page/post with a simply click (a preserve prompt would in all probability be needed) ahead of I get into your evaluate, I want to provide you with a bonus. any one buying by means of my hyperlink will get my Monster advertising Graphics pack that I promote on this web site for $seventeen – which you'll see right here. When you've got Beforehand toyed with the thought of OptimizePress, wp profit builder but didn’t go ahead for whatsoever reason, then This may be the perfect Resolution to suit your needs and your enterprise. WP Profit Builder’s motto is “If you're able to aspiration it you can Make it”. And just by thinking about all the several web page creation options, it’s simple to see why the sky would be the limit. As for OPP I don’t remember seeing any To this point but when I did, it doesn’t matter, the OPP may very well be garbage but I’d however acquire from Shane as a result of unbelievable price they’ve shipped so far (huge lesson listed here) there are actually presently 24 numerous social sharing icons to choose from, so you have loads of alternate options. think of how you can use these WordPress plugins to boost the amount of your respective weblog visitors who sign up for your e-mail membership. routinely. The point is, I nonetheless definitely have confidence in remark Luv as being a plugin, it’s an effective way of encouraging feedback and the email notifications are incredible .. numerous terrific options. You directed him to 1 of Sean’s movies and reported if he was however battling, to drop you an electronic mail. excellent listing of options along with impartial comparisons. nevertheless a rare matter in recent times – much Actually claimed and so tiny exhibited in some instances. Bodes effectively for the rest of this site. Many wp profit builder thanks Adam. Back to subject matter, I experience enhance push is a greater bet considering that Value is often a difficulty for me. on the other hand, I am a big fan of Genesis and Premise just Appears quite great too. Like Whatever you reported, it's possible it boils right down to Whatever you actually need. remark: A fairly regular customers space with a few essential education. I Specially like how the templates are set out – one simply click in the WP sprint, as well as template is there for you to use on any webpage you'd like.
An Unbiased View of ProfitBuilder 2
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