kaisooficrec · 11 months
Nini Planet Round 21 (Beaus of Nini)
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The monthly Bottom Jongin fest is back with a special round and this time their theme is inspired by Jongin’s albums.
A Movie: Based on True Story
Genre: Action, Angst, Crime Scenes
Rating: PG
Length: 3,078 w
Summary: Perhaps a crime out there is based on true event. A story about a famous and professional killer Mr Rover and a very passionate profilling who playing catch with each other
The Guest
Genre: Crime AU, Mystery & Suspense, Enemies to Lovers, One Night Stand
Rating: R
Length: 5,915 w
Warnings: Violence, Guns, Blood
Summary: Kyungsoo finds an unexpected guest outside his door, the man is pretty and just his type, there is just one problem, this man is covered in blood.
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Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows of a good hurt/comfort Puzzleshipping fanfic set in Season 4/Doma Arc/Seal of Orichalcos Arc? Specifically where Yugi and the Pharaoh reunite and there's more emotional payoff and/or they talk about what happened afterwards and Yugi forgives the Pharaoh despite the Pharaoh still isn't sure of himself after everything's over. Please and thank you!
Okay I went hunting for something I read eons ago. I think this is pretty on the nose for what you're looking for:
Battle Scars by SilentSpeaker13 [G, one-shot, 2011]
A few others that came up while I was digging that might help scratch that itch for you:
Time to Heal by FeatherFlare [G, one-shot, 2020]
To Forgive Sorrow by iAir Nomad [G, one-shot, 2013]
Redemption by routavario [T, one-shot, 2014]
I didn't check AO3 for any, so others might have more suggestions!
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Could you help me find a fic please?
It was on ao3 and basically ianto had a heart attack, and jack and the team pretty much forced a local surgeon to do a heart transplant with jack as the donor, leaving the surgical team shooketh when jack was fine and alive afterwards
Mod note: Pretty sure it's the first one but we offer you the second for free The Part of Me That's You Will Never Die by Celedan (JackIanto | Complete | 10k | T)
Ianto has been infested with an alien parasite. To the team's horror, they have to realise the beast attacked Ianto's heart badly and he needs a new one. Jack will do everything in his power to safe Ianto, even giving him his own heart.
Collateral by silversolitaire (JackIanto, IantoOC | Complete | 76k | E)
After returning from his travels with the Doctor, Jack discovers that not all things are the way he left them. Used to having no problems with change, he finds that this time it's not so easy to change things back in his favor.
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nb-fic-recs · 2 years
kaasknot: Fragging Incident
“You want to fuck,” Fives said, the light of comprehension dawning over his face. “We both want what we can't have,” Cody returned, equally blunt. “I propose we… forget that, for the evening.” kaasknot: Fragging Incident
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buzzinrusso · 13 days
Erin cuthburt×reader🙏
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Genre:angst/fluff at the end
Prompt:you and your long term girlfriend, Erin, get into a very heated fight which results to her walking out of your house and you misunderstanding the situation.
"You don't get it! you never will! " Erin yelled in frustration as she paces around the room looking at a very irritated you.
"Okay! I get that but you are my girlfriend! I can't see you bury yourself with all the training sessions, workouts, photoshoots and more! " your eyes welled up with tears as you spoke. "So you know how embarrassing it is to be stood up by your own girlfriend in front of your family?! "
You're talking about the incident that occurred earlier today.
You and Erin were supposed to meet your parents and siblings for lunch, Erin had 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 you that she would show up, not wanting to stand you up another time.
Obviously that promise was broken, which lead to the heated argument you were currently having.
"How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry! I've apologized a million times already!" She said with her thick accent that came out when she was angry.
"Erin, that wasn't the only time you've stood me up. I'm your girlfriend for God's sake! You can't keep doing shit like this! You broke your promise, you said that you would go but you didn't! And you didn't even text me to say that you're not gonna be coming! I had to sit there like a fool with my family, assuring them that your were probably late! "
"Oh my gosh! So what if I broke my promise? Get fucking over it " she let out a sigh of irritation and started walking away towards your shared room.
"Don't you walk away from me! We are having this conversation now! " you started fully on crying.
You were sick of getting g stood up, you were sick of being embarrassed whenever Erin promised to show up but didn't, but in the end, you love Erin with your entire heart, too much to leave her as you fully believed that you would never have survived your dark days without her.
That's why you panicked when you spotted Erin getting her shows from the closet.
"Are you leaving? " your voice quited down a little
"I cant fucking do this anymore! " she yelled before she stormed out of the house.
Your heart stopped as you watched the scene unfold. Did you just lose the love of your life? Did she just walk out on you? She probably won't be returning.
Your mind immediately went to the worst possible answers. You didn't know what to do as sobs racked through your body, you didn't mean to lose Erin. You really didn't.
In reality you hadn't lost Erin, you just misunderstood the situation, but you didn't know that yet.
Your body involuntarily slipped down the white walls of your shared-not shared?- house.
The thoughts of her moving out, breaking up with you and dating someone else intoxicated your mind. You hated it.
Of course your mind went to those places. Whose mind wouldn't when their significant other yells out that they 'can't do this anymore' after an argument and walks out?
After about 45 minutes of sobbing, Erin finally went back to the house. With flowers in one and and her phone in the other, Erin went into the house only to be greeted by eerie silence.
Only did she hear the sounds of your muffled sobs coming from the bedroom did that silence break.
She quickly sprinted up to your room and when's he opened the door, she was greeted by you lying face down on the bed sobbing your heart out into the tear stained pillow.
She immediately raced to your side, making you flinch at the sudden contact and jolt up from the place where you were lying down.
You sniffles quieted down when you saw her sitting on the edge of the bed with a concerned look on her perfect face.
The sight of her made you calm down slightly.
"Why are you crying? I'm so sorry for making you cry baby, I swear I didn't mean to my love. I'm so so so sorry. " her words were rushed out as she pulled you into a hug that you melted into, but were clearly filled with concern for you. Her eyes proved that.
"I thought you broke up with me. " she barely get out because of your strained voice.
"I would never. I don't think k I'd ever survive if not for you. I'm so sorry I'm made you think that way but I assure you that I will never leave you. Not now nor anytime in the future. " she said as she began to tear up too. She couldn't handle seeing you cry, whenever you cried she did too.
It was the same way that some people had contagious smiles that you had a contagious cry.
"Then why did you say that you couldn't do this anymore and walk out? "
"I meant that I couldn't stay in the house anymore, I'm sorry baby I should've worded better, and as for the walking g put part, I. Needed a break so I walked around the area a little and got you flowers, ready to apologize. " she explained to you and to say that the new revelation was reliving to you would be an understatement.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm should've been more considerate , I should've never stood you up all those times and I'm sorry for every single thing that I did to make you upset. From now on, I swear that I will keep all of my promises and with that, I promise you to never ever purposely let a tear she'd form those pretty eyes of yours. "She then wiped the tears off of your eyes and proceeded to place kisses all over your face, making a slight smile breakout on your face.
And she did. Erin kept her promise in the future.
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itsangelll · 7 days
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ✰
A/n:hey cuties finally a fic out after a month 😭 this is a collab with @tomssexdoll I think we absolutely did amazing she’s a fabulous writer!! I hope you guys enjoy <33
parings: 2011 Mafia Bill x Freader
genre:angst to smut to fluff?
warnings:A LOT of swearing p in v dom!bill sub!freader a bit of abuse please please do not read if your uncomfortable or sensitive with these topics!!
You and bill were forced to get married, the promise of your businesses improving if we did. You guys obviously agreed to this wanting to make as much money and more deals if you could.
You and bill had a lot of sex mainly during a middle of an argument, you were both very stubborn and immature, not willing to accept yours and his mistakes. You both had your good moments together not everything was terrible with him, sometimes he’d hold you and tell me how much he loved you, but his actions would be speak a lot more than words. Most nights Bill would be gone coming home at midnight or even later, lying to you constantly the question that always lingered in the back of your mind was that did he really love you or was he just using you?
You both had multiple fights a week some even becoming more abusive than usual, one got so bad he almost succeeded at throwing a chair at your head. You guys hated being like that towards each other but you couldn’t help it. It was way too stressful and overwhelming of being one of the top mafia couples in the world.
Bill came home late one night again saying goodbye to all his buddies as they sped off, he fiddled with the door before swinging it open and slamming it shut, You were in the lounge, it was pitch black having a cigarette lit your legs crossed, you felt like scaring him making him mad anything at all.
As he went to walk up the stairs you startled him with your voice, “And where the fuck where you exactly.” “Jesus Christ don’t scare me like that why are you in the dark for?” he grumbled before turning on a light noticing your red puffy eyes.
“Have..have you been crying?” he scoffed “As a matter of fact I have did you know how fucking worried I was about you what if you got shot?” You raised your voice after talking a long drag from your burning cigarette.
“Fuck sake like you’d care wether if I was dead or alive, can’t I have my fucking fun? I’ve been stuck here for a week with you for work” he went over to the liquor cabinet taking out his aged whiskey and sitting in his chair pouring the burnt umber drink into the glass.
“You’re a fucking asshole you know that right?” You glared at him your jaw slightly clenched “trust me I know” he lit a cigarette as well “you tell me everyday just as I tell you that you’re a whiny bitch all the time.” he gave you a sarcastic smile rolling his eyes and taking a huge sip from his whiskey.
“I can’t believe you just go out, stay out till 5 in the morning and I get no fucking call at all, you expect me to greet you with cookies and milk but yet you still think I’m a shit wife your the fucking, pathetic one here.” You shouted, “don’t yell at me you drive me up the wall here” Bill yelled back getting up from his chair and storming over to me, he grabbed your wrist with so much force pulling you up towering over you.
“oh you think you scare me? Nice try.” I snatched my wrist away, blowing the smoke in his face, Bill just stood there his gaze burning into mine a certain rage taking over him.
“You are so controlling can’t a grown man do what he wants when he wants?.” He huffed his chest heaving up and down in anger Bill was gonna snap at any moment. “I’m the controlling one here?! Aren’t you the one who gets mad at me for looking in another guys direction, you beat up any man I talk to refuse to let me go out when I’m apparently wearing something too “short” but yes bill I’m the controlling one you fucking hypocrite.” You scoffed shaking your head.
“At least I have good reasons, you’re the one getting upset over me being out late suck it up doll.” he spat his words cruel, “You just don’t get it do you? It’s not the fact that you’re out late I don’t give a shit do what you want, It’s the fact that I never got told where you are, I’m sitting here late at night wondering where you are and if I should call the police or not, I’m really fucking sorry for worrying about you is that so bad?” Your voice still raised anger coursing through your veins.
“You make me so fucking mad..” he grunted walking closer towards you narrowing his eyes at you. “Cry me a river,you’re a grown man aren’t you? Learn how to deal with your emotions properly.” You rolled your eyes, Bill grabbed your hair pulling you close “don’t fucking speak to me that way!!” he yelled inches away from your face.
You pushed him off slapping him harshly across the face leaving a bright red hand mark. “Don’t you ever fucking touch me like that” you screamed, “You know what I could kill you right now.” He yelled back rage in his voice.
“Shoot me then fucking shoot me.” I yelled my voice starting to strain. you and bill just stood there silent for a second both of your chests heaving up and down.
Without another word bill grabbed you by your waist and kissed you passionately his tongue entering your mouth searching for dominance, “Your so fucking whiny aren’t you” he muttered between kisses, his hand roughly slapping your ass you couldn’t help but moan. He pulled away from the kiss a string of salvia parting from your mouth, Grabbing your hand and taking you upstairs he had a pretty strong grip you almost couldn’t keep up.
When you guys made it to your room he threw you on the bed towering over you his dark brown orbs filled with such lust, wasting no time he ripped off your shirt then your jeans leaving you in nothing but your black lace set of lingerie. Bill groaned at the sight a large tent forming in his pants, “You’re so pretty f’me Schatzi” he said in a raspy voice, your breath hitched your core getting even more wet. Even though sometimes Bill was a complete prick you couldn’t help the affect he had on you.
He unclasped your bra and ripped off your underwear, your nipples and your wet cunt getting exposed to the cool air a shiver went down your spine running his fingers over your breasts. You whined “Don’t be a tease Billy this isn’t fair” he smirked and lifted your chin up “Does my doll want me fuck her dumb hm? Is that what you want?” His knee was rubbing your clit non stop, you could burst any second nodding desperately Bill without any hesitation removed his belt in one swift move, his jeans and boxers pool at his ankles letting his cock spring free.
Even though how many time you guys have fucked you could never get over how big he was. Bill swiped a finger at your folds his finger now coated with your arousal “I haven’t even done anything yet and your already wet for me doll you’re just that desperate aren’t you?” You couldn’t answer, He snickered without another warning he slammed into you then pulling back out fully before filling you up once again. You moaned loudly the way his cock fit your pussy was amazing, His hands made their way down to your waist gripping tightly bound to leave marks tomorrow. “Fuck Jesus you feel s’good around my cock love gonna fill this slutty hole with my cum” he groaned out.
Bill moved at a rapid pace his tip kissing your cervix perfectly moans were spilling out of you uncontrollably, you were in pure ecstasy, your walls clenched around him every time he hit that gummy spot the knot in your stomach growing tighter with each passing second “Mm Bill fuck fuck I’m close!” you breathed out he moved his hand down to your clit rubbing his thumb in fast circles, “Cum on this cock for me doll” he whispered you were about to break.
Those words were all you needed to hear, your legs shaking bringing you over the brink you screamed out his name cumming all over his cock, “Fuck baby that’s it” Bill let out a low growl before shooting his cum inside you thank god you were on the pill. He collapsed on top of you, lifting his head up and pressing a kiss to your temple, “You okay my sweet girl? Did I go to rough?” he said in worry, you smiled “Yes billy I’m okay it was amazing” you replied.
“I’m sorry about the fight earlier Liebe you just mean to much to me and I can’t lose you ever I don’t know what I’d do” you were in awe “Billy you aren’t ever going to lose me I promise you that” you took his hand in yours and kissed him passionately you really did love him.
A/n:I hope you guys enjoyed! Me and @tomssexdoll worked really really hard on this, she did an amazing job. but I’m glad I’m writing again, I’m gonna try and write more mwah bye cuties <33
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seohwang · 1 year
Blinding Pavlov.
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Seonghwa accidentally comparing you to his abusive ex for being too clingy
Genre: angst to fluff, comfort, gn!reader
Request: cold bf seongwa x clingy gf reader! [...] one day he got irritated so he lashed out comparing his ex to her and the reader cries and distances herself [...] angst to fluff pls thank you <3 (you can find the whole prompt here)
Word count: 6 840 (holy shit, how??)
Warnings: verbal fights, mentions of emotionally manipulative exes, crying (both sides)
A/N: Okay, I admit, I had to alter the prompt a little bit. I don’t really see Seonghwa as someone who would lash out at his partner, so I had to give him some stronger reason for it which then turned it into mainly you consoling him, lol. I also made the reader and Seonghwa’s ex gender-neutral to be more inclusive. Hope that's alright and that you enjoy! <3
A/N 2: Also, I wrote a similar two-part reaction for Ateez before about the two of you arguing, so if you want to check that out as well, you can find it here. 
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So, your relationship with Seonghwa has been slowly progressing.
Now, that itself isn't a bad thing, not at all!
If anything, Seonghwa loved spending time with you and getting closer to you, steadily uncovering more and more about one another
However, with the way things have been going lately, there was a strange feeling bubbling up inside him, and not a pleasant one at that
He wasn't sure what it was at first - maybe it was just a second wave of that shy, butterflies-in-your-stomach-inducing bashfulness he felt around you in the beginning?
Unfortunately, no, it wasn't, Seonghwa would soon come to realize
It was doubt.
Doubt, seeping into his mind every time you were around him, giving him any kind of physical affection
Now, that might sound a bit strange, he must admit, but there was a good reason for his uneasiness
You see, as much as Seonghwa enjoyed the newfound avalanche of attention you started giving him as the two of you became more and more comfortable around each other, it also reminded him of certain things
Or a certain someone, rather
Someone he had the displeasure of being in a relationship with prior to meeting you
Someone whose affection started just like this, with gradually increasing physical contact and attention in general, only to then start misusing said affection to guilt-trip Seonghwa into doing whatever they wanted
Seonghwa didn’t realize at first, maybe even seeing it as something cute when he was still in the honeymoon phase, thinking it was just their way of showing how much they liked him
But as time went on, he started to see a new pattern arising
Not only had the amount of attention he was receiving going down, but the only instances he was given any were if he behaved the way his partner wanted
Luckily for him, his friends were there to help him recognize the red flags and give him the courage to break it off, though it still took a few months to do so
And, as is unfortunately normal for humans, despite hating the way he was being treated towards the end of the relationship, Seonghwa found himself beginning to get used to it
That terrifying realization had then served as one of the main factors which pushed him to break up with his ex, but, as he had found out just recently, it might have still come a tad too late
Why, you ask?
Because now, as Seonghwa noticed you getting more and more affectionate with him as time went by, the memories of his previous relationship all came back to him
He didn’t want to doubt you, of course not
He trusted you way too much to actually think you would try to manipulate him later on as well
And yet
The quiet, uncomfortable thought in the back of his mind persisted
He tried to ignore it, he really did
And it seemed to be mostly working so far
Until today, when you were supposed to come over in the evening to hang out together and possibly have a small sleepover
Seonghwa thought this would be a great day for the both of you, picking out the best possible date so that neither of you would have to worry about any errands or responsibilities tonight and just enjoy each other’s company
You were supposed to come sometime around dinner, so Seonghwa should have had enough time to clean up a bit and get started on some food for the both of you
But then, of course, life happened
It started in the morning with just a few minor inconveniences
He woke up late, making him storm through his apartment half-asleep, skipping breakfast just to barely make it to work on time
In his rush, however, he failed to notice the heavy rain outside, causing him to have quite the awakening once he stepped out of the apartment complex
His luck was generous enough to spare him any more hindrances on his way to work, so he did get there on time with a bit (read: a lot) of rushing
But, of course, his streak of misfortune didn’t end there
His superiors suddenly came to the alarming realization that they were all very behind schedule, causing them to have a panicked meeting early in the morning to try and find a way to fix their mess
And that, of course, was done by throwing most of the work on Seonghwa’s division, with Seonghwa specifically catching the majority of the workload as the senior of his working group
This not only meant that he had to stay behind at work, but that he also had to zoom through everything as quickly as possible to even make it to his own apartment on time before you were supposed to come
Fortunately, Seonghwa’s energy and determination carried him through most of the day, and, after what felt like a thousand sighs and moans of stress, he was finally done for the day and free to dash back home
The second he got to his apartment, he slammed the door behind him, throwing his jacket and shoes to the side before rushing further inside to check the clock
Okay, it wasn’t that late yet, so there should still be some time before you’d arrive
You hadn’t agreed on any specific time, since Seonghwa thought he would be ready with everything long before now, but now he really wished you had
!!Aah!! Breathe! It’s fine!
All he had to do was freshen up a bit, change his clothes, put a few things away, and then get to cooking
Especially because he, ever the responsible person he is, had already bought everything he needed for the meal the day before so he didn’t have to waste any more time now
With that in mind, he ran to get changed and wash up, thinking about how many steps of cooking he had ahead of him
However, right after he emerged from his room, the cutesy little tone of the doorbell rang throughout the apartment
Quietly cursing to himself (partly because it meant he didn’t make the food on time, but also partly because his soul almost left his body at the sudden loud sound), he made his way down the hall
Speedwalking over to the door, he opened it to see your cute, beaming face as your eyes met his
“Hi, babe!” You greeted him cheerfully, immediately stepping forward to close the distance between the two of you with a quick peck on his lips
“Hey,” he greeted back with notably less enthusiasm, spending the rest of his energy mustering up a small, tired smile
Putting your coat and boots away, you raised your head up to look at him, noticing the solemn expression all over his face
You straightened back up and examined him worriedly, trying to decipher the unsure look in his eyes as you leaned into him
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You inquired softly, caressing his arm, “are you okay?”
Seonghwa sighed, knowing there was no way around this - after all, even if he did deny it right now, you would notice something was off the second you’d walk into the kitchen anyway
“I’m fine,” Seonghwa muttered, carefully removing your hand from his arm, “just had a lot of unexpected work suddenly thrown at me today, so I got home only a few moments ago and couldn’t make dinner yet, sorry.”
But to his surprise, you didn’t seem disappointed in the slightest; if anything, your grin appeared to grow even wider
“Ah, don’t worry about that, it’s fine! We’ll figure it out,” you reassured him, grabbing the bag you brought with you before walking further into his home
Seonghwa had invited you to sleep over today, and while you weren’t completely sure about it at first, you decided to stay the night in the end, the bag being a quiet confirmation of your decision to him
As you walked down the hallway, Seonghwa silently trailed behind you, unable to shake off the mild uneasiness he felt from when your hand had reached for his arm
Once again, he couldn’t help but feel the irrational doubt of what your touches actually meant
He knew it was stupid - you would never treat him the same way his ex did, right?
He almost bumped into your back as you stopped in your tracks in the middle of the living room, plopping your bag down near the couch before turning around to face him, an adorable yet resolute smile gracing your lips
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get really hungry. You said you didn’t have time to make dinner yet, right?” You questioned, receiving a confirming hum from Seonghwa in return
“Okay, then let’s get to it, shall we?” You declare, walking over to Seonghwa to lightly pat him on the back, “I’ll just go change really quick and then I’ll come help you, hm? You can go get the ingredients ready in the meantime if you want since I don’t know where anything in your kitchen is anyway.”
And with a small chuckle, you turned around to unzip your bag, taking out a comfortable pair of leggings and a T-shirt to change into
With a silent nod (not that you could see it anyway), Seonghwa shuffled over to the kitchen, rummaging through his drawers and cabinets to get the things you were going to need
He could still feel your touch linger on his skin, creating a puzzling mix of warmth and cold within
He knew he would have probably brushed all of this off if it were any other day, but today specifically, it seemed as though the overwhelming stress and tiredness amplified all of the inner conflict going on inside him
Even the tiniest things were irritating him right now, each of your touches making him feel just a little more on edge as-
“Okay, I’m ready!” You announced happily as you appeared in the doorframe, strutting over to his side to take the pot he was stiffly holding from his hands and put it on the stove
“So, what are we making?”
The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly as you helped Seonghwa cut different vegetables, boil the pasta, and get the silverware and dishes ready
Of course, you made sure to sprinkle in lots of affectionate gestures, from complimenting him on his cute colorful set of plates to giving him a warm, loving back hug as you watched him stir the contents of the pot
You weren’t blind by any means - maybe you’d even go as far as to call yourself pretty aware and attentive, meaning you’d definitely noticed the distant, sullen look in Seonghwa’s eyes throughout the evening
He was nothing like your usual Seonghwa - no smiles, no gentle words of help or advice, not even one of his rare, cheeky little remarks
Something was wrong, and although he already told you it was because he was just tired and stressed from work, you could tell that likely wasn’t the only reason
But seeing how he was barely holding himself upright (you’d offered him to sit down and let you finish the meal twice, but he’d declined both times), you decided it might be better to just leave the questions for later, if not for another time entirely
After a few more minutes, you were finally done with the dish, and you had to admit - it looked really good
Wrapping your arms around his middle with a content hum, you leaned to the side to watch as Seonghwa evenly poured everything into the two bowls you put on the counter, excited to finally eat together
You noticed how he froze in your hold for a second before resuming what he was doing, but decided not to comment on it
“It looks amazing,” you commented, breaking the silence in the room, “I’m really proud of us.”
Seonghwa gave you a small smile in return, carefully wriggling himself out of your hold to hand you your food before slowly making his way out of the kitchen and into the living room
“Wanna watch something while we eat?” He asked, plopping down on the couch
“Sure, what do you want to watch?” You asked back, making your way over to sit next to him
“Hmm, let’s see,” Seonghwa replied thoughtfully, turning on the TV to skim through the huge list of movies and shows
In the end, you decided to just settle on some random movie that caught your attention, not really needing to watch anything extraordinary while eating
It’s not like either of you focused on the movie much anyway, too engrossed in your food after a long day of being hungry to pay anything else any mind
Though, even after you finished eating, it didn’t seem like either of you really knew what they were watching
You because you were too distracted thinking of a way to cheer Seonghwa up and find out why he’d been so distant today (and lately in general, as you’d come to realize)
And Seonghwa because he was far too distracted by his own thoughts to focus on anything else
He could feel your thigh lightly resting against his, serving as a constant reminder of his earlier pondering
He took in his current situation, being reminded far too much of a bitter memory from his previous relationship
One which started out exactly like this
He was hanging out with his partner, with him watching a random TV show while they idly scrolled on their phone beside him
They leaned on him as they relaxed, giving him a smile or a comforting leg squeeze every once in a while
But then, the all-too-familiar happened
“Hwa, do you think you could drive me to the venue tomorrow morning? My car’s still being repaired so I can’t,” Minjae whined cutely, hanging onto Seonghwa’s arm as they sat on his couch together
He paused the show they were watching, turning his head to face them
Just as he expected, they were pulling those over-the-top puppy eyes, looking right back at him with a pout
He swallowed down the nervous lump in his throat, already knowing what was likely going to happen
“Uh, baby, I-I’m really sorry but I can’t, you know I have to go to work early tomorrow...” he trailed off, watching the cutesy expression on their face drop as they took in his words
As always, they proceeded to immediately pull away from him, staring at him incredulously as they spoke: “What do you mean? How else am I supposed to get there then? I’ve literally told you about this two weeks ago, I thought it was obvious you would have to drive me there when my own car is busted.”
Seonghwa let out a timid chuckle, fiddling with the remote control anxiously as their tone of voice immediately turned accusatory
“I-I don’t know, I didn’t think you would expect me to drive you there when I physically can’t because of work.”
Minjae’s eyes suddenly lit up as a seemingly new idea came to them: “Oh, then how about this! You let me borrow your car tomorrow and take the bus! It will be just one day so it’s fine, right?”
Seonghwa stilled at their exclamation, unsure of what to say
“M-Minjae, do you know how few buses actually drive over to my workplace? The latest one I can take would still make me an hour early! And God knows if there even are any buses stopping there in the evening! Can’t you just take the bus yourself?”
He could feel his throat constricting as the argument went on, hating how his anxiety still managed to spike despite fights like this happening so often
The look on Minjae’s face immediately let him know that that was a horrible suggestion, but they made sure to tell him as well: “Are you serious? You’re expecting me to take the fucking bus there with those  expensive clothes and shoes? You’re kidding, right?” They chuckled incredulously, turning away from him with a bitter tone: “just say you hate me and don’t want to help me, it’s fine.”
Seonghwa’s eyes widened at the statement, brain coming to a halt at the startling accusation
“What?! When have I ever said that? Minjae, you know I would love to drive you there, but I just- I can’t...”
But, of course, no matter how much he tried to reason with them, it was futile
After a few moments of tense silence, he finally broke, inwardly cursing himself for giving in yet again, but speaking up nonetheless: “Okay, fine, I’ll just-I’ll sort myself out somehow, do whatever you want.”
His thoughts were forced to a halt as you suddenly turned your body to him, gently moving to lay your legs over his lap, head tilting up to look at him as you hugged his arm
“Whatcha thinking about? You’re barely even watching the movie,” you chuckled, noticing his startled eyes instantly dart to you as he was pulled from his daydream
Watching you, Seonghwa could feel that same anxiety he used to feel begin to well up in him again, making him hyper-aware of just how close you were to him
He hated that you unknowingly made him feel like this, it felt as if he was betraying you or lying to you somehow, even though he knew there was nothing to feel bad about
“Ah, it’s- it’s nothing, really,” he replied as he looked back at you, forcing a smile that only made his stomach churn even more
Fuck, he was doing it again, wasn’t he?
Trying to accommodate to his partner, hiding his own discomfort in order to not ruin their mood
Deciding he’d had enough, he hastily continued: “A-actually, I was thinking I might go to bed early today, sorry. I’ve just been really tired and- yeah, I’m just pretty tired after all the rush at work.”
He watched your face drop as you gave him a sad, worried look, feeling like this was some sort of twisted deja vu
If he was feeling just anxious before, then right now he needed to go
“What? But it’s still so early,” you tried to reason, giving him a confused pout, “we’ve barely even done anything.”
He knew you meant well, he believed you fully and knew there was no malice behind your words, and yet he suddenly felt trapped under you, mind going frantic
“L-look, Y/N, I know it’s early and that you wanted to spend more time together tonight, and I’m really sorry about that, I really am, but- but I think I should just go to bed,” he rambled insistently, gingerly grabbing your legs to get them off his lap
You, however, seemed a bit more persistent than usual, leaning in to cling onto Seonghwa even tighter, “oh come on, babe, please? If I knew you were gonna end it this early, I would have spent the time with you more wisely!” You exclaimed jokingly, trying to ease the strange tension a bit
Seonghwa just let out a shaky sigh, eyebrows furrowing as he looked away, trying to get you to move again so he could stand up, “Y/N, please, I-”
“Just five more minutes, Hwa, please! That’s all I-”
“Can you just fucking stop?!” Seonghwa suddenly yelled, making you jump
“H-Hwa, I-” you began, unsure of what to say as you pulled away from him, letting him finally stand up
However, before you could conjure up anything more, Seonghwa continued: “Don’t call me that! I just told you I wanted to go to bed, is it so hard to respect that?”
You just stayed quiet, sitting frozen in your spot as you looked up at your upset boyfriend
He let out a heavy breath, carding his fingers through his hair, eyes flitting everywhere but to you, “I swear, you’re becoming just like Minjae! Why does everything always have to revolve around you? Can’t you ever try and see how I feel, huh? Have you always been this clingy and restrictive?”
“Seonghwa, I think that’s enough,” you raised your own trembling voice as tears began to well up in your eyes
It was then that Seonghwa finally looked down at you again, feeling a pang in his heart at the sight, knowing it was him who caused this
Him, who was so irrationally scared of getting hurt by you that he ended up hurting you instead
“Y/N, I’m sorry-”
But before he could say anything else you just stood up, picked up the two bowls from the table, and made your way back into the kitchen without another word
A new wave of silence rang throughout the room, leaving Seonghwa to think about what had just gone down
He felt horribly sorry already, but with the adrenaline still pumping through his veins, he knew he should probably calm down first before trying to talk to you again
And so he did, leaving the living room as well to get ready for bed and hopefully sort out the rampage of conflicting thoughts running through his mind during it
Meanwhile, you found yourself alone in the kitchen, walking over to the sink with a blurry vision as you tried to fight back the tears, but to no avail
Soon, you were silently washing the dishes, tears running down your cheeks as you recalled the fight in your head
Did he really mean what he’d said? Were you selfish and clingy? Were you not caring enough?
You thought that what you were doing was normal, that you were just getting more affectionate with Seonghwa as your relationship naturally progressed, but this sudden outburst just threw all of that security out the window
You couldn’t help but feel confused, unsure of how you were supposed to act from now on if something as mild as this made Seonghwa lash out this bad at you of nowhere
But it was exactly that sudden, abnormal nature of it that made you rethink everything, trying to focus more rationally on what he’d said and how he said it
And then, as you thought about it more and more, you were slowly starting to piece the puzzle together - the unusual quietness, how he pushed you away whenever you tried to touch him, how distant he’d been in general, and, of course, the completely random mention of Minjae, his ex he’d apparently broken up with on really bad terms two years ago
No matter how much you tried to think about it, things just weren’t adding up
This wasn’t your Seonghwa - your calm, nice, cheerful boyfriend who always loved to spend time with you, who always made sure to communicate properly and solve things as peacefully as possible
No, there just had to be more to this that you didn’t know about
Something that would explain the sudden outburst
And so, you decided to give it time, letting the both of you calm down in your own bubbles before you’d be ready to talk
After washing all the dishes, you quietly made your way back to the couch, dropping down on it unceremoniously before pulling out your phone
You could hear the shower running in the bathroom, letting you know Seonghwa was still awake and probably contemplating everything as well
And, sure enough, a few minutes later you heard the shower stop, followed by a few more minutes of rustling around before the bathroom door eventually opened
A tense, unsure silence hung in the air, and you could almost feel the hesitance radiating from Seonghwa all the way down the hallway
After a few short moments, you heard the sound of feet padding on the floor, slowly growing nearer and nearer
Until finally, your boyfriend’s head peeked from around the corner, eyes visibly widening when he realized you were already looking at him
Sheepishly, he emerged from behind the wall in his cute, soft pajamas, meekly standing before you
After a short pause of not knowing where or how to begin, he finally spoke
“I-I’m, um, I’m going to bed,” he announces, watching you expectantly
Admittedly, you were a bit confused and disappointed by the statement
Was that it?
You weren’t sure how to respond
Was he going to try to pretend the outburst never happened? Did he need more time to process everything? What exactly were you supposed to say?
“Oh, um, okay,” you slowly replied, watching him tentatively, “goodnight.”
Seonghwa’s face dropped a bit at your curt response, eyes flitting across the floor as he tried to think of a response, a light, embarrassed blush slowly spreading over his cheeks
“No, I meant like- you’re free to join me, if you want. I’ll wait for you to get ready for bed too so we can fall asleep together and- uh, yeah.”
Another round of silence broke out between the two of you as you contemplated your options while Seonghwa nervously awaited your reply
On one hand, you really wanted to say yes
To just put all of this behind you and go back to how things were before tonight
To only focus on the good parts of your relationship and pretend this never happened
On the other hand, however, you knew this wasn’t something you could just easily forget about
Clearly, as you’d come to realize, this was an issue that had been troubling Seonghwa for a while, and you’d hate to have it go ignored just because it might be uncomfortable to talk about at first
Because if this was something bigger (and judging by Seonghwa’s actions less than an hour ago, it clearly was), it would probably resurface again at some later point in your relationship anyway
And even if it didn’t, what kind of partner would you be if you didn’t help your loving boyfriend with his troubles when he obviously needed it?
You wanted him to be happy again, to be himself again, and ignoring tonight wasn’t going to accomplish any of that
“Oh, uh, well,” you began, unsure of how to phrase yourself, “thank you for the offer, but I think I’ll stay up a bit longer, so you don’t have to wait for me.”
You gave him a small, encouraging smile, but for Seonghwa, it seemed to do the opposite
He felt like a lost puppy, trying to do anything and everything to get you to forget about this, and yet you denied his every attempt at reconciliation
But there was a reason for that, wasn’t there?
After all, why would you accept such a poor attempt at smoothing things out?
Clearly, you wanted and expected answers from him
It was the least you deserved, he admitted to himself
After all he’d said and done today, you at least deserved a mature explanation and apology, and he knew he had to- no, wanted to give it to you
And so, with a sigh of defeat, he walked over to the couch, leaving a bit of space between the two of you as he sat down
“No, you’re right,” he admitted, folding his hands in his lap timidly, “we should talk about this first. If you want to, that is.”
A relieved smile crept onto your lips, watching the way your boyfriend subconsciously tried to make himself smaller next to you, holding his breath in anticipation of your reply
“Of course I want to talk, I just wasn’t sure if you were ready to do so as well.”
At that, he gave you a shy smile of his own, gingerly glancing up at you before letting his gaze fall again, “I am now. I guess I just needed some time to calm down first, sorry.”
You sat up in your spot, almost reaching over to comfort him, but then you quickly restrained yourself, scared to touch him without his permission
“H-Seonghwa, it’s okay. You’ve had a long day today so I get that you were on edge. It happens,” you tried to console him, stopping yourself from saying the pet name that caused him to break before at the last second
Seonghwa shook his head, “no, that’s not what it was. Or not the main cause, at least.”
You waited expectantly for a few seconds, but when he didn’t elaborate, you decided to give him another nudge
“Then what was it?” you inquired gently, “you can tell me anything, it’s okay.”
His head hung low at your words, feeling even more ashamed of himself now that you were talking
How could he ever think you would treat him badly, even if just subconsciously?
The devastated look on your face the moment he started yelling already proved to him just how wrong he was, but hearing you care for him so much just drove the guilt in even deeper
“I know I can, it’s just that...I’m sorry, I really am. I know that you’re mad at me- and rightfully so, but just know that I didn’t mean anything I said, I promise. I don’t usually get mad like this, so I was surprised as well.”
This time, you couldn’t help yourself, reaching over to softly grab his hand
Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind, so you continued: “Baby, I’m not mad,” you said, making Seonghwa glance up at you with big, surprised eyes
“I definitely don’t appreciate what you did, and your words did hurt me, but I can also see that there’s something else going on that you’re not telling me about. I have no problem forgetting about all of this after today, but I need you to talk to me. What is it that’s bothering you?”
Seonghwa let out a sad chuckle at your words, gazing down at your joint hands, “nothing ever gets past you, does it?”
Raising his head to meet your gaze, he continued: “Alright then. It will probably sound pretty stupid now, but I’ll tell you.”
You didn’t say anything, only looking at him expectantly as you waited for him to keep going
You could see the gears turning in his head, mustering up both the right words to describe everything and the courage to say them
“Actually, all of this is...it’s because of my ex,” he admitted, playing with your hand absentmindedly as he spoke, “I’ve never really told you about them since I never saw a reason to bring them up, but lately I’ve been reconsidering telling you.”
After pausing to take a deep breath, he continued: “You see, my ex wasn’t exactly...great, so to speak. It started out just fine, but, um, as things went on, they started to get kind of manipulative, I guess? Like, as we started to become closer physically, they started to use it against me to get me to do whatever they wanted, and, and I-”
Seonghwa suddenly stopped, looking down to hide his teary eyes
He hated how talking about this made him feel, how his ex somehow managed to still have such an effect on him even after they’d long broken up
And most of all, he felt embarrassed to have you see him like this, crying about something so...well, stupid, as Seonghwa would describe it
You gave his hand a light squeeze, reaching over for the tissue box on the coffee table with the other
“It’s okay, take your time. I’m here,” you reassured him, handing him a tissue
Seonghwa took it with a quiet “thank you”, wiping at his eyes quickly as he lowered his gaze again
You took the chance to place a small kiss on the top of his head, however, making your boyfriend let out a light chuckle below you
“Thanks,” he repeated hoarsely, clearing his throat as he straightened himself back up, “sorry, I don’t know what came over me there.”
“It’s fine, you can cry if you need to,” you encouraged him, flashing him a reassuring, non-judgemental smile
He just nodded in response, taking another brief moment to calm down before returning to his explanation
“So, as I was saying - basically, our relationship went really downhill after that, and even though I was lucky enough to break it off pretty early, it looks like it still left some lasting effects I didn’t know about until just recently. And so when the two of us started to get closer, I guess it just reminded me of how the last relationship went and my mind saw some similarities and it made me irrationally anxious about everything from then on. It felt like I was expecting you to start treating me the same way, even though I knew you wouldn’t, but I just couldn’t help it and then- then I had an awful day today and I was already feeling pretty on edge because of that but I tried to suppress it around you, which just made me even more upset and I ended up lashing out at you completely unprompted and I’m really, really sorry, Y/N.”
A fresh wave of tears glossed over his eyes by the end of his long-winded explanation, making him look away again, uncomfortable with the new, unknown level of vulnerability he was showing just now
You weren’t having any of that, however, feeling your heart break at the sad, fragile sight of your boyfriend
Not only were you absolutely devastated by what he’d had to endure before, but seeing just how ashamed Seonghwa was simply by being vulnerable like this with you just made you absolutely miserable
“Oh baby, can I hug you?” You asked tenderly, not wanting to do anything that would cause him any more discomfort
He nodded wordlessly, wiping away any more tears threatening to fall with his sleeve
Not wasting a single second, you immediately brought him into you, letting his head rest against your chest as you smoothed languid circles on his back to try and comfort him, feeling his arms wrap around your waist to keep you close to him as well
“It’s okay bub, I got you,” you whispered to him, eliciting a muffled sniffle and a weak nod from him
“There’s a lot I want to say about all of this, but I’d mostly just like to say I’m really, really sorry you had to go through all that and that it made you scared to let your guard down around me,” you carefully began, pausing momentarily to give the crown of his head another quick peck
“But I also need you to know that it’s not your fault, hun,” you continued, feeling his hold on you tighten even more, “I know you trust me, but there are just some habits that are hard to let go of even after a long time, and that’s okay.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you allowed Seonghwa to process your words
“...So you’re really not mad?” He asked tentatively, still unable to shake his worries
After all, could you blame him?
He was expecting a lot of possible things to happen, but never did he think you would be this understanding
He’d spent all this time keeping everything inside, sure that it was something trivial anyway and he was just making a big deal out of nothing, that he was just weak and distrustful of you
But hearing you validate all of his troubles with nothing but complete, honest empathy, he almost wanted to cry all over again just because of that gesture alone
You gave him a quick squeeze in your hold, moving your free hand up to ruffle his hair a little
“Of course not! I just wish you would have told me all of this sooner so you didn’t have to bottle it up inside for so long,” you replied, finally voicing your true concerns
“And I mean that about you not feeling well also. If you ever feel stressed again like you did today and don’t want me to touch you, please tell me. The last thing I want to do is to make you uncomfortable in any way.”
At that, Seonghwa finally pulled away, letting you see his red, wet, puffy face
He gave you a sorry smile, wiping away any remaining hints of tears, “I will, don’t worry.”
You showed him a kind smile back, reaching up to tuck some of his disheveled hair back in place
“Good. Now, about that offer from before - do you still want to go to bed together?”
Seonghwa let out a small hum of confirmation, offering you his hand as he stood up, helping you get up as well
Just as promised, he waited in bed for you, keeping it warm and cozy for you as he thought back to everything you’d said
His thoughts were interrupted when you stepped out of the bathroom, going through the apartment to turn off all the lights before making your way into the bedroom
Seonghwa grinned when he saw your pretty, flowery pajamas, automatically rolling onto his side to face you as you turned the light off and went to your half of the bed
Despite not living together (not yet, at least), you’ve already split the bed into your and Seonghwa’s halves - a decision that frankly made Seonghwa’s heart skip a beat whenever he thought about it
Because even when you weren’t there and he went to bed by himself, it would still remind him of you; of the cozy domesticity you shared together whenever you came over
You slipped under the covers, enjoying the warmth for a moment before moving to mirror Seonghwa’s position
Quietly, he snaked one of his hands over to you, clumsily finding your own to hold in the dark
“Thank you,” he spoke in a hushed voice, breaking the comfortable silence, “you’ve been nothing but understanding today and I really appreciate it.”
You smiled, even though you were almost sure Seonghwa couldn’t see it anyways, heart swelling at his tender tone
“Of course, I could never be mad at you for something like this. I’m glad we could talk everything out and make it better.”
At that, he paused
“Well, you’re right about that,” he hummed thoughtfully, “but I’m not sure if it’s going to be that easy. Even though we resolved everything, it might still take me a bit to truly break that habit, you know.”
You squeezed his hand at his words, rubbing your thumb over the back of it
“I know, don’t worry. I don’t expect you to change immediately just because you explained the problem to me today. I get that it will take a while, and that’s okay.”
You stopped talking as you lifted yourself up to carefully shuffle closer to Seonghwa, making sure not to accidentally bump into him
At last, your eyes were able to make out the silhouette of your boyfriend, letting yourself curl up into his chest with a content sigh
“All that matters is that we’re finally on the same page and I know what’s going on. As long as I know why this might happen sometimes, I’ll know to give you space without taking it to heart.”
Seonghwa’s heart warmed at your words, hands seemingly moving on their own to keep you close to him as well, letting you rest in his embrace
Had it been any other time, he would have probably gone on a long, sappy tangent in his head, wondering about how he managed to get himself someone so kind and empathetic as you
But right now, after a long, hard, and stressful day at work, and an even more stressful conversation at home, he was ready to drift off any second now
And so, not wanting to risk falling asleep before he could respond, he spoke the only thought that still remained strong in his tired mind, staying with him even after all else had been long clouded over
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Thank you for reading! And remember, any feedback is always appreciated! ♥  
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mariaace · 7 days
I kissed the scars on his skin...
A/n:Soooo this is something that has been on my mind lately...and i just need to write it
Warnings: Chigiri's scar;Chigiri and reader are already in a relationship Genre:angst/comfort/fluff Type:one-shot
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The match has just ended. Everyone was heading out of the locker rooms as they just got ready, while Chigiri was still in. Sitting on one of the benches with his back pressed against the lockers, towel resting on his shoulders with his water bottle in hand and hair tied up. He was so focused on his thoughts, he didn't even hear you coming.
You nocked on the half opened door to get his attention. His gaze quickly turned to you as you stepped in and closed the door behind your back. "Hey...Is everything alright? You seem down considering you won?" You questioned quietly. Something was up with your boyfriend for the past ffw days, but you decide to not bring up things from early. "Do you think my scar ruins how i look generally?"
You froze as you heard those words. What? His scar? To ruin the way he looks? How did he thought of that? Where did this even came from? Did you say something to upset him before?
"What are you talking about Hyoma? Did i tell you something about that made you feel that way?"
"No no, no at all, just sometimes i really wonder if i would have been prettier to you without the scar...." Oh my....
You stepped closer to him as his gaze didn't leave the floor. When your footsteps got louder he turned to look at you again. You one the hand kneeled right in front of him, taking him by surprise a little.
You smiled and gently placed a kiss on his scar. He shifted a little and his eyes widened. "Does that answer your question?" He was lost of words. "Your scar is one of the most beautiful things on you, do you know why?" He shakes his head in response. "Because it shows how strong you have been and i love that about you, don't ever think the same thing again alright?"
He smiled and bumped his forehead against yours. "By the way congratulations on the win pretty boy." He chuckled and took his towel off from his shoulders. "Thank you." "Should i do this more often?" "Please do." "Then I'll do it after every single one of you matches. Just in case, so you don't forget how much i love you." He smiles and stood up letting his head to help you off from your knees "I could never make the same mistake, when it comes to you."
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
@transmascaraa opinion pls?><
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5starluvr · 2 months
Night active
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Paring:Bang Chan x Reader
Genre:Angst,fluff at the end?
Spider Kids
This chapter didn’t come out to my liking at all (i rewrote this 5 times and decided to scrap everything and completely redoing it just a few hours before
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Rain lashed against the windowpanes, mirroring the storm brewing inside Y/n. Another text. Another "running late, sorry babe." This time, the excuse wasn't even creative. Just another night sacrificed at the altar of the recording studio, another date with Chan turning into a solo act for Y/n.
She stormed out of her apartment, the crumpled reservation for their fancy dinner clutched in her hand. The address was meaningless now, another casualty of Chan's workaholic tendencies. The neon glow of "JYP" mocked her from across the street. It was a familiar sight, a beacon that usually promised exciting new music, but tonight, it felt like a prison holding her love captive.
Pushing open the heavy metal door, Y/n was met not by the expected cacophony, but by an unsettling silence. The air hung thick with the scent of stale coffee and burnt popcorn, remnants of late nights spent chasing sonic perfection. Yet, the mixing console was untouched, the keyboards lay silent, and the screens displayed static ghosts of unfinished projects. A knot of worry tightened in Y/n's stomach.
"Chan?" she called out, her voice echoing eerily in the empty studio.
She navigated the maze of cables and instruments, checking the sound booth, the vocal recording room, even the dingy kitchenette - all deserted. A growing sense of unease gnawed at her. This wasn't like Chan. He might be late, he might be stressed, but he wouldn't simply disappear from his own studio, not without a message.
Desperation clawed at her. She tried calling him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. Panic bloomed in her chest. Had work finally pushed him over the edge? Had something bad happened?
The crumpled reservation slipped from her hand, forgotten on the worn floor. The fancy dinner, the carefully planned evening – all insignificant compared to the gnawing worry that had taken hold.
Y/n knew this wasn't just about a missed date anymore. This was about Chan, and the terrifying possibility that under the relentless pursuit of his passion, he might be lost.
The studio walls seemed to close in on Y/n. Each unanswered call, each ignored text, resonated like a hammer blow. Panic transformed into a cold dread that gnawed at her insides. She tried calling the studio again, just in case, but it went straight to voicemail once more. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the glow of the computer screen.
Desperate for any sliver of information, she frantically searched the news. Traffic accidents, building fires, even a report of a rogue squirrel causing a power outage – nothing. Then, a headline jumped out – "Spider-Man Thwarts Bank Robbery, Two Villains Apprehended!" Relief washed over her, so sudden it almost made her dizzy. Chan was alive, that much was clear. But the elation was short-lived.
The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. Her usually reliable, grounded boyfriend was also the city's hero. The missed dates, the late nights, the cryptic excuses – it all made a horrifying kind of sense. But where was he now? Was he injured? Had he gotten caught? The image of Chan, hurt and alone, flashed in her mind, and a fresh wave of terror threatened to consume her.
Y/n knew waiting at the studio was pointless. Grabbing her jacket, she raced out into the rain-soaked night. Chan's apartment was the only other place he could be. The journey felt like an eternity, every car horn, every siren, a potential omen of disaster.
Reaching his building, she sprinted up the stairs, two at a time, ignoring the burning in her lungs. Her trembling hand fumbled with the keys, finally unlocking the door. The apartment was dark and silent.
Calling his name, she flicked on the light switch. Empty. The air hung heavy with a familiar cologne, a ghost of his presence, but no sign of Chan himself. Disappointment clawed at her, a cold companion to the gnawing worry. She checked every room with growing desperation. The kitchen was spotless, his usual mess of takeout containers and forgotten mugs absent. The living room held no sign of struggle, just the usual clutter of his life – books, instruments, a half-finished model airplane. Finally, she reached his bedroom, the last bastion of hope and dread.
Pushing open the door, Y/n's heart hammered against her ribs. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, revealing an unmade bed, clothes strewn across the floor – a familiar, comforting mess. But the sight that made her blood run cold wasn't the scattered laundry.
A figure perched on the windowsill, back to her, clad in a sleek, crimson and blue suit. The unmistakable mask with its large, white eyes sent a jolt of terror and… something else, a flicker of recognition, through her.
"Chan?" she whispered, her voice barely a breath.
The figure remained motionless, but a soft sigh escaped it. It turned slowly, revealing the familiar face beneath the mask, etched with exhaustion and concern.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" His voice, distorted by the mask's modulator, was a low rumble.
Y/n stared, speechless. The pieces clicked into place – the missed dates, the frantic exits, the news reports – it all pointed to this. Her boyfriend, the reliable, music-loving Chan, was also the city's hero, Spider-Man. A bewildered laugh escaped her lips, laced with a touch of hysteria.
"You... you're Spider-Man?"
Chan winced at the laugh, a sound devoid of joy, and carefully climbed off the windowsill. "Look, Y/n, I—"
He started to explain, but Y/n cut him off, her voice surprisingly steady. "Hold that thought. Right now, I just need to know you're okay. Why weren't you answering my calls? Where were you?"
Relief flooded his features, momentarily pushing aside the guilt. He reached out, but stopped before his hand could touch hers. "I was... busy with something. I couldn't risk taking my phone out."
His explanation was thin, and Y/n's gaze narrowed. "Busy with stopping another bank robbery as Spider-Man, you mean?"
Chan flinched again. The secret was out, hanging heavy in the air. He sighed, deflating. "Y/n, I... I didn't want to lie to you. Being Spider-Man is a huge responsibility, and it takes up a lot of time. But I never meant to hurt you."
He took a tentative step closer, but she remained rooted to the spot. "Did it never occur to you that maybe I could understand? Maybe I wouldn't want you to give up saving people, but I also wouldn't want to be kept in the dark."
Hurt flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by a pleading look. "Y/n, please. Give me a chance to explain everything."
He gestured towards the bed.
Chan sat there, the mask tucked under his arm, his face etched with worry. He sat beside her, a comfortable distance maintained.
"You said you wanted to explain," Y/n said, her voice quiet.
He took a deep breath. "It started a few years ago," he began, his voice low and sincere. He recounted the fateful night he was bitten by the spider, the awakening of his powers, and the dawning realization of the responsibility thrust upon him. He spoke of the fear, the exhilaration, the constant battle to balance his life with that of a masked hero.
As he spoke, Y/n listened intently. The anger began to recede, replaced by a grudging respect. She saw the burden he carried, the sacrifices he made to keep the city safe. But his words also revealed a crucial flaw.
"You never gave me a chance to understand," she said once he finished. "You treated me like I wouldn't handle it, like I was too fragile to know the truth."
Chan looked down, shame flickering across his face. "I was scared. Scared of losing you, of you judging me. I thought keeping you in the dark was protecting you."
"But it wasn't," Y/n said softly. "It pushed me away. It made me feel like our relationship wasn't important enough to confide in."
Silence stretched between them again, heavy but not without hope. Finally, Chan spoke. "Y/n, I love you. More than anything. This whole… Spider-Man thing, it doesn't diminish that. I just want a chance to show you."
She met his gaze, the hurt still lingering in her eyes but softened by a flicker of understanding. "I need to know if there can be a balance," she admitted. "A life where you can be a hero and still have me by your side."
Chan reached out, his fingers brushing against hers. "There has to be a way," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I won't give up on being Spider-Man, but I also won't give up on you."
Y/n squeezed his hand gently. "Let's talk it through," she said, a glimmer of hope returning to her voice. "Together."
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ripleylove · 7 days
The calm before the storm.
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pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem!reader
requested by @stellakiddsblog saying:
Rhea x pregnant reader Reader ( 4 months pregnant) is in an accident at home she fell down the stairs and Rhea finds her sobbing when she gets home from gym nothing happens to baby just rattled reader
summary:a gentle breeze and a calm morning introduced the calm before the storm. But Rhea is always here for you,in bad and good situations.
genre:angst and a tiny bit of fluff.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
It was a hot day of July,and you were bored and alone in the apartment you and Rhea,your wife,shared.
In a few months,your beautiful baby girl,called Irene,would see the world for the first time,and you and your soulmate couldn't wait.
Rhea always talked to your baby bump,telling your daughter about her day and asking her things,to which,obviously, Rhea didn't receive answers,just little kicks from her little feet.
You were missing Rhea a lot,in that moment she was at the gym,and you,trying to feel a bit of her presence even if she wasn't there, nestled your head in her pillow; the scent of her shampoo calming you immediately.
It was 10:30 a.m. when you decided to get up because of the immense boredom you were feeling (or maybe because you were starting to get a bit hungry,but nobody knows).
But first,you decided to make the bed. The messy and silky pink sheets,that Dominik gifted you,were finally more tidy and presentable.
Then,you opened the curtains,and fresh air flowed through your hair,making them a bit messy,but you actually didn't mind it because the sensation was quite nice.
Your little girl Irene started to stomp her feet in your tummy,and you cooed.
You quickly took your phone,that had a clear cover with a polaroid of you and Rhea,to record a video that you wanted to send to your wife.
Irene continued to kick,and your non-stop giggles and laughs were definitely heard in the video you were recording. After sending it to Rhea,you decided to actually go downstairs and eat something.
You still had your phone in your hands,telling rhea about how much you missed her and how you couldn't wait for her to be home.
While texting Rhea,you failed to notice the first step of the stairs,which lead you to falling down the stairs.
You let out a loud scream,and you started to panic. You hurriedly took your phone and called Rhea,who answered after three rings.
"Baby? Are you okay?" She said,but,hearing your sobs,gave her most of the answers she wanted.
"Rhea I fell d-down the stairs. I-I'm scared,please come home" You said with a shaky voice,fearing for you babygirl's health.
"Fuck! I'm coming baby,stay on the phone with me,okay? Tell me,does anything hurt?" She asked,and she continued to calm you down with her sweet words until you hear the keys jiggle and the door open.
"Sweetheart,come here." Rhea said,pulling you into her arms. You stayed like this for 5 minutes until she pulled away.
"Baby,I'm sure Irene's okay,but to be sure we have to go to the hospital to get you checked up." She picked you in bridal style,took your phone and your jacket and went out the door,heading to the hospital with her car.
The doctors said that your daughter is great,and that you got lucky that you and the baby didn't get hurt.
From that day on,Rhea started being overprotective with you,always staying close to you and building an at home gym,so she could know when something happened.
She cooked for you,always giving you massages and cuddling you the most of the time.
You're lucky to have a wife and a soulmate like her,you won't ever leave her.
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kaisooficrec · 1 year
Nini Planet Round 17 (Chance Encounters)
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The monthly Bottom Jongin fest is back with their 17th round and this time their theme is: Single Parents AU.
Love Me; Love Us
Genre: Single Parents, Hurt/Comfort, Self-Hatred, Intersex Jongin
Rating: R
Length: 3,998 w
Summary: Jongin thought falling in love was a mistake, but his daughter was a miracle. Luckily he finds someone to open his heart up to again and teach him how to love himself.
Blue Jeans
Genre: Mpreg
Rating: PG
Length: 3,991 w
Summary: Jongin has to suddenly live with his ex and their young daughter. Jongin really wishes that he had made better decisions in his past, then maybe his couch surfing ex would not be getting on his last nerve.
perfectly, i'm so into you
Genre: A/B/O, Alpha Kyungsoo, Omega Jongin, Single Parent Kyungsoo, Tutor Jongin, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3,055 w
Summary: The biggest obstacle that Jongin had to endure as a private tutor right now was not his student, no, in fact, the kid had been the most cooperative one he had so far. It was actually the extremely attractive and happened to be single alpha father of his that really made Jongin all hot and bothered all the time.
You're like the sun, you wake me up
Genre: Implied Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3,999 w
Summary: Jongin is a single dad who moves to a small town. He has a scary and stressed out boss and his daughter is a brat who loves to run away from home.
Love that Shines Through the Stars
Genre: Alien Jongin, Human Kyungsoo, Angst, Light Fluff
Rating: R
Length: 3,347 w
Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence
Summary: Kyungsoo made Jongin the promise that he would give him a life better than spending his days in a brothel; however, when word comes that his lover was killed on a job to make ends meet, Jongin is left devastated. The arrival of their son gives him a new reason to live, but he is always worried if he is capable of keeping the promise his lover made to him to his son in exchange.
The Winter You Came Back
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Reunions
Rating: PG
Length: 4,023 w
Summary: Perhaps the story of redemption starts with the act of forgiveness. Besides, he is sure his son would want to know of his daddy.
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Hi! I hope you're still accepting fic recs? I got one but it's quite different, and it's Monarchshipping. Hopefully it's relevant to bring here! ❤️
link: https:// www.fanfiction. net/s/13034947/1/ Pharaonic-Internship
I have to preface that this fic isn't for the faint of heart. It deals with dark subjects (sexual assault being quite major) and is often a fic that hits you as much as it gives you hope. Yami essentially got trapped in a contract with the undead Pharoah Atem, who was promised a wife for his sacrifice in saving Egypt. Cue Yami being the wife and uh, not great things happening to him.
What I love about this though was that this fic horrified me as much as it fascinated me. Atem's a full asshole and isn't above manipulating his new wife, but Yami's also depicted as a strong induvidual who just has the shittiest luck imaginable. You get moments of hope and despair that make you really root for Yami, but also moments where you really, really want to punch Atem in the face. Essentially, if you can stomach the bad parts, then you're at least in for a wild ride.
I am always accepting recs!! Thank you for this, monarchshipping always needs more representation!
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For this Day, For this Moment by Lottiethroughthelookingglass (JackIanto | WIP | 36492 | T)
Ianto was looking forward to a nice, normal evening going on a normal date with his boss. But of course, nothing normal could last long in his life. Now, he's three thousands years in the future on a planet at war and confronted with a lab-grown soldier that just happens to be created with his and Jack's genetics.
Or, Ianto accidentally ends up with a three-year-old daughter and a whole new world of troubles.
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itsangelll · 2 months
hello could I get a fic of 2010 Tom x f reader where he’s kinda like a bad boy or whatever and the reader’s like really innocent and stuff but Tom always has a soft spot for her somehow? Like they meet at a club and Tom immediately has an attraction towards and they start hanging out and if his friends ever say anything bad about her they quite literally kick their asses and it’s really sweet
A/n: of course I did change it up a bit but I hope you enjoy!! creds to @cafekitsune for the divider andd @bunniethinks for helping me out with this <33
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Opposites Attract ❤︎︎
pairings:2010 Tom x femreader
warnings:mention of alcohol swearing do not read if you are sensitive with these topics!!
genre:angst to fluff
You’ve never been this nervous before, you came to a party with Tom which you were quite unsure about cause it wasn’t really your scene. When you walked into the house the smell of alcohol and other things filled your nostrils making you feel even more uneasy, “Tom I’m unsure about this I don’t think I fit in here” gripping onto his arm. He chuckled and placed a kiss on your cheek “it’s okay Liebe I promise.”
You smile at him feeling some the nerves ease as he reassures you. He grabs your hand leading you to a quieter part of the house and sits down on the couch next to you. You bounce your leg up and down looking around frantically showing that you still have some nerves, you look downwards as you feel Tom’s hand slide onto your though rubbing small circles against your soft skin. “Schatz you’ve got nothing to worry about I promise” pressing a small kiss to your shoulder then looking at you with a soft gaze. (give me that.) Tom stands up and you look at him confused “I’ll be right back im just gonna get a drink.” he says before he leaves.
Watching Tom walk off you looked around at everyone they looked a lot different than you some people were throwing up and making out. Till someone comes and sits next to you it was one of his friends, “You know Tom shouldn’t be dating you” his words slurred. “Sorry what?” your voice slightly shaky “Look at tom and look at you, I bet you can’t even compete with his standards he deserves someone way better you should leave while you still can.”
Your heart dropped everything his friend was saying could be true maybe you weren’t right for Tom after all you felt like you couldn’t speak everything almost became a blur, without another thought you grabbed your things and ran out of the party not looking back, tears were perking up in the corner of your eyes your vision going fuzzy finally you made it home.
Walking into your bedroom you collapsed onto the floor, you couldn’t take it all of your thoughts were clouding your head you didn’t know what to think. Was it true? did Tom really deserve someone better, After an hour or so you calmed down. You were about to fall asleep until you heard a loud thud right near your window, you looked over and you were shocked, “Tom what the hell?! There’s a door for a reason” you said while kneeling down to help him get up “I’m sorry Princess the door was locked” You looked at him and the sight was awful his hands were bloody and his face was slightly bruised.
You look at him with a worried expression on your face concern etched through your eyes. Holding out a hand to him you place him onto your bed as you look at him with a sad expression a tear dropping from the corner of your eye. Once he’s on the edge of the bed you stand between his legs cupping his face in your hands brushing a thumb under his non hurt eye. “what happened Tom” your voice barely above a whisper he sits in silence for a moment before speaking up. “I was trying to find to you but you weren’t anywhere in the house, then my dickhead of a friend came up to me telling me what he said to you I just lost it I’m sorry Schatzi”. Looking up at you regret written all over his face.
You grab his hand “we’re getting you cleaned up” leading him into the bathroom sitting him on the sink, you grab some cotton pads and alcohol to clean the wounds and his hand “This might sting a little” you carefully dab the wounds not trying to hurt him. Tom looks down at you “You don’t have to do this Princess” you look up at him and continue treating the bruises “well you shouldn’t be getting into fights with your friends.” You say as you finish cleaning up his face.
He gets up from the sink cupping your face in his hands, “You don’t need to listen to them Liebe I love you the way you already are” rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip “you mean that?” he smiles and rests his forehead against yours “You know i do princess opposites do attract.”
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed im sorry I’ve been so slow with these requests, school is coming up soon and I don’t know when I’ll be able to have time to write mwah bye cuties <33
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hypegirl1 · 7 months
Trick or trick?(Rodrick Heffley X fem!reader)
AN: how are y´all doing? Happy Halloween! School has me kinda bussy lately,that´s why I haven´t been active,I´m so sorry. Here´s the Halloween special as a gift! ^^ Genre:Angst,fluff Word count:1086 Summary:You were going to do trick or treat with your boyfriend Rodrick and his little brother,but he ends up cancelling plans at last minute,which makes you mad Warnings:Suggestive language(I guess? TT)
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"Rodrick,I told you,I am not going out today with you,I´m mad now,so just hang up the goddamn phone and leave me alone"
"Y/N please just let me ta-"
"Fuck this"
You hung up the phone and threw it on your bed,as you layed on it,you started thinking about what just happened a few minutes before: You were getting ready at your house to go trick or treating,you and Rodrick were going with Greg and Rowley to accompany them after what happened last year,it was actually your idea to go with them,and at first it wasn´t a problem at all,Susan was very happy about it as she trusted you to go with them,Rodrick wasn´t convinced at all at first.
"We could just go to the party down the street together you know?Why do we have to go with Greg and his friend?"
"Come on Rod,when was the last time you went trick or treating?It can be fun! We can wear matching costumes if you want"
You know he was trying to hide the fact that he actually wanted to match costumes with you so bad.
"I know you want to match,I know you so well,what about Flynn Rider and Rapunzel?"
"Well,seems fun I guess..."
"There you are!"
At the end,you knew Rodrick was excited for matching costumes with you,he was a ver romantic guy at the end,he just tried to hide it. After all that,you all agreed to go trick or treating together,it was going to be fun,Greg and Rowley loved your company after all.
"What? Y/N´s coming with us?So cool!"
"You just love being with her because when she´s around I can´t annoy you"
"Well,she´s funny though"
And now,you were getting ready at your house,that´s when the accident happened,your phone started ringing,it was Rodrick.
"Rod,are you done? I´ll leave in 5 minutes now"
"Yeah,about that...Y/N we´ll have to cancel this trick or treat thing,I´m going to the party"
"Yeah,let´s just go together,we´ll have fun"
"Rodrick,are you cancelling our plans at the moment?Are you being serious?"
"What?No! I´m just changing them,we´ll have more fun at the party"
"Are you kidding me?! I have been thinking about this for a week now,I was thinking about doing a sleepover with Greg and Rowley and all of us could have fun,but no,Mr Plancanceller decided to change things up"
"Why are you so mad about it?!"
"Because I wanted to go with you! And because it was a chance so that you could get along with Greg!"
"What so?! Just forget that,let´s both go out and have fun"
"Rodrick,I told you,I am not going out today with you,I´m mad now,so just hang up the goddamn phone and leave me alone"
"Y/N please just let me ta-"
"Fuck this"
And now that´s when you were laying on your bed,makeup done,hair done,outfit done,all for nothing.
"Why can´t we never spend time all together?Ugh..."
That´s when you heard the doorbell ring,probably some kids trick or treating,you got up and went downstairs,you were surprised to see who was at your door.
"Greg?Rowley?Oh,I´m so sorry for cancelling our night together,me and Rodrick got mad and...sorry,here,have some candy kids"
"Yeah,about that...could you just go to our house for a moment?"
"What does Rodrick want now?"
"Just go there"
"Fine,be safe both of you,call me if anything happens"
You went inside,picked up a jacket and went to Rodrick´s house that was around the corner,what did he wanted now? Things were already messed up. When you arrived,you knocked on the door and it wasn´t even 5 seconds when Rodrick opened the door.
"Hi Y/N"
"What do you want Rodrick?"
"I- just wanted to apologize"
"Fine,do it then,I´ll listen"
"Well I- fine,I´ll be honest with you Y/N,I should have talked with you the plans change,it´s just that I didn´t wanted to waste our night like that,I thought that you just did it for me and Greg"
"What?No,Rodrick,what do you mean? I was doing it for all of us,we can have fun together,but it´s also my fault,if you didn´t liked the idea we could have thought together about something better..."
"I know you just wanted to do it for the good,I was being selfish changing your plans without telling you,and kinda childish to do that..."
"So,are we good now?"
"Yeah,what are your plans for tonight then? We can think something together"
"No,let´s go trick or treating with Greg and his friend,it can be cool,I´ll just go change"
"Yeah,didn´t you wanted to match costumes?"
"Yeah,but do you want to?"
"Of course I want to you dummy"
You both stared at each other smiling,the night was cold,but this whole situation made it cozy and warm.You gave Rodrick a little kiss on the lips,what kinda surprise him.
"Come on Eugene,Rapunzel is waiting to go outside of her tower"
"Sure my princess"
The atmosphere was warm and you were happy,you fixed the problem,or you thought so,until you felt a bucket of cold water fall on both of you.
"I finally got them! Haha! You two litt- oh,Rodrick,it´s you,and Y/N...my bad,thought you were some troublemakers,hehe..."
You were in absolute disbelief,Frank thought you and Rodrick were some rebel teenagers that wanted to fill their house with toilet paper,Rodrick just gave Frank a weird look,but looking at the situtation,it was funny,you laughed at the end.
"What´s so funny about this?"
"It´s just funny,like,look at us,your dad thought we were someone else and we´re wet now,what´s funnier than this?"
"I guess so,come in Rapunzel,I´ll give you a towel,you´ll get cold"
"But we´ll miss the night"
"We were going to miss it anyway,get in before I snatch your dress out here"
"Sorry sorry,but I was going to though"
You hit him on the back of the head as a joke,you weren´t going nowhere tonight with his attitude,at this point,the clothes snatching wasn´t that bad...
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mariaace · 1 month
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Loving you was a loosing game...
Angst collab with @saelique ༊࿐
A/n:Hey lovesss!! This is my work for Cinna's angst collab with Reo Mikage<33 i hope you all enjoy and go check out her collab💜
Genre:angst/no comfort Pairing:Reo Mikage Type:one shot
Did you know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Reo? Yes. Or at least that's what you thought. You knew about your boyfriend's love towards his best friend amd you didn't really mind it, well you didn't.
Him and Nagi were spending way much more time together, since they got interested in football. You again don't mind it that much, after all he is your boyfriend and you want him to be happy. But at the same time-it wasn't fair. You knew Reo longer than Nagi did and he most of time was somehow ignoring you. He didn't do it on purpose, right? No. He wouldn't do that.
Now you were sitting in class thinking about that, while Reo and Nagi were a seat ahead of you. Of course Nagi was sleeping. Your thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. You packed your things and started walking through the door. You thought about waiting for Reo, but he was already busy trying to wake up Nagi from his hibernation.
Days has been awfully quiet. Still pushing though aside you decided to meet with your boyfriend so things could get back to how they were. You texted him quickly to meet up tomorrow since it was a friday evening. He replied faster than usual and agreed. You smiled and put your phone away. Well, time for getting homework done for tomorrow.
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You're getting ready for the "date", well at least sort of a date. But it didn't matter it was finally time for you hang out with your boyfriend. You came to the location, patiently waiting for Reo. Waiting.. waiting..ughhhhh.... Okay, okay, calm down.. training might just hold him up right? Just wait a bit longer and check out your phon- ... Nagi, Nagi, Nagi.. enough. You went straight home after his not even bothering to text Reo. He didn't text you either so it's gonna be that way.
Instead of saying something you started being cold to him, not giving him the same attention. Did he noticed that? You can't really tell which explains a lot, but still. You loved Reo and you thought he loved you too, but seems like his best friend was more important. You couldn't continue lying yourself so you decided thar it's time.
Talk to him? How? When there is not time hm? Football, Nagi, Football, Nagi. In that moment your parents bursted into the room. Your father got a different job in another city so you're moving out of here. Well just perfect.
The next day you remembered your boyfriend had a training so you decided to go and wait for him 'till he finishes it and talk to him. On your way there though you saw no other than Nagi himself who was being late because he slept in. As you approached him an idea popped in your mind. You took out a pen and a paper and after writing on it you gave it to Nagi asking him to give it to Reo. He agreed and went to his training.
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There you are now. Sitting on your desk completely ignoring the topic the teacher is talking about. There is no one that you know in the desk in front you... You have blocked Reo's and number and all of his social medias, so you didn't know if he got the paper, but if he didn't he probably figured out what happened.
When break came you were on your phone, when you suddenly saw an article. "Blue lock project" amd there they were their names.
-Nagi Seishiro
-Reo Mikage
You smiled to yourself when you saw his name. Well at least now he have got the two things he loved the most in his live.
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© mariaace 2024 please do not steal, copy, translate or plagiarize. Thank you.
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