#Genshin Dads
lunaekalenda · 2 years
genshin dads! -> part one! part two here
• just some parent fluff for some genshin chara! feat. Xiao, Itto, Kazuha and Diluc! mentions of husband because that way i kill both the husband and the dad brainrot lmao
at first, he was even scared to hold the twins. but now, they're such a daddy's girls, and he puts his daughters before anything.
their gestures are so similar to their dad's that you're starting to worry about them converting into mini-Xiaos. they chew with the same calm he does, they have that same way of looking at something with curiosity and interest, and they, for real, inherited their father's energy.
they go nowhere without their dad, and the way the three of you miss him whenever he has to leave for work changes into a lot of kisses and tears the moment he arrives.
"Dad is here!" the little twin says, near the main door, hearing your husband's quiet and silent steps. You're amazed by the thin ear of your daughter, capable of hearing even the silent and measured steps of their dad. The other twin jumps with excitement when she hears what her sister said.
"Is it true, dad came back?" before you can even answer, the main door opens, revealing your husband. His face shows tiredness, and his body seems about to faint, but he manages to close the door and smile to the three of you, kneeling on the floor to let your twins hug him and kiss his cheeks.
"Hi, my treasures." he says, quiet and serene voice as he hugs the girls back under your attentive gaze. He smiles to you from above one of the twin's shoulders. "Hello, love."
"Dad, we missed you so much." one of the twins cries, taking her black hair away from her little face, as the other one starts to pout when she sees her sister crying.
"I missed the three of you so much too, honey." he lets them cry on his shoulders, as his hands caress their tiny backs and she tries to calm the hiccups one of them got. Looking from the corridor, you can't help but smile to your family. You feel way too grateful to have them.
the baby looks way too tiny on his big hands, and you could never get used to it, even when it's the second newborn your husband holds.
your older son wants to be like his dad, and honestly, the tiny horns that appear in between his messy hair are nothing more than a prediction of the way he inherited all the arataki things he could.
the baby, on other hand, seems to be calm and serene, what can easily change whenever she learns how to walk and to follow her big brother up on trees and exploring under rocks.
"Dad, look, there's a bird up on that tree! Should we help him? He seems stuck!" It's true that, in one of Inazuma's pretty cherry blossoms, a blue bird was stuck with one of it's poor wings between two sticks. You felt bad for the birdie, but you couldn't let your son climb that blossom and risk himself to loose all his baby tooth in one hit. You look around, fixating your gaze on two soldiers that walk around behind you.
"Oh, it's true. We should go and tell someone from the..." your husband's deep voice interrupts you.
"More to the left, buddy, put your arm on that... Exactly, very good!" You turn around, with your daughter between your arms, who claps and cheers on her brother, that climbs the tree way faster than the last time you caught him doing it. Your gaze slowly moves until it stops on Itto's back, giving instructions to your son.
"Itto, I think we've talked enough about letting the kids climb trees, didn't we?" Your husband turns around, giving you a big smile and a quick peck before putting his eyes on your son again.
"No worry, baby, I have him on sight. He has a good technic, and, if he falls, I'll be here to get him and cheer on him to stand up. That's what dads do, isn't it?" with a quick gaze again, and a wink, he goes back to the cheering and the instructions, but you notice how he moves around the tree with your son, always ready to catch him and not let him get hurt. With a sigh, you boop your baby's nose, making her laugh. He might encourage them to to all this things, but he always have their backs. Before you can realize, you're smiling.
"He's really the best dad for you two, after all."
your child has definitely inherited your husband's calm and soft character.
she loves to hear her dad's poetry, and most of the time, she's eager enough to identify that he's writing about you, about her, or about both.
she draws so beautifully that it isn't the first time she has illustrated some books on the Liyue Editorial, and also, her dad's poems.
she likes to sit outside, hearing the wind and drawing, specially whenever his dad has to go back to Inazuma.
"She's outside, and she will probably love to see you came back earlier." leaving a kiss on your lips, Kazuha puts his katana and little luggage on the nearest sofa, walking towards your house's terrace, with you behind him. And there she is, sitting on her usual place, with her blonde hair braided and the red lock standing out of the hairstyle. She has one of the brushes you bough for her on her birthday, and a little ink bowl rests next to her hands. You don't know what she's drawing, but you're sure that the wind has inspired her. You find beautiful how dad and daughter had find such a curious but lovely way to always remember each other.
She desires to visit Inazuma, the place where her dad grew up, and were he took you when he decided to travel all Teyvat by your side, and it's not the first time you've caught her painting those landscapes she only knows by hearing. You would love to take her there, but Kazuha has told you about the current politic situation that they all try to end as soon as possible.
He puts his hand softly on the top of her hair as a silent salute, trying not to bother her, but indicating that he's gonna sit by her side. Their interactions are always calm and soft, they never yell, they always try their best to understand the other. She shows him the piece she has been working on: a beautiful landscape of Liyue, as it can be seen from your terrace, extremely detailed andrattle o all made with ink. Kazuha calls you, so you're sitting by his side.
"I've bought some presents for you on my trip to Inazuma." he takes a little bag from his pocket. Your hand is the first one he takes, leaving a cherry blossom earring that shines with the little sunlight left before the night enters in Liyue. It's beautiful, and you can help but smile and hug your husband. Once you part, you look expectingly to the bag on his hands. It's way bigger, and you smile when you realize what it might contain.
"Is it a Kimono? From Inazuma?" she says, taking the cloth out for you to see it. You smile at your husband with a little nod, as he looks at you.
"We're visiting Inazuma this spring. The three of us."
You daughter looks at you, as if she is searching confrimation from you. You take a red lock away from her eyes.
"And don't forget your brushes. You will surely want to paint the cherry blossoms, hm?"
Diluc was attentive before, but it's another world with the two kids now.
he's always there for them, he helps with everything that concerns raising them and making them good humans for the future.
he's the most lovely and tender dad ever, and your children adore him as much as he adores them.
"Wait here, I'll go." your husband whispers on your ear before kissing your cheek, and a second before, your bed feels cold without his body cuddling yours. He always hears the kids before you, and it sometimes makes you feel bad, but he always reassures you.
"I wake up with the sound of a fly, and you're tired. It's alright since, most of the times, it's just a little sound, not even screaming or crying."
And it's true, he identifies fast what the sound was: the pacifier falling from your little girl's cradle, your son moving on the bed with the rattle on his hands, a soft sneeze or a tiny kick against the wooden surface of the bed. Even when he knows none of those sounds mean danger, he prefers to check personally what is happening on the little kids' room, walking silently towards there, messy scarlet hair up on a bun and sleepy eyes scanning the cradles once he's there. But he gets surprised when he finds your son, that took his favorite blanket with him and sat on his little sister's cradle, hugging her wet face as she keeps sucking on the pacifier, hiccups attacking her.
"Dad, I didn't want to wake you..." the kid says, and Diluc takes the little girl on his arms, calming her. "I... I thought that if I helped her the way you help me, she would stop crying because of the nightmare, so I gave her the blanket and sit with her to fight against the monsters of the nightmare."
Diluc's expression softens as he kneels near the cradle, being able to look at his son in the eyes, smiling at him and extremely proud of who he became.
"You're the best big brother she could ask for, and I'm sure she felt way more calm when you went to sleep with her. Dad was tired, so it took a time for me to wake up, but I'm glad you managed the situation this way. Still, you need to sleep, so if it ever happens again, you should call us, alright?"
Diluc tries to sleep the little girl without success, as the girl looks to her brother and stretches her little arms towards him. Diluc sighs and, taking your son in the other arm, he walks again to your bedroom, leaving both of them in the big space that the bed leaves, and lying on the other corner. The sudden contact of your daughter's cold little feet wakes you, turning around to face both of them there, cuddling next to you and hugging their dad. You fall asleep again with a smile.
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genshindreamer · 2 years
My child, the best?nurse ever!
Aka: They get injured and you "help".
Tw: Burning in Kaeyas, broken bones in Diluc's, Dottore being his own warning, prejudice in Itto's, infected wounds in Childe's, near death in Thoma's, Amputee! Gorou, OOC Dottore (I have no idea how it happened), mentions of reader having ears and tail on Gorou's, light Angst in Scaramocuhe's
Key: (m/n)= Mothers name, (y/n)= Your name
Translations: Baba=Father
I think reader is like 4-7, old enough to know they're hurt. But not old enough to really understand how to actually help yet.
Also thank you guys for almost 300 Followers! I was thinking of adding one these as a new dad for 300 followers. So please let me know who you'd like out of these on the straw poll Whoever gets the most votes gets added!
Voting is now over!
It had been a fairly simple thing, really. Dispatch some Abyss Mages, report back to Jean, coast clear, go back home.
Only these were the types of mages that were kind of annoying becusee they actually had some braincells to rub together.
So your father got a pretty nice burn on his torso.
They doctor figured he could be back out in a few weeks, but when he first got the burn, it hurt like hell!
Your mother was playing his sexy Beautiful Nurse.
Luckily you were there to be the most adorable little Assitant Nurse!
You came home from school and found your father relaxing in his chair after your mother so kindly changes the wraps around his torso.
"Daddy!" You grinned and ran to him.
He smiled and opened his arms.
You jumped into his arms, making him grunt.
"Careful, Snpwdrop, Daddy's still a little tender." He said, looking at you sweetly.
"Sorry..." you pouted and wrapped your arms around him.
Kaeya smiled and kissed the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you.
"Daddy feel better?" You looked up at him.
Kaeya chuckled softly. "Your hugs make it all better, (y/n)."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Diluc got hurt quite a lot sadly, thanks to him being the hero after all.
Usually, they were just cuts or scrapes.
But everyone In a while, and he gets more seriously injured.
Like in this case, he broke his ankle.
Meaning he was in a cast for a while.
And your mother got the wonderful job of reminding Diluc that "no. You can't fight right now, you're just going to have to trust the KoF"
And you, were her backup.
"Come on Diluc, you can't go out. You're still in a cast." (M/n) said as she pushed him into bed. "Mondstat can survive a few months."
"You sure about that?" He half joked.
"I'm positive. Jean and the others are just as capable, as you." (M/n) said, sitting beside him and tracing patterns on his chest.
He rolled his eyes. "And the Tavern? Who's going to keep Kaeya and Venti from robbing the place?" At this point, he was just looking for an excuse. Grumpy man.
Your mother rolled her eyes and got up, walking away for a bit before returning with you. She gently threw you on the bed and crawled in bed too.
Diluc rolled his eyes but naturally wrapped his arms around you both. "My weakness..."He grumbled.
"I know." Your mother replied, laughing softly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Again, Zhongli hasn't been hurt in some time, especially when he had his gnosis.
Even now, years after he gave it up, he sometimes forgets that fact and will overestimate his abilities.
And those Lawlachurls are usually when he overestimates his abilities.
Zhongli managed to escape, but not without breaking a couple ribs.
Luckily, he had a cure little nurse.
"Baba okay?" You asked as you walked in to his bedroom early one morning. Well....early for you, your father had been up for hours.
He looked up from his book and smiled a bit. "I am fine, little one."
You walked closer to the edge of the bed and Zhongli glanced over to his wife before back to you. He smiled a bit.
"Anything I can do to help?" You asked sweetly.
Zhongli hummed in thought. "Think you can make baba some tea?" He asked. He had shown you how not long ago, after all, it was a very important skill.
You wandered to the kitchen and, using the step stool, began to carefully make the tea your baba wanted. You knew he had a fondness for Honey in his tea so you guessed the amount he put in.
You then made yourself some too, and took a cautious sip. You made a face but took another sip, and another. You wanted to be just like your baba and that involved you liking tea.
Shrugging, you brought the tea back to your Baba and presented it to him.
Zhongli chuckled fondly and carefully leaned down to pick you up, grunting. You were almsot to big for such things.
He sipped his tea and red, and you tried to follow along with what he was reading, but you were still pretty young and the words flew over your head.
Zhongli smiled a bit. "Would you like me to read to you?"
You nodded and cuddled up, eventually falling asleep to his deep, soothing voice.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
This man is so stubborn when he's injured its not even funny.
He was stubborn before you came along, and after?
He never wanted you to see him be weak!
Which works great until you land on your back wrong. (Old man!)
So he was put out of commission for a few days.
Xiao groaned as he rose out of bed, cringing at the ache in his back. Was he getting out of shape? Or did he just get weak? Why did his back hurt so much? It's not like he hadn't landed on it before.
Granted, it usually wasn't on a very sharp rock that could have impaled him.
You panted out once he finally got sat up just hanging off the edge of the bed. Your mother had gone out to get more medicine for him from Baizhu.
You, being the curious 5 year old you were, opened the door and walked in.
"(Y/n)...you shouldn't be here..." Xiao grumbled but didn't....couldn't, do anything to stop you.
"Baba's hurt. I want to help." You said firmly. You walked further in the room and hopped on the bed.
"Hmg...careful." Xiao grunted out as you jostled the bed a bit too much. He took deep, controlling breaths.
You looked at the scars that littered your fathers presently bare torso, including the new one, located dangerously close to his spine.
You traced them all and Xiao turned to watch you, but didn't stop you.
Finally, you reached the new scar, and his back was all tense and hard where the rest of it was relatively soft.
Hesitantly, you applied pressure and watched your father groan. You remembered watching your mother do this for him yesterday so you began to mimic her motions. Of course, you didn't really help, but you also weren't not helping.
Xiao hissed in mild pain but looked at you fondly. He appreciated the gesture, even if it wasn't nearly as effective as your mother's.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a Samurai, or at least, an ex-Samurai, your father didn't usually get hurt.
But that didn't mean it was impossible.
And honestly, he probably deserved this one.
See....he was walking out on some ice and slipped in just the wrong way, fracturing his wrist.
Honestly his pride was hurt more than anything.
Kazuha was sat on the sofa writing poetry to pass the time. Your mother was out tending to her garden when his arm began acting up, causing him to make a face.
You looked up from where you were trying your hand at Poetry with your father (it wasn't going too well).
You got up, wordlessly, and wandered to the kitchen and carefully prepared some tea woth herbs you knew your mom used to help your father, and you brought it over carefully.
"Daddy, I made this for you." You said.
Kazuha turned away and smiled at you presenting a far too large cup of tea, but who was he to scold you for a gesture so sweet?
"Ah, thank you, Bug." He smiled, ruffling your hair affectionately. He sipped the tea. It was a little too strong for him, but it wasn't by any means something he'd reject. You made it after all!
You sat next to him and cuddled up to him. "Daddy feel better?"
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It's something that rarely happens. He prefers to do bard jobs, but sometimes he'll go with the traveller or the adventures guild.
And this can lead to him getting hurt. Usually though, the wounds fade.
But sometimes, he gets a little more injured.
It wasn't his week to have you, but your mother was out on a date (why did Venti feel jealous?) So he got you.
But he was also stabbed by a hillichurl so he had a nice limp.
"Daddy!" You grinned, running to him. He caught you in his arms and grunted a bit.
"Careful, Birdie. I hurt a little bit." He said, looking at you.
You tilted your head. "Hurt?"
"Yeah." He said, taking your hand and walking with you, trying to hide his limp.
You hummed and once you arrived at his apartment, you pushed him on the couch. "Sit." You ordered.
"Hm? (Y/n), what are you doing?" He asked.
"Daddy hurt and limping. So sit. I'm your nurse." You declared, and Venti let out his signature giggle.
"Alright, Birdie."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Sometimes, Albedo has to protect his lab from hillichurls. Nothing unusual.
But he got outnumbered and ended up getting hurt pretty badly.
Your mother went to town to get him some medical supplies since they used what they had at the lab.
You stayed with your father
"You need anything?" You asked, looking at where your father was sat on the sofa, holding his side.
Albedo smiled as he looked at you. "I'll be fine, (y/n)." He said.
You frowned at him, seeing how he still clearly hurt. You gently pushed him to lay down and Albedo looked puzzled.
You walked over to the cabinet in the small shack and pulled out the bandaid usually reserved for you, given they had some cute design on them. You walked back over and lifted your fathers shirt up, exposing his abdomen.
Albedo held hurt shirt up and watched as you put your bandaid on his new scab from the sword the hillichurl wielded.
You put the bandaid over it and kissed it, like your father did for you when you got hurt.
"Thank you." Albedo said, laughing softly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
This man is clumsy as shit, tell me otherwise. I dare you.
So it's not too unusual to see him hurt
However, what is unusual is seeing his reaction to beans.
He was just midning his own business when some jerk decided to just throw beans at him. And then his buddies joined in.
And Itto ran to the safety of home, and his girlfriend.
"Itto! You okay?!" (M/n) said, running to him and pulling the normally big and strong Oni in her arms. She held his trembling form as the reaction worked its way through him.
"Just some beans. Nothing that...won't go away..." He mumbled.
Your mother frowned. Why couldn't people understand her Oni wasn't a bad guy? Sure, he was a little stupid, and maybe even dense, but he just...was so sweet and loving. Just loud, really.
You heard the commotion and wandered out from your room, holding your stuffed Ushi your mother had made.
"Oh no...Sweetie....you probably don't want to see this...." Itto said. Truthfully, he wasn't sure he got the beans fully off of him and he wasn't sure if you were as allergic to them as he was, and he didn't want to find out.
You however, didn't listen to him and made your way closer, seeing your father was lightly burned in some small spots.
You frowned and hugged him, making Itto tense, but he relaxed once he saw you weren't reacting to it. He held you in his strong bicep.
"Daddy okay?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Yeah. I'm much better now." He said. And it was true. You just had such magic little hugs!
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a figure of nobility in Inazuma meant Ayato always had a target on his back, especially by organizations such as the Fatui.
He had been walking alo g the beach when he got ambushed by the Fatui.
Thankfully, he managed to take them out, but his usually white outfit was stained by red at his hip where he had been stabbed.
He sat on the bed while your mother, who thankfully had been a medic back in the day, was stitching him up.
He hissed a bit in pain, but watched as you made your way to him. "(Y/n)...you shouldn't have to see this." He said.
You shook your head and carefully climbed on the bed and hugged your father, laying on the bed with him as your mother kept working, a fond smile gracing her beautiful features.
Ayato smiled a bit but didn't squeeze you or anything through his stitching process. He instead ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your forehead.
Your mother smiled and cut the remaining thread and wrapped the wound. "There." She said.
Ayato carefully rolled over onto his back, holding you in one arm and opening the other. "You want to join?"
Your mother laughed softly and wrapped her arms around him, and Ayato held his small family in his arms and gazed at your mother with a loving look.
Hmm....maybe once he heals he should consider expanding the family?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Being a Harbringer isn't exactly the safest job out there.
Especially for someone as battle hungry as Childe.
So it wasn't unusual for him to come woth a few new scars to add to thr collection.
That being said, it was unusual for him to faint at the door.
"Ajax!" Your mother yelled in surprise in caught her husband before he would have fell.
You watched, whimpering. Did your daddy die? Your little mind just could process.
"(Y/n), cam you grab the first aid kit under the sink in our bathroom?" She asked while she got your father on the bed.
You nodded and walked to your parents bedroom and them into the bathroom, opening the cabinet and grabbing the white box, and wandering back out. "Here mama!" You said.
Your mother smiled and looked over your fathers body for wounds and saw a pretty bay infected one.
"Stupid Harbringer..." She mumbled under her breath.
"What?" You tilted your head.
"Nothing! Nothing!" Your mother chuckled nervously.
She quickly cleaned the wound after draining the pus (ew). She stitched it closed, thankful she had gotten pretty good at patching your fathers wounds.
She threw away what she used and sighed, covering Ajax with a blanket.
You smiled and snuggled into him for warmth, manipulating him so his arm rested over you.
Your mother gave a soft look, watching the scene.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He was doing some errands around Inazuma, as per usual
That was, until a group of Treasure Hoarders ambushed him. There was so many of them and Thoma was only one man
So for as good of a fighter he was, he got overwhelmed and defeated.
He was lucky that Yoimiya found him.
How long had it been? Was his first thought as he opened his eyes, finding himself in a hospital. He swallowed thickly and shakily tried to sit up, but he gave out, collapsing back on the bed.
"Be careful, Lovie." Your.mother sais, walking over to him. "You've been out for a couple of weeks...."
Thoma went pale. A couple weeks? How were you then? Did you know?
Your mother laughed softly. "They're fine." She assured. "I just didn't want them to see you like that. But since you're awake, I will bring them tomorrow." She assured.
Thoma relaxed slightly.
The next day, your mother brought you to your fathers hospital room, where he was shakily eating some Ramen.
He took one final mouthful and swallowed the noodles before setting the bowl aside. "Come here!"
You grin and ran to him, and he lifted you onto his he'd and kissed your cheek, and you giggled at the feel of his stubble.
"Daddy!" You grinned and Thoma nuzzled you. "Missed you!"
Thoma felt his heart burst with cuteness. "Missed you too." He replied and held you close, squeezing you gently.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Since he wasn't a general anymore, he very rarely, if ever, battled anything anymore.
He just wasn't as limber as he used to be with two prosthetics.
But, sometimes, he'd get phantom pains.
Those days were rough on the poor doggy general.
Gorou hayes the mornings he woke up feeling like his stumps burned. Like he could feel them being sawed off.
They used to happen all the time, but hadn't had the phantom pains in a long while.
His ears flattened in pain, whimpering softly. Dammit. He was so weak...
(M/n) woke uo, and rolled over to look at him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and Gorou turned to her.
"It's okay." She said softly. "You just relax today, you've earned it." She said, sitting up.
"I didn't mean to wake you..." He said softly.
She just kissed his cheek and got up to make breakfast.
You woke up to the smell of food and frowned seeing your father wasn't making breakfast like usual. "Daddy?"
Your mother looked up. "He's having a rough day. I was going to make his favorite breakfast today, want to help?"
You nodded and helped your mother make breakfast, and you carefully carried the wooden tray of food to their bedroom.
Gorou perked his ears up hearing his two favorite people enter the room, and he saw the breakfast. "Aww...you guys..."
You smiled, tail wagging, as you went to your father and presented the tray.
He smiled and took the tray on his lap and admired the sweet gesture before you and your mother joined him in bed, sandwhiching him in between you two, not that he minded.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Scaramouche thought he knew pain.
But when he went to Sumeru and got his gnosis ripped out from him just after your 5th birthday?
He was lost. Utterly lost.
He returned home, defeated. Weak.
He lost his purpose.
He walked in the door, quietly. He didn't want to wake you guys. He clutched his chest, feeling how empty it was. It was like his heart was ripped from his chest.
Who was he anymore? He wasn't the sixth Fatui Harbringer anymore. He wasn't a puppet cast aside. And he sure as hell didn't deserve the title of 'dad'.
He felt as though he had been reset. Perhaps he had.
He heard footsteps and saw (m/n), the only person to never cast him aside when by all rights she should have.
She didn't say anything, just gave a face of pity and walked to him, wrapping her arms around him and cradling him, running her fingers through his hair.
Scaramouche broke down, crying. Finally letting his walls crumble to ruins.
(M/n) startled before tightening her grip on him and rubbing his back.
"Who am I?" He asked her, although muffled by her soft chest.
"Well, I'm not sure I'm the one who can answer that question, Scara, that something you'll have to figure out for yourself." She said softly.
He sighed softly and held her close before hearing you.
"Dad!" You greeted and ran to.him, and Scara felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't say anything when you approached and joined the hug. He didn't push you away, in fact, he held you close.
Months passed, and Scaramouche's mind was still a haze, but when he saw you wear his old fat, that was, far too big for your head, he gave a fond chuckle as you stumbled to.him, unable to see over the brim.
He gently lifted it up so he could see your face. You beamed at him and Scaramocuhe smiled. Maybe....maybe he did deserve one title.
Next he knew, he felt a weight in his hand and looked to see an anemo vision, and you grinned.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He wasn't usually sent out in the field, despite being a harbringer. He was far better served in a Labratory.
If he was called out, he usually would send a clone.
But the Tsarista requested him personally to deal with the Traveller in Fontaine, to slow them down.
And he obliged.
Needless to say, the traveller defeated him, not without a few wounds themselves, but Dottore was simply no match anymore.
He managed to find his way back to his lab, thanks to a teleporter he had built in his lab.
You mother had been keeping an eye on his expiraments for him, mostly his test subjects. Series, when she was particularly impatient, she'd remind them that they were locked up with a mad scientist and his equally mad lab assistant. (You really think she'd get with Dottore with a completely sane mind?)
But she turned seeing Dottore appear, clutching his side. It was bleeding, and quite badly. His face was pale, and getting paler by the second.
"Dottore!" She said in surprise but caught him as he stumbled towards her as if drunk. He wasn't in good shape, that was for certain.
She carefully let him use her as a crutch as she got him to a more private part of thr lab. She began to get IV full of various medications attached to him. And one of spare blood.
She waited for the pain medication to kick in before she began to patch him up.
Luckily for her, Dottore made some strong ass medicine. Unfortunately, it made it's subjects higher than a kite.
He mumbled, mostly nonsense about the traveller and how annoying they were, before he finally turned to her. "I missed you." He said.
She looked up, startled. She smiled a bit. "I missed you too." She continued to stitch him up.
He watched her carefully, and sighed a bit.
He stayed silent until she finished. He could feel himself slipping away to unconscious, his body needing to heal.
"I...." His voice was slurring. "I love you...(m/n)"
Your mother paused, turning to him. She wanted to believe what he said, so badly. But...he wasn't in the right state of mind.
"Id love to hear all about it, when you're not hooked up to Morphine." Was her simple response.
Dottore woke up the next day, seeing all the medications he no longer was hooked up too. His body hurt like he had been hit by a meteorite.
He rubbed his head, and the scene from last night popped into his mind. He pursed his lips, but he didn't push the idea out of his mind, either, like he usually did.
(M/n) was special to him, he knew that much. You think he would have had a child with her (or rather, give her a choice if she wanted to have the child?) If he didn't?. But love? A strong word. But the evidence was strong.
He sighed, confused, but looked up as you walked in.
He chuckled seeing you had what appeared to be homework in your hands.
"(Y/n)....what is that you got?" He asked, sitting up a bit.
"Science." You said, pouting. "The teacher explained it funny..."
"Is that so?" He mused. "Why don't you come up here, little one?" He pat the spot next to him and you beamed at the opportunity.
Usually, your father didn't let you get so close to him. Sure, a pat on the head here, maybe even a hug on your birthday, but outright inviting you close? You weren't going to waste the opportunity.
You climbed up next to him and kept a distance, but shyly scooted closer after a moment, shocked he didn't push you away.
"Now, what is it?" He looked at you and you showed him the paper. He read it over. The paper was simply on the science of the water cycle and nature.
Sure, not a field he was known for, but he was a smart man, and in all fairness, you were only 6 so this was basic stuff to him.
He wrapped an arm around you as he explained it to you.
Your mother walked in on the scene and she stopped, stunned.
Dottore looked at her as he watched you write the summery you two had worked on together for the paper. "What?"
"Nothing...it's just..." She stammered
"Not what you expected....?" He supplied.
She nodded, hesitant.
He chuckled. "I suppose that's to be expected. Being away...it made me raise a few things about myself I had been avoiding." He said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
He then turned to her. "Nothing I said last night was a lie."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────●
Omg how did Dottore's get so long? I was just vibing I guess lol? It's funny, I always swore I'd hate that man yet I think I actually fell in love with him instead.
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xiao-come-home · 1 year
Thinking about Neuvillette finally starting a relationship with you and the melusines immediately noticing it,,
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The Chief of Justice, although still seemingly appearing as the cold judge from the courtroom - softens his gaze at the sight of flowers, stopping by a merchant who offers them freshly picked.
The melusines quickly catch on; after all, the judge always tended to leave straight to his home after a long day of work. His amethyst-colored eyes scan the plants carefully, ordering a beautiful bouquet. People who pass Neuvillette by think nothing of it - if anything, better not to disturb him - but the tiny creatures observing him from afar can't stop wagging their tails excitedly, noticing a warm smile appearing on his lips.
The melusines notice how quickly the rain stops after trials. Back when the rain poured down until the sun rose the next day, now it takes a few hours less.
The little creatures hide behind corners and observe both of you; they gasp and cover their mouths when they see Neuvillette kissing your hand goodbye, quickly shushing others.
Every single one of them notices that the chief’s aura glows with happiness; slowly, some people do as well - they greet him with smile, and Neuvillette reciprocates it.
The melusines giggle to themselves when they see you and Neuvillette together, sometimes loud enough for you to turn around and laugh yourself; their cheeks turn rosy, and before they run away - they mutter an apology and storm off to share the news to others.
But when you finally make it official, they SWARM you. They offer to help you with shopping bags, to accompany you to make sure you’re safe, some even offer to do your hair. Small hands wave eagerly when they notice you. They stop by just to cling to your leg and hug it tightly, and you can’t help but ruffle their hair. They offer you their most prized possessions - after all, you’re the same to Neuvillette… or that’s how they understand it.
The melusines craft a special ribbon for you, so you and Neuvillette could match.
It seems like they love you just as much and Neuvillette couldn’t be happier.
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celestemona · 2 months
no because imagine their reactions when genshin dads felt their baby kick for the first time, i'd be crying imagine the 'i made this' or 'omgomgomgomg' reactions
no because i had to write it. thanks anon ♡♡
and they feel their babies kicks for the first time.
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pairing: dad & husband! alhaitham, cyno, kaveh, kaedehara kazuha, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley + heizou x fem! reader
cw: original characters, slightly ooc to fit the plot, domesticity, fluff. pregnant reader. use of endearment names; arabic, japanese, farsi & french terms. approximately 4.1k words. not beta-read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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The first time you and your husband felt your baby moving was in the comfort of your home. The soft glow radiating from the fireplace cast swirling shadows on the walls, highlighting the warm and inviting space. You and Alhaitham were snuggled comfortably in your favorite reading nook—an old leather armchair adorned with pillows and a thick-knitted blanket. You made yourself comfortable in his lap, with your back resting against his chest, while one of your husband's muscular arms cradled you tenderly. 
As reading was a crucial part in your married life, every night you and Alhaitham found yourselves sharing stories. This time, you narrated aloud an ancient legend to Alhaitham and the baby in your womb. The tale’s language, despite being dead and little known, was not foreign to him. In fact, the scribe delighted in the tales whispered in your serene and melodic voice. 
“According to the desert dwellers, the world was once ruled by a king named Al-Ahmar,” you began, your tone carrying a sense of mystery, “a king of warriors, horticulturists, and sages. He controlled the winds that whistled through the desert, the dunes turned bright silver by the moonlight, and the thousand and one Jinn that hid in the night and the calls of owls.”
Although he already knew the story very well, Alhaitham listened to you attentively—the subtle glow of affection in his eyes watching you lovingly as his thumb traced circles on your waist in a comforting gesture.
As your voice continued to flow, a subtle yet distinct vibration occurred within your being, making you pause reading for a moment. Your eyes widened in surprise as the realization hit you, drawing a loud sigh from you. 
“‘Haitham,” you said, voice shaking slightly with emotion, “I think… I think the baby just moved.”
Your husband's eyes widened briefly before a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He placed a hand on your belly and his baby's little feet stretching your skin were felt under his palm. It was a feeling that filled him with warmth, love, and joy.
“It's the first time?” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper and his warm hand still under your belly. 
You nodded, your eyes shining in pure happiness. “Yes, it is.”
Alhaitham's smile widened, and he gently stroked your belly with a reverent touch. “It’s extraordinary,” he said softly. “Our little one is already making his presence known.”
You rested your head on his shoulder, and together, you savored the intimate moment. The book remained forgotten for now, overshadowed by the miraculous reality you were experiencing. 
In the peaceful comfort of your home, surrounded by the warmth of love and the promise of the future, you shared a precious moment of connection that would be treasured forever.
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The soft, golden light of twilight filtered through the trees of the Avidya Forest as Cyno and you walked back home after a visit to Tighnari. 
Although the forest guard was against the idea of ​​seeing his very pregnant friend moving excessively and unnecessarily across the Sumerian plains, Tighnari knew that going against your stubbornness was a losing battle. Therefore, he ended up welcoming both you and your husband warmly into his dwelling. 
When you finally said goodbye after a day full of conversations and delicacies cooked by Collei, the birds were already back in their nests, and the serene environment of the forest was a welcome backdrop—although Cyno could see the exhaustion etched into your face. The weight of your growing babies seemed to be taking an increasing toll.
Cyno supported you as you walked, his arm around your waist. “You look tired. Let’s take it slow,” he said gently.
You nodded, your hand resting on your stomach. “It's just... The twins' weight is a little overwhelming today. I’m more fatigued than I expected.”
You walked slowly for a few more minutes until you arrived at an abandoned cabin nestled in the heart of the forest. Cyno helped you inside, guiding you to a comfortable seat by the window, where the soft light of the setting sun bathed the empty room in a warm glow.
As you settled into the chair, you shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a more relaxing position, although all you got in response was a dull pain shooting down your spine. A resigned sigh left your lips as you just accepted the situation you were in and waited for the discomfort to pass.
It was when your husband left the room to get something that could help with your relief that you felt a strange, soft vibration in your belly. It was as if butterflies were swirling inside you, bringing you a feeling of strangeness but delight. When you realized what it was really about, your eyes widened in surprise.
“What's the matter? Something wrong?” Cyno asks with concern visible in his expression. 
“I think the babies are moving.”
Cyno’s face immediately lit up in excitement, and he approached you, kneeling in your front. His hands were hesitant to touch your stomach and he looked at you. “Can I...?” he asked softly.
You smiled widely and nodded, placing his hand on the spot where you felt the movement. “Of course you can, hayati. You should be able to feel them now.”
Cyno closed his eyes briefly as he felt the small kicks and rhythmic changes beneath his palm. His expression softened into one of admiration and tenderness. “This is incredible,” he murmured. “They are already so active.”
“Tell me about it,” you say with a slight chuckle, “Now it is explained why I’ve been going to the toilet so much the last few days. These little jackals have been squeezing my poor bladder.” 
Cyno laughs along with you. However, his eyes were still mesmerized by your belly, his hands lovingly following his children's movements. 
At that moment, the world around Cyno didn't seem to exist. It was just him, you, and your babies. You shared a quiet, intimate moment, your connection with your unborn children deepening. The forest outside was peaceful, but inside the cabin, the air was filled with a palpable sense of joy and anticipation.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
The sun shone high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the peaceful meadow where Kazuha and his family were enjoying the day. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, their whispers blending harmoniously with the gentle melody of nature. Kazuha sat against a large oak tree with you resting your head in his lap, eyes closed in contentment.
Kazuha's fingers skillfully traced patterns on a windblown leaf, his serene expression a testament to his deep connection to the natural world. Your three-year-old son, Kazumi, ran around the field happily, his laughter mixing with the rustling of the grass as he played with a small wooden toy.
You, with your belly softly rounded with your second child, sighed softly—contentment evident in your relaxed posture. You placed your hands gently on your stomach, stroking it absently.
“I think she’s finally awake,” you murmured.
Kazuha's eyes softened as he looked at you. Until that day Kazuha had never witnessed his unborn daughter moving in your womb. The baby always seemed to be too sleepy to recognize her father's constant presence. “Is that so?”
Before you could nod, a precise kick hit the area above your navel. Your eyes widened at the force of the action, but an ironic laugh soon followed. “Absolutely. Looks like someone woke up to say hi to Papa.”
Kazuha's heart filled with an abundance of emotions. He carefully moved his hand to your belly feeling his little girl's rhythmic kicks. To him, the sensation was delicate, like the wings of a butterfly brushing his palm.
Kazumi, noticing that his parents seemed to be engrossed in something else, staggered towards you with wide curious eyes. He climbed into your thighs and his small hands also rested on your rounded belly. “What is it, ‘Kaa-chan?”
You smile gently, extending your hand to guide the boy's little ones to where the baby is moving. “It’s your little sister, Zumi. She’s saying hello.”
Kazumi's face lit up with wonder as he laid his head on his mother's belly, his little ears pressed against the gentle movements inside. His eyes widened in fascination as he felt the gentle, rhythmic kicks. “I can feel it! Kiki is saying hi!”
Kazuha watched the scene unfold with a soft smile, his heart full at seeing the pure excitement on Kazumi's face and the deep love in his wife's eyes. The night air was filled with peaceful harmony, his family united in this simple yet profound moment of connection and anticipation.
The sun continued to rise, bathing them in a warm, golden light that seemed to celebrate the new life they were eagerly awaiting. As Kazumi continued to listen to his sister's small movements, Kazuha gently brushed away his wife's hair, his pale fingers lingering on your cheek with a tender caress.
“I love you more than anything in this world. Thank you for making me the happiest and most complete man, my love.”
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Kaveh stood in the middle of the room that would soon belong to his daughter, his eyes scanning every corner with a mix of determination and excitement. Samples of wallpaper, fabrics, and paint were scattered around him, along with sketches of various design ideas.
“I was thinking about using pastel colors,” he began, turning to you who was sitting in the only armchair in the empty room. “Soft tones of pink, yellow, and green. They are calming and will create a serene and peaceful environment for her. And look at this,” he took out a sample of fabric, holding it up for you to see and touch. It felt smooth against your fingers. “This is perfect for the curtains. It’s light and airy, and will let in just the right amount of sunlight.”
You watched him with a warm smile, allowing your husband to express his desires and thoughts openly, feeling your heart swell with love. “That sounds wonderful, azizam,” you add softly.
Kaveh continued, now walking a little and gesturing as he spoke. “I also want to incorporate some interactive elements. Maybe a mobile above her crib with small animals that move gently. Ah! And we could have a wall with different textures for her to explore as she grows. It’s important to stimulate her senses from an early age.”
As he spoke, you couldn't help but be amused by his reactions, also enjoying seeing this more relaxed yet excited side coming from him. Even though Kaveh considered your opinion as important as his ideas, you loved seeing the dedication the architect put into his designs—and when it came to something as intimate as creating his daughter's nursery, it was to be expected that his passion displayed twice as much. 
As he spoke happily, you listened to him in tender silence, but there was a strange feeling bubbling up inside you that left you momentarily intrigued. You attributed it to tiredness, or even hunger, but you ignored it, not wanting to worry Kaveh for nothing, much less interrupting his monologue. 
However, the vibration continued as constant, gentle but persistent movements below your navel, bringing you a slight feeling of alarm and surprise. When realization finally hit you, your breathing stopped and your hands immediately rested above your belly, feeling the movements more precisely.
“Kaveh,” you called him, your voice full of wonder.
He stopped mid-sentence and ran to your side seeing your static expression. “What? What’s happening? Are you feeling unwell?”
You shake your head, biting your lip in a futile attempt to contain your laughter. “I think she's moving. Our baby girl is moving!”
Kaveh's look went from worried to shocked in an instant, a wide smile opening soon after. He knelt down in front of you and gently placed his hands on your stomach. A light kick hit the area where his warm palm rested. 
“Hello, little one,” he whispered. “Guess you’re as excited about your room as I am, huh?”
You laughed softly, running your fingers through his hair. “She can already feel how much love you’re putting into this.”
Kaveh looked at you, his expression full of love and devotion. “I want her to know how much she means to us, from this moment until the very second she enters this world. Every detail in this room will be a reminder of that.”
You looked him in the eyes and smiled warmly. With some difficulty, you lean over and press a kiss to his lips to which he happily returns. “She's lucky to have a dad like you, Kaveh. And I am so grateful to have you by my side.”
He stood up and helped you do the same, quickly wrapping his arms around you right after. His head leaned against yours and you found yourself cradled in a hug filled with affection. 
“We will be the best parents we can be, azizam. I promise.”
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The soft glow of the night lanterns filled the room with a warm, golden light. The living room was filled with a pleasant mix of the smell of burning incense and the faint scent of fresh wool. Lyney was sitting at a small, ornate table, focused intently on a new magic trick involving his pyro vision. Flames danced gracefully around his hands as he wove them into intricate shapes, their flickering light casting playful shadows on the walls.
Opposite him, you made yourself comfortable on the couch, your pregnant belly prominent under your loose robe. You were diligently knitting a pair of socks, each stitch coming together with the precision of a well-trained hand. The rhythmic clicking of your needles provided a calming counterpoint to Lyney's fiery display.
Lyney's latest trick involved sending a small burst of flame through a series of arches suspended in the air. He was so absorbed in perfecting his performance that he barely noticed the absence of the knitting needles and the change in your expression.
Suddenly, you let out a loud sigh—a sigh filled with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. Your hand instinctively rested on your belly, the intricate strands of wool quickly forgotten.
Lyney's concentration broke and he turned towards you with a start, dropping all his tools and heading towards your way. “Everything is fine, sweetheart? Did you get hurt? I knew I shouldn’t train at home!” he blurted out the words in a frenzy, his voice tinged with worry.
You looked at him with your eyes shining with emotion. Your husband became more and more exasperated. 
“No no. That's not it. Quite the opposite actually,” you say, your voice thick with emotion. “I can feel them moving!”
Lyney's eyes widened, a huge smile spreading across his face as he realized what you meant. His expression was excited, and he sit next to you. “For real? This is incredible, chérie!”
You nodded, your hand gently stroking your belly and Lyney's just above yours. “It’s such a strange and wonderful feeling. It's so subtle that it almost doesn't seem to be there. I never imagined it would be like this.”
As if they knew they now had the full attention of both parents, the babies lightly kicked the area above your navel, eliciting another excited smile from you and a look of admiration from your husband for being able to be part of such a beautiful and intimate moment for the first time. He would never admit it, but his purple irises sparkled with happy tears for a few seconds. 
With a tender smile, you shared this serene feeling in silence. The room seemed to glow a little brighter as you sat together, your bond deepened by this new shared experience. Lyney leaned over, resting his head on yours, hands still resting on your belly feeling the slight vibrations there. 
“How about we take a break from magic and knitting? Let’s just enjoy this moment together.”
You giggled softly, your heart warmed by his loving gesture. “That sounds perfect.”
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In the calmness of Neuvillette's office, the dusk in the sky cast a warm light over all of Fontaine. Its golden and orange rays crossed through the windows of the room, creating a serene atmosphere. 
Neuvillette sat behind his desk, his usual composed expression softening into one of gentle contentment as he leaned back in his chair. Opposite him, you sat comfortably in the armchair, one delicate hand resting on your growing belly and a cup of tea in the other.
The afternoon was calm, with only the faint hum of the city beyond the window in the background. Neuvillette looked at you with a warm smile touching his lips as he observed your relaxed posture. You were talking about your day, your voice carrying a gentle melody. Neuvillette listened intently, his eyes never straying too far from your face, enjoying the simple joy of your shared moments.
As you spoke, a subtle change occurred in your expression that didn’t go unnoticed by his sharp eyes. Your eyes widened slightly, and you placed a hand on your stomach, your fingers gently tracing its curve. Neuvillette immediately noticed the action and looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Is everything alright, mon amour?” he asked, his voice carrying a slight hint of alarm.
Your eyes glowed with a mixture of surprise and joy. “I think… I think Éveline just moved,” you respond, your voice shaking with emotion. 
Neuvillette's eyes widened as well, and he quickly moved to your side, his hesitant but gentle hand covering yours on your belly. “May I?” he asked softly, his usual formality melting in the heat of the moment.
You nodded, your smile growing as you guided his hand to the right place. For a few seconds, you both just sat, your breaths mingling in the silent space. Then, Neuvillette felt it—a gentle vibration beneath his palm, a small movement that was both fleeting and profound. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to disappear.
“She’s already so active.”
A giggle escaped your lips. “Apparently yes. She’s letting us know she’ll be here as soon as we expect.”
Neuvillette took a deep breath, trying to savor the moment as his hand intertwined with yours. “I suppose this is one of those rare moments when words fail to capture the full depth of our feelings.”
“I couldn’t agree more, darling.”
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Wriothesley stood at the bedroom window, admiring the marine life outside, which was enjoying the sunlight reflected in the crystal-clear waters of the Fontaine's sea. He was already dressed in his usual attire, mentally preparing himself for another day of responsibilities at the Fortress or Meropide. Despite the weight of his duties, a small smile played on his lips as he listened to the sound of water running from the shower in the adjacent bathroom.
“Are you done, love?” he shouted, looking at the clock on the wall. “We have a council meeting in half an hour.”
Your voice floated back, warm and cheerful. “Give me two minutes, Wrio. I'm almost finishing.”
He shook his head, amused by your nonchalance. Even pregnant with your first child, you continued to be a pillar of strength and efficiency, working alongside him to keep the prison running smoothly. The thought of his unborn child brought a gentle warmth to his heart, a feeling he was still getting used to.
He began to organize some papers on his desk, mentally preparing himself for the upcoming meeting, when an abrupt, piercing scream crossed the air. Wriothesley's heart leaped into his throat, and he ran toward the door.
“Sweetheart, what happened? Did you get hurt?” his voice was full of panic as he walked in, expecting the worst.
Standing there in the shower, allowing the water to cascade over your naked body, your hands cradled your belly. Though your eyes were wide, there was no fear in them—just astonished joy.
“Everything is fine. I’m fine,” you reassured him, your voice shaking with emotion. “He kicked. The baby kicked for the first time.”
Relief washed over him, quickly replaced by a wave of wonder and joy. He helped you out of the shower and then pulled you into his embrace, not caring that he was getting wet due to your body that just came out of the shower. Gently, he placed his hand on your belly and waited a few seconds before he too could feel the slight movement under the curving skin.
“There he is,” he whispered, his expression melting in pure devotion. “Our son.”
You nodded, happy tears blurring your eyes. “Sigewinne said it was normal for some babies not to move in their mothers’ wombs, but I think he’s finally trying to say that he’s as eager to meet us as we are to meet him.”
Wriothesley leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “I can’t wait to meet him too,” he said softly. “This is the best way to start a day.” 
Your husband held you for a while longer, just reveling in your presence and the magical feeling of your unborn baby being present under the palm of his hand before he reluctantly pulled away. 
“Although I'd like nothing else than stay here forever, we must dry and dress you. We have a meeting to attend and I want our little one to see how his mom looks like when she's doing what she does best.”
You waved in contagious joy. “Of course, Duke. As you wish.”
After a few more exchanges of caresses, you prepared for the day, your hearts excited for the new life growing. Fortitude may take a lot out of you, but moments like these remind you of the joy and love that made each challenge worth it.
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Moonlight streamed in through the bedroom window, casting a soft, silvery glow over it. Heizou was lying comfortably behind his pregnant wife, his hand resting gently on your rounded belly. The room was quiet except for your steady breathing and the occasional rustling of the sheets.
Suddenly, the detective felt a slight movement under his hand. It was no wonder he was such a light sleeper given his job and all. And then, because he thought it was you constantly moving in your sleep, he chuckled softly, bringing you closer to his embrace. “Can't stay still, huh?”, he murmured playfully.
Feeling the same movement, you opened your eyes slightly and lightly pinched his thigh. “Stop poking my belly,” you mumble, still sleepy, “You know it tickles.”
Heizou smiled in the dim light. “I’m not poking you,” he replied, gently patting your belly. “Maybe you’re just dreaming.”
You sighed, momentarily awake, and turned to face him, narrowing your eyes in mock severity. “Oh, of course. Blame my dreams when you're always the one causing trouble.”
Heizou raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “Me? Causing problems? I would never do that.”
You stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, taking care that the loud sound of your voices didn't disturb anyone else's sleep. 
When you were coming back to him with another bicker comment, another subtle movement appeared and interrupted your joking time. You caught your breath in surprise and placed your hand over your husband's, which was already resting on your belly. 
“Did you feel that?”
Heizou's playful smile disappeared and was replaced by an expression of delight. “I did,” he replied, his voice now a mere whisper. “You think...?”
“It’s the baby,” you nodded, your eyes shining with joy. “Our little Ren is moving.”
Heizou's face lit up with a mixture of excitement and tenderness. “Well, it looks like our baby takes after me,” he said, his teasing tone returning. “It’s already causing a bit of confusion.”
You rolled your eyes but giggled, “Great, just what I needed—two troublemakers.”
Heizou leaned in, his forehead resting against yours. “You love it,” he whispered, his eyes shining.
You rested a hand on his cheek, suddenly feeling a rush of warmth and love. "I do. I love you both."
You stayed like that for a moment, enjoying the shared joy of feeling the baby's first movements. “You know,” Heizou said thoughtfully, “if this is how our little one is right now, we might be in for some sleepless nights.”
You laughed a little louder this time.
“Well, I was already prepared for that. Besides, I have you by my side. So I think we will do very well.”
Heizou kissed you gently. “We will be the best team, my dear,” he promised.
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echollama · 7 months
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Lantern Rite 2024 doodles!
This year's event hit a bit close to home for me personally, and I loved it🥰🥰🥰
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owlmaya · 1 year
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neuvilette, a father of many (please be mine too)
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slushy-sash · 1 year
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do NOT talk to him or his daughter ever again
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lvnesart · 7 months
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Fellas, what would you do if your dad came back from overseas with a man by his side and visibly looked like he got mauled and also his new boyfriend is a decade younger than him
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portalmonsterrr · 9 months
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merry chrisler guys!!
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sunny-aster · 3 months
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They're such wildly different examples of what an emotionally tired person looks like
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lunaekalenda · 1 year
neuvillete cries on your neck when your daughter giggles and lets the melusians braid her hair, cover her ankles and wrists with bracelets made with clams and corals recolected near their houses and take care of her so softly and sweetly. both of his most treasured things on the world together, merged so smoothly, as if they were made to be friends. and seeing all that from the embrace of your arms, feels like heaven, too perfect, too emotional for someone who's used to bury his emotions deep down his soul. when it's already late and you walk back home, with your daughter half asleep on his arms, he can't help but smile when she whispers softly "dad, can we go to play with them everyday?"
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genshindreamer · 2 years
Comforting their crying Child
Summery: How your father comforts you when you're crying. I like to think the reader is 1.5 or 2, just enough to be able to express your emotions.
Warnings: Dottore being soft and his own warning yet again. Implied bullying in Kaeya's, reader has horns for Itto's, mentions of ears for Gorou's, Amputee!Gorou
Key: (y/n) your name, (m/n) Mothers name, (e/c) eye color
Translations: Baba=Father, рыбка моя =My little Fish (thanks anon!)
You ran to your father after he picked you up from preschool. He arched a brow but picked you up and held you on his hip. "(Y/n), whats wrong?" He asked in his usual concerned tone.
You sniffled and buried your face in his shoulder.
Kaeya assumed maybe you just had some separation anxiety today, as you had been one of the last kids to stop throwing a fit when they dropped you off at school.
"I can't fix the problem if you don't tell me what's wrong." He said to you, but stayed rubbing your back.
He gave you all the time you needed to finally compose your thoughts, as you were still figuring out this whole talking thing.
"Kids mean..." You pouted and nuzzled into his neck again.
He frowned. Already? He knew kids could be cruel, but damn, mean to kids still more or less in diapers or just barely getting out of them?
He kissed your cheek. "Would you like ice cream?"
You nodded and looked at him. "Shoulders." You said.
Kaeya chuckled and put you on his shoulders and held onto your legs as he got you ice cream.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Diluc was in his office when you let yourself in. He looked up hearing his doors open and followed the sound of your footsteps until you came right to him, face wet with tears.
You weren't yet talking, at least, not talking in a way that made sense to anyone but him and (m/n), and of course Adelaide.
He picked you up and stood, carrying you in his arms as he let you bury your face in his shirt.
He lead you to the kitchen and got out some fresh grape juice and himself one too as he set you on the sofa and sat beside you.
He helped you drink your juice and watched as whatever made you sad seem to leave your mind. He didn't mind these quiet moments.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
There were times he was greatful for his amazing hearing, and this was one such time.
Being that you were just over a year old, he had you playing with some blocks he created from his geo abilities when he noticed you were having a hard time getting them in whatever formation you were trying for.
He turned and watched you for a second before walking over as you had begun the early stages of what seemed to be a tantrum.
He walked over to you and knelt beside you. "(y/n), whats the matter, little one?" He asked in a soft voice.
You kept making annoyed noises and kicking your legs and continuing your tantrum.
Taking a breath, Zhongli grabbed you and firmly squished you up like a little ball and held your body still. "(y/n), Baba can't help you when you scream." He said. He found the best way to deal with your tantrums was just to see what caused it in the first place.
You continued your tantrum for a few more minutes before pointing to the blocks. "No stay."
He nodded a bit and kissed your cheek. "Can you show me?"
You stacked the blocks, but given your short stature, the last block wasn't quite stable on top and brought your entire tower crashing down.
Zhongli gave a small smile and helped you rebuild your tower before picking you up slightly so you could get the block where you wanted.
"See? Isn't that better?"
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Poor Yaksha was confused when you clung onto hid leg and refused to let him leave that night before bedtime. Normally, it wasn't much of an issue?
He looked up and saw (m/n) looking at him with that same sad look.
It took a moment for him to rub his two braincells together, but it occurred to him that he hadn't exactly been around lately.
Maybe tonight, the demons could wait.
He let out a fake sigh and picked you up and took you to your bed and sat in your bed. It was the only way to get you to sleep, cuddling you. But he found, he normally didn't mind this ritual.
He sat with you and tucked you in to bed and stroked his thumb on your shoulder as he watched you drift off. He wiped the remaining tears from your face.
At some point, he must have accidentally fallen asleep becusee he woke up to the sound of Kamera and his beautiful (m/n) taking a photo from the doorframe.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Kazuha jumped as you began to cry. You had been playing outside with some neighborhood kids.
He stepped outside and saw what the issue was. The other kids had left you alone to play by themselves.
He walked over and sat next to you, pulling you in his lap and rocking with you. "Do you want to play with papa instead?"
You nodded and and he smiled, wiping your tears before using a bit of his anemo to blow through your hair, making you giggle.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It had been a hot minute since Venti had been around, he admitted. But he promised your mother he'd spend at least one week a month around, and it was the start of that week.
Of course, when he came to pick you up from your daycare, he couldn't help but frown seeing you cry. He couldn't stand the sound of kids crying.
He opened his arms and grinned as you ran to him and buried your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and picked you up.
He then looked at you. "What's wrong, Kiddo?" He asked, looking down at you.
"Miss Daddy..." You said softly and snuggled up to him.
He hummed a bit. "Well, I'm here now! How about I teach you a new song?"
You nodded and he grinned, taking you into thr hands of his statue as he got out his lyre and began to play a happy tune.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It wasn't very often Albedo had to travel for work, given that he was just the chief alchemist, but he had been called into Sumeru, and he'd be gone for about 2 and a half weeks.
He was packing up when he heard little footsteps and he turned to see you, crying in the doorway. He supposed he couldn't blame you. He simply knelt down and opened his arms and you ran into them.
He held you close and rubbed your little back. "I'll be fine, I'll be back before you even miss me." He said, chuckling a bit as you buried your face in his shoulder. He smiled softly and held you close.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Itto was sitting in his chair at the house, reading a book. A very unusual activity for him, but he did make a goal to read at least one book a year, mostly so you didn't think he was a complete moron when you got older. Plus, he didn't want to let (m/n) and her lessons go to waste.
He did get distracted however by the sound of crying. He got up, not bothering to bookmark his page before making his way to your room. He cracked open the door and sighed sadly seeing you wake up yet again from your horns.
Since you weren't a full blooded Oni, you hadn't been born with horns or crimson skin like Itto had been, and a part of him hoped you would skip the Oni gene, but around the time you started to grow teeth, you began to grow horns.
Itto smiled a bit at you and picked you in, holding you in one arm and bouncing you gently. "Hey little monster, it's okay." He said to you.
You looked at him through teary (e/c) eyes and snuggled into his soft chest.
He hummed softly. "Those horns will grow in, and one day, they'll be just as large and sharp as mine!"
You giggled as your dad began to make silly faces at you as well and you enjoyed your gentle giant of a father.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Ayato enjoyed the relative peace at night. It's not that he didn't enjoy the excitement a child brought into his life, but he was a solitary, quiet man, and he enjoyed his alone time. Usually, when you were asleep, that is when he'd get the majority of his work done.
He did perk up however, his quill coming to a still as he heard you cry. He got up and walked in to your room.
Given you were now getting a little bigger, they had started to transition you into a proper bed and not a crib (who knows, maybe they'd need the crib again? ;) ), and when Ayato surveyed the scene, he already knew what had happened.
You managed to roll out of bed. You were a squirmy child, rolling all around in your bed. You were a horrid sleeper, having just barely started to sleep through the night.
He walked to you and carefully picked up, setting you in his lap as he held you close against him.
He hummed a quiet lullaby he vaguely remembered his own mother would sing to him, in the very brief memories he had of her.
He watched you slowly calm down and he stood up, holding you on his hip as he looked at you, and then to the bed.
"Would you like me to scold the bed or the floor first?"
You just giggled in response and Ayato gave a smile.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Childe just returned from his annual meeting with thr harbringers, and, honestly, he'd prefer to be stabbed then go to one of those meetings, and he was sure the others agreed. Probably the only thing they all agreed on.
He honestly envied their leader, and was pissed at him, because he never really showed up to the meetings all that often. Maybe one day he'd be the number 1!
He shrugged off his heavy fur cape and other winter gear before he heard a noise he didn't like hearing.
A child crying. Specifically his.
He blinked away Tartaglia and Childe, and allowed himself to be Ajax, or his much preferred title, Daddy (make of that statement what you will, both probably applied).
He walked to your playpen where you were playing with a toy he had had made for you. He had claimed to you he was having a meeting with Santa (and it wasn't a complete lie, given one of the harbringers did fund "Santa Claus").
You showed him the toy, with an arm that had fallen off. Luckily, sewing was a skill he had. It was needed to repair his clothes after battle, after all.
"(Y/n), рыбка моя, whats wrong?" He asked, kneeling down.
He smiled. "Nothing that can't be fixed, let me go preform surgery!"
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Thoma smiled as he watched you play outside with Ayato's child while Thoma did housework. Yes, he was still the housekeeper.
He did keep an eye on you two, but was mostly letting you two have fun and discover on your own.
It wasn't until later when he heard crying did he turn his attention back to you and your friend, who seemed to crying with you.
He walked over to you two and looked to see what had you two, more specifically you, however, so upset. He glanced and saw you had a nice scrape on your knee.
"Aww, (y/n), did you fall?" He cooed in a baby voice. He couldn't help it, leave him alone!
He pulled you close and got out a bandaid (something he always had on him once everyone started having kids, never know when you'd need one!). He put the bandaid over your scrape and kissed the bandaid. "There, all better."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Gorou was sat on the couch, his prosthetics off as he uses his remaining hand to rub the creams he needed on his stumps.
Right as he finished with his lotion he saw you approach him, crying. Your ears were bent back. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" He asked, looking at you.
You sadly pat the end of his stumpy leg and Gorou gave a small smile and picked you up with his arm.
He kissed your cheek and held you close. "Don't worry, pup, it doesn't hurt anymore." He said softly as you snuggled up to him and he nuzzled you and gave your an affectionate kiss to your forehead.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Given when Scaramocuhe returned, he came just in time for your "terrible two's". Unfortunately for him, your mother was out, leaving him in charge of you for the first time ever, at least, completely by himself.
He hummed as he was patching up parts of his fatui uniform. You were playing with some dolls in front of him and he half paid attention to whatever you babbled as you played.
He then jumped when you began to whimper.
"Why are you crying?" He snapped. He hadn't meant to, but he wasn't really used to well, children.
You began to cry more and back away.
Scaramouche sighed and calmed down. He got up and walked over. "Okay, I'm sorry." He said softly and sat beside you, awkwardly opening his arms.
You scooted over to them and into his lap and Scaramouche just held you. He smiled softly. It seemed like...you Just wanted attention from him, and who was he to say no?
Dottore was cleaning up his lab equipment having finished his latest batch of...experiments. Thankfully, he removed any evidence of what happened in these labs when he saw the door open. He thought he told his clones that no one was allowed in the lab at this time, but then, he saw you.
You seemed upset, but not quite crying, and Dottore tilted his head and sighed through his nose. He reached up and took off his mask.
You were just a little over a year old, and already, you could tell the difference between him and his clones. He was....almost flattered you came to him, but he'd sooner die than admit maybe he enjoyed your presence in his life.
He sat on the floor and held his arms open and you toddler into them and collapsed into his his arms.
Did you have a nightmare? Just wake up sad? Were you lonely?
He then decided it didn't matter as he wrapped his arms firmly around you and held you close, rocking gently. "It's okay....it's okay..." He said softly, rubbing your back. He closed his eyes and tucked your head under his chin.
He looked up as (m/n) came in and he opened his eyes to look at her. She smiled at him and Dottore gave...a soft look to her and opened his arm that wasn't holding you to his chest.
She smiled and slid into his arms as well and held you close along side of him.
And Dottore....he didn't mind this.
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leeryder · 9 months
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i23kazu · 1 year
characters. neuvillette x gn!reader genre. domestic romantic fluff. an. this is me getting to say neuvillette is daddy in an extremely sfw manner. he is melusine daddy i do not make the rules | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
so firstly. the melusines. they are absolute suckers for him. his greatest fans. if neuvillette has 10 fans they are the melusine. if neuvillette has 1 fan it is a melusine. if neuvillette has 0 fans the melusine is dead. if teyvat is against neuvillette, the melusines are against the world. need i explain more
anyways!!! he unofficially adopts them. i think thats just so cute like imagine waking up one day and your husband just goes "im the father of a race of sea creatures who live in a village. we have 300 children btw"
the melusines loooove to help you out around the house! they let u go for work while the older melusines are scrubbing dishes and hanging clothes (BABY MELUSINE CLOTHES!!!!!.) and rearranging neuvillette's hair ties into a little waterproof box
and yes!!! they love to tie neuvillette's hair! granted, they don't do a very good job – the melusines' hands are so, so so small anyways. your husband never dares to tell them that it doesn't look good, or it could be a little looser, he winces – he doesn't want to hurt them. after all, they look so happy to be a part of his morning routine!
they love to give neuvillette different hairstyles. some days it's pigtails, some days it's braids – all simple hairstyles, elevated with rainbow hair ties and seashell pins. the younger melusines love helping with his hair, and they all clamor onto his lap: tippytoed and standing on each other's shoulders. if one of the melusines can't reach his knees, neuvillette lifts them up by their arms and sits them on his lap to help.
and they all crowd around the door when saying goodbye to you and neuvillette for the day! the little melusines excitedly shove snacks, hairties, water pouches (that are melusine sized: they definitely aren't enough for neuvillette) and anything that they can think of that will help you with your day – right into your pockets
a slightly bigger melusine trots out of the house with a water bottle almost the size of her own frame, strapped to her back like a knapsack. she wobbles slightly, looking almost like a toddler playing with adult sized items. it doesn't help that neuvillette is so tall himself. he bends down to unstrap the water bottle and thank the dutiful melusine for helping him carry it. you swear that the melusine's eyes light up!
when coming home from work, the melusines excitedly count down the minutes until you and neuvillette arrives home, right on schedule. they greet him with a cheery "surprise!" as he opens the front door, greeted with the sight of his melusine children holding up a messily painted banner with the words "welcome home papa and (gender neutral parent term)!". he chuckles to himself, assuming that they weren't tall enough to tack the banner onto the wall. it's a cute surprise, anyways.
neuvillette also keeps a calendar of his children's birthdays!!! every week there's at least two birthdays going on so. he makes sure to have a little gift and cake prepared. a lot of the melusines like to go up to him and hint at it being their birthdays soon ("papa!! dyou know what day it is next week?? do you??!!") and he loves being playful with them and teasing them in return ("hm... is it tuesday?"), watching as the little melusine pouts. he gently hints at a present coming for their birthday soon, and the little sweetheart just beams.
reblogs w/ tags & comments appreciated !!!
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @softcosmixs @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki (send ask to be added to taglist)
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celestemona · 3 months
and the kids ask them how did they fall in love.
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pairing: dad & husband! alhaitham, cyno, kaedehara kazuha, kaveh, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley x fem! reader
cw: original characters, slightly ooc to fit the plot, domesticity, fluff. use of farsi, arabic and japanese terms. there's a lot of dialogues but there's a plot. approximately 7.3k words. not beta-read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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You watched Cameron and Éveline playing on the other side of the room as you tirelessly documented the files that had arrived from the courthouse that afternoon. 
Wriothesley have been patrolling the prison’ Forbbiden Zone all day after receiving an information about some anomaly within the fortress, so you barely had seen your husband except for the brief greeting at breakfast.
Distracted with your work, you didn't even notice that both children had stopped building the wooden blocks and Cameron was sitting in the chair in front of you while Eve made herself comfortable on the sofa behind him.
“Mummy?” he called and you looked up from the papers at him and smiled.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“How did you and Daddy fall in love?”
Your son's sudden question took you by surprise, leaving you stunned for a few seconds. But you soon found yourself chuckling and ignoring your work to pay attention to the boy. 
“Why the sudden curiosity, Cam? That's pretty out of your character, you know.”
Cameron shrugged.
“I just want to know how you and Daddy met.”
Smiling softly, you nodded.
“Very well. Let’s see… It all began a long time ago, when mommy was sentenced to the Fortress of Meropide,” you narrated in a reflexive tone and waved for Éveline to come closer to sit next to her friend.
“Back then, mama wasn’t the person she is today, you see. I was rude, I was always angry, I picked fights with anyone who crossed my way and I didn't let anyone get close to me. You could say I wasn't a very nice person to be around, and because I was in prison, it also meant I wasn't a good person either.”
“I simply couldn't get used to life down here as most of the prisoners do, nor do I could accept the sentence that was given to me. Therefore, I rebelled in every way I could and participated in the fights in the hope that someone would see some value in me and would send me back to the capital. But, well, at that time we had a not very nice director and the inmates cared more about themselves than about others.” 
“Lo and behold, a year passed, your dad ascended as Duke and I was still hoping to be able to get out of here.”
“But then, the night of a new duel had arrived and barely I knew it'd be a night that'd change my life forever. It was the night I finally met your dad. Or better saying, where he became interested in me.”
“I remember it was a quick fight. I was already assured of victory but my opponent decided to bravely face me anyway. Although I was no longer the girl I was a year ago, I was still merciless in the face of a rival. Mostly of the Pankration Ring’s regulars knew my name because I made of it my reputation. That was one of the reasons your dad went to watch the fight that night. He wanted to see who was the person who was sending dozens and dozens of prisoners to Sigewinne,” you smirked at the kids making them giggling. 
“When the fight ended, he came to me wanting to know more about me and asking all kinds of questions. Nevertheless I wasn't interested in relationship, preferring to stay away from every one of the Fortress. Furthermore, I had an exclusive grudge against men so I couldn’t stand his person,” you paused the story to see if Cameron would react negatively to this detail but the boy only seemed more interested by it. 
“I don't remember very well what I said to him, however, it was clear that I wasn't interested and didn't want any kind of flattery from him. Needless to say it didn't work because your dad is as stubborn as a mule.”
“From that night, Wriothesley made a promise to himself to get closer to me and he fulfilled it very well as he kept following me everywhere.”
“It was extremely annoying and I couldn't understand what his curiosity about me was. After all, when I first arrived here he had never shown any sign of acknowledging my existence, so why at that moment?”
“Even though I still didn't understand him and tried at all costs to escape his sight, Wriothesley always found a way to find me and include me in his conversations. It was irritating to get so much attention from the new director of the Fortress of Meropide, and it was even scarier for me not to know what was his intentions either. But, over time, I got used to his presence and even started to yearn for it…”
“A couple of months later I dared to ask him why he insisted on getting closer to me,” you snorted at the memory as a small smile stretched your lips.
“What did he say?” Éveline asked curious.
“He said he wanted me to know that even though I kept pushing everyone away from me, he’d always come back. Because even though I thought I was doing better on my own, no one deserves to be alone and remain unseen.”
“It wasn’t the answer I expected but I felt like all my feelings—all the frustration, anger, sadness, and pain I was carrying at that time were validated, and he was seeing each of them.”
“After that, it took a while longer for me to accept that there was someone who cared about me, but I slowly opened my heart to him.”
“When I finally came to terms with my feelings, I still tested Wriothesley's loyalty a little bit more. I must say it was worth it to see him working hard for two years. Nonetheless, he was and still is the best choice I’ve ever made,” you finish the story and the children clap excitedly making you laugh in amusement.
Unexpectedly, a third person also claps and you see the said person leaning against the stair railing, smirking at you—probably he had been there since the beginning of the story.
“So you mean that all that time I was trying my best to have my feelings acknowledged you were testing me? That hurts, doll.”
You roll your eyes and turn your attention back to the children who were entertained by the scene. 
“Just like I’ve said. It was worth each second.”
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“Mummy, daddy. How did you fall in love?” Éveline asks suddenly as she makes her presence known in your husband’s office, making both of you stop your tasks to stare at her.  
“I was playing with Cam today and he asked his mama how she and Monsieur Wriothesley met and fell in love, and it was a very nice story! I want to know how you and papa met and fell in love too!” she says with a rare enthusiasm that makes you chuckle and Neuvillette smiles fondly.
“My my, if my beautiful Line isn’t curious today, huh?” you tease your daughter and leave a quick peck on her pale cheek soon after. “Well, let me see… Everything began when mama was sentenced to prison,” you chuckle when Éveline's blue eyes widen. 
“No need to get your little head stewing with that, angel. It was years ago and mama didn’t stay there too long either. You see, your mom used to do some… inappropriate stuff and I ended up going to trial for that.” 
Neuvillette snorted softly from his desk.
“Inappropriate is a very polite way for your mom to say she used to be involved with a lot of illegal matters, darling,” Neuvillette pointed out with a small smirk himself as he stopped his reading to stare at you. 
“Oh, shush you, Neuvi. You say that as if it was an unforgivable crime when it wasn’t,” you roll your eyes in fake annoyance making Éveline giggle, “As I was saying, angel. Mama went to trial and, of course, your papa was the only one to conduct it.” 
“You see, I already knew who was he—actually, who didn't? The just and benevolent but impartial Iudex of Fontaine. Although, I had never seen him in person until the day I had to show at court.”
“At that time I’d never admit it but I was very anxious to meet the head judge of Fontaine. When you get involved in reckless things, you think you're smarter than everyone and will never get caught, but little did I know that your dad had been tracking and watching me for ages.”
“And then when I finally stood in front of him, my nervousness strangely disappeared and became more like a curiosity. After all, I had only heard about the Iudex's morals and not his personality much less his appearance, so it was clear to everyone at the court that I was very intrigued by that man standing above me.”
“As the trial proceeded, he gave me a five-year sentence in the Fortress of Meropide which I managed to reduce by eight months for good behavior,” you winked at your daughter who kept listening to your storytelling, dazzled. “Not only did I refuse to be there in prison away from my own business, but I felt more motivated to return to the surface to learn more about your dad.”
“When I finally got back to the city, I used all my means to get your dad’s attention again—which actually worked several times since he likes to keep an eye on Fontaine’s order.” 
“Then, the months were passing by and my curiosity and interest just kept growing. And suddenly, I caught myself falling in love with all the things I was learning about him.”
“Even though it was fun to use of wrong ways to get the attention of the man you like, it was also tiring. And that situation was also reaching a point where I felt like your dad wasn't giving me the signals I was expecting him to do, so I was also getting stressed. Maybe he isn’t as fond of me as I am of him, that was what I thought.”
“Nevertheless, I'm a very resilient woman. I didn't let myself sink into self-pity, much less feel sad about the lack of reciprocity in love so I opened a new business here in the capital saying I wanted to live a peaceful life, and see where it’d take me. Fortunately here I could make great friends, a lot of associates, and even more trades.”
“And contrary to my guessing, Neuvi eventually started to visit my store where we had more appropriate interactions and talks, much for my joy.”
“I kept falling in love with him every day, you know? Thankfully your dad is a gentleman and he didn't take too long to ask me on a date. From then on, we became almost inseparable. That’s our story.” 
As you finish your love story, you could see your daughter’s eyes sparkling like two beautiful gems and a huge smile shining on her face. It made you happy that she enjoyed the story of how her parents met instead of getting mixed feelings by it—after all, the things you still do are better kept hidden until she’s older enough to understand them. 
You and your family kept talking about the said topic for a while, but eventually, you had to say goodbye to them to leave for a meeting with some partners from your business which you already were late for.
Unbeknownst to you though, Éveline and Neuvillette who were still in the office, shared your love story once again. But this time, it was a version you still haven’t heard.
Perhaps you'd never know either as it became a secret shared only between father and daughter. 
“I fell in love with your mom at the very moment I saw her.”
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The twins' little nimble footsteps could be heard throughout the house before it took them to the kitchen where you and Lyney were busy cleaning the lunch dishes. 
“Mommy, mommy! Uncle Freminet just read a book to Quentin and me and we want to know how you and Daddy fell in love too!” exclaimed Corinne, smiling excitedly. 
“Oh my. That was quite sudden,” you laughed as you dried the last dish of the day and put it away immediately to give your full attention to the children, “I bet it was a very romantic book for you to be so excited about.” 
“It was!”, they exclaimed together making you and Lyney laugh. 
“I don't see why not, then. It may not be as exciting as the tale Freminet read to you, but I think you'll like it too,” you say sitting at the table and placing Corinne on your lap while Lyney does the same with Quentin. 
“Well, I think our story is much more charming than the one in the book that Uncle Freminet read to you,” replies your husband, sending you a wink, “You could say that like a fairy tale, the magician prince fell in love at first sight with the most beautiful princess in the entire kingdom.”
“Back in those days, a troupe of nomadic artists traveled throughout Teyvat bringing joy and laughter to their audiences. It was your mom’s family.”
“They traveled across all nations enchanting its residents with their music, acrobatics, but especially with their dance. And, believe it or not, they had never come to Fontaine until that day.” 
“As a lover of the art of entertainment, I had to see for myself what a performance by the Pathfinder’s Troupe would be like, they who had a reputation that extended beyond the stars in the sky! Furthermore, as a colleague in the same department, I also wanted to give my final verdict. But truth to be told, daddy was just a little bit of jealous because of all the attention mama’s group was getting at that time,” he made a face at this specific memory that made you and the kids laugh. 
“So when the night of the show came, I finally understood why they were such a success. All the troupe members had a bright, warm smile, seeming to love what they were doing. The music was loud and happy and even though you didn't know the language they sang in, you wanted to join them. It was a simple show, but funny and welcoming.” 
“But then when it came time for your mom to take the stage, there wasn't a person in the audience who wasn't dazzled by her. Including me,” Lyney pauses as he smiles at the memory running through his mind. You smiled back. 
“It was, and still is, the most beautiful performance I had ever seen. Not only did your mom look like a goddess at that moment, with her traditional clothing, makeup, and gold jewelry, but she mesmerized the audience with her movements.” 
“Unfortunately, her dance didn’t last long and she soon left the stage, thanking us all for our presence.” 
“Like several people enchanted by that beautiful dancer, I tried to approach her to say my compliments but—whether you two believe it or not, daddy was scared to death.” 
“Why scared Daddy?” asked Quentin. 
“Mama was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of her, much less offend her with my words,” Lyney replies to which the two children nod as if they understood. 
“Luckily, daddy always had a secret or two up his sleeve, and when I approached her, I did a little magic trick turning a tiny spark of my vision into a Rainbow Rose, which at the time I thought was my worst trick but it seemed to make your mom happy.” 
“It was the most genuine and sweetest gesture anyone had ever made to me,” you extend your hand to your husband across the table and he takes it, placing a light kiss on your palm. 
“We didn't have much time left together since she was traveling back to her hometown the next morning, and nor did I have the courage to invite her to dinner either, something that caused me deep regret and even made Aunt Lynette annoyed.” 
“But before she left, I promised I’d see her again. And, luckily, a few months later, she and her troupe returned to Fontaine to perform a new show.” 
“And then you said you loved each other?” Corinne asked innocently.
You and Lyney laughed, “No Rin. Far from it actually. Your dad could barely get close to me without him stuttering something indecipherable, turning around, and disappearing into the city streets,” you teased your husband which made him feel embarrassed. 
“What can I say? You always seemed to get more beautiful each day and I had never been interested in anyone before. Besides, there were a lot of suitors vying for your attention so I figured you wouldn’t be interested in me.” 
You roll your eyes in amusement, “And look where we are now.” 
“So how did you start to love each other?” Quentin asks, still in doubt. 
“After many failed attempts by your papa, he finally managed to invite me to dinner—which I accepted without thinking twice. After that, he felt more confident talking to me and asking me out,” you say, “But there were also many times when we were away from each other due to our work.” 
“I knew I loved the troupe and I loved being on the road traveling and performing in different countries but I was also in love with your papa. When I was with him… I knew I had found a home. So I left the troupe, came to Fontaine, confessed my feelings to him and, fortunately, he confessed me back.” 
“And since then we have been living happily ever after. The end!” Lyney jokes and you and the twins giggles again. 
“So! Did you like the story?” you ask. 
Corinne is the first to nod eagerly. Her beautiful purple eyes shone like two amethysts in pure joy towards her parents' love story. 
Quentin in turn… 
“Meh. I thought Daddy had fight a dragon to save you.” 
You and Lyney stare at each other for a while before laughing loudly, catching the attention of Lynette and Freminet as they enter the kitchen. 
Yeah. You couldn't deny it. Fighting a dragon seemed more exciting in this case.
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“It’s more precise to say that love has fallen on me,” Kazuha said as he sat Kazumi on his right leg and little Kiyomi on his left. His children looked at him with a confused expression making him chuckle. 
“It was a long time ago. We were sailing on the waters east of Mondstadt when I felt an unknown agitation being carried by the wind currents.”
“You should know that it’s pretty rare to face sea creatures nowadays due to fishing, but at that time, it was an occurrence we faced quite often so we should've always be prepared for it. And as part of The Crux’s crew, it was my job to stay vigilant, so I immediately informed our captain and mates to stay alert and careful for a possible attack—although I must say I wasn’t alarmed as I should be. Something in my instincts told me to not be afraid,” he smiled at the memories. 
“Then, as if to confirm my predictions, we saw a shadow crossing the skies and falling not soon after. No one seemed to react in time, however, I had instantly prepared myself with the help of my vision for whatever was coming to us.” 
“That was when your mom fell directly into my arms, surprising everyone on the ship because I had just saved her life from a free fall after one of the wings of her wind glider broke,” the kids gasped and he kept softly smiling at them.
“I feared that your mama had hurt herself during the fall but when she finally looked at me she was giving me that gorgeous, bright smile of hers. I think it was at that exact moment where she had my heart.” 
“Until that moment I had never seen someone so beautiful in my life. She looked stunning, wonderful. As radiant as the first sun ray of the morning.”
“I could see she was thanking me for saving her life as her lips kept moving, but all I could do at that moment was stare at her, completely mesmerized. It was quite impossible not to be that one who was falling in love at that very moment.” 
“After that, she started accompanying us on some journeys and even took us on some of her adventures. I was in love with her free spirit, yes, but even more so with her person. It didn't take long for us to get closer, and starting to date her was as natural as having her in my life.”
“That's our story. It is still being written, however, this time we have you, our most beloved children, to share our memories with.”
As he finished it, Kazuha noticed the dreamy and joyful expressions on both children's faces. Kiyomi seemed the most enchanted by the story since she had inherited the romantic spirit of both her parents while Kazumi pretended to be unimpressed when in fact, inwardly, he was eager for more details of it. The patriarch couldn’t hide his amusement at the view. 
Both siblings showed excitedly their enthusiasm towards their parents’ love story with some funny and cute comments here and there which, eventually, drew your attention to the living room they were in.
When you walked in with a baby Haruki sleeping in your arms, your family stopped their conversation to stare at you which made you raise an eyebrow in confusion.
“What? Am I interrupting something? I heard a loud noise coming from here and came to see what you two little things were up to.” 
Kazumi and Kiyomi looked briefly at each other before giggling cutely. 
“Otochan was telling us the story of how you met and how he fell in love with you,” your daughter responds excitedly. 
This immediately brings a smile to your face, making you walk over and sit on the couch next to them, adjusting Haru comfortably in your arms as you lean towards your two older children and husband. 
“Oh, I love this story! Did you guys know? I literally fell for your dad!”
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It was late at night and you and Kaveh were putting Zahra to sleep. 
Normally, you and your husband would take turns with your daughter's nighttime routine so that the tasks wouldn’t be exhausting for only one person. 
However, the little girl had woken up sick that morning and had demanded her both parents' attention all day, acting more whiny than usual. So it wasn't unexpected that she also asked for both parents to be with her at bedtime.  
Lying in bed with Zahra, you stroked her blonde curls as she snuggled into the warmth of your embrace, happy for the attention she received. In turn, Kaveh was looking for a book from her mini library to read to her, although you could tell that he was having a hard time making the right choice since none of the options seemed to catch his daughter's attention. 
“Umm… We have The Boar Princess, Flowers for Princess Fischl, and The Fox in the Dandelion Sea but Daddy doesn’t know if you want me to read one of those titles again,” Kaveh showed her the books but Zahra denied them.
“No! Daddy already read The Boar Princess yesterday and I don't like Princess Fischl,” she responds grumpily, which draws a sigh of defeat from the architect. 
“Okay, I'm out of ideas. Azizam, I need help here.” 
You giggled softly but went to your husband's aid, “Well... How about we change the scene a little and tell you a different story?”
Zahra's eyes suddenly widened in curiosity and she nodded enthusiastically. 
“How about if we tell you something new? Something that doesn't even exist in books. The story of how Mommy and Daddy met!”
Kaveh, also seeming to brighten at your suggestion, takes the other spot on your daughter's tiny bed and wraps his arm around both of your waists.
“Ah, this is one of my favorite stories,” he comments, sending you a small smile. 
“It’s better than The Boar Princess, mummy?” asks Zahra excitedly. 
You laugh, “Much better than The Boar Princess, sweetheart. Honey, how about you do the honors?” you suggest in a mischievous tone that catches Kaveh off guard, but seeing that you weren't going to budge and his little princess seemed increasingly anxious, the architect cleared his throat before starting to recount about the day he finally met you.��
“Let’s see… It was at a time when life was a bit of a rollercoaster for me.”
“You know, I’ve always been very passionate about my work and have always dedicated myself to the maximum to bring my projects to life. I was ambitious, hard-working, and had dozens of clients but I was also quite ignorant. It didn't matter how great my desire to build houses and palaces was, or how strong were my inspiration when my wallet didn't match my reality. Neither did my mental state...” 
“Then one day I received a letter. It was the Liyue's Tianquan inviting me to participate in an exclusive civil construction project and my participation in this event would be of great honor.” 
“When I saw that opportunity, I grabbed it without thinking about the consequences. After all, it wasn't every day that I received a chance like that, and even though my work had a certain popularity, not all clients were able to follow my ideas. So I imagined that being in a foreign environment with people who apparently valued my projects would be like reaching the purpose I wanted. Plus the paycheck seemed to be rewarding too.” 
You snort in amusement at his last comment. 
“So I went to Liyue and soon I was in a huge meeting room with professionals coming from all Teyvat. As the project meeting continued I found myself increasingly out of place by the suggestions my colleagues were making. They were so closed-minded. When they’re thinking about time, I wanted quality. While they wanted cost savings, I wanted to do something to make the people involved in that construction feel worthy of a home. It was disappointing and I was starting to get sick of that place.”
“That’s when your mama decided to speak out,” the man’s eyes twinkled briefly. 
“Unlike those people who had simple and selfish ideals, your mom was brilliant, confident, and bold. Not only did she catch the attention of the men in that room with her beauty and elegance, but it was certainly her intelligence that captured the hearts of many that day. Including mine.” 
“Until that moment I hadn’t given my opinion, but knowing that one of the main people in charge had a similar vision to mine, I felt excited to give my ideas. It was one of the moments I felt most anxious too.” 
Zahra frowned, “Why Daddy?”
“I think at that moment I got it into my head that your mom had high expectations for me and I didn’t want to disappoint her.” 
“But luckily that wasn't the case as she seemed to approve each of my ideas. That’s how we ended up forming a partnership.” 
“As we worked together, I found myself liking her more and more. At the time, this was also a big obstacle for me as I didn’t like mixing my professional and personal relationships.”
"But— aah, your mama had a way of enchanting me every day. She appreciated my work and my dedication. She encouraged me to think bigger and challenged me to be bolder not only with my work but with myself. Somewhere along the way, our nightly sessions turned into conversations about life, ambitions, and even our struggles.”
“A few months later, when we finally finished the construction, I felt brave enough to confess my feelings to her, and guess what your mom said, Zaza?” 
“What? What did she say Daddy?” she asked expectantly. 
“Mama said she wouldn’t accept my feelings until I sorted my life out,” he huffed making you laugh and your daughter look at you in disbelief. 
“Don’t look at me like that, Zaza. At the time it was the right decision to make. I was already in love with your papa as much as he was with me, but I knew he wasn't ready to get into a relationship when he wasn't okay with himself. I wanted someone who could provide me security and was confidence in themselves, and your daddy didn’t have those qualities.”
“Ouch, azizam. You don’t need to rub it in!” 
“I’m just saying.”
Kaveh sighed resignedly, “Anyway, she said she wouldn’t accept my feelings but would wait for me as long as necessary.” 
“After that, I returned to Sumeru but this time determined to prove myself to her. I used every means possible to resolve my financial, family, and personal issues. I worked tirelessly to find my path and build my own home. And almost two years later I traveled back to Liyue. But this time I was sure I wouldn't leave without my girl, and so I did,” he finishes the story, and you clap softly while Zahra smiles tiredly. 
“It was a great story, azizam,” you comment, smiling, “But I think now it’s time to finish for today because our little princess needs to sleep well to wake up better tomorrow.” 
Kaveh looks at his daughter's sleepy eyes and agrees. 
You place Zahra back on her pillow and cover her with the blanket, placing a kiss on her forehead—Kaveh copying your gesture soon after.
Saying goodnight to the girl, you and your husband leave the room together, leaving the door ajar the way she liked it. 
On the way to your room, you couldn't help but notice how Kaveh looked so down and you frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
He clicks his tongue and turns his face to the other side, mumbling, “I was just thinking you didn't need to say that I didn't look confident back then, you know? What about now, azizam? What will my own daughter think of me? She’ll think I’m lame!”
You roll your eyes. 
“You surely look lame now.” 
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The heavy oak door creaked softly as Alhaitham entered the house, his mind finally relaxing after a long day at work. 
Right in the living room, the scribe identified your very focused presence with what he presumed to be correcting tests and homework. So as not to make his arrival go unnoticed, Alhaitham approaches and gently touches your shoulders, making you jump in scared. 
“I’m sorry, habibti. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says and you smile at him. 
“It’s okay, dear,” you reach for his hand and squeeze it in greeting, “But you should learn to make a little more noise, Haitham. Your presence is as subtle as that of a cat. Anyway, welcome home.” 
Alhaitham kisses the top of your head, “Thank you. Where is Hakim?”
You frown and look around the room but don't identify your son's presence anywhere.
“I am not sure, to be honest. He was here with me until a few minutes ago but I don't think watching his mother work is that fun. Maybe he's painting in his room? If he had gone out to play with the twins, he’d have told me,” You conclude. 
Your husband nods, but the faint gleam of recognition in his eyes announces that he already has an idea where the child could be. 
“Very well. I’ll change my clothes first and I’ll make us some tea right after, okay?” 
You nod in thanks and turn your attention to the paperwork while Alhaitham disappears through the halls of the house. 
Instead of making his way to your shared room, the scribe heads to the door of his office where he finds it ajar. Not surprised, Alhaitham approaches and through the small opening observes the brightly lit room as Hakim makes himself comfortable on the floor leafing through a specific book but surrounded by dozens of others—which he assumes have fallen to the floor as his son tried to reach them from the highest shelf. 
A mixture of fatherly pride and affection surfaced beneath his stoic exterior. 
Clearing his throat lightly, Alhaitham approaches with measured steps, not wanting to scare the boy.
“I thought I’d find you here,” he announces making Hakim jump in fright, just like his mother did. Alhaitham snorted in amusement. 
“Sorry Baba. I know you don’t like anyone touching your things, but I was going to tidy everything up later.” 
“It’s okay, Kim,” he replies calmly and sits down in the armchair located in the middle of the office, “What are you reading?”
Hakim smiles adorably showing off the book he was so interested in and Alhaitham couldn't help but chuckle. 
“It’s a cool book!” comments the boy, “I can't read what's written because there are lots of strange letters and drawings but they're cool too.” 
“I expect so. After all, your mother wrote this book.” 
Hakim’s interest peaks, “Really?” 
“Yes. It's one of my favorite ones, by the way. It was through it that I met her”, he pats his thighs inviting Hakim to sit on his lap which the boy accomplishes happily. 
Hakim leans back against his father's warm chest, hugging the book affectionately, “How did you two meet, Baba?”
Alhaitham was silent for a few seconds before letting out a reflective sigh. 
“It was at the same time that I was holding the position of Acting Grand Sage”, Alhaitham began, his voice taking on a nostalgic tone. 
“Sumeru was going through great changes due to everything that had happened and, inevitably, Akademiya had been one of the main places affected by it. I ended up temporarily taking on the role of the great sage out of respect for Buer's wise decision, although it wasn't exactly the job I was looking for.”
“There were many responsibilities, many commitments, and daily there were dozens of issues to be resolved due to years, centuries of bad motivations. So you can imagine how exhausting it was to rebuild an entire institution from zero and be that person that people followed orders.”  
“Until one day your mother suddenly appears as a new candidate for the position of professor in the Darshan of Haravatat.” 
“I hadn't met her at first since our paths never seemed to cross. Yet the words in the halls of the Akademiya were always the same: the new professor was like a breath of fresh air in that old institution—beautiful, kind, with a passion for knowledge that matched her beauty.”
He paused, remembering the scene as if it were yesterday. “One afternoon, I found myself in the library again, buried in a book—absorbing all that knowledge with a hunger that had previously been unknown to me. Little did I know that it was her book that I was reading. Such insight, elegance, and dedication to details had uniquely captivated me.”
“I was pretty engrossed in the text when I heard footsteps approaching,” Alhaitham continued, with a hint of amusement in his tone. “She stood by my side and gently asked about the book, curious to know what I thought, and so our conversation began.”
“We didn't talk much that day as I was a much more reserved person, but she was exactly as the scholars’ whispers described her. Through the brief talk we had, I was able to explore philosophical thoughts and complexities of life that I had never explored before. Your mother had a way of drawing out my thoughts, of making me see beyond the surface and into the depths of existence. That’s what attracted me to her in the first place.”  
“As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, we met at the library quite often. Our discussions deepened, and with each talk, I found myself opening up in ways I hadn't before.”
“I think she knew back then that she had caught my attention, although it took her a little longer to realize that she had stolen my heart,” he chuckles softly. Hakim smiles in delight.
“We began spending more time together beyond the Akademiya strongholds, exploring the world around us. It made me realize how much I wanted her in my life. In that same way. Every day." 
“And then one night, in our quiet sanctuary in that very hallway in the library, I told her those exact words,” Alhaitham's voice softened with love.
“She smiled that radiant smile of hers that illuminates even the darkest corners of my soul and said she felt the same way. At that moment, Hakim, it was like the stars aligned and everything fell into place.” 
“That’s how I met your mother, Kim. In the silent corners of knowledge and amid the pages of her wisdom, our love story began—a story woven with understanding, respect, and a bond that grows stronger with each passing day.”
Alhaitham ends the story with a slight smile to which his son imitates him, admiringly. 
“I hope one day I can meet someone like you and mama did, Baba.” 
The scribe smirks in amusement, “I hope for the same, child.”
Not long after, you made your entrance into the office carrying in your hands a tray with three cups of tea and milk and Hakim's favorite cookies. 
“I knew you boys were hiding out here,” you smile at your husband and son, completely oblivious to the story they just shared. “Come on. Let’s eat while the cookies are still warm.”
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The whole family was gathered in front of the fireplace reviewing some photos that you had captured and saved over the years. 
From your days as an eremite to the twins' first steps, every moment was recorded in several photographs that you kept with the greatest care so that, from time to time, you could remember them again with a nostalgic feeling. And currently, this was one of those moments. 
Aryan and Isaar were having fun with some older photos of Cyno, courtesy of Cyrus, while you and he organized the rest of the albums back into the box they belonged to. 
It was a serene moment, of pure bliss and harmony. Something you wish you could capture with your kamera again, but you'd rather enjoy just being with the people you loved most. 
“Hey Mama, what picture is that?” asks Isaar, breaking you out of your daydreams. 
When you recognize the black and white, slightly blurred image, a giggle couldn't help but escape your lips. 
“Aah, it's from our first date,” you reply happily, “If I'm not mistaken, Dehya and Candace had followed us that day and took this one. Nobody could believe that the emotionless and unapproachable General Mahamatra could go on a date with a beautiful girl, so I think they wanted to have proof that this day happened.” 
Cyno snorts and the twins nod in understanding, smiling at each other. 
“How did you and Baba meet?” Aryan asks shortly afterward, still mesmerized by the photo in his brother's hands. 
You and Cyno locked eyes briefly and a mischievous smirk crossed your face as the flicker of a smile curved his lips. 
“Well, you boys won't believe it, but it all started when I defeated your baba in a fight.” 
The smile on Cyno's face immediately disappeared, being replaced by an expression of slight unbelief and confusion. “You didn't defeat me, hayati. I remember very well that it was a draw.”
You made a slight grimace as if you didn't believe the blasphemy your husband was saying, which left him more incredulous than before, and your children quite amused. 
“These are irrelevant details, my love. Let’s pretend you never said that.” 
“Anyway, I was a different person back then,” you continued, your eyes shining with a mixture of mischief and pride. “Living according to my clan's philosophy but in a more devious and rebellious way, if I may say so. I wanted to chart a path in a way that’d only suit me.” 
“I used to do several illegal jobs for which the matras already persecuted me for, but it was deceiving the young and naive scholars from Akademiya that amused me and made my reputation grow among its guards. No need to give me that look, boys. Mama only took them to forbidden ruins and mausoleums in exchange for extra money,” you added the last part as you received strange looks from the twins. 
Cyno, seeing the scene, snorted in amusement, “You’re not helping yourself, hayati.”
“If they want to hear the true and complete version they better be prepared to hear what happened,” you wrinkled your nose. 
To save you from more possible judgments, Cyno resumed the thread, his deep voice cutting through the room. “I was immediately informed about the incidents that were occurring with certain frequency, and tasked with restoring order. It was supposed to be a job easily accomplished even by the lowest ranking among the matras, but not only were your mom’s activities not within the law, as no officer was a match for her strength either. Many scholars had not been discovered of their misconduct thanks to her,” he admitted, a slight affectionate smile crossing his face. 
His subtle compliment made you shy. 
“And just as your dad’s reputation preceded him, he tracked me like a bloodhound,” you said with a hint of admiration underlying your words. “Until one afternoon I caught myself off guard on the outskirts of the Sobek Oasis and he appeared announcing that he’d take me to the capital so I could have my punishment. I found him incredibly attractive at that moment, but I wasn't going to give in so easily either. In the end, we ended up fighting,” you giggled remembering the duel. Two forces of nature colliding: fire and thunder. 
“It was a draw,” Cyno resumes saying it again, “Although I must admit your mom gave me a bit of a hard time. It was my first time facing a formidable opponent who was equal to me—I dare say even superior to my abilities.” 
Isaar, the more curious of the twins, leaned forward, eyes wide with excitement, “What happened next?” 
You exchanged a knowing look with your husband, silently communicating with him. 
“Well, sometimes life surprises you,” you respond cryptically, reaching out to ruffle the child’s hair in affection. 
Cyno's gaze softened imperceptibly as he continued, “Our paths continued to cross after our first meeting. While on one hand your mom seemed not to give up what she was doing, I felt increasingly motivated, challenged to stop her—after all, not only was this affecting the performance of the Akademiya students, but it was also tarnishing the reputation of the matras who weren’t managing to deal with that situation.” 
“But as time passed and we kept facing each other, we also came to an understanding. Sometimes behind the clash of wills, there is a common thread. That’s how your mom and I realized we were stronger together than we were apart.”
Aryan, although quieter but no less attentive, absorbed his father's words with a thoughtful expression. 
“So, it was like fate, Mama?” he mused aloud.
You smiled warmly at your children, your heart filling with maternal pride. 
“Maybe it was. In an unpredictable way, but woven by the hands of fate,” you respond, your voice carrying the weight of years of shared history and love.
As the night progressed, you and Cyno continued to tell the twins your stories of adventures, challenges overcome, and the unshakable bond that had been born in infertile soil and blossomed into a deep, beautiful and lasting partnership. 
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kitt-katsu · 4 months
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it's hard to be a single father
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