#Get BookMaker Pro
librarycards · 6 months
hello! i apologize in advance this is probably something that you get asked a lot. but do you have any recs on literary magazines to submit to? im a trans poet, ive been writing for over a decade but never shared anything and ive been wanting to try to send my stuff to get it published somewhere. obv ive been google searching but theres so many big and small publications and i was wondering if you have ones you like especially and/or tips on how to choose a magazine/journal to submit to. thanks a lot! <3
no worries, thank you for reaching out!! i've been publishing for like 8 years + an editor for almost 4, so i always appreciate the opportunity to help people new to the world find ethical publications that will treat their work with the care it deserves.
first and foremost: there are going to be pubs out there that are awesome and i don't know about. you may be the one to discover them for yourself! one aid in finding the best mag for your work is the wonderful, writer-created chillsubs. it's a fantastic platform that keeps a huge list of mags and presses and their relevant stats, and lets you create an account and bookmark those you're interested in. everyone i know uses them, and it's very worth it given the sheer volume of mags out there.
i also have some recs of my own, ofc. i'm going to list them below. if they pay (which i prioritize) I'll mark them with a $. some are trans/queer focused and some aren't, but all are pubs i've either edited and/or published with and can confirm their ethics + respect for writers.
manywor(l)ds - my mag! i'm co-founder and eic. break genre _ shapeshift with us. ($)
Sinister Wisdom - old, well-regarded lesbian+ lit mag, now open to everyone who is/loves a dyke. I'm guest-editing an issue on Madness with them, now open for submissions!
fifth wheel press - run by a beloved friend and comrade of mine. i've published here. excellent transparency, care, great for first-timers. ($).
kith books - headed by trans literary icon kat blair. a mag/press/community centered around bodymind non-conformity and noncompliance.
Honey Literary - QTPOC-centered, unabashedly pop-culture + social justice oriented. the vibes are simply immaculate.
Whale Road Review - not queer/trans focused, more oriented toward....'grown up' poetry/prose/pedagogy papers. Katie Manning (eic) is a fucking gem.
Graphic Violence Lit - just had my first experience publishing with them, and their care + consideration for the whole writer is amazing. they publish boundary-pushing work.
beestung - one of the brainchildren of Sarah Clark. nb/gq/2s SFF. I just edited a few guest issues w them and have published with them. amazing work. ($)
A Velvet Giant - genrequeer work. the editors are experienced, enthusiastic, and amazing at promoting writers long after publication. it's a family! ($)
Ethel Zine + Press - handmade with love by Sara Lefsyk (as you can see, trans/nonbinary/2s sarahs dominate indie publishing, as well we should :3). Sara is a sensitive and care-full editor and bookmaker whose every publication is a work of art.
Protean - pro- as in proletariat. awesome left mag with a mix of politics and culture and everything in between. they take reprints! ($)
Mudroom - publish your work along with a picture of your mudroom/shoe rack. very responsive editors who will hype you tf up. ($)
The Institutionalized Review - for psych survivors. the editors concreteness of vision and dedication to their community know no bounds.
Just Femme + Dandy - queer and fashion-focused! led by the inimitable Addie Tsai. They pay *handsomely*. ($)
In addition, there are also some "big" mags I have had excellent experiences publishing with and wanted to shout out. These are harder for a beginner to break into, but worth keeping on your radar + have been fantastic to me as a writer.
Electric Lit
Split Lip Magazine
The Offing
Nat. Brut
Santa Fe Writers' Project
New Orleans Review
Augur Magazine
I hope this is helpful to you + others! the literary world is ever-changing and this is just a snapshot. Hopefully you find some that you like!
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“You can’t force a Dog to Run”
That is a sentence used by practically every pro-greyhound racing supporter at some stage during any greyhound racing argument. And there’s a kernel of truth there, you can’t stop a dog from running, and Greyhound do indeed love to run and have a genetic instinct to chase. But what happens when the dog doesn’t want to run?
This is Greyhound “Songful Bird”. She is 23 months old, born and bred in Ireland, exported and racing in the UK. Whilst being loaded into Trap Two at Kinsley Greyhound Track, Songful Bird very clearly did not want to enter the box and struggled to get away from the steward/handler. She made a break from the box but was pinned to the ground by Four grown men and roughly manhandled back into the trap. Upon leaving the box, she veers dramatically across the track, almost clipping another dog and endangering the rest with her erratic running pattern. This is not a dog running for fun, but a dog, panicked and running in fear.
Songful Bird very clearly did not want to race at this occasion, and despite her attempt to flee, was forced into a situation where she was distressed, roughly handled and potentially suffered physically injury but the grown man falling ontop of her or the resulting blind panic run away from her aggressors. The race should have been stopped at the first sign of issue, or the very least, Songful Bird should have been pulled from the running. But the bookmakers were already set up and ready, and for them, the show must go on.
Very telling that none of the stewards present felt anything was wrong forcefully shoving the dog into the trap, and that neither a track vet or welfare officer stepped in at any point to remove the clearly distressed dog from the situation. If welfare was truly at the heart of Greyhound Racing, Songful Bird would not have been put through this abuse.
If you love Dogs, Dont Support Greyhound Racing.
TW: #AnimalAbuse, #DogAbuse, #PhysicalManhandling, #DogNeglect, #DistressedAnimal, #DistressedDog
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CB Ninja Review – Create Premium ClickBank Affiliate Sites Instantly
Welcome to my CB Ninja Review Post, This is a genuine user-based CB Ninja review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how CB Ninja can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Bard AI PaLM 2 Technology That Creates Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank Affiliate Sites That Instantly Rank Themselves on Google.
Imagine that IntelliVid AI Studio is offering a new solution that is driven by AI. It gets people’s attention, keeps them interested, and gets things done in all kinds of fields. But the usual way of making high-quality videos can take a long time and cost a lot of money. You also need to know a lot about filming, writing scripts, and special software. This new tool makes it possible for anyone, even those who don’t know much about technology, to make videos. IntelliVid AI Studio simplifies the video creation process and can turn your text into blank movies that look professional in just minutes. The app does all the hard work, from writing stories and choosing images to adding voiceovers that sound like people speaking different languages. We’ll look at how much it costs and how easy it is to use to see if this AI-powered tool can change the way you make videos.
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CB Ninja Review: What Is CB Ninja?
CB Ninja positions itself as an all-in-one ClickBank affiliate marketing platform that leverages AI technology to streamline website creation and content management. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the creation of websites and content specifically designed to promote products on the ClickBank marketplace.
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Imagine this: with just a few clicks, CB Ninja promises to generate product reviews, blog posts, and even build a professional-looking website for you. This all sounds very appealing, especially for beginners who might be overwhelmed by the technical aspects of affiliate marketing. However, before jumping in, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of relying on AI-powered website creation.
CB Ninja Review: Overview
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Creator: Abhijit Saha
Product: CB Ninja
Date Of Launch: 2024-May-18
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Rating: 9.5/10
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “CBNINJASPL” Get $5 OFF Any Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: About Authors
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Abhijit Saha created CB Ninja, a cutting-edge tool that allows affiliate marketers to generate money in a matter of seconds. Abhijit has an extensive history in both marketing and technology, and he has used this knowledge to automate and improve ClickBankTM affiliate sites, among other digital frontiers.
Abhijit Saha has a track record of successful ventures that demonstrate his ability to integrate cutting-edge innovation with innovative marketing strategies. He has worked on several significant projects, including WebCon, WebinarX, BookMaker Pro, Domainify, Designo Ai, MegaSuite Ai, SendPRO, AiPro, CloudzPro, Course Ally, CourseCreator, CourseMate, CopyMATE, CopyPRO, and many other.
CB Ninja Review: Features
Use Artificial Intelligence To Create Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites
Get High Ranks For Your Affiliate Sites With No Extra Efforts
Create Plagiarism Free Review For Hottest ClickBank TM Products
Ensure Effortless Monetization Using Reviews & Videos For Top Products
Get Max Affiliate Commissions From Your Promotions of ClickBank TM & JVzoo TM offers
Works For Any Device Or Windows, MacOS, Linux, Chromebook
No Huge Investment- Its Pocket Friendly
CBNinja Is All-In-One Platform So You Just Sit Back & Relax
Ultra Fast Dedicated Support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Included
CB Ninja Review: How Does It Work?
All This & More In Just 3 Easy Steps (And There’s NO Huge Investment Or Time Needed)
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<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: Can Do For You
First To Market Bard AI PaLM 2 Technology That Creates Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites Like Never Before
Create Premium ClickBank TM Affiliate Sites That Get High Ranks On Google TM In 3 Easy Clicks Within Days
Use Artificial Intelligence To Automate Everything & Create Top Notch Affiliate Sites On The Fly
Ensure Effortless Monetization Using Reviews & Videos For Top Products Like Never Before
Smartly Add JVzoo TM Affiliate Link To Any Keyword For Extra Monetization
Fill Your Sites With Daily Videos Reviews from AI On Top Trending Products Across ClickBank TM
We’re Using CBNinja To Make Tons Of Commissions From World’s Leading Affiliate Platform ClickBank TM
Create Sites For Any Offer In Any Niche With No Prior Tech Hassles Or Coding Skills
Use These Stunning Affiliate Sites To Create Multiple Set & Forget Passive Income Streams
Proprietary Tech Helps Join Thousands Of Marketers Who’re Making Billions Of Dollars On ClickBank TM
Never Worry About Paying Huge Money Monthly To Expensive Third Party Platforms
100% Easy To Use, Newbie Friendly Technology That’s Never Seen Before
CB Ninja Review: Who Should Use It?
Artists/Content Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Product Creators
Personal Brands
CB Ninja Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Coupon Code “CBNINJAADMIN″ — For 30% Off Full Funnel
Front End Price: CB Ninja ($17)
OTO 1: CB Ninja Pro ($47)
OTO 2: CB Ninja Unlimited ($47)
OTO 3: CB Ninja Bard Engine ($37)
OTO 4: CB Ninja DFY ($67 — $97)
OTO 5: CB Ninja Agency ($97)
OTO 6: CB Ninja Reseller ($97)
OTO 7: CB Ninja Whitelabel ($97 — $197)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest CB Ninja Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
CB Ninja Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Google Bard — Chatbot
This has the ability to extract information from specific websites. By integrating web scraping techniques, it can navigate through websites, retrieve targeted communication, and deliver it directly to the user within the chat interface. Whether it’s fetching the latest blog posts, extracting product details, or retrieving specific data from online resources, our chatbot is designed to be a reliable and efficient source of information.
Bonus #2: AI Content Generator Software
This is an innovative SaaS platform that harnesses the power of OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to provide your users with a range of exceptional features. WriteBot, users can effortlessly generate unique and plagiarism-free content and images, taking advantage of multiple languages for enhanced versatility.
Bonus #3: OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator
This is designed to help you generate high-quality content instantly, without breaking a sweat.
AI Text Generator
AI Image Generator
AI Code Generator
AI ChatBot
AI Speech to Text
Bonus #4: Job Finder Pro (Full Access)
You can start your own fully automated job search engine affiliate website from this software within minutes. Let your visitors search millions of jobs published on thousands of websites in the world and earn money by driving traffic to the original job listing website.
Bonus #5: Affiliate Management Software
This powerful tool not only simplifies the launch of affiliate marketing campaigns but also propels your e-commerce platform toward unparalleled growth and success.
Bonus #6: Affiliate Link Sharing Platform
it has many awesome features, like Drag & Drop Page Builder, drag & Drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder, and many more. it’s compatible with Desktops, laptops, and mobile and also compatible with major browsers. it has an Advertisement module, you can show banners/script/google Adsense add from the admin panel, all add show impressions and click count in the admin panel, also shown in random order in the website frontend
CB Ninja Review: Money Back Guarantee
Your Purchase Is Covered With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We built CB Ninja to empower our audience to maximise affiliate income by developing 100% done-for-you affiliate sites for top popular ClickBank TM goods like a pro. Even if you have the least hesitation, we want to reassure you that our 100% money-back guarantee is on your side. Simply give it a try for the next 30 days, and if you believe our technology isn’t meeting your expectations on Technical Ground, we will return your whole purchase price, PERIOD.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
CB Ninja Review: Pros and Cons
Saves time and effort with AI-powered content creation and website building.
Low barrier to entry for beginners with no coding experience.
Potentially boosts website traffic and sales with relevant, keyword-targeted content.
Frees users to focus on marketing and promotion, a crucial aspect of affiliate success.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with CB Ninja.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
CBNinja was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills. You Just Need a WordPress to Start!
Q. Is CBNinja really an easy-to-use platform?
The biggest benefits is that you just need to follow 3 easy steps we’ve mentioned on the page, & be on the right track to create tons of WP affiliate sites loaded with top product reviews without being a geek.
Q. Do you provide a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- CBNinja comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guide you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help. The word “lifetime” applies to the lifetime of the product. This average lifetime of a product of this nature and price to be supported is approximately 5 years.
CB Ninja Review: My Recommendation
CB Ninja can be a compelling option for beginners or busy individuals seeking a quick entry into ClickBank affiliate marketing. Its user-friendly interface and time-saving features can help you get a website up and running fast. However, be mindful of limitations in customization and potential shortcomings of AI-generated content. Carefully evaluate your goals and priorities. If you prioritize a unique website brand or long-term SEO strategy, CB Ninja might not be the best fit. For those seeking a starting point to experiment with ClickBank promotions, CB Ninja can offer a valuable launchpad, but remember, success in affiliate marketing goes beyond just having a website.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now CB Ninja Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: AI Employees Review, OverLap AI Review, AI CaptureFlow Review, FlexiSitesAI Review, WP Defense Review, HostDaddy Review , Valor App Review, Crypto Cloud Review.
Thank for reading my CB Ninja Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This CB Ninja review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.
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bbjbjbjbj · 2 months
Unlocking Success: Proven Sports Betting Strategies to Boost Your Wins
In the world of sports betting, success isn't just about luck—it's about strategy. While the allure of a big win can be tempting, seasoned bettors know that sustainable success comes from employing proven methods and sticking to a well-thought-out plan. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just starting out, understanding these strategies can significantly increase your odds of winning.
Bankroll Management: One of the fundamental principles of successful sports betting is effective bankroll management. Your bankroll is the amount of money you have set aside specifically for betting. It's crucial to establish a budget and stick to it, only wagering a small percentage of your total bankroll on each bet. This helps mitigate losses during inevitable rough patches and ensures you can continue betting over the long term.
Research and Analysis: Knowledge is power in sports betting. Take the time to research teams, players, and matchups thoroughly. Look beyond surface-level statistics and delve into factors such as injuries, team dynamics, and historical performance in similar situations. By arming yourself with comprehensive information, you can make more informed betting decisions.
Value Betting: Instead of simply betting on the outcome you think is most likely, focus on identifying bets with positive expected value (EV). This means finding opportunities where the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than the true probability of the outcome occurring. Keep an eye out for mispriced odds or overlooked opportunities that present value for savvy bettors.
Line Shopping: Not all bookmakers offer the same odds, so it pays to shop around for the best lines. Even a slight difference in odds can have a significant impact on your long-term profitability. Utilize comparison sites or apps to quickly compare odds from multiple bookmakers and place your bets where you can get the most favorable terms.
Emotional Discipline: Emotions have no place in sports betting. It's essential to remain disciplined and avoid letting emotions dictate your betting decisions. Whether you're riding a winning streak or facing a string of losses, stick to your predetermined strategy and avoid chasing losses or overbetting in the heat of the moment.
Diversification: Just as in traditional investing, diversification is key to minimizing risk in sports betting. Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, spread your bets across different sports, leagues, and types of bets. This helps mitigate losses in case one bet or market doesn't pan out as expected.
By incorporating these strategies into your sports betting approach, you can increase your chances of long-term success and maximize your profits. Remember, success in sports betting isn't about winning every bet—it's about making consistent, informed decisions that tilt the odds in your favor.
For more insights and expert analysis on sports betting strategies, visit https://bdbet.net/. Whether you're a novice bettor or a seasoned pro, BDbet provides comprehensive resources and tools to help you elevate your betting game and achieve greater success.
Start implementing these strategies today and watch as your winnings soar to new heights. Happy betting!
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isoccerng · 5 months
Get reviews on the best sport betting websites in Nigeria
The website of iSoccering provides betting tips and betting reviews, all of which are genuine. A betting site review at iSoccering consists of a list of outstanding features at the top, a checklist of prominent features, pros, and cons, detailed information about its welcome offer, in-depth insights about the topic of each category, and a conclusion, where we provide our overall bookmaker rating. A betting site assessment at iSoccerng works on 10 different categories, where we give each one a rating out of 5. We also evaluate non-sportsbook and non-exchange features and products in an 11th category to provide a holistic assessment of each operator, which doesn’t count towards the final rating. Through our website, you get informed about the best sport betting websites in Nigeria
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affiliateinz · 5 months
Book Maker Pro Review
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With BookMaker Pro, Anyone Can Create & Sell Premium Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations loaded with Beautiful Templates, Powerful AI Images Under Their Brand Name To Business Owners read cearfully BookMaker Pro Review
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Table of Contents
Book Maker Pro Review: What Is It?
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Book Maker Pro is touted as using Microsoft Copilot AI to generate professionally looking documents in various niches, including Children’s stories, Fiction, Business, Novels, and more.
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Book Maker Pro Review: Overview
Creator: Abhijit Saha
Product: Book Maker Pro
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jan-26
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Software (online)
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Book Maker Pro Review: Key Features
BookMaker Pro Review here are the most useful Key Features
Microsoft Copilot AI:
Utilizes advanced AI technology from Microsoft Copilot for document creation.
Versatile Document Types:
Supports the creation of various document types, including Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Business Related eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, and Project Report Presentations.
Passive Income through Online Courses and E-books: A Comprehensive Guide
Templates Variety:
Comes with a diverse range of templates for different document types.
AI-Generated Images:
Includes powerful AI-generated images for use in documents.
100% PLR Rights:
AI-generated images come with 100% Private Label Rights, allowing users to use them freely.
Monetization Opportunities:
Users are encouraged to sell their created documents globally, with suggested pricing ranging from $85 to $565.
Passive Income Streams:
Distribute documents on various platforms (online retailers, social media, affiliate marketing, email marketing) to generate passive income streams.
User-Friendly Interface:
Designed to be user-friendly, catering to both newbies and experienced users.
Document Distribution:
Facilitates the distribution of documents to a variety of platforms for wider reach.
No Writing or Design Skills Required:
Promotes the creation of professional documents without the need for extensive writing, design, or coding skills.
Global eBook Industry Opportunity:
Positioned as an opportunity to tap into the growing demand in the global eBook industry.
Limited-Time Offer Pricing:
Emphasizes a limited-time offer with a one-time fee of $17, suggesting potential price increase afterward.
Step-by-Step Video Training:
Comes with step-by-step video training to guide users through the document creation process.
Support for Various Devices:
Documents created work on various devices, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Chromebook.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Assures users a 30-day money-back guarantee.
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Book Maker Pro Review: How Does It Work?
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Book Maker Pro Review: Can Do For You
Information Retrieval: Provide information on a variety of topics, including facts, definitions, explanations, and general knowledge.
Writing Assistance: Generate creative writing, articles, blog posts, essays, or any other written content based on your input or prompts.
Language Translation: Translate text between different languages.
Coding Help: Offer assistance with coding and programming-related questions, explanations, or code snippets.
Problem Solving: Help with problem-solving, providing solutions, or guiding you through step-by-step processes.
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Learning New Topics: Explain concepts, theories, or principles on various subjects to help you understand them better.
Conversation and Engagement: Engage in casual conversation, answer questions, and provide companionship.
Creativity and Ideas: Generate ideas for projects, brainstorming sessions, or creative endeavors.
Summarization: Summarize long articles, documents, or passages.
Proofreading and Editing: Review and suggest improvements for written content.
Learning New Skills: Provide basic information and guidance on learning new skills or acquiring knowledge in specific areas.
Book Maker Pro Review: Who Should Use It?
Content Creators
Small Business Owners
Affiliate Marketers
Online Retailers
Legal Professionals
Project Managers
Social Media Marketers
Nonprofit Organizations
Graphic Designers
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Book Maker Pro Review: OTO And Pricing
Book Maker Pro ($17)
BookMaker Pro Review here is your OTO And Pricing
OTO1: BookMaker Pro Premium [$47] 
Remove Watermark of Powered by BookMaker Pro
Remove Watermark from Images 
Unlock Formal Letter Maker
Unlock Custom Content Maker (create any custom document that can be written in the world)
Integration with Pixabay, Pexel, Unsplash Also to get more Image creatives
OTO2: BookMaker Pro Unlimited [$47] 
With FE you can only create 1 Document per day in any category like eBooks, Presentation, Novels etc, that means it will take 136 Years to Generate 50k eBooks. But with unlimited upgrade…
Create Unlimited documents within a day
Unlimited Images
Unlimited Languages
Unlimited Formats
Unlimited Downloads
OTO3: BookMaker Pro Ultimate [$47] 
Unlock Stunning Cover Maker to Create Stunning Covers for Your eBooks, Reports and Presentations
Unlock Unlimited Cover Maker
Insert your custom link to your documents to get More traffic, leads & Profit (1 link)
Insert Unlimited Custom Links.
OTO4: BookMaker Pro Pages [$47] 
Create custom Landing Pages for selling your eBooks for Free or charge price
Unlock eBook Selling platform to sell your ebooks from one marketplace
Integrate different Payment options
OTO5: BookMaker Pro Agency [$97] 
Get Premium Agency of BookMaker Pro.
Create Unlimited accounts for your clients
Sell Unlimited BookMaker Pro Accounts
Get Unlimited Earning Potential
OTO6: BookMaker Pro Reseller [$97] 
Sell BookMaker Pro to hungry clients and keep 100% profits in your pocket with resell rights.
OTO7: BookMaker Pro Whitelabel [$97] 
Unlock Advanced Whitelabel License & Start Your Own Profitable Software Business.
Rebrand Entire Tool 
Add Your Own Branding 
Your Own Logo & Product Name.
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And before ending my legit Book Maker Pro Review I have promised to give you my very Special Unique Own Developed PFTSES Formula for FREE.
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We created Book Maker Pro to give our audience the ability to create professional books & business documents loaded with premium content & images in 3 easy steps. Even if you have the slightest doubt in your mind, we’d like to assure you that our 100% money back guarantee is there by your side.
Just give it a try for the next 30 days, and if you get the feeling that our technology isn’t living up to your expectations, we’ll refund your full money, PERIOD.
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
The software is presented as a solution for quick and efficient document creation, leveraging AI technology to cater to various content needs. However, individuals interested in using Book Maker Pro are advised to conduct additional research, consider user reviews, and review the specific terms and conditions, especially regarding the limited-time pricing and the money-back guarantee, before making a purchase decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
Book Maker Pro was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills. You Just Need a WordPress to Start.
Is Book Maker Pro an easy-to-use platform?
The biggest benefit is that you just need to follow the 3 easy steps we’ve mentioned on the page, & be on the right track to create premium books & business documents loaded with stunning images & content without being a geek. 
Do you provide a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- Book Maker Pro comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, and easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any queries, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
>> Get Book Maker Pro + My $39,000 Bonus To Boost Up Your Earnings MORE and you won’t find these bonuses anywhere <<
Thank you for taking the time to read my rest of the article, BookMaker Pro Review
BookMaker Pro Review
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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marketingprofitmedia · 5 months
BookMaker Pro Review – Create eBooks & Documents In 60 Sec
Welcome to my BookMaker Pro Review Post. This is a real user-based BookMaker Pro Review Review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus how BookMaker Pro Review can help you, and my opinion. AI Based Professional eBook Creator That Makes 50,000+ Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report, Presentations loaded with Beautiful Templates, Powerful AI Images with 100% PLR Rights and More.
When you need a safe place to unleash your imagination, go no further than BookMaker Pro. Complex layouts and expert design are no longer the purview of graphic designers. This user-friendly website fills the gap, allowing anybody, regardless of ability level, to access amazing publications.
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BookMaker Pro Review: What Is It?
BookMaker Pro isn’t just a software, it’s a portal to your creative potential. Imagine a platform where anyone, from aspiring authors to seasoned entrepreneurs, can whip up professional-looking books, ebooks, and captivating documents in a matter of clicks. Think drag-and-drop ease, where pre-designed templates become your canvas, and advanced text formatting tools transform your words into captivating narratives. No design jargon or coding headaches, just pure creative freedom.
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BookMaker Pro Review: Overview
Creator: Abhijit Saha
Product: BookMaker Pro
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jan-26
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Official Website: Click Here
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount : Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
BookMaker Pro Review: Key Features
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BookMaker Pro Review: Can Do For You
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BookMaker Pro Review: Who Should Use It?
Authors and aspiring writers
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Anyone with a story to tell
BookMaker Pro Review: OTO And Pricing
Front End Price: BookMaker Pro [$17]
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Book Maker Pro Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
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BookMaker Pro Review: Money Back Guarantee
Your Purchase Is Covered With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We launched BookMaker Pro to enable our users to produce professional books and business documents rich with quality material and photos in three simple steps. Even if you have the least hesitation, we want to reassure you that our 100% money-back guarantee is on your side. Simply give it a try for the next 30 days, and if you believe that our technology isn’t meeting your expectations, we’ll return your whole purchase price, period.
Book Maker Pro Review: Conclusion
In conclusion, BookMaker Pro isn’t just a design platform, it’s a creative revolution. It empowers anyone to craft captivating publications without the design wizardry of yore. From effortless layout building to rich multimedia integration, it’s the perfect launchpad for your ideas. So, embrace your inner author, unleash your voice, and let BookMaker Pro transform your vision into publications that captivate, inform, and inspire. The world awaits your next masterpiece!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
BookMaker Pro was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills. You Just Need a WordPress to Start.
Q. Is BookMaker Pro an easy-to-use platform?
The biggest benefit is that you just need to follow the 3 easy steps we’ve mentioned on the page, & be on the right track to create premium books & business documents loaded with stunning images & content without being a geek.
Q. Do you provide a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- BookMaker Pro comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, and easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any queries, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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Thank for reading my BookMaker Pro Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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wagerhome-blog · 7 months
With No Unbeatens Left, NFL Super Bowl Odds Shift
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It’s not just that the NFL’s last two remaining unbeaten teams lost on Sunday. It’s how they lost, and who they lost to. The San Francisco 49ers were seen as the class of the league this NFL season, steamrolling their opponents, including their biggest NFL game of the year, a 42-10 Week 5 win over the Cowboys. But this week, facing a backup quarterback in P.J. Walker, the Niners lost 19-17 and managed just 215 total yards. The Eagles hadn’t been winning by the same margins as the 49ers, but they were winning with the same frequency. But then, on Sunday, they turned the ball over four times, including three interceptions by Jalen Hurts, and they lost to the Jets, 20-14. Who remains worthy of your Super Bowl bet?
Current Odds to Win NFL Super Bowl LVIII
- Kansas City Chiefs (+450) - San Francisco 49ers (+450) - Philadelphia Eagles (+750) - Buffalo Bills (+800) - Miami Dolphins (+1000) - Dallas Cowboys (+1100) - Detroit Lions (+1400) - Baltimore Ravens (+1600) The Kansas City Chiefs now have the longest winning streak in the NFL at five games. They aren’t blowing people out offensively, but they are playing much better defense than in years past, and their margin for victory is actually higher than last year. The 49ers are still a great team, and a bad game against really good defense doesn’t change that. And one bad game from Brock Purdy doesn’t undo all of the good games he’s played in San Francisco. The Buffalo Bills remain as the fourth betting favorite, but they were just one yard away from losing to the hapless Giants at home, following up on their poor performance in London. This feels like an overpay, considering how poorly they have played the last two weeks.
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The Dolphins have the best offense in the NFL, and even as they begin to take some nicks - rookie running back De’Von Achane is on IR - their explosiveness hasn’t changed. They scored the final 42 points in their blowout win over the Panthers this week. The Detroit Lions at +1400 should feel disrespected. They beat the Chiefs straight up, albeit against a Chiefs team missing two All-Pros. But all of their other wins have come by double-digits, including this week’s 20-6 easy victory on the road at Tampa Bay. Detroit’s lone loss came in overtime against a good Seattle team. The Lions have seen improving odds each week, thanks to their 5-1 record, but both the Bills and Cowboys have more losses than the Lions and really bad losses at that.
Pay Per Head Software
This week, there is a full schedule of NFL games, with no one of the bye. There are also four games this weekend between teams in the top-25 in college football. Twenty-one of the top-25 is in action overall. Plus, we have the Major League Baseball Championship Series. Independent bookmakers looking to take full advantage of the packed schedule need to be partnered with a top pay per head software provider. With WagerHome.com, you get a fully customizable website, access to WagerHome’s huge menu of sports and betting options, plus EZ Live betting. See a demo today at WagerHome.com. Read the full article
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thebettingbrokers · 11 months
From Amateurs to Pros: Elevate Your Betting with Australia's Best Horse Racing Tips and Bookmakers!
Calling all horse racing enthusiasts! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, our top-notch horse racing tips and best bookmakers in Australia are here to elevate your betting game. Don't leave your success to chance; gain an edge with expert analysis, insider tips, and top bookies offering unbeatable odds and promotions. Get ready to gallop towards betting success with our carefully curated resources!
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8xbet-media · 1 year
Unknown Gambling Facts of Vietnam
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From traditional games to modern online casinos like 8Xbet, this Southeast Asian country offers a unique experience for gamblers worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore the unknown facts of gambling in Vietnam - from the different types of games available to the pros and cons of indulging in this activity. So sit back and get ready to discover everything you need to know about gambling in Vietnam!
The Gambling Scene in Vietnam
Vietnam has a long history of gambling, dating back to ancient times. The Vietnamese people have always enjoyed games of chance and skill, and this can be seen in the many different types of gambling that are available throughout the country. One popular form of gambling in Vietnam is cockfighting, where two roosters fight each other until one is declared the winner. This activity is illegal but still takes place in some areas despite government crackdowns. Another traditional form of gambling in Vietnam is bầu cua cá cọp or "crab fishing," which involves betting on which crab will crawl into a designated hole first. This game is often played during festivals and holidays. In recent years, online casinos like 8Xbet have become increasingly popular among Vietnamese gamblers due to their convenience and accessibility. However, these websites operate outside of Vietnamese law and are technically illegal. Despite the legal restrictions surrounding certain forms of gambling, it remains an integral part of Vietnamese culture and continues to attract locals and tourists alike.
The Different Types of Gambling in Vietnam
Vietnam has a thriving gambling industry that offers various types of games to cater to different players' preferences. One of the popular forms of gambling in Vietnam is lottery gaming. The government-run lottery system, known as Vietlott, offers several games like Power 6/55 and Max 3D. These lotteries are drawn twice or thrice weekly and have gained immense popularity among locals. Another popular form of gambling in Vietnam is sports betting. Football is by far the most betted sport, attracting millions of Vietnamese punters who place bets on local and international matches through bookmakers both online and offline. Apart from these forms of gambling, there are also private casinos offering table games such as baccarat, roulette, blackjack which attract wealthy tourists mainly from Asia - particularly China where casino establishments are typically banned. Finally we have card game clubs which offer a more low-key environment for gamblers to enjoy their favorite pastime; however it's worth noting that this type of activity exists within somewhat grey areas with regards to legality given its non-governmental regulation status,. In conclusion Vietnam boasts many opportunities for individuals looking to try their luck at various types of legalised gambling activities across multiple platforms which hold varying levels & limits based on national/local regulations but nevertheless provide thrill-seekers with plenty options!
The Pros and Cons of Gambling in Vietnam
Gambling has both its advantages and disadvantages in Vietnam. One of the primary benefits is that it generates significant revenue for the government, which can then be used to fund social programs and infrastructure development. Additionally, casinos provide employment opportunities for locals. However, there are also negative aspects associated with gambling in Vietnam. One major concern is the potential for addiction among players- leading to financial ruin and family breakdowns. Furthermore, gambling-related crime such as money laundering cannot be overlooked. Another drawback of gambling in Vietnam is that it often attracts tourists who are not interested in other cultural or historical aspects of the country - this may lead to a loss of cultural identity if left unchecked. While some people view it as just harmless fun but others see it as morally problematic due to religious beliefs or cultural practices. All things considered, there are certainly pros and cons associated with gambling in Vietnam- ultimately whether you believe it's good or bad depends on your own values and priorities!
What to Expect When Gambling in Vietnam
When gambling in Vietnam, it's important to know the local laws and regulations surrounding the activity. While some forms of gambling are legal in Vietnam, others are strictly prohibited. Tourists should beware that participating in illegal gambling activities can result in fines or even imprisonment. In addition, be prepared for a different atmosphere when visiting Vietnamese casinos compared to those found elsewhere in the world. Gambling venues here tend to be more subdued and less flashy than their counterparts in places like Las Vegas or Macau. Another aspect that sets Vietnamese gambling establishments apart is the emphasis on socializing while playing games such as bai choi or xi dach (blackjack). It's not uncommon for players to engage with each other during gameplay, making it a more communal experience. While there may be some differences compared to what you're used to back home, gamblers visiting Vietnam can still expect an enjoyable and unique experience at one of the many legal casinos available throughout the country.
To sum it up, gambling in Vietnam is a fascinating and unique experience that offers both pros and cons. From traditional games to modern casinos such as 8Xbet, there are many ways to enjoy the thrill of gambling in this beautiful country. However, it’s important to remember that gambling can be addictive and may lead to financial problems if not done responsibly. If you’re planning on trying your luck at one of Vietnam’s casinos or betting shops, be sure to do your research beforehand and set yourself a budget. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your experience remains enjoyable while minimizing any potential risks. Whether you’re an experienced gambler or just looking for some new entertainment options during your travels in Vietnam, the country's diverse range of games is sure to provide something for everyone. So why wait? Go ahead and explore the unknown gambling facts of Vietnam today!
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isoccerng · 7 months
Get reviews on the best sport betting websites in Nigeria | iSoccering
The website of iSoccering provides betting tips and betting reviews, all of which are genuine. A betting site review at iSoccering consists of a list of outstanding features at the top, a checklist of prominent features, pros, and cons, detailed information about its welcome offer, in-depth insights about the topic of each category, and a conclusion, where we provide our overall bookmaker rating. A betting site assessment at iSoccerng works on 10 different categories, where we give each one a rating out of 5. We also evaluate non-sportsbook and non-exchange features and products in an 11th category to provide a holistic assessment of each operator, which doesn’t count towards the final rating. Through our website, you get informed about the best sport betting websites in Nigeria. https://isoccerng.com/betting/
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davidanderson121 · 1 year
Verified Football Tipsters - Football Tipsters
How To Bet Football Games Like A Pro Football is one of those sports that’s easy to get swept up in. With so many people tuning in every weekend to watch the games, it can be hard not to get sucked into the action. However, if you want to make some real money betting football games, you need to know a few things. In this blog post, we will teach you everything you need to know about how to bet football games like a pro. From handicapping strategies to where to find the best betting sites, read on for all the tips and tricks you need to become a successful football gambler. Verified Football Tipsters What is a football bet? Football betting can be a fun and exciting way to spend some time. There are a lot of different bets you can make, and the options are endless. Here are some tips on how to bet football games like a pro: 1) Know the odds. This is key because it will help you know what you're getting into when wagerting. Understand your bookmakers' lines and what they imply about the chances of each team winning. 2) Bet safe first. Don't risk everything on one bet, especially if it's something that is outside of your comfort zone. gamble conservatively at first and increase your stakes as you become more confident in your predictions. 3) Follow the action. Watch the game unfold and make informed decisions about which players to focus on and which bets to place based on that information. Pay close attention to how teams are moving around the field and which plays seem to be resulting in successful outcomes for their respective teams. 4) Get creative with your bets! There's no wrong way to enjoy betting football games – as long as you stay safe and don't overspend your money, there's really no limit to what you can do! Try placing multiple bets on different points spread scenarios or even game totals (if applicable). The possibilities are endless! Types of bets There are a few different types of bets you can make when betting football games. Here is a breakdown of each: Moneyline Betting This is the most common type of bet and involves wagers on the game itself. For example, if you think the underdog team will win, you would place a moneyline bet on that team. If the underdog team loses, your bet would lose as well. Moneyline bets are typically considered the safest options because they involve predicting what will happen without knowing anything about the other teams involved. Point Spread Betting In point spread betting, gamblers wage wagers on whether one or more teams will score more points than their opponents. The basic premise behind this type of bet is that some teams tend to be better at certain aspects of the sport (e.g., running or passing) and it’s possible for them to put up more points than their opponents in a given contest. A good team might be favored by 2 points but could still lose if their opponent scores three times as many points as they do. Point spread bets are also considered to be somewhat risky since they don’t always pan out as expected. Total Points Betting Similar to point spread betting, total points betting revolves around guessing how many points an individual team will score over the course of a game. This type of bet usually doesn’t involve any line speculation since all bookmakers set an exact number for how How to make a football bet When it comes to betting football games, knowing how to make a bet like a pro is key. Here are some tips on how to do just that: 1. Take the time to understand the game. Betting on football games requires a degree of understanding not only of the game itself, but also of the individual teams and their players. This can be gained by watching pre-game and post-game analysis, or even just reading about the teams involved. 2. Know your odds. Odds are an important part of any betting decision, and understanding them is critical for making informed bets. Knowing which team has the best chance of winning – and by how much – is key to success in this sport.
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crybrick9 · 2 years
11 Best Crypto Sports Betting Sites Can Be Fun For Everyone
While there are lots of crypto bookmakers online today, there’s no warranty that all these bookmakers are valid ones in crypto sports wager. It seems to be like people are trying to scam individuals in to purchasing cryptocurrency bookmakers. You can bet on practically all crypto sports betting business straight currently. There are people with a valid business memory card and website, but in conditions of the high quality of on the internet wager websites, there is not much internet in crypto sports betting. With cryptocurrency as your primary channel, it becomes doubly essential to locate a wagering provider that allows you conveniently transfer and withdraw money with their channels. With Crypto, you'll be capable to simply trade fiat from BTC to BTC. With This Is Cool , nonetheless, you're always encountered with a difficult choice. When you've lost your BTC deposit or dropped your down payments. You're shedding your coinbase, after that you need to attempt Crypto to make a decision who ought to be your primary substitution partner. Luckily, our staff has done all the tough part for you, crawling through the different crypto wagering web sites to find the ones positioned extremely one of players. It is worth a try out if you are on a much higher or lower amount betting device, which was merely released this full week at CoinMarketCap. The objective of this is to deliver a extra thorough body for a far better understanding of investment-based wager and more essentially, to much better recognize how a lot we can easily get out of an investment. Taking in to consideration that the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency bookies is just one of the aspects when producing your selection, we have additionally taken the freedom of matching up each one based on their features. Here is the failure for each of our competitors as properly. 1. Cryptonacoin's Susceptability is Currently Extra Very likely In Two Key Markets Cryptonacoin's Susceptability. Resource: Shutterstock It might have been taken into consideration simply somewhat a lot more serious by consumers just currently. Is the site friendly to newcomers? When speaking regarding brand new component and material, this is what you perhaps get: new hyperlinks that offer additional info superb performance in my examinations improving to brand-new tools. Some internet browsers may ask for additional files. To hasten points up, some of these brand new component are only readily available in IE 11.0+, and the final update has introduced brand new, new and bug-prone features such as inline previews. Does the website work in your nation? When would you as if to participate in for the American Soccer Association? What creates you really feel most comfy at a Major League Soccer staff? I yearn for to be capable to do more than one work. I prefer to carry out therefore considerably additional than what I'm made use of to doing and doing. When you're not carrying out any of the things the activity has been designed to do you feel like you're not performing a lot, participating in some other project in life. We position each bookmaker one by one, showing a bullet-style listing that tells you their pros and disadvantages in one hassle-free crypto sporting activities wager page. When it happens to acquiring gold for sports, the solution is possibly no. Nevertheless, one can find at least a loads sporting activities wager websites, which blend sporting activities betting along with sports wagering websites in order to produce amount of money through betting on specific celebrations. No need to spend hrs looking. This resource is fantastic for pinpointing what is going on all the opportunity. But you can easily really utilize it on a lot even more amounts.". The results were stunning and I preferred to understand what it was. Some of the customers were additionally fussing that they were simply able to find the background graphic when scrolling, but that wasn't the only trait they'd been looking at as properly, they required to look back straight at it before they could possibly begin scrolling. There’s also no requirement to open an account in one internet site only to be disappointed by how they perform their company. What's significant listed here is that they are willing to give you a full description of the deals they have in area in order to maintain you informed. Some have phoned this the 'privacy paradox'’s that they hide responsible for the reality that you have to authorize everything before you can reviewed the web site you are visiting.
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rishtado · 2 years
Sports Betting - How to Get Started
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Legalized sports betting is now available in many states, including New Jersey, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. In December, Ohio lawmakers passed a sports betting bill, which was signed by Gov. Mike DeWine. Now, the state's Casino Control Commission is writing regulations for the new industry. In December, Ohio announced that legal sports betting would begin Jan. 1, 2023. By the time it is fully operational, the state will have 25 licensed online sportsbooks. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Massachusetts struck a last-minute deal to make legal sports betting available in the commonwealth by the end of 2022. The first live operators could be in operation by that time, too.
Sports gambling can take many forms, ranging from the traditional moneyline bet to spread bets and parlays. There are even prop bets for individual teams and players. There is a bet out there for everyone, whether you're a casual fan or a serious pro. However, it's important to remember that the purpose of sports betting is to place money behind an outcome, with a chance of winning or losing money based on the result.
While gambling on sports is legal in most states, sports betting is still a high-risk activity. It's best to stick to gambling with money you can afford to lose. And remember that sports betting has higher risks than traditional investments. It is not wise to bet your entire life savings Tiger111 สมัคร. However, if you're willing to take the risks, sports betting is a great way to make money online.
Getting started with sports betting is relatively easy. The over/under lines help you get an idea of how much you can risk, and most sportsbooks make this process very user-friendly. However, picking winners can be more complicated than the over/under lines suggest. Luckily, over/under bets are easy to place, and there are plenty of options to choose from, including betting on college basketball games.
If you're new to sports betting, make sure to read up on the rules for your state. Sports betting is different from casino gambling because the odds are higher, and it rewards patience and research. It's a way to bet on the results of sporting events, and the odds that bookmakers provide are typically very accurate.
The most popular wagers in sports betting involve point spreads. Point spreads are numbers assigned by bookmakers to handicap one team and favor the other. Usually, the underdog receives more points than the favorite, and vice versa. The points can be as high as four or five points. Typically, point spread bets are offered at odds of 11 to 10. Consequently, you can bet a minimum of $10 to make a profit.
Many sports betting scandals have affected the integrity of sporting events. Some involved illegal gambling, while others involved bad calls made by officials. A few examples include the 1919 World Series, when Pete Rose admitted to betting illegally on baseball games. Another example involves NBA referee Tim Donaghy, who is accused of rigging Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference finals.
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oddsjam · 2 years
The Sports Betting Bible
Hi! My name is Alex, and I’m the co-founder of OddsJam. I put this document together to be a quick “guide” about the various OddsJam betting tools. I promise that taking a few minutes to read + internalize this will be valuable and increase your sports betting profits dramatically. 
I’m not a writer / expert in formatting, but I truly hope this is helpful to you and makes you more profitable, regardless of if you’re an OddsJam user. My mission is to level the playing field and help sports bettors become more knowledgeable & profitable.
To be straightforward, education = money in sports betting, so put in the work to learn these concepts! OddsJam is based solely on real-time market data. There’s no fluff, no BS. The more time you put into learning about sports betting markets, the more money you’ll make. It’s that simple.
We created default filters with all of the bets we would hit from OddsJam. It is called “OddsJam Pro Filters” or “Recommended Filters.” There will be fewer positive EV bets available, but they are all highly profitable. It’s the sharpest bets from OddsJam. My advice would be keep the filters on & bet as many as you can.
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Turning these filters on will essentially guarantee profitability over a large sample size of bets. These are the most profitable bets from OddsJam based on real-time data from the entire sports betting market (e.g. all odds) and historical weightings of sportsbook “sharpness” based on backtesting (for player props vs. mainlines, etc.). 
There is of course a spectrum of sportsbook sharpness, and using real-time market data from numerous sharp bookmakers to find “fair odds” is the only rational way to bet on sports and profit long-term.
You’ll grow more confident in Positive EV betting as you see the results over a large sample size of bets. This is investing with an edge more than “sports betting”
Video Tutorials:
Positive EV: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you mathematically profitable bets with an “edge” over the sportsbook.
Free Bet Converter: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you how to convert your free bets into cash at the highest possible rate.
Arbitrage Bets: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you bets where you can make a risk-free profit due to discrepancies in bookmaker odds.
Middle Bets: Video Tutorial. This tool shows you the best “lottery ticket” sports bets.
Bet Tracker: Video Tutorial. This tool will automatically track your profit and loss.
Low Holds: Video Tutorial. This tool helps you work through deposit bonuses, get sportsbook rewards and gain “VIP” status on sportsbooks. I actually just got back from Las Vegas as a VIP member of WynnBet sportsbook. I even got to meet Tom Brady!
Phone Number for Immediate Support (Text/Call Anytime): (309) 324-4244
Calendars for One on One Tutorials – our experts are by your side every step of the way to make sure you are profitable!
Randall Knaak: https://calendly.com/randall-oddsjam/15min ([email protected])
Randall is a former public school teacher and one of the first users of OddsJam. He made $15,000 with OddsJam in three months and was our first employee. Here’s his tutorial and breakdown of how he made $15,000 part-time with OddsJam as a public school teacher: https://youtu.be/l1EQVFyTuJM
BobLoGrasso: https://calendly.com/boblo/15min ([email protected])
Current OddsJam user
Mike LoGrasso: https://calendly.com/oddsjam-mike/20min ([email protected])
Current OddsJam user
Join the OddsJam YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/oddsjaminc. We discuss profitable bets & betting strategies on a daily basis with real-time examples. See bets from us on a daily basis and the profit stack up! Ask questions, etc. Our goal is to help you winlong-term.
Free OddsJam Mobile App for historical player prop research:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/oddsjam-player-props-data/id1632668175
Out of State betting (e.g. you don’t have FanDuel / DraftKings):
Check if you have access toPrizePicks. This DFS platform is insanely profitable. Here’s a tutorial on PrizePicks:https://youtu.be/YaiuFoncU9o
Regardless, OddsJam has an exclusive, non-public plan for users in restricted locations without regulated sports betting (e.g. no DraftKings, FanDuel). This plan includes global sportsbooks, such as BOL. Practicallyeverysportsbook in the world is on this exclusive plan.There’s lots of profitable bets, deposit bonuses & promos on these global sportsbooks.
This plan is not publicly available to sign up for on the OddsJam website, as we limit the number of customers on this plan. Email us / text us to learn more –[email protected] (309) 324-4244. This plan will help make you big profits from sports betting, regardless of your location.
OddsJam Tool #1: Positive EV
Positive EV bets are just profitable bets. Honestly, that’s really all they are – just data-driven, mathematically profitable bets. OddsJam is processing millions of odds in real-time to find these bets for you. The stock market returns roughly 8% year over year (on average), and, with Positive EV betting, you can earn returns over 3%every single day.
I know our Positive EV tool can be overwhelming at first, so let’s break it down.
Always place the bet in bold with a circle around it (below it’s Twins -1.5 +188 odds).
Your profit margin is under the “Percent” Column. Here, the profit margin is 5.91%. So betting on Twins -1.5 at +188 odds would have an ROI of $5.91 per $100 wagered over the course of long run.
The “OddsJam” line shows you real-time odds from the sharpest bookmaker in the world, Pin. They’re only giving you +161 odds on Twins -1.5 run line….and we’re getting +188 on FanDuel. That’s why this bet is ridiculously profitable. Learn more about the sharpest sportsbook here.
The “No Vig Odds” (also called fair odds or true odds) is the “true price” for this wager. Here’s it is +171.92. We’re getting +188 on FanDuel, so we’re getting better odds than the “true odds.” That’s why this bet is profitable. This bet has value or edge which is what we’re always looking for as a sports bettor!
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Here’s a full length video tutorial on Positive EV betting if you’re more of a visual learner 🙂
To be clear, most bets are not Positive EV. That’s why sportsbooks are in business and most sports bettors lose money. However, OddsJam finds the 0.01% of betting opportunities that are actually profitable (e.g. where a sportsbook is giving odds that are too good to be true).
An Analogy on Positive EV Betting
Imagine there’s a coin – 60% to land on heads, 40% to land on tails. You’re flipping it with a friend for $100. Which side do you want to be on? You’re probably think “Of course Heads, it’s more likely to win.” That’sbasicallythe concept of Positive EV betting. It’s not much more complicated. Just like flipping the coin with “Heads” has an edge, every Positive EV bet has an “edge” over the sportsbooks.
What Your Profit Will Look Like:
You won’t win every bet. You won’t win every day. That’s not Positive EV betting. However, you’ll win in the long run because you have the mathematical “edge”. You can see a review of the OddsJam Positive EV tool below. There’s thousands online just like this, but I can’t make this email too long. You’ll win some days, lose others, but you’ll beguaranteedto make money in the long run since you have the mathematical edge.
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Positive EV betting isessentiallyforming your own hedge fund of mathematically profitable bets. Every bet has an “edge,” or profit margin. Not every bet will win, but over the course of the long run, you’ll be guaranteed to make money!
Placing 10+ profitable bets per day, watching the games and knowing I’m going to win in the long run brings a lot of joy to my life (as well as money!).
Example of a good bet:
Check out this bet below. Under 1.5 total rounds in Dustin Stolzfus vs Dwight Grant at +180 odds on WynnBet. The profit margin is 4.2%. No other sportsbook is giving us above +160, and we’re getting +180 on WynnBet. Just a simple sanity check, looking at the betting market, it’s clear that this is a good bet.
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Arbitrage Tool
I know it sounds too good to be true, but the Arbitrage Tool shows you how to make risk-free money in sports betting. And, yes, it’s possible.
How does arbitrage exist?
It’s a market inefficiency. Since sportsbooks want to be unique, they set odds independently. When sportsbooks have major pricing discrepancies, you can bet on equal and opposite outcomes and earn a risk-free return (e.g. over 6.5 strikeouts on FanDuel, under 6.5 strikeouts on DraftKings).
Arbitrage israreand practically impossible to find without software. However, with OddsJam updating millions of odds every second, it is possible to grow your bankrollrisk-freewith arbitrage betting. About 0.001% of odds on sportsbooks are arbitrage bets. OddsJam will find them for you 🙂
If you’re more of a visual learner, here’s a good video on arbitrage betting with examples:https://youtu.be/UAafPTFSj0s
How do I know how much to bet?
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Why isn’t everybody retired off arbitrage betting?
First, arbitrage betting can be tough. These are marketinefficiencies, so you need to move fast. Arbitrage bets won’t last forever. Some last less than 90 seconds. It iscriticalfor you to learn how to navigate the sportsbooks quickly to get in on arbitrage bets. Most OddsJam arbitrage bettors have sportsbooks open (& logged into) on one screen, and they’re constantly refreshing OddsJam. You’re essentially day trading sports markets.
Second, you never know when the best arbitrage bets will occur. They often occur when sportsbooksfirstpost odds for an upcoming day or after player injuries (e.g. when lines are changing). Some of the best arbitrage bets I’ve hit were at 2am. Others have been at 2pm. The more you use OddsJam, the more arbitrage bets you will hit, and the more risk-free money you’ll make. Using the tools more = more profits for yourself. That goes for Positive EV betting as well.
Low Holds Tool
The Low Holds tool has 3 main purposes: deposit bonuses, reward credits and VIP programs.
Let’s start with deposit bonuses. Many sportsbooks offer deposit bonuses with “playthroughs.” The Low Holds page finds you bets that are optimal for playing through deposit bonuses. Here’s a good video on deposit bonuses:https://youtu.be/OjTMWJva0yI
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Finally, we have reward credits. Many sportsbooks, including DraftKings, WynnBet & Caesars, offer reward credits. The more you bet, the more you earn. It nearly always makes sense to bet every 0% low hold for this reason. If you have questions about sportsbook rewards, email us at [email protected]! We’re happy to help or give you a tutorial.
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Free Bet Conversion
Free bets are a common form of sportsbook bonus. The OddsJam free bet conversion tools show you how to convert these free bets into cash at the highest possible rate. Here’s a video I highly recommend explaining free bet strategy:https://youtu.be/xtlDj3NCIOc
Bet Tracker
How are you supposed to know if you’re a good sports bettor if you aren’t tracking your profit & loss and closing line value?You need to track your bets. The OddsJam Bet Tracker automatically tracks your CLV vs. the sharpest sportsbook in the world, as well as your profit and loss. I highly recommend this video:https://youtu.be/Xxypee4lI14
Middle Betting Tool
Middle Betsare another profitable feature of OddsJam. Middles are essentially the low risk, low probability “lottery tickets” of sports betting. They can beextremelyprofitable for you, but they are less common than arbitrage bets and Positive EV bets.
Middle bets are a bit of a complex topic, so please take a few moments to watch this quick video by Alex about Middle Bets:https://youtu.be/apziiC25SVw
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footballbeting22 · 2 years
The Insider Secrets of Football Betting Definitions Discovered
世界杯买球 Point spreads will also have moneyline odds attached. While two of the most popular NFL bets are on the moneyline and the point spread, a third most bettors love to target is the game total. Just don’t go too hard when betting on the NFL Preseason. NFL Predictions - get free NFL picks for each and every NFL game, including the Super Bowl. To see today's best predictions from all the sports covered at OLBG head to the main page for betting picks. In the popular list of you may also see some of tomorrows soccer picks or this weekend soccer picks. The soccer bet builder enables you to put a personalized bet on any football match that you like. If you bet on a particular player scoring there are at least 22 players on the pitch, plus the subs that come on, so this is much harder to predict. European champions are crowned every four years in the UEFA European Championship, much as the FIFA World Cup. How much one is willing to spend is purely up to them and so, it is advisable that one know how to limit themselves. Betting with anybody else (bookmakers) is illegal for both residents and visitors: you can only legally bet on-course, at one of the HKJC’s off-track betting shops, or on the HKJC website.
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If you place a bet on your favorite team and it loses then the platform you are betting with benefits as well as if your team wins then you benefit. The benefits of sports betting are not realized by the banters alone as evidenced by the numerous companies that have set up shop in the country. They do not have to win the game outright for you to win your bet. Specific outcomes of an event are represented by betting markets or bet types. Go to the Odds tab, and pick any country, league, or event. You can either request the betting market if the bookmaker offers the “request a bet” feature, or you can create the same outcome by dividing your stake by the decimal odds for a draw. If a player transfer or a managerial move is close to completion, according to the press, you’ll often see that betting has been suspended, which means that the odds are so low it’s no longer worth the bookmaker offering a market. Each free bet is available when you sign up to the chosen bookmaker. 3. Things change: Never assume that the team you place bet on would win always as any result is possible regardless of your analysis.
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