#Getty Funding
msclaritea · 7 months
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Monet’s red period
He was the sugar-sweet Tchaikovsky of impressionism. But as the Royal Academy's blockbusting new exhibition will show, Claude Monet was also a radical
By Andrew Mar, Sat 9 Jan 1999 22.19 EST
The Guardian
"...There is not much cachet in liking Monet; rather the reverse. This is art for the easy-on-the-eye brigade, the philistine rich and the know-nothing middle classes. Isn't it? He is soft, luscious and commercial; the Tchaikovsky of the paintbrush, turning out sweet, dancing little Sugar Plum fairies of paintings, isn't he? It's clever, technically brilliant; but eye-candy. No?
Such snobbery tends to drive curators to justify Monet exhibitions by insisting on his political and art-revolutionary relevance. There is a slight embarrassment about the very popularity of Monet shows, as if they were like the 'erotica' section in posh bookshops which keep them in business but are hardly the sort of thing one would wish to be judged on.
So the curators of this show have gone to some lengths to reclaim Monet as a hard-edged artist, just as happened with the 1990 show, 'Monet in the Nineties'. Then, the emphasis was on putting Monet's images of haystacks, poplars and Rouen cathedral in the context of resurgent patriotism, closely connected with the land and traditional art: he was political, see. Now, the catalogue includes an essay on the connections between late Monet and New York abstract expressionism - almost as if Monet has to be excused, or validated, by linking him with Jackson Pollock.
In each case, the arguments are meticulous - the US academic Paul Hayes Tucker worked on both exhibitions and contributes a superb essay to the catalogue. And indeed, these are not only deliriously beautiful but also radical, extreme and sometimes even difficult paintings, created by an artist who might have been old - he was 60 in 1900 - but was a full, wide-eyed observer of the first quarter of our tragic century.
When it opens, he is recovering from the great trauma which ripped French society apart a few years before: the Dreyfus Affair, in which a Jewish captain was wrongly accused of passing military secrets to the Germans, court-martialled, degraded and deported to solitary confinement. It split a worried nation in two, with viciously anti-semitic, Catholic and right-wing forces, against the Left and the liberals.
The anti-semitic, anti-Dreyfus campaign included, to their shame, Degas, Renoir and Cézanne. But when, with huge courage, Emile Zola led the charge for Dreyfus, Monet sprung quickly to his defence. Zola was convicted of libel and sentenced to imprisonment; instead he fled to England in 1898..."
"Zola was not a Marxist, but he was anti-capitalist; almost everything he writes is a denunciation of the greed, brutality, corruption and hypocrisy that characterised French capitalism in his day"
Emilie Zola, A Political Reading
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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A beaver comes ashore after being released in Greenford, UK. A family of four beavers – two adults and two kits – were released back into Paradise Fields reserve in west London, and will be the the first beavers in the west of the capital for 400 years. The project is part of the Rewild London Fund scheme
Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
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cabiba · 2 years
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mstopportunity · 2 years
Okay so TL;DR, because I had my opinion changed by a friend (and this article).
I’m sure you, like me, have seen the info going around that Just Stop Oil is primarily funded by an Oil Heiress(tm), and isn’t that something to think about(tm) (hinthint nudge nudge their a psyop, or at least being used as one). That because The Soup Thing is so nonsense, it’s more likely to generate bad press and negative opinions than anything good.
In short, no! Non-violent protest, including civil disobedience like this and non-normative (non-standard, so most things that aren’t just a sit in or smth) actually help move what is considered ‘radical’ further to the extreme, making previously ‘extreme’ groups seem more moderate. This actually increases support for less extreme groups supporting such causes.
Oh, and it helps drum up publicity, because idk about you guys, but I’d never heard of JSO before The Soup Thing. Maybe some of their money is being donated by an Oil Heiress. Maybe she's old and wants to launder her reputation/karma before she dies. Maybe she really does think these kids’ll be a psyop. Maybe whatever negative assumptions we have about her are totally true. JSO is still getting results. People aren’t less favourable to climate activism. They’ve gotten themselves a lot of publicity with this.
Tomato Soup is JSO’s first radio hit, now lets see if they’ve got an album to back it up or if they’re a one-hit wonder.
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“Failed presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill late last week barring Florida localities from requiring employers to provide outdoor workers with access to water, rest and shade, outraging workplace safety advocates who say the new law will kill people.
Backed by the agricultural and construction industries, the controversial legislation is what’s known as a “preemption” law: It forbids cities and counties from pursuing their own ordinances on a particular subject, in this case protections from extreme heat.
The law effectively nullifies a proposal in Miami-Dade County that would require some employers to maintain a heat safety program and provide employees with water and shade on hot days. The county commission recently withdrew the proposal after the state legislation put its legality in doubt.
The preemption bill recently passed the Republican-controlled state House and Senate, along with a similar measure that prevents jurisdictions from requiring employers to pay livable wages on government-funded projects.
Unions and other progressive groups said blocking heat regulations would endanger farm and construction workers and anyone else who labors in one of the hottest states in the country.
“Someone is going to die as a result of this legislation,” Kim Smith, a telecommunications technician, told HuffPost last month.
Last year, Texas Republicans passed a similar preemption bill that blocked localities from implementing heat protections as well as other ordinances related to housing and labor. The legislation, known as Texas’ “death star bill,” appeared designed to thwart local laws in Austin and Dallas that guaranteed water breaks for workers.
The bill Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) just signed blocks jurisdictions like Miami-Dade County from implementing their own heat safety standards.
The bill Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) just signed blocks jurisdictions like Miami-Dade County from implementing their own heat safety standards. SOPA IMAGES VIA GETTY IMAGES
Florida Republicans pushing for the preemption law said they wanted to avoid a “patchwork” of local regulations around the state related to heat safety, arguing the matter was better left to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
But OSHA does not yet have a heat-specific safety rule, and proposals to create a uniform, statewide standard in Florida have gone nowhere over the years because of a lack of Republican support.
More than 430 workers have died due to environmental heat exposure since 2011, according to OSHA. But relatively few jurisdictions have laws in place that require employers to provide water, shade and heat safety training. Just three — California, Oregon and Washington — mandate heat breaks for outdoor workers. Minnesota has heat standards for indoor workers, while Colorado does for farmworkers.
“Overheating is one of the most common and most serious dangers in the workplace,” Rep. Alma Adams (D-N.C.), who recently co-authored a federal bill ordering OSHA to regulate heat exposure, told HuffPost. “Is requiring a glass of water and some shade too much to ask?”
Climate change is making heat waves both more intense and more frequent, raising fears that a growing number of workers could die if governments don’t implement safety measures.
A farmworker in Miami-Dade County died last July during what would become the hottest month ever recorded. The man’s family told NBC South Florida that he’d recently suffered symptoms consistent with heat stress. A farmworker in the county told HuffPost last month that the foreman at the plant nursery where he works prohibited even 30-second breaks in the blazing sun since this is the busiest growing season for exotic flora.
The Biden administration is currently crafting a federal heat safety standard through OSHA, but federal rules take years to develop, often face litigation and can be undermined by subsequent administrations. Former President Donald Trump could simply drop pursuit of the rule if he defeats Biden in their expected rematch in November.”
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timehascomeagain · 5 months
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Kendall at the 2030 RECNY ball where he's just spent 10yrs living off the grid in stewys walk in wardrobe in prague and has suddenly re emerged like those getty heiresses who used to put their money into environmental causes as penance for their forefathers blood money & has started funnelling his leftover waystar money into arts funding for disadvantaged youth in a horribly run nonprofit where he's also a two bit sondheim at a bad but respected theatre startup in hell's kitchen
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scenetocause · 1 month
would like to hear your thoughts on what girl!oscar would think of Lando in a club wearing an australia hat 😳
ha well. fic unde the cut
The first thing she notices isn't what Logan's messaging her about. Which she finds out when "omg I fucking hate those sunnies" gets an eyeroll emoji and a long typing response.
Surely you haven't got him so whipped you don't even notice when he's switching nationalities for you yet?
And no, yeah, she does. Notice it. It's not like Valtteri or whatever, becoming an honourary bogan. Lando couldn't pass for Aussie to save his fucking life, he's possibly never (at least as far as Oscar can tell) experienced "chilling out" and throwing a shrimp on the proverbial barbie would have him shrieking.
But Lando's started deliberately checking on Australian sports. He clearly has no idea what most of them are but makes an effort to natter to her about them, when they're wasting time in their driver room and both in danger of getting antsy before whatever media drivel they're scheduled into.
He's a lot smarter than people give him credit for, generally but especially when it comes to something he's concentrating on. Lando knows more about Australian politics than she does, now. Has views about wildlife conservation Oscar tries to keep up with, endorse the wildfire prevention and recovery fund the Quadrant outback drop donated to.
He even googled foods from Melbourne and discovered pigs in blankets is something they're both easily into eating a secret box of, smuggled from Tesco to the weird little flat they sometimes stay in in Woking
Think that's for Keegan not me dude
This time Logan takes no time at all to send back lmao and as if followed by never change Oscar.
She just sends back I really do hate those sunglasses, they make him look like Alonso before we were born. Lando's style is his own business but Oscar reserves the right to take the piss out of it when he deserves it. And only abuse the media team's access to Getty Images a bit when he wears something really hot into the paddock.
"Wow, harsh," the man in question declares, reading over Oscar's shoulder. "I think they're quite cool."
"You think clubbing is cool." She rolls onto her back, lets him snuggle down on top of her. They probably ought to get dressed soon, for the jet back from Ibiza. If they're late they might get sent to fucking Marseille again and as wank as it is having complaints about private jets, Oscar's not keen to repeat that.
Making a woman wait 10 hours for her post-win fuck is inhumane, no matter the mode of transport.
"Yeah." Lando sounds oddly melancholy about it, makes her tighten her arms around him and leave a space for him to carry on his sentence.
It's a few long beats before he does. "Prefer just hanging out with you, though."
They've talked about this, that they're becoming a bit insular. Don't spend as much time with their other friends, doing their separate hobbies, as they used to. It's rare Oscar wakes up without someone who loves her, understands her instantly, in the same bed.
It's not a bad thing. Or at least, it shouldn't be. People on TikTok make out like they're never apart and body language freaks on YouTube say they're tired of each other but they're not. The more time they spend together, the easier it is. The harder it is to imagine how they exist apart.
Just as well, really, if they're getting married. Makes her bundle Lando up against her, like even imagining what separating them would be like is a thought crime she needs to protect him against.
It's pretty sweet, being Oscar Piastri, this time.
"I don't want to take the plug out," Lando mumbles into her armpit. "Do you think it'll set off the scanner things?"
Probably not. Silicon isn't metallic and they're not likely to cavity search him.
"Won't you be all," she tries to gesture what he's like when he's wriggling. "On the plane."
Lando thinks about it for a second, then tucks himself into her, looking dangerously like he's about to fall asleep. "Nope. Not if you cuddle me."
"I'll take it out when we get back to the flat." She has no idea if he'll last that long or get squiggly and end up doing away with it in the tiny bathroom on the jet.
"You can put something bigger in." Lando's hand engulfs hers, where he wraps them together but Oscar can get the jist of what he's asking for. Kisses his hair, to hide how much she's squeezing her thighs together, wet and hot at just the thought.
And maybe a little bit for the engagement ring on his finger, biting hard and solid into the pulse point of Oscar's palm.
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Biden's Title IX proposal would make broad, transgender sports bans illegal : NPR
the Thursday announcement, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said, "Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination."
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images
On Thursday, the U.S. Education Department announced a proposed change to Title IX, which prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs. The proposal would make it illegal for schools to broadly ban transgender students from sports teams that align with their gender identity, rather than their assigned sex at birth.
The department says the move comes after two years of outreach to stakeholders across the country, and the changes still give schools some flexibility to ban transgender athletes depending on age and sport.
"Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination," said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. "Being on a sports team is an important part of the school experience for students of all ages."
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feraltwinkseb · 8 months
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Naomi Campbell's Le Carnival D'Or Party The gold-tie gala, raising funds for The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, also celebrates her 35th birthday May 19, 2005 - Cannes, France Source: Dave Benett/Getty Images
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cryptidcaptain · 2 years
If I see one more stupid take on the stop oil van gogh protest im gonna lose it so in bullet points:
The painting is fine. It was behind glass. The person who threw the soup knew it was behind glass beforehand.
The UK is entering a cost of living crisis unlike any we've seen before (with the possible exception of Thatcher's Britain back in the 80s), and many people cannot afford to heat their homes. While oil and energy companies report record profits.
The point of this exercise was to demonstrate how much more people would care about even the thought of a painting being destroyed, compared to the reality of the lives that WILL be destroyed over the winter. When they can't yknow. Afford to eat or heat their homes.
No, they are not funded by Big Oil. Just Stop Oil DOES receive funding from the climate emergency fund which WAS started by Aileen Getty, yes. But she has zero active investments in the oil industry, and HAS spent a large amount of money sponsoring climate groups. Think of her as the Abigail Disney of oil.
The source of that conspiracy theory is a tiktok video and its mostly being reported in the telegraph which. Kinda says everything.
For people saying stuff like "but it had nothing to do with oil! Why don't you egg the houses of execs <3 Why don't you riot 😊 Why don't you kill oil execs uwu OK why don't you? I mean jesus be realistic. The rioting may come yet but this was a PUBLICITY STUNT. To raise awareness for their organisation.
If you are not from the UK/are from the UK and not familiar with the new protest laws, please refrain on commenting at all about method of protest.
The bill is as follows:
" [to] Widen the range of conditions that the police can impose on public assemblies to match existing police powers to impose conditions on public processions."
" [to] Broaden the range of circumstances in which police may impose conditions on a protest."
" [to] Amend the offence relating to the breaching of conditions"
" [to] Restate the common law offence of public nuisance in statute."
Meaning, any people doing ANYTHING the police don't like (up to and including holding BLANK SIGNS which happened after the queen died) can now result in arrest and forced dispersal (ie police violence). (There are more lines to the bill ive just chosen the ones relevant to this situation, but they're all on the gov website)
(Side note): I actually just read the page on gov.uk which I went on to copy the law and jesus christ they outright blame BLM protests for this. Like explicitly.
I BELIEVE i saw a story not that long ago about someone arrested under this bill being held without trial for like, months but I can't remember the details
In short people in the UK now have to get increasingly creative with how we protest, so as to avoid significant sentences. The two in this case were arrested for trespass instead of under this bill, which carries a significantly more minor penalty.
Shift your goddamn focus away from stupid conspiracies for a second and pay attention to what is happening in REALITY.
(If any of you make comments or send me stuff about this without at least attempting to fact check yourself beforehand im not responding, and deleting.)
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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(1) NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 11: Jeffrey Dean Morgan attends the annual Charity Day hosted by Cantor Fitzgerald and The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund on September 11, 2023 in New York City (Photo by Chance Yeh/Getty Images for The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund)
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Wallace White
A top Democrat fundraising platform hosts donations for an activist group linked to a Palestinian terrorist-tied non-profit, the Washington Examiner reported on Thursday.
ActBlue, a Democrat fundraising platform, hosts a portal for donors to give money to the Colorado Freedom Fund (CFF), a bail reform non-profit that is fiscally sponsored and managed by the Alliance For Global Justice (AFGJ), the Examiner reported. The Examiner revealed the AFGJ was aiding fundraising efforts for French non-profit Collectif Palestine Vaincra (CPV), a partner of the U.S.-designated terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
In response, Zachor Legal Institute pressed the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in January 2023 to investigate the AFGJ’s seeming support for terrorist organizations, the Examiner reported. Zachor attorney Marc Greendorfer said to the Examiner the AFGJ’s lack of due diligence was “surprising.”
“Alliance for Global Justice has a track record of funding terror,” Greendorfer told the Examiner. He noted that AFGJ has a duty to donors to “do a better job of vetting those who use its platforms, especially when the user has a long, documented history of supporting terror.” 
AFGJ has a history of fiscally sponsoring pro-Palestinian organizations, with credit card company Discover shutting down donations to the AFGJ in 2021 over ties to Samidoun, a non-profit with links to the PFLP, according to NGO Monitor.
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Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are gathering outside of the White House in Washington, D.C., USA, on June 8, 2024, to express distaste over how President Biden is handling the Israel-Hamas war. (Photo by AASHISH KIPHAYET/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)
The CFF is a left-leaning criminal justice advocacy organization that posts bail for incarcerated people before trial and immigrant detention, according to Influence Watch. AFGJ gave the CFF $1.44 million in 2021 for “racial justice”, according to their 2021 tax filings.
“AFGJ fiscally sponsors and repeatedly defends Samidoun, a terror front that acts on behalf of Hamas and other terror organizations,”Greendorfer told the Examiner. “As a fiscal sponsor, AFGJ benefits from any funds it raises for its terror clients.”
ActBlue did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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A photo of Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez smiling as House Republicans struggled to elect a Speaker for the second day in a row during Wednesday's Congress meeting went viral on social media.
The image shot by photographer Anna Moneymaker and shared on Twitter in the aftermath of the 118th Congress' second meeting, shows Ocasio-Cortez laughing as Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz—who's among the 20 defectors who voted against Kevin McCarthy's bid to become House leader—makes an impassioned speech to his fellow Republicans opposing McCarthy.
"AOC smiling in the background of the ongoing GOP dumpster fire," commented a Twitter user, comparing the image to a well-known meme of a girl standing in front of a house on fire.
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"There is so much to be said about the Old Masters-style composition of this photograph by ANNA MONEYMAKER for GETTY IMAGES," lawyer Mike Godwin tweeted.
"Living vicariously through @AOC right now," wrote Gen Z activist Olivia Julianna, who last year raised over $1.5 million for abortion funds after being body-shamed by Gaetz.
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Between Tuesday and Wednesday, McCarthy lost six consecutive votes, failing to gather enough support to become the Speaker of the House—a historic defeat for the Republican representative.
The opposition to McCarthy of 20 House Republicans, most of whom are hardliners and members of the ultraconservative Freedom Caucus, has paralyzed Congress and thrown the GOP into turmoil.
Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow Democrats have been accused of reveling in the chaos unfolding within the Republican Party, with Republican Representative Kat Cammack accusing Democrats of getting drunk during voting.
"Diversity of thought is a good thing," Cammack said during a speech in Congress on Wednesday. "But they want us divided. They want us to fight each other. That much has been made clear by the popcorn and blankets and alcohol that has come in over there."
Ocasio-Cortez has fought back against the accusation, writing on Twitter: "If only! If Dems took a shot every time McCarthy lost a Republican, we'd all be unconscious by now."
Congress is set to reconvene at noon on Thursday to nominate a House Speaker.
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
So on Easter Monday I met up with an old friend of mine. She’s kinda known due to her work but it’s unimportant to me tbh. But due to her work she has some friends, contacts and colleagues across the board and industries.
What I’ve heard is that Doria and Harry do not get along, not one bit. She and Meghan are awful and downright abusive to him, my friend knows one of their close friends who is also very shocked by it all. But Doria and Meghan know to not leave visible marks. But they are not stupid and have sneakily got evidence of him being threatening and attacking back - drunk Meghan has loose lips.
Doria acts like it’s her house in Montecito and is a little dictator who thrives on drugs. My friend says that what she heard is that Doria deliberately got Harry into things like ayahuasca and it’s because of her that he’s so dependent on drugs. Meghan just does things like coke, marijuana etc.
Nobody sees the kids. My friend has kids and her friend in Montecito has meet-ups and play dates with each other. No sign or sighting of Archie and Lili playing on swings or slides at the playground or mixing with other kids in the neighborhood. Many kids do this and also mix with kids from their kindergartens, schools etc. but apparently Archie isn’t allowed to do so or even go to birthday parties. Some of the kids attend the same school and teachers hate Meghan, Harry and Doria for what they’ve done to Archie and thankful for the nannies looking after him 24/7. There has been nothing said about a birthday party for him either this year with little school friends.
Meghan is away a lot, my friend has a link to the Getty family and is looking into that affair thing. She is in Los Angeles a lot and Harry goes to San Francisco and the Bay Area a lot leaving the kids with nannies and nurses alone in the house as Harry doesn’t want Doria living there without him there. There was an incident with a cook or maid though, that’s become quite well known in Montecito and everyone laughs at it in a way. But they are definitely finding it harder and harder to find not just nannies but also cleaners, pool boys, gardeners etc. although it’s not just money troubles but the close friend of theirs that my friend knows says that Meghan has been dropping hints of them sleeping separately, not together and divorcing.
It’s also true that the school that Archie goes to has been instructed to call him HRH Prince Archie of Sussex. Lili is apparently at an ultra exclusive daycare in Los Angeles funded by Tyler, who my friend knows. The kids seem to be kept apart from each other and not just other kids.
So the rumors were that Meghan has been living in LA or close to because SB is a couple hours away right? So if Lili is going to school there then she has to be close.
I think all three of them are toxic and abusive.
I really wonder how much they pay out for their staff to sign NDA’s.
Thanks! Tea alert!
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George Harrison and Sir Jackie Stewart at Donington, June 1979; photo 1 by Express/Archive Photos/Getty Images, photo 2 by Maurice Rowe.
First, the backstory to these photos:
"I’ve never raced seriously myself, but I had a go in a Formula One car, with quite an old 3-liter- engine car. I’d drive round Brand’s Hatch in one. And I drove in a charity for Gunnar Nilsson, a Swedish driver who died of cancer, because I gave the money from the ‘Faster’ single off George Harrison to Gunnar’s cancer fund. Anyhow, they had this day for the Gunnar Nilsson campaign at the track in England and they asked me to drive this 1960 Lotus, which had won a race in Monte Carlo when driven by the great English driver Sterling Moss. This car had no seatbelts, and because it had been in a museum for 20 years the tires were hard with no grip on them, yet the car was still pretty quick! But they assured me it was just a demonstration run, going round for five laps in formation and then five laps at your own pace. So I said I’d do it. I got there, and it’s Jackie Stewart in the Tyrrell he won his ‘73 championship in; James Hunt in the McLaren. Phil Hill in his famous Ferrari. I’m walking to my car while chatting with driver John Watson about the pleasure of the run we’re about to take, and he says, ‘You’re joking. There’s no racing driver that goes in formation! As soon as they drop that flag, they’ll all be gone like crazy!’ Sure enough, as soon as the checkered flag fell, the other cars went whoosh as mine puttered along in a haze of smoke! By the time I got to my first lap they were already coming behind me for their second lap, screaming away! Scared me stiff! [wild laugh] But at least I did better than James Hunt, who broke down on the first pass." - George Harrison, Goldmine, November 27, 1992
More on photo 2:
“I have never seen the photograph before as I can recall, so it is a really nice thing for me to have. Thank you so much. Ironically, last Tuesday evening, Livvy [Olivia] Harrison came up to have dinner with me and I would love to have shown her that and I am sure she would have been amused and would have also enjoyed it. Thank you so much for thinking of it.” - From Sir Jackie Stewart’s letter, 22 December 22, 2006, as sourced from an auction listing (x)
“George was an extraordinary musician and the sweetest of men, and, over the years, I grew to adore his gentle nature, his music, his deep spirituality and his friendship. [...] If we had been dropped from the same height, George would have been a feather, drifting this way and that on the breeze, and I would have been a lead weight plunging straight down: the point is we would have both there in the end. There were times when we could have been living on different planets, times when George was procrastinating over what to do and I would be decisive and all action, or waring amazingly casual and way-out clothes when I would be more traditionally dressed. Yet there were many other times when we seemed so similar, paying the same fanatical attention to detail. He could be amazingly fastidious, keeping his cars immaculately clean and taking such care and time over his gardens, both at his home near Henley, England and in his tropical paradise on Maui. This determination to get things exactly right extended to his music. George would work and work until a song was totally as he wanted it to be — not just right, but precisely right, so precisely right that it would almost sound as if it had evolved naturally, out of nothing, dreamily and effortlessly. [...] [Since 2001] we have stayed very close to Livy and Dhani, who has grown up to bear such a striking resemblance to his father, both in his appearance and his mannerisms. For me, George was a true friend who opened my eyes to so much that I would otherwise not have seen, and who in his calm, gentle way gave me a new perspective on living and dying.” - Jackie Stewart, Winning Is Not Enough (2007)
“The story really on that tune [‘Faster’] is since I was kid, like twelve years old, I got into motor racing and motor cycle races — not actually racing myself but as a spectator. And there was a track, racetrack in the place I was born, Liverpool, where they had grand prix races from time to time. So I started out when I was about twelve, just before I got into the guitar. It was always interesting to see in other areas of life who was wearing the long hair. And in motor racing, Jackie Stewart became the world champion in, I think, 1968, and he was the first guy with long hair and who had opinions, and he was a big Beatle fan. I had a book that Jackie Stewart had written which was called Faster. I thought, good, that’s the title. [chuckles] So I lifted the title, and once I got the title I was away… I wanted to write in a way that was like a story and would also relate to people who weren’t into motor racing. The only thing that limits it is the sound effects that I put on later." - George Harrison, KMET, 1979
“[George] was just a good man, a real gentle man. He was a fantastic thinker. He had one of the best minds of anybody I have ever met. He had his own beliefs, but as he got older he wasn’t someone who couldn’t get on with anyone who didn’t share that opinion. That was one of the nice things about George. Here was I living a whole different lifestyle from George, a different pace. As time passed we became close, which seemed to confirm the old saying that opposites attract. While I liked to organize my life with military precision, George took a more laid-back approach. The thing that most impressed me about him was he was very sincere. George told it like it was. He was very straight. He didn’t like people who were fakes. If he said he was going to do something, he would do it.” - Jackie Stewart, The Beatles In Scotland (2008)
“George had a great soul. His instinct was to forgive rather than to condemn and, when people behaved badly, he would make excuses for them. I learnt so much from him. In the late 1990s, when we started to spend more time in England, we saw more of George, his wife Livy and their son Dhani. We always enjoyed our visits to their home at Friar Park which George took great pride in restoring: reviving the underground canals and the 60-foot mountain modeled on the Matterhorn in Switzerland, complete with Alpine flowers and streams. He spent endless hours contentedly tending to the plants. ‘I'm a gardener,’ he would say.” - Jackie Stewart, Winning Is Not Enough (2007) (x)
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Fulvia Plautilla
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Today I went to the Getty Villa and they have an extremely rare bust of Caracalla's wife, Fulvia Plautilla.
In 202 AD Caracalla married Fulvia Plautilla, daughter of Fulvius Plautianus, who became praetorian prefect. After the downfall and death of her father, in 205 AD, Plautilla was sent into exile: "Severus sent the girl and her brother to Sicily, providing them with sufficient funds to live in comfort there" (Herodianus III,13,3). Dio specifies Lipari, an island a bit to the north of Sicily (76,6,3). After the death of Geta, Caracalla ordered the death of Plautilla and her brother Plautius Hortensianus.
Fuck, marry, kill - emperor style.
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