#Ghost Station
londiniumlundene · 2 years
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Down Street Underground Station
The residents of wealthy Mayfair were not keen on a Tube station being built on their doorsteps – they feared it would bring “undesirables” into the area. The Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway had trouble purchasing land; instead of a station situated on Piccadilly itself, they had to make do with building on Down Street, away from the main road. This necessitated construction of longer passageways underground to bring passengers from the lifts to the platforms.
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The station opened on 15 March 1907, immediately suffering from low passenger numbers; those living in the surrounding residential area could afford other methods of transport, and the station was close to Hyde Park Corner and Dover Street (now Green Park). By 1909 trains often skipped Down Street; by 1918 it was closed on Sundays. In 1929, with plans for extending the Piccadilly Line in progress, Down Street was marked for closure; the last official service was on 21st May 1932.
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This was not the end of Down Street’s use though; in 1939 it was selected as the site for an underground bunker for the use of the Railway Executive Committee, from where they could control the running of Britain’s railways during the Second World War. The tunnels and platforms were converted into offices, dining rooms, bathrooms and dormitories; rumour has it the dimensions of the corridors that ran alongside were planned to be just wide enough for a tea trolley. The Down Street bunker was secure and “comfortable” enough that it was also used by Winston Churchill and other members of the government before the completion of the Cabinet War Rooms.
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After the War, the station was given back to London Transport for engineering access and as an emergency exit point; as such, many of the offices in the tunnels were removed, though those on the platforms remain. London Transport Museum operates tours of Down Street, showing visitors down the dusty spiral stairs to the darkened corridors, where Piccadilly Line trains rush past just behind metal gates, their passengers most likely unaware of the ghost station
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daturaparanormal · 3 years
The Arkansas Drive.
File 1#
I would like to say first of all, I am writing this completely from the perspective of two non-locals. I am Los Angeles born and raised, my partner is from Ohio. You do the math.
We are currently making our way up to Ohio into our new home, we've been driving through a good majority of the United States. Everything was fine as we drove through Oklahoma, however when we drove through Arkansas...that's when fuck-shit started to happen.
I will try to add as much detail and set the events in order. Currently I am laying in bed at a Motel 6 with my partner, nearly scared shittless. Plus I'm on mobil, so ya know.
The first thing that we noticed that there were a massive amount of spiders and spider webs hanging off the trees. My partner told me that this was normal but, we looked a bit closer and it was nearly every tree that had a gigantic spider web. All wrapped up looking like some kind of morbid cotton candy. Personally I'm an arachnophobe, so I found this especially disturbing.
The second thing we noticed was when I was filming a video for my story on Instagram. After I stopped recording, we saw a giant bear carcass dead on the side of the highway. The thing that was strange about about this was that the head was missing. There was a decapitated bear carcass on the side of the highway.
The third thing happened when we stopped for gas. The first pump that we pulled up to did not even have a pump. There was a white pickup truck that we waited for about 5 minutes ( give or take) for the owner to come outside in to move it because we were hauling a U-Haul. The owner came outside ( not trying to be mean here but he looked like a crusty old white man) he was staring my partner down to a tee until he drove away. I went inside to the convenience store to take a piss (as one does) The air was hot and muggy it smelt like; Teriyaki Beef Jerky, Vomit, Shit, Piss, and Overly Sweet McDonald's Sweet Tea. When I opened the door to the women's restroom, it was strange the floor was like a pyramid of sorts except for the point going downward. There was a drain or what I assumed to be a drain there is no cover on this drain....it was just a dark hole that went down. After I finished up I washed my hands, I heard what could be described as a distance scream or gargling a bit of scratching as well. When I left the women's restroom the rank, potent scent was even stronger. I felt a bit dizzy as I left the convenience store. My partner went to use the men's restroom and had a similar experience however....when he went to use the hand dyer, he felt as if there was a presence behind him.
The fourth thing that happened was that I got my first glympse not deer. The deer was standing next to a reflective sign and we were driving in the dark..... the deers legs were bent backwards, it had a giant toothy grin similar to the K-9 skull, the eyes were milky and glazed over. It was very unnerving to say the least. An hour or two later, my partner glanced over to his left (because he's driver) and saw half of a deer carcass up in the trees suspended. (It was the lower half if anybody else was interested)
I will pause and say at this point we were well on our way to Tennessee stopping in Memphis for the night.
We were thoroughly spooked and still are pretty shook. The forest is not a foreign thing for my partner however...he was very unnerved by the day's events. I normally find the force very comforting and relaxing however it felt as if we were leading up to something very very very bad..like wrong like final boss battle music. Our instincts were to get out as fast as possible.
The last and final thing that happened was something partner pointed out to me.
The Moon was BLOOD res.
(pictures are attached below)
It was ever so close, it had been strange to both of us because the moon was not in cycle for a Blood Moon or Harvest Moon There was a Full Moon on July 23rd.
We were and still are both feeling very very sick, like a primal fear of the unknown. All of this just felt wrong we both had a guttural instinct to just get away. As we crossed the miss the Mississippi River over the bridge transporting you from Arkansas to Tennesse.
It was almost as if we were breathing air for the first time in a long time. That uneasiness was still there however, we did not have that fight or flight. After we crossed the border of Tennessee once we looked back up at the moon and it appeared closer to Harvest Moon rather than a Blood Moon.
"Personally I'm afraid to learn what are in the woods of Arkansas. What decapitated that bear? What strung the deer up in the trees?
I'm very lucky to be able to see the light of a new day and I know that I'm never going to live in, travel to, or set foot in Arkansas again"
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musicmakesyousmart · 5 years
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CMD094 - Ghost Station
BLCR Laboratories
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collarful-clover · 3 years
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How we feeling babes
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my cousin brings up a very good point about Danny
she’s 14 so she has very good authority the sort of age-accurate shenanigans he might get up to and said “he’s 14 but he’s a dead 14-year-old so no one knows how old he is and are you really going to be the one person who asks a ghost how long he’s been dead???? no. you’re going to look the dead 14-year-old in the eye when he orders ‘three alcoholic beverages, please’ and hand him three alcoholic beverages”
better to accidentally enable drunk teenage shenanigans than be the one asshole that tries to ID a ghost
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acorviart · 2 years
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call the stag
twitter | insta | store 
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minecraftian1213 · 2 years
Hey does anyone have any fics where Luke is an absolute m e n a c e to society? Like I want him going over the galaxy fixing problems in the most unorthodox ways. You think a 19-year-old traumatized boy wouldn't do that? I want this boy to be an absolutely feral leash toddler. Leia holds the other end like the boss QUEEN she is. I want her to point her brother at a problem AND SET HIM LOOSE! Where are my fanfics like that.
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My favourite horror stories are the ones where the main character is stopping to get help somewhere, like their car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere but miraculously there’s a gas station, or they have food with a kind lady in a house, only to leave to find out the station / house was abandoned. 
Because it’s meant to be freaky like “oh, they were talking to ghosts this whole time!” yeah man, ghosts that just wanted to give you food and chill. They didn’t have to help you or be nice at all, and there’s literally no consequences for them being mean or violent because they’re already dead, yet they choose to have tea and cookies. You think it’s scary, I think it’s sweet
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londiniumlundene · 4 years
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King William Street Station
This could easily be an addition to my ‘Lost London’ series, but this one isn’t entirely lost, as will become clear.
King William Street station opened on 18th December 1890 as the City of London terminus of the new City and South London Railway, the first deep-level electric tube railway, which would later be incorporated into the Northern Line. Unlike the other stations of this new railway, King William Street’s surface-level entrance was incorporated into an existing office building on the corner of what is now Monument Street. Two hydraulic lifts (with a spiral staircase for emergencies) took passengers down to an underground vaulted space – gas-lit and glazed with white reflective tiles. Initially the trains arrived at a single-track bay, with flanking arrival and departure platforms, though this would later be changed to two tracks with an island platform.
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This design change was linked to overcrowding in the station, itself a symptom of many problems that plagued the station from its opening. The City and South London Railway had been required to tunnel under existing roads (for fear of subsidence causing buildings to collapse), resulting in a sharp curve and steep gradient on the approach to King William Street station as the railway passed under the Thames. This was too much for the early electric locomotives the line used, with many trains becoming stranded at the bottom of the slope on their approach, necessitating the locomotive from the following train to be used to push the stuck train into the station.
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Little over a year after it opened, King William Street station was deemed an engineering failure, and plans were made to bypass it during construction of a new stretch of tunnel up to Moorgate. The new line opened in 1900, with Bank station effectively superseding King William Street as the City and South London Railway’s first stop in the City.
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The original station building was demolished in the 1930s, replaced with Regis House, though the underground station survived. During the Second World War, it would be converted into a private air raid shelter to accommodate 2000 office workers. After the war, the tunnels were used for a short time for document storage, though by the late 1960s much of the station had fallen back into disuse. Those who visited the station in the 1980s and 1990s reported a strange mix of the original 19th Century features, wartime structures, ventilation units and notices, and an odd microclimate of thin mist.
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Much of this is now gone, though; the station has become a construction site as part of the Bank station upgrades, with the platforms and their wartime shelters demolished to make way for the engineers and their equipment (though some of it may be reinstated once work is complete). On the surface, there is very little trace of King William Street Station, with its existence simply marked by a blue plaque on the side of the second iteration of Regis House.
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b612sunsets · 2 years
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Goodbye puppy Go Seungtak, professor Cha Youngmin and Ghost Doctor. Thank you. You will be missed a lot.
Screenshots trans: @/kimbum_global on Instagram.
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havesexwithghosts · 2 years
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tombstone-pisa · 2 years
I haven't seen any ghost aus so I decided to be really, really mean to Emmet. I mean, ghosts are canon in pokemon! :)
Ingo never comes to the future and Emmet never manages to reunite with him in the past. No matter what he does, how hard he tries, he just can't seem to find a trace of his missing brother. It's like Ingo just vanished. He never gives up, though! He goes to Alola to investigate Ultra Beasts and to Johto to try and find Celebi. He even heads to Sinnoh, thinking that maybe Dialga or Palkia will have the solution.
That's where he finds Ingo's grave in the burial grounds of some half-forgotten clan.
It sucks. He cries a lot. He starts grieving all over again. Everyone seems to think he'd get some sort of closure from finally finding out what happened, but it just made him feel worse. All he can think about is Ingo dying alone a region and century away.
Emmet goes home. There's still a subway to run, there's still pokemon that need him. He knows Ingo would never forgive him for leaving their pokemon behind, but he's definitely thinking about ending it. Like, what's the point? He resolves to take care of their pokemon and the subway until he's found someone that he thinks is worthy to pass the mantle on to. It's a decision made in the depths of despair, thinking about how he never told Ingo how he feels about him. Thinking about what their last words to each to the other were, thinking about whether Ingo went peacefully or not. Listening to voicemails from Ingo because he can't remember his voice otherwise.
When he gets home, Chandelure is acting funny. It keeps trying to lead him out of the house or to specific rooms. When it's not doing that, it vocalizes seemingly at random. Emmet's usually very kind to Chandelure, he's kind to all of his pokemon but Chandelure was Ingo's partner so he's a little more lenient with it. But he's at the end of his rope and snaps a few times or even ignores it outright.
And then one day Chandelure gets fed up. It flares its fire up a little and poof - there's Ingo. Standing right beside it, looking confused and worse for wear. He's older and his uniform is torn up and his posture is shit. But it's Ingo! Emmet goes to hug him and phases right through.
His heart is already on the way to breaking when Ingo asks who he is and where they are. Ingo's been dead for a very, very long time. He was the last of the ghosts in the burial ground. It's been so long that he's not quite connected to the living realm, fading in and out.
(Chandelure goes out at night a lot. It and Ingo spend a lot of time together and Ingo always seems stronger afterwards. Stray pokemon are disappearing. Visitors are getting sick. Emmet can't find it within himself to care.)
Over the next few days, the two of them try to adjust. Constant interaction with Emmet and Chandelure helps Ingo to become more solid, more present. He's not so confused and sometimes even remembers things from life with Emmet. His voice grows from a whisper to nearly matching his old volume. Sometimes, Emmet can feel the faintest pressure when they try to touch each other.
Emmet goes back to work. People give him a lot of weird looks for being so cheerful in the wake of his brother's death. He doesn't mind! It does break his heart when Ingo tries to interact with the depot agents or passengers and they just look through him, though. Ingo likes being around people, likes helping them. The enforced solitude is bad for him.
(Even the senior Depot Agents won't go in the abandoned tunnels anymore. Chandelure is never in its pokeball. The subway seems darker, somehow. Colder. There's a wave of sickness in Nimbasa, spilling out from around Gear Station in lazy spirals. Chandelure's fire burns brighter every day.)
(Someone jokingly asks Emmet about calling some ghost-hunters. The look on his face is enough to shut them up.)
(Emmet wonders if Ingo knows what exactly it is that's sustaining him, that's keeping him from fading away. Probably not. His brother would never forgive him or Chandelure. It's okay. So long as Ingo stays by his side.)
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alphamecha-mkii · 3 years
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Shipyard, with one of Clan Ghost Bear's Leviathan-class WarShips under construction
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aueua · 3 years
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#[art#.jpeg]#[2021.zip]#hollow knight#\\ happy saturday. subjects you#have I already talked about how I stand by the sanctum is in technicality a pivotal ''last stronghold for the people'' rather than just a#place of atrocities? I'm sure I've done it a few times but. really#you have a place sectioned in the low/poor society and there's chance that the scholars stationed there don't have as much bias as nobles#while it focused on pure focus (aha) prior; it doesn't really change the fact they at least still attempted to find an alt. means of a cure#so there's -> hospital ? | a cemetery when you can't bury your people anywhere else ?#I love religious damage control <3#I mean of course it doesn't change the fact that much like the abyss there's a Whole Lot of Bodies but#-> factor in the chance of the oldlight having influenced/sparked that sort of deviation in any of these bugs ++ hypothetically.#say that it did work. it didn't - and even then the amt of bodies can't be justified - but if it did? what then?#in one of the records they at least have enough heart to ''spare thought'' to everyone that contributed/volunteered#listen akdjhf you have the traitor lord's tribe where they potentially kept their minds up until [] occurred#* I will not get into that here >_>#at least you know. they still tried to save someone if even themselves. they're damn mortals bro ofc if they get a few sparks here and there#at least ONE of them is going to be like. Heyy besties. What if we. Aheem heem. Immortality. ? potentially bc radi/the voice gave them that#the springs is a whack situation; I feel like that's partly a -> only ghost/some vessel equivalent gets the actual soul benefit out of it#otherwise why else is the pleasure house still in tact? the sanctum already has all these machineries why wouldn't they just. YEEHAWWW#although then again it's a wonder why they hadn't explored crystal peak due to ''better focusing'' but maybe that's just an unrecorded matte#euaugh this is getting long listen I do mean it when I say I have thoughts on these bugs I'm ill </3#you can still hate them it's okay just. maybe. not default into the idea that it was all entirely due to them being selfish and arrogant?#like still remember the infection's at play and not every single scholar including the master is a willingly heading down corruption scene#love the path of good intentions is carved in the similarity of hell <333#I'll debate on keeping these tags ajtjhfgh maybe it's better I just briefly tap it into a post and never discuss it again#really sexy that the people that used to act for the society w/ good intentions has warped it slightly and still keeps the trust of the ppl#then get twisted and fucked up and the ppl still believe in them bc honestly who else can they believe in?
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williammarksommer · 2 years
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Abandoned West
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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weirdlandtv · 4 years
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Ghost tube: haunted and abandoned London underground stations.
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