#Gil-Galad having to fight between his duty as a king and his own happiness as his own person
thefandomstorage · 2 years
A part of me wants to write a fic with Gil-Galad somehow meeting up with an injured and still heavily traumatized Maeglin who now has white hair after the fall of Gondolin and just “Well I obviously can’t just leave you alone and injured in the wild, so I’ll take you with me.”
Gil-Galad then proceeds to lie his ass off to everyone about the strange elf he brought back and is obviously hiding. What elf? Oh that one! He’s just a friend. What’s his name? Uhm...What a coincidence, it seems to have slipped my mind! Gottagobye!
Gil-Galad keeps telling himself that he’ll exile Maeglin or hand him over to the Gondolin survivors, but he keeps putting it off, even when Maeglin is majority healed. Next thing they know, the armies of Valinor have arrived and the War of Wrath ramps up. With nothing left to do, Gil gives Maeglin a disguised name, armor and a sword, and together, they fight. They are quite surprised to discover that they work very well together. That’s probably when they start becoming friends. 
And then Elrond comes in. And Gil is trying so hard to keep his two friends separated. Which is hard when you’re friends with a very curious and nosey peredhel who is very suspicious about the mysterious white haired elf who is always with the king.
It’s even funnier if Elrond is hiding Maglor 
Elrond: Is that Maeglin?! Gil-Galad with an obvious Maeglin behind him: No no no, you’re seeing things. 
*Maglor passes by behind Elrond*
Gil-Galad: Is that Maglor Feanorian?!
Elrond: No, you’re seeing things.
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sotwk · 1 year
Can you tell us more about Mirion's wife and children 👀
Hello Anon! I believe this is the second time you've asked me about Crown Prince Mirion and his family, and appreciate your interest so much. 🥰 Mirion is my personal favorite of the OC Thranduilions, so any inquiries about him are dear to me.
I have been keeping the details about Mirion's family under wraps for so long, but I no longer see a good reason to keep them secret, so here we go: some basic headcanon info that will hopefully satisfy your curiosity. 😉
For those who might care: some SotWK AU Spoilers ahead!
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SotWK AU Headcanons: Crown Prince Mirion and his "Golden" Family
Although Mirion tragically died in his attempt to free his homeland from the Necromancer (his efforts did drive Sauron out of Dol Guldur for a time and gave Mirkwood four centuries of respite), he left behind a beautiful wife and two children to continue his legacy. His son gave Thranduil a new heir and continued hope for the future of their line and kingdom.
Because Mirion's wife was an Eldar of powerful lineage and incredible strength in her own right, she and their children helped Mirkwood to stay strong and protected through the dangers the realm faced in the Third Age.
And when Thranduil's grandchildren took over the rule of Eryn Lasgalen in the Fourth Age, it ushered in a new Golden Era for the last remaining Kingdom of Elves on Middle-earth.
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SotWK Fancast: Teresa Palmer (A Discovery of Witches)
Mirion's wife is Princess Itarildë, an elleth with a rare mix of Noldor-Vanyar-Teleri blood with "royal" lineage on both sides of her family.
Itarildë’s mother is Nimeithel (a SotWK OC), the younger sister of Nimloth and niece of Celeborn.
Nimeithel is featured in my ongoing Thranduil x Maereth series, Sins of Our Fathers. She grew up with Thranduil in Doriath, and was the one who introduced him to Maereth.
Itarildë’s father is Maranwon (SotWK OC), the grandson of Glorfindel and his wife Elemírë (SotWK OC), who was the sister of Elenwë, late wife of King Turgon.
Itarildë has a high Eldar "pedigree" due to her lineage, but that was not what attracted Mirion to her. On the contrary, her noble background nearly caused the Crown Prince to decide against pursing her hand in marriage, despite their deep love for each other.
Before ever meeting Itarildë, Mirion had intended to choose his wife and future Queen among the Silvan elves of Greenwood, out of love for his people and his wish to honor the land's native race. (Something Thranduil was unable to do by marrying a Noldor.)
Mirion agonized over this conflict between his duty and his heart until his parents persuaded him to pursue his own happiness.
Itarildë is older than Mirion by a few decades, born in Lothlorien but raised in Rivendell. Her father died in the War of the Last Alliance fighting alongside his surrogate father, Gil-galad.
She takes after her father's side of the family; she is passionate, joyful, strong-willed, and has a radiant presence that commands and captivates every room she enters. She has a compassionate heart and a determination to effect good changes in the world.
She adores her husband's brothers and counsels and cares for them as an elder sister.
She is a fearless and skilled warrior (what else would you expect from the great-granddaughter of Glorfindel), who more than holds her own whenever she marches into battle alongside the princes.
It is later discovered that something about Itarildë’s presence causes the Spiders of Mirkwood to flee; just looking upon her somehow pains or deters them, and so they never attack her directly.
Mirion's death broke Itarildë and very nearly caused her to fade; she was brought back only by the healing efforts and pleas of her daughter. But her joyful spirit never recovered.
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SotWK Fancast: Bradley James (Merlin)
Aranion is the elder child of Mirion and Itarildë, making him the eldest grandchild of Thranduil and second-in-line to the throne of the Woodland Realm.
Upon Mirion's death, Aranion inherited the title of Crown Prince of Mirkwood. (This responsibility never fell to Legolas, which is why he remained free to travel, join the Fellowship, and and even sail to Valinor as he eventually did.)
After Maereth died, Thranduil became very focused on preparing Aranion for the throne, since he was then resolved to sail for Valinor and rejoin his wife--once the future of Mirkwood and his people had been secured with his grandson in place.
The name Aranion translates to "Son of the King" in Quenya, but the prince was actually named after the plant kingsfoil or athelas, also known as asëa aranion. Kingsfoil did not grow naturally in the Greenwood forest, since it thrived in the Western lands.
However, in the year of Itarildë's pregnancy with Aranion, kingsfoil began to sprout in abundance in the lands surrounding their home.
Although the Mirkwood Elves previously had no use for kingsfoil, later in the Third Age the plant became an vital resource in their healing for wounds inflicted by orcs and other beasts coming from Dol Guldur.
Aranion is utterly devoted to his homeland and the Silvan people of Mirkwood, a sentiment that they reciprocate with fierce love and loyalty. While not as politically-savvy as his forebears, he is a "people's prince", spending most of his days working alongside the common folk of the realm.
Although he is often compared to his great, great-grandfather Glorfindel, Aranion's cheerful, energetic, and light-hearted temperament is actually most similar to that of his uncle Legolas, to whom he was always very close.
The Prince is a fearless and naturally gifted fighter, whose innate talents were enhanced by centuries of intensive instruction and training from the greatest warriors on Middle-earth, including Thranduil and Glorfindel.
As the darkness worsened in the Third Age, Thranduil grew extremely protective of Aranion, increasing to paranoia at the loss of his wife and each of his sons. As decades passed the prince's very existence soon became unknown to outsiders, which was what Thranduil had intended.
By the events of the Hobbit, Aranion was forbidden from traveling outside of Mirkwood, and was not permitted to participate in the Battle of the Five Armies.
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SotWK Fancast: Gabriella Wilde (The Three Musketeers, Poldark)
Anariel is the younger child of Mirion and Itarildë and second grandchild of Thranduil and Maereth.
Beautiful and sweet beyond compare, she is very much the darling treasure of not only her grandfather Thranduil, but also of her loving uncles who have doted on her since she was a baby (probably because they never had a little sister of their own).
Unlike her boisterous older brother, Anariel is reserved, introverted, and avoids drawing attention to herself. She prefers to listen rather than speak.
Large crowds and excessive noises make her very uncomfortable, and it is possible she suffers from a mild form of sensory overload.
However, she very much carries the courage and willingness to serve that runs in her family, and devotes herself to the welfare of the people of Mirkwood.
Anariel is highly intelligent, much like her uncle Arvellas. Being a voracious reader and learner herself, she grew especially close to the Scholar Prince and gained knowledge and abilities from him.
She lived in Rivendell for periods of long years throughout the Third Age, during which she was mentored by Lord Elrond himself, and became skilled in the healing arts.
Anariel has actually already appeared in one of my WIP fics, although she was not yet named/identified. The first person to comment and tell me correctly which fic/character I am referring to, will receive a special prize from me from the Tumblr Market!
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut @beekieboo
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esmeraude11 · 4 years
On Idril and the Kingship
Something that I'd absolutely love to see is Idril as Queen of Gondolin in the wake of her father's death.
She is the last surviving member of Turgon's immediate family who is old enough to rule and govern and, most importantly, lead the survivors of Gondolin. It'd be interesting as well to look at the question of Gil-Galad and the Kingship of the Noldor in relation to Idril.
Gil-Galad, as we all know, is of unknown and potentially dubious paternity. We don't know who is his father or mother. Just where he falls in the line of succession. Or even if he falls in the line of succession.
An unknown random Elven child could have been picked up off the side of a road and proclaimed king or prince as a son of the House of Fingolfin due to the typical Noldorin features or a seeming resonance with the Vanyarin heritage of Finarfin's line. He might be a Beleriand-born son of Lalwen. He might be an as-yet unknown and/or unidentified child of the Fëanorian line. A half-human child of Caranthir and Haleth. An as yet unknown child of Curufin's line if his wife joined him. A child of mixed Sindar-Noldor heritage if we go the route of Maglor marrying in Beleriand or even Caranthir given that he's briefly mentioned to be married and we don’t know who he married.
You can be a little more out there too. Because depending on how you view Maia having children with the Eldar. Something could have occurred between Maedhros and, say, Thuringwethil or even Sauron at Angband that resulted in a bouncing baby. It'd be hard to explain because how would Gil-Galad get to the Elves?
But yeah. Anything is possible with poor Gil-Galad.
A Fëanorian-descended Gil-Galad would technically not be in the line of succession. Idril as the eldest surviving descendant of Finwë who is not currently ignoring the throne and doing there own thing would be a credible option. But her interests might be divided. She's married to a Man and likely feels the passage of time more and more as Tuor continues to get older. She has a young half-human child and she might die of grief relatively soon if Tuor dies. There's also the fact that Idril's spent the majority of her life hidden away in Gondolin whereas Gil-Galad has been visible among the Noldor and ruling them rather competently for a decent amount of time now.
Idril and Eärendil are not suitable candidates for the throne. Eärendil himself is one of the first Peredhel in living history. (as far as the Sindar and Noldor know that is. Because the Avari might know more.) No one knows if he'll take after his mother or his father. No one knows if he will live a Mannish life or if he'll have Elven immortality.
There's another issue as well.
Idril might see herself as an elf of Gondolin rather than a Noldo. She spent a large part of her life in Gondolin. Living with her father's people who were Noldor, Sindar, and potentially Avari.
It's entirely possible that Gil-Galad sent an emissary to the Havens after the Gondolindrim refugees arrival. Asking for clarification on Idril's position and whether or not she desired the crown. I can absolutely see him asking. Because duty and honor and either way? Gil-Galad will likely still be leading the armies. The crown itself is no big deal. Plus Idril, presumably, has a stronger claim considering that no one knows where Gil-Galad came from. Not even the man himself.
Galadriel is a different question and she may or may not have turned down the throne as well. Possibly due to her gift with foresight or simply because everyone knows by now that the leaders of the Noldor have a definite death-date.
Whether his followers would be happy with that is another question.
But I can absolutely see Idril very pointedly turning down the offer. Referring to herself as Queen of Gondolin. Gondolin, in her eyes, is more than the city her father founded. It is the people themselves. The Noldor, Sindar, and Avari refugees that she led out of their burning city. The people that she loved and fought for. The men and women and children for whom she worked tirelessly to develop escape plans so that some of her people might survive when the Enemy came for their city.
Idril won her struggle with her cousin. Maeglin is dead. And love him or hate him. Idril more than likely saw him as a threat. She might have attempted to care for him in the beginning. Out of an attempt to do right by her aunt's memory or to try and bond with him so as to have something of Aredhel in her life. But by the end of Maeglin's life Idril likely saw him as a threat to not only herself and her family but to the people of Gondolin. They clashed at every turn. They couldn't agree on topics nor could they agree to disagree. And her father was caught between their fights.
Idril is queen of a fallen kingdom. Of a doomed and traumatized people. Eärendil is her heir.
Idril is likely all too aware of her husband's pending mortality. She knows that she can't be an efficient queen and leader for the Noldor as a whole. Not when she doesn't know what will happen if, when, Tuor dies. Not when she doesn't want to contemplate the idea that he will die.
I can see Idril turning down the kingship of the Noldor in Beleriand in favor of remaining Queen of Gondolin. Partly out of greater loyalty to her people. Partly out of acknowledgement that her time might be short. And, you know, I kind of like the idea of Idril cementing her place in the story of the Noldor by making her own choices in this case. Choosing the Gondolindrim over the Noldor even as she makes plans to sail for Valinor to seek the Valar and, hopefully, get a blessing for Tuor.
It'd lead to an interesting conundrum in Valinor too. By the time Turgon is re-embodied it's very likely that Idril will be very much settled in as the Queen of Gondolin-in-exile in Valinor. The people who sail at the end of the War of Wrath and the people who are re-embodied will have likely become comfortable with Idril as their queen.
I just really like the idea of the Noldor going from one nation-state/united people before the Darkening to a series of nation-states and groups in Valinor by the start of the Fourth Age and the return of the last of the Elves of Middle-Earth. As well as the concept of Queen Idril.
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shineoftherainbow · 6 years
Fingon, and what I think about him
-I love him (has nothing to do with the rest of this post, but it's true) 
-Short, briefly considered developing a complex about this, then decided that the ability to glomp his ridiculously tall brothers, father, and cousins was worth it 
-Dramatic Gay (tm) and so, so Extra (tm) 
-Will Fight You 
-It takes him literally forever to do his hair, because he insists on doing it alone 
-Yes, Russo, I know you like braiding it, but so do I, pass me another ribbon 
-Really likes shiny things (no I'm not projecting why do you ask) especially gold 
-Is always wearing at least some jewelry, but usually a lot 
-This means that his colour scheme ends up being blue, white, silver, and gold 
-He pulls this off, somehow (he’s so shiny guys, you have no idea)
-Asked Nerdanel to teach him so at least one of Maedhros' parents would like him 
-Actually loved it, he's not that good at actual sculpture, but great at carving, especially wood 
-Probably has some form of ADHD (I'm still not projecting) and needs someone to be working with him to focus properly 
-Impulsive, but also really easily convinced by people he cares about to abandon his plans 
-He knows this, and avoided his father like the plague while he was planning his boyfriend rescue mission 
-It's also how it only took Mae two tries to convince him to shoot him 
-Perfectly capable of being a responsible, serious, patient etc, eldest son, prince, and king, he just doesn't see the point of doing it when it's not necessary 
-Turno why are you so stuck up? I don't know Finno, why are you so childish? 
-This happens at least once a week 
-Actually used to be a rather quiet and serious child, but when Turgon was born he decided to develop an identity as an older brother that could be distinguished from Maedhros' and became awesome 
-Not Gil-Galad's father, he adopted him to make people stop worrying, and although he tried to be a decent father he kinda died while he was still figuring out the shift between cool older relative and competent parent 
-Loved the kid very much, though 
-Not actually very optimistic, but getting stuck on mistakes you made in the past is useless, getting upset about things that could go wrong is stupid, and bitching about bad situations you can't do anything about is annoying 
-So you might as well not worry about things and try to be happy with your life
 -Mae is the one who starts with the hand puns, but only because Fingon didn't want to hurt him and held off the impulse 
-After he got implicit permission the two of them could keep going for hours, it's a miracle no one stabbed them 
-This bears repeating: Will Fight You 
-Is very willing to shout at people who annoy him, whoever they are, and also always ready to punch them 
-Yes, even if the person he's pissed at is a literal god 
-He would have pulled a Fingolfin, if he hadn't been as dutiful as he was 
-Was actually pretty hurt that it was Turgon that got their father's body, it's not that he wanted to see it, but it's still unfair that his younger brother who fucked off to who knows where and left everyone to die on their own devices got to be honoured with the duty of burying their dad 
-So he's actually very hurt, and bitter, and angry, sue him, he's allowed to be 
-Wise and good and just and whatever, he totally hates being in charge of people on a day to day basis, even if he's good at it, he was overjoyed to leave the dominion of Dor-Lomin to the house of Hador 
-Like, so happy, you have no idea 
-Didn't hug anyone other than his father over this, but it was hard 
-He was therefore also very angry when Fingolfin went off to kill himself and left him alone to deal with all of the Noldor 
-A very, very tactile person, he just keeps patting people, and running his hands over random things, and playing with his hair, and keeping a hand on or near Maedhros 
-He's not actually a particularly good musician, but he likes the feeling of strings under his fingers, so he keeps trying 
-Animals are Good and he loves them 
-Still mildly jealous that Finrod got to wrestle a werewolf, though
-May or may not be an adrenaline junkie 
-He and Aredhel are each other's enablers 
-Loves all his family, but especially his boyfriend, shut the fuck up, dad, he's amazing 
-Family goes from his grandparents and beyond to that one random five year old kid who smiled at him yesterday, btw 
-And said kid's dog 
-Wow this got long 
-Anyway, he's got the survival instincts of a toddler on a sugar high, and I love him
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