#and his own sense of justice vs. the sense of justice as a king who is the leader of the people that includes the people Maeglin wronged
thefandomstorage · 2 years
A part of me wants to write a fic with Gil-Galad somehow meeting up with an injured and still heavily traumatized Maeglin who now has white hair after the fall of Gondolin and just “Well I obviously can’t just leave you alone and injured in the wild, so I’ll take you with me.”
Gil-Galad then proceeds to lie his ass off to everyone about the strange elf he brought back and is obviously hiding. What elf? Oh that one! He’s just a friend. What’s his name? Uhm...What a coincidence, it seems to have slipped my mind! Gottagobye!
Gil-Galad keeps telling himself that he’ll exile Maeglin or hand him over to the Gondolin survivors, but he keeps putting it off, even when Maeglin is majority healed. Next thing they know, the armies of Valinor have arrived and the War of Wrath ramps up. With nothing left to do, Gil gives Maeglin a disguised name, armor and a sword, and together, they fight. They are quite surprised to discover that they work very well together. That’s probably when they start becoming friends. 
And then Elrond comes in. And Gil is trying so hard to keep his two friends separated. Which is hard when you’re friends with a very curious and nosey peredhel who is very suspicious about the mysterious white haired elf who is always with the king.
It’s even funnier if Elrond is hiding Maglor 
Elrond: Is that Maeglin?! Gil-Galad with an obvious Maeglin behind him: No no no, you’re seeing things. 
*Maglor passes by behind Elrond*
Gil-Galad: Is that Maglor Feanorian?!
Elrond: No, you’re seeing things.
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queenvhagar · 4 months
My perhaps controversial take on the HOTD characters, the GOT characters the writers are trying to mold them into, and the GOT characters they actually most resemble in the books (in my opinion - feel free to disagree).
Disclaimer: these are entirely disconnected series with unique characters, so it's impossible to do what the writers of HOTD seemed to be trying to do in season 1 i.e. mold the characters from Fire and Blood to fit the characters of GOT to try to recreate the success of the early seasons. Given this, I tried to choose one single character analogue from GOT that each HOTD/FB character is most like, but oftentimes the reality is that if any single character from Fire and Blood resembles a Game of Thrones character it is likely that they are a combination of more than one. All of this said, here is who I think the writers are trying to fit certain HOTD characters into vs the character they are actually most like (according to Fire and Blood):
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Rhaenyra Targaryen: obviously the show wants her to be the new and improved Daenerys, a protagonist everyone can root for who wants to revolutionize the existing order. In reality, Rhaenyra is most like Cersei: a woman who seeks to use her three bastards to usurp thrones and gain even more power than she already has, all while committing incest with a family member and using her power to punish and silence her enemies. She uses the existing system to raise herself up and keep others below her. She does reach her goal of ultimate power but ultimately she is unable to hold it. In pursuit of holding onto power or gaining more of it, she watches as her children die early deaths. The smallfolk despise her for her methods of ruling. Eventually, she will cause her own downfall and die before her time.
Alicent Hightower: the show wants her to be Cersei, a mean-spirited, jealous woman protecting her problematic children and using her status as queen to put others in their place (they even used Cersei scenes as audition material for the role). In reality, I see Alicent as most like Catelyn - a flawed woman, mother to a king, seeking to further the rights of her son in the hopes of protecting her family from those who would harm them, guided by her own sense of justice, honor, and understanding of the laws of the land (and of course, hyper aware of the bastards in the room). All she wants is her and her children's safety, and she is willing to go to war for it. In the end, however, she watches as every last child is taken from her before she herself dies alone.
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Viserys I Targaryen: the show wants us to see him as the ultimate father who loves his child unconditionally and always supports her, and that his view of right and wrong should be what guides the world. In reality, he is most like Robert Baratheon: a weak king unsuitable for rule whose mistakes and complacency lead to civil war after his death. His preoccupation with past events and people, and his role in a former love's demise, leads him to neglect his current wife and their children and make decisions that create long-term issues for his family and the realm.
Criston Cole: as soon as Criston turns away from Rhaenyra, the show wants you to view him as a Meryn Trant type of Kingsguard - a man unconcerned with honor and violently anti-women, more than willing to carry out terrible acts commanded of him. In reality, Criston is like more like Jaime: he seeks to make a name for himself as a knight, guided by his own sense of honor and justice, though he is judged by others as lacking such principles. His devotion to his position on the Kingsguard and his love for the royal family motivates him. Occasionally his self-confidence and delight in goading his enemies can make him appear callous and proud. Although he is not officially the royal children's "father," he has guided and protected them and their mother from early on in the absence of their official father.
Daemon Targaryen: the show wants you to both love and hate Daemon. It seems he should fill many roles that Jaime did - a sword fighter whose swagger and danger mix together, whose dishonorable acts follow him through the world. He acts primarily out of love or his pursuit of it, whether for his brother or his lover and her children. The viewer is supposed to see that deep down he is a good guy, no matter how many characters say that he's not. In reality, I see Daemon as a more capable Viserys III: a man adamant in his family's racial superiority, who believes he and his loved ones should have access to unchecked power because they're better than everyone else. A man who enjoys exercising his power over others and demanding obedience out of fear of his wrath. A man who uses his younger family member to further his own interests without much thought to her own wishes or agency and willing to hurt her if she doesn't act the way he wants her to.
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Otto Hightower: the show wants you to view Otto as a new Littlefinger, someone sly about his intentions who uses spies, information, and unsavory methods to take advantage of the ruling family and further his own interests and increase his own power. I see him instead as more similar to Tywin: a Hand of the King seeking to put his family close to the throne in pursuit of legacy and advancing his family's station, a man who arranged for his daughter to marry the king so his blood would sit the Iron Throne and bring his family power for generations, a man acutely aware of the political world and how the game is played and willing to get his hands dirty to play it.
The Strong boys: the show wants you to root for Rhaenyra's perfect, good natured and pure intentioned sons as if they were the Stark boys (mixed with Jon Snow). Raised in a good family, these boys know right from wrong and love each other. Yet some people unfairly think less of them for their birth. In reality, the Strong boys are closest to Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella. Bastards set to inherit positions they have no claim to, they are coddled by their mother and protected from any consequences to their actions. When one attacks another child, their mother demands that the other child's family is punished for their actions (and doesn't even reprimand the child for his role in the conflict). The result is the child has no remorse for the harm done, and the other child's family festers resentment against the child. Some people uncover the truth of their birth and object to their place in the line of succession, and these people are killed for speaking the truth. Eventually, a war is fought to keep them and their mother away from the throne, resulting in all of them being killed.
Aegon II Targaryen: the show wants you to see him as Joffrey 2.0. A man interested in viewing sadistic acts for his own pleasure, who abuses women for his own enjoyment, and who is unfit to rule. In reality I see Aegon as closest to Robb: a first born son reluctant to rule as king once his father dies but who rises to the occasion to try to keep his remaining family safe. A king willing to fight his battles alongside his men, no matter the risk it might pose to him. A king who tries his best to rule but makes mistakes along the way that cost him dearly. In the end, he watches as he loses everything, and he dies young.
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vigilskeep · 14 days
Wait what’s the dynamic of Alistair and Minerva? Could’ve been lovers but worse actually ? Or something else?
well that really is the question all of ferelden asks itself daily
what alistair and minerva endure together makes them truly inseparably close during most of dao, that kind of forged-under-fire bond. minerva has so much faith in alistair’s protection and loyalty that he’s the only person she really feels safe being publicly affectionate with, and alistair trusted her, thought the world of her as his leader, and followed her anywhere. but the friendship messily explodes when minerva’s political agenda leads her to spare loghain at the landsmeet. which is what i refer to as their platonic divorce
they love each other a lot, and no matter what point the relationship is at, harm to the other would be unbearable to them both. but there were always fault lines in the relationship liable to at some point erupt, major ones including: a) alistair’s history with the templars and certain mindsets he was taught, vs minerva’s lifelong trauma with them that she only during dao even begins to come to terms with. b) minerva does not have the sense of honour or justice alistair assumes is universal among those he considers good, which leads him to wrongfully assume she would draw his same line with loghain without it having to be discussed, and to no longer be able to categorise her as “good” when she suddenly fails his standard. c) she is a manipulative political person who, due to circle mage backstory horrors and growing up as a first enchanter in the making, simply has never been taught and does not believe that individuals getting the lives they want is realistic or necessary or even a requirement of doing right by them. she pushes alistair to take the throne and marry anora to serve her own big-picture goals. he does not have the necessary courage/confidence to stand up for the life he wants, while she fatally simply assumes that he would refuse if it really mattered enough to him (which she literally would have adjusted her plans for with minimal complaining! because she loves him! but because he’s alistair, and also because he loves her, of course he’d never refuse outright what she said was so important. maddening.)
alistair considers loghain to have massacred the only true family he ever had, and minerva not only turns around and spares him but gives him a place in that very family like it’s nothing. alistair abandons minerva at the most public moment, and when she and the world perhaps need him most, in the final battle against the archdemon, he isn’t there. neither of them are really built to be able to overlook what each other did. but the love is still there, as i like to say
post-dao they have a weird painful dynamic in which king alistair continues to give her the cold shoulder while doggedly pursuing the freedom for mages she asked for as her boon from the crown, and minerva, loyal to him to the death, refuses to let slip a scrap of emotion or remorse in his direction because she cannot bear any further damage to her pride. they work together constantly but usually at the distance between denerim and amaranthine rather than seeing each other in person. they’re both very angry, they both miss each other all the time. i like to think that over the years the latter eventually wins out but maybe that’s wishful thinking
because their relationship has the appropriate plot relevance and intensity—friendship always seems too weak a word, and comparisons to siblings useful but not quite right—i do have aus where they are romantic, but i don’t consider those to be “canon”. alistair did flirt once or twice in her playthrough which probably muddies the waters of his feelings a little bit but i don’t think even he took that particularly seriously, he’s just 19-20 and she’s extremely pretty and extremely right there. alistair isn’t really minerva’s type she goes for scoundrels
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sepublic · 1 year
So we have a young and older person... Both want to indulge in their fantasies, with one (low key non-binary) preferring an idealized world where they can play with and befriend everyone, while another wants to be feared by the enemies he ruthlessly conquers, and has the power of the Titan at his disposal.
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You can say this applies to Luz and King... But it also applies to the Collector and Belos, now that you think of it?
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And because the ages are reversed with these roles, with the one who wants to destroy his enemies being the ‘mentor’ of sorts, that plays a part in Belos and the Collector being so much more disastrous. Something something, restorative justice VS retributive justice, and how blindly pursuing either without regards to others can be dangerous. But at least with restorative justice, you want people to get better and be happy, not dead; The Collector’s reign lasts much less than Belos’, but we can see how their policies lead to less carnage.
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It’s interesting that Luz and King are primarily paired with their ‘compliment’ on the antagonistic side, so to speak, even dressing up in their clothes; King with the Collector, who tries so hard to be Luz. Luz with Belos, who claims to speak on behalf of the Titan. And we see Luz get to reach out with her more ‘direct’ parallel in the Collector, although alas King never really gets to interact with Belos... It’s mostly in spirit, as I’ve said, with Belos acting in the name of his father, justifying his atrocities with the Titan in a way that convinces King he doesn’t want to be seen as a monster, as he later discusses with Steve. And there’s at least the fact that King kills Belos at the end of the story, too...
Luz and King are still a lot alike, as are Belos and the Collector; So of course this is going to apply between Luz and Belos, and King and the Collector. Luz is haunted by who she could’ve been by Belos, and feels trapped by this, whereas King feels obligated to help the self he recognizes in the Collector; It helps that King is playing more of a guiding role out of sympathy, whereas Belos is deliberately seizing power to gaslight Luz, insisting on these comparisons.
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Luz and King are trapped in a twisted version of an early relationship, which is made explicit with King and the Collector, while Belos sees himself as the older person trying to rein in the younger, steer them from the less destructive path. And because the Collector wants to befriend others, they’re actually open when Luz steps in; Whereas when King steps in for Belos, it’s literally, as in he steps on Belos and stomps him to death, because that man would rather die than change and boy did everyone take him up on that claim.
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I kind of get the sense that another reason things went wrong with the Collector and Belos is that they didn’t have their own Eda, an older mentor figure who could help temper and guide them! The Collector could’ve had that with the Titan, but the potential mentor succumbed to passion and lashed out at the kid for something the Archivists did. Likewise, Belos might’ve had that with Caleb and Evelyn... But the potential learner rejected both, killed the former even! And Caleb and Evelyn are Eda’s ancestors, no less; Just as the Titan and Eda are parents to King, and teach Luz magic!
By the end of the day, it really is down to the person themselves to get better, to decide to change; Look at Belos! But an older person providing guidance really can make a world of difference, when we look at the Collector and how they received that at a more impressionable age. 
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noyzinerd · 2 years
Mistakes Literally No One But I Have Ever Noticed (After Watching Teen Wolf Seven-ish Times)
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Haha! Didn't expect THIS of all things to be the most interesting thing about me, but, sure.
Gurl, you want receipts? I got yo' receipts:
1. Season 2, Episode 2:
Around the 8:58 mark, you can see a crew member under the principal's desk tapping their foot, near Jackson's knee. (Wouldn't it be funny if the principal was actually hiding a secret blowjob buddy under his desk this whole time and they didn't expect the fucking sheriff to be there that day?)
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Anyway, it's more noticeable on a big TV screen then a phone, so I tried my best to brighten and zoom in on the foot tapping the best that I could 😓. You might be able to see it in the first gif if you turn the brightness on your phone up to retina-searing though.
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2. Season 3B, Episode 21:
Bare patches of unburned skin on the Nogitsune that the makeup department missed (two patches on the neck and a whole wrist)
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3. Season 3A, Episode 5:
During the fight with the Alphas, Derek swings at Kali in the background, and Kali reacts like she's been hit, but there is clearly a very wide berth between both actors
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4. Opening Theme Starting from 3A, And Season 1, Episode 9:
Derek's tattoo in the title sequence from 3A onward is the reverse of when we see it in the show. The triskele spirals swirl counterclockwise in the intro while the spirals swirl clockwise in the show. (Also the lines are thinner in the intro version too.)
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So, just so we're all clear:
Intro triskele direction vs. Canon direction
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5. Season 2, Episode 7:
In the fight between Scott and Jackson, around the 20:55ish minute mark, you can see Tyler Posey's stunt double for several shots.
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And also a brief shot of Colton Haynes' stunt double from that fight if you pause just right
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6. Season 1, Episode 6, and Season 5(B), Episode 18:
Allison reads about her ancestor, sent by King Louis the 15th, to kill the Beast of Gevaudan, who killed from 1764-1767. Not only was this person a man called Argent, he was said to have hunted the Beast down after his wife and four kids were killed by it.
Later, this ancestor is changed to a woman, Marie-Jeanne Valet played by Crystal Reed (not sent by a king, but, instead, her own sense of responsiblity and justice since the Beast was her brother), who marries a man named Henri Argent AFTER she had already killed the Beast (who actually started killing in 1760, not 1764).
Also, Lydia says all her research said that the Beast was killed by a man named Jean Chastel...?? Out of nowhere and for no reason? Even though she was the person Allison had been telling her family history to in season 1??
(I mean, there's also the obvious mistakes everyone talks about, i.e. Liam/Mason/Corey/Hayden skipping a grade and all the times the kanima doesn't paralyze someone in a fight, etc., but I wanted to specifically highlight stuff people don't notice)
Some people can run really fast or lift heavy things.
Me? I guess my superpower is watching a whole fucking lot of Teen Wolf and regurgitating micro-observations.
Man, what a shitty superpower.
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balanceoflightanddark · 4 months
I feel like most think Chromatic Dragons are evil because they worship Tiamat instead of Bahumat, Tiamat is a goddess of Chaos which most people generally associate with acts of evil but chaos generally isn't evil it just is. While Bahumat the metallic god of Order is generally seen as good there are times when too much Order is stifling
Well to start, if I were to write Tiamat or Bahamut for whatever reason, I'd wouldn't try to stray too far from their moralities. I mean it's right there in their titles: Tiamat, Queen of the Evil Dragons and Bahamut, King of the Good Dragons. It's practically written in their DNA and concept. So trying to portray Tiamat as some woobie or Bahamut as being secretly evil would defeat the entire purpose of the characters.
I wouldn't even say that Tiamat is a Goddess of Chaos in a traditional sense. Chaos usually means the potential for change and the hope for a better future. Tiamat on the other hand seems to lean more to the "evil" in "chaotic evil". As in she's fully willing to commit to atrocities in order to further her goals. And indulge in her own whims and impulses instead of tearing down an oppressive order. Hell, for a Goddess of Chaos, she keeps a tight leash on her servants and has very problems with dominating them when they get too uppity. Aren't the Blue Dragons (Lawful Evil) amongst her most dedicated followers?
As a whole, I don't think Tiamat represents Chaos as a force for change. But rather as a force for shortsighted impulses and domination. She's the one who would dominate and use her domination as an excuse to indulge in her vices. Think a dragon version of a Skeksis and you get the drill.
Conversely, Bahamut is a bit closer to the "good" in "lawful good". His sphere of influence centers around justice, doing good deeds, and promoting acts of charity. He's not even focused on establishing some kind of societal order or regime since he rarely gets involved with mortals on a societal level. Usually, Bahamut only acts to right some kind of wrong or bring justice (which tends to be against his sister and her followers). In that way, he's more of a knight-errant than a king.
If Tiamat represents domination and living out one's impulses for the self, Bahamut focuses on helping others and holding the self to a higher standard. In that regard, the "lawful" is less societal and more living to a code of honor or strong morality. And their relationship is less "chaos vs order" and more "depravity vs nobility".
So with all this in mind, how would I handle Chromatics as a whole if it's less a societal standard and more a moral standard? Well to start, I sincerely doubt the Chromatics have too much love for Tiamat. Again, she keeps a tight leash on them and expects things like accepting consorts from them or reaping whatever portion of their hoards they have collected. And I did read that some Chromatics will try to keep portions of their hoard secret to keep out of Tiamat's hands. From this, I believe that their devotion to Tiamat is less out of reverence and loyalty and more wanting to stay on her good side. Thus, the idea of leaving her has to be a thought a lot of the Chromatics have.
Thing is, Tiamat is freakishly powerful and I doubt she'd want any of her children to get any ideas of rebelling. Even if somehow a Chromatic could break away from Tiamat and survive, they were still raised with the toxic mindset that their "mother" instilled in them. So it would be a pretty painful changing process if all they know how to be are vicious monsters. Add to that how many mortals rightfully think Chromatics are violent monsters, and you have a stacked deck.
Again, I do believe it is possible. It just won't be easy. If I were to write this sort of story, I would possibly have a young Chromatic who strikes out on their own from their parents who instilled that toxic mindset. Old enough to be self-sufficient, but young enough to still be mentally vulnerable and a bit awkward in terms of actually being vile. Basically enough of a threat to gain adventurers' notice, but not enough of a threat to have a massive bounty on their heads. From then, you could either see them begin to question themselves on what they're doing wrong. Not sure how Bahamut might see such a dragon though. On the one hand, forgiveness and mercy are part of his sphere. On the other, I did read that he was also pretty merciless when it comes to Chromatics (I mean, he's been in conflict with Tiamat and her brood for so long that it's hard to blame him). So it could go either way.
That's how I'd write the dynamic between Tiamat and Bahamut along with the Chromatics. Let me know what you guys think or if I'm missing something.
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roninreverie · 2 years
Big Mama's Chinese Roots and a Connection to Tang Shen?
First off, to preface... this whole thing started because @caro-rolo figured out that the Mystic Portal Key doohickeys in Rise are actually just some kind of fancy compasses that have North, South, East, and West written in Chinese characters.
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Now, the first thought I had to learning this was "Tang Shen" because in the TMNT universe where Japanese influence is pretty heavy, she is notable for having a Chinese name.
She is also the love interest of Hamato Yoshi in many different variations. Though in Rise, that role belongs most notably to Big Mama, with Tang Shen being a blink and you miss it easter-egg credit on the cover of Jistu for Justice:
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Mama is also most likely the source of where Splinter got his mystic portal key, and she even has one of her own in her office. Judging by how much control she has over the Hidden City, from the Battle Nexus, to demolition derbies, to train stations, to crime rings, she seems to have a large control over just who all is in her city, and these keys could very well be something she controls directly.
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Now, Big Mama has all the set ups for having typical TMNT Japanese roots. Even her home estate seen in "Hidden City Job" has a very Asian look to it inside and out:
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Plus, the whole "her being a yokai", makes it easy to assume she is based on some kind of Japanese spider demon like Jorōgumo, Yatsukahagi/Tsuchigumo, or Ōgumo, etc.
But "Yokai" can also be used to describe the Chinese term "yaoguai" which is basically the same definition.
So if Mama were a Chinese spider demon instead, the first one who comes up on a quick Google search is "zhī zhū jīng" or "spider woman". These are 7 spider demon sisters who fight Sun Wukong in Monkey King: Journey to the West.
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Here, the spiders changed into seven beautiful young ladies who wanted to eat the flesh of Sun Wukong's master, Tang Seng, which is said to make the consumer immortal and forever young.
"Tang Seng"... "Tang Shen"... sounds pretty similar.
And aren't there also some animation ties from ROTTMNT to Lego Monkey King? Tangent side note, but there's a spider demon queen in that universe too and guess what? SHE'S PURPLE!
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And where did Mama and Lou Jistsu first meet? On set of one of his movies "Crouching Shrimp Hidden Tiger Prawn" in 1984. A movie where an actress like Tang Shen could very well have ties to? (We'll come back to this at the end.)
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Another chip in the Chinese vs Japanese bucket is Big Mama's Security Team:
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At first, I thought their distinct faces represented Blue Japanese Hannya/ Oni masks, but what if they're supposed to be Chinese Nuo masks instead? Not unlike Zuko's Blue Spirit mask in ATLA.
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You could also argue these guys are wielding a sort of Qinglong Ji or Fangtian Ji, which are Chinese spear or polearm weapons. (But if anyone knows what those spear thingies are really called, please let me know, it's driving me nuts!)
In conclusion, I got sent on a massive rabbit hole because of a fictional compass and regret nothing! 🧭
Now what is Big Mama's connection to Tang Shen? Are they related? (The actress does look a bit purple.) They could be sisters like the 7 sisters of the Monkey King lore. Did Mama seek to get rid of Tang Shen so she could get closer to Lou Jitsu herself? Are they the same person? Is Big Mama based on Japanese or Chinese folklore? Did any of this make any sense at all?
Let me know what you think, and thanks for joining me for another deep dive into another one of my random ROTTMNT theories!
EDIT: (PS- Sorry, if the "read more" messes the order of these up, but the scroll was annoying me in my own tags.) 😅
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autisticsupervillain · 6 months
Fanfiction Throwdown!
Fictional Throwdown Friday applied to fanfiction characters. These fan works can be anything from fanfictions, fan songs, fan games, mods, scripts, creepypastas, and more. The original creator reserves every right to ask my to take these down and I will seek permission in advance when possible.
This Week's Fighters...
Clover vs Undyne!
LV 20 Clover vs Undyne the Undying
The end of the genocide route to Undertale Yellow plays out the same as in canon, except Undyne is in the throne room when Clover confronts Asgore. Getting obliterated alongside the King, Undyne comes back as the Undying to keep Clover from stealing the human souls and dooming the Underground.
Analysis: Clover
A long time ago, humans and monsters lived together in harmony. But, one day, that peace was broken, and humanity launched a genocidal campaign against monster kind. Mankind sealed the monsters away behind a powerful magical barrier that could only be broken with the power of seven human souls.
These days, everyone that goes near Mt. Ebott tends to disappear. Five children have gone missing already, their souls harnessed so that monsterkind could break the barrier. Clover, a young child, a self made sheriff with a heart of gold, lept into the Underground to avenge the missing children and bring Justice to the Underground.
We already know how that ends. It doesn't matter whether Clover approaches the monsters they find with kindness or cruelty. They will end up the sixth soul in Asgore's keep all the same. Except for one timeline...
There is one version of this story where Clover survives. Where they bring justice to the souls of the dead. The Genocide Timeline. Let Justice Be Done.
In Clover's eyes, every monster that tries to stop them is complicate in Asgore's atrocities, punishable by death. They've traded in their trusty toy gun with a real six shooter, loaded up with Flowey's own Friendliness Pellets, allowing them to attack both body and soul. Just like Frisk, Clover can withstand magical attacks that damage both body and soul and can move fast enough to dodge lightning, bullets, and sound. Even Neutral Route Clover, who isn't even strong enough to scratch Asgore, is still fast enough to dodge his attacks for a time. Genocide Route Clover should be even faster.
When Clover's trusty side arm isn't enough, Clover can fire shots directly from their soul, to the point of being able to charge up the blast to completely vaporize their enemies. This laser has at times been strong enough to split the mechanical killing machine Axis clean in half and even vaporize Asgore himself in one shot.
This ability, like all of Clover's powers, is fueled entirely by their single minded pursuit of their brand of justice. When Axis reveals he was the one who killed the Blue Soul, Clover gains several levels through sheer force of rage and obliterates him in a single hit. Warped as their definition of Justice may be, it is genuine. Clover will allow fleeing or surrendering opponents to live, will not kill monsters who don't get in their way, and will even honor opponents they find respectable. When Starlo, sheriff of the Wild East, challenges Clover to a quick draw, Clover not only humors him, but has a chance to let Starlo get a shot off on them, just so he dies feeling like a hero.
Clover's sense of Justice is so strong it can allow them to read an opponent's memories. In the Neutral Route, Clover was able to fight Flowey to a stalemate as he tried to absorb their soul, forcing him to reset. A feat they'd replicate later in Undertale canon when Omega Flowey loses control of the human souls. But, this version of Clover takes it even further. After reaching Level 20, they're strong enough to override Flowey's determination entirely, stealing his ability to SAVE and LOAD the game.
Clover is, as a rule, generally much weaker than standard Undertale characters. The reason Flowey sent Clover on a roundabout trip through the Underground was because they simply couldn't survive against Undyne or other obstacles Frisk could beat with ease. Their True Pacifist final boss is weaker than Papyrus according to the check stats. Undertale absolutely clears the Undertale Yellow cast and it's not even close.
Flowey never considered they'd get any stronger than that. But through the power of LOVE, Determination, and, above all, Justice, Clover did, becoming more powerful than any of their counterparts in other timelines and obliterating Flowey mercilessly.
With nothing left in the Underground to stop them, Clover tanks Asgore's hit so hard his trident shatters, before vaporizing him along with most of the throne room. Justice is done. The past can rest. And with a sea of dust behind them, Clover walks out of the Underground with the other human souls.
Analysis: Undyne
Monsterkind has not seen the surface of the Earth in generations. Sealed away by mistrustful humans long ago, monsters now live beneath the surface of Mt. Ebott. With limited resources that will one day run dry, the monsters live a life without light and without hope.
The Underground needs a hero. Undyne, the Captain of the Royal Guard, is willing to step up to the challenge.
Inspired by heroes who served in the Human-Monster War, Undyne dedicated her life to training, hoping to claim the soul of the next human who fell Underground so that monsters can break the barrier and save themselves. And if she had to kill a child to do so, so be it. Monsters have suffered long enough.
Undyne, as Captain of the Royal Guard, is Natura one of the strongest monsters in the Underground, one of the few whose blows can stagger King Asgore himself. She can summon her spears to attack from any direction, even directly beneath the enemy's feet, and can circle around you to attack from the opposite direction they came from. Her magical spears do damage to both body and soul simultaneously, potentially even destroying your soul with one hit. Furthermore, Undyne can turn a foe's soul green, physically rooting them in place to keep her foe from evading or escaping her blows. Though, her sense of fair play does bite her here, as she has a tendency to provide her opponent with a shield to defend themselves with.
But, above all, Undyne's greatest strength is her determination. Her shear stubbornness rivals even that of other humans, allowing her to harness the spiritual essance of Determination in a way no other monster can. Regenerating from being split in half in a burst of desperate willpower to become the Undying.
As the Undying, Undyne is far and away the strongest being in the Underground, trumping even Asgore in sheer strength by a wide margin. Her attacks from every direction become nearly unavoidable and her sheer durability makes any fight with her a marathon.
The only problem is, it doesn't last forever. When Undyne reaches her limits in this form, she will begin to melt, as her body just cannot handle high concentrations of Determination like a human body can. As a monster, Undyne is extra vulnerable to attacks with a high killing intent, which Determination can't quite entirely negate. Against a human with greater Determination, her defeat is inevitable...
Luckily, if the Player has any conscience at all, that won't happen. If Frisk is allowed to show mercy, Undyne gets the chance to realize that not all humans are evil, setting aside her prejudice to help Frisk save the Underground from absolute destruction and break the barrier.
No matter your choices, Undyne will always be the Hero of the Underground.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
You might've noticed that I was uncharacteristically light on calcs and numbers for this breakdown and that's ultimately because these two scale to around the same level of power. While Clover in most timelines is weaker than even Papyrus in a straight up fight, Genocide Clover is exponentially stronger than Asgore, just like the Undying, so stats should generally be about even here.
Undyne's attack style is completely unlike anything Clover's encountered before, being rooted in one place and forced to block instead of dodge. Keep in mind, Clover didn't even get a shield during their fight with Axis like they did in other timelines, so they're going to have a very rough time adapting on their first few attempts.
Clover's mind reading powers don't have much practical use here. If anything, they'd just give Undyne a buff by reminding her about what she's fighting for, making the fight even harder in the long term. On the other hand, Undyne's boisterous personality and tendency to be defiant to the end could cause the same problem. Any taunts about mankind being brought to justice or her jeering last words in the Genocide Route risk making Clover even stronger through sheer force of rage like Axis did, something Undyne can't risk.
That said, Clover has a lot more ways to attack than Frisk did, with several projectiles that could help wear down Undyne's durability, much as they did against a Determination boosted Martlet. And with free access to SAVE and LOAD, Clover's going to have as many tries as they need to bring down Undyne's bulky defenses.
Which brings us to the real deciding factor here. Who has more Determination? Or rather, can Undyne override Clover's Save and Load powers.
I don't believe that Clover, even in the Genocide route, has the same raw amount of Determination that Frisk just naturally has. Willing their soul back together or resurrecting Chara as their narrator through sheer determination are just feats that Clover hasn't replicated even at their best. Could Undyne in her Undying form override their Save File?
Likely... no. Firstly, Undyne doesn't seem to know that Save Files are even a thing, whereas Clover very much did when they overrode Flowey's saves. Secondly, we've never seen Determination amped Monsters use Determination like this. Only humans and soulless beings like Flowey. Given that Undyne, as powerful as she is, will eventually start melting from how incompatible her body is with Determination, it's entirely possible that she simply can't use Determination like this even without having to override the power from someone else. She's simply too incompatible with it.
Make no mistake, Undyne will put up one hell of a fight before going down. This is still Undyne we're talking about here. But with infinite retries, well... Clover's victory in inevitable.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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dccomicsbracket · 5 months
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Meredith Pemberton (Merry, Girl of 1000 Gimmicks)
Merry is kinda the Schrödinger's cat of superheroes. Nicknamed Merry the girl of 1000 gimmicks. She has a gadget to defeat any foe. Unless she doesn't. The perfect example of hero power scaling. She can beat anyone and be defeated by anyone. Merry made her first comic book appearance in Star Spangled Comics #81 in 1948. Sylvester Pemberton's antics in heroism had caused his parents to grow concerned for his wellbeing, he didn't seem to have many friends so they decided to adopt a daughter so that he would be less lonely. Merry was the daughter of Flyfoot Creamer, who was arrested for theft and an unknown mother (likely deceased due to her lack of presence and Merry being in an orphanage). Upon being adopted into the Pemberton family, Merry was committed to keeping Syl company to his annoyance. On his birthday she hand embroidered him a handkerchief when he refused to accept the gift she threatened to annoy him forever; causing him to accept the gift. Around this time, Fly-Foot Creamer was released from prison however he was blackmailed into returning to a life of crime. During the process of committing this crime Syl (the Star Spangled kid) and his driver Pat (Stripesy) showed up. Fly-foot ended up helping them stop the crime but was mortally wounded in the process, his last words were of his daughter, not wanting anyone to know he was her father as his criminal status might hurt her life. Also in the process of stopping the crime Syl used the handkerchief as an insulating material. Not long after he returns Merry pulls out the newspaper article about this crime as she recognized the handkerchief. She reveals she knows his identity as the Star Spangled Kid. Not long after this Stripesy is injured and Merry decides she wanted to help Syl. He rejects her so she helps him in secret, managing to secretly replace his opponent's gun with a fake. She then goes on her own heroic adventures using her vast assortment of Gimmicks and Gadgets. Later in life she marries Henry King a.k.a. the villain Brainwave. The wiki states that she didn't know he was a villain but in the comics flashbacks show them interacting as villain and hero and their son states that Merry believed he could be a good man. More of an 'I can fix him' attitude. She does not fix him. He ends up in prison. She later appears as a member of 'Old Justice' a group against child heroes. Which makes perfect sense since her brother died and her son ended up institutionalized :(.
Cliff Steele (Robotman)
Does not want to be here, is here nonetheless. Out of duty and whatever. Has dysphoria from being a brain in a shitty robot body
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leiandroid · 2 years
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otayuri week | day seven - angels & demons (free prompt)
yura a malevolent angel and beka a benevolent demon
@otayuriweek22 - more ramblings about this au under the cut :)
ok, this AU was the hardest to develop since the ideas are half formed and it raises a lot of questions for the verse that the answers are too complicated for me to answer. but i can escape that by NOT writing a fic (which i tried to do and failed horribly).
in my heart of hearts this verse is very hilarious and sexy. so have some ramblings about it instead:
angels and demons have 4 letter names: vita, beka, yura, yuri, mila, jaak, chit, etc… akov is god and ilia is the devil (< i guess, idk, whatever, not important). i think yuri (katsuki) is a demon (gluttony, lust), but that is also not entirely important.
yura and beka meet each other on the shoulders of a nervous and spineless human. they have been sent (punished?) (exiled?) to the mortal realm to act as the human's conscience. yura dwells on the right shoulder and beka on the left.
the human's spinelessness drives yura into rage. he screams into the human's ear trying to influence him to just go punching assholes and jerks that the human lets walk all over him. yura is literally the embodiment of the meme "aren't you tired of being nice a loser? don't you just wanna go apeshit?" when the human only cowers in response yura punches and kicks his neck, which only makes the human scratch his neck (a nervous tic), this makes yura all the more enraged.
beka on the other hand shoulder (haha) whispers and murmurs things into the human's ear that make him more spineless like: it's scary out there, we should stay in, oh, this guy is big we should let him cut in line ahead of us, its okay to get interrupted it wasn't important anyway… etc
idk something to that effect.
they are both so useless to the human being that the human lives out a pathetic life. they spend more time having sexy makeouts on the human's back than doing anything of use.
on yura's malevolence; he has a strong sense of justice and what's right but his problem is his means of achieving them, they are unholy and extremely problematic lmao. beka's benevolence is unbecoming of a demon. he still has the values of what make him demonic but his means are calm and without calamity. chaotic good vs lawful evil typa shit idk
vita is yura's overseer and whenever he has a message to send to yura, a golden halo appears in the air and a soft holy choir sings as clouds part to reveal vita who is glowing all dream-like. (this is super hilarious in my head, the choir is like a soundtrack and can abruptly stop (like a record scratch) if some incredulous shit gets to vita or whatever. it's very over the top and obnoxious)
i imagine the choir is like the first and last thing you hear when interacting with vita. like you'd be chilling on a cloud minding your own business and in the distance the dulcet tones of the choir signals the arrival of vita, and then fades away with him when he leaves lmfao. vita is also especially glowy for an angel, he glows more than most, giving him a very ethereal and dreamlike quality (the extra power he allots to that is worth it and second nature to him at this point)
jaak is beka's overseer and he makes it a point to regularly interrupt the sexy makeouts. when jaak calls, a dark red almost black flame flickers to life and forms a ring of smoke, as he appears in it he always has cluster of succubi hanging off of him who all look exactly alike (isabella) who softly moan, murmur and whisper "king jj" at him in the background
(kind of like in horror media when you hear whispers in the background, but it's constant and less scary sounding and more blush inducing. the anti vita choir lmao)
whenever jaak comes around, yura mimes gagging and puking and covers his ears because, funny enough, worse still than the constant moans of "king jj" is jaak's voice itself.
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In terms of overall character, I think Adina would be more similar to Emperor Belos or Judge Claude Frollo than Robot Santa Claws. Having an evangelical sense of righteousness and moral superiority towards everyone around her while ultimately being little more than a sadistic narcissist who uses her self-proclaimed principles to justify her persecution of those she views as evil and an affront to the natural order of things. Most of her depravity would be aimed at demons, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's willing to target angels that don't fit her idea of virtue and purity.
Your right. I only mention Robot Santa as he had such high standards, no one passes it. I didn't bother to try to find another reference point.
But the characters you mention are more fitting as they match with the who genocide thing for the "righteous" cause that's fronting their own desires and beliefs. They were very good villains.
Even tho Disney version of Hunchback is greatly different from the original tale, it one of my favorite disney movies despite it brings a "flop."
I flippin love Esmeralda. She's my favorite 'princess' (I know she isn't but she deserve to join the other princesses!) She kicks ass and she did it all barefoot. I get moved to tears every time in the scene she freed Quasimodo and stood up to Frollo, defying him and demanding justice.
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Goodness I love her.
Hellfire one of the better villain song IMO too. Tho, I pretty much love all villain songs..okay I just love everything.
Belos was a good villain. I had to laugh when Luz said something along the lines that "Belos is up to no good. It seems so obvious but no one will listen." Because as a viewer it was obvious. Hollow Mind had me on the edge of my seat. It was such an intense and great episode. Belos true intentions being shown to the viewer and how Hunter, Belos most loyal and trusted servant that lived to serve Belos and so greatly believed in Belos and his cause just completely shattered by the truth and other reveals.
What's most terrifying thing about these villains, its that they are so very real. Old white powerful men abusing people trust and faiths by manipulating them. Fear mongering the "us vs them" mentality to achieve their agendas. The scary and sad part is, that it works. Creating a masses vs the minority.
The WORST part is, generally the public gives them the power. Its not done typically by force. It's not like the man slaughter a leader and takes the throne and go "Im king now, and my word is law, deal with it."
Its generally starts with a charismatic man who usually has the right words to say. The right phases that people want to hear. They lull you trust them. Then some event, most likely staged, to induce fear and panic. Enter the scapegoat and us vs them. The charismatic man will offer promises of a safe future! The masses fearing and worry about their safety and future will follow the de facto leader towards their 'safety'. Not realizing they are being lead to slaughter or not caring its leading a group (them) to their slaughter to ensure their own 'safety'. It breeds racism, bigotry etc. society really leads to own downfall because we are often mislead and willingly follow the wrong people.
It doesn't quite fit what im talking about but at the same time it does. There's a scene in Prequels of Star Wars that always stuck with me because I thought it was so powerful.
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When the demarcay of many solar system just voted to have Palpatine (Sith Lord Sidious) to have absolute power. They literally just voted to wavier their opinions and votes away. All because Palpatine was hella good at playing the long con and playing both side. He was a brilliant political manipulator of a villain and he probably the best character because of that.
I actually really suck with politics, but I LOVE political dramas. When its passed off as a good thing but secretly its basically covering for genocide or preparing for genocide.
I got way off track and now its late but long story short, I agree with you. I also really hope that Adina comes to light.
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cinema-hallucinations · 5 months
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Prompt: create a movie concept about a version of Disney's Lion King reinvented as a furry superhero movie
Title: Pride: Reign of Claws
Logline: In a neon-lit metropolis of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, Simba, a rebellious lion cub with electrokinetic powers, must embrace his destiny as king and protect his pride from the tyrannical reign of Scar, a cunning lion with cybernetic enhancements and a thirst for power.
Simba: A headstrong lion cub with the ability to manipulate electricity. He resents the expectations placed upon him as future king and yearns for a life of adventure.
Nala: A brave and resourceful lioness with enhanced agility and parkour skills. She's Simba's best friend and a constant source of support.
Scar: Simba's power-hungry uncle, sporting cybernetic enhancements that augment his strength and agility. He rules Pride City with an iron fist, exploiting its energy resources for his own gain.
Mufasa: The wise and benevolent king of Pride City. He possesses a powerful sonic roar and uses his influence to maintain peace and prosperity. (Mufasa dies earlier in the story, perhaps in a tragic accident caused by Scar's tampering with the city's energy core).
Zazu: A neurotic hornbill with advanced communication technology integrated into his beak. He serves as Mufasa and later Simba's loyal advisor.
Timon & Pumbaa: A meerkat and a warthog duo who run a popular underground club. They provide Simba with a sense of freedom and a break from his royal duties (initially).
Simba, a rebellious cub with the ability to control electricity, chafes under the weight of his royal destiny. He dreams of exploring the vibrant underbelly of Pride City, a neon-lit metropolis fueled by a mysterious energy source.
Nala, Simba's best friend and a skilled parkour artist, encourages him to embrace his responsibilities. Tragedy strikes when Scar, Simba's power-hungry uncle, orchestrates an accident that claims Mufasa's life and leaves Scar in control.
Scar's reign is brutal. He uses his cybernetic enhancements and control over the city's energy core to enforce his rule and exploit the resources for his own gain. Pridelanders suffer under his oppressive regime.
Exiled and heartbroken, Simba finds himself in the company of Timon and Pumbaa, a fun-loving duo who run a popular underground club. He embraces a carefree life, neglecting his true potential.
However, Nala tracks him down, pleading with him to return and reclaim his rightful place as king. Witnessing the suffering of his pride reawakens Simba's sense of responsibility. He begins training with Rafiki, a wise mandrill and master of energy manipulation, to hone his electrokinetic powers.
The Rebellion:
Simba returns to Pride City, a changed lion. He rallies the oppressed Pridelanders, inspiring them to fight for their freedom. Nala leads a team of skilled fighters, utilizing their enhanced agility and parkour skills to disrupt Scar's forces.
Zazu, now working with the rebellion, uses his communication tech to expose Scar's lies and rally the citizens.
The Climax:
The climax involves an epic battle atop Pride City's energy core. Simba confronts Scar in a showdown that utilizes their contrasting powers - Simba's raw electrokinetic energy against Scar's brutal cybernetic enhancements.
During the fight, the truth about Mufasa's death is revealed, further fueling Simba's rage. However, Nala reminds him of his father's wisdom and the importance of fighting for what's right, not vengeance.
Simba overpowers Scar, not with brute force, but with a precisely controlled surge of electricity that disrupts Scar's cybernetics and leaves him vulnerable. Scar is apprehended and justice is served.
Responsibility vs. freedom: The movie explores the struggle between personal desires and the burden of leadership.
Facing adversity: Simba must overcome his grief and self-doubt to become the hero his pride needs.
The power of community: Simba's victory relies on the united front of the Pridelanders.
Furry Elements:
The characters are anthropomorphic animals (lions, meerkats, warthogs, etc.) with distinct personalities and abilities reflecting their animal counterparts.
The setting is a futuristic urban jungle with a neon-lit aesthetic, showcasing the evolution of the Pride Lands.
The costumes and technologies incorporate elements of animalistic features and futuristic gadgets, creating a unique furry superhero style.
Ending Scene:
Simba is coronated king, with Nala by his side. He addresses the assembled Pridelanders, vowing to use his power for good and rebuild their city. The movie ends
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Vote based on the design AND the backstory
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(The Land of Eternal Winter - 2019-2020)
Role: main character
He the prince consort, and also an army officer. He is Christian, and his life ethic is, on a large scale, pacifism (he believes in self defense, but for example holds that a country should never be the one to start a war, and his ambition is to create reform from the inside), and on the individual scale, loving your enemy (he is placed in a situation to forgive somebody who murdered one of his loved ones), as well as gritted teeth optimism. He has always struggled with feeling "at home" and like he belongs anywhere, but he appreciates that his loved ones make him feel welcome, and does that for them and others, in return.
(The Land of Eternal Winter - 2019-2020)
Role: main character
She is the leader of the second revolutionary movement (anarchist). She grew up in poverty and barely keeps herself above it working jobs (such as, currently, in the mines - she had a severe accident a couple years back and now wears leg prosthetics). She is very stubborn and determined to reach her goals, and has a very strong sense of justice. She isn't quick to trust others, but she will defend those she cares about with her life, if necessary.
For further context:
The Land of Eternal Winter - 2019-2020
Status: complete (draft 1: English, typed, draft 2 in the works)
Form: novel
Genre: mild steampunk, kinda post apoc but mostly drama (and court drama)
Anatoliy is a prince whose beloved father just died, so he assumes it was an assassination. He suspects the neighbouring king and has him killed, only to later realise he was innocent. He is almost completely overcome by guilt and despair, but ultimately fights to do whatever in his power to not only fix the consequences of his crime, but to also mitigate the effects of the much larger conspiracy at work that he found himself an unwitting pawn in. There are very many side characters, each with their own complex stories, which all tie into the idea that ones desire to change the world may be futile, or even become evil, but we must still strive to do good here on earth despite no rewards in sight. I'd say this is my 2nd "masterpiece" work in terms of writing
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Round 1; A bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus Vs bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
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If you know who they are, or are pretty sure of it, please don't tell until this poll has ended!
First, let's talk about the bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus
Meaning and why these flowers were chosen: Orange Lilies (Pride and Humiliation; he is one of the most prideful men imaginable, and every outcome ends in his humiliation) Yellow Roses (Greed and Cowardice; he has a desire for everything he believes he's inherently owed, but he's too cowardly to act directly on his own without some sort of scheme) Buttercups (Childishness) Aconite (Decadence, Conceit, and Pomposity) Sunflower (Freedom and Liberation; his greatest desires during the time he is known) Hollyhock (Ambition; he wants to gain a place of incredibly high standing once he's free) Lotus (Chastity; while the word is linked to him, it is in the sense of morality and virtue as concepts - and by extension, his shirking of such things for his own ends) Meaning: A man of former high station earned through nepotism who has found himself down on his luck, in a situation entirely of his own making; choosing to bribe the wrong people leads to such things. He hopes to find his way back to his 'proper' place someday, and he's not above employing the most underhanded means he can think of to do it. No matter what path he takes, however, he ultimately ends up laughed at and in an arguably worse situation than he started. If you like men who are pompous and think/speak highly of themselves, but are actually very pathetic like a sad wet cat in a cardboard box, this is a man for you. He literally pouts and throws a tantrum when he's ignored, he's everything, he's the moment.
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
Meaning: jasione (justice), milkweed (remembrance, dignity, freedom), dandelion (endurance, determination), poppy (peace, hope, resilience), oenothera (youth) Description: oh boy. his life has been in constant danger since age ten. he becomes King at the age of fourteen after causing a war by being naively kind. he wasn't supposed to exist, and consistently defies Fate in both a narrative and literal sense. he just wanted a calm life. he spent his childhood fighting tooth and nail for justice and kindness. the world needed a hero, and it might as well have been him.
Check their post here
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gothamcitycentral · 1 year
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Bad Guys that Maybe Aren’t That Bad
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Bowser: Bowser is King of the Koopas and the main antagonist of the Super Mario franchise. He kidnaps Princess Peach on the regular for Mario to save, but he still goes karting and golfing on the weekends with them. He is also a loving father to his son, Bowser Jr.
Rattlesnake Jake: Rattlesnake Jake is a fearsome, ferocious desert rattlesnake with a Gatling gun for a tail. He is called the Grim Reaper, and lauded by many as a ruthless killer who "doesn't leave a town without taking a soul." He is presented as the final villain that the titular Rango just defeat. In reality, he is the final ally he must make, in turn fully realizing himself as apart of a western legend. He’s the most feared outlaw in the West and acts like it, but he has his own sense of justice.
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fandom-trash-xl · 1 year
DBS Manga vs Anime Differences: Universe 6 Characters
Notably with the Dragon Ball Super manga, there's a bunch of edits that set it apart from the anime. Same basic plot framework, but a few changes that set them apart. So, I decided to compile some of these changes- the ones that affect the Universe 6 characters (may cover other arcs later, sorry for the U6 hyperfixation moment), so this stuff will be in the U6 and Universal Survival Arcs. The differences range from a few small things to things that completely change the development of the character as a whole- why I rely on the anime canon for some elements in my fics (not saying I don't like the manga).
Anyway, here's what I've grabbed.
When asked about his lack of a tail, Cabba notes that U6 Saiyans used to have them in the past, but evolved away from them. In the anime, Cabba's confusion seems to imply that they never had tails.
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Cabba's promise to Vegeta about visiting Sadala is addressed only very briefly before the matches rather than after their fight later on. It is seemingly never brought up again. The Sadalan King is never mentioned until the Universal Survival arc.
Most noticeably, Frost's lore of being a con artist under the guise of a "hero of justice" is completely absent. He's simply a strong fighter within the universe who just happens to be sneaky with a little poison needle.
Consequently, this means he has no pre-tournament connection to Cabba.
His Assault/Charging/Third Form comes as a surprise to the crowd, while he had publicity around it and even an official name for it in the anime. Again, due to the lore being dropped.
Frost does not have reservations over using his True Form and no concerns over strength control (out of fear of killing) with it.
Piccolo's fight against Frost relies on exhausting Frost's energy rather than on a successful hit from the Special Beam Cannon. In fact, Piccolo doesn't use the move at all.
The Tournament is unpaid for Universe 6; the treasure heap from the anime doesn't exist and Frost can't exactly get support for the peacekeeping efforts that don't exist in the manga. Hit is still offered the hexahedron, however.
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Frost turns to the poison needles for this reason, to rush the Tournament to the end rather than make up for a disadvantage.
Frost is shown in the end of chapter drawing to be loading his own poison. There's no confirmation if this is the case in the anime as well, but it can be presumed.
Frost and Vegeta don't arrange a zero-rules match.
Vegeta's finisher on Frost knocks him unconscious, so there's no encounter with Hit. There wouldn't be a motive for the assassin to pursue him regardless.
Cabba is able to gain an initial advantage against Vegeta- notably, he uses light to mask his movements (similar to 17 in the ToP). As a trade-off, he doesn't use a Vegeta-stanced Galick Cannon like in the anime.
When Hit opens his eyes upon sensing Vegeta turning Blue, he doesn't spot Goku smiling at him from across the stadium and reclose them.
Cabba doesn't question Saiyan Pride at all, so Vegeta doesn't need to tell him that it means strength.
Vegeta doesn't develop a Master-Student relationship with Cabba.
Hit's Time Skip is noted to have more reliance on a gap in strength between him and the opponent. When Goku's strength exceeds Hit's he is able to cut off skips midway.
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Hit's "Pure Progress" simply increases his power and strength and doesn't increase the amount of time he can skip. His Time Skip never evolves past 0.1 second skips.
Color Manga only, but Hit's blood is shown as red rather than purple.
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Hit is a lot more expressive and smiles more often during his fight with Goku.
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Goku uses Super Saiyan God before using Blue. As a trade-off, he doesn't use the Blue Kaioken.
Champa doesn't retaliate against his team for losing. There's only an argument between Beerus and Champa when Zeno shows up.
Renso is not mentioned at all. Cabba instead knows Caulifla for her infamy as a bandit and how she's considered "untouchable" by the Sadalan army.
Caulifla's gang is depicted in more detail and is revealed to be more of a Robin Hood-style organization under the surface.
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Multiple members of Caulifla's gang refer to her as "sis"; it's not limited to just Kale.
Kale's potential is first noticed by Cabba as she moves almost ninja-like, Caulifla not noticing. In the anime, Caulifla sees her potential simply because she has faith in her due to their close relationship.
Caulifla's ascension to Super Saiyan is skipped over. The only detail given is that she took to it with ease. At least it's not the back tingle thing...
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Kale doesn't unlock Super Saiyan until later in the Tournament itself.
Frost is noted to have some ruling power of an unknown extent, as he and Frieza discuss a shared preference of ruling with an iron fist.
Goku's "hiring Hit to kill him" mini arc is absent from the timeline. Goku considers the Tournament their "rematch", despite him wanting to see Hit's killing techniques (which he cannot use here).
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Frieza and Frost's team up involves more input from Frieza and the two seem to stick closer together. His plan involves giving Frost intel on U7's weak links then prompting him to use his full strength up front to thin out the competition. Frieza gives him the "full strength up front" fake advice in the anime as well, but Frost doesn't really have the chance to apply it.
Frost doesn't seem to have separate motivations for winning the tournament, while he seeks a pardon from Champa if he manages to deal a significant blow to U7 in the anime.
Frost's moves are more up front compared to in the anime. Anime Frost relies more on survival instincts he gained from being on the lam, an experience that Manga Frost doesn't gain. If he needs to escape when overwhelmed, he simply runs rather than using a smoke bomb attack.
Frieza doesn't demonstrate the 100% Full Power state for Frost and only teases Golden to him before his elimination. Frost only sees Golden Frieza from the sidelines.
Frieza attempts to choke out Frost before kicking him off the side to eliminate him while he uses a large energy blast to do so in the anime.
Color Manga choice again, but Frost is shown spitting up purple blood when Frieza kicks him in the jaw. This matches up with Frieza's being shown to bleed purple earlier in the arc, so the blood color seems to be consistent for the species. Frost doesn't bleed in the anime, but if we match his blood to Frieza's, it would be red. (Bonus fact! Full Color Dragon Ball (pre-Super) gives Frieza blue blood.)
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Frost does not attempt to fire a retaliation attack at Frieza from the stands, so he is not erased separately for a foul. This also means he's present for Champa calling him a "joke" compared to Frieza... straight to his face.
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Hit pursues Jiren by his own choice rather than attempting to take advantage of the Pride Trooper's supposed "dropped guard" after fighting Ultra Instinct Goku.
Hit notes that he has worked on honing his physical attacks' strength and speed so he can rely less on his Time Skip. He is only shown using non-Skip strikes once Goku joins the fight.
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Hit's coattails are shown to detach from his coat; it's unconfirmed if this applies to the anime as well. The detachment shows his lessened reliance on the Time Skip, as the lack of coattails prevents him from hiding minute twitches in his hands with his pockets or in his legs with the coat length.
Hit's new secret move in the manga causes the opponent's moves to lag behind, while it involves freezing the opponent in time in the anime. Vados even mentions that Hit can't freeze Jiren in place at his current power level.
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Universe 6's slight mini arc about each member having their own part to play is not addressed. As a result, Cabba doesn't have an overwhelming need to protect Caulifla and Kale by taking fights for them to preserve their team's aces. In fact, he advises Kale to stay out of Caulifla's fight with Frieza and trust her capabilities.
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Frieza is able to fully pursue his hunting down of the Universe 6 Saiyans and fights all three over time, although he doesn't snag any of their eliminations. In the anime, he only manages to attack (and eliminate) Cabba and threatens to pursue Caulifla and Kale. He never gets the chance to follow up on this, as Goku prevents him from butting into his fight against them. Ironically, manga Frieza attempts to stop Goku from butting in during the U6 fight.
Kale hints to her backstory, noting that Caulifla took her in when she was lost on the roadside.
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Kale doesn't gain a controlled Super Saiyan state, remaining in rampage mode until she fuses with Caulifla.
Kale's rampage drastically cuts down the fat of the Tournament and ends several of the other Universes' mini arcs, such as Universe 3's Anilaza, before they can even begin. Thanks Kale!
Kale's Legendary Super Saiyan state is near confirmed. She's suspected by Cabba to be the "Legendary Saiyan", a demonic Saiyan that appears once in a millennium on a power-increasing rampage until they inevitably self-destruct. Since Cabba and Caulifla know of this myth but not about the Super Saiyan prior to Vegeta passing on the knowledge, it's likely separate from LSSJ.
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Vegeta's second promise to Cabba, about promising to restore U6 if he wins, doesn't exist in the manga either. In fact, the two's relationship seems lessened in general.
Instead of being given the Potara by Champa, Caulifla is shown to have secretly pilfered them from Fuwa. Likely an art error but, oddly, Fuwa can be seen with his earrings earlier in the Tournament before realizing they're gone.
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The hiding spot for the earrings is shown, being stashed in Caulifla's belt.
Cabba's elimination is a sacrifice to prevent Kale's fall and attach the Potara earring to her.
Kale's rampage is seemingly calmed automatically by being fused, rather than learning control.
Kefla's base form is absent.
Kefla fights Gohan rather than Goku and seems to be on par with Mystic/Ultimate Gohan. Due to this fight change, Super Saiyan 3 isn't teased to Caulifla and Kale.
U6's final ranking in the Tournament is third place rather than fifth.
Goku's Ultra Instinct Sign state doesn't make its first appearance until very late in the Tournament. Only the angels, Universes 7 and 11, and the spectating Universes witness it. The remaining Universes likely either have no knowledge of it or learn about it from Universal gossip.
The Zenos' secret test against selfish wishes is not addressed.
The erased Universes are restored at the benches rather than in their home universes.
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AND (mini bonus)
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(I mean, Frost was directly behind Hit once Hit got eliminated, it looks like he's scooted forward. Anyway, I digress.)
AND those are the Universe 6 relevant differences between the anime and manga! Hope to cover a few other differences in the other arcs later but the U6 hyperfixation is too strong some days.
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