#Gilly Lopez x black!reader
cloveroctobers · 2 years
JOHNNY “COCO” CRUZ x Black!READER / Summer Prompts
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A/N: justice for coco until it’s backwards! This sat in my drafts for awhile but some motivation got me to write this out real quick! My birthday is officially in 10 mins so that probably also motivated this…s/o to birthday suits? Lmao 😜 enjoy!
WARNINGS: language, couple bickering, non-shy reader??
Using: #13. Heatwave from this prompt list here — https://hailing-stars.tumblr.com/post/653205377012367360/summer-prompts-heres-a-list-of-thirty-summer
Song choice: Beyoncé — heated
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“The fuck?”
Smiling you spun right around to not only face Coco but you had a small audience which also included Letty and Gilly.
“Hey baby,” you fully turned to see Letty widening her eyes and blinking rapidly as she shook her head.
It took seconds for Coco to stalk towards you while Gilly politely coughed and shielded his eyes. Coco yanked the Sherpa blanket that rested on the couch, that one of your felines lounged on and began wrapping your body in. That’s when your elbows went shoving at the man’s chest who sucked his teeth at you.
“Cut it out,” he gritted, “why you out here like this? And I wasn’t expecting you back until the weekend.”
Rolling your eyes you huffed as you allowed your boyfriend to shield you in your home, “Is that why you’re still messing around with that AC unit when I had not only one but two appointments to have someone come out here to discuss central air options?”
“We don’t need that shit, mamita.”
Your laminated brows lifted at that.
A loud slurping sound made the both of you turn to Letty who now had her back to the two of you. “Nah she’s right, coco. It’s been so miserable here at home that I’m literally out here spending hours in the car’s AC, wasting gas.” She stated after swallowing her slushee.
“Yo, That’s why you asked me for $40 bucks the other day?” Coco grilled.
“Duh, keep up.”
Coco rubbed at his jaw as he sheepishly turned back to you, “I said I was going to fix the shit. I still had time but you decided to pop up early, huh? Gilly even came by to help me finish this last one. It’s being a real pain in my ass.”
You peeked at Gilly who awkwardly waved at you and then Letty who had a huge plushie resting on a side table.
“Looks like to me y’all were fucking around at the state fair instead.” You shoved Coco back who held his hands out, in fear that you’ll throw the Sherpa to the ground, “You’re lucky i finished work early. Now I can be here, working from home for when the next appointment comes around while you’re off at the club.”
The smile on your face did not sit well with the man in front of you.
Coco turned his eyes into slits, “I’m saving us money.”
“Until it breaks again.”
“So what happens when the central air decides to break? That’ll be even more expensive to fix than those shits that I’ve been fixing my whole life.” Coco argued.
One thing about Coco, he had the best handiness skill you’ve ever seen. The minute something went wrong in the house or your car, he was the first one to always jump on it. And it was one (if not the only) thing your father liked about him. You hardly needed a handy man to come around the house, if coco couldn’t figure it out—he studied it for awhile or watched some YouTube video to get it together. If it turned out to be a bigger job than he thought? The first person he would be calling was Gilly.
He even used to fix computers for extra cash way back when after he was discharged from the marines and roomed with the dumbass that shall not be named. You never doubted Coco from his skills, you knew how to give credit when credit was due but some things you didn’t mind arguing over.
“Johnny,” you breathed, “look at me. We’ve been in a heatwave the entire damn month. I went to Iceland for four days not only for business but to get away from the disgustingness for four days! Just to come back to my asshole being so sweaty, that you can probably go surfing down it.”
Gilly failed to cover his laugh but attempted his best to stifle it as Coco shot him a look. Letty on the other hand did not hide the scrunch of her lips.
“I get it, I do.” Johnny started, “but you can’t just be bussing it open, necked, doing that yoga shit. What if I came in here with the entire club? Then what?” He searched your eyes.
Sighing you leaned over, showing cleavage as you snatched your YETI into your hands, “then they would just have to enjoy the got damn show! Stretch marks on this ass, big areolas, hip dips, and cellulite. Real hot girl shit! Last time I checked this is our house not the club’s.”
You winked, taking a sip of water.
“Oh hell nah, that ain’t happening. I’m the only one that gets that privilege you hear me?” He tugged at your waist.
Peering up at him underneath your lashes you laughed, “yeah, sure whatever. As long as we don’t have AC in this hot ass weather? anybody can see this ass but there will be fees due to your ‘i can fix that.’ Attitude, believe that, mr. bob the builder.”
You mockingly went to drop your blanket but Coco wasn’t having that as his tight grip caught it before it could slip pass the girls. He yanked you to his chest, ignoring you groaning at the body heat he was always radiating.
Suddenly his tongue swept up against your cheek, catching the droplets that decorated your melanin.
“We got company right now so let me do what I do so I can really make you cry later.” He smirked at you, reaching over to flick a group of beads at the end of your braids, “got that mamita?”
Humphing you allowed the man to move around the living room, pass the tower fan and over to the AC Unit that rested in front of the screen door that led to the patio. Sauntering up and out of the living room you passed by Gilly who shook his head at you.
“This is the third time this month, y/n. There’s gotta be some warning when it comes to you like this.” The man continued shielding the side of his face as he made his way by.
Letty snorted as she called out, “imagine how I feel! And I live with these freaks.”
You spun around in your blanket, and gave you best model walk before glancing over your shoulder at the teen. “Oh please, I wouldn’t give a shit if everyone in here got naked. We all were born that way so what? It’s not to get weird, it’s because we have Johnny to thank.”
“That ain’t my fault!” Coco argued, gathering his chopped hair for the summer back, “blame that Mother Nature shit.”
Gilly suggested, “uh uh, bro It’s probably climate change or some shit.”
“I’m sure it was a fucken man that pissed Mother Nature off and now we’re dealing with the woman’s wrath, rightfully so.” Letty hissed as she bent down to pick up your ragdoll cat, “so yeah I’m blaming coco too.”
“What the fuck? What that gotta do with—
Holding your finger up, you tutted.
“Just say sorry, man.”
“Are you forreal? You’re supposed to have my back, fool!” Coco shoved the huskier man who now sat on the floor, toolbox in his lap.
A glint shined in Johnny’s dark eyes as they circled back to your smug grin.
“My bad,” he muttered but his eyes told you once that AC was fixed, you were in for some trouble and you could hardly wait.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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band--psycho · 10 months
Fic Recs - August 2023
I'm sorry I've been a bit quiet on here the last few weeks- but keep your eyes peeled because I'm planning something exciting!!
In the meantime, I know it's been a hot minute since I've done a list of recs that I absolutely love; so I thought it was about time I did one!
I hope you all enjoy these as much as I have! 💛
Mayans MC
Gilly Lopez
Gilly Lopez x Reader by @withmyteeth
Gilly Lopez x Reader by @darklydeliciousdesires
Gilly Lopez x Reader - Weekend Getaway by @drabbles-mc
Gilly Lopez x Reader-By The Fire by @cositapreciosa
Johnny 'Coco' Cruz
Coco Cruz x Redaer- Hushed Whispers by @purestxblood
Coco Cruz x Reader by @bullet-prooflove
Coco x Reader by @menofchaos
Remus Lupin
Modern!Remus Lupin x Reader by @pray4saint
Remus Lupin x Reader by @lizard-on-a-window-pane
Remus Lupin x Reader by @theemporium
Remus Lupin x Reader-Let Me Ride You by @mrsmikaelsxn
Remus Lupin x Reader -It's Okay by @micheleamidalajedi
Sirius Black
Sirius Black x Reader-Unexpected Results by @xacatalepsyx
Sirius Black x Reader-Delicate by @whorediaries-09
Sirius Black x Reader by @yrluvjane
Poly!Marauders x Reader- Negligence by @futurecorps3
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington x Reader by @ghostlyfleur
Steve Harrington x Reader - Meet After In The Afterglow by @upsidedownwithsteve
Steve Harrington x Reader - BETTY by @supernovafics
Steve Harrington x Reader- Buried Feelings by @sweet-villain
Steve Harrington x Reader- Birthday Dream by @lisalay00
Steve Harrington x Reader - Summer Love by @26wh57
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader- Moments Series by @fayes-fics
Harvey Specter x Reader- My Tailor by @fox-bee926
Raymond Smith x Reader x Tangerine-Who You Belong To by @youvebeenlivingfictional
Negan x Reader - Infinity by @little-diable
Bucky Barnes x Reader-Three Times Feelings Went Unspoken, and the One Time It Was by @seishuswife
Steve Harrington x Reader by @ghostlyfleur
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader by @ragingbookdragon
Jinx x Reader - But I Miss You, I'm Sorry by @the-dumpster-fire-of-life
Cal Kestis x Reader - I'm Headed To The Mountains by @spacesurfing
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garbinge · 7 months
Country Shit
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader (Soldier Reader) Summary: Pre-canon fic where you think the worst as a black town car approaches your home but are pleasantly surprised by whose home.
A/N: Posting this fic I've had in my docs finished for a while now. I hope to start getting back in the swing of things soon. I know a lot of people have been commenting/messaging/reaching out about my Bear series and I promise I'll update that soon, but for now enjoy my first Gilly fic from Mayans :)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, mentions of war, bootcamp, training, army, army rangers, PTSD, trauma, death, grief, dishonorable discharge. Lightly angsty? Or maybe I'm numb to angst and its like medium-angst level lol. Light fluff.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie
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The clouds were rolling in, you heard the thunder in the distance as you sat on the back of your wrap around porch staring out at the ranch in your backyard. You pulled your cardigan tight around you out of instinct as the breeze from the storm on its way in, blew past you. The dark clouds casted a shadow on the large land of property that made up your backyard, the free-range chickens you owned had retreated into their coup, the two horses you took care of were nestled safely in the barn you had just 500 feet away from the house, and your dog was alert on your left hand side as he stared up at the rumbling sky. 
“Come on, boy, let’s get inside before it starts coming down.” You stood up and opened the back door and nodded for your dog to go inside. 
Your timing was impeccable, just as you closed the screen door, the rain started. The living room walls were filled with windows, you could see the droplets throughout every window on every window that surrounded the room. The sound of the water pelting against the roof and the deck filled the house, it was loud and mixed with the rumbling of the thunder. It needed to be drowned out, so you moved over to the record player you had set up by the front of the living room. 
The memory of the last time you used the record player was coming up short, but seeing the Sam Hunt record in the player made you smile. Placing the needle on the record, it scratched for a minute before the music started playing. It brought you back to a time in your life, there wasn’t much other way to describe it besides a time. It wasn’t something you’d describe as the best time in your life, not in the slightest, but there were some moments that weren’t completely horrible. 
“Come on! Grab your drink!” 
Those were the famous last words your bunkmate said before she dragged you onto the dance floor. You remember the beat of the banjo playing so loudly as you moved to the beat. It was the last night of Ranger School, you had graduated earlier in the day, your friends and family had come and gone already to wish you well before they shipped you off to your assignments.
You weren’t alone on the dance floor, you were in Georgia, so when Sam Hunt was playing, the crowd tended to thicken up a bit. The noise got louder from people singing along, and although it wasn’t your go-to selection, it was fun in comparison to everything training had put you through. You remember feeling beer dripping down your jeans as you jumped up and down with the mix of Ranger graduates and town locals, but you didn’t mind one second of it. You just loved having the excuse to wear something other than your green service uniform. 
As the song reached its last minute, you had started to sing along to the lyrics, your laugh was contagious by those around you as you enjoyed the celebration. You were drunk, there was no two ways about it, and you weren’t alone in that, everyone around you was too. Some people attempted to line dance, because choreographed moves were the perfect thing for a bunch of drunks, but everyone seemed to make it work. Except him. And you heard his voice in your ear as you were trying to keep up with those around you in the last moments of the song. 
“Can you show me how to do this shit so I don’t make a total fucking ass of myself?” 
You smiled at the comment, and turned to him. Lopez. You had worked with him over your summer of training, but to say you knew him well would have been an exaggeration. 
“And you think I know what I’m doing?” You chuckled as you looked back at him. “I’m just following everyone else. It’s like a kick kick step step turn thing.” 
“Right.” Gilly was trying to catch up as he moved next to you. It was hilarious to watch but it was also nice, having someone else with you that didn’t exactly know what was happening. “Man, I wish they’d turn this country shit off.” He whispered to himself as he tried to follow along with his feet.
As the song came to a close, you spoke up to him. “Didn’t peg you as the line dancing type.” 
“I’m running a bet with the guys.” He pointed back to his group of friends. “Longest one to stay out on the dance floor, actually trying, gets their tab taken care of.” 
“You do realize we’re in a bar full of locals who love buying drinks for anyone in the service?” You frowned at him. 
“Yea but there’s just something really fulfilling about Timmer paying my tab off for me, you know?” He was laughing back with you. 
Now that, you understood. Timmer was a real asshole, said things that got under everyone’s skin so if that was what was on the line, you’d help Lopez out. The song changed, it slowed down. A crowd of people left the dance floor, while a new crowd also filled it. Gilly looked around and saw just one person he was in on the bet with left on the floor with someone in their arms. 
“Need a partner?” You spoke up, hand extended out to him. Out of nerves, he laughed and took your hand in his, your other arm moved to hang around his shoulder loosely as you both began swaying to the music. 
“Thanks for helping me out.” Gilly said to break the silent tension. 
“Look, anything to make Timmer get the shit end of a stick, but I’m thinking I should negotiate something out of this deal for myself.” You made a face as if you were thinking. 
“I mean, fair is fair.” Gilly said as he took the lead and moved you around the dance floor. “What’d you have in mind.” 
It was a tactic, but it worked, it had you shocked for a minute that he had taken the lead. 
“I want my tab covered, too.” There were likely a million other things you could have negotiated from this, his dessert during meal time, laundry, literally anything but you were so caught off-guard you just said something quickly. 
“Deal.” He agreed quickly. 
Both of you stopped talking and continued to move slowly, swaying back and forth, the silence between you both allowed you to hear the lyrics of the song. 
“You and me, wild and free. Way out in the woods, nobody for miles.” 
Those lyrics brought you back to the present moment, in your shared home with Gilly that way out in the woods, nobody for miles. Now, some probably would have said that was the night that started it all between you, but after those dances, and a few drinks, both of you went back to your respective bunks and didn’t speak to each other until a week later when you were both deployed to the 2nd battalion in the 75th Ranger Regiment, and well, that bonded you two differently. Those two months on the home base in Washington is where the both of you fell in love, whatever that meant for two active duty Rangers. After those 2 months, they shipped you out to your tour assignment, where things got dark. 
You stood there, getting lost in your thoughts as your brain wrapped itself around a new set of memories, ones that were heavy and hard to even think of. The memories of being on combat duty, seeing things that were burned in your mind as a souvenir of your two tours, and the one that constantly replayed in your head. The memory of being dishonorably discharged because you refused to follow orders. Before you could think further on it, you jumped at the sound of your dog barking. Your eyes moved to the driveway, the sound of the gravel crunching was mumbled under the music and the rain but it was still prevalent. The rain distorted the view out of the window, but you could see the black town car rolling down your driveway, which was otherwise empty. You lived easily 30 minutes from town or any person, neighbor, or establishment, and that was purposeful. When you got discharged, Gilly got sent backshortly after on leave with you for a week. The two of you were already married but had no place to call home and with you being done with the military, it was time to set down roots. Roots that wouldn’t push you into a PTSD fit constantly, you liked being off the beaten path, you liked being unbothered, on your own. On your own. Those three words instantly meant something completely different now as you stared at the black car in the driveway. Everyone knew the black town car pulling up, unexpected, to the home was the news. The news no one wanted to get, but being deployed yourself prepared you for it in a way that explained the solitude in your heart and lack of panic. You moved away from the window before anyone exited the car, you took the few minutes you knew you had before someone rang the bell to kneel down and be eye to eye with your pup. 
“I wish you were going to understand what was about to happen, buddy.” Your hand scratched behind his ears. You saw his nose wiggle as he sniffed the air, and he let out a little whine while looking at you. 
You let out a sigh, and closed your eyes. That’s when the doorbell rang. As your dog ran to the door, you knelt there for 30 more seconds, preparing yourself mentally to hear the news. 
The words rattled in your brain before anyone even said them to you, it was your brain's way of preparing you before you got up to answer the door. The commandant of the Army Rangers 75th Regiment and Second Battalion has entrusted me to express his deepest regrets that your husband, Gilberto Lopez, was killed in action. It was then that you realized you’d find out when and how, and that’s when you held your breath. It’d affect you differently, because you knew the logistics of things, how to read between the lines of what was told to you. Before another thought filled your head, you were standing up and making your way to the door and opening it wide. 
Immediately your dog was out the door whining and jumping on the person in front of you. You thought you felt your breath hitch, I mean you were seeing a dead man, or what you convinced yourself in the last 5 minutes was a dead man, standing in front of you but you were frozen, until he spoke.
“Hey buddy boy, I missed you, yea, hello.” He spoke to the dog, his backpack still on but the other bag was discarded to his right as he let your dog greet him joyfully. “You been takin’ care of our girl, right?” He said as he stood back up and you felt the breath you were holding release and suddenly you were launching into his arms. 
He let out a woah mixed in between a chuckle as he steadied himself and wrapped his arms around you to embrace you back. You both hugged for what felt like eternity, eventually he moved both of you into the house to avoid getting anymore wet from the rain. You still had your hands wrapped around his neck, your heads were next to each other when he whispered something to you.  
“What happened? I’m gone for a few months and you got that country shit playing?” 
When the laugh left your mouth it’s when you realized you were crying. 
“Hey, you’re not allowed to say that when it’s our song.” You pulled away so you could look at him now.
“See, country music’s got you crying.” His thumb moved to wipe your tears away, the smile on his face was big, he was happy to be home, happy to not be thinking about everything– anything. 
“I thought you were dead.” You said as his hands cupped your face. 
“I’m surprised I’m not.” His face hardened almost immediately as he shifted to talk to you seriously. 
“You back for good?” Staring into his eyes, you looked for an answer, but were only coming up with pain and exhaustion. 
“I’m back for good.” He nodded and moved to place his backpack down.
“It’s hard being home.” You said, hating to break the moment but you knew it was inevitable to talk about. 
“It’s hard being deployed.” Gilly answered.  
You looked into his eyes again, it was obvious to you that they were eyes that had seen a lot. You knew that since your eyes looked the same when you were sent home. The difference between him and you was he was there longer, whatever happened when you weren’t there was going to haunt him.
“Back for good.” You repeated his statement, trying to wrap your brain around what that meant, what you both were in store for but you were quickly interrupted by a kiss. 
As your eyes closed, you melted into the touch. His lips on yours brought you back in time, to your first kiss, your wedding day, then the day you were sent home, saying goodbye to him. But now he was home, and he was kissing you hello. 
“You and me, wild and free.” He said the lyrics from the song that brought you two here as he rested his forehead on yours. 
“I thought you hated country music.” 
“I fuckin’ do. But I also fuckin’ love you.”
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the-hinky-panda · 6 months
The Gin Blossom: Part II
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Title: The Gin Blossom
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Gilly Lopez x Reader
Summary: You thought you had your life all planned out until everything changed. Finding yourself a young widow, you turn an Airstream trailer into a food truck and tour the southwest. You met Riz and Songbird (from @bullet-prooflove's stories) and when they invite you to visit the revitalized town of Santo Padre, you find that maybe home isn't out of reach for you.
You expect Riz to come back around at the end of the concert to help you pack up, but it’s someone else who is standing outside the backdoor of the airstream. You have to admit, you’re not disappointed at all at seeing Gilly’s surprise appearance. He’s standing off to the side, making sure to be under one of the strings of Edison bulbs hanging around the food truck area, hands in his kutte and a small smile on his face. 
“I don’t know if you remember-” 
“Gilly,” you answer immediately, trying to reign in the smile that is threatening to take over your face. “I remember you.” 
He ducks his head briefly. “I, uh, I was just wondering if you needed some help cleaning up, getting things put away.” 
You stand to the side of the door, holding it open with your arm and giving him room to enter into the trailer. “I would love some help. Riz usually helps if we’re at the same festival but, well…you know.” 
He passes through the door and looks around the kitchen space. “You know what?” 
“Songbird’s wearing that black silk dress tonight. We’re not going to see them until the wee small hours of the morning.” 
He laughs once. “So it’s the dress. Huh.” 
“And now you know.” 
“And I kind of wish I didn’t.” 
You watch as he looks around the small interior of the Airstream trailer. Most of the space is dedicated to the kitchen and storage of gin bottles. You can see him analyzing the space, how everything, other than the dishes in the sink, is in its place. Every surface is spit shined and squeaky clean. 
“What branch are you?” 
You pull up the sleeve on your sweatshirt and show him the tattoo on your inner forearm and he nods appreciatively. 
“Marine. I should have known when I could see myself in the grill hood of a food truck.” 
You unplug the fairy lights and start pulling the napkin dispensers from the front window. “Never had a failed health inspection.” 
“I believe it. So, what can I help with?” 
“How do you feel about doing dishes?” 
He starts to roll up the sleeves of his flannel shirt. “Like I’m about to do some.” 
You watch him out of the corner of your eye as he starts to do the dishes. He’s methodical, precise, and the plates and cups are spotless when they’re placed on the four tiered drying rack. “So what branch are you?” 
“Army Ranger.” 
“Impressive,” you say and you mean it. Rangers were a badass unit but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have some fun with him. “I guess when you can’t make it in the Marines, Rangers are a good back up.” 
He emits that loud, barrel-chested laugh that you remember from before. “Oh, is that how it’s going to be then?” 
A good natured silence fills the airstream as you continue with your closing routine. By the time all supplies are properly stowed and you pull the blinds down on the front service window, Gilly is finishing up with the last few plates. 
“Good timing,” you say as you reach for a bottle of gin that you think he will like. “Do you have time for a thank you drink?” 
“As long as you join me for it.” 
You grab two leaded glass tumblers from your personal dishware and head back outside. It has to be close to two in the morning. All patrons of the festival have left, the stage is dark, and all the food trucks are closed up. It’s peaceful now that the noise of people, music, and generators have all quieted. The edison lights that provided light around the area are still on though and Ginny finds a picnic table underneath them not far from her trailer. She pours the gin into the glasses and hands Gilly one before sitting on the top of the table. He takes a sip and settles beside her. 
“This is good. Sharp. Clean.” 
“It’s the lime infused gin. It’s light and fresh. I thought you might like it since you liked the blood orange as well.” 
“How many flavors do you have?” 
“In the airstream? About eight to ten. My sister and brother-in-law currently have about thirty-three in production.” 
“No shit. Where are they located?” 
“Northern Cali, Redding.” 
Gilly nods. “It’s beautiful up there.” 
“It is. The redwoods are incredible to see. They have a lovely home, lots of acreage. When I lost my husband, they offered me a couple acres to build a home there with them. I almost took them up on it.” 
“So what stopped you?” 
“It wasn’t home.” You look up at the stars above you, the sky stretching endlessly across the desert. “It was nice. It was beautiful. But…” 
“Yeah. I get that. When I came back from my last tour, my friends all settled in a suburb of San Diego. They tried getting me to buy a house there too but it didn’t feel right.” 
“So how did you end up down here?” 
Gilly laughs and shakes his head. “I don’t know if you want to hear the whole story about that. I’m trying to impress you here.” 
You feel heat rise to your face at his comment. “Remember, I’m a marine. I’m hard to scare.” 
“Alright, here goes.” He finishes the gin in one go and you refill his glass. “I was…a mess when I got back from Afghanistan. I was drinking, getting high, picking fights with guys who were bigger than me.” 
“There’s guys bigger than you?” 
You both laugh easily at the comment. But you know that feeling too. War is a terrible thing. You do things that you would never dream yourself capable of doing. You remember the first time you had to shoot a teenage boy because he was trying to detonate an IED next to one of the tanks. He still shows up in your dreams at times. Bloody, mangled, accusatory. 
“One night in San Diego,” Gilly continues, “after spending the day with my friends, I was so fucked up. I went to the most dangerous part of town, and picked the worst looking bar there was. I bumped a guy who was coming out and…I just swung. I wanted someone to put me out of misery because I couldn’t do it myself. Well, I got a couple good swings in but this guy just leveled me. I woke up propped up outside the bar with a business card tucked in my shirt pocket for Romero Brother’s Scrap Business.” 
“So who was it?” 
“It was Hank. I called him later that day and he told me that there was a new charter of Mayans being formed down in Santo Padre and they were looking for some muscle. I packed my shit and moved that day.” 
“The brotherhood found you.” 
“They did.” He takes another sip. “What about you? What’s your brotherhood stateside?” 
You finish off your gin, letting the sharp tang of juniper berries and lime sit on your tongue. You could lie and tell him your brotherhood is your family. Or that you still keep in touch with your division. You could make up an elaborate tale of having a brotherhood in every town you visit. But you don’t. Because if anyone is going to understand your situation, it would be the man sitting next to you. The man who just opened his backstory to you with no deceit whatsoever. He deserved the same from you. 
“I haven’t found it yet. That’s why I travel so much. I'm still searching for it.” 
“You’ll know it when you find it.” Gilly laughs. “As fucking cliche as that sounds.” 
Before you can respond to him, a flash of movement draws your attention over to where a few cars and trucks are still parked. You see the Edison lights reflect off Riz and Songbird’s silver jewelry. She still has the black silk dress on, but there are obvious wrinkles in it from being bunched up in Riz’s fists. They still can’t keep their hands off each other, stealing kisses, their hands entwined as they make their way to Riz’s truck. You watch them climb into the cab, Songbird curling up next to him as he starts the truck and pulls out of the lot. 
“No,” you say, “that’s not cliche at all.” 
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
You With Me?
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader
Whumptober 2022: No.21 Famous Last Words- “You’re Safe Now” 
Warnings: 18+, angst, ptsd, violence, language, nightmares
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Shout-out to s4 for giving us more Gilly content and backstory because without that I don’t think I would’ve gone for a fic like this.
Mayans Taglist: @garbinge​ @withmyteeth​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @queenbeered​ @kelpies-shed​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @plentyoffandoms​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @rosieposie0624​ @mijop​ @choochoo284​ @holl2712​ @redpoodlern​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @mijagif​ @winchestershiresauce​ @frattsparty​ @bellisperennis0​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​ @littlekittymeow​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @passionatewrites​ @narcolini​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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You didn’t fully come-to when you were woken up by the tossing and turning on the mattress next to you. Your eyes were still closed, your mind still shrouded with sleep. Out of habit, you reached to hold onto Gilly’s arm, or drape your arm across his chest. He did the same to you whenever you got restless in the middle of the night.
Gilly had no way of telling you that the tossing and turning wasn’t from an inability to fall asleep. He had no way to let you know that the movement was caused by being stuck in a nightmare, an endless loop of flashbacks that he couldn’t get himself out of. And you had no way of knowing.
So when you reached to offer him a shred of comfort in the form of physical contact, you had no way to know that he would react the way he did. His reaction catapulting you completely out of your sleepy haze while he was still had one foot in his nightmare, one in reality.
Your hand found its way to the outside of his bicep, giving it a gentle squeeze. You were about to mumble out something sweet as your brain muddled through your sleep. Before you could, though, Gilly’s opposite hand reached and wrapped tightly around your wrist. His grip was tight enough to hurt, tight enough to get you to open your eyes in an attempt to see what was going on.
Gilly’s eyes were open, but you could see the emptiness in them. He was looking at you but he didn’t really see you. You said his name, trying to sound calm and collected but it didn’t hit the right note. You knew that your voice wasn’t reaching him.
You knew better than to try and reach out to touch his face. You were about to use your free hand to try and unfurl his fingers from around your wrist but he didn’t give you the chance. He quickly rolled over so that he was facing you. Between his size, and the force behind his movements, it took him hardly any effort at all to get you pinned flat on your back, still gripping your wrist tightly as he straddled your torso.
You winced at the roughness, not sure what issue you wanted to tackle first. There was no way you were going to overpower him, especially not when he was in this state. Trying to reach him at this point wasn’t going to be easy either, though. But you didn’t trust your luck enough to gamble on him snapping out of it, or working through whatever this was without really hurting you, not counting the digging of his fingernails into your wrist as anything because you knew how much worse it could be, how much worse it might get if you didn’t get your shit together and get him out of this.
“Gilly,” your voice trembled as you opened your hands, showing your palms in an act of surrender that might be as futile as trying to fight him off you, “wake up. It’s me.”
“Shut up,” his voice was so rough that it made you flinch. That was a tone that you hadn’t heard in years, one that you had almost completely forgotten about.
But it let you know exactly where he was in his head. And you knew that the clock was ticking before this all get insanely messy. You did your best to take a deep breath as you brought your other hand up, putting the heel of your palm in the space of his shoulder just above his armpit. You were ready to try and push him for all that you were worth, give yourself as much of an advantage as you could given the fact that you were already pinned beneath him. You didn’t want it to have to come to that, though.
He was about to reach up to pull your other hand off of him when you spoke up. Your voice was steadier now than it had been—it had a little more confidence to it. “You’re home, Gilly.”
The words didn’t register. His fingers wrapped around your forearm, hand sliding up towards your wrist. You twisted your arm in his grip, managing to get your arm free just long enough to push him. Going for his bum shoulder was a low blow, but you weren’t really in a position where you could afford to play fair.
It was effective to a point. It threw him off his rhythm enough to loosen his grip on your other wrist. You slipped out of his grasp and rolled out from underneath him. You kicked the blanket that was tangled around your legs, getting yourself off the mattress before he could successfully reach for you again.
You knew that it was only going to buy you a precious few seconds. And now he was going to be even more pissed off on top of whatever else was running through his head. Both of you had had your fair share of rough nights in the years since coming back from Mosul. Sometimes you talked it out, but most times there was just a lot of silent understanding between the two of you. No one understood it better than someone who had been through it, and you’d both been through it. What more was there to say?
But it’d never been quite this intense before. Nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, they were all things that the two of you had worked through. For the most part, most of the time, you both had it under control. This was different, though. Talking him down never presented this type of challenge before. It felt like you were going to have to try to meet him where he was, and that was a time in your life you never wanted to revisit if you could help it. But now it didn’t seem like you could help it.
He was on you again in the blink of an eye, hands gripping tight to the outside of your arms just below your shoulders as he nearly lifted you off the ground. There was still that hazy look in his eyes that let you know that he wasn’t seeing you. It was heartbreaking and terrifying and for a second you didn’t think that you were going to be able to do what you had to do. It’d all happened in the span of probably no longer than a minute or two, but it felt like it was the longest hour of your life as you tried to push through the fact that you were freezing up instead of solving the issue.
Reaching up as best you could, you balled your fists into his shirt. Despite the fact that it had been years since you had to tap into your military tone, you managed it. “Lopez,” you barked through the tears in your eyes, “Where are you right now?”
His grip on your arms tightened, but he didn’t move to hurt your further. His chest heaved, jaw still clenched. He wasn’t home with you yet.
You were gripping onto his shirt so tight that you could still feel your nails digging into the skin of your palms. “You need to come back to me, Ranger. Right now.” Taking a leap of faith, you pulled him closer to you, bringing his face close enough to yours that you could feel his breath, and he could undoubtedly feel yours. “Come on,” you kept your voice firm despite the fact that it was basically a plea.
Prying one hand from his shirt, you roughly cupped the side of his face. “You’re good,” you pulled him so that his forehead was pressed firmly against yours, “Come on—we’re good.”
It was the longest four seconds of your life, and you were prepared for it all to backfire. But finally, you felt his grip on you slowly starting to loosen. His shoulders sagged as he snapped out of it, slowly coming back to reality and all of the exhaustion that came with it. His breathing was still ragged, and he was still holding you close for the moment, but it felt different now.
Your bottom lip quivered as you pressed your fingertips harder against the back of his head, like you could somehow pull him close enough to press the thoughts out of his head. “You with me?”
He choked out a gasp as he nodded. He abruptly let you go, almost causing you to crumble to the ground. He stepped back quickly as he raked his hands over his head. He kept backpedaling until the backs of his legs hit the side of the mattress. It was only then that he slid down until he was sitting on the floor, back rested against the side of the bed. He didn’t look at you as he bent his legs, bracing his elbows against his thighs and dropping his head into his hands.
You slowly, carefully, closed the short distance between the two of you. You dropped to your knees in front of him, not reaching out to touch him yet. The quick, drastic rise and fall of his shoulders showed how hard he was fighting to get his breathing back under control. It was no small feat as he tried to combat the nightmareish thoughts still in his brain as well as the reality settling in of what he’d just done to you. As much as you wanted to hold him, you granted him the small shred of space.
You could see that he wasn’t ready to talk, but he still tried to force it. His worry for you and what he’d done to you overshadowing the fact that he was still on the brink of a complete meltdown. “Fuck,” he shook his head at himself, “did I…I didn’t…” he didn’t want to say the words out loud, “You hurt?”
You shook your head, knowing that the evidence left over him his iron grip would be tomorrow’s problem. “I’m good.”
Anger flashed across his face, but you knew that it wasn’t really directed at you. It was directed at himself. He hated that he put you in that position, and that you felt like you had to lie about it after the fact to try and make him feel better. He knew you, but you also knew him.
“Hey,” you snapped his splintered attention back to you, “If I said I’m good, I’m good.”
He gave a short nod, breathing still ragged. He dropped his head back so that it was resting against the side of the mattress, eyes fixed up on the ceiling. “Fuck.”
He didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t know how to try and start explaining himself. Not that you would ask him for an explanation—you already knew. That was something that should’ve brought him some sort of solace but it didn’t. It only amplified the guilt.
You moved a little closer, sitting cross-legged in front of him. Reaching forward, you gently rested your hands on his knees, the tips of your fingers barely reaching the hem of the shorts he was wearing. He tried to focus on the warmth of your palms against his skin, something that he only had here, something that was only happening now. You could see the way his brows furrowed in concentration, how hard he was working to try and stay present.
You repeated your question from earlier in the hopes to get a verbal response out of him this time. “You with me?”
He nodded, clearing his throat in an attempt to talk past the lump that had lodged itself there, “Yea. Fuck. Yea, I’m, I’m here.”
You gave his knees a light squeeze, “Good.”
“I wasn’t, though,” he shook his head, focusing on the way your fingers curved against his skin. “I wasn’t fucking here before.”
You nodded slowly. “I know.”
“I’ve never,” he shrugged helplessly, “It’s never been like that.”
Tears stung at your eyes again. “I know.” You could see the apology in his eyes and you shook your head at him before he could even try to force it out. “Don’t.”
“That wasn’t,” he reached for your hands, almost getting there before pulling himself back, like he didn’t deserve the small comfort of it, “that wasn’t okay.”
You took a slow, staggered breath. “I know. I was there. But it’s done. We’re good. You’re safe now.”
“But you—”
“We’re both safe now. From all of it.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line. “Apparently I’m not. And if I’m not, and you’re here, that just means I’m gonna fucking—” he stopped himself, not wanting to utter the words. “I hate that we brought this shit home. That it’s still fucking here.”
You traced your thumbs back and forth against his skin. “I hate it too.”
He gestured towards your wrists. They were still red from everything that had happened before, but they weren’t bruising. Not yet. “Can I?”
You moved so that you were sitting beside him, copying the position that he was sitting in. He gingerly slipped his hands underneath your forearm so that he was cradling it, not fully wrapping his hands around it. He looked it over, like he was inspecting to make sure that you weren’t lying and that he really didn’t break anything.
“I’m okay,” you reassured him. “You came back.”
“What if I didn’t?”
“You did.”
“What if next time I don’t?”
You frowned. “We’ll figure it out.”
“I can’t hurt you again.”
You looked over at him, waiting for him to meet your eyes. “This isn’t about me. You need to be worrying about you. I can handle myself. We made it over there. We can make it here, too.”
He wanted to clasp your hand in his but he was too nervous, too shaken to trust himself. You saw it. Instead, you slipped your hand so you could clasp his tightly, making yourself an anchor as the two of you sat on the floor together. He didn’t clasp back, but he still ran his thumb back and forth over yours.
Both of you had so much that you wanted to say, but neither of you had any energy to say it. Maybe in the morning. Even though neither of you were going to go back to sleep. Neither of you were going to get back into bed. It wouldn’t be the first night spent trying to glue yourselves back together as you sat on the floor. It wouldn’t be the last, either. But the fact that you’d gotten through it before meant that you could do it again.
Turning your head to look at him, you saw the way that he was staring at the floor between his feet. You wished you could yank the memories out of him and toss them away. He always got the same sort of look in his eyes when he was getting pulled back. Tonight was the most intense you’d ever seen it.
“Gilly?” you spoke softly.
He lifted his chin from his chest as he turned to look at you. He didn’t say anything, just silently raising his eyebrows at you as a form of response.
“Where are you?”
He nodded, finally giving your hand a weak squeeze, “I’m here.”
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samwilsonsbabymama · 3 years
Imagine this with Gilly
Smut under the cut. It’s hella short lol
⚡️I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ⚡️
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Gilly had been watching TV when you got home and you straddled him the moment you saw him. You had been craving his touch all day and you were finally with him.
He said nothing as you climbed into his lap, he only opened his arms welcoming you in. His whispered words of love relaxed your muscles until you sighed with content. 
“I need to be closer,” you mumbled against his neck before standing up.
Gilly looked at you with a confused look, but the moment you began pulling your pants down, he got the hint and he followed suit.
Once you were both stripped down, you straddled him once again. You took his half-hard length into your hand and gave him a few pumps before lining him up with your entrance. His hands rested on your hips as he let you take control of the pace. You locked eyes with him as you slowly sunk down onto his length.
He bit his lip as he fought to control himself from taking over and the two of you panted once he was fully seated within you. Your arms found their home around his neck before he pulled you in for a kiss.
It was a slow, deep kiss. Neither of you were in a rush. His grip on your hips kept you from rocking. You sighed in relief when you pulled back for air and you laid your head on his shoulder and you began to sing. 
His hands rubbed your back in time with your singing, only stopping you every once in a while to kiss your lips. After you’d been wrapped around him for a while, Gilly shifts so that he’s laying down with you on top of him. You can feel him twitching inside of you and each time he does, you clench around him. It becomes a game after a while, he twitches then you clench, you clench then he twitches.
Before the night ends, you both know that he’s going to fill you with his cum, but right now, the two of you are just basking within each other’s warmth.
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blessedboo · 4 years
Headcanon: Annoying | Mayans MC.
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Angel Reyes x Reader, EZ Reyes x Reader, Coco Cruz x Reader, Gilly Lopez x Reader
GIF Credit: @xxrouxx​ 
Summary: A headcanon of Angel, EZ, Coco & Gilly annoying you, but in their own cute ways. 
Requested: No.
Warnings: Cursing/Language. Fluff. Humor. Implied sexual content. Mention of baby w/ Coco. 
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: I’m sorry I didn’t include everyone! It was getting too long for my liking. But, I might make a second part to this with your other favorite characters. This is loosely edited, so ERRR!
Angel Reyes
You scoured the fridge for your leftover chocolate cake.You were more peckish than usual—cravings on overdrive—and the dark, decadent treat was exactly what you needed. 
You groaned, tossing and turning over every container of junk there was. “Baaabe! Have you seen my—”
You turned around to the sound of footsteps and chewing. Angel moaned in satisfaction as he licked his fingers, a plate of smeared cream and brown crumbs in his hand. You caught a glimpse of the gooey goodness on the side of his mouth - he was the culprit.
A scowl creeped onto your face as you crossed your arms and kissed your teeth. Angel knew that noise very well; he was in trouble. He lifted his head to look at you, his face grimacing as he took in your annoyed expression.
He raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me. That’s my cake, Angel!” 
Your boyfriend looked away to swallow down a laugh. He then turned the plate over, flipping it from side to side as if he was searching for something.
“Sorry, mami. I don’t see any cake left,” he chuckled, sporting a feigned pout of confusion. 
Angel made his way to you and placed the plate in the sink, giggling at his own tomfoolery as he kissed your cheek. You humphed, frustratedly pulling away from his attempt at affection in this very serious moment. 
“You do know this means I have to fight you, right? I’m throwing hands and I won’t hold back.”
You put your fists up, throwing a few light punches to his shoulder. Angel shook his head at you, humor encompassing his features as he cupped your cheek. How dare he not take this seriously? Did he think you were fooling around? 
“You’re so dramatic. I gotta love your cute ass.”
“Yeah? Well, I hate you,” you inched closer, jabbing your finger into his chest. He huffed out a small laugh as he grabbed your wrist and leaned in. 
“I despise you.” 
“I loathe you.” 
“I wanna eat you out so fucking bad,” he whispered against your lips before licking them slowly. You paused, pursing your mouth and narrowing your eyes at him.
“Fine, carry me.” 
“Yes ma’am,” he cooed with a devilish smirk, grabbing the back of your thighs and hoisting you onto his waist.
“You’re getting your ass beat right after, though.”
Angel winked. “You got it, baby.”
“—But at least I get another slice of cake,” he purred into your ear before slapping your ass. 
Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes
“EZ, baby, how many times do I have to remind you that I am working?”
Leaning against the doorframe of your shared bedroom, Ezekiel frowned. His head dropped down before meeting your glare with his sad puppy eyes. 
“How about—”
“I can’t.”
He grumbled something unintelligible under his breath before childishly storming off into the other room.
- 10 minutes later -
Your gaze fleeted from your laptop to your book as you took notes, intensely focused on scribbling everything down. That was until light, circular objects had started to repeatedly hit your head. Was it hailing ... indoors?
Several pieces of popcorn had landed onto the bedsheets, as well as your notebook. What the—
You heard a familiar laugh sputter from above, and as you looked upwards, you were met with a troublemaking EZ munching on the snack as he threw them at you. 
Your lips pulled into a thin line, which only caused him to pout. 
“Really? This is what we’re doing?” You wore an unamused expression.
He groaned, angrily shoving the rest of the buttered balls into his mouth before walking off, yet again. 
- 5 minutes later -
“Babyyy,” Ezekiel moaned from the floor. He had realized that being in another room affected him too much, so he decided to lay on the ground until you finished what you had to do. “Give me attention!”
As annoyed as you were with his needy behavior, you giggled at how much he craved your presence.
“I’m almost done, babe. Be patient.”
“Patient my ass. Your workaholic self has been ignoring me through all of today and all of last night.”
“I know, but—”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing as you put the pens down. Ezekiel stood up, snatching the notepad from under you, faster than you could protest against it. He snuck his hand under your nightgown, his fingers hooking into your panties before slowly sliding them down.
“I think you could use a little break.”
Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz
You absentmindedly looked out the window as your baby girl suckled away. Her tiny hand adorably palmed your breast as she cooed, her eyes fluttering closed ever so slowly.
Looking back at her, you smiled in awe. Her resemblance to Coco, your husband, was ridiculously uncanny. You pinched her cheeks lightly, humming at the noises she made in response. 
The hushed atmosphere was disturbed by the door bursting open, an exhausted Coco stumbling his way in with shopping bags in both hands. 
“Sh! I’m trying to get her to sleep, Johnny,” you scolded, your eyes widening at him. 
Coco clenched his teeth and slowed his movements, putting a finger to his lips as he nodded. 
“My bad,” he whispered. “But you asked me to buy all this stuff, and shit’s heavy. Mi princesa has me doing her dirty work and she can’t even walk yet. I spoil her too much, ma.”
You let out a small laugh, your husband’s complaining never failed to amuse you. He set the bags down before walking over to you, peppering kisses on your neck and cheek. 
“Don’t forget about lil’ mama.”
“Of course not. I was saving best for last,” he chuckled as you slapped his chest lightly. Coco placed a kiss on the baby’s forehead, stroking her little arm as he did. 
He plopped down on the couch next to you. You expected him to turn on the TV, or even check his phone for any new messages. But instead, he just stared at the breastfeeding going on between his two favorite girls. 
Coco’s lips curved into a sad pout at the sight. 
“I remember when I used to do that. It wasn’t too long ago when I was getting in on all the action. And now look, I’m titty-deprived.”
Your jaw dropped as you stared at him, blinking slowly as your mind registered what he had just said. The sides of your mouth curved into an open-mouthed grin as you laughed hysterically, your other hand immediately flying to your mouth to quiet yourself down. 
Coco couldn’t help but join in, his chuckles unrestrained and lively. “Don’t laugh, mami. I’m serious,” he sighed. 
You shook your head. “I can’t stand you, baby.”
Scooting closer, he licked his lips and his pleading eyes stared into yours. “Come on, querida. Let me pop a titty in my mouth real quick. For old time’s sake.”
He reached a hand over to cup the swell of your breast before you slapped it away. 
“Coco!” You whisper-yelled. 
“What? She gets to suck on one, it’s only fair.”
“She’s eating!” 
“Shiiit. I could eat too, baby.” He bit his bottom lip as he kissed your tender skin. “Look at them all full and heavy, and shit. Mm-mm.”
You rolled your eyes at him, your hand meeting his forehead as you pushed him away. 
“Quit it. Get your ass in the shower … I’ll be there in 5 minutes,”  you smirked. 
Gilberto ‘Gilly’ Lopez
You chased after Gilly like your life depended on it. The hot sand beneath your feet, and the merciless rays of sun beating down on you, did not make it easy. 
Luckily, there weren’t many people on this secret beach. The ones that were hung out on the other side. Considering you were running topless with your breasts being held by one arm, you were grateful for that.
Gilly chuckled his way into the shallow water, his arms flailing mid-air with your bikini top in one hand. 
“I swear to God, Gilly. If you don’t give me my fucking top back!” 
“If you want it, come get it!” He dangled the fabric in between his fingertips, taunting you with a cheeky grin that spread across his face. “You think it’ll fit me?” 
You groaned loudly, bending over with your hands on your knees as you attempted to catch your breath. 
“You are so fucking dead, Gilberto!” 
“At least I’ll die pretty,” he teased as he put the bikini top over his chest, though it barely covered anything. He began to laugh at himself and his shenanigans, the whole situation clearly bringing him the utmost joy. 
Gilly’s prying eyes gave you a nice, long look over. He stared at your half-naked body with a boyish pleasure, not regretting his antics one bit. 
“You’re looking good, girl! Get over here so I can get a better view.”
If it hadn’t been for Gilly dancing in the water, with your top now draped over his head, you wouldn’t have been so convinced. You rolled your eyes before helplessly giggling as you jogged into the cool, fresh blue. 
The sea breeze danced around you, caressing every ounce of your skin. The sensation sent a visible shiver down your spine. 
Gilly pulled you into his strong arms, his teddy bear stature engulfing you into his warmth. He stroked your back up and down as he embraced you; two bodies in the midst of your own little world. 
As he leaned in to kiss you, you smirked mischievously. You dropped down, yanking his swimming trunks with you. The abrupt action made Gilly fall backwards as he splashed into the water. 
You erupted into a laughing fit of your own before he took you down with him. Gasping for air, you held onto him as your legs wrapped around his waist instinctively. 
“You’re so annoying!”
Gilly hummed. “Yeah, but you looove me.”
@ifoundmyhappythought @woahitslucyylu @starrynite7114​@claytoncardenasbabymama @multiyfandomgirl40 @justlikebreathing @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @chibsytelford @fvckthisbxtchup  @angelreyesgirl  @sheeshgivemeabreak @awildcur @gemini0410 @lady-pswrld @hennessyauntie @thesandbeneathmytoes @abbiesthings @lilac-tea-time @itsamedeemoney @peaches007​ @rebel-without-cause-x​
[Just ask if you’d like to be tagged!]
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@wrcn9fvlcver asked: Hello hello! First of all i loveeee your writing and i was wondering if u would be up for some daddy ez I absolutely love the idea of ez with a little girl and maybe some tio angel action?
Word Count: 1.1k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @starrynite7114 💖
Author comments: Sorry it took me soooo long ✨ I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Ez loves to spend the whole day with your daughter. He loves Lola more than anything in this world.
Every time you tell him that he has to pick her up from school, he falls into the ‘sweetest daddy mood’. He wears one of Lola's favorites shirt of the collection he has. He also sprays some of that Hugo Boss cologne you bought for him, that EZ uses only in special occasions.
He usually rides to school ten minutes before her classes are done, enough time to buy her some flowers. He's a charming prince.
“God, your dad is fucking hot”.
Sometimes you can't understand how a thirteen year old girl can talk like that. Your daughter raised an eyebrow somewhat confused, looking at her friends because of the comment. You never warn Lola when EZ is going to pick her up, because your husband loves to surprise your little girl. The youngest Reyes is sitting sideways on his black Harley, cross-armed, holding the half-dozen of white roses and that smile that can burn down the world just in a second because of the over cuteness.
“Gid, yir did is fickin' hit”. She replies somewhat upset with a singing voice, rolling her eyes.
Grabbing her bag with a hand in the handle, she runs fast to her dad who is already walking towards her when their eyes finally meet again. EZ hugs her tightly with an arm, leaving some kisses on her cheek, before taking the bag to give her daughter the roses.
“Did you have a good day, pequeña?”
“Sí, papá. Solo… un poco largo”. (Yes, dad, just a little bit long). She says shrugging her shoulders, holding his free hand with her own to reach the motorbike.
“Ok, we're going to the clubhouse. Chucky is cooking quesadillas for you”. EZ helps her to put on the helmet, before keeping the bag in one of the leather's one at a side of the bike. “The crew is already waiting”.
“Leti is there too? I wanna show her something”. Lola asks sitting by his father back, holding somewhat better her flowers. She's a good rider, it's in her veins, and she doesn't need to wrap EZ's waist when he turns the motorcycle on.
Coco and Angel usually fight on who gets to hug her first. Both are her tíos. Lola spend a lot of time at Coco's house, because Leti usually helps her with homework. But Angel is her original tío. He understands that his brother is her father, he respect that. But he is extremely jealous with other guys. Even with women. Vicki can't hug her, because Angel is already doing it. Lola is his most precious thing in world. He took care of her since she was born, turning himself into a fucking mix of pitbull, doberman and rottweiler whenever EZ or you aren't close. His niece is a baby he must protect at all fucking cost. No matter if she was fifty years old. A. Baby. He. Must. Protect. At. All. Fucking. Cost. You understand it?
Angel is holding your daughter between his strong arms, while she's laughing so hard she almost drowns herself with her own saliva, turning over his feet to avoid everybody presence close of them. Creeper and Gilly are trying to play with her, but your brother-in-law is needy of showing Lola how precious she is. Like a fucking diamond surrounded by trash.
“C'MON! YOU'RE HOGGING HER, BROTHER!” Coco complains too, so furious he wants to punch Angel's face.
“Tío Angel!”
“'Amma fuckin' wrong, beautiful and precious baby, love of my life, my one and only, my princess, luz de mi vida?”
EZ comes from nowhere, taking his daughter as if she actually is a baby. For god's sake. But she's having a lot of fun seeing how her father always wins every single battle.
Bishop only ask your husband for help when Lola is doing something with the guys, so he can be with his daughter all the time possible.
Everybody is totally in love with her. But what EZ feels for her escapes the limits of understanding. His daughter. His family. A piece of himself and a piece of the love of his life, all in one. You've been together for almost fourteen years, and she wasn't something planned: but the best gift you two could ever have.
His favorite thing to do together is lie down on the sofa, after having some delicious homemade dinner, to read her Federico Garcia Lorca's poetry. EZ has been doing it since the first time she slept at home, so small, so cute, so tiny. He has never read her fairy tales, but spanish poems. As Felipe does when they're together.
“... Se dejó el balcón abierto, y el alba por el balcón desembocó todo el cielo. ¡Ay, que vestida con mantos negros”.
EZ has a hand caressing her back, with the small book raised on air in the other one, reciting each poem with passion.
“When I leave to the university, I'll call you every night so you can read me another poem.”
“Ok, mi amor, I promise.” He replies kissing her head before continuing.
Your husband also taught her spanish as soon as she started to talk, and you couldn't feel more proud of his daddy skills since ever, as if he had a lot of children before Lola.
He wants his little girl to run the world.
Lola knows how to fight and defend herself. She speaks english, spanish, apache (because Taza said it would be amazing) and italian. She's the smartest girl you ever knew. She's polite, gentle, loving, responsible… And you know why? Because of your husband. Yeah, you do your ‘mom work’ pretty well. But, let's be sincere, every time you see EZ being the best dad ever, you fall more for him.
EZ cries when he listens your daughter telling you how much she loves him, or asking you once and again how you two met, or comparing her dad with their friends', without knowing he's hearing her. And he also does it when you reply how much you love him, how lucky you're for finding him in life, and how much you get melted every time you find them sleeping together in the sofa after a long day waiting for you to come from the hospital.
192 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 2 years
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A/N: since I don’t/didn’t write nearly enough for him. *sigh* that’s all I’m going to say on that. My spring prompts were intentionally supposed to be fluff but…
WARNINGS; mentions of mental health, drug habits, some fluff, language, and dark times! Sad times!
Using: #11. fresh baked bread + #12. Walk in the woods from the spring OTP prompt list.
Track listened to while writing?
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They always say you don’t have enough time in the world. Most usually think the opposite and unconsciously live life like it’s any other day, that it’s limitless yet it’s anything but. For the last week it felt like there was just something weighing on your chest and your gut was telling you that time was running out. You tried to blame it on your clinical depression but this was different.
At the start of the new week you started to pay attention to everything more. How everyone in the house was on the go, you always at the bakery at the crack of dawn, preparing breads and pastries with your small crew for the morning rush, Letty doing instacart and showing up whenever she wanted or whenever her piece of shit boyfriend decided to pick her up, and with Coco…he was always on call. To you it just felt like none of you were spending enough time together lately and you wanted to change that.
Well…you attempted to.
The electric dough mixer down at the bakery decided to break after just spending $800+ on it a month ago—thankfully you had warranty on it so another one was being shipped out to you free of charge while the delivery service took the broken one off your hands. Bad news? It was on delay since apparently all the bakers wanted this dough maker so you had to wait two weeks for it. Which also means!! You all had to use your hands more, since there were only three available table top mixers.
“If the work becomes too much, just shut down for a few days, mamita. You deserve it.” Johnny suggested one night, the both of you sitting on your bed as he rubbed at your shoulders.
You leaned into his touch, reaching one hand up to rest against his hand, “Only if you take a break from the club.”
“…we’re not doin’ that tit for tat shit. And I already took a long enough break, don’t you think?” He stopped massaging you for a moment.
Sighing you answered, “yeah against your will, we all know you’re dealing with a disease.”
“Let’s,” he started to raise his voice and lowered his tone and softened his touch, “not go that route tonight. It was just a suggestion, you’re clearly stressed out and could use a break. And I’m trying to get back on track so it sounds like we all gotta do what’s best for us.”
You hummed, too exhausted to argue with your boyfriend for the night and slowly moved from his grasp. Coco’s intense eyes watched your entire being as you slid over to your side of the bed, reached into your night stand to tie your headscarf over your hair.
“Okay.” You finalized, reaching to toss the covers back as you rested underneath them with a yawn.
The man watched you for a moment before he got off the bed to flip off the light switch. Once beside you, he tangled your legs together and pressed his forehead in between your shoulder blades. Once you felt that you began to slowly close your eyes until he asked, “is it though?”
“I’m willing to spend time with not only you but letty. Our family. We have to find balance for each other here and you don’t want to call your health condition what it is…fine. You only want to share that at meetings? Oh-kay . We’ll do that your way but that’s part of life, we have to make time for each other. So…y’all let me know when we can fit into our busy schedule’s.” You mumbled, “goodnight.”
Johnny huffed out a breath against your back but tightened a hold on your waist for the night.
It was a Wednesday when Coco told you Marcus encouraged him and others to head out to Oakland this weekend and of course he took that opportunity. Coco could see that you were disappointed that he would be leaving and Letty seemed indifferent since she could always find something else to get into. Although the both of you shared deep conversations (only when Letty felt like being vulnerable that is) you knew that half of that was for show.
Although you knew this trip was for good measure, you had that sinking feeling sitting in your gut again. You were tight smiles as Coco talked about how good this would be to honor their fallen brothers yet you couldn’t help but to feel selfish about it.
“What’s your weekend, plans?” Coco asked, as he shifted you from the mirror as you finished twisting a section of your hair into a final knot.
He shuffled through drawers.
Pressing your tongue into your cheek, you breathed out a laugh and exited the bathroom. Coco shortly followed after you, tossing a arched tattooed leg up onto your bed to moisturize.
“What’s up your ass, huh?”
Your eyebrows raised as you glanced at him from over your phone. Facing your body in his direction, you turned your eyes into slits, “did our conversation two days ago not mean anything to you?”
The long haired man furrowed his brows, “you mean everything to me, you’re basically the other side of my heart, so yeah any conversation means something.”
Chewing on your bottom lip you deeply inhaled at that. You’d be a fool if you said those words didn’t make butterflies float around in your belly but you were more of a actions kinda person. Talking about the fairytales were always peaceful and it was always tough to get there but lately it felt like you were getting off track again.
Everything was becoming a routine rather than a necessity.
“So…you’re going to Oakland.”
He dipped his head, “I’ll be back early Sunday morning. You know it’s for a good reason.”
“Which I get…but it doesn’t feel right. Why can’t you honor your brothers here? Close to home instead.” You softly said.
Coco moved around the bed to plop down beside you, “‘Cause Marcus saw what efforts I’ve been putting in for this club. He trusts me to go out there and bond with another charter by paying our respects to something we share in common, the lost of family. I can’t pass that up. I know you understand that, right?”
“Of course I understand,” you huffed, “it’s a given when you get involved with someone in a risk taking club but sometimes I just wish you would put this family first too…what if you lose us?”
Instantly coco gripped your hand, getting you to meet his gaze. “Hey, I don’t ever want to hear you talk about that possibility. I don’t want to go back to that thought either, I had enough of that shit back on the mm.”
He searched your eyes which held worry in them. With his free hand he gripped your chin and ran his thumb gently over your brown skin, “I hear you though. As long as I got you and you got me, that’ll never be a lost. I even got plans for the both us tomorrow…oh yeah, I forgot to mention you’re taking a personal day from the shop.”
Coco watched as your frame brightened, almost like that special flower that needs the night to grow, at the news; despite the darkening bags that sat underneath your eyes. It was your turn to grip Coco’s now bare shoulder, “where are we going, johnny?”
“It’s a surprise, mamita. You better rest up.” He leaned forward to press a kiss to your cheek.
“How do you expect me to sleep when you just told me I get to spend time with my best friends tomorrow?”
Coco laughed pinching your chin, “you’re so fucken cute, mamita. I’m just happy that I can make a piece of my heart happy too.”
Pressing your lips to his, you pulled back while knuzzling your bulbous nose against his crooked pointed one.
“…Think you can help put me to sleep?” You questioned, caressing a finger against his bare waist.
His famous lopsided smile appeared on his lips, “I’d be honored to.” Before he pounced on you.
Letty wasn’t home by the time the two of you headed out. He sent her the address and told her to meet the two of you there if she wanted to be part of this moment and she sarcastically sent back some emojis in her typical teenage fashion. The two of you rode out of santo padre for at least half an hour and stopped on the side of the road, just for coco to blind fold you.
“So I know this is one of your kinks and everything bro but um, couldn’t we have discussed this before? I’m still trying to hold onto these lash extensions considering that money’s tight.” You responded, trying to loosen the hold on the back of your dome.
One thing about Johnny Cruz? The man was definitely heavy handed.
“We’re another ten minutes out, it won’t be that long. You can handle it, I promise.”
“I guess…” you trailed off, turning your head to where the passenger window would be.
You convinced your long time boyfriend that taking your car over his bike would be best, just in case Letty wanted to ride back home with you two. If you would have known you’d be off-roading a bit you would have saved your sweet Hyundai hatchback the trouble. Your eyes went wide as you felt the car rocking from side to side and thought you were on the verge of a car accident but Coco’s laughs and squeeze to your thigh gave some reassurance.
Once the car was in park, you sighed touching your chest before fumbling to unbuckle yourself from the car. Coco assisted you out of the car and stood in front of you to take the blind fold off.
Flinching at the partly cloudy sunlight you glanced around the man to see nothing but huge trees, dirt, and the smell of evergreen.
“Where are we?”
He didn’t answer your question, reaching forward to grip your hand, “Want to go for a mini hike?”
“Is that why you wanted me to wear these itchy ass gym pants?”
His free hand slid down your side before reaching backwards to give it a nice smack, “yeah…they’re also my favorite on you.” He winked while you shoved him back playfully.
“Nah, I just wanted you to be comfortable and enjoy the view. C’mon.” He led the way, intertwining his hands with yours.
The walk through the woods made the both of you feel at ease, despite you being clueless on the area ,you felt safe with the guy you’ve known since you were seventeen and it blew your mind to still be standing here after everything the both of you went through.
It truly was a blessing.
You felt yourself wanting to be closer and pulled yourself underneath his arm as you slowly walked through the woods, simply enjoying each other’s company. After a moment you found yourself looking up, feeling much smaller underneath the trees that stood above the both of you. You were chilly underneath the spring air and coco always felt cold but the weight of him surely blocked that feeling out. A white butterfly flew by your eyes, pulling you from the sky while the birds chirped along with each step you both took.
Once you approached a white bridge, you stopped to peer out at the lake to your right.
“…what you think?” Coco asked after a moment of white noise.
Blinking you looked at him, “there’s swans here?”
“Huh? Oh yeah they’re were fuckin’ annoying the last time I came out here so don’t get too excited about ‘em, they might turn up missing.” The braided-haired man glared at the green water while you snorted at the irritation on his face, “but I wasn’t talking about that. I’m talking about the house.”
The what?
Coco easily picked up the confusion on your face and lifted his chin in the direction of the said house that sat over and back from the water.
“Let’s go.” He smiled at your speechlessness and tugged you over the bridge and down a slope and over to what appeared to be a deep- red single family home.
Your eyes kept wandering around, the large plot of dirt that covered the driveway had you in awe. Even if you could afford multiple cars, it would take plenty to fill this lot but any parties hosted here you were sure everyone could fit here…as soon as you figured out another route to get here that is.
“That makeshift garage over there that Gilly fucked up, we can store the bikes and of course your car there, especially when we get those sandstorms.” Coco casually said before carrying on to the white picket fence that boarded the home.
He undid the latch before leading you into the front yard. A white door contrasted against the darker tone of the house and another covered by a Spanish lace black steel security door. There were large and medium sized windows on each corner of the house and to your left a white gated area (which also seemed to hold a chicken coop behind?) followed by a pathway in between.
“Want to head in?”
“Johnny…don’t play with me.” You started with a inhale, “what is this?”
He lifted his shoulders nonchalantly, “A house. Our house if you want it to be.”
Clenching your eyes shut you shook your head, “we can’t possibly afford this. How much is this? Is it renting or to purchase?”
“It’s ours mamita.” He pressed, gripping your forearms, “don’t stress, I got us. Remember months ago you said we needed our own space to grow together and it’s bigger than what we have now.”
Yes you liked the idea of having something new for the three of you, to grow better. It may have been what you needed but the both of you knew Johnny wasn’t the best when it came to money and that was before the dr*g habit swerved in.
“It’s got enough space for us, two bedrooms until leticia actually means what she says when she wants to get the fuck out, and two bathrooms. Our own laundry area, more storage space, a extra living space, our own lake.” He listed with his fingers.
You interrupted, “what is this madness, Florida?”
Coco snorted as he continued, “and the kitchen? I know you’re gonna love it. Me, Gilly, and Creeper just finished the floors the other day. Mind you it still needs a shit ton of work but I’m down to do it for us, you know?”
Your silence was beginning to make Coco anxious as his hold on your hand became fingers linked with yours instead.
“Take me inside then, show me what we’re working with.” You waved him forward.
It was his turn to beam at you as he gripped both sides of your face to kiss you. Smiling into the kiss, he gripped your hand and fished his jean pockets to find the key. As you stepped into the home you always kept in mind that the living situations here always required dim lighting since majority of the homes were built in the 1950’s and up. You were met with tile floors with a rug rolled off to the side, you weren’t sure what this open space was truly meant for but it could work for what it seemed like it was made for, a nice entrance way: coat racks, benches to put your shoes on your way out, large mirror against one wall, a runner on the floor, a large circle table with a floral arrangement, with possibly a nice light feature installed to brighten it up.
Excitement began to show on your face as you briefly touched the walls.
“This was originally a dining area? The kitchen is up to the right and the living room is right across from it.” Coco explained, “listen to me sounding like a preppy ass real estate agent.”
“If you were, maybe my room would be even bigger.” A voice called out making the man roll his eyes.
Easily recognizing the voice you followed it, glancing over at the carpeted living room which had a wood oven tucked in the corner, you entered the kitchen instead to find Letty leaning against the counter. The counters were on the lighter side, tan and looked fairly new. Your eyes immediately went to the floor and you were in love. Clasping your hands together you looked back at Coco who causally shrugged his shoulders.
“You did this?!”
“Mostly, yeah. The refurbishing the cabinets were a real pain in my ass though.” He commented.
“You did that!” You looked over at the white fridge, “I apologize to you Nene but as long as it works I don’t really care!”
Letty snorted as she also looked over at the fridge herself and then went over to the oven, “so what’s the verdict, y/n?”
“Oh I want it. It’s going to be a commute to work once we actually live in this but it’s a new beginning and I think we all need it.” You answered, still looking around, moving to peek at the indoor porch area?
“Are you sure?” Coco asked.
You stared out the window located in the indoor porch and felt a smile appear on your lips as you thought about the new memories that will be made here. Spinning on your heels you kept that smile on your lips as you held your arms out and tossed them around Coco’s neck.
“I still need the details about how this all went down but I’m too happy right now to worry about it.”
“Good,” he pecked your lips, “I don’t want you to worry about a thing anymore.”
“I love you, Johnny.”
“I love you too, even when you’re being all gushy and shit.” He smiled down at your lips which you smacked with a roll of your eyes.
“Alright enough of this romance shit, let’s eat this over baked bread which coco wanted me to bring here for you. Don’t worry before you even ask, yes it’s fresh…I think y/n!” Letty shoved her way in between you two; holding a charcuterie board?
Shaking your head at the girl you peaked down at the board spotting some type of cheese you wouldn’t be eating, grapes, salami, and your favorite: pumpernickel bread waiting for you.
“Did you call this over baked bread, leticia?” You pulled a large piece apart and shoved it into your mouth as the girl nodded, “it’s supposed to look like this. Just extra melanin to it, nothing wrong with that.”
“Well when you put it that way, of course not.”
“This is one my top favorite breads. Keeps you full since it’s heavy, slightly on the sweet side and made with sourdough and ground rye. Originally from Germany too.” You summarized as you held out the other piece to share with Johnny who tossed it into his mouth.
Letty widened her eyes and spun away, “and here I thought I dropped out of school.”
“Yeah…we’re gonna discuss that soon too.” Coco addressed, making the girl slightly frown at him but said nothing more, not sure if she really believed that.
You felt your own brows raise at that statement but the smile of your face out-beat it. You went over to the counter touching the material before grabbing another piece of bread.
“Did you show y/n the haunted part of the house, coco?” Letty grinned, lightly elbowing you.
Choking a bit, you peered at Coco who glared at his daughter who bit back a laugh.
“It’s not haunted.”
“Gilly thinks it is too.” Letty added, “it’s definitely eerie. You’ll see what I’m talking about soon, I’m sure.”
“Uh uh, now I don’t want to finish that part of the tour. I told y’all my grams is a preacher and she always told us any evil can latch onto you and that’s the last thing I need.” You did a cross motion over your chest.
Letty hummed, “isn’t your dad also a pro-golfer? Damn girl you should have brought a club with you then.”
“Letty shut the—stop talking! She’s kidding, matter of fact we’ll all go and see it’s not even that bad. We got to walk through there to get to the laundry room anyways.” Coco waved you along but you weren’t budging. 
Coco sucked his teeth and charged over to the both of you, grabbing the both of you and going out the other door which led back to the front yard. Down the first narrow pathway you went—against your will, which led to another wooden gate leaving coco to unlatch that as well before turning to the right which led to the supposed haunted area. You spotted a light switch to the right of the house and cautiously stepped forward with Letty’s arm holding onto yours.
Coco was up ahead, sliding some doors open to show what would be the laundry area. When he looked back at the two of you, he sucked his teeth.
“Could you two move any slower?!”
“Hey!” You called out, “I’m putting my faith in my girl here…this area is giving Jason voorhees.”
Letty exclaimed, “see!”
Once you got next to the man, you stood in silence for a bit eyeing the laundry area and slightly nodded your head before leaning towards the dark haired man.
“Ki Ki Ki, ma ah ma.” You muttered the famous theme song making Coco pull his body away from you in pure annoyance, while you and Letty both shared a laugh.
“Alright then,” Coco sniffed before he latched onto your wrist.
Oh no.
“Wait!” You pleaded, “I don’t think I should be man handled right now, I just ate. Can we do this a little bit later when my bread digests?”
Coco shifted his eyes, thinking about it. “No. you’ve been talking shit so it’s two strikes and you’re out.”
‘That’s not really how it works…’ you thought.
“What did I do?! I didn’t say anything negative, just that it’s giving Florida and camp crystal lake combined! You need to talk to your daughter and her smart mouth. I love our new home because it’s ours! I’m super thankful. So whatever idea you got stirring in your Scorpio brain just forget it, let’s finish the tour, papi.” You attempted to plead your case but there was no going back when you became coco’s target.
He latched onto your thighs and flipped you over his shoulders with ease. Letty followed after the both of you, phone out recording the whole ordeal as Coco wrestled you to ground and legit sat on you.
“Johnny!” You screamed, “Get off me! You’re getting grass in my hair.”
“You got those Bantu shits in you’re fine,” He dismissed, “Letty get the hose.”
“I think the fuck not.” You mumbled as your self-defense class skills came in handy as you wrestled with the man you loved.
Now sitting on coco’s chest, you scrambled as he bucked to get you off him. Letty tossed you the hose and now it was your choice to turn it on and when no water flowed through, you frowned.
“Ha! The water hasn’t been turned on yet but I could always throw your ass into the lake out back.” He explained.
“And you’ll never see me again if you do.” You rolled your neck down at the man.
Coco kissed his teeth, “you ain’t goin’ nowhere, you’re mine.”
“You promise?”
“Obviously. I’m letting that perfect ass crush our heart right now for nothing.” Coco slightly wheezed, making you roll your eyes as you leaned over to kiss his lips.
That’s when he flipped you two over, but you didn’t seem to mind as much with his tongue fighting for entrance pass your lips and him hitching your legs up and over his hips.
“Ugh! I thought we were gonna get a beat down but it looks like it’s headed The Kim k and Ray J route so I’m outta here, gotta cut the cameras!” Letty scowled going back to her phone while you laughed and you were pretty sure Coco flipped her the bird.
He muttered against your lips, “ours is better anyways, much better! Those two don’t even know what a true masterpiece is.”
“Johnny, shut up!” You covered his mouth while he winked at you and Letty scrunched up her lips as she went back inside and far away from you two.
He laughed, pecking your lips again but not without lightly nipping your bottom lip before he moved to sit beside you. He searched his jeans for a cigarette as you rested your head in his lap.
“Tell the truth, you like it, you love it, or you not feelin’ it?” He said around the stick in his mouth.
Which you snatched from him and lightly tugged on one of his pigtails to grasp his attention, “I love it, you said it’s ours. Its home and you’re here which is where I want to be so it gets a stamp of approval from me. Also I see so much potential here so I’m sold, that’s all.”
“Way to narrow it down, simp.” He teased.
“Just had to be clear.”
You gasped while he winked at you.
That whole day played in your mind constantly after you got the worst news of your life. It was forever embedded into your mind along with lifelong memories that bled into your brain. It was too painful right now but it wouldn’t stop even when you closed your eyes, he was there. His voice, his touch, his longing stare…except this time he wouldn’t be coming back and you didn’t know how to stomach that. First you were incredibly sad but more angry than anything and that only amplified once you caught angel fucking Reyes zipping up his pants inside of your house.
It didn’t take long for you to peek and see Letty curled up on a arm chair staring blankly at the tv, for you to go into full attack mode.
“Y/n.” The taller thick bearded man started, raising his hands in surrender, “it’s not—
You clenched onto a golf club by the door and dropped everything else you had in your hands. All you saw was black as you began to frantically take deep breaths, “For as long as I’ve known you, I didn’t think you could stoop this got damn low. You are a shit stain and I’m gonna swing until your big ass head deflates!”
The amount of fear that actually appeared in Angel’s eyes was evident as he began scrambling around the house while you banshee screamed; swinging everything in sight, hoping it would catch your supposed “old friend” on his way out.
“Y/n!” Letty yelled, “stop!”
“Don’t you look at her and don’t you dare come by here again, you hear me?! I’ll kill you! And I hope Johnny haunts you even after your death.” You managed to catch a nice swing to his shoulder as Angel struggled to get the door open.
He yelped, “Ow, fuck! That hurt!”
“Get the fuck out of our house!” You got another hit to his lower back as he finally got out of the house.
With one last chuck, the club left a dent in the front door. Panting you turned to Letty who eyed you, unsure what to do.
“The hell was that?!”
Your eyes flicked up to the girl who almost straightened up at your appearance. It was almost sinister with the way you stared at her, holding your hands out as you slowly backed away from the clueless teen. Stumbling into the bathroom, you locked yourself in there and turned on the shower. Struggling to get a grip you held onto the counter for a moment, your head was pulsating and it was getting harder to breathe. Snatching a towel off the rack, you dropped to the floor and curled up into a position and pressed the towel to your mouth as you let out some screams which quickly turned to sobs.
Letty sat right by the door, head in her hands as she could faintly hear you in pain. It would now just be the two of you picking up the pieces to be each other’s person now. The common denominator would always be Johnny Cruz but Letty always felt like her time was limited with him, she’ll always think about the what if’s but at least she knew what she had. No doubt it sucked and it would always hurt but at least she still had you. She hoped that gave her dad—her coco some peace in his final moments.
Time is not always on your side but sanguinely you conquer it with the life that you choose.
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Continue along with my spring anthology prompts here.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Family Gathering
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 13 of the August Prompts: spicy food
Warnings: language, alcohol, found family fluff
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I sat down to start the fic for today’s prompt with no idea who or what fandom I was going to write it for. But I’m very glad my brain took it in a Gilly direction. And also the rest of the guys lmao. Hope y’all enjoy!
General Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @plentyoffandoms @amorestevens @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @bport76 @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @choochoo284 @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @shadow-of-wonder @withmyteeth @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @fanfic-n-tabulous @i-love-scott-mccall @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @mveggieburger @thanossexual @bruxasolta @passionatewrites @90sisthenew80s @xeniarocks @littlekittymeow @beardsanddetectives (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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The day had started off so quietly despite what you knew was coming later. You’d invited all of the guys from the club over for a barbecue, wanting to take advantage of not just the nice weather, but the fact that things had actually been going well for the first time in a long time. While you never knew all of the details of it, you were able to glean a lot from the moods that Gilly usually came home in. Even when things were rough, he never took it out on you, but you could still tell. He seemed less tense lately, coming home a little earlier, with a little more energy. It gave you a bit of hope that the club was on an upswing. And, when you had floated him the idea of having everyone over, he was eager to agree.
So that’s what the two of you had been doing for most of the morning. You both pitched in, cleaning the house, getting the back yard set up, and prepping the food. While Gilly was usually very territorial over the kitchen, he did his best to try and keep it in check, knowing that this was a two of you thing. He was trying to get better at sharing.
It didn’t mean that you didn’t catch him looking over your shoulder a couple times as you both got things ready. You didn’t comment on it, just choosing to laugh and shake your head at him. He didn’t try to offer any advice, so you assumed that you were doing alright.
“Alright,” you took the dishtowel that was draped over your shoulder, wiping your hands on it before tossing it onto the counter, “That’s all set. I’m gonna shower and stuff before everyone gets here,” you walked over, kissing him quickly on the lips, “I love you.”
The smile on his face was genuine even though his attention quickly returned to the food he was prepping, “I love you too.”
You had your music playing from your phone while you showered. Apparently you were playing it loud enough to drown out the sounds of a few of the guys showing up to the house. You changed into a fresh tank top and a pair of cutoff shorts, slipping on a pair of slides before making your way back towards the kitchen. Your phone was tucked into your back pocket, music still playing while you half danced, half walked.
It wasn’t until you turned out of the hall and into the kitchen that you heard the voices. You stopped dead in your tracks, eyes widening at the sight of all the men in your kitchen. You knew that they were coming, but you weren’t expecting them so early. And you usually heard their bikes when they all rolled up. Reaching into your back pocket, you pulled your phone out and immediately stopped your music. The kitchen fell silent with the absence of your Throwback 2000’s playlist, which you still cringed every time you realized some of your long-standing favorite songs were now considered throwbacks.
It was just the usual crew, the Core Four, as you so lovingly named them. EZ and Angel, which you began to realize that one never really traveled without the other, Coco, and of course Gilly. They were all standing around the kitchen, beer bottles in hand. The three visitors were trying to stifle their laughter, but Gilly didn’t share the same sentiment.
“Coulda just told me you wanted to pick the music today,” he laughed.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him, not further acknowledging the comment as you turned your attention to the other three, “Sorry, guys. Somehow missed hearing you all roll up.”
“It’s the shower surround sound,” Angel joked.
You smiled, “Yea, something like that,” you paused, “I’d offer you guys drinks, but looks like Gilly already beat me to it,” you walked up beside him, pressing a brief, soft kiss to his jaw.
“Yea,” Coco smirked, “You got him fully domesticated now.”
You laughed and Gilly shook his head, “Fuck off.”
You patted Gilly’s chest, “He’s not wrong, though.”
He motioned back and forth between the two of you, “See? This is why I never invite you guys over,” he laughed, “This is how it starts. Gonna be outnumbered all fuckin’ day now.”
You laughed, taking the bottle from Gilly’s hand and giving yourself a sip of it before handing it back, “Yea, maybe.”
The group of you only lingered in the kitchen for another minute or two making small talk before you started herding all of them outside. That was the whole point of the day anyway. EZ asked if there was anything that any of them could do to help, and you were all too happy to put them to work bringing stuff out with them. Gilly made it clear that none of them were allowed to carry any of the food, that he didn’t trust them not to fall and drop everything. It got a laugh out of you, knowing that he trusted these men with his life but not the food he had prepped for everyone. You passed off snacks and a few extra bottles of beer for the coolers off to them as they all filed out of the kitchen and into the back yard.
The Reyes brothers and Coco were laughing amongst themselves as they went out the side door onto the porch, leaving just you and Gilly still in the kitchen. When Angel slid the deck door shut behind him, Gilly turned to look at you, his expression getting a little softer as he took in the sight of you. He could see that your hair was still a little damp from the shower, your face bare, and it still made his heart speed up a little bit every time, no matter how many times he’d seen you like that.
“Didn’t mean to ambush you,” he joked.
You smiled, shaking your head as you stepped closer to him, leaning against his chest, “Don’t worry about it. I just can’t believe I didn’t hear them.”
“Yea,” he laughed, “me either. They’re fuckin’ obnoxious,” he tried to sound annoyed but you knew he was faking it.
“Remember,” you poked his chest with your pointer finger, “They’re your friends.”
“Don’t remind me.”
You gave him a playful push towards the door, “I’ll be out in a minute—just gonna grab my own beer.”
“Oh,” he chuckled as he shook his head at you, “not just going to keep stealing mine?”
You hummed in amusement as you stepped in just close enough to place a lingering kiss on his lips and say, “I’ll still do that too,” before backing away and heading towards the fridge.
Gilly lingered for a moment, watching the way you drummed your fingers on the side of the refrigerator door. He smiled to himself before prying himself away and heading out to join the people that he’d invited over.
You were digging the bottle opener out of the kitchen drawer when you heard the sound of more motorcycles rolling up. You quickly popped the top off of your beer bottle, tossing the cap into the garbage before walking over to the door to greet whoever was arriving now. You might not have been able to extend that courtesy to Angel, EZ, and Coco, but it wasn’t too late this time.
Pulling the front door open, you smiled at the sight of Creeper and Riz getting off of their bikes. The two of them were chatting as they walked up to the door, pausing their conversation to greet you with hugs and kisses on the cheek.
Riz nodded towards the beer in your hand, “Didn’t start the party without us, did you?”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “Not at all. A few of the guys just got here a couple minutes ago. Reyes boys and Coco.”
“Angel? Really?” Creeper joked as he walked into the house with you, shutting the door behind you all, “Guy will be late for his own funeral, but he’s here early?”
You pointed at Creeper knowingly, “He knows that Gilly is cooking today. Food is the best motivator.”
Walking to the kitchen, you tossed a bottle of beer to Riz, and a bottle of water to Creeper before letting them know that everyone else was out in the back yard. You were following behind them, smiling at the sight of your backyard filling with people that you cared about, that Gilly cared about. And it wasn’t even everyone yet.
You were all sitting around the large picnic table in the back yard, a project that you and Gilly had tackled together, building it yourselves. You thought it was going to be the thing that made Gilly leave you, but the two of you managed to power through the project, coming out on the other side of it with a table large enough to seat just about all of Santo Padre. You smiled to yourself at the memory.
It took the guys no time at all to get right into their stories, tales of their antics that you were sure had been told a thousand times before, and would be told a thousand times more if they had anything to say about it. You sat back and listened, sipping casually on your beer as you watched all of them starting to get more and more animated as they got farther into the story that they were telling.
You all paused for a moment when you clocked the familiar rumble coming down the street again. You and Gilly looked at each other and you waved him off, mouthing a silent, “I got it,” to let him know that he could stay with the guys, and you would go and greet whoever was pulling in now.
“And they give me shit for being late,” Angel huffed with a roll of his eyes.
“’Cause you’re always fuckin’ late,” Coco said with a laugh.
You were laughing at their comments flying back and forth as you slipped back into the house and headed for the front door. Pulling the door open, you and Bishop mirrored each other’s shocked expression. He was just about to knock when you pulled the door open.
He lowered his hand, immediately shifting to pull you into a hug, “Good to see you, sweetheart.”
You leaned into the hug as you responded, “Good to see you too,” pulling away, you repeated the process with Taza and Hank, “I’m warning you now, all those boys are going to give you guys grief for being the last ones here.”
“We’re the last ones here?” Hank sounded genuinely surprised.
You were about to make the same comment that you’d made to Creeper and Riz, but Taza beat you to it, surprisingly enough, “Gilly’s cooking. They won’t be late for that.”
“Should start having him cater Templo, then,” Bishop remarked with a shake of his head as you all walked through the house and out to the back yard.
“Ay!” Angel threw his arms up as the four of you all walked down the deck steps, “Look who decided to show up!”
Bishop shook his head, retort already locked and loaded, “Angel, if—”
“Hey,” Angel cut him off, “no pulling rank here, Pres,” he gestured over to you, “Y/N’s house is neutral territory.”
“Actually,” you took a swig of your drink, “it’s not neutral territory. I’m in charge here,” you joked.
“Damn,” EZ joked, a smirk on his face, “Tough break, Gilly.”
Gilly shrugged, eyes fixed on you as he smiled, “I’m not mad about it.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the look on his face. Clearing your throat, you motioned for him to come with you, “Wanna bring the rest of it out now that everyone is here?”
He nodded, finishing off his beer and setting the bottle on the table, “Yea, comin’.”
You were already opening the fridge, trying to figure out which plates and trays you should take out first. You’d pulled both refrigerator doors open, arms outstretched as one hand rested on each to keep them open while you thought. It had the added benefit of washing you over with a wave of cold air. You were lightly gnawing at your lip in thought when you felt a pair of arms slithering around your middle. You huffed out a laugh when you felt Gilly’s chin rest on your shoulder.
“Might have to use those muscles to pick the plates up instead of propping the doors open,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see you, “I’m strategizing,” you tried to sound serious and failed.
“Since when?” he laughed.
“Since you’re so picky about all of this,” you turned to look at him as best you could, “Figured some of these only you were allowed to carry.”
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and you could feel the sensation of his laughter against your skin as he did, “You’re right.”
He pulled you back against him, partially out of affection, partially so that he could try to weasel in front of you and get to the plates in the fridge. You didn’t fight him on it. He knew exactly what each plate was and which ones he was most protective of. In light of that, he carefully selected two for you, turning and handing them back to you.
You took them carefully, wanting to make a joke about dropping them but knowing he wouldn’t find it nearly as funny as you. You flashed him a smile and nodded as you turned around and started walking towards the door. You were only a couple steps away from the door when he spoke up, “Hey.”
You looked back over your shoulder at him, seeing that he had already picked up a couple plates for himself, “Yea?”
“I love you.”
Your smile grew, “I love you too.” When you started making your way down the steps of the deck, the first thing you saw was Angel lingering over by the grill. He wasn’t touching it, but you knew that that didn’t really matter. You laughed as you hip-checked him out of the way, “I wouldn’t do that, Angel.”
“What?” he looked so confused.
“I’d stay away from Gilly’s grill if I were you,” you warned, “And away from him while he’s using it, too.”
He rolled his eyes at you, “Oh, come on, he’s not that—”
“Nah, she’s right,” Gilly cut him off, setting his plates down beside yours, “Touch this and I’ll chop your goddamn fingers off,” he turned back to you, tone changing completely as he kissed you, “Thank you.”
You were certain that the warm fuzzy feeling you felt inside was showing on the outside as well, “No problem,” turning around, you playfully pushed Angel back towards the table, “Now c’mon and help me bring out the sides, before you start losing fingers.”
Despite the fact that Gilly wanted a decent perimeter around him while he worked the grill, he was still fully in-tune with the conversations that were happening at the table behind him. There was something different about getting together someplace that wasn’t the clubhouse. It felt a little more intimate—no hang-arounds or other extra people. It was nice, and based off the comments and the laughter he assumed that he wasn’t the only one who felt that way. It wasn’t often that he heard Bishop and Hank laughing along with everyone else. Maybe the house really was neutral territory.
“I’m still waitin’ for Y/N to hook me up with one of her friends,” Angel said, the comment following up a bit of a verbal jab that Coco shot at him over his single status. Which you found interesting since you were fairly certain that Gilly was the only one of them who was in a real relationship with someone, except maybe EZ, but he kept that part of his life pretty private.
You were going to say something but surprisingly enough, Hank spoke up, “She doesn’t have any friends that she hates that much, Angel.” You laughed and shook your head but you didn’t argue the point.
“C’mon,” Angel held his arms out, like he was putting himself on display, “you’re tellin’ me that none of your friends—”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” you cut him off, almost doubling over with laughter as you stood up from your spot on the bench.
You went and gathered up all of the empty bottles that were starting to collect on the surface of the table, intent on bringing them to the recycling bin inside. Even as you retreated towards the house, you could still pick up on bits and pieces of the shift in conversation behind you. You paused in the doorway, looking at the entire crew of them all sitting around talking to each other. Even though Gilly was standing by the grill, he was still turning around to talk to everyone. You could pick his laughter out of everyone else’s with ease, and it sent a wave of calm over you. You liked the scene playing out in front of you—you hoped that things kept going well so you could see it more often.
When you came back out, you saw that everyone had helped themselves to more drinks. You walked over to the cooler, grabbing a bottle of soda for yourself before walking over to the grill to see how everything was coming along. Given the present company, you knew that you were the only one who was going to be allowed that close to Gilly and his domain. You went back and forth between looking at the plate that was starting to get stacked high with things that were cooked and taken off the grill, and peering around his shoulder to see what was still in progress. It always amazed you how quickly he managed to get through everything, and that despite the speed with which he cooked it always tasted amazing. You supposed that’s why he took such a painstakingly long time with prep.
“Looks good, baby,” you weren’t going to ask him to turn and face you to kiss you, so instead you pressed a kiss to the outside of his arm, a sweet and passive little gesture before you spoke up again, “Want me to bring these to the table? Clear you some room?”
He looked at you, nodding, “Thank you.”
You winked, “I got you,” picking up the plate, you asked, “These are regular, right?” you motioned to the various cuts of meat on the plate.
He nodded, chuckling, “Yea. Good call.”
You tapped the side of your head with your finger, “Every now and then.”
“What’s the other option, then?” EZ asked as you set the plates down.
“Hm?” you glanced over at him.
“If this is regular,” he motioned to the plates, “what else does Gilly have up his sleeve over there?”
You laughed, “He’s got this, spicy like,” you gestured vaguely with your hands as you tried to conjure up the right word, “marinade. Super good. It’ll kick your ass if you’re not expecting it, though.”
“Oh for real?” Angel asked, and you could see the intense interest all over his face and Coco’s as well.
You nodded, chuckling, “Yea, for real,” looking back over your shoulder, you spoke to Gilly, “Have you really never cooked for these guys, babe?”
“Fuck no,” he laughed as he pulled another piece of chicken off the grill and onto the plate, “Still wouldn’t have if you hadn’t said something about all this,” he motioned to the group of them all sitting at the table.
All of the guys were laughing and shaking their heads as Gilly shut off the grill, grabbing the last few plates of food and bringing them over. He set them down in the center of the table, taking one last look at it all to make sure that he hadn’t forgotten anything. He must’ve been satisfied, because you saw him give the tiniest little nod of his head to no one in particular before making his way over so that he could sit next to you.
No one wasted any time diving right into the food, which you were grateful for. The guys were tossing rolls to each other up and down the length of the picnic table and you couldn’t help but to laugh, trying to intercept them every now and then.
It struck you, as you watched them all chatting amongst themselves, that the only other time they really all sat together like this was at Templo. Parties at the clubhouse they all sort of paired off into their smaller groups, never really all sitting down together like this. You sat back for a moment, idly toying with the food on your plate as you looked around at everyone.
You felt Gilly’s hand land on your thigh underneath the table, pulling you from your thoughts. You turned to face him, a smile on your face, “Yea?”
He smiled but you could see the small furrow of his brows, “You good?”
You nodded, resting your hand on top of his, “Yea, I’m good. This is nice,” you gestured to the table full of people with your fork.
“Good,” he gave your leg a light squeeze, “But if you want me to kick ‘em all out, I will,” he laughed.
“You can try,” Creeper remarked, having heard the quick, quiet exchange between the two of you, “but you’re not gonna be able to get any of this food from me, though.”
You laughed as you looked over at Gilly, “Looks like you’re gonna be on the hook for a lot more barbecues.”
“Between you and Felipe,” Taza joked, “you could have quite the catering business.”
EZ was shaking his head, laughing, “Pops would lock him in the freezer and leave him behind.”
Gilly laughed, shaking his head but he didn’t actually argue the point, “Yea, nah, your old man wouldn’t last a week with me.”
“I don’t know,” you had a sing-songy lilt to your voice, “He’s dealt with EZ and Angel for how long now?”
Bishop laughed, “That’s true.”
Angel sucked his teeth, but everyone could see the amusement in his eyes, “Man, fuck all you guys.”
You chuckled, “Keep talking like that, and you’ll have to give the food back.”
“Her house, her rules, remember?” Coco piped in with a smirk.
You smiled triumphantly, “Man, I could get used to hearing that.”
“Yea,” Gilly said with a shake of his head, “because I always put up so much of a fight about everything,” he laughed.
You smiled over at him, batting your eyelashes, “Yea, I guess that’s true. We do alright,” you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey,” Angel gestured to everyone around the table, “some of us are tryin’ to eat, here.”
You rolled your eyes, but you were only able to hold back your laughter for a couple seconds before it burst out of you. Shaking your head, you got back to the meal in front of you, letting the conversation drift back to the numerous stories that they always had to tell. You watched everyone laughing and joking with each other, gaze frequently drifting back to Gilly who looked more relaxed than you had seen him in a while. You noticed the way his hand never left your thigh, and a smile curled your lips as you tuned back into the controlled chaos unfolding around the table in your back yard.
131 notes · View notes
drabbles-mc · 2 years
Disaster Dates: Dejavu
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader
Disaster Dates Masterlist
Prompt from This Post: Person A surprises Person B by taking them out on a date that they’ve planned but what Person A doesn’t realize is that they’ve taken Person B to the same place that Person B and their ex used to go to together.
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, awkward tension
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I’ve re-written this about 10 times. I’m finally setting this one free out into the universe. Fun fact: this isn’t the only Disaster Dates prompt I plan on doing for Gilly. So stay tuned!
General Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @kelpies-shed​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @garbinge​ @themoonandthewicked​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @encounterthepast​ @bport76​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @amorestevens​ @angelreyesisdaddy04​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​​ @xeniarocks​​ @choochoo284​​ @littlekittymeow​​ @beardsanddetectives​​ @bruxasolta​​ @i-love-scott-mccall​​ @slut-bitch-brat​​ @withmyteeth​​ @passionatewrites​​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, let me know!)
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“Alright,” Gilly looked in the mirror, fussing with the cuffs of his shirt for a moment as he tried to quietly hype himself up, “it’s gonna be good. It’s gonna, it’s gonna be fuckin’ good.”
It was the best he had been able to come up with in light of how jumbled his brain had been all day, all week if he was being honest. He’d never been good at pep talks to begin with, but when he was supposed to be doing them for himself? Forget it. Not happening. But he was trying. He wanted all the help that he could get for tonight. He’d spent far too much time pining after you before he finally bucked up and asked you on a date. He’d been so ready for you to shoot him down that he almost didn’t know how to react when you said yes.
It wasn’t like he had been shooting his shot with someone that he didn’t know. The two of you had talked and spent a decent amount of time together at the clubhouse. He knew that you must’ve liked spending time with him on some level, otherwise you would’ve told him to fuck off a long time ago. He’d seen you do it to other people. It should’ve taken some of the pressure off, but it didn’t.
And now he was in charge of putting together a date for the two of you. He wasn’t planning out anything too intensive—that wasn’t his style. He wanted it to be nice, comfortable. First dates were enough pressure on their own without adding extra hoops to try and jump through.
He grabbed his helmet and glasses on his way out the door, grabbing an extra of each for you to wear as well. He’d never seen you on the back of anyone’s bike, and it made him wonder if you’d ever ridden before.
It was a quick ride to your house, and he was wondering if that was working out in his favor or not. It was less time to try and rehearse what he was going to say, but it was also less time to overthink every possible way that the evening could go wrong. Hanging his helmet off the handlebar, he took a deep breath and set his shoulders back before walking up the driveway to your door. He hesitated for a moment before knocking, but he managed to will himself to do it.
The twenty seconds it took you to come to the door may as well have been an eternity according to Gilly. He was nervously picking at the stitching on his kutte when you opened the door, and you couldn’t help but to fight back a chuckle at the sight. Nervous Gilly was something you never thought you’d live to see, but there he was.
“Hey,” you smiled as you stepped out and pulled the door shut behind you, “Ready to go?”
“Yea,” he nodded, trying to sound more confident than he felt, “ready if you are.”
“Perfect,” you gave him a nod before turning around to lock the door to your house. You gestured to your short walkway, “After you.”
The two of you walked over to the bike, and Gilly’s nerves were audible in his voice, “Hope you don’t mind, I figured we’d take the bike. I brought you shit to wear—helmet and stuff.”
“Oh?” your eyes lit up, “I’ve never ridden before.”
“Yea,” he turned, your helmet in his hands, “I figured,” without thinking better of it, he reached forward and placed the helmet on your head, carefully clipping the strap beneath your chin with more gentleness than you’d ever seen from him before. You bit lightly at your bottom lip as you tried to control the butterflies in your stomach.
He triple-checked that you were good for him to take off. You appreciated the extra concern, but you were too busy enjoying the closeness of having your arms wrapped around him and your chest pressed to his back to really be all that scared. When he started the bike, you couldn’t help but to let out a giggle, being on the back of the bike was so different when you’d spent so long just listening to them come in and out of the lot.
The two of you cruised down the familiar streets of Santo Padre. What little tension you’d had over riding the bike quickly melted away the longer the two of you rode.  Gilly could feel you relaxing against him and he was glad that you couldn’t see the cheesy grin on his face.
There wasn’t much in Santo Padre that would be new to you at this point. However, as Gilly pulled into the parking lot of his restaurant of choice, a knot began to form in your stomach. Nothing was new to you, sure, but this place was familiar for all the wrong reasons. There was no way that he would know that, though.
The chances of your ex being there were slim. Friday nights he was usually out bar-hopping with his buddies. But that wouldn’t change the fact that most of the wait staff were going to recognize you, and immediately associate you with your ex because this was one of both of your favorite spots for date night. You weren’t sure how to try and say any of that to Gilly, or if you should even try to. Bringing up your ex on the first date didn’t seem like the best move, but what seemed like a worse outcome was someone else bringing it up instead.
It felt incredibly quiet when the sound of the motorcycle engine died off. Bracing yourself against Gilly’s shoulders, you managed to get off the bike with relative ease. Gilly offered to take your helmet, hanging it up with his own. You adjusted your top, trying to push the uninvited nervous thoughts from your mind.
“My buddy started working here a couple months ago,” Gilly spoke as the two of you walked towards the main doors of the restaurant, “he’s their new head chef. Best fuckin’ cook I’ve ever met in my life,” he laughed as he pulled the door, holding it open for you.
You laughed, “Oh really?”
“Yea,” he walked in behind you, “and I’m picky so, you know,” he laughed, “he’s good.” He watched as you laughed and shook your head before asking, “You ever been here before?”
Now would be the opportune time to say what had been on your mind since you rolled into the parking lot, but you just couldn’t quite force it. You shook your head, “Not in a long time. Certainly not since they apparently got the best chef in Santo Padre.”
“So you haven’t really been here,” you weren’t sure if the grin on his face alleviated the twinge of guilt in the back of your mind or made it worse.
As the two of you made your way over to your booth, you couldn’t deny the fact that you’d missed the place. It was cozy, comfortable. All warm colors and old-school art covering the walls.
“So,” you looked over the menu before looking across the table at Gilly, “since you have all the insider-info now, what should I get? What’s your friend’s specialty?”
Gilly chuckled, shaking his head, “What isn’t?” looking from the menu back to you, he asked, “What do you usually get when you go out somewhere?”
“Ohh, getting right into the hard-hitting questions, I see,” you joked, “I usually—”
“Oh my god!” your waitress stopped at the end of the table, a bright smile on her face when she saw you, “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
You hoped your smile looked more convincing than it felt, “Yea, it’s been a minute, huh?”
“How’ve you been?”
You gave a tight nod, not wanting to take your discomfort out on her since she was just being nice but wanting the conversation to be over as quickly as possible, “I’ve been good. You?”
“Oh, you know,” she laughed and shrugged, “Can’t complain,” she paused, looking back and forth between you and Gilly, “Sorry—I always get carried away. Anything to drink for either of you?”
As much as you impulsively wanted to drown your discomfort in alcohol, you knew better. You played it safe with water, albeit a little begrudgingly. Gilly ordered a beer but as soon as the waitress turned to walk away, you felt him looking at you even though your eyes had dropped back down to the menu. He waited a few seconds for you to say something, but when you didn’t he couldn’t help himself.
“I thought that I was the one who was gonna know people here.”
You let out a quiet chuckle, “It’s a small town, right?”
He could see it in your eyes that there was something just a little off, “You good?”
“Yea,” you nodded, trying to convince yourself as much as you were him, “Yea I’m good.”
He was about to ask if you were sure, if there was something you wanted to talk about, but before he could get a word out the waitress popped up again. She set your drinks down and tucked the tray underneath her elbow. You could tell by the way she stood and shifted her weight that she was about to say more, ask more questions, all the things you didn’t want her to. There wasn’t anything that you could do about it though.
“You know it’s funny, Bryan came in a couple nights ago with a few of his friends. We were slammed so I couldn’t stop and talk, but I was going to ask him how you were doing.”
You wished that the hardwood floors would swallow you whole, “He probably wouldn’t have had much to tell you.”
           The confusion on her face was impossible to miss, but when she looked back and forth between you and Gilly again, you could see all the pieces come together inside her brain. Her eyes grew wide and she shook her head at herself.
“Oh, shit. I, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think—”
You smiled awkwardly, shaking your head to stop her, “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“Right,” she almost couldn’t make eye contact with either of you, “You two need a minute before you order?”
You nodded, “Please, yea.”
“I’ll be back in a few, then,” she shot you another apologetic look before scampering off to her other tables.
The silence felt heavy as it took over the table. You nervously twisted your fingers as you tried to figure out what to say. Gilly was very clearly trying to come up with the right thing to say after that entire interaction. And, to be completely fair, you had no idea how you would’ve handled it if the roles had been reversed. Neither of you had done anything wrong, but the tension in the air wasn’t the kind that you had been hoping for.
He cleared his throat, drumming his fingers on the tabletop, “So…Bryan?”
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you fought the urge to drop your face into your hands, “Yea…”
“I’m guessing he isn’t the dude who used to be the chef here?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head, “Um, no. No he wasn’t.”
“Shit,” he shook his head, “I’m sorry.”
Your brows knit together, “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. It’s not like you knew.”
“Yea, but,” he sighed, eyes dropping back to the table, “you know, first date could’ve been fuckin’ anywhere but I had to pick your ex’s spot?”
You chuckled, “Some people might call that a red flag,” you saw the look on his face and couldn’t stop your smile, “But I think a much larger red flag is the fact that you’re friends with Angel.”
It got him to laugh. Shaking his head, he took a sip of his beer, “Angel’s friends with me.”
“Right,” the tension dissipated slightly.
Taking a deep breath, he said, “If you wanna go somewhere else…”
You shook your head, “No, no. Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, then I’m just gonna be left wondering if you were full of shit about your friend being a good cook.”
“You think I’d ever lie about good food?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, feeling a little lighter, “Guess I’ll have to wait and see,” you both laughed for a moment. When it was quiet between you again, you said, “I was gonna say something when we got here, but I didn’t know what to say without sounding weird. Thought bringing up my ex on the first date might be—”
“A red flag?” there was a smirk on his face.
You laughed, “Yea, a red flag.”
Both of you spotted the waitress on her way back over. Gilly looked down at the menu and then back up at you, “You trust me?”
You chuckled, “Seems like a loaded question for a first date.”
He smiled, rolling his eyes, “You trust me about food?”
You nodded, “Yea. That’s subject to change depending on how tonight goes, though.”
He ordered a few things for the two of you to share. And, you had to admit, that was a responsibility that you would trust him with a lot more in the future. You’d been worried that one, or both, of you wasn’t going to be able to recover from the initial fumble of the evening, but after a few minutes you both seemed to get your groove back. You could tell that Gilly was still a little nervous, and now he had the thought of your ex lingering over his head, but it didn’t seem to get to him too much.
Both of you looked down at the last flauta on the plate before looking back at each other. You both laughed but before he could beat you to it, you reached out and snatched it up. He chuckled, shaking his head at the triumphant grin on your face as he leaned back in the booth.
“Told you,” he said as he nodded towards the food in your hand, “it’s good shit.”
“Yea,” you nodded, “I guess your buddy sort of knows what he’s doing.”
Even after all the empty plates had been cleared from the table, neither of you were in a huge rush to leave. You each leaned in just a bit, forearms braced on the edge of the table as you talked, and people-watched. You were fairly certain that you’d never met anyone before who would whip up funny one-liners as quickly as he could. If it wouldn’t have been obnoxious, you would’ve stayed there until the place closed.
As the two of you walked back to his bike, you slid your arm to that it was interlocked with his. Squeezing yourself to him for a moment, you said, “Thank you for this,” your gaze dropped to the ground as a grin took over your face, “This was fun.”
He chuckled, trying not to get too distracted by the way you kept yourself pressed to him, “Thanks for not bailing on me.”
“I wouldn’t just bail,” you paused, “How would I get home?”
He rolled his eyes, playfully trying to pull away from you but you only tightened your grip, “Fuckin’ ridiculous,” he laughed. He looked over at you when the two of you got to his bike, “You wanna pick the spot next time?”
“Next time?” you raised your eyebrows as you grabbed the helmet you’d worn before.
All the nervousness returned to his face immediately, “Uh, yea, I mean, if you wanna. I didn’t mean to just—”
You cut him off by handing his helmet back to him, “Relax. As long as we can still take the bike, I’ll pick the spot.”
He let out a quiet sigh of relief, “Alright.”
“So,” you clipped the strap underneath your chin, “Where did you and your ex like to go?”
He rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help but laugh, “Just get on the bike.”
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
A Mayan Sandwich
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black Reader x Gilly Lopez
Summary: I mean... read the title lol
Warning: pure smut, mmf threesome, anal, more smut
Word Count: 1,000ish
A/N: yall can thank @my-rosegold-soul​ for this because of this post had my mind SPINNING!!!
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Sitting in between Angel's thighs, his legs keeping you spread wide as Gilly feasted on your core.
Your eyes are lock on Gilly’s as Angel whispered in your ear,
You’re clenching on Gilly’s fingers as you try to keep your orgasm at bay.
Angel knows that you’re close and he whispers in your ear telling you that you better not cum.
You try to hold it off, but the way Gilly’s fucking you with his fingers and sucking on your clit, you can’t help but cum.
You cry out as your orgasm washes over you, too overcome with the sensations, that you don’t notice the two Mayans moving you.
When you come down from your high, you notice that Gilly is now on his knees and you’re now straddling his thighs.
Your arms are around his neck and he tells you to hold on as he slides into you.
Your head falls back onto Angel's shoulder as Gilly slowly pushes into you.
You feel Angel's hands caress your sides, trying to help you relax,
Once Gilly is fully seated inside of you, you roll your hips a bit, reveling in the feeling of him.
After a few thrusts, you reach behind you and pull Angel into a kiss.
When he pulls away, you bite your lip and nod your head letting him know that you’re ready.
You turn to face Gilly once more as you feel the bed shift.
He gives a few more shallow thrusts as the two of you wait for Angel to join.
The sound of Angel popping the bottle of lube had you tensing once again.
“We can stop if you want to,” Gilly reminded you as he placed his hand on your cheek.
You stared into his eyes as you leaned into his touch, “No, I want this,” you whispered.
Gilly nodded his head and distracted you with a kiss.
You jumped slightly when the coldness of the lube touched your puckered hole, but Angel quickly rubbed it in before adding more.
“I want this to feel good for you,” he whispered as he slowly slipped one finger in.
Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of being so full.
Angel pumped his finger inside of you a few times before slipping in another.
Gilly continued to kiss you, his hands squeezed your ass cheeks as he held them open for Angel.
After a few more minutes, you pulled your lips from Gilly’s.
“Angel, please,” you begged and you sighed happily when you heard the sound of the bottle being opened once more.
“If it gets to be too much, you tell us and we’ll stop,” Angel said and GIlly agreed with a nod of his head.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You wrapped your arms tighter around Gilly’s neck when you felt the head of Angel’s dick prod against your hole.
Angel kept one hand on his dick and places the other on your waist as he slowly pressed into you.
You let out a long breath the moment you felt the tip slip in and Angel quickly stopped moving.
“No, keep going,” you whined and you tried to press back against him but his hold on your waist and GIlly’s hold on your cheeks kept you still.
“Give me a minute, querida,” Angel said breathlessly.
You could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck as he tried to compose himself, and after a few more moments, he began pushing inside of you once again.
He continued to push into you slowly until he completely filled you.
You’d never felt so full before and you knew at that moment that they had ruined you.
After a few moments of hearing nothing but the sounds of your breaths, Angel nodded his head and GIlly slowly pulled out of you until only his tip remained inside of you.
Your nails dug into his shoulder as he pushed back in and Angel slowly pulled out until only his tip remained.
Gilly’s nails dug into your plump waist as they both fucked into you.
Your head rested on Angel’s shoulder as he palmed your breasts.
You moved one hand behind Angel's neck and brought him down for a kiss, thrusting your tongue into his mouth.
You heard Gilly growl before he began to pick up speed and Angel followed suit.
You pulled away from Angel and your mouth hung open as they continued to fuck you and you couldn’t do anything but take it.
Angel reached to where you and Gilly were connected and began to play with your clit.
“Cum for us, baby girl, you’re doing such a good job taking both of us at the same time,” he praised.
You felt the coil in your belly tighten at his words as he played with your bundle of nerves.
Gilly leaned forward and latched his teeth onto your neck, marking you as his, and the slight pain mixed in with the pleasure that they were giving you sent you over the edge.
Gilly and Angel continued to fuck you through your orgasm but the tightness of your walls around them lead them to theirs.
You moaned at the feeling of them both filling you with their seed.
The three of you stayed connected as you panted in each others ears trying to catch your breaths.
Angel was the first to pull out, causing you to slightly wince as he did.
Gilly, however, stayed connected with you as he laid you both down and whispered praises in your ear telling you how good you did.
You felt the bed shift as Angel got up to go get a washcloth to clean you up.
When Angel returned, Gilly reluctantly pulled out and the two Mayans began to gently clean your nether regions.
You felt light, lighter than ever before and your eyes fluttered closed when you felt your two Mayans climb back into bed with you.
“We gotta do that again,” you mumbled, and the last thing you heard before you fell asleep was the chuckles of agreement from both men.
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A/N 2: If you like this, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, even if it’s just an emoji or keysmash 💖
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
A Mayan Spit Roast
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black Reader x Gilly Lopez
Summary: I mean… read the title lol Part 2 to this
Warning: pure smut, mmf threesome, bj, more smut, oral f & m receiving, vaginal sex, sex toy usage, umm i think that’s it
Word Count: 1,000ish
A/N: yall can thank @my-rosegold-soul​ for this because of this post had me feeling some type of way lol
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About three weeks had passed since you had been between Angel and Gilly.
It’s not that you didn’t want to again, because you did.
It’s that the day after, they had been sent on a run together and they would be gone for a couple of weeks.
You’d been texting each other back and forth over the last three weeks and you were ready for them to come back.
You’d sent video after video of you fucking yourself with your fingers but you hadn’t been able to cum the way you did with them.
You missed them, and they missed you.
You were sitting at your kitchen table getting ready to eat dinner when your phone buzzed
Smiling when you saw that it was from Angel, you unlocked your phone and opened the message and chuckled at the picture he sent.
We were just talking about how much fun we had last time. Wanna have more?
I’ve been ready, I’m not the one who had to leave 😜
You laughed and placed your phone back down but the sound of two motorcycles caught you off guard.
You stood and looked out your front window and spotted Angel and Gilly making their way toward your house.
You quickly moved away from the window and began cleaning up the food.
And as soon as you finished, they were knocking on your door.
As you made your way to the door, you tried to fix your clothes but you stopped because you knew that you wouldn’t be wearing them much longer.
The moment you opened the door, they were on you.
Angel had you pressed into the wall next to the door while Gilly slammed it shut.
You could feel Gilly ripping at your clothes while Angel kissed you.
You stepped out of your bottoms and Angel pulled back from your lips long enough for Gilly to remove your shirt.
You were completely naked while they were still clothed and that made you shiver.
You moaned against Angel's lips as he lifted you in his arms.
You imagined that he was taking you to the bedroom but when you felt the soft cushions of the couch, your eyes flew open.
You took note of Gilly stripping down to his boxers while Angel situated your body on the couch.
He had one leg hooked around the back of the couch while the other foot was on the floor.
He had you spread open and your chest rose and fell as he looked at you.
You saw Gilly move closer to you from the corner of your eye and you licked your lips when your eyes landed on his hand stroking his dick.
“Damn, baby girl,” Angel's voice rumbled from between your thighs. He still hadn’t touched you, but he was close. “I can’t wait to feel you clenching around my dick, but I wanna taste this sweet pussy first,” Angel said before he dove in.
Your jaw unhinged at the feeling of Angel's tongue on you and Gilly skid his dick into your mouth.
You reached up with your hand and began pumping his dick while you sucked him off.
Gilly's grunts of pleasure, your moans, plus the sounds of Angel slurping away filled the air.
This is what you were missing and you’d do anything to keep these two to yourself.
You cried out when Angel removed his lips from your clit and you attempted to close your legs around his head.
Angel chuckled and Gilly pulled out of your mouth causing you to pout at the two Mayans.
“Drop the attitude, y/n, and turn around,” Gilly directed you.
You quickly followed his instructions and got on all fours and Gilly slid right back into your mouth while Angel slid into your pussy.
You continued to suck Gilly's dick while Angel pounded into you from behind.
You reached one hand between your legs and started playing with your clit as Angel fucked you.
You gagged around Gilly's dick as he held your head down, your nose touching the hairs surrounding the base of his dick.
You felt Angel’s hips stutter and he swatted your hand away from your clit before you heard a slight buzzing sound.
You attempted to pull away from Gilly to see what Angel was doing, but Gilly eld you in place.
Angel placed the head of a vibrating wand on your clit, and you immediately clenched around him and came.
Your moans around Gilly’s length caught him off guard and he was soon shooting his load down your throat.
Angel continued to fuck you through your orgasm, never once takin the wand off your clit.
Your cries of pleasure soon filled the air when Gilly pulled out of your mouth and sat on the chair to watch you and Angel.
You pressed your hand behind you on Angel’s stomach to push him away but that only made him turn up the vibrations on the wand.
“Nah, don’t try t run from it,” Angel said. “Take this dick like I know you can.”
Tears filled your eyes as you felt another orgasm approaching and before you knew it, you were cumming on Angel’s dick once again.
Angel’s strokes slowed as you clenched around him.
“Fuck, y/n, I can’t hold off any longer,” Angel choked out.
You felt him cum inside of you, the warmth of his seed filling you to the brim.
You slumped down onto the couch as Angel continued to cum inside of you, your breath ragged.
“Fuck, you two,” you moaned out when you finally calmed down. Angel laid on top of you, your back to his front, And Gilly moved closer to you not wanting to be left out.
Angel placed gentle kisses along your back while Gilly gently caressed your cheek
“We gotta keep doing this,” Gilly commented from his spot and you felt Angel nod his head against your shoulder.
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A/N 2: If you like this, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, even if it’s just an emoji or keysmash 💖
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Dame Un Beso
Pairing: Gilly Lopez x Plus Size Black Reader
Summary: A look at the different times Gilly demands a kiss from you.
Warning: fluff and a bit of smut so 18+
Word Count: <1,000
A/N: I’ve been thinking about this fic for a while and I didn’t know who to write it for, but @prdsdjarin​ suggested Gilly and he fit perfectly. I hope yall like this!
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In the morning before a run
“Dame un beso,” you hear Gilly mumble through your sleep-addled brain. You peek your eyes open to find Gilly kneeling in front of you waiting for you to kiss him. He hooks his finger under your chin as he brings your lips to his.
You love these half sleepy kisses with Gilly, but you hate what it means. You know this means that he’ll be gone for a few days, a couple of weeks tops, and this kiss is the last thing he’ll leave you with.
The kiss begins slow and gentle since you’re still half asleep, but he coaxes you to full wakefulness as his lips move over yours. You attempt to pull him back into bed with you, but as usual, he resists and pulls away with a smile on his face.
“I’ll be back before you know it, querida,” he says before he places a kiss on your nose and turning to leave.
When he comes home from a run
It’s been almost two weeks since you last saw Gilly and you’re going crazy. You miss the way he touched you, the way he looked at you, but mostly you missed how he kissed you.
You were deep in your thoughts when you heard the familiar rumble of his bike coming down the street. Your heartbeat sped up as you quickly moved to the front door. You smiled as he climbed off his bike and made his way to you. Gilly stopped at the bottom of the steps for a moment as he took in your form.
You were itching to have your arms around him and he knew it.
“Dame un beso,” he said after taking those final steps and stopping right in front of you.
You happily obliged, and wrapped your arms around his neck and poured every ounce of your love into this kiss.
When you’re at the clubhouse
After a long week of work, you meet Gilly at the clubhouse for a party. You hadn’t really been able to spend that much time with him between your work and his responsibilities with the club, so you were glad for this.
You spotted Gilly as soon as you walked through the door, his laugh reaching your ears before anything else. You made your way over to Gilly, waving to his brothers as you walked. Gilly’s back was to you, so once you reached him, you drape your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
Gilly tensed when you kissed him, but once he realized that it was you, he pulled you to stand in front of him. He watches you for a moment as his hands rest on your hips.
“Dame un beso,” he says with a smile and you happily oblige him. You quickly lose yourself in his kiss only pulling away when you hear wolf whistles coming from the Mayans around you. You smiled before giving him one last peck before taking a seat next to him.
When he’s inside of you
Gilly grips your hips as you ride him. Your breathy moans fill the air as you give and take everything you need from him. You’ve been teasing him relentlessly by refusing to kiss his lips and it was driving him insane.
“Dame un beso,” Gilly begged hoping that you’d finally kiss him. You smiled again as your hips continued to move and leaned down and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
Gilly, having enough of your teasing, flipped the two of you over and crashed his lips against yours. You giggled against his lips before he moved to pepper kisses all over your face.
After an argument
You’re standing a few feet away from Gilly with your arms crossed in a defensive stance, while he stood facing you, clenching and unclenching his hands. Both of you are breathing heavily after spending the last few minutes screaming at each other. Neither of you were listening to the other, both of you were feeling unheard. While in the heat of the moment, you two said some things that were meant to hurt, and you’d definitely succeeded.
You turned and walked into your bedroom and slammed the door. You just needed a few minutes alone to calm down. You threw yourself on the bed and before you knew it, you were crying. You heard Gilly’s footsteps come closer to the door, but you ignored his knocks and it wasn’t long before you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were cuddled in Gilly’s arms. When you looked to his face, you found that he was already looking at you and you tried to pull away as flashes of your argument came to mind.
However, Gilly refused to let you go.
“Querida,” Gilly said, his voice was full of shame. “I’m sorry for the things that I said. I just,” he sighed, “I just… I shouldn’t have taken my frustrations out on you. You’re the one good thing in my life and I don’t want to lose you.”
You sighed before you reached up and ran your fingers through his hair. You snuggled in closer to him before you spoke.
“And I’m sorry for the things that I said,” you apologized. “I was hurting and I said those things to hurt you and not because I believe them.”
Gilly hummed and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Dame un beso,” you said, eliciting a small smile on Gilly’s lips.
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A/N 2: If you like this, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, even if it’s just an emoji or keysmash 💖
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Pillow Fight
Pairing: Gilberto ‘Gilly’ Lopez x Black Reader
Summary: Gilly eats your ice cream so you decide to fight him for it.
Warning: fluff, like a lot of it lol 
Word Count: 995ish
A/N: so yeah, Gilly is a big teddy bear and he looks so soft and I wanna hug him lol but i got the beginning idea from that one video, when I find it I’ll link it here lol and the rest of the fic came from this post lol I hope yall like it 
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You sat on the passenger’s side of the car with the window down waiting for Gilly to come out of the store. You had asked him to take you to the store to pick up a few things for dinner, but he insisted on going in for you.
You were glad that it was finally cooling down as you felt the breeze flow through the car. The sun warmed your skin as you scrolled through your phone.
“Daaammmnn, ma!” you heard a few seconds before a figure blocked the sun. “You lookin real good.”
You looked at the man standing, well leaning through your car window.
“Can I get your number?” he said with a large smile on his face.
You rolled your eyes and continued to scroll through your phone.
“Aye ma, I’m talkin’ to you,” he said, gently pushing your phone down.
“Gilly,” you whined at his antics.
“See that’s not fair; you know my name, but I don’t know yours,” he chuckled playfully. “Come on, ma, what’s your name?”
“Gilly stop!” you laughed, and he reached in and cupped your face.
“Damn, you’re beautiful,” he said. “Your man is a fool for leaving you out here by yourself, but that’s okay, I’m here to scoop you up.”
“Gilly!” you said once again, your laughter almost uncontrollable.
“Yeah, I like how you say my name, I bet I can make you scream it,” Gilly licked his lips and winked at you.
“Oh my goodness!”
“Nah, but for real, I left my wallet,” he said laughing along with you. “Can you hand it to me?”
You continued to laugh as you handed him his wallet and you watched as he walked back into the store, but not before he left a kiss on your cheek.
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Later that night, after the two of you had eaten dinner you were resting on the couch watching tv. Gilly was in his usual spot, on top of you with his head on your stomach as you scratched his scalp. When a commercial came on, Gilly got up and headed to the kitchen and came back with a carton of ice cream and just one spoon.
You watched as he made his way back to you and situated himself to lay back down when you closed your legs preventing him.
He quirked his eyebrow and frowned.
“Gilly, that’s my ice cream,” you pouted.
He chuckled and looked around the carton. “I don’t see your name on it,” he said before he took a scoop and plopped the spoon into his mouth.
“Hey!” you exclaimed as you reached up to take the carton away from him, but he was quicker than you.
“Whatcha gonna give me for it?” he said around the spoon.
“Nothin, but,” you paused as you thought. “How ‘bout I fight you for it?” you smirked.
Gilly pulled the spoon out of his mouth and smiled. “You remember what happened the last time you ‘fought’ me for something, querida?”
Your eyes glazed over at the memory. Gilly had you beneath him and moaning his name in under five minutes and you promised that you would win the next time.
“I do remember,” you said as you stood up. “But I also remember how I said that I would win the next time we fought. So, what do you say, Gilly? Wanna fight for that ice cream?” You took a step closer to him so that you were pressed up against him and looking into his eyes.
Gilly gave you a lopsided grin before he placed the ice cream and spoon on the table and before you could get ready, he had both of your arms pinned to your sides. You wiggled a bit in an attempt to free yourself and Gilly chuckled.
“You cheated!” you frowned. “I wasn’t ready!” Gilly laughed as he leaned down to give you a kiss. Taking advantage of him being distracted. You wiggled free of his grasp and made a dash for the couch and grabbed a pillow. When you turned around to face him once again, Gilly had moved to the other side of the couch and was arming himself with a pillow as well. 
You moved closer to Gilly and swung your pillow hitting his side before quickly moving away. Gilly chased you around the living room, the both of you hitting each other with pillows. Yours and Gilly’s laughter filled the air as you chased each other around. You were getting tired, but you were determined to win.
On a whim, you threw your pillow at Gilly’s face before grabbing another one and hitting him on the side. 
Gilly grunted and slowly fell to the ground, “I surrender! I surrender!” he said.
You walked over and stood over him with your arms raised as you started singing, “I am the champion, my friend! And I’ll keep on fighting ‘til the end! I am the champion! I am the champion!”
You squeaked when Gilly reached up and pulled you down on top of him. “You know I let you win, right?” he said with a laugh.
“Nope, I won fair and square. Now,” you said as you reached up and grabbed the carton of partially melted ice cream, “why don’t we share this ice cream instead?” You moved so that you were straddling his thighs, giving him the chance to sit up before you began feeding him the messy treat.
Gilly wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned forward to lick the drops of ice cream that had dropped onto your chest.
You moaned at the feeling of his tongue on your skin.
"Why don't we get another carton of ice cream and move this to the bed?" Gilly asked between licks. 
Your eyes flashed at his suggestion and you hopped right up and ran to the kitchen. You heard Gilly laughing as you rummaged around for some ice cream.
This was going to be a long sticky night.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Wrestling With Gilly
You're sitting on the couch watching TV and he plops down next to you and plucks the remote from your hand.
"Hey," you shout as you reach for the remote, but he holds it out of reach. You climb on top of him trying to grab the remote but he switches it to his other hand.
You decide to change tactics and you start tickling him, and even though he laughs, you still can't get a hold of the remote.
He kisses your nose as you pout and he changes the channel. You wait a few minutes hoping that he forgets before you launch yourself back at the remote, but he was waiting. Gilly moved so that he could wrap his legs around you and he locked you there. He didn’t take his eyes off the screen as you struggled to get out of his hold.
You wiggled and wiggled, but Gilly kept his hold on you keeping you away from the remote.
"Consider this payback for that pillow fight last night," he said and you finally gave up.
You wrapped your arms around Gilly's middle and settled in as he began to rub your back. The sound of his heartbeat mixed with him rubbing your back promptly lulled you to sleep.
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