#Global Credit Card Market
abcergh · 10 months
Global Credit Card Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis, By Card Type(General Purpose Credit Cards, Specialty), By Application(Food & Groceries, Health & Pharmacy), By Provider(Visa, Master cards)
Global Credit Card Market Insights
Global Credit Card Market size was valued at USD 489.4 billion in 2021 and is poised to grow from USD 521.8 billion in 2022 to USD 961.2 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.78% in the forecast period (2023-2030).
A credit card is a piece of metal or plastic that is provided by a bank or financial services provider that enables cardholders to borrow money in order to make purchases from various sorts of businesses. Also, the credit cards offered by banks and other fintech companies enable customers to buy various services on credit without having to pay in cash at the moment of sale. Instead, a debt that must be paid off on a monthly billing cycle is accrued for the costs, giving the buyer more time to gather the necessary funds.
The demand for convenient alternatives to cash is increasing, and there are more affordable credit cards available everywhere, which is boosting the size of the worldwide credit card payments market. Also, the increasing demand for credit cards in developing countries has a favorable effect on the market expansion. The expansion of the credit card payments market, however, is anticipated to be hampered by factors like the global uptick in credit card fraud. On the other hand, throughout the forecast period, technical advances in product offerings, such as the use of blockchain for greater security, are anticipated to offer lucrative potential for the expansion of the market.
Global Credit Card Market Segmental Analysis
Global credit card market is segmented on the basis of card type, provider, application, and region. By card type, the Credit Card Market is segmented into General Purpose Credit Cards and Specialty and Other Credit Cards. By provider, the Credit Card Market is segmented into Visa, MasterCard, and Others. By application the Credit Card Market is segmented into Food & Groceries, Health & Pharmacy, Restaurants & Bars, Consumer Electronics, Media & Entertainment, Travel & Tourism and Others. By region, the Credit Card Market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.
Credit Card Market Analysis by Card Type
The general purpose card segment dominated the global credit card market and is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This growth is attributable owing to the variety of special rewards and benefits that general purpose credit cards provide, owing to whih many credit card users are switching to premium cards.
However, due to larger credit or spending limitations granted by the banks for these credit cards as opposed to others, the specialty & other credit cards market is anticipated to experience the highest growth. Also, a number of businesses are giving their staff members unique credit cards so they can track how much they spend on things like supplies or inventory purchases, travel, and other obligations, which is driving market growth.
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onpassivereseller · 8 months
Automaattinen Tienaaminen - ONPASSIVE Digital Blueprint
ONPASSIVE Digital Blueprint. The research paper discusses the recent developments and future prospects of ONPASSIVE, a marketing business. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the business model and marketing platform within ONPASSIVE. The paper highlights the introduction of OConnect, traffic allocation, new products, and upcoming announcements by CEO Mr. Ash Mufareh. It underscores the…
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script-a-world · 2 months
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In the rural farming communities of my world, I'm thinking about a potential plot related reason that would cause it to culturally be common to have small familes of 1-3 children. But I've noticed that across the world such communities generally welcome a whole ton of children because they work on the farm. When I remove that part... how could it affect my farming community? Technologically, these communities hover between 19-20th century tech.
Tex: Less children dying from things like starvation, illness, and untreatable injuries, and also a whole lot of self-owned, effective, easy to repair machines that can do the work of several people in a fraction of the time. The nineteenth century, or 1800s, had a lot of social upheaval and the beginnings of scientific progress in understanding what diseases were (Wikipedia). The twentieth century, or 1900s, had an exponential increase in knowledge compared to the 1800s, as well as a corresponding population boom (Wikipedia). To wit, one billion overall population was recorded in 1800 (Wikipedia).
Compared to previous centuries, those two hundred years were the most advanced in human history in terms of medical development and accessibility to education. It was, also compared to previous centuries, some of the most polluted and war-riddled that lead to new methods for the stark impoverishment of the global population. Women being strongly encouraged through many means - many less acknowledging of individual freedoms than others - to bear as many children as possible over their lifetime is due to high child mortality rates, where playing the game of statistics meant that you would possibly get a handful of children reaching adulthood that could take over the family farm (or other estate or inheritances) and ostensibly take care of their parents when life has run them over roughshod too much to work anymore. The development of pensions has done much to alleviate that societal, generational woe, and shift the perception of children in their social role from live-in workers to additional members of one’s family. This is, of course, not a uniform movement, as poverty will perpetuate the ideas of large families and responsibilities for inheritance (and thus situations such as arranged marriages, etc), which is still ongoing today in many, many parts of the world regardless of a country’s GDP. For the time period of 1800-2000, farmers having 1-3 children depends entirely on how much money they already make, have inherited themselves, and how little they can spend on producing agricultural products. This will include such “cost-cutting” measures as:
the cheapest labor available (see: immigrants, or prison workers, as seasonal labor when slavery was given a different legal definition in countries like the U.S.),
chemical agriculture,
genetically modified crops,
vehicles such as tractors, and 
a lot of very good marketing
So, generally, the richer your family already was, the less you needed to have a dozen or two children born per generation to use as labor, because you could spend your plethora of money on new and cutting-edge technologies that would turn agriculture into a passive money-making business for you. This is the same for non-agricultural industries of the time, especially with the post-WWII price-fixing measures and before the introduction of modern credit cards, credit scores, etc, where money generally had more purchasing power and the average person had more disposable income that would have been otherwise allocated to things like food, medicine, replacing worn-out clothing/shoes, transportation costs, and putting a roof over one’s head.
Notably, after the mid-2000s, there has been a decrease in the average person’s disposable income, so what was true for 1800-2000 will not necessarily be broadly applicable after that period in time.
Utuabzu: One place you can look to for a real world example of this is France, which hit an average of approximately 3 children per woman in 1871, and had long had a lower birth rate than the rest of Europe. A major reason for this was the Salic inheritance system, which saw land divided equally among all sons. This was a serious disincentive for a family to have more than one son, since over time it resulted in farms that were divided into ever smaller and less viable plots. And since a daughter would require a dowry to be married, they weren’t much more desirable. So farmers in France had significant motivation to limit the number of children in their families - though as Tex mentions above, this was counterbalanced by the need to have spare kids to account for the relatively high childhood mortality rate. This resulted in the French population remaining essentially stable at around 20 million between the mid 15th (after it recovered from the Black Death) and mid 18th (when medicine started to be an actual science) Centuries, while the populations of other European regions expanded significantly.
So, it’s perfectly possible for a pre-modern largely rural society to have a low birth rate, so long as there are appropriate legal and technological conditions. Extra farm labour is great and all, but not worth it if the end result is the family being left destitute after the landholder’s death because the farm got divided into unviable fractions.
Licorice: families welcoming a whole lot of children might be overstating the case. Before reliable birth control, families endured a whole lot of children because there was no way to prevent them. It is pretty much universally true to say that wherever women have control over their own fertility, the birth rate goes down. Very few women actually want to give birth to eight or ten children over the course of their reproductive life, though there are always outliers, of course.
A woman’s control over her fertility is determined by two main factors
Access to reliable contraception
Her freedom to choose whether to use contraception
Some women may live in societies where they are allowed to make decisions about their own bodies, but don’t have access to the birth control they need; in other societies, the birth control may be available, but the woman may not be the one making the decision. 
In all societies throughout history means have been devised to deal with the arrival of children who were surplus to requirements. These included
Infanticide, whether state-endorsed (e.g. in ancient Sparta) or illegal (e.g. in 19th century Europe)
Foundlings and foundling hospitals
Selling the child into slavery
Some societies historically have set such a high premium on male children that “excess” girl children would be routinely killed at birth. Even if allowed to live, if a food insecurity situation arose, the available food would go to the brothers and the sisters would be allowed to starve. In general, societies that set a high premium on male children are those where the girl children are “given away” to another family when they marry, while the boy children are expected to take care of their parents in their old age. 
Sparta is an interesting example of a patriarchal, militaristic society where it was easier for a girl child to survive than a boy child. Physically imperfect baby boys were killed, whereas physically imperfect girls were often allowed to live on the grounds that Sparta needed all the Spartan-breeding wombs it could muster.
Utuabzu has already spoken about the correlation between land available for farming and population levels. When a society over-produces children, and insufficient land is available on which these children can raise families of their own, their options included:
Migrate: the seemingly endless swathes of so-called “empty” land available in the West encouraged large families in 19th century USA. Greek cities in the 8th century sent their surplus population to establish colonies all around the Med and the Black Sea
Enter a religious order 
Move to the city and take up a trade or profession
Fraternal polyandry or “wife-sharing”
Join the army
Make war on neighbouring societies to acquire their land for your own group
Human societies seem to have perpetually poised between two equally perilous situations: having too many children, and not having enough. We have been equally ingenious in devising solutions!
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acceptccnow · 10 months
Secure Credit Card Payment Systems for Global E-Commerce Expansion
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In today's swiftly evolving digital realm, the e-commerce industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. As businesses venture into the global market, the importance of secure credit card payment systems becomes increasingly evident. This comprehensive guide delves into the realm of payment processing for high-risk industries, emphasizing the secure acceptance of credit cards, particularly in sectors like credit repair, CBD sales, and e-commerce. The goal is to provide valuable insights and strategies to ensure transaction safety and foster business growth.
Understanding High-Risk Merchant Processing To truly comprehend the significance of secure credit card payment systems, it's essential to grasp the concept of high-risk merchant processing. Businesses labeled as high-risk often encounter obstacles in traditional payment processing due to factors like high chargeback rates, regulatory challenges, or operating in industries prone to fraud. High-risk merchant processing, a specialized service, addresses these challenges using advanced technologies and risk mitigation strategies. Whether in credit repair, CBD, or e-commerce, finding a reliable high-risk payment gateway is crucial.
The Role of Credit Card Payment Solutions In the e-commerce realm, trust is a valuable currency. Customers navigating online stores seek assurance that their credit and debit card information is secure. This is where credit card payment solutions play a pivotal role. Reputable credit card payment processors offer robust encryption and fraud detection tools, ensuring the protection of sensitive data. Access to a vast network of financial institutions facilitates international transactions, while user-friendly interfaces enable seamless integration with online payment gateways. Partnering with the right credit card payment service provides businesses with a competitive edge and enhances the overall shopping experience.
Tailoring Payment Processing for Your Industry Certain industries demand secure credit card payment systems. Credit repair businesses, often met with skepticism, can instill confidence in customers through a reliable Credit Repair Payment Gateway. The CBD industry, grappling with regulatory complexities, can navigate challenges seamlessly with a specialized CBD Merchant Account. E-commerce businesses, irrespective of their niche, heavily rely on secure payment systems. Fast and secure e-commerce payment processing is vital for both customer trust and operational efficiency.
Benefits of Accepting Credit Cards for Your Business Exploring the significance of secure credit card payment systems reveals numerous advantages. Credit cards, a preferred payment mode for many customers, contribute to higher conversion rates. Accepting credit cards facilitates entry into international markets, expanding business reach. Businesses that accept credit cards are often perceived as more established and trustworthy by customers.
Online Payment Gateway - The Backbone of E-Commerce At the core of secure credit card payment systems lies the online payment gateway. This virtual bridge connects customers to businesses, enabling seamless and secure transactions. Online payment gateways serve as intermediaries between e-commerce stores and financial institutions responsible for authorizing credit card transactions. They play a crucial role in ensuring swift and secure payments, benefiting both businesses and customers.
Modern payment gateways utilize state-of-the-art encryption techniques to protect sensitive customer data during transmission. Designed for easy integration into e-commerce websites, they facilitate a smooth checkout process. Payment gateways offer diverse payment options, including credit and debit cards, digital wallets, catering to a broader customer base. Advanced fraud detection tools identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, safeguarding businesses and customers.
Benefits of Using Online Payment Gateways By accepting various payment methods, online payment gateways empower e-commerce stores to cater to a global customer base. A secure and hassle-free payment experience builds trust, encouraging repeat business. Automated payment processing reduces manual work, streamlining operations and minimizing the risk of errors. Integrating a reliable online payment gateway is a critical step for providing a secure and efficient credit card payment system in e-commerce setups.
Embracing secure credit card payment systems is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Whether operating in high-risk industries like credit repair or CBD sales or managing a thriving e-commerce store, the right payment processing solution can fuel growth. Explore the significance of high-risk merchant processing, the role of credit card payment services, and tailored solutions for various industries. By accepting credit cards, businesses ensure transaction security and pave the way for long-term success. Trust and security are the pillars on which businesses thrive. Embrace the power of secure credit card payment systems and unlock the potential for global e-commerce expansion.
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comafloods · 3 months
Today was filled with endless possibilities and wonderful interactions with those who live here as well as with the environment in general. I wondered around the neighborhoods, trying and looking for insight and guidance in understanding how Wales works regarding its living conditions and what it takes to afford or not afford housing here. I wanted to understand the dynamics of living here on the Welshman shores. Vacancies everywhere, and unaffordable prices for those who live here compared to their wages. It would appear that almost every single real estate office is dusty, vacant, and lacking in the form of foot traffic from anyone who may want to live here. It is also possible that this is a conversation that a local is unable to even have based on affordability issues. I will, however, refrain from making impressionistic judgments or observations on suspicion. This town is beautifully kept and in place. I love that there is a complete lack of fake, fraudulent facades that hint at something but really contain nothing of life, substance, or heart. Falsified accounts of history, life, love, and heart shimmer with the criminality of breaking and robbing what makes a community a community. This is a tragic and terribly unfortunate event that obviously is not contained just within the United States but has manifested its way far across the globe, to every corner and the farthest of reaches. This trip is a direct, first-person account as a witness. We, as individuals, are living, loving, slaving, and dying in our communities. We and our families are being extensively extorted in every sense of the word. Our lives, our homes, our families, and our communities are under attack in a class war that reeks of a multitude of financial detrimental effects that will contain far more ranging and conclusive troubles in every single nook and cranny of the world's financial markets. This will dwarf the great recession of 2008. This will be a global financial breakdown the likes of which the world has never witnessed before. We can lie, befuddle, swindle, hide, and play the tricksters as much as we would like. The cracks are there, and the skies are falling. Credit card debts are at the highest levels ever witnessed, and defaults are creeping up and leading to further foreclosures. This will be a global downfall that rips through every piece of this burning house of cards. On a happier note, which removes the mind, heart, and eyes from the streets. I love my beautiful, sweet friends and fellow scholars. We are all so special as individuals on many levels. I walked the ruins of a castle with someone who I hold very close to heart, and I cannot begin to explain the sweet adoration and wonder as the rain fell on my face as she wandered the ruins of the past with the wonder of a child. I felt alive, and I felt content with all of them here in this new, strange, and beautiful world. I felt at home. I made friends, and I felt companionship and a complete void of emotional and mental friction. Maybe? Perhaps? Could it be? My new home?
Today we had an amazing and insightful lecture with the political sciences group, Interpol. We reviewed the power of images and how they can push and pull the perceptions of the individual and the overall public toward a reaction that may in fact be predetermined for a desired result. Whether that be for political or other means is entirely up to the individual who frames the content in such a way to provide a created narrative that may in fact be far detached from what actually happened. These bits and pieces, or even glimpses of an engagement, then recreate a newly presented narrative to serve a need or purpose. We witnessed how removing a portion of a photo can ultimately and drastically change the overall content and interpretation of that material. It is the oldest trick in the book, and one that tends to get murkier and murkier thanks to the rapid developments in technology and editing abilities for all parties. It is troublesome and problematic in every aspect of our overall global communities. The Los Angeles Police Department utilized similar methods, as did the FBI, with the intent of creating dissent and controversy within the civil rights movements. Creating fraudulent letters to create an air of distrust and even homicidal rage at accusations of betrayal and distrust through colluding with the federal government. This destroys “cells” of movements, thought, progress, and the overall conglomeration of those involved to become more involved and deeply entrenched in what would be perceived as a larger threat. Movements such as this thrive and drive on the adrenaline rush of the outer fringes and the potential of being sought out. Us against them. It is possible that the game has changed, and the very nature of the action has evolved to look quite different from 1969, but the foundations have not changed at all. The nails have grown longer and are driven much deeper within the shackles of those who would claim to wear them in conjunction with the potential martyr's crown. Surprisingly, one of our leaders informed us that they would take notice of our interactions and how we displayed our abilities to have open and lively engagements with one another. Are you able to step into a room and have insightful and informed conversations that may involve disagreement, but that ultimately you work through these in search of greater insight and the highest level of collective comprehension? Or do you proactively break down these communications and drive towards misinformed chaos that will lead to wasted time, resources, and efforts? I loved this. All of this. Once again, I felt right at home.
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fromtenthousandfeet · 19 days
I think BTS are gonna get trotted out for a world tour the moment they're all discharged. That's probably one major step of their master plan for paying off their debts along with the hundred different merch they're selling.
Also I have no idea for sure but everyday I feel more sure that JK's contract with Hybe is less advantageous than Jimin's which is why they will invest a lot more on him compared to Jimin but JK probably thinks it's better for him in the long term if he explodes as a so-called global pop star. It's the same way these music labels (incl but not limited to Hybe) spend tons of money promoting their nugu groups and neglect their veteran groups because groups with > 7 years under their belt tend to have way more lucrative contracts for it's members so the label is more focused on phasing them out than carrying on with them. Armys used to complain at length about this when new jeans used to release too. The parallels in the arguments between pjms and jjks and those between armys and kpop stans about the difference in privileges like playlisting is almost funny. Especially considering pjms are usually former armys and jjks are mostly kpop stans
This is an older ask. Sorry for the delay. I'm trying to catch up.
The big question is, can HYBE stay liquid until the members return from military service and have time to rehearse for their world tour? Assuming they do stay afloat that long, what are the terms of BTS' contract? If the members played their cards right, let's hope they get at least 50/50. Will the proceeds from a concert tour be enough to keep the company in the black? And what's the plan for the tour? Will HYBE work them to the bone they way they do with other boy groups? Will the members even tolerate a long tour? So many questions, so few answers.
As much as I dislike TMIKpop, this tweet explains so much about why Korean record labels are constantly debuting one new group after another, rather than investing in and nurturing the careers of more established groups.
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And I totally agree with you about JK's solo contract. How is he making any money off of Seven/Golden when he has no writing or producing credits? Is he expected to pay off the marketing costs like most artists? If so, he'll be in debt forever. Doesn't it seem he's made a Faustian bargain where Bang PD and Scooter are the devil(s)?
Chapter 2 has been so eye opening. Jungkook is definitely not the musical genius the company, and sadly the members, have pumped him up to be. As you said, his association with Scooter and BSH probably feels like his best option if he wants to be a huge global pop star (barf). I'm sorry, but he's got a long road ahead because he's a very average singer by American standards, plus he brings nothing to the table in terms of creativity or artistic direction. It's like his solo career was underwritten by the Make-a-Wish Foundation (no offense to the kids who benefit from that organization).
Jimin is smart! Slow and steady wins the race. Between his endorsement deals and his writing/producing credits, I hope he's making some serious money. I'll never understand why he didn't get writing credits on WHO, though. Jon Bellion wouldn't have written that song on his own - Jimin was the brains behind the concept. Perhaps Jimin not having writing credits was part of the deal with JB? I could see BSH pushing for Jimin to give up writing credit in order to suck up to the major players in the western music industry.
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cicaklah · 2 years
Being an economist on main again, soz...
So my last post got reblogged by people but I wanted, in true economist fashion, to really, truly, highlight why the current UK bullshit is so upsetting as a very normie, mainstream, working economist.
Economics is broadly split into two disciplines, microeconomics, which is basically the way the economy and individuals interact, and macroeconomics, which is how the economy as a whole-ass beast works. The main problem between these two disciplines is that a lot of rules of micro don't 'hold' when you get to the macro level, and vice versa. You might remember how economists always say that treating debt at country level the way we think about individual credit card or mortgage debt is wrong, that is a prime example of how micro and macro rules don't hold. Things, generally, are so much more complicated at macro level.
Because of this, most economists specialise in one or the other. I am a microeconomist, specifically a health economist, and while there is some macro stuff, generally we treat health spending as a micro level problem, i.e. we're fairly sure that if we make decisions at an individual level, the macro will look after itself (the pennies will look after the pounds).
(Now, this is a simplification because you can rightly say, cicak, my friend, the NHS is falling apart, to which I will say: you is right, but it is because of 'externalities' rather than the conceptual decision making process inherent to microeconomics, to wit: over a decade of deliberate underfunding, a global pandemic, and Brexit have all led to NHS problems. The solution to all of these problems can be understood in micro terms: more money, applied where it is most needed, as part of a plan, with measurable goals and targets. Ultimately: politics.)
Anyway, tangents aside, microeconomics is pretty ideologically stable. Most mainstream economics is based around social welfare theory, which is that people do things for reasons that bring them the most benefit, and they broadly, mostly, in aggregate, do that to an acceptable level of efficiency. If you would like to argue about this: please proceed to your nearest economics masters course, you'll fit right in.
The main difference between the schools of macro is: do individual changes make differences at the macro level? Or do only governments really make a difference at macro?
This used to be a BIG ARGUMENT back in the 20th century, mostly around what should be done with the Great Depression in 1929. Basically, should you just let the economy burn to the ground, and see what comes out of it? Or should governments stop the economy from collapsing? The Austrian school thought burn it down, Keynes thought: government. Keynes, broadly, won. There was a 2nd world war, and Keynesianism was refined. Then, it went out of fashion. Then it came back into fashion. A lot of this depends on the concept of 'full employment', the 1980s, economic stability, boom and bust, but these days, most macro policy is described as Neo-Keynesian and is considered broadly settled on government finding a balance between price, inflation, employment, growth and stability. This is done through monetary policy and fiscal policy, stuff government does.
But then you've got your Austrians, your Hayekians, your Mises. They think that government should butt out of the market, and that individuals are far more important. Individuals, especially rich individuals, should be allowed to do what they want with their money, and everything will be better if government just stops taking their money and lets the free market solve it. This is why the first thing Truss & friends did was cut the top rate of tax. Less money for government (bad with money) but more money for the people that they believe are already good with money, because they have a lot of it, see?
Modern Austrians believe that individuals are the only thing that matter at macro level. There are no groups of people, only individuals. Credit is bad and the real cause of business failure. Stability can be gained by pegging currencies to gold reserves. Oh and as we can't model all 67 million people in the UK, theres no point even trying. It'd just be chaos. Even model nerds say 'all models are wrong'. So no point. Just do it and be a legend. It'll all work out in the end. Just trust us. OBR? Have a beer. The numbers don't real.
Instead, everyone fucking PANICKED. Because as I said, 99% of economists are in the business of predicting the future. The future suddenly got unpredictable. No one saw the top rate of tax being cut coming. There's no economic justification for it, no 'dont worry, it'll be funded by XYZ'. Just Austrian bullshit of 'here comes freedom lads.' No one is talking to each other. A man credited with keeping all the fiscal, monetary and political systems moving has been fired because it turns out the chancellor didn't like that he worked from South America. The Bank of England are furious. The markets are in peril, but Kwarteng's bezzie mates at his cocktail party bet that the pound would crash, and are rolling in it. Everyone loves a run on the pound, it seems.
So yeah there's some more of why the uks economy kind of exploded this week.
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2k4bts · 10 months
I'm not feeling Jungkook's new music. SNTY was good. Really good. He did complete justice to it. But i feel that his album was rushed. Most of the songs are not that great. Moreover, him telling that songs were 'given' to him didn't help. I'm not used to BTS doing songs without a backstory or without layered meanings. I know they were in a rush to push him as a global pop star before military. Even the other members were concerned about how hectic his schedule is.
All other solo concepts were quite meaningful- indigo, face, dday, jitb, even astronaut and layover. (Even though Tae didn't write his songs, he brought his vibes and aesthetic and delivered exactly what fans had expected of him in the right way). I could write more about how each solo work reached it's intended audience and how it could have done better, but maybe some other time.
So I conclude that Jk's solo debut mainly had commercial goals. The concept was just..him. Nothing deep. To showcase his vocals, talent and build that image. He's talented no doubt. If they think this is the way to launch him into US market, so be it. We are just a credit card at the end of the day. As for me, I stream what I like. And SNTY is the only song i stream from Golden tbh, just the original version.
I predict that after bts get together in 2025, they'll release an album, go on a tour. Then we'll see more solo activities, solo tours, a few more group activities and so on.
Someone gets it. My god finally. Everything right here is just, yes. It feels like (excuse my words) a quick cash grab before he goes off. It was him but at the same time it didnt feel like him and that might have to do with the fact that he contributed nothing to it? Everybody's album could tell a story or at least we could feel them in it. His was just...yeah.
But then again, maybe that's what he wanted. Maybe that's the route that he wanted to go. Who knows. We might be giving him more credit than we should...
But even so, for 2025 I feel like it wont be as grand as we'll expect it to be? The fandom is split in several different parts and I fear it'll be worse by the time the reunion comes back around. Dont know how many will still be in the fandom by then but, only time tells.
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delemax · 3 months
Top Features to Look for in a Courier Delivery App Clone
In today's fast-paced world, the demand for efficient and reliable courier services has skyrocketed. Businesses and individuals alike require quick, secure, and trackable deliveries. To meet this growing need, many entrepreneurs are looking into developing their own courier delivery app clones. However, it's crucial to understand what features are essential to make your app successful. This blog will explore the top features you should look for in a courier delivery app clone to ensure it meets market expectations and provides excellent service.
User-Friendly Interface
The success of any app hinges on its usability. A courier delivery app clone must have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Users should be able to schedule pickups, track deliveries, and make payments with minimal effort. Intuitive design, clear icons, and straightforward instructions can significantly enhance the user experience, making the app more attractive to potential customers.
Real-Time Tracking
One of the most critical features of a courier delivery app clone is real-time tracking. Customers want to know the exact location of their parcels at any given moment. This feature not only provides peace of mind but also enhances transparency and trust. Ensure that your app includes GPS tracking and updates both the sender and the receiver about the status of their delivery.
Multiple Payment Options
In today's diverse market, offering multiple payment options is a necessity. A courier delivery app clone should support various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and even cash on delivery. This flexibility ensures that you cater to a broader audience, accommodating different payment preferences and increasing user satisfaction.
Secure Login and Verification
Security is paramount in any app, especially one handling deliveries. Incorporate secure login and verification processes in your courier delivery app clone. Use OTP (One-Time Password) verification, secure password policies, and encryption to protect user data. This will help build trust and assure users that their information is safe.
Automated Dispatch and Routing
Efficiency is key in the courier business. An automated dispatch and routing system can optimize delivery routes, reducing fuel costs and delivery times. This feature ensures that your drivers take the most efficient routes and helps manage multiple deliveries simultaneously. It also minimizes human error, leading to faster and more accurate deliveries.
In-App Chat and Support
Customer support is a vital feature for any service-based app. Integrate an in-app chat system that allows customers to communicate directly with support teams or drivers. This feature can resolve issues quickly and enhance customer satisfaction. Ensure your courier delivery app clone offers responsive and helpful support to address any concerns users might have.
Push Notifications
Keeping users informed is crucial for maintaining engagement and trust. Push notifications in a courier delivery app clone can update users about their delivery status, estimated arrival times, and any delays. These notifications can also be used for promotional purposes, keeping your customers informed about new features or special offers.
Detailed Order History
A detailed order history feature allows users to review their past deliveries, track expenses, and reorder services quickly. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to keep track of their shipments. Providing a comprehensive order history enhances the user experience by making the app more functional and informative.
Multi-Language Support
In a globalized world, catering to a diverse user base is essential. Offering multi-language support in your courier delivery app clone ensures that non-native speakers can use the app comfortably. This inclusivity can significantly expand your user base and improve customer satisfaction.
Choosing the right features for your courier delivery app clone is crucial for its success. A user-friendly interface, real-time tracking, multiple payment options, secure login, automated dispatch, in-app chat, push notifications, detailed order history, and multi-language support are all essential elements that can make your app stand out.
For a robust and feature-rich courier delivery app clone, consider partnering with Bytesflow Technologies. Their expertise in developing tailored app solutions ensures that you receive a high-quality product that meets all your business needs. With Bytesflow Technologies, you can be confident that your courier delivery app clone will be a cut above the rest, providing exceptional service to your users.
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seogoogle1 · 4 months
Netflix Subscription BD: A New Era for Streaming in Bangladesh
In recent years, the global entertainment landscape has undergone a significant transformation, largely driven by the rise of streaming services. Among the various platforms that have captured the world's attention, Netflix stands out as a leader. This article delves into the specifics of Netflix Subscription BD, examining its impact on the Bangladeshi market and highlighting the role of local facilitators like Amader Cart in enhancing the streaming experience.
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The Rise of Netflix in Bangladesh
Netflix's global expansion strategy has been remarkably successful, and Bangladesh is no exception. With a growing middle class, increasing internet penetration, and a youthful population keen on digital entertainment, Bangladesh presents a fertile ground for streaming services. Since its launch in Bangladesh, Netflix has attracted a substantial number of subscribers, drawn by its vast library of content, including movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original productions.
Factors Driving Netflix's Popularity in Bangladesh
Content Variety: One of Netflix's biggest draws is its diverse content library. From Hollywood blockbusters and critically acclaimed TV series to niche documentaries and local films, Netflix offers something for everyone. This variety appeals to Bangladeshi audiences with varied tastes and preferences.
Original Productions: Netflix Originals, such as "Stranger Things," "The Crown," and "Money Heist," have garnered a global following. These high-quality productions attract Bangladeshi viewers looking for exclusive content that is not available on other platforms.
User-Friendly Interface: Netflix's intuitive interface, personalized recommendations, and multi-device compatibility make it a preferred choice for users seeking a seamless viewing experience.
Affordable Pricing Plans: Recognizing the price sensitivity of the Bangladeshi market, Netflix offers a range of subscription plans to cater to different budgets. This flexibility makes it easier for a broader audience to access the platform.
Challenges and Solutions in the Bangladeshi Market
Despite its popularity, Netflix faces certain challenges in Bangladesh. These include payment method limitations, competition from local streaming services, and internet connectivity issues. However, innovative solutions have emerged to address these challenges.
Payment Solutions: The Role of Amader Cart
One of the primary obstacles for Bangladeshi consumers has been the limited availability of international payment methods. Many potential subscribers do not possess credit or debit cards that are accepted for Netflix subscriptions. This is where Amader Cart comes into play.
Amader Cart is a local service provider that facilitates the purchase of Netflix subscriptions using local payment methods. By allowing payments through bKash, Rocket, and other popular mobile financial services in Bangladesh, Amader Cart has made it significantly easier for consumers to subscribe to Netflix. This convenience has been a game-changer, expanding access to Netflix for a wider audience.
Amader Cart: Bridging the Gap
Amader Cart has positioned itself as a crucial intermediary, helping to bridge the gap between Netflix and Bangladeshi consumers. By offering a hassle-free payment solution, Amader Cart ensures that users can enjoy uninterrupted streaming without worrying about payment issues. Their service is not limited to Netflix alone; they also facilitate subscriptions to other global streaming services, thereby enriching the digital entertainment ecosystem in Bangladesh.
How Amader Cart Works
Easy Subscription Process: Users visit the Amader Cart website or app, select the desired Netflix subscription plan, and choose their preferred local payment method.
Payment Confirmation: Once the payment is made, Amader Cart processes the transaction and activates the Netflix account.
Customer Support: Amader Cart provides customer support to assist with any issues related to subscriptions, ensuring a smooth user experience.
The Future of Streaming in Bangladesh
As internet infrastructure continues to improve and more people gain access to affordable smartphones and data plans, the demand for streaming services in Bangladesh is expected to grow. Netflix, with its strong brand presence and extensive content library, is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth. However, local competitors and emerging platforms will keep the market dynamic and competitive.
Impact on Local Content Production
The popularity of Netflix in Bangladesh also has implications for the local entertainment industry. The platform’s success has encouraged local filmmakers and producers to create high-quality content that can appeal to both domestic and international audiences. Netflix's interest in acquiring and producing local content can provide a significant boost to the Bangladeshi film and TV industry, fostering creativity and innovation.
Netflix Subscription BD represents more than just access to a streaming service; it signifies a shift in how Bangladeshis consume entertainment. The collaboration between Netflix and local facilitators like Amader Cart has democratized access to high-quality content, making it easier for people across the country to enjoy global and local productions. As the market evolves, Netflix's ability to adapt to local needs and preferences will be crucial in maintaining its leadership position. With the continued support of services like Amader Cart, the future of streaming in Bangladesh looks promising, offering endless possibilities for viewers and content creators alike.
Exploring the Netflix Subscription BD Ecosystem
To understand the full impact of Netflix Subscription BD, it’s essential to explore the broader ecosystem that supports this service in Bangladesh. This includes the role of telecommunications companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and government initiatives aimed at boosting digital infrastructure.
Telecommunications and ISPs
Telecommunications companies and ISPs play a vital role in ensuring that Netflix can reach its audience in Bangladesh. With the advent of 4G and the anticipated rollout of 5G technology, streaming high-definition content is becoming more feasible. Major ISPs in Bangladesh, such as Grameenphone, Robi, and Banglalink, are continuously upgrading their networks to provide faster and more reliable internet services, which are crucial for an optimal streaming experience.
Government Initiatives
The Bangladeshi government has been proactive in enhancing the country’s digital landscape through various initiatives. The "Digital Bangladesh" vision aims to transform Bangladesh into a technologically advanced nation by promoting digital literacy and expanding internet access. These efforts are instrumental in creating an environment where streaming services like Netflix can thrive.
Content Localization and Cultural Relevance
For Netflix to maintain its growth trajectory in Bangladesh, content localization and cultural relevance are key. Understanding the preferences of Bangladeshi viewers and curating content that resonates with them is crucial. This includes not only dubbing and subtitling international content in Bengali but also investing in original local productions.
Netflix Originals in Bangladesh
Netflix has already started exploring the potential of local content in various countries, and Bangladesh is on its radar. By partnering with local filmmakers and producers, Netflix can create original content that reflects the unique cultural and social dynamics of Bangladesh. Such initiatives not only cater to local tastes but also provide a platform for Bangladeshi stories to reach a global audience.
The Competitive Landscape
While Netflix is a dominant player in the global streaming market, it faces competition from both international and local platforms in Bangladesh. Competitors like Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and local services such as Hoichoi and Bioscope offer alternative streaming options.
Hoichoi and Bioscope
Hoichoi, for example, focuses on Bengali content, making it a popular choice among viewers looking for regional entertainment. Bioscope, another local platform, offers a mix of live TV, movies, and original web series, catering to diverse tastes. These platforms often emphasize local content, providing strong competition to Netflix.
The Role of Social Media and Influencers
Social media platforms and influencers have a significant impact on the popularity of streaming services. In Bangladesh, influencers play a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences and driving subscription growth. By leveraging social media marketing and collaborations with local influencers, Netflix can enhance its visibility and appeal to a broader audience.
Effective Social Media Strategies
Engaging Content: Creating engaging content that resonates with local audiences is essential. This includes sharing trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews with actors and creators.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with popular Bangladeshi influencers and celebrities can help Netflix reach potential subscribers more effectively. Influencers can create buzz around new releases and share personal recommendations, making the service more relatable.
Interactive Campaigns: Running interactive campaigns, such as online contests and live Q&A sessions, can boost engagement and foster a sense of community among subscribers.
Conclusion: A Bright Future for Netflix in Bangladesh
Netflix Subscription BD has opened up a world of entertainment possibilities for Bangladeshi viewers. The combination of diverse content, affordable pricing, and local payment solutions provided by Amader Cart has made Netflix an accessible and attractive option for many. As the streaming landscape continues to evolve, Netflix's ability to adapt to local preferences and collaborate with key players in the ecosystem will be critical to its success.
The future of streaming in Bangladesh looks bright, with Netflix poised to play a central role in shaping the country's digital entertainment landscape. By continuing to innovate and invest in local content, Netflix can not only maintain its leadership position but also contribute to the growth and development of the Bangladeshi entertainment industry. With the support of local facilitators like Amader Cart and the ongoing improvement of digital infrastructure, the journey of Netflix in Bangladesh is set to be an exciting one, promising endless entertainment for viewers across the country.
Website: https://www.amadercart.com.bd/
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May 14, 2024
MAY 15, 2024
Today the White House announced tariffs on certain products imported from China, including steel and aluminum products, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries and battery components, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, syringes and needles, and certain personal protective equipment (or PPE). According to the White House, these higher tariffs are designed “to protect American workers and businesses from China’s unfair trade practices.” Tariffs are essentially taxes on imported goods, and altogether the tariff hikes cover about $18 billion in imported goods.
In 2018, Trump abruptly ended the economic era based on the idea that free trade benefited the global economy by putting tariffs of 25% on a wide range of foreign made goods. This was a cap to a set of ideas that had been sputtering for a while as industries moved to countries with cheaper labor, feeding the popular discontent Trump tapped into. Trump claimed that other countries would pay his tariffs, but tariffs are actually paid by Americans, not foreign countries, and his have cost Americans more than $230 billion. Half of that has come in under the Biden administration. 
Trump’s tariffs also actually cost jobs, but they were very popular politically. A January 2024 National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by David Autor, Anne Beck, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson established that the trade war of 2018–2019 hurt the U.S. heartland but actually helped Trump’s reelection campaign. “Residents of regions more exposed to import tariffs became less likely to identify as Democrats, more likely to vote to reelect Donald Trump in 2020, and more likely to elect Republicans to Congress,” they discovered.
Now Trump is saying, that if elected, he will impose a 10% tariff on everything imported into the United States, with a 60% tariff on anything from China and a 100% tariff on any cars made outside the U.S. 
In contrast, the administration’s new tariffs are aimed only at China, and only at industries already growing in the U.S., especially semiconductors. Tariffs will rise to 50% on semiconductors and solar cells, 100% on electric vehicles, and 25% on batteries, a hike that will help the Big Three automakers who agreed to union demands in newly opened battery factories, as well as their United Auto Workers workforce. “I’m determined that the future of electric vehicles be made in America by union workers. Period,” Biden said.
The administration says the tariffs are a response to China’s unfair trade practices, and such tariffs are popular in the manufacturing belt of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Democratic senators from that region have asked Biden to maintain or increase tariffs on Chinese imports after “[g]enerations of free trade agreements that prioritize multinational corporations have devasted our communities, harmed our economy, and crippled our job market.” 
In other economic news, a new rule capping credit card late fees at $8, about a quarter of what they are now, was supposed to go into effect today, but on Friday a federal judge in Texas blocked the rule. The new cap was set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the brainchild of Massachusetts Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren, and was part of the Biden administration’s crackdown on “junk fees.” 
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Bankers Association sued to stop the rule from taking effect, and U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, appointed by Trump, issued a preliminary injunction against it. His reasoning draws from an argument advanced by the far-right Fifth Circuit, which oversees Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, arguing that the CFPB itself is unconstitutional because of its funding structure. "Consequently, any regulations promulgated under that regime are likely unconstitutional as well," Pittman wrote. 
On Friday, major airlines, including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Hawaiian Airlines, and Alaska Airlines—but not Southwest Airlines—sued the U.S. Department of Transportation over its new rule that requires the airlines disclose their fees, such as for checking bags, upfront to consumers. The department says consumers are overpaying by $543 million a year in unexpected fees. 
The airlines say that the rule will confuse consumers and that its “attempt to regulate private business operations in a thriving marketplace is beyond its authority.”
The other big story of the day is the continuing attempt of the MAGA Republicans to overturn our democratic system. 
This morning, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), second in line for the presidency and sworn to uphold the Constitution, left his post in Washington, D.C., to appear with former president Trump at his trial for falsifying business records to deceive voters before the 2016 election. The House was due to consider the final passage of the crucially important Federal Aviation Authority Reauthorization Act, but Johnson chose instead to show up to do the work the judge’s gag order means Trump cannot do himself, attacking key witness Michael Cohen, Trump’s former fixer. Johnson described Cohen as “clearly on a mission for personal revenge” and, citing his “history of perjury,” said that “[n]o one should believe a word he says in there.” 
“I do have a lot of surrogates,” Trump boasted this morning, “and they are speaking very beautifully.” Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who was also at the trial this morning, later said on Newsmax that they had indeed gone to “overcome this gag order.” 
Johnson went on to call the trial “corrupt” and say “this ridiculous prosecution…is not about justice. It’s all about politics.” He left without taking questions. Meg Kinnard of the Associated Press called out the moment as “a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker turning his Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy.”
Peter Eisler, Ned Parker, and Joseph Tanfani of Reuters explained today how those attacks on our judiciary are sparking widespread calls for violence against judges, with social media posters in echo chambers goading each other into ever more extreme statements. According to her lawyer, Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, wore a bullet-proof vest as she came and went from court, an uncanny echo of the precautions necessary in mob trials.   
In a different attack on our constitutional system, House Republicans are trying to replace the administration’s foreign policy with their own. Over the weekend, they introduced a bill to force President Biden to send offensive weapons to Israel for its invasion of Rafah, overruling the administration’s decision to withhold a shipment of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs after Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his government would invade Rafah despite strong opposition from the Biden administration. 
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: “We strongly, strongly oppose attempts to constrain the president’s ability to deploy a U.S. security assistance consistent with U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives.”
The Constitution establishes that the executive branch manages foreign affairs, and until 2015 it was an established practice that politics stopped at the water’s edge, meaning that Congress quarreled with the administration at home but the two presented a united front in foreign affairs. That practice ended in March 2015, when 47 Republican senators, led by freshman Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, wrote a letter to Iran’s leaders warning that they would not honor any agreement Iran reached with the Obama administration over its development of nuclear weapons. 
The Obama administration did end up negotiating the July 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran and several world powers, under which Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear development and allow inspections in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. In 2018 the extremist Republicans got their way when Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal, largely collapsing it, after which Iran resumed its expansion of the nuclear enrichment  program it had stopped under the agreement.  
Now extremists in the House are trying to run foreign policy on their own. The costs of that usurpation of power are clear in Niger, formerly a key U.S. ally in the counterterrorism effort in West Africa. The new prime minister of Niger, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, whose party took power after a coup d’état threw out Niger’s democratically elected president, defended his country’s turn away from the U.S. and toward Russia in an interview with Rachel Chason of the Washington Post. Recalling the House’s six month delay in passing the national security supplemental bill, he said: “We have seen what the United States will do to defend its allies,” he said, “because we have seen Ukraine and Israel.”
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brokles87 · 9 months
Artopay websiteArtopay: The Ultimate Online Platform for Artists and Art Enthusiasts
Introduction: In the digital age, artists are thriving by showcasing their work to a global audience. Artopay is a revolutionary website that offers a one-stop solution for artists to exhibit and sell their creations while connecting with art enthusiasts from across the world. This article explores the features and benefits of Artopay, highlighting how it has transformed the way artists and art lovers interact and engage.
User-Friendly Interface: Artopay boasts a user-friendly interface that allows artists to effortlessly create and manage their online galleries. With intuitive controls and customizable options, artists can easily upload high-quality images of their artwork, provide detailed descriptions, and set fair prices. This streamlined process helps artists focus on their creativity while effectively promoting and selling their work.
Art Categorization and Discovery: One of the standout features of Artopay is its extensive categorization system. Artists can tag their artwork with specific themes, mediums, and styles, making it easier for art enthusiasts to explore and discover pieces of interest. Whether it's abstract paintings, sculptures, digital art, or photography, Artopay ensures that every artistic genre finds its place, attracting a diverse range of potential buyers.
Artwork Promotion and Marketing: Artopay understands the challenges artists face in promoting their artwork effectively. To address this, the website provides various marketing tools and strategies to boost artists' visibility. From featured artist profiles and curated collections to social media integration and email marketing campaigns, Artopay takes proactive steps to showcase artists to a wider audience, increasing their chances of making sales and gaining recognition.
Secure Payment and Transaction System: Artopay operates on a secure payment platform, ensuring a safe and reliable experience for both buyers and artists. With multiple payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and cryptocurrency, the website facilitates seamless transactions while safeguarding financial information. Moreover, Artopay ensures that artists receive prompt payments and provides detailed transaction tracking for transparency.
Community Engagements and Feedback: Artopay fosters a vibrant and supportive community of artists and art enthusiasts. The website offers interactive features such as forums, artist profiles, and the ability to connect with other members. This communal environment encourages collaboration, inspiration, and valuable feedback, enabling artists to grow their skills, expand their networks, and develop their artistic style further.
Conclusion: Artopay has emerged as an invaluable platform for artists worldwide, revolutionizing the way art is displayed, promoted, and sold. Through its user-friendly interface, innovative marketing strategies, secure payment systems, and engaging community features, Artopay caters to the needs of both artists and art lovers, enhancing the overall art experience. Whether you're an artist looking to showcase your work or an art aficionado seeking unique pieces, Artopay offers a comprehensive online solution that truly transforms the art industry.
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merchantaccounts1 · 1 year
Alternative Payment Methods (APMs) for Online Transactions
‍‍In the past decade, the world of online payments has witnessed a significant transformation. With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing preference for mobile shopping, customers now have more choices than ever when it comes to payment methods. This shift has led to the emergence of alternative payment methods (APMs) that offer customers greater convenience and flexibility. In this article, we will explore the different types of APMs, their popularity across the globe, the benefits of accepting these methods for businesses, and how to choose the best APMs for your business.
Understanding Alternative Payment Methods
Alternative payment methods refer to any form of payment that does not involve cash or traditional credit card systems like Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. These methods include domestic cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, prepaid cards, and more. Unlike traditional payment methods, APMs offer unique advantages such as enhanced security, faster processing times, and ease of use. They have become particularly popular for online transactions, with many countries seeing a significant shift towards APM usage.
Types of Alternative Payment Methods
Prepaid cards: Prepaid cards are loaded with funds by consumers and can be used for purchases until the balance is depleted. They are not directly linked to a bank account and are a popular choice for individuals who want to control their spending.
Cash-based payments: Cash-based payment methods allow customers to generate a barcode or unique reference number for their payment and then complete the transaction by paying in cash at a participating retail location. This method is particularly popular in regions with a large unbanked population.
Real-time bank transfers: Real-time bank transfers enable customers to make online payments directly from their bank accounts. This method offers instant settlement and minimal friction for customers, making it a convenient choice for many.
Direct Debit: Direct debit allows merchants to pull funds directly from customers' bank accounts for recurring payments. This method is commonly used for subscription-based services and offers a seamless and automated payment experience.
Domestic card schemes: Domestic card schemes operate similarly to global card schemes but are limited to specific markets. These schemes cater to the unique needs of consumers in their respective markets and often provide lower processing costs for merchants.
Electronic wallets (e-wallets): E-wallets allow customers to store funds digitally and use them for various transactions, both online and offline. They offer convenience, security, and often provide additional features like peer-to-peer transfers and cross-border payments.
Mobile wallets: Mobile wallets are digital wallets that are specifically designed to be used on mobile devices. Customers can load funds into their mobile wallets through various methods and make payments conveniently through their smartphones.
Digital wallets: Digital wallets are used to store payment card information securely and generate tokenized card numbers for each transaction. They offer a convenient and secure way to shop online without the need to enter card details repeatedly.
Buy now, pay later (BNPL): BNPL services allow customers to defer payments or split the cost of a purchase into installments. This method is gaining popularity for its flexibility and convenience, particularly for high-value purchases.
Cryptocurrencies and stablecoins: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have gained attention in recent years, offering an alternative form of payment. Stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies linked to fiat currencies or government bonds, aim to reduce volatility and make transactions easier.
Popular APMs Worldwide
The popularity of APMs varies across different regions and countries. Here are some notable trends:
North America
In North America, digital wallets have become the most popular payment method, surpassing credit and debit cards. Apple Pay and Google Pay are widely used, while services like PayPal and Venmo are gaining traction among the younger generation. APMs account for a significant portion of e-commerce transactions in the region.
South America
APMs are gaining ground in South America, with a projected increase in their usage for digital commerce transactions. Credit cards still dominate, but alternative online payment solutions, such as e-cash methods, are becoming more widespread. Cash on delivery is also popular, especially in countries with a large unbanked population.
In Europe, digital wallets have surpassed credit and debit cards as the preferred online payment method. Domestic debit cards, like Bancontact in Belgium and Cartes Bancaires in France, are popular alongside global card schemes. Bank transfer methods, such as iDEAL in the Netherlands and Przelewy24 in Poland, are also preferred by a significant number of consumers.
In Africa, mobile wallets have gained popularity due to the lack of bank branch infrastructure and a large rural population. Cash on delivery remains the preferred method, especially in Nigeria and South Africa. Digital wallets are also seeing growth, particularly in Kenya and Nigeria.
Middle East
Cash has traditionally been the dominant payment method in the Middle East. However, the region is experiencing a shift towards mobile wallets due to increased smartphone penetration and concerns over the transmission of cash during the pandemic. Mobile wallet adoption is supported by the expansion of international brands and government-backed payment networks.
Asia Pacific
China has its own domestic card scheme, UnionPay, which accounts for a significant portion of global card spending. Mobile payments, particularly through Alipay and WeChat Pay, are widely used in China. Other countries in the region, such as Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand, have their own popular alternative payment methods, including GrabPay and OVO Wallet.
The Benefits of Accepting APMs for Businesses
Not accepting customers' preferred payment methods can have a negative impact on conversion rates and lead to shopping cart abandonment. Research shows that a significant percentage of consumers are deterred from completing a purchase if their preferred payment method is not available. By accepting a variety of APMs, businesses can improve customer satisfaction, increase conversion rates, and stay ahead of their competitors.
APMs offer several benefits for businesses:
Increased conversion rates: By offering a wide range of payment methods, businesses can cater to the preferences of different customer segments, leading to higher conversion rates and reduced shopping cart abandonment.
Improved customer experience: APMs provide convenience and flexibility for customers, allowing them to choose the payment method that suits their needs and preferences. This enhances the overall customer experience and fosters loyalty.
Expanded customer base: Accepting popular local and global APMs enables businesses to reach a wider customer base, including those who prefer alternative payment methods over traditional options.
Reduced fraud and chargebacks: Many APMs incorporate advanced security features, such as biometric authentication and tokenization, which help reduce the risk of fraud and chargebacks for businesses.
Access to valuable insights: APM providers often offer detailed transaction data and analytics, providing businesses with valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences. This data can be leveraged to optimize marketing strategies and improve customer targeting.
Choosing the Best APMs for Your Business
Selecting the right APMs for your business requires a thorough understanding of your target market, customer preferences, and business requirements. Here are some steps to guide you in choosing the best APMs:
Research customer preferences: Conduct market research to identify the most popular payment methods among your target audience. Consider factors such as geography, demographics, and shopping habits to determine the most relevant APMs for your business.
Evaluate business needs: Assess your business requirements, including cost per transaction, setup and management complexity, regulatory compliance, and compatibility with your existing payment infrastructure. Choose APMs that align with your business goals and objectives.
Partner with the right providers: Work with payment service providers that offer comprehensive coverage of the APMs you wish to integrate. Ensure they have the necessary capabilities to support your business's growth and adapt to evolving customer preferences.
Test and optimize: Implement APMs in a phased approach and continuously monitor their performance. Analyze transaction data and customer feedback to identify any pain points or areas for improvement. Regularly optimize your APM strategy to maximize conversions and customer satisfaction.
By embracing the growing trend of APMs and selecting the right mix of payment methods for your business, you can enhance the payment experience for your customers and drive growth in your online sales.
Alternative payment methods have revolutionized the world of online transactions, offering customers greater convenience and flexibility. From digital wallets and mobile payments to real-time bank transfers and buy now, pay later services, APMs cater to a wide range of customer preferences. Businesses that embrace APMs can benefit from increased conversion rates, improved customer experience, and access to valuable insights. By understanding customer preferences, evaluating business needs, and partnering with the right providers, businesses can choose the best APMs to drive growth and success in the digital marketplace. Stay ahead of the competition by embracing the changing landscape of online payments and offering customers the payment methods they prefer.
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acceptccnow · 10 months
Unlocking the Power of Credit Card Payments for CBD Businesses
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In today's dynamic world, where efficiency and convenience rule the day, businesses, especially those navigating high-risk territories like CBD, must stay on the cutting edge. An integral part of this evolution involves adopting credit card transactions. This in-depth article delves into the world of CBD credit card processing, exploring its pivotal significance for enterprises in this unique niche. Join us as we embark on a journey to unravel the full potential of CBD Credit Card Processing.
Revolutionizing CBD Transactions: A Game-Changer The landscape for CBD business owners in high-risk industries presents unique challenges. Traditional banks and payment processors often shy away from such enterprises, adding complexity to transaction processes. However, the game-changer emerges with the adoption of CBD credit card processing. This innovative approach has the power to reshape business operations, streamline payment processes, and eliminate unnecessary hurdles. By making credit card payments accessible, businesses can significantly elevate the shopping experience for customers, fostering substantial growth in the CBD sector.
Navigating High-Risk Waters: Merchant Processing Solutions CBD credit card processing serves as a transformative solution by dismantling barriers that frequently impede high-risk businesses. Securing an optimal high-risk merchant account and a robust payment processing system becomes the key to unlocking a broader customer base. This strategic move enables businesses to tap into a vast market of consumers seeking the convenience and security of credit card payments. By embracing CBD credit card processing, enterprises can transcend limitations, thrive in a competitive landscape, and cultivate both growth and customer satisfaction.
CBD Payment Gateway: Digital Pathway to Triumph Visualize a CBD payment gateway as the digital conduit linking your business to the global market. This specialized system acts as a secure channel, handling transactions seamlessly and ensuring customers enjoy a frictionless shopping experience. In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, where convenience reigns supreme, this gateway plays a pivotal role in meeting the expectations of online shoppers. Its seamless integration guarantees swift and secure payment processing, enhancing your reputation and trustworthiness in the digital marketplace.
E-commerce Payment Processing: Shaping the Retail Future E-commerce stands as a driving force in the contemporary retail landscape, gaining ever-increasing importance. E-commerce payment processing emerges as the lifeblood for businesses, especially those in the burgeoning CBD industry. Embracing the ability to accept credit cards for e-commerce not only opens doors to diverse customers but positions businesses to cater to a broader audience. This evolution in payment methods is not merely a convenience but a strategic necessity for staying competitive and thriving in the modern retail world.
Expanding Frontiers: Credit Repair Merchant Processing Within the context of e-commerce, the growing significance within the retail sector cannot be overstated. E-commerce payment processing has become the lifeblood for various industries, including CBD. The capability to accept credit cards for e-commerce doesn't just offer opportunities; it empowers businesses in the CBD sector to serve a wider range of customers. This shift in payment methods acts as a game-changer, fostering growth and accessibility in the CBD industry, aligning perfectly with the digital age's demands for convenience and efficiency.
Strategic Edge: Credit Card Payment Gateway Solutions In today's intensely competitive business landscape, setting oneself apart becomes imperative. Embracing credit card payment gateway solutions is a strategic move that provides a distinct competitive edge. By offering diverse payment options, including credit and debit card payments, businesses streamline transactions and enhance the overall shopping experience. This customer-centric approach often results in heightened loyalty and increased sales. Additionally, the data insights from credit card transactions aid informed decision-making, refining business strategies.
Multifaceted Benefits of Credit Card Payments The acceptance of credit cards expands the customer base, potentially increasing sales. Offering secure payment options builds trust among customers, enhancing business credibility. Credit card payments simplify transactions for both businesses and customers, streamlining the entire buying process. Embracing credit card payments reduces the need for physical cash handling, mitigating associated risks. This opens doors to international customers, expanding global reach. Faster payment processing translates to improved cash flow, vital for sustaining businesses in the long run.
Unlocking the substantial power of credit card payments for CBD ventures and other high-risk industries is not just an option but a necessity. By embracing credit card payments and leveraging high-risk payment processing solutions, businesses position themselves for substantial growth, enhanced credibility, and long-term success. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. Embrace credit card payment services, explore high-risk merchant accounts, and leverage e-commerce payment processing to propel businesses into the future. By doing so, businesses secure their place in the ever-changing realm of commerce, ready to thrive and adapt in the face of new challenges and opportunities.
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 1 year
Banking sector in UK provides a dedicated service both to Clients and job seekers
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The banking sector is the key component of the financial system. Credit institutions conduct settlements, ensure the safeguarding of clients’ funds in bank accounts, and transform these funds into loans to the economy. A Bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans and to invest and earn profit. A Bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. Two of the most common types of banks are commercial/retail and investment banks. Banks also engaged in providing payment services, thereby facilitating all entities to carry out their financial transactions. On the other hand, banks can create vulnerabilities of systemic nature, partly due to a mismatch in maturity of assets and liabilities and their interconnectedness. Therefore, the soundness of banks is important, as it contributes towards maintaining confidence in the financial system, and any failure may have the potential to impact on activities of all other financial and non-financial entities, and finally the economy. With the passage of time, the activities covered by banking business have widened and now various other services are also offered by banks. The banking services these days include issuance of debit and credit cards, providing safe custody of valuable items, lockers, ATM services and online transfer of funds across the country/world.
As the financial hub of the world, the UK offers some of the most diverse and exciting jobs in banking. In addition to more traditional banking roles, there are career opportunities at any of the numerous banks headquartered here. Banks look for economists, marketing, and HR, statisticians, media and government relations specialists and, connected to the explosion of financial technology, IT professionals. What’s often less well known is the contribution the industry makes to the UK’s regions and the career opportunities available via graduate schemes, apprenticeships or for those looking to return to work. Working for a bank is so varied; it could mean working in head office in marketing, HR or in any number of other roles including IT. As banking organizations are so large, there is always the chance to progress through the organization into other roles. Banks are well known for having well trained staff so whatever your job role is, you will be given the skills required to do the job and many of these skills are required for your job and many of these skills should be transferable. A career in banking offers both a competitive salary and excellent benefits. As a new starter you can expect around 23 days holiday a year and this will rise to 30 days after you’ve been there a while. Banking Sector recruitment agency in London is international in nature and some roles can offer excellent opportunities for travelling and working in other countries.
The fast-paced nature of the banking and financial services industry requires people who embrace change and can adapt quickly. They have the scale, insight and deep understanding in banking and financial services to help shape your hiring strategy. Using a customer-first and data-driven approach to meet your business needs within banking and financial services, they make it easy for you to deliver against the complex talent and recruitment landscape you need to navigate. Their dedicated financial services recruitment teams assist organizations in recruiting permanent, temporary and contract banking & financial services staff. They are active in these markets and have built a strong database and network of contacts across all areas of risk, audit, cyber security, treasury, business resilience and legal. Banking Sector recruitment agency in London consultants specialize on specific areas of banking and so they are able to offer advice and direction based on an in-depth understanding of your area of interest or requirement. With global operations and offices across the UK, their reach enables them to source the financial services skills and experience you need to support your business priorities.
Specific recommendations on prudential and market policy should help the industry better support the wider UK economy. They are also adamant about the “digital first” approach the UK should be taking, with the aim of leading global innovation in areas such as data sharing, open banking and digital IDs. The shift to remote working and virtual customer service has dramatically changed how services are delivered. Without the usual in-person customer engagement, lenders have been forced to find creative, innovative and collaborative solutions in a short space of time to ensure the customer demand is met. For an incumbent bank, digital transformation has become a herculean task in an age saturated with technological options, requiring traditional lenders to embrace unpredictability, maintain agility and digitize to the core, which requires support from agile fetch players. From building an agile platform to meet the expectations of demanding customers, creating an optimized digital operating model, going beyond diversity and building a strong work culture, Top Banking Sector recruitment agency in London must address central challenges to lay the foundation for success.
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