antiradqueer-karkat · 2 months
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oh thats cool. yea like. a neurological condition. with someone who does not have that condition. are the same. yep, completely understood, thank you for your time.
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halflifebutawesome · 2 months
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polinsated · 4 months
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1.01 -> 3.04
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mmelolabelle · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker, almost 30 years late, rocking up with a starbucks and a point to prove, “You are going to finish your training and then I am going to finally be a master, even if it kills us.”
“…you’re already dead.”
“Sounds like a ‘you’ problem Snips 🤷🏻‍♀️”
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karacaroldanvers · 1 year
the amount of ellie williams x male (🤢🤮💥💥) reader books on wattpad is ridiculous. punching the authors isn’t enough, i need to obliterate them.
“hey, lez ellie simps, this is happening. deal with it.” how about you deal with my foot being kicked so far up your ass you’ll start tasting rubber
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loofdrawsart · 1 month
🍎🥧𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚏𝚎 🍎🥧
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ceaselessims · 4 days
memes i have on my phone that give malevolent with no explanation (pt 2)
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expiredsoda · 10 months
lil something to stop myself from falling asleep in class
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47-61 · 3 months
hank olson drawing please and thanks🙏🙏🙏
oh absolutely
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this is kind of just how i ended up picturing him this isn't really based on any book description (if there is one)
also i had to pay tribute to this post by @d4ll4s
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SUPERNATURAL 2005 - 2020. (More)
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colinfeatherington · 4 months
when colin calls her penelope bridgerton for the first time…
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alistairian · 3 months
Another thing I came across while discourse-scrolling (I know, lapse in judgement) was the take that trans women should be extra cautious about dating trans men because at any point they have the potential to weaponize their afab innocence/virtue or whatever to frame the trans woman as an abuser because I guess that's something trans men typically do? and like... not only is that just deeply fucking offensive and completely pulled out of someone's ass, but weird divisive statements like that only further isolate trans people from one another? Particularly trans women? Like what's so fucking wrong with seeing one another as the same and sharing the same spaces and being there for one another and sharing intimacy instead we have to bitch and whine that so-and-so gets more resources and so-and-so has more community and so-and-so has more priviledge and so-and-so has the potential to do or say whatever like hullo??? We're out here severing connections and understanding before they even have the chance to form and all for what? So we can all be more isolated and suspicious and miserable?
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balancethescales · 1 year
saw some discussion about how the message of s2 seems to go against s1 in that s1 was about the toxicity of the fine dining industry as a whole while s2 undoes all of that work, and id just like to write down some thoughts about that.
it definitely is true that the fine dining experience for many a chef sucks ass. this is perfectly portrayed in carmy, who is a ball of anxiety due to chef jeff winger (and his family but thats a different conversation for a different day), and sydney, whose trauma from her catering business and the to-go order debacle serve as the root of her debilitating fear of failure. but despite all of that, the ptsd the panic attacks the health issues the lack of a social life, they still love food. every chef at the beef/the bear does. you can see it in the way that tina is genuinely excited to hone her skills, the way sydney delights in making the simplest dish for a friend in need, and in the way carmy tries so hard to not fuck everything up. even richie, loud crude shithead richie, finds purpose as a server/host.
so while there is so much to be said about how the restaurant represents carmys past, that isnt the main social commentary of s2, and neither is the sentiment of “fine dining is the standard.” where s1 exposed all of the dark nooks and crannies hidden inside of a restaurant, s2 serves to remind us what a restaurant is supposed to be about, that it is so much more than what the industry has twisted chewed and spit it out to be. to work in a restaurant is to put your blood sweat and tears into pots and pans, put it on a plate, and then give it to someone. plain and simple. it is the oldest act of service, and is exactly what richie comes to respect in ep7, where chef terry tells him something along the lines of how she wants people to see all the work that went into one dish just to make them happy because it makes them feel special and people should be able to have that experience. to be a chef, to be a server, and to be a part of all of the work that goes into making and sharing a meal, is to love. 
ultimately, the overarching plot of changing the beef into the bear is not saying that simple sandwich shops made by regular people arent good enough. season 2 is a reminder that as dark as the fine dining industry can be, if you go into it with an actual love for the craft, an aptitude for service, and remember that everyone is a human being before they are an employee, working in a restaurant can be beautiful.
tldr: the “deep” social commentary of s2 is that capitalism and competition ruins food service by turning it into something horrible when its supposed to be about showing and receiving love through a good meal. the end.
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groovyfandomhuman · 6 months
a moment of silence for a friend who thought that Achilles and Patroclus were cousins
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deadgrantaires · 4 months
the type of like... webcomic author... fanfic author... probaly YA author idk i dont read YA that is like... there are only TWO types of ppl who enjoy coffee and its always one who gets black coffee with an extra shot and thinks hes cool and the other one who Literally orders tiktok drinks and the only conversations about coffee to be had in the media and the two bickering about it being 'like dirt' or being 'basically liquid sugar' and i hate it so fucking much i hate authors who write this same dynaic over and over in circles SO FUUUCKING MUCH it is like a childs percpetion of what coffee is like the ONLY thing i ahve been convinced of by reading this dynamic is that the author has never fuckgin had coffee before it drives me crazy!!!!
anyway anyone who hasnt worked in a coffeeshop shoulnt be allowed to write about ppl having any identity towards coffee drinking bc CLEARLY they cannot be trusted with it im sooo sick of reading the same shit over and over THIS IS WHY we cant have coffeeshop aus anymore (that and like. coffeeshop au writers have seemingly enevr worked a job and ahve no idea what customer interacion is NOR how many employees a coffeeshop would staff at one time. cmon)
i just. neeed. writers to realise that like. black coffee with an extra shot isnt extreme nobody thinks its extreme except these writers make me BONKERS
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juanabaloo · 29 days
def bummed by recent Dem convention actions. denying any Palestinians from speaking on stage is fuct up. silencing Uncommitted delegates is fuct up. you let Republicans speak, you let the Border Patrol guy speak, you let 2 billionaires speak (Oprah and IL gov). there IS a genocide going on, which the convention Dems are trying their hardest to make everyone forget. fuck that. complicit ass motherfuckers. (and yes i'm including most of the crowd that is just treating it like a sports game and excited to cheer on their home team.)
Muslim women for Harris just disbanded. this is how you lose Michigan, which i have been worrying for a while was forever lost after everything Biden has done. (zionist POS - let this genocide be his fucking legacy forever and always)
at this point the only Palestinian the Dems will feature would prob be DJ Khaled (derogatory).
and yet, there's a weird feeling here too. this feeling of comfort, bc ofc the Dems are gonna fuck this up. they can't not. this is what usually happens.
this isn't a message to be complacent, or vote third party for president. (i'm not even gonna say vote for Trump bc if that was an option for you kindly fuck off forever and choke on a bagel.) we have to keep the pressure on. shout outs to Code Pink and Not Another Bomb and the Uncommitted Movement. they are heroes!
this is a message of desperation for whatever higher up Dems might be reading tumblr and see this. pls i am begging you make your bosses fucking care about genocide if nothing else bc it looks terrible.
if Dems really wanted to obliterate the Republicans in this election, like Reagan levels of blue-ness, like trifectas and huge margins and down ballot wins, this is all they have to do:
move left on immigration, none of this copying Trump bullshit. pathway to citizenship etc. BOOM Arizona.
move left on unions and economic issues. tax the rich a shit ton etc. BOOM Nevada.
stop funding genocide. immediate ceasefire, immediate arms embargo, with detailed plans for a permanent ceasefire (Jan. 21st pls if not sooner bc of crusty Biden's zionist ass) outline how you will spend the money we will save by not funding Israel's genocide. ($10 million a day, every day. thefuck) intense apology tour in Dearborn and to various Palestinians, no cameras just admitting "we fuct up we're so sorry. we are not even asking for your vote just apologizing for denying your humanity." maybe BOOM Michigan. helps A TON everywhere. BOOM WI, BOOM NC.
Dems are trying to act like people only don't like Biden bc he's old. that's bullshit. Democrats: move left on your policies, end the genocide, and you can have the election results of your wildest dreams.
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