#Golden watch for women in UK
swatches42 · 6 months
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At Saturn Watch, we take great delight in providing a carefully selected collection of luxurious timepieces, which includes an exquisite choice of Dolce & Gabbana women's watches  in the UK. Dolce & Gabbana timepieces, which are renowned for their superb workmanship and classic beauty, radiate refinement and flair and are the ideal accessory for the modern woman.Our selection of women's watches by Dolce & Gabbana highlights the brand's distinctive fusion of modern and Italian style.Gabbana women's watches caters to every taste and preference. With attention to detail and an eye for style, these watches are sure to elevate any ensemble, adding a touch of glamour to any occasion.For more details visit :https://www.saturnwatches.co.uk/category/dolce-and-gabbana-ladies-watches
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justforbooks · 5 months
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Christina Hendricks
The star of Good Girls discusses Mad Men, sexual harassment and squaring her glamorous reputation with her ‘weird, goofy’ personality
Christina Hendricks appears on our video call with the most dramatic backdrop. Art deco gold peacocks bedeck a black wall, making her look, as she has so often in her career, a bit too good to be human. Perfectly poised, perfectly framed, perfectly lit, she is more like a dreamy vision of what humans look like. “I, erm, like your wall,” I say, pointlessly. She flashes a smile, as if to say: “Obviously.”
We are here primarily to discuss the comedy-drama series Good Girls, the fourth season of which will resume in the US this month after a midseason break. The elevator pitch would be Breaking Bad for girls: three suburban women, each hovering on the edge of bankruptcy, unite to embark on a life of cack-handed crime, only to discover they are good at it. The ensemble – Hendricks, Mae Whitman, who plays her sister, and Retta, their friend – works strikingly well, their pacey comic rapport instilling a sense of perpetual motion. You just can’t imagine Good Girls ending. Every time a plot line seems to be reaching its climax, something worse – and funnier – happens.
“It’s funny you say that, because originally, when I read the pilot script, I thought: ‘I love this, but I can’t imagine this being more than one episode,’” says Hendricks. “It felt like it finished itself.” She is unsentimental about it. Hendricks wasn’t looking for a new show – “I was happy doing films, taking my time” – but went into it with her eyes open. It is a network drama, for NBC – it is shown on Netflix in the UK – so producers are always aware that “it’s going into every house in the US on a Thursday or a Sunday and a family is watching it. They’re much more careful about numbers and advertisers and people being offended or not getting it. A cable show is much more: ‘We trust this creator – they’re a visionary.’”
It has a conventional tone – however dark the material, it is handled very lightly. Yet you can’t help but notice some hard-boiled social commentary from the off – if it weren’t for the bracingly callous US health system, the generation of wage-stagnation casualties and the patriarchy, none of the characters would have gone anywhere near a supermarket heist. More than Breaking Bad, it reminds me of Roseanne and the golden age of US mainstream comedy, when you could be poor on TV without that being a breach of good taste.
The 48-year-old has been a household name for almost 15 years, thanks to Mad Men. She was born in Tennessee, where her mother was a psychologist and her father worked for the Forest Service, and educated in Oregon and then Idaho. She didn’t have time for formal acting training; by the time she was 18, her modelling career had taken off. Later, when she had a manager, she took acting lessons: “I did that for almost a year and a half and put auditions on ice. Then I was watching a film – I don’t even remember what film it was or who was in it – and I thought: ‘I’m ready. I can do this.’” She has the most insistent work ethic; as she describes her life’s trajectory, she notes diligently the jobs she had while she was at high school, at a hair salon and a menswear shop.
In 2007, she appeared as Joan Holloway in Mad Men. She played the role for the next eight years, her character growing around the depth she brought to it, until by season seven she was almost the central part. In the early 2010s, Hendricks was talked about constantly, although she says the original focal points of obsession were the male characters: “Men started dressing like Don Draper and Roger Sterling. Suits came back in, skinny ties came back in. It took three to four seasons and then all of a sudden people wanted us [the female stars] on magazines. We were like: ‘This is strange – we’ve been doing this for a while.’”
Hendricks, along with January Jones, who played Betty Draper, came to represent so much. There was a great deal of rumination on their physicality, Jones as elegant as an afghan hound, Hendricks like the pin-up painted on the side of a bomber. What did it mean, people asked, that in the middle of the 20th century there were multiple ideals of the female form, whereas in the 21st century there was only one? How did that complicate the perception of gender equality as a steady march towards the light? Thousands of column inches went on that question – but, from the actor’s perspective, it was an annoying distraction. “There certainly was a time when we were very critically acclaimed, and getting a lot of attention for our very good work and our very hard work, and everyone just wanted to ask me about my bra again. There are only two sentences to say about a bra,” she says.
The signal impression the show left was of an ensemble at the peak of its creativity: actors, writers and the creator, Matthew Weiner, working in almost telepathic unison. It won the Emmy for outstanding drama series four times in a row, but the more notable year was 2012, when it was nominated for 17 Emmys (and didn’t win any of them). The take-home was: everyone involved with this is absolutely brilliant.
That harmonious picture was blurred two years after the show ended, when one of the former writers, Kater Gordon, accused Weiner of sexual harassment. Marti Noxon, a consulting producer on Mad Men, concurred that Weiner had created a toxic environment and said that he was an “‘emotional terrorist’ who will badger, seduce and even tantrum in an attempt to get his needs met”.
Hendricks takes this head on, in a considered, straightforward manner. “My relationship with Matt was in no way toxic,” she says. “I don’t discount anyone’s experience if I wasn’t there to see it, but that wasn’t my experience. Was he a perfectionist, was he tough, did he expect a lot? Yes. And he would say that in a second. We were hard on each other.”
It is impossible, from this distance, to adjudicate on Weiner’s character, but Hendricks’s response reveals something of hers. The easiest response in this situation, and the one 90% of actors give, is: “No comment.” Hendricks is always collected, never evasive, doesn’t gabble. She reminds me powerfully of Joan Holloway – and I am sorry to say it, because she insists throughout: “I’m an actress. I am completely not Joan. Not in any way. I wish I was more like Joan.”
I wonder if, while we were all fixating on Joan’s bras and whether or not, in the asinine words of Lynne Featherstone, the UK’s equalities minister in 2010, she represented a “curvy role model”, the audience was responding to Joan’s deeper life lesson – that self-possession is 9/10ths of the law.
What Hendricks emphatically doesn’t do is minimise the existence of sexism and sexual harassment in the industry: “Boy, do you think anyone in the entertainment industry comes out unscathed and not objectified? I don’t know one musician or one model or one actor who has escaped that. I have had moments – not on Mad Men; on other things – where people have tried to take advantage of me, use my body in a way I wasn’t comfortable with, persuade me or coerce me or professionally shame me: ‘If you took your work seriously, you would do this …’
“Maybe it was my modelling background, but I knew to immediately get on the phone and go: ‘Uh oh, trouble,’” she says. “That’s where it’s very much a job. We need to talk to the producers and handle this professionally.”
Yet, at the same time, she is defensive of her industry. “It gets a lot of attention because people know who we are. I’m sure there’s a casting couch at the bank down the street, I’m sure the same thing happens in management consultancy, but people don’t know who the management consultants are.”
Modelling always sounds like a harsh environment – predatory photographers vying with stringent agents to give everyone a complex about their thighs and stop them eating carbs. But that is not how Hendricks describes it at all. Her career sounds like one out of an 80s Judy annual: innocent and hearty, good for pin money and travel opportunities. “I think I was lucky – I didn’t start when I was 14. When I was about 18 or 19, I went to Japan for the first time, I went to Italy. We’d be lots of girls, sharing a house, and I sort of became the den mother. I’d make everyone egg salad sandwiches and Greek salads, going into this mother hen role.”
That is what they say about being taken hostage: if you want to survive, choose someone to look after. “Oh,” she says, coolly. “I wouldn’t consider being a model as being a hostage.”
She was only ever medium-successful, she insists – an “unusual and quirky” hire, rather than the slam-dunk face of everything. About as far as it went was that she never had to get another job to supplement her income. Probably the most famous image of that era in which she was involved was the poster for American Beauty. Two models were in the frame, so they took a photo of the stomach and the hands of each. In the end, they used Hendricks’s hand on the other model’s stomach. It sounds like a clunky metaphor, but it is true.
During this period, she moved to London with a friend, for the hell of it, living in a flat on Gloucester Road, “surviving on cider and hummus”. It is a glimpse of the oddball she says she was growing up, the outsider as whom she is rarely cast. This has been the story of her CV. “Early on in my career, I would get auditions and I would call my manager and say: ‘I would never cast me in this – she’s a cheerleader, she’s a bimbo. Can I audition for the other one, the weird doctor?’ And they’d be like: ‘No, they saw your picture.’ And I started realising that people didn’t see the weird, goofy me that I saw.”
She made the jump from modelling to acting via adverts, with what looks like fairytale ease. In fact, it was “a lot of pounding the pavement and showing up for auditions and getting rejected – and learning, as a young woman, to not take that personally”. By the late 90s, she was the face of ultimate female confidence, the woman who drinks Johnnie Walker and doesn’t need a chauffeur (these are two ads, not one for drink-driving). “I always thought of modelling as freeze-frame acting. It felt like a scene, and I still consider it that way. There are so many technical things that I think people don’t notice. They see you playing dress-up.”
From the commercials, she learned “how to hit a mark, how to memorise a line”, but acting wasn’t novel. She had been doing community theatre since the age of 10, and grew up expecting an alternative life, supplementing an art-house existence any which way. She never amplifies her creative urges. She is much happier talking about professionalism and graft, but that is strategic more than anything else. “I am incredibly emotional and I take things very personally. But I’ve learned to be a little bit of a politician and a little bit of a producer along the way. As a female actor, the easy go-to is: ‘She was emotional, she was hysterical.’ It can be a million other people’s fault, but it’s easy to point your finger at an emotional artist. So, I realised: if I’m going to be taken seriously, I need to have professional perspective and I can cry about it to my friends later.”
Yet she cares deeply about creativity, as is clear when she talks about Mad Men. “It may eclipse anything I ever did. And, if it does, it was a good one and I’m proud of it,” she says. “I got to bring who I was as a woman. I think I learned some of how to be a woman from Joan. No one would give a shit about me if it wasn’t for that show. I’d still be doing good work, but no one would have found me. If that’s the best thing I ever do, it was pretty good.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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solarsonicsoda · 8 months
Pro Wrestling Profiles - "Timeless" Toni Storm
I want to bring some more particular knowledge of wrestling to the blog, so I wanted to discuss one of my favourite wrestling characters right now! That being "Timeless" Toni Storm!
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Ring Name: Toni Storm Nicknames: Timeless Age: 28 Billed from: Stage 7 at Warner Studios (Originally Gold Coast, Australia) Finishing Moves: Storm Zero (Snap Piledriver) Accolades: Progress Wrestling Women's Champion, World of Stardom Champion, Mae Young Classic Winner 2018, NXT UK Women's Champion, 3-time and current AEW Women's World Champion
Formerly an 80's rock-inspired character, when Toni Storm lost her second AEW Women's World Championship, she began to lose her mind. Distraught, she became increasingly unhinged in a series of backstage interviews. Storm would begin to dress in eccentric night gowns and flowing jackets, styling her hair in more and more glamorous ways, and looking frantic. These interviews would also see her spiral mentally, questioning how she could have lost her title when she is such a beloved, illustrious star. This all painted the portrait of a woman driven mad by her failure and desperately holding it together. She would scream, get extremely animated at the interviewers, and even throw her shoes out of anger on some occasions. This led to the memorable closing line "Chin up, tits out, and watch for the shoe!" as she tried to keep herself together, and served as warning to her interviewer. Her grasp on reality would start to loosen as she would forget her allegiances, title holders, and even others identities as she struggled to reclaim her title.
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Toni Storm would soon split from former friends and cement her new identity, a crazed woman believing herself to be a star from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Dubbing herself as "Timeless" she would incorporate many new quirks to her character. With extravagant outfits outside the ring, she would dress like a classic ladies wrestler of the mid-20th century in the ring. She would also add a butler in the form of Luther, and an obsessed fan in Mariah May. Beyond this, Storm gained an ability to summon a black-and-white filter whenever she is the main focus on screen, as well as adopting outdated references, eccentric pronunciation, and various old-timey and grandiose mannerisms.
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Now AEW Women's World Champion again, Storm is extremely entertaining, frequently joining the commentary table to discuss opponents as well as exhibit a loose grip on reality as she truly believes she is a great of the 1950's and beyond, with little memory or knowledge outside of her delusions. The mixes of comedic elements with the unhinged nature of the character, paired with Storm's excellent wrestling acumen makes her one of the best women's wrestlers in the world right now. It's a truly gripping character and if you're not familiar, check out some of these videos to see the entertainment she brings!
Watch for the Shoe, "Accepting" her Third World Title, On the Debut of Deonna Purrazzo, AEW Official Toni Storm Timeline, General Compilation
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zalrb · 2 months
Anon-requested Love Island USA Review - Episode 1 (out of, like, 6 million)
PEOPLE, there are only so many frolicking in bikini intercuts I can TAKE.
I was going to make a joke but then realized that people would probably get offended and not realize when I'm intentionally being an asshole (it's happened!) so moving on.
"If he's tiktok famous" oh honey, no.
This set looks like a sensory nightmare, jesus.
This entire show is a sensory nightmare tbh.
The voiceover is SO WEIRD, lol, what IS this show?
So. MUCH. S C R E A M I N G.
A triple Leo??? Girl.
Oh my god, the men are going to be insufferable as SHIT.
Every reality show needs one "military brat". It's the law.
LMAO she said her credit score and that she pays her taxes on time, I respect it because I do not.
Oh! One Sagittarius. Lol, I hope I like her.
Oh, so someone from VPR is the host of this show? Worlds collide. Or anon suggestions anyway.
Meanwhile my cat is just knocking shit down. You had all day, but you chose 2 in the morning?
Every time I see the male contestants on these shows, they look AI-generated.
Kendall, Kordelle, Coyne, jesus.
Every time they frolic or jump on the spot I just think of them filming.
"I'm a Ken doll, I'm just Ken!" it's like WATCHING a dating app profile.
"I see myself as dangerous! Spicy! Goofy! Nerdy!" YOU'RE JUST THROWING OUT ADJECTIVES.
My parents got divorced so now I have irreversible trauma and commitment issues says every man ever because only they have EVER experienced their parents being divorced, shut UP.
This is either the perfect time or the worst time for me to watch this show, roflmao.
"What are you looking for in a girl?" "I'm looking for someone with a great sense of humour" and ... who doesn't take herself too seriously?? iykyk.
I hate Aaron on principle, he's from North Devon and when I was living in the UK, I was living in a small town in North Devon. NO.
Also he looks like he should be hosting the hunger games idk.
Should I be drunk for. this?
Sir, you think you're on the level to pull a woman who looks like Margot Robbie? If you do not SIT DOWN.
You have three golden retrievers but unfortunately, you are not blonde and he wants Margot Robbie, so. I mean. It's clearly your loss.
Oh, so your personality is your height. Typical.
I am NOT an asshole, I have a chihuahua. Can't argue with that logic.
You're 21, you can JUST drink legally. GO HOME.
Rob, you're dull as shit. You will probably make the most trouble.
Oh, he's been on here before. So. You're a dick.
Last time I slept completely alone, and you deserved that. I know it.
Because you just compared women to snakes.
I will never stop trying to make the girl I'm with laugh and the problem is she's probably begging you to.
This is the LONGEST intro.
Why are you whistling at fireworks though?
OK so this whole kissing before you choose who to pair up with, "try before you buy" are all the guys and all the girls going to end up kissing so they can make "informed decisions" otherwise, what?
"Kiss two islanders who give you green flag vibes" well, I would just have to sit down.
The link is buffering, the ancestors are trying to save me.
"Kiss the islander that you think would have the highest body count" lmao they're wrong for that.
"I saw her smile from a mile away and it lit up the whole villa" the villa that looks like a fucking cruise ship.
LOL i know everyone was mad when tall dude picked her up to kiss her because for the guys, how do you beat that and for the ladies, that wasn't you. Lmao rude.
Does Rob know how to imbue his voice with any type of emotion or is he a robot?
Why does everyone want to kiss Rob?
"I'm not wearing panties so don't pick me up" well played.
Three women chose Coye. Oh, the men are maaaaaaaaad.
"We all can't be 6'8." TRY HARDER.
Asking why these three women chose the tallest, most attractive man on that island when all they had to go on was who they found attractive and who they had the best kiss with is the most asinine thing ever. Why do you THINK they chose him? They just really liked the personality he didn't show?
Not choosing the woman you picked up is crazy.
"None of the girls chose to stand on your heart, how are you feeling?" LMAO unnecessarily cruel. OBVIOUSLY none of them chose to stand with him, he's standing ALONE. You can just ask hey bud, how you doing?
"It's just doves all around" I have never heard that, is that a thing?
There's a voting component to this? I have no idea what this show IS LMAO.
This is cOoOoOoOLLLL i mean is it that cool?
oh my god, you live in the city that I'm from? WE BOTH HAD RELATIONSHIPS THAT LASTED FIVE YEARS?? WE ARE SO SIMILAR. calm down.
"You were like Kendall, you're super hot but you're not 6'8 HAHAHAHA" men and their height.
"[Kendall] has a great personality" idk, looks like he's trying to have a great personality rather than just having one.
"Sorry I had to ... ... ... because he's 6'8" that's 1 for the weird narrator.
Just two humble attractive people (one is 6'8) talking about how they're not trying to brag because they're just so humble.
A man who has trust issues, how novel.
"Am I making you nervous?" "Nah, you don't make me nervous." "I don't make you nervous??" JaNa, come on, he's 6'8. He's basically god.
"I'm kinda basically a vegan." "Oh. My best friend is a vegan." This is the most ABSURD interaction. It's just veganism???
"Aaaand I'll show you my size" i spit out my drink.
So I am 65% sure that Rob is not, in fact, human.
His programming is just feeding him lines pulled from Hinge: What is your passion? What are your special skills? Does not compute. Does not compute.
"He's like a southern, respectable man" no, he just does not have a personality.
"She's a little bit mean but that's good" she has literally said nothing mean? I guess that part was edited out because what is this robot talking about?
They all have to sleep together in one room? OK, some things I saw on twitter are starting to make sense now.
I also feel like this episode has no business being this long.
"So what are your long term goals?" "Like ... explain." "... ... Your goals, long term." LMAO yes.
"The mortgage usually be low but that's because the utilities be high" I'm sorry, what? WHAT? WHO PUT THIS CHILD ON THIS SHOW?
Liv? Who? What exactly IS this show??
It's a blonde Australian. Uh oh, Aaron, is this your true Margot Robbie??
I have nothing against sleeping around I JUST DON'T DO IT. I AM NOT THAT KINDA GIRL.
LMAO. omg i was vibing with hannah but then a blonde walked in and i don't know what to do with myself. fuck off, aaron.
I'm actually glad to have another blonde in the villa. Why, are you an endangered species?
I want a plot twist where Liv hooks up with one of the ladies and they leave the villa together.
"But we do know it's not men in terrible hats." Drag him, narrator.
Maybe he's not a robot, maybe he's a snake. Maybe it's like when nagini was animating bathilda.
LOL if the narrator keeps up with THIS kind of commentary then the voiceover will be less weird to me me.
THEY'RE IN OUR SPOT. You have a spot after one day?
You're crying ALREADY?
Oh my god, I thought it was over. THERE'S TEN MORE MINUTES.
I was humbled. I was just there and no one came out. "You're so attractive, though" but Liv, he is not 6'8.
"I feel like you're really hard to read" because he's not human.
"Well, Leah, you are now single and as you know, it's never good to be single on Love Island" why, will she be burned at the stake?
Every man on this show just doing the blue steel.
OKAY it's done.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'LONG before Cillian Murphy there was Sam Waterston, and long before Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer there was Peter Goodchild’s Oppenheimer (BBC4, Friday), which is being reshown for the first time in decades.
Goodchild, who was interviewed by Variety last month to coincide with the film’s release, started his BBC producing career in radio drama and later moved to television with the science documentary series Horizon.
When Horizon diversified into science docudramas in the 1970s, Goodchild, who holds a chemistry degree, got to combine his two interests in a successful series about Marie Curie.
It was his idea to make a seven-part miniseries about J Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, played by Waterston. First shown on BBC2 in 1980, Oppenheimer was a big hit with viewers and critics, winning three Bafta awards. It also garnered Emmy and Golden Globe nominations after it was shown on PBS in the United States.
The budget of £1.5m (about €7.5m today) – 90pc of it coming from the BBC, the rest from WGBH Boston – might seem like a grain of New Mexico sand compared with the £100m price tag of Nolan’s Imax epic.
Back then, however, it was a huge spend for a British drama.
A huge physical production, too, with scrupulous attention to detail. For maximum authenticity, Goodchild, now 83, told Variety, the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory was recreated on a purpose-built set in Colorado Springs, complete with water tower and replica bomb.
The supporting cast was made up almost entirely of American actors based in Britain.
Two notable exceptions were future Poirot star David Suchet as the excitable, voluble Hungarian physicist Edward Teller and Edward Hardwicke (Dr Watson to Jeremy Brett’s Sherlock Holmes) as his Italian colleague Enrico Fermi.
Viewers who have grown used to watching even modestly budgeted dramas shot on HD video that mimics celluloid film may find the switch from Oppenheimer’s interior scenes, which were mostly shot on videotape in a studio in the UK, to the ones shot on film in America a little jarring at first.
But the story is so engrossing you cease to be aware of the contrast after a while.
What’s remarkable is how well Oppenheimer, which was written by Peter Prince and directed by Barry Davis, holds up 43 years later.
There’s none of the slowness or staginess you sometimes see in dramas from the period. Friday’s opening two episodes positively zipped by.
They spanned the years 1938, when Oppenheimer was at the University of Berkley, to 1942, when Lieutenant General Leslie Groves (Manning Redwood), ignoring warnings about Oppenheimer’s long associations with active communists and championing of left-wing causes, put him in charge of the Manhattan Project, which was to be housed in a high-security facility in Los Alamos.
Waterston, just four years ahead of his best actor Oscar nomination for playing Siydney Schanberg in The Killing Fields, is fantastic as Oppenheimer.
You can see why the BBC was prepared to pay him well above the normal rate for appearing in one of its dramas and to put him up in a luxury hotel during filming.
He conveys Oppenheimer’s charisma, intelligence, brilliance and charm, especially to women.
But we also see his ruthlessness and arrogance.
When we meet him, he’s romantically involved with psychiatrist and communist Jean Tatlock (Kate Harper), who suffered from clinical depression (she died by suicide in 1944), yet thinks nothing of casting her aside when he sets eyes on his future wife Kitty Puening (Jana Shelden), who at that time is married to someone else.
They tumble into an affair. In one particularly cruel moment, he humiliates Jean by turning up at a dinner party at her home with Kitty on his arm.
Even at this stage, the seeds of Oppenheimer’s downfall are being sown. Naively unconcerned about the dangers of having communist friends, he doesn’t realise he’s already under FBI surveillance.
A terrific drama from a far more creative age of TV.'
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Tørrfall
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Photo by Iver Findlay
Tørrfall are a Norwegian trio who've been playing together since (at least) 2020, recorded their self-titled debut live in August 2021, but just released it this past March. Vocals and synthesizer are provided by Nils Erga (Noxagt, Burning Axis), bass by Kristoffer Riis (Golden Oriole, Staer), and drums by Thore Warland (Golden Oriole, Staer, Burning Axis). Dusted’s Ian Mathers summed up their self-described “psychedelic water music” as “a bad-trip, submarine cousin of the Necks’ Drive By.” Here, all three members talk about 10 releases that could have influenced the Tørrfall record.
Ivor Cutler and Linda Hirst — “Women of the World” (Rough Trade, 1983)
Nils: The Norwegian broadcasting company, NRK, used to have excellent radio DJs. I believe I only heard this song once upon release, and as a nine-year-old boy, I never caught who sang it, what it was called, or what the lyrics were all about. And then it was gone! But the impossibly catchy melody of the chorus – the song is essentially one single mantra-like, cascading chorus – never left me, and as I grew older, I would replay it in my head repeatedly, hundreds and hundreds of times. In 1999, Jim O'Rourke did a cover version, which I accidentally got to hear, and I was stunned. There it was again, finally! That song!  
Cocteau Twins — The Spangle Maker (4AD, 1984)
Nils: Growing up in the Stavanger region in the 1980s, the UK was never far away. Back then, you could hop on the ferry to Newcastle or fly directly to London or Aberdeen (you'd be there in an hour or so). My older sister brought this back from one of her trips to the Thatcher Empire. Back then, I loved all that 4AD stuff, but in hindsight, Cocteau Twins were the best of all the then-current acts she so generously introduced me to. And Elisabeth Fraser never sounded more lost, more gothic, more out-of-this-world than on this one (the Treasure LP that came out the same year is rather wonderful too). Dream pop, indeed.
Basic Channel et al. — Any 12" under any moniker (Basic Channel, 1990s)
Nils: I can't remember the first Basic Channel-related 12" that I heard, but I remember becoming instantly hooked – what is this sound? – so I started collecting everything I could find during those early days of the Internet. When listening to this music now, whether it's Main Street, Maurizio, Basic Channel or Rhythm & Sound (preferably loudly and on big speakers), I still feel like time is slowly dissolving. Or it bends and can no longer be trusted. And often, continuing down this path of truly psychedelic techno, I still find myself lost in the strangely lit woods of Wolfgang Voigt's late 90s GAS records, which are equally transcendental.
Steely Dan — Gaucho (MCA, 1980)
Nils: Hey Nineteen! I first heard this record in my early twenties, and back then, the whole Steely Dan vibe didn't appeal much, nor did it make much sense. But I knew they were named after a William Burroughs-invented "artefact", so I gathered there had to be something there. It turns out there was, in spades (check out Donald and Walter's open letters to celebrities whose careers they worry about for further reading). Anyway, Steely Dan is now my favourite band for watching waves roll by from the balcony, closely followed by early ZZ Top. And this is their magnum opus, in my humble opinion. The Royal Scam and Aja aren't far off, though.
Armando Sciascia — After the End (Suite For String Orchestra & Synthesizer) (Vedette Records, 1971)
Kristoffer: Armando Sciascia, the Abruzzese custodian of the whole-tone scale. While some of his output during the 60s and 70s is admittedly quite stylized with its particular and sometimes overstated tonality, this album strikes a balance between classical principle and impious mischief, while being texturally tantalizing with its fine Italian blend of acoustic and synthetic arrangements. A bit hard to come by, although some of the tracks were available on the 1972 compilation Infini alongside Fabio Fabor on the slightly more obtainable Musique Pour L'Image imprint.
Camille Sauvage — Fantasmagories (Editions Montparnasse 2000, 1974)
Kristoffer: In some ways, Camille Sauvage was a French counterpart to Armando Sciascia, but with a markedly different sense of melody all his own. Sauvage composed some richly decorated harmonic showpieces that characterize this period in his discography, either under his real name or one of several pseudonyms, notably Eric Framond—and the orchestration was almost always over-the-top with shrill Edda Dell'Orso-esque vocals and screeching brass that nearly couldn't contain itself. On Fantasmagories, however, he shows a more nocturnal and contemplative side, really damp and littered with fragments of this and that.
Marcos Valle — Vento Sul (Odeon, 1972)
Kristoffer: While there is no shortage of Brazilian contenders with Edu Lobo, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Os Mutantes and the lot, I regularly return to this one. It's Marcos Valle's best in my opinion, and there's not much more to be said about it. A really strong and playful MPB album.
Philip Glass — Music with Changing Parts for Ensemble (Chatham Square Editions, 1971)
Thore: The relentless electric organ stuff that Philip Glass did in the late 60s and early 70s I really like. This one is with saxophones, trumpet, violin, flutes and voices.
Boyd Rice — Boyd Rice (Mute, 1981)
Thore: Hysterical and also quite calming, the loops never get boring.
Ike Yard — Ike Yard (A Second) (Factory America, 1982)
Thore: Minimal and catchy, I love this one. Seems to be a timeless classic.
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tresvagas · 2 years
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I posted 1,771 times in 2022
That's 162 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (1%)
1,756 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,726 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#killing eve - 155 posts
#warrior nun - 74 posts
#killing eve spoilers - 73 posts
#movie2022 - 58 posts
#parallels - 56 posts
#disco elysium - 48 posts
#art - 45 posts
#a league of their own - 44 posts
#critical role - 43 posts
#jessie buckley - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#whenever i am in the uk i got to the used book sections of national trust properties and pay a visit to red cross shops and the likes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jessie Buckley - Country Girl (live @ The Long Road Festival 2019)
6 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
@farminglesbian tagged me to list 9 books I plan to read this year. However, I'll extend the list and include comics, graphic novels, and manga, because I love reading those, too.
Thanks for tagging me!
Generally speaking, I do not plan ahead what I'm going to read over the course of a year. Most of my drive to read something originates from an obsession or a certain curiosity, something I watched or read about, or when I browse the shelves of a book store.
That is why my list of books I read so far is pretty much all over the place.
1. "Kingdom Come" - Alex Ross
I really want to look at Wonder Woman in that glorious golden armor.
2. "The Power of The Dog" - Thomas Savage
Highly enjoyed the movie, so it's a no brainer for me.
3. Another Moomin book by Tove Jansson. I've read the first 3 and watched the new aninmated series Dec-Jan, which I enjoyed a lot.
4. Maybe another one by Virginia Woolf? Last year I read "Orlando". But I really have to be in the mood since the language is quite complex. No reading in bed for me when it comes to her work. I fall asleep too easily hah. Her diaries and letters are easier to read every now and then.
5. Another novel by Michael Crichton. Loved "Jurassic Park", and "Dragon Teeth" was awesome. Plus the new Jurassic World movie will be released this summer, so there's a high chance my dinosaur obsession will resurface.
6. I'll probably re-read all "The Way of The House Husband" volumes as soon as the new volume is released. It's one of the few Manga series that make me laugh out loud.
7. If I'm in the mood this year, I'll re-read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. The one novel that got me into reading (almost) exclusively in English back in 2004-2005.
8. Maybe I'll manage to finish "Dune" by Frank Herbert, or at least the first half which the Villeneuve adaptation covers.
9. "The Last Wish" by Andrzej Sapkowski
I put it aside, although it's a great read. Love the writing style.
I'll tag the following and anyone who feels like it (no obligations):
@bipolarandannoyed @pensoakspaper @geniusorincrediblyarrogant @fourorfivemovements @sineala
6 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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Jessie Buckley by Jennifer Cheng, The New York Times Magazine (2022).
14 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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Jessie Buckley by Darren Gerrish [x]
15 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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First look at Sarah Polley's Women Talking with Rooney Mara, Claire Foy, Jessie Buckley, and Frances McDormand.
24 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Jessica Biel for Cosmopolitan UK - September 2007
We should really hate Jessica Biel. After all, she's the woman who's achieved what we thought (and hoped) was impossible — she replaced xxxx in xxxxxx's affections. It's alleged that Cam was so upset to see him with Jessica at January's Golden Globe Awards so soon after their split that she confronted him over it. But despite the fact we covet her man —not to mention her to-die-for bod and natural beauty — we have to report back that she's also a real girl's girl. Dammit. "I understand being sexy, men love you, that's great. But what's really important is that women want to hang out with you," she confides. "That's what I love about Jennifer Aniston — I watch her films and I think I love her. I'd really want to be her friend! I want to play those roles so women will think that about me, too. It's about not taking yourself seriously': The 25-year-old former model is more than mere arm candy. Her career is seriously in the fast lane (she's recently starred opposite Hollywood heavyweights Ed Norton, Nicolas Cage and Adam Sandler) and unlike a lot of intimidating, unreachable A-list ladies, she's determined to be likeable. She's also keen to have a go at being fearless. "My latest thing is that I want to do everything that scares me," she says, ordering an egg, ham and cheese sandwich with fries at a chic hotel in Santa Monica.
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bluemmings · 2 years
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ADELA GONZÁLEZ (cisfemale, she/her, maia reficco) is 23 and a SPORTS THERAPIST from NEWCASTLE, but now they can be found in CASA. they are known as THE OPAQUE because they are CUNNING but if things kick off, they can be a bit ABRASIVE. they’re PANSEXUAL and are most interested in grafting MADDOX & BASH. one thing they want to accomplish in casa amor is PROVING NO COUPLE IS SOLID. (dark eyes golden by sunlight, laced lingerie flung across bedroom floors, lipstick smudged against her lips from making out with strangers & forever checking out herself in any reflection she passes) PLAYED BY: mochi, 25, gmt, she/her
hola, welcome to my crib. she’s a bit inspired by corrine accola for all my gallagher peepls. also a less murderous azula from atla, and debbie thornberry & margaery tyrell, 
T H E   F A C T S.
full name     — adela lyra gonzález
nicknames   —  del, dela, addy 
occupation  —  sports therapist 
born In        —  newcastle, uk
dob             —   may 29th, 1999
astrology     —  gemini sun, sag rising, sag moon, cancer venus
sexuality      —  pansexual
gender         —  cis female 
pronouns     —  she / her 
religion        —  atheist, religion is her least favourite kind of cult 
 +  charismatic, graceful, open-minded, patient, mediator, playful 
 —  addictive personality, abrasive, disloyal, distrusting, needs to be in the loop at all times, flips like a switch
family: ricardo suarez (father), jennifer gonzalez (mother),
siblings: an older half-sister (34) called penelope, don't see each other much 
pets: an old stray cat she took in called scruffy
height:               5 ft 4 in 
hair colour:       dark brown
hair length:       to her waistline 
eye colour:       brown baby
build:                toned, athletic
tattoos:            she has a few; a tiny hockey stick on her leg, hollow heart at her wrist, delicate stick and poke little bouquet on her forearm and a half moon behind her ear
fashion:             itty bitty things, figure hugging dresses, crop tops and skirts, oversized cardigans and combat trousers, lingerie on a night out, sparkles, cleavage and ass rights 24/7
other:                 wears glasses when reading, bit of an emo queen, loves horrors and halloween, listens to lana del rey on repeat when she’s sad, has played field hockey competitively since secondary school, cries at stupid shit not sad shit, 
H I S T O R Y  /  T H I N G S 
grew up in a council estate in newcastle, didn’t have loads of money but it could have been worse
knew who her dad was but didn’t really have much of a relationship aside from the occasional visit or gift for her birthday, if he’d remember 
adela used to care a lot as a kid, but growing up being disappointed over and over again starts to put things into perspective
she grew up with her mum and often stayed next door at their neighbours if her mum was on a night shift or needed some extra help looking after her
grew up mostly around and with women except for a best friend's brother who was her first everything !!
fucked view on love, and if there's no sexual chemistry then shes out kinda thinks if you're not going to worship her then what's the point ? so only love she will accept is the die/kill-for-her kind
knows she has a bit of a toxic stance with relationships: never rly knew her dad, mum had multiple partners, sometimes overlapping and always inconsistent
adela’s been with a lot of bad selfish people, used to be overly generous but now is less so bc you get what you give
love island’s just a bit of fun to get her name on some brand deals like adidas and nike + she wants to work with high profile athletes and clubs so this will hopefully boost her chances and get her name a bit out there even if it's literally just her 15 minutes of fame
the type to play dirty when no one's watching but otherwise your best friend when you need her
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TV has gone through a lot of changes. Its place in society was exceptionally different 20 years ago. The ad break was a fierce battleground where brands had their chosen ad agency champions compete for dominance of the mind of the household viewer. This decades-old competition brought about some of the best adverts to have ever been made. A golden age the likes of which, we'll never see again. Here is a small selection of ads forged in the most scorching cauldrons.
1. Guinness "Surfer" - 1999: Tick follows tock. The surfer waits. And when the time is right he sprints into the surf and mounts the waves which manifest as huge white horses. He returns to shore a hero. His patience rewarded. Good things come to those who wait.
2.  Volkswagen "Squeaky Earring" - 1990: What is that squeaking. Surely it couldn't be the car. Perhaps an old experienced mechanic can help? He's initially baffled and then erupts into laughter, upon realising that the squeaking is not the car but the earrings of the driver's partner. If only everything was made as well as a Volkswagen.
3. Diet Coke "Diet Coke Break" - 1995: It feels cliché or even completely outdated now but at the time, the thought of the women in the office stopping to watch a sweaty workman take off his top and drink a Diet Coke was highly amusing. Women in offices across the world were encouraged to stop at 11 AM to take a break and drink a Diet Coke.
4.  Milk "Accrington Stanley" - 1989: To encourage young people to drink more milk and more importantly for their parents to buy the milk, the UK Milk Marketing Board funded an advert featuring a young Liverpudlian saying "If I don't drink my milk, I wont be good enough to play for AcCrInGtOn StAnLey". It worked.
5. Smirnoff "Triple Distilled" - 2006: Perhaps one of the last of its kind. The rise of the internet meant that TV viewing was waning. This remains one of the best, feeling like some weird mix between a Quentin Tarantino and Christoper Nolan film. The viewer watches three versions of the same scene with each being more distilled. The final scene ends with "I love you".
0 notes
cumberbitchhhh · 9 months
if you’d like to chat about jo koy sexism, and privilege, there’s a rant under the cut 💗
i’d love to talk with other people about this, and, as always, if there is any misinformation in this, please let me know so i can acknowledge it and correct it!
just wanted to come on here and have a conversation about jo koy, the golden globes, and sexism in general.
as a lot of people know, jo koy made MULTIPLE questionable, controversial, and just genuinely disrespectful comments when he hosted the golden globes on monday, 8th january this year, multiple of which were directed towards women or media about women. rightly so, he has been called out on social media over the last few days for his rudeness and lack of respect during the event, to which he has responded to in a (somehow) even more insulting way, backing up his original monologue.
i can’t even explain how much it infuriates me that, not only has he made these misogynistic and rude comments, but that, when given the chance to acknowledge where he went wrong, he doubled down and made yet another disrespectful comment.
i think this ties into the privilege of men in today’s society and how their comments can affect other people around them. i’m not one of those people to go on whole rants about how much i hate men and say that they’re horrible and shouldn’t have rights, because that is the complete opposite of the entire feminist movement, which was what barbie, a movie that he commented on in his monologue, was about in the first place.
i really don’t understand how you can watch a movie like barbie, which has an extremely strong message of equality, feminism, and a lot of references to mental health, and ‘dumb it down’ to a movie about ‘plastic dolls with boobies’. genuinely what compelled you to say this? barbie has empowered so many women and, since release, has made me, personally, change my outlook on a lot of things. it should not be disregarded as a movie about dolls with tits, because that removes the entire message and point of the movie.
feminism is not able getting women rights and getting rid of men, it’s about equality. if we, as women, said that only we deserve rights, we’re the exact same as all of the men that used us so, so many years ago, and the exact same as all of the men that still do that now. we want equality. we want to be treated with respect like men are treated with respect. so many people disregard the feminist movement as ‘women wanting to be better than men’, when that’s really not the case. we want the same wages as men. we want the same opportunities as men. we want the same privilege as men.
i, as a straight, white female living in the uk, i can admit that i have privilege. i have access to food, education, a good support system, and a house. not everybody has that, and realising that i am extremely lucky compared to so many people that are struggling out there was so, so important for me. i am in a place where i don’t have to worry about my next meal or whether i’ll be warm or cold enough. i can see that, and i can realise and help other people realise that a lot of people don’t have that same opportunity.
privilege isn’t a bad thing, but it’s whether you choose to acknowledge it and what you do with it that matters.
for a full list of rants/other people’s comments on sexism at the golden globes, click the last tag, #leahs golden globes rants
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agustdblues · 11 months
GMMTV 2024 PART 1 (whose idea was it to split it up? I don’t like you)
• Pluto: ANOTHER GL!!! NamtanFilm leading with Ciize, Earn and Kapook. Film is playing a blind girl and Namtan is playing twins? I’m excited !!! Also is there a trend of gls and planet related names? 23.5, Uranus2324 and now Pluto
•My Love Mix Up: Kieta Hatsukoi remake oh brother I feel like we should take the manga for basis of comparison instead of the jbl once again. GeminiFourth can pull it off
•Wandee Goodday: A boxer and a doctor interesting I’m not familiar with the actors but the mock trailer was funny. Pod finally took a break from his fishing!
•My Golden Blood: At first I was like “is this a Kissable Lips remake!?” The mock trailer wasn’t the best. Who knew gmm will pick up the vampire trope😭 Gawin getting another lead is great but with Joss? Very unexpected. I’m curious about their chemistry
•The Trainee: When I first saw the trailer I had TOL flashbacks. Not sure where I am but OffGun in an office setting and I saw some ViewPiploy👀
•We Are: um idk what this is about, does anyone know? All I saw was three couples who should have their own individual shows thrown into one. I like all three cps but it’s still a shame uk🤷‍♀️
•Ossan’s Love Th: ANOTHER REMAKE!?! HOW MANY GMM!?!? EarthMix are doing it!? I’ve only watched bits of the HongKong version and I can’t see them doing this comedy. The sirens are blaring🚨
•Only Boo: Idk I’m not interested. It’s like MSP but with tiktok and all. it might turn out good who knows
•Enigma 2: I enjoyed Enigma but it was too short They better increase the eps this time. Wondering if Bright will still act in this or not since he has left gmm
•Peaceful Property: New is back with his quirky characters- this time as a ghostbuster. It has the same vibes as Bakery Boys. I think everyone watching this will have a good laugh
•Ploy’s yearbook: Happy to see women centred show. Sad that there’s no wlw couples here
Gmm’s annual queer baiting shows this year are Kidnap and Frenemy. Tell me did School 2013 have such a gay ass plot? what even was that BookPhuwin kiss in Summer Nights??? only for it to be a straight love triangle story💀 Can gmm please let My Precious go? We’re tired.
In all, the Part 1 has been a snooze fest so they need to step up in Part 2. A lot of new faces this year. There are too many highschool shows rn. I pray for no more We still have Last Twilight, Cherry Magic and Cooking Crush left to air this year
Edit: Kidnap was confirmed to be a bl damn I didn’t think ohm would ever go back to bls
0 notes
la-mode-clothing · 1 year
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One time, in the enchanting city of Jaipur, India, I had a truly extraordinary experience. I was strolling down a bustling street, adorned with vibrant shops, when suddenly, a thunderous rumble filled the air. To my astonishment, a massive buffalo charged down the road, creating a commotion that seemed to stop time.
As chaos ensued, panic set in. People scattered in all directions, seeking refuge from the unexpected stampede. My heart raced as I searched for a place to find solace amidst the frenzy. It was in that moment of desperate uncertainty that fate intervened.
A beautiful Indian woman, her eyes twinkling with compassion, appeared out of the vibrant tapestry of the city. She grabbed my trembling hand and pulled me into her shop, a sanctuary of color and craftsmanship. The chaos outside became a mere whisper as the door closed behind us, leaving me in awe of her kindness.
Within the confines of her shop, adorned with breathtaking fabrics and glimmering ornaments, she revealed her secret talent. With a gentle smile, she offered to create a traditional embroidered lehenga, adorned with mesmerizing gold embroidery, exclusively for me. It was an offer I couldn't resist – a chance to own a piece of Jaipur's magic and create a lasting memory of my unforgettable encounter.
Days turned into nights as I watched her nimble hands bring my vision to life. The vibrant threads danced through the fabric, weaving an intricate tapestry that mirrored the city's rich heritage. Each stitch was a testament to her artistry, and every golden embellishment reflected the spirit of Jaipur itself.
Finally, the moment arrived when she unveiled my masterpiece. As I slipped into the custom embroidered lehenga, it embraced me like a second skin, enhancing my every curve and accentuating my inner radiance. The gold embroidery shimmered, catching the light and whispering tales of royalty and opulence.
Wearing my extraordinary creation, I stepped back onto the streets of Jaipur, feeling like a queen in her own kingdom. The world around me seemed to pause, as though paying tribute to the divine craftsmanship that adorned my being. I became a living testament to the magic that dwells within the city's streets, captured within the stitches of my purple lehenga.
Dear adventurer, let Jaipur weave its enchantment around you. Come, experience the essence of Jaipur, where magic awaits at every turn and dreams come alive through the hands of its artisans.
Behold the magnificence of this Anarkali Lehenga, a vision in captivating purple. This color, often associated with royalty and nobility, will envelop you in a cloak of elegance, enhancing your natural beauty. As you adorn yourself with this regal hue, prepare to be mesmerized by the way it complements your skin tone and brings out your inner radiance.
It was designed to enhance your every curve, flattering your figure with its exquisite tailoring. And the best part? You have the freedom to choose the length of the sleeves, allowing you to express your personal style and cater to your comfort. From delicate short sleeves to gracefully flowing long sleeves, it can be tailored to your desires, creating a seamless fusion of tradition and modernity.
This Lehenga for women transcends the boundaries of time and occasion. From grand celebrations to intimate gatherings, this versatile ensemble can be tailored to suit any event. Pair it with traditional jewelry and let the golden embroidery shimmer as you make your mark at weddings, festivals, or cultural events. Alternatively, style it with contemporary accessories for a fusion of traditional and modern aesthetics, ensuring that you'll be the center of attention at cocktail parties, galas, and elegant soirées. Wherever you go, this Banarasi Lehenga promises to create unforgettable moments and leave a lasting impression.
This silk Lehenga is not complete without its enchanting companion, a matching georgette dupatta or scarf. Crafted from the finest of fabrics, it effortlessly drapes over your shoulders, adding an ethereal touch to your ensemble. As the dupatta delicately flutters in the breeze, you'll exude an aura of grace and allure, truly embodying the essence of Jaipur's regal heritage. Its seamless integration with this lehenga style creates a harmonious symphony of color and texture, ensuring that your every movement is accompanied by a whisper of elegance.
0 notes
brookston · 2 years
Holidays 2.3
American Painters Day
Artist Appreciation Day
Battle of San Lorenzo Day (Argentina)
Blessing of Throats Day (St. Blaise’s Day)
Booty Pic Day
Bowling Green Massacre Day (Kellyanne Conway Fictional Event)
Communist Party Foundation Day (Vietnam)
Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Day of the Virgin of Suyapa (Honduras)
Doggy Date Night
The Day the Music Died (according to Don McLean)
Elmo’s Day
Endangered Species Act Day
Feed the Birds Day
Four Chaplains Memorial Day
Halfway Point of Winter
Heroes' Day (Mozambique)
International Golden Retriever Day
International Lawyers Day
International Straw Free Day
John Lewis Day (Alabama)
Martyrs' Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Meaka Bochea Day (Cambodia)
National Cordova Ice Worm Day
National Honey Badger Day
National Missing Persons Day
National Patient Recognition Day
National Trevor Day
National Women Physicians Day
National Women’s Heart Day
Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras)
Number Day
Take a Cruise Day
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
Veterinary Pharmacists Day
Wedding Ring Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Carrot Cake Day
National Carrot Day
1st Friday in February
Bubble Gum Day [1st Friday]
Give Kids a Smile Day [1st Friday]
International Clash Day [1st Friday]
National Black Nurses Day [1st Friday]
National Wear Red Day (a.k.a. Wear It Beat It) [1st Friday]
NSPCC Number Day (UK) [1st Friday]
Pi Mod Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day (Florida) [1st Friday]
Working Naked Day [1st Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day [1st Friday] (Postponed to March 24 in 2023)
Independence Days
Danielland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Keep Watch (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Ansgar (a.k.a. Anskar; Christian; Saint)
Auscharius (Christian; Saint)
Berlinda of Meerbeke (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Christian; Saint) [Blessing of Throats]
Celsa and Nona (Christian; Saint)
Claudine Thévenet (Christian; Saint)
Dom Justo Takayama (Christian; Saint) [Japan, Philippines]
Ewok Day (Pastafarian)
Fiesta de San Blas (Protector of the Harvest; Puerto Rico)
Fukuju no mai (Jimai; Dance of the Seven Gods of Fortune; Japan)
Hadelin (Christian; Saint)
Hickety Pickety (Muppetism)
Margaret of England (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Suyapa (Honduras)
Pagerwesi (Festival to Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe; Bali)
Pokémon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Setsubun (Bean-Throwing Festival; Shinto/Japan)
Theocritus (Positivist; Saint)
Werburgh (a.k.a. Werburghe; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [3 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 57]
Air Force (Film; 1943)
Amapola, by Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (Song; 1941)
Boys on the Side (Film; 1995)
Chronicle (Film; 2012)
Dead Man’s Curve (TV movie; 1978)
Earthling, by David Bowie (Album; 1997)
Fun, Fun, Fun, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Hanna (TV Series; 2019)
The IT Crowd (UK TV Series; 2006)
Jane Eyre (Film; 1944)
La Dolce Vita (Film; 1960)
Santa Clarita Diet (TV Series; 2017)
Society Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (Documentary Film; 2006)
Yield, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Ansgar, Blasius, Oskar (Austria)
Simeon (Bulgaria)
Blaž, Tripun, Vlaho (Croatia)
Blažej (Czech Republic)
Blasius (Denmark)
Hubert, Hugo, Huko (Estonia)
Hugo, Valo (Finland)
Blaise, Nelson, Oscar (France)
Ansgar, Blasius, Michael, Oskar (Germany)
Asimakis, Asimina, Malamati, Simeon, Stamatia, Stamatis (Greece)
Balázs (Hungary)
Biagio (Italy)
Aīda, Ansgars, Ida, Laida (Latvia)
Blažiejus, Oskaras, Radvilas, Radvilė (Lithuania)
Ansgar, Asgeir (Norway)
Błażej, Hipolit, Hipolita, Laurencjusz, Maksym, Oskar, Stefan, Telimena, Uniemysł, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Ana, Simeon (Romania)
Blažej (Slovakia)
Blas, Olivia, Óscar (Spain)
Disa, Hjördis (Sweden)
Simon (Ukraine)
Ansgar, Barclay, Baxter, Blaise,, Blase, Blasia, Blaze, Norma, Norman, Norris (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 34 of 2023; 331 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 13 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 12 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 4 Xin; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 January 2023
Moon: 96%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 6 Homer (2nd Month) [Theocritus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 14 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.3
American Painters Day
Artist Appreciation Day
Battle of San Lorenzo Day (Argentina)
Blessing of Throats Day (St. Blaise’s Day)
Booty Pic Day
Bowling Green Massacre Day (Kellyanne Conway Fictional Event)
Communist Party Foundation Day (Vietnam)
Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Day of the Virgin of Suyapa (Honduras)
Doggy Date Night
The Day the Music Died (according to Don McLean)
Elmo’s Day
Endangered Species Act Day
Feed the Birds Day
Four Chaplains Memorial Day
Halfway Point of Winter
Heroes' Day (Mozambique)
International Golden Retriever Day
International Lawyers Day
International Straw Free Day
John Lewis Day (Alabama)
Martyrs' Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Meaka Bochea Day (Cambodia)
National Cordova Ice Worm Day
National Honey Badger Day
National Missing Persons Day
National Patient Recognition Day
National Trevor Day
National Women Physicians Day
National Women’s Heart Day
Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras)
Number Day
Take a Cruise Day
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
Veterinary Pharmacists Day
Wedding Ring Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Carrot Cake Day
National Carrot Day
1st Friday in February
Bubble Gum Day [1st Friday]
Give Kids a Smile Day [1st Friday]
International Clash Day [1st Friday]
National Black Nurses Day [1st Friday]
National Wear Red Day (a.k.a. Wear It Beat It) [1st Friday]
NSPCC Number Day (UK) [1st Friday]
Pi Mod Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day (Florida) [1st Friday]
Working Naked Day [1st Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day [1st Friday] (Postponed to March 24 in 2023)
Independence Days
Danielland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Keep Watch (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Ansgar (a.k.a. Anskar; Christian; Saint)
Auscharius (Christian; Saint)
Berlinda of Meerbeke (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Christian; Saint) [Blessing of Throats]
Celsa and Nona (Christian; Saint)
Claudine Thévenet (Christian; Saint)
Dom Justo Takayama (Christian; Saint) [Japan, Philippines]
Ewok Day (Pastafarian)
Fiesta de San Blas (Protector of the Harvest; Puerto Rico)
Fukuju no mai (Jimai; Dance of the Seven Gods of Fortune; Japan)
Hadelin (Christian; Saint)
Hickety Pickety (Muppetism)
Margaret of England (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Suyapa (Honduras)
Pagerwesi (Festival to Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe; Bali)
Pokémon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Setsubun (Bean-Throwing Festival; Shinto/Japan)
Theocritus (Positivist; Saint)
Werburgh (a.k.a. Werburghe; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [3 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 57]
Air Force (Film; 1943)
Amapola, by Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (Song; 1941)
Boys on the Side (Film; 1995)
Chronicle (Film; 2012)
Dead Man’s Curve (TV movie; 1978)
Earthling, by David Bowie (Album; 1997)
Fun, Fun, Fun, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Hanna (TV Series; 2019)
The IT Crowd (UK TV Series; 2006)
Jane Eyre (Film; 1944)
La Dolce Vita (Film; 1960)
Santa Clarita Diet (TV Series; 2017)
Society Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (Documentary Film; 2006)
Yield, by Pearl Jam (Album; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Ansgar, Blasius, Oskar (Austria)
Simeon (Bulgaria)
Blaž, Tripun, Vlaho (Croatia)
Blažej (Czech Republic)
Blasius (Denmark)
Hubert, Hugo, Huko (Estonia)
Hugo, Valo (Finland)
Blaise, Nelson, Oscar (France)
Ansgar, Blasius, Michael, Oskar (Germany)
Asimakis, Asimina, Malamati, Simeon, Stamatia, Stamatis (Greece)
Balázs (Hungary)
Biagio (Italy)
Aīda, Ansgars, Ida, Laida (Latvia)
Blažiejus, Oskaras, Radvilas, Radvilė (Lithuania)
Ansgar, Asgeir (Norway)
Błażej, Hipolit, Hipolita, Laurencjusz, Maksym, Oskar, Stefan, Telimena, Uniemysł, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Ana, Simeon (Romania)
Blažej (Slovakia)
Blas, Olivia, Óscar (Spain)
Disa, Hjördis (Sweden)
Simon (Ukraine)
Ansgar, Barclay, Baxter, Blaise,, Blase, Blasia, Blaze, Norma, Norman, Norris (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 34 of 2023; 331 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 13 (Ren-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 12 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 4 Xin; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 January 2023
Moon: 96%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 6 Homer (2nd Month) [Theocritus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 14 of 30)
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Brutal Hearts
A Dark College Romance | A Wicked Empire Standalone
By Jordan Grant
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62746619/
Cover Designer: Maria Spalda
Release Date: January 16, 2023
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
AMAZON – Pre Order
US https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BFM5LC9F/
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Available on Kindle Unlimited
Blogger | Influencer Open Signup: https://forms.gle/rs1GrgrLDjp8WM4g6
— Archie — I was born into an easy life, and I like it that way. Easy money. Easy sex. Easy … every-damn-thing.
But that luxury came with a price, and it’s almost time to pay it.
It’s senior year, my last one of freedom before I inherit the family empire and watch my dad gleefully sail into retirement on the tails of his fifth—sixth? —divorce from my mother.
I’m the golden boy of Arlean University, the first-line running back with so many touchdowns they call me Bring-It-Home Blakely. Men want to be me. Women want to be beneath me.
I do what I want. When I want. To whomever I want. I am revered. Adored. Utterly untouchable. Or so I thought.
A red-headed transfer student with a know-it-all complex and Satan’s temper threatens to ruin my birthright. She saw something she shouldn’t have and stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. Then, she smiled at me when my father introduced her as his fiancé. Game on, future Mrs. Blakely. — Layne —
I have fought for everything I’ve ever had. Food, shelter, safety, life. Twenty-one years ago, I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time to the wrong woman. I learned to survive on my own and to do whatever it takes—beg, borrow, and steal—to stay alive. Every night for as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of vengeance, and no one, especially the god of my new college, will stand in my way.
I don’t believe in gods anyway. I don’t believe in forgiveness either. I believe in blood for blood and pain for pain, and I will make it rain down from my hands in a thunderstorm.
I’ll destroy anyone who stands between me and what’s mine, and I won’t shed a tear while I do. There is no quid pro quo in my world. It’s take it or leave it, all or nothing. Get out of my way, golden boy, or I'll tarnish your gilded armor black before this is over.
Note from the author: Brutal Heartsis a dark enemies-to-lovers, college romance. It features mature themes including an explosive heat level, bullying, and, like my other novels, struggles with mental illness. It is a standalone novel but part of the larger Wicked Empire universe, which follows characters introduced in my Voclain Academy series after they leave high school and enter adulthood. Reading the Voclain Academy series or Vicious Love, the first standalone dark college romance of the Wicked Empire universe, is not required to enjoy this book.
Follow Jordan Here:
WEBSITE https://www.authorjordangrant.com/
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@Jordan Grant @DS Book Promotions
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