#Kate Harper
BATMAN (1989)
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En 1989, Gotham City est contrôlée par le parrain Carl Grissom. En dépit des efforts du fraîchement élu procureur de district Harvey Dent et du commissaire James Gordon, la corruption de la police demeure constante. Le reporter Alexander Knox et la photo-journaliste Vicki Vale commencent à enquêter sur les agissements du justicier habillé en chauve-souris, alors que ce dernier n'est aux yeux des médias et des policiers qu'une rumeur confuse propagée chez les criminels.
Vicki et Alexander parviennent à se faire inviter au Manoir Wayne, où Bruce tombe sous le charme de Vicki. La même nuit, le bras droit du chef de la pègre Carl Grissom, Jack Napier est envoyé faire un cambriolage à l'usine chimique Axis Chemicals. Mais la police reçoit un « tuyau » de Grissom lui-même, qui joue double-jeu et arrive pour l'arrêter ; Jack se rend compte qu'il a été trahi par son patron car il avait une liaison avec l'épouse de ce dernier. Batman arrive en pleine fusillade entre les mafieux et la police. Jack fait feu sur Batman qui évite la balle ; cette dernière ricoche sur un tuyau et atteint le criminel au visage. Blessé et aveuglé par la douleur, il recule et chute d'une plate-forme en hauteur. Il tombe dans une cuve pleine d'acide. Ne le voyant pas réapparaître, Batman le croit mort.
Un peu plus tard, Napier émerge dans une cuve adjacente, défiguré par l'effet des produits. Sa peau est devenue blanche, ses cheveux verts et ses lèvres rouge sang. À la suite d'une intervention chirurgicale, Napier affiche un rictus permanent lui donnant l'air d'un clown sinistre. Il sombre alors dans la folie, devient « le Joker ». Il tue son supérieur et prend le contrôle de son empire criminel avec l'Axis comme quartier général.
Le Joker terrorise la ville de Gotham en empoisonnant chimiquement des produits d’hygiène corporelle vendus en masse. En effet, certaines combinaisons de produits créent une réaction chimique qui force les utilisateurs à rire jusqu'à en mourir, leurs lèvres affichant dans la mort un rictus semblable à celui du Joker.
La lutte de Batman contre le Joker s'intensifie considérablement lorsqu'il se rend compte que c'est ce dernier qui a tué ses parents à Crime Alley : éliminer le Joker devient alors une affaire personnelle à deux niveaux pour lui. En effet, le majordome et confident de Bruce, Alfred Pennyworth, mène Vicki à la Batcave. Elle et Bruce se promettent de vivre ensemble après avoir vaincu le Joker, tandis que celui-ci s'éprend de Vicki.
Batman détruit l'usine de fabrication de produits chimiques du Joker, mais ce dernier organise une parade dans la ville où il attire la population en distribuant 20 millions de faux billets de banque. Son but caché est d’empoisonner les citoyens avec son gaz mortel « Hilarex », mais Batman fait échouer ses plans. Le Joker enlève Vicki et l'emmène au sommet de la cathédrale de la ville.
Le chevalier noir combat le Joker pour sauver Vicki Vale. Mais les deux ennemis jurés finissent par se rendre compte qu'ils sont indirectement responsables de la création de leurs personnages respectifs. Après une violente altercation, le prince du crime tente de s'enfuir en hélicoptère, laissant le justicier masqué et sa promise suspendus dans le vide. Cependant, Batman le neutralise en lui accrochant une gargouille à la jambe avec le Bat-Grappin. Incapable de s'en défaire, le Joker chute et meurt sur le parvis du bâtiment.
À la suite de cela, Harvey Dent lit au public une lettre laissée par Batman, expliquant qu'il défendra Gotham contre le crime à l'avenir. Pour le contacter, Batman a laissé à la police de Gotham City un projecteur nommé « Bat-Signal ».
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bestwwquote · 3 months
Welcome to Best Quote from The West Wing!
Inspired by all the polls about best quotes from different media/hottest actors from different media I wanted to do one for one of my favourite pieces of media The West Wing.
1. It has to be a quote. There are some great unsaid moments but the competition is 'best quote' so it needs to be something someone said.
2. It can only come from the TV show 'The West Wing' that aired from 1999 to 2007. Interviews are not allowed, and anything from 'A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote' that was NOT already in the episode 'Hartsfields Landing' doesn't count.
3. Yeah I already have the end of 'Two Cathedrals' in here.
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unseenacademic · 25 days
Summary: Abbey Bartlet invites the Ladies of the Bartlet Administration to a Sunday brunch, but Millicent Griffith has doubts about her friend's intentions.
Features a lot of gossip, some well-intentioned meddling and Millicent Griffith, the S(t)urgeon General 💜💜
Written for the 2024 TBW Summer of Spins challenge.
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fadeouttowhispers · 9 months
Fandom: The West Wing Relationship(s): Everyone & Everyone, CJ/Danny, Jed/Abbey, Zoey/Charlie, Josh/Donna, Jed & CJ, CJ & Donna, Danny & Josh, etc. Word Count: 16894 words Genre/Tags: Season 7, Romance, Secret Relationship, New Year's Eve, Family Feels, Hints of Future Canonical Angst Summary: When Abigail Bartlet comes into the Oval Office as you are talking to the President and announces that it’s time to stop working for a (half) day and bid a proper farewell to the year, you listen. A New Year's Eve party, with lots of food, hijinks, and random trivia courtesy of the President. Originally Posted: 22 December 2023 (Collection revealed on Dec 24th)
My gift fic to @onekisstotakewithme for the 2023 TBW Holiday Fic Exchange. Go read everyone's amazing stories 💜
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twwpress · 1 year
Weekly Press Briefing #66: September 24th - 30th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from September 24 - September 30, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@callixton hosted The West Wing Pride Week (@twwpride here on tumblr) September 17 - 23. More details here, and you can check out the AO3 collection here! 
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 2: Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc aired on September 29, 1999.
Season 4, Episode 1: 20 Hours in America Part I aired on September 25, 2002.
Season 4, Episode 2: 20 Hours in America Part II aired on September 25, 2002.
Season 5, Episode 1: 7A WF 83429 aired on September 24, 2003.
Season 7, Episode 1: The Ticket aired on September 25, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from September 24 - September 30:
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of his wife Amy Landecker along with a sweet message for her birthday. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself with her daughters in honor of National Daughters Day. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself and her sister getting their hair done together over FaceTime. 
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself with her sons in honor of National Sons Day. 
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself out on the ice for an NHL game. 
Rob Lowe posted a throwback photo of him swimming underwater in the ocean. 
Donna Moss Daily: September 24 | September 25 | September 26 | September 27 | September 28 | September 29 | September 30
Daily Josh Lyman: September 24 | September 25 | September 26 | September 27 | September 28 | September 29 | September 30
No Context BWhit:  September 24 | September 25 | September 26 | September 27 | September 28 | September 29 | September 30
@twwarchive: September 24 | September 25 | September 26 | September 27 | September 28 | September 29 | September 30
@bestofcjtoby: September 24
Editors’ Choice: 
Because it premiered this week in 2005, we’re rounding up some of our favorite fics that take place during or after the events of The Ticket (Season 7, Episode 1). 
I don't wanna miss you like this (come back... be here) by WitchyPrentiss | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | This starts as the part in the rom-com where everything feels like it won’t end up okay and some sad song is playing as the leads go about their lives without each other - but bare with me because every rom-com has a happy ending. Post the ticket, pre the Al Smith dinner Title: Come Back Be Here by Taylor Swift
As Swords Go by thefinestmuffins | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | After his disaster interview with Donna, Josh gets some advice from Leo and does his best to makes amends with the help of emotional vulnerability and Chinese takeout. Post-Ep Fix-It for The Ticket
see right through me by itwasit | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Lou shoves him into the room with her and he’s not prepared. He doesn’t have his folder full of her quotes to remind him of why he can’t miss her. He doesn’t have his memories prepared, in the front of his mind, of the specific ways her leaving hurt.
taylor swift song fic (josh's version) (the archer)
Spoiling for a Fight at Midnight by LizaCameron | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh and Donna finally fight it out, post The Ticket
You're Gonna Die Bloody (and All You Can Do is Choose Where) by onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta, Luppiters, hondagirll | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg  | Complete | The hearings will turn over every rock in her life, every email, every phone call – and of course they’ll see Danny’s name – but she can’t drag him down any further. 
Chianti by TheBreakfastGenie | Rated G | Josh Lyman & Toby Ziegler, C. J. Cregg & Toby Ziegler,Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete | The bag hits the ground with her, and the bottle breaks, spilling dark wine all over the driveway. He stares at the dark liquid spreading over the ground, staining the ice. It’s more purple than red, but it might as well be blood. make
an honest stand by jazzjo | Rated G | C. J. Cregg/Kate Harper | Complete | Oliver Babish asks her, once, then again after a dizzying go-around, if she trusts Kate. She does; she trusts Kate Harper with her life.
Please hold while we reblog with this week's fics!
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my bestie @theangelshavethephonebooth proposed this and i'm in love with the concept:
Kate and Will hooking up at Camp David before the peace summit ✨
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hotchkissroyale · 1 year
You Can't Leave (TWW Fanfic)
You Can't Leave: F/M, Will/Kate. Will and Kate are stuck at a state dinner where they don't know the language. Will tries to leave, Kate convinces him to stay.
He started to push his chair back. “I’m going to get some air.” Kate’s arm caught him on the wrist before he could move, pinning him like a vice. She shook her head almost imperceptibly, her eyes boring a hole into him that felt bone-deep. “You can’t leave.”
As with my previous post, this was written from @twwpress Wheel of Destiny Drabble Challenge. My prompts were: Season 7, Trapped Together, and a state dinner.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'LONG before Cillian Murphy there was Sam Waterston, and long before Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer there was Peter Goodchild’s Oppenheimer (BBC4, Friday), which is being reshown for the first time in decades.
Goodchild, who was interviewed by Variety last month to coincide with the film’s release, started his BBC producing career in radio drama and later moved to television with the science documentary series Horizon.
When Horizon diversified into science docudramas in the 1970s, Goodchild, who holds a chemistry degree, got to combine his two interests in a successful series about Marie Curie.
It was his idea to make a seven-part miniseries about J Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, played by Waterston. First shown on BBC2 in 1980, Oppenheimer was a big hit with viewers and critics, winning three Bafta awards. It also garnered Emmy and Golden Globe nominations after it was shown on PBS in the United States.
The budget of £1.5m (about €7.5m today) – 90pc of it coming from the BBC, the rest from WGBH Boston – might seem like a grain of New Mexico sand compared with the £100m price tag of Nolan’s Imax epic.
Back then, however, it was a huge spend for a British drama.
A huge physical production, too, with scrupulous attention to detail. For maximum authenticity, Goodchild, now 83, told Variety, the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory was recreated on a purpose-built set in Colorado Springs, complete with water tower and replica bomb.
The supporting cast was made up almost entirely of American actors based in Britain.
Two notable exceptions were future Poirot star David Suchet as the excitable, voluble Hungarian physicist Edward Teller and Edward Hardwicke (Dr Watson to Jeremy Brett’s Sherlock Holmes) as his Italian colleague Enrico Fermi.
Viewers who have grown used to watching even modestly budgeted dramas shot on HD video that mimics celluloid film may find the switch from Oppenheimer’s interior scenes, which were mostly shot on videotape in a studio in the UK, to the ones shot on film in America a little jarring at first.
But the story is so engrossing you cease to be aware of the contrast after a while.
What’s remarkable is how well Oppenheimer, which was written by Peter Prince and directed by Barry Davis, holds up 43 years later.
There’s none of the slowness or staginess you sometimes see in dramas from the period. Friday’s opening two episodes positively zipped by.
They spanned the years 1938, when Oppenheimer was at the University of Berkley, to 1942, when Lieutenant General Leslie Groves (Manning Redwood), ignoring warnings about Oppenheimer’s long associations with active communists and championing of left-wing causes, put him in charge of the Manhattan Project, which was to be housed in a high-security facility in Los Alamos.
Waterston, just four years ahead of his best actor Oscar nomination for playing Siydney Schanberg in The Killing Fields, is fantastic as Oppenheimer.
You can see why the BBC was prepared to pay him well above the normal rate for appearing in one of its dramas and to put him up in a luxury hotel during filming.
He conveys Oppenheimer’s charisma, intelligence, brilliance and charm, especially to women.
But we also see his ruthlessness and arrogance.
When we meet him, he’s romantically involved with psychiatrist and communist Jean Tatlock (Kate Harper), who suffered from clinical depression (she died by suicide in 1944), yet thinks nothing of casting her aside when he sets eyes on his future wife Kitty Puening (Jana Shelden), who at that time is married to someone else.
They tumble into an affair. In one particularly cruel moment, he humiliates Jean by turning up at a dinner party at her home with Kitty on his arm.
Even at this stage, the seeds of Oppenheimer’s downfall are being sown. Naively unconcerned about the dangers of having communist friends, he doesn’t realise he’s already under FBI surveillance.
A terrific drama from a far more creative age of TV.'
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heyyallitssatan · 4 months
I like to think that Batman’s suit is really heavy
Like, the thing obviously Kevlar weave, with lots of armour reinforced bits, not to mention all of the gear and gadgets and tools he has on his person, I mean, anything he’s ever thought he may need, anything he’s been mid fight thinking that a particular tool would be useful, he has it somewhere, probably a few of them
And all the kids too, they’re equally equipped even if they don’t necessarily look it
So I like to imagine that some of the heroes decided they should do a costume switch for fun
The bats agreed, and the best part wasn’t them being weirded out like they thought they’d be, unmasked and all that, no, they couldn’t care less, instead everyone else is freaking out about how heavy the bats costumes are
How the hell do they do impossible feats of acrobatics wearing shit like this
Even the supers think it’s excessive, and they have super strength
The bats all take the opportunity to try some of their moves without the weight, given that they work out wearing even more weight
Turns out they can flip and jump and move in even more insane ways than anyone thought possible and everyone is more terrified than they were a few minutes ago
Everyone decides the bats are better with their gadgets
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
How small must the world be for both Bruce and Tim to witness John and Mary Grayson's deaths
Or for 10-year-old Duke to crack the Riddler's puzzle before Batman swoops in and saves the day, long before his powers came into play
Or for Sheila Haywood to leave her son only to end up assisting his killer a decade and a half later
Not to mention the popular fanon concept of Jason knowing baby Damian in the League of Assassins
Now imagine how many other invisible strings could've tied them together
Like what if Tim and Jason went to the same school when Jason was Robin but all they shared was the occasional bump and "excuse me" in the busy halls
Or what if Babs was a tutor and helped an elementary-aged Steph finally understand her homework only for the Browns to cancel after a couple sessions because they couldn't afford it
What if the first person to buy Cass a hot meal was Kate on one of her travels
What if Alfred witnessed young Selina shoplifting groceries but chose to turn a blind eye
What if Jason lived on the same streets as the Row siblings and gave little Harper tips on how to use tools and defend her brother
What if Steph and Duke shared the same school bus, only he sat in the front while she was toward the back
What if the first person to teach Tim how to tie his shoes was Bruce at a gala because Jack and Janet were busy talking to someone important
What if Bette did a DNA test for fun and found a connection in Nanda Parbat but just assumed the results was faulty because she knew her whole family, right?
What if 8-year-old Dick, the day before his parents died, stayed at a cheap hotel near Crime Alley and found 4-year-old Jason wandering alone and said, "I'll be your big brother for tonight"
What if the universe knew they were made for each other and wouldn't rest until they realized it too
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wise-blue-cookies · 3 months
All members of the batfam share their taste in partners -
Goddess like dangerous knife woman who u wish to have ur neck snapped between their thighs
Pathetic mew mew men
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garpen · 3 months
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PT. 3
Dick won the fight. Bruce won the bet.
<<Part Two<< Master List >>Part Four>>
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ahfrickenfrick · 3 months
how many times have any of the batmembers had to come up to leslie and been like ‘hey got into a fight with a bat from the cave’
and she sighs and ask which family member only to realize they lost against a literal bat and need 12 different shots
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helmstone · 1 year
Oppenheimer comes to iPlayer (not that one!)
Oppenheimer comes to iPlayer (not that one!)
Not the Cillian Murphy film, but the BBC’s own 1980 series of Oppenheimer is now available to watch on iPlayer. The series stars Sam Waterston as atomic bomb creator J. Robert Oppenheimer. The Bafta-winning seven-part series originally aired on the BBC in 1980. Waterson plays the titular scientist as he leads the weapons laboratory of the Manhattan Project, all the while under constant…
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
“The president’s dead.” ~ Three weeks before Inauguration, things appear to be running smoothly. Transition is going (mostly) well, Kazakhstan is (mostly) stable, and CJ is (mostly) happy with how things are going with Danny. Everything is taken care of. And then former president Gerald Ford dies.
Chapter: 2/12
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Selina becoming Batwoman: Good AU. I like it. Cool.
But there's already a Batwoman.
So when Selina and Bruce marry: Bruce becomes Catman.
The entire Batfamily rebrands.
Dick becomes Calico. The multicolored patterns remind him of the original bright Robin colors.
Kate becomes the Lioness. Bette joins her as Lionette (a play on the word Lionet, a word for a baby lion)
Cass becomes the Black Panther. No ones sure how but she gets even more stealthy.
Tim becomes the Abyssian. (Reference to the Brown Color, like the Drake suit, and how they're supposedly the smartest breed of domestic cat)
Jason becomes the Blue Tiger. It's a cryptid, and no one's sure it ever existed, much like how no one's sure how Jason came back to life. There's some mythology to it, which I think ties in to Jason having some magic.
Damian becomes Leopard. The perfect predator, an opportunistic hunter that strikes from the shadows. (Plus they look like kitties...)
Babs becomes the Catseye. She sees everything, in an almost supernatural way, to outsiders.
Duke becomes Snow Leopard. 1. It's a Leopard, signifying his love for Robin in the first place. And the bright white is similar to his bright yellow, both a juxtaposition to the Batfam (Catfam)'s darkness. It also stands out in another way. Snow Leopards live in the icy tundra, much different than the greenery and savannas of other big cats. Similar to Duke's powers being a stark contrast.
Steph becomes the Pink Panther, but still wears Purple. She pretends she thinks its pink. Just to be silly, and annoy goons.
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