#Good Omens x reader
strangesthirdeye · 6 months
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We could have been a bus
I 'honk honk' you
Don't 'honk honk'
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Crowley: It just doesn’t make sense!
Child!Y/N: *clearly having spent too much time around him and starting to develop his sarcasm* It would if you were smarter
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Imagine. . .
You're falling asleep in Aziraphale's bookshop, feeling warm and safe and spread out over a sofa. There's rain gently tapping against the windows, and it's dark outside. The warm glow of the shop's lighting and the smell of old books surround you as you doze off. Aziraphale has a record softly playing in the background as he's lightly stirring his cup of tea while humming to himself. You know he's sitting at his desk even with your eyes closed because you have the layout of the shop already mapped out in your head. You're nearly in dreamland when you feel a blanket being placed gingerly over you, up to your chin, a slender finger accidentally brushes your cheek while tucking you in. Definitely Crowley.
"Have a dream," he mumbles, mostly to himself, because he can't afford to say 'nice' or 'pleasant'.
You're not sure if you imagine it, but you could've sworn you felt a hand gently brushing a hair out of your face before you completely fall asleep, Aziraphale's humming one of the last things you remember before your consciousness slips.
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buryustogether · 10 months
thinking about the difference between crowley and aziraphale eating you out.
az practically worships you like his god he is so obedient for, murmuring praises against your trembling thighs as he presses gentle kisses to your clit. he caresses your hips like they were made for him, like art he’s spent a century trying to find, and gently coaxes your orgasm out of you like a lullaby through the dark.
crowley, on the other hand, eats you out like hell is coming to drag him back down when he’s done. he devours you. leaves nothing behind. he’ll suck on your clit until he’s got you crying his name. he’ll grip your hips so hard there will be bruised in the shape of his hands. he’ll plunge his forked tongue into you and hum against your cunt, lapping up everything your orgasm gives him — and more, until you’re quite literally pushing his head away from the overstimulation.
and don’t even get me started on the pair of them together.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 11 months
Softly now - Good Omens
Summary: Your anxiety has been raging all day, one accident at home makes you snap.
Warnings: Anxiety, depression, panic attack, anxiety attack, angst, crying, blood/wound.
Pairing: Ineffable husbands x Human!reader.
Word count: 1,674.
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To say today had been challenging was an understatement. Nothing particularly bad had happened. The mix of work and anxiety had me in a spiral, wanting to go home and curl up away from the world. After finishing my shift, I trudged home in the pouring rain, the sound of droplets on my hood keeping me grounded. I knew Crowley wouldn't have had any issue picking me up but it felt like a burden and my head was telling me he'd be annoyed if I asked. So I settled for the walk in the dingy weather.
Dodging puddles, I yanked my coat collar around my throat, shivering as raindrops trickled down my face, leaving tear-like streaks on my cheeks. Luckily the bag containing my laptop and books had been miracled by Aziraphale to stay waterproof and protected by any weather. Despite the calm look on my face, the bustle and noise of the streets had my eyes darting around. My heart thundered in my chest as the bookshop came into view, looking as beautiful as ever. I sped up, gasping as people barged into me in their rush.
With clenched, freezing hands, I shoved open the heavy wooden door and huffed out a sigh, slamming it behind me and locking out the world. My forehead reacted against the hardwood as I flipped the sign to 'closed'. I knew nobody would be in the shop, especially if Aziraphale had anything to do with it.
After a few minutes of unmoving silence, I wandered to the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. A good cup of tea made everything better. There was no sign of the angel or demon as I walked through our home so I settled for one cup. Moving around the familiar space, my mind zoned out and I was set on autopilot.
I jumped out of my head as the sound of shattering filled the room. Shards of delicate, precious china scattered over the floor the beautiful flower pattern ruined. Anger and irritation flooded through me as I glared at the mess. Tears gathered in my eyes as I rushed to clean it, guilt crawling up my spine.
With trembling hands, I gathered some of the shards together to throw them away whilst trying to ignore the feeling rising man my throat.
"Love, let me take that from you." I froze as the Angel's voice floated through the silence. I hadn't even noticed him arrive home. With a quick shake of my head, I walked to the bin to throw them away but flinched as a large shard sliced my palm.
"Oh Y/N, you've cut your hand now." He tutted, reprimanding my stubbornness but I couldn't look at him. Instead, I trudged to the sink, rinsing the gash with a hiss and wrapping it in a towel. A warm hand rested against my icy shoulder as I watched the blood run down the drain.
"Darling, you need to let us help you." Crowley followed not far behind the angel with a disapproving look on his slender face. I watched silently as he unwrapped the bloody towel and grabbed the first aid kit to clean it properly. By this point, Aziraphale had cleaned up the remainder of the cup and droplets of blood from the tiles.
"You should really be more careful Love," The angel stood making hot chocolate, concern painting his face. I nodded silently, biting back a sob as tears filled my eyes. My chest began to heave as the demon bandaged my palm.
Only when a tear splashed on his hand did he realise the streaks on my face and the heads of my breaths as my good hand clutched the countertop, knuckles turning white. I stared straight ahead at his jacket, frustrated with myself. I squeezed my eyes shut, begging the tears to stop but it only worsened as waves of anxiety and guilt crashed over me.
Crowley caught me by my elbows to steady me as the first sobs escaped, swaying as my senses erupted with overstimulation. With ringing ears, I tried to listen as he spoke but words seemed to bleed into each other.
The only clear sound was my wails and whimpers as I tried to breathe, the room closing on me. Embarrassment filled me as I clawed at Crowley's chest, pulling him as close as physically possible so I didn't feel like I was sinking. Slender fingers passed me to chubbier ones as the blur of beige of Aziraphale's jacket came into view.
"Softly now, Love," he whispered into my ear. My breath caught in my throat as I cried into his chest which I had all but fallen into. The hum of his voice vibrated through my body as his fingers traced patterns on my back, the other hand smoothing down my hair. I couldn't help but feel bad for cuddling him when he was warm and soft and I was cold and soaked but he didn't seem to mind.
Warmth flowed over me and I looked down to find myself in Crowley's black sweater and Aziraphale tartan pyjama pants. I hummed thanks to the angel as my sobs died down into silent tears and hiccups. I clenched my fingers into his waistcoat, knees trembling and head pounding with such ferocity that I felt nauseous.
"Now, Love, whatever managed to get you in this state?" His voice was gentle, ringing softly in my ear, the definition of angelic.
"Rough day is all." My voice was exhausted and small as I muttered against his chest.
"Did something happen, Darling?" I shook my head, taking note of the pissed-off tone in his voice. "You know I'll be the first to punish them if you need me to."
"Nothing happened, 'just been a bad day." I drew patterns on his chest. "All day I've had this niggling feeling in my chest and small things have built up and then when the cup smashed it was just the last straw." I trailed off, new tears dripping off my cheeks. "Didn't mean to break it Azira, just lost focus and-" His soft hushing cut me off as his fingers scratched gently at my scalp.
"You don't need to apologise, Love, as long as your okay." The relief that overtook my system was ridiculously strong and deep down I knew he wasn't really fussed about the cup but I needed to hear it. "It's just a cup. It is replaceable whereas you are not." I dismissed the flush on my cheeks as I pulled away from his chest, looking up at him. Sparkling blue eyes stared down at me with a soft smile as I rubbed my thumb over his cheek.
"Why don't we go and get comfortable whilst our angel finishes that drink, Darling?" I nodded, pressing a kiss to Aziraphale's cheek before taking Crowley's hand and following him to the bedroom.
Flinging his sunglasses on the bedside table, he sat on the edge of the bed. Serpent eyes looked up at me expectantly and though I tried to stop it, my bottom lip trembled. His arms stretched open for me and I fell into them with a cry of anguish.
His slender arms wrapped my legs around him so we were chest to chest, hands holding me tightly around him as I cried into his neck. My cry in the kitchen had been one Of pain, panic, anger and frustration at myself and the world. But this one was relief, pent-up emotion and overwhelming gratitude to my two celestials. I let myself into him, neither of us paying mind to my echoing wails or the tears that soaked his collar. Not even the way my cries shook both of our bodies.
Somehow, none of these things annoyed the demon who merely dismissed it for comforting me. Once I settled down, I lay boneless against him, head on his shoulder and body slouching whilst I caught my breath. I shifted my head to look up at him with puffy, tired eyes. My shaking hand rubbed his cheek, thumb grazing his cheekbone as he smiled down at me, letting his eyes flutter shut.
The shuffle of slippers at the door brought us back to reality but I didn't want to shift. Three steaming cups were placed on the nightstand before the bed dipped beside us.
"Feeling any better Darling?" The softness in the demon's voice caught me off guard for a second. I hummed out a yes, not having the energy for a better response, blinking tiredly as the world finally slowed down.
"Let's hop into bed whilst Crowley gets changed, Love." I nodded, crawling off his lap and flopping dramatically in the middle of the bed, beside a pyjama-clad angel. The fresh hot chocolate was placed in my hands once I sat up. I smiled as the heat seeped into my skin, sighing in delight as the sweet liquid ran down my throat. The two chuckled and Crowley climbed in beside me, gulping down his drink, mostly to appease Azira. The heat didn't bother him, it had no effect against hellfire.
A comfortable silence filled the room as we finished our drinks, basking in each other's company for a few moments. Rather quickly my eyes began to feel heavier. The cup was slipped from my grasp as I wiggled down under the covers, Crowley pressed reassuringly against my back.
"Hey Azira," I whispered, tapping his shoulder hesitantly. "Will you read to me?" The uncertainty dissipated immediately when he broke out in a smile and miracled a book with the flourish of his hand.
"It would be my pleasure, Love, do cuddle down and relax." The three of us got comfortable and I held Crowley's hand that draped over my waist as Aziraphale's voice floated to my ears, and the story began.
All three of us knew I wouldn't last long but he still happily read, knowing it would calm me and I might rest properly. And rightfully so, writhing minutes I had drifted off beside my two favourite beings.
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Imagine Aziraphale finding you and Crowley fuming at one another…
The doorbell of the bookstore sang into the air with a delightful sound as the owner had returned from his trip alone. There was a sigh of content and homeliness as Aziraphale stepped deeper into the room. He took in the sight, noticing a few stray papers and misplaced books but they were all minor corrections.
Turning to his desk, he saw the trusted pair who he had left in charge - one on the chair and the other leaning against a shelf.
“So, how was your time bonding while I was away?” Aziraphale wondered ever so curiously with an excitable lilt to his voice. His adventure had been a silent plot to enhance coorporation between his two friends who had gotten off on the wrong foot and continued down the road.
Without wasting a second, you cast a finger of accusation to the demon lounging on the chair.
“He poisoned me!”
Aziraphale turned to Crowley immediately to hear the explanation but the demon merely waved his glass of alcohol in the air.
“I did not poison you. Not intentionally anyway. It was more of an accidental poisoning.” He more-or-less confessed.
“Oh, Crowley.” The disappointment in the angels voice wasn’t hidden. He had genuinely hoped that the two would have found some common ground to build a steady foundation for trust in his absence.
The angel’s tone struck a chord with the red-haired being who cast an equally accusing finger at his opposition.
“Y/n wouldn’t have been poisoned if they knew not to touch my things.”
You scoffed and crossed your arms. “Oh, please. You’ve been secretly plotting to write me out of this story ever since I foiled your plans of uncontrollable flooding and created the Niagra Falls all those years ago.”
“I’ve been plotting to write you out from the day we met. Believe me.” Crowley sneered back.
“And for what? To have Aziraphale’s undivided attention?”
The book-loving angel felt his face flush at the mention of a battle for his affection. The giddiness swept over his halo allowing him to revel in the feeling until he remembered the heat in the air almost starting to be reminiscent of ‘downstairs’.
“Now, now. I enjoy the company of you both but now I fear leaving you alone for a few seconds. Is it really so difficult to find common interests?”
You and Crowley turned away and looked around the room, pondering an answer. Surely there must have been one thing that you both could agree on?
“We didn’t kill each other while you were out?” Crowley offered.
You snapped your fingers and nodded.
Aziraphale hummed sceptically. “It’s not quite what I was going for but I’ll allow it.”
~ More imagines here ~
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lokischickadee · 4 months
So I just watched Good Omens season 2 and I am not ok 😭😭
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(gif was on Google)
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an-angel2u · 7 months
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just realized anon asks weren’t allowed, it’s fixed!! send in your request!! >_O
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bi-bard · 1 year
The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted" - Aziraphale & Crowley Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted"
Pairing: Aziraphale & Crowley X Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 2,071 words
Warning(s): headache, mention of break-up
Summary: In which a struggling college student stumbles upon a demon and an angel, who agree to help in any way they can.
Author's Note: to celebrate the announcement of the release date... and give a little comfort to those who are having a rough time in college right now.
I had gone to that small bookshop for something to work on a paper.
I had been looking for it online, but nothing was affordable. My best option was going to be to find a small bookshop that didn't charge as much. I simply had my fingers crossed that it would work out.
I must've been walking around with my eyebrows furrowed for a little while because a man walked up to me. He was wearing a beige suit with a-little-too-perfectly white hair. He seemed friendly enough though.
"Can I help you find something," he asked. I paused for a moment. "Sorry, I'm the owner. I can tell you where everything is."
"Oh, okay," I chuckled. I pointed at a part of my paper where my potential sources had been scribbled down. "Um, yes. I'm looking for this... it's for a school paper."
"I see..." he muttered. "Wait here."
I nodded.
I watched him walk behind a set of shelves. There was maybe a minute of waiting before the man walked out again with the book in his hands.
"Oh, you are a lifesaver," I said excitedly. "Thank you! How much?"
He hesitated, staring at the book. As if he grabbed it without thinking about it but now was realizing that he was going to have to part with it.
"How about a deal," he offered after a few moments. "Once you're done with your paper, bring it back here in largely the same condition. No charge and you have no additional clutter to take up space in your home."
I grinned. "Sounds like a deal."
"Well, then, I wish you luck on your paper," he handed me the book
"Thank you," I said. I only took a few steps toward the door before stopping. "I didn't get your name."
He hesitated for a moment before replying, "A.Z. Fell."
"Oh, I thought... Sorry, I assumed this place had been open for a while, so I thought the name on the front was your father or something."
"Afraid not."
"Well, thank you again. I'll see you in a few days."
Which I did.
A few days later, my paper was done, and I walked back into the little bookshop.
"Mr. Fell," I called.
He rounded the corner. "You're back."
"I'm here to return your book," I held up the book as evidence. "Perfect condition."
"Thank you so much," he said as he grabbed it from me. "I hope you get a good grade on that paper of yours."
"Me too," I chuckled. "In all honestly, I don't think I've read it without just a little more of my brain frying."
"Oh no," he mumbled. "I... I could read it over for you. If that would help, of course. I won't force you to give me your paper."
"I... I can't ask you to do that."
"Well, that's precisely why I'm offering," he grinned at me.
I grinned back. "Okay. When would you like me to bring it by?"
"Do you have time now?"
"Um, yeah, sure."
"Here," he led me into a corner of the shop with a small table. "You get your paper put together and I'll make us some tea."
"Okay," I nodded.
As he walked out, I sat down and unzipped my bag, grabbing the binder that held my paper. I also grabbed a red pen just so it was more convenient.
When he came back, he placed a mug in front of me. I grinned and thanked him.
"You can go find a book to enjoy if you'd rather that than watch me read..." he looked at the paper in front of him. "(Y/n)."
"Thank you."
I took his advice. I took the mug of tea and started pacing around the collection of books. I was scanning the spines of the books when the doors of the shop slammed open.
I jumped at the sound, looking over at whoever had stormed in. Another man, dressed in all black, sunglasses sitting on his face.
"Who are you?"
"(Y/n)," I said. "Who are you?"
"I have told you to not run in here shouting like that," Mr. Fell walked out of the corner that he had been hiding in.
"Who is this," the other man pointed at me.
"I just told you my name," I replied.
"How am I meant to trust you?"
"Why would I lie about my name?"
"Don't know, you tell me-"
"Stop it," Mr. Fell cut him off. "This is (Y/n). I am reading over a paper that they wrote for school."
"Because it's kind," he turned back to me. "(Y/n), this is... Anthony."
"Nice to meet you," I nodded to Anthony.
"Yeah, you too," he muttered, barely paying me any mind as he spoke to Mr. Fell. "We need to talk."
"I am busy-"
"Do I look like I care?"
"I can come back later," I spoke up.
"No, no, please, I promised to read your paper," Mr. Fell stopped me. "Anthony will simply have to wait."
"Excuse me," Anthony snapped.
"You heard me perfectly well," Mr. Fell mumbled. "Please, stay. I'll finish this paper."
Anthony glared at me as Mr. Fell turned around and went back to the table he had been sitting at.
If you had told me that day that the little bookshop was going to become such a place of comfort for me, then I am not sure that I would have believed you.
But it did.
I continued going to that little shop whenever I had the time. I would study, read, or just help with whatever I could help with. Mr. Fell was not a fan of me doing "so much" work around the shop, but I insisted. He had given me a safe space. The least that I could do was help him maintain it.
I grew closer to him as time went on. I even grew closer to Anthony.
Or Crowley, as I soon learned.
I still chuckled from time to time over how they told me their real names. I had been sitting at the table, scribbling notes for one of my courses.
They both stood in front of me silently until I noticed them. I raised an eyebrow at them. That's when they confessed that their names were fake.
When they told me their real names, I felt bad for chuckling. They both looked a bit confused.
"I'm sorry, but... your fake name just used your real name as a last name," I pointed to Crowley and then to Aziraphale. "And yours was your real name with a couple of letters taken out."
"Alright, we get it," Crowley grumbled.
"Thank you for telling me," I added. "I mean it."
"You're welcome," Aziraphale replied. Crowley didn't say the same until Aziraphale looked over at him with a somewhat grumpy look.
The three of us were only closer after that.
It was nice. Having that small support group that I could turn to.
Aziraphale was always ready to help. As soon as I opened the door of the shop, he was ready for whatever assistance I asked for. A hug, an extra set of eyes on an assignment, a quiet place to read a new book.
Crowley acted cold, but I could tell that he cared.
I came in one day with one of the worst headaches I had ever experienced. Aziraphale was gone, but Crowley had been waiting for him. I walked into the building with the heels of my hands pressed into my eyes. After grumpily explaining what was happening, I walked off to put my bag down and hide in the corner.
He waited for a moment before following me.
"Come here," he said.
"What," I asked.
"Come here," he repeated, holding his arms open.
I kept my eyebrows furrowed as I stepped forward. Once I was close enough to him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward into a hug.
"Oh," I mumbled before slowly hugging him back. "This is nice."
"Don't call me that."
I chuckled. "I didn't call you nice."
"Oh...," he muttered. "Well... don't get any clever ideas."
"Yeah, sure, whatever you want, Crowley."
I closed my eyes for a minute, holding onto him a little tighter.
I don't know what happened, but I could feel my headache slowly fading away as we hugged. It felt like it was there one minute and gone the next. I let out a sharp breath when it was gone. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my head.
"Thank you," I said after a while.
"Yeah, whatever."
That may have been the closest I ever got to a you're welcome with him and I was okay with that. For the time being.
I don't know if I truly realized how much Crowley and Aziraphale cared for me until I walked in crying.
I felt like a child. I was crying as I walked down the sidewalk.
When I made it to the shop, I almost sprinted inside.
Aziraphale jumped at the force I used to open the door. Any scolding died as soon as he saw me.
"Oh, dear," he muttered, walking over to me. "What happened to you?"
He pulled me into a hug as I cried. I hid my face in his shoulder, clinging to his suit a bit as I did. I saw Crowley walk out from around the corner.
"What's going on," he asked.
I stepped back. I went to speak but nothing came out.
"Come on," Aziraphale guided me to my normal corner, guiding me to sit down. I dropped my bag on the floor and wiped my eyes. "Take your time."
Crowley sat in the spot next to me while Aziraphale stayed standing.
"There's... There's this guy," I explained. "I... We were seeing each other for a little while. We went on a few dates. I thought... I thought it was going well. And then, he just... changed. And he sent me this."
I tossed my unlocked phone on the table. Aziraphale grabbed it first. I heard a disgusted sound escape him.
"That is just... despicable," he muttered, placing the phone down.
Crowley reached out and grabbed the phone. I saw his face twist in disgust as a reaction.
"I think he sounds like a waste of time," he said as he placed my phone down. "It's stupid to waste an ounce more of your time on him."
"Crowley!" Aziraphale was fast to scold him.
"Now is not the time to insult (Y/n) about their relationship!"
"I'm not! I'm only insulting them if they decide to spend any more time on this person. What I did was just an example of bluntness."
Aziraphale gave Crowley a look before turning back to me with a soft grin. "I am going to make you some tea. You just relax. And Crowley..."
Crowley smirked at him, an eyebrow raised.
"Be nice."
"I am not nice."
"Well, maybe now is a good time to try."
Aziraphale turned around and walked away from the pair of us.
There was a pause between the pair of us before I could speak up.
"Do you actually think that I'm stupid for wasting time on this guy," I asked quietly.
Crowley let out a sigh as he sat up a little bit straighter, tilting his head so he was looking me in the eye. "Not as stupid as he was for leaving you."
I felt a grin form on my face. He leaned over and kissed my head before standing up.
"I'm going to get you something a little stronger than tea."
"I don't drink-"
"And I clearly meant chocolate."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Thank you, Crowley."
"You're welcome."
He walked out of the little nook in the corner.
As he did, I leaned my head on my folded arms on the table. I felt my eyes slowly shutting. I felt bad because of what the pair were off doing, but I couldn't help it. It had just been such a long day. I couldn't help it.
As my blinking got slower and slower, I found myself thinking about how lucky I was to be in that situation.
I had never felt as safe as I was when I spent time in that little bookshop.
I would never be able to thank Crowley and Aziraphale for that.
But I would never stop trying to do so.
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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raz-writes-the-thing · 2 months
These Old Things (Gomens Drabble)
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Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Crowley has a bit of a self-revelation when his wings pop out upon seeing you.
Fic type: romantic fluff.
EVERYTHING: @winchxters
GOMENS: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 @florduarte @complimentary-breadbasket @thekirbishow @jaziona92 @slightlymediocree @strwbrrfd @paper-and-stardust (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Crowley didn't even realise it at first. He was so busy watching you. You- so perfectly human. So perfectly ordinary. You weren't even doing anything super out there either- you were just... out on your balcony watering a plant.
And yet to Crowley, a demon of Hell and a fallen angel, you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. How could you not be, really?
When you turn around, Crowley's worried he's about to get whisked away by some horrifying Hell-beast sent to drag him back down under and no, he doesn't mean Australia. Although sometimes he had to wonder if Australia wasn't some elaborately planned prank to poorly imitate Hell. But that was a different question.
Anyway, where was he? Oh, yes, when you turned around and made eye contact with him, Crowley thought that given the look on your face, maybe Hastur had somehow made a triumphant return. That would have been less than stellar and Crowley wasn't quite sure what to make of the implications of that if it were true.
"Mm- what," Crowley asked, brows creasing in concern as he twisted his rather bendy neck to look behind him. Seeing a swish of black cross over his shoulder, Crowley wondered just what it could- oh. Oh. His- his wings were out. Why were his wings out?
"You- you're-" you stuttered, pansies forgotten and drowning under the water you were still pouring on top of them.
"I am," Crowley replied, just as confused as you.
"God, Crowley," you breathed, setting the watering can down without breaking your gaze away from the feathered appendages stretching and flittering against the breeze in your apartment.
"Mm," Crowley hummed. "Not so much on the first, but go on."
He's nervous, you realise. About your reaction. He's worried you're going to react negatively and he's going to have to leave you. Silly demon. You could never.
"They're gorgeous," you rushed out, stepping towards him, hand outstretched gingerly. "Can I touch one?"
"Sure, I guess," he answered, actually looking rather unsure. He swallowed thickly when you make contact, fingers softly trailing the ridges of a feather. "These old things- had them for ages. Since the dawn of time, really... Almost."
"Where'd they come from?" You asked, ignoring his rambling. "As in- just now?" You clarified quickly. If you didn't, you were sure to receive a deflective answer.
"Not sure, really. Think maybe- because I was thinking about something. 'Bout you."
"About me?" Your eyes darted to his and you immediately understood. You could see it in those slitted eyes. He was in love. With you. Crowley was in love with you. Not that you didn't already know that- what with having been together for a good few months by now, but he had finally really and truly come to the realisation on his own. You were his forever.
"About you," he confirmed, voice soft.
It was a good think he was your forever, too.
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entitled-fangirl · 5 months
He may always be a demon from hell, but she still loves him.
Crowley x human!reader
Summary: The reader and Crowley discuss what she's reading. She says it reminds her of him, to which he panics.
Words: 1,784
Warnings: demon, heavy makeout session, angst, alcohol
Author's note: I don't own the character or the book mentioned in this! Eeeeek enjoy!
Masterlist <3
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Crowley looked up from the glass of bourbon in his hands as he sat in one of Aziraphale’s many chairs. There she sat across from him. The pretty little human.
Her legs were pulled up onto the couch, her body curled into itself as she held her book out in front of her to read.
She was quite pretty. He had always thought so. Of all his years on this earth, this one was by far the best he had seen. And her soul simply solidified it. Her mind, body, and soul were precious. 
She was entirely focused on her book, not noticing Crowley’s gaze. He took that to his advantage, his eyes scanning her entire frame before finally resting on her face. He opened his mouth to speak. He didn’t know what he was going to say, but he knew he would do anything to talk to her as much as he could in her lifetime.
“What are you reading, Flower?”
That was his name for her. Aziraphale was his angel, sure. And she seemed like an angel herself, the metaphorical kind, anyway. She was not like a real angel, which is annoying and dull. No, she wasn’t like that at all. He hadn’t read many books but knew how humans romanticized the term 'angel.' The innocence it carried in its title. 
No, no, no. She was his flower. He spend many days searching for the right name, but once he came up with that one, it stuck like glue. He loved plants. He loved plants so much. And he loved her. She was his flower.
Now, her head perked up to let her eyes meet his. She held his gaze, admiring the snake-like pupils the demon had. She seemed to snap out of it quickly, regaining her composure. “Oh, uh…,” her voice soft, “it’s the Phantom of the Opera. Have… Have you read it, Angel?”
His eyes closed. He loved it when she called him that. He was no angel by any means, but she used the term every chance she could the day she learned that he had once been so. She had two angels as far as she was concerned. And while one had a significantly more gothic wardrobe, she still considered him just the same.
He nods, “I was around when it was written and published. Hated it then.”
Her lips slowly pull into an amused smile. “And now?”
He shrugs, looking back into her eyes, “…Do YOU like it, Flower?”
A soft breath comes from her lungs, “…Not sure, but I believe so. Won’t say until I finish it. You know how it ends, Angel?”
He shakes his head, “Can’t say I do. Didn’t care enough to finish it.”
She finds that quite amusing. She pulls her legs closer to her to get comfortable, trying to keep herself warm. “Well, I’ll let you know when I’m done, yeah? If it’s good enough, will you try to read it again?”
“Tell me why you like it so much, Flower.”
She considers his words carefully, “I… perhaps see similarities in it… sometimes. You know?”
His eyes move back down to the liquor glass in his hand. He remained quiet, a silent sigh for her elaborate on her findings. 
“That was… stupid. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m… I’m sorry…”
He was much more intrigued than before. Sorry? For what? He wished sometimes he could just see what was going on in that funny little brain of hers. “No. Tell me.”
She knew that wasn’t a reassurance that he wasn’t annoyed. It was more of a demand. 
“I don’t know, Crowley…”
He grins, pulling the glass to his lips to take another sip.
“Tell me what you DO know, Flower.”
Her eyes wander around the room in thought. “I suppose I feel remorse for the Phantom…”
He hums.
“…and… everyone makes him out to be a horrid creature. A vile beast worth ending. And he believes it too about himself. That he’s awful and cruel. But they don’t know anything about him. Nothing. They even assume it’s a ghost sometimes…”
By now, he’s hooked on her words. Not that he cared for the plot much, but just her. She was beautiful like this, the sunlight from the windows behind her casting a light against her back, giving her body a glowing effect. 
“…anyways, this girl falls in love with him. And she finds out he’s just a man. He’s a man like anyone else. He’s not the vile thing everyone makes him out to be.”
He’s taking in every word.
Her voice drops to a low volume, “They call him a demon from hell.”
Crowley felt his jaw clench at her words. 
“…But, he’s not. Not at all. He’s just a man. A man who deserves much more than life handed him. He was no demon. He could’ve been an angel. He’s kind and fair. Honest and witty. He protects her with his life. And he’s loyal. He is quite admirable, honestly.”
She held this look. It was a loving look as she stared at Crowley. This time, he could read her like an open book. She was referencing him. That everyone believed Crowley was vile and cruel. But he was just like a man. 
“…You’re awfully quiet, Angel.”
That sold it for him. Angel. Her angel. His eyes closed, taking in a deep breath. 
He stood up quickly, setting his glass on the side table before approaching the sofa she occupied. She noticed, scooting over slightly to make room for him, but he didn’t sit. He kneeled in front of the couch, in front of her. 
If his eyes could produce tears, they’d be running. “Flower? You truly think that of me? That I’m just a man?”
She nods, her breath quickening at his proximity. 
He wanted to believe her. He truly did, but he couldn’t. He leaned in, making their faces inches apart. 
“You think all this and you haven’t finished the book?”
She nods again, her gaze staring to settle on his lips.
His hand reached forward, grabbing her face gently. His voice became a low growl, “And what if this angel truly is a demon from hell? Would the girl stop loving him, Flower?”
She isn’t sure what to say. She’s not sure who they’re even talking about at this point. Her gut told her to say one thing, but her head said another. And his grip on her face was not helping her focus.
“I.. I don’t think… love takes what they are into con… consideration when it chooses them…”
Satan, she was perfect. She always knew exactly what to say, the sneaky thing. It stilled his vessel’s heart, his eyes still drilling into hers. 
“And… will she truly listen to her heart?”
She nods. “She would be a fool not to, Angel.”
He couldn’t take it anymore. Here she was, sitting so pretty for him, her words causing a fire to erupt in his stomach. He leaned forward, pulling her face towards his. 
Their lips meet in a gentle kiss. It doesn’t last long because Crowley pulls away.
“Maybe you should finish the book before you make your conclusions, Flower. Perhaps he’ll always be that demon from hell.”
He stands, sliding his hands into his pockets with a sigh before exiting the bookshop.
Days pass and Crowley acts as if their interaction never happened. It broke her heart. Aziraphale couldn’t take the two ignoring each other and decided to fix it. 
He told Crowley to be at the bookshop at a certain time. But Aziraphale wouldn’t be there. No, this was to get the demon alone with her to talk again, as they had before. And that plan worked perfectly.
This time, however, she was placing books on the bookshelf when he entered. He walked in confidently, but the confidence soon fell as he saw her pretty face. 
“Oh. I… where’s Angel?”
She shrugs, “Haven’t seen him all day.”
Curse that blasted angel from his stupid plans that always work. 
Crowley sighs, “I’m sorry I ran out on you.”
Her eyes finally move to find his. “I finished the book.”
His shoulders dropped somewhat at her sudden change of subject, but he went along with it nonetheless. “…Well, Flower?”
Her fingers lightly played with the spine of the book she had in her hand. “He may always be the demon from hell, but she still loves him.”
He was so stupid to leave her. To abandon his sweet Christine like this. His little flower that was always in bloom. 
“Oh, Flower…”
He moved forward, immediately wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her in for a kiss.
This kiss was very much different from their first. Where the first was soft and hesitant, this one was heated and passionate, as if this was their only method of communication. And to Crowley, it was. He needed her to see just how much her words meant to him. How much he craved to feel her lips on his again. How he imagined her the nights before. 
Her hands move to him, the book in her hand long forgotten. One rested on his forearm, the other cradling his face. She kissed him back with as much reverence as he did. She needed him to know she didn’t care. She didn’t care about what he was. What he did. She needed him to know that she loved him.
She loved him.
His tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip. She left out a soft moan, paring her lips. His tongue gently began to explore her mouth, their bodies holding each other in fear that they could be ripped from each other at any moment. 
She gently pushed him away, needing to catch her breath. “Sorry… sorry, Angel.. just… just gotta breathe…”
He smiled, leaning down to kiss her jaw lightly, trailing the kisses up towards her ear before whispering softly, “‘If I am to be saved, it is because your love redeems me.’”
She let out a soft gasp, and her hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers playing with his hair. “You… you know it?”
She could practically feel his smile against her neck, his voice vibrating the bones there, “Read it again after we talked…. All the way through this time…”
She was speechless at his words. He had went back and not only read the story for her, but then was able to quote it. She had never felt love radiate in a room until this very moment in time.
She pulled him back in for another sweet kiss.
He was no demon. To her, he was an angel. Her angel.
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strangesthirdeye · 11 months
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Aziraphale: *runs towards Crowley while holding baby Y/n in his arms* Crowley! Y/n started saying her first word
Crowley: *looks at baby Y/n interestingly* really? let me hear it
Baby Y/n: *squealing happily in Aziraphale's arms* Gro... gro
Aziraphale: aww she wants to say your name Crowley!
Crowley: *big smile* come on say my name.
Baby Y/N: *babbling* Gro-.. grow.. GROW BETTAH!
Aziraphale: *blink* well at least we know whose behavior she follows.
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Some random guy: I’m asking for permission to take out your daughter
Crowley: What is this, the dark ages?
Crowley: You know what, since you asked, no, you may not. Beat me in a duel first
Y/N: *facepalms*
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Crowley: *gets a text* Oh! It's Y/n.
Aziraphale, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff?
Crowley: Yeah, they say they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood.
Aziraphale: Wow! Where'd they find 12 gallons of fake blood?
Crowley: You wanted fake blood?
Aziraphale :
Crowley: I'll go call Y/n.
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buryustogether · 10 months
in the lap of the gods
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aziraphale x f!reader x crowley
summary: it’s 1941, and aziraphale is about to perform on the west end stage. he needs an assistant, of course, but you can’t stand the outfit you’re required to wear. your angel and your demon show you just how much they love it.
word count: 3k
warnings/tags: smut and fluff, reader wears a slutty outfit, threesome, thigh riding, semi-public sex, body worship, crowley’s a horny bitch, war violence, bombs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of guns
“I really don’t see why this get-up has got to be so… revealing,” you said. “I look like a harlot.”
“Well,” came a voice from behind the thin paper of the changing screen, “I suppose it’s to entice the strapping young soldiers out there. They do seem to enjoy a bit of… should I say… adultery?”
There came a second voice from further in the room, coiled and slick like a serpent. “Or,” he drawled, “it’s for easy access.”
“Crowley,” chided the first voice, disdain dripping from his tongue.
You gave a silent huff as you adjusted the skimpy little outfit the manager of the West End theater had given you, tugging at the thin material that barely covered your breasts and the thin strap that snaked between your legs. It was a glittery, near-elastic piece of pazazz that was sure to earn you more than a few glances and whistles this evening… something you promised you wouldn’t let get to you. If not for your reputation, for the pair of men on the other side of the changing screen that encased you like a butterfly trapped in a jar.
If you inhaled deep enough, you were still able to smell the smoke that clung to Aziraphale and Crowley’s suits, permeating the air and poisoning their natural musks that you so loved to inhale. You had spent the better part of the evening, as you followed them through London streets and around a magic shop, picking pieces of rubble and dusting traces of the explosion from their backs and shoulders. The bomb had shaken you to your core despite being miles away when it had happened, tucked away safely in the passenger seat of the Bentley.
“Crowley,” you had said as your demon had parked his car between the shadows of two tall, sturdy buildings that still stood against the smoke and destruction of the bombs. “What are we doing here? There’s still planes overhead.”
“Just sit tight for a minute, love,” he’d replied before climbing from the Bentley. “It seems our angel’s got himself in a heap of mess.”
The explosion had rocked the ancient church in the distance like a match igniting a stick of dynamite; fast, and hot, and loud. You waited so long you considered getting out and running to search the site for your lovers before they had come strolling around the corner through the dark, dusting themselves off and murmuring quietly beneath their breaths.
“Aziraphale,” you had said when you climbed from the car to greet them. “What on earth have you done?”
“Good evening to you, as well, my darling,” he had said, then lifted your hand and placed a loving kiss upon your knuckles. “Just got myself a bit caught up. Nothing to worry your head over.”
Crowley had harrumphed slightly as he dropped himself into the driver’s seat once more. “Get in, you two. I’ve got an appointment to keep.”
An appointment had led to forty broken bottles of whiskey. Forty broken bottles of whiskey had led to Aziraphale becoming a magician, and that had led to buying a very real rifle with very real bullets. And the rifle, and the bullets, and the broken bottles of whiskey, and everything else had led to you finding yourself here behind this changing screen, examining the costume of a magician’s assistant who, really, was only there to look pretty and smile when the light panned over her.
Crowley had told you it would be a bit of fun, was all. Aziraphale had assured you no real harm would be done.
Had you not loved them both more than you needed air to breathe, you might have considered saying no, begging your angel to not get up on that stage, dropping to your knees and begging your demon to miracle up a few more bottles of liquor to make up for the whole thing.
But, oh… you loved them far too much.
“Are you about settled, my darling?” came Aziraphale’s voice from deeper in the cramped little dressing room. “It’s ten ‘til, and I would rather not further anger the madame of the theater any more than necessary.”
“She’s a loony old bat,” came Crowley’s quip. “A few minutes won’t hurt her.”
You took one last look down at yourself - at the feathered headband in your grip; the exposed tops of your legs and the plump ‘V’ of your upper thighs that led to their apex just covered by the elastic; the heels that glittered in the dim light; the curves of your breasts, just barely held in place by the haltered neckline of the costume. You looked ridiculous.
With a long, deep breath you felt in your sternum, you placed a hand on the edge of the changing screen. “Don’t you boys poke your fun at me,” you warned them. “I know how I look, I don’t need you both reminding me.”
You pulled back the screen and stepped out, avoiding their eyes as you fiddled with the headband. You expected Crowley to bark out bouts of laughter, for Aziraphale to politely cover his mouth and look away to hide the rosiness of his cheeks as he held back a few giggles. But there came none of that. Instead, you were only met with silence. Hesitantly, you glanced up to meet their gazes.
Crowley and Aziraphale, for once in their eternal lives, looked rather lost for words. You didn’t take too many moments to soak in the way the demon tilted down his shades so he could peer those yellow eyes over the rims, nor how the angel’s back had gone stiff and he clutched his magician’s hat to his chest so tightly his knuckles paled. Instead of entertaining their amusement, you scoffed and clicked over to the vanity illuminated with golden bulbs; funny. Almost all the Watson bulbs had been grinded down for the war efforts. You supposed the West End had a bit of advantage in their supply when it came to things like glass and elastic.
“Yes, yes, gape all you want,” you snipped as you leaned forward to examine your reflection in the mirror; Christ almighty, you looked like a common slut. “Neither of you know how humiliating this is.”
At once, your angel jumped into action. “No, dearest,” he said as he came to stand beside you at the vanity, gently discarding his hat on the countertop. “We’re not poking fun at you, not in the slightest. We’re… well, you simply look…”
You eyed him from the corner of your vision.
“Incredibly doable,” came Crowley’s pitch from where he’d spread himself across the old couch tucked against the wall.
Aziraphale sent him a rather stern glance as you felt your chest drop slightly into your belly. You fixed your reflection with another stare. You looked like a prostitute, all your private planes and surfaces on display for everyone who even glanced in your direction. There was hardly a chance they enjoyed seeing their girl pimped up like this; was there?
“What he’s attempting to say,” said your angel as he reached out a soft, well-manicured hand and rested it respectfully on the middle of your back, “is, well… you do look rather ravishing, is all.”
“Oh, stop it, the both of you. You’re being mean.” Shouldering off his touch, you reached for a bit of the lipstick resting against the vanity and tried to stop your hands from trembling as you pulled off the cap and screwed it up. In all honesty, it still flustered you a bit when they showered you in affection; which they did often. How was it possible that an angel and a demon, in love themselves, who had seen the beginning of the earth and all the beautiful men and women in it, had fallen for you, a mortal, a little bit of soul within this planet full of it?
It didn’t quite make sense to you, but in the moments like these, when you felt yourself growing weak against their words, you cast the thought aside and let sense run rampant.
“After all this time, and you still don’t believe us when we say something nice?” clicked Crowley, reaching up to take the brim of his hat and rest it on the arm of the couch. He tilted his head at you in the reflection of the mirror, his gaze just out of sight behind his shades. “Come here.”
You looked to Aziraphale before blinking a few times, smearing your third layer of lipstick across your mouth. “The show will start soon,” you heard yourself say hesitantly. “I have to go out and announce him to the audience before…”
“Come here.”
Your demon’s sudden drop in tone sent a pang of both anxiety and arousal racing through you like fire dancing along your veins. You set down the tube of lipstick, hearing it clatter slightly from the shaking of your hand, and twisted around on your ridiculous heels to face him. He sat there on the couch, legs spread like he owned the world and arms stretched across the back of the seats like he was waiting for his two favorite people to arrive at his sides. He waited chin held high, finger tapping impatiently on the back. Aziraphale said nothing as you trailed from his side and approached the demon; when he spoke like this, it affected the both of you in the same way.
Crowley adjusted his legs when you came to him, allowing you to tentatively straddle his thighs until your hips were flush against his. A look back in the mirror told you your ass was hanging out of your skimpy little get-up, the leotard-like shape doing nothing to protect your modesty. Aziraphale seemed to be enjoying it quite nicely. You felt long, slender fingers touch your chin and guide your vision back to your demon. With his other hand, he reached up and pulled off his shades so that he could meet your gaze, yellow, slitted eyes boring into yours.
“You really ought to start taking our word for things, love,” Crowley said, and you shivered when his voice retained its deep baritone that only saw the light when there were two things at hand; imminent danger, and the promise of depravity. “‘Cause when we say you look good…” He leaned forward until his thin lips were level with the shell of your ear, his breath fanning across your skin. “We bloody well mean it.”
His hips shallowly bucked up into yours then and the rough material of his trousers rubbed at your clit perfectly through the thin elastic of your costume. You were unable to keep a soft, breathy murmur from escaping your lips at the sudden jolt of feeling, your hands flying up to balance yourself on his broad shoulders.
Behind you, you heard Aziraphale take in a small breath at the sight. He nervously shuffled his weight on his feet, glancing to the door that led to the stage. “Crowley,” he said in what should have been a warning, but it was far too soft to be taken seriously. “Now is… now is certainly not a good time for this.”
Crowley pulled another sound from you, this time a moan, when he held your hips in place and bucked again. “Well, it’s like I said,” he replied, tilting his head so he could look up at you as your hair fell into your face and your eyes began to roll back. “A few minutes won’t hurt them.” The corners of his mouth twitched upwards. “Besides, our girl’s nervous. Come and lend a hand, calm her a bit. You know how she likes it.”
You felt your face flush with heat from embarrassment, but you were slowly losing your will to care as Crowley leaned down to attach his lips to the base of your throat. His forked tongue laved across your skin like he was trying to memorize your taste, teeth nipping and fingers tightening around your waist. You were hardly able to notice when a second weight dipped the couch beside him, and your demon patted your thigh to get you to move. You knew just what to do; you always did. Feeling yourself beginning to grow slick between your legs, most assuredly ruining the gusset of this ridiculous outfit, you swung your legs over to kneel across both Crowley and Aziraphale’s thighs, which were pressed together where they sat so close not an inch of light could have separated them.
Aziraphale’s warm hand reached out to gently cup your chin, his thumb brushing lovingly across your jaw. “Forgive our earlier stutter, my darling,” he said, then leaned forward to press his plump lips to the point where your clavicle dipped. “I assume by now you know the effect you have on us.” He kissed you again, this time upon your bare shoulder. “Especially when you present yourself in such an outfit.”
Just a sigh escaped your lips, Crowley’s finger ran along your side, pulling a short yip from your throat that he quickly swallowed by fitting his mouth over yours. From there, they moved like they shared one mind, like they knew you inside and out because, really, they did.
The couch creaked quietly as Crowley dragged your barely-clothed cunt over their thighs, earning them a drawn-out moan like a symphony to their ears, and Aziraphale’s grip came up to hold the back of your neck steady as he pressed kiss after kiss to anywhere he could reach; your throat; your chest; your shoulder; your arm. They moved you about like their own little doll, so familiar and fine tuned with your reactions they knew they would happen before they did. Sparks erupted like flint on stone within the pit of your belly when, eventually, Crowley pulled you forward at a slightly new angle and your clit caught wonderfully upon a hitch in Aziraphale’s trousers. You tilted your head back and released a long moan, barely able to keep yourself up when you were suddenly worked to hit that spot over and over again.
“Ah…!” you mewled as Aziraphale nipped ever so softly at the exposed skin of your shoulder. Your arms trembled as you struggled to keep your hold on their shoulders. “Oh, right there, boys, right there. Keep going, please don’t stop…!”
Crowley’s lips tilted up into a crooked smirk, slitted eyes drinking you in like a forbidden liquor he’d been dying for since he first heard of it. “I hardly think you need to go out there at all, angel,” he said to Aziraphale beside him. “We’ve got our own show right here.”
You worked your hips along with Crowley’s push and pull, offering more and more of your skin to your angel for him to mark and lavish, feeling yourself approach that cliff they so loved to drag you off again and again. You never feared the fall; you knew they would always be waiting to catch you before you hit the bottom.
Small, whimpered noises escaped your throat as you chased your released upon their thighs, your clit rubbing and catching perfectly against their trousers like this was exactly what they were made for. Lips were showering your skin with love and affection. Hands were anchored securely to your waist. You were held so intensely, so beautifully, that it only took a few words from the tip of Crowley’s tongue to send you reeling toward your end.
“Come on and sin for us, love.”
Your orgasm came hard and fast, racking your body with trembles and twitches you couldn’t control, with bursts of color in your vision like fireworks, like guns firing off beside your ears with smoke that would blind you for days. You felt your release stain the fabric of their pants, and it was the last thing you really minded before all but collapsing against the pair. Hands, arms, mouths caught you securely, rubbing along your back, holding you tight, gently kissing along your face. You felt them pull away for just a moment to meet each other for a deep, passionate kiss before returning to smothering you with adoration.
It was an idyllic few seconds, the quiet that came after an explosion of a moment such as that, before there came a sharp, rattling knock against the dressing room door. “Pick up the pace, Mister Fell,” came the voice of the madame of the theater. “We’ve got an audience waiting, and the war’s not getting any better these days!”
You groaned softly, nestling your face into Aziraphale’s neck as he stroked your hair and called in return, “Ah, yes, of course. We’ll be right out!”
You wanted nothing more than to not go up on the damned West End stage, to smile and twist in your glittery costume and tease the soldiers in the audience like you hadn’t just gotten your world rocked within an inch of your life. And yet… everything came to an end. You whimpered again when your angel gently shifted you off of him, placing you temporarily in Crowley’s hold, before getting to his feet and gently snapping his fingers. You felt the dampness across your demon’s thigh fade into nothingness, along with the slick between your legs. Your hair righted itself to its former do, and the smudged lipstick across your mouth was once more perfected. When you lifted your head, however, you noticed Crowley had elected to keep the messy imprint of your lips across the corner of his mouth.
He noticed you looking and gave you a sly, crooked grin. “I like to wear my trophies,” he said before pulling your head close and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Come along now, gorgeous. Don’t want to keep the fans waiting.”
Shakily, you got to your feet, struggling momentarily to stand on your heels. While your heart slowed its racing pulse and the heat gently ebbed from your cheeks, Aziraphale lifted your feathered headband from before and tucked it securely over your hair.
“There’s our darling,” he murmured, smiled softly down at you, then tilted up your chin to press a light, though nonetheless loving kiss upon your swollen lips. “Are you ready?”
You took a breath, straightened yourself out, and nodded your head. “I am now, I think,” you replied.
“Perfect,” said your angel. “Because I’ve got a bullet to catch.”
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avocado-writing · 10 months
Hey! Saw you had good omens requests open and decided to ask for one. If it's too weird, im sorry and just ignore this. Can you do an ineffable husband's x reader smut where the reader can't c*m (like due to medical reasons or messed up hormones), but Aziriphale and Crowley miracle them and allow them to have a pleasurable experience and have the experience of c*mming for the first time?
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my dear anon, you don’t need to censor the word cum here. aziraphale x gn!reader x Crowley smut (minors dni)
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It should have been good. 
Months of flirting with both of them - really, months - reciprocated in kind: long looks across dinner tables; touching hands when cups of tea were passed; a lingering gaze on lips. They were interested in you and you’d be a fool not to see it. 
So you’d let them take you out late one night. To a little bar where the three of you shared a deep conversation and a bottle of expensive merlot tucked away in a low-lit corner. Aziraphale traced his fingers up your inner thigh, Crowley reached in to gently take your earlobe between his teeth. 
There was an invitation you’d been waiting for, and you pounced at it. 
It should have been good. 
But even now, as you lie back and let them worship you with their bodies, self-consciousness creeps in. No matter how much you enjoy it - and you are enjoying it - there’s that nagging feeling in the back of your mind. The feeling that it’s pointless, that you aren’t going to get anywhere. That you’re going to ruin the whole thing. 
Without even realising it, a hot tear slips down your face and sinks into the feather pillow. Aziraphale notices and pauses immediately, inciting Crowley to do the same. 
“Darling, what’s the matter? Do you want us to stop?”
Aziraphale takes your hand in his and grips it, encouraging you to look at him. You swallow thickly. 
“Sorry. I’m just… oh god, it’s so silly…”
“It’s not silly if you’re upset. Tell us,” he says, softly, caringly. Crowley drops a reassuring kiss to your hip but goes no further. 
“I can’t… ah, you know,” you nod downwards. “It’s my medication. It makes it really hard for me to get there. I don’t want you to waste your time.”
Crowley and Aziraphale exchange a look that you can’t quite decipher before both of them look back to you. 
“Don’t be daft. It’s not a waste of time if we’re with you,” Crowley muses, swiping his thumb in the soft pit of your elbow. The sensation on your skin makes you shudder. 
“Do you want to?” Aziraphale asks, pinning you with those beautiful brown eyes of his. “Do you want to come?”
He’s so earnest that you don’t find yourself embarrassed by the question. You just nod. 
Yes. More than anything. 
And then they’re on you again, soft and sweet. Aziraphale kisses you and you welcome his tongue into your mouth; Crowley nips a line down your sternum and settles on a nipple, teasing and biting. 
Their hands go between your legs. Your devil strokes you there, and your angel spreads you open and presses his fingers inside. 
“Oh,” you whisper, a wave of pleasure you’ve not felt before washing over you. 
“Just lie back,” Aziraphale hums, “let us do a little miracle. A tiny miracle won’t be noticed…”
Crowley chuckles with devilish delight at the idea, and you feel his magic surge into you. 
The orgasm Crowley gives you is white hot, burning like fire. Every part of your body is deliciously inflamed. Every sense working overtime, every nerve firing directly into your brain and flooding you with pleasure. You gasp, but it’s not over yet - as you ride the wave of it Aziraphale takes you there again. When he makes you come it rides over your body like a soft tide, caressing the inside of you, eking out your pleasure as he works you with his magic fingers. 
You come over their hands and collapse, not even aware you’d been tensing your body so much. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, astounded. Crowley scoffs. 
“She didn’t have anything to do with it.”
You bring him up for a kiss as Aziraphale kisses down to between your legs, preparing for his second miracle of the night. 
Taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @idontmeanto@smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world
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