#Google chrome update
gadget-bridge · 1 year
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generallemarc · 6 months
I am finally, 100% for-good off of Chrome
This sounds like nothing, and that's because it is, but my autism sure thinks otherwise. The past 30 minutes of manual tab-switching(because doing it all at once via bookmarks is a great way to get my laptop into perma-chug mode) have been an anxiety nightmare in ways that far more serious things have not been. I really, really wish that autism was just a quirky small thing that the people who fake it for "minority" or "diversity" clout act like it is, because then I could be normal about this. But it isn't, and I can't be.
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goofnuggetkarlaa · 6 months
well it seems youtube on firefox is no longer letting me play videos in anything higher than 720p, and some its only allowing me to view in 360p. and while duckduckgo's duck player works fine, if i stream it over discord, no audio can be heard on the stream (╬▔皿▔)╯
guess im stuck having other people be forced to stream the videos for me i guess until some tech genius starts having this problem as well and creates a workaround.
fuck youtube, fuck google, fuck every big tech company (and every non-tech company while we're at it), fuck every greedy capitalistic pig who is purposefully making my life more irritating and inconvenient for me just because they can. now where's that damn guillotine
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rinhaler · 8 months
I’m soooo angry w myself rn
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toaster-selfships · 3 months
Good news! I have the perfect thing I wanna write and everything set up and a good background show, it's gonna be great!
However, I might have till wait two days till I can do it.. which'll give me something to look forward to but it'll drive me nuts in the process!
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plumadesatada · 4 months
All hail ask culture, may she come back from near-death!! How has your day been so far? Gimme one bitching point and one nice thing!
babe!!! yes YES help me with my crusade!
gonna answer this about yesterday (bc today I'm freshly woken up)
bitching point: so. I work in IT. my actual job description is testing and being a help desk for NEW systems being implemented. pay attention to that "new".... because one else at my company does! they think I'm google! "hey so X program closed on me without saving how can I recover what I was working on?" "I need new lines on this excel table can you come over and insert some" (I wish I was joking) "ummmm outlook isn't showing me my calendar" (this one happens once a week. to the same person). I feel like goddamned sisyphus.
one nice thing: I TOOK MOM TO THE THEATER LAST NIGHT FOR HER BIRTHDAY. There was a production of Cyrano and it. was. bloody FANTASTIC. mom fell asleep in the intermission and I bullied her for it ("claims to love theater" etc) after I woke her up and the second bit resumed. afterwards we went out for beer and ummmm what do you call them in English? calamari rings, fried. it was a GOOD night
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is there anything in ranch dressing harmful to dogs
i just had taquitos and he decided to clean up my plate while i wasnt looking after i was done
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gadget-bridge · 1 year
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mejomonster · 2 years
Oh Google and Mozilla :/ acting like u can't display japanese text on sites :/ whyyyyy
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 2 years
ONE window, FIVE tabs...!
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frecht · 2 years
well i finally installed firefox:)
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Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Task Manager itself is Not Responding.
Now what?
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classroomlive · 2 years
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ainyan · 1 month
Google is actively blocking Captcha on Firefox
Firefox users have noticed that captchas - both the picture kind and the click the box kind - are not resolving on Firefox. Tests on Chromium based browsers show that it works perfectly fine on them. It is also known that Chrome will be disabling all ad-blockers in June when it moves to Manifest v3, which will greatly limit what extensions can do.
If you use Firefox, there is an extension called User-Agent Switcher and it allows you to change your browser's UA to Chrome. This will allow you to bypass reCaptcha/Captcha blocks set up by Google and make them function properly.
It could be a code snafu on Google's part - but given how predatory they have been acting lately, I'm going to guess not. Don't get locked out of your websites or feel forced to use Chrome again just to browse.
UPDATE: This has been fixed as of 5/4/2024 and no longer affects Firefox. It was a bug in the most recent update of the Captcha code. Hopefully it won't happen again!
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nu-so · 1 month
actually about to have a mental breakdown because I updated google chrome (the only browser I can read fanfic on because my mom refuses to take parental locks off my computer) and now I can't access my ao3 account, or ao3 at all.
fuck you google. actually go to hell.
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digitalcreationsllc · 1 month
New Brokewell Malware Takes Over Android Devices, Steals Data
The malware is delivered through a fake Google Chrome update that is shown while using the web browser. Brokewell is under active development and features a mix of extensive device takeover and remote control capabilities.
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