#Gortash x Franc
bones-and-bondage · 8 months
Who wants to write a fic of Gortash fucking Franc Peartree nasty in his new house in honor of the old letters? How many variations do we think everyone can come up with?
Should I make this a writing challenge on AO3?
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niksplaceofhorrors · 8 months
heartbroken and pissed at Larian for replacing the Franc letters. unless they’re setting up Durge romance, i am gonna lose my shit.
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chronurgy · 8 months
Rating: M (No Archive Warnings Apply)
Relationship: Enver Gortash/Franc Peartree
Tags: Enver Gortash, Franc Peartree, Food metaphors, Freak Gortash
Word count: 800
Summary: An array of delicate flavors, pairing and overlapping and complementing and changing one another by their proximity – to tease them apart, render them all into the distinct individual layers is a most excellent puzzle for a man with a mind honed enough to manage it. Savor the distinct tang of avarice, the way it fizzes delicately when combined with integrity versus its violent sublimation on contact with desire.
Enver Gortash reflects on his relationship with Franc Peartree.
In honor of the loss of the best horny freak Gortash letters, have some freak Gortash thinking about Franc Peartree. It was a fun thing to write - I got to try some new styles and had a good time
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defira85 · 8 months
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I Love You, Franc
"You are a treasure, and I should like to hold you in my arms and whisk you about! How you would laugh, Franc. Of course, people would say we're in love. And I do. I do love you, Franc. I love any man willing to birth a little more slithering, wet malice into the world."
Franc Peartree receives a certain letter from the newly appointed Archduke of Baldur's Gate. It includes a request to meet him urgently at Flymm's Cargo.
(aka I am being very normal about Peartree-Gate)
Read here on AO3
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adorablebanite · 1 month
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @beecreeper thank you! I still have my main fic to finish, but I really wanted to do a Franc Peartree x Gortash (Of course Lilla is there as well) background story/smut thing (I can't help myself, I'm a degenerate, I know).
It's just in the "bulletpoint idea" stage, but anyway here's Gortwall
I also have an idea for a very juicy, very smutty Shadowheart/Gort/Default Dark Urge fic that I'm already too ashamed to even mention details. Once all these other things are done, and if I still have the brainworm, I'll get the courage to write it xD
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I don't think there's a tone of Peartree lore slurps in game, so I can pretty much make most stuff up, I think! I will refer to @
@newtia and @archduchessgabrielle :p
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animentality · 8 months
It's weird how the Franc Peartree letter being altered has just caused some people to suddenly come out with the most godawful takes. I don't like that the letters were changed but it still feels like such a small change to have caused such a sudden divide in the gortash part of the fandom
Earlier I saw a post from one of the handful of people who were more supportive of the letter change(I think they may have even been one of the people you blocked) claim that default dark urge x gortash felt weird or wrong to them. They said it was because default dark urge is a dragonborn. And they compared dragonborn x human romances to beastiality. And it was a post replying to an ask that was from someone also arguing that, so there's at least two people who think that.
And I just had to stop for a moment after reading that because of how utterly confusing and insane that felt. Like, dragonborn are a humanoid race and are fully capable of communicating so it would definitely not be beastiality in any way
Sorry if I got a bit ranty there, especially since you're trying to distance yourself from bg3 discourse stuff for now. I just really felt the need to just at least mention it to someone because I'm just so dumbfounded by it and I guess just like, feel the need to check to see if this is just as much of a wtf kind of take to others as it is to me
you can tell they don't play DND.
people have been trying to fuck dragons and monsters since 1977.
where's that fucking Tumblr post about how if a creature is intelligent enough to consent, then it's not bestiality?
in a fantasy setting, yeah, as long as they're smart and talking and able to say yes or no and consent or not consent, and aren't being compromised by other forces, then no it's not bestiality in the way we understand it.
also there's no real world equivalent.
wanting to fuck a werewolf doesn't mean you're fucking chihuahuas in real life.
those people are just mad cuz they have bad taste and don't like durgetash.
nothing we can do about that, anon.
you're born with bad taste, you die with it too.
I was blessed with superior intellect and advanced taste, and since you clearly were too, I would advise neither of us be involved with that subspecies of Tumblr.
we have far more important things to discuss.
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banes-favourite · 7 months
I'm a franc x gortash truther. that man is a devoted banite who loves nothing more than being stepped on by bane's chosen.
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caynesugar · 7 months
just one kinda old oneshot (franc x enver)
this is a couple months dated, but i still enjoy its premise! it’s almost like i predicted the death of the fruity franc letters 😭
rating: teen (maybe mature if i try to pick it back up- i’ll write spicer stuff :])
word count: ~1100
Chapter I - The Invitation
I’d assumed this shipment for the militia would be some of my scrappiest work to date. Apparently, in the eyes of Lord Gortash, I thought falsely.
I was practically giddy at the thought of joining Lord Gortash in Wyrm’s Rock. His fortress loomed like an apex over Baldur’s Gate, even if it hadn’t been in the center of the city itself. The once-marvelous Sorcerous Sundries was a brick in a shallow basin of tar, compared to his fashioned lair.
All of Baldur’s Gate hadn’t appreciated my work before the Lord’s election as Archduke. I was ‘too sniveling’ of a man according to Ravengard and his cronies. He was a petulant tool, and I’d known it for as long as I’d made my bed in the city. I’m glad a true man of the people stepped up to the plate.
I’d tucked a note away in my pocket, one I was personally delivered via Steel Watcher. And now, by Bane’s bollocks, I was being escorted to Wyrm’s Rock by the same guard. 
Its plated, faceless transmitter echoed the same message it had once before as I walked out from my abode: “You have been formally invited to the audience chamber by Lord Gortash. He requires your full and willing participation.”
Cryptic. I’d expect nothing less from Lord Gortash, in a sense.
I wasn’t worried by his serious demeanor. It only made him a better leader, and a much better businessman. Even so, anxiety still welled in my stomach with the fact I’d be meeting Lord Gortash so casually as a celebration would be.
The Steel Watcher had guided me through a vaguely sandstone archway, into two sets of massive wooden doors. Behind the second, was a flight of stairs. One the Watcher had me traverse alone.
After I’d reached the top, I’d clapped eyes along the scene I was expecting the least of all my own possibilities. A fine wooden table, offering samplings of deep wines, table grapes, and fine cheeses alike. No Steel Watchers nor Black Hand members in sight, not even Fist guards.
The only occupant of the room was him. 
The first thing I’d noticed was a long, sturdy-looking halberd. A broad, oaken handle with signature floral engravings, coupled by a freshly-whetted blade sharp enough to cut into marrow? 
It was easily one of my own. And its pole was being cradled betwixt his thighs ever so playfully.
Reaching upwards, he ran a finger along a portion of the engravings.
“Enchanting, isn’t it?”
He smiled in a seemingly dreamy solace while sizing up my blade. His voice was liquid chocolate: smooth on the ears but containing just enough tang to determine his authority.
“One thousand halberds, one thousand glaives, and five hundred greatswords. And who have I to thank for completing such a massive order?”
He chuckled in a manner only a temptsome fiend would. He moved the halberd to one hand, using the other to take a hearty dose of his own glass of wine.
“Who, Franc. I want to hear you say it with your own tongue.”
I felt an anxious lilt rise in my throat, which I quickly suppressed.
“Me, my Lord. It was I who assembled them in five tendays.”
“Good, Franc. Very good.”
He set down his glass, once again placing the halberd between his legs. 
“But come, this is your own celebration. I daren’t keep you so far from me, for all the good you’ve done me with. Cozy up to a glass, will you?”
He spoke with such an authentic, magnetizing respect. One that I was deeply enamored by, and thricely agreed with. With little effort and a bit of charm, he could more or less convince me into doing whatever bidding he wished of me. And I knew it all too well.
I walked the audience hall’s scarlet carpet to take in my full appreciation. My audience. 
And nosy my audience was. Lord Gortash seemed to size me up like a fat lamb heading to a slaughterhouse: filled with a ripe, patient expectation.
I had never seen the Lord so closely. Dusky skin, the beginnings of a beard, a few stray hairs being intercepted by a cheeky scar embedding his chin. His ebony hair was playfully fluffed in a middle part, with deep steely eyes to match. 
He was aged, but not enough to no longer be handsome. His face got him all that he wanted and more, and I could see why.
I took a sample of a rich, thick red lain out on the table. It was surprisingly sweet and nutty, with a rather bitingly earthen aftertaste. 
“Good choice,” he started, “a man after my own heart.”
“A fan of reds?”
“Absolutely. All sorts of reds. Wines, velvets, satin…”
He trailed off, and ran a careful finger along the edge of my blade.
“An uncleansed weapon of war.”
“And why should such trophies of battle ever be placed into the hands of those who are not willing to carry out its previous legacy?”
Lord Gortash seemed to bounce his brow in such a prospect, as if calculating my words.
“Then come, Franc. Take a look at this trophy; this weapon. Tell me just how much bloodshed you think it’s deserving of.”
I nodded quickly, stepping past the sampling table and planting a foot between his own. As soon as my own grip had replaced his own on the halberd, he’d used his free grasp to lift me onto his lap.
“Lord Gortash!-“ 
My voice had hitched in my throat, causing me to pause before paying any attention to my own halberd. My eyes were on him, and they dared not shift focus. 
“Very good, Franc. Obedience will get you far with one such as myself.”
His gilded hand slid its way past the pole, gently grasping my jaw. His fingers were warm, warm as the city’s sunkissed pavement. His bronzed jewelry was slightly cooler, but not by much. 
He lifted my head ever so slightly upwards, forcing me to reposition my own eyes back onto his. 
“You’ve been ever so darling in carrying out my demands. I have more for you.”
He effortlessly pulled my face to his, bouncing his lap as I practically drowned in his lips. My hands grasped his shoulders instinctively, his hand cheekily tapping my lower back in a rhythmic tandem.
He tasted like wines all too fancy for my own wallet; fruits too sweet for my own pallet.
But gods, did it taste good on him. I needed this tenfold. And soon.
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burned-enigma · 2 years
Roleplay Information
Hey y’all, since this is also an RP blog, simple information is down below.
Name’s Ghost. Pronouns are he/him, and I’m 21. I roleplay with no one under the age of 18 and am multifandom.
To get into the bread and butter of things, I do primarily cc x cc and sometimes oc x cc. Almost all of my rps have been ship-based, so that’s what I’m used to. I focus on m/m or m/f, rarely f/f. No incest, no pedophilia, no beastiality. I’ve got no triggers and am down for any genre of roleplay. I’ve been writing for ten years and absolutely enjoy angst and worldbuilding if it applies
I AM MULTIFANDOM, but also do OC / OC rps. Past the Keep Reading is a list of the fandoms I currently partake in/ocs I have so far (will be edited/updated periodically)
I rp on Discord and thru email! The best way to get in contact with me is my Tumblr DMs, my Discord is burnedfreedom. Discussion and rp can take place there. BELOW THE CUT: FANDOMS, CHARACTERS
Baldur's Gate 3 Canon Characters: Gale, Gortash, (to be added) Baldur's Gate 3 OCs: Sirilius Aendryr (Evil Durge), Amalica Torndar (Redeemed Durge), Rhys Cerellan (Tav), Elyeras Rilyndar (Tav) Dishonored: Corvo Attano, Lord Treavor Pendleton, Overseer Teague Martin
Dragon Age: Cullen Rutherford, Garrett Hawke, Three Inquisitors (M!Lavellan, F!Lavellan, M!Adaar)
Fire Emblem Awakening: M/F!Robin, Frederick, Virion, Sumia, Lon’qu, Ricken, Libra, Olivia, Say’ri, Priam, Inigo, Brady, Cynthia, M/F!Morgan, Severa, Laurent, Noir, Yarne Fire Emblem Fates:  M!Corrin, Jakob, Hinoka, Takumi, Saizo, Subaki, Xander, Laslow, Selena, Arthur, Benny, Shigure, Dwyer, Sophie, Shiro, Kiragi, Siegbert, Percy, Ignatius
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Dimitri, Edelgard, Ferdinand, Hubert, Seteth, M/F!Byleth, Felix, Mercedes, Annette, Lorenz, Balthus - Concerning FE, if you want someone specific, just ask me! Hetalia: England, France, Germany, Austria, Prussia, America, Scotland, Russia (this does include Nyo for all, 2P for some ; just ask). - If you want someone who is not listed, just ask me. I'm flexible.
Pokémon Series (Video Games): Maxie, Cyrus, Prof. Sycamore, Milo, Kabu, Piers, Cyllene, Melli, Iscan
Fandoms to be Added: ???
Universes/AUs: Vampires/Supernatural, Steampunk, Cyberpunk/Dystopian Future, Fallout/Post Nuclear War, Superpowers, 80s, etc.
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