#Grand Lodge
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The Mastery of Life, Number 19, booklet, The Supreme Grand Lodge of A.M.O.R.C., San José, CA, 1965
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 8 months
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Lafayette Grande Banquet Facility - Pontiac, MI
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masonicunity · 10 months
Path to Prestige: Freemason Initiation for Fame, Wealth, and Power
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Path to Prestige: Freemason Initiation for Fame, Wealth, and Power
Embark on a journey of unparalleled significance with the Freemason initiation, a path that leads to fame, wealth, and power. Grand Master Mason Peter invites individuals in Kenya and beyond to partake in this transformative experience. Initiating the journey is as easy as a call, WhatsApp message, or Telegram to +254757377899, connecting you directly with Grand Master Peter for personalized guidance and initiation.
As you navigate the sacred teachings and rituals of Freemasonry, you're immersed in the timeless wisdom that has shaped the destinies of countless Freemasons seeking fame, wealth, and power. Grand Master Peter, drawing on his extensive experience, ensures a smooth initiation process, guiding you through the profound steps that have defined the journeys of successful Freemasons worldwide.
Freemasonry is not merely an initiation; it's a gateway to a life of prestige, influence, and prosperity. Your journey towards fame, wealth, and power begins here, forging a path to a destiny of significance. Seize this moment to connect with Freemasonry, where the pursuit of prestige is intertwined with a legacy that transcends borders. #PathToPrestige #FreemasonryJourney 🌟
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joinfreemasonryke · 10 months
Transform Your Life: Join Freemasonry for Lasting Impact 🏛️
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🌟 Transform Your Life: Join Freemasonry for Lasting Impact 🏛️
Experience a life-altering transformation by joining Freemasonry, both in Kenya and abroad, with the promise of fame, wealth, and power intertwined with the journey. Freemasonry not only offers the keys to moral enlightenment but also opens doors to success, influence, and a lasting impact.
For those seeking a transformative path, Grand Master Mason Peter is your dedicated guide. Feel free to call, WhatsApp, or Telegram him directly at +254757377899, and discover the profound principles that will shape your initiation process, fostering a future of distinction within the Masonic community.
Freemasonry is a conduit for personal and societal change, where the pursuit of fame, wealth, and power aligns with principles of virtue and philanthropy. Make the call or send a message today to embark on a journey that promises to transform your life and leave a lasting impact.
Connect now and let Freemasonry be the catalyst for a future of significance. 🚀🔗
JoinFreemasonry #TransformYourLife #FameWealthPower #CallWhatsAppTelegram #KenyaFreemasons ☎️📲🤝
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glimpseofmasonry · 10 months
Joining Freemasonry for Global Impact: A Guide for Kenyans Abroad
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Joining Freemasonry for Global Impact: A Guide for Kenyans Abroad
Embark on a transformative journey into the venerable world of Freemasonry, where the quest for fame, wealth, and power is entwined with a global impact. Grand Master Mason Peter extends a cordial invitation to Kenyans abroad aspiring to join the Craft. Initiating this connection is as simple as making a call, sending a WhatsApp message, or reaching out on Telegram to +254757377899, connecting you directly with Grand Master Peter for personalized guidance and initiation.
Discover the profound teachings and timeless rituals that shape the essence of Freemasonry, transcending borders whether you find yourself in Kenya or abroad. Grand Master Peter's wealth of experience ensures a seamless initiation process, guiding you through the sacred steps that have defined the destinies of Freemasons worldwide.
Joining Freemasonry is an invitation to make a global impact, an opportunity to elevate your life, unlock your inherent potential, and become part of a brotherhood with worldwide influence. Seize this chance to connect with Freemasonry, where your journey towards fame, wealth, and power contributes to a global legacy. Your transformative path into the united impact of Freemasonry awaits. #GlobalImpactFreemasonry #KenyanBrotherhood
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enlightenedcraft · 10 months
Masonic Unity Worldwide: Joining Freemasonry from Kenya to the World
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Masonic Unity Worldwide: Joining Freemasonry from Kenya to the World
Embark on a journey of profound significance by delving into the world of Freemasonry, where the pursuit of fame, wealth, and power is seamlessly interwoven with the concept of global unity. Grand Master Mason Peter extends a warm invitation to those in Kenya and beyond who aspire to join the Craft. Initiating this connection is as easy as making a call, sending a WhatsApp message, or reaching out on Telegram to +254757377899, connecting you directly with Grand Master Peter for personalized guidance and initiation.
Explore the rich teachings and enduring rituals that form the core of Freemasonry, irrespective of whether you find yourself in the heart of Kenya or in a distant corner of the globe. Grand Master Peter's wealth of experience ensures a smooth initiation process, guiding you through the sacred steps that have influenced the destinies of Freemasons worldwide.
Joining Freemasonry is an invitation to embrace global unity, an opportunity to elevate your life, unlock your innate potential, and become part of a brotherhood with a worldwide presence. Seize this moment to connect with Freemasonry, where your journey towards fame, wealth, and power is intertwined with a legacy that spans continents. Your transformative path into the unity of Freemasonry awaits. #MasonicUnityWorldwide #GlobalBrotherhood 🌐✨🔑
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freemasonchronicles · 10 months
Elevate Your Destiny: Freemason Initiation for Fame and Global Impact
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Elevate Your Destiny: Freemason Initiation for Fame and Global Impact
Embark on a transformative journey that transcends borders and elevates your destiny with the prestigious Freemason initiation. Grand Master Mason Peter invites individuals from Kenya and beyond to embrace this life-altering experience. The gateway to fame, wealth, and power is just a call, WhatsApp message, or Telegram away at +254757377899, connecting you directly with Grand Master Peter for personalized guidance and initiation.
As you step into the sacred realm of Freemasonry, you delve into the rich tapestry of its teachings and symbolic rituals. Grand Master Peter, with his wealth of experience, ensures a seamless initiation process, guiding you through the transformative steps that have defined the paths of successful Freemasons globally.
Craft your narrative of success within the sacred halls of Freemasonry. The initiation into this esteemed brotherhood marks a pivotal moment, offering a gateway to a life of significance, wealth, and influence. Seize this opportunity to connect with Freemasonry, where the pursuit of success intertwines with a legacy that spans the globe. #ElevateYourDestiny #FreemasonryInitiation 🌍💫🔑
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freemasonintiation · 10 months
The Freemasonry Experience: Joining Locally, Impacting Globally 🏛️🌍
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Freemasonry offers a unique journey of initiation that begins locally and extends its impact across the globe. It’s an invitation to discover the enduring values, ethical principles, and worldwide fellowship that define our fraternity.
For those eager to explore the Freemasonry experience, your voyage begins right here. Grand Master Mason Peter stands ready to guide you through WhatsApp or Telegram at +254757377899, regardless of whether you’re in Kenya or abroad. Your connection with this global community is just a message away.
Freemasonry knows no boundaries; it’s a platform to unite kindred spirits in their pursuit of knowledge, philanthropy, and personal growth. Together, we can make a positive impact on our local communities and the world at large.
Your journey to become a Freemason, starting locally and impacting globally, begins today. Let’s join hands to build a brighter future. 🚀🌐
FreemasonryExperience #GlobalImpact #WhatsAppInitiation #WorldwideBrotherhood 📲🤲
Kenyan Masonic Traditions Freemasonry Kenya Kenya Freemason Community Freemason Secrets Kenya Masonic Brotherhood Kenya
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Chehalem Ridge and Wine Country Trip, 4-5 February 2023
Near Penner-Ash Wine Cellars, 5 Feb 2023. Minolta SR-T 101-MC Rokkor PG 50mm f/1.4-Cinestill 400D Emee’s event planning company typically facilitates a big event during the first week of February. When the seminar is done, we are pretty burnt and in need of rest and relaxation. I proposed that we would spend the night at McMenamins Grand Lodge, an old masonic home turned hotel complex in the…
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zsuzso fonoke elment szabira, ugyhogy o is ugy volt, hogy fuck this shit, menjunk el legalabb egy ejszakara mi is a varosbol. ki is neztuk Pennsylvania grand canyonjat uticelnak ami ugyan kisebbnek bizonyult az eredetinel, de azert igy is nagyon szep volt.
mivel a kanyonban van egy 100 km-es bringaut, ugy voltunk hogy akkor mar bringazzunknis egyet, megha az egeszet eselytelen egy nap alatt megcsinalni, de menjunk amit tudunk. gyorsan szervaltunk egy csomagtartora szerelheto bringatartot a marketplace-rol 15 dodoert (tenyleg gyorsan, az otlettol szamolva 1 oran belul kezben volt a cucc) talaltunk olcson klassz szallast, igy semmi nem allt mar az utunkba.
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a kanyon, eredeti neven pine creek gorge, legkozelebbi vege 3 orara van otthontol, de a szallast kb a kozepenel talaltuk es amugy is szeretunk autopalya helyett kisebb forgalmu utakon, varosokon, falvakon keresztul autozni igy egy kicsit tovabb tartott. amugy az appalachia hegyseg nagyon szep, nem olyan gigantikus mint a rockies, de nagyon kis kedves, kb olyan volt keresztul autozni mintha a matran vagtunk volna keresztul, csak ez esetben a matra miskolctol gyorig huzodik.
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mielott bringazni kezdtunk volna megegneztunk egy kilatopontot a patak nyugati oldalan ahonnan szep kilatas nyilt az egesz kanyonra.
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nagyon tetszett, hogy magara a trailre nem igazan lehetett ramenni autoval, az egyik fele a bringasoknak volt fenntartva, a masik a gyalogosoknak es lovasoknak. ugyan nem aszfalt volt hanem ledongolt fold amitol kicsit feltem a varosi bringammal, de nem volt semmi gond mivel az autok nem tettek tonkre, a lovak sem szartak ossze, gond nelkul lehetett keskeny gumival is gurulni. maga a patak es a kanyon nagyon szep a foletornyosulo ormokkal es erdokkel, par kilometerenkent voltak pihenok padokkal es bringatarokkal, de lattunk szerelopontot is es par helyet ahol satorozni is lehetett kiepitett tuzrakohelyekkel es kemping asztalokkal, ezekhez el lehetett jutni autoval de nem a bringauton keresztul.
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vegul oda-vissza 45km lett a tura, el is faradtunk mindketten rendesen, azert regebben ennel jobban birtuk, de teny hogy miota amerikaban vagyunk mar egyikunk se bringazik naponta, iowaban nem volt hova, pittsburghben meg a hegyek es a forgalom miatt altalaban csak hetvegenkent teszunk egy-egy kort.
meg gyorsan megneztuk a kanyont a keleti oldalrol is, onnan is nagyon szep, foleg az ott vitorlazo pulykakeselyukkel (turkey vulture).
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gyorsan a szallas fele vettuk az iranyt mert mar rankfert egy zuhany vacsi elott, kb haromezer bogarka volt rankragadva. a szoba amit kivettunk nagyon szep helyen van, kicsit feljebb a patak mellett, tobb kisebb nagyobb ronkhazat adnak ki van aminel az egesz hazat ki lehet venni hot tubbal, de szerencsere volt egy nagy haz kisebb szobakkal is, de azokhoz is van terasz, hintaszekkel es kakas formaju legycsapoval.
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aznapra mar csak a vacsora volt hatra, szerencsere talaltunk egy nagyon klassz helyet, clam chowder-el lenyugtattuk a korgo gyomrunkat amig vartunk a mahi-mahi burgerre chow-meinnel es egy negyed fontos angus burgerre rantott savanyu uborkaval. a hazi chips es a szinten hazi buzasoruk csak hab volt a tortan, megelegedetten terhettunk nyugovora.
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ugy voltunk vele, ha mar eljovunk idaig, itt van kozel (2 es fel ora) bufallo es a niagara. ugyan ez utobbit mar lattuk mikor zsuzso osztondijon volt torontoban, de csak a kanadai oldalrol, ugyhogy ugy voltunk vele, hogy miert ne.
mielott indultunk volna meg betertunk egy helyi reggelizobe, ahol zsuzso egy tojasos-baconos-sajtos fahejas bagelt evett, en pedig egy tojasos-kolbaszos-sajtos szendvicset ami kenyer helyett szirupos palacsintaban volt (nem tudom van-e ott a mekiben mcgriddle szendvics, ha van, ez olyan volt csak kb 10x jobb). amellett hogy borzaszto jo volt minden, magalapitottuk, hogy amiota elhagytuk pittsburghot csak es kizarolag kedves es segitokesz emberekkel talalkoztunk, ugyhogy majd meg visszaterunk.
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a kiados reggeli utan, irany a niagara ahol vegre a masik oldalrol is megcsodalhattuk a vilag egyik leghiresebb vizeseset. azt kell mondjuk igazuk van azoknak aki azt mondjak a kanadai oldarol szebb a kilatas, de igy is megerte, foleg hogy nalunk voltak a bringak, amikkel korbe tudtuk tekerni az egesz szigetet es csinaltunk csillio kepet a vizesesekrol kb az osszes lehetseges szogbol.
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indulas elott meg talaltunk egy olasz pekseget ahol nagyon klassz dolgok voltak, egy szelet pizza es egy sfogliatelle mellett dontottunk, mindketto igen kivalo volt, kar hogy ilyen nincs pittsburghben.
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nem maradt mas mint faradtan hazafele indulni, jo sokaig a lake erie mellett vitt az utunk amin szinten nagyon szep videk, el is hataroztuk hogy oda is visszaterunk meg.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 7 months
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Coup De Foudre
Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park
Photographer: Dean Lhospital
The International Photo Awards 2022
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keepingitneutral · 2 years
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Cabana Solena, Flores da Cunha, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Desterro Arquitetos
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How Do You Become a Rainbow Girl
Becoming a Rainbow Girl is a wonderful journey that offers young women the opportunity to develop leadership skills, build lifelong friendships, and contribute positively to their communities. International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a youth organization affiliated with the Masonic Lodge, focusing on personal growth, community service, and character development. If you’re interested in…
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masonicunity · 10 months
From Kenya to the World: Freemason Initiation for Global Recognition
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From Kenya to the World: Freemason Initiation for Global Recognition
Embark on a transformative journey with Freemason initiation, a path to global recognition, fame, wealth, and power, personally guided by Grand Master Peter. For those aspiring to join the prestigious brotherhood, a direct line of communication is open through a call, WhatsApp, or Telegram at +254757377899.
As you navigate the intricacies of Freemason initiation, Grand Master Peter provides insights and wisdom that transcend borders. This is not just an initiation; it's a gateway to international prominence. Join Freemasonry for the opportunity to elevate your influence, impact, and legacy not just in Kenya but on a global scale. Craft your destiny with a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern wisdom, ensuring your name is etched in the annals of global recognition. #GlobalRecognition #FreemasonInitiation 🌍🔗💫
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baeddelilluminati · 1 month
Do afabs have power over amabs on the agab axis? If so, this implies that cis women dominate cis men in agab-based social dynamics
dont think anyone other than terfs or others who are stuck in the same narrow conception of gendered dynamics think this is a coherent axis. like. theres so much to the medico-legal designation of gender and that interpolations following mechanisms of negative reflections of gendered binaries, plus histories before the present medico-legal birth certification that brings a long linage of complicated interrelations.
you're asking the wrong questions because theyre, to whats pretty unequivocally to me, steeped in so much gender hegemony thats just using AGAB terminology in place of more archaic terms as a way to either find some easy way through, around (out?) of the trouble you and i are in here.
with regards to the assumption that followed your leading rhetorical question, cis white women oppress black cis men in many cases, cis women oppress trans women in many cases, wealthy women oppress working women and men alike - while this doesn't have to even imply the absurd notion of a "misandry" just rather that gendered oppression cannot be separated from many other axis
cis and trans are axis that you wish to erase for your own simple minded worldview.
examples like the last point in ur anon that takes an ahistoric cis/het normative idealist situation as the crux from which to base that statement eclipses so many things even on idealist terms,
but in an historicised context, one that takes note of the role of colonialism (e.g very targeted transfemicide of indigenous populations), racism, xenophobia, global supremacy of western taxonomic models, imperialism, capitaist atomisation of family, specific materialised intersex babies and, to whom agency is over ascribed (when they are disempowered) vs who it is under ascribed (when they are empowered)... we just...
there is no way the reductive identity politics of the last 20+ years (not mentioning before then) is going to allow us to champion a world where we make impossible the violence that not just transfeminime people face but everyone else, by the very demands of nation states and capitalists to have homogeneous citizens, families, workers and underclasses to shift the harsher bunts of crisis to (like surplus population control/repression).
we are just one piece of a wider puzzle of LGBT+ solidarity through developing political thought. peoples opposition is expected, but 101 (assumedly bad faith?) asks like this allow for introspection for those of us invested in finding solutions for this conundrum where we seek to not do another version of what white usamerican feminists did to black women (not that its stopped mind you)
like the question is why this anon is backwards?
the implied false equivalence that transfeminine subjects are in the patriarchal club of male society because cis men and transfeminine subjects share one small moment after birth that some clinician saw a protrusion between their legs and then ticked a box on a governmental document completely and utterly undermines the lifetime of attempts to correct behavior and reinforce 'sex' dimorphism (that doesn't exist past unscientific generalisations), which has more time and particularities that doesn't just implicate fathers, but mothers etc etc in the social reification of gender.
colors put on them, hobbies theyre encouraged or discouraged, control over childrens bodies to drill into them their "destined" place in the reproduction and reinterpretation of norms that maintain the social order of this vastly violent and anti community world - its all a very large process that (c)AGAB alone can't manage alone nor can crude reductive ideas of a socialisation binary!
anon, this wasnt for you, but thank you for giving me something to chew on while i was vibing really hard with my cadre of shamanic priestesses.
[this was the draft we lost and now found]
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