#Grand Master Pete
Day 163: In my heart of hearts, Siegfried can pass Tiamat's Vibe Check. Ditto for Kriemhild, if given enough time and preparation.
Tiamat probably won't let them pass on the basis of "you two need to figure out your situation first before anything happens".
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Grand-Mav and Baby Chick
Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw / Unnamed Spouse; Implied Pete "Maverick" Mitchell / Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Word Count: 0.9k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog is 18+ Only
Warnings: Parental Stress; Dad Joke Humor; Rooster's Spouse is Unnamed; Implied IceMav; There's no way that the Navy allows babies into the offices, but let's just pretend
Summary: Rooster needs a babysitter for his son last minute. Maverick volunteers.
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Despite objections from a large portion of the admiralty, Maverick somehow managed to secure a job teaching at Top Gun again after the uranium facility mission. And an even more shocking aspect of that whole situation was the fact that he managed to actually keep the position. 
And the best part of the job for Maverick? The fact that he saw Rooster just about every day. Rooster had been stationed in Miramar for two years now and even though they no longer worked side by side, they tried to eat lunch together at least once a week. It helped them rebuild their relationship quickly and strengthen it even further as Rooster went on to get married and move onto the next stages of his adult life. 
Maverick loved spending time around Rooster’s family. But Maverick wasn’t expecting Rooster to burst into his office with little baby Nick Peter Bradshaw tucked in his arms. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be here?” Maverick teased, waving at Nick before turning to look up at a very flustered Rooster. “Why did you bring him to work?”
“Daycare is closed and I couldn’t find a babysitter,” Rooster explained rapidly. Quickly remembering that Rooster’s spouse was out of town, Maverick glanced back up at Rooster, who looked on the edge of a breakdown. “I have a briefing in ten minutes and I’m out of options, Mav, and—”
“—Give him here,” Maverick replied without hesitation, already reaching for Nick. 
“You don’t have anything?” Rooster asked, handing his son over.
“Just a class. Nothing too crazy,” Maverick stated, happily accepting Nick into his arms. Rubbing Nick’s belly and earning a coo in return, Maverick smiled down at the little chick. “And it’s never too early to teach him about aviation.”
“Thanks, Mav,” Rooster sighed, handing over the baby bag as well. “I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about it. Now get to your briefing," Maverick stated, shooing Rooster out of his office.
“And remember, when you’re flying in low visibility, you have to . . .”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, completely ignorant or simply uncaring about the odd looks that his students were shooting him. But then again, it wasn’t every day that the famous Maverick, who was pretty much a living legend in the naval aviation community, showed up to class with a random baby strapped to his chest. 
Maverick turned away from the board with notes and schematics up on it and back to his students. He pointed at the schematics and gesticulated to emphasize the important facts of the lesson, causing Nick to smile and drool a bit as Maverick indirectly entertained him with his movements and gestures.
“What the fuck is going on?” one of the cadets whispered quietly. 
“Whose baby is that?” another added on, leaning back in their seat.
“And why did he bring them to class?”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, but when Nick started to whine, he momentarily paused. Quickly reaching into the baby bag, Maverick fished out Nick’s binkie from one of the top pockets and quickly got him settled again. And then Maverick went right back to the lesson as if nothing happened to disturb it in the first place. Minus a couple odd bounces around to make sure that Nick stayed calm and happy in his carrier.
One brave cadet slowly raised his hand with a dumbstruck expression on his face. Maverick motioned for him to speak and the cadet slowly lowered his hand to point at Nick.
“Sir, why do you have a baby?”
“Oh,” Maverick realized, glancing down at Nick for a moment. “My son had a briefing and he didn’t have anyone else to watch his son, so I'm watching him for today.”
“Is that safe?” another cadet asked, sharing an odd look with their fellow students. 
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s up to date on his shots. And he can’t bite because he doesn’t have any teeth yet,” Maverick explained, earning even more incredulous looks as a result of his explanation. “Now, back to the maneuvers that we’ve been discussing this week . . .”
“What. The. Fuck," one cadet murmured under their breath.
“You know, when people told me that he was a little crazy, I didn’t think that he would be this crazy.”
“This day can’t get any weirder.”
But, of course, a knock at the door proved the cadets wrong. Because not three seconds later, the Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky walked into the classroom.
The cadets tripped over themselves, rushing to stand at attention for the most senior naval officer this side of the Rockies. But Maverick was completely relaxed and strode over to Ice to make the smooth hand off.
“You got out of your meeting early?” Maverick guessed, handing Ice the baby bag. 
“Well, I am the COMPACFLT,” Ice replied with an easygoing smile. “And besides . . .” Ice reached out to grab Nick from the baby carrier that Maverick tucked him into, “. . . someone has to watch the little chick.”
Nick cooed and made grabby motions for Ice, clearly happy to see him. Ice happily greeted Nick and held him protectively in his arms. Maverick handed off the rest of Nick’s belongings to Ice before the usually rigid and stern admiral turned to the class full of cadets. 
“We apologize for interrupting your lesson. We’ll get out of your way.” Ice shot Maverick a wink before turning to Nick. “Can you wave ‘bye bye’ to everyone, Nick?”
Nick held his half-curled hand up in the air and waved his whole arm at Maverick and the class before Ice turned and walked out of the room. When the door shut behind them, the entire class was completely silent.
“Any questions?” Maverick asked, breaking the stone-cold silence. 
All twenty hands immediately rose into the air with each cadet sitting on the edge of their seat to ask their question.
“About the lesson," Maverick emphasized a moment later.
All twenty hands quickly lowered back down, some more sheepish than others. Turning back to the board, Maverick carried on as if nothing odd or unusual happened.
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HipHop's 50th Anniversary: What 'Culture' are We talking about?
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I was in Elementary School back on Aug. 11th 1973. My family left The Bronx, but I spent a lot of time w/ my 'big cousins' in the Harlem River Houses. My cousin Mona babysat my brother & I, taking Us everywhere w/ her; including dates. I remember Mona taking Us to 'The Summer Of Soul Concert' in Harlem, & I remember going to a few of those Park Jams in Bronxdale & in Soundview. I think We saw more of King Mario than Kool Herc & Coke La Rock. My oldest brother formally introduced me to HipHop in the Spring of 1977 (b4 the Blackout). I remember coming home from School to find his Crew set up in Our Dining Room.
I got my 1st look from the 'Other Side of The Rope', & I was hooked! I wasn't a Rapper (yet), or a Break Dancer, but I had an ear for music. Like a lot of Old School Deejays (& under My brother's tutelage) I cut My teeth on Component Sets & BSR Turntables; rocking Line In switches b4 getting a [real] Mixer... I bought My own DJ Set in 1984 (B2s), & mastered my Craft as a Street DJ, & later in a few NYC Clubs. Most DJs are disciples of [Grand Master] Flash or [Grand Wizard] Theodore; I was more of a disciple of Jazzy Jay & Cut Master DC. We All have Our Unique Features, but EVERYONE went back to School when Jazzy Jeff introduced the 'Transformer Cut', back in 1986. Like a lot of DJs disenchanted w/ 'Gangsta Rap', I split time w/ HipHop's Twin Sister- House Music.
I say all of this, to qualify myself as a 'bonafide Shorty' of 1st Generation HipHop, & a full fledged Member of The New School Era. My point, is to say that 'In The Beginning', there was just The Culture. It didn't have a formal name- but it was being done ALL OVER NYC. I associate the '1520 Sedgwick Avenue' Story of HipHop w/ Afrika Bambaataa; he's The First Person that I remember telling this Story. Disco King Mario predated Kool Herc by years. Herc copied Mario's Style- down to his equipment! King Mario wasn't alone, Pete 'DJ' Jones & Hank Spann & were dueling Frankie Crocker & Gary Byrd On The Radio (WWRL vs WBLS), while DJ Flowers, DJ Spotlight, DJ Smokey, DJ Hollywood, The Disco Twins, & a number of Club DJs were also mixing it up.
A major argument is whether Disco is connected to HipHop. The Cats up in The Bronx say HELL NO, while the rest of NYC says HELL YES! People need to understand that when We talk about 'Disco', we don't mean 'The Sound' or Studio 54; We mean 'The Disco Fever', 'Harlem World', 'Sugar Hill', & 'The Factory'. The DJs that spun @ these Clubs molded the format that HipHop DJs still follow Today. Kool Herc is credited w/ The 'Merry Go Round'- his mix of Break Beats, but he wasn't the only DJ mixing Breaks or James Brown songs. The Black Spades that were interviewed, speak on King Mario spinning 'Soul Power' & how they chanted 'Spade Power'- as early as 1971. This creates a schism between Bronxdale & Soundview.
Black Americans say HipHop started in Bronxdale, as late as 1971. West Indians; Jamaican- Americans in particular, say it started on Aug. 11th, 1973. Puerto Ricans [Nuyoricans/ Puerto Rocks] say it started between 1975 & 1977, when Afrika Bambaataa incorporated Latino Breakers into 'his' HipHop scene. While there is debate over When & Where in The Bronx it started, EVERYONE AGREES that HipHop was created to Stop Gang Violence. The Culture involves individual expression through Graffiti, B- Boy Style of Dress, & Dance, Spoken Word, & the ability to keep The Party going non-stop. The Original Gangs splintered into Crews that now 'battled' each other w/ Turntables & Mics, on the Dance floor, & w/ Spray Paint Cans (Bombing).
The vernacular of HipHop is based in The Nation Of Islam & The Nation of Gods & Earths, so it's big on Black Power, Black Excellence, & The Traditional Black Family. Both Organizations are Pan Afrikan in their Philosophy, so The Black Diaspora is represented. The same is true w/ The Zulu Nation. Before the rise of The Nation of Latin Kings & Queens, you would find Latino Zulu Kings & Queens- it was All Love! Afrika Bambaataa coined HipHop's 'Mission Statement' of: "Peace, Unity, Love, & Having Fun!", in a song w/ James Brown by the same Name. He also defined the existing '5 Elements' as the fundamentals of HipHop Culture. The Zulu Nation were the unofficial Ambassadors of HipHop; first taking it Downtown, & later taking it Globally... No One questioned Bambaataa's actions.
As We celebrate 50Yrs of HipHop, Afrika Bambaataa's Legacy is tarnished @ best. He has been Radio Silent, since allegations of Child Molestation rose against him 7Yrs ago. Every Move that Bambaataa made is being questioned- Was it a good move for HipHop to go Downtown to SoHo? Did it open the door to the current 'isms' that plague The Culture? It was a Black Specific art form, but it opened itself up to integration w/ Sexual Deviants, Drug Abusers, & White Record Executives. In retrospect, We can see what lured Bam Downtown. I'm curious- is the current manifestation of 'The Culture' Bambaataa's intended goal? It goes against his language, but it's in line w/ his actions.
In the wake of Afrika Bambaataa's 'Fall from Grace', people began questioning his narrative of HipHop. Original B- Boys are still walking The Streets, so it wasn't hard to fact check. DJ Phase has spoke on many Youtube videos under 'The Culture', where he breaks down the Foundation of what became HipHop. According to DJ Phase, HipHop was born on June 7th, 1971- in the Bronxdale Houses. He said that it wasn't organized; Mario simply set up on the grass & spun records. Later that Summer, in July- DJ Phase said that they were more organized w/ more sound & records, so THAT was when Brothers got serious about what they were doing. Disco King Mario did a series of Jams that culminated in the legendary 'Rosedale Park' Jam, that lit up The Bronx & inspired future pioneers.
There is a lot of controversy today concerning the Origins of HipHop. Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority' had the best comment on the subject: "Success has many Fathers, but Failure is an Orphan". As We question the running narrative of HipHop's birth, We also have to question WHO gets Credit for WHAT. No One questions the contributions of Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, & Panamanians to The Culture, but the claims being made by Busta Rhymes, Pete Rock, Fat Joe, & John Leguizamo are disrespectful. Busta & Pete Rock assert that Jamaican Culture DIRECTLY INFLUENCED HipHop; Busta says 90%. He goes on to say that Kool Herc brought the Sound System & Jamaican 'Toasting' or 'Ranking' to the Bronx Youth. Puerto Ricans weren't really prominent in HipHop b4 'Beat Street' & the 'Break Dance Movies', but Fat Joe & John Leguizamo say Puerto Rico contributed 50% to The Culture... They ALL sound ridiculous.
In an effort to get ahead of King Mario predating Kool Herc, people have gone as far as saying that Disco King Mario is [half] Puerto Rican. When it was proven that Mario came from North Carolina, a Story came out that his family migrated to (Jim Crow) North Carolina back in 1912. Mario's Sister says they aren't Puerto Rican- They're North Carolinian & 'Country'... His Mother just liked the name Mario. This effort to remove Black Americans from a Black American genre is confusing. Making a contribution 'to', or an innovation 'of' something, doesn't make one 'The Originator' of it. DJ Phase made a point to elaborate on The Energy behind HipHop, & what inspired it. Our Family from The Diaspora mostly arrived after The Civil Rights Movement; They really don't know what AmeriKKKa was like before 1970.
Contrary to what Busta Rhymes, Pete Rock, or Fat Joe may say, HipHop begins w/ The Black Spades. As a boy in Harlem, I remember how revered The Black Spades were. They were respected, but I didn't understand why... Before The Black Spades, Blackfolk in The Bronx were being victimized by Whitefolk; 'Authur Avenue' Italians, in particular. According to The Black Spades, they couldn't go ANYWHERE w/o being attacked, so they organized & struck back. The Black Spades- essentially Black Teens, didn't just beat those Racists back; they opened up The Bronx for EVERY Black Person, giving them The Right of Autonomy. That Energy or Spirit of Revolution was celebrated in Song & Dance, & King Mario was The Conductor.
Kool Herc got to see King Mario & The Black Spades at 'The Tunnel'. He heard the Breaks & saw how the Black Spades reacted- He heard the chants of 'Spade Power!' Herc himself said that he analyzed what 'they were doing' & came up w/ The Merry Go Round. That, is an innovation. Herc never said that he introduced Toasting to those Baby Spades; in fact, Herc admitted trying to play Jamaican Music, but The Crowd didn't take to it. If Busta & Pete Rock were right, We should have some Reggae among familiar Beat Beats. All of these Cats talk about 'Culture', but they just sound ignorant. A 'Culture' is defined as: 'The sum total of Social Life'. If West Indian (i.e. Jamaican) and/or Latinx (i.e. Puerto Rican) Culture plays such a major role in HipHop, why did ALL of them adopt Black American Social Mores? Kool Herc admitted that he was clowned when he arrived in The Bronx; he thought Cowboy Boots were cool.
If we're going to run w/ the: 'Kool Herc is The Father of HipHop' Story, Coke La Rock should @ least be mentioned. He is credited w/ being The First Emcee. He was Herc's Partner. Busta & a literal Legion of Yardies want to coronate Herc as 'King of HipHop', but it was Coke La Rock that transformed 'Clive' into 'Kool Herc'. Clive DIDN'T KNOW THE CULTURE. Coke La Rock took him down to 125th Street, showed him what to buy, & how to sport it. Somehow, Coke La Rock was written out of the narrative. Again, Bambaataa started this. Another issue w/ Herc being hailed as 'The Father' of HipHop, is how easily he Bowed Down to U- Roy. Herc referred to him as 'his King'. Big Respect to U- Roy, I- Roy & ALL the Pioneers of Ska, Reggae, Lover's Rock, Dub Poetry, & Dancehall! That said, Black Americans BOW TO NO ONE! This is a Problem.
When We talk about Culture, HipHop embodies The Spirit of Revolution. Lay it out on the Black American Timeline, & it's a natural transition; from Work Songs, to Ragtime, to Jazz, to Rhythm & Blues, to Soul & Funk, to HipHop. It's the tireless spirit of Black Liberation in AmeriKKKa. Where does Jamaican or Puerto Rican 'Culture' fit in? They were 'Lovers, not Fighters'. We were Angry! What were they angry about? They were in America- Everything was 'Irie'! When DJ Phase was asked about this [Kool Herc] narrative, he cut to The Chase & said that this narrative gives Whitefolk a 'lane of claim' to Our Culture. It was Too Black, Too Strong, but it's been watered down. When We raise Our Heads, We will see that the people claiming ownership of Our Culture, are the same people representing Us in Government. They are the ones allowing Benign Neglect to continue & contesting Our Right to receive [Lineage Based] Reparations. They also represent Us 'On Screen', but they rarely depict Us in a dignified manner; We're either Ghetto, or Cowards.
While We're on the subject of 'Culture', let's point out how the level of deviance & violence has risen w/ the number of Jamaican & Puerto Rican Rappers. Boogie Down Productions gets Full Credit for setting off the 9mm talk. Just- Ice's 'The Original Gangster of Hip Hop' was just plain Raw... Also, B- Girls didn't dress like or behave like Dancehall Girls; compare Shante, Sweet Tee, & Latifah to Lil Kim, Nikki Minaj, & Cardi B. White Record Executives, like Lyor Cohen, have rerouted HipHop's 'messaging' to target Suburban Whitefolk eager to hear about 'Ghetto Life'. Today's Artists have been set up lovely by those who came before them, but I wonder if the New Jacks know The History? Do they know what it took for Us to maintain this? Cats had to show restraint, because Authorities were just waiting for Us to mess up. U can literally count the # of times U heard the N- Word b4 NWA... Do they know Themfolks tried to shut Us down in 1982; leading to the 'New School/ Hardcore Era' that started in 1983- 1984 w/ Run-DMC, T- La Rock & Jazzy Jay, & LL Cool J?
Truth be told, The Park Jams faded out by 1986- 1987. The Crack Wars began to make large gatherings dangerous. The 1st Crack Dealers (in My Hood) were The Dreads, who sold out of Weed Spots. The 'Rude Boys' weren't concerned w/ 'protocol', so things got Hot pretty quickly.... I understand that there is an effort to make HipHop EVERYONE'S genre, but it isn't; not anymore than Motown or Bebop. The World is welcome to enjoy HipHop, but make No Mistake- it's a Black American genre that just happens to be globally appreciated & adopted by many. That said, notions of people like Kool Herc, or Eminem being the 'Father' or 'King' diminish the effect that those 'Baby Spades' had on The Original Concept. We can appreciate their contributions, but HipHop Culture is bigger than them. It has a purpose, & it's NOT making Non Indigenous Blackfolk wealthy.
It was a youthful expression of Black Power & Creativity, but outside forces have turned it into a Golden Goose that only benefits White Record Execs & their Proxies. We treated Her like a Debutant, but She has been reduced to a Crack Whore that EVERYONE can get a piece of. Young Family has to go back to The Root. A Race War is looming, & i'm not sure that their music is up to task. Most of today's Artists are more concerned w/ their 30 pieces of silver, than The Culture it represents. Cats like Busta & Fat Joe aren't concerned, they're taking the money & running. Fat Joe wasn't even a Rapper back in The Day, he was a Stick up Kid; so he's always been about the 'Vic'. Immortal Technique & Big Pun R The Real Deal... HipHop has become symbolic of Black American Courtesy- We say: "have some", & Our 'guest' proceeds to help themselves to Everything. NO ONE is allowed to be more than a Guest in the genres of Jamaican & Latinx Music, so why do they expect ownership in Black American Music?
When We talk about HipHop Culture, We need to remove All the noise in The Room. ANYONE making a claim to Our Culture should be Checked quickly. This 'Back to School Party' Story doesn't make sense! It's supposed to be inspirational, but it's narrated like just another Party. What's so special about it? What exactly motivated Herc's Sister to have this Party, several weeks before School started? How does this 'Party' spark a Movement? Compare it w/ HipHop being a Celebration of Black Youth in The Bronx [dramatically] winning their fight against White Supremacy & their Right of Autonomy- An UNAPOLOGETIC DISPLAY of Black Power. There was a REASON why NYPD left Mario & the Black Spades Deejays alone. When they were 'Jamming', The Black Spades weren't beating down White Racists... No disrespect, but Immigrant Family weren't Here, so they don't know what sparked this Movement.
The Original Concept of HipHop is rooted in stopping Gang Violence. It was a creative alternative to the death & destruction that We brought on each other. The current version of it is so far removed, it's almost unrecognizable. Today's manifestation is literally a Death Cult that offers little to no benefit to The Artist. White Executives seem convinced that it's only about Beats & Rhymes, but the Crap being presented is vulgar & cookie cutter; which defies HipHop's demand for Originality & Excellence. After 50+Yrs, it's apparent that HipHop is best represented when it's Culturally connected to the Experience of Black American Life. EVERYONE ELSE is a House Guest & should behave accordingly.
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The festival of Hearts (a Royal au) - part 3
Characters: King!Jake “hangman” Seresin x Queen!female!reader, Royal Huntsman!Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Master of Arms!Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, lady-in-waiting!Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Royal Advisor!Robert “Bob” Floyd, King Champion!Javy “Coyote” Machado, Queen Champion!Reuben “Payback” Fitch and Queen Champion!Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Warnings: mention of hunting animals, mention of arrange marriage, mention of dead parents, mention of diseases, mention of killing, mention of attacking a person, inaccuracies in terms of the Middle Ages (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: princess, now Queen Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N was forced into marrying King Jake “Hangman” Seresin. Leaving her own kingdom, Eldoria, behind, she left to live and rule Jake kingdom, Misthaven. The time for an age-old tradition in Y/N kingdom came. Miraculously the Queen convinces Jake to invite her old village to come celebrate the tradition with them. This is the story on how the ruthless King learns how to love his Queen.
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
Last part - Next part - masterlist
A/N: not proofread
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During the long walk towards Y/N's new room, her and her Lady-in-Waiting Natasha reunited. Reuben and Mickey stayed behind in their own quarters to prepare for the celebration dinner.
Adelaine lead both woman through a large hallway, before stopping in front of a large door. "Your Majesty, this will be your and your husbands room, is there anything else I can contribute with?" Adelaine asked her new ruler. Y/N smiled at the woman: "No, thank you Miss Adelaine. You were a great aid with showing me the ballroom and my quarters. My Lady-in-Waiting will help me get ready for the dinner now" Y/N mentioned towards Natasha, who was standing quietly next to her queen.
Adelaine bowed her head before opening the door for the two woman. "Very well, on the right side of the room is your bathroom. King Jacob has requested you to wear a dress from his late mother. The dress is layed out on your bed. I will leave you and your Lady-In-Waiting alone now" she continued while turning her body to the left.
"If you have any questions or requests, you can always ask the guarts present at the doors and they will lead you towards me or any compagnion approved by the king." Adelaine finished before vanishing down the hallway.
Natasha's gaze moved towards Y/N. "Shall we get ready, your Majesty?" She asked with a tease in her tone. Natasha never called Y/N "your majesty" when no-one was around. Y/N wasn't just a queen to Natasha, she was her best friend.
For the first time today, Y/N felt a real smile on her face. "We shall my Lady-in-Waiting" she teased back. Natasha laughed, locked arms with her best friend and entered the bedroom.
A couple hours laters different important men and women were awaiting for their king and new queen to walk down the grand staircase in the hallway. Servers were passing out expensive champagne, the kind of champagne only used during the most importantly times in the kingdoms history. Maids were placing the finishing touches to the long dinner table awaiting in the ballroom and cooks were finishing preparing meal including the two deers Jake and Bradley managed to hunt down.
There was a clear distribution between the men and women of the Kingdom of Misthaven and the men and woman of the Kingdom of Eldoria. One stood on the right side and the other on the left side. The left side contained of 5 people: Natasha Trace, Reuben Fitch, Mickey Garcia, a trusted knight of Eldoria and a young maid of the kingdom.
Natasha, Reuben and Mickey were having a conversation, laughing about the fact that both men got lost in the big castle and had to be rescued by a knight-in-training. The knight and maid were laughing with them, occasionally sipping their glass of champagne.
The other side contained of around 15 people, including Bradley Bradshaw, Pete Mitchell, Bob Floyd and Javy Machado. The other women and men present were important rulers and wealthy people of different kingdoms. They were old friends of Jakes parents. Jake couldn’t care one bit about them.
The 15 people had hushed conversations, the total opposite of what was happening in front of them. Many of them shot a disgusted look at the five people. How dare they make this much noice? How dare they act like they are important? How dares the new queen to let the servers give a maid champagne?
“Do you see that, Harold? That maid is just drinking with them? Shouldn’t she be working like the others?” A dark-haired lady whispered to her husband. Bradley stood next to the couple, his gaze slowly left the floor to look over at the maid. She’s just having fun, celebrating the new queen, what’s so wrong about that?
Bradley never liked the friends of Jakes parents, they all thought they were better than everyone because they had more money. The knight sighed before turning his gaze towards Bob.
Jake had told Bob he didn’t want any of these people here. Bob, being the great Royal Advisor he is, told Jake he had to invite them. Jakes father put a lot of time into befriending these people, they could help if the kingdom should fall.
Before Bradley’s thoughts could wander any further, footsteps were heard. Heels clicking against tiles made the guests conversations quieten down. A knight standing at the top of the stairs cleared his throat, ready to announce King Jake Seresin and his Queen Y/N Seresin
Y/n stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, the dress stood her beautifully on her skin. A pearl necklace shined from around her neck. Her newly crown was placed on her head. The maids had left 10 minutes ago, making her the only person left in the room.
She knew Jake was waiting on the other side of the door for her. They were supposed to be walking down the stairs right now, but nerves got the best of y/n. Could she do this? Could she be a good queen? A good ruler? Could she ever fall in love with the man standing outside? Will he even try to fall in her love with her? This marriage would be easier if they tried to fall in love with each other. Maybe…
A knock broke her thoughts. “Are you almost ready? The guests are waiting on us” a deep voice followed the knock. Y/n noticed Jake also left his royal talk behind when he talked to her. She didn’t mind it, this way she felt like she known him longer.
Y/n slowly moved to the door and twisted the door handle. Jake had moved back towards the bed and sat on the end of it. His gaze met Y/n. It was silent and both parties admired the others look. Slowly Jake stood up and moved towards y/n.
His eyes looked over the dress, the dress that once belonged to his mother. He could remember his mother in this dress. He could remember how his dad looked at his mom when she wore this dress. His mother wore this dress when his dad and mom renewed their vowes. The year before she passed away due to an unknown disease. Jake was 15 at the time. She wore this dress when she pulled Jake into a mommy-son dance during the celebration party. She was wearing this dress when she asked Jake to promise her that he would look after his future wife like his dad looked after her. She was wearing this dress when Jake promised his mom that he would give the world to his future wife.
And now she was wearing it. And maybe for a second Jake eyes shifted from annoyance for being too late, to a dedication in making this marriage actually work, al because of the memory of his mother.
Taglist: @corriegrace06 @dempy @the-romanian-is-bae @mirrorball-6 (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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hello students of hatchetfield!!!
what are you guys' favorite videogames??
pete seems like the type to have had a MASSIVE undertale phase.
(also richie is the goat)
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Max: Ha, three words. GRAND. THEFT. AUTO. Hell yeah, man.
Richie: ooh, best question!! mainly danganronpa, but some would say i'm pretty much a master at mariokart, i-
Ruth: *rolls her eyes at Richie with a fond chuckle*
Richie: they SAID i'm the GOAT, Ruthie! that means i'm the BEST, yeah? the BE-
Finnley: h-hi there! *adjusts his glasses shyly* i...uh...i really like animal crossing new horizons? it's really c-calming and...the villagers are all so cuuute! and the music, oh the music! i have this playlist with the music but the backing has rain noises and it just... it just soothes me *smiles softly*
Pete: Hey, thanks for the question :)
*chuckles softly, straightening his bowtie*
Look, you're not wrong, it's a high-class game, y'know? Also Star Wars: KOTOR! Man, I love that game...
Steph: Hey! *raises an eyebrow* Uh...do you count phone games? it's not my fault, they're addictive!
Ruth: HIIII :D Well, usually I play with Richie and Pete, we have game nights sometimes and they get SO annoyed when I'm better than them at games they play all the time, HA! Usually like, Mariokart or Minecraft!
Grace: Hiya!! I don't play much anymore but I used to LOVE Guardians of Ancora! That or something soothing like Wordscapes :)
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// the biggest thank you to hatchetfield high's resident gamer @aleshfish for literally ALL the help bc I have like barely any gaming knowledgeeeee, you're the real GOAT <3333 //
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sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Meta Series Master Thread
My brain works in meta series for some reason, and a couple of my individual metas have been really popular! So in case you're looking for more of my stuff, or to read a meta related to one you already liked, here're my series. I'll update them as I go.
Metas about Stories and Storytelling in OFMD
Do we just keep telling the same story forever? Meta on OFMD S1E7 "This is Happening"
(Note: writing this while on a holiday, there'll be more metas in this series once I get home and go through drafts ;) )
The Fuckery's the Thing: Finding truth through lies in "The Art of Fuckery"
True Stories, False Stories: "The Best Revenge is Dressing Well"
Stories within Stories (within more stories!): OFMD Meta Analysis of Ep 1 E4
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S2)
Ed Teach's Stories
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S1)
Storytelling in Our Flag Means Death
Character Analysis Question Metas
Why was finding Stede's letter so important for Ed?
Why did Ed think becoming a fisherman made any sense at all?
Why did Ed throw away his leathers?
Why did Ed want to "take it slow"?
Why didn't Izzy shoot Ed (then)?
Why did Ed headbutt Stede?
Why didn't Ed always protect Stede?
How did Stede leave pirating so easily?
Did Ed really want to die?
How did Stede know that Ed wanted to "watch the world burn"?
Why did Ed shoot Izzy then?
Spiral Parallels: The second season of OFMD references the first a lot, generally in ways that add a lot to the emotional depth of an original scene. Here's a heap of metas about that because I think it's cool.
53: Ed's Suicidal Spiral (S1E10, S2E1-3)
52: Weddings (S1E4/10, S1E1/2/8)
51: Pinocchio (S1E1, S2E1/8)
50: Beards and Unconditional Love
49: Whims, Self-Knowledge, and Commitment
48: Lessons of Episodes 5 (S1E4/5 & S2E5)
47: What would Jeff do? (S1E5 & S2E3/6/8)
46: Izzy Being Wrong Part 4--Izzy's redemption (in which he learns to be right) (S1E10-S2)
45: Izzy Being Wrong 3 (S1E6-9)
44: Izzy Being Wrong 2 (S1E5)
43: Stede's Fantasies Creating Reality (S1E1/3/8, S2E1/3/4/8)
42: Sandy Beards and Self-Hatred (S1E8 & S2E3)
41: Izzy and the Queer Community of the Revenge (S1E5 & S2E6)
40: Izzy Being Wrong Part 1 (S1E2-4 & S02E8)
39: Wearing Fine Things Well (S01E05 & S02E05)
38: Mad Devil Blackbeard (S01E04/10, S02E01/02)
37: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 2 (S01E10 & S02E08)
36: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 1 (S01E10 & S02E08)
35: Lighthouses (S01E04/10 &S02E06/08)
34: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 5 (S01E08 & S02E04)
33: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 4 (S01E08 & S02E04)
32: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 3 (S01E08 & S02E04)
31: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 2 (S01E08 & S02E04)
30: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 1 (S01E08 & S02E04)
29: Silk Robes and Ed's Self-Identity (S01E10 & S02E07
28: Izzy and Stede Talk Blackbeard (S01E06 & S02E03)
27: Ed's Despair (S01E10 & S02E02)
26: A Fall into Dark Water (S01E10 & S02E03)
25: Mary and Stede, Stede and Ed (S01E10 & S02E08)
24: The Character Development of a Belly Flop (S01E01 & S02E03)
23: Stede's Duels (S01E06 & S02E07)
22: Ed Leaves Stede (S01E08 & S2E07)
21: Executions of Stede Bonnet and Ned Lowe (S01E09 & S02E06)
20: Lucius and Pete (S01E6 & S02E05)
19: Ed and Izzy Sing (S01E10 & S02E06)
18: Izzy's Interventions (S01E06 & S02E01)
17: Stages of Intimacy (S01E06 & S02E06)
16: Poison and Positivity (S01E06 & S02E06)
15: The Kraken (S01E06 & S02E08)
14: Party Time 4 (S01E05 & S02E07)
13: Party Time Part 3 (S01E05 & S02E07)
12: Party Time 2 (S01E05 & S02E07)
11: Party Time Part 1 (S01E05 & S02E07)
10: Attention Crew of the Revenge, may I present… (S01E04 & S02E05)
9: Breakroom Chats (S01E04 & S02E06)
8: Ed, Izzy, and the Death of Blackbeard (S01E04 & S02E02)
7: Blackbeard and his First Mate (S01E03 & S02E01)
6: Cowards (S01E04 & S02E07)
5: The Unicorn (S01E04, S01E08, S02E04, S02E08)
4: Stede's Letters (S01E04 & S02E08)
3: Rise and Shine, Pirate (S01E04 & S02E04)
2: Stede's Grand Entrance (S01E03 & S02E08)
On the Spiral Narrative of OFMD 1: Pirates and Mermen (S01E03 & S02E03)
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themattress · 8 months
As we draw ever closer to the 5th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts III, I can't help but reflect more and more upon the realization I've had as of late. For well over a decade, ever since Dream Drop Distance, I have mourned the degradation of the KH series' story and characters, which only intensified after KH3 and all the bullshit it brought to the table in regards to those aspects. But now I understand just as important as those, if not moreso, is the degradation of the KH series' universe. After all, normally in a well-established fictional universe, even if one story with one cast of characters doesn't go over well, you can still potentially look forward to a different story with a different cast of characters unconnected to that other one. And there lies the biggest problem - for all the expansion of this increasingly convoluted lore, the series' universe has shrunk in scope because nothing is unconnected.
The state of the KH universe is that in the beginning it was populated with Keyblade wielders who, due to the machinations of a certain Keyblade master, fought a war over ownership of Kingdom Hearts that plunged the universe into darkness. But then a select few Keyblade wielders restored the universe, which created many more Keyblade wielders who joined up with them, and they essentially ruled over the universe from the shadows in this super special secret world called Scala ad Caelum. Eventually, the machinations of that same Keyblade master from before corrupts a Keyblade wielder who spends his whole life - through several points in time and several different incarnations of himself - trying to take control of Kingdom Hearts so that he could destroy and remake the universe again because he isn't satisfied with how it is now. He is stopped by other Keyblade wielders assembled by a retired Keyblade master, but it caused that damn conflict-creating Keyblade master and his pupils to somehow return, and now the story is venturing into "the realm of unreality" which turns out to have been a big part of that Keyblade master's goal the whole time that he's been working toward since damn near the inception of the universe....OK, do you see what I mean? Everything, and I mean everything, that goes on in this universe that is treated as important by the narrative is directly tied to this one item (Keyblade) and one class of people (Keyblade wielders), and has been scripted by this one omnipotent douchebag (the Master of Masters). Nothing is unconnected, all events and concepts tie back into the Keyblade, the important players who shape the universe are all a part of this one, tightly-knit web of connections, and as a result the universe feels so. fucking. small. It feels so utterly limited in scope and range.
Think of all the Disney worlds in this series, which make up the majority of the universe. Worlds from classic Disney shorts, Alice in Wonderland, Hercules, Tarzan, Aladdin, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Fantasia, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, Tron, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Lilo & Stitch, The Jun The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tron LEGACY, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story, Tangled, Monsters Inc., Frozen, and Big Hero 6. And then afterwards, ask yourself this single, all-important question:
How many of these worlds matter to this universe's grand story?
The answer: THREE.
I shit you not. Disney Castle (classic Disney shorts), Yen Sid's Tower (Fantasia), and Enchanted Dominion (Sleeping Beauty) are the only worlds that hold any significance, all because of the characters who hail from there that interact with the universe's grand narrative: Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Jiminy Cricket, Chip and Dale, Pluto, Pete, Yen Sid and Maleficent. And yes, I know that Jiminy technically hails from the Pinocchio world, but nothing about his life there prior to winding up at Disney Castle and entering Mickey's service as a chronicler for Sora's adventures really matters. Every other world is visited by Keyblade wielders, but its inhabitants never gets to meaningfully contribute to the story those Keyblade wielders are caught up in.....in fact, they are mostly kept ignorant of its very existence.
And the infuriating part is that it didn't used to be this way! Before the Keyblade overtook everything and was just one important part of a larger universe, the Disney worlds and its inhabitants were able to contribute! In KH1, the story was about the Heartless and the worlds' hearts and a group of villains conspiring to capture a group of princesses to obtain ultimate power and Sora broadening his horizons and making his heart stronger through making friends, all of which were serviced through the Disney elements. In KH2, the story was about Organization XIII and the Nobodies seeking to use the Heartless and the Keyblade for their own ends of obtaining ultimate power, with doing so involving threatening worlds and friends that Sora held dear, as well as competing with Pete and a resurrected Maleficent over usage of the Heartless. So again, the Disney worlds and their inhabitants actually participated in what's going on! Even BBS could be forgiven for not having the Disney worlds connect much to the overall plot (beyond a bunch of Unversed running around and barely anyone reacting) because it was a prequel, and naturally the developers didn't want many world inhabitants getting an inkling of a larger universe before the Heartless invasion of KH1 transpired.
But then it all shifted so that everything that happened in those games were all a part of Master Xehanort's convoluted grand plan which hadn't been remotely thwarted yet, meaning that retroactively all of those aforementioned games and events the Disney worlds and characters interacted with meant jack shit...and a point is now even being made about keeping specific Disney characters (the "new Seven Lights") out of the main action and ignorant to their potential role in it! And then it shifted again so that it's all about the Keyblade wielders of the ancient past and the Master of Master's grand designs, which means that those previously important Disney worlds and characters feel even less important than they already did following the big Master Xehanort reveal! From what I can tell, the only Disney world and character that may be gaining prominence in the universe's grander narrative is Olympus and Hades respectively, and even then only because he lucked out since Nomura wants to recreate Final Fantasy Versus XIII which involved a god of the dead. Otherwise, it's still all about the OC worlds and OC characters - nearly all of them Keyblade wielders - plus those select few Disney characters from those three worlds that actually know what's up.
That's the sad state of affairs. A supposedly vast universe where the majority of its settings and population....don't actually matter. To the point where they all may as well not be part of the universe but a separate one altogether. Daybreak Town / Scala ad Caelum, the Keyblade Graveyard, the Land of Departure / Castle Oblivion, Radiant Garden / Hollow Bastion, Twilight Town, The World That Never Was, the Final World and Quadratum...those worlds and the characters who populate them are the ones that truly matter to the universe. Those worlds plus those three (soon to be four) Disney worlds mentioned before, as well as all the goddamn datascape recreations of such worlds. It's a small (and boring) universe after all.
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Another Way to Fly-[P.P.] | Chapter Six
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Pairing: TASM!college!Peter Parker x female!college!reader
Summary: You've been dating Harry Osborne for three years. You love him...but maybe not as much as you once did. Maybe not enough.
AU Where Norman isn’t as sick- he’s just an asshole- and Gwen didn't go to Oxford. Harry is functioning as an apprentice at Oscorp (He graduated with a master's in two years because of his studying abroad). You, Peter, and Gwen are all seniors at ESU. Because Peter isn't Spider-Man and Norman isn’t dying, the whole “Goblin” thing is scratched from the record, so Peter and Harry are besties.
Prompt: Based on an ask for my 200 Follower celebration
Word Count: 3.9k
Content Warnings: Swearing, Implications of sex, drinking (of age)
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A/N: Everyone, buckle up! Things are getting messy
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The first thing you notice is that you are not in your bed. Your hand traces over the corduroy ridges under your fingers and the awkward distribution of padding. This is a couch. Your eyes blink slowly, trying to adjust to the blinding light. After a few moments, you realise you’re on Peter’s couch. Which means you didn’t go home. 
You move to stretch and realise your clothes feel foreign. As you lift the blanket, you see boxers and a hoodie- both also belonging to Peter. You vaguely remember changing into them last night. But then you remembered why you weren’t home. 
You were too scared to face Harry after drinking. No, you were too scared after talking to Peter. Your head begins to pound, your hangover making itself known. Your embarrassment from last night compounds, and your head spins with wild speculations of the ones swirling around your friend’s head. Surely he thought you were a freak of some kind for your behaviour last night. The secondhand embarrassment and hangover mix had your stomach churning, and you jumped up from the couch to rush to the restroom. But when your feet hit the floor, you tripped over a limb you didn’t expect to be there and crashed onto the sleeping man on the floor. 
Amber eyes blinked up at you, the confusion etched in his brow melting into something akin to affection. 
“Mornin’ Led Head.”
The gravel in Peter’s voice shakes you, and you don’t know much, but you know you wanna hear it again. 
“Mornin’ Pete.”
He smiles, then looks around. “So whatcha doin’ down here?”
You suddenly remember you’re chest-to-chest with your friend on the floor and hop up, accidentally kneeing him in the stomach on your way. 
“Sorry, I fell.”
You then leave the living room, stepping into the hall. You pass the bedroom and decide to peek in, still trying to piece your evening together. Gwen was nowhere to be seen, but the bed was unmade, so she must have creeped out this morning. You made a mental note to text her later and apologise for being so drunk in her home, and to thank her for letting you stay over.   
You try your best to freshen up, look more presentable, but it doesn’t matter how much water you splash on your face- Harry still plagues your mind. You feel guilty for the way you reacted, and even more when you think of how worried he must have been. 
You finally step back out into the living room, and now you see that the coffee table was pushed against the wall. Peter seemed to have moved it to make room for the blanket pallet on the floor he was now cleaning up. 
“How’s your head?”
You hadn’t noticed him noticing you, and again your embarrassment rose. 
“I’m fine,” You reassured, “Nothing some orange juice and Advil can’t fix.”
You moved your hand to hold your head and gave him a weak smile. It didn’t seem to convince him because he winced sympathetically, coming over to place his hands on your shoulders and guide you to the couch. Once he sat you down, he dashed off to the kitchen. 
“Peter, really, I’m fine. I can-”
“No,” Peter insisted, “I got it. Don’t worry about it. You just take it easy.”
When he returns with everything in hand and a grand smile on his face, you want to curl up in a ball and die. Peter spent all night dealing with and taking care of you. Surely he was more than fed up now. 
“Thanks,” You said, downing some painkillers and chasing it with orange juice, “I’ll go get dressed, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“You’re welcome to shower and stay for some late breakfast. Me and my hair don’t mind.”
He’s flashing you that Peter Parker smile, and it makes your heart stutter. There’s no way he’s real. You’re so lucky to have a friend like him. 
“I would,” you say, “But I better talk to Harry. He didn’t hear from me much last night. I will take you up on that shower, though.”
Peter’s smile falters for the briefest moments, but then he patches it back up just as fast. You’re not entirely sure if you saw the fleeting change in emotions or if it was a trick from your hungover, over-analytical mind. 
“Yeah, let me get you a towel.”
When you step into the elevator, you feel like you might vomit for real this time. You’re feeling a little less hungover- the sunglasses Peter lent you helped a lot- but facing Harry is never fun. 
The doors open, announcing your presence with a chime. You only take one step before you hear your name called out from the living room. It sounds cracked, weakened by tears and lack of use. Your heart breaks at the sound, and you find yourself running to the source. 
Harry’s always been pale (you loved to tease him about being a nerd who never went outside), but he looked hollowed out; like all life had left him. Except for the skin around his eyes and nose. All of that was red and puffy. His hair was rustled wildly, and you didn’t know if it was from sleeping on the couch or from pulling at it, or both. His eyes shine in the light seeping in from under the shades, sombre seas crashing against the horizon. 
Before you can say anything, he leaps from the couch to wrap you in a hug. This was a surprise, to say the least. You and Harry didn’t hug much. You sometimes held each other when you kissed, but a hug- just a hug- was rare. You knew then that whatever you had prepared for when you came home, you weren’t prepared for this. 
“Oh, baby,” He muttered over your shoulder, “You’re back. Oh, thank god, you’re back.”
You rubbed circles on his back, trying to fight the tears now brimming in your eyes, “Yeah, baby, I came back.”
He pulls away, hands resting on your shoulders. His wet eyes meet yours, and you hold your breath. 
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You asked a very reasonable request, and I just flipped my shit. I’m sorry, baby.”
The words spilt from his mouth so quickly, and your heart constricted at the anguish hidden beneath them. You raised your hands to cradle his face, your thumbs rubbing circles over worn-down tear tracks. You left him, you abandoned him, and you knew how that would hurt him. You were now looking at a desperate child clinging to his father’s pant leg, begging him not to leave. You had done this to Harry, and the knowledge consumes you with grief. 
“It’s okay,” you comforted, “I said some mean things too.”
Harry closed his eyes, breathing you in and raising a hand to yours. He didn’t say anything to you, just nodding his head like he was absorbing your words. He was trying to convince himself that you were really there, that you were staying. You held each other like that for a while, silent moments only broken by sniffles and the occasional deep breath. 
Yeah, Harry could be an ass, but he could also be this. Vulnerable and apologetic, passionate about you. Harry could be a lot of things. 
And so could Peter. Right now, Peter felt like he was maybe the worst. As he stared into his bowl of frosted flakes, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. And Gwen. But the thoughts of Gwen were more so rude interruptions in his thoughts of you. And he felt bad about that too.
He couldn’t stop thinking of your smiling face, how you always looked so cute in his clothes, how you looked coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel on and your wet hair carrying the scent of his shampoo. He fantasised about cuddling with you on the couch again, but in this recreation of past events, there was no Harry or Gwen. Just the two of you sharing popcorn and laughing. He rewatched Monty Python the other day, and all he could think was: Has Heartbreaker seen this? She would love it. 
He knew that he had hurt Gwen, though he didn’t mean to. But that doesn’t really mean anything. She was still hurting, and it was all Peter’s fault. He had replayed their argument (Peter wasn’t sure if it was an argument, but he felt like maybe it was) in his head over and over again. 
You had both stumbled in the door, more than drunk. The whole way back, Peter was telling you to be quiet and careful, so as to not wake Gwen. But every time someone shushed the other, it was met with compounding giggles that weren’t as whispered as you two thought. Peter fought with the lock for a moment and almost fell in the doorway when it opened. And that’s when he realised there wasn’t an available bed for you and apologised. 
“You’re gonna have to sleep on the couch tonight. Is that okay?”
You agreed, and he sat you down while he left to get you a change of clothes and some bedding. He opened his bedroom door and saw Gwen passed out under the covers. She looked so comfortable there, and Peter didn’t want to wake her. However, his drunken mind and hands made the task very hard as he pulled open and shut several different dresser drawers. 
He turns around, and in the dark room, he can make out the silhouette of his girlfriend sitting up in bed. 
“Hey, hon.”
The words slurred, and Gwen picked up on it immediately. She reached over to turn on the bedside lamp, flooding the room with a soft orange light. She saw Peter’s slightly dishevelled look and his slight sway and smirked at the man. 
“Have fun at the show?”
Peter nodded his head, telling her that you both got very drunk, and Gwen laughed, saying, “I can tell.”
Peter began telling her all about his night while undressing. Gwen missed out on the end of the concert because Peter got his head stuck in his shirt. She stood to help him and was rewarded with a drunkenly warm smile and a thank you. She wrapped her arms around him, and Peter reciprocated. Gwen placed her ear on his beating heart, smiling as she listened.
“Then, after the show, Led Head suggested we get drunk because we were out and we didn’t have class tomorrow. So we drank and drank, and now I’m drunk.” He rambled. “Drink, drank, drunk. What a fun string of words. I should ask if Led Head thinks it’s fun. No, wait. I need to change, bring her some clothes, and then ask about drink, drank, drunk.”
Gwen pulled away then, looking towards the open door, unsure if she would see anything there. 
“Wait, (Y/n)’s here?” She asked in a hushed whisper.
Peter matched her volume. “Yeah, I think she and Harry had another fight. I’m worried about her.”
“Yeah, of course.” Gwen agreed, also feeling worried for her friend. “She can have some of my sleep clothes; they should fit.”
She moved to the closet, but Peter stopped her, “I think she would be more comfor’ble in mine.”
Immediately, Gwen froze. She had been dating Peter since high school. Their wardrobes had melded fantastically over the years. It was hard for her to remember which hoodies and t-shirts were hers and which were his. And this happened because Peter is a little territorial. Not in any gross way, he just likes more subtle declarations of love. She remembers Peter once telling her how much he loved seeing her wear his shirts. 
But she pushed the thought away. Surely, this was not that. Peter was looking out for their friend. He just wanted her to be comfortable, and an oversized sweat shirt was definitely more comfortable that tight t-shirt. That’s all it was, nothing more. 
“Yeah,” she said, slowly turning back, “yeah, that’s…fine.”
Peter began rummaging again, and Gwen decided to help. She went to the bathroom and grabbed some Advil, then presented it to Peter. “For your guys’ head in the morning.”
Peter placed it on the bundle of clothes in his arms and kissed the top of her head, “Thanks, goodnight.”
She watches as he walks away, then finally finds her voice. “Are you not coming back to bed?”
Peter stops in the doorway, turning to her, almost confused. 
“I’m gonna sleep in the living room with Heartbreaker.”
Gwen’s stomach twists, and she’s finding it harder and harder to not let her anxieties take over. “She’s a big girl. I’m sure she can handle a night alone on the couch.”
Peter shook his head adamantly, a frown falling over his drunken features. “I don’t want her to be alone.”
“So what? You’re just gonna sleep on the floor?” Peter shrugged, and Gwen wasn’t sure what the feeling was, but it was in her gut, and it was screaming at the idea. “She can just sleep in here with me then. You can take the couch, and then no one’s sleeping on the floor.”
“No, no, no,” Peter whispered back almost desperately. “She needs to be with me.”
Gwen’s stomach fell. 
“She needs to be with you?” She repeats, anger seeping into the syllables. 
He dropped his head in his hands and shook it, dropping the clothes to the floor with a soft thud. 
“No! No,” He slurs. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” Gwen can feel the tears building and her heart breaking. 
“I meant that she…She’s not happy. And Her and Harry aren’t happy.” 
Peter was much too drunk at the time to notice the way Gwen’s body tensed as he spoke. 
“And they got into a fight, and my Led Head needs to crash here. And you shouldn’t have to take care of her. I’ll take care of her. I’ll do it- I’ll make sure she’s okay.” 
Gwen is a very intelligent and capable woman. While she excels in a laboratory, she's good with a pen too. And she couldn’t ignore what she had heard. While innocent enough, she knew Peter and the weight his words carried. 
I’ll take care of her.
I’ll do it
I’ll make sure she’s okay.
Practically begging to take care of her. 
My led head
The long-used nickname now changed. It was now possessive. His Led Head. Not their mutual friend, but more. 
But the nail in the coffin, the words she couldn’t stop hearing since he said them:
She needs to be with me.
Peter was too drunk to understand her silence or the sudden glass in her eye. He just thought he’s made his girlfriend sad, so he placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed a kiss on her cheek. 
“I’m sorry, baby. You go to bed, and I’ll take care of everything.”
Gwen stared at Peter almost bewildered before she shook her head sadly and climbed back into bed. Peter watched as she clicked the lamp and curled over, not giving him a single glance. Peter looked down at the pile of clothes he had, checking that you had everything, then closed the door behind him. 
And now Gwen’s broken spirit haunted him this morning. She left without saying goodbye and hasn’t responded to the three texts he did send. He went to bed last night feeling on top of the world and woke up to find himself in the dog house. 
His cereal was soggy now, the flakes falling apart in the bowl. He stood to dump it in the sink, being sure to rinse it and load it in the dishwasher because Gwen hates dishes left in the sink. When he stood back up, he saw a photo framed on the wall. It was Him and Gwen in high school, their faces younger and bright with new love. When did that change?
Before he could get more lost in the thought, he heard the front door open, then slam. Gwen dropped her bag, then dropped her jacket on the back of the couch. Peter looked at her, stunned. 
“We need to talk.”
Life with Harry had been better. You had seen a change in his demeanour. It was especially clear that he was trying to make you happy again. He complimented you often and told you he loved you. He showered you in sweet kisses and loving touches. He sat and talked with you after work. He even took you out on a date just yesterday. 
You had to shop for a dress for the “Stem Cell Celebration” (that’s what Oscorp decided to call the event), and Harry knew that wasn’t your favourite thing, so he told you to pick out a lovely dress for dinner that night as well. Your life felt magical again; you felt in love again. 
Now you were in the back of the car, tapping your well-manicured fingers on your phone. Harry could see your screen from where you draped yourself over him, and he could see the furrow in your brow as you stared at the device. 
“Don’t worry, babe.” He said, squeezing your arm gently. “I’m sure they’re both coming. We’re celebrating Gwen as well tonight. They're probably just busy trying to get there.”
You turned off the screen, then turned to Harry, tucking it away in you’re clutch. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.”
You leaned in to kiss his cheek, and Harry broke into a bright smile with a touch of a teasing smirk. 
“Oh, you will be.”
He kissed you deeply, and soon your worries melted away. You forgot all about Peter and Gwen when you felt his hands skate across the exposed leg in your gown. Life was good. 
Once you got to the event, you linked arms with Harry. He guided you up the stairs and through the long hallways until you reached the lavish ballroom. You were thankful the decor wasn’t themed as you wondered what a stem cell research party would look like. However, you had to stop your theoretical party planning when an old man approached with a woman not much older than you on his arm. It was time to play the role of “dutiful girlfriend with no desirable brains” again. 
As the minutes ticked away, you itched to dig your phone out of its imprisonment. It felt like it was buzzing every other second, but every time you checked it, there were no new responses from Peter or Gwen. You tried to keep yourself from scanning the crowds, to pay attention to the people talking to you, but they were boring, and you were anxious for your friends to arrive. 
Hours pass, and you still don’t see them. You start to wonder if they bailed, not wanting to come at all. You knew Peter used to attend these events once upon a time, and he was never too fond of them. It’s possible that in Gwen’s many years at Oscorp, she had been to a few as well. You couldn’t blame either of them for not wanting to show. 
But at least you had Harry, who promised not to abandon you tonight. 
“Well, great work Harrold!” the seventeenth slimy geezer says, “I swear you’re just like your father. You’re gonna do great things, I tell ya. Great things!”
Harry politely thanked the man as he wandered off to talk to someone else, then turned to you. He groans, letting his head drop to your shoulder. 
“How is it that I helped crack the genetic code to regrow limbs, and I still haven’t done ‘great things’?”
You rub your boyfriend’s back, humming sympathetically, “I’m sorry, Hare.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” He whispers, taking a few more moments of reprieve, then stands straight and plasters a smile on his face. “So, you hear from anyone yet?”
You check once again and frown, “No, nothing yet.”
Harry sighs, “They’ll come. Gwen and I were talking about it today at work. They’ll be here.”
It made you feel a little better knowing you weren’t the only one disappointed by your friends’ lack of attendance. 
“I’m sure they will.” You weren’t sure who you were comforting.
Another hour passes before you see Harry light up. He catches something out of the corner of his eye and begins dragging you through the crowd, saying, “Come on, come on!” He was excited, and you liked that look on him. You kept scanning the room between your apologies to partygoers you accidentally bumped into, but then you saw why Harry was rushing. 
A mop of curly chestnut hair. A long, lanky frame hidden under a suit jacket. A blonde with her hair tied up, still pushed out of her face by her signature headband. 
Peter and Gwen had arrived. 
But you saw something you’re sure Harry didn’t. Their faces. Both looked very uncomfortable and maybe a little angry. You felt hesitant as you steam-ploughed your way through the crowd to greet them, but Harry wasn’t gonna stop. And if he did notice, he was going to ask what was wrong, regardless. No force on Earth could stop Harry once he made his mind up about something. 
Finally, they noticed you guys as well. You saw them speak among themselves with much less love behind their words than you were used to seeing, but they straightened up and put on a brave face before you could hear what they were saying. 
“Peter and Gwen!” Harry cheered, throwing his arms up, then bringing them to his friends’ shoulders. “The world’s second favourite couple and favourite best friend duo!” 
You noticed the way Peter’s lips twitched at the “title” and how Gwen’s face nearly fell. You couldn’t imagine Harry’s “second favourite” joke actually upset them. He’s made it all the time since you two started dating, and it was usually used as an invitation to begin teasing Harry. So you assumed it was his boisterous energy that must cause them pause. 
He brings them into a crushing hug, and you do your best to guide him away with a gentle hand on his back. He follows easily, reattaching himself to you like you were home base. Your heart swelled a little at the idea but thought it odd how they both looked away. 
“Hey guys!” you try, “Glad you could make it.”
Peter gives you a strained smile, like the one he gives you when you ask him how he thinks he did on a test he didn’t study for or if he remembered the group plans you guys made. 
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
You try to meet Gwen’s eyes, but she actively looks away. You try not to let anyone see how that hurt your feelings while she scans the crowd. 
“Hey, Harry,” She asks, “Have you seen Ahana from research yet? She said she was bringing her partner, and I’d love to meet them.”
Harry told her he hadn’t yet, looking around the room before offering to walk them around to find her. Gwen declined the offer, saying she needed to make her rounds anyway. 
“We’ll catch up to you guys later.”
She still hadn’t looked at you, and you couldn’t help but feel you must have done something wrong because every time Peter looked at you, he seemed troubled.
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jazzandother-blog · 4 months
photo by Jan Persson
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(English / Español)
The main influences of alto saxophonist Paul Desmond (1924-1977) were Johnny Hodges and above all the sound of Pete Brown's saxophone, but also the melodic tone of Lester Young and Art Pepper. Paul Desmond's playing was fluid and airy, with little vibrato, with a much smoother sound than that of other saxophonists, which was his charm. His very pure sound, his uninhibited and inspired phrasing and his sense of swing made him one of the most popular musicians in West Coast jazz. Desmond produced a light, melodic tone on the alto saxophone. He said he tried to sound "like a dry martini". With a style similar to Lee Konitz, another of his influences, he quickly became one of the best-known jazz saxophonists of his time. Much of the success of Dave Brubeck's classic quartet was due to the juxtaposition of his fluid style over Brubeck's sometimes relatively heavy, polytonal piano.
An underrated saxophonist in the 1980s, today's critics recognise him as one of the great jazz musicians of the West Coast of the United States and a master in the art of improvisation, his sound being recognisable from the first note. His rare facility for improvised counterpoint is perhaps most evident on the two albums he recorded with baritone saxophonist Gerry Mulligan (Mulligan-Desmond Quartet and Two of a Mind). Desmond's playing was also notable for his ability to produce extremely high notes on his saxophone.
Las principales influencias del saxofonista alto Paul Desmond (1924-1977) fueron Johnny Hodges y sobre todo el sonido del saxo de Pete Brown, también el tono melódico de Lester Young y Art Pepper. La forma de tocar de Paul Desmond era fluida y aérea, con poco vibrato, con un sonido mucho más suave que el de otros saxofonistas, lo que constituía su encanto. Su sonido muy puro, su fraseo desenvuelto e inspirado y su sentido del swing lo hicieron uno de los músicos más populares del jazz de la Costa Oeste. Desmond produjo un tono ligero y melódico en el saxofón alto. Dijo que trataba de sonar "como un martini seco". Con un estilo similar al de Lee Konitz, otra de sus influencias, se convirtió rápidamente en uno de los saxofonistas más conocidos del jazz de su época. Gran parte del éxito del clásico cuarteto de Dave Brubeck se debió a la yuxtaposición de su estilo fluido sobre el piano a veces relativamente pesado y politonal de Brubeck.
Saxofonista infravalorado en los años ochenta, la crítica actual le reconoce como uno de los grandes músicos de jazz de la Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos y un maestro en el arte de la improvisación, siendo su sonido reconocible desde la primera nota. Su rara facilidad para el contrapunto improvisado es quizás más evidente en los dos álbumes que grabó con el saxo barítono Gerry Mulligan (Mulligan-Desmond Quartet y Two of a Mind). El toque de Desmond también fue notable por su capacidad para producir notas extremadamente altas en su saxofón.
source: pasión por el jazz y blues
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marcmarcmomarc · 9 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions:
Kairi is the leader of a team consisting of Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Chirithy.
Sora’s mother returns.
While Donald and Goofy revisit the old worlds, Sora visits all of the new ones.
The inhabitants of each world returning from the previous games are, of course, thrilled to see Donald and Goofy again, but are sad to hear about Sora’s sacrifice.
Haley Joel Osment as Sora
Lindsay Jones as Strelitzia
James Patrick Stuart as Luxu
Ray Chase as Master of Masters
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
Bill Farmer as Goofy Goof
Bret Iwan as King Mickey Mouse
Alyson Stoner as Kairi
David Gallagher as Riku
Jason Dohring as Terra
Willa Holland as Aqua
Jesse McCartney as Ventus
Jesse McCartney as Roxas
Alyson Stoner as Xion
Quinton Flynn as Lea
Meaghan J. Martin as Naminé
Zachary Gordon as Hayner
Tristian Chase as Pence
Ashley Boettcher as Olette
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent
Jim Cummings as Pete
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket
Kaitlyn Robrock as Queen Minnie Mouse
Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
Corey Burton as Chip
Tress MacNeille as Dale
Enn Reitel as Scrooge McDuck
Danny Pudi as Huey
Ben Schwartz as Dewey
Bobby Moynihan as Louis
Jeff Bennett as Merlin
Corey Burton as Yen Sid
Bill Farmer as Pluto
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandma
David Dayan Fisher as Dilan
Dave Boat as Aeleus
Robin Atkin Downes as Luxord
Kirk Thornton as Isa
Derek Stephen Prince as Even
Vincent Corazza as Ienzo
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx
Michael Johnston as Ephemer
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star
Kath Soucie as Sora’s Mother
Isabela Merced as Foreteller Ava
Kevin Quinn as Foreteller Gula
Travis Willingham as Foreteller Aced
Matt Mercer as Foreteller Ira
Karissa Lee Staples as Foreteller Invi
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora
Square Enix Cast:
Doug Erholtz as Leon
Cody Christian as Cloud Strife
Andrea Bowen as Aerith Gainsborough
Britt Baron as Tifa Lockhart
Mae Whitman as Yuffie Kisaragi
Tyler Hoechlin as Sephiroth
Chris Edgerly as Cid Highwind
Hedy Burress as Yuna
Tara Strong as Rikku
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine
Will Friedle as Seifer Almasy
Brandon Adams as Rai
Jillian Bowen as Fuu
Crispin Freeman as Setzer Gabbiani
Melissa Disney as Vivi Ornitier
Shaun Fleming as Tidus
Molly Keck as Selphie Tilmitt
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka
Matt McKenzie as Auron
Atlantica (The Little Mermaid)
Takes place after The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea.
Jodi Benson as Ariel
Christopher Daniel Barnes as Eric
Cam Clarke as Flounder
Philip Lawrence as Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian
Chris Edgerly as Scuttle
Jim Cummings as King Triton
Tara Strong as Melody
Kari Wahlgren as Attina
Jennifer Hale as Alana
Tara Strong as Adella
Grey DeLisle as Aquata
Grey DeLisle as Arista
Tara Strong as Andrina
Michael J. Gough as Grimsby
Grey DeLisle as Carlotta
Ben Diskin as Chef Louis
Max Casella as Tip
Corey Burton as Dash
Jeff Bennett as Benjamin
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ray-Ray
Kevin Michael Richardson as Cheeks
Rob Paulsen as Ink Spot
Jim Cummings as Shelbow
Charlie Adler as Seahorse
Kari Wahlgren, Jennifer Hale, Tara Strong, & Grey DeLisle as Flounder’s Guppies
Frank Welker as Max
Village (Beauty and the Beast)
Takes place after the movie.
Julie Nathanson as Belle
Robby Benson as Adam
Corey Burton as Maurice
Jeff Bennett as Lumière
Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Potts
Bob Joles as Henry Cogsworth
Jessica DiCicco as Chip Potts
Jo Anne Worley as Madame de la Grande Bouche
Kimmy Robertson as Fifi
Frank Welker as Philippe
Frank Welker as Sultan
Agrabah (Aladdin)
Takes place after Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
Scott Weinger & Brad Kane (singing) as Aladdin
Jim Meskimen as the Genie
Linda Larkin & Liz Callaway (singing) as Jasmine
Jeff Bennett as Sultan Hamed Bobolonius II
Brian Hull as Iago
John Rhys-Davies as Cassim
Jim Cummings as Razoul
Frank Welker as Abu
Frank Welker as Cave of Wonders
Frank Welker as Rajah
Pride Lands (The Lion King)
Takes place between The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride.
Cam Clarke as Simba
Vanessa Marshall as Nala
Kevin Schon as Timon
Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa
Khary Payton as Rafiki
Jeff Bennett as Zazu
Gary Anthony Williams as Mufasa
James Horan as Scar
Andy’s Room (Toy Story)
Takes place between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
Jim Hanks as Woody
Mike MacRae as Buzz Lightyear
Kathryn Cressida as Jessie
Wallace Shawn as Rex
John Ratzenberger as Hamm
Blake Clark as Slinky Dog
Patrick Fraley as Mr. Potato Head
Melissa Sternenberg as Mrs. Potato Head
Sawyer Cole as Andy Davis
Laurie Metcalf as Andy’s Mom
Hannah Unkrich as Molly Davis
Jeff Pidgeon as Aliens
Frank Welker as Bullseye
La Cité des Cloches (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Takes place after the movie.
Ari Rubin as Quasimodo
Renee Faia & Heidi Mollenhauer (singing) as Esmeralda
Phil LaMarr as Captain Phoebus
Jim Cummings as Victor
Jason Alexander as Hugo
Pat Lentz as Laverne
Paul Kandel as Clopin
Corey Burton as Brutish Guard
Bill Fagerbakke as Oafish Guard
Frank Welker as Djali
Thebes/Olympus/Underworld (Hercules)
Takes place after the movie.
Tate Donovan as Hercules
Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes
James Woods as Hades
Susan Egan as Megara
Corey Burton as Zeus
Bobcat Goldthwait as Pain
Matt Frewer as Panic
Jim Cummings as Amphitryon
Barbara Barrie as Alcmene
Samantha Eggar as Hera
Wayne Knight as Demetrius
Lillias White as Calliope, Muse of Epics
Cheryl Freeman as Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy
LaChanze as Terpsichore, Muse of Dance
Roz Ryan as Thalia, Muse of Comedy
Vaneese Y. Thomas as Clio, Muse of History
Paul Shaffer as Hermes
Keith David as Apollo
Lisa Kudrow as Aphrodite
Frank Welker as Pegasus
The Land of Dragons (Mulan)
Takes place after the movie.
Ming-Na Wen & Lea Salonga (singing) as Fa Mulan
B.D. Wong & Donny Osmond (singing) as Li Shang
Mark Moseley as Mushu
Harvey Fierstein as Yao
Gedde Watanabe & Matthew Wilder (singing) as Ling
Jerry Tondo as Chien-Po
James Hong as Chi-Fu
Jet Li as Fa Zhou
George Takei as First Ancestor
Sandra Oh as Fa Li
Benedict Wong as General Li
Wang Deshun as Emperor of China
Lisa Lu as Grandmother Fa
Frank Welker as Cri-Kee
Frank Welker as Kahn
Ant Island/Bug City (A Bug’s Life)
Takes place during the movie.
Dave Foley as Flik
Andrew Stanton as Hopper
Jodi Benson as Princess Atta
Alma Versano as Princess Dot
June Squibb as the Queen
Richard Kind as Molt
David Hyde Pierce as Slim
Flula Borg as Heimlich
Nick Jameson as Francis
Jim Cummings as Manny
Jennifer Hale as Gypsy
Bonnie Hunt as Rosie
Michael McShane as Tuck
Michael McShane as Roll
John Ratzenberger as P.T. Flea
Brad Garrett as Dim
Corey Burton as Mr. Soil
Grey DeLisle as Dr. Flora
Marc Maron as Thorny
David Ossman as Cornelius
Frank Welker as Thumper
Jacob Tremblay as Ant Boy 1
Jessica DiCicco as Ant Boy 2
Andrew Stanton as Fly Brother 1
Jess Harnell as Fly Brother 2
Carlos Alazraqui as Loco
John DiMaggio as Axel
Kevin Schon as Slick
Miles Luna as Bug Zapper Fly
Andrew Stanton as Harry
Sabrina Fest as Daisy
Mariel Sheets as Grub
Ashley Tisdale as Lead Blueberry Scout
Melissa Sternenberg as Bar Waitress
Rodger Bumpass as Mosquito
Jess Harnell as Bus Beetle
Brad Hall as Grasshopper 1
Jeff Pidgeon as Grasshopper 2
Lee Unkrich as Ant 1
Bill Farmer as Ant 2
Dave Fennoy as Thud
J. Michael Tatum as Bouncer Wasp
Debi Derryberry as Baby Maggots
Bob Bergen as Aphie
Deep Jungle (Tarzan)
Takes place after the movie.
Tony Goldwyn as Tarzan
Olivia d’Abo as Jane Porter
Susanne Blakeslee as Kala
April Winchell as Terk
Jim Cummings as Tantor
Jeff Bennett as Archimedes Q. Porter
Monstropolis (Monsters, Inc.)
Takes place after the movie.
Christopher Swindle as James P. Sullivan
Carlos Alazraqui as Mike Wazowski
Mary Gibbs as Boo
Jennifer Tilly as Celia Mae
John Ratzenberger as Yeti
Bob Peterson as Roz
Christopher Swindle as Jeff Fungus
Stephen Stanton as Needleman
Stephen Stanton as Smitty
Bonnie Hunt as Ms. Flint
Regan Burns as Jerry Slugsworth
Stephen Stanton as George Sanderson
Christopher Swindle as Thaddeus “Phlegm” Bile
Phil Proctor as Charlie Proctor
Gregg Berger as Peter “Claws” Ward
Roger Craig Smith, Pete Docter, & Teddy Newton as Child Detection Agents
Great Barrier Reef/Deep Ocean/Marine Life Institute (Finding Nemo)
Takes place after Finding Dory.
Jess Harnell as Marlin
Jennifer Hale as Dory
Tara Strong as Nemo
Ed O’Neill as Hank
Kaitlin Olson as Destiny
J.P. Karliak as Bailey
Eugene Levy as Charlie
Jen Brown as Jenny
Willem Dafoe as Gill
Brad Garrett as Bloat
Allison Janney as Peach
Austin Pendleton as Gurgle
Stephen Root as Bubbles
Vicki Lewis as Deb (& Flo)
Jerome Ranft as Jacques
Andrew Stanton as Crush
Grey DeLisle as Squirt
Idris Elba as Fluke
Dominic West as Rudder
Geoffrey Rush as Nigel
Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray
Jess Harnell as Bruce
Eric Bana as Anchor
Bruce Spence as Chum
Torbin Xan Bullock as Gerald
Katherine Ringgold as Chickenfish
Torbin Xan Bullock as Becky
Andrew Stanton as Seagulls
Metroville/Nomansian Island (The Incredibles)
Takes place during the movie.
Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Jason Lee as Buddy Pine/Syndrome
Norma Maldonado as Mirage
Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr
Gillian Jacobs as Dash Parr
Brad Bird as Edna Mode (E)
Philip Lawrence as Lucius Best/Frozone
Jonathan Banks as Rick Dicker
Mark Andrews, Brad Lewis, Pete Docter, Peter Sohn, Andrew Stanton, & Jeff Pidgeon as Syndrome’s Guards
Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews, & Nicolas Bird as Jack-Jack Parr
Bret Parker as Kari McKeen
Michael Bird as Tony Rydinger
Kimberly Adair Clark as Honey Best
Teddy Newton as Manta Jet Computer
Frank Thomas as Frank
Ollie Johnston as Ollie
Teddy Newton as Robot Bird
Nicolas Bird as Rusty McCallister
Radiator Springs/Rusteze-Dinoco Racing Center/Fireball Beach/Thunder Hollow/Thomasville/Florida International Speedway (Cars)
Takes place after Cars 3.
It isn’t combat based. Missions include keeping up with McQueen’s top speed by racing down Radiator Springs’ main street, learning how to turn right to go left at Willy’s Butte, keeping up with Cruz’s top speed on Fireball Beach, avoiding pushy competitors with the Thunder Hollow challengers, and practicing with Cruz at Thomasville, culminating in the Piston Cup race at Florida International Speedway, where the objective is to win against Jackson Storm.
Sora enters the world as a custom-made sports coupe mixing a few real-life sports car models before visits to Luigi’s Casa Della Tires and Ramone’s House of Body Art end with him modified into a next-gen race car sponsored by Dinoco (with Tex’s blessing) and with Cruz’s number.
It’s set during Cruz’s first Piston Cup racing season, so McQueen still has Doc’s colors and spends the Florida race as Sora’s crew chief.
As Sora finishes his story, Mater is certainly unhappy with Xehanort’s actions forcing Sora’s hand. “That dad-gum Xehanort”, he says angrily. Extra points if Sora doesn’t get to the part where Xehanort is dead, then Sarge gets in his face and demands him to teach Xehanort a lesson when he gets back in a militaristic manner. “Is that understood,” Sarge yells. Then Sora tries to correct him, but gets cut off and asked again, “Is that understood,” and has to respond, “Sir, yes, sir!”
Of course, during the top speed races, Luigi is the one to signal the race to begin.
In the Radiator Springs race, Sora’s top speed is tracked by Sheriff’s speed radar, and on Fireball Beach, it’s via Cruz’s personal assistant, Hamilton.
If you fail the “Turn Right to go Left” mission, Sora goes flying into the bed of cacti, and Mater fishes him out.
I know I’ll get hate for this, but Cars 2 elements are here. Heck, maybe Mater can’t be present most for the training because he’s busy with Finn and Holley. After all, does he still owe Holley a first date?
I wanted the player character in this world to be Kairi just so Storm can feel the embarrassment of losing to not one, but two “costume girls”.
The Piston Cup race is announced as a 500-lap race, but no game developer is that malicious to force the player to race 500 laps around an oval, so they’d take after the first Cars game and make it twelve laps with the sun slowly lowering throughout the race.
Keith Ferguson as Lightning McQueen
Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez
Larry the Cable Guy as Sir Tow Mater
Chris Cooper as Smokey
Bonnie Hunt as Sally Carrera
Tony Shalhoub as Luigi
Guido Quaroni as Guido
John Ratzenberger as Mack
Lloyd Sherr as Fillmore
Paul Dooley as Sarge
Cheech Marin as Ramone
Jenifer Lewis as Flo
Michael Wallis as Sheriff
Laraine Newman as Lizzie
Jerome Ranft as Red
A.J. Hamilton as Jackson Storm
Kerry Washington as Natalie Certain
Martin Jarvis as Finn McMissile
Emily Mortimer as Holley Shiftwell
Nathan Fillion as Sterling
Wendie Malick as Louise “Barnstormer” Nash
Kevin Michael Richardson as River Scott
Jason Douglas as Junior “Midnight” Moon
Teresa Gallagher as Mater’s Computer
Bob Peterson as Chick Hicks
Lea DeLaria as Miss Fritter
Humpy Wheeler as Tex Dinoco
Lewis Hamilton as Hamilton
Bob Costas as Bob Cutlass
Darrell Waltrip as Darrell Cartrip
Richard Petty as Strip “The King” Weathers
Ray Evernham as Ray Reverham
Madeleine McGraw as Maddy McGear
Shannon Spake as Shannon Spokes
Kyle Petty as Cal Weathers
Corey Burton & Paul Newman (archived recordings) as Doc Hudson
A.J. Riebli III as McQueen’s Biggest Fan
Steve Purcell as Tractors
Lori Alan as Millie
Michel Michelis as Tomber
Jason Isaacs as Siddeley
Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen
Joe MacDonald as Stephenson
Christopher Sabat as Prince Wheeliam
Andra Day as Sweet Tea
Angel Oquendo as Bobby Swift
Will Collyer as Brick Yardley
Jeremy Maxwell as Arvy Motorhome
Bob Peterson as Dr. Damage
Will Collyer as Roscoe
Peter Sohn as Mr. Drippy
Patrick Rodriguez as Taco
Anthony Sardinha as Jimbo
Andrew Stanton as T-Bone
Jessie James Grelle as APB
Jessica Nigri as Blind Spot
Kaiji Tang as Pushover
Jen Taylor as Tailgate
Barbara Dunkelman as Cigalert
Dustin Matthews as Fishtail
Kyle Phillips as Broadside
Maggie Tominey as Patty
Tyler Coe as Bill
Brendan Blaber as Pileup
Lindsay Jones as High Impact
Jason Pace as Faregame
Tiana Camacho as Airborne
Django Craig as Superfly
Jen Brown as Jambalaya Chimichanga
Samantha Ireland as Liability
Gus Sorola as Hit
Christopher Guerrero as Run
Alex Mai as Todd
Daniel Suárez as Danny Swervez
Ryan Blaney as Ryan “Inside” Laney
Bubba Wallace as Bubba Wheelhouse
Chase Elliott as Chase Racelott
Kerry Shawcross as Tim Treadless
Corey Krueger as Rich Mixon
Zeno Robinson as Cam Spinner
Alejandro Saab as H.J. Hollis
Adam Ellis as Ed Truncan
Burnie Burns as Herb Curbler
Miles Luna as Aaron Clocker
Garrett Hunter as Harvey Rodcap
Michael Jones as J.D. McPillar
Yuri Lowenthal as Flip Dover
Kyle Taylor as Barry DePedal
Blaine Gibson as Steve LaPage
Aaron Marquis as Conrad Camber
Gavin Free as Sheldon Shifter
Flynt Flossy as Paul Conrev
Travis Willingham as Michael Rotor
Ben Schwartz as Ritchie Gunzit
Nick Landis as Eric Braker
Neath Oum as Spikey Fillups
Connor Pickens as Chris Roamin’
Clifford Chapin as Dan Carcia
Scott Frerichs as Jonas Carvers
Howard Wang as Jim Reverick
Dustin Matthews as George New-Win
Eric Baudour as Noah Gocek
Aaron Dismuke as Will Rusch
Todd Womack as M. Fast Fong
Mick Lauer as Nick Shift
Richard Norman as J.P. Drive
Christopher Wehkamp as Tom W.
Aaron Dismuke as Sudeep
Grant George as Krzysztof
Bryce Papenbrook as Shiriam
Django Craig as Kurt
Carlos Alazraqui as Ronald
Todd Haberkorn as Junyi
Harvey Guillén as Gabriel
Angel Oquendo as Aiden
Michael Malconian as Jae
Robbie Daymond as Ernesto
Anna Hullum as Melissa Bernabrake
Jason Rose as Pat Traxson
Kara Eberle as Laura Spinwell
Anairis Quiñones as Gale Beaufort
Paris/Gusteau’s Restaurant (Ratatoullie)
Takes place during the movie.
Patton Oswalt as Remy
Brian George as Chef Skinner
Lou Romano as Alfredo Linguini
Travis Willingham as Django
Peter Sohn as Emile
Corey Burton as Anton Ego
Brad Garrett as Auguste Gusteau
Janeane Garofalo as Colette Tatou
Will Arnett as Horst
Julius Callahan as Lalo
James Remar as Larousse
John Ratzenberger as Mustafa
Teddy Newton as Talon Labarthe
Tony Fucile as Health Inspector
Julius Callahan as Francois
Tony Fucile as Pompidou
Jake Steinfield as Git
Brad Bird as Ambrister Minion
Brad Lewis, Lindsay Collins, & Lori Richardson as Rats
New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog)
Takes place during the movie.
Anika Noni Rose as Tiana
Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen
Keith David as Dr. Facilier
Michael-Leon Wooley as Louis
Jennifer Cody as Charlotte La Bouff
Jim Cummings as Raymond
Peter Bartlett as Lawrence
Jenifer Lewis as Mama Odie
Debra Wilson as Eudora
Brian Cummings as Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff
Ritchie Montgomery as Reggie
Dave Fouquette as Darnell
Paul Briggs as Two Fingers
Jerry Kernion as Mr. Henry Fenner
Corey Burton as Mr. Harvey Fenner
Michael Colyar as Buford
Emeril Lagasse as Marlon the Gator
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ian the Gator
Randy Newman as Cousin Randy
Danielle Moné Truitt as Georgia
Kelly Hoover as Stella
Kwesi Boakye as Newspaper Boy
Mick Wingert as Travis
Jennifer Kilger as Swooning Girl
Phil Proctor as Cajun Firefly
Seth R. Williamson as Prince Ralphie
Kingdom of Corona (Tangled)
Takes place after the movie.
Can we have a reprise of I’ve Got a Dream, and now Sora gets a chance to share his dream, to return to his friends?
Kelsey Lansdowne as Rapunzel Fitzherbert
Zachary Levi as Eugene Fitzherbert
Kari Wahlgren as Queen Ariana
Clancy Brown as King Frederic
M.C. Gainey as Captain of the Guard
Brad Garrett as Hook Hand
Chris Marlow as Big Nose
Paul F. Tompkins as Shorty
Charles Halford as Vladimir
Stephen Stanton as Attila Buckethead
Ron Perlman as Sideburns Stabbington
Brian Hull as Patchy Stabbington
Bob Bergen as Pascal
Nathan Greno as Maximus
DunBroch (Brave)
Takes place during the movie.
Kelly Macdonald as Merida
Billy Connolly as Fergus
Emma Thompson as Elinor
Susanne Blakeslee as the Witch
David Tennant as Lord Dingwall
Kevin McKidd as Lord MacGuffin
Craig Ferguson as Lord Macintosh
Michelle Gomez as Maudie
Peigi Barker as Young Merida
Kevin McKidd as Young MacGuffin
Steven Cree as Young Macintosh
Steve Purcell as the Crow
Callum O’Neill as Wee Dingwall
Patrick Doyle as Martin
John Ratzenberger as Gordon
Game Central Station (Wreck-it Ralph)
Takes place after the movie.
Brian T. Delaney as Wreck-it Ralph
Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz
Jack McBrayer as Fix-it Felix Jr.
Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Ed O’Neill as Mr. Stan Litwak
Rich Moore as Sour Bill
Maurice LaMarche as Tapper
Dennis Haysbert as General Hologram
Raymond S. Persi as Mayor Gene
Melissa Villaseñor as Taffyta Muttonfudge
Brandon Scott as Kohut
Grey DeLisle as Mary
Skylar Astin as Roy
Don Fullilove as Nolan
Rachael Harris as Deanna
Jess Harnell as Don
Jen Brown as Nell
Jason Douglas as J. Norwood
Pamela Adlon as Lucy
Grey DeLisle as Meg
Katie Lowes as Candlehead
Jamie Elman as Rancis Fluggerbutter
Adam Carolla as Wynnchel
Chris Pratt as Duncan
Josie Trinidad as Jubileena Bing-Bing
Cymbre Walk as Crumbelina Di Caramello
Bella Blanding as Snowanna Rainbeau
Jaeden White as Swizzle “The Swizz” Malarkey
Sawyer Cole as Gloyd Orangeboar
Suzie Yeung as Minty Zaki
Romi Dames as Adorabeezle Winterpop
Josie Trinidad as Citrusella Flugpucker
Suzie Yeung as Torvald Batterbutter
Suzie Yeung as Sticky Whipplesnit
Romi Dames as Nougetsia Brumblestain
Tucker Gilmore as Sugar Rush Announcer
Phil Johnston as Surge Protector
Arendelle (Frozen)
Takes place after the movie.
Kristen Bell as Anna
Idina Menzel as Elsa
Jonathan Groff as Kristoff
Josh Gad as Olaf
Frank Welker as Sven
Ciarán Hinds as Grandpabbie
Chris Williams as Oaken
Stephen J. Anderson as Kai
Maia Wilson as Bulda
Rebecca Mader as Gurda
Robert Pine as Bishop
Paul Briggs as Marshmallow
Lewis Cleale as Cliff
Jack Whitehall as Gothi
Annie Lopez as Baby Troll
San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6)
Takes place after the movie.
Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada
Scott Adsit as Baymax
Brooks Wheelan as Fred Fredrickson
Damon Wayans Jr. as Wasabi No Ginger
Jamie Chung as Ethel “Go Go Tomago”
Génesis Rodríguez as Honey Lemon
Maya Rudolph as Cass Hamada
James Cromwell as Robert Callaghan
Alan Tudyk as Allistair Krei
Katie Lowes as Abigail Callaghan
David Shaughnessy as Heathcliff
Daniel Henney as Tadashi Hamada
Riley’s Mind/Mindscape (Inside Out)
Takes place after the movie.
Kate Higgins as Joy
Phyllis Smith as Sadness
Lewis Black as Anger
Jason J. Lewis as Fear
Ashley Adler as Disgust
Kaitlyn Dias as Riley Andersen
Diane Lane as Jill Andersen (Mom)
Kyle MacLachlan as Bill Andersen (Dad)
Pete Docter as Dad’s Anger
Carlos Alazraqui as Dad’s Fear
Josh Cooley as Dad’s Fear
Patrick Seitz as Dad’s Joy
J.P. Karliak as Dad’s Disgust
Lori Alan as Mom’s Sadness
Paula Pell as Mom’s Anger
Laraine Newman as Mom’s Fear
Sherry Lynn as Mom’s Joy
Mona Marshall as Mom’s Disgust
Zootopia (Zootopia)
Takes place during the movie.
Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps
Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde
Idris Elba as Chief Bogo
Jenny Slate as Dawn Bellwether
Nate Torrence as Benjamin Clawhauser
Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps
Don Lake as Stu Hopps
Tommy Chong as Yax
J.K. Simmons as Theodore Lionheart
Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton
Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton
Allison Trujillo Strong & Shakira (singing) as Gazelle
Raymond S. Persi as Flash
Maurice LaMarche as Mr. Big
Phil Johnston as Gideon Gray
John DiMaggio as Jerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Katie Lowes as Dr. Madge Honey Badger
Gita Reddy as Nangi
Jesse Corti as Mr. Manchas
Kevin Michael Richardson as Finnick
Josh Dallas as Frantic Pig
Leah Latham as Fru Fru
Rich Moore as Doug
Kath Soucie as Young Nick
Peter Mansbridge as Peter Moosebridge
Byron Howard as Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
Jared Bush as Pronk Oryx-Antlerson
Mark “Rhino” Smith as Officer McHorn
John Lavelle as Mouse Foreman
Kristen Bell as Priscilla
Jackson Stein as Junior Ranger Scout Bully
Rich Moore as Larry
David Thibodeau as Gary
Fabienne Rawley as Fabienne Growley
John DiMaggio as Jesse
John DiMaggio as Woolter
Zach King as Muzzled Wolf
Cissy Jones as Officer Francine
Raymond S. Persi as Officer Higgins
Fabinne Rawley as Jumbeaux Café Customer
John DiMaggio as Parking Ticket Moose
Melissa Goodwin Shepard as Parking Ticket Mouse
Madeleine Curry as Parking Ticket Hippo Daughter
Brendan Blaber as Beaver Reporter
Kaiji Tang as Sheep Reporter
John DiMaggio as Pig Reporter
Bonnie Hunt as Oryx Reporter
Selah Victor as Rabbit Reporter
J. Michael Tatum as Pig Peace Rally Protester
Jen Taylor as Leopard Peach Rally Protester
Tiana Camacho as Carrot Customer
John DiMaggio as Sheep Officer
Motunui/The Great Oceans (Moana)
Takes place during the movie.
Auli’i Cravalho as Moana
Dwayne Johnson as Maui
Rachel House as Gramma Tala
Temuera Morrison & Christopher Jackson (singing) as Chief Tui
Jemaine Clement as Tamatoa
Nicole Scherzinger as Sina
Alan Tudyk as Heihei
Oscar Kightley as Fisherman
Troy Polamalu as Villager 1
Puanani Cravalho as Villager 2
Alan Tudyk as Villager 3
Land of the Dead/Santa Cécilia (Coco)
Takes place during the movie.
Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel Rivera
Gael García Bernal as Papá Héctor Rivera
Benjamin Bratt & Antonio Sol (singing) as Ernesto de la Cruz
Alanna Ubach as Mamá Imelda Rivera
Renée Victor as Abuelita Elena Rivera
Jaime Camil as Enrique Rivera (Papá)
Alfonso Arau as Papá Julio Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Óscar Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Felipe Rivera
Gabriel Iglesias as Clerk
Lombardo Boyar as Plaza Mariachi
Lombardo Boyar as Gustavo
Ana Ofelia Murguía as Mamá Coco Rivera
Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Frida Kahlo
Selene Luna as Tía Rosita Rivera
Edward James Olmos as Chicharrón
Sofía Espinosa as Luisa Rivera (Mamá)
Carla Medina as Departures Agent
Dyana Ortelli as Tía Victoria Rivera
Luis Valdez as Tío Berto Rivera
Luis Valdez as Don Hidalgo
Blanca Araceli as Emcee
Salvador Reyes as Security Guard
Cheech Marin as Corrections Officer
Octavio Solís as Arrivals Agent
John Ratzenberger as Juan Ortodoncia
Denise Blasor as Ceci
Libertad García Fonzi as Young Coco
Juan Carlos Tinoco as de la Cruz’s Security Guards
Carla Medina as Tía Gloria Rivera
Montse Hernandez as Rosa Rivera
Polo Rojas as Abel Rivera
Maite Perroni as Arrivals and Departures P.A.
Ricardo Bautista as Battle of the Bands Stagehand
Emilio Fuentes as Sunrise Spectacular Stagehand
Carlos Becerril as Sunrise Spectacular Emcee
Trujo as Policeman
Rosalba Sotelo as Dead Mother
Erica Edwards as Tía Chelo
Miguel Ángel Ruiz as T-Shirt Seller
Emmanuel Bernal as Gustavo’s Band Trumpeter
Lee Unkrich as Skeleton with Corn
Emmanuel Bernal as Héctor’s Cousin
Kumandra (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Takes place after the movie.
Kelly Marie Tran as Raya
Awkwafina as Sisu
Gemma Chan as Namaari
Izaac Wang as Boun
Benedict Wong as Tong
Thalia Tran as Noi
Daniel Dae Kim as Chief Benja
Sandra Oh as Chieftess Virana
Alan Tudyk as Tuk Tuk
Lucille Soong as Dang Hu
Dichen Lachman as General Atitãya
Sung Kang as Dang Hai
Ross Butler as Spine Chief
Dumbfoundead as Chai
Dichen Lachman as Spine Warrior
François Chau as Kahn
Sierra Katow as Fang Officer
The Encanto (Encanto)
Takes place after the movie.
Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel Madrigal
María Cecilia Botero & Olga Merediz (singing) as Abuela Alma Madrigal
John Leguizamo as Bruno Madrigal
Jessica Darrow as Luisa Madrigal
Diane Guerrero as Isabela Madrigal
Angie Cepeda as Julieta Madrigal
Demián Bichir as Agustín Madrigal
Carolina Gaitán as Pepa Madrigal
Mauro Castillo as Félix Madrigal
Rhenzy Feliz as Camilo Madrigal
Adassa as Dolores Madrigal
Ravi Cabot-Conyers as Antonio Madrigal
Maluma as Mariano Guzmán
Rose Portillo as Sra. Guzmán
Alyssa Bella Candiani, Noemi Josefina Flores, Paisley Day Herrera, Brooklyn Skylar Rodriguez, & Ezra Rudolph as Town Kids
Alan Tudyk as Pico
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
Takes place after the movie.
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Mia Tagano as Lily
Sherry Cola as Helen
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Addie Chandler as Devon
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Second Friend)
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
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izunias-meme-hole · 10 months
KH Animated Series Rough Draft - Xehanort/Ansem
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So I’ve kinda had like KH brainrot coming back, mostly in the form of BBS up to KH2, and one of the few thoughts I’ve had was “how the hell can this series be adapted WHILE being completely distinct from the narrative from both the Pre-BBS and Post-BBS content?” So I just thought about how to adapt Xehanort. Not the old man, I’m referring to Terranort/Ansem. Here’s what I have down so far.
He’s still Terra-Xehanort with amnesia, and not even becoming Ansem SoD changes that.
There is no Master Xehanort grand plan.
Kairi actually full on remembers that this man EXPERIMENTED on her.
His role during the KH1 section of the show would remain the same, except his reports are given more focus, and he at least appears once in between the first and last half of season 1.
In Season 2, the CoM and 358/2 Days parts of the show, Ansem would take up a similar role that he had in CoM for the first half, even taking over his body completely during Riku’s fight against Lexeaus. The only differences are that DiZ never disguises himself as his former apprentice, and Ansem is pretty much a consistent voice in Riku's head until Riku takes on his form in Days.
Ansem gets defeated by Riku, but this isn't the last we'd see of him in the narrative, because he spends the rest of season 3 haunting it through his research, and his nobody, Xemnas.
In season 4 (or at least a 3 part special finale), Xehanort is back as himself, but he gains the memories that Xemnas had, and by extension KNOWS enough pieces of his past lives as two Keyblade wielders to form a new plan to drown the worlds in darkness and become a god.
He sets up shop at the Keyblade Graveyard, and revives a Lingering Spirit to do his dirty work.
He welcomes Braig/Xigbar back into his employ to assist him.
He manages to convince Maleficent and Pete to join up with him.
He also brings 9 more people into his new little gang, Saix, Luxord, Malden, a Riku Replica, a younger replica of Master Xehanort based off scraps of his memory (We'll just call him Copy X), a replica of himself that takes more after Terra (Copy T), Replica No. I, a Roxas replica, and last but not least, a heartless Aqua.
In case you can't tell these 13 fellows are the XIII Darknesses, and they end up at least taking... 3 hearts from the Princesses of Light.
Xehanort has his eyes set on the X-Blade entirely for this plan, and gets it after his lackeys get beaten into paste, and by straight up offing Riku, who took a huge bullet for his friends.
Xehanort is enjoying his newfound power, and attempts to unlock Kingdom Hearts with it, but before he could ever manage to succeed, Sora and Kairi DEMOLISH him, along with the X-Blade.
Finally, Xehanort dies for good, as he starts to feel the life leave his body, he is on his knees and is having a full on breakdown, not understanding how Sora and Kairi were able to stop him, screaming that he "has to know," meanwhile Sora and Kairi just don't respond and watch as the man who's terrorized them and the entire universe fades away for good.
So yeah, this is my rough draft, and its basically just Ansem/Xehanort II from the games in the first half of the show, and for the second half he takes on a less confusing version of Master Xehanort's path, complete with a deserved demolishing. Again this is a rough draft, but I like what I've concocted so far in my head.
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Tennis' popularity has been rising for the past few decades. Yet, with the high-profile superstardom it brought and the elegant image it projected, it is often easy to overlook why it is actually one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports to play on a professional level.
Here are a few major points that make it stand out:
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There is no time limit in tennis. Uniquely rare in individual sports, tennis matches are won by points (winning 2 sets out of 3 or 3 sets out of 5), which means the match is going to be played until a winner is reached and the time it takes to finish one point is wholly dependent on rally length. The longest tennis match ever recorded is a first round Wimbledon 2010 match between John Isner and Nicolas Mahut, lasting for 11 hours and 5 minutes played over three days. The longest grand slam final (one that is played in one sitting) is the 5 hours and 53 minutes Australian Open 2012 match between Nadal and Djokovic. After the match, both could barely stand for the trophy ceremony.
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Tennis matches cannot be won by a simple stroke of luck in the right moment, as its scoring measures consistency, requiring the highest level of physical fitness throughout the entirety of the match. Unlike simple accumulative score such as in football, tennis has a quirky rule that only allows players to win a game or a set if they won it consecutively twice. For instance, once players reached "deuce" (a 40-40 score) in a game, they would have to win two points in a row to win the game. If they win one and lose the next point, the result would always go back to deuce (neutral), no matter how long it takes.
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Tennis is the only sports that are played in different surfaces. The four grand slams are played in hard courts, clay courts, and grass courts. The surfaces are incredibly crucial to the way the game plays out, as the ball bounced completely different both speed-wise and touch-wise on each, creating an immense variability in playing possibilites. Professional tennis players that go on tour have to switch between surfaces many times during a year, having to readjust their game completely once a new surface season began.
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Breaking into the top rankings in tennis is a herculean task precisely because it was made to be so. Unlike in other sports such as football, tournament draws in tennis are not random, they are based on ranking seedings. This means that the top two ranked players are always positioned at opposite ends of the draws (i.e., they are only able to meet in the finals) and subsequently with the next in line. The quality of play thus always improves the closer you get to the end of the tournament. However, it also means that low-ranked players have to defeat the top 10 consecutively to actually win the tournament. This is very rare, and when it does happen it usually marks a new era of players, just as when Roger Federer upset Pete Sampras to win his first Wimbledon in 2003.
Tennis is, perhaps even more than a physical sport, a mental one. Sports analysts have noted that the majority of players in the top 50 have equally good forehands and backhands, except for rare cases such as the big three (i.e., Federer, Nadal, Djokovic), or service masters (e.g., Serena Williams, John Isner, etc.). What differentiates the superstars is mental strength during long and critical matches (e.g., championship or match points) because of the high chance of comeback that the scoring and no time-limit provides. For instance, Rafael Nadal won his 2022 Australian Open coming back after down 2 sets and a break point.
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Tennis, especially in singles, is one of the loneliest, most individually competitive sports there is. Unlike team sports such as football or baseball, coaching during matches are highly forbidden and can lead to penalties. This means each player has zero contact with anyone during the usually 2 to 5 hours matches they play, relying solely on their own mental capacity, problem solving skills, and strategy decision.
Professional tennis is not only physically demanding it is also incredibly complicated technique-wise. There is an incredible array of shots available to play (a flat or topspin shot, a serve, a forehand, a backhand, a slice backhand, a drop-shot, etc.) and each has a different grip. Professional tennis playes usually change the way they hold their rackets mid-point, and has to vary them greatly to ensure different outcomes for each shot.
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Strangely, unlike team sports such as football, tennis players share locker rooms with all their fellow competitors every tournament. Some tournaments such as Wimbledon even gather the top 20 players in a separate locker room. This means that rivals who play each other the most, especially in finals (as all the others would've left the locker room) would see each other more often than others. Top 50 players travelling around the world to play the competitive ATP (male) and WTA (female) world tour see their rivals and peers more than their own family. As tennis does not allow draws, when a tournament is over, the winner and the loser have to commiserate and celebrate in the same room.
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This high amount of contact that players need to endure with each other, however, also elevates the standard of sportsmanship in the sports and have produced some of the most unique dynamics. Bonded through shared experiences of the worst and best moments in their lives, some maintained relationships lasting decades, perhaps fittingly proving that in the end, even the most competitive sports cannot best our humane traits of friendship, respect, and love.
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that-demigirl · 4 months
Born To Die - Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: A new instructor is introduced to the group and Allison + Erin go on their first hop
A/N: Probably the hardest chapter for me to write, but I hope y'all enjoy
“Morning, welcome to your special training detachment,” Admiral Bates greets the aviators, all standing at attention. Allison and Erin had chosen the seats right in front of Natasha and Robert, wanting to be towards the front of the class, “Be seated. I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You’re all Top Gun graduates, the elite, the best of the best.”
Allison watches this go to everyone’s heads. Smirks play at the lips of every pilot in the room. She knows there’s one playing at hers as well. Allison knows her and Erin are some of the best. Ain’t another pairing out there that work as seamlessly as they do, or so their COs have said. There’s something they aren't being told though…
“That was yesterday,” Bate continues, “The enemy’s new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.”
Jake turned and looked almost directly at Allison. She refused to meet his eye but Erin subtly flipped him off for her. The cocky smirk on his face just made Erin want to punch him more than ever.
“Less than half of you will make the cut, one of you will be named mission leader.”
If Allison wasn’t vying for that spot then she wouldn’t be Allison. She just had to stay in Medusa her whole time here. Stone cold, no mistakes. Just like she was when she was at Top Gun herself. She knows what she needs to do… but does she have the ability to?
“The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary and he’s considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced.”
As Bates introduced their instructor, everyone looked behind them to see who was walking up. Erin’s eyes widen for a fraction of a second when she noticed who it was before she schooled her features. There was no way Pete didn’t know she was going to be here and he hadn’t bothered to call. It frustrared Erin slightly, but she pushed it down. She had a mission to focus on, history could wait it’s turn to reer it’s ugly head.
“Good morning,” Pete looked around the room. His eyes met Bradley’s before swiftly moving to Erin, who he earned a small smirk from. A slight nod was given back before he continued, “The F-18 NATOPS. Contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I’m assuming you know the book inside and out.”
“Damn straight, sir!” Allison called out amongst the chorus of her teammates also saying similar things. Erin gives her an amused expression, knowing this wasn’t going where everyone expected it too. A small chuckle escaped her lips when Pete threw the book in the bin by his podium.
“So does your enemy,” Pete pointed out, “but what the enemy doesn’t know is your limits. I intend to find them. Test them. Push beyond. Today we’ll start with what you only think you know. Show me what you’re made of.”
Erin had a bad feeling about the next couple weeks. Her communication with Pete had been few and far between since she went to the academy. There wasn’t a grand amount of tension between the two, but some part of Erin still blamed him for Bradley leaving. She also couldn’t imagine that Bradley and Pete were on speaking terms either if the harsh looks Bradley was sending his way were anything to go by.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Allison asked as they left the room.
“Maverick is a… family friend,” Erin hesitated, eyes glancing around to see if anyone else could hear them, “One I haven’t talked to in a while… because of the Rooster situation…”
That was all Allison needed to know before she dropped it. It seemed their instructor would be one more person Allison felt the need to protect Erin from. Allison had always had the sense that Erin’s past hurt her a lot more than she ever let on. She felt honored to be included in the small amount of people who knew even a fraction of it. Didn’t make it any easier to not want to fight Erin’s battles for her though.
Allison and Erin were checking over the F-18 they were assigned to when Erin had gotten suddenly distracted. Allison looked to where Erin was to find Bradley and their instructor in some form of a stand off. She only knew the bits and pieces that Erin had told her, but she could already tell this wouldn’t end well. She just hoped and prayed that they wouldn’t be the ones in the air with Bradley and Pete. 
Looking across from the two had Allison making eye contact with Jake. She knew she had seen exactly what she had and came to the same conclusion, though with less context. Allison just simply shook her head, silently asking him to leave it, before returning to her jet. Erin and Allison wouldn’t  be the first flight of the day so instead they went to the ready room once they had checked that everything was in working order.
“Good morning, aviators. This is your captain speaking,” Pete’s voice came through the radio, “Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers.”
Erin and Allison sat close to the radio, wanting to hear everything that went on. The more they paid attention, the easier their own hop would be. They listened as Pete explained what today’s task would be.
“This guy needs an ego check,” Jake spoke up, messing with a model jet across the room.
“We’ll see to that,” One of the guys high fived another, the overconfidence rolling off all of them in waves.
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Erin muttered, excited to watch everyone get their asses kicked. She returned her attention to the radio as Reuben decided to encourage their punishment to be 200 push ups. A deep sigh escaped her mouth as she realized how sore her arms were gonna be by the end of the day.
Allison listened to the sounds of her fellow teammates being surprised by their instructor and struggling a bit and also the banter between everyone. It seemed that their instructor wouldn’t be what anyone was expecting. She couldn’t deny she chuckled a bit when Bradley was the first to be shot down.
“That should be us down there,” Mickey looked out the window at Bradley doing push ups.
“But it’s not,” Natasha commented, “and now you know a little something about Rooster.”
After a couple hops with a mixture of teams in the air, Allison and Erin had gotten sent up with Jake. Allison could already see it playing out in her head and knew that she would only be able to rely on Erin to save their skin.
“So why Tinkerbell? I mean, a fairy just doesn’t seem to be an intimdating call sign,” Jake asked over the radio in a tone that meant he was definetly trying to rile Erin up.
“Don’t take the bait Erin,” Allison warned, “We all know why we call him Hangman.”
As she said that Maverick came flying past them, startling all three of them, “Greetings aviators, fights on.”
“All right, Medusa, let’s take this guy out!” Jake declared before telling her to break right, which she did, though he didn’t.
“Where’s he going?” Erin asked, frustration bleeding into her tone. 
“There goes Hangman, hanging us out to dry,” Allison responded sarcastically. 
“Leaving your wingman, there’s a strategy I haven’t seen in a while,” Pete spoke up, gunning for Allison and Erin.
“He called you a man, Allie, you gonna take that?” Jake taunted.
“So long as he doesn’t call you a man,” Allison responded, bristling at his use of her nickname, “Okay, talk to me Tink, where’s Maverick at?”
“Damn, his nose is already coming back around,” Erin informed her.
“You better get him off me, Hangman!” Allison said.
“For all you folks at home, this is how you bury a fossil,” Jake quipped, heading towards them. 
“All right, Hangman, time to teach you a lesson,” Pete muttered as he locked onto Allison and Erin, “You’re out, Medusa.”
“Damn it!” Allison cried out of frustration, flying her plane out of the practice space while Jake continued the exercise with Pete. Allison listened as they quipped at each other and couldn’t help the welling of anger at Jake’s lack of care that he got his wingman effectively ‘shot down’. 
“Medusa, I can’t see him,” Jake called out for help, “Allie?”
“I’m dead, jackass,” was all she responded with. 
“See you in the afterlife, Bagman,” Erin chimed in, about as frustrated as Allison. Erin and Allison both silently cheered when Maverick got him and then returned to the ground.
Tag list: @djs8891
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smokeybrandreviews · 9 months
Truth to Power
Now, for transparency, I am not a fan of Katt Williams the Stand-Up Comedian. I find his style grating. Credit where it’s due, the man can tell a joke. It’s just HOW he tells it which grates on my nerve. Katt relies, heavily, on the “loud Black Woman” stereotype. He absolutely screams into his mic when he’s on stage. That sh*t is fine when you’re delivering a punchline, Bernie Mac was a master at that sh*t, but Katt goes one hundred, immediately out the gate. For me, it clouds the message behind the joke and Katt stays dropping pearls. Mans is as socially conscious as Chappelle, but you wouldn’t know it because Williams stays shrieking at you. That said, I AM a fan of Katt Williams the Actor. Dude is crazy talented and deserved that Emmy win for playing the Alligator Man on Atlanta. A Pimp Named Slickback and Money Mike are also roles he absolutely killed. I have the utmost respect for Katt Williams as an artist, entrepreneur, and entertainer. I cannot say the same for a lot of the cats he called out on Club Shay Shay.
I’ve always had a problem with Kevin Heart. Always. He’s the Black Kevin James to me and I f*cking hate Kevin James. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed once at anything Heart has produced. His entire persona just irked me and it took a very long time to figure out why. That is until he got caught cheating and his whole facade fell right off. Heart is a Brand and he will tell you that to your face. He has openly admitted to doing the things other black comedians would not. He said, in no uncertain terms, with his whole as chest, on the Breakfast Club, that he basically bojangles for the whites because they have the loot. Which is exactly what Katt has been saying, consistently since Hollywood turned from him and toward Heart, this entire time. Heart has found insane success but it’s at the cost of his artistic and creative integrity. He sold out and is proud to have done it. Steve Harvey is the same f*cking way. He told Unc that he’ll never do another stand-up special because of Cancel Culture, that as long as you’re a sponsored comedian, you can’t risk the bag. Chappelle can say whatever the f*ck he wants because his revenue flow is based on subscriptions. If Harvey ever does another Special, it was have to be at the end of his career in television because he would, for sure, be canceled afterward. That’s Harvey staying safe for the whites. He’s protecting his Brand. He has sh*t he wants to say, but won’t, because it would f*ck with his pockets too much, just like Heart. That’s straight up, textbook, cowardice.
There is truth in comedy. To be a comedian, you need integrity. You need to stand on your word, on your principals, and say what you will with your whole chest. That’s why Chappelle is so loved and touted as one of the greats. That’s why people, to this day, love Jon Stewart. That’s why Katt Williams can still go out on tour and sell out enough shows to pay his opening act three hundred grand to come out with him. Kevin Heart and Steve Harvey stand for nothing. They’ll say and do whatever their handlers tell them to, be it a studio or a sponsor. That Illuminati sh*t and Humiliation Theory is nonsense. One isn’t a theory and the other is just rich blacks going full bourgeois. The joke stealing is a known thing in Hollywood and a ton of what Katt said were just regular ass, personal grievances, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a conversation to be had. Pete Rock said that chasing the bag is what ruined Hip Hop. He’s not wrong. Look at Jay-Z. Mans made it to Billionaire status but lost his soul in the process. He alienated and betrayed the very people who helped give him that opportunity in the first place. Now, he’s out here telling  the NFL commissioner, out of his mouth, on a televised special, that we, as black people, have moved passed kneeling. Why? Because he needs to protect hat bag. He needs those white people dollars, so he stabbed us, as a people, and a culture, in the back. Steve Harvey did the same thing to Bernie Mac. Dude tried to sabotage a ton of Bernie’s roles, handicapping him behind his back while smiling to his face. Heart did the same thing to Katt, saying yes to everything Katt refused to do, instead of standing in solidarity with Williams on the bullsh*t scripts they got in Hollywood. And to what end? Who has Heart helped? How has he given back to the community, to the culture, by schuckin’ and jivin’ his way into the being a token? Not a f*cking thing.
That’s what we need to take away from this entire situation. We lift up and revere these Black Business Moguls like they’ve accomplished something, but to get there, they had to cannibalize us as a people. They followed the Fox/WB/UPN method, building their brand on the backs of black loyalty, delivering content derived from and about black culture, only to turn on us when they got big enough. Kevin Heart’s first film was Soul Plane. Now, he’s basically The Rock’s sidekick, taking on the comedic foil to a man who stands on his brand to a fault. Steve Harvey hosted Showtime at the Apollo for years. The Apollo Theater is the mecca for black artistry. It’s the tempering fire for our culture. Now that he has Family Feud, he’d never step foot on that stage again. It’s too controversial and it would damage his Brand. Oprah and Tyler Perry are the same goddamn way. They hide behind this veneer of black excellence, but only for select blacks. The good ones. The ones who stay in their place and do what they’re told. No one talks about the career body counts these cats have left in their wake on the way to that Billionaire status. No one talks about the victims riddled just outright the spotlight of their Brand recognition. No one talks about how much these moguls and superstars have compromised their integrity for personal gain. No one talks about this sh*t but Katt sure the f*ck did. He talked about it for three hours of Club Shay Shay. At times, it was funny, other times absurd, often times hyperbole . but there was enough truth in there to spark up a real conversation. A conversation we, as black people, need to have. One that should have been started long, long, ago.
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The Festival Of Hearts (a Royal Au) - part 2
Characters: King!Jake “hangman” Seresin x Queen!female!reader, Royal Huntsman!Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Master of Arms!Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, lady-in-waiting!Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Royal Advisor!Robert “Bob” Floyd, King Champion!Javy “Coyote” Machado, Queen Champion!Reuben “Payback” Fitch and Queen Champion!Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Warnings: mention of hunting animals, mention of arrange marriage, mention of dead parents, mention of killing, mention of attacking a person, inaccuracies in terms of the Middle Ages (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: princess, now Queen Y/N (Y/M/N) Y/L/N was forced into marrying King Jake “Hangman” Seresin. Leaving her own kingdom, Eldoria, behind, she left to live and rule Jake kingdom, Misthaven. The time for an age-old tradition in Y/N kingdom came. Miraculously the Queen convinces Jake to invite her old village to come celebrate the tradition with them. This is the story on how the ruthless King learns how to love his Queen.
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
Last part - Next part - masterlist
A/N: a little filler part, I hope I can start the main storyline next part :)
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A group of maids and knights were waiting at the majestic steps of the castle's entrance. As the newlywed couple arrived, Rooster opened the carriage door, his hand extended to assist Y/N. With careful steps Y/n left the carriage. Rooster lead her towards the awaiting maids, her eyes skimmed over the front of the castle. The outside looked as dull as the flowers at the wedding, knights were walking around the castle and guarding the large metal doors. Rooster stopped you in front of a young blonde woman, she couldn’t be older than 23, 4 years older than her queen. “Ma’am, may I introduce Miss Adelaine, she will guide you to you your room” Rooster explained, gently releasing her hand. Y/n hands fell to her side, she focused her attention on the curly-haired knight before her. “She will replace Lady Trace in situation when your Lady-in-waiting isn’t available.” The mention of her best friend made her look around. Where was Natasha, and Mickey, and Rueben? “For now, I must excuse myself. King Jake and I will be hunting. Should you ever feel uneasy or unsafe, don't hesitate to contact Pete Mitchell. We'll regroup at the evening's dinner, set for 7:30 pm" He concluded.
He walked away towards a group of men attending to a pair of horses. In the middle sat Jake atop his black horse. Next to him stood a brown horse, its saddle soon occupied by Rooster. The two set off towards the woods. Y/N's gaze lingered on their departing figures. Jake didn’t even say goodbye to her, he just left to hunt. To hunt ln their wedding day, while she got a tour of the castle. Turning her attention to Adelaine, their eyes met and the older woman bowed for her queen. “Your Majesty, I'm honored to have been chosen to accompany you to your room" She kept her head down while talking: “Your Lady-in-waiting, Lady Trace is receiving her own tour, accompanied by your own queen's champions Mister Fitch and Mister Garcia” Adelaine continued, lifting her gaze when she finished her speech, standing tall in her role.
Y/N's lips curved into a gracious smile aimed at Adelaine: "I truly appreciate your presence, Miss Adelaine. it's a pleasure to have someone to lead me through this marvellous castle. I would like to see where I would be staying." Adelaine smiled at her before leading the queen up the grand staircase. The knights in front of the doors lock eyes with Y/N. With automatic movements, the knights step infront of the doors and pull them open. Y/N was speecheless when she saw the room behind the doors. It was a gorgeous entryway with marble steps leading to the second floor. All though the castle looked dull outside, the inside was a different story. "Our first stop will be the ballroom, where the evening's dinner will unfold." Adelaine explained before guiding Y/N towards another gorgeous door to the right of the stairs. Once again a knight was guarding the door and opened it when he saw the queen approaching. Y/N looked around one more time before entering the ball room and she noticed that every door had a knight in front of it.
Other maids were already setting up a table. The table was long and had around 30 chairs standing. A loud voice rang trough the room, it's impact rippling through both the maids and the queen herself. Startled, Y/N turned to the source, a knight whose standing next to the door. "Behold your new Queen: Y/N Y/M/N Seresin!" A knight introduced. All the maids and servers in the room bowed their head for her for an entire minute before continuing their work. "Your Majesty, this is the ballroom. This room is used during balls and royal celebrations." Adelaine explained. Y/N silently walked around the room. On every wall hung a portrait of earlier rulers of the Kingdom of Misthaven. Soon a portrait of her and Jake would be made and hung here. Adelaine shadowed her steps until Y/N paused before the room's most imposing portrait. The canvas depicted a woman sitting on the trone. She was wearing the crown she wore about an hour ago when she left the church. This must of been the previous queen. beside her stood a tall man. He had a big beard and shared the eyes of her husband. The man was wearing the crown which now belonged to Jake. Her eyes trailed over the painting and followed the arm of the king. His hand was sat on a young boy. A young boy of 10 years. The boy had blonde hair, green eyes and a big smile on his face. This must be Jake. Her attention shifted to a painting next to the family portrait. On that painting stood Jake as the king, a strong look in his eyes and no smile on his face. How could this little boy with the biggest smile Y/N may ever have seen be the ruthless king ever.
The new queen signed, closed her eyes and turned towards the blonde maid: "you can lead me to my room". Adelaine nodded before pointing towards a door in the room. "This way, your Majesty" Y/N followed her, no emotion was shown on her face. But if you looked deep into her eyes, you could see small tears forming on her bottom eyelid.
Meanwhile Jake and Rooster were riding their horses deep inside the woods. "Sooo, how does it feel to be married?" Rooster teased his best friend, his royal talk long gone since the two were on their own. Jake shot a look at Rooster, "Let's not talk about this okay, I already need to talk about it during dinner for too long". Jake said, a flicker of annoyance lacing his words. His gaze swept the expanse of the woods, his thoughts clearly elsewhere. They still had to hunt for dinner tonight. Both men were hoping on shooting a deer, maybe even two. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I don't think she thrilled about this marriage either" Rooster continued, ignoring Jakes request. "It was arranged, trust me if I could choose who and when I would marry, I wouldn't have chosen an 19 year old girl who doesn't even know how to defends her own kingdom" Jake explained with an annoying tone in his voice. Rooster silently nodded his head. He would have imagined his best friend wedding day different as well. If you would tell him that his best friend would settle down at 21 years old, he would have laughed straight into your face. But now that was reality. Rooster added his final thoughts: "You need to trust the process. Bob said this would be good for your image and you didn't make him your Royal Advisor if you didn't trust him" Jake signed once again, he knew the knight was right. His reputation wasn't the best in not only other kingdoms but his own as well.
Movement to his left stopped his thinking, both men slowed down their horse before taking out their bows and arrows. "I think I see our dinner Rooster" Jake smiled, arrow next to his eye, ready to shoot. "I think you're right Hangman" his compagnion smiled, the quiet sound of a flying arrow ending his sentence.
Taglist: @mirrorball-6 @corriegrace06 @dempy @the-romanian-is-bae (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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breakerwhiskey · 8 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
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Breaker, breaker, this is Whiskey, calling out from Zion National Park. I found an old guidebook to the country’s parks a while back—and some history books too, figured I’d finally give myself that higher education I never got—and while I haven’t exactly shaped my trip around the thing, I like to take a gander every now and then and figure out if there’s anything off my route worth taking a detour for. And while I might be on more of a mission than I have been up to this point, I still think this detour was worth it.
It’s as stunning as the book says it is. And I’d heard about it of course, it’s probably one of the more famous parks, but I’m not sure I had any idea what it was supposed to look like. Not that knowing would have prepared me at all.
It’s enormous and colorful and…overwhelming. That’s the only word I seem to have. Like so much of the land out here—the grand canyon, the pacific coast—it feels like the land of giants. Like I’ve been shrunk down and need to be careful where I tread, in case I step into the shadow of a canyon and become invisible to the giant stomping around above me, ready to be crushed under its foot.
Zion means something, I think, to people, but hell if I know what that is. Aside from the occasional holiday or, I don’t know, food, Harry and I never talked much about religion. But it is a religious word, I’m pretty sure. Or a political one? I remember it being in the papers a few years before everything went all wonky. I never spent that much time on the news beyond who was running for President and lord knows I haven’t thought about any of that stuff in years. There’s no more news now that there are no more people.
I wish I’d paid more attention.
But anyway, I guess it meant something to the Mormons, because that’s where the park got its name. Or, something like that, the guidebook doesn’t go into detail beyond saying that it used to be called the Mukuntunweap National Monument, which is a Paiute word—and I’m probably butchering both of those pronunciations. But they changed it because it was too hard for people to spell and because the Mormons looked at the land and saw some kind of holy temple, I guess.
I’m not sure what to make of any of that, if I’m honest. Other than to say that I sort of get what the Mormons were feeling about this place—it is so beautiful, I think I would see God in it if I believed that He existed. And I’m glad that people thought to preserve it, make it a park; I’m glad we didn’t stick a highway through it or tear down the trees to build a suburb but at the same time…
Well, was it holy to the Paiute people too? Did we drive them out before declaring this place ours and worth protecting? That sounds like something we’d do. Were the Paiute the ones that named it Mukuntunweap in the first place or did we do that after we took it from them? I doubt they found that word hard to spell, so why is it that the name had to change? Who gets to make these decisions? And why?
I keep thinking about what you said. That I don’t belong. And maybe I don’t. Maybe I don’t belong in Los Angeles, maybe I don’t belong in Pennsylvania or New York or America or anywhere. I’ve talked about my fairly itinerant life and what it means to build a home and maybe home where you hang your hat or maybe it’s the people you belong to. I belonged to my parents, I belonged to Pete’s crew. I thought I belonged with Har—
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All I know is that you don’t get to decide where I belong. And maybe I don’t get to decide either, maybe no one is the master of their own fate, or maybe all of us are. Maybe the earth decided that human beings didn’t belong in it at all anymore, and like a New York City exterminator trying to get rid of cockroaches just…missed a few.
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