#Gravesfield Era
the-cosmos-withinus · 5 months
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Shadow Puppets - One year Anniversary
I haven't posted in a while because reasons, but the Shadow Puppets RP hit it's one year anniversary so I thought I'd draw something for it.
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sepublic · 1 year
The Owl House Timeline
-Millennia Ago; The Archivists encounter the Demon Realm and send the Collector to play with the young Titans; The Collector meets the Titan known as the Boiling Isles, and comes across King’s egg; The Archivists commence a war against the Titans, who resist their attempts to turn every living thing into scrolls; Due to Titan magic countering their own, the Archivists enlist the help of the local demons, Bill among them, and create the Titan Trappers; An Archivist transforms the Owl Beast into a scroll, only to lose it in the ocean; The Boiling Isles Titan hides King on a remote island, shielded from the view of Archivists, and appoints Jean-Luc as the guardian. 
-The Collector is imprisoned in the in-between by the Boiling Isles, who is the last Titan alive; Hooty comes into existence after this during a hunt; The Archivists disappear from the isles; The Titan blows out Bill’s eardrums in a final battle against the Titan Trappers; The Titan escapes to the other side of the planet and ‘dies’, but due to her heart still beating, lingers as a ghost watching from the in-between; Bill communicates with the Collector using one of the moon discs, worshipping them as the Grand Huntsman, only to lose contact when the disc is broken; The Titan Trappers find the Boiling Isles, but are unable to locate King’s egg to free the Collector; Bill’s generation eventually dies out until he is the only one left, leading new generations of wannabe Titan Trappers; Hooty leaves the Boiling Isles’ eye.
-Hecktaceous Period; A Stonesleeper is transported to the Titan’s skull and placed as guardian; Luz Noceda briefly visits through a time pool.
-Witches and demons evolve from the Titan’s corpse; They initially learn glyphs by communicating with the Titan’s spirit on her knee, but eventually rely on their bile sacs instead.
-Thousands of Years Ago; The Bat Queen is carved and abandoned by her owner, a giant, after being wounded; She begins looking after other mistreated palismen in solidarity.
-Circa 1600s; The Deadwardian Era begins.
-1613; Young orphans Philip and Caleb Wittebane arrive in Old Gravesfield.
-Evelyn Clawthorne and Flapjack enter the human realm using an archway powered by Titan’s blood, and befriend a teenage Caleb; Evelyn and Caleb communicate using hidden rebuses, and a vial of Titan’s blood is buried outside the archway in Gravesfield.
-As an adult, Caleb moves to the Boiling Isles’ right arm with Evelyn permanently, marrying her. Philip enters the Boiling Isles through Eclipse Lake, emerging at the Knee, and discovers the Ice glyph.
-Circa May 21st, 16XX; Philip begins writing a journal documenting his journey in the Demon Realm.
-Five years after his arrival, Philip returns to Eclipse Lake and retrieves Titan’s Blood to build a Portal back home, emerging the only survivor; Philip absorbs Palismen essence to gain an advantage over witches, beginning his curse and slowing his aging; Philip reunites with Caleb, killing him and being chased off by a pregnant Evelyn; Philip discovers the Plant and Fire glyphs.
-1635; New Gravesfield is founded, replacing the town’s older layout.
-1660-70; Years after entering the Demon Realm, Philip Wittebane encounters Luz Noceda and Lilith Clawthorne, who travel from the future to meet him; Luz teaches Philip the last glyph, Light; Philip meets the Collector, and encounters the Stonesleeper he will use to create his first Grimwalker of Caleb; A Portal is made using the Titan’s eye that leads to Philip and Caleb’s childhood home, but ends up buried next to Evelyn’s archway.
-1693; “Witches eating babies” -Eda
-Philip creates his first Grimwalker of Caleb; Philip assumes the identity of Belos and claims to speak on behalf of the Titan, espousing the coven system; Belos and his Grimwalkers stage false flag attacks in order to scare the populace into believing them; A city on the Knee is abandoned as a result of one of these incidents. 
-A teenage Hieronymous Bump destroys a rival school resembling Glandus with his fellow students; Hexside is built atop the ruins.
-Circa 1972; Belos becomes Emperor of the Boiling Isles.
-1970-75; Caleb and Evelyn’s descendant Lilith Clawthorne is born; Two years later, her younger sister Edalyn Clawthorne is born.
-Eda, Lilith, Alador, Odalia, Darius Deamonne, and Perry Porter attend Hexside, with Principal Faust in charge; Despite or because of his role in Hexside’s founding, Bump is Vice Principal; Faust breaks up with Terra Snapdragon, who takes their home, forcing Faust to live at Hexside.
-1990s; Cosmic Frontier is published.
-Circa 1992; Eda meets Raine Whispers and Terra at IFWOT; Raine transfers to Hexside; Bump replaces Faust as Principal of Hexside; Eda is cursed by Lilith using the Archivist’s Owl Beast scroll; Lilith joins the Emperor’s Coven, and Eda discovers the Portal, emerging in the Wittebane house at Gravesfield; Eda watches Dragonclaw Z in the human world; Petrifications ‘officially’ end as a means of capital punishment.
-Darius is mentored by the Golden Guard; Darius has a falling out with Alador and Odalia; Alador wins the Bonesborough Brawl; Coven sigils are introduced and mandated; Raine and Eda break up; Raine joins the Bard Coven, only to realize the system’s corruption, and begins a campaign against it from within; The Golden Guard dies, and Lilith is appointed as the Head Witch of the Emperor’s Coven when Belos realizes she will travel to the past to meet him; Alador and Odalia marry and found Blight Industries together.
-Circa 2006; Emira and Edric Blight are born.
-Circa 2007; Skara is born, followed by Willow Park; Vee is the fifth basilisk to be cloned by Belos.
-Circa 2008; Luz Noceda and Amity Blight are born.
-Circa 2010; Augustus Porter is born.
-King Clawthorne finally hatches from his egg.
-Circa 2014; King is found and adopted by Eda.
-The Nocedas move to Gravesfield.
-August 22nd, 20XX; Manny Noceda succumbs to his illness and dies, leaving Luz the first book in The Good Witch Azura series.
-Luz becomes obsessed with The Good Witch Azura.
-Amity is forced to sever ties with Willow during her birthday.
-Circa 2017; Alador has his last weekend off before Odalia forces him to work overtime.
-Willow meets and befriends Augustus Porter.
-Circa 2021; Tibbles finds The Good Witch Azura books washed ashore the Boiling Isles, and sells them to the Book Nook; Amity is the only one who buys them and becomes obsessed.
-Eda begins selling human garbage at Bonesborough as a side gig.
-Amity leaves the Hexside Banshees, quitting Grudgby entirely; Vee and Numbers Three and Four escape the Conformatorium.
-Summer 2022; Luz Noceda enters the Boiling Isles, while Vee enters the human world.
-Mason is promoted to Head Witch of the Construction Coven after the yearly Covention, in time for Luz to attend her first day at Hexside.
-Hunter is appointed the new Golden Guard by Belos.
-Scooter Crane retires; Raine Whispers is appointed as the new Head Witch of the Bard Coven; Tarak sees King’s video while visiting the Boiling Isles and mistakes him for another Titan Trapper’s estranged son, dropping off an invitation letter.
-Luz and Lilith travel through a time pool and encounter Philip Wittebane in the year 1660-70.
-August 22nd, 2022; Reaching Out takes place.
-The Day of Unity occurs; The Collector is freed by King and stops the draining spell; Luz and her friends (and Belos) are stranded in Gravesfield after the Portal is destroyed; The Collector turns the population into puppets, and builds a palace out of the Titan’s skull.
-October 29th, 2022; The Hexsquad discovers the rebus left behind by Caleb.
-October 30th, 2022; The Hexsquad locates Evelyn’s vial of Titan’s Blood; Belos infects Hunter’s body.
-October 31st, 2022; Belos kills Flapjack, and Luz and her friends return to the Boiling Isles.
-November 1st, 2022; For the Future takes place.
-November 2nd, 2022; Luz befriends the Collector and destroys Belos once and for all; The Titan passes on.
-2026; Luz graduates from high school and has her 18th birthday.
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ms-bluejay · 5 months
the moment i unboxed my plushie i KNEW i had to doodle something for @a-magpie-in-gravesfield :3
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i love The Hatchetfield Saga a ton, and Black Friday just so happens to be about a diabolical plushie wrecking mayhem upon the world, it writes itself LOL. 🤣
Anyway, silly plushie pics o’clock :3
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first he met a mammoth, then a piggy, then himself (and rock frog, love this stone goober), and then had a country club era ✨💗
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one thing i find interesting about Dana’s words about Caleb and Evelyn from the livestream is how she seems to center events from Evelyn’s perspective (she refers specifically to the "Evelyn and Flapjack" lore when the question prompting the discussion also named Caleb, tho I don't think that's like. A calculated decision, it might just reflect who she views as the most significant characters in the grand scheme of things)
it’s about what Evelyn was doing in gravesfield, why Evelyn liked caleb, how she first presented herself to him. it’s about her family that he married into, the Clawthorne family, blood members like Eda, chosen/adopted members, like King and honorary members, like Luz. That’s who the story really centers around, so it makes sense that when approaching this nugget of lore, they'd tackle it from Evelyn's POV.
But i just find it interesting bc it’s so unlike 90% of the fan content centered around that era. Like most of the things ppl make related to Evelyn and the Wittebros is usually set from one of the brothers perspectives (with a couple of exceptions! @/moonmeg’s comics and @/litfeathers various drabbles and dubs all have a good balance of Evelyn and caleb/philip perspective!). Obviously this is mostly bc we got the Wittebros lore first (all the way back in yesterday's lie) and because we know (marginally) more about them, people have been playing around with them for longer and with more material.
But I'm honestly really interested in Dana's version of the story! Especially considering it seems like Evelyn had much more agency in the story than we give her credit for. She's the one who went to gravesfield, reached out to Caleb, presumably taking either the romantic or platonic initiative and thus setting things in motion. Why? we don't know! Dana says Caleb seemed more reasonable than the rest of the population in gravesfield, that they bonded over flapjack like dog owners over pets, which is all very interesting when we know he was a witch hunter, implies a lot of interesting things about why he was doing that career and what his status in the town social climate might've been like, but that's where fan interpretation comes into play, so I digress.
(also, this is a tangent but I'm a big fan of Dana implying that Evelyn took initiative? We only have huntlow to go off of but generally speaking the show likes to subvert overdone or overly stereotypical m/f romance tropes- while not being too pointed about it and still leaving room for nuance and characterization- and I like the idea that if they had the chance, they would've done that w/ Caleb and Evelyn, with her being the passionate Romeo and him being the more longing, pining-maiden type in the relationship hehehe)
Point to all this being, I think it's very funny how we all got wrapped up in the mystique and intrigue of (Belos' biased, carefully crafted and incomplete) narrative of ~the tragedy of the brothers Wittebane~ bc he was our main source that we failed to consider that Evelyn, who fits the character archetype TOH likes to use as a focal/viewpoint character much more cleanly that either Wittebane (what with being a young woman, a 'weirdo' estranged from her home, a Clawthorne, etc), might've actually been the perspective we should've been looking at things from. Dana's based for this actually
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So I was asked today on Etsy what scents I use for the custom letters, and I figured I should probably make another post about this - there is an Etsy seller who makes custom candles and fragrances, and I spent awhile researching scents and meanings behind them etc, so I might as well share my list :)
(The one used for the letters is Emperor’s Coven btw ! If you want the custom candles you can tell the seller you came from me and they can re use the same colors and toppings I used in mines, I also let them know they can re use my artwork for the candles :) )
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Here are my scents list :
Emperor's Coven (the scent on the letters, what I imagine the castle/Belos smelling like - note : even cooler if you burn Frankincense incense at the same time for those castle vibes :) )
Scents : Incense, Library, Sage & Cypress, Golden Santal
Gravesfield (smells kind of “gloomy”, like sad forest vibes)
Scents : Rainy Morning, Incense, Sandalwood, Noble Pine
Peaceful Memories (based on the happier times Philip and Caleb had in Gravesfield, smells very sweet)
Scents : Firewood, Noble Pine, Moonflower, Red Rose
Lord Belos (based on the caravan I designed specifically, as in, what I imagine the inside smelling like.)
Scents : Mountain Mist, Sage & Cypress, Smoked Oud, Frosted Juniper
Preacher : (based on the preacher era as a whole)
Scents : Firewood, Woodland Snow, White Birch, Sandalwood
Beast (kinda smells like wet dirt)
Scents : Cut Grass, Cedarwood, Rainy Morning, Leather
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crimeronan · 3 months
On the Luz, Vee and Hunter homeless in Gravesfield era... I'm just imagining there being like... reports of a wolf in the woods (Vee being responsible and nabbing food for them in a way that won't get them caught for stealing) alongside the reports of a trio of kids living out there alongside maybe a parent... But Camila is more interested about what the heck a wolf is doing out in woods where there haven't been any in centuries (and hasn't realized one of those kids is luz yet) so it taking a poke around to see that's going on (being slightly life ambivalent about it but shh) and then stumbles into where the trio are staying, finding them all snuggled up with Vee in wolf form keeping them warm and acting distinctly non-wolflike and talking. Camila overhearing them talking about totally magical shit and then just having a slightly massive panic when Hunter or Vee calls Luz by her name.
YES YES YES I'M OBSESSED WITH THIS. i love the idea of camila wanting to get to the bottom of the wolf thing from an animal welfare perspective. like, it's pretty common for people to mistake large coyotes for wolves, but not this Many people, and the blurry night trail pics on nextdoor don't look like a coyote at all. did someone just release a 1st gen wolfdog in the woods and call it a day??
(i don't know what connecticut's laws are like re: wolfdogs and crossbred exotics bc every state is different & it's not my area of expertise. camila would Definitely know though.)
camila's heart leaping into her Throat when she sees the "wolf" around kids, and then her hearing it speak and being like "oh, it's a..... costume.....?" a la yesterday's lie, and then she's like. hey. actually what the fuck.
Compels Meeee....
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childlikegoblinqueen · 11 months
SCOM One shot preview:
Early Huntlow -- from the Advanced Friendship era -- paired with an 80's ballad that makes my heart hurt.
See below.
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“Oh.” Willow’s wavered. There was a thickness to it that suggested she was holding back tears. Hunter could feel the warmth from her hands hovering over his cheeks. “Did you want me to leave?” She asked.
For a moment, her words moved slowly around in Hunter’s head – like gears in a machine that struggled to turn again. She’s leaving. He thought. We were about to – and I?  Then the panic really set in. “Nonono! Please stay.” He gasped. 
“Are you sure?” Willow bit her lip.
“Yes!” Hunter felt his brows shoot up. “I mean. Only if you want to? I’m such an idiot. Of course I’d screw that up too.” He buried his head in his knees. 
It had been Hunter’s idea. They’d been sitting up against each other, back to the wall on his bed in the basement of his home in Gravesfield. Willow must have read a particularly funny passage from her book because she had begun to giggle. Her round cheeks perfectly plump had become slightly pink, and with that Hunter felt a flutter in his own chest.
“I – I think I want to kiss you.” He murmured. 
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animerunner · 2 years
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So I was looking at these portraits again partly because someone made the comment about Belos age in the one on the far right
Because he is clearly younger here than he is by the time we meet him in the Deadwardian Era.
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And it’s not clear how much time between events occurred. But the way things are phrased and the statues are presented the last time they’re in Gravesfield going by the statues and book depiction. Since they appear to be adults.!
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So that’s making me wonder. We all kinda assumed that Philip and Caleb made one trip. And didn’t come back.
But there’s nothing to say that for certain.
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Heck with the clear difference between ages it seems more plausible they made several trips.
It’s just the final trip in a mirror to YBOS happened to be more catastrophic and left them trapped.
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litfeathers · 2 years
I just realized something about the way the haunted hayride depicted Evelyn. She looked like this:
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Typical witchy stuff. Long gray hair. Long yellow nails. A cloak and broomstick. Meh, very typical for how someone would depict a witch if randomly asked to draw one, right? We know that she didn’t look like that, though. She had short red(?) hair and short nails:
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(They got the red cloak right, though)!
You could argue that since the hayride kids (probably) have no clue what Evelyn looked like, they are just depicting a generic witch. And maybe they are.
But you know who DOES have long gray hair, gold nails, and also wears a lot of red? Someone that the current-day town of Gravesfield is ALL too familiar with:
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Did the hayride kids base their Evelyn design on “Marylin”?!
(I mean, it’s kinda hilarious that the descendant of the witch who terrorized puritan-era Gravesfield by spiriting away one of its inhabitants unknowingly continued the family tradition of messing with the local humans ahaha).
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thelegendofstella · 2 years
Gravesfield + Gravesfield County probable locations in TOH
So, out of all the Gravesfield speculation I’ve seen so far, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to actually parse out its specific location within Connecticut, which is a shame because that window is SURPRISINGLY narrow now that we have certain bits of information about it on our hands. Not only that, but we also know that Gravesfield is part of its own county (”Gravesfield County Zoo,” anyone?), which has a lot of interesting implications as well. At least location-wise it does—I don’t know if it has any lore connections or not, though it’d be interesting to see if it did, at least. Not the point of this post though, so whoever wants to figure that out can have at it. Anyway...
TL;DR: I’m almost 95% sure that Gravesfield is located somewhere in southwestern irl Litchfield County along Route 109, and that its county should surround it and some other cities in mostly the same area. All the evidence I have to support this is below the cut:
The main source I'm drawing from here is this image:
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Source: Tweet from John Bailey Owen, posted Oct 14 2022
For those who don’t know, this was a promo image of a fake Gravesfield website homepage screenshot that was posted October 14, 2022, just before Thanks to Them aired. For the most part, it looks like a regular, albeit slightly clunky 2000s-era-looking, website, except for the bits of weirdness/dark humor littered about the text (”Escape Routes,” “The Truth About This Place,” “Sightings,” “if you visit once, you may even wind up staying”) and the hidden text in the bottom corners of the page (which spell out “HELP THEM”). People of course freaked out about this stuff, as is evident in the replies of the original tweet, analyzed all of it to death, blah blah blah, that’s pretty much old news at this point.
There’s also a small calendar on the right side of the page that indicates that the events of the show are possibly happening on some year that the first day of October lands on a Saturday, and when accounting for Luz’s age (14/15) and her modern lingo and stuff, those years could be 2005, 2011, 2016, and 2022. Smartphones like what Luz has in her possession were definitely not around in 2005, and probably not around in 2011, so either 2016 or 2022 are reasonable in-universe years to guess, with it probably leaning more towards 2022 because of the irl show’s creation date.
I could probably make a whole separate post on my thoughts on the date stuff and speculate the hell out of it, honestly, but that isn’t the subject I want to cover in this particular post. No, I’m more interested in what seemingly no one else has picked up on here: the location hints.
The fake screenshot doesn’t explicitly say where Gravesfield is located, obviously, but it does have two pieces of information that narrow down the possibilities significantly when put together.
The first piece of information is this:
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Route 109 is an actual route in Connecticut, which spans from New Milford to Thomaston as seen here:
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Source: Connecticut Route 109 Wikipedia page, retrieved Feb 1 2023
In order for this route to be relevant to Gravesfield news, the town has to be along this route somewhere, or at least nearby it in some measure (aka it has to legally be within city bounds, which I’ll get into later). Route 109 is located in southern irl Litchfield County, which means that Gravesfield is also located in southern irl Litchfield County somewhere.
That’s pretty good and all, definitely a lot better than just throwing a dart at the map and hoping it lands somewhere decent, but it can be narrowed down even further. The second piece of information we have is this:
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This is a real thing too. Regional School District 12 (or the RSD 12) is one of many school districts in Connecticut, and it happens to serve the towns of Washington, Bridgewater and Roxbury, all of which are, coincidentally, located in southern irl Litchfield County.
Washington is pretty much right on Route 109, as seen in the map above, so that means that in order for Gravesfield to be both within RSD 12 bounds and nearby Route 109 at the same time, it has to be within irl Washington’s city bounds. I’ve drawn up a diagram of sorts below with this information in mind:
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Source: me :D (and google maps)
The speculatory boundary I marked between the Washington and Gravesfield city bounds here is really just one rather simple possibility of how it might be cut up while still accounting for a part of Route 109 being within Gravesfield’s jurisdiction. Again, if the route weren’t part of it, it wouldn’t show up on the city website as a relevant announcement (and if it were part of a county-wide thing, it probably would have stated it as a county announcement or something).
So there you have it: most likely locations for where Gravesfield might be in Connecticut, give or take. I could speculate even further on where exactly within these areas Gravesfield could be placed, with analyzing the smaller roads and all that, but that would honestly just be pure speculation based on personal bias/preference/etc. and not, y’know, anything concrete enough to be a plausible theory, so I’ll just leave it as it is and let individual headcanons do the rest of the work on that front.
But there’s also Gravesfield County to worry about, as shown here:
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Source: The Owl House Season 3 Episode 1: “Thanks to Them”
(The fact that this is even a canon background thing in the show is bonkers, because holy shit I can’t imagine what kind of butterfly effect nonsense this must’ve made in-universe compared to irl history, but I digress.)
What this means is that the southern part of irl Litchfield County at minimum is actually Gravesfield County in the TOH universe by default, since it has to include Gravesfield in it, being the town its ultimately named after. And since we’ve already established Gravesfield’s approximate location here, its county could possibly look something like this:
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Source: me (and google maps) again
It’s a lot less concrete than the location of Gravesfield itself, obviously, but that’s because I don’t have much else to work with here other than that one screenshot from Thanks to Them and what I’ve theorized about Gravesfield so far. For all I know, the entirety of irl Litchfield County is Gravesfield County, not just a part of it, or maybe Gravesfield County goes even further south than what I’ve depicted and contains parts of the Fairfield and New Haven counties for whatever reason—who knows, really? Whatever it might be, it’s definitely somewhere in western Connecticut, surrounding New Milford, Washington, Route 109, etc., and that’s good enough for me in the interest of sticking to the concrete stuff.
Fun fact: apparently Connecticut doesn’t have county governments nor county seats, so despite the fact that Gravesfield County is named after Gravesfield, the town itself isn’t, like, a grand authority on other places nearby or anything. Each city within the county deals with their own police, fire department, schools, hospitals, etc. (and zoos. Gravesfield is apparently big enough to have a whole-ass zoo in it. Wild.)
The only thing that might break this in some respects is, well, potential butterfly effect shenanigans. It can be argued that because Gravesfield and Gravesfield County exist in the TOH universe, the exact positions of the other counties, towns, etc. could be drastically different from where they are irl, and things like the regional school districts could have totally different boundaries and thus the triangulation I just did using them is pretty much useless, but there’s nothing confirming any of this in Word of God or in the show canon as of today, so I’m fairly confident that we’re working with a world that’s very similar to the irl world Except For Gravesfield. Unless the last special pulls some sort of epilogue nonsense in Gravesfield that completely obliterates my base-line irl world assumptions for this universe, anyway. You never know lmao
So basically, in short: Gravesfield and its eponymous county are most likely located in southern/southwestern irl Litchfield County around Route 109 or thereabouts, and probably replace that particular area as their own governmental entities instead of being part of a different county or something. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
#the owl house#toh#gravesfield#gravesfield county#i haven't posted on tungle in a hot minute how is everyone doing#to any remaining people still following me: i am v sorry fhjkgYHFGBHDFDF#this is not like any of my previous content rip#i got into TOH back before Thanks to Them came out (which was Scatter's fault. you know what you did you jerk /j)#and i've been obsessed with the lore about Gravesfield and the Wittebane brothers ever since because WOW are they interesting#i. basically started creating a few TOH AUs and was researching tons of stuff about Puritan life and historical Connecticut + other things#and then i basically got hit with this whole thing last night and i HAD to see it to the end. it was VITAL for me#so now i'm posting this all here so that others don't have to go through the same cross-referencing hoops i had to for this#uhhhh okay now for as many other relevant category tags as i can possibly think of#analysis#speculation#toh speculation#toh analysis#gravesfield analysis#gravesfield speculation#my text#i'll probably disappear again after this (because being active here is tiring) but i just had to get this out here man#for all the other lore researchers out there who might need something like this#and also for me. because i actually really really really need it for an AU project of mine#so there you go lmao. time to vanish back into the aether again wheeeee#edit: i am Big Fucking Idiot who doesn't know their directions#i mix up east and west/right and left ALL THE TIME
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
Huntlow week day three
prompt: stargazing 
Hunter took a sip of water as he glanced around in the clearing they had settled at, making sure everyone was there. Camila was taking the hexsquad camping in the woods outside Gravesfield, and Hunter had made it his duty to know where everyone was at all times and make sure no one got lost. It was the middle of a warm summer night, and they had stopped hiking and finally found a place to set up camp in a beautiful clearing surrounded by old trees where the full moon shone down on them. The clearing was lit up by fireflies, which were surprisingly not on fire. Hunter would have to ask Camila if that was normal. 
“Stop worrying.” Luz laughed from behind him. “Everyone is accounted for. Except- oh? Where’s Willow?” Hunter swiveled his head around, searching for the green haired plant witch. Luz burst out laughing. 
“I’m just kidding. She wandered past those trees a few minutes ago, she’s fine.” 
Hunter shot her a glare. “She should have told me first! How long has she been gone? I’m going to go check on her.” 
Luz rolled her eyes. 
“I’m telling you, she’s fine. But if you want to go check on her, go ahead. I’m sure she’d love your company.” She teased, her expression morphing into a smirk. Hunter found himself blushing. 
“It’s not like that,” he muttered and stalked off to go find Willow. After searching for a few minutes, he found her on a hill past some trees, gazing at the stars.
“Captain! There you are.” 
She turned around and smiled at him. 
“Hi, Hunter. Care to join me?” Her hair was undone, flowing freely in the passing breeze. Wow was the only thought in Hunter's head. She’s beautiful.
“The stars are different here.” She said as Hunter settled into the grass, leaning back to stare at the sky with her. He nodded, pointing up to a cluster of stars above them.
“That one should be a constellation. Magnus Titan, the great titan. It was discovered in the Deadwardian era by an oracle witch named-” he paused, noticing she had closed her eyes.  
“Sorry. Am I boring you?” he asked, concern weaved in his words. She laughed.
“No, not at all. I like the sound of your voice.” He glowed like a firefly, positive he was on fire like one (or at least like one should be) too. 
“So you know a lot about stars?” 
Hunter paused, unsure if she was teasing him. 
“Yeah, there were some books in the palace about them. I used to read them all the time.” She sighed wistfully.
“That’s cool. I wish I could do something like that.”
“But captain! You can do so many cool things! You’re the most talented witch I’ve ever met!” She laughed, a beautiful sound that melted Hunter inside and out. 
“Thanks Hunter. It wasn't always like that though.” She turned on her side to face him so that they were eye to eye. Titan, they were so close. A few more minutes and Hunter might actually faint. 
“When I was in the abominations track… I never felt good enough. Sometimes I felt like running away. Which I stupid, I know. I have two wonderful dads and I’m so lucky, but…” she got quiet for the moment, and Hunter didn’t interrupt. Willow was always so cheerful, Hunter figured she deserved to get this off her chest. She didn’t open up often, and he didn’t want to ruin the moment. 
“How about you? Did you ever think about running away?” She asked, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes.
“Oh, um. I don’t know. There was never any other place to go than the Emperor’s coven. I did… I did dream about a different life though.” He went quiet, the soft grass suddenly itchy under him, closing in. He understood how Willow felt, knowing you had it good but still wanting it better. Belos had constantly reminded him how lucky he was, how grateful he should be. Even after the months they had spent in the human realm, Hunter still found it hard to ask for things. He didn’t want to seem needy. He didn’t want to be kicked out. Which was ridiculous, he knew. Camila and everyone were so welcoming, so kind. 
“But then,” he continued, “I met Luz. And I realized it was okay to have dreams. I was lucky enough to meet everyone else, who made me feel special and loved.” He placed his hand on hers. 
“Especially you.” 
She smiled back at him.
“You’re right. Thank you Hunter.” She said,
“I’m lucky enough to have met you guys, to have come out of my shell.” She smiled, a smile that even in the dark could light up the whole sky, a smile that made Hunter's heart beat faster and ears turn bright red. And then Willow leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Something exploded in Hunter’s chest, a wonderful feeling, excitement and disbelief and love. She pulled away, smiling at him with that amazing smile of hers, then got up and offered him a hand. 
“You coming?” 
“Uh.. um” he fumbled, dumbstruck. “One… one sec. I’ll be right there.” He managed. 
“Okay, take your time.” 
And she walked away, her hair flowing freely in the summer breeze.
“Oh my titan” he muttered to himself. 
A million stars in the sky, but his eyes were focused only at the green haired one walking away. 
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Shadow Puppets au - Naming the Collector
He wanted to be fair and give both books a chance, but already the Collector liked the look of the other book better. The title alone sounded more interesting. Astrophel and Stella. If he could, the Collector would have picked the book up to browse the pages himself.
"Can you read to me?" "Lot's of names." Philip replied vaguely, and set the Bible aside for now, he had noticed the Collector's interest in the other book and nodded, "Father Josiah just gave me this one, I don't know anything about it yet."
He picked it up and carefully read the title, "As…tro..Phel and Stell-a, by Philip Sidney." He was still learning how to read so he paused a few times when it came to the more exotic names, but he knew his own name. Father Josiah said he was learning very quickly, and he was far better at it than Caleb, which he supposed he could be proud of.
Philip opened up the first page and began to read.
"Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show, That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain,— Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know, Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain,— I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe; Studying inventions fine her wits to entertain, Oft turning others' leaves, to see if thence would flow Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburn'd brain. But words came halting forth, wanting invention's stay; Invention, Nature's child, fled step-dame Study's blows; And others' feet still seem'd but strangers in my way. Thus great with child to speak and helpless in my throes, Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite, "Fool," said my Muse to me, "look in thy heart, and write."
The Collector giggled listening to Philip read, stumbling over a few words. "Wow. You're terrible." He joked playfully, "Keep going. I love rhymes!"
He started reading along with Philip, helping with a few of the words that he knew the human was messing up, but occasionally they ran into a word that even the Collector did not know how to pronounce.
"I like this book!" He declared, "I wanna be named after this one!"
He floated back to be in front of Philip and held his hand up in the best effort he could make for a handshake.
"Please to meet you Philip! I'm Astrophel and Stella by Philip Sydney!" Reading together was fun. Certainly more fun than reading under Father Josiah's scrutiny, the Collector corrected his words now and again but it didn't feel like a mistake he would be punished for. It was more like reading with Caleb.
And Philip was happy to hear the Collector say he liked the book, but it was his turn to giggle when the Collector reintroduced himself.
"No! No! Silly, the whole title can't be a name, that's too long!" The young boy shut the book again to look at the cover, "Let's see, Philip is my name so you can't use it, that would be confusing…" He traced the title, "Astrophel and Stella…Your name could be Astrophel! That's a great name!"
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sepublic · 2 years
Belos the Storyteller
            What makes Belos SUCH an effective manipulator is just how good he is at spinning narratives, which makes sense; He’s convinced he’s the hero of his own story, Philip has lived by this particular childhood story that Gravesfield has taught him, and convinced himself wholly of it even in their absence. It’s self-perpetuating, generational trauma.
            There’s a reason his entire life has been framed by Gravesfield (the worldview that informed his own) as a tragic campfire tale of a kid trying to save his brother... Something Masha does question when they finish, indicating they’re only repeating what others have said, and have itching commentary of their own.
         Season 1 ends with the crowd initially triumphant in earning Eda’s freedom, only for Belos to take command of the narrative and spin his own take on things; Actually, the Titan TOLD me to let her go, because he deemed the effects of Eda’s curse an even worse punishment than death! Which, in addition to the yikes ableist implications of that… The very next episode, Eda may have regained her humanoid form, but she’s lost ALL of her magic and people see that. And it turns them against her despite the previous episode, because Belos took control of the narrative and turned it in HIS favor and reading.
         The next season also ends with an unsuccessful, but clear attempt at twisting and reframing the narrative; Belos lied about freeing the Collector, but then they end up free anyway! Well, it’s just as Belos promised, right? Obviously the Collector is well past the point of listening and it’s clearly bullshit, but considering Belos had to suddenly think of an excuse on the fly, not bad for an impromptu narrative!
         Philip alters his journal entries to frame himself as a tragic hero who has lost so much against his will, rather than a manipulator gleefully throwing people aside as sacrifices and preferring it that way even, because he’s conviced they’re evil! Even Luz falls for his narrative. The fake memory portraits, hiding his face, only to reframe this as a bashful hero opening up about his vulnerabilities when confronted with the unconditional love of his subjects?
         It’s peak gaslighting, taking reality and altering it in subtle ways to tell a completely different tale. And it shows how effective and adaptable Belos is, able to take any setbacks and recontextualize them as contributing to HIS story, actually! While also displaying just how delusional he is, that Belos can and WILL extrapolate any interpretation of real life, no matter how much of a stretch, that encourages him. He ignores any evidence that says otherwise or reframes it, even when so much is at stake here, because Philip is a bad reader.
         There’s the propaganda, and how he sets up the false flag attacks as early as the Deadwardian Era, all to frame this narrative of the dangers of wild magic. Anything bad that happens with magic not covenbound, clearly a lesson from the Titan about wild magic! And from a more truthful perspective, to him at least, anything bad the witches cause? Clearly God’s cautionary story about the dangers of witches and demons!
         Philip is still a kid kneeling and sitting down, enraptured, to childhood stories, and then applying them to real life without critical thought. He’s like Luz in early S1, applying her chosen one stories of isekai to her situation, but Luz actually woke up. TOH tells a very compelling tale about the way we engage with stories, a story about stories, and while it’s generally positive and in favor of it…
         Belos is a fascinating character and summation of the show’s themes, because he’s also a scathing example of just how BAD a love for stories can turn out; He’s a deeply messed-up storyteller, taking all of the strengths of fiction and showing how they can be weaponized into the common tactics of gaslighting, propaganda, manipulation, and just straight up denial and cognitive dissonance. He’d make an effective bard and DOES have red magic, and parallels with Raine...
        TOH sells a nuanced relationship with fiction and narratives, rather than just blindly supporting them. And it’s that critical, questioning approach (that it also encourages for regular life and institutions) that enables it to ultimately double-down on that love, but with real awareness and intent that expresses dedication rather than detachment; Willing to put in the time and effort to really think about and explore that relationship, accepting the concessions to reclaim it nonetheless, because it means that much.
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uneducated-author · 2 years
Grimwalker Lore Makes Me Want To Scream Into A Pillow
Okay no because I did maths (one line of it but it counts and I am UPSET now)
So Hunter is 16, and Belos has directly referred that 'I really thought you'd last longer than the others' so he's a younger grimwalker.
Belos himself is likely from the Jacobian era, given his whole shtick against witches and fashion, an era between 1603 and 1625. I kind of assumed he was from England from the accent but turns out he's from Conneticut? Idk? But even then, the Salem witch trials started in 1692 or something?
(Pause as I Google some stuff)
So we know that Belos killed his brother Caleb after Evelyn was pregnant, and he presumably created grimwalkers after meeting The Collector, as we don't see any in the adventure with Lilith and Luz, and he's recruiting human shields/errand runners from the general populace. So this is the Deadwardian era, still no Grimwalkers.
We know that he ended the Savage Ages about 50 years before the start of the series, and by then he obviously has The Golden Guard as a loyal underling.
So we have the vague assumption that Belos learned to create golden guards in 1650's, considering his diary was donated in 1660's, going a little early to be safe.
Lus arrives in the Demon realm in late 2010's early 2020's, let's just take 2020 as our number here.
1650 to 2020 is 370 years.
Hunter, again a young Golden Guard, at 16.
So 379 divided by 16 is 23.125, meaning that if Philip started early and they only lived to 16, there should be 24 (rounding up) golden guards.
If you count the masks in the Golden Guard pit, of which we have seen two sections so far, though we only see one side, so there are probably more, there are approximately 68. I may be off, but there are DEFINITELY more than 23.
Also, does it really feel like Belos would raise a child, a witch child by hand? Allow them to be children? Rock a child to sleep? Even Hunter said 'Belos found me' after ‘wild magic destroyed our family’. 
If there are 68, then 370 divided by 68 is 5.441. Even in For The Future, we see Belos possess a grimwalker, which is notably already grown, or at least not a baby.
I'm theorising that Belos has a dirt pit full of 12 year olds ready to sprout, feeds them false memories and immediately puts them to work as a Golden Guard.
Which totally puts Darius into perspective. He calls his mentor Hunter's 'predecessor' not his 'father' which would be a reasonable assumption if we consider that to Darius his Mentor has been replaced by nepotism. He hasn't had ten years to grieve the loss, he's had months.
("Huh, why does Darius look so sad here?")
What does this mean? That I have way too much time on my hands.
But also, can you imagine Hunter doing the math, and figuring out that probably two thirds of his life is a lie? That the uncle who saved him never existed? He was born a weapon?
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comet-soda-lite · 1 year
Everything (that I could think of) left unanswered after the TOH finale!
Please feel free to add onto this! I’m sure I’ve missed a ton of stuff!
Regarding the Owl House, Eda, and the Owl Beast:
What are the origins of the Owl House (did Eda build it or did it exist before her)?
What’s the history of Hooty? Was he always a part of the the Owl House or did he move in at some point? Why was a mini-Hooty in the Titan's eye socket??
What's the history of the Portal Door & Key? Who originally made them and how? Who's hands has it passed through over the years?
How did the Portal Door end up buried where Eda found it?
What is the Owl Beast and what's their story? Where are they from, are there more of them, and exactly how powerful are they?
How did the Archivist who trapped the Owl Beast lose the scroll they sealed the beast in?
Does the Owl Beast's consciousness also exist within Lilith now? How??
Regarding the Titans and Collectors:
What was the Demon Realm like during the era of the Titans?
What are the Archivists up to nowadays? What are the specifics of the Archivists' overall mission (like, do they want one of every living being or do they try to freeze whole societies in stasis or what?)? Are they a looming threat for the future?
What are "the stars" like?
Why did the Archivists leave the Demon Realm when there was still one Titan left to kill? Did they even know about King? The Titan Trappers who worshipped the Archivists knew the Boiling Isles Titan had a child, so you would expect the Archivists to know about it too, right?
Were the Archivists even the ones to eventually kill the Boiling Isles Titan? If not, how did the Titan die? What's the exact timeline of events here?
What exactly is the Tower Glyph (the one that King carved on his collar) and where does its magic come from?
Can people use glyphs to perform Collector magic like they can with Titan magic? (I personally think that the Draining Spell was Collector magic, since it was taught to Belos by the Collector, it used unique glyph patterns that don’t match the Titan glyphs, and it also relied on a celestial event—the eclipse—to function!)
Regarding Palisman:
Who did the Bat Queen belong to?
What are the individual backstories of Ghost, Clover, and Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo?
How did Lilith get to keep her palisman when joining the Emperor's Coven and what is their relationship like?
Regarding Evelyn, Caleb, & Phillip, and Gravesfield:
What are the nitty gritty details of the Wittebanes & Evelyn's story?
Is Evelyn a Clawthorne? (We all know the answer is yes, but it's still technically not been explicitly confirmed).
What are the details of Flapjack’s origin? Whose Palisman was he exactly? (My personal guess is that Evelyn carved him for Caleb).
How did Evelyn originally travel back and forth from the Human & Demon Realm? Was it the Portal Door (most likely imo), raw Titan’s Blood, or some other means?
What's the history of the shack in the woods? Does it have any direct relationship to the Owl House? Who used to live there? The Wittebanes? Evelyn?
Who stashed the Titan's Blood in the graveyard?
Regarding Emperor Belos (more like Emperor Boo-los, amiright?):
What is "Artificial Magic" really?
What age was Hunter born at? What does he actually remember from his past?
What’s the story of the previous Golden Guard? How did he die? How much did he figure out about Belos? How much did he tell Darius? How did Darius initially react to Hunter showing up after the previous GG died, looking so similar to his predecessor?
What exactly is Belos' curse?
Was it a consequence of him trying to give himself the ability to use magic by consuming Palisman? Or by drawing glyphs directly on his skin? A combination of the two?
Or was the curse inflicted by some other means entirely, and the Palisman-eating and body glyphs actually came afterwards, solely as a means to stave the curse off? If so, who cursed him? Did he inflict the curse upon himself to give himself power?
Considering all the parallels drawn between the two, does his curse have any actual relationship to or similarities with Eda's curse, or is it just an entirely different thing altogether?
Basically my point is that Belos' curse and his magic (and their exact rules and properties) are super ambiguous and unexplored and I want more clear answers!
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freakystrashdump · 1 year
A 60 year old puritan man is VERY uncomfortable in the company of a modern young witch who takes a liking to him
This gave me such whiplash for a moment because I forgot that Philip wasn't in his mid twenties during Elsewhere and Elsewhen oh my god - He's in his 60s, right. He was a kid when they arrived in Gravesfield in 1613, and he remarks that it was probably around 1660 in the human realm in the journal during the Deadwardian era.
Well that does take off some edge over Selena hitting on a guy in his 20s while she is 30+, at least, he's still an old man in comparison to her.
Anyway, the old puritan man is indescribably uncomfortable around the very flirty, very clingy witch who insists she can't leave his side, what if something happens to him, Titan forbid!
God and Jesus help him, do not let him stray in to temptation.
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