sombersaturn · 1 month
Reminder that Neil Ceci AKA Lemon Demon made the first draft of the Gravity Falls theme
Maybe Alex should repurpose it...*wink wink*
Post in honour of The Book Of Bill
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Do you know that ride in theme parks where you go in this circle thing, and you go on the wall, and spin super super fast? And like you stick to the wall, because you are moving so fast it's forcing you to stay place? Can you put her in that?
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In the Darkness is the Light
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I’m watching one of my favorite old Disney shows right now. It’s called So Weird. It had 3 seasons and was on Disney channel around the same time I was the main character Fi’s age. It still drives me nuts that Disney decided to completely change course for Season 3 and bomb the show to hell.
Season 2 ends with answers for Fi regarding her dad’s death in a very emotional way that also left us with new questions to be answered. Instead of continuing the story, Disney brings the storyline to a complete halt, by writing a new storyline that changes out the character of Fi with a new girl, Annie.
Annie is very different from Fi. Where Fi is seriously curious about the paranormal, Annie doesn’t go looking for things the same way. The subject of Fi’s dad never really comes up again and the mystery is never solved.
All these years later, as far as I know, there is no REAL information out there about what the originally planned storyline was supposed to be after season 2. I for one would love to know how the show was supposed to go…
I always identified with Fi because I was into ghost stories as well. I used to be the one in the family renting horror movies. There was definitely some concern, because I was basically a tween when I started getting into them, but no one ever really said anything to me about it. When So Weird came out it was like, awesome! There must be enough call for this that I’m not the only girl interested in this stuff.
I’ve had my share of experiences, mostly in the form of lucid dreams where I can’t move and am being attacked by an invisible force. When I say I couldn’t move, I could move, but it was really hard. The best thing I can compare it to is the hard to move feeling when riding the Gravitron at a carnival.
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I watched a whole documentary a few years ago about the “hat man”. My experiences were similar except for like I said, the attacking entity being invisible. I know for me, I figured out that these dreams were being caused by me not going into a deep enough level of sleep before I started to dream and that this was being caused by me drinking caffeine too close to bedtime.
On the other hand though, I will say that the last time I had the dream, I was able to slowly force myself in the dream to a standing position in the bed, take a crucifix off the wall that was not there in real life, hold it out at arms length and scream at the invisible that I demanded in the name of Jesus Christ for it to leave. I woke up from that and never dreamed it again. That was roughly 15 years ago.
By the way, these dreams would happen about once every 2 months and went on for about a 2 year period. That entire time, I was in my early 20’s, and living with my grandma trying to figure out my life. The room that I slept in had a history of being haunted according to my uncles, but only that room and they never knew why. One uncle apparently used to be so scared in that room at night that he’d pee the bed rather than get up and go to the bathroom. That’s what I was told. My older female cousin who stayed in that room before me (she’d lived with my grandma through high school), said she always felt like something was watching her in that room as well.
So I guess what I’m saying is it’s certainly possible there was actually something there and that I was only truly vulnerable to it when something prevented me from going into a deep enough level of sleep. My grandparents are both gone now, and my mom bought out her siblings shared of the house, updated the whole thing because it looked like it was still in the 70s, and now is the one living there with my stepdad, my man-child brother, and his French wife who barely speaks English. 🤷‍♀️
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tmbatcat · 5 months
For today's fun fact pair songs we haveeeee *+ It's Gonna Get Weird ×* and *× Gravitron +* both by *× Niel Cicirega / Lemon Demon +*
What do these 2 songs have in common? Well, both of them were made for Gravity Falls but they got scraped :(
Funny Lemon Demon could have been IN GRAVITY FALLS, BUT NOOOO >:[
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herhighthoughtsx · 2 years
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That 3am gravitron hits different
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sparkysketches · 2 years
love how i keep saying i’m gonna come back and just don’t so in order to change that, can anyone who sees this post please send me asks about my MHA ocs? been working on them for a while now and i love them so much and will literally implode if i don’t share lore about my funky lil goobers please and thank you ;w;
here are some sketches (old and new) of a few of them so you know what they look like and can get a bit of context from them!! also any asks i get will give me an excuse to finally draw a reference for them and just, draw them in general, and will also hopefully keep me from losing all the motivation i have so please, ask away!!!
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dalemjohnson · 2 years
Photo by me.
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Starship 3000 | 08.24.24
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kettle-black · 2 months
Okay. I have an idea for the perfect accident. I am sober, just FYI
But picture it, you are on a Gravitron ride at your local amusement park. It starts to go, it reaches maximum speed for the centripetal force to have you stuck to the seat and the seat slide up. But uh oh! The latches that stop the seat from sliding up break and your seat LAUNCHES into the sky.
Now let's say there is enough free space and air to where you reach terminal velocity in the air, a roller coaster (empty for the most part) going the same direction as your launch happens to have an empty cart going right as you start to descend. If you are going the same speed as the rollercoaster, I hypothesize that you will safely situate in the rollercoaster, thus creating THE PERFECT ACCIDENT.
My girlfriend tells me there is no way that could end in anything but death and that this is absolutely impossible.
IMPROBABLE? Yes. IMPOSSIBLE? Not at all! It just takes everything going good right after it went bad!
But I am not a scientist or math girl, so I need math and science folks to tell me if this is actually possible with the following factors.
.... To prove to my girlfriend that my brain big.
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sunkenpumpkinglow · 6 months
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paulpingminho · 7 months
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balllsdeeep · 1 year
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
the fair on 120 film by Garrett Meyers Via Flickr: Instagram/
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24kmedia · 1 year
Experiencing The Gravitron / Alien 👽 Invasion Ride For The 1st Time, At The California State Fair! 🎡 I would go on it again!
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gravityreality · 2 years
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Something about a gravity bong that brings nostalgia.
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wwwyzzerdd420 · 2 years
How can I fix the chipped bottom of a glass gravity bong?
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