#Great Divide Trail Blog
starshipsofstarlord · 6 months
not yet corpses. still, we rot.
summary. you were surviving after the prison fell, whilst you felt lost deep inside of yourself. without daryl, and the others that you had lost and yet to find, everything only seemed to get worse. and all was proven when the claimers interrupted your futile attempts of avoiding nightmares
warnings. death, gore, violence, angst, fluff, smut, unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of s.a, mentions of death
notes. i changed the specification of the timeline a tiny bit, i moved the timeline of the smut into a flash back as in my head y/n and daryl would be too on guard to fuck after all that trauma. i hope you enjoy my attempt at writing your request, i’d love to know your thoughts 🖤
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
The crickets sung as aspiring performers in the midst of the fire’s crackling, you were cold, tired and hungry, and all that you wanted to hear was the epiphany of silence. Each limb in your body ached sourly from the endless trekking that you had participated within, the chance to close your eyes and rest sounded spectacular.
But you refrained from succumbing to a fuelling slumber, for you would only be haunted by the reality of the situation that you had no home, and members of your found family were lost to the land that crawled with ravenous walkers… or dead.
The warmth provided from the flames was greatly appreciated by your bumpy flesh, and you stared distantly into the licking of sunset coloured mirage of the makeshift campfire. It dried the whites of your eyes to an irritating texture, however it was better than facing the truth behind the pitiful glances that the three survivors that you had structured the prison alongside donated in your direction.
You weren’t looking for sorrowful attention, you just wanted to find as many of your group as you could, selfishly Daryl more than others. The plain silver band on your finger glinted from the source of radiating and manmade light, flickering your memory back to you and Daryl tying the knot in a place that you had hoped would remain secure.
If it wasn’t for the Governor and his manipulated army, then it would have. You were glad they had their fates, or at least you assumed they all had considering the destruction that had been waged in the graveyard like grounds. There were countless lives that you had ensured were ended as you did your best to ensure that they would regret their life ruining choices.
The clouds grew agitatedly darker within the midnight sky above you, and to the dismay of your body’s survivalist needs, your shoulders shrunk from the bitter air as Rick extinguished the source of warmth. As you idly sat by, remaining in your shroud of speechless presence, Rick escorted Carl to the immobile vehicle, allowing him to sleep on the backseats for extra protection from the horrors that could possibly creep up on you in the night.
Michonne moved closer to you, placing her hand which rarely not held her executing samurai on your jacket clothed bicep, the moment was tender considering that she was doing her utmost to comfort you. “He’s out there,” she spoke with confidence, believing each word that left her mouth. “He’s a survivor, and he knows what he’s doing out there.”
“We were all survivors.” It was a statement, one that caused you great misery to say. “But in the end nobody survives, we’re all going to die one day, and some of the people out there are worse than the walkers. There’s no saying what has happened to the others… to Daryl…” You shook your head, trailing off into a weight of what one would describe as tranquility.
For you however, it was a reminder that in your future everything would be mute. The outbreak would demolish the remaining population of every single species, tainting them with transformative virus until the new and ‘improved’, infinite flock of homo sapiens lay ruin and feast to anything that breathed. The world now belonged to the dead, they were suitably adapted to the unforgiving nature of the world.
Their past minds had been erased, the concepts of a once modern life vanquished as society was. There was nought memories of waiting in endless queues in supermarkets, or eating a buttered bucket of popcorn in a movie theatre. All that corrupted the simple minds of the corpses was necessity to devour anything that they envisioned as food - your mindsets were now of similar values in that slim respect.
Just thinking of your mouth being bitterly tainted with a murderous wash of irony blood revolted you; it was something that you would never swallow, literally. Ripping into human flesh with your very teeth was a repulsive reminder that one bite, or a death without a deadly pressure to the brain, would turn you into one of those monsters. You had to remain alert, despite your body’s almost hypnotic drowsiness to fall asleep.
At least Rick and Michonne had each other, even if they did not acknowledge the true depth of their reciprocated support. You could tell that through their reunion something had changed within their dynamic, and you missed the deep likeness of companionship that you had shared with Daryl. Often times than not, you and the southern blooded archer would be among the seemingly endless forestation that surrounded the safe homestead of the prison, tracking and hunting critters that could surpass as an edible hors d'oeuvres.
There would be bashful conversations drifting between the two of you, whether that be a suave competition of whom could catch the most lustre of nut harbouring squirrels, or- well, in simpler terms, a concoction of unholy words that would prevail when he was erratically buried inside of your cunt. You’d go at it like rabbits in prosperous heat whilst present in the woods; the prison had no privilege of privacy since the residents of Woodbury had adjoined with the residing numbers.
And that was the thing you missed the absolute most, having your man close, in any which way. That cramped bunk within your sheet concealed cell was something you’d die for currently, you adored being pressed up against Daryl’s chest, listening to his tame heart beat, as you fell tentatively asleep.
Watch was more exhausting than it appeared, with a traipse dignifying each of your steps, you rubbed your heavy eyelids, hoping to excuse the tiredness that was overwhelming your body. In your dominant hand you used your shotgun as a walking cane, forcing yourself to return to your cell that you missed dearly. It was better than falling into a shrouding slumber in the middle of the hall; that almost sounded tempting, considering you wouldn’t have to move any further through the large prison, but you had more reason than a cot to sleep on calling your name.
And you saw it as you achingly slid past the hanging drape of a sheet that allowed some privacy in the individual cell that you always returned to and housed your random array of nicknacks that you had picked up on runs into permanently closed stores. Daryl’s body was strewn across the thin mattress, his hand laid across his face covering his depth-full eyes, as his chest rose and fell in an irregular accordance - he was still conscious, unable to doze off into plentiful rest.
Your lips tugged in an endearing smile that he couldn’t see, and you couldn’t resist from creeping closer. That was all you required, to be close to him. There were only a handful of steps remaining until you got to your desired destination, and without so much of a thought, you persevered. “Hey.” The tone that radiated from you was weak, throughout the daytime, your schedule had been filled with condemning tasks which were necessary to keep the smooth run of the prison a constant. Whilst you were doing your maintenance, there had been a not so big, yet not so small, hoard of walkers appear from over the horizon.
Michonne had joined you with handling their swift executions, but your shoulders ached from the striking violence, and the dragging of water caskets; the council, of which you were a part of, had decided to move them out of the sun so their contents would be of a hydrating temperature.
“Ya okay sunshine?” Daryl rolled around so that he was on his side, and sat up on the edge of the bed with a crouching back so that he could view your approach of him. You came to stand between his legs, enjoying the sensation of his hands running around your hips, their warmth filling you with comfort. To lull into the atmosphere which was turning sensual, your fingers coiled in his hair, running through the locks that had grown over the months.
His nose ran softly up your stomach, as he buried his face into your form, having reciprocated your yearning for his company. With a smooth drag from his strong arms, you fell delightedly into his lap, your faces meeting in a staring match as he brushed the side of your face with his hand. “Love ya, so fuckin’ much, my stunnin’ girl.” He mumbled, leading your lips to his in a slow and meaningful collision. The moment was tender, doused in every word that you were too exhausted to say aloud. You were communicating via your actions, discarding the apparel that concealed your bottom halves, giving you the opportunity to slide your cunt down on his erect cock.
You felt blissfully full, the qualms that had bent you to their will through the day slipping instantaneously away. The cupping of your palms positioned themselves on his exposed shoulders, and you ground your hips together, feeling his tip prod deep within you. Daryl shuffled back, kicking his legs out as he wrapped his arms around your frame, treating you so delicately as he fucked you from below. His lips cascaded along every inch of skin that your tank left bare, expressing his adoration for you with his lips and the little circles he drew along your hips. He could never get enough of being close to you, since the first time the two of you had shared together, he had gained more confidence with his role in the sexual situations you shared.
The breaths that huffed past your lips in attempts of being quiet were addictive to his ears, he was desperate to get an audible sound to fester out of you, but the pleasured expression that was imposed on your face was enough; he knew that he was making you feel amazing, and in these lovemaking events, that was all that mattered to him. He groaned at the thought of being somewhere private, where you could make a sound without disturbing anybody, or risking walkers stumbling upon you.
You were close, Daryl could feel it, your walls clenched uncontrollably around his length, which drove him wild, and cautiously he bucked his hips upwards a little faster, careful not to cause the bed to squeak to badly as there were people sleeping in both cells either side your own. He sat further up, his back straighter so that he could brush his teeth gently along your jaw, driving you wild as your hands drove beneath the sleeveless sides of his shirt, caressing his scarred flesh with tentativeness.
You were snapped out of your daydream in the omnipotent dark as you felt the scuffing of crinkling leaves, and before you could adjust into defensive action, there was a cold metal muzzle pressed into your muzzle, by a man with silver locks and a denim vest suited to his greedy physique. Without a doubt, these were the same men that had traipsed upon the house that you and Rick had been inhabiting whilst Michonne and Carl were strolling the streets.
They were claimers to objects they valued as things that their greed thirsted for, and you shuddered a breath as the man threatening your life steadied his grotesque arm upon your shoulder all the whilst he opened his mouth to converse impolitely. “Maybe we’ll keep this one alive, she’s a looker.” It felt as though he was bragging about the possibility to his hungry followers that you could be his property.
He recognised Rick that was for sure. You’d been a witness to the man that had taken it upon himself to cozy his fat ass on the toilet, and the way in which his throat was denied oxygen to passage through it. You and Rick had been huddled under the bed that dipped from their pocket heavy weights as you had ran to awaken him as you were certain you’d heard something before they bustled into the once home to a stranger that was no doubt long dead. And in your escape, you had put a deadly pressure on the invader’s throat… until he permanently passed out.
To exasperate your distaste for his misogynistic idea, you spat upon the ground, your nostrils flaring as you dared to spin your head back so that his gun was resting upon your forehead. If he was going to shoot, he might as well make it quick, considering you didn’t intend to be alive if they had the intentions of taking sick advantage of your body.
As you prepared to retort an insult that foully would cause further trouble for you and your friends, they momentarily became distracted but still alert as a figure slunk onto the clearing. You had to allow your vision to focus, and when it did, you were shocked in the best possible way. It was Daryl, and he was certainly alive. He seemed to be acquainted with this pack of scavengers, and you realised that the ordeal in which he had went through was the only way in which he could have survived.
He didn’t liken association with low lives that threatened those he cared about, however he hadn’t seen their full nature until now. Daryl felt at a crossroads as he took complete acknowledgment of the weapon that was frozen against your skull; he couldn’t be rash, they were a lousy, impulsive group, and he was lit with elation in every cell of his body to see that you were still breathing.
“Jus’ hold up.” His gentle footsteps were slowly approaching in a careful regard as his voice strained with caution. He couldn’t help but eye Joe up - he had a gun to your damn head! If he pulled that trigger… he wouldn’t allow that bullet to be released. You were far too great a risk to have on the line, he had to settle this, like a man. Rick was squinting up at him, determining the reason for the unsurprising reaction the claimers had given his presence.
“One of these two is the one that killed Lou so we got nothing to talk about.” The rugged, richly certain statement fled from one of the thieving men, as he had his long barrel raised, Rick being the focus on the end of his gun that had most likely been stolen in the crossfires of their apocalyptic journey. Anything was loot to them, even with their rules, they were scoundrels no doubt before the end of the world had began, and they would leave it no different. But Daryl wasn’t willingly going to allow them to either kill or claim you, your worth was insanely precious, and he wouldn’t allow all you had been through to be for nothing.
“The thing about nowadays is we got nothin’ but time.” Joe said from behind you, realising that finally, Daryl had proven himself despite the cautionary warnings and delivered punishments that the archer had bore witness to, but he was just to be a loss to them if he didn’t get behind the way, then he would just be an obstacle in the way. “Say your piece Daryl.” This was his final chance, but he had been given an opportunity. Joe liked to think of himself as an understanding man, there was always a reason as to why a swine didn’t want to roll in the mud; his gaze noticed that your eyes didn’t deter away from the redneck that was new to his ranks. There was an expression that he didn’t recognise upon upon your face, but he was willing to use it for his own purposes if it came to such a crossroads.
“These people…” Daryl cast his eyes momentarily at you again, as though he was pleading for you to remain still and allow him to be the peacemaker. And you subtly nodded, brows drawing together as you concentrated on the group members who had taken up space in your surroundings. “You gon let em go. These are good people.” He was attempting to find some humanity in this man who was leaning like a shadow over you, if there was any. It was the same careful traipse of dialogue that he would use with Merle when he was being inconsiderate before the outbreak, it hardly worked, his brother would laugh and call him a pussy, but Daryl had learned how to use his heart.
It was there to love, and whilst it still felt new, to be loved. These were his people, you were his person, and it was his responsibility to save you. He had tried to protect Beth, and whilst she had gotten out of that mortuary house with her life in tact despite the wave of walkers that had invaded through the front door, she still had to be alive. And so did the others, wherever in the country they were, no one was weak, each of you had your own strengths and that would get you somewhere. It had to.
“Now I-I-I think Lou would disagree with yer on that.” The grey haired man stuttered, and you weren’t sure whether it was due to the lack of respect he felt from Daryl whom he had taken in as one of his own - a stray, or if he felt inferior. You supposed it was the latter, there was a continual pattern with each man that fought for power that you had noticed after your encounters. They feared any soul opposing them, it made them appear frail and insecure, just like the Governor had been with the instances involving Andrea and Michonne. “I’ll of course have to speak for him an’ all because your friends here strangled him in a bathroom.”
Guilt overflowed like a faucet in your throat; you didn’t regret killing ‘Lou’. Rick had been your supporting witness, but there were no longer court trials condemned to determine the punishments for living, instead those that thought they were in control of the passers-by that they encountered - and to them, what fit every crime was death. There was now nought reason for you to brood in your squalor, you could see Daryl’s face, and if that was the last image that you had earned before the end of your life, you were glad. Though you were stubborn to go out fighting, otherwise your entire life after the prison; the tears, the passiveness, and the little amount of blood that had spilt from you would all have been for nothing.
“You want blood, I get it.” Daryl read them, Joe had already killed one of his own men, he wouldn’t hesitate when it came to a found family of strangers. They weren’t good people, they were miscreants that had given him the choice to either join them on their sin induced travelling, or die. And he had been broken, lost and alone, there had been no other choice if he had the intent of surviving in order to drains you. With disregard, he threw his arms in a stance, disarming himself as his crossbow flew out of his hands, falling on the ground, showcasing that he had an offer that Joe would not justify with a refusal “Take it from me man. Come on.”
Your heart swelled, Daryl was putting his own life on the line so that he could save you and your friends. A glaze of emotion was cast over your eyes, as you tried to slow your heartbeat, if you panicked, none of you would get out of this. “This man and woman killed our friend. You say their good people.” It was ironic, if you weren’t so shocked you would have stifled a laugh. These people weren’t friends, there weren’t any tears for their dear Lou, no, they craved any excuse to take and take and take. The revenge they were stubborn with pursuing was only a reason to get their hands bloody, and feel powerful as they got further away from the concept of being a human. “Now that right there i-i-is a lie. It’s a lie!”
Daryl couldn’t bargain through this, they were set in stone when it came to their perception of inflicting both emotional and physical pain. With disappointed defeat, his arms flopped haplessly at his sides, as he continued to stand straight. He had to get through to them! They could budge just a little, he just had to encourage them, make them believe that letting you live was the wrong thing to do. “C’mo-” Before he could continue his pleads to be the centre of violent attention, one of the lowlife claimers wretched their foot into his stomach, causing him to wheeze uncontrollably from the harsh impact.
At the sight alone of him getting hurt, it was on instinct that you prepared to swerve into action. You had to stop this, you had to save him. Your hands scratched against the golden leaves that were all over the ground as you tried to scramble up on your feet, attempting to prevent further bruising or blood withdrawal from Daryl’s body, however a sharp pain flew through your scalp. Joe had grabbed you, maintaining you as his hostage as his fingers weaved aggressively through your hair, forcing you to jut your chin out from the painful discomfort.
“Teach him fellas.” His tone was strong as he beckoned his orders, his deep, soulless eyes twitching from the agitation that had pent up within him. “Teach him all the way.” He ensured that they were aware of what he wanted, and the rest of the claimers were gratified to comply with his protocol of brutality, shoving Daryl up against the frozen vehicle, the clash of his body against it being audible from where you knelt. They threw punch after hateful punch, and Daryl struggled to maintain his stance against them; it was two against one.
“C’mere boy.” The words were growled out through the open car door, as Carl was dragged away from the hiding space. He couldn’t escape, and the claimers were getting the best of your group, and they were in afraid to draw blood. A knife was held firmly against the boy’s throat, and your eyes bulged from the petrifying suspense. Tears slipped from Carl’s blue eyes that had witnessed far too much for his age, and Rick began to panic. Lori had lost her life when she was birthing Judith, who now was also somewhere in the unknown, probably dead. He wouldn’t fail as a father a second time and allow his remaining child to die. “You leave him be!” Rick bellowed, which only made the sick men chuckle at his despair as they held him down from writhing towards an escape to rescue his son.
“Listen it was me! It was just me!” The words shrieked from your lips, as you felt a pool of despair puddle in your eyes. This was all because of you, perhaps if you hadn’t panicked within the moment of entrapment, and you hadn’t forlorn Lou to whichever afterlife lay after the present, then the claimers would have spared you, envisioning you as stragglers that had done no harm. There was a debt to be paid; a score that Joe felt he had to settle, and it was all because of your pathological actions. If anyone had to own up and pay the cost of taking the life of their adjoined associate, it should be you.
They wanted a permanent justice of a life, and you were happy enough to allow them to take it, as long as you were deemed the victim. That said however, if there was a route away from a pledged sentence, you would take it so that your entire family, including you would be spared. You just had to wait for the opportunity to present itself, and then there would be no hesitation on your part. “See now that’s right.” Joe’s words saturated your spine with a discerning flavour of fright, as he pushed the threatening metal harsher against the shell of your brain.
Rick’s eyes drifted in a frantic debauch between his sobbing son, who was thrashing under the weight of the gruesome man who conveyed him as nothing more than an activity; he’d enjoy watching him die; and you, whom was rigid from head to toe. His mind tried its damndest to calculate a way to save you both, you’d become like a sister to him despite the arrogance that you’d greeted him with back at the Atlanta camp, blaming him dreadfully for Merle’s captivity on that rooftop, rather than Merle and his big, loud and agonising mouth that tended to land him in a swarm of trouble. You had always been on Daryl’s side, but now you shared a connection after the fleeting experiences that had doubtlessly backed you against a wall.
“That’s not some damn lie. Look we can settle this, we’re reasonable men.” Joe reasoned with self interest and vengeance, his stone irises scouring languidly down your tense body from above, a little impressed that a woman had managed to withdraw the life of one of his boisterous comrades. His breath heaved down on you, making your skin crawl with distaste. And so he continued, making you all the more seasoned with spite. “First we’re gonna beat Daryl to death. Then your friend next to you. Then the other girl. Then the boy. And then we shoot you and then we’ll be square.” His maniacal laugh retorted in an echo, as his words truly sunk in. There had been enough devastation, and you viewed each of those you cared for with compassion.
Carl was writhing across the golden leaves that appeared gray beneath the silver moon, leaking from his tear ducts with agonising fear. Rick was stern with his demanding pleas that did nothing but resort humour into the audience that had you at gun point. Michonne was wide eyes and prepared for any intrusion that could occur, silently realising that you would be the culprit to begin a ravenous fight. And Daryl, god Daryl was swinging his arm back as much as he was able, losing against the two men that had the delight of using him as a punching bag. You couldn’t wait any longer, no one was on their way to save you, there was no other choice but try again, planning on a physical tactic this time.
“Let them go.” You hissed dangerously thro the your teeth, flickering your eyes around one last time, managing to make eye contact with Michonne, the gun against her braided head remind you that it was now or never. Joe felt hilarity from your demand, and you repeated it in an increased volume, distracting him with the sound of your voice before you threw your head back, whacking the man behind you with a mind numbing force. The bang of a bullet stirred a hazy cast across your field of vision, spiring a high pitched scream of white noise in your ears, but it was worth it. Joe had stumbled aback, the impact having arose a newfound course of adrenaline to fluster through your pumping veins.
With the rush that jolted you into a spiralling spree of sudden action, you span around, standing upon your two feet as you threw a heavy punch to your enemy’s tired face, a concerned look transpiring upon Rick’s face, as Daryl failed with unfortunate consequences to prevail in his hand to hand combat hustle. In return, you had earned a blow to the face, the force of Joe’s fist causing you to be upon the floor once again. “Oh it’s gonna be so much worse now.” To support his promise, his foot met with your ribs, causing a holler and a pained gasp to escape you; there would no doubt be a bruise left if you survived this assault.
Another slap brandished your face with a stinging hue, as you stumbled up, staggering slightly as you did your best to focus on winning this physical battle. “Come on, get up! Come on, let’s see whatcha got.” He was teasing you, drowning you with anger from the mockery he betrothed you with, as a red line ran pleasantly from his nose. “C’mere!” He growled, prompting you for more, and to see his blood spill was a divine gift, even as he breathed disgustedly against you as he grabbed you by the waist, holding you in front of his body. “What the hell you gonna do now slut?”
There was no possibility of escaping his grip with your form alone, he was a sturdy man, albeit an evil one, but he had you in his monstrous clutch. Your brain racked with a free flow of a matching immoral high ground, and thus you thought of the walkers, and how they took life. Your noggin tossed back in a flurry of monstrosity, your teeth gnashing until they pried formlessly upon his throat, the flesh running between each porcelain tooth as you found purchase in the skin, tugging with animosity, until the torn fragment of his body was pulled away, blood spattering in a revolted spray from your mouth.
The claimer gradually fell, pausing his team from their desolate nature of commanding death as their leader met his end, laying in a lifeless pile on the ground. Michonne and Rick pursued their captor’s, sweeping their lives away in a more sophisticated fashion than you had, and Daryl gained the upper hand from your repulsive distraction. As Rick fled from where he had knelt, he sprinted to pursue Carl’s release, as you remained still, shocked with your own tactile second nature. Your face was half covered in blood, like you were a young child whom had gotten into their mother’s makeup bag, but that wasn’t the reality. You shook, astounded with trauma.
Arms coiled around you, as Daryl held your crimson chin in his hand, looking lovingly at you despite the circumstances that had lead to your freedom. “Sunshine.” The term was distinctly ironic, but the cigarette husk that adorned his throat remained full of love. Since the outbreak you had all had to complete extensive steps to remain breathing, and your breath stuttered as you wanted nothing more than to bury your face in your archer’s chest, but he held your head up, as he dragged the red rag from his pocket, swiping across the stain that made the rag even redder. As you looked around yourself, you saw past the massacre and felt relief.
This was home; these people, especially the one right in front of you. His hand stroked roughly against your cheek as a long, heartfelt peck was planted upon your forehead. He had found you, in this sick world that had all of you lost. You smiled at him, resting your forehead against his as you shared a harmonious breath. “I’m just happy your alive Dixie.” You tried to uplift the mood, as did Rick and Michonne, as they fussed with care over Carl. Daryl couldn’t care less for the state that you were displayed in, he pulled you closer, unable to resist your lips. You shared a kiss, it was passionate and filled with circumstantial desperation, your hands pulled at his neck as you tried to get his face closer.
You could only move on from this happening, there was no dwelling. There was no guilt bore in your chest, those that tried ripping you apart deserved a worse fate, and you had only been fair since considering the consequences they had imposed on forcing you to experience. The Governor was the same, and so would the next foolish soul that failed the lengths that you would all go through to protect each other. You felt sick from the vehemence that had concurred from your body, but you had found more pieces of your familial puzzle, and you had every intention of finding the rest.
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
yami x f!noble reader. nsfw, ageless blogs and minors get blocked on sight. banter, some feelings for flavor. | wc 714, divider by @cafekitsune
you can read more about these two here
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“Y’know, you’re a surprisingly decent good luck charm.” Yami sucks his teeth while tying off the heavy bag of coin he managed to accrue throughout the night downstairs, “I think people have a hard time lyin’ to that face.”
He cups your cheeks and you giggle, shaking your head. Your eyes dart from him to the bag of coins next to him, raising a brow with a wry smile. “Except for you?”
One of his thumbs rubs a small pattern on your chin, just below your lower lip, savoring the feel of soft skin beneath the rough pad. He scoffs and mirrors your raised brow with one of his own, gazing down at you with a smirk. 
“You’re about the only person I haven’t lied to tonight,” he mutters, quickly moving onto his self-defensive next statement. “Besides, it isn’t lying, it’s gambling. They’re different.”
Now you raise both brows and turn your back to him, the laces of your dress revealed to him. Wordlessly he goes to work, used to this old song and dance by this point, the noise of the tavern downstairs only barely muffled by the floor and the walls of the room you’re in. He unties each lace with far more care than he would have in the past, chin resting on your shoulder, no longer needing to look down to check his work. 
He’s too used to this, perhaps, or maybe that’s just a thought for another night. 
“I know you don’t gamble because of the whole serious and perfect thing.” You scoff, turning your head to show your offense at his statement. He kisses your cheek and you back down immediately, shoulders rolling into him. “So what do you do for fun?”
This draws a true laugh from you, open mouthed and shoulders shaking. Your dress loosens and Yami slips the sleeves down, slowly peeling the rest of it down until it’s around your hips, leaving your chest exposed. Your breasts bounce with each laugh and he kisses your shoulder, cupping them gently from beneath. 
“Well, for an obvious instance, I come to see you.”
Chuckling appreciatively, he kisses your shoulder a second time. What was once cupping has now become kneading and you feel compelled to let him continue rather than fuss at him to stop, leaning back against his broad body. 
“When you are occupied, I tend to enjoy spending time at the tea parlor and before you judge me, know that it is a wonderful place to learn more than you thought possible about everyone around you.” He hums and you continue, hissing when he runs a thumb over each of your now hardened nipples. “I also learn a great deal from the children I tend to. Not merely my siblings but their friends and the young women I teach as well. Children are so much more open than their parents.”
Another kiss on your shoulder, followed by one trailing up the juncture where shoulder and neck meet, a third against the side of your neck and the last just below your ear, his voice rumbling against rose scented skin.
“So you’re a gossip?”
Now it’s your turn to laugh appreciatively, reaching over your shoulder to run your fingers through his hair and tug at it gently. A little throaty groan leaves him and you continue your ministrations, massaging his scalp and playing with the strands wrapped around your fingers. 
“If that’s what you’d like to call it, so be it. I say it’s no different from your game of lying.”
Another hum. He nips at your earlobe, distracting himself with your flesh to keep from saying what’s really on his mind. 
“Sometimes I think we’re more alike than you realize, kid.”
Maybe it’s time to revisit that whole too comfortable conversation after all, his mouth running before he can stop himself. You tug at his hair once again, your face warming beneath his praise.
“Now c’mon, my face is gettin’ cold and I know just what will warm it up.”
Yami pats your ass playfully while finally standing to tower over you, turning while removing his shirt. 
“Incorrigible man.” You roll your eyes, unable to bite back your smile while stepping out of your loose dress, kicking the fabric aside while following behind him.
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notionresources · 1 month
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Welcome to notion resources! Here in this blog, you will find:
PNGs, headers, icons, dividers, gifs, little tidbits about shifting, and things I can't bring myself to organize. other classifications include Xochitl's photobook, where images that didn't quite fit anywhere else go.
for more personal posts; check out my soap box (my yap tag) and my personal tag (which I will add here once I actually make content to fill it...and come up with a name) My main is @idkwhatimdoingandyoucantstopme ; but this blog is exclusively reposts and not at all shifting related, so be warned!
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Now for my intro!
My name is Xochitl! (So-chill) I've been shifting for around 4 years at this point (i think??) And have successfully shifted a handful of times! Right now, im learning to read tarot (tips would be GREATLY appreciated; i suck at it 😭). I'll elaborate on my drs in another post, but a quick intro will be provided below the cut, and a general summary will eventually be tagged here 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
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Some of these graphics are also organized by DR:
Trail mix- a plethora of different drs shoved into the ace attorney world in a modern setting (might go into detail later) Postmortem - technically in the same universe as trail mix but it got a VERY different vibe And now onto DR selves: Marie- My VNC self, Irina - My One Piece self, Laelia - from my trail mix, Leah - from my fame & Pokemon Dr (great combo btw), and Indigo, my Arcana self!
And i think that's about everything! (For now) feel free to message me with any questions and requests! I love to hear from yall 🫶
Happy shifting!!
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21 notes · View notes
viking-raider · 7 months
Summary-> Alexa and Henry leave their villa to explore the beauty of Costa Rica, with an unblinking eye trailing behind them.
Pairing-> Henry Cavill/OFC (Alexa)
Word Count-> 5.7k
Parts-> I II
Warnings-> PG: Arranged Marriage, Language, Banter, Anxiety
Inspiration-> Nick and Vanessa Lachey’s Love is Blind on Netflix.
Author’s Note-> I hope you enjoy! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
-> If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST as well as my @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’ Ao3-> Dragon_Dweller
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– The Hike –
Alexa pulled her loose cotton, deep arm-hole tank top over her bikini, while Henry packed a day bag for them to take on their hike.
“Right, we're all packed.” He smiled, coming to stand in the bathroom doorway. “Figured we could stop in town for some lunch items, and if we need anything else before we head to the start of the trail.” He informed her, watching her tug on a pair of short, board shorts with a print pattern on each hip, over her bikini bottoms.
“I love the sound of that. We can also browse the local life.” Alexa smiled, a tingle in her stomach knowing Henry was distracted by seeing so much of her body.
“That sounds like a great idea.”
“Great.” She nodded, patting him on the chest as she breezed by him, into the bedroom; mentally reminding herself not to look at the camera that was there filming the whole thing.
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With their little hiking bag packed and a rental car for them waiting in the drive, Henry and Alexa loaded up. Jesse followed them from a car in the back, having mounted a couple cameras in ideal places on the rental car to film them.
“Wow, this place is so gorgeous.” Henry commented, looking out the window as he drove them into town.
“Just wait until we hit the trails.” Alexa smiled, lounging back in the passenger seat. “It's a whole other world. It feels like you've been lost in some 18th Century adventure book; deep in the forest as you look for the coveted and cured gold of an ancient God, that the natives warn you not to go near.”
Henry looked over at her, smirking. “Bookworm?” He chuckled, teasingly.
“The word is, Bibliophile.” She corrected him, with feigned offense. “Thank you very much.”
“Oh, my apologies, Bibliophile.” He laughed, amused. “But, I can see it, this place does give you an enchanted feeling.” He sighed, as the town of Tamarindo came into view.
Tamarindo bustled with life, an assortment of shops, brightly colored and close together, showed their wares in windows, balconies and sidewalks. Signs announcing what each shop and pop-up cart was selling to whomever stopped by to look, from fellow tourists to locals.
Henry found a place to park and got out with Alexa, the both of them casting their eyes around, taking everything in and trying to pinpoint the place, or places, that would help them achieve their goal for a picnic on their hike.
“Something smells amazing.” Alexa commented, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.
“Could be anything.” Henry chuckled, noting the several street vendors and restaurants.
“I need it.” Alexa said softly, her blue eyes slightly out of focus.
Henry looked down at her, cocking a brow at the almost manic look she had on her face. “Do you?” He asked, a soft smirk tugging up one corner of his lip.
“Yes.” She nodded, looking up at him with an eye twitch.
“You little gremlin.” Henry laughed, his whole body vibrating with its mirth.
“You best get used to it, Bowser.” She giggled back, before skipping forward in search of what she smelled.
Henry watched her skip off, his head cocked to the side as she paused at a stall with trinkets displayed on it, giving the woman running it a sweet smile as she did. He felt the embers of passion for her heat up even more, forming a teeny flame that Henry couldn't deny was the start of him really falling for her. Recalling himself, as Alexa looked back to see where he was, Henry moved to join her, nodding to the vendor.
“Hola, cómo estás?” She greeted him with a sweet smile.
“Hola, estoy bien.” Henry echoed with the limited amount of the language he knew, making her chuckle at his accented Spanish.
“These are so beautiful.” Alexa cooed, examining a black skirt with bright and colorful, intricate patterns along the bottom hem and inside. She looked up at the woman, holding up the hem for her to see. “You?” She asked, hoping the other woman understood what she was implying with her minimal knowledge of Spanish.
The woman smiled wide, understanding, and nodded with clear pride. “Sí.”
“How much?” She asked, brows raised.
“Treinta colón.” She answered, signing three and zero with her fingers in emphasis.
Nodding, Alexa dug into the little bag she had resting on her hip, retrieving the colónes that Riah had supplied her and Henry before leaving the house, supplying the woman the right amount of money for the skirt she had handmade herself. Taking the curled notes from Alexa's hand, she stashed them away in a locked box somewhere behind her stall, before motioning to Alexa to pick one of the skirts. Alexa peeked through them, admiring her craft and amazing needlework with the fabric. None of it lacked color and all of the patterns were unique in their own right, fascinating and awing her.
“What do you think?” Alexa asked, looking up at Henry for his opinion between the two skirts she was conflicted on.
“Hm.” He hummed, looking between them with a cocked brow. “They're both very beautiful.” He commented, reaching out to touch the cotton fabric. “Personally,” He said, finally. “I like this one. It's super colorful and seems like it would be...light and free. It makes me think of you.”
Alexa blushed, biting the inside of her lip at his comment, as she looked up at him, before looking down at the skirt he was referencing. It was red with a kaleidoscope of circular patterns, and blue top and bottom hems. Smiling, she picked that one out of the bunch, motioning to the woman that she had made her choice, and she nodded her understanding. Alexa and Henry moved on, observing the other stalls that lined the street and peeked in the windows of the shops, before they finally found the local grocery store and popped inside.
Grabbing one of little metal baskets, Henry and Alexa browsed the modest aisles, plucking up a couple things that caught their eye for their picnic. Something else grabbed Henry's attention as they reached the back of the store.
“Hey, I'll just be one second.” He said, resting his hand on the small of her back. “I'll meet you at the register.”
“Okay.” Alexa nodded, holding his gaze for a moment, before continuing on, grabbing a couple more things off the shelf, before she headed to pay for everything, tossing a glance over her shoulder to look for Henry, but only found Jesse following her instead.
But Henry appeared as she bagged their items, offering her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I just wanted to check something out.” He told her, grabbing a few items and helping her put them in the plastic bag. “I'm looking forward to this hike with you.” He admitted, taking the bag and heading out with her. “Part of me wishes this was happening around the time the Durrell Challenge occurs.”
“When does that happen?” Alexa asked, curiously.
“It happened in May.” He told her, holding an arm out to stop her from crossing, as a car appeared up the street. “So, we missed it.”
“There's always next time.” She replied, watching the car go by. “Not like we won't be together.”
Henry looked down at her, struck. “That's more than true.” He answered softly, crossing and following her along the street, observing the shops as they made their way back to their vehicle. “So, wife, where is our trail?” He asked, reaching into the back, for the pack he had their stuff in and tucked their lunch inside.
“Right here.” Alexa answered, leaning over the center console to show Henry the map of the trail head. “It's part of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano National Park.”
“Looks beautiful.” He commented, getting the address for the trail head and situating his phone on the dash mount. “So, our first day as husband and wife!” He grinned, navigating the road that ran parallel to the coast on one side.
“Yeah.” Alexa giggled, taking a photo of the gorgeous white sand and glittering, azure water. “How's it feeling?” She asked, shifting her camera's view to snap a shot of Henry, catching him off guard.
“It feels good.” Henry replied, giving her a shy and boy-ish expression. “It was a bit strange waking up to another person, and not either alone or to Kal snoring in my face.”
A laugh bubbled out of Alexa, her body scrunching up. “No, you just had me snoring in your face this morning.”
“Well worth the morning breath!” Henry chuckled back, teasing, watching the coast fall away the more inland they got.
“I don't have morning breath!” Alexa gasped, shoving him in the shoulder.
“Are you sure about that?” He smirked impishly, cocking a side brow over at her.
Alexa gasped again in outrage, mouth ajar. “Uh! How dare you accuse me of such things! I'll glue the toilet lid down from now on!”
“That's fine.” Henry replied, his smirking shifting into something even more devilish. “I have great aim.”
Alexa's cheeks colored, understanding his suggestion. “Naughty!” She cooed, batting her eyes at him, before glancing quickly over at the recording camera on the dash.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Shoot!” Alexa nodded, twisting sideways to look at him.
“Do you have any nicknames you do or don't like going by?” Henry inquired, rubbing his palms over the steering wheel. “I don't mind being called Hen, Henners or Hank, but I loathe being called Harry.”
“Who calls you that!” She asked, outraged at the notion of someone calling him by that name, eyes twitching.
“I had a teacher at boarding school that did and sometimes, one of my uncles would.” He explained, shaking his head. “No matter how many times I told them I hated it and asked them not to.”
“I don't blame you! You don't have a Harry aura about you. Hen, yes. Hank yeah. But-” She took a deep breath and let it out in a huff. “Good grief. As for me, most of the people in my social circle call me, Alex or Lexi, which I'm totally cool with. There are people that call me, Lex, which I'm not really here nor there about. However, I don't like being called, Allie, it makes me think of alleyways, or one of my roadies desperately tried to make a thing of calling me, Lexus.”
She met Henry's eye. “I'm not a car.”
Henry snorted, laughing softly. “A car, you are not.” He agreed, smiling. “So, Alex, Lex or Lexi are cool to call you.”
“Yep.” Alexa nodded, liking the sound of her name rolling off his tongue, as she noticed the sign announcing the turn off for the National park just around the bend. “Almost there!” She declared, rather excited to go exploring and hiking on the trails with Henry. “This place is so beautiful.” She commented, as they got out of the car, the warmth of the beach was replaced by the cool, but humid, air of the forest around them.
“Yeah, it is.” Henry agreed, clipping their bag secure across his chest.
But not as beautiful as you. He thought, fleetingly.
“Are you going to be able to hike this, carrying that camera?” Henry asked Jesse, who was getting his own gear set up. “According to that park sign, the trail is seven kilometers in length. One way.” He informed the cameraman, concerned for his well-being as much as he was Alexa and his own.
“I'll be fine, bud.” Jesse replied, shouldering a bag that rattled with various filming equipment and a couple of things he brought for the hike, water bottle, food, bug spray and so on. “I've done wildlife documentaries in Antarctica. I'm sure a four mile hike around the volcano will be cake.”
“Making sure.” Henry said, before turning to Alexa, who was patiently waiting at the trailhead. “You ready, short-stuff?” He asked with a smile.
Alexa snorted and rolled her eyes. “More ready than you are, Bones.” She answered, then held up a trail guide pamphlet. “I scanned the QR code they have on the back, but just in case our mobile service goes nutty, I thought we'd bring the booklet with us too.”
“Sound idea, love.” He nodded, gave the trail ahead a look over.
She leaned in close to Henry, before whispering loudly. “If there's any spiders, I'm leaving Jesse to get eaten first.”
“I heard that!” Jesse barked behind them.
Alexa flashed him a sweet smile, then took the first step onto the trail. One small step on our hike, one giant step into the rest of our life. She thought, continuing with the assurance that Henry was right behind her.
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“A bridge!” Henry announced as he rounded a bend in the trail, coming upon a rope bridge, just wide enough for one person to cross at a time, single file. “You think it's sturdy?”
“It looks like it.” Alexa answered, looking around Henry's arm. “I'm sure they wouldn't have it accessible if it was dangerous. Unless they have a thing for making their visitors feel like they're having an Indiana Jones experience.” She commented, half-jokingly.
“Fair enough, you go ahead first.” He said, stepping sideways on the trail.
“Oh, how gentlemanly of you, to let me plummet to the river below first.” Alexa quipped, moving by him, only to have Henry catch her wrist, his expression stony.
“Don't say that.” He snapped, his eyes glassy with horror.
Alexa's stomach churned at his expression, leaving her speechless for a moment, before she caught Jesse moving closer to them out of the corner of her eye and she scrambled to pull herself together again. “I was just kidding, Henry. I'm sorry.” She squeaked, gulping thickly as she pried his fingers from around her wrist and stepped onto the bridge.
That was so stupid! Why did I say that to him! She berated herself. Riah's going to juice her panties when she finds out. With how good it'll look, when the show airs. Stupid me creating an angst-y fuss, like some teenage drama.
The bridge wobbled a little bit as the three of them moved across the weathered slates at a steady pace, Alexa gripping the rope sides and daring to take a glance over the side, before quietly squeaking at the steep distance to the valley bottom and shooting her eyes forward, not looking down again. Henry's own eyes were on the back of Alexa's head, the whole time they crossed, taking slow, deep breaths and pretending the bridge wasn't as high off the ground as it actually was. In an attempt to control his fear of heights.
“Right, so!” Alexa sighed, after their feet touched solid ground again. “According to the app, the hot spring is this way and it's just before the waterfall.” She said, tracing the red line on the screen of her phone with her fingertip. “Do you want to see the waterfall first or do you want to hit the spring?” She asked, looking up at Henry, who craned his head over her shoulder to see the map, his hand gently resting on her side.
“Hm.” He hummed, eyeing the outlined trail, before looking up ahead of them. “Why don't we hit the waterfall first and have lunch there, so we can have a nice dip in the spring before we leave?” He suggested, looking back to Alexa. “That way we can have a nice rest period.”
“Sounds like a good plan.” Alexa nodded, pocketing the device and hooking her arm with his. “It's so gorgeous here.” She said, looking at the tall canopies above their heads, her ears picking up the sounds of the forest surrounding them. The call of birds, frogs croaking deep in their throats and insects buzzing in the humid air, with the occasional howl of a monkey deep and far off the beaten trail.
“It really is.” Henry agreed, drawing in a deep breath of the fresh, fragrant and cool air.
They pointed out sights to each other, plants and animals. Alexa became excited at one point, thinking she saw a little squirrel monkey, before it vanished in the trees. They snapped a couple of photos over the hour and a half it took them to go from the head of the trail to the rushing waterfall at the end.
“Oh my—Odin.” Alexa gasped softly, standing on a large, flat river rock as she gazed up at the fifty foot waterfall, the spraying mist at the top glittering in the sunlight, casting a rainbow-like halo at its drop off point. “I've never seen anything quite so magical.” She mumbled to herself, following the water into a basin of crystal clear water, surrounded by rough cliff walls covered in creeping vines and moss, slick algae and small trees that somehow managed to take root and grow out of cracks.
There were a couple of people around the edge of the pool, resting on rocks or clear, flat spots of the ground, with several others swimming in the water itself. Both Alexa and Henry looked at each other, then tossed at glance at Jesse, who hadn't stopped filming once, knowing they would attract attention the moment they got close. So, they moved around to the far side of the waterfall, where there were no people and found a decent spot to sit down and relax.
Henry set his pack down in front of him, unhooking his water bottle from the loop on the strap, while Alexa sipped at her own water, staring out over the pool with a whimsical and thoughtful expression.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, before taking a big gulp of his icy water.
“Hm?” Alexa hummed back, blinking and turning her attention to him.
Henry chuckled at her. “What are you thinking about?” He repeated himself, unzipping the main compartment of the bag.
“I'm wondering how cool that water must be.” She confessed, her face giving away her interest in going for a dip.
“Hmm.” He purred back, narrowing his eyes at the water and considering the sweat running down his back, causing his tank top to stick to his skin as well as his curls to his forehead. “That's a good question.” He replied, closing the backpack and reaching for the back of his tank, pulling it off over his head and dropping it on the bag, before standing.
“Let's go find out.”
Alexa grinned, taking off her top and stood to wiggle out of her shorts, kicking them over to their bag as Henry's arm hooked around her waist. “Henry!” She cried out with laughter, breaking out into a massive grin as he carried her over to the water.
“You can go in with your insulin stuff, right?” He asked, as the water reached his calves.
“Yeah.” She assured him, squirming and wrapping her arms around his neck. “All water-proof.”
“Perfect.” Henry smirked devilishly, shifting his hands to Alexa's hips, hoisted her up and launched her into the deep end of the water.
Alexa gasped as she splashed into the water, disappearing under for a moment, before she pushed off the bottom and broke the surface again. “That's unfair!” She huffed, splashing Henry in the face as he moved towards her.
“Absolutely.” He nodded, carding his fingers through his dripping hair, pushing his curls off his forehead.
The two of them looked up at a cry that echoed down to them, finding a group of guys that had climbed to the top of the cliff by the waterfall, screaming their heads off and throwing their arms up, showing off to their group that had stayed down below, and who were returning their rowdiness. Alexa chuckled and looked at Henry, hooking an arm around his neck to support herself in the water and be close to him.
“Those guys are wild.” Henry commented, watching one of them take a running jump off the edge, feeling his stomach lurch as the guy plummeted and splashed into the water, heart clenching for a moment, waiting for him to resurface safely.
“And probably drunk.” Alexa giggled, gently pressing her lips to Henry's collarbone, as she held herself against his chiseled torso, feeling his palms squeeze and massage her hips. “If you try tossing me again, I will bite you.” She whispered against his skin.
Henry glanced down at her, cocking a brow with interest. “Is that a promise or a threat?” He asked, his own lips brushing the top of her head. “Cause, I'll gladly find out.” He said, a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest.
Fuck, I hope I'm not being too forward with her.
“Oh, you like that kind of thing?” Alexa teased him, smirking. “Superman likes getting nibbled on?”
His body reacted to her flirting, his throat bobbing as he swallowed thickly, and his blue eyes laser focused on her face. “I just might.” He purred, voice deepening as he leaned his head in close.
“Mmm.” Alexa hummed back at him, a sparkle in her eye while meeting him, feeling her heart skip a beat, knowing he was going to kiss her again. But she caught sight of Jesse wading into the shallows of the pool, camera poised on his shoulder and a soft smirk on his face, clearly understanding the moment. “You know what?” Alexa gasped, pulling away from Henry and treading in the water to keep herself up.
“I want to jump off too.” She told him, an impish smirk crossing her lips.
“Oh?” Henry frowned, confused by the mood change and sudden disconnect from her. “Is that safe?”
Alexa chuckled, splashing him. “They did it!” She called over her shoulder, swimming away to get out of the water and head up the small trail that led up to the top of the cliff.
She's crazy. Henry thought, debating if he should follow her up, to make sure she didn't get hurt on the way to the top and perhaps try and stop her or to just watch her jump from his spot in the water. She'll be fine. He tried to reassure himself, keeping his eyes fixed on the spot the group of men had been, when they jumped.
His heart calmed down slightly, seeing her pale head pop up among the lush greenery at the top of the waterfall, gazing down into the water below and waving at him with a huge smile. Henry smiled and waved back, hoping he didn't look too horrified for her well-being. Alexa surveyed the landscape from her vantage point and wished she had brought her phone up to snap a couple of photos, before jumping.
Taking a deep breath and taking a couple steps back, before taking a running leap off the edge, plummeting feet first into the water. Henry swam over, meeting her halfway back to where they had been.
“That was wild!” She giggled at him. “You should try it.”
“I don't know.” Henry chuckled, looking up at the spot. “It's pretty high.”
“I'll go with you!” Alexa said, trying to embolden him. “We could jump together!”
Henry bit his lip, then shook his head, flicking droplets of water from the ends of his curls. “Nope.” He declined, pressing his lips together. “No can do, darling.”
“Aww.” She cooed, before clicking her tongue at him. “All right. Fair enough, Sötnos.” She smiled, her eyes gentle and understanding.
“Sötnos?” Henry echoed, causing Alexa to giggle at his pronunciation of the word.
“Swat-noss.” She pronounced the word for him, slowly. “Sötnos.”
“What does it mean?” He asked, shaking his head as he tried to wrap his mind around it.
Alexa giggled, resting her hands on his shoulders. “It means a couple things.” She smirked, amused at the pet name, as she pressed herself against him, making him feel their size difference as they floated in the water. “Sweetheart. Sweet cheeks.” She explained to him, chuckling. “But the direct translation is, sweet nose.”
“You think I got a sweet nose?” Henry teased, leaning in to rub noses with her, making Alexa giggle even more. “I like it.” He told her, pulling back to look her in the eyes. “Would you teach me more?”
“Ja, of course.” She nodded, touched and excited that he wanted to learn more of her language and background. “You're going to need it, min mannen.”
“Great.” He smiled, before noticing the slight shake in her hands. “Are you all right?” He asked, taking one of them in his, pressing it between his palm and chest to seep some warmth into it. “Are you cold?” He inquired, the water was cool, but not chilly.
“No.” Alexa replied, shaking her head. “I'm just getting the shakes from my sugar starting to dip a little bit. I need to get out and eat.” She explained to him, her brow pinching as it hit her all at once.
“Let's go then.” Henry urged, wrapping an arm around her waist and guided them out of the water, back to where their pack and clothing was. “Here's water, I'll get our lunch out.” He said, opening her water bottle for her, before opening their backpack and started pulling out all the food.
Sipping her water, Alexa caught sight of something, as it fell out of the pack in Henry's rush to get their lunch ready, and reached for it. Picking up a short, plastic wrapped tube, the words printed on it were all in Spanish, but she had seen this type of container enough times in her life to know what it was.
“Did you buy glucose tablets?” She asked, looking up at Henry with a crease between her brows, holding them up for him to see.
Henry paused and looked at the tablets, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Ye-ah.” He answered, slowly gulping. “I-” He floundered to vocalize why his brain had told him it was a good idea to head towards the chemist aisle he'd seen at the store in town, to buy the capsule of ten, Raspberry flavored, glucose tablets.
What if you needed them, while we're on our hike or on the drive back to our Villa? He thought, still struggling to voice his fear that her blood sugar would drop to an unsafe level. What if they were the only thing that kept you from-- Henry forcefully shook the last thought out of his head, refusing to manifest it.
“I just—I just thought-” He took a deep, hard breath and looked back down at his task. “I don't know what I thought.” He mumbled under his breath. “It was stupid.”
Alexa's face fell at his words, closing her fist around the tablets, wanting to say something to him about how thoughtful it really was, but couldn't find the words. “What do we have for lunch!” She said instead, changing the subject for both of them.
Henry set out their wrapped sandwiches, along with the little containers of fresh fruit, slices of mango, watermelon and oranges, as well as a small cluster of grapes. They sipped their water and nibbled on their food, Alexa gazing around the forest that surrounded them, fascinated by the towering and knotted trees among the lush green plants, the sound of the waterfall behind them was so soothing and peaceful. She sighed softly, reaching out for another piece of fruit, her hand coming into contact with Henry's, as he did the same.
Their eyes met and Alexa felt Henry's fingers caress and trace her hand, like the touch from a ghost. It made her skin tingle and the breath in her throat caught. She didn't understand. They'd known each other for less than forty-eight hours and when Henry touched her, it was like nothing she'd felt before. Not with the boyfriend she'd been with for five years or a couple of attempted dates she'd been on since breaking up with said ex-boyfriend.
What is it about him? She thought, turning her palm up to his touch, her shoulders shuddering faintly as he stroked his fingertips over the heel of her palm to her fingertips. Why does his touch light my nerve-endings on fire and send sparks into my mind? What magic is he casting over me? Alexa reflected, swimming in the azure ocean of his eyes and trying to reach the tawny island at the top.
Henry in-turn was lost in her gaze, a gentle smile twitching and curling up one corner of his lip as he drove ever deeper into the arctic landscape he found there, mapping out the small flakes of minty-green that was close to her pupils. He was besotted with her, and it only dragged him down deeper as the seconds ticked past them. Henry had no answer to it either. Though, he was sometimes prone to falling in love quickly, and that sudden realization stabbed him in the stomach, like a red-hot knife.
Am I falling too quickly? Is this just a sudden flame, that'll burn out in a week or by the time our honeymoon is over?
His fingers faltered against her skin and Alexa noticed, a wrinkle forming between her brows as she watched the bright light in Henry's eyes fade and his expression panic, pulling his hand away from her.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered, waving to the food they'd intersected at. “Go ahead.” He said, patiently waiting for her to take what she was reaching for, before grabbing his.
“Henry--” Alexa started, wanting to know if she'd done something wrong.
“Do you still want to go to the hot spring?” He asked over her, clearing his throat, knowing how rude of him it was, but couldn't bear her asking him what she intended to. “I know we went swimming here.” He said, waving to the waterfall behind them.
Alexa licked her lips and glanced at the rushing water for a second. “I would still at least like to see it.” She replied, biting her lip. “If that's all right with you?” She added, looking at him with a conflicted expression.
“That's more than all right.” He answered, popping a grape into his mouth. “I'd like to see it as well.” He confessed, offering her a half-hearted smile, hoping to bring some peace back into their outing.
“Cool.” She rasped, picking up her shorts and stood up, pulling them over her damp bikini bottoms, not bothering with her tank top, and instead stuffed it into their bag. “I'm ready, when you are.” She told him, looking at her Dexcom app, making sure her levels were in an appropriate range.
“I'm ready.” Henry replied, packing what was left of their food away and stood with her, shouldering the bag and glancing at her phone. “Is that a good level?” He asked, looking at her.
“It's a hundred and fifty, now that I've eaten.” Alexa explained, turning the screen towards him. “So, that's a pretty decent range. Especially for me.” She said, before pointing to a number beside it. “It was a hundred and ten, before I ate, which is middle to low-ish side, before a meal. But, I'm perfectly fine now. So we can head to the hot spring and likely make it back to the Villa, before I need to eat again.” She told him, closing the app and pulling up the map to the hot spring from where they were.
“So, we need to get back on the trail we arrived here on, for a short while, until we reach that fork and turn left.” She showed him their route and Henry nodded, motioning for her to lead the way.
Alexa glanced behind her to Jesse, who frowned at her, clearly annoyed she kept staring into the camera lens, before moving forward. Henry took a deep breath, glancing above them as he reached out to hook his arm around Alexa's shoulders, pulling her a little into his side as they retraced their steps over the trail.
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They reached the turn, branching out in the three different directions and headed towards the hot spring, and the closer they came to it, the more they could hear the rush of the thermal waters.
Coming through a thicket of trees and brush into the clearing, they discovered the steaming, volcanic-formed pool. Not quite so populated as the pool at the foot of the waterfall, but was still dotted with people. Some stood waist deep in the warm waters, while others sat on the rocks that surrounded it, their feet dipped in, admiring the multiple, little volcanic rock waterfalls that supplied the water for the spring.
“This place is so gorgeous.” Alexa commented, as she and Henry found a spot to sit and slip their feet into the heavenly warm water, with a soft moan.
“It truly is.” Henry agreed, slowly gliding his feet through the water and watching it gurgle down one of the falls.
Alexa gasped suddenly, grasping Henry by the arm and grew animated. “Henry!” She insisted, blue eyes round with wonder and surprise as she pointed into the tree tops across the spring, just as a sound filled the steamy air, like a high-pitched, song-bird-like call. “It's a Toucan.” She grinned at him, giddy for spotting the yellow-throated toucan.
“Oh wow, it is!” Henry nodded, narrowing his eyes at the small, long billed bird of paradise.
“When I was little, I wanted one as a pet, after seeing George of the Jungle with Brendan Fraser, cause Tookie-Tookie was my favorite.” She confessed, taking her phone out to snap a photo of it. “Other than Shep the elephant.”
Henry smirked at her, touched that she shared that teeny bit of information and memory with him, and was amused by it. “Is that so?” He asked, his eyes going back to the little black and yellow bird as it took flight off its branch.
“Yeah, I love animals.” Alexa nodded, a little deflated that the toucan flew off, before looking at the photos she'd taken of it. “I had considered becoming a Zoologist before becoming a musician.” She confessed, pressing her shoulder against his and lifting her phone again, its front camera open and showing her and Henry. “We haven't taken a single photo together.” She answered the startled and confused expression she saw on Henry's face through her phone.
“I'd like at least one photo with my husband, during our honeymoon.” She smirked at him. “If he'd indulge me?”
“Why would I not?” He cooed, his expression softening and posed with her to take the photo.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
My Idol 3: Part Two
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
In the history of My Idol, you didn't think you had ever seen someone genuinely excited about doing a mission before. Often times, contestants tended to dread the red envelopes, with some even refusing to open them. Jungkook, on the other hand, seemed almost more excited for this than anything you had discussed so far.
"To be honest," you grinned. "I thought the real adventure started when Yoongi was instilling a healthy amount of fear into all of us."
"Yeah," Jungkook cringed. "That wasn't part of the plan."
"What exactly was the plan?"
"Well..." he trailed, running a hand over the back of his neck. "He wouldn't tell me. He just said he was going to handle a few things."
"And that didn't set off any alarms?" you laughed.
Jungkook broke into a smile before shaking his head. "You try questioning him and see how far you get."
Directing your attention back to the task at hand, it was hard not to be enthusiastic when Jungkook was. Sliding a finger under the seal, he peeled the envelope open with a small pop. Grinning fiendishly, he slid the contents out and began to read.
"The healthiest relationships are those where you're a team! Grab a cold lunchbox at random and microwave it for the instructed time. While the timer is ticking, divide and conquer getting the rest of your snacks!"
"That doesn't sound too bad," you said quietly, suspicious as to why you got such an attainable mission.
"There's a second card," Jungkook hummed, waving it before reading. "See below for your shopping list. Confirm you have the correct brand and item before the timer runs out. Happy snacking!"
Looking over Jungkook's shoulder, your jaw dropped. The list of snacks had to have been 20 items long. You hadn't even heard of some of them before.
Glancing up at you, Jungkook smirked. "We're going to kill this."
"I hate to be pessimistic," you cringed. "But I don't even know what half of these things are."
"Okay," he said, furrowing his brows as he scanned the list. "We'll split the list in half. I'll take the ones you're not sure about."
"Oh," you breathed a sigh of relief. "You're familiar with everything then?"
"Nope," he grinned. "But I've got the spirit to make up for it."
It hadn't taken long for the two of you to split up the list and finalize a game plan. The only thing you hadn't been able to factor in was the time you would be allotted, or how to navigate other people shopping at the convenience store.
You looked nervously from the cold lunch boxes to Jungkook. His expression was soft as he gazed at you. "Hey, we'll be able to do this, okay?"
"And what if we don't?" you grumbled. You knew the probability of succeeding at every mission given by My Idol was slim, but you weren't looking forward to any of the penalties. You had already made yourself look silly enough in your audition video, there didn't need to be another highlight reel of embaressing moments.
"If we don't, it'll be my fault," he grinned. "Just worry about your part. You're going to do great."
You felt your heart stutter as you appraised him. Jungkook was so open and giving with his words and emotions. Not once had he made you feel uncomfortable or unwanted. You knew this experience was new for the both of you, but you were clearly out of your depth. Coming into this, you felt like you were drowning, but Jungkook proved to be an increasingly proficient swimmer.
"Do you want to pick?" he asked, finally looking away to you and toward the meals.
You chuckled uneasily. "I trust you."
"Might be your downfall," he joked, reaching in and grabbing what looked to be a pretty involved meal set. Checking for any sort of instructions, he let out a hiss. "Two minutes."
"That's fine," you nodded, trying to pump yourself up. "Two minutes. A whole 120 seconds. That's a lot of time."
"You're right," he said, nodding as well. Crossing the aisle, he began to remove some of the plastic packaging before popping the food into one of the available microwaves. "I believe in us."
Shutting the door, his fingers hovered above the numbers before he thought better of it. Dropping his hand to his side, he moved back toward you, grabbing your wrist instead.
"Wha-" you managed as he shuffled you toward the counter.
Lifting your hand with his, he smiled. "We'll do it together."
Letting out a soft huff of amusement, you allowed him to navigate your fingers toward the "Start" button. "Together."
Your breath was ragged as the microwave beeped loudly across the convenience store. Stopping just short of running into you, Jungkook grinned wildly in your direction, his eyes lit with excitement.
"We did it," he said, his voice gravelly. "We did the damn thing."
You laughed, looking at his now haphazard hair. Reaching up, you flattened a few strands back into his ponytail. The small movement caused him to go incredibly still, his eyes darting around your face before looking away. Once fixed, you took a step back, only to see him zoned out and biting his lip.
"Do you really think we got everything?" you whispered. Looking from his basket to yours, you were relieved to see quite a few snacks in both.
"If we didn't, we definitely got close," he murmured. "I'm proud of us either way."
A more lovely man simply did not exist. You were sure of it.
It wasn't long before the production crew seized your baskets and began analyzing everything. You were too nervous to speak, so you remained anxiously silent as you watched them.
"It looks like everything is here," one of the producers confirmed. "...besides the tuna and kimchi kimbap."
"What!" you and Jungkook gasped in unison. You thought back to your mad dash. That one was on your list, and you were certain you had grabbed it.
"It's not here," the producer sighed, pulling a red envelope from the back of his jeans.
"Wait, wait, wait," Jungkook said, stepping forward. "Let me look."
"We already looked at everything," another producer piped in. "It's not there."
"Then you'll have no problem letting me look too," he asserted, his hands already picking through the snacks. Sitting each one on the table in the order they were written, he paused. Looking over his shoulder at you, he smirked. "Found it."
When the producers were checking everything, it looked like the baskets had only been shuffled through. You watched with pride as Jungkook pulled the kimbap out from under the baked eggs.
"Oh," the producer said numbly. Stuffing the envelope back into his pocket, he sighed. "Well done."
"Well done," you muttered. You were going to have to keep a close eye on them.
"Now, to celebrate," Jungkook grinned, his nose scrunching. "Let's go go go!"
Settling into one of the plastic tables outside of the 7-Eleven, you assisted Jungkook with spreading out your winnings. You took turns going back and forth to heat up various things, but it didn't take long before you sat side by side.
"Mmmm," Jungkook groaned, taking a bite of the hot bar you had just set in front of him. "I haven't had one of these in forever."
"Not enough time?" you asked, taking a bite as well when he offered it to you.
"I order in a lot," he nodded. "I don't really like leaving my apartment."
You furrowed your brow as you chewed thoughtfully. "Why not?"
Heaving a sigh, Jungkook glanced up at the cameras before looking back at you. "Things can get a little crazy when you're a..."
"Idol?" you supplied. "Celebrity?"
"Something like that."
"Right,' you said slowly. Of course he treasured his privacy. He had so little of it. "But I'm curious, if you like to keep to yourself, why sign up for My Idol?"
"Why'd you sign up?" he shot back quickly with a teasing tone.
"I asked you first," you smirked.
Smiling in return, Jungkook resumed picking through the food. "I've realized that since I became an adult, I've gotten really introverted. It's hard to meet people when you're locked behind a door with your pets all day. I had some talks with friends, and they all thought this experience would be good for me."
You supposed you could appreciate that. "It's a chance for you to grow then?"
"Mmm," he hummed, mid chew. "In a way. I want to grow as a person, but it would be nice to grow with someone as well. You'll have to understand, I haven't really been "alone" since I was 15, so it's a double-edged sword. I crave that comfort, but at the same time, I've been burned by people who I thought I could trust."
"It's hard to be vulnerable," you nodded. "This is a chance to do that while also keeping rails around it."
"Exactly," he grinned. "I wasn't going to crawl out of my hole unless I felt safe to some extent.
Now, what about you? What made you submit your audition tape?"
"Alcohol," you laughed. "And a friend who said I needed to live a little."
"I think our friends would like each other then," he chuckled. "Both sat in front of a 7-Eleven because we were peer pressured to go on the highest stakes blind date possible."
"Hey, the 7-Eleven has been fabulous," you hummed. "And it's sentimental to you."
Looking over his shoulder, Jungkook gazed fondly at the building. "It really is. There's nothing like the feeling of practicing for eight hours and then stumbling down the street for some ramen."
"Eight hours?" you croaked.
"I was an underachiever, really."
You quickly narrowed your eyes at him, but immediately realized he was joking. Letting out a small huff, you shook your head. "How were your leg muscles even willing to make the trip after all of that?"
"It wasn't great," he winced. "But I was young and running off of the feeling of just belonging to something. When my members would be too tired to come out, I'd offer to carry them. Many a piggyback ride happened on the way to this place."
You tried to picture it. Jungkook who was barely a teenager and the slightly older teenagers who were made to raise him. They worked as hard as their bodies would allow until they finally got some recognition. They were sent catapulting into fame only to work harder than they ever had. There was something admirable about the journey to become an idol, but there was no way you could ever push yourself as hard as them. It took a special type of dedication.
You looked at Jungkook, assessing his features as he snacked. There was still so much of his youth in his adult features. While his softness had changed into hard edges, that child-like light never left his eyes. That mischievous tug never fell from his lips. The world had tried to beat him down so many times (and that's only what you saw on the tabloids.) Each time though, he picked himself back up and tried again.
You felt your chest give a tug. He really was someone you could grow close to if given the right circumstances.
Glancing up, his eyes caught yours. Smiling shyly, he dabbed at his mouth with a napkin. "Is there something on my face?"
"Oh," you squeaked. "Oh, no."
He leaned in close to you as if to share a secret. "You were supposed to say "Yes, Jungkook, there's beauty dripping everywhere."
You let out a surprised laugh as he crinkled his nose. "How silly of me! Here, let me help you."
Grabbing for his napkin, you began to dab his face playfully. "I'm worried that when I'm done, there won't be anything left to look at!"
Jungkook was erupting into full on giggles at this point, smacking your hands lightly as they roamed around his cheeks.
"Maybe if I took some for myself," you murmured, dabbing the paper on either side of your face. "I'll be as good looking as you."
"You already are," he said, breathless from laughing.
Getting caught on an exhale, you stilled. "Yeah, okay."
"Seriously!" he smiled, reaching up to boop your nose. "Sure, you might have things that you consider imperfections, but they give you character. I like looking at you."
You laughed through your nose. "I like looking at you too, Jungkook."
"That's as good as a declaration of love!" he gasped. "Move me on to the second round!"
"I'm not exactly sure that that's how it works," you sighed. "But nice try."
Jungkook looked down with a small smile. "I really would like to make it."
"Yeah," he continued, still not looking at you. "I've had so much fun. And now I know you enough to make me want to know you even more."
"Hey," you chimed, setting your hand lightly atop of his. "You will be a very hard act to follow."
"You think so?" he smirked, finally looking up. "Maybe I should have taken you somewhere more special. Something the viewers-"
"Nope," you cut in. "This place of full of memories that you actually wanted to share. That's not easy when you're giving a small piece of your world to a stranger."
"It is a small piece of my world," he affirmed. "And it's been nice to be able to come back. I was worried it may have turned into something else by now. Thank you for taking care of that memory for me."
"No more talk about the next rounds or what viewers will think," you nodded. "Only talk about what's on your mind and show me pictures of your dog."
This would be the part of the show where the cameras cut away and come back to a montage of you and Jungkook laughing together, the two of you crowded around his phone, or tossing food into each other's mouths. You could almost see the editing as the time ticked by. While your conversation remained light and silly, it was so beneficial in getting to know the person you were expected to form a connection with.
Before you could even realize, hours had flown by. Glancing up in a daze, you realized the producers had been signaling for the two of you to wrap things up. Looking from the camera crew and back to you, Jungkook smiled sadly. "I don't think I want this night to end."
Ruffling his hair now that it had long ago abandoned his ponytail, you stood. "The sun is going to come up pretty soon and end it for us."
Jungkook nodded as he pulled himself to his feet as well. Wrapping his arm around you, he tucked you neatly into his side before strolling slowly toward the My Idol SUVs. You felt completely drunk without a single drop of alcohol coursing through your system. The two of you had entered your own little bubble, sprinkled with magic, and the promise of new beginnings.
"Even if I don't make it, we'll have to do this again," his voice cut through your thoughts.
You looked up at him with wide eyes. The implication of that sentence immediately sent your mind reeling to the previous two seasons.
"No, no, no," he said quickly, spinning you by the shoulders to face him. "Not like that. Just...spending time with you. It's been damn near therapeutic. I don't want to let that go. Whether it's as friends or something more."
"Oh," you breathed, your shoulders relaxing.
"I hope you had as much fun as I did," he smiled. "You did, right? If not, lying is acceptable. I'm fragile."
"I had a great time," you laughed. "It's been a treat getting to know you, Jungkook."
"You were better than any snack," he continued, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, maybe not the choco pies. Not much is better than choco pies."
"Understood and no offense taken," you grinned. "I'll see you soon."
"Soon," he confirmed, pulling you into his arms and wrapping them tightly around your waist. Setting his chin on the top of your head, he let out a sigh.
You took a deep breath in, trying to let yourself be surrounded by all things Jungkook. Although you had spent hours outside, he still smelled lightly floral. Pressed to his chest, you had never felt so warm and secure.
Finally pulling away, the loss of Jungkook's body was a stark one. You could've stayed in his arms for much longer, but you would still be unhappy when you had to let go.
Opening the car door for you, he provided his hand to grasp and ease your way in. Plopping on the seat, you turned to face him. "Thanks for tonight."
"I should be thanking you," he said quietly. Before you could realize what he was doing, he placed a soft kiss on your cheek. You sat in silence as he took a few steps back and shut the door.
Your hand immediately flew up to your face, gingerly touching the area of skin that now felt like it was on fire. Looking out the window, you smiled as he gave a small wave. Before you could return it, the driver steered away.
You sat on the feeling for a moment, trying your hardest to take everything in. Jungkook felt like a schoolyard friend that you had a crush on and were finally getting to act on it. It was that elated feeling of liking someone and finding out that they liked you back.
If you already had this level of warm and fuzzy from a man you just met, what would happen on your next six dates?
"Get it together, Y/N," you muttered, watching the 7-Eleven fade behind you. "You're just getting started."
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To Be Continued.
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Visiting the Supernatural shooting locations Part 1
I just got back from trip to Vancouver where I saw hundreds of shooting locations. I wanted to share my experience for others who might want to do the same.
I could not have done it without the help of some amazing fans, so first, let me shout out to some of the best sources I found.
This map was created by Raloria in spn_locations. It was invaluable to the experience. There were some locations that weren't in that resource, such as Dean's grave in 4.01, which I found using this account, but the vast majority of the shooting locations are in that map. Two of the places had so many locations that I wish I had written down the information before I went there. One of which was North 40 Park and the other was Riverview. Luckily, this blog had some photos of Riverview with screencaps so you can see where the places fit in the episodes. I'll go into those places more below.
So first, with 15 years, there were a lot of filming locations. Here's the map
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There's simply no way to visit them all within a short visit. Since I was doing general touristy things in Van as well, I divided my set locations visit into 4 main groups. On the first day, we hit North 40 Park, the Winchester House, and the area around Granville island. North 40 Park is a former military post that's now a great little park to go walking in where tons of scenes were filmed.
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It was the first place we visited and, because so many places were filmed here, the description didn't give much in the way of details. Here's the highlighted point:
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This where they built the set for the end of s10 where Dean killed Death. Sam and Dean wandered around this area at the start of s11.
A crossroads spot used in many different episodes is this one
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I wish I had gone into the pages for the episode and pulled up pictures of the locations so that I could be certain what I was looking at. I did this for all future visits, but this was my first location, so I wasn't sure what I was doing. So, for example, let's say I'm at this location. I look at the episode tags
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Then I go into the episodes write up and I find the corresponding location. For example, I didn't realize it at the time, it was only later that I found out this is where the Impala was run off the road!!
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Luckily, all my photos are geotagged so I can go and look at the photos and then match them up with the filming locations after the visits, but I suggest that you do this before you visit the locations.
We also planned to visit the Timberland Hotel & Campground (1x17, 2x03, 3x02, 12x08, 12x09), but it's been closed and appears to have been demolished.
Someone gave us his former address and we enjoyed a beautiful view from near that location before stopped at Sunset Park, where Sam and Dean walked along the beach in Devil's Trap.
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There are so many filming locations that we didn't realize our hotel was right by where they filmed Regarding Dean until after we got there!!
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The next day, we went to Stanley Park and checked out the Seawall, where Kripke sat down J2 and told them that the show lived and died with their relationship.
This day, I was a bit more prepared and so I knew that I'd be passing through where Castiel killed Billie, but it was still fun to just look across the water and see a spot that I recognized. As soon as I saw these piles of sulfur, I knew that was where Jared and Misha got in trouble for goofing off.
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Confirmed it with a map.
I lost track of how many filming locations I saw in downtown Van just walking around. There's so many
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If you visit Gastown, do not keep walking down Hastings going East. It is not a good part of town.
Several locations were blocked off so we couldn't access them, such as a the Bunker entrance. The trail was closed for repairs. Maybe next time.
The next day I did New Westminster, Surrey, and part of Burnaby.
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I took the Sky Train to New Westminster and walked around town and felt very safe walking through downtown. YMMV. The Sky Train was very easy to get around, although you'll need a car for some of the shooting locations, like Surrey.
It was interesting to realize how much was just made up for the show. For example, the comic book shop in Mint Condition was completely made up
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Peeking in the windows, it almost looks like that building just exists to be a set for various shows. While we were driving around, I saw people filming something, so the industry is still going strong.
One of the things we wanted to do was to drive where they filmed 11.04 while playing Night Moves. Unfortunately, the place where they built the Roadhouse and started the drive is now the site of a new bridge, so we couldn't start there, but we were able to do the second half of the drive.
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Some places were very easy to find
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Some were blocked off like the Watchman set. There's zero Red Meat filming locations in the doc!
The El Dorado Motor Hotel from 2.14 has been replaced with a condo. The 2400 Motel from 1.18, 5.05, 11.13 has a new paint job.
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The end speech from Prophet and Loss took place on private property, so we weren't able to go there.
Since Supernatural is shot at night or in the fog, locations often look very different.
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Tumblr won't allow me to do anymore photos this post, so I'll post more in part 2!
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pcttrailsidereader · 3 months
The Interesting Weird Division
Mac who writes a frequent blog about his adventures hiking, biking, and so many other outdoorsy activities recently posted an essay entitled, 'The Interesting Weird Divide'. In that post Mac describes the reaction of friends, family, and others to your decision to do some (seemingly sounding) epic adventure like hike the PCT. His view is once you do such a thing your friends, family, and others will display a great deal of interest initially and especially once you return. You may get a party, some cake, and lots of kudos. Then before you know it you have been invited to join in on, or determined on your own, some new/next adventure/challenge. This leaves some scratching their heads while still others are patting you on the back.
To get more of Mac's description of this phenomena go to his website, https://www.halfwayanywhere.com and read his post.
Mac got me to thinking about my own experience. I along with two best friends have hiked the PCT. Mostly we have done this in the company of each other. Our overall experience was a bit different from the typical thru hiker. We hiked the PCT in sections over time. Technically you would refer to us as we refer to ourselves as 'section hikers'.
When we started our intent was to get to Rainy Pass from the Columbia River in the thirty days we had to do it. By today's standard that may sound meager but however you view it, our view was and still is, we embarked on an epic journey. Our friends and family were impressed with our ambitious plan. Many were excited for us. Since we all lived in Washington at the time this hike seemed the most logical and practical place to experience the PCT.
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Two of us on the Washington PCT
Upon our return we were greeted with excitement, admiration, and questions. "How was it?" "How far did you go each day?" And the ubiquitous question, "...see any bears?". At that point we were mostly done with PCT short of returning two years later to finish the last section and get to Canada. We had officially hiked all of Washington.
Upon achieving that goal the PCT lay dormant in each of our lives for about ten years. In the intervening time we became separated by significant geographical distances, settled down (some), got married and had children. Then like any dormancy a desire woke up in all three of us and we were planning another PCT hike. Because of our personal and career obligations we could not take thirty days this time but a bit less and no less meaningful or important to all three of us.
This is where that "interesting weird division" started happening to us. We were now officially bitten by the PCT 'bug'. Our friends and family still had questions and mostly supportive comments then and each time after that. However we were crossing a line. A point of no return. With each trip we officially crossed that interesting-weird divide. Eventually, like Mac says, "You will return as the “weird friend/relative” who does outdoor things for extended periods.' That is who we became. The farther south on the PCT we went the less familiar friends and family were with what we were doing. That lack of familiarity may add to the overall weirdness of our adventures. Please don't read 'weird' as being a bad or negative thing. Rather it is a demarcation, an identifier that speaks to being unusual or different.
None of this deterred us. With each trip we became more resolved than ever to keep biting off pieces/sections of the PCT. By crossing the divide we had established an identification as serious hikers dedicated to the Pacific Crest Trail and everything it offered. Maybe we were seen as a bit weird or unusual for continuing to go back to the PCT. Our extended hikes remained epics for us and are still thought of in those ways. Since our PCT hikes we have gone on to attempt parts of the Long Trail and the Colorado Trail. Yes, we do like these extended hikes and most of all we like being together. There is nothing weird or unusual about that.
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In our case the division we have created by our hiking choices are more multipliers. Every time we have gotten out together it has been a set of experiences multiplied by joy, excitement, humor, pain, exhilaration, and friendship. I will cross over that division every time.
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skpct · 5 months
Day 62: Kennedy Meadows South. 1950 miles from the Northern Terminus.
I ended up not doing a post in Onyx, I was have some trouble with my blog and I wanted to get back on the trail. So I’m doing one now!
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Getting out of hiker town was a little rough. It was very hot, flat, and exposed. There was some kinda cool walking, like this metal pipe and the aqueduct. I camped near a wind farm, which was unsurprisingly windy. After that, I got more up into the hills before dipping down into the town of Tehachapi.
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Tehachapi was really cool. Everyone was very friendly, and I stayed at the hiker hut. Incredible place, it’s a shed that used to be an apple juicing operation. They had everything: complimentary food, beds, a kitchen, even bikes to ride around town on. My favorite stop on the trail by far.
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The 100 miles from Tehachapi to Walker Pass were really cool. It started in the desert, then it moved into a wooded area, then a pine forest, then a desert full of Joshua trees, then another pine forest, but with different pine trees. Very cool. The only bad part of this section was when I got hailed on. When I got to Walker Pass, I went into the town of Ridgecrest, not Onyx, because Onyx doesn’t have a grocery store.
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Getting back on trail after that really felt like the start of the Sierra Mountains. Great big exposed granite faces, big trees, more water. Kennedy Meadows is beautiful, although it isn’t much of a town. It’s just a store in the middle of nowhere, basically. Still a very nice place staffed by very nice people.
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For anyone who isn’t aware, the PCT is divided into five sections: Southern California, Central California, Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. I’m thinking about doing something special on here, since I just finished the Southern California section. I’ll be headed into Central California soon, so the blog might get a little quieter. It really is the high country, and it might be a bit harder for me to get internet connection. I’ll be here for a while, so I’ll throw so stuff up before I leave. Until then, peace out!
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gravelish · 10 months
Salt Lake City to Tucson
22 September - 13 October 2023
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My last post was on September 14th, just before I headed to Salt Lake City to start my long-anticipated ride to Tucson. Since then I’ve had an amazing three-week adventure on the bike, I’ve had numerous enjoyable rides around Seattle, and I’ve spent hours going through the resulting photos and notes. But I’ve also struggled with my motivation and my interest in maintaining this blog. Regardless of what I end up doing with the blog, I thought it would be good to write up a summary of the recent trip. Whether I flesh out individual days of the ride or whether I continue to post about future rides remains unclear.
I rode out of Salt Lake City on Friday, September 22nd. I rode into Tucson on Friday, October 13th. Along the way, there were 22 days of amazing landscapes and incredible riding. I traveled around 1150 miles (50+ miles/day, more than 450 of it on gravel roads and dirt tracks. I suspect I walked my bike a total of 4-5 miles on steep or rough segments. There was 83,000’ of climbing, including several sustained climbs of 4-5,000’. Much of the first week was spent climbing to or riding above 10,000’. I camped a little less than half the nights. I never took a full day off, though I considered it in Flagstaff.
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Highlights. There were a lot of them. Big Cottonwood Canyon and Guardsman Pass. Skyline Drive on the Wasatch Plateau. The aspens in the valley of Sevenmile Creek. Hell’s Backbone Road. Scenic Route 12 from Boulder to Escalante. Bryce and Red Canyons. Camping at Rock Point on the edge of Marble Canyon. The South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The San Francisco Peaks. The Mogollon Rim and the amazing descent to the Salt River.
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The weather was great, except for some rain in southern Utah that required a major detour to avoid muddy roads and added two days to the trip. Temperatures were cold at night, particularly on the Wasatch Plateau, but it was great during the day. Heat was never a problem during the ride itself, though the weekend after I got to Tucson, temperatures rose into the high 90s.
My route evolved over many months of pouring over maps and checking online sources. Some of the territory was familiar to me and that influenced decisions about places I wanted to visit (or felt okay skipping). I wanted to experience as wide a range of landscapes and geologic provinces as I could. I wanted to avoid busy highways, but I also didn’t want a route that was too rough and too remote for my bike or my capabilities (particularly riding solo).
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The result was a wonderful mix of roads and trails. Almost 600 miles of my route was on the Western Wildlands Route (courtesy of Bikepacking Roots), a north-south route from Canada to Mexico that parallels, but lies farther west than, the better known Great Divide Mountain Bike Route.
Here’s a list of each day, showing mileages and elevation gain. I may eventually work up descriptions of each day and link them here, but haven’t done so yet. I posted fairly regularly on Instagram (@gravelbeach) and that remains a source of photos and limited narrative.
9-22 Salt Lake City to Brighton 28.4 miles 4122’
9-23 Brighton to Currant Creek Summit 41.8 6634’
9-24 Currant Creek Summit - Scofield 67.6 5012’
9-25 Scofield - Skyline 45.1 5467’
9-26 Skyline - Salina 66.5 3856’
9-27 Salina - Fish Lake 44.2 5748’
9-28 Fish Lake - Posey Lake 54.1 4385’
9-29 Posey Lake - Boulder 23.7 2440’
9-30 Boulder - Cannonville 64.7 4176’
10-1 Cannonville - Hatch 33.1 2342’
10-2 Hatch - Kanab 57.4 2440’
10-3 Kanab - Page 76.8 2449’
10-4 Page - Rock Point 45.4 3348’
10-5 Rock Point - Cameron 65.1 1997’
10-6 Cameron - Grandview 47.6 4519’
10-7 Grandview - Kelly Tank 54.0 2709’
10-8 Kelly Tank - Flagstaff 35.6 2405’
10-9 Flagstaff - Kehl Springs 72.5 3618’
10-10 Kehl Springs - Young 64.9 3459’
10-11 Young - Globe 67.6 6032’
10-12 Globe - Willow Springs 53.7 4172’
10-13 Willow Springs - Tucson 61.0 1696’
LINK to Ride with GPS: Collection of all 22 rides
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TOTALS (numbers vary depending on later corrections):
1170.6 miles (53.21 miles/day) (1884 kms)
690 miles paved / 480 milesunpaved
83016’ (3773’/day) (25,303 m)
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My bike and my gear worked out well. I rode my Salsa Warbird with a bikepacking setup. I’m on 42mm tires (tubeless). I had no tire problems, despite sharp chunky volcanic rocks and the potential for goathead thorns. My suspension stem and seat post make the rough roads a little less jarring. My only mechanical problem was a missing chain ring bolt that I discovered on the second day and was able to get fixed. I replaced the brake pads in Flagstaff. Shifting worked fine (and continues to work smoothly after shipping the bike home and adding another few hundred miles around here).
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My body held together, despite turning 65 on Day 4. I never had any problems with altitude besides the labored breathing you’d expect from 5000’ climbs to 10,000’. My lips were badly chapped and my skin got darker. My hands and seat were sore at times, but that was to be expected and was never an obstacle. My legs were sore when riding, but recovered quickly.
I’d been thinking about this ride ever since I wrapped last year’s trip from Whitefish MT to Salt Lake City. It was an inevitable second chapter to what became an epic ride that stretched from border to border (a one day’s ride from either end). Combined, the two-part adventure covered 2200 miles and 130,000’ climbing over 40 days of riding.
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dardrian · 10 months
guys I've been bitten by the hiking bug again
I'm so out of shape but I want to go on long hikes
I gotta start small
I have a stupid goal of hiking the Appalachian Trail (okay really the goal is going for the triple crown - the AT, the Continental Divide Trail, and the Pacific Crest Trail)
my right knee has some issues and my ankles aren't in great shape either. but that's what the right shoes are for I guess
gonna start with small local walks and build from there
maybe I should blog about it to keep with it? idk
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bbyboybucket · 2 years
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I posted 5,392 times in 2022
That's 3,232 more posts than 2021!
1,482 posts created (27%)
3,910 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,355 of my posts in 2022
#bucky barnes - 70 posts
#asks - 55 posts
#stranger things - 37 posts
#sam wilson - 30 posts
#marvel - 29 posts
#anon asks - 28 posts
#mcu - 22 posts
#me - 22 posts
#thor love and thunder - 21 posts
#marveledit - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#let’s manifest that my loan money comes soon bc this girl is gonna be hella busy and can’t work as much while having classes 😀😀😀😀😀😀
My Top Posts in 2022:
A bucky one where the reader is mad at him and starts punching his chest (but like it doesn't hurt him because like... he's bucky) and he just lets her until she breaks down crying and he just hugs her and lets her cry
Thank you for sending this in! I’m sorry this is kinda short and it’s not great but I tried, and I really loved the idea bestie. This is probably not at all what you were expecting, but I kinda have always wanted to show that dating Bucky would be a bit of a bumpy road and this was a good opportunity to do so. Also Bucky’s behavior in this was lightly inspired by Rue from Euphoria, so if you recognize a particular line, that’s where it came from ;).
To Touch A Flame
Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
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Warnings: language, blood mention, TFATWS!Bucky, Bucky’s poor mental health, anger issues, a kinda mean Bucky, angst??, self loathing, I feel like this is kinda cheesy?
You loved Bucky, truly, with your whole heart, and you loved wearing the title of his ‘best girl’. You loved spending all your time with him, and sharing your space. You loved cuddling, laughing together, the sweet moments of intimacy, knowing his heart better than anyone. You really did.
However, not every day was sunshine and rainbows. Some days were cloudy, some had a bit of rain, but you managed to find solace and protection in one another. The hurricanes weren’t that simple, there was no comfort or shelter, only a divide. Those storms that plowed through the two of you, destroying everything in their path. It was nothing you couldn’t handle, it took a process of rebuilding, each time your relationship was stronger.
Sometimes Bucky’s mind got a bit too dark, it crossed the threshold of how much pain, how much disorientation, he could take. When it got that bad it left him either paralyzed by his troubles, drowning in them. Or it took over, causing him to act in ways that he never truly meant, to do things that he’d regret later. He’d lose sight of himself in those moments, he’d lash out.
You’d woken up that early morning to a crash, startled from the noise alone but even more so to see empty sheets and no body next to you.
You found him in the bathroom, gripping the glass covered sink furiously while blood dripped from his hand. His face was flushed red, jaw clenched firmly, and you thought maybe you’d seen a wet trail on his cheek. His chest racked with heavy breaths and his arms slightly trembled.
You didn’t know how long he’d been up, how long he’d been suffering the torture of his own mind that morning, but you knew it had to have been bad. The mirror previously mounted on your wall had fallen and was titled against the sliver spout of the sink. Glass shards were scattered everywhere. There were some tiny pieces in Bucky’s knuckles and two glassless holes were found on the surface of the mirror.
With your lips pressed in a tight line, you placed your hands on his shoulder cautiously. “Hey, let’s get you cleaned up, bud.” You whispered gently.
Without lifting his head up to look at you, he jerked his shoulder away.
“Buck, it’s alright.” You cooed sympathetically. “I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, but I wanna help. I think we should at least go back in the bedroom so you don’t cut yourself anymore.”
“Fuck off.” Bucky growled so lowly it was difficult to understand him. He still hadn’t met your gaze, you watched as his breathes speed up and became more shallow.
See the full post
731 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
I genuinely don’t get the all the “criticism” for Love and Thunder. To me, it was absolutely everything I could’ve asked for and more. It was well written, both in plot and character arcs. It was funny, emotional, heart warming and breaking, and also a bit scary at times. It had so many layers but it was still so FUN. Visually stunning and attention grabbing. It gave representation that didn’t feel forced or like it was a “hey we’re diverse” card, it just felt natural and in character. It carried its own story beautifully while setting up greatness for the future of the mcu (spoiler: imo I think big potential for Love being a young avenger member). There’s just so much nitpicking I could do in praise but I’m being general right now. In my personal opinion, it’s flawless and my new favorite marvel movie. I know everyone has different opinions and tastes, so some might have some dislikes. However, I think this movie was objectively good and enjoyable overall. And Taikia (as well as the writers) did a great job catering to all sides of the mcu audience, pleasing all the different kinds of fans (like the ‘dude bros’ but also us tumblrinas). I just- it’s so amazing to me
1,201 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
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Summary: After Reader gives Bucky a massage, he realizes how much he likes her touch. // Or a friends to lovers story.
A/N - I’ve been working on this for like 3 months now lmao. This is wayyyy different than I originally sat out for it to be but that’s okay. I’m really proud of it and absolutely love it and I hope you guys do too. It’s really just a fluffy lil love story.
Warnings: language, sexual references, Bucky’s shoulder and phantom pain, touch starved Bucky, grumpy Bucky, but he has a soft spot for reader, some PTSD stuff, Bucky’s also anxious, and he’s dumb and doesn’t realize reader loves him too, teasing, drinking, takes place during and after TFATWS
It all started with his shoulder. Because of course it would. Of course, amongst all the other shitty cards life dealt Bucky, chronic pain had to be in the deck. Unexpectedly, shoulder pain was apparently the rain that preceded a rainbow.
It felt like hell decided to take home there. An overall soreness, a dragging weight that felt like a boulder sat in his skin, along with an pricking sensation that was comparable to a hundred needles driving into his non-existent arm; which was a feeling he still couldn’t wrap his head around.
His spine felt twisted, convoluted by the 65 pounds of metal it upheld. He felt as if all the damn muscles in his back and neck were on the verge of giving out. This oh so common feeling resulted in a bad day. Bucky cursed the goddamn universe for giving him this daily predicament when painkillers were ineffective on him.
Also, the pain wasn’t ideal to endure in the midst of the chaos he’d gotten himself into. Between the flagsmashers and doing anything, any work he could to get a lead; Zemo being an conniving instigator, always trying to prod at Bucky’s head or give some kind of twisted sentiment to purposely offend someone; amongst many other undesirable circumstances from the past few weeks that he’d been repressing, Bucky’s threshold for irritation had been passed. He was just glad to finally take a seat and possibly bring his pain to a minimum.
You trotted into the open room, your attention falling upon the large figure slouched into the couch cushions. Your attention was on him most of the time anyways but your curiosity peaked at this particular moment.
Bucky wilted into the sofa, head flung backwards, eyes tightened shut and lips pursed into a thin line. His position looked like a poor attempt at alleviating discomfort. You could practically feel this stiffness of his body from where you where standing, as if he was the epitome of rigidity.
Bucky was utterly still besides the frequent expansion and collapse of his chest and the flaring of his nostrils each time air passed through. You watched his brows crease as he attempted to shift a bit, he shook his arm and rolled it in the air before letting it plop down on his stomach.
After your observation, you plodded past him, making a detour from your original route into the kitchen instead. You rustled through the cabinets to find what you needed, or more so what you thought would possibly cheer your friend up a bit.
See the full post
3,418 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
I love that Love and Thunder completely ignored toxic masculinity and acknowledged that Thor was dealing with some really heavy shit and that it’s okay for men to admit to/release their emotions, that it’s okay for them to be broken and lost because anyone would feel that. Just one of the reasons this movie was an absolute gem.
10,485 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The reason the new Batman is so good is bc it definitely was not made for the regular male super hero loving audience. It was made for the girls and the gays and especially the bi’s
29,381 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rikaklassen · 2 years
I used to be more active on Twitter advocating for sign language, closed captioning and subtitling before the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic struck. I am a disabled deafblind person bilingual in American Sign Language and English. Most of my mutuals use they/them with me; and my friends in my immediate circle use she/her. New to Tumblr, but have used something similar called Posterous in the late '00s. I was too busy studying History with a crocodile skink (Tribolonotus gracilis) above the desk in my dorm. Most of my friends actively discouraged me from spending too much time on the Internet.
I used to self-host a blog focused on animals and hiking, and was active on forums before they got displaced by Facebook groups. During that time I co-owned a West Siberian Laika with a previous partner alongside a pack of Swedish Vallhunds and we discussed thru-hiking the Great Divide Trail, Norge på Langs and Nordkalotten together. Afterwards, I dabbled with Instagram for a few years, but having a shared pool of photographs with other folks got a little awkward when our social groups kept overlapping. Since, I migrated to Twitter to follow deaf-centric topics and moved to Mastodon.
I had plans for a YouTube channel along with a Vimeo portfolio, but that fell to the wayside when no one took COVID seriously and people don't practice safe distancing nor follow masking protocols. To date, still am zero COVID.
Hopefully, this post will make it easier for people to find me and discover my other social media presence!
Where You Can Find Me
Instagram / Pixelfed
Bluesky / Mastodon / Twitter
Cohost / Pillowfort / Posterous
GitHub / GitLab / Codeberg
Internet Archive
Last updated November 22, 2023.
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rocknrollwhcre · 12 days
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Love Can Burn Like A Cigarette
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F! Reader (18+)
Content Warning: strong language and profanity, emotional manipulation and toxic relationship dynamics, physical altercation (slapping, shoving), depictions of verbal arguments and intense emotional distress, themes of infidelity and jealousy
Summary: Things aren’t looking good between you and Eddie…
A/N: divider by @saradika-graphics !!! Not that anyone will remember, but I originally wrote and posted this fic back in 2022. I ended up deleting my work and blog for personal reasons, but I’ve decided to rewrite it and post it again. :)
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You barge into the backroom of Scoops with Robin trailing close behind, her footsteps quickening to match your angry stride. She opens her mouth as if she’s about to say something, but one look at your flushed face convinces her otherwise. She watches you with concern as you yank off your sweat-soaked shirt, tossing it aside with a huff. The sticky uniform you're required to wear stares back at you from a hook, and you mutter under your breath, wishing you could burn it.
Robin, always the practical one, moves to the mini fridge, fishing out a cold bottle of water. She places it gently on the small, cluttered table between the staff lockers. "Here," she says softly, her eyes never leaving your face. She drops into one of the worn-out chairs and pats the seat next to her, giving you that familiar look that says, I’m here. Talk to me.
You take the offer, sinking into the chair with a long sigh before gulping down half the bottle in one go. The cold water is a relief, cooling you from the inside out. You finally feel the tightness in your chest start to ease.
Robin tilts her head, her brows knitting together with worry. “Okay, so what’s going on? And why do you look like you just ran a marathon?”
“Eddie Munson,” you spit out the name like it’s poison.
Robin’s face scrunches up in disgust. “Ugh. Gross. I swear, if you and Eddie—”
You shake your head, a dry laugh escaping your lips. “No, nothing like that. I’m all hot and sweaty because we got into this huge argument. I refused to get into his van, and he just smirks and says, ‘Fine, walk to work then.’ Can you believe that? Complete asshole.”
Robin’s eyes widen. “Are you serious? You’re like, miles away from here! You could’ve passed out from heatstroke or something.”
You snort. “Well, according to Mr. I-Failed-Senior-Year-Twice, it’s ‘just a short walk.’ The guy’s idea of distance is as bad as his grades.”
Robin chuckles, shaking her head. “Honestly, how do you even put up with him?”
You shrug, feeling a mix of frustration and something else—something like the smallest hint of amusement. “I ask myself that every day.”
Just then, Steve pokes his head through the small service window, trying to look casual, but you know he’s been eavesdropping the whole time. His eyes shift between you and Robin, but he settles his gaze on you with a pointed look. “Eddie’s here. Wants to talk to you,” he says, his voice heavy with the kind of sarcasm that only comes from dealing with Eddie Munson on a regular basis.
You exchange a knowing glance with Robin, who raises an eyebrow. “But, hey, at least he knows when he’s wrong and can apologize,” you suggest, half-convincing yourself as you grab your ridiculous sailor hat. Robin gives you a doubtful look, but you ignore it, adjusting the hat with a small breath to steady your nerves. Maybe this time will be different, you think, as you head out to the front, hoping for an apology but bracing yourself just in case.
Eddie is waiting by the counter, leaning against it with that trademark smug grin plastered across his face. His hair is a wild mess, and he looks far too pleased with himself.
“Hey, princess. How was the walk?” he asks, his tone teasing as his eyes gleam with amusement.
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. “Oh, it was great, actually. I’ve heard getting some sun is good for you—something about vitamin D,” you shoot back, your voice laced with sarcasm.
“Glad to hear it,” Eddie replies, barely missing a beat. “Because you’re gonna need another dose. My van’s busted, had to leave it at the garage for repairs.” He picks up one of the flimsy menus from the counter and flips through it like he actually cares what's on it.
You narrow your eyes. “Uh, don’t you mean we have to walk home?”
He looks up with a lazy grin. “No, I mean you have to walk. Funny thing, I bumped into Roxy on my way here, and she very graciously offered to give me a ride home. You remember Roxy, right?”
How could you forget? The mere mention of her name sets your teeth on edge. Roxy, the redheaded bitch who’s been circling Eddie like a vulture ever since you two got together three years ago. She’s got that classic bad-girl look down: leather jackets, tight skirts with ripped fishnets, blood-red nails, and enough black eyeliner to intimidate a raccoon. The kind of girl who fits right into Eddie’s metalhead world. You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, the familiar surge of irritation bubbling up inside you.
You force a smile, though it feels like it might crack at any second. “Is that all you came here for, Eddie?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady.
Eddie's smirk widens, and you can tell by the glint in his eyes that he knows he’s gotten under your skin. “Actually, since I’m here, how about a small cookies 'n' cream shake and—”
“Oh, would you look at that! We’re all out of ice cream,” you interrupt, your voice dripping with fake cheerfulness. Before he can say another word, you grab him by the arm and start steering him toward the door. “Come back later!”
Eddie doesn’t resist; he’s too busy laughing, clearly enjoying how riled up he’s made you. His laughter echoes down the mall as he disappears up the stairs, probably to waste more of his time somewhere else. You let out an exasperated huff, your patience wearing thin.
Robin, still perched on a stool behind the counter, looks bewildered as she munches on a cookie. “Who’s Roxy?” she asks, her mouth half-full.
“Only the hottest girl The Hideout has ever seen,” Steve chimes in, leaning against the counter and taking a long sip of his shake. His casual tone is enough to make your blood boil, and without thinking, you land a solid punch on his arm.
“Ow! What was that for?” Steve yelps, rubbing his arm and giving you an offended look.
“Get back to work,” you snap, snatching his shake right out of his hand and dumping it into the trash without a second thought. Steve stares at the garbage can, then at you, his mouth agape, but you’re already turning away, too annoyed to care.
It’s been five days since the argument, and neither of you has made the first move to apologize. In fact, each day has become a new game of seeing who can push the other's buttons harder, and today, Eddie was clearly in the lead.
You’re wiping down the sticky tables, the sweet smell of melted ice cream lingering in the air, when Eddie strolls in with Roxanne by his side. Roxy’s eyes are all over him, like he’s the only guy in the room, but Eddie seems oblivious to it—or maybe he’s just pretending to be. They make their way to the counter, and Roxy leans over to obnoxiously ring the bell, the sound grating on your nerves.
“What’s a guy gotta do to get some decent service around here?” Eddie calls out, his gaze locked onto you with a teasing smirk.
Robin and Steve are out getting lunch, leaving you alone to man the counter. Lucky you. You toss the rag onto the table and head over to the register. “What do you want, Eddie?”
He leans against the counter, his smirk deepening. “Now, is that any way to greet a paying customer?” he taunts, clearly reveling in the way your eyes flick daggers at Roxy, who’s practically glued to his side.
You let out a sharp breath, summoning your best fake smile, the kind that doesn’t reach your eyes. “What can I get you today?” you say through clenched teeth.
Eddie clicks his tongue in mock disappointment. “Come on, I’m pretty sure you guys have a slogan for greeting customers. Let’s hear it.”
Roxanne lets out a soft, condescending laugh, her lips curling into a smirk.
You bite back a retort, forcing yourself to keep up the act. “Would you like to sail the ocean of flavors? I’ll be your captain today. What can I get you?” The words come out stiff and robotic, practically dragged out of you, but Eddie’s grin only widens.
“Good girl,” Eddie murmurs, low enough that only you can hear, his voice a mix of teasing and something else that sends heat rushing to your cheeks. You can feel your face flushing, but you keep your expression neutral. “Anyway, I’ll have that cookies ‘n’ cream shake. What about you, Rox?”
Roxy leans in closer to him, practically pressing herself against his arm as she gives you a once-over. “I’ll just share with you. Don’t want to eat too much and mess up my figure,” she says, her gaze sliding over you with a smirk that makes your blood boil.
It takes every ounce of self-control not to leap over the counter and throttle her, but you clench your jaw and turn away, focusing on making the damn shake. Your hands move on autopilot, scooping the ice cream, blending it up, and pouring it into the cup, all while you imagine various scenarios where you tell them both exactly where they can shove this order. With forced calm, you place the shake on the counter in front of them and watch as they saunter off to a booth. Eddie's eyes keep darting over to you, but you pretend not to notice, burying yourself in the never-ending list of chores to stay busy and keep from glaring daggers at him.
Just as you start wiping down the counter for the third time, you glance up and catch Roxy reaching over to brush a crumb from Eddie’s lip with her thumb, her touch lingering longer than necessary. Before you can react, the bell above the door jingles, and Steve and Robin come back, a takeout bag swinging in Robin’s hand. She takes one look at Roxy playing at doting girlfriend and makes a loud gagging noise.
Roxy rolls her eyes but doesn’t pull away. You decide it’s the perfect time for your lunch break. Tossing your apron aside, you head for the door, but just as you pass their booth, you feel something hard underfoot—Roxy’s boot. You stumble forward and crash to your knees, the sharp pain shooting up your legs.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” you shout, springing up with fury boiling over. Without thinking, you lunge at Roxy, ready to grab a fistful of that perfect red hair and let loose, but Steve grabs you around the waist, pulling you back.
Eddie jumps up, positioning himself between you and Roxy, his hands wrapping around your fists, trying to contain you. “Babe! Just chill out, it was an accident! You’re making a scene!” he says, his tone somewhere between pleading and annoyed.
“Oh, fuck you, Eddie!” you snap, struggling against Steve’s hold. “You’re the one making scenes, showing up here with that slut!”
“Hey!” Eddie's eyes flash with anger. “She’s my friend, and I’m not going to stand here and let you disrespect her like that!”
You scoff, feeling the sting of betrayal sharp in your chest. “Yeah, a ‘friend’ who’s been trying to screw you for years, Eddie! Open your eyes! You know what? Just go. Get the hell out of here.”
“Fine, we will. Come on, Roxy.” Eddie’s voice is cold, his face hard as stone as he turns his back on you, motioning for Roxy to follow.
You watch, stunned, as he actually starts to leave with her. The disbelief sinks in like a weight in your stomach. You wrench yourself free from Steve’s grip, not wanting anyone to see the tears starting to burn your eyes. Without another word, you storm to the back of the store, your heart pounding with a mix of anger and hurt.
Night falls, and it's finally time to close up shop. The last of the customers trickle out, their footsteps echoing through the quieting mall as they make their way to the exits. You, Steve, and Robin work together to pull down the metal gate, the clattering sound signaling the end of another long day.
“How about you join us tonight?” Robin suggests, a hopeful smile on her face as she nudges you. “Steve and I rented a stack of horror movies. We’re having a movie night.”
“Yeah! We can order a ton of pizza, make popcorn, the whole shebang,” Steve adds, clearly trying to sweeten the deal. “Come on, it'll be fun. What do you say?”
Before you can answer, you catch a glimpse of Eddie sitting by the fountain alone, his head down, his fingers tapping absentmindedly against his knee. For a moment, you consider ignoring him, letting things stay the way they are, but something inside you pushes you to try and be the bigger person. You turn back to Robin and Steve. “Give me a second?” you ask.
They exchange a look but nod, standing by the gate as you take a deep breath and head toward Eddie. Just as you’re about to reach him, Roxy appears out of nowhere and slides onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss right on his lips. Your stomach twists into knots.
“Oh my god, Eddie, what are you doing?” you exclaim, your heart pounding in your chest as you step forward, disbelief and hurt surging through you.
Eddie's eyes go wide, and he quickly pushes Roxy away, but she just smirks, satisfied with her little display. “Oh no, baby, we’ve been caught,” she says in a mocking sing-song voice, her eyes glittering with mischief.
“What? No!” Eddie stammers, panic flooding his expression. “Babe, it’s not what it looks like!” His hands reach out toward you, desperate to explain, but you slap them away, the sting of betrayal sharper than anything he could say.
“I hope you have a happy life together!” you shout, your voice breaking as you reach for the necklace around your neck—the one Eddie made for you, his favorite guitar pick hanging from it. You rip it off in one swift motion and throw it at him, the small piece of him that you once cherished now clattering to the ground between you. “We’re fucking done!”
“Baby, please, don’t do this!” Eddie's voice cracks, and he reaches out, grabbing your arm in a last-ditch effort to stop you. His eyes are desperate, pleading, but you’re beyond reason now. Without thinking, you use your free hand to deliver a sharp slap across his face. The sound echoes in the near-empty mall, startling even you.
You yank your arm free, turning away as the sting of your slap leaves a red mark on his cheek. Steve and Robin are at your side instantly, and as you storm off with them, you don't look back. But you can hear the ragged breath Eddie takes, his shoulders trembling as he stands there, one hand cradling his stinging cheek, his eyes wet with tears that spill down his face. He's crying, but you don’t let yourself turn around. Not this time.
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fictionfromafar · 1 month
Pursued By Death by Gunnar Staalesen
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Pursued By Death
By Gunnar Staalesen
Translated by Don Bartlett
Orenda Books
Publication Date: 29 August 2024
One of the most enduring crime fiction series of all time is the Varg Veum series written by Gunnar Staalesen, with his debut novel in the series appearing in his native Norway in 1977.
It is purely chance that places Veum in a remote area away from his home town of Bergen when he happens to witness a meeting between a young man and two young women. When a short time later he reads that the man is missing, and circumstance places him back in the same area, the investigator within him cannot help to attempt to follow his trail. Yet despite his years of experience, he could never predict what he does find.
While unable to involve himself directly in this case isn't long before Veum is working on a possibly related investigation within the small and once booming finishing village of Solvik, lodging with a woman who he is forewarned "eats men for breakfast." Solvik is a location where the locals are at loggerheads. Since a local offshore salmon farm has been opened, the local wild fish stocks have been decimated, largely due to lice from the farm. While the venture remains profitable for those who run it, its presence causes a great deal of resentment for those who valued the natural environment. It's not just locals who have developed an interest in the village, journalists and environmentalists have been compelled to visit the location. Yet could those who have most to lose have really committed murder?
For several reasons, this book reminds me of the first Varg Veum that I ever read, We Shall Inherit the Wind, which I believe was the first ever published by Orenda Books. Like the earlier novel, the story is set in a remote area, it also features an element of modernity that divides the local community (a wind farm as opposed to a fish farm) and features themes of environmental protests and activism. That's not to say that Staalesen is in any way repeating himself but these elements and themes are a reflection of modern life which the author captures very effectively which remain extremely topical. Without casting any specific denouncement his portrayal of greed and also of the negative consequences of certain measures does mean that he treads a line as an observer which would find agreement from many of his readers.
The most agreeable element of the story is of course Veum himself who is our faithful narrator in every scene. Whether dodging the apparent advances of his landlady, chatting to locals in a nearly deserted local café or trying to convince a distant relative in the local police force that he is not trying to interfere in their case, he's a character that you relish spending time with and attempting to work out how the constituent parts of the story will come together seamlessly. The supporting cast also convince and their obstinance is particularly realistic.
Staalesen may well be an old hand but he certainly knows how to weave twists and surprises into his stories. Despite the high level of consistency of all his novels, I would have to say that I found Pursued By Death to be one of the best stories in the series that I've read so far.
Many thanks to Orenda Books for an advance copy of Pursued By Death and to Random Things Tours for inclusion on their blog tour. Please look out for the other reviews of this book as per the below tour poster.
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When Varg Veum reads the newspaper headline ’YOUNG MAN MISSING’, he realises he’s seen the youth just a few days earlier – at a crossroads in the countryside, with his two friends. It turns out that the three were on their way to a demonstration against a commercial fish-farming facility in the tiny village of Solvik, north of Bergen.
Varg heads to Solvik, initially out of curiosity, but when he chances upon a dead body in the sea, he’s pulled into a dark and complex web of secrets, feuds and jealousies.
Is the body he’s found connected to the death of a journalist who was digging into the fish farm’s operations two years earlier? And does either incident have something to do with the competition between the two powerful families that dominate Solvik’s salmon-farming industry?
Or are the deaths the actions of the ‘Village Beast’ – the brutal small-town justice meted out by rural communities in this part of the world.
Shocking, timely and full of breathtaking twists and turns, Pursued by Death reaffirms Gunnar Staalesen as one of the world’s greatest crime writers.
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One of the fathers of Nordic Noir, Gunnar Staalesen was born in Bergen, Norway, in 1947. He made his debut at the age of twenty-two with Seasons of Innocence and in 1977 he published the first book in the Varg Veum series. He is the author of over twenty titles, which have been published in twenty-four countries and sold over four million copies. Twelve film adaptations of his Varg Veum crime novels have appeared since 2007, starring the popular Norwegian actor Trond Espen Seim. Staalesen has won three Golden Pistols (including the Prize of Honour) and Where Roses Never Die won the 2017 Petrona Award for Nordic Crime Fiction, and Big Sister was shortlisted in 2019. He lives with his wife in Bergen.
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lsundarinfo · 5 months
Top 10 Motorable Passes in Australia and Your Foreign Driving Guide
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Australia, the land down under, beckons with its vast landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and iconic landmarks. But for the truly adventurous soul, there’s a unique way to experience its beauty: a road trip through its stunning motorable mountain passes. These winding ribbons of asphalt climb through breathtaking scenery, offering unparalleled views and unforgettable driving experiences.
This blog unveils the top 10 motorable passes in Australia, taking you on a virtual journey across the country. We’ll also provide essential information for foreign tourists planning a driving adventure in Australia, including international driving permits and camping recommendations.
Top 10 Motorable Passes in Australia:
Black Spur Drive (Victoria): Nestled in the Yarra Valley, the Black Spur Drive winds through lush rainforests and towering eucalypts. Take in cascading waterfalls, charming towns like Warburton, and stop for a spot of wine tasting at local wineries.
Great Alpine Road (Victoria): This iconic route stretches from Mansfield to Metung, traversing the Victorian Alps. Witness the majestic peaks of Mount Hotham and Falls Creek, explore charming mountain villages, and marvel at the ever-changing scenery.
McKenzie Pass (Queensland): Located in the Scenic Rim region, this pass offers panoramic views of the Great Dividing Range. Visit Lamington National Park for hiking trails and waterfalls, or explore the charming town of Boonah.
Springsure Savannah Way (Queensland): Embark on an outback adventure on this unsealed section of the Savannah Way. Drive through sandstone gorges, spot diverse wildlife, and camp under a blanket of stars in Carnarvon National Park.
Thunderbolt Pass (New South Wales): This scenic route in New England National Park is known for its dramatic drops and sweeping vistas. Explore historic towns like Hillgrove and Ararat, or take a detour to Wollomombi Falls, the tallest waterfall in Australia.
Kosciuszko Road (New South Wales): Climb to the highest point in mainland Australia, Mount Kosciuszko, via this scenic route. Enjoy snowfields in winter (check for road closures) or explore the stunning Kosciuszko National Park year-round.
Picton to Mittagong (New South Wales): This scenic stretch along the Hume Highway offers a glimpse of the Southern Highlands. Stop at historical villages like Berrima, visit wineries in the Mittagong region, or explore the beauty of Nattai National Park.
The Bluff (South Australia): Experience rugged Flinders Ranges on this scenic drive. Take in breathtaking views of Wilpena Pound, spot native wildlife like kangaroos and emus, and explore the rich Aboriginal history of the region.
Gibb River Road (Western Australia): This legendary off-road track in the Kimberley region is not for the faint-hearted. However, the reward is a journey through remote outback landscapes, with opportunities for swimming in waterholes, exploring ancient rock art, and experiencing true wilderness.
Great Ocean Road (Victoria): No list of Australian drives is complete without the Great Ocean Road. Cruise along the coastline, witness the iconic rock formations of the Twelve Apostles and Loch Ard Gorge, and explore the vibrant surf towns along the way.
Driving in Australia as a Foreign Tourist:
To drive legally in Australia as a foreign tourist, you’ll need to have:
Your valid driver’s license from your home country.
An International Driving Permit Australia (IDP).
An IDP translates your driver’s license into several languages and is valid for up to 12 months in Australia. You can apply for an IDP through your local motoring authority in your home country.
How to Apply for an International Driving Permit (IDP) in Australia (Online – Not Applicable):
There is no online application process for an IDP in Australia. You’ll need to apply through your home country’s motoring authority.
Best Places for Camping in Australia:
Australia offers a plethora of camping options, from national parks with designated campsites to caravan parks with amenities. Here are some recommendations:
National Parks: Most national parks have designated camping areas with basic amenities like toilets and fire pits. Popular options include Kakadu National Park (NT), Fraser Island (QLD), and Freycinet National Park (TAS).
State Forests: State forests often offer free or low-cost camping options. Be sure to check regulations and fire restrictions before setting up camp.
Caravan Parks: These offer a range of amenities like powered sites, camp kitchens, and swimming pools. They are a great option for those seeking a more comfortable camping experience.
Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Road Trip:
Plan your route: Research road
conditions, closures, and fuel stops beforehand.
Check the weather: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, especially in remote areas.
Pack for all seasons: Australia has diverse climates, so pack layers of clothing suitable for varying temperatures.
Respect the environment: Leave no trace behind and adhere to camping regulations in national parks and state forests.
Be aware of wildlife: Watch out for animals on the road, especially at dawn and dusk.
Carry a spare tire and basic tools: Be prepared for unexpected breakdowns.
Travel with a mobile phone: Ensure good coverage in case of emergencies. (Satellite phones might be necessary for remote areas)
Beyond the Drive: Exploring Australia’s National Parks:
Australia boasts some of the world’s most spectacular national parks, offering a plethora of activities beyond the scenic drives. Here are some suggestions:
Hiking: Tackle challenging trails in the rugged terrain of Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park or explore the ancient rainforests of Daintree National Park (QLD).
Wildlife watching: Witness the unique fauna of Australia, from koalas and kangaroos to crocodiles and whales. Take a boat tour in Kakadu National Park (NT) or explore the coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (QLD).
Aboriginal Culture: Learn about Australia’s rich Indigenous history through guided tours, cultural experiences, and rock art sites. Visit Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park (NT) or Kakadu National Park for a deeper understanding.
Australia beckons with a road trip adventure unlike any other. Explore the diverse landscapes through its stunning motorable passes, embrace the freedom of the open road, and delve into the country’s unique culture and natural wonders. By following these tips and recommendations, you can plan an unforgettable journey Down Under.
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katieroselee27 · 8 months
Blog #16/Jan 20.
The Madrid Rio Park mega project converted a highway into a large public park, working to reestablish a plant and wildlife population in the area and better connect the city. This park covered the old highway, working to establish better green space for the city and build the natural environment back up after it had been diminished by the highway. When the highway was converted into a park, the outer parts of the city were able to be better connected with the inner city of Madrid. The river that once divided the city now works to connect the city and give access to the park. Today the park is home numerous plants and animals, the river that was once barron has now been given a second life thanks to the park. Not only has the park largely benefited the plant and animal population it has also had a positive impact on the community. With playgrounds for children, walking trails, areas to bike, splash pads, grass spaces and numerous sporting areas the park gives people in Madrid a place for recreation and relaxation. This is a great example of how city’s can invest in projects such as this to better benefit the community as well as the environment. While this was an expensive project, I do personally believe it was worth the expense. This park directly benefits the public by adding green space, areas for recreation and a sense of connection to the surrounding city. What was once a large highway is now a space for people to enjoy. I think other city’s would also benefit from a project such as this. Personally if I lived in Madrid I would frequent this park often.
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