#Gregory Hirsch
knightsickness · 1 year
‘oughh tomgreg is queerbaiting if they don’t end up together’ tomgreg is literally already canon in more interesting ways than ‘they leave waystar and get married’. tom is psychosexually obsessed with the idea of corrupting greg/taking him under his wing, as the only roy he has any power to influence. this is text from the literal first episode. he’s delighted whenever greg blackmails him or is forced into doing cocaine or expresses a bitchy rich person opinion on champagne brands, and annoyed when he’s bad at white collar crime or mentions having principles. he’s got fucking lord henry syndrome by season 4 he’s realised that he’s created a nepo baby sugar baby fusion monster finally cocky enough to start flirting back and he’s immediately uncomfortable. greg is mentioned in tom’s divorce. it would genuinely be less gay if they kissed on the mouth and had a summer wedding if tomgreg happens onscreen i want it to be greg biting tom’s dick off or something. i hope they both go to jail
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ato-dato · 1 year
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The CEO makes the rules.
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ediblegoldstars · 3 months
would you boop me, greg? if I asked you? if i told you to?
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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(under my breath) what the ever loving fuck is wrong with both of them
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driften-sea-snake · 1 year
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it’s??? happening?????
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shivroy · 1 year
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sixty-seven after death
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mrclownery · 1 year
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you KNOW greg does not do sex talk right 🙄🙄🙄
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salbei-141 · 6 months
Be honest with me (Roman Roy x reader)
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: 18+, pure fluff and comfort, mentions of verbal abuse
a/n: Inactivity who? A rare update I know lol. Anyway y’all I’m so in love with him - honestly in love with all the Roy siblings, but Romulus got a special place in my heart <3
I love how late I jump onto writing trends for characters, but in my defence I've had this in the drafts for MONTHS. Anyway, hope you enjoy my loves <3
The apartment was silent, it felt too out of character, especially for Roman. The both of you lay in silence on his bed, still in today's clothes.
You move your hand slowly - scared that a sudden movement would cause him to suddenly get up and leave without warning. Tentatively, you inch your fingers onto his own - he said nothing, nor did he move. Gaining more confidence and desperate to comfort him knowing how loud his mind must be right now - you encapsulate his hand within your own. They’re soft and warm - Roman was always warm to touch. You feel his hand squeeze your own back - still no words being said.
You take a deep breath, feeling the need to break the silence finally, but before you can, Roman cuts you off.
“Please don’t,” his voice came out weak - he was usually so quick witted…he just sounded tired.
“Okay,” your voice was soft - a complete dichotomy to the tone he was used to from his father and siblings.
Another 30 minutes went by in complete silence - the both of your steady breaths being the only thing heard. Your hand still lay in his - he hadn't moved an inch unless it was to gently squeeze your hand every so often.
You turn on your side, slipping your hand out of his - he still didn't move. You decided to move closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder and draping your right arm across his chest that rose up and down with each breath he took.
You studied his face - he looked like he wanted to push you off of him, and yet simultaneously he was aching to pull you closer to him. Your touch was the only touch he felt safe feeling - you'd never hurt him, and he never doubted that thought for a second, but he was just so used to being alone and pushing people away.
You were desperate to hear his voice, to understand what was running through his head. You knew he was probably going to say some stupid quip to hide how he really felt, but you'd see straight through him; he knew this and it was the scariest thing to him - that you actually saw him.
"Ro...," you were gentle - a part of him just wanted you to shout at him and tell him he was a waste of space just like his father had - it was all he knew. However, you were just too kind, you actually cared for him, and not in the way his father cared for him - if you could call it that - but in a way that was so genuine and pure that it felt wrong to him, but he craved every second of it.
His gaze moved from the ceiling to your worried face - you looked beautiful he thought, he had always thought you were the most beautiful person he knew. "Yeah," his voice sounded small and tired.
"Are you okay?" the question was stupid, you knew he wasn't, but you wondered if he'd answer you honestly - if for once he'd be vulnerable with you, and truly let you into what was going through his mind.
"What? Pfft yeah I'm fine, real fucking good...just thinking about who has bigger tits - you or Gerri...I think Gerri does," there it was...he couldn't be honest with you for a minute if he tried - he'd rather say some crude shit and hope you'd be weirded out enough like everyone else and just leave him so he could avoid sharing his emotions.
You sat up, leaning on one hand as you stared down at him while he tried to avoid your gaze which was slowly glazing over with unshed tears. "Roman...please I-...can you just be honest with me?" your voice had a slight shake - scared that you were going to push him over the edge and he'd run.
He made eye contact with you, his heart clenching in his chest, no one had made him feel the way you could make him feel, and that scared him. He didn't know what to do - his mind was screaming so many things at him all at once that he couldn't really make a decision, so he stayed silent.
Several minutes passed of you both just holding each other's gaze then he opened his mouth tentatively, "Why do you care about me? Why can't you just call me a freak or a perv and leave?" You watched as his eyes reddened and glazed over as he tried his hardest not to cry in front of you. Had you cracked him? It felt bittersweet that he might finally just be honest with you, but the pain in his eyes was tearing at your heart.
You smiled, giggling softly as you lifted a hand to his cheek and wiped away a singular tear that had managed to fall, watching as he turned his face to meet your caress - he trusted you. "Because I fucking love you Roman".
"But why?" he interrupted you like a child would trying to understand such a foreign concept that you were trying to explain.
"There's no reason - I mean there is, you're...you. I love you Roman." You were so soft with him, it felt alien to him. It broke you that he couldn't fathom the concept of someone genuinely loving him, and in such a pure way too. This love wasn't like the love from his father, nor from his siblings - it was something so foreign that he couldn't understand it, but he liked it...he liked this.
You laid back down beside him, "Come here Ro...please" your eyes had such a soft stare - they were so warm and inviting, he couldn't object to the embrace you were offering him.
Roman inched across the bed over into your arms, wrapping his arm around your waist and burying his face in your chest, while you wrapped an arm around his back, holding him close to you. You fell into a comfortable silence, holding each other without a care in the world - it was just the both of you.
"I love you too, you know?" he muttered it so quietly that it almost went unheard, but a smile spread across your face at his confession. You knew that he had probably been having an internal argument with himself on whether or not he was actually going to say it to you; without any sarcasm too.
You felt your heart fluttering in your chest and you pulled him closer to you, "Yeah I know". You tilted your head down slightly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. He went to open his mouth to say some sarky comment, but immediately shut it - he didn't need to feel defensive around you, not now, and not ever.
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blodyhands · 22 days
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! :)) I can finally post this stupid drawing I did some time ago😎 I've been sucked into the succession fandom but fear not I am still very much not normal about kylux. And star wars in general
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attentionhoard · 10 months
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tom wambsgans + text posts v1
(tom v2 / tom v3 / tom v4 / more succ text posts)
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pridoo · 2 months
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I'm rewatching Succession again and my favourite horrible men are in trouble all the time, tomgreg truth
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Coveted boy
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thensson · 11 months
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On Kisses
Succession 3x7 || The Encounter, by Louise Glück || The Kiss, Auguste Rodin || GPS, Shauna Barbosa || The First Kiss, Salvador Viniegra y Lasso de la Vega || The Kiss, Gustav Klimt || Anita Ofokansi
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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"For the tyrants in a rut, I got a love For the gutless dogs, I got a love For the doomed youth, I got a love Won't you tell me please Why they got no love for me"
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