#Grelle sutcliff x reader
blues824 · 2 years
💚Can I please request (Ciel. Alois. Sebastian. The undertaker. Grell. madame red ) with the tanjiro s/o
🖤For the demons and shinigamis they are mesmerised by their soul it's so pure and rare th that they need extra protection to be safe.
💚Imagen them learning that they family got killed by a demon and turned her little sister in to a demon and doesn't hold a grudge against any others demon.
🖤(For the undertaker image him getting the okay from her to give her family a proper and beautiful burial instead of her makeshift one. And her being able to give them a proper good bye. 😢)
💚How whoud they react to her smelling gift. Breathing style and rock like forehead and what whoud be there reaction to seeing nezuko for the first time (madame red whoud see her as her child 😭)
I decided to add Claude because why not?
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Ciel Phantomhive 
Is questioning how you are able to not hold a grudge against the demon who turned your sister into a demon as well as killing your entire family. Are you sure you’re mentally okay? His parents were killed in a fire and he’s seeking revenge on the arsonists and murderers.
He noticed your sense of smell when you entered the room and you saw and smelled Ciel getting more and more angry. You went over and calmed him down before it got to a point of no return. He asked how you knew and you said you could smell it.
He probably loves your cooking a lot. When dinner time rolls around, he finds himself more excited for the main course rather than the dessert. Sebastian is grateful to you because the more healthy he eats, the better his overall attitude is.
When he meets Nezuko for the first time, he immediately questions the muzzle. You explain that it’s to lead her away from the tempting smell of mortal blood because she is still a demon. By the end, she gives him a hug and a nuzzle before returning to the box.
Ciel is concerned when Sebastian tells him that he can sense more demons lurking around the manor because they can sense your pure soul. He puts the house on mandatory lockdown and will order his butler to fight off all the demons outside.
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Sebastian Michaelis
Since you are his significant other and he’s a demon, he probably already knows about the horrible news of your family. It’s disgraceful to him. Even demons here were more sensible and reasonable than that.
He noticed your sense of smell when you had a very worried expression on your face and you ran to the kitchen. There, Sebastian found out that Bard was trying to blowtorch the meat so that it could ‘cook faster’.
From then on, you volunteered to help the chef in preparing meals. You told him that it would be volunteer work rather than being paid because you love cooking for others. Moving forward, the other noble families envied the Phantomhive Manor for their excellent food.
When he met Nezuko for the first time, it was a truly interesting sight. He is very tall and she’s very small. Eventually, she rushes in and gives him a big hug. He’s taken aback, but starts giving her head pats in return.
Because of what he is, he’s naturally very protective of you. You have shown him that love is possible, even for a demon. So when he senses more demons lurking around because of the purity of your soul, you get special guard-dog privileges.
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Alois Trancy
Is also questioning how you aren’t actively seeking revenge on the one who murdered your entire family. Hell, he’s even more mad when you tell him than you were when you discovered the bodies.
He notices your incredibly strong sense of smell when you take a huge whiff of the air and you sense a carriage arriving at the Trancy Manor. You tell him that it smells like Lord Ciel Phantomhive and his butler Sebastian. He sends a weirded out look to you.
He absolutely loves the food you make. In fact, he’ll throw a tantrum if you’re not the one who made his food for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He would even offer to pay you to do it everyday. You kindly refuse and say you’d do it for free.
When he meets Nezuko for the first time, he gets annoyed that she has a muzzle on and at one point tries to forcefully take it off. You patiently tell him that it’s for his safety because she’s still a demon and she’s probably stronger than Claude.
When Claude alerts Alois that you are basically a beacon for other demons, he is both angry and worried. You’re the only one who truly understands him and he won’t let you be taken away from him. Claude, go take out the rubbish.
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Claude Faustus
Like Sebastian, he probably already knows that you are a person with a very unfortunate past. He’s angry that a person as kind and forgiving as you had to go through such pain. But he’s impressed that you hold no resentment.
He notices your strong sense of smell when you sniff and alert him that Alois is going to get angry in a few minutes. He heads over and gives him some scones you made and tea before coming back and asking how you knew. You explained that you had a gift.
Alois was very happy after eating the scones, so Claude asks if he can receive the recipe. You volunteer to just make them for him whenever necessary if he liked them so much. The both of them are very grateful to you.
When he meets Nezuko, the height difference is very apparent. She has to crane her neck if she wants to look at him in his eyes. Eventually, she motions for him to bend over and gives him a few head pats before leaving.
Again, since he’s a demon like Sebastian, he’s very protective over you. When he senses other demons on the premises trying to get you and your pure soul, he’s angry. He suggests that you remain inside as much as you can so you don’t get attacked.
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He offers a proper English burial for your family, free of charge as long as you remain an apprentice in the funeral arts (so technically not for free). He’s happy to see that you don’t hold a grudge against all of demonkind.
He noticed your strong sense of smell when you had to mix the ingredients for the embalming fluid but they didn’t have labels. You opened the containers and took a small whiff from a small distance away. You were then able to make the fluid.
Unlike demons, Grim Reapers need to eat. That being said, he loves the food you make because it just tastes so good. He’s always excited when it’s your turn to cook supper because he knows that he’s gonna be eating good.
When he meets Nezuko, they connect instantly. They both have fairly upbeat attitudes in general, so you all are just the happy trio. Considering Reapers aren’t human, I think it would be fine if you took Nezuko’s muzzle off.
Anyways, he probably knows that you have a pure soul because he reaped souls for a while before becoming the undertaker. He also knows that it’s basically a delicacy to demons, so he makes sure that he either accompanies you outside or that you stay inside with him.
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Grelle Sutcliff
This is one of the very few times where she shows heavy remorse because she was probably the one to reap the souls of your family. She tells you that the films of your mother were especially sweet because she spent a lot of time with her family.
Through the films, she probably already knows about your sense of smell. You used it a lot when playing hide and seek with your younger siblings. She saw it in person when you were able to sniff out Sebastian and Ciel in the alleyway (iykyk).
She absolutely loves the food you make. She might even come into the kitchen and help where she can as a bonding experience between the two of you. It’s moments like these where your situation could be mistaken as somewhat normal.
When she first meets Nezuko, she squeals about how adorable she is. She takes her by the hand and puts all sorts of accessories into your sister’s hair. Nezuko seems to enjoy it because she’s not fighting against it.
Like the Undertaker, she probably also knows that you have a pure soul because she reaps a lot of filthy and impure ones. She can tell that you’re not like all the others. She knows that a bunch of demons will try to come after you, so she will do her best to protect you.
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Angelina Dalles-Burnett (Madame Red)
Grelle has probably told her about your family since she was the one to reap the souls. Angelina is absolutely horrified that the demon would do something so horrible to a person so kind and good-hearted.
She noticed your strong sense of smell when she came back from an… outing… with Grelle. You were able to smell the blood that was previously on her hands before she washed them. You were also able to smell the anger that was present during the time of her committing the crimes.
She does enjoy the food you make. She would tell you about her day as you both sit in the kitchen, just enjoying each other’s company. It’s usually not normal for a baroness to be in the kitchen, but it’s also not normal for a baroness to murder people.
When she first meets Nezuko, like Grelle she probably smiles in excitement. Your sister doesn’t seem to mind the extra attention or the extra dresses provided to her. You laugh as Angeline makes Nezuko twirl.
Grelle probably informs Madame Red about the purity of your soul and how a lot of demons will most definitely be after it. She’s obviously concerned, but she knows that you are strong enough to at least escape a messy situation if you need to.
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manias-wordcount · 9 months
Hi, I hope you are well.
Could I request a PlatonicBlack Butler x Demigod reader, please? (Sebastian, Ciel, Grell,Undertaker) You can pick anyone else if you want to. Thank you
Demigod Reader HCs (Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomive, Grelle Sutcliff, Undertaker)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Sebastian Michaelis
Sebastian thinks you’re “cute” in a way
Really, he thinks it’s adorable how you assume you’re more powerful than you actually are
In truth, you’re not really anything to worry about for a demon
And in general, you’re not anything to sneeze at 
Maybe you’re a bit stronger than the average person your size
Maybe you’re a bit faster than the average person your size
Maybe you’re this, maybe you’re that but in all actuality?
You’re just some kid to Sebastian
Of course, he doesn’t try to mess with you too much
He wouldn’t want to call upon the wrath of someone who actually is a threat like your godly parent
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Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel thinks you’re an enigma- just a little
In a world of angels and demons, being a demigod isn’t all too special
You’re not fully divine
And you’re not fully human
You’re far from the most powerful being he’s ever met
(Though you haven’t seemed to realize that)
But your existence does make him question things more
How does a god have a child with a human? What is the extent of your powers?
For those reasons, Ciel probably keeps you around
After all, studying your existence isn’t completely uninteresting
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Grelle Sutcliff
Grell does not give a shit LMAOOO
Like what is a Grim Reaper supposed to do with some random ass demigod
Naturally, she was a little interesting upon first meeting you
You don’t run into one that often after all
But upon meeting you, the interest fades completely
So what you’re a little bit more special than the average human?
It still doesn’t make you that special
So try not to take it to heart when she never seems particularly interesting in talking to you or what you’re doing
You really can’t blame her- especially when you’re hanging around far more powerful characters like Sebastian and such
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He’s fond of you
Chances are, you’re not a wet blanket like Ciel so he enjoys it when he can get a good laugh with you
And he doesn’t get to see many demigods
Plus the last few ones he saw were already dead so it’s nice to talk to one that’s alive
That being said, you’re not anything crazy special
So he doesn’t quite care much about beyond the fact that you have some connection to his world rather than just being a random human being
That being said, he is excited for the moment he gets to have you fitted for a coffin
He knows it’s a long time coming considering you’re a little harder to kill than the average human
But he’s excited either way
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pop-roxs · 1 year
omgg late valentines grelle x reader fic!! :3
this is like my second ever attempt at fic writing and my first time posting my work so please be easy on me 🙏
(this fic is now on ao3!)
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category: hurt/comfort
ship: grelle x reader
word count: 1,206(i wrote more than i thought oh my god)
reader is gn!!!
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Valentine's day is a day for couples to express their love for each other through chocolates and cards. It's a day for crushes to be confessed, and for friends to be cared for. This seems like the perfect holiday for Grelle. But she would say the opposite. Especially now.
It had been a long day at the dispatch, and frankly she was tired of seeing all the healthy and happy couples prance about the halls hand-in-hand. Upon arriving home, she threw off her coat and opened a bottle of wine, finishing about half of it in one go. She could cry if she cared. She just wanted the day to end.
William had been insistant on giving her as much overtime as possible. She would've enjoyed it, if it weren't sitting at her desk in her office, filing paperwork for what seemed to be an endless amount of hours.
It was almost midnight now, as she glumly walked over to her couch to sit down. She was exhausted, staring into nothing as her mind drew blanks. She hadn't even gotten chocolate. Not a single card. Not from friends, and she definitely didn't have any secret admirers. Why would she? Nobody at dispatch actually liked her anyways.
And so she sat there. For about a few minutes, until she heard very incessant knocking at her front door. She grumbled and ignored it. But then by the third round they were practically banging at her door, to which she finally decided to answer whoever wanted to visit her.
"...Y/N?" She stared at you, baffled, wondering why the hell you would be here. "Why are you here? Especially at this hour?..."
You tried to give her an answer, but you were panting so hard, your hands at your knees, trying desperately to catch your breath. "I'm sorry, Grelle, just... Give me a moment..."
She nervously stared at you as your breathing slowly calmed down, and this gave her a good minute or two to inspect your appearance. You were still in your uniform, but you were very much not dressed in a way you could present yourself. Your hair wasn't combed, and your laces were almost completely untied. It's almost as if you ran all the way to her apartment.
Once you finally managed to (mostly) calm down, you looked up at her, speaking in an urgent tone. "Grelle, I'm so sorry, I know I haven't seen you all day. I kinda skipped out on work today. Again, I'm sorry."
"Darling, just tell me why you're here. It's almost midnight. You should be asleep."
"And so should you." Grelle stopped talking after you said that. She let you continue. "I was gone all day because I..." You were afraid to say what you were going to say next.
"I was... Shopping. Looking for the right gift. For you." You looked away and held out a box of chocolates shaped in a heart, with a spider lily and letter taped to it. Grelle gasped quietly upon seeing it, staring at you for a minute. She gently took the box from your hands.
"Y/N, dear... Why did you get me this?" She looked up at you, biting her lip. She was afraid you were teasing her. Why in the ever living hell would you get her chocolates, anyways? And go out of your way to give them to her?
"...That's it? Just 'because'?"
"Ok, well, I guess it's deeper than that." You stood up straight, fidgeting with your nails. A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Well then? I'm waiting." Grelle stood leaning on one leg, her hand on her hip, the other holding the chocolates you gave her. She looked at you expectantly, one eyebrow raised.
Your eyes darted around nervously. Her apartment, the floor, the door, the hallway, anywhere but her face. "I... Well, it's not that important, really. I can tell you some other time. It is rather la-"
"Tell me."
When Grelle spoke to you with that stern tone, you shut up and finally looked into her eyes. You stalled for an incredible amount of time. The longer you waited, the more impatient Grelle became.
"Well, if you're not gonna say, I'll just go to bed." She started to close the door, and you panicked.
"W-Wait! I'll tell you." She stopped closing it, giving you one last chance to explain yourself. She kept her hand on the doorknob.
You closed your eyes as you braced yourself for what you were about to confess to her. "I like you."
Grelle's stern expression softened slowly after you said that. She looked at you in disbelief. No, this wasn't true. You were messing with her.
"Is this some kind of joke?"
When she said that, you immediately opened your eyes to return her gaze. You could tell that her eyes were beginning to water, but she was trying to hold it back. That look hurt.
"What? No! No, I'm not. I wouldn't joke about something like that, Grelle." You looked at her sympathetically.
She stared at you in thought. Her cheeks began to burn with a red color. She kept staring at you for what almost felt like forever. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure."
Grelle couldn't hold it in anymore, as a few tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked at you silently, biting her lip, her eyebrows upturned. You immediately began to worry when she started crying, fiddling with your hands, not know what to do.
"Oh my god, Grelle, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?"
She then quickly started to wipe her tears away. "Goodness, dear, I didn't mean to cry in front of you... This just isn't really believable right now."
"What do you mean by that?" Your heart ached further with her statement.
It was now Grelle's turn to worry, because when she saw your painful expression, she began to feel guilty. "Well... Nobody likes me. Nobody's ever liked me. You know how people treat me at dispatch. I just thought... I wouldn't guess that someone as pretty as you would bother with a woman like me."
"Grelle..." You took a few steps forwards, before wrapping your arms around her, resting your forehead on hers. "Please, believe me when i say this. I love you. I don't just have a small crush on you, or just think you're cute --although that is still true-- I genuinely love you. I don't think i could ever get over that without telling you."
Grelle continued to cry, as she returned your hug, still holding the chocolates. "Darling.. You will never understand how much this means to me. I've been pining on you for so long, I never expressed it since I never knew someone was capable of loving me."
"Please, never believe that lie again." You moved to press a sweet kiss to her cheek, silencing her worries. She looked at you, and her eyes were so full of emotion, sincere and unadulterated affection.
"Come inside, I have some wine we can drink. I would love to share these chocolates with you.♡" Grelle loosened her embrace as she led you into her apartment, to which she spent her best Valentine's night with you.
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bro i wrote this at like 2/4am tf
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autistic s/o hcs ; grelle
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requested by ; anonymous (06/05/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; grelle sutcliffe
outline ; “Hi!! i saw your autistic s/o with claude headcanons and i was wondering if you could do the same thing but with grell? thank you ! <33”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
she thinks that your physical stims are adorable — well, she thinks all of you is adorable — but she won’t really comment on it
verbal stims, like echolalia, are something that she’s neutral to and she’ll generally just respond to whatever you’re saying as she would regularly
if you need objects to help you stim and focus properly, or if you’re a sensory seeker, she’ll go out and try and find something for you — either taking you shopping with her or just asking you to make a list of the specific textures/objects you need for her to get
she’ll encourage you to infodump about your interests and hyperfixations — always happy to listen and engage with responses and questions (looking things up on her own time to make sure that she can keep up with what you’re interested in)
if you have a specific hobby that’s really stealing your focus then she’ll make sure you have whatever you need to pursue it (read: steal) — whether that’s wool for knitting, beads for jewellery making, pencils for art and so on
if anyone dared to speak or act cruelly towards you because of your autism — as many would during her era — she’s not afraid to get a bit rough
hell, she’s a reaper, it’s in her nature to be violent and murderous
so it’s barely even a doddle for her to go about torturing and killing those who lack what she would deem as appropriate levels of empathy towards those with divergent minds
she fully understands sensory aversions to certain colours and textures and lights — and she’ll happily adjust meals, outfits and such to accommodate you
she insists that no proper lady would let her love go uncomfortable for the sake of appearances — what a gentlewoman!
all in all she’s incredibly supportive in everything you do and isn’t afraid to throw hands for you — what a wonderful girlfriend you have
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sut4tcliff · 1 year
Snapshots of Domesticity
Grelle Sutcliff x gn reader!
As a celebration for getting past @transfemswagbracket 's 1st round, I decided fuck it why not get this Grelle x reader fic out of my brain
Slight content warning for reaper backstory stuff. It's only slightly discussed but still some tw for mentions of suicide. But it's fluffy overall!
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It wasn’t always easy dating a grim reaper, but you had grown accustomed to it, in a way.
It didn’t stop you from worrying as you stared out the window at the rain that pelted the London streets. It was pitch black out and the harsh wind made the rain almost pour sideways. Yet, in a perfectly-timed flash of lighting (to this day you didn’t know how the very world around her complimented her flair for the dramatic) your lover stood in the doorway.
“I’m guessing you got caught in the rain,” you commented, quickly getting up to remove her long crimson jacket, now sopping wet.
“What led you to that astute observation?” Grelle responded sardonically, exhaustion seeping into her voice as she sat down at the kitchen table.
“Hard day?” you asked, your voice soft. You handed her a towel to wring the rain out of her fiery red hair.
“What else is new? They always work us to the bone, rain or shine. You have no idea, darling. I mean, I’m happy you have no idea how this feels, but still…” she sighed.
You scooted a chair so that you could sit next to her, her still-damp head falling to rest on your shoulder. Of course you didn’t know how she felt in her eternal punishment. You often mentally cursed the wretched system that punishes those who were already suffering. Those who are now reapers only wanted a reprieve from the weight of this world. In return, a far heavier burden is placed on their backs. A punishment for feeling pain. There are few things in this world that seemed more cruel.
“Come here, sweet girl…” you say, your arms open wide.
Grelle immediately wraps her arms around you, finding solace in pressing her face into the crook of your neck, even though it makes her glasses press uncomfortably against the bridge of her nose. She takes comfort in how your hands card through her long red hair. After everything that she has been through, after everything she has done, you still hold her in your arms like it is where she belongs most in this world. And sometimes she thinks it is.
Grelle often finds herself thinking about what she has done, where she has been in her life and her afterlife. And all of it feels worth it when she gets to come home to you. She often cannot believe that she has somewhere she calls home after everything. Someone who she falls asleep with every night and wakes up next to every morning. Someone who helps her put on her makeup in the morning when she doesn’t have the energy to do so herself (even if you tend to smudge her lipstick one way or another).
You were one of the first people to tell her that you thought she was beautiful. You said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The sky is blue, the sun rises in the East, Grelle is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. Your words of kindness to her rest on the line between fact and poetry. And it is more than she could ever ask for.
But in this moment, you rest in your shared kitchen, in your shared home. You wait for her to remove her head from the crook of your neck, but you know she will not let go of you as you walk into your shared room. She would never give up the kindness of your touch, a kindness she is still so unused to. With her in your arms, it feels more like a dance than a walk, with the way you sway from side to side and the way her arms encircle you.
“Darling, you should change before we sleep. You don’t want to sleep in your wet clothes,” you say.
“But I don’t want to let go either. I want to stay in your lovely embrace!” She protests with her usual dramatic flair.
But eventually she relents. Re-entering your room in her long, flowing white nightgown. Typical for the current fashion.
And with that she returned to her sanctuary nestled against you. With her head buried in the crook of your neck and your legs tangled together. Her glasses sat atop your book on the nightstand, a snapshot of domesticity that still made your heart feel tender. And the girl in your arms smelled like home, like roses and iron and the coffee she so often drank. You could only watch with love as her eyelids fluttered closed over her chartreuse eyes
“I love you, darling.” she murmured, already half-asleep.
“I love you too, Grelle.” You responded with ease, the same way you’ve said over and over again.
You blew out your bedside candle and pulled her closer, listening as her breathing evened out. You closed your eyes and drifted into sleep, knowing that you would wake up to your favorite sight in the world.
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magicalara · 2 years
A Date to Amaze
"How would Grelle, Sebas, William, and Undie plan a first date with a fem (or gn) reader 🤔" requested by the lovely @cafeguaba-blog
I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!!
Includes: Grelle Sutcliff, Sebastian Michaelis, William T Spears, Undertaker x gn reader
TW: none :)
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❤ Grelle Sutcliff ❤
- When Grelle goes to plan your first date with her, she’s almost shaking thinking about it. Not necessarily out of nervousness, though the feeling is present, but more out of excitement. She is purely just…excited to be able to go out with you after having had feelings for you for so long.
-  We’ve seen her crush on William, that thing has been around practically since they first met; can you just imagine how long she waits before properly making a move on you?? Sure, there’s the flirting and subtle innuendos (with consent, she does make sure you’re okay with them first) that she makes, but like, that’s because it’s Grelle Sutcliff. If she isn’t flirting in some way or form at least once a day then there is something wrong.
-  But this?? No, this is special, and Grelle will make sure that you feel how much she really does care for you even if it kills her
- She knows that there’s that little niggling feeling of doubt that comes with her having a romantic interest in someone, what with the way she always talks about her dear Bassy and William and all. As such, she wants to be able to solidify that you are the only person in her sights. 
- Grelle has the absolute urge to go all out for your first date, extravagance is her forte, after all. However, she also knows that “above and beyond” isn’t the best approach to this. So instead of the super fancy and expensive dinner and best seats to the latest show at the theater, Grelle plans a nice dinner at a little hole-in-the-wall place she frequents when she’s out reaping.
- She still shows up at your doorstep with the nicest bunch of roses that she can find, and pays for dinner, and even walks you home afterwards, but she tries to keep the extravagance to a minimum. Grelle knows she doesn’t have to be dramatic around you, she can be the calmer, more real version of herself that she usually keeps hidden. 
- Towards the end of the night, as you both walk with your fingers interlocked and hands swaying slightly between you two, she realizes how nice it was to be able to just be…herself. Not the fabulous Grelle Sutcliff, red reaper, but just Grelle (though she most definitely is still fabulous)
- And if you end the date with the offer to cuddle up on the couch with some tea or wine or coffee, well, who is she to say no?
👿 Sebastian Michaelis 👿
-  Is Sebastian capable of love?? Let’s ask that question first. /j
- No, but in all seriousness, if you’ve managed to capture the heart of this demon, props to you because whew boy. Sebastian doesn’t just like someone, he doesn’t harbor little crushes, no. When Sebastian falls for you, he falls for you. You are all that he thinks about whenever he allows his mind to wander and as much as he might will himself to stop at first, he just can’t.
- And so he does the only thing he knows- he asks you out on a date. He thinks that it will be a cure-all to get rid of his feelings, but uh yeah no, that’s not how that works, silly demon. Our Sebas doesn’t know any better, though, and so, in his mind, a perfect date will get you out of his head and won’t cause any long-term issues.
- Let’s be honest here- anything Sebastian does will be perfect because that’s just how he is. But this date?? Oh, honey, he goes above and beyond to make sure everything’s extra perfect. He doesn’t want to get too far away from Ciel so your date will have to be on the grounds of the manor but he makes sure that everything is still as amazing as it would have been if you guys were somewhere else.
- Sebastian plans a nice picnic out in the gardens for the two of you to enjoy around sunset. Living in such a secluded area does have its perks, after all, and the sunsets are most definitely one of those perks. Sebastian knows a perfect section where you can just see the land stretch out as the colors of the sky are painted before your eyes.
- He admires your features as you admire the sky and, as it gets darker and darker, realizes that he really was in love and there was no way he could rid you from his mind or heart; no, you were there to stay. And so, once the sky was dark enough where he knew it was safer to bring you inside, Sebastian grabs your hand and does just that, promising a warm cup of tea and an even better view of the night sky from above.
- Your night ends with you leaned up against his side next to a window as he tells you stories of the stars and all the endless possibilities they hold, the demon next to you completely and utterly enthralled with how such a rough being such as himself could possibly deserve the angel next to him.
👓 William T Spears 👓
- William T Spears is a busy man who has no time for such frivolous activities like dating…right? That’s what he, as well as everyone else in the office, thought.
- But then, here you were, a member of the library staff, not only just as enthralled by reaper history as he is, but even more so enthralled by reaper history. Sure, he knew his quick facts here and there, but never did he think he’d be able to find someone who could practically recite every history book cover to cover.
- And that’s just the tip of the iceberg as to why William is absolutely captivated by you; you’re also amazingly sweet and nice to everyone, have really funny jokes, actually do your work, and are just captivatingly beautiful. It also helps that you work in the library bc that’s his favorite place and he has a thing for librarians 
- Anyways, because it’s been so long since Will’s thought of anything romantic, he doesn’t really know how to ask you out. So what does he do? Make what was, in his mind, not a very good decision at first. He went and asked the one guy he knew who knew everything about dating: Ronald Knox.
- Ronald’s shocked at first because William T Spears??? dating??? It’s a miracle y’all. But once the teasing went down, Ronald gets to business asking everything that Will knows so that he can help make sure this date is successful. He’ll even go in and be a wingman to his senior if need be.
- They find out your favorite flowers, drinks, food, activities, any and everything they need to. The best course of action seems to be a new exhibit at a museum that you took an interest in recently but haven’t had much time to visit. So when it comes time to ask you out, William shows up at the end of your shift with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and a proposition to go to the museum and maybe stop by a cafe afterwards if time permits. He’s all nervous on the inside, but is very good at hiding it.
- Obviously, you accept and the date goes just amazing. Both of you thoroughly enjoyed the exhibit with all it had to offer. William definitely did that thing where he just stands back and watches you as you get all excited with a small smile on his face.
- No kisses happen at the end once he’s brought you back to your apartment (he is a proper gentleman after all), but he does give you a hug goodbye and watches as he makes sure you get inside.
- Ronald hounds him the day after wanting to know how it went and bragging that of course it went well because William had the expert Knox on his side. William gives him overtime for the comment afterwards
💀 Undertaker 💀
- It had been so long since Undertaker had had someone who he thought of in such a way with such a strong prospect of it going well that he almost surprises himself at how happy he is whenever you end up walking into his shop. One thing’s for sure, though: he doesn’t want to mess this up.
- Undertaker knows he isn’t the best partner in the world, he runs an underground necromancy ring for heaven’s sake. But what he is good at is being romantic so his first date with you will be as romantic in his little way that he can make it. 
- He doesn’t really leave the shop very much (definitely not for dates, at least) so for your first date, he plans to take you stargazing on the roof. He bakes his little treats and makes that really good tea that he only saves for special occasions. There’s even an old telescope he drags out of his storage so you can see the sky better. 
- It’s a beautiful night out, but Undertaker definitely says that you’re more beautiful than all the stars in the sky. Wraps his arms around you from behind and sways as you just gaze out at the sky, humming any random tune that comes to his mind.
- Just lots of soft, whispered affection. Undertaker doesn’t really do the whole “date first, relationship later” thing, y’all are already together I probably should have mentioned that first oops. But basically, when he finds someone that won’t leave his mind and they aren’t leaving physically, Undertaker doesn’t waste time. Sure, he has all the time in the world, but he is all too aware of the fact that you don’t. 
- So he’ll spend as much time as he can giving you affection and showing his love for you, this “first date” is no exception to that rule. Undertaker is a romantic, but he also doesn’t do those huge grand gestures to show it; these moments under the stars are all that he needs.
- The date ends with him insisting that you stay over as it’s much too late for you to go home now and “No lady should be out wandering late at night lest they get into some sort of issues, especially when they’re as pretty and precious as you, m’dear.”
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one-hell-of-a-moth · 2 years
Not gonna lie I think its very motivating to think about self care in the way Grelle would be encourage me to do it.
She would be hyped for my skincare routine or even just the barest minimum, and like so enthusiastically
In short I want a redheaded girlfriend who tells me how pretty I look when my skin is moisturised and how much she enjoys spending time with me in my clean room.
Enthusiastic redhead girlfriend who loves me very much.
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Enmu is here ❤️
I hope you enjoy this~
Yandere Grell
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This would be one of the reasons why Grell would be interested in you.
She would love the red color your face made.
We all know how much she loves red.
Grell will definitely tease you about this.
She thought that would be cute.
This would also confirm her obsession with you…
AND as we've seen Grell Obsession can be… a lot.
She wouldn't let you be alone.
It feels like Grell follows you everywhere…
Because she does.
Very often…
This is a convenient way to avoid work lol.
Grell loves how red you turn around her.
She thinks that color would really suit you.
But she would also be jealous if you blushed around others.
Really jealous…
this could end in murder or kidnapping.
But she calms down when she learns that the feeling is mutual …
At least a little.
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hi can i request yan sebastian, grell and hell taker meeting reader as their soulmate bit reader is more likely to believe soulmate is not real and theres not such things as true love or destiny
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Soulmate | Yandere Black Butler
Naturally in a world where demons, rogue angels, and grim reapers run rampant love and procreation aren’t exactly expected. But their creators gave them an out—a symbol randomly given to someone stamped with a soulmate status.  Many would consider it a weakness but many others would consider it a strength of its own. Either way for them a soulmate is one in a million and they’d be foolish to let you escape whether you believe it or not:
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Sebastian Michaelis
“What a glorious surprise is this?”
He never expected to find his soulmate in the devout hater for all things non-human
He’s delighted with the challenge you offer 
Always keeping him on his toes
What a treat
He only really has a problem when you start successfully trying to escape
Expect to be moved into the Phantomhive Manor pronto 
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“Hehehehe what a morbid turn of events.”
To have your rejection before the revelation of being his soulmate
But what can you really say when you’re supposed soulmate is a grim reaper
Who is more than delighted to experiment with the topic of death with anyone who you seem interested in you
He doesn’t see you as a weakness not until you prove it to him
Otherwise he’ll decide you need to take a permanent staycation in his care
Or keep you running either one works
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“What?! You?!”
Doesn’t immediately get the connection
Whether its an obvious vision or a physical sign
He doesn’t immediately peg you for soulmate material
Especially when you scoff at the idea of that being even being a thing
But Grell isn’t a stranger to rejection
So your protests will mean nothing 
Nothing more than a new side of you to learn about 
And as your soulmate its a given that he know everything there is to know about you
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yubiina · 2 years
I can't believe the death of Queen Elizabeth literally revived the Black Butler fandom back to life for like 5sec and brought it together like a fucking high school reunion goodbye.
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
I'd love to see something with Grell x reader, maybe what you think a date might be like? ❤️
Date Night HCs (Grelle Sutcliff)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 !! 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗶 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆/𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗶 𝘂𝘀𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗥 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗲, 𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗮 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲??? 𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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To sum it up in two words, you would have to say fun (obviously, it’s Grelle) and awkward
Nononononononono you adore them !!!!
And they’re so easy to talk to
The problem is that they adore YOU twice as much
So when meeting out in public, things can get a little hectic
Absolutely 100000% will scream about how adorable you look when you’re approaching from far away
And will show up with the biggest bouquet of flowers for you as a gift
And nearly dies inside when you’re the one reaching for their hand to hold as you two start walking
A date with Grelle is probably the whole nine yards too
Dinner, a show, maybe a walk around the shops or a nice garden
Of course, Grelle might be fidgeting and getting a little bit bored throughout some of the little less entertaining aspects of the night
But in the end, they’re doing it all for you <3 so they can handle a night that’s not really their forte as long as you’re enjoying yourself !!
Just remember to give your favorite reaper a kiss goodnight when it’s over
As long as you’re ready for them to smoother you with affection for a couple more minutes after the date was supposed to be over teehee ;]
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pop-roxs · 9 months
hiiii idk if i wanna post this on ao3 or not so you guys tell me pleaseeee
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relationship(s): grelle x reader words: 533 extra: no warnings should apply, reader is just a sickly little guy and grelle takes care of them(noooo i didnt write this cuz im sick rn wdymmmm)
reader is gn!!!
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You laid in bed, lips slightly parted, which allowed you to breathe, as you heard footsteps drawing closer to you. You felt a weight be placed on the edge of the bed you laid nearest to, and a hand touched your forehead. You opened your eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart. Are you feeling better yet?” the redhead asked. You shook your head, and she frowned. “I’m sorry…”
You were going to speak up, to tell her that she had nothing to apologize for, but your clogged nose and itchy throat decided that you weren’t going to speak comfortably for a little while. You moved her hand from your forehead down to your cheek, and she leaned down to kiss the spot where her hand previously was.
“Do you need me to get you anything? You have water, tissues, and medicine when need be… Do you need something warm to eat?” You nodded. “Alright, darling. You wait right here.” Grelle stood up from the bed, walking out of the room and presumably to the kitchen. You turned over to close your eyes again.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about all of this. You got just a little cold, and now Grelle is all over the apartment trying to make you feel better. You didn’t like these thoughts, so you let your body relax, and you drifted into a nap.
Grelle slowly opened the bedroom door, and once she saw you asleep, she made sure to be extra quiet as she made her way around the bed and to the side you were sleeping on. She gently placed the bowl of soup she had made on the nightstand next to you, crouching down in front of your burning face. She pouted. “Poor dear,” she whispered, as she caressed your hair and placed a few kisses along your cheek. She paused when she heard you grumble and saw your squinted eyes
“Good morning.” It was 1:24 PM. “You look awful. I wish I could do more to help.” You reached your arms out to her, beckoning her to join you in bed. “Oh, really? You’re so sweet to me. Of course, ma cherie.~”
You scooted back to make some room for her, and she gently pulled up the covers, sliding underneath them and holding you close. She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, both your arms around each other. Her smile was sweeter than ever. You pulled her closer, resting your head against her chest, but she could tell that you were trying hard to not get any mucus on her.
“My love, you look uncomfortable. As your partner, it is my sworn duty to look after you when you are sick. Don’t worry about me. Worry about yourself.” You looked up at her for a moment, before sniffling, and deciding to just tuck your face into the crook of her neck.
She pet your head once more, holding you tight and whispering in your ear, “I love you so much, my dear. You’re safe with me. Rest, now. I’ll take care of you.” So you closed your eyes, drifting into another nap, this time feeling as if you’ll have sweet dreams.
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im gonna die right here also yes. i reused the grelle divider from my valentines fic. leave me alone i couldnt be bothered to go looking for a good panel to take a picture of
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
innocent s/o hcs ; grelle
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requested by ; anonymous (04/09/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; grelle sutcliff
outline ; “i dont remember if i already requested this but may I request sfw and nsfw hcs (or scenario) of grell with an innocent s/o (preferably fem) pls? have a nice day/night :]”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
now let’s make one thing clear before anything else: grelle sutcliffe is absolutely crazy about you and loves every little thing about you from your ‘flaws’ to your strengths — including your innocence, even if it can leave her a bit frustrated at times when the exact motivations behind her dramatics goes a bit over your head and you just don’t get what she’s practically begging for (granted, in a very roundabout way)
she’s basically always hanging off of you or touching you in some way (hand holding, holding your arm, hugging you from behind, cuddling into your side, resting her head on your shoulder, fake fainting into your arms, kissing you anywhere and everywhere etc.) — and once you’ve established that you’re comfortable with it, not all of her touches are innocent in intention and a great many are intentionally very flirty and suggestive with a goal of getting you to reciprocate her gestures in kind
so having you not understand her intentions or miss them so distinctly that you’re just smiling and earnestly complimenting her is both heartwarming and frustrating to her — yes she’d much rather you were all over her like she is you, but she also loves you for your innocent streak so she can’t even bring herself to complain much (not beyond an overly dramatic sigh before she corrects her actions to become much more blatant so you have that ‘oh? oh.’ moment and give her what she wants)
she’s fiercely protective over you, even more so than she would be otherwise, because of your innocence and she’s been known to threaten or ‘dispatch’ anyone who might pose the slightest threat to your well-being and/or your innocence — including a very emotional confrontation with her once dear ‘bassy’ when he tried to flirt with you, and the murders of a few dozen humans for trying to harm you
she finds a great deal of solace in your relationship and in you — you are her island, her reprieve, where she can be herself without experiencing that same darkness of judgement and cruelty and sin that took her life the first time around (your innocence makes you kinder than most, easier to love than most, and if she wasn’t already dead then she knows that she’d die for you if it meant keeping you safe — and that thought, that level of attachment, no longer scares her like it used to)
the pet names she uses with you are also changed by your nature and how different you are to her because of it — of course she still calls you ‘darling’, but she’s also been known to use pet names like ‘angel’ and ‘sweetheart’ and ‘my heart’ when she’s feeling especially dramatic
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Black Butler Characters reacting to their S/O calling them beautiful!
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Ciel Phantomhive
He's immediately blushing and stuttering and fumbling over his words. He's not used to receiving compliments but one from you? There's no way he can play it cool and try to brush it off. He clears his throat, finally making eye contact and a small, kind of awkward "Uhm. Thank you." That is only just audible, leaves his lips.
Sebastian Michealis
He's a little taken back at first. He's awear this form and this act he puts up is extremely attractive and he's received countless compliments and praises for it but its rare someone calls him beautiful. He smiles softly and leans closer, taking you hand and placing a kiss on the corner of your lips. He leans close to your ear and whispers, "Nowhere as beautiful as yourself, dear." Before backing up again.
William T Spears
Although he's used to the constant flirting and compliments from Grell, a compliment from you? How is he supposed to be able to hide that red hue on his cheeks and the small flutter in his stomach. He stutters out a thank you before quickly taking his leave. Oh my you really do have an effect on him.
Grell Sutcliff
She does a slight double take. It's rare she receives compliments at all, much less one's that leave her feeling like this! A blush grazes her cheeks and she's only just able to keep the eye contact between the two of you. She takes your hand and plants a soft kiss on your cheek, her red lipstick leaving a small mark. She smiles and finally says, "Thank you, darling, although that sort of compliment suits you just as well."
Alois Trancy
A blush rushes to his cheeks and he looks in awe of you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling gently. He doesn't often receive compliments and a compliment from you means the world. He leans a little closer, "Thank you hunny." He says softly, kissing your hand.
Claude Faustus
Like Sebastian, he's a little suprised at first and takes a moment to process what you said. He smiles softly, an almost rare sight, and he takes your hand kissing it softly. "Thank you, dear." You set off an instant spark of love in his heart and although you can see his beauty to him nothing would ever compare to yours.
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magicalara · 2 years
Your Dreams Come True
A Grelle Sutcliff x reader story I made while listening to “When You Wish Upon a Star” because Disney is the easiest way to my heart. Enjoy!
TW: None :) All fluffy love here folks
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It’s the times like these where Grelle never even thinks about regretting committing suicide all those many years ago. Swaying with you, her lover and best friend, in her arms, the smell of freshly baked cookies in the air, and slow Disney songs on loop; yes, this certainly had to be the best timeline.
As “When You Wish Upon a Star” played its final notes, the woman in red took a peek at you laying with your head resting in the crook of her neck. Half-asleep, you looked up at her through your lashes mumbling a little “Hi” to her before going back to snuggling up to her, letting more and more of your weight lean on to your lover.
“Hi, darling,” she said with a little chuckle, “you look pretty comfy there, hmm?” 
She laughs as you nod your head as best you can. Grelle can’t blame you, her pretty little thing, for being so tired. You, who spent the whole day letting her drag you around shopping for this and that, holding all her bags without so much as a complaint. You, who then came home and made her favorite cookies and spent the evening laughing and eating said cookies. You, who demanded she dance with you once the Disney songs came on. You, the love of her life.
“Why don’t we get to bed, hmm, dear? You go on to the bedroom and change while I clean up here, alright?” Grelle whispers against your head, pressing a little kiss against your temple before you nod and start to make your way to the bedroom.
Sighing as you walked away, Grelle thought once again, yes, this was the best timeline she could be living in. She could only pray that the rest of the universe would let her have this love for the rest of her eternal life, no matter how unrealistic that may be.
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shiganshinaslut · 8 months
Cockwarming with Grell :( You sit on her lap with her cock deep inside your cunt, nuzzling your face against her chest in an attempt to hide how flustered you are as she rubs her pretty hands up and down your waist and coos at you, telling you how pretty you look dripping on her cock :(
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