violetmagician · 2 years
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Miss Gritta/Glitter from ToQger
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Gritta Ley on a vintage postcard
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asknarashikari · 9 months
Toqger, Kiramager, and King-Ohger reactions to Gritta, Mabushina, and Himeno having tea together and talking about things.
Himeno: Do you regret your decisions, Lady Gritta?
Gritta: No... I've come to terms with them.
Mabushina: *smiles* That's good. What else should we do as Ladies of royalty.
Himeno: A painting of us three together. Then a "girls just want to have fun" in the shopping district.
Gritta and Mabushina: *agreeing to the proposal*
...I guess they're just glad they're getting along?
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pulaasul · 1 year
Candelilla, Luckyuro, Gritta, Kleon, and Wiserue... these five meeting together, how chaotic would things get? I know for sure that Gritta would be the sane woman in the group lol.
and would also get the brain cell.
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millecrepe · 2 years
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Gritta and Kagura being best friends commission I got from my friend @hazardlevei aren’t they absolutely lovely? Best girls alert!!!!
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kabutoraiger · 11 months
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biomic · 7 months
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mr super sentai himself hideaki tsukada!!!!
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Ressha Sentai ToQger
“Ressha Sentai ToQger will be departing at 7:30. Please make sure not to miss your connection.“
February 16, 2014 - February 15, 2015
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tokulilguysshowdown · 1 month
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danjaley · 7 months
Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns
My favourite book in elementary school (and I still like it today)
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In my last book post I wrote that I first heard of Anne of Green Gables when the girl who bullied me in elementary school presented it as her favourite book. So I thought I might show you the book I held my presentation about.
Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns (The Life of Gritta, High Countess of Ratsareathomewithus) is a fairy-tale-novel by Gisela von Arnim. It was written in the 1840s but only rediscovered and published in the 20th century. It was adapted as a screenplay and simplified children's book by GDR author Christa Kożik. This was the version I read aged eight and loved to pieces. I also saw the film once, but I didn't love it as much as the book. It has some very good songs, I remember.
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The story is about Gritta, a girl countess who lives with her father, an inventor, at their run-down castle some time in the 18th century. She loves to read and she's friends with the Queen of the rats which populate the castle in abundance. One day a runaway spoiled noblewoman takes refuge with them and Gritta's father falls head over heels in love with her. They marry and Gritta is sent to a horrid convent school. There she discovers a plot: Young girls are sent to the convent. Once they're there, the nuns find ways to grab their inheritance and keep the girls locked away. This was the fate her stepmother ran away from. Together with ten of her friends Gritta escapes from the convent.
Here the two versions take slightly different paths. In the modern one, the girls live at an abandoned farm for one summer until they return to their homes. Gritta proceeds to the capital city, where she finds her family again. They've lost their remaining money and have gone to sell an invention to the king: A catapult throne that will save him in case of revolution. A twist that you rarely meet and I really loved: Poverty and the birth of a son have turned Gritta's spoiled stepmother into quite a responsible and likeable person and she apologizes for her behaviour. Gritta had already met the king's son while she was on the run. He smuggles her into the palace of his naive and gluttonous father. There she reveals to him the doings of the corrupt royal advisor, who is also at the bottom of the convent's plot.
While this was a quick summary of the simplified version, the original runs absolutely wild. After the girls escape the convent, they go on an adventurous journey, which becomes increasingly fantastical. Some episodes seem prototypical of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz. Finally they get shipwrecked and build up a new life. But their "lonely island" is in fact a valley near the capital. Here the story in which Gritta reunites with her family and saves the kingdom comes back in. In the end the girls set up an alternative convent according to their own rules. Except for Gritta, who in this version actually marries the prince and refurbishes the kingdom, but of course stays their friend.
I think if I'd read this as a child I would have loved that the focus stays on Gritta's girl-gang. They have so many more adventures here. I always thought the modernized story dismissed them too quickly. Not sure what I would have made of the fanciful nature of their adventures. One of my favourite characters today is Wildebeere (Wildberry), one of the girls, who starts out as a botanist, but is later adopted by wood-elves and becomes a sort of forest spirit. And I'd certainly have struggled with the over-the-top 19th century language. Though that makes up the poetry of it.
I've kinda outgrown the modernized version today. As a historian I can't help noticing the GDR mindframe. Indeed the original was written before the 1848 revolution and pokes some acid fun at absolutist monarchy, aristocracy and the church. That's the most likely reason it wasn't published. But the adaptation presents the messages rather bluntly - to children who don't have the foggiest idea what were the problems in 1848.
On a related note, I feel today that the modern book made Gritta a bit too sassy. She's much more gentle in the old one and as so often this clashes in scenes where she's supposed to be insecure. Some scenes actually get funnier with her acting all demure, like the one where she locks the king in a cupboard. Also, I'm all for the concept of becoming an independent spirit through reading. But as a book-historian I can tell that you don't become a cheeky kid by reading a library full of 18th-century books.
What also fascinates me today is the story how Gritta was rediscovered in the archives in the 20th century. The manuscript had been scattered over several bequests and wrongly attributed to Gisela's famous mother Bettine von Arnim. I kinda envy the guy who pieced it together. But I should be content with my lot, because that's exactly the sort of thing I'm doing in my PhD project right now.
Actually this book relates to the McCarrics in two very peculiar ways: For one thing, Gisela von Arnim was the great-granddaughter of Sophie von la Roche, after whom I named Marianne's family.
Then, according to my mother, my first two stories ever were two endless nonsensical serials I always updated her on, aged around three. The first was called The Lady of the Rats' Castle. Sadly I don't remember anything about it and my mother says it didn't have any rememberable plot. Possibly she bought me Gritta because of it.
The other was called The very Elegant Scottish Girl. I remember I started this one because I loved my red tartan skirt and my father had told me that in Scotland everyone is always dressed in tartan, even the men! So I thought this country must be the epicentre of nobility and elegance. I just love that these two titles still reflect my literary activities to the present day.
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mo-ok · 10 days
couple notes now that the Cossack dust has settled and we finally have our final team composition
Theres more variety in how they mix and match/split up the team these days and its cute (but also can we put france and kenya back together please)
They call new cossack Jin more often than they call him cossack and its making my heart hurt
Jin warmed up to the team quickly which i appreciate. He's still got that aloof personality but he feels like a more welcome presence now
Maria is a fun miss america and i'm glad she's here i just wish she'd been here from the beginning
Every time she gets to do stuff i'm screaming and cheering (its especially great when they team her up Keiko and Tomoko)
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eolewyn1010 · 11 months
@bookshelfdreams tagged me for some intel my Stasi guy isn't yet privy to. Nepomuk, take notes!
favorite color: I tend to call them "velvet colors", and what I mean is dark but not muted colors (death to this decade's everything-needs-to-be-a-shade-of-beige-or-grey mentality!), a rich, juicy, deep red or blue like a velvet would have.
last song: Spotify says it's Reinhard Mey's "Der Mörder ist immer der Gärtner" XD Oh, the taste...
last movie: repeated The Old Guard <3
currently watching: The last season of Downton Abbey, The Sandman, still catching up on Blind ermittelt, She-Ra with my sis / bestie (we're on two different mileages), and started Brooklyn Nine-Nine ...don't talk to me or my undiagnosed ADHD; I'm beyond criticism and saving.
other stuff I watched this year: Nimona (beloved!), 2003's Peter Pan, a series of cringe Christmas romcoms (don't ask), Castlevania, Venom: Let there be Carnage, Gladiator, Knives Out and Glass Onion (I started catching up on all the well-known shit everyone else has already seen. Still shirking Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death seasons 2, respectively.)
shows I dropped this year: I'm about to drop The Witcher; thought I'd watch it for improving my common media knowledge, but I'm through the first season and I just don't vibe with it.
currently reading: Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (trying to find out if I CAN still read it without constantly being bitter and angry), Terry Pratchett's Mort, Bettina & Gisela von Arnim's Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns, and my newbie, Alice Bell's Grave Expectations (My friend reignited my passion for reading. I take no responsibility. Good day, sir.)
currently listening to: Nothing in particular; I'm currently more into watching series on the side than into background music.
currently working on: my depression, writing a letter, tidying up EVERYTHING from my hard drive to my recipes to my drawings to my internet fave bar
current obsession/s: Downton Abbey's costumes. I'm mostly over the character writing by now, but the costumes. Be still, my rotten heart. Also, for some strange reason, Halloween. It was never a holiday I particularly cared for, but this year? Hell yeah, bring on the bats and eerie lights and the Wild Hunt! I even carved a glowy pumpkin.
tagging if you wanna share important data: @mordsfesch @str4wanzerin @carlomainzinger @chrisoels @khalaris @chucklepea-hotpot @itsyveinthesky @cricrithings @mutantenfisch and @annahamiltonsstuff
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asknarashikari · 1 year
I would like to add Gritta from ToQgers from this pile. Even if her name doesn't really fit XD https://asknarashikari.tumblr.com/post/714309781443297280/super-sentai-reactions#notes
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I feel like people are going to judge whoever picked her worse than the one who picked Bandora lol
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from female German forenames, excluding the letter "H"
Adlexa Agabea Alene Alexana Aliannen Alinentia Alise Altrauke Amardmun Amonike Anade Anadlexa Anegard Anelise Anete Anettia Aniese Aniesi Aniette Anike Aniki Anjane Annanne Annellies Annid Antja Anuelmine Anzilorg Appolen Apporomi Ariesbert Aristana Astena...
Barda Barga Bargrebe Bargrina Barliande Barmaja Barole Beatrista Belenca Belgabi Berlina Bilie Birgina Birja Birmeta Birmga Birtam Brina Brude Caraukrea Carida Carie Carje Cekla Cilde Conja Consammel Corika Coriola Coritte Corne Corosa Cäcilke Dalia Danne Dansena Dionorde Dionste Diotten Doreika Dorie Doriesl Dorina Dorna Dorola Doronie Dorott Ebore Ebura Edwie Edwigisa Edwigitte Efangerie Effia Effiana Eidel Elardmun Elfra Elfrid Elgarde Elies Elina Elleonja Ellia Ellinete Ellydia Elmina Eloni Elotinike Elsberd Emaretita Emarissi Emarne Emelexi Emerlen Emete Emittia Ereglis Erliese Eroly Ertraud Ertun Evanja Fankarlia Fannel Fantia Fraud Fraulise Fregine Frete Fretrit Fries Frisepi Frixi Fränzi Gabritte Garaud Garga Garia Garie Garlie Gebeke Gebke Geboreza Gelle Gerid Gerlike Germani Germet Gertra Gertranie Gesta Giskate Gissa Gissane Gissard Gista Gitina Grega Gregine Greida Grenata Grete Greterise Gretriesi Gretta Greya Grika Grike Grina Grine Grise Gritta Gulia Gunde Ildagna Ildentia Iliane Iloista Immargret Imonja Imonsel Inadia Incarisa Inike Irgard Irisa Irmga Irsula Jetia Jolen Josabe Jossa Josweidi Julana Juliste Julla Jundela Kaelka Kaeta Kaetene Karam Karauke Karde Karga Kargitta Karika Karisa Karliesl Karne Karoly Karoti Katenja Katjanne Katje Katra Katrun Kinni Klanne Kolanja Kolina Konorina Koret Korette Kregard Krene Krina Kätia Lannies Leidren Lenrida Leoninza Leonotte Lesard Lessanne Lexantrud Lianne Liedionja Liesa Likorta Lildelia Lillise Lingrela Lista Liste Listrute Loiste Lonsa Loresl Lorgargit Lottam Luciline Lucille Ludianke Luditina Luisa Luisanni Luista Lukretta Lukridi Luziane Luzilke Luziseffi Lydinanna Lympie Lätia Lätin Lätine Madelinde Madia Madinema Madioni Madja Magarg Magarit Magdalie Magna Malene Manne Marda Marde Mardulise Mareida Marelesam Mareta Margard Margarda Margare Margarin Margina Margitte Margrise Maricke Marid Maridi Mariga Marigine Maris Marisa Marisanne Marisbea Marja Marje Marle Marlen Marlenja Marlika Marlina Marliste Marlistra Marne Marola Marolga Maromine Marose Matiane Meide Melfia Melie Mellie Melsel Menike Merta Micke Milda Milja Milke Millympie Minel Minike Mirgabel Netefanna Nieta Nikolen Niktora Norne Notine Olgargot Olotte Osabina Osele Patrunike Paulie Pauta Pepie Petta Plotta Plotte Poleoni Polgud Polone Porsuse Raudiola Reboret Regit Reikki Relkard Reneta Reste Resze Retabelie Retamut Retrie Rette Rettina Riannady Rigine Ritta Rolard Rolaula Romina Rosannet Roselot Roseltra Rosemine Rosena Rossa Rossi Rottale Rotte Sabele Sabrudi Sabrunda Sanda Selene Seleoni Sella Selmin Seltranja Sibylla Sibyllaud Sigarne Sigerosa Sigitia Silda Simmilde Sinde Sinen Singrid Sintia State Stine Susalen Sweike Swittane Sybina Sylvikare Tanemun Tanna Tanne Teffia Torne Tortra Traudia Traudwie Traulie Trautta Trikka Trisefa Uliede Uliste Ullenrisa Uraudra Urstia Usantin Usilia Vanate Vanne Verike Vertra Viani Vianke Vikara Vinetta Virja Vrola Walene Walie Waltrine Weidianni Weika Wenide Wenike Wigabris Wilia Wilina Winstrun Zente Zölen Zölena Zölexa
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millecrepe · 2 years
gritta toqger is one of my favourite sentai character you wouldn’t get it she’s so dear to me
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