#Grooming Adepts
astrocafecoffee · 3 months
Groom Persona chart Observation ✨
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💖 1st house stellium in GPC means your fs maybe someone who is noticeable and stands out in social situations.
💖 5th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be an artist, musician, writer.
💖 7th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be attractive and socially adept, drawing others to them with their magnetic personality and charisma.
💖 Union (1585) in 1st house meaning meeting your fs while attending social events, gatherings, or parties where you can connect with new people/ professional connection/ shared interest.
💖 Union in 3rd house means you can meet your fs during short journeys or travels close to home.
💖 Union in 8th house means you may meet your fs in context where there is a shared investment and mutual dependency, such as through work, joint projects or shared social circles.
💖 Juno in Capricorn means your fs is known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. They may be highly driven and motivated to achieve success in thier career, personal goals and relationships./ Could be famous too .
💖 Juno in Sagittarius means they can be a foreigner, philosophical and open minded.
💖 Juno in Taurus means your fs may prioritise creating a stable and secure home environment and may value financial stability within the relationship.
💖 Juno in leo means your fs may be confident, outgoing and enjoy being the center of the attention in social settings., Creative, generous, romantic.
💖 sun in 11th house means your fs is likely to possess a charismatic and Magnetic personality within their social circles ,may value friendship highly and their social network may play a significant role in shaping their identity and opportunities.
💖 Sun in 12th house means your fs may be introspective and contemplative with a rich inner world that is not always readily apparent to others.
💖 sun in 6th house means your fs may prefer predictable schedules and organized workflows that allows them to efficiently manage their time and responsibilities., Possess strong problem solving skills and an analytical mindset.
💖 Juno / groom/ Venus in Sagittarius or 21°/9° or in Aquarius or in 9th /12th house means a Foreign spouse.
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💖 Venus in 5th - creativity, music/ art , your fs may have a strong desire for children or a nurturing instinct towards family life.
💖 Venus in 10th house - ambitious, successful, well liked , respected spouse.
💖 Fama in 1st / 7th house - could be famous spouse.
💖 POF in 4th house - fs may have a deep connection to their cultural background or family traditions., May have interest in real estate or property related work.
💖 leo rising means your fs may have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation.may carry themselves with Grace and poise projecting on air of authority and nobility.
💖 Virgo rising -Fs may be modest and humble , health conscious, possess a discerning eye and critical mind.
💖 Scorpio rising - fs may have mysterious allure and a penetrating gaze that leaves a lasting impression on those the encounter, have a rich inner world with complex emotions that run Deep.
💖 industria(389) in 3rd house - your fs career-
musicians, blogger, public relations, possess creative ideas, small business owner.
💖 industria in Libra - your fs career may be something with public relations or marketing, art or design, legal advocacy, or event planning.
💖 industria in Aquarius - you fs may be in technology or IT specialist, social activism , scientist or researcher, humanitarian work or international development.
💖 industria in Pisces - creative arts , healing arts , oceanography or marine conservation, healing arts , charity work.
💖 Industria in Aries - entrepreneur, may thrive in leadership roles , sales , marketing, or sports management.
💖 industria in Taurus - financial sector, buisness ownership, agriculture, horticulture, real estate, painting, sculpting or in music composition.
💖 industria in cancer -
Hospitality, home based business, psychotherapist, food blogger, art therapy.
💖 industria in gemini - social media influencer, journalist, writer, teaching profession, tour guide , hotel manager.
💖 industria in Scorpio -
- psychology and counseling, detectives, private investigator, forensic scientist ,holistic/ energy healer.
💖 Industria in Virgo - doctor, nurse , scientist, data analyst, , office manager, project coordinator, teachers, or instructors.
💖 industria in leo - actors , musicians, artist, brand ambassador, publicist, marketing manager.
💖 industria in Sagittarius - professors , researchers, journalist, media, philanthropy or in social justice advocacy.
💖 industria in Capricorn -
Buisness and management, politician, policy advisors , civil servants, lawyers, engineering, architect, judges.
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💖 Northnode in 7th house suggests that your relationship with your fs may have karmic significance., Soulmate placement.
💖 Northnode in 3rd house means your fs may play a significant role in facilitating your growth and development in the areas of communication, intellect and learning.
💖 Karma conjunct ascendent/ descendant - karmic relationship.
💖 your fs may share similar placement like your groom pc. Example - if your sun in Aries in GPC, they could have sun in their 1st house or at 1°,13° or 25°.
💖 Groom conjunct vertex - fated/ predestined encounter with fs. They may have a profound impact on your life and personal growth. they may serve as a catalyst for important experiences, growth opportunities and transfermetive changes is in your life .your relationship with them maybe characterised by depth, intensity and sense of spiritual or emotional connection.
💖 Groom conjunct Venus -
The conjunction of groom and Venus indicates are strong attraction between you and your fs. there may be a magnetic pull or chemistry that draws you together, fueling feelings of romance ,passion and desire. your FS may possess qualities that you find irresistibly attractive both physically and emotionally.
💖 your fs may be drawn to individuals who embody the qualities associated with the seventh House lord for example-
* if the 7th house lord is sun then your fs may be attracted to individuals who support their ambitions, encourage their creativity and contribute positively to their self expression. they may be drawn to partners who are confident, self assured and have a strong sense of individuality.
* if 7th house lord is moon - your fs desires a partner who can meet there emotional needs and provide a sense of comfort and belonging. they are drawn to individuals who are empathetic, nurturing and emotionally supportive. emotional intimacy is a priority for them in the relationship.
* if the 7th house lord is Venus -
Your FS values relationships highly and seeks harmonious and loving partnership. they may prioritise finding a romantic partner who complements their own sense of beauty and aesthetics. partnership is Central to their sense of fulfillment and happiness.
* if the 7th house lord is mercury - your fs places a high value on mental simulation and intellectual compatibility in the relationships. they seek a partner who can engage them in stimulating conversations and share their interest and ideas.
*if the 7th house lord is mars - your fs may seek a partner who can match their level of energy and enthusiasm and they may be drawn to firey and spirited individuals. they thrive on excitement and adventure in their relationships.
* if the 7th house lord is saturn - your fs value tradition and stability in relationships. they may have traditional views on marriage and may seek partners who share their values and commitment to building a secured and enduring Union.
* if the 7th house lord is Jupiter - your fs seeks meaningful and enriching connections in their relationships. they may be drawn to partners who share their values and aspirations who can inspired them to expand their horizons and pursue their goals with confidence.
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Thanks for reading ~💫
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annwrites · 22 days
sons & daughters. aemond | king's landing outtake.
— pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!reader
— type: outtake from this series
— summary: aemond comes to you for comfort after his brother & yours gave him a new mount: the pink dread.
— tw: grooming (sort of), incest
— word count: 1,037
— tagging list: @tvangelism @aemondwhoresworld @callsignwidow @emilynissangtr
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"My Prince, I should take you to your mother, the Queen—"
Aemond ignores the knight's insistencies as he turns down yet another hall, bringing him closer and closer to the only door he wishes to hide behind... While being held in one particular's arms.
"She will have to wait," he mumbles.
He does not so much as bother knocking when he turns the handle, leaving the man to wait outside as he swiftly turns the lock.
"N-Niece," he calls, to no answer.
He steps further into the room, praying you are here.
With it being midday, however, you may be with your septa. Or in the library, the gardens, with your family.
Your brothers.
He will tell you what they've done and you will abhor it, he's sure.
"Niece," he calls again, glancing to your made bed, a cloth doll lain atop the comforter.
"Aemond?" Calls a sweet, quiet voice from the balcony.
He turns, tears brimming in his eyes. But even in his distressed state, he must insist it.
He does not know why he does sometimes. It is almost a compulsive habit now, more than anything. Nevertheless, he says it.
"Uncle," he replies, coming closer, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
He begins to quietly weep.
"What's wrong?" You ask, snuggling against his chest.
Already he feels in better spirits. He always does when he's with you.
He knows not what he would do if the two of you were ever parted.
He chooses not to think on such horrible prospects now, however. You'll always be together, he's sure of it.
You have to be.
Are meant and supposed to be.
"We were in the Dragonpit. Me, Aegon, Jace, and Luke. They..." He pauses, sniffling, holding you tighter. "They told me they'd found me a dragon."
A beat of silence.
"It was a pig."
Your brows furrow.
"They tied wings to it. Called it 'The Pink Dread'. They laughed at me."
"I'm sorry, uncle. That was very cruel."
You pull back, smiling softly up at him, so he kisses your forehead.
"We could always keep it? Make it a pet. I think that would show them."
His lip twitches in amusement, but he still shakes his head. "I don't think a pig would be welcome in the Red Keep, beloved niece. Not unless it's meant to go to the kitchens, at least."
You nod, considering what you will do when you next see Jacaerys. Give him an earful, that much is for certain.
Aemond holds the back of your head as you continue gazing up at him. "I'm—I'm still a true Targaryen. Whether I have one or not. Just...just like you."
You know he is wanting for your reassurance, so you give it gladly.
"I know you are."
You hug yourself to his chest again. "You are very intelligent. I always liked when you read to me, before I myself could. And you're brave. Like when you practice in the yard. Even if they're only wooden swords, you're still very..."
"Adept," he finishes.
You nod. "Yes."
He smiles, resting his cheek against the crown of your head. "You always loved when we played as a knight and his lady."
He loved showing off his swordsmanship skills then, so as to try and impress you. It filled him with pride when you would clap excitedly after he saved you from a fictitious monster.
"It was fun."
You're silent for a moment.
"Do you...do you think one needs to have silver hair to be one?"
He raises his head, gazing down at you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "No. I like your hair perfectly the way it is."
In truth, he does wish it matched his own—only because it would serve to further make the two of you even more alike than you already are.
"All you need be is my niece."
You nod slowly.
He glances to your bed, then back to you. "Do...do you want to?"
You blink up at him, nervously shifting on your feet then, chewing your lower lip.
He watches you closely, misliking your hesitation. You are supposed to be the same in all things. His wants are meant to be your wants. Especially this. These times are the ones he most enjoys spending with you.
Their purpose is many things, but foremost of which is to bring the two of you impossibly closer. To have a secret between you that only the two of you can understand.
Your parents wouldn't. They would tell you it's wrong.
Aemond knows otherwise.
"It would make me feel better," he tells you quietly, hoping you'll say yes to that.
And then there is a sharp knock at the door, causing the both of you to jump in surprise.
"Prince Aemond, I should escort you to your mother's chambers. She should be informed of today's incident."
Aemond groans in irritation, resting his chin atop your head, keeping his arms wound tightly around you.
He wishes the two of you could be together during all hours of the day like this. Never apart. If he were your husband, it would be so. Everything would be as he wishes for it to be.
You would be like his mother is to his father: doting, and docile, and pretty, and affectionate. And he would be strong, and fierce, and wise, and would instruct you in all things.
And you would listen, like you always have. Because he knows best.
He is older, after all, so it makes sense that he does. That, and he is a boy. Son of the King himself.
"I wish he'd leave," he grumbles. "So we can be alone together."
You remain silent.
Finally, he takes a small step back and you feel a tightness in your chest—which you'd only just become aware of—loosen.
Aemond leans down one last time, cupping your face in his hands, and he kisses you.
"I will see you later, niece," he says softly, and with a warm smile.
You nod happily. "Alright."
You turn, watching him leave, his guard close at his heels.
You're unsure why you lock the door behind him...when there is always the hidden passage.
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xensilverquill · 2 years
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The woodland amphithere (Amphitheris silva), also known as the fairy dragon or the beech wyrm, is a small draconoid endemic to the temperate broadleaf forests of the Sunken Continent. Vestigial wings aid in thermoregulation and can be freely contracted and expanded. The shapes of these wings have evolved to resemble the leaves of beech, hornbeam, and other marcescent trees that are the favored hunting territories of woodland amphitheres. Fur-like moss growth on its head and tail enable it to supplement its primarily insectivorous diet with photosynthetic energy.
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(Extended species description under readmore.)
The woodland amphithere (Amphitheris silva), also known as the fairy dragon or the beech wyrm, is a small draconoid endemic to the broadleaf forests of the Sunken Continent.
Vestigial wings aid in both gliding and thermoregulation. Each wing can move independently of one another, and their membranes can be freely contracted and expanded (see last image/GIF in gallery). The shapes of these wings have evolved to resemble the leaves of beech, hornbeam, and other marcescent trees that are the favored hunting territories of woodland amphitheres. Whole covens have been observed sunning themselves on tree branches in autumn and winter.
Fur-like moss growth on its head and tail enable it to supplement its primarily insectivorous diet with photosynthetic energy. This adaptation along with their unique wing structure allows them to forego hibernation altogether in more temperate regions.
Two pairs of eyes make these creatures adept hunters. The rostral pair are used to observe shape and color while the caudal pair specialize in tracking the movement of their prey.
Like many extant members of the amphitherid and other draconoid families, the woodland amphithere possesses relays, growths on the head which house complex electroreceptors. Relays in this species have evolved as rigid, antler-like structures. The exact purpose of these relays is unknown, but it is hypothesized that they may be involved in communication between members of a given coven.
Woodland amphitheres are semisocial and congregate in single-generation groups known as a coven or a flight. Covens are typically made up of six to ten individuals, although covens as large as two dozen have been observed. While they do not exhibit the same coordinated hunting prowess of other amphithere species, they are still remarkably sociable and have been observed to groom and to sing to one another.
Eggs are laid in communal nests in small ponds in early spring, and the brood is left to fend for itself by the parent coven shortly after hatching. The fry begin life as tadpole-like creatures with their wings and relays becoming fully developed by midsummer. The brood may linger for up to a year near its birth pond before leaving in search of new hunting territory.
Birds of prey, including eagles, owls, and lesser rocs, are typical predators of woodland amphitheres. Its primary defense is its own coven, which will swarm upon and harass the predator to drive it away. Larger covens have even been known to kill and subsequently feed on their would-be attackers, especially during the nesting season.
First entry in what will be a small series of original dragon amigurumi patterns following a general amphithere body plan (basically all wing and no leggies lol).
My personal challenge for each of these is that I cannot directly reference patterns from other creators. This is to (1) force me to figure out how to work up complex shapes and (2) so that I can avoid copyright infringement if I ever decide to sell these patterns a later date. Which was why a good portion of the time for this entry was working out the shapes of the leaves for the wings, haha.
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
I wonder how Rex lapis would react to the information of another of his kind[a female] still being around and right under his nose the entire time tho in disguise aswell,the only reason he didn't detect them for so long is because she's really good and smart at hiding her identity so good her own kind could be fooled
Zhongli is inclined to believe it, no matter how unlikely it may seem, because hey - he's been in Teyvat for thousands of years and the world still doesn't cease to surprise him.
He sees her for real one lonely night, tail in view as she grooms it, and it looks much like his own dragon tail. How curious! Her scent is very mild, so inconspicuous that he can't pick it up unless he closes his eyes and really concentrates. No wonder...
He'd leave her be, but can't help but imagine her in her adeptal form perched upon a fluffy cloud, and him dancing in the skies for her attention and favour. Call it uncharacteristic of him to be thinking of such a thing, but it was just a fleeting thought.
That night, though, he dreams of fluffy clouds and an audience of one.
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gewhanaa · 11 months
Gale Did Nothing Wrong
I am a firm Gale apologist and Mystra hater. He is so obviously groomed and manipulated by a literal goddess and blames himself, all before aforementioned goddess demands he blow himself up.
Gale rant below the cut. TLDR; mystra absolutely knew Gale was seeking out the orb. She wanted him to find it, even, so he could he the guinea pig.
Thinking about how it's clearly established by Gale and Elminster that Mystra is is borderline omniscient when it comes to the weave and her chosen. Even discarded and abandoned, it's alluded she knows immediately when he disobeys her. It's hinted at that she is aware any time he calls on the weave to use a spell.
All that in mind, there's no fucking way she didn't know Gale was seeking out the orb. Probably months of planning and study, and she just happened to miss her chosen/lover looking for and finding an ancient possibly god-power-level artifact? I call bullshit.
My current headcanon is that she absolutely did want the power of the orb, but was unsure what the effects of it would be. As soon as she discovers the crown, she wants it. She wants power and more importantly wants to keep it from everyone else.
So what's better than her infatuated chosen? He's extremely adept, yet wonderfully loyal and obedient. Desperate enough to ignore the danger if it means he has a chance to impress her.
It's a win-win for her. If it's exceedingly dangerous and kills him, then she has her answer. If it's safe enough to aquire, he will surely bring it to her. Just as he brings her the crown at the end of the game.
When it doesn't kill him and instead drains his power and creates a new problem for her, she's infuriated. She casts him aside; she has no use for a subpar wizard.
In summary, I fucking hate Mystra and it's absolutely on sight. She's manipulative and groomed Gale literally to the point that he's totally convinced everything is HIS fault for "not respecting her boundaries".
All the details we get depict an incredibly abusive and inescapable narrative. Gale never stood a chance.
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midnight-glasses · 6 months
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This headcanon clearly inspired by @/dialovers-lover-xoxo check out her post!
Technically this is a part two of something I've done before, this is one of the characters I love the most! So I hope you guys can have fun with it.
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Some things that I imagine he might have:
🍵🍃— He has a charming smile, often accompanied by a playful glint in his eyes.
💚 🌿 — He often expresses himself through physical gestures, such as running his hands through his hair or tapping his fingers rhythmically when he is deep in thought.
🍵🍃— Laito's skin is pale, typical of a vampire, but with a slightly warmer undertone that contrasts his clothing.
💚 🌿 — His posture is confident and relaxed, with a tendency to lean casually against surfaces.
🍵🍃— Laito's shoulders are broad.
💚 🌿 — He keeps his nails short and well-groomed, a practical choice for his active lifestyle.
🍵🍃— Laito's lips are naturally pink and often curved into a smirk or playful grin.
💚 🌿 — He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when deep in thought or planning mischief.
🍵🍃— Laito has a robust build, not overly muscular but with a sturdy frame, this is natural when you are a vampire, he never bothered to develop his physique however.
💚 🌿 — Laito's hands are large and capable, with long fingers that are nimble and skilled in various tasks.
🍵🍃 — His fingers are nimble and adept, capable of delicate tasks like playing musical instruments or handling objects with ease.
💚 🌿 — He has a distinctive laugh that is often accompanied by a bright smile.
🍵🍃— Whenever Laito smiles, dimples form on his cheeks.
💚 🌿 — His skin has a smooth texture, often maintaining a pale complexion typical of vampires but with a healthy glow that suggests vitality.
🍵🍃 — When he walks, Laito's gait is purposeful yet fluid. He moves with a natural grace just for draws attention.
💚 🌿 — Laito's voice is velvety and smooth.
🍵🍃 — Laito has a well-defined collarbone, as well as shoulder blades.
💚 🌿 — Laito doesn't have a lot of hair, whether facially or bodily, the only places that hair can be seen without much searching are on his eyebrows and hair, however when you look at him more closely it's possible see small ginger hairs that adorn his skin, it's like the skin of a peach.
🍵🍃 — When it comes to body hair, it can be said that he is the middle ground between the triplets, with Kanato and Ayato being two polar opposites in this aspect.
💚🌿 — I like to imagine Laito having freckles too, considering he is a redhead. In my opinion, both Ayato and Laito could share these characteristics. There is no canon basis to support this, but I like to think so.
🍵🍃 — Laito definitely has some moles scattered across his body besides the one he has on his cheek; I suppose he has some on his shoulder and forearm, and another set of them on his abdomen.
💚🌿 — His hair is soft and very well taken care of, this is probably one of the parts he is most proud of.
🍵🍃— Long legs.
💚🌿 — Wide torso.
🍵🍃 — Laito's skin is surprisingly sensitive to touch, reacting subtly to different textures and temperatures.
💚🌿 — His eyes are lighter in tone than Ayato's eyes; however, unlike his brother, Laito's eyes are brighter, although hazier. It is often difficult to read his true emotions through his eyes.
🍵🍃 — Still commenting on his eyes, Laito has sharp eyes like those of a feline; their curvature is pointed, as if he had natural eyeliner.
💚🌿 — Laito has slightly calloused fingers due to many years of practicing with the piano; however, they are very smooth, almost imperceptible in a quick interaction with him.
🍵🍃 — He has a slender neck.
💚🌿 — Laito's hands are particularly expressive, often gesturing or playing with objects.
🍵🍃 — He usually smells of sweet-smelling cologne and soap, which varies depending on the type he chose that day.
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I could write more; however, at present, I do not have much time for that. I also intend to explore if I can do the same for his other siblings. Thank you for reading!
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2024-Present.
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holographic-mars · 3 months
crawls into your inbox,, mars,,, mars i need ravage and soundwave affection headcanons. mars i need fluff. hands held open, only u can save me,, 🤲
Starting off well known and easy—Soundwave, though seemingly adverse to being touched, much enjoys physical contact from the mechs he cares about. Touch is reassuring and comforting, it also provides a means of grounding himself when his senses overwhelm him. When Ravage is around, they are attached at the hip. Ravage is pressed against his leg, curled up on his lap, or draped over his shoulders (being able to not only hear, but feel Ravage’s spark pulse is comforting to Soundwave, and Ravage knowing that Soundwave is safe with her again. It’s mutual reassurance).
Ravage butts her head against Soundwave when showing affection. She nuzzles into his palm or under his chin, and Soundwave will nuzzle back. He bumps his head against his other cassettes and loved ones as a way of affection because Ravage does it to him (on that same note, Ravage will roughly butt her nose against Soundwave to get his attention or to reprimand him if he’s done something she does not approve of).
Grooming is a very high form of affection between Soundwave and all his cassettes. Whether it just to pick flecks of dirt out between Ravage’s plating or use sharp claws to dig into hard to get places on Soundwave’s frame, keeping one another well maintained is love. They will take family baths together where they all soak in a hot oil bath with an obscene amount of bubbles. They’ll lie in the oil for hours and hours enjoying the comfort and company. And pile bubbles on top of whichever cassette is closest. (when Soundwave was much younger and much less adept at keeping himself clean, Ravage would grab Soundwave and clean his face as if she was grooming a kitten. She still does it sometimes, much to Soundwave protest).
Soundwave, much like Ravage, rarely takes full rest cycles and instead just takes short naps whenever he can. Because of this, they take naps together all the time. Soundwave is Ravage’s personal space heater, and she will sprawl overtop of him to take a nap. If Ravage falls asleep, Soundwave will follow soon after (Ravage knows this and takes advantage of it when Soundwave is overworking himself. He cannot resist the pull of a sleepy Ravage. No work. Just Naptime).
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My Little War Criminals. Clever Shot and Boomstick. (Design notes and lore tidbits under the cut)
So to start with Ocelot, I firmly believe in the theory that most sentient races in the MLP world reproduce through magic instead of sex, so crossbreeds become entirely possible. The being said, Ocelot is the result of a pony (The Joy) and an anthro cat (The Sorrow) having a child, thus the mix of cat traits and pony traits culminating in Equestria's most problematic stallion. I of course had to make him inspired by an actual ocelot and even gave him small whiskers on the joint of his back legs. He's a pegasus so he can do impressive aerial tricks with his guns and to silently stalk from up high. Now for his cutiemark, I of course had to have the revolvers (which implies he earned his cutiemark by switching to revolvers thus his cutiemark was discovered because of Bibo's influence) but I also added teeth! To represent his eternal devotion symbolized in the ideas of hunger and consumption. For Bibo, the most important fact right off the bat is that he's an earth pony. Earth ponies are generally seen as stockier and more adept for survival on the ground, which would include forests of course. I'd like to think that people underestimate Bibo at first because earth ponies are often seen as unable to keep up with unicorns and pegasi, but he's capable enough to more than make up for the lack of wings or magic. I wanted his tail to kind of match his mullet but I think during MGS3 it would be cut incredibly short. I wanted him to have kind of patches on his coat as a sort of "natural camouflage". Onto his cutie mark! It's self explanatory I think. He earned it by killing The Boss and taking her title (meaning he would be a blank flank up until the end of MGS3). It represents his talent for war and duty, because regardless of his personal affiliations, he still finished his mission. It also in my mind kind of represents his misinterpretation of The Boss's will, the interpretation that led to the idea of constant warfare so soldiers never lost their purpose, in a sense he "killed" or "tainted" The Boss's original intentions when he took her life, represented by the blood-stained flowers. Anyways that is it, they are toxic codependent pony yaoi and wanted war criminals. Now for some silly headcanons for them. Ocelot has the cat instinct of wanting to groom not only himself but the people he cares about, but since he only cares about Bibo he's the only one who gets this special treatment. It's more of an affection thing but sometimes a hygiene thing if Bibo has blood on his coat. Ocelot actually has paws instead of hooves but keeps them covered. Believe it or not horses will actually eat meat whenever the opportunity presents itself, so Bibo still hunts and eats random animals, sometimes he and Ocelot will go hunt fish (Ocelot is a kitty he loves fish). Bibo is shorter than the average stallion despite being built like a draft horse. Bibo thinks Nightmare Moon is still out there, he's also from Equestria (hence why he believes in Nightmare Moon) where as Ocelot is from a completely different region of the world. That is all I have to offer, feel free to add your own headcanons to this post if you want.
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csuitebitches · 3 months
What are some hobbies or skills that have the potential to earn some money? I want to learn languages but that’s not something that would help my earning potential any time soon, especially since I’d have to know multiple which would take years to perfect.
this is honestly so vast. Let me break it down in the easiest way possible to you.
What you first have to understand is this: are you a generalist or a specialist?
I’m personally a generalist. That means I can handle multiple different projects. That’s what I was groomed by my family for. I don’t have specialised, niche knowledge in any particular sector or department but I have an overview of how everything works. The main skill set I have is problem solving. I’m very adept at it - I can identify opportunities in different industries and I know how to hire the right talent to make that opportunity successful. But again. I do this one at a time. I work on one project at a time. But those projects themselves are quite varied, they range from EV to newspapers to upskilling. I’ll be honest - this is the harder way. It seems easy but it’s not.
Some people are specialists. They are highly focused on one field. Take my colleague, Sophie. Sophie’s speciality lies in media advertising in emerging markets. And, she’s German. Eventually, she began working with the German government as a consultant for their global advertising needs, especially in emerging markets. So technically, she has honed on one skill and branched out via consulting for the same skill she knows she’s an expert at. this is the easier way but it’s very long term and you need to be highly focused and disciplined. Sophie is one of the most driven people I know. When it comes to media adv, she’s a walking encyclopaedia.
So first figure this bit out. I personally feel that if you’re going to branch out, it should have some common ground with what you’re doing/ what you want to do long term. I also feel that early on in your career, it’s better to first focus on honing a couple of skills in your toolbox and work on them full time. Once you get the grasp of it, you can branch out and use those same skills in different situations.
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
Uranus persona chart
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy my lovelies ✨
💟 part of fortune in 1st house suggests that one's greatest fullfilment and success comes through expressing their true identity and personality.These individuals are often able to achieve happiness and success by being authentic and true to themselves.
💟 Aquarius stellium indicates you may be highly adept at using digital tools and platforms effectively and presenting yourself online nicely.
💟 Jupiter in 11th house means you may have a wide network of friends and acquaintances from diverse backgrounds. You may have opportunities to connect with influential or beneficial contacts who can support your goals and aspirations.
💟 Fama conjunct midheaven/ leo midheaven is self explanatory. Fame through Career and online presence through career.
💟 4th house stellium in Uranus persona chart means there could be a tendency to rebel against traditional values or norms associated with home. You may challenge conventional expectations and prefer to create your own path when it comes to matters of personal and domestic life.
💟 Vertex in 9th house / 9°/21° means you can gain followers from all over the world or in general you find yourself lucky in foreign countries.
💟 Hera asteroid in 11th house means your marriage can impact your online image. People from different countries could attend the wedding or there will be some kind of online presence.
💟 sun in 29°/ 5°/ 17° another fame Indicator in social media.
💟 northnode in 7th house/ Vertex in 7th house/ regulus in 7th house/ 7th house stellium means public attention through marriage/ partnership.
💟 POF in 29° is a biggest fame Indicator.
💟 prey Asteroid (6157) in 8th house means you will easily overwhelmed by the attention you get from the public and be depressed sometimes. If saturn is there then it will amplify the effect.
💟 Webb asteroid in gemini or 3rd house/ mercury in gemini or 3rd house are the best aspects of public speaking. Your communication skill will attract a huge public attention.
💟 Regulus in 10th house/10th house stellium - fame through Career, influencer aspect.
💟 Varuna conjunct northnode/ moira asteroid means worldwide recognition.
💟 Hera conjunct Fama - fame through marriage.
Thanks for reading 💓
- Piko✨
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grim-faux · 3 months
replaying the LN games, I noted key differences that isolate Six and Mono in their tactics and behavior.
The locations such as the Maw and the Pale City dictate the strategies children have for survival. On my discord, we theorized that children aboard the Maw may have not been great at the whole survival gig, given that they've been captured and are awaiting their fate. However, based on the digital comics, children of the Pale City and urban environments - not captured - appear more adept at survival. But there's ongoing debate on these differences and the lore.
One thing I noticed about Mono and Six (which was one driving force of why Mono in TTT is so feral), is that the children have different methods for sleeping - i.e., when you wake up from a 'nightmare', or a game death.
Mono and Six together usually wake up sleeping sitting upright, curled up against a wall or sheltered by something. The implication here is either the child was too exhausted to go on, and settled down in the first place that was hospitable. Or as well, the child sleeps seated upright and feet tucked under the, to bare out the chill, as well to be primed for an escape if a threat approached them.
Whereas on the Maw, when Six awakens form nightmares, often she is sleeping on her side and curled up. She also seems to be selective about the places she nests, since she awakened at the beginning in a suitcase filled with clothing.
My discord has also discussed the status of native between Six and Mono, given the insight we are given about the third game, as with details from the second game. When Mono is left by Six, he has the chance to grow up and become the Thin Man - that is his fate and the repeating cycle he is apart of. Thus, Mono is more native or a genuine native child to Nowhere and was never in the world where Otto or Noone inhabit. Aside from the betrayal of Six, Mono was never trapped (Bully's don't count), and had always been skilled at evading detection by his enemies as well as never getting captured.
On the other, Six was taken by the Nest and detained there. We don't know how she came to be there, though concept art suggests she was more groomed and her hair trimmed - reflecting she was recently collected into the Nowhere. Though we have not been given further details of her origins, let alone how she escaped the Nest cliff. In the digital comics, we know she was pursued by the Hunter - indicating she did not do well in evading detection. She was also distracted during her escape and captured, and needed another child (Mono) to rescue her. We'll exclude the Bully's from detaining her, since they were actively hunting children and entering their territory without detection was impossible. However, she was taken by the Thin Man and left in the Tower. She was also brought aboard the Maw, maybe caught by the Ferryman as implied by the original Little Nightmare comics. And she was lured into a trap and captured by the Janitor.
This may be indication that Six - though a survivor of Nowhere and capable of inheriting the Lady's powers - she is not full native. Not to the depth that Mono was.
Even the podcast Sounds of Nightmares was ambiguous about how children arrive to the Nowhere, and even on the terms if there are native children or the status of going native. Likewise, the debate of if the adult inhabitants of Nowhere are capable of bearing their own children, or do residents come as recruitments from other worlds - not necessarily from our world, or the world Dr. Otto inhabits.
The third game may shed more light on these details, especially given that Low and Alone seem to be seasoned veterans of the Nowhere and capable of survival. One desires to escape forever, while the other yearns to explore the Spiral.
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soulessjourney · 10 months
Ashes of Panem
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Part 2
Paring: (young) Coriolanus x Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Coriolanus Snow and Y/N Ashcroft had trained together since their entry into the academy. However, when their names were drawn, they found themselves pitted against each other and twenty other children in these games. As Y/N became a symbol of rebellion akin to her great grandmother, who vanished shortly after Panem's liberation, the looming threats of war and the approaching games forced Coriolanus and Y/N to forge an alliance. Amidst these challenges, they had to learn to trust and support one another in order to break free from Coin's oppressive regime.
Warnings: Mentions of violence and death, a little bit suggestive (or I'm just delusional)
A/N: After reading "Leveling the Playing Field" by @runningfrom2am and gearing up to watch "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" for the second time, alongside binge-watching the entire Hunger Games series, I've found myself inspired to contribute to the delusoins I have about this man (within reasonable bounds).
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Since the fall of the Capitol and the rebirth of Panem, things have taken a different turn. Many argue it was a necessary change, considering President Snow's detrimental governance of Panem. The rebellion spearheaded by a young girl named Katniss Everdeen led to his downfall, paving the way for President Coin to assume control. Coin introduced a chilling policy: the perpetual punishment of the children of Capitol officials, game makers, and peacemakers would annually participate in what she dubbed "The Capitol Games."
The name seemed ironic, given its stark resemblance to the Hunger Games, where a male and a female from each district fought for survival. However, the stark contrast lay in the fact that these children from the Capitol had grown up studying side by side, some even as friends or lovers. It was this dynamic that made these games all the more intriguing – friends turning against each other in a ruthless battle for survival.
Your knowledge about your great-grandmother was limited, as your mother voiced her distaste of her views and didn't wish to pass them to you. All you knew was her significant role in the rebellion, bearing the symbol of the Mockingjay. Your mother had cursed you the moment she married a child of a Capitol official, driven by her craving to rebel and show her stance agsinst her grandmother and what she fought for. New Panem seemed to reflect a haunting echo of the past, a cycle no one dared to acknowledge.
Snatching your book bag from the desk, you adjusted your skirt and slipped on the uniform jacket. "Y/N, it’s time to leave; you’re going to be late!" your mother's voice echoed. A woman driven by material desires had cursed her own daughter, never once expressing remorse. At times, you wondered if she was deliberate in her actions, perhaps aiming to make your father suffer, for you were his innocent child, bearing the consequences of his grandfather's misdeeds.
You never quite understood how your father managed to maintain the acceptance for the punishments that generations to come had to face, but in a realm where anything seemed plausible, you had long ceased questioning such matters. Stepping out of your room, you descended the stairs and paused at the dining room to plant a tender kiss on your father's cheek.
"I’ll be home late tonight; we have combat evaluation tomorrow, and I want to squeeze in more training beforehand," you whispered softly, gently squeezing his shoulder.
Your father harbored a disdain for how the Coin family structured the lives of the children in the Capitol. All of them were compelled to attend the Panem Training Academy, a calculated initiative aimed at grooming Capitol youths for the games, enhancing the spectacle of the impending fights. The academy produced skilled fighters who were well-versed in each other's combat techniques, adept at camouflage, and proficient in hunting, far surpassing the capabilities seen in the Hunger Games. It was a gruesome spectacle, yet simultaneously enthralling to witness individuals who had dedicated their lives to outmaneuvering one another.
Your father redirected your focus to him, patting your hand gently. "Remember, keep your guard up, Y/N/N. With that, you’re unstoppable," he advised tenderly, enveloping you in a tight embrace.
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Standing in front of the academy, a quiet sigh escaped you as the imposing glass building loomed ahead. Someone fell into step beside you, offering a gentle pat on your shoulder. "Chin up, Y/N. It's just another day of regurgitating information we already know, all in preparation for the selections in a couple of weeks," remarked Coriolanus Snow, his red uniform contrasting sharply with his white hair.
With an audible scoff, you pushed forward, ignoring the taller male attempting to catch up. "It's too early to deal with you, Snow. Try again in a few years," you grumbled, ascending the steps. Though he wasn’t entirely off the mark, the truth stung. You had been fed the same information and skills since childhood, only to be thrust into a scenario where your survival instincts were the only currency. Admitting Snow's correctness would only inflate his already sizable ego.
"Someone's rather moody this morning. Could it be due to your combat evaluation tomorrow?" he inquired, clasping his hands behind his back as he walked alongside you into the building. "Y/N, seriously, you've got nothing to worry about. You're at the top of our class in combat; I don't see why you're so anxious." However, being at the top of your class was precisely why you were anxious. It meant having a colossal target on your back during evaluations.
Everyone else would work day and night, honing their skills just to topple you from your coveted position. You wouldn’t be surprised if someone attempted to kill you during the evaluations. Each year, someone would bend the rules, seeking to kill a contender prematurely, resulting in reprimands and reminders about the purpose of their presence here. Coin's lineage served as an constant reminder, as each year, her grandson would appear, delivering the same speech about the ideals of the new Panem and how everyone was there to atone for their family's misdeeds.
"What about you, Snow? Shouldn't you be concerned about tomorrow? I mean, you're ranked number five, poised to face Zephyra, who's just below me," you remarked as both of you made your way toward the lecture hall.
"I'm not overly concerned about her. However, I am worried that you'll get trapped in your own thoughts, as you tend to do, and end up sabotaging yourself," Coriolanus stated, his expression carrying a rare trace of concern. You shot him a perplexed look and moistened your lips. Coriolanus displaying concern for you was uncharted territory, indicating either a hidden agenda or an imminent catastrophe. Either way, his uncharacteristic kindness was a departure from the norm.
"What do you want Snow? Just get to the point and skip beating around the bush," you retorted, taking your seat and turning to face him as he settled beside you. His piercing blue eyes scrutinized your every move, almost as if he were testing the waters.
"Let's train together tonight. It could be mutually beneficial. I can assist you in learning how to defend against Jackson's attacks, and in return, you can help me improve my agility. They're wrapping up classes early today, giving us all time to prepare for tomorrow," Snow proposed an intriguing offer. His agility was lacking, hindering his ability to evade certain attacks or strike his opponents effectively. Meanwhile, you grappled with maintaining your guard and fending off Jackson's assaults. Jackson held the third position overall in your class for a reason.
"Fine, we can train together tonight, but this is solely for my benefit," you agreed, shifting your focus to the front as Professor Ellington entered the class.
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Entering the training room, you glanced around before your gaze settled on Coriolanus, clad in a t-shirt and joggers. Despite your reluctance to admit it, he actually looked quite good in that attire. Part of you wondered how good he looked–shaking your head you rid any thoughts that threatened to invade your mind. This was the man you grew up despising; there was no way you'd be thinking of him in that way.
Moving forward, you took a seat on the bench beside him, releasing a sigh. "Took you long enough. I almost thought you were going to bail on me," he remarked, observing as you began taping your hands. Frankly, you contemplated it. The last time you sparred with him, he dominated the match. You barely scraped by with a victory when you decided to exploit his injured leg, a move he made sure to chastise you for over the following month.
"Ellington wanted to discuss the paper I wrote for our survival basics class. Something about me getting carried away with a whole paragraph detailing how I'd sleep up in a tree," you grumbled as you tore the tape with your teeth. In your opinion, the technique was crucial to discuss, considering its significance in survival scenarios within the games.
A snicker resonated from beside you, prompting a glare aimed in Coriolanus's direction. He responded with only a smile before rising and heading toward the ring. Your eyes tracked his every move, noting how he rolled his shoulders to loosen them and ran his fingers through his white locks before stepping onto the mat. Observing his broad shoulders, your gaze traced down his form.
"Y/N, I can't tell if you're checking me out or trying to find a weak point, but it's starting to weird me out a little," he remarked while moving around the ring and stretching his arms.
Standing abruptly, you cleared your throat and adjusted your attire, joining him in the ring for stretching while maintaining a peripheral watch on him. "I wasn't checking you out; you're not even worth a second glance," you grumbled, facing him. "I was merely assessing how long it'll take for me to kick your ass."
Coriolanus regarded you quietly before assuming a stance. Both of you raised your guards, circling the ring, awaiting the first move. It was your decision to act; you shifted and darted straight for him. Coriolanus attempted a hit toward your left shoulder, but you pivoted, dodging the jab and swiftly landing a kick on his back.
"When you face Zephyra, her agility matches mine. You need to learn to move with her, shifting your weight to protect your vulnerable areas, especially your back," you advised, circling back to face him as you continued moving around the ring.
"Why do you dislike me? I've never quite understood the grudge you hold against me. We've been stuck together for years, and not once have I ever screwed you over," he questioned, eyes darting toward your feet, trying to predict your actions. Seizing the moment he looked away, you ducked and landed a jab against his stomach.
A forced exhale escaped him, eliciting a smile on your lips. "Less talking, more blocking," you retorted, sweeping his feet from under him with a swift leg movement. As he lay on the ground, you offered your hand, but when he grabbed it, he swiftly pulled you into a choke hold.
Grunting, you tapped his arm, prompting him to release you with a sly smile. Stepping back, you massaged your shoulder before eyeing him on the ground. "I don't hate you; I just don't see the point in making friends destined to die," you explained, fixing your hair. "To me, you're nothing but competition."
After your exchange, silence reigned between the two of you, except for sharing minor pointers to enhance your fighting skills for the evaluation. By the time both of you called it a day, the sun had set. Seated on the mat, you unwrapped your hand, wincing at the emerging bruises on your knuckles. Coriolanus settled next to you, reclining against his hands.
"Despite what you might believe, Y/N, I do care about you. Sejanus and the others keep their distance because they're intimidated or frightened by you, but you're a clever fighter. Your dedication to learning survival tactics might just be what sets you apart," he confessed softly, his gaze fixed on you as you inspected your hands.
You lowered your gaze, feeling the weight of his words. "I avoid friendships because I don’t want to feel the pain of losing someone who meant something to me. We have to fight the people we care about because they want to punish us the way the districts were punished. I want to be your friend Snow, I really do, but I can't risk experiencing that loss," you admitted, a rare moment of vulnerability shared with him. "I'm bound to enter that arena because of the betrayal perceived by the Coin family after my mother married my father, especially given my great-grandmother's legacy," you added with a shrug.
It was an aspect you hadn't dwelled on much—the betrayal to your family name. Coriolanus gently grasped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, redirecting your gaze to meet his. "Don't isolate yourself because you fear loss. Sometimes, having someone who can protect you or simply offer a shoulder to lean on is better than navigating this world alone," he advised, his thumb tracing your jawline tenderly.
Nodding, you found yourself studying his captivating blue eyes, drawing you in every time. "I struggle with it at times. I've convinced myself that solitude is better, so I have justification for what will happen in that arena and it’ll be easier to do what I have to do to survive," you confessed, averting your eyes before clearing your throat and withdrawing from his touch. "Now, you should go. And don't think I don't know what you were attempting; I'm not kissing you, Snow," you grumbled, gathering your belongings.
Behind you, a boisterous laugh caught your attention, a sound unfamiliar coming from him. "I never mentioned anything about kissing, Y/N. It was just a gesture of comfort," he grinned, a sly smile appearing after crossing a boundary he knew he shouldn't have. "Sleep well, Snowflake. Can't wait to witness your performance tomorrow. But try not to dream of me," he called as you hastily left the room.
If there was one person you wanted to shove from a tree in that arena, it was Coriolanus Snow himself.
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A/N: I would like to thank all of you for reading this, It does mean a lot as well versed in writing for Coryo, but I did want to give it a try and so far it has been fun. I do have a few of the next parts mapped out and I will try to release a writing schedule for the series to give you a rough estimate for when each part will be released.
For my ACOTAR readers: I am taking a break from updating for Azriel and Rhysand since I didn't have much insperation for thier parts and I just simply did not like what I was writing. I do promise to get to them soon but as of now, they are on hold until I can actually like what I am writing.
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caspersickfanfics · 6 months
Day 2 of thinking about Tighnari’s lightening injury.
Cyno is unable to come see him immediately after it happens due to work stuff and saving Sumeru and whatnot, but by the time he does, he’s no less worried. While Tighnari has made good progress on healing by then, it’s clear that it’s going to scar. Some days are better than others, the pain is sporadic and unpredictable.
The day Cyno shows up is a good one. He’s tense and frantic, needing the sound of his partner’s heartbeat with every fiber of his being. He finds Tighnari in the kitchen, smiling while making dinner, and clearly expecting him.
Cyno is widely known to be inexpressive. He is sure that this is the case because his peers at the Akademiya had often complained to each other that he was “weird and unreadable” when he was within hearing distance. Many of his current colleagues have repeated this sentiment, albeit with more positive framing, often in the context of inquiring his advice on how to be more intimidating. Cyno hadn’t been much help in either situation; he’s simply always been inexpressive, whether it serves him or not.
Tighnari must be the only person who disagrees. Upon seeing Cyno, his brows furrow together, relaxed manner disappearing at once. He turns off the burner and trots up to his partner, taking hold of his hands and staring intently at his face.
“What’s wrong?” He asks. Cyno is voiceless, trembling. He squeezes Tighnari’s hands and then gently turns him around. He hesitates while lifting the corner of his partner’s shirt, but Tighnari gives him an encouraging nod. Cyno removes the loose-fitting, soft textured shirt and the expertly wrapped bandages beneath it, and then he is looking at a raw mess of burnt skin. A choked noise escapes him. Tighnari turns and cups his cheek.
“I’m okay,” he says gently. Because he can somehow read Cyno’s mind like a book, when no one else can even see him. “It looks worse than it is,” he continues. “It hardly hurts, today. I’ve been taking good care of it.”
Cyno applies a new coat of healing salve to the wound. Tighnari lightly complains that he’s being overly cautious - “It will take ages at this pace. Dinner will go cold.” - but Cyno stubbornly proceeds even more slowly, taking pride in being The Most Gentle with his partner. Tighnari deserves nothing but the best. By the time he’s wrapping him back up, Tighnari’s eyelids are drooping, and Cyno feels the twisted knot in his stomach begin to unravel at the sight.
They have dinner. Cyno convinces Tighnari to sit and relax while he heats up the food that did, indeed, cool off. Tighnari had simply rolled his eyes fondly. They eat and then spend the rest of the evening in a drowsy, comforting haze. Cyno helps Tighnari bathe around the wound, then grooms his tail and massages his ears. Tighnari feels spoiled, and says as much, but Cyno brushes him off with the first joke of the night: “You’re too sweet to be spoiled.”
After that, Tighnari realizes this is the best way for Cyno to heal and process and feel useful, so he stops protesting. He allows himself to let go of his reservations and be taken care of, for once.
They get in bed and start to drift off, clinging to one another. Once Tighnari falls asleep, Cyno’s ear finds his chest and stays there. These actions become something of a routine, as Cyno stays in Gandarva Ville for far longer than he would normally allow himself. He never lets Tighnari far from his sight. Although he has to go back to the city eventually, Cyno quickly becomes more adept at making excuses to take detours during work trips so that he can visit and check in on Tighnari.
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tesseractrave · 9 months
The Happy Mask Salesman's design makes me wonderfully crazy, and I have to talk about the way my brain processes it because it's a big part of why I love him so much.
[Analysis is under the cut]
The first detail I'd like to point out would be the color theory.
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He has the bluer purple on both his tunic and trousers, or the whole piece if you consider it a jumpsuit (I personally don't draw it as a jumpsuit, but I do admit that it might be the most game-accurate interpretation), and it gives him a very direct foundation and center for the outfit's base.
The vest and shoes are a darker magenta, however, which adds hue variation while staying analogous with his tradmeark purple shades, and the light grey is a value used to balance the more saturated purples as an accent.
The golden accessories are a complimentary (opposite) color to purple, which Nintendo seems to be very adept at in general (cough, Splatoon, cough).
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Of course, we can't forget his hair. Whichever specific shade you see it, it's always agreed that the color is at least somewhere along the ginger spectrum. The red, orange, auburn, etc. hues are analogous between the contrasting gold and purple, adding a transitional color to link them.
His skin serves the same purpose with the varied addition of having a lowered saturation and a lighter tone to aid the grey in balancing the depth of the color of his clothes and hair.
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Though we unfortunately have no canon answer to what his eye color is, Ember Lab's creative decision to make them green may have been the best choice from a design standpoint because it balances out the purple in his clothing and makes his face stand out more.
The distribution of color in this design as a whole is pretty genius to me, as well.
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His hair, being the only part of him that's that ginger color, directs the eyes upward to his face, while the main, deep purple is focused on the direct center.
The gold is arranged widthwise across the center, most heavily on the neck once again to direct the eyes upward while also distributing down to both of his wrists for balance on either side, almost like a scale.
The magenta and grey both run lengthwise down (and wrap around) the center and sit in mostly horizontal detailing at the bottom of his legs like the base of a pillar.
It's not something I added to the example image or spoke about before, but his white teeth in his smile are another aspect that is, of course, very eye-catching for his face and important for his design.
There's also the topic of the geometry.
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I'm using my own art as an example because this is the way I interpret it, but the first image is just a breakup of how the edges of each section line up with one another in a way that fans out from the center, and the second image is the addition of marks measuring the estimated centers of each section.
Looking closely, you quickly realize how his gorget makes everything line up geometrically, and as a whole, the design is entirely symmetrical apart from the way his hair is parted, which adds all the asymmetry needed to make him feel natural, albeit incredibly well-groomed and organized.
The color of the inner edge of his vest and the the soles of his shoes is the same as the two rows of stitches running down the front of his torso, which gives the otherwise separately-coloured pieces of the outfit a common detail to link them as a set.
(At one point, I think I had an exact estimation for the number of stitches in each row, but I think I started ignoring it in my art to save my sanity. I know it's on my cosplay, though.)
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His gorget and bracers also have a matching scallop pattern (though it seems to be debated on whether the scallops of the bracers face up or down), which adds an additional sense of uniformity.
The majority of details follow the lengthwise median, and everything suggests an overall polished feel and a balanced center of gravity. All in all, it's a fantastic design. I've seen so many wonderful takes and artistic adjustments on it, and I've even made my own, but the character designers at Nintendo really popped off with this one.
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bogaffxiv · 5 months
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Nickname(s): None Age: 30 Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon Race: Hrothgar Gender: Cis Female Orientation: Pansexual, Poly-embittered to the idea of romance Profession: Mercenary/Adventurer
Hair: Pale blonde, with white highlights throughout. Worn in a ponytail with braids and a single side bang framing her face. Scented delicately with spicy, floral jasmine. Eyes: Golden, like the sun; don't stare directly into it. Fur: White, with pale gold stripes. Tattoos/Scars: Several intricate and tribal-esque body paint designs glamoured on her body from head to toe. All dark, inky blue. Too many scars to name.
Parents: Rosta (Biological Mother), Unknown father. Both alive; dead to her. Siblings: Several brothers, none close. No sisters. In-laws and Others: Petra, a Rava Viera, who some would call Boga's adoptive mother. Boga owes Petra a life debt - at least in her own mind. She claims no other family, extended or otherwise. Pets: None; her job keeps her away for extended periods of time, and she has no desire to keep around another mouth to feed.
Abilities: Groomed for leadership since birth, Boga has a talent for taking charge of a situation; a responsibility that she wholly rejects, given the opportunity. Even still, she's landed a place as second in command of Petra's free company. She's socially adept and keeps many associates; some for pleasure, some for personal gain. She knows her way well around lances, swords, and hand-to hand combat. As a long-time adventurer, she's picked up several survival-related skills and knows well enough how to navigate herself through unknown territory. Hobbies: Photography, dancing, reading.
Most Positive Trait: Loyal. Most Negative Trait: Treacherous.
Colors: Blue-green, brown, dark blue. Smells: Jasmine flowers, fresh baked goods, a crackling hearth, sizzling meats, coffee. Textures: The soft touch of a blanket, the skin of a lover, the crunch of ice and snow beneath her feet. Drinks: Coffee, water, any and all alcoholic beverages with varying appreciation. Tea, with plenty of honey, for sickness, or to soothe a sore throat.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Often; socially, for pleasure, stress relief, or as an oral fixation. Drinks: Constantly; functioning alcoholic. Drugs: Yes; socially, for sleep - to escape nightmares. Prefers a mellow, comforting experience. Mount Issuance: Boga doesn't keep a personal mount, but is licensed to ride rented chocobos. Prefers walking, running, or carriages. Been Arrested: Yes, likely several times, most likely spent sobering up overnight in the brig of Limsa.
Stolen From Tagged By: @thefreelanceangel
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prodigal-explorer · 3 months
my patton's family au
(cw -> religious delusions, religious trauma, prostitution, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, non-consensual polygamy, kidnapping, technically pedophilia but not really? it's hard to explain that part. basically, an adult grooms a minor but not out of genuine romantic or sexual attraction.)
patton sees himself as a servant of god. a man who was put on earth to rid the world of sin. he has delusions, and very vivid dreams of god speaking to him and telling him about signs to look out for in sinners, and the things he must do to sinners.
one day, "god tells" patton that he must start a family, a family of misguided sinners who need help from him, who need a community to lean on and depend upon while they find their inner holiness. so patton readily agrees. after all, he's always wanted a family of his own.
so he starts. the very first sinner he encounters after "god's request" is a man about his own age (patton is in his early 30's) named logan. logan is an assistant professor at the nearby state university, and he's working towards a doctorate in human development and education. but logan is a cruel, cold man who does not see the merit in considering the feelings of anybody. he is very judgmental, and he expects way too much out of people, which is very ironic considering his major. he attends to things in a very scientific and logical way, assuming that everything fits into a box and that all rules must be adhered to no matter what. patton labels him as the very first sin: pride.
patton convinces logan that he is in love with him, and the two of them get married. and the moment logan is ensnared, patton starts teaching him "god's" lesson. logan becomes The Servant. he is trapped underneath patton's commands, being forced to cook and clean with barely a moment's rest. patton does this in order to show logan how terrible it is to have too much pressure placed upon a person and to be treated like a workhorse with no feelings.
the next sinner patton encounters is a man a little bit younger than him, a man named janus. janus is a prostitute, and he tries to pick up patton, but the way he does it is what sets patton off. janus lies. he lies and lies about how he feels such a connection, that he's just a poor young boy who needs money for his family, that he'll do anything for a couple bucks. so patton pretends to go with the lie, and he again convinces the lying prostitute that he's in love with him. patton labels janus as the next sin: lust.
patton marries janus, and the second janus is ensnared, he becomes The Jezebel. this title hurts twice as much because janus is a transgender man, something else that he lied about when trying to get with patton. janus is sexually abused by patton day after day, because patton hopes that if janus can associate sex with pain, then he will no longer crave it so much.
and after that, the third sinner. patton meets a young man, about ten years younger than him, named virgil. virgil is a man who was bullied a lot in his youth, and this hardened him, making him angry and terrified of ever being vulnerable in front of others. so in order to make himself the strongest, virgil got very physically adept, and he collected a posse of people who thought just like he did, one thing led to another, and he became the leader of a small gang. patton realized, though, that the only people virgil ever targeted were people who he had a history with. people who virgil personally wanted to see suffer as a result of both the hurt that virgil had endured and the fear that if virgil did not assert dominance, then his past bullies would. patton titles virgil as: wrath.
patton once again marries virgil and ensnares him. and virgil's new role in the family is The Pet. virgil is trussed up like a dog, forced to walk on all fours and dehumanize himself. patton decides that this will be a lesson to virgil, to humble him and show him that physical strength does not make up for emotional weakness.
and finally, the last sinner. "god tells" patton that he only needs one more person to round out his family of sinners, his family that he will work ever so hard to correct and convert so they will walk on the right path and get to heaven when they die. and the unlucky person patton finds? a teenager, a boy named roman. fifteen years old, the child of an acquaintance of patton's, and the most spoiled boy that patton had ever seen in his life. roman wanted everything all the time, and he screamed and thrashed and threw fits when he did not get to do exactly as pleased. when patton was asked to babysit for the young terror, the man readily agreed. roman was a naive child. he would be the easiest person yet to ensnare. patton titled roman's sin: greed.
patton married roman the day the boy turned eighteen, whisking him away and making him become The Child. see, patton thought that roman was trying to grow up entirely too fast. roman wanted to make his own decisions. roman wanted to do everything he wanted, all by himself, with no guidance. so patton took every bit of freedom away from roman, as well as every chance at friendship, for roman also became patton's favorite, because in patton's eyes, roman was the most likely to be "saved". since he was the youngest, he could change his mind easier, and a spoiled child was an easy fix in patton's eyes. just take away everything they hold dear for a very long time until they have no choice but to become humbled. it would be simple.
and that's the au, pretty much! sorry for the word vomit, i just had to get all of this down before i forgot it! also, roman, virgil, janus, and logan all have deeper lore, lore that sort of explains further why they are the way they are. and also, patton is never trying to be evil. he never enjoys hurting his "family", and he genuinely believes that god is talking to him.
the most chilling thing about this au is that patton is completely convinced that he is the hero in the story. the one who is doing the right thing, and that the four men suffering at his hand are benefiting from what he is doing. it's just aghhh it's creepy and cool and it scratches my whumpy itch.
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