#Grumpinati grumps
treefory · 7 months
Snorpy’s theory
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And like that he was gone.
“Hello? Is anybody there? Anyone?” He called out only to get silence in return. After pouring his feelings out to his beloved Chandlo, he got nothing
he turned back around and put his glasses back on. One of the lenses was smudged and the other still dirty.
He peeked his head out the mill's door. “Chandlo are you there?”
But of course he wasn’t there. Only the snaks from Gramble’s barn acnolaged him. With a disgruntled sigh he returned to his cleaning.
“How odd…”
— — —
That night he stood in front of his conspiracy board Looking over his meticulous work. Red yarn linked drawings of his theories together. Yes it looked like a bunch of random papers pinned to the wall but that didn’t matter.
But no matter how much he tried to focus on what the grumpinati was planning for him. The thought of his confession to Chandlo plagued his mind.
The way he didn’t even react to what he said then ran off after Beffica. It disturbed him. And the way he said “terrible secrets” Was weird too. Chandlo doesn’t have any secrets. So why would he ask about that?
Unless that wasn’t Chandlo…
“Dear grump. Has the grumpinati already figured out how to make clones? Perhaps lifelike robots?” He went to his small shelf and took some paper. He made a drawing of two Chandlo’s and wrote the word impostor on top of one then hung it up.
“Terrible secrets, huh? My love doesn’t have any!” He mumbled to himself. “Its ai is possibly the best I’ve ever seen. When I get my paws on it I’ll Tear it apart and turn it against you!”
He cut some red yarn and connected the drawing to the grumpinati symbol. “I’ll foil your plans once again, just you wait.”
“Hey Snorp-dawg!”
Snorpy squeaked when he heard his best friend (with benefits) greet him, but Everything seemed normal about him… so far.
“Ah Chandlo, it’s just you.” He said as he gave him an awkward smile. “Or is it…” he whispered
“How’s your day been? Any new invitations?” Chandlo asked as he took off his cap, letting his shaggy hair fall out.
“Of course you would ask about my inventions, Impostor.” He said under his breath
Chandlo sat on his bed “Huh?”
“Oh nothing “Chandlo” my day was wonderful!” He smiled. “Say…”Chandlo” If you’d like we can talk about your terrible secret now.”
“… what terrible secret?” Chandlo asked. “You know I wouldn’t keep any secrets from you.”
“Oh so you don’t remember what we were talking about earlier?”
“No? I haven’t been here since this morning.”
Snorpy turned back to his board “ah, so I see that you're not the imposter then.”
Chandlo got up “Huh??? Snorpy, what imposter?”
“Oh it’s nothing.” He dismissed
“Why would you think I’m an imposter?” Chandlo said as he now stood in front of Snorpy.
“Well if you insist, When I was cleaning my glasses you came to me and asked about a “terrible secret”. And after I spoke to you, you ran off after Beffica. but since you have no recollection of that ever happening, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are two of you.”
“What? Bro that’s impossible. Maybe you just confused me for someone else?”
“Hmm perhaps. But who would ask me such a question?”
“Maybe Beffica? She did have pinkle arms and I’m pretty sure I saw her with one of my jerseys. You might have thought she was me.”
“Hmmm I suppose that is a possibility. She is known for being in others business, no matter how private.” He said as he adjusted his apron. “But I still think you should keep an eye out for anymore of you. Just to be safe of course.”
Chandlo gave him a warm smile “anything for you snorp-dawg!”
— — —
Stars now filled the night sky as the mill’s wide doors now let in A nice breeze. Snorpy gently pulled the glasses off his face and set them on his shelf. Chandlo was already in his bed on the other side of the room.
Snorpy sat on his bed “Chandlo?” He called out softly
“Yeah Snorp-dawg?” Chandlo responded sleepily
“Since that wasn’t you earlier… I’m guessing you didn’t hear what I told you? About the “terrible secret”?”
“Ah… I see…”
Chandlo sat up in bed looking Snorpy in his eyes although all Snorpy could see was a green blob. “Something you wanted to tell me?”
“I- uh… no. No I-it was nothing” and with that he laid down in his bed “good night Chandlo.”
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 1 year
Theory on why we headcanon specific characters as trans more often than others, using the Fizzlebeans as evidence.
Identity based character arcs vs... other stuff based character arcs.
Warning this is EXTREMELY LONG
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Starting by analyzing Floofty, as they are my expertise.
Floofty is a scientist with no help, no funding, and ambitious plans. They come across as cold and uncaring, when in reality much of their shortsightedness comes from caring too much. Not for those closest to them directly, of course. But the greater good, and grumpuskind as a whole.
Their previous line of work suggests that when they had more resources, they spent more time helping individuals. Making prosthetics is a HIGHLY variable process, each individual limb that needs one being EXTREMELY different, even on the same person. Therefore they would need to be attentive towards individuals by necessity, even when making scientific breakthroughs. I don't think they'd have amazing bedside manner but I only bring this up to stress that Floofty is capable and willing to care for others should the situation call for it. However, they probably don't feel like they can afford to care after the events that cost them.... everything.
I assume they got their awesome career position through work during school, proving themself academically in a way that their.... abrasive characteristics wouldn't interfere with. Now that they have nothing, they're trying to get it back the same way they got it, by proving themself through actions.... but who they are and how people perceive them is directly responsible for their lack of help on Snaktooth. Actually, who they are likely made it near impossible to rebuild their reputation when inevitably grumps will think they are either chopping test subjects up to make murder machines or a confidentiality liability. They think their work should speak for itself, and who they are shouldn't matter. (They might even believe that they don't matter. It's already clear that their work is worth more to them than their own life.)
Realizing what they mean to others, who they could be to them when they let go of the big picture importance, and how they can help like they so desperately want to is integral to saving them. Let them forget that they are in fact, a grumpus, the very thing they want to save, and they might as well become what they study. Bugsnax.
Snorpy, however, as I've stated, is pretty much the opposite. Where Floofty rejects themself, Snorpy protects himself.... prepare for a staggeringly less complete analysis thanks to Not Literally Being Snorpy. Snorpies and Snorpy experts in the notes please contribute.
Snorpy is an engineer whose inventions are held in great esteem in Snaxburg, and yet he believes the world is out to get him. (By the world I mean... the grumpinati) The grumpinati is, in fact, not out to get him, and it takes incredible amounts of jumping to conclusions fueled by intense fear for anyone to shrink their world that small.
It's implied by his previous work that he was previously much more capable of... interacting with the public? being seen? than he is now. Like I mentioned, constructing prosthetics requires a lot of individual time and care, and a lot of interacting with many different grumpuses. But now? He is driven by fear. I can't even blame him, he's clearly deeply traumatized. How would you feel if your life's work was taken and warped for something you found cruel and evil all while you still depended on them for your livelihood? And you already probably had some sort of anxiety disorder?
Moving on, he is actually able to work perfectly fine. In fact, nearly every grumpus is seen using something he invented at least once? Despite inventions like The Knife Shot and flammable tripwire moments he's well liked by the town and everyone trusts his work to... work. But he's so absorbed by his own perceptions that it's impossible for him to take praise or even socialize without suspicion.
Even the relationship he holds most dear, and integral to what we call "Snorpy" is up in the air for him. I can only imagine he didn't ask for clarification or confess to his romantic feelings towards Chandlo out of fear. Fear of what exactly I can't say, as it's probably every possible factor that that course of action would change.
And... well. His main problem is never solved. Shelda is right, he needs therapy. Extensive therapy. But... he still improves. Part of why he does all of this is to protect Chandlo, and hide all of this from him... but after fighting Daddy Cakelegs it becomes a lot more clear to Snorpy that Chandlo is trying to protect him and knows a lot more than he gives him credit for. He's a lot closer to and more equal to Snorpy. Snorpy doesn't have to spend and sacrifice every fiber of his being to the bugsnax to protect who he loves.
That being said, who he is has nothing to do with his character arc. He's Snorpy, he's a nerd, he is an engineer. None of this is brought into question. Floofty's very status of "grumpus" is called into question through their experiments. (on an esoteric level. kinda. bugsnax are weird.)
What they share is their interactions with other grumpuses and how important actually letting themselves connect with others is... but that's something Everyone shares at least a little.
How does this relate to transgender headcanons? Floofty's arc features their identity very heavily, and calling the identity of the self into question is extremely transgender. Sometimes the definition of transgender. At the very least, a part of the process. (everyone is different)
That's why I think Shelda, Chandlo, and Wiggle are so popular for trans headcanons despite not necessarily doing anything outside their gender's norms. Their arcs heavily have to do with who they are and how their actions reflect that. Gramble and Triffany have a little bit of this but I can't rule out their gender non-comformity as the reason.
Of course, everyone is transgender to at least one person in the fandom because there's nothing proving anyone is cis and this fandom is very very queer.
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supersecretnerd · 1 month
If I had the energy to write, I would so make a crossover fanfic of Goodbye Volcano High and Bugsnax
It'd just be the main cast from GVH after their game events wake up on Snaktooth island slightly after the journalist arrived, so now on top of trying to get the grumpus all back in town the journalist (and everyone else) also has to be deal a different, unknown species of teenagers who are very frighten (not knowing if they're all dead or not, being away from their families, stuck on an island with body horror and tension from a group of creatures you don't know would be scary).
Also I think the interactions could potentially be cool.
I'd have to take proper notes before trying to come up with anything concrete, but have some ideas from the top of my head (below readmore so this isn't too long)
The GVH gang are unable to eat the Bugsnax (can't swallow them whole, but even if they could they'd get sick from it and wouldn't have the body changing effects.)
Feel like the GVH gang would get sick (mostly figuratively) of eating Sauces, and would look for food everywhere on the island and in the waters; they don't come up with anything and are disappointed (especially Sage, he just wants to cook)
Journalist definitely interviews them all (could be a good writing practice for getting a grasp at how GVH characters speak)
Stella and Shelda would get along either well or well-ish (depending on how Stella would react to Shelda's apartment hypocrisy when or if she noticed)
Trish and Rosa would like helping Gramble out with his pet Bugsnaxs. (However, it's kinda bittersweet cause looking at the Bugsnax makes them miss Mango) (Maybe Mango's on the island, and the Journalist eventually finds her)
Rosa would also like helping Wambus out in his garden, finding the Sauce Fruit fascinating. (Does kinda make Gramble and Wambus fights more awkward for her, since she likes hanging out with both)
On one hand Floofty is kinda a jerk, but on the other hand I feel like Fang, Sage, and Rosa would sorta look up to them for being the oldest non-cis person they've met.
Trish absolutely bombards Floofty with questions about their research on Bugsnax; Floofty would view her similarly to how they view Tiffany. (Trish could offer to help them with their research, currently unsure if Floofty would accept or decline like how they declined Flibo) (The decapitation experiment still happens though, as Trish cannot eat bugsnax)
Floofty would be more excited at the prospect of finding a new sapient species, but the Bugsnax is still messing with their head so it's a more mellowed out excitement.
Snoopy is naturally suspicious of them, doesn't trust them (thinks they were all created by Grumpinati to spy on them).
They'd all get along with Chandlo great, who doesn't like Chandlo.
Fang would relate heavily to Wiggle's passion for music and think she's cool, whereas Fang would remind Wiggle of a younger version of herself (on Wiggle ends, it's kinda both a happy and sad thing.
Tiffany and Naser would crack a lot of jokes together.
Reed tries to start a L&L game on the island with some grumps included (dunno who yet) (if you don't know, L&L is just D&D). It doesn't end well (how don't know, something similar to how Filbos activities end/maybe it was Filbos idea), so the GVH just take to playing L&L amongst themselves.
GVH gang would be nicer to Filbos I think.
That's about all I can think of. Feel free to send me any ideas you guys come up with!
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abbzworld · 9 months
This was written for a Secret Santa event over on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy your present, @snorpy-fizzlebean! Sorry that it’s late. ^^;
Also, a minor disclaimer; I’ve never seen Twin Peaks and know basically nothing about it. So I was just making some things up at some parts of the story. Lol
Anyways, please enjoy!
Grump Peaks was a show that could be very confusing for Chandlo.
It wasn’t necessarily that he didn’t enjoy it. The special effects were usually quite good, especially in the later seasons, and in his opinion, the characters with their struggles and relationships with each other were the best and most interesting part of the show.
He just had some trouble following along with some of the story.
For example, he didn’t understand why the bad guy was planning on unleashing a bunch of supernatural horrors onto Grump Peaks. Sure, he’d had a terrible childhood when he lived there with his alcoholic father and this was his twisted idea of getting revenge. But why didn’t he realize that his plan would also put the entire world in danger? He was supposed to be an intelligent grumpus, after all!
When he asked about it, Snorpy explained to him, “Grizby’s problem isn’t that he’s unintelligent. His problem is that he winds up getting hyper-focused on his goals to the neglect of everything else, including any common sense. Or rather, his lack thereof.”
Chandlo could understand what Snorpy was telling him, but he was still confused as to why the bad guy let things get this bad.
“Unfortunately, that happens sometimes. Take Floofty, for example. They’re trying to help grumpus kind so their goals are obviously much different from Grizby’s, but in a way, Floofty also struggles with seeing whether what they’re doing is a good idea or not. That’s why they take so many risks and don’t always foresee the consequences of their actions. I mean, just look at what happened on Snaktooth! They almost decapitated themselves just to see if their head would come back like their leg did!”
Chandlo gently wrapped an arm around his shoulders to silently comfort him as Snorpy sighed. “I am glad that they’re getting better, however. They still have a long way to go, though.”
Chandlo nodded and said, “Yeah, but that’s probably true of all of us.”
Snorpy silently nodded before he glanced at the television and got excited. “Ooh, I love this part! It’s when Aless and Ozwin join together to stop him!”
Chandlo softly chuckled, keeping his arm around Snorpy’s shoulders as they both continued to watch what was going on in the show.
In all honesty, this was the real reason he watches it despite it not entirely being his thing. He enjoys seeing how invested Snorpy always gets despite having already seen this show dozens of times.
Ever since they were kids, he’s loved Grump Peaks. He meticulously analyzes every frame and shot of the show, has very little he actively criticizes, and even though the show got an abrupt ending because of the Grumpinati, as he believes, it’s still his favorite show of all time.
Chandlo might not fully understand it sometimes, but hey, if it makes Snorpy happy then he’s happy.
Besides, Snorpy was always so adorable the more interested he gets in something. His eyes go wide with excitement, he gets a little smile on his face and Chandlo can tell that he’s committing everything to memory.
Even though he already knows what’s going to happen.
Eventually, the credits of the final episode started to roll and Chandlo yawned as Snorpy began to rant, “I still cannot believe that this show got cancelled! I mean, we never really got a conclusive answer about Aless’ and Ozwin’s relationship, and the overall conclusion was incredibly rushed! They needed at least another season to properly conclude the story but the Grumpinati wouldn’t allow that, would they?!”
Chandlo chuckled as he rubbed his boyfriend’s back. “Easy there, Snorpy-dawg. You don’t want to get too worked up, right?”
Snorpy sighed. “No… I’m sorry Chandlo. I don’t mean to get so emotional; it just really bothers me that Grump Peaks wasn’t given the finale that it truly deserved.”
Chandlo smiled at him. “No need to apologize, bro. I know how much this show means to you. It might not be my thing like it is yours but I can understand your frustration.”
Snorpy sighed again and smiled at him. “Thank you Chandlo. Truly.”
“Aw anytime, Snorpy!”
Snorpy then yawned himself before stretching a bit. “Ugh, what time is it?”
Chandlo looked at a nearby clock. “It’s almost 10 pm.”
“My word, I didn’t realize it was getting so late. We should probably head to bed then!”
Chandlo nodded. “Yeah, I agree. We both have to go to the gym in the morning so we can’t afford to be too tired.”
Snorpy agreed and so they stood up, yawning again, before they shuffled over to their shared bed.
Once they were settled in, they cuddled together and said their good nights.
About five hours later, however, Chandlo awoke to Snorpy softly whimpering.
Groggily, Chando quietly asked, “Snorpy? Hey, are you alright?”
Snorpy didn’t answer and now the whimpers were getting louder.
“No… No! Don’t eat them!”
And then it dawned on Chandlo that he was having a nightmare.
Unfortunately, they both got them frequently ever since they escaped from Snaktooth. The knowledge that the bugsnax they were eating were actually parasites that could’ve – and would’ve – killed them was quite traumatic for them.
Chandlo had no idea what would’ve happened if he’d lost Snorpy. And he was sure that Snorpy had those same thoughts about him. And considering he was already anxious even before he went to Snaktooth, said trauma and anxiety often manifested in the form of nightmares.
And unfortunately, despite how much he wished it, Shellsy was unable to concoct an herbal solution to make the nightmares go away because such a thing didn’t exist. She only knew how to allow someone to go to sleep easier, not actually banish dreams altogether.
So both Chandlo and Snorpy, as well as presumably the rest of the Krew, just had to wait and hope that the dreams would eventually fade on their own.
But regardless of that, Chandlo wasn’t going to just lie there and let Snorpy suffer on his own. He would never do that.
And so, he gently wrapped an arm around Snorpy’s waist, pulling him close.
“Shhh… It’s alright, Snorpy. I’m here.” He gently murmured into his ear, kissing his forehead. It took a few minutes of gently caressing his back, but eventually the whimpers stopped and Snorpy began to breathe easily again.
Still, Chandlo didn’t let go as he once again drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, they were at the breakfast table, debating on what to eat that wouldn’t remind them too much of the bugsnax. Apples and bananas were off the table, as well as anything like a cinnamon bun. They eventually settled on cereal.
As they ate, Snorpy said, “Thank you, Chandlo.”
“Well…” He sighed. “I was having a nightmare last night. But I soon felt a warm and comforting presence enter my subconscious. And the nightmare left me afterwards.” He then smiled. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
Chandlo smiled and chuckled. “Guilty as charged.” He then sighed. “I know how intense those nightmares can get, so I didn’t want you suffering through one alone.”
Snorpy nodded. “Well, thank you. It’s been tough, but I’m glad that you’re here. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Same here, Snorp-dawg.”
After they’d finished their breakfast, they settled down on the couch as they had half an hour before they had to leave.
They didn’t watch anything, though. They simply cuddled against each other and talked about their plans for the day.
“…and I’m learning how to do pull-up’s better. It’s killer on the arms and abs, but I’m slowly but surely getting there.”
Chandlo smiled as he hugged Snorpy. “I’m proud of you, Snorpy. You’re doing such a good job.”
Snorpy blushed. “Ah, heh heh… Thank you.”
“And I’m really impressed with how fit and healthy you’ve gotten as a result of working out more!” Chandlo continued, finding it adorable how flustered Snorpy was getting. “I’m really proud of you, bro!”
Snorpy giggled, blushing even harder. “Awww, stop. You’re making me blush…”
Chandlo smirked at him. “I know. And I think it’s adorable.”
Snorpy made a bunch of flustered noises as Chandlo chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you.”
Snorpy giggled again before saying, “Ah, yes. I love you too.”
They both smiled at each other before Snorpy cleared his throat and asked him, “So erm… what do you plan on doing at the gym?”
“Well, I plan on shooting some hoops. It’s fun competing against the other grumps there.”
Snorpy chuckled. “That’s nice to hear. I hope that they don’t get too competitive, though.”
“No, they don’t.” Chandlo reassured him. “It’s all in good fun.”
Snorpy nodded. “Good. I’d hate for someone to get mad at you over a basketball competition. I’ve heard how defensive grumpuses can get over sports and related events…”
“I understand what you mean, but that hasn’t happened.” Chandlo smiled at him, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “And besides, I was taught to always have good sportsmanship. My mother always made sure to teach me that as a kid.”
Snorpy nodded. “Yes, I remember that.”
“Also, it’s important to know your limits. I was always pushing myself too hard and I still struggle with that now. But rest is just as important as how many push-ups you can do in one sitting. Eggabell taught me that!”
Snorpy smiled. “I’m sure she did. She is a doctor after all!”
Chandlo grinned. “Yeah, bro! I owe a lot of my know-how to her! And to you, of course. You’ve always been there for me and your inventions are really helpful!”
Snorpy giggled again. “Heh, thank you.”
For the new few minutes, they simply sat there, cuddling each other as Snorpy listened to Chandlo’s heartbeat.
Eventually, however, they had to get up to go to the gym.
“Let’s see… water bottles?”
“First aid kit?”
“And we’re both dressed in our workout gear… Awesome dawg! We’re ready to go!”
“Right behind you, love.”
The End
I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, feel free to tell me! And if you have any constructive criticism for me, you can tell me that, as well. Thank you!
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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had ideas for a bugsnax mafia genre game. doodled a layout inspired by Slaughter Horse. wrote down some roles. might not touch this idea ever again
the role ideas (very inspired by slaughter horse sorry i’m bad at ideas)
The Prophet (Good)
A grump who isn’t really magic, but has decent intuition. Can give you two options for who a grumpus might be. Can help identify the queen
The Conspiracy Theorist (Good)
A grumpus who swears people are after them, and in this case, they’re right. Can theorize on who a grumpus might be and kill them with a “grumpinati trap” but will kill themself if they killed an innocent role
The Snoop (Good)
A grump with a knack for details. Can look into a grumpus and tell you if they’re a parasite with 50% certainty or the agent with 100% certainty
The Doctor (Good)
A caring, kind doctor, whos doing the best they can. Can protect one grumpus from death but will die themself in the process. Does not kill the grumpus that attacked them
The Popstar (Good)
An overzealous performer. Will perform a song at night for a grumpus that role-blocks them. Prevents the parasite and the agent from killing, but the popstar will be killed by the queen if performing for her.
The Archeologist (Good)
Someone with a knack for bodies. Has a 20% chance of being able to tell how a grumpus died and who did it. Only works on the dead
The Farmer (Good)
A hardy old farmer with shotgun experience. Can only be used three times. When active, will shoot anyone who enters their proximity. includes the snoop, the popstar, and the doctor if assigned to them, and the mayor if they wander by.
The Mayor (Neutral)
The mayor of the town, wandering around being a buddy. If the mayor dies, the town morale drops
The Scientist (Neutral)
The smartest, and simultaneously most snarky grumpus in town. Can be easily mistaken for a parasite by the snoop, does not die to the conspiracy theorists’ traps, and will bring another grumpus down with them if executed.
The Parasite (Bad)
A grumpus taken over by bugsnax. Targets one grumpus each night
The Agent (Bad)
A grumpus sent to eradicate the remaining ones. Targets one grumpus each night
The Queen (Bad)
Ruler of parasites and the biggest threat. Targets one grumpus each night and cannot be killed by the conspiracy theorist’s trap
The Fake (Bad)
Fakes evidence against a grumpus in an attempt to get them falsely executed. The prophet can tell when a faking has happened, the snoop cannot.
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that-weird-mime · 9 months
Mime thoughts- Bugsnax theories
I wanted to throw a lot of theories/headcannons out there to see if anyone agrees with me lol. Here you go, y'all!
The Grumpinati exists separate of Snakolytes (headcannon)
Basically, I remember Triffany saying the Grumpinati, at most, might just be a literary society, which might be foreshadowing what the Snakolytes do (study). However, what if the grumpinati does exist as GNN. Basically, a society that shields the public from unwanted news that might cause a mass panic. They're like a giant writing club. They would get along with the Snakolytes, but for shits and giggles, they don't know about each other's existences and would freak out if they figured out they weren't the only secret society. Clumby might know of them, being the only overlap between the two, but she doesn't say anything about it because she assumed they already know each other. (And would probably call both sides idiots if she found out they didn't.)
Megamaki being the snax version of grumpbeard and his crew. (Theory)
Wiggle describes Megamaki like a main singer and her back up dancers. However, the way they work together when they fight, and shoot roe out in a way similar to a cannon in a way. Plus, they hang around the bay where Grumpbeard's ship crashed, their ship. If all the mini-maki are taken out, all that's left is the captain without a crew. Ooh, and plus, megamaki can be seen swimming around the windows of the Triplicate Space, where the descendants of Blackbeard's voyage (and possibly his literal descendants, Alegander) hang out. I don't have many other clues here, but pirates are cool, so there.
Snaktooth island is moving closer to the mainland. (Theory)
I remember hearing this theory a while ago and getting chills over it. Basically, Lizbert's crew describe their trip to snaktooth like it took days at least. It even seems to take a while for the Journalist to get there, assuming they answered Lizbert's letter and file right away. But in the end, it seems to only take the grumpuses a mere matter of hours, maybe one hour at the least, to get back to the mainland. Snaktooth island can be seen clearly in the distance. That makes me think. If Snaktooth island was originally so close, why don't more grumps go to visit it? You'd think people would talk about it more, especially with Megamaki and Mothza being big bugsnax that seem to explore around. Well, what if it originally was much farther, and has slowly made an effort to get closer to the mainland. This is an apocalyptic event waiting to happen. Perhaps triggered by Lizbert's rise to queendom?
That's all the silly little stuff I can think of right now. Just a lot of stuff, thanks for taking the time to read. ^^
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orb-the-watchman · 2 years
Me thinking about grumpus lore: grumpuses almost have like, this elevated sense of self, no? And by that I mean like, it seems like they take a lot of pride in being grumpuses. Like, obviously they use the term "grump" a lot in conversation and variations of, like "grumping". But also "grump" seems to be a prefix given to things that have some level of extravagance, importance or mysticism. (Grump Peaks being a murder mystery with supernatural elements, the Grumpinati being a mysterious power that keeps itself hidden from society, new Grump city being a prosperous and influencial city etc.) Do you think grumpuses give things they find exceptional or otherworldly a "grump" prefix because they find their own species to be so valuable? Is being a grumpus inherently honorable in grumpus society?
Also me thinking about grumpus lore: do you think. They call it Breakfast at Triffany's. Instead of. Breakfast at Tiffany's. In bugsnax world.
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broken-clover · 1 year
15- Prizes
Trying my hand at writing Bugsnax again. This one has more of a plot but it was still fun to muck about with, having everyone playing games together.
Takes place after the second celebration event with the ghost stories, and after chandlo and snorpy return to Snaxburg. It's mostly Filbo-centric, but it has a little bit of everyone who's currently in town
The trouble had all begun when Filbo dragged out the plywood.
After the last attempt at a party devolved into ghost stories and paranoia, he’d apparently decided he had to make up for it somehow with another little shindig. The others had amused him, partly out of pity and partly out of curiosity. Filbo might have been a lousy mayor, but he was at least creative when he wanted to be. Got the paint out and everything.
Still, nobody was quite prepared for whatever had been brewing in his brain until they were summoned to the nightly campfire.
“What the grump did you do, Fil-Bro?”
Cyan paws awkwardly wound around each other. “I made some games for us to play!” He announced. “Uh, there’s cornhole, there’s horseshoes, and I found enough magnets to make a little fishing game!”
Everyone looked on in grotesque curiosity, like the way one would look at a small, ugly animal. The stalls were visibly handmade and crude, but had enough effort put in to hold together. Filbo had slapped together a tiny carnival, and nobody was quite sure what to do with that fact.
Beffica pointed to a nearby table, stacked high with, to an outsider’s eye, miscellaneous junk of no purpose. “What’s with the table?”
“That? Oh! That’s, uh-” Filbo turned sheepish. “I thought it’d be a little more motivating if I made prizes. A-a lot of it’s just some things I had in storage, but Buddy helped me get some supplies to make stuff!”
“Huh, was wonderin’ what you’d asked me about knitting for…” Gramble said, eyeing a slightly misshapen, knitted approximation of a bunger by the edge of the pile.
Despite his efforts, and enthusiastic grin, nobody seemed particularly enthused themselves. Tiffany, ever the polite one, stepped forward.
“Suppose we can play a coupla rounds, yah?” She glanced at her neighbors. “We’ve all been workin’ real hard lately, a lil’ game might be good fer us!”
“Dibs on the horseshoes!” Chandlo scrambled to the pile. “Tossing metal’s gotta be some great exercise, bro!” He picked up a horseshoe and spun it around on one finger. “C’mon, Snorp-dawg! Let’s work on those arms!”
“Wasting time on frivolities when the Grumpinati are on the move…I’d much rather spend the time with my diagrams, but if you so insist, Chandlo…” Snorpy trailed off after him, far less hesitant than his voice suggested.
“Th- that’s great, you guys!” Filbo perked up. “Beffica, you wanna play a game?”
“O-oh…” He moved on to the next. “Wiggle, how about you?”
She thought it over for a moment. “Hmm…while not very glamorous, I’ve heard inspiration can come from odd places. As long as it doesn’t get my fur wet, fishing might be fun!”
Filbo handed her a homemade fishing rod. She felt the weight in her paws, and looked over at the prize table. “And besides, I could do with a new accessory. It’s hard to find anything fashionable here, but those hairclips might just give my look a new bit of flair!”
Beffica immediately snapped to attention. “Hey, hold on there, those clips are mine!”
“Oh, pssh! I can hear them caaaalling out to me, darling! It’s only natural.”
“You are on, Wigglebottom!” Beffica looked over to their host. “How do I win those things, squeeb?”
“Well, uh, I was gonna have whoever won pick whatever prize they wanted from the table, nothing really planned out. All the fish have numbers on the bottom, whichever of you catches the bigger number wins!”
“Wait a sec, it’s that easy?” Cromdo butted in.
“Uhh, yeah, why?”
He grinned, showing off his fangs. “Simple economics, Fiddlepie. If I win that little trinket, then I can make those two fight each other for the highest bid! It’s supply and demand! I supply, then demand a big payload for it!”
“I dunno if that’s-”
“Outta the way, ladies! Lemme show you how an expert fishes!” Cromdo rushed by, nearly butting the two head-on to make space for himself.
Despite that, Filbo had cheered up considerably. “They’re actually playing the games! Gramble, what about-
“Oh, blast it!”
Everyone ducked as a horseshoe narrowly sailed over their heads. Snorpy crossed his arms and scowled. “This accursed thing is clearly defective, most likely a grumpinati creation designed solely to deceive me! I cannot get it anywhere near the pegs!”
“Chill, Snorp-dawg, deep breaths. You’re letting go of ‘em too late.” Picking up another shoe, Chandlo stood behind the other grumpus and directed his arm. “You gotta focus on where it’s going. C’mon. Feel the horseshoe, be the horseshoe.”
“Maybe bein’ near those two ain’t a good idea…” Gramble doddered off towards the cornhole board. This looks simple enough, ah guess.” He picked up a homemade beanbag from the top of the pile.
“You get three beanbags! Just toss ‘em at the board, and wherever they land, that’s your score!” Said Filbo.
“Uh-huh. Jus’ toss ‘em,” after a few test swings, he tossed one gently at the board, as though he could injure it. The bag limply slid along the surface, stopping around halfway up. “Five points! Nicely done, if I do say so!”
Tiffany clapped her paws together. “Good job! Mind if I give it a go?”
Filbo winced at the sound of someone growling. Beffica waggled the fishing rod over the little pool of fake fish, but was struggling to catch any.
“Don’t look at me like that, squeeb! Your game’s broken!”
“Sheesh, Beff, c’mon. That’s not how ya hold a fishing rod!” Before he could attempt a reply, Cromdo stepped in, doing a quick flick of the wrist on both hands to toss the fishing line down. “Like that, see? Gotta use your wrists more.”
“...Wrists, huh?” She tried an experimental swing, copying the salesman.
Another beanbag thumped against the board. “Wa-ha! I got four points! But I’ll get better aim next time, Gramble, so don’t you go thinkin’ you’ve got this in the bag, yah?”
She gestured for her husband to join. “C’mon, Wamby, it’ll be fun!”
“But look at that lil’ organizer right there! Weren’tcha sayin’ you wanted something like that for yer gardening supplies?”
His expression didn’t change, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. “Fine. If that’s what I gotta do to get it…”
Still, he stood back, unengaged. The two players gave another toss, with Triffany scoring a six, and Gramble’s bag skidding along until it settled right by the open hole by the top, scoring nine.
“Ha! Already gettin’ it right by the hole! I must be some kinda cornhole expert!”
A scoff came from behind them.
“Feh. Y’all ain’t foolin’ anyone, you wanna see a real cornhole expert do his thing?”
Triffany lit up with a pleased grin, tossing Wambus a bag. “Wanna put yer snaks where yer mouth is, eh?”
“With pleasure.” Without any warmup, without any practice swing, Wambus snapped his wrist and sent the bag soaring. It slid up the slick surface of the board, butting into Gramble’s last bag and falling neatly into the hole with a hollow thud.
“W-wha-” Gramble’s mouth dropped open.
“Wamby, I-” Tiffany was equally shocked, eyes wide. “I didn’t know ya had that kinda aim!”
Wambus blew on his knuckles and buffed them against his vest. “Cornhole. Showed up at every county fair I ever went to. Won my first trowel as a young’un beating the town record.”
“Gosh, whenever I think I’ve learned everything there is to know about ya, there’s still surprises!”
Filbo looked on in pride. Next door, Snorpy had finally gotten the hang of horseshoe-throwing thanks to Chandlo’s guidance, and the two were playfully bantering as they tried to outdo one another. Meanwhile, both Wiggle and Beffica were still attempting to copy Cromdo’s skilled line-casting, and Cromdo, who looked far cheerier than Filbo had seen him, probably ever, was soaking up the attention of playing teacher. Outside of friendly teasing, everyone was getting along. After last time, he hadn’t been expecting much success, but this was more a success than he could have imagined.
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fanartalchemist · 1 year
Lucid decapitation
WARNING: body horror, mention of decapitation and gore.
what would happen if snorpy never went in to save their sibling? maybe it would work for the better... or worse.
also, spoilers for the game, especially Floofty's side quest.
P.S. this is my first time writing a story, so I like to hear how well I did or how I can do better.
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"I cant believe this is taking Me more than 24 hours to set up this contraption. Its literally the middle of the night by the time I got it set up." Floofty mumbled to themselves as they made some finishing touches to the recycled machine. " Why should I be complaining? At least the journalist is doing the difficult part of catching a Bugsnack for the experiment. Not only that, Snorpy decided to bring Chandlo along with checking out the disturbance up on frosted peak. At least my anxious sibling wouldn't sabotage my work again."
Deep down, Floofty was a little bothered that their brother wouldn't be there to see their success, or at least be there when something goes wrong. What were they talking about? If the journalist doesn't back out on their plan, they're the only help Floofty needs.
Speaking of which, Buddy came back with a Strabby in their paw. "Ah, you've got the perfect Bugsnax for the contraption. Excellent." Floofty spoke excitedly. "And in a perfect time too, because I happen to be done with setting the device up."
Buddy stared at the machine Floofty was in front of, with terror forming in their face. "What in the grump is that thing?" shouted the journalist. Its clear to floofty that they never saw snorpy's other prototype inventions, despite how close they were as friends.
"I borrowed one of my brothers patented 'Grumpinati traps' and made some modifications." Floofty informed as they stepped into the machine. Once on the device, the machine already strapped them in. "Once the device is activated, snacks will flow into my open mouth, thus triggering my regeneration."
Buddy stared at it for a few more seconds before they finally spoke "This is terrifying.".
"Yes, I surmise that is why I'm in inside the device and you are not." Floofty responded. They couldn't see the journalist while laying on the cold piece of metal they were strapped in, but could easily hear how distressed Buddy was from their shaky voice.
"How do you know this will work?" Buddy questioned once more. To be honest, Floofty a little distressed about it themselves. Why should they? They came so far, they shouldn't stop now. It should work, since they sucessfuly regrown their leg. They've researched Bugsnax for almost a year. Why would that journalist question what they do when they haven't been on the island for even a month yet?
"I don't. that is what the experiment is for!" they told the journalist. "I need you to load the funnel at the back and then we can begin.".
It was silent for a moment, with Cobhoppers chirping in the background and leaves rustling in the wind. Floofty hoped that the journalist isn't backing out on their project the second they could finally see the results. Finally, they hear Buddy' footsteps going toward where the funnel gets loaded. They heard the Strabby's cry before Buddy shut the door of the funnel device. Once they did so, the blade of the machine automatically started spinning.
There was no turning back. Floofty tried to remain calm as the blade came closer to their head. Thats when they realized how painfull the process is going to be. They never took anything to numb the pain, because they want to have a clear mind when they need to take notes. They started to regret not taking anything to help with the pain that they were about to face.
Before they could think further, the funnel loaded the strabby into their mouth. As much as Floofty wanted to savor the delectable creature, they had to swallow it before the blade came down on them. That was officially their one final meal.
The blade finally punctured into their flesh. Floofty screamed in agony as the blade dug further, only to be silenced when it cut through their vocal cord. Floofty could hardly breath as blood fills their lungs, only to no longer breath when it finally cut through their throat and their wind pipes. When it finally cut through the spine, the feeling of intense agony, along with the feeling of cold metal they were being restrained by, has disappeared from the chest down. Once the blade has completely cut through their body and quickly went back in place, some sort of unknown force pushed their decapitated head off of the device and onto the soft, grass-covered ground beneath them.
"I...I'm still alive?" floofty thought to themselves, no longer being able to speak. "I supose this is the result of lucid decapitation: when the head is still cautious even after being removed from the body." luckily for floofty, they landed facing Buddy and their body laying on the machine. They could easily see the journalist, finally removing their paws from their eyes to look at the final result. As for their own body, its difficult to see since its in the shadows of the huts. Once the restraints were removed, it took only a few seconds before they could see movement in their paws. Flooftys body has sat up, showing that their head has been replaced by another one. It looked like their head from the darkness, but without their goggles on their head.
It was a success. Floofty was right about the regeneration of bugsnax. As proud as they were, they soon realized that their body now has a conscience of that of a strabby. Floofty assumed that the only thing that creature would do was scamper and wonder around like simple creatures they are.
They looked at the journalist, seeing their shocked expression. " Wow, it really worked" Buddy said to the still alive head of floofty. The creature, now hosting floofty's body, face towards the journalist. That grabbed both of their attention. The creature hopped off of the restraint platform and started creeping towards buddy. The journalist's face towards the creature, with their expression changing from surprised to genuine fear.
"Wait a minute. Stop! What are y..." Buddy pleaded before they were interrupted by the creature pouncing onto them. The monstrosity went at them with their teeth in their throat, and tore it off from their neck. Blood dripped from the monsters maw as life disappeared from the journalist's body.
Flooftie's eyes started flooding with tears as they saw the corpse of their friend. They never expected the bugsnax to commit a murder this barbaric, not even a strabby. Was this the hidden nature of bugsnax this whole time? Was this the price they have to pay for messing with the forces of nature?
The creature quickly turned toward Flooftie's decapitated head from across the contraption. It slowly walked from the corpse next to the funnel to the severed head. It picked them up and held it to the point where Floofty could finally see the face of the monster. Its eyes were that of the bugsnax, with its head being that of a rotting strawberry. Its hair are made of leaves in the same style as flooftie's, and the teeth are that of stems of strawberries. looking deep into the monsters pupils, they see themselves in its reflection.
As the creature removed the goggles from floofty, it spoke. Its voice was that of flooftie's, but distorted. "You were very helpful, but we have no use for you anymore". Flooftie's vision started going dark as the creature brought its head towards its mouth, and gobbled it up.
"Wait. Stop!" Floofty shouted as they sit up from their bed, breathing heavily. They woke up with cold sweat soaking their bed of their brother's apartment. They looked at themselves, and felt their chest and head to see if its still attached. It was all a dream, or a nightmare in this case.
They gave themselves time to calm down and recall the current events. Floofty is still alive, everyone escaped snaktooth thanks to Lizbert and Eggabell (assuming they are the queen of bugsnax) as the volcano went off, and now they are seeking temporary refuge in an apartment with their brother snorpy, and his boyfriend chandlo, as the bugsnax wear off. That pretty sums up what happened. that, and the Bugsnax are parasites that use your insecurities to make you crave more. They were relieved that the danger is over.
Floofty leaned towards the nightstand on the side of the bed to drink some water. When they did, they studently feel something strange under the sheets. There was a red stain bleeding through the blanket, but the aroma wasnt that of blood, but a fruit. When they removed the covers, they saw what remains of their regenerated leg: nothing but decomposed snack matter. When the bugsnax wore off from where they removed their leg, it seemed to turn to mush instead of disappearing like the rest of the snakification. Now floofty only has one foot to stand on now.
Having one leg is not what bothered floofty, but the fact that they were also gonna decapitate their head after that. Floofty was filled with dread thinking of the aftermath. Even if the possibility of that nightmare becoming a real outcome, but the fact that they wouldn't be able to grow back their head after the bugsnax wear off, and the body was the first thing that would desnakify. The thought of it made them feel nauseous, making them fall to the floor to get to the trash can to hurl in when they do.
Snorpy came in with a wrench at hand as if there was an intruder, with half-awake chandlo by his side. "Floofty! are you okay?" questioned Snorpy in a concerned tone. "were you attacked? did the frumpinati..." He saw floofty on the floor next to the bed, holding on to the trach can. They looked pale and was trembling like they witnessed a Gruesome demise. Snoopy then darted his eyes to where their one leg use to be.
"Should I call someone to check if they are alright?" chandlo added.
"could you get some medicine for nausea my love?" Snorpy replied. Chandlo left the room to find what he requested, while Snorpy comforts their sibling.
"Don't fret Floofty. I already made a prosthetic for you. I just need to..."
"thats not whats bothering me!" Floofty interrupted. Snorpy realized it was bad to assume what was wrong.
"I apologize. what has been bothering you?"
Floofty let out a quick sigh. "its complicated to explain"
"Ill give you a moment then. Ill be here when your ready to talk to me."
Chandlo came back with the bottle of pills. "will this work?" he asked. Chandlo passed the bottle to Snorpy so he could examine it.
"This is good enough. could you give us a moment?"
Chandlo nodded, and left the room. Snorpy put the medication aside for later. Thats when floofy finally had the courage to answer.
"I regret trying to experimenting with Bugsnax. I should've known how harmful those parasites really are in the first place. I was blinded by my own pride experimenting with Bugsnax, when I should've had suspicion when lizbert was onto them. I should've listen to Shielda's warnings, even when they are speaking like some horoscope! I shouldn't have put Poor Eggabell so close to death!"
"Don't be so hard on yourself." Snorpy replied. "You were just trying to help the expedition, right?"
"I tried removing my own head snorpington! I was going to ruin my own life, and those I'm close to, just to help a billion!". Floofty pointed at what was left of their snakified limb on the bead, all nothing but mush. "Even if I successfully regenerate my own head, either the Bugsnax itself will have my body and use it for its sinister plot, or I have to live with the parasites for the rest of my life" floofty put their hands on their own throat, remembering the feeling of consuming those parasites. "even if I'm still myself after decapitation, I would have to keep eating them so the snakification won't wear off and kill me, and not eat too frequent so I don't become them. I may have to keep risking my own life just to find out. Its like if a rodent has eaten poison, not knowing when it will be its last day."
Snorpy sees that their sibling is trying to hold back their tears. He wanted to comfort them with words, but thought it would be better to hear more of what they have to say.
"If you haven't stopped that machine, I would end up living with that for the rest of the life I have left. You wouldn't have a sibling anymore, and I haven't realized how important it was to you until now. I'm sorry for everything I have done on that island, and before that".
That was the most sincere apology Floofty has given him. they looked into each others eyes, Floofties eyes glisten with tears. Snorpy gave them the least uncomfortable hug he can give with his short arms.
"thank you for telling me Floofty." their brother calmly responded.
They huged back, finally sheding a few tears they've been holding back. it took them a minute to finally relax, no longer queasy from fear.
"thank you for everything you've done for me Snorpy."
He was glad to finally hear that from their older sibling. He helped Floofty back into bed after Chandlo replaced the Strabby-stained sheets with fresh clean ones.
"You go ahead and get a bit more sleep while I put the finishing touches on your new prosthetic." Snorpy told their sibling. "After all, we wouldn't want to miss our chum Filbo getting elected as mayor."
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shwoo · 1 year
Grumpus Headcanons (1/3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
I finished my big list of headcanons about the Bugsnax characters and their pre-game relationships, and it turned out super long! So instead of using a readmore like normal people, I'm going to post it in three parts over three days.
These aren't, like, analytical headcanons; they're mostly just me making stuff up that I think is plausible. I meant to do this a year ago, and even already expanded a little in a fanfic on the headcanon about Chandlo being a small kid (here). But I got it done eventually! The idea is one headcanon for one character or relationship.
Character Headcanons (Eggabell Batternugget - Gramble Gigglefunny)
Eggabell Batternugget I think she actively studied Bugsnax with Floofty, as well as volunteering as a test subject, but I also think that has some backing in the game, so it's not the headcanon I'm talking about here. The headcanon is what she was studying: the nutritional value of Bugsnax. This is how she's able to be so confident that they're a perfectly balanced source of nutrition in her DLC interview. She also tried to figure out what exactly made them feel so good to eat. Being an endocrinologist, she guessed that it was some hormone, and made some progress in figuring out whether that was true, but then the earthquake happened.
Clumby Clumbernut She wasn't interested in joining the Snackolytes, and said no once Jamfoot was done talking about recruitment bonuses, though she knew he was telling her, not asking. But she was the last survivor of her expedition, and Jamfoot told her that she probably wouldn't last long all alone. Based on what she'd seen so far, Clumby agreed, so she joined up with the intention of going back on it once they were back on the mainland. But the Snakolytes were a lot bigger and more influential than she'd thought. They're also the reason she's continuing to do a job she hates.
Cromdo Face Hiding his singing is a habit left over from childhood, when he'd get in trouble if he did something fun when there was still work to be done. He also didn't have a lot of privacy, making it hard to find a time and place to sing that didn't annoy anyone. When he got married later, his singing also annoyed his husband. The idea that crime was the best shortcut to living comfortably was his own, though.
Filbo Fiddlepie I've made up my mind. He grew up with Lizbert; he's Grumpus American-Australian. His family moved to… I'm going to say Grumpus Sydney when his dad was a preteen, and his dad returned to New Grump City after finishing year twelve, then moved back to a smaller town when Filbo was a toddler. Filbo speaks American English to please his family, particularly his dad. Also he definitely did not get his pen licence in primary school. I've seen his handwriting in-game. I came up with a lot of extra stuff about Filbo's dad, for a story that's still in editing, but I'd sum up his attitude as "I love my cringe fail son".
Floofty Fizzlebean They've always been interested in biology and experimentation, but their parents impressed the importance of consent on them early. As a result, they've been experimenting on themself since before they were in their teens. They accidentally poisoned themself when they were sixteen. Snorpy found them, and they spent a week in the hospital. Also, their hair used to be a more vivid purple, for reasons unrelated to ageing.
Snorpy Fizzlebean First, psychotic Snorpy. That's an obvious one. But not all the stuff he believes is a delusion. I don't know enough about psychosis to go into detail, but he is aware of it, and so is Chandlo, and they have strategies. Less so for the conspiracy stuff, since Snorpy is unwilling to talk to Chandlo about that. And being on Snaktooth definitely made things worse. But, he really is being monitored by the "Grumpinati" (actually the Snakolytes), even if he's wrong about some of the details. They were involved in the artificial limbs project, as well as some other things that Snorpy noticed but blamed on the Grumpinati. They could disappear him, but he's off the mark about so much, and they think nobody would believe him anyway, so they don't bother.
Chandlo Funkbun If he didn't work out all the time, he'd be skinny as well as short. His body doesn't build muscle mass easily. He got beaten up a lot as a kid, because his school had a bullying problem, and he kept trying to intervene, while also being tiny. He started strength training as soon as he could, and got stronger pretty fast, but he stayed skinny until after puberty.
Gramble Gigglefunny He grew up in a very rural area, and concluded that if he wanted to find a family, he needed to be around more people. So he moved to New Grump City, and waited for a family to come to him. Instead, he learned the ways you can also be lonely in a big city. His preference for animals over people didn't help. Lizbert's expedition was his third attempt at finding a new family, as he thought he might get along better with the kind of people who'd go on this kind of expedition than with the people in his home town.
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treefory · 7 months
Beffica snoops
912 words
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Everyday Beffica walked around Snaxburg, snooping through the others huts while they weren’t there. But she could never get into Gramble’s barn. Every morning his barn door was locked, but if she pressed her ear up against the door she could hear him inside. It was like this every morning
She’d try and find a crack in the wood so that she could see inside. But to her dismay she could never find one. She even tried to see through the door that connected to the pen, but of course she couldn’t. she was just dying to know what he was doing.
That afternoon she was making her way over to Floofty’s hut for some casual snooping when a tall yellow grumpus caught her eye. Snorpy stood over his seismometer while taking notes in his journal.
“Hey Snorpy!” She called as walked over to him
Snorpy fumbled as he slammed his journal shut “Beffica! What are you doing over here?”
“Oh nothing,” she shrugged “just wondering if you could help me with something.”
“If this is one of your tactics to go through my things again then you’d best run along.” He said with a scowl
“Oh please, I’ve already been through your things. And besides, I just need to borrow something-“
��If it’s something to aid in your disrespect in basic privacy, then I won’t be helping you.” He interrupted as he turned back to his machine
“Ugh” Beffica rolled her eyes and started to walk away. But then the perfect plan came to her
“Hey, you know how Gramble sleepwalks around town?” She asked without turning to face Snorpy
“Yes Beffica, everyone knows.”
“Well what if he’s not really sleepwalking?”
He looked up from his machine “what do you mean?”
“well what if he’s actually collecting dirt for the gru-“
“The Grumpinati? Y-you think he might be?”
Beffica turned around “well maybe,” she shrugged, “but I’d need your help to find out.”
“Well what do you need? If need be I could make something.”
“Every morning Gamble's door is locked and I need your help opening it.”
“So a lock pick? Don’t worry Beffica, I'll have one made by tomorrow!” He said as scrambled over to his forge.
“Perfect.” She purred.
— — —
A calm purple hue laid over snacktooth Island as the sun had just begun to rise. Beffica slept in her bed soundly. The faint sounds of her floor boards creaking filled her ears.
“Wha…?” She whispered as she began to open her eyes. Her gaze was filled by a tall yellow grumpus standing over her. Her eyes shot open and she inhaled sharply, preparing to scream. Only to be shushed by Snorpy.
“Hush! We don’t need to wake the entire town.” he whispered
“Oh my gawd, Snorpy! You almost gave me a grumping heart attack!” She said through gritted teeth
He pulled out multiple lock picks out of his apron pocket. “The lock picks are done, let’s see what he’s really doing in there before we’re silenced by the Grumpinati!”
“Uh yeah just let me get my camera.”
— — —
The two walked over to the barn, They both pressed their heads up to the barn door. Sounds of happy bugsnaxs filled their ears.
“He's in there alright.” Beffica whispered
“He must be relaying his information back to them!” He whispered back
Beffica pulled the lock into her paw “hand me a pick.”
“You know how to pick locks?”
“Uh yeah. Now stop asking questions and give me one already!” She whispered angrily
“How interesting…” he said as he gave her one
She twisted the pick in the lock just for it to snap. “Another one.” She requested
“I only made three.” He handed her another “so make it count.”
She began picking the lock again, the sound of the pins slipping into place filled the air
“Grump! Give me the other one.”
“Last one, be careful.”
Her paws worked carefully as she slid the last pins in place
“I did it!” She said as she held the opened lock in her paws
Together the two placed their paws on the door and on three, they pushed it open
At the same time their mouths fell agape as their gaze was filled by Gramble sitting on the floor. His once pink fur was smothered in chocolate sauce. Strabbys, peelbugs, and kweebles that once crawled all over him now stared at Beffica and Snorpy.
“I… I can explain…” Gramble began
Without breaking eye contact Beffica pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of the embarrassing scene in front of her.
Snorpy pulled the barn doors shut.
They stood in front of the door just staring at it, minds still processing what they had just seen
“That had to be the best dirt I have ever seen…” Beffica whispered to herself
“That was NOT what I was expecting...” Snorpy said as he put the lock back on the door “we must never speak of this again.”
“Yeah, I’m going back to bed.” She pulled the picture from her camera “and this little baby is going in my diary. Thanks bestie! ;0)”
“Do not ever include me in your snooping shenanigans EVER again!” Snorpy snaped
“And I am not your “bestie”. Now if you do not mind, I'm going to be writing a hand written apology to Gramble.” He continued
And like that Snorpy stormed off while muttering things about Gramble and Beffica
“I- ugh! Whatever, you weren’t bestie material anyways…”
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First batch of Grumpified OCs!!
Anyways, besides dat and being inactive so much, I’ve actually been working on my OCs I had before getting into Bugsnax, and making ‘em into Grumpuses! Maybe I’ll use em more?
This is my first half due to Tumblr’s image limit, so here we go!
Lissy (Lucy) “Lil Grump” Puffergoat
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A soft, excitable and a never-serious small Grumpus. Seems to be hard to agitate. Likes hopping on grass, hugs and oversized knitted sweaters.
Kromsie (Rosie) Promisebloom
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A once rebellious young Grump with a history of hospital visits. Worships Bugsnax and wants to perform experiments with their DNA. Likes the dark, fruit snax and a few of the Grumpinati Members (and secretly Wiggle’s music, she snuck into a concert one time on break).
Teaoa (Tia) Diamondswish
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A shy, aspiring gymnast. Born with a strange eye that she TRIES to keep hidden. Likes doing cartwheels, simple talk and hot days (despite the fact she almost always wears a thick sweater).
Glarbby (Gabby) Lemontears
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An energetic bundle of sunshine with a (probably) mysterious necklace and natural fur blotches. Pretty adventurous, but can get into danger a lot from bigger Bugsnax. Likes digging, fiddling with small objects and honesty.
Henel/Semar (Helen/Sarah) (latter name most preferred) Simmerheart
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A one-eyed softie who seems like she doesn’t belong at their job (all due respect). Sees Lizbert’s crew as a major threat and bad Grumpuses and quite cowardly. Likes nature, soft voices and comforts of tea.
Chamlory (Charlie) Moonpond
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A serious worker who has a sharp tongue when angered. Aspiring to become the next leader of the Snakolytes as she thinks Jamfoot isn’t suitable. Likes good listeners, loyalty, and long walks (also enjoys helping her brother who she has never mentioned to anyone (except Semar and someone else).
Jewelnyan (Julian) Moonpond
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A quiet-ish grump, Chamlory’s younger brother. Rather good on terms with self defence. Likes quiet areas, clear skies and light stretches.
Mellasdra (Cassandra) Peacebook
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A passionate flower turned bitter by her peers. Escaped the Grumpinati after reaching out for (definite needed) help and is being hunted for as if missing. Likes reading, “haunting” others and pranking in the dark.
Pinaten (Peyton) Shiverangel
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A small grump with a pretty big heart. Seems to have a strange dream and wonder if Grumps can fly…Likes gentle tapping sounds, snak hunting and having proper arm warmers that fit (can’t wear proper sleeves due to skin flaps).
Dandisrid (Astrid) Alpineglove
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A massive sweetheart with weird yet vital visors. Her snak-like deformities have her known as “The foxgrump”. Likes telling stories, helping others and not being weirded out for her “natural fruit horns”.
Dandisrid's snak deformities consist of a Stewdler (Left hand), Puffy Snakpod (nose) and Ruby Peelbug (Horns)
I hope y’all like em! I know they ain’t too accurate, but ye-
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sparrowchute · 2 years
What's your favorite moment in bugsnax?
Ooh, thats a tough one!! I've got a lot of favorites :> I'll list a few of my top ones, though!! Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't finished bugsnax/played the dlc!!
-the snorplo kiss at the final party: do i even need to elaborate
-any and all Floofty scenes: I'm obsessed with all their little experiments and crimes against grump-kind. I want to study them under a microscope and give them a hug. Maybe even a lil smooch
-Chandlo's meeting with Floofty, Shelda and Triffany about the Grumpinati: everyone had very delightful things to say about Snorpy. "That boy needs therapy" is one of my top 5 favorite lines from the whole game
-The fight at Filbo's first party: "I'm gonna do violence to ya" IS my favorite line from the game
-Wiggle singing to summon the giant snack in the ocean: im a sucker for pretty scenes and fun music :>
-exploring the secret triplicate place: i hated the puzzles so much bc im stupid but hearing the interviews and finding out why your boss works with jamfoot is so cool >:3
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 5
Warnings: Horror, major character death, non-explicit character death
AO3 Version
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the disappearances on Snaktooth Island. While making efforts to get into the home of Wambus Troubleham and Triffany Lottablog, an investigator found something that the rest of the team had not noticed by that point. Stuck on a root on the river bank, the investigator found a journal bound with thick leather, and removed it from the water. It had some water damage, but a professional was able to recover most of the pages and decipher the entries. The author’s handwriting is a match for Snorpington Fizzlebean’s, however every spot where there’d be a signature was thickly written over. We note that Mr. Fizzlebean has a history of paranoia and psychosis, and we take these entries as lighter and less valuable than others.
The entries will be copied and documented now.”
Year #3, month #10 day #15
Floofty has returned to Snaxburg today. While it is annoying that I now have to deal with them around town, I suppose I shall value the security of having everyone here.
I have noticed something strange happening. I spend very little of my time outside, however I have noticed that the sun has started setting earlier. I do not know when it has been rising, as my sleep schedule has not changed, but I know the sun does not set at seven. I am aware that winter is coming soon, but I do not remember the daylight cycle changing this drastically. I will continue to monitor this.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #16
A cruel prank was played on me today! Beffica disguised herself as [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] while I was in a time of weakness and used it to try and get my secrets out of me- and she did! If she tells Chandlo, I don’t know what I will do! I’m hoping Scarla is preventing her from doing such.
On the lighter list of happenings, Eggabell has returned, unfortunately without Lizbert. Having her here will be useful, I can’t trust most of these grumps not to get into trouble without a doctor around. But I still wonder what happened to the other one.
I have no doubts that the daylight cycle is getting shorter. It has set before 8pm yet again, and I believe it is getting later to rise. However, it is not severe enough to be cause for concern yet. I will continue to keep note of it.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #17
The sun rose at noon and set at 6pm. I knew something was wrong and only today was it severe enough that all of town had noticed it! Because our schedules cannot simply be cut down to fit a six hour day, [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] and I have set up lanterns around town in order to provide light during the early and later hours.
What on earth is causing this to happen?! Winter alone could not cause such a major shift in daylight, and it is not even winter yet! Is the grumpinati attempting to snuff out the sun? What do they expect to cause other than complete economic and ecological collapse?
I’ve shared my concerns with [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] about his morning jogs. He said he’ll try to switch his times to afternoon runs if it stops me from worrying about it, and I hate to change his schedule, but I AM worried about it.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #18
Today was the same as yesterday. Filbo assisted [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] and I in lighting all of the lanterns, which I appreciate, and I feel it is now time for me to bunker down.
I have noticed that, during times of darkness, I cannot see outside of Snaxburg. Not stars, not the volcano, nothing. As though it is not only attempting to snuff out the sun, but all light around here.
I don’t like it a bit. I feel as though this might be bigger than the Grumpinati, or perhaps just their biggest scheme yet. But why wrap EVERYONE on the island into it?
Unless… It is bigger than just the island?
Is Maple okay?
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The name “Maple” here is in reference to the eldest Fizzlebean sibling, Mapleline Fizzlebean, known more publicly by her actress name, Mapleline Hollyleaf. She is yet to be informed of her younger siblings’ disappearances and presumed deaths.”
Year #3, month #10 day #19
The grumpinati’s plan has reached its worst yet. The sun did not rise today.
How does someone make the sun disappear entirely-!? It does not make any sense! Not Triffany nor Floofty have scientific explanations, and I cannot even fathom how the grumpinati could do this!
Not to mention, it is unnaturally and extremely cold wherever there is no light. I have lanterns and candles in the mill, but if I leave for more than a second, there is such a terrible chill.
[-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] is helping Filbo keep the fire going and keep everyone together. I cannot be seen outside of the mill during this, but I have the stockpile of candles and lanterns, so I assume I will have to share them if this darkness does not heal itself.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10, day #20
It is the second day of all natural light being completely gone. The mill feels unnaturally large when I am alone in it, and I’m starting to wish we did not sleep on opposite sides of it. I wish we slept together. It’d be warmer that way.
I was called to the fire at noon to give lanterns and candles to those in need of them. While it depleted my supply, I know it would be selfish of me to refuse.
I am worried about what the grumpinati might be planning to do with this darkness. Are they going to send something to get us? Are they attempting to make us go mad? If I were not a hypersomniac, I feel as though I’d be struggling terribly to sleep. I cannot imagine what Gramble is experiencing.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The entries for day 21 and 22 are missing.”
Year #3, month #10 day #23
I’ve slept away most of my days lately. I cannot shake off a terrible chill, and while I would like to go to the fire, I cannot put myself out there.
The mill is especially lonely now. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] comes to check on me, but I believe I’ve been asleep during several of these times. I wish that he would wake me.
I only noticed Scarla’s absence today. How long have they been away for? And what are they doing?
Worse so, I am beginning to get hunger pangs.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The lower half of this page was covered in unintelligible scribbles.”
Year #3, month #10 day #24
Sauce was rationed out today. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] brought me several bottles of chocolate to sustain myself, and he spent more time with me than previous days. Likely because he caught me when I was not half asleep.
As it would turn out, yes, Scarla has left to get bugsnax. But they left two days ago and have not returned. Filbo said he wanted to go after them, but is that really a good idea?
Floofty and Triffany have supposedly been trying to find an answer, but I don’t believe this situation has one that is considered “reasonable.”
I noticed him shaking more than usual. Is he. Scared?
Perhaps that is why he stayed inside today.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“There was a page between the previous entry and the following one that was covered entirely in scrawls and scribbles that were too waterlogged to decipher.”
Year #3, month #10 day #25
Nobody was outside at the fire today, and when I looked outside, I realized there was no fire to be at.
Did Filbo go after Scarla? Is he out there, right now, looking for them?
I can tell [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] is uneasy, but he’s not showing me that he is. He’s never liked staying stuck inside, and he’s been staring out of the windows a lot. But he’s not staring in the way of someone who wants to be outside. He’s more. petrified.
I’ve found myself trembling because of the cold. I’ve never truly been scared of the dark, moreso of what could be in it, but I know that I am safely inside, so why am I so scared as well? I’m not alone anymore.
We had a long conversation today. Only slightly about this situation, and more about anything else. I don’t think he wants to talk about it. I don’t either.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“From here forward, the handwriting becomes noticeably lower quality.”
Year #3, month #10 day #26
The fire has been out for two days now, and I've only been doing more and more sleeping. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] can’t sleep as easy as I can, I can hear him pacing all the time. I don’t like seeing him so troubled.
He came to me and held my paw for a little bit. I thought the touch of another grumpus would be warmer than this horrible cold, but he was shaking so much. Or was I the one shaking? I could not tell. Maybe we both were.
The grumpinati best let up this horrid scheme soon. I can’t stand the dark corners of this building, and even I am starting to find being indoors damning.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #27
I woke up to see [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] staring outside of the window again, but today, at something very specific. We can see most of the rest of town from here, Floofty and Gramble being exceptions, so I couldn’t dream of what he was staring at until. I saw it for myself.
Shelda’s gazebo is no longer lit. I can’t even see the silhouette of it anymore, much less of her.
When I’d joined his side and noticed, he started crying. He’s spent today very quietly, and it isn’t like him, but I can’t tell him anything better. Shelda was like his mother.
I have to wonder about Floofty, and, if this darkness is bigger than the island, about Maple. Is MY family safe?
Please let this be over soon.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #28
We had a long talk about things that were meaningful to us today. I don’t know how, but [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] had a spark in him today. Some kind of motivation, and he wanted to have a good conversation with me. He’s been pacing around while talking, and even if he isn’t smiling, he seems very determined to do something. I couldn’t dream of what, I don’t know what could be done about this, but he seems happy about it.
It’s been forever since I’ve left my bed, but I got up to talk to him today. Paced a little as well.
The darkness cannot hurt us if we do not let it. I might be scared, but we are together.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The start of the following entry is in a different handwriting. It matches up with Chandlo Funkbun’s.”
I know you don’t like me touching your stuff but I know you’re gonna be more upset if I don’t write this down
It’s like, 6am, and I can see a light on in her hut, so I’m gonna go try to see her and get her to come here to us. I think it’d be better if there were more of us, y’know?
Cause maybe what happened to Shelda happened because she was alone.
I should be back before you’re awake, but I’m writing this just in case I’m still talking to her. If not when you’re up, I should be back by ten.
Love you, Snorpy.
“It returns to Mr. Fizzlebean’s handwriting at the bottom of the page, though messy.”
DAY #30
DAY #31
DAY #32
“The entries end here.
We do not know why this journal was discarded into the river, and unfortunately, it has not yielded anything more useful than previous findings.
The investigators will continue to do their best to find what they think will be useful. The disappearances on Snaktooth Island remain unsolved, but we hope to close the case soon.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
As the typewriter finished clicking, the writer removed her paws from it, taking a heavy sigh. She rubbed her eyes with one paw as she picked the piece of paper out and put it on a pile with the rest, ready to be bound and put into the case folder.
“I cannot believe this case has gone on for so long-“ She groaned, “Thirteen grumpuses do not just go disappearing without a trace, there must be something that we are missing.”
A knock behind her caught her attention.
“Is this Mia-Asma’s office?” She heard a voice call out.
“That’d be me, come in.” Putting her paws together, the dark gray grumpus waited for the other person to enter.
Inside stepped a pudgy yellow grumpus with very round glasses. “Heeey, Mia! How’s docking the case going?” They asked.
“Ungodly frustrating.” She crossed her arms. “You’ve seen it too, Maaz. This case makes no sense.”
Maaz chuckled, looking away. “Yeah, this one uh… it’s a doozy.” They picked at the camera that hung around their neck. “I haven’t had a single thing to take pictures of for this case.” Mia-asma and Maaz worked for the same team of investigators, with Mia being the one putting together documents, and Maaz being a crime scene photographer. That case was increasingly frustrating for one, and incredibly devoid for the other.
“I’m hoping that this last house they're pursuing ends up bearing fruit.” The gray grump walked away, getting back to her desk.
“Oh, yesterday when I was at the scene, they managed to get in.” Maaz said, looking up. “But, they didn’t find anything downstairs, and apparently the upstairs is locked up tight.”
“Are you joking?” Mia looked over her shoulder. “We have hit a thousand walls with this case.”
“I know! And I don’t like it either, but we can’t do anything-“
Mia-asma jumped at the yelling of her last name, looking past Maaz into the hallway. Suddenly, a small, white grumpus burst into the room, rushing up to her. “Mia, copy these entries down, immediately!” He thrust a book into her hands.
“Huh-?” She took it and looked down at it. It was a thick, leather bound journal. “What is-“
“Mia, we solved the case. Or, this woman did.” He put his hand on the book, staring into her eyes. “It’s Mrs. Lottablog’s. She had the answer.”
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messbianarts · 2 years
holy crap i’ve had this fic about bubbles’ arrival in snaxburg for like a month or two and completely forgot to post it??? well here it is now!!!
“Now listen, it ain’t like I got a problem with y’all comin’ in and takin’ some sauce. That’s why the dang farm is here. As long as you let me know so I know when I need t’replant, y’all can help yourselves.” Wambus spoke, arms folded against his chest. “However. Comin’ in at midnight and making a massive ruckus and throwin’ dirt all around is unacceptable. You don’t live in a barn.”
“‘Cept for Gramble.” He rolled his eyes. “Which, speakin of, don’t think yer off my radar. These tracks are Gramble sized, and I know you sleepwalk.”
“I sleepWALK, Wambus! I don’t sleepeat or sleepdig!” Gramble huffed. “It could be anything, you know that Bugsnax go crazy for sauce.”
“Hmm… nope-its probably not a Bugsnax..” Triffany spoke, looking at the paw prints. “Those’re definitely Grumpus prints.”
“See? Maybe you should secure yo-“
“But. I don’t think its Gramble.” Triffanny shook her head.
“There’s no Bugsnax tracks… so it’s certainly not the creature from then…” Triffanny shook her head. “But there’s the front paws. Whoever this is would be able to run on all fours. Which eliminates…. Basically anyone.”
“I can run on all fours! I’ve got the core strength for it!” Chandlo blurted.
“Do you run on all fours….?” Snorpy sounded more confused than anything.
“Well… uh… no, but- I could.”
“So we have some sort of… quadrupedal Grumpus on our paws?” Floofty raised a brow.
“It’s the queen of Bugsnax!” Wiggle exclaimed. “She’s moved on from just spooking us, she’s stealing our crops! Next, she’ll nab us Grumpuses!”
“I highly doubt that.” Floofty rolled their eyes. “Remember, no Bugsnax tracks, just Grumpus ones. They are not even snakified, you ignoramus.”
“I believe we should trap it.” Snorpy said. “A simple net trap should do. Most Grumpus claws can’t get through them.”
“Not a bad idea…” Wambus nodded. “Could ya whip up one of those to catch whatever varmint is messing with the crops?”
“Mhm. If it is some sort of Grumpus coming for us, then I’d be worried… but the idea of a Bugsnax taking the form of a Grumpus is even more terrifying.” Snorpy shivered. “If its some sort of Grumpinati scheme, we should act fast.”
“Best to nip this in the bud, I guess.” Filbo spoke, as the ‘meeting’ dispersed.
Snaxburg awoke to blaring alarms.
Seems Snorpy had spared no detail in the trap…
The Grumpuses quickly rushed towards the sauce farm, freezing in shock and confusion.
Instead of a bugsnax or some sort of shapeshifer, an ornery Grumpus pup was squirming in the net. Its blue fur was matted and tangled, and a few small cuts and scrapes littered its body. However, judging by its stained paws, they’d caught their culprit.
“Holy Grump, is that a kid?” Chandlo said as Wambus brought down the net.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he opened the net, trying to pick up the little Grumpus.
However, the little one lunged for his arm and bit. Hard.
He shouted and dropped the net, giving the pup the chance to escape as Wambus shouted all kinds of profanities.
“Catch it!” Snorpy shouted, as some of the Grumpuses ran past the pup. Others decided to run towards the exits of Snaxburg to block them.
To say it was pure chaos would be an understatement.
“Cmon! Get it!"
“Ow! It bit me too!”
“Almost had it!”
“Ugh, how is it slippery?!”
“It scratched my leg!”
“I’ve got it!” Chandlo shouted. “Nope- nope, don’t bite me, lil dude. You don’t need to squirm,”
He managed to pin the little grumpuses arms to its side as he walked back to the center of town.
The others walked back, still cautious just in case it managed to escape, but escaping from one of Chandlo’s bear hugs bordered on impossible even for the strongest of Grumpuses.
As Wambus and Floofty were bandaging and disinfecting themselves from the bites, Triffanny walked forwards.
“That’s a little kid." She muttered, kneeling down to its level a little. “Hi there, I’m sorry we were a little rough with you. We just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
She gently moved the little one’s messy hair out of their eyes. “Do you have a name?”
They thought for a moment, slightly kicking their legs. “Bubbles Dinkypop. But I like just Bubbles.”
“Hi, Bubbles.” Triffanny smiled. “Welcome to Snaxburg, I’m Triffanny. This is Chandlo, Wambus, Floofty, Filbo, Gramble, Beffica, Cromblo, Wiggle, Shelda, and Snorpy.”
“Tha’s…. Tha’sa lot of names.” Bubbles muttered
“Yeah, bit of a big group.” She shrugged. “But there’s safety in numbers.”
“Would- would you like to stay?" Filbo said. “I mean, you’re a little grumpus. I’m sure you’ve been doing great fending for yourself, but you don’t have to do that. We’d be happy to help you.”
“I think you staying here would be for the best. Little grumps like you aren’t supposed to be fighting for their life just to survive on a harsh island.” Triffany said. “It’ll be much easier for you here.”
“Yeah, we’d be real mean if we just made a little’un like you fend for yourself when we’ve got a cozy town,” Gramble said in agreement as he checked to see if any of his Bugsnax had gotten out during the chaos.
“Plus! I’ve been really wanting to build another hut, and making a little Grump hut is just the perfect project for that!” Chandlo grinned, patting the little Grumpus’ head.
“So, whaddaya say?”
They looked down at the ground for a minute, thinking.
“I… can really stay?”
“Of course!” Triffanny smiled. “I wouldn’t pull your leg about this. Howsabout you get some rest, alright? Think we could all use it after the hubbub.”
“M’sorry, Triff. I’m just… m’worried about takin’ this kid in.” Wambus said, leaning on the fence. Bubbles, along with the other Grumpuses, had already gone back to sleep after their injuries had been taken care of.
“She was scared, Wambus.” Triffany spoke softly, careful not to wake the others. “She was caught in a net surrounded by strange Grumpuses. Biting is a pretty normal reaction.”
“It’s… not really the biting thing.” He shrugged. “Not anymore, at least, even though it hurt like hell. Honestly, I think she could be great at fendin’ off Bugsnax from the farm.” Wambus chuckled softly, before his expression became somber again. “But… I mean, she’s a random kid, Triff. What if her parents are lookin’ for her? Or… if Lizbert comes back, and she sees a completely new Grumpus she’s probably never met-“
“If her parents are looking for her, then this is the best place for her to be.” Triffany reassured, taking off her hat to make the humid night air a bit more tolerable. “But… Lizbert always said, the more the merrier, when it came to Snaxburg. I mean, she even said if we ever had a kid, they’d be more than welcome here.”
Wambus’ face shifted. “S’pose so…” he muttered, but his voice had a clear lump in his throat.
“Are you alright, Wambus…?” Triffany gently set her paw on his.
“I… just.. I don’t know how to feel, Triffy.” He sighed. “It’s…it’s not every day a child- a child you’ve been wantin’ for years and had given up on- falls into your lap. But I guess its just- not the way I expected it to be. I dunno, it was messy, she’s probably scared a’ me… we don’t know if she’ll be able to stay..”
Triffany sighed, leaning on his shoulder. “We don’t know that. We don’t know anything. But… let’s just try to make the best of it, alright?” She smiled softly. “Even if it’s short-lived, let’s just see how things go and enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Alright, I promise.” He gently hugged her. “We’ll do our best, just like we always do.”
so yeah!! hope you liked it! this was kinda my first time writing the grumpuses and it was an absolute blast lol
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How can it not be Grumpinati
There are triangles everywhere-
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