#Gunn x reader
femaleboysblog · 2 months
top sexy scenes from adrian chase
1. getting his balls electrocuted
2. the jail fight scene
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sydsaint · 4 months
My sweet Gunn boy <3
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Summary: After a night of partying with the newly formed Bang Bang Scissor Gang, the reader wakes up next to Austin Gunn in her bed.
The sound of someone walking out in the hallway wakes you from your hangover sleep. You groggily open your eyes and blink a few times with a groan. Your head throbs in pain as you move to sit up. As you begin to move suddenly a buff arm swings over your torso and pulls you back into whoever it is.
"What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself as you get pulled back.
You slowly turn around and peek over your covers to find Austin Gunn snoring in your face. All of your sleepiness is shocked out of your body. "Austin?" You ask aloud, but the younger Gunn kid doesn't stir. "Austin!" You prompt him again, a bit louder this time, but he still doesn't stir.
Frustrated, and desperate to figure out if you slept with your trainers kid last night, you jolt up and grab your pillow from out under you. You grip the pillow hard and bring it down on Austin's head. "Austin! Wake up!" You shout.
Your pillow collides with Austin's head and he jolts up and awake. "What the hell?" Austin grumbles and frantically looks around for who just assaulted him. "YN? Why'd you just hit me?" He notices you sitting next to him.
"Why are you in my bed?" You confront Austin.
"Well I was sleeping." Austin grumbles and rubs his face. "Until I was so rudely woken up." He narrows his gaze at you.
You set your pillow down and finally take notice that you're wearing the shirt that Austin was wearing last night. You also notice that Austin doesn't have a shirt on. His bare chest stares at you for a moment before you compose yourself and speak again.
"Austin, please, please, tell me you're wearing pants right now." You ask Austin while glancing down at his legs covered by your blanket.
"I-What?" Austin replies and glances down at his lap. "I'm wearing boxers." He answers you. "Who the hell sleeps in pants? Wait, are you wearing pants?"
You scoff like it's the most unjustified question in the world. "Of course I am!" You insist. "Right?" An inkling of doubt rears it ugly head in your mind.
Carefully you pull your blanket back and find that you're wearing underwear, which isn't ideal. But at least it's something, right?
"Well?" Austin waits for you to answer the question aloud.
"What?" You reply. "I--Stop looking at me like that!" You shove Austin's shoulder.
Austin chuckles and reels back from being shoved. "Like what?" He teases you.
"Like you've seen me naked!" You shudder at the thought.
Austin continues to laugh and you feel your face heating up from embarrassment. "Austin!" You scold him. "It's not funny! Please tell me that we didn't have sex last night." You plead with him.
"I mean, all things considered." Austin grins, having a blast teasing you. "You're wearing my shirt. We're in bed together. It looks like I definitely rocked your world last night, YN."
"Fuck me." You complain, setting your head in your hands with a deep sigh.
Austin winks at you and grins. "Again so soon, YN?"
You groan again, your embarrassment only growing. You hate that you can't remember what happened last night. Plus your head is killing you from your hangover.
"Will you two please be quiet?" A male voice sounds from the foot of the bed. "My head is killing me."
"What the fuck?" You pull your feet back from the edge of the bed. "Anthony?" You recognize the voice as a tired Bowens.
Bowens sits up from his spot on the floor where he slept last night with a groan. He peers over the edge of your bed and glares at you. "No one got laid last night." He informs you. "Everyone was too drunk to make it back to their own rooms so we all slept here." He explains. "Max and Colten are over there in the corner snoring. Damn heavy sleepers."
You look over at the corner of the room and sure enough, Max and Colten are both fast asleep on the floor.
"So we didn't?" You glance at Austin.
"No!" Anthony repeats himself. "Now can everyone please be quiet?"
You watch Bowens sink back down to the floor in silence. Unsure of what to do now you sink back down onto your back with a sigh of relief. But there is also something else lingering in the back of your mind as well. Disappointment, perhaps?
Austin sinks back down into your bed as well and leans on his side to chat with you. "So...can I get my shirt back now?" He jokes quietly.
"Austin!" You laugh in a hushed tone. "I'm kind of using it right now." You gesture to your covered torso.
"But it's mine." Austin reminds you with a cheeky grin. "And I'm demanding it back." He jokingly insists.
You roll your eyes and toss your half of the blanket his way. "How'd I end up sharing a bed with you anyway?" You giggle.
"Because you love me." Austin replies with a wink.
"He won rock, paper, scissors." Anthony chimes in from the floor. "Now be quiet!"
You and Austin both laugh in hushed tones. "You still love me." Austin whispers to you. "Regardless of what grumpy down there says." He nods down to the floor.
"I guess it could have been worse." You shrug. "Caster could have ended up winning." You joke.
"Mhm." Austin agrees. "Now are you going to kiss me or what?" He asks you. "I mean, we have already slept together. So I think a kiss isn't too much to ask."
You roll your eyes as Austin props himself up on an elbow and leans over you for a kiss. You giggles and put a hand on his chest to knock him back over playfully. On the floor, Anthony is losing what sanity has left by the second. He pops up to a sitting position and tosses a pillow at you and Austin with a groan.
"If you two actually are going to fuck, I'd prefer you fished out someone else's hotel keycard and did it there." He glares at you both.
"Hey! This is my hotel room, Anthony." You remind him. "I'm gonna go take a shower." You push Austin off of you and hop to your feet.
Austin is up and out of bed like a bat out of hell. "I'll join!" He chimes with an eager grin.
"No!" You push him back onto your bed. "We didn't have sex, Gunn. And that isn't going to change anytime soon." You assure him.
"Awe, you know you love me, YN." Austin replies. "I'll get you naked in front of me eventually." He winks at you again.
You make your way to the bathroom and Caster finally wakes up from his deep sleep. "Naked? Who's naked?" He is quick to prop himself up into a sitting position.
"I hate everyone in this room." Anthony groans and pulls a pillow over his head.
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Guess who just watched Peacemaker?
Wdym this isn't exactly how the BFF structure worked
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livfastdieyoung69 · 5 months
maybe jeff with an oblivious reader or the other way around? whatever u think…. And then maybe Matt and Lita are like “THIS IS GETTING ON MY NERVES” or some shit?????!!!!
ur da best!
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The adrenaline after a match always made your head pound and your body jittery. Especially for the likes of Y/N, who pushed through the curtain with a limp and a gleaming smile from the praise of backstage staff. They were quick to ask for the nearest source of water which, for some reason, was only in catering. Out of breath and truly now deperate for water- because why would they only have it in catering and have catering like, five miles away from the gorilla?? Either way, Y/N, walked into catering with an agitated sigh and finally reached their prized water.
Half way through their water bottle, Y/N heard familiar laughter from behind them. Turning around and taking the plastic bottle from their lips, they were quick to find Team Xtreme who had very clearly been watching them.
“Oh, hey guys!” Now, out of breath from chugging the much aforementioned water, they greeted the three with a grin while moving over to the table they were seated at. Lita returned their cheerful hello from her place in between the boys and Matt gave Y/N a smile across the table.
“Hi, n/n.” Jeff looked up at them leaning into the vacant chair next to him, love sick expression too obvious to everyone but them.
“Hi, Jeff.” They repeated, voice as sweet as can be and grin growing cheekier. “Oh, did you see my match?” They leaned in closer to him, giving his arm a -unfortunately, for Jeff- friendly swat. “I tried to do a Swanton variation thing, was it any good?”
“It was great, I loved it! Everything you do’s perfect, wouldn't have expected any less.” Matt scoffed at the infatuated boy and Lita swatted at him- a lot less nice than y/n had done to Jeff.
“Oh, you’re too sweet!” They moved even closer, hand gently landing on his shoulder at his compliment. “Well, I’m gonna get going, I gotta shower. But I’ll see you guys!” As they walked away, Lita quickly turned to Jeff with wide eyes, expecting something from him. But he only sat and watched their leaving form.
“Jeff! You were supposed to ask them out!” She stressed, exasperated.
“Oops.” He mumbled from behind his hand of the arm he had propped up against the back of his chair, eyes never leaving y/n.
“God, I am so sick of this! Matt, give him some advice, how’d you ask me out?”
“Uh, I just kinda kissed you.”
“And then?” Lita egged him on.
“And then you told me we were going on a date..” At Matt’s quiet confession, Lita pushes up from her chair, hands slamming against the table.
“You guys are so useless, I have to do everything around here! Why can’t you just come out and say that you like them instead of looking at them like a little love sick puppy all the time!”
“Lita, I really have been trying everything. I even did the whole hand size comparison thing you told me to do! Y/n’s just..not into me.” Jeff sunk into his chair as he spoke before hearing a scoff at the table next to them to find Billy Gunn, who had turned away from his conversation with a couple other people waiting for the night to end.
“Yeah, right. Do you not see the way that kid looks at you? Plus, one time Hunter asked them out and they said no- ‘cause they were goin’ out with you that night- but they would love to hang out some other time. Y/n’s just a little oblivious sometimes, you gotta put it right in their face.” Billy turned back to his prior conversation, leaving Jeff to swallow all of that. Lita, still very frustrated let out an angry groan.
“Well, if you know all that and still won’t do anything, then I’ll do this myself too!”
“Yeah, Jeff, shes gonna do it herself.” Matt smuggly told his brother, kicking his feet into Lita’s abandoned chair. Jeff glared over at him, before quickly leaving his seat and following after Lita.
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Jeff had easily found Lita- banging on your locker room door. Jeff tried to pull her away before you heard, but the door opened just as he reached her.
“What? What’s the matter?” Y/n stressed, wrapped in a towel and dripping wet. Jeff drew in a breath and quickly flushed, turning away from the door but Lita quickly turned him back and grabbed him by the bicep.
“He’s got something to tell you.” Lita spoke as she looked over at him, raising her eyebrows with expectancy and shoved him into the room, almost into y/n, before quickly making her exit.
“So, whattaya gotta tell me?” Y/n asked, a little uncomfortable from the semi-wet clothes stuck to their body after rushing to get dressed.
Jeff shifted nervously, eyes moving around the room to meet anything but y/n, taking a quick breath before finally spitting it out.
“I really like you, n/n. Um, a lot.”
“Oh. Well, I like you too!” Y/n answered, their smile shining bright. Jeff smiled softly at them, all nerves leaving him.
“You do?”
“‘Course I like you, you’re my best friend!” Jeff couldn’t help but let out a short laugh at their explanation, his head falling and hand coming to rub at his temples. “What’s wrong? Did I say something bad?”
“No, sweetheart. I meant-“ He couldn’t help but burst into sweet laughter again, looking up at them. “I meant in a romantic way. I want to go out with you, and kiss you, and spend long, peaceful nights with you.”
“Oh.” Y/n’s voice was soft, face burning from a bit of embarrassment but also from Jeff’s endearing words. “I didn’t- I didn’t think you were into me like that.”
“Is it okay that I am?” His voice turned soft too. He stepped forward, softly grasping their forearm. Y/n’s hand moved to touch his arm too, the room filled with a tension much better than the anxiety it held earlier.
“It’s perfect. Is it okay I’m into you like that?” Soft voices turning to whispers, adoration burning further in their close proximity. His thumb smoothed over their skin, grasping a bit firmer, but still very softly. His other hand moved up, taking place on their cheek.
“That's all I could ever ask for.”
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y/n is very much sunshine in this, dont know y ig i just felt like it but either way yippee!! this was fun to write and a lil corny but i love making mr jeffro a lover boy also dont know where the water bottle obsession came from I just ran with it after I wrote it (a bit of an unconscious solitude reference perhaps?) also Lita is a girlboss
the first bit of this was very fun to write while staring at that pic teehee he is so silly and u are so amazing rita <33 thank you for requesting 😽😽
and my tumblr is fr actually fully functioning rn so it let me do the little keep reading thing!! it never appears up on my computer for whatever reason but this did take me like an hour to reread bc im watching one of my fav streamers and kept getting distracted so I really didn’t reread it very well tbh
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Painted Him Perfect
Pairing: Austin Gunn x ex-wife!reader
Category: Angst
Word count: 824
Summary: You finally decide it’s time to be honest about your marriage with Austin Gunn. About how you painted him perfect.
Warnings: None
A/N: I know it’s been 63936383629 years since I last posted a fic 🤣 but here I am! Based off Painted Him Perfect by Alexandra Kay
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 😘
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There he was, your ex-husband, laughing with his friends like everything was perfect. Perfect. If only they knew just how perfect their buddy Austin Gunn truly was.
You knew after these past several months it was time to be honest. It was time to be honest with your friends, with your family.
The honest truth is that no matter how many times you sang his praises, drove or flew hours and hours to see him, he would mention over and over how he hated the attention. You didn’t understand because you thought that was what he wanted.
Arguments were more common between you two than they should have been. Couples therapy didn’t do any good no matter how hard you tried, tears in your eyes and streaming down your cheeks. Austin never really tried to make it work, never told his truth in therapy. That was rock bottom for you, for your marriage. His true colors and true character shone bright in that therapist’s office. That’s when you knew it was over, when you knew you couldn’t keep painting him perfect, when he couldn’t even attempt to make an effort to work on the relationship. A relationship that you thought was true love but it was all just a slap in the face.
Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale were two of your closest friends. You met them through Austin so maybe you have one good thing to come out quite possibly the worst relationship you’ve ever been in.
“Hey!” You heard Willow’s upbeat voice coming from your left.
“Hey.” You sighed. Now is the time to tell them. They’re your best friends, plus you have nothing to hide. You fought tooth and nail for your marriage to get better, to please Austin in order to keep the storm clouds away.
“I know that voice. What’s wrong?” Kris was never one to beat around the bush. She noticed you haven’t made any effort to look their way. Her eyes followed yours and she knew immediately who you were looking at. Austin Gunn and the rest of Bullet Club Gold. “You two have an argument?” Kris turned back to you, her head tilted as she studied your face.
Understatement of the century.
Willow shook her head. “I don’t think that’s it. I think maybe—”
“I need to be honest here girls.” You finally looked at your friends and you saw you had their undivided attention, so you let the floodgates fall. Maybe you should have went somewhere more private than roughly 8 feet away from the Bang Bang Gang but part of you wanted passersby to hear, his friends to hear. You just knew that if you didn’t speak your truth then another woman would fall victim to his charm and nice guy act only to be in for heartbreak and misery.
By the time you were finished, Kris’s and Willow’s jaws were on the floor. You didn’t leave anything out. You told the story of how the seemingly ‘perfect’ marriage was all because you made it out to be that way. You told them how you always excused things away as ‘that’s what love is’, but now you knew better. You recalled the big scene Austin caused on vacation at the beach in Atlantic City back in August. August 14th to be exact. Unfortunately, you’ll never forget that date because you’ve never been more embarrassed and ashamed. You even admitted to ignoring the red flags, the red flags you always said you would never let slide. Retelling these stories made you realize that you were yellow and he was green, blue was always going to be the color of your relationship.
During your storytelling, some tears must have fell because felt Willow squeeze your hand, in an effort to comfort. Kris on the other hand was connecting the dots before you’d finish a story.
“That’s what really happened to us. No amount of couples therapy could save us because he didn’t want to save us. Not even when I begged for him to, cried for him to. So the best thing I could do was to paint him perfect so no one knew a thing about just how miserable and embarrassing our relationship truly was.”
“He didn’t deserve for you to paint him perfect.” Kris was fuming. You knew if you gave her the green light she would make that boy’s life pure hell. It was tempting but you wanted something else for him instead.
All you could do was agree. “You’re right I shouldn’t have and it’s a good thing I’m not doing it anymore.”
You didn’t hate Austin Gunn, you didn’t like him, and you sure as hell didn’t love him — at least not anymore. Although, you did want him to feel the pain you felt, you wanted him to be heartbroken. Okay, so maybe you did hate him a little bit, but could anyone really blame you after you told the truth?
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
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issdisgrace · 5 months
“Hi, love.”
“Darling, I thought you left for commentary.”
“Nope not yet I still got a couple minutes to spare. If anything Schiavone will cover for me. I just wanted to come wish you luck and tell you you’re looking extra handsome tonight.”
Before Jay can response Juice whines out, “What about us.”
Looking over Jays shoulder is Juice, Austin, and Colten, all with pouts on their faces.
“You boys are looking extra handsome too.”
They all smile giddily. Jay shakes his head as he says
“I can’t believe you guys.”
“Jay be nice to our children.”
“Yeah dad be nice to us.” Austin says, the others agreeing.
“Oh no.”
“It’s ok Jay. I know fatherhood is a lot but don’t worry it will come to you.”
“I hate you Y/n.”
“Love you too Jay. Now I should probably get going.” I say before giving him a kiss.
I then go over to the boys and give them all a kiss on the cheek wishing them good look before leaving for commentary.
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hookhausenschips · 5 months
77 with Bullet Club Gold???
Okay so I am just going to make it where it’s the whole group because 👀 could you imagine??? I might make this as an imagine later on. (this picture just imagine you're in the middle on your knees- okay I'm done)
Prompts: (77) Friends With Benefits
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You were the newest addition to the Mogul Embassy but you held a secret.
You were hooking up with all of the members of Bullet Club Gold, yes all of them.
It had begun with lingering stares from the guys whenever you would pass by before you joined the Embassy.
Although you and Colten were no strangers.
No, you two had hooked up several times after a few night outs with the roster.
Sometimes inviting his brother Austin to join in as well.
Those two had mouths like the devil, they could pull orgasm after orgasm with them.
You were waiting by the tunnels for Swerve after his match against Jay in the Continental Classic.
Walking back to the locker room you felt arms wrap around your waist pulling you in the opposite direction. 
There Jay stood, pissed.
Before you could get a word out he smashed his lips to yours.
There in that dark hallway he staked his claim on your body.
“Don’t forget who you belong to honeybee.”
Now Juice was the only one who had yet to have a piece of you, slowly eating away at him hearing the guys talk about their escapades with you.
You were in the middle of getting ready to go out with some of the girls from the roster when a knock at your hotel door interrupted you.
There he stood looking as if he was under your spell.
Contrary to his in ring persona, Juice was a softy.
A switch if you will. 
But that night he took you straight to heaven all night, climax after climax.
He couldn’t get enough of you.
But don’t think just because he was a soft sweetheart that he couldn’t be mean.
Jay and Juice together= your ability to walk is gone.
But when in their subby moods they’re both MAJOR brats, just tie them down and pull two or three orgasms from them to fix that attitude.
Jay was the biggest tease next to Colten.
All four of them together? Either you’re cumming all night or you’re teased until you’re full on sobbing. They’re ruthless.
Jay will boss them around while he sits and watches the others take their time with you.
One night during Dynamite you were feeling bratty after your match, you mouthed off to them.
That night was hell and heaven combined.
They tied you down and edged you for what felt like hours.
Your throat was sore, your body sticky with sweat and their cum.
“Are you sorry yet bunny?” Colten asked as you choked around his cock. 
You nodded to the best of your ability, tears clouding your vision.
“Hear that Jay I think she’s sorry.” Austin mocked as you cried out from another ruined orgasm.
The New Zealander smirked as he arose from his seat across the room.
He looked around at his fellow Bullet Club members, “You guys think she finally deserves to cum?”
Let’s just say after that you could’ve sworn you had met God.
All in all, these boys are very fun to watch in the ring and they’re extremely fun in bed.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Can i request a Billy Gunn fic with some NSFW? Possibly he and reader were old friends when he worked for WWE but they reconnect after a long time and get close to each other again and maybe a wrestler cuts a promo on him and says something about y/n and he snaps and kinda confesses his feelings he has for her.
Old Flame
An: This ended up to be way longer than I thought it would be. I decided to play a different route with this request
Summary: Billy and Y/n "dated" (really just sex) a while ago and Billy hates how he let Y/n slip through his fingers all those years ago because he was afraid of commitment. What happens when she shows up in AEW and he relies he still loves her.
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Word count: 2K
Warnings: SMUT (18+) Billy Gunn X Female reader, Mentions of Sex and sexual acts, mentions of alcohol and spiked drinks, 18+ themes
Main Masterlist Billy Gunn Masterlist Part 2 Part 3
I had mixed feelings about having Y/n in AEW, sure it was great to see her after all these years but it was strange since how much we had both changed. I remember when I first saw Y/n after all our years apart. I was backstage at dynamite when I saw her, jokingly said to my sons “That chick over there looks like Y/n” and once she turned around I noticed it was indeed her. I felt my stomach drop. She looked different, older, well of course she looked older we were both way older now but she aged like fine wine, still gorgeous as ever. When I asked what she was doing backstage at Dynamite she explained that she was there to help the young talent in the women's division, along with teaching her daughter how to wrestle. I was happy for her but for some reason I was nervous.
The first few weeks went by fast and I barely ran into Y/n which I was secretly grateful for. That was until my sons, The Gunns joined bullet club gold. Although we didn’t work on screen together at the end of the day they were still my children. I guess the boys did some digging and found out about the little fling Y/n and I had all those years ago. I tried to explain to them that it was years ago, way before they were even born, for them to leave it alone, but they knew I obviously wasn’t over it since I had been practically avoiding Y/n. The boys thought it would be funny to ask Y/n to train them even though I already taught them everything they needed to know. So here I am sitting across the ring from the woman I let slip through my fingers years ago. 
“So Y/n, I heard you and my dad used to date back in the day” Austin said. I store daggers at him, but he didn’t care, instead he gave me a smirk, wanting to see how far he could push me before I broke. 
“I wouldn't say we dated necessarily” Y/n said, as she corrected Colten’s grip, making the choke he was practicing on his brother more effective. “Sure we went out on a few dates but we didn’t date. Your father didn’t want to commit to a relationship” Her words stung, the story she told had no effect on her but I still hated myself for it even if it was 30 years ago. “So you guys were just fuck buddies then?” Colten asked. “COLTEN!-” I yelled but Y/n cut me off. “I guess you could say that, but your father was a gentleman and always bought me dinner first” 
To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I was just about to leave when Y/n called out “Come on Billy, don’t be such a baby. They are just messing with you” I continued to walk pretending not to hear her, she came up to me and grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn and look at her. As I towered over her, I felt like I had gone back in time. Back to the time where I fucked everything up years ago. 
“Y/n I’m sorry!” I yelled out to the poor girl who stood beneath me with tears in her eyes. “I should have known you were only using me to get your dick wet” She yelled back, her words laced with venom. I knew it was only a matter of time before she would ask to be more than whatever it was we had going on but the truth was I was so scared to mess things up between us I didn’t even realize the hole I dug myself into until it was too late. I was trying to protect her but instead I hurt her. 
This little buddy system started a few months ago when a very drunk Y/n admitted that no guy she had been with had made her cum. One day after a PPV we all went out for drinks when Y/n’s got spiked, luckily for her it wasn’t too bad but boy did she say some crazy things. 
Being a good friend I took her back to my hotel room before she could embarrass herself too much and she ended up passing out right as we stepped foot in the room. Carefully I placed her on the bed and removed her shoes before tucking her under the covers. 
When she came to, she was confused. “Did we fuck?” was the first thing she asked me, noticing she was in my bed. “No, but you wanted to” I told her, Y/n looked at me confused. “Someone spiked your drink at the bar. I took you back to my hotel room to keep you from embarrassing yourself” I told her truthfully. “Oh god, what did I say?” “Nothing much, just that you have never had an orgasm before” “Great” “Don’t worry, I'm sure I can help you with that problem” I told her with a smirk.
I couldn't deny the effect she had on me, she was perfect in every way. Seeing her in my bed didn’t help my crush on her. As we made our way back to the hotel she kept rambling about random things and even suggested that we sleep together. I knew that wasn’t her talking, she was drugged and wouldn't remember a thing in the morning. Even though I liked her, no way would I take advantage of her in such a state. I wanted to get with her when she was fully sober, wanting to have something real not just an impulsive booty call or being so fucked up we woudn’t remember anything in the morning. 
So I waited until the time was right. I sat in my private locker room fantasizing about Y/n when I heard someone knocking at my door. “Who is it?” I yelled through the door. To my surprise it was Y/n herself. “It’s me! Are you almost ready to go?” She asked me “Yeah, just give me a minute!” I said before opening the door to let her inside. When I opened the door I saw the shocked look on her face. “Well someones excited to see me,” she said as she looked me up and down. I was confused for a second until I looked down noticing I was fully hard. “Shit!” I could feel my face get red. “Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. You don’t have to be embarrassed” She told me reassuringly. I quickly grabbed all my things, changing the subject. “Do you want to get room service tonight instead? I don’t really feel like going out tonight.” 
The two of us sat in my hotel room in silence. Y/n was first to break the silence. “Does it hurt?” She asked, referring to my still hard cock. “It doesn’t hurt, just uncomfortable” I told her, the effect she had on me still being shown. “Do you want help with it?” I almost choked when the words came out of her mouth. “What?” I asked in disbelief. “Do you want some help with that?” She repeated as she got up from her seat, deciding to sit on my lap. “We could help each other out?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 
Everything happened so fast, before I knew it we were tangled in each other, frantically taking off  the others clothes fighting for dominance. “You have no idea how long I have wanted this,” I told Y/n. I could tell by the look on her face she was shocked by my size. “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you” I told her reassuringly. I wanted to take my time with Y/n. I placed delicate kisses down her body before settling between her thighs. Kissing and sucking her inner thighs before inserting myself in her. I started with slow thrusts, trying to keep my promise of being gentile but she just felt so good, I needed to feel more, I needed to make her cum, I needed to make her have an orgasm so good, she could never be with anyone else, and that’s exactly what I did. My thrusts were hard, the grip I had on her hips as I pounded into her would bruise but neither of us cared. The two of us a moaning mess, my ears where filled with praises that left her lips. “Fuck, you feel so good, you fill me up so good” I could tell by the way she fluttered around me her words were true. “Fuck Y/n” I called out. I could feel she was close. “That’s it baby” I praised “Right there, You're close. Just relax baby. I need you to relax for me, don’t fight it” I told her as I continued my assault on her pussy. I reached my hand between us to play with her clit. That put her over the edge. “That’s it baby, I got you, let it out, let it all out” I told her as I continued to fuck her through her orgasm before I pulled out, cumming all over her chest. 
That became our routine. After shows we would either go out for dinner or order room service then have some crazy sex. As the weeks went past I found myself falling in love with Y/n and it terrified me. I was scared I was going to hurt her so I pushed myself away. I didn’t even realize it but I had become distant with her. Looking back on it I was kind of a jerk, I was never one for aftercare but with Y/n it was different, I almost found it better than sex, it was more intimate. That was why I fell in love, so, I became distant after sex, I acted like I didn’t care but I cared too much. When she asked what changed I avoided the question, when she asked to be more than just sex I turned it down without thinking. By the time I realized what I did it was too late. 
“I’m  Sorry Y/n!”  I yelled out to the poor girl who stood beneath me with tears in her eyes. “I should have known you were only using me to get your dick wet” She yelled back, her words laced with venom. I knew I fucked up. “Y/n wait! I didn’t mean it.” I yelled but It was too late. She was already grabbing her clothes that were scattered around the room and left before saying “And to think I was in love with you” 
Since that day at the training facility I couldn't get Y/n out of my head. She was all I thought about 24/7. That day replaying over and over again. But tonight I had a Trois match with the acclaimed against top flight and action andretti and I knew I needed to focus on the match, not Y/n. The match went well, another successful title defense until we were interrupted by bullet club gold. Austin and Colton were obviously still not over how I picked the acclaimed over them, the two of them alongside Juice Robinson requesting a title shot. I was going to say no until they brought up Y/n. “Of course you would say no Billy. I’m honestly shocked you are still with the acclaimed, I know how you are with commitment. I mean you let the love of your life slip through your fingers because you were scared of commitment. I wonder what Y/n would think if she knew you still beat yourself up about it 30 years later. Now you are all alone, still wrestling when you should be retired because you have no one to go home to”  Their words stung but they were true “You want a title shot? FINE, Next week Bullet Club Gold Vs The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!” I yelled back at them! 
I sure hope Y/n didn’t hear any of that. 
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smartycvnt · 5 months
Little sister who is a wrestler hcs to the Gunn Club?
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They know that you can hold your own, but they still constantly jump in front of you if they think something might happen
Constantly trying to include you in whatever angle they've got going on
Everybody knows that you're Billy's favorite kid
Austin and Colten always call you the "best Gunn"
You love getting to go out and have fun with your brothers
Your gimmick is generally more serious than theirs is, but Tony usually finds time for you to "help them out" sometimes
Tony originally wanted to use you as a manager for them, but Austin and Colten thought it made more sense for them to manage you
They're constantly putting you on top and praising you whenever they can to whoever will listen
You aren't necessarily the most famous, but they both know that you're destined to have a legendary career
If anyone will get out of the "Billy's kid" shadow, they think it's you
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discow1tch · 7 months
Summary: Austin Gunn confronts you over "ass boy" chants after a match
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ ───
Tags/warnings/tropes: reader insert, aew employee reader, implied romantic relationship, light teasing (giving), PDA, kayfabe compliant
Authors Notes: I am unfortunately very into Bullet Club Gold. This fic hasn't been beta-read. If you notice any errors please let me know!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ ───
When the match ends you make your way backstage. Production staff are nice enough to direct you towards the arena's dressing rooms when you show them your badge. Normally, you'd just meet the boys out in the parking lot or at their hotel after the show but you want to congratulate them on their victory while it's still fresh.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・ ───
You can tell you're in the right area when you start seeing wrestlers you recognize. First, it's Hook looking sullen as ever seated on a stack of palettes with a bag of chips. Then Caster and Bowens workshopping their next rap. And then finally, Anna Jay who breaks off the animated conversation she's having with 2point0 to say hi. The two of you talk for a minute before you notice Austin coming out of the dressing room at the far end of the hallway.
His hair is still damp from showering and he's changed into sweats and a t-shirt. He gives a big stretch of his arms over his head before leaning up against the wall and pulling out his phone. A few specks of errant glitter glint on the exposed skin at his collar as he moves. It's a good look on him.
You say your goodbyes to Anna and rush to greet him.
At the sound of your approaching footsteps he looks over. You send him a smile and give a little wave but he doesn't return it. When you reach him he pushes off the wall to face you with a frown on his face.
"Hey! You guys were great out there tonight!" You throw an arm around his side to give him a quick hug that he just barely reciprocates.
"I saw you joining in on the chants." Austin accuses as you separate. You cringe but quickly cover it with a smile.
"Of course I did. That's what you're supposed to do at a wrestling show." You'd hoped that maybe he hadn't noticed or that in the excitement of winning he'd forgotten seeing your lips move at ringside.
"You know that's not what I'm talking about." he turns to cage you against the wall, forearms at either side of your head. Austin isn't tall for a professional wrestler but he still towers over you. Pale eyes stare you down with an angry frustration that's usually reserved for his opponents. You've never seen it directed your way before.
"If it was just 'holy shit' or 'ay-ee-dub' it wouldn't be a problem but I saw you chanting 'ass boys'." he continues.
"What, you don't like me calling you an Ass Boy?" you ask with exaggerated obliviousness as you bring your hands up to rest on his sides.
"It's not exactly something I appreciate." he says as he presses his weight into you. It occurs to you that he's close enough now that you could kiss him if you wanted to.
"So you're denying that you have an incredible ass?" you question. His angry facade cracks into a smile and a wave of laughter that's more like the Austin you know overtakes him. His head falls forward to rest against yours.
"Let's not go that far. My ass is pretty great."
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James Gunn
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Me trying to cheer up the Adrian Chase stans
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sydsaint · 4 months
Finally some Dad!Billy Gunn!! <3 Also some slight Jay White x Reader to go along with it.
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Summary: The reader has a tough time choosing between her feelings for Jay and her loyalty to Billy as his only remaining kid on team Gunn.
"YN, sweetie, come on. It's time to wake up." Billy's voice wakes you from your deep sleep.
"Ugh, leave me alone, dad." You groan and pull your blanket over your head.
You hear rustling at the foot of your bed before your blanket is yanked off you before you can get ahold of it. You sit up in bed with a scowl and find Billy smiling at you from the foot of your bed with your blanket in hand. "Come on, sweetheart, it's nearly nine." Billy points to the clock on your nightstand. "How late did Anthony and Max keep you out last night?" He asks you with that overprotective glint in his eye.
"Bowens and Caster left at like 1 am." You yawn and stretch your arms above your head. "I stayed out until last call at 3 am with Ricky and Danny." You explain.
"Starks and Garcia?" Billy replies. "I don't know about those two." He grumbles to himself. "Especially if they're keeping you out so late. You need your rest." He reminds you.
You roll your eyes and hop out of bed. "I love that you're so concerned for me, Dad." You walk over to him for a hug. "But I'm a big girl. And it was a special occasion, not a weekly thing." You assure him.
Billy sighs and wraps his arms around you as you hug him. You're his only daughter and his youngest kid. So he's always going the extra mile to make sure that you're doing well.
"Alright, sweetie." Billy lets you go and rubs your arm. "Go shower, you smell like booze." He scrunches his nose when he gets a whiff of your hair. "I'll make you up some breakfast then we've got to meet Anthony and Max at the gym."
"Alright, Dad." You nod and head for the bathroom.
You get washed up and dressed for the gym before heading downstairs to meet Billy in the kitchen. When you arrive, Bowens and Caster are already there. And Max is sneakily eyeing up your food.
"Touch that plate and I'll stab you with a fork, Caster." You bark at him making him jump back.
"Morning, YN." Anthony smiles at you. "How was last night? You were partying pretty hard with Ricky and Danny when Max and I left." He asks you.
You walk over to your breakfast and snatch it up before Caster tries to take it again. "It was fun." You answer Bowen's question.
"Partying hard, huh?" Billy speaks up from the other side of the island. "With strangers?" He narrows his eyes at you.
"No, Dad." You laugh. "I was mostly partying with Caster and Bowens. Then when they left Ricky and Danny had most of my attention." You assure him that you weren't partying with strangers last night. "I'm careful when I go out, I promise." You assure him.
Billy nods and chats with Caster while you eat. Anthony walks over to you and leans against the counter to chat with you. "So, you aren't going to mention Jay then?" He asks you quietly.
You choke on your food slightly and cough. Anthony shoots you a pointed look and you subtly shake your head. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." You flash a pleading look Anthony's way.
Truthfully last night Bowens, Caster, Ricky, and Daniel weren't the only people from work that you ran into. You also caught the attention of one Jay White, aka the guy that Billy isn't exactly a fan of. Not after Jay started playing enabler to Austin and Colten breaking away from the family.
"Alright." Anthony nods and glances over at Caster and Billy still chatting. "What did happen last night, anyway?" He asks you. "You know I'm not one to judge, YN. But you and Jay looked awfully cozy on the dancefloor last night."
"I don't know." You admit with a small sigh and pick at the food on your plate. "Normally I can't stand him, just like my dad. But last night he was so fucking unbearably charming and funny and hot." You bite the inside of your lip. "God and his accent drives me up the wall."
Bowens chuckles and puts his hand up to stop you. "He's a dreamboat, got it." He laughs. "Did you guys...you know?" He asks you suggestively.
"Ew, Anthony, no!" You scoff. "Come on, I still have a little self-respect, Bowens." You insist.
"Alright alright." Bowens laughs again. "You planning on seeing him again?" He asks you.
You purse your lips and pick at your plate again. The thought of seeing Jay again did cross your mind. And Jay did put his number in your phone last night while also making a point to stick his tongue down your throat. You glance over at Billy talking with Max and he meets your gaze from over Max's shoulder. Billy sends a soft smile your way and you smile back at him.
"I don't know." You turn back to Anthony. "I like Jay, I think." You admit. "But I love my dad. I can't leave him too. He already beats himself up enough over Austin and Colten."
Anthony glances over at Billy and nods. "I don't know. I think he'd want you to be happy." He shrugs.
You finish up breakfast and everyone heads out to the gym for a group workout and some light training. You are there for around three hours before you break out from the group to take a small break and get some water.
You are idling by the juice bar resting when Jay happens by like it's fate or something.
"YN, sweetheart." Jay walks over to you with that charming smile of his. "Funny running into you here, doll." He adds.
"Jay!" Your body stiffens. "Hey, yeah what a coincidence." You giggle. "You here with my brothers?" You ask him.
Jay nods and points over to the opposite side of the gym that your group is at. "Yeah, they're over there with Juice working on weights." He explains. "So, about last night."
"What about it?" You raise a brow at him.
"Well, I don't know about you, YN. But I was having a phenomenal time last night." Jay admits. "And you seemed to be enjoying yourself quite a bit as well."
You roll your eyes playfully and nod. "I might have been, yeah." You confirm and spot Billy over Jay's shoulder. "But-" You add.
"But?" Jay replies with a hint of surprise.
You bite the inside of your lip and turn your attention back to Jay. "I had fun last night, Jay. And you are frustratingly charming and sexy, my friend." You admit. "But, now isn't the right time for me to be getting any action."
"Even if it's just a bit of casual fun?" Jay offers.
"Even that, yeah." You regretfully nod. "Sorry."
Jay nods and runs a hand up your arm with a grin. "It's alright sweetheart, I can wait." He insists. "In the meantime, " He leans down close to your ear and swipes your hair away from your neck before whispering something in your ear.
Jay's lips graze your neck slightly as he pulls away with a shit-eating grin on his face and a shiver runs up your spine. "I'll be seeing you around, YN." Jay walks off with a wink. "Sooner rather than later I bet." He whispers that last bit to himself.
You remain at the juice bar for a few minutes to compose yourself. Anthony has to come and find you when you don't return after a while.
"YN." Bowens pulls you from your thoughts. "I saw Jay over on the other side of the room looking awfully proud of himself." He informs you. "That have anything to do with you over here lookin' all flustered?"
"Maybe." You rub the back of your neck. "Fuck me." You mumble to yourself.
Anthony puts his hands up and chuckles. "You ain't really my type, YN." He jokes. "And I know I ain't yours regardless." He adds.
"What? How do you know that, Bowens?" You scoff. "You could be my type."
"Nah." Bowens. "I know your type, YN." Bowens insists.
You scoff again and set a hand on your hip. "Oh yeah? Prove it then. What's my type, Anthony?" You challenge him.
"White guys, about 6'2, preferably from New Zealand, big ego, dad hates him." Bowens teases you. "And it helps if his name happens to be Jay White." He grins at you.
"I hate you." You put your head in your hands. "What am I going to do?" You ask him.
Bowens shrugs and walks with you back over to Billy and Max. "If it was me, I'd hit it once." He offers his opinion on the matter. "If you can do the guy once and not become obsessed then you were just horny and can get over it." He explains further.
"And if I do him and realize that I can't stay away?" You reply.
"Then we've got a problem." Anthony laughs. "Or at least you do. But like I said earlier, YN. I really don't think that Billy would care as long as you're happy." He adds.
You let out a heavy sigh and look over at your dad waving you over to his side. "Yeah, I know..."
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plentyoffandoms · 4 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: none
Request by: @brideofinfamy. Hope you like it.
WC: 1374
"Hey, baby sis." I looked up at the sound of my older brother's booming voice and smiled as he pulled me in for a hug, which I returned.
"Hello, Eddie. I didn't see you on my list." I mentally went through the list of people I memorised of who I had to do.
"Can't I just see my favourite sibling?" My eyes narrowed him, wondering what he wants. "No, what do you want?"
"My cigarettes." I scoffed at him and shook my head no.
"Nope. You asked me to hold on to them so you don't smoke them. I flushed them down the toilet."
Cue, the silly argument that had anyone who passed the room, looked in and saw us arguing.
"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but I gotta get ready." Eddie and I looked at the sound of the new voice, and I smiled when I saw who it was.
"No interruption, Colten. Eddie was just leaving. Weren't you Eddie?"
"Yes. See you later, Colten, baby sis."
I breathed a sigh of relief when my brother finally left the room. "Should I even ask what that was about this time?" Colten asked as he sat in the chair.
"He wants to quit smoking. So he gave me his cigarettes to hold on to, but I flushed them." I told him as I got to work on his hair.
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"And you didn't think that he wouldn't want them back?" Colten asked me as I started to work on his hair. I pulled his hair back just enough for him to feel it, and I looked down into his eyes, and I almost forgot what the hell I was even going to say, but it came back to me.
"Of course I did, Mr. Sopp, but I want him to stick around for a long time. So that is why I flushed them." Our faces were close, and I could see him looking at my lips until he cleared his throat and muttered his apologies.
I let go of his hair and stood in front of him to work on the front, and I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I didn't say anything, just focusing on trying to get his hair done.
Ever since I started here, Colten and I have slowly become best friends. It first started off with him flirting with me, but most of the guys did, but his idea of flirting wasn't like the usual ones.
No, no. He used a line on me that I had never heard of, and it still sicks out in my mind all these weeks later.
"Your eyes are like IKEA. I could get lost in them for hours."
I sadly broke out into a fit of laughter, but so did he, and he seemed to break the ice between us, and we have been almost inseparable ever since.
"So which line do you have for me today, Colten?" I leaned against my little makeup desk and waited for him to give me his best cheesy line.
"Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?"
I covered my mouth as I let out a snort.
"Oh lord, that is cheesy."
"Well, I am wrong, aren't I? Don't I deserve a kiss." He puckered his lips and blew a kiss at me. I gripped his chin and turned his head, and kissed his cheek, letting my lips linger on his skin just a tad longer than I should.
I cleared my throat and took a step to the side to let him up stand up.
"We still on for dinner tonight?" He asked me.
"Of course. Just let me know where and I will be there."
Weeks turned into months, and a day doesn't go by where Colten and I aren't attached at the hip. People have asked if we are dating, but I always say we are just friends, best friends, to be exact.
Even my darling older brother was on my case. He was sitting in my chair, looking at me as I got set up for the day.
"Are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Colten?"
"Eddie, for the thousandth time, Colten and I are just friends." I felt a pang in my heart when I said that.
"The way how you two look at each other, you would think that there is something more."
"Well, there isn't."
I was sitting in her chair as she did her magic with my hair. I know my hair takes a bit with how curly it is, but she never complains and doesn't seem to hurt me when she brushes my hair.
"So I was scrolling through your Instagram the other day, and I went back years." I groaned when she said that to me. But I have done the same thing to her as well.
"I found this photo." Before I knew it, I was staring at myself from a few years ago.
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"And?" I was clearly confused.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
"Why don't you wear your hair like this anymore?"
Honestly? I don't know why, but before I knew it, my big mouth was speaking without even a single thought from my brain.
"Because, now there is more than enough for a woman to grip."
The air seemed to thicken as she lowered her phone, and I saw her gulp and looked away.
"You coming to the party tonight?" I asked her, trying to ease the tension.
"I don't think so. I may just go to my hotel room and sleep."
"Come with me. I know you don't like parties, but I want you to be my plus one." I didn't have a plus one. Anyone could come.
"I'll let you know, Colten."
I was more than surprised to see that she said to pick her up from her hotel room. The moment she opened the door, my mouth went dry.
She always looks good to me, no matter what she wares, but right now, fuck. Her done, makeup done, in a dress that is showing off her curves.
I cleared my throat and held my arm out. "Your chariot awaits, my lady." I could feel my face heating up when she placed her hand on my arm.
The party was in full swing, and the guys were like vultures when it came to her. The minute I went to get us drinks, they surrounded her, so I am standing off to the side as I watched everyone flirt with her.
"You gonna lose her, Colten." I looked over to see Eddie standing there.
"Eddie, not this again."
"Look at her. She is looking for you." I did look at her, and he is right. "Go to her. You're the only one I approve of out of this godforsaken lockeroom."
He and I both knew I didn't need his approval, that she could make her own choices, but him saying that had me making my way through the crowd, standing behind her and tapping her shoulder.
She turned around, smiling once she saw it was me.
I grabbed her hand and turned, walking to somewhere we could talk in private, but she pulled her hand back, not letting go of mine, but to stop me from walking. I stopped and looked at her, raising one eyebrow at her.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her flushed against my body, ready to say those simple words. The ones I have been dying to say for months.
"I like you Colten." "I like you." We both said at the same time.
Neither one of us caring at that moment that we were surrounded by a bunch of friends, family and strangers as I leaned down and kissed her, properly for the first time.
We were so wrapped up in one another, that I forgot we were at a party. That was until someone told us to get room.
We broke out kiss, and we started to dance. All the guys who flirted with her all night left her alone.
It was just the two of us, happy and in our own little world for the rest of the night.
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frankiethedarkangel · 10 months
Guys…. I met Freddie!!!! He’s such a sweetheart <3
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magnoliacharmed · 1 year
It Takes Two To Tango
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(not my gif!)
18+, Billy Gunn x Fem!Reader one shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Word count: 2,592
Tags: Oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, swallowing, trying to be quiet, secret relationship
Additional characters: Ken Shamrock, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Vince McMahon
Your real life relationship with Billy Gunn begins to pick up steam on TV. Your kayfabe boyfriend, Ken Shamrock, doesn’t like what he sees.
“JR, you see the way Gunn looks at me when I enter the ring! Always trying to peek under my skirt. I’m not having it any more.”
“That bastard really shouldn’t be treating a young lady like you in that way.”
“Well with the way she dresses, what do you expect?! I wouldn’t be able to contain myself either!”
“You’re such an old pervert, King.” Your voice crackled over the mic.
You readjusted the headphones squeezing your ears. This was your first time on commentary and it was a lot more fun than you expected. A hell of a lot more fun than interviewing backstage. Even with Vince yelling  in your ear the whole time, the banter between you, JR, and Jerry made it all worth it. It was also nice to get a break from standing around in your heels. You watched Billy enter the ring doing his spiel. It never got old and the crowd seemed to agree.
“… then I’ve got two words for ya!”
Billy thrusted, then pointed right at you.
“Can you abide by this?!” You turned your head to JR, your eyebrows scrunched up in overplayed annoyance while your voice raised a pitch. The camera caught JR shaking his head and Jerry laughing like a hyena.
Billy was up against Ken Shamrock. After dealing with Val Venis trying to corrupt his sister Ryan, Ken had gotten himself involved in a love triangle with you and Billy. So far he’d won in the ring, but he hadn’t been able  to capture your affections outside of it. Despite his gentlemanly behavior defending you against Billy’s lewd presence, the blond still edged him out. He was never exceptionally rude, just flirtatious in the way that confident people can be. It (unfortunately) was still working on you even though you knew he was no good.
Just as Billy geared up to do his signature Fame-asser, Ken managed to get out of the way. He got Billy with a clothesline and was close to getting him in position for an ankle lock, but Billy rolled out of the ring in a graceful flash. His eyes immediately focused on you, his stride long and slightly wounded as he made his way over. The mics on the table picked up his words.
“Stop distracting me over here before I have to teach you a lesson.”
“Oh, please. Maybe become a better wrestler and you won’t have such an issue with distractions.”
Jerry’s high pitched voice let out an “Oh! OH!” Vince was close to blowing out your eardrums on the other end of the headphones.
Billy huffed, close to being out of breath. You were supposed to be on Shamrock’s side. He was the good guy. He was the one who treated you with some respect. But that was so boring. Poor Ken.
Billy walked away, pointing at you again and gesturing towards his crotch. He re-entered the ring to struggle with Shamrock for a few minutes before finally being subjected to the ankle lock. Billy tried his hardest, but ultimately tapped out.
It was hard to hear over the cheers.
“How’re you gonna reward your boyfriend?!” Jerry asked, his voice keeping that hysteric note to it. You wonder where he got the energy from.
“Don’t worry about what I’ll do to him!”
You took the headset off in a rush and scrambled from behind the announcers table. You were almost in the ring, crouching down to get between the ropes, when Billy grabbed you from outside of it. He pressed his heaving chest to yours and began to whisper in your ear.
“I know you want me. You gonna let me make you feel good later?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his words even though they made heat pool down below. Wriggling out his tight hold took some effort. With a quick flicker of your eyes up and down his well toned body, something you were sure you’d catch some heat for, you turned away to run to congratulate Ken. He looked at you with a tired sort of skepticism as you planted kisses across his face that were more subdued than the crowd expected.
Backstage, you thought about the night so far. Even though Vince treated you like a puppy that piddled on the nice rug, you were sure that this wouldn’t ruin your push. He didn’t immediately leave gorilla to fire you after it was all said and done. The love triangle was getting good pops. Ken looked sympathetic from losing his sister and girlfriend in quick succession. Billy was establishing himself as a worthy competitor. You were getting the chance to show off your personality, something you hoped to pivot into more in-ring action. Everyone won!
Well, everyone except Ken.
His steps were heavy as he approached you. It took a second to register that he was even there, your head so up in the clouds that your vision blurred into a watercolor painting.
“What the hell was that with you and Billy?”
“What was what?”
Ken was a lot more upset than you thought. This was nothing but an angle! You two had tried to go on a few dates, sure. There was no spark between you two. At least on your end. He was handsome and he was sorta funny…? In the end, he just didn’t do it for you. Whatever it was, that special X factor, Shamrock didn’t have it. Billy did.
“You and Billy at the end of the damn match. Are you two fucking?”
You weren’t going to let his sour mood ruin your high. He should’ve been happy the match went so well. Plus, he knew the deal— you were only dating on screen, and that was barely. A few decent dates don’t make a relationship.
“Is that really any of your business?”
“Are you?”
“You’re so nosy, Ken. No, Billy and I aren’t fucking since you want to know so badly. And I’ll say it one more time just so you feel reassured—“ Your voice rose.
“—I AM NOT FUCKING BILLY GUNN. You know I’m also not fucking? You. So don’t worry about what or who I’m doing in my free time, alright?”
“Yeah, alright. You just watch out and don’t get hurt.” Ken’s face was stony as he turned to walk away from you. You didn’t know he cared that much about you. That clouded up your thoughts again. You started to wallow in confusion when Billy rounded a corner. He had a smug smile painting his face walking up to you.
“Heard we weren’t fucking. You don’t know how sad that makes me.”
“Geez, I said that so loud you heard me?”
“Well I only paid attention ‘cause I misheard and thought you said that we would be.”
“Yeah, you definitely misheard.” He was pulling you right into his little flirtatious back and forth.
“That’s too bad. I’ve got a few things I wanna do to you that I wasn't allowed to say on TV.”
“Mmhmm, I sure bet you do.” Your voice was a whisper.
Gunn was undeniably sexy, an even tan contrasting with his blond hair. His  long legs looked powerful, like he really could fuck you as hard he did his taunt. His height wasn’t intimidating or foreboding. There was something in the way you had to look up at him, a spark that turned you on beyond belief.
“You know,” Billy popped his gum. “I heard Vince is gonna do a poll in the next issue of the magazine. ‘Who’ll be the next hot couple in the WWF?’ You think he’ll put you and Ken or you and me?”
A playful smile spread on his face. You lightly slapped him on the chest, then made a frown at hearing Ken’s name. He was the last thing you wanted on your mind.
“Vince probably isn’t too happy with me right now.”
“Was he screaming at you?”
“I could hear it even all the way from where I was. You’ll be fine. He gives all the pretty ones a pass.”
“I see you’re using that famous charm of yours on me.”
“Yeah, is it working?”
You laughed and rose up to place a long kiss on his cheek. It was a kiss that the audience sure would’ve liked to see you give Ken. You bristled as the thought slid through your mind, but it was dashed away by Billy’s hand slowly sliding down to palm at your ass. His favorite way to tease you out on the mat was by doing anything he could to take a nice look at it. There were many times when he got hard just thinking about bending you over.
“Why don’t you let me tell you what was on my mind earlier?”
Billy got dangerously close to reaching under your skirt, his fingers caressing your skin with more gentleness than you expected. It made your head swim with dirty thoughts and lit a fire within.
You bit down so hard your lip it started to bleed a bit. You had to keep your mouth shut! With the attention Billy was paying to your clit, his tongue swirling around it at an unhurried pace, it was hard to keep quiet. A buzzing feeling coursed through your body that made your nerves clench up in ecstasy. Billy’s eyes stayed glued on your tortured expression above him, the twisting of your features making his cock twitch. Little moans escaped you with every lick of his tongue.
“You’ve gotta be quieter if you want me to keep going.” He stopped, noisily releasing suction from your clit.
“Are you serious? Don’t stop, someone might catch us if we take too long.”
“They will catch us if you don’t try to keep your voice down.”
“I’ll be quieter,” Your voice was filled with grit.
You didn’t even finish the short sentence as Billy returned to eating you out. It took your all not to make a sound, especially when he grabbed your hips to pull you closer into him. You collapsed onto your elbows and threw your head back, feeling like you were ready to explode. It was hard to stay silent when he was giving you his all. Gunn kept his promise when he told you he’d make you feel good.
The heel of your shoe kicked against his back. It was the only way you could express how close you were to your orgasm. You could’ve sworn Billy smiled as he stopped again.
“You gonna come for me?”
You shook your head yes frantically.
“Tell me.”
The look you gave him could only be described as pointed.
“I’m gonna come for you, Billy.” You were close to losing your composure. You didn’t want to whisper, you wanted to scream.
Seconds later he was back and taking you over the edge. You completely collapsed on the desk below you, your legs shaking then going limp as Billy kept licking. He finally stopped but not before leaving a kiss on your oversensitive spot.
With one swoop he picked you up, your legs wrapping against him with no second thought. He carried you with ease and pressed your back against the office door. You watched as his lips moved in to kiss your neck, the feeling of his breath against your skin shooting through you like lightning. It was almost overwhelming how great his body felt against yours. As if it was meant for you to be pressed that close together.
“Shhh,” Billy hushed you as he slowly pushed inside you. His preparation wasn’t enough for you to mentally prepare yourself. A loud moan filled the room, spurring him on to thrust fast and deep into you. How he could do this while holding you up was beyond you. Your assumption about his legs was happily proven right as he maintained a good, hard rhythm.
Gunn’s hand quickly reached up to pull down the neck of your dress, your breasts suddenly exposed to the cold air of the room. The chill brought you back down from the stars. Billy tore his gaze away from your face to stare at the bounce of your tits, the mesmerized expression on his face giving you a boost of confidence.
“Fuck, you look so good.”
You buried your head in his shoulder and moaned again, deep and primal. For purely selfish reasons, he didn’t want you moaning. Of course didn’t want you to get in trouble… but he also knew he’d come too fast if he heard your voice making the noises he so loved to hear. It was too late. You were past the point of no return and didn’t care who heard you.
His tongue found itself back around yours. The sloppy kiss pushed you to the next level. His urgency was so hot, it was like he just couldn’t contain himself around you. You could always count on Billy to make you feel wanted.
“Gonna... oh my God,” You breathed right into his ear. As soon as you said it, every muscle in your body compressed. No one else was ever going to make  you come harder than he did, a fact he would have loved to lord over you if he knew it. Just when you were beginning to remember where you were, Billy pulled out of you and pushed you on to your knees.
“Where?” Gunn stroked himself with a tight grip, his words strained. His cock was still shiny from your wetness. It was hypnotizing.
You opened wide to take Billy down your throat with perfect timing. He released hot, your mouth getting coated while you sucked him down. Now it was your turn to look up at him, his lips parted in awe. He caressed your cheek with the same gentleness from earlier. When he began to soften, you took his cock out of his mouth to get a good look at it. It was beautiful, one thin vein running down the long length of it. The way you gazed at it made his heart thump loudly in his chest.
Your brain struggled to form words as he helped you up. His hand held yours as if he was escorting you to a debutante ball instead of picking you up after he came in your mouth. It did feel equally as magical.
“Now imagine how good I am when I have a bed.” Somehow he snuck a new piece of gum in his mouth when you weren’t looking.
“That’s an invitation, I assume.”
“Yeah, for tonight actually.”
The two of you put your clothes back on in a rush. It wasn’t a secret that you two were fucking. If it was, it was poorly guarded. You just didn’t want to deal with Ken actually catching you with that post-sex disheveled look. The two of you at least needed to be cordial to make it all believable on television. There was a little part of you that hoped Vince really would couple you and Billy on the magazine poll. Maybe you two would win and get paired together.
Stepping out of the office, you and Billy looked around. No one walking by, no one hanging out. Perfect.
“Don’t think about me too much before tonight. Save the stamina.” It was hard to play it cool when you knew that you’d be replaying everything he did to you for the next few hours.
Billy’s laugh echoed down the hall while he walked away from you.
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You will breathe with the Switchblade.
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