bts-trans · 8 months
230218 Big Hit's Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 제이홉 생일에 제이홉 화보 비하인드? 완전 따봉,, 감동작렬~,, 방림이 센스 기절이지? (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=35500077&memberNo=51325039) #BTS #방탄소년단 #jhope #제이홉 #정호석
[Naver Post] A behind-the-scenes post from j-hope’s photobook on j-hope’s birthday? Amazing,, an explosion of emotions~,, Bangbell knows what’s up right? (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=35500077&memberNo=51325039)
#BTS #jhope #JungHoseok
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! Since tumblr has a picture limit for posts, please check out our twitter post or the HD version on our website for a version with all GIFs included!
[BTS] Me, Myself, and j-hope 비하인드 포스트
[BTS] Me, Myself, and j-hope Behind Post
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
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아미들 안녕하세요?! 방림이 입니다. 제가 돌아왔습니다. (?)
Hello ARMYs?! It’s Bangbell. I’ve returned. (?)
티저 이미지부터 아미들의 머릿속을 물음표와 느낌표로 도배시켰던 2월 Special 8 Photo-Folio의 주인공이죠! Me, Myself and j-hope 'All New Hope' 의 비하인드 포스트로 찾아왔습니다 ! (박수) (함성)
From the very first teaser image that plastered questions marks and exclamation points all over ARMYs’ minds It’s the main character of the February Special 8 Photo-Folio! I’ve come to you with a behind-the-scenes post for Me, Myself and j-hope 'All New Hope'
(applause) (cheers)
호비호비 생일 떡밥 축복에 끝이 없네…. 아미들 지치지말고 달려보자고 (비장) ㄴ 아미들 : 오히려좋아
There’s no end to this blessing of birthday content for Hobi Hobi…. ARMYs, don’t get tired and keep running (solemn) ㄴ ARMYs : That’s fine with me
이번 화보는 쩨이호옵! 하면 떠오르는 밝고 스트릿한 이미지를 벗어나 제이홉만의 청순,,,섹시,,,아련,, 매력을 새롭게 어필한 화보라고 할 수 있는데요! 아미들도 그 매력,, 다양하게 느끼셨나요? ㄴ아미 : 네네네네네네네!!!!!!!
For this photobook j-hope! sheds his usual bright, street-style image You can say that j-hope’s unique pure,,,sexy,,,sorrowful,, charms are shown off with a new kind of appeal in this photobook! Can ARMYs,, feel that charm in all these different ways? ㄴARMY : Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!
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또한 화보 이름이 ‘All New Hope’ 인 것 처럼 새로운 호비의 모습을 위해 포토작가님과 직접 미팅도 진행하며 적극적으로 의견을 내었다는 명불허전 Jㅔ이홉의 소식도 소소하게 전해드리면서!
Also just like the photobook’s name is ‘All New Hope’ there were whispers that J-Hope, who lives up to his name, personally met with the photobook designer to discuss the new Hobi’s appearance and actively gave his opinion!
그렇다면! 방림이가 준비한 비하인드 사진, 안볼수가 없겠죠! 지금 바로 구경하러 가보시죠!
So! There’s no way we can’t not look at the behind-the-scenes photos that Bangbell prepared! Let’s go take a look!
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모르겠다.. 첫 사진부터 걍 기절이다 요정하라고 나만의 팅커벨 그런거 하라고 그냥
I don’t know.. I’m about to pass out just from the first photo Be a fairy Just be something like my own personal Tinkerbell
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님… 왜 자꾸 저 꼬시는거예요..? 아니 이 사람이 먼저 그랬다니까요? 아니 이거 좀 놔봐요 저기요
Sir… why do you keep coming at me..? No this person did it first? No let go excuse me
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다음 생에는 돌멩이로 태어나자 장점 : 호비가 쓰다듬어줌
In our next life let’s be reborn as stones Pros : Hobi will pet us
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아니면 모니터로 태어날까 이렇게 사랑스럽게 쳐다봐주는데.. (울먹)
Or should I be born as a monitor He’s looking at it so lovingly.. (about to cry)
갑자기 등장한 블랙홉에 아미들 민심 술렁 -
The sudden appearance of black-hope is causing chaos among ARMYs
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제이홉,, 뒤에 날개 잘숨겼네,, 보일까봐 조마조마 했는데,,,,
j-hope,, you hid your wings behind you well,, I was nervous that they’d be seen,,,,
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후,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, 아미들 다들 긴장해라 큰거온다
Whew,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ARMYs you should all be very nervous
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??????????? ??? ????? ?????? 제이폼 홉 미쳤다 제이홉 폼 미쳤다 (ㅋㅋ) (좋아 자연스러웠어)
??????????? ??? ????? ?????? j-form’s hope is crazy j-hope’s form is crazy (haha) (Nice. That sounded totally natural)
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님.. 님은 진짜….. 화보를 찍기 위해 태어난 사람 같으세요..
Sir.. Sir you’re so….. You’re like a person who was born to shoot for a photobook..
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제이홉은 웜톤임? 쿨톤임?
Is j-hope warm tone? Cool tone?
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아니면 내 인생을 이어나가줄 바톤임?
Or the baton that will carry on my life?
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아니면 내가 정호석을 보면서 평생 닦아내지 못할 침샘 1톤임?
Or a ton of salivary glands that I can’t manage to wipe off as I look at Jung Hoseok?
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아니면 내 인생의 달달한 메가톤임?
Or my life’s sweet megaton?
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아니면 내가 평생 완주하지 못할 사랑의 마라톤임?
Or the marathon of love that I’ll never be able to finish?
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아니면 내 인생에 뛰어든 행복 77톤임? ㄴ 그만
Or 77 tons of happiness that jumped into my life? ㄴ Stop
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ㄴ킹치만 정호비가.. (물복임? 딱복임? 도 할라했는데 아깝네.. 방림이는 물복임.)
ㄴBut Jung Hobi.. (Is he a soft peach? A hard peach? I was going to do this too but it seems a waste.. Bangbell is a soft peach.)
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역! 시! 나! 정호비가 정호비했다.
As! expected! Jung Hobi Jung Hobi-ed.
호비만의 새로운 모습이 가득담긴 Me, Myself and j-hope 'All New Hope' 잘 구경하셨나요? 아직 포토북을 못 받은 아미들은 방림이 포스트 보면서 조금만 기다려~ 기다려~!
Did you enjoy looking through Me, Myself and j-hope 'All New Hope' that’s full of Hobi’s unique new look? For all the ARMYs who haven’t gotten the photobook yet look through Bangbell’s post and wait~ wait~ just a bit longer!
남은 하루도 기분좋게 마무리 하길 바라요 아미들! (요즘 딸기가 그렇게 맛있ㅇ…) 감기조심 하고 우리는 다음에 또 만나요!
I hope you have a great rest of your day ARMYs! (Strawberries are really yummy these days…) Thank you and we’ll meet again soon!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
본 포스트는 BIGHIT MUSIC에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post is personally run by BIGHIT MUSIC.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Ali | Typeset cr; Archillea @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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jimiminily · 3 months
Happy 11th anniversary BTS 💜💫
Congratulations on reaching 11 years together 🥹🫶
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(This pic was taken yesterday at Jin's discharge day♡)
Today's festa was so fun with Jin, I'm thankful that he made it possible even tho he got discharged just yesterday! 🥰
Jin is finally here I'm so happy 🥹💫 I love him smmmm such a precious person
I wish the rest of BTS so much succes, healthiness and happiness in your military journey, let's see each other next festa 😌
(Getting kinda emotional rn)
But hobi is coming this 17th october 2024! 4 months left, I'm excited!! The rest
- Namjoon & Taehyung: 10th June 2025
- Jimin & Jungkook: 11th June 2025
- Yoongi: 21th June 2025
They're all coming in june festa 2025 🥰
I absolutely can't wait for the 2025 reunion! I wonder how everything's gonna be 😚
They're so hardworking, sometimes I wonder how they're still so humble ugh not me tearing up again 🫠 I love you so much BTS, became an ARMY in your 7th year (16 years old), and now today it is your 11th year, and I'm 19 🥰 I love growing up with bangtan and having them in my history/story
I love you all so much im gonna say this again but you really taught me love and warmth yall are so precious and adorable TT you're so wonderful there really is no other omg 🫠 NOT ME TEARING UP AGAIN WHILE WRITING😫 your lyrics really really comfort me
I'm never letting you go 😌🤍
I'm thankful to have such amazing artist, my 7, my bangtan
I always wish you eternal happines, healthiness and safety, live your life the way you want 💕
I'll always wait for you, support you and love you
My forever favorite artist, people, group, comfort, friends & home, BTS, lets go forever and together ☺️
Apobangpo 💜
📬Letter from jhope
🐿 "wow~~ it’s 613!! the year of 2024 613!!!~~~ it’s been 11 years since we’ve been together with our ARMY… wow!! the fun/interesting thing is is that our jin hyung’s discharge date was yesterday??!!! jealous!!!!!~~~ i’m the most jealous of him in the world~~!!!!!!! haha~^^ being half sincere and half joking, i wanted to feel a little less jealous <of his discharge> so i enlisted early!! hehe anyways that was too much of a personal story!! I can’t believe it’s already been 11 years since being with our army!!…. thank you for continuously liking and believing in me/us. all i have in mind right now is wanting to show you a better me a day quicker,,, heh because it’s today <festa> ,, i can more picture/draw <inside my head> me standing cooly on the stage in front of you all, you probably feel the same way too right?? i miss you!! and miss/long for you!! i love you ARMY!!!"
Letter from RM
🐨 "Hello.I’ll keep this simple, I miss you all so much and can’t wait to see you soon. There’s just a year to go until we will meet again. How did you like my RPWP album that was released last month? I hope you are all doing well. A year seems too long and it’ll take a lot of patience, but i’m trying to make the most out of the situation with my soulmate, the tenor saxophone.. I’ll perform Dynamite with it when we meet again. I hope everyone has a rejuvenating summer vacation. Being in a new environment brings a blood of new emotions It also makes me wonder how Jin must’ve felt when he was the first to be discharged from service. Congratulations, Jin, on all your hard work! Please convey our love to our fans. It must be hard doing all this alone. But don’t worry! Hoseok will join you soon! My love for you all remains unchanged. Our love will grow even stronger and more beautiful upon our return. Waiting is hard, but I believe there is a reason for this. And besides, it is not the end for us. This is only the first line of Act II. Although I miss everyone so much, I’ll try to hold up well. It’s been 11 years since we met, and there’s only one more year to wait.
ARMY!! Its been a long time since I’ve called for you aloud. It fills me up with emotions and reminds me of our history.
Letter from SUGA
🐱 "Hello, ARMYs! I'm Suga! It's been a long time, right? It's been a long time for me to write a handwriting letter, so I feel kind of awkward. Hahaha I'm doing really well... I went to the training center and I'm living a busy life. ARMYs, are you doing well? haha
it’s the 613 that has come around again
as it comes around every year there’s been a lot of memories (attached to it)
it still doesn’t feel real that I won’t be able to see ARMY on this day but i think you’ll have so much fun while spending it with Seokjin hyung so my heart is a little more at ease!!
Our 613 festival, enjoy it thoroughly! i’m also holding onto solely the day that i’ll be able to see ARMY as soon as possible!
if you can please don’t get hurt please don’t get exhausted and i wish/hope that we can wait until the day that we meet again! i miss you ARMY!! let’s see each other in a bit bye~!!"
Letter from hobi
🐿 "Hello, ARMY! How are you doing?
I am currently a second-class sergeant as well as a squad leader. Only four months are left until I complete my military service. I’ve been spending the remaining time working out hard so I can lose some weight, and practicing English speaking… in my own way, at least.
I’m not sure if you will agree… but I think I’ve grown calmer and more mature.
I now feel like I true grown-up!!
Bwahaha!!<- Hmm… Or maybe not…
Anyway, time sure flies. It’s already June! Jin has joined us, which makes things all the merrier and makes it clear that it’s time for us to get closer to all of you.
Enough about me. Now I’d like to hear about you.
How have you been?
I hope you’re all in good health.
What are you into these days?
How are you doing without us?
What would you like to say when we meet again?
honestly did you cheat or not~?
did you carry sunjae on your back and run or not~?*
Now, be honest,were your hearts miles away like Lovely Runners?
It’s strange. Now that I’ve reached thirty, I have a ton of questions for you! ♡♡
But actually that just means I want to hear more from you and miss you so much! And we don’t have to wait much longer until that day comes…!!
I’m so excited…
Actually… A day seems like a year these days…
And I toss and turn at night… I try to stay patient, but it’s hard…
I’m unsure if my emotions can be fully conveyed in writing, but I sure hope my sincere feelings reach you well…! ♡♡
I miss you! ♡
I’m desperately looking forward to seeing you!! ♡
Take care, and enjoy June and the rest of the time until we meet again in October! ♡
See you then! ♡
I love you all! ♡♡
⁃Your hope -
Letter from Jimin
🐥 "To. ARMY
ARMYs, this is Jimin. It's been a long time since I said hello to you like this.. l'll just write down what I want to say! I really miss you all. It's not easy, really ㅎㅎㄱㄱㄱㄱ
Every day, I live imagining what it would be like to meet you all.
When we meet again, what hair color should we have? Your body will feel a little better by then, right? And how long should your hair be? What earrings should I wear when I go out? What clothes are you wearing? What should I sing? lf I lie down thinking about this, my heart is racing and I can't sleep. I wonder how overwhelming it must be
Are our ARMYs doing well? Are you eating well and doing some exercise? Of course you're not doing it, right? ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ ( You really should). Nothing much will happen, right? lf there is, I hope it won't be too difficult.
You should be happy, our ARMYs I want to make you happier, but it's a shame. Still, l'm doing well here, so don't worry too much.Jin- hyung, you'll be discharged soon! Please play with Jin- hyung first. Then, we will return to you one by one. Let's all meet up, hug each other, and play. I'l come back with another letter next time. I love you, Ami. How are you?" -JIMIN
Letter from V
🐻 "Army! I really miss you. Are you all doing well? I eat well, sleep well, train, and live a fairly healthy life. I am receiving good energy from my younger colleagues and senior classmates, and I am enjoying a variety of new experiences. I'm a little proud, but I also got first place.
I’m good at shooting too!! I received praise, and learned a lot from our warrior friends in judo and jiu-jitsu, and I just felt like I was born again!! The bodies of our warriors are, I am thankful that I can train with this person, and I am barely keeping up! It's a bit irritating, but I won't overdo it!!
I overcame my fear of heights. It wasn't a big deal. It was really scary, but I got over it in the end. It’s because I’m so excited. Will you understand?? These days, during my free time, I go alone to a corner and dance. Just in case, I try not to lose that memory little by little.
So, since I told you that I am doing well, ARMY is also saying that you will be doing well. I hope you are not sick and anxious (even if we don't tell each other because neither we nor ARMY have each other?) Don't worry and we will see you soon.
When we see our members and ARMY again like this, let’s pour out all our long-awaited emotions! I miss you so much, I love you so much, Apobangpo, Borahae, goodbye."
Letter from Jungkook
🐰 "Hello, this is Jungkook.
It's been a while since I wrote a handwritten letter, and my handwriting seems to have gotten worse. I'm sorry ㅋㅋ
everyone!! I'm doing well
There aren't any difficult parts, but I'm getting through it just thinking about the day I'll meet you all again, and sometimes there are fun moments that make me forget about how difficult it is ㅎㅎ
By the way, did you listen to the fan song “Never Let Go” released in June? Even when I was working on the song, I really wanted to release it as a fan song.
I hope my feelings were conveyed well.
Originally, I was going to show a performance as well, but unfortunately I couldn't do it because I didn't have enough time.
If I get the chance, I really want to show it on stage later (nothing ready yet).
But I really want to perform on stage.
I want to hear ARMY’s cheers quickly
I want to do great songs again
It was so cold and the hot summer hasn't even come yet, but I hope winter comes quickly...
Time is running out ㅠㅠ
I guess I miss you all so much.
If you enjoy it, I will be standing in front of you someday, right?
Ah ah ah..! Anyway, everyone!
Until the day we meet again, don't get sick and take care of your health! That way, you'll be happier when you meet, right?!
I miss you so much..
I love you so much!
But I really can’t write letters ㅋㅋ
I'm leaving now!! hi!!"
- jungkook -
Letter from Jin
🐹 "Hello, this is Jin.
I hope everyone is in good health. I'm reaching out to you for the first time in a while.
I'd like to be able to say hello more often, but unfortunately my situation hasn't allowed that.
I'm so excited that my discharge from military service is just around the corner haha.
I heard that my bandmates have been working hard to entertain you during my absence. How nice of them!
Now, it's my turn ARMY!
Although it won't be easy to do it alone, I will try my best.
I've been planning to entertain you for a year now and I will put all my plans into practice once I return to society.
I thank everyone for being with us for such a long time. I love you ARMY ♡
P.S: Keep up the hard work, boys!"
Their words are so sweet :') might have shed some tears, they really are precious souls 🤍 I really adore them
Today for festa we had
In-person Event with Jin
2024 FESTA
First Session: Jin’s Greetings
- The first session (Meet-and-Greet with Jin) is a time for light hugs with Jin per request from the artist, and is expected to last about three hours.
- If you win the raffle but do not wish for a hug, you can replace it with a handshake.
- Every precautionary measure will be put in place to ensure no unpleasant incidents occur during the event. We ask for your kind cooperation.
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Second Session: Message from Jin : June 13 2024,☀️
- The second session will last about one hour.
- Jin will showcase various performances that ARMY wish to see.
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(BigHit tweets 👇)
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2024 June 13th’s Seokjin, Clear Skies☀️
armys, its nice to see see you again💜
#TodaysJin #BTS #방탄소년단
#2024BTSFESTA #BTS11thAnniversary
#/ReturnedBackHome (t/n: wordplay with 돌아왔지 (dolawa-ji) -> 돌아왔진 (dolawa-jin)
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He just posted on instagram too! ☺️💕💕
My love it's been so long TT I missed you, welcome back precious Jin 🤍💫
Happy 11 years bangtan💜
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stacywaters · 1 year
Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH3 - What?!
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I lean back in my chair and sigh as my chapter finally publishes. Two chapters done already! I close my Wattpad tab, get up and leave my apartment.
Exiting the building, I walk the crowded cement for a while before choosing a place to eat lunch. I walk up to the counter and order.
"Hello and welcome! What can I get for you today?" The cashier says.
"Hi! I would like a large fry and a medium drink, please."
"Coming right up!" She grabs a cup and hands it to me, "Here is your cup, go ahead and fill it up over there!"
She motions towards the soda fountain. I thank her and leave to fill up my cup. 
I gawk at all the options. I'm used to only water and coffee, but look at all the choices! Making my decision I reach for the Sprite dispenser, but another hand brushes against mine at the same time.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologize, jumping out of the way.
"No no no it was my mistake! Please, you go first!" A voice all too familiar to me says.
"You first, I didn't realize how long I had been standing there. It must have been annoying," I say with a laugh as I lift my gaze.
"Wait... J-HOPE?" unknowingly I drop my cup. J-Hope had been standing there this whole time and I didn't even realize? His hand had even touched mine!
I bend down and pick up my cup whilst trying to hide my blushing face.
"Oh, you know me?" He stutters back to me.
"Y-yeah! I'm Army!" As if this situation couldn't get any more awkward, it had to be with my idol.
"Y-you're..." I pause, gathering up the courage to say what I'm about to say. "You're actually my bias."
"That's so cool!" He says enthusiastically, "I didn't think I had any fans, haha."
I can tell he's looking at me, but still I attempt to hide my face.
He starts to speak again, more nervous this time, "If that's the case, would you like to have lunch with me?"
After we both receive our food, we pick a table and sit down.
"As you probably know already, I'm J-hope. You can just call me Hoseok, or oppa." He tells me, "Anyways, I realize I never asked you for your name!"
"O-oh!" I reply, still shocked at my current situation. "My name- I'm Stacy. Stacy Waters..."
"Stacy... I like it!" He says.
"Thank you!"
"That's not a Korean name though, where are you from?" He asks.
"I'm from the States" I answer. "But my eomma is Korean, so we moved here to be closer to her family."
"Oh really? Your Korean is really good though!"
"Haha, thanks. My eomma taught me a bit."
We continue to talk as we eat our food. Even though we don't have a lot in common, we still enjoyed a nice conversation. I feel like we're good at opposite things, like how he's good at dancing and I have terrible rhythm. He's also a very hopeful person (like his name), whereas I tend to lean towards the more negative side of things. Despite this I felt like we got along great, if anything better because we're so different.
We talked long after we had both finished our food. Eventually, it was time to go.
"Wait..." Hoseok stopped as he searched the backpack he was carrying.
He pulled out a pen and started writing something on his receipt. After he finished he held it close to him and continued.
"I-I had a really good time today. It isn't often I get to talk to people outside the company." He took a deep breath before speaking again, "This is my phone number. I'd like to meet again... only if you want to, that is..."
"I'd love to." I took the paper from him and gently folded it before putting it in my back pocket.
He smiled at me, "Cool! Er- Thank you! Uh... See you again soon?"
I laughed at his awkwardness.
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mapofthesoul20 · 3 years
If you think I am ever shutting up about Mr. Jung “Aquarius King, Emotional Support to All, Emotionally Vulnerable to None” Hoseok calling Mr. Kim Namjoon his best friend after years of them wanting to be best friends but literally being too shy and awkward to make it happen, you have another think coming
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visualseokjin · 7 years
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christmas themed bts j-hope / hoseok icons ! like / reblog if using. happy christmas, ARMY !
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boywivlove · 5 years
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| Lutz | 01 
Chapters | 02
Pairing: Past Hoseok x Reader | Eventual Jimin x Reader
Genre: Figure skating AU | Slight angst | Fluff
Words: 1K +
Summary : After your last performance at the Junior world championships leaves you with a broken leg, your longtime boyfriend and team mate Jung Hoseok decides to partner with someone else and sign with a new agency  for the next competition, leaving you behind with the remains of a severed relationship. 2 years go by and your leg has long since healed, but a nasty blow to your confidence has put you off the idea of return to the competition circuit after being left behind. But when a chance meeting with an old friend catches you by surprise, you find yourself with a new partner. And after working hard you end right back where everything went wrong. But this time your going to show just far you’ve come.
Warnings : Mentions of broken bones and injury | some strong language |
Authors Note: Heyyyy SO Im still here haha, Ive been so busy with work and getting ready for christmas Ive not had time to write, but hopefully people are still here and want to read my skater AU hahah >W<
Its funny how things can change so quickly. You feel like everything just fits together, like a jigsaw portraying the image of your perfect life. You never really think about the perfection shattering like a mirror and you, being left to pick up the pieces of your once perfect reflection. Some things are just not meant to last forever I guess.
It was currently autumn time in your small little town, the leaves had long since shifted from lush greens into the beautiful hues of orange and red, like fire lining the cobbled streets. The chill in the air calling for thick winter wear and stalls of delicious hot foods perfect for this kind of weather. Yet as you walk the busy street, your once beloved time of year now only brought you broken memories and an ache in your bones you couldn’t seem to shift. 
You readjusted your messenger bag as you opened the door to the small coffee shop, the bell chiming as you felt the warmth kiss your frostbitten cheeks. It had been two years to the day when your dreams were ripped away from you. It was in this very cafe that you remember every detail of that night, every word he spoke to try and make you see his point of view, as if to soften the blow of his abandonment. Who was he trying to kid? His name was Jung Hoseok, Jhope in the figure skating circles. Yes, THAT Jung Hoseok. Lovable bad boy Pro skater Jung. god. damn. Hoseok. It was such a bad break up, if you could call it a break up. More like complete abandonment in your opinion. Who the hell abandons their girlfriend and skating partner for competition? Him thats who. 
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It all happened at the junior world championships. You and Hoseok had been partners for 10 years, ever since you could balance on your skates. and for 5 years you had been a couple going strong. All the training you put in had led up to that moment, the moment to prove yourselves and be scouted out by the mass of agencies that had attended in hopes of snatching some new blood. It was finally your turn and you both breezed through the routine, the toe loops? no sweat. the Salchows were child’s play for you both. But then came the triple lutz. You had practices this particular move almost a hundred times and every time you were near perfect. But that one particular moment. The one time you needed to be flawless, lady luck decided fortune was not in the cards for you. You lost footing mid air and Boom. One broken femur and a trip to the hospital later you felt your ego bruised and your chances of being talent scouted shot.
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It was two months later into your recovery Hoseok had asked you to meet at the cafe you sat in now, four booths over in fact. You had arrived a little late due to your injury inconvenience. He had ordered your favourite hot drink, peppermint hot chocolate and asked how you were. You didn’t think nothing of it but he had been distant since the accident. It wasn’t anything you felt you had to worry about, you were confined to the house the majority of your time after being released from the hospital so it was natural to you you hadn’t seen him in weeks. It was only when he cleared his throat and bit his lip you knew something was on his mind, it was a habit he had since he was a kid. Time seemed to slow down in that moment as your world caved in from under you.
“hey listen,, this is a little hard for me to say…”
“oh? is everything alright? I know we haven't been able to practice in a while but once im all healed-”
“no no its,,, look Y/N ill be straight with you.”
“ o- ok?”
“Y/N,, I want to go somewhere with my figure skating. and with you off the ice for the foreseeable,,,, I dont think I can go anywhere.”
“ oh… uh- so,, are you saying you want to go solo?”
“Not quite,,, aghhh listen, after your accident I realised were on different levels in our skating, this just proves it. This competition should have been easy for us and you go and break your leg for fucks sake,”
“oh like it was my intention to make an idiot of myself out there? How can you blame me for that?! Hoseok if you just wait we can work, I can work on my routines. i ca-”
“Y/N I cant say thins any other way but, I got a call from the S.F.S.A and they want me in their program. They’ve partnered me with a great skater and she-”
“Wait… you've already signed with them,,, and got a new partner. Hoseok I cant… I cant believe you. We always said we skate together or not at all. and you know how much I wanted us to get into S.F.S.A TOGETHER? Its like you dont care about anything we worked towards… and just because I broke my leg? … I just. I cant believe you.”
“come on Y/N dont be like this. This is a big opportunity for me. The Seoul Figure Skating Association in a BIG deal. I thought you’d understand. Your my girlfriend why are you being like this”
“Im HURT Hobi!? The slightest inconvenience and you throw me away? ,,,”
The silence was deafening as the two of you sat in that booth, The lighting overhead made Hobis blonde tips look almost white, and your eyes shimmer with unshed tears. It was as if the Hobi you knew, the man you’d loved since childhood had disappeared the moment he sat down. After all the hard work and effort you had put in, both in your teamwork and relationship, was it all for nothing. 
“I dont think this is gonna work between us anymore… Things, things change. People change and, I want this Y/N. I cant wait for you anymore.”
Those few sentences broke your heart. With nothing else to say to him you stood up, your crutches steadying you as you said nothing, what could you say to someone who just threw away everything you had together for a chance at bettering his career,,, a career you both put so much effort into. A career he was perusing with someone new. Hoseok stood with you when you struggled to adjust your bag around your head, he looked as though he wanted to help you, but the angry tears threatening to spill out of your reddening eyes was enough to tell him not to. As you made your way to the entrance you looked back at him, his face was masked in an almost pained expression, his cheeks were starting to pinken and his jaw was shaking slightly as thought he was about to cry. You left the shop before you could hear him saying its for the best. if that was what he thought then he can leave you. You were just thrown to the kerb and in that moment. your perfect world had shattered. your reflection left broken into pieces on the floor.
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So, two years later and here you sit, in the same cafe, looking over to the booth your whole life came crashing down. Your leg had healed well, and you took back to the ice almost instantly to train yourself up again, but after the pain of losing your partner on and off the ice, you just couldn’t find the confidence you once had. It was as if your competitive lust for figure sating had left you with Hobi. It was after your loss of confidence your mental health took an even bigger hit, you felt yourself declining from the world and the people around you as you just got by day to day. You felt you could heal from what happened physically, but not mentally. But all grey clouds have a silver lining, days went by, the sun came up, and you eventually felt like yourself again. It took a lot, but it was the lack of self confidence in yourself that led you to your current occupation, your local ice rink had an opening for the overseeing the beginners lessons for ages 5-10, as much as you wished you could get back to being the skater you once were, the kids have grown on you. Your days that were filled with dull moping around the now very single woman’s apartment was now filled with tiny rosy cheeked little faces eager to learn. and everyday you felt yourself becoming more and more like yourself. And its this part of your life when you meet someone who turns it all around for you.
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ddaenghoney · 5 years
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Series: Fable
Despite being the leader of the idol group AMBIANCE for three years, Y/N is abruptly cut from the group, leading to speculation on why. Unwilling to lose her career, she begins to work to rebuild herself, using a weak connection with chart-topping idol JHope.
Jung Hoseok x Y/N
??? x Y/N
find the series’ masterlist in the masterlist link in my bio !
if you enjoy please let me know ! 
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respective idol in real life.
tag(s): @scooobydont@mygscafe@xxqueenwxtchxx@momdancingtomcr@vixsynsblog@sun-flowersmile@bts-lys@oyasumi7@detectivebourbon@pastel-angel-princess@ohnoididthething @joyful-jimin @d-noona @kayakookie@myjiminmychimchim @instantspot @rosey-roseu@thebleuprince@bahannah01writes@hugseoksmain@silverlightqueen@sorryimacrapwriter@insenescencia  
Below the cut are final words and fun facts about the story!! Thank you so much for reading all the way through !!
Hello! If you’ve been here since the very beginning of this story that means you’ve been here since JANUARY AND IM SO SORRY IT’S TAKEN SO LONG TO CREATE THIS WHOLE THING!!! I didn’t intend for it to be such a long story in the first place, and then I went to Korea for five months so I also had no time to actually write it alkjdgfh NONETHELESS!! Whether you’ve been here since January or started reading recently, thank you so much for reading this very long story! I hope you enjoyed it, it’s been one of my favorites to make even if it’s definitely been the second most difficult (halloween between midnights is always going to be the hardest i swear-) I LOVE YOU, THANKS AGAIN!
Fun facts!: 
The name of the story “Fable” I got when I was listening to Nice For What lmaoooo, but I used it also because of the two meanings of the word: the first meaning being “lie” and the second “legend” 
Originally Seulgi, Wheein, Seokjin, Taehyung, Jimin, and even Jeongguk were going to be a lot more involved in the story, but I cut a lot of it to make the story shorter (70 chapters short lmaoooooooo)
Actually, one of the biggest flaws in the story for to write is that Y/N and Jisoo had seen the sasaeng before the beginning of the story. Had they not I was going to make Jeongguk the sasaeng lmao plot twist rip
All of the idol companies except one are named after space things! Shine was named after the song by Pentagon HAHA
I think it was pretty obvious in this last chapter, but Y/N and Hoseok’s final twitter icons were taken by one another on the same day on some date they had 
I think of all the characters, Hoseok changed the most from beginning to end. I didn’t get to go into his backstory too much, but he actually was quite hardened and even a little arrogant because of his rise to fame, but mellowed out significantly by the end of Fable.
Technically this au’s Y/N dated three members of BTS (Yoongi in high school, then Jin prior to the start of the story, then of course Hoseok) .... girl get it lmao
If you really look at Jisoo and Chaeyoung, though their motivations are similar, Chaeyoung is much worse of a person to me lol. Jisoo paid the stalker and leaked pictures yes, but Chaeyoung created the initial dissension in AMBIANCE to get Y/N kicked out, then also started paying the sasaeng, tried to break up Hoseok and Y/N, and despite what she said she DID instigate the sasaeng confronting Y/N by telling him how unimportant he was to her. She had that in her head at the time. But she only went really off the rails when Y/N started collaborating with Jimin. Jimin meant more to her than breaking Y/N’s career tbh.
All the members of Ambiance are from different groups in real life. I didn’t want it to seem like I was dragging a particular group lol. 
The story takes places over the course of about a year, interestingly enough it’s a similar amount of time that it took in real life since it started in January lmao.
Hoseok calls Y/N “Love” in the sense of him saying “my love” 
I like Yoongi’s character the best.... he’s a sweetie... loml..
I always had fun writing as the managers lol. Namjoon and Manager Park are sarcastic and blunt.... drag their own idols akldsjghlsh
In this universe, idols aren’t shred apart by the majority of fans for dating, but they still usually keep it on the dl bc of the companies lol 
This story DOES have a continuation idea, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get into making it.... maybe someday LOL PEACE OUT
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imaginewhatyouwant · 5 years
Stone cold
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Pairing: BTS OT7 x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Love
Summary: Y/N. A girl who recently moved to Korea, South Korea to be exact. She’s really introverted and tends to shut down and appear cold but once you talk with her you realise that she’s actually a beautiful person inside and out. What will happen once the seven boys meet her? Will they fall for her stone cold appearance ? Or will they immediately connect and maybe...fall in love?
A/N: I’m soooooo sorry for taking so long please forgive me, I hope you’ll enjoy this!!
Asked by: @tangledbutterflies
I don’t do it on purpose, I mean I just like it when people leave me alone. My business is mine and you have yours why can’t people understand that?! They always come by my side and start a conversation that I can’t even continue...I’m just so awkward and I’m sure that people feel it.
But it’s weird though I am not like that with everyone for example when I am with my family I’m so open I even crack some jokes...
But when you just moved to another country and don’t even understand a single word even if you downloaded some apps to learn some decent words, at least I can say a few like hello, goodbye, thank you and sorry. It’s not enough I know I am making an effort here...right ?
Korea...South Korea to be exact that’s where I moved just 4 months ago. Do I like it here? Yes. Do I miss my family? Yes a loooot!! Did I make some friends tho...No.
But I moved here because I always wanted to explore the world and Korea is my first stop it’s a little bit difficult to adjust here but for the rest I am enjoying my self but communication is still a problem and there social hierarchy is something I need to get used to...
This is what I didn’t do on purpose bowing. And you might think of course you stupid, in Korea people bow how didn’t you know this. Oooh believe me I knew but what I didn’t know at this moment is that putting your hands and bowing at the same time is not really polite, especially towards elders. So this is why this elder woman is scolding me here while I didn’t understand al I keep saying is sorry but I think that she isn’t taking it well. But that is where this young girl about my age I think, walked towards us. I guess she saw the commotion and the desperate look on my face.
“Sorry ma’am please understand she’s a foreigner she is still learning the language and the culture please forgive her.” She said
Elder woman scoffed and walked away
I looked at my savior and tried to say thank you in Korean
“ K-kamsahamnida!!” And bowed
“Haha it’s okay I speak English.”
“Oh...well thank you so much for your help.”
“It’s no problem! My name is Yuna by the way...what’s yours?”
and this is where everything gets awkward I can never keep a conversation here she is trying to be friendly and me being awkward.
“You’re not much of a talker I see.”
“I’m sorry, let me buy you a coffee as a thank you.”
“Hahaha yeah sure.”
As we stepped in the cafe we ordered. I said mine and when she said what she wants. The barista asked “are you going to drink it here or take it?” And she responded something.
Did I understand...of course not so I looked at her puzzled as she walked to a table.
Oh now I understand...but the thing is I just wanted to buy her something and just go back home but I guess she didn’t understand it well or I explained it wrong. I sat in front of here and she smiled.
“Is it your first time here in Korea?”
“Yes I just moved here recently.”
“Oh that’s nice.”she exclaimed
“So why Korea? What do you like about here?”
“Well I’m not gonna lie k-drama’s and kpop was a little part of my decision but also the culture is really interesting I watched a lot of YouTube videos and searched informations about Korea and I thought why not go here.” I explained
“That’s really amazing I hope you like it here if you want I can show you some places?”
“That would be amazing!”
We exchanged our kakao talks and said our goodbyes
“Thank you for the coffee I hope that I’ll see you soon !!”
“No problem and yeah me too!!”
And that’s what happened I became really fast friends with Yuna she is a really confident, social and bubbly person. Totally the opposite of me but it’s fun to go outside your comfort zone!
I looked at my phone and watch the message.
“Hey let’s hangout there is this new restaurant that I want to try!!!!”
“Yeeeess see you there here is the address.”
*sent attachment*
“Alright see you there :)”
“ Oh I’ll bring some friends of mine as well! You will like them!!”
I searched some clothes and made myself ready. When I went outside the apparemment I called for a taxi and gave him the address. We arrived I gave the money and I went outside it looked like it was how can I say this...posh? I turned around to asked if it was the correct place. But he was already gone.
As I kept walking I saw a beautiful place, I guess it was a restaurant I still texted Yuna to say that I had arrived and if she could walk out of the restaurant to see if I was at the right place. When I walked towards the door I saw a red sign that said open I walked in and to my surprise I saw some people the restaurant and the people looked wealthy I turned around and saw Yuna.
“Y/N hi”
“Yuna hey how did you find this place it looks really...fancy.”
“Oh you know the internet, come on I’m going to introduce you to my friends!!”
We walked the more you walk at the back the fancier it looked when we arrived at the table I gasped. I tried to look at Yuna to say we were at the wrong table but she didn’t look my way but spoke.
“Y/N these are my friends Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.” She smiled
I looked at her flabbergasted and tried to say something.
“Y-yuna...you didn’t....H-hi I mean annyeong haseyo y-y/n imnida.”
“Hi y/n it’s nice to meet you please sit down we already ordered hope you don’t mind.”
“N-no not at all.” I sat next to Yuna and Seokjin
I tried to look as calm as possible but it is not as easy as I thought. When your favourite kpop group is casually sitting with you in a restaurant and is for some reason befriended with your friend...my brain is going wild man!!
We started eating and little by little I felt really at ease. I think they felt it because they kept looking at me and smiling.
Seokjin looked at me and smiled and said “I’m happy you feel more comfortable.”
“Was it that noticeable?” I whisper
“Pretty much yeah but it’s okay it kinda looked like you didn’t like us or something.” Namjoon looked at me
“Why would you think that?” I gasped
“Well one you are almost sitting on Yuna’s lap....” he laughed
I look and indeed I was almost squishing that poor girl I excused myself and sat right.
“And two never once did you look at us only at the food.”
I blushed and looked at my lap
“Aish Namjoon-ah don’t be like that y/n is a really shy and introverted girl but once you learn to know her she is really an amazing person!!” Yuna said
“I’m sure she is, a beautiful girl like her can only be amazing!” Namjoon said
“Besides I think we need to see each other again tomorrow we are performing it would be really cool if you could come y/n!!”
“ Oh really?! Yes for sure I’ll be there it would be amazing!” I exclaimed
“See you there!” Jungkook smiled
We all went to our own ways I was with Yuna in her car
“So Yuna when were you going to tell me that BTS are your friends?! How even???!!???” I exclaimed
Yuna laughed and said “I was about to but you know they’re pretty known so you have to be careful.”
“Humm yeah but still I was shook girl!! You know how much I love them!”
“ I know but hey now they’re your friends too!!”
“W-what really?!”
“Duhhhh, I’ll pick you up so we’ll go together to the concert Alright?”
“Yeah thanks see you tomorrow.”
I waved and walked out the car
Wow I saw BTS...
I can’t believe that I’m going to a BTS concert this is literally a dream come true!!
As Yuna picked me she drove us to the concert fast but safely, once arrived we quickly ran towards the entrance.
“Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this, here is your backstage pass they gave this yesterday but I totally forgot.”she said calmly.
I looked at her with wide eyes and screamed “ARE YOU SERIOUS???Yuna how can you forget such a thing???!!!OH MY- phew chill girl we-I have to chill.”
Yuna rolled her eyes at me and grabbed my hand “Come on, I want to say hi to the boys!!”
We showed our pass to the security and walked towards the backstage. Once we were in front a door, I knew that this wasn’t just some merely dream I am going to see bts.
Yuna opened the door and walked in I shyly walked behind in and there they were sitting and laughing. JHope saw us and enthusiastically ran towards “Y/N hiiii!” And gave me a hug,the other members also saw us and walked towards us.
“Y/N!!!” They yelled and each gave me a hug
If I wasn’t blushing when JHope hugged me then I certainly did know.
“Uhum...”I saw Yuna looking at us
We looked back at her and she raised her brows they laughed and also gave her a hug and she smiled.
“I’m glad you guys could make it, I’m really happy to see you guys!!”Jin said while looking at me
“Just say that you are happy to see Y/N.”she scoffed and gave them a look that I couldn’t decipher.
They all looked kinda flustered? But I didn’t really pay much attention to it.
“R-right, let me call our manager and he will show you your seats.” Namjoon said calmly
The manager came and quickly brought us to our seats.
The concert was seriously an experience that I would never forget! I truly hope that anyone who wants to see their favourite artist could experience this because it is truly amazing!
We went towards the backstage and congratulate the guys.
“It was just incredibly amazing!! Thank you for inviting me!”I smiled at them
They smiled and Yoongi said” It’s no problem, we really wanted to see you again?”
“Really why?” I asked
“Because you...you seem like an nice girl I-we would like to see you more !!”Yoongi responded
“Oh wow I don’t know what to say...” I said flustered
“Can we have your number? We really want to stay in touch with you ”Jimin asked
“Yes of course!” I quickly gave them my number and we said our goodbyes.
Yuna drove back to my apartment , once arrived I thanked her for everything and stepped out the car but she grabbed me.
“Y/N wait...”
I looked at her puzzled
“The boys...they....”
“What’s going on with them?”
“Promise m-“
“Yuna you’re freaking me out tell me what’s going on?”
“Just promise me this Y/N, don’t break their heart even if things are going bad, do not break their hearts !!”
“What are you talking about? Why would I break their hearts?”
“Just promise!”
“Y/N please!!”
“Okay okay I won’t I promise!!”
I looked at her and she didn’t look back. What was that ? I went in my apartment, changed in comfortable clothes and laid in my bed.
What was that?
“What are we going to do? I never felt like this before? Is it possible to fall in love but you’ve only met twice? ”
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BTS Reaction: They realize they have a serious crush on you (request)
Bangtan normally wouldn’t have random days off, especially when they are getting ready for a comeback. However, in a surprising turn of events, management allowed the boys to have one day all to themselves. As soon as their manager broke the news of a day off, Jin imagined himself at home enjoying a nice meal, practicing guitar, and watching a bit of tv, but plans change in a blink of an eye. When they got to their dorm that night, Jungkook immediately asked Jin to go with him to an amusement park. He mentioned a new roller coaster opening, and how happy he was to finally have a day off to ride it. Jin, at first, declined going to the amusement park but when he saw how sad Jungkook looked after declining, he changed his mind and decided to go with the maknae anyway.
Upon arriving to the amusement park, there were a couple of girls standing at the entrance waiting for the two of them. Jin gave Jungkook a look telling him to explain himself. Turns out that the only reason why he wanted to go to the amusement park was so that he could go on a date with his crush, Jieun.
“Her cousin’s in town and she didn’t want to leave her at home.” Jungkook explains, “She’s also around your age. So I thought why not?”
Jin rolls his eyes and sighed, but went along with Jungkook’s poorly thought out plan. After a few awkward introductions, Jin was paired with y/n (Jieun’s cousin), in a long line for a haunted tunnel ride. Jin never liked anything related to horror, but for Jungkook’s sake he went anyway. While waiting in line Jungkook and Jieun were in their little world, leaving Jin and Y/n to make awkward conversation.
“So, where  are you from?” he asked with nothing better to say came to him. You would think with all the times they had fan meets, he’d think of something more interesting to say.
“Uh, I’m from ________.”
“That’s cool..”
“Yeah… So were you tricked into this too? I only ask cuz you seem just as uninterested in all this as I do.”
“Sorry is is that obvious? I’m not trying to be rude or anything! It’s just i am pretty tired and this is our only day off an-”
“Haha don’t worry it’s cool. Up until half an hour ago, i thought Jieun and I were going to the movies.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Really?”
“Yeah. Jieun told our moms were going out to the movies as a girl night, our moms are pretty strict sometimes, I didn’t realize i was her cover up until i saw the two of you walking up to us.”
“Wow, just wow.” he chuckled.
“So what were your plans for the night before being dragged here?”
“Nothing much, just clean up a little then be lazy and binge watch some tv. You?”
“Pretty much that sam-” And that’s when y/n suddenly fell onto his chest. He caught her just before she slid off him.
“Oh shit sorry!” both Jieun and Jungkook gasped as they broke away from each other. The pair were playfully messing around before Jungkook pushed Jieun a little too hard, accidentally bumped into Y/n. Jin threw the maknae a warning glance before Jungkook secured his hood and said a second apology to y/n.
“It’s fine, I’m fine. It’s all cool.” Y/n mumbled giving Jin a slight smile.
It was probably the first time the whole night that she actually had a real smile on her face and Jin had to admit, y/n had a pretty smile.
“Can you believe this line?” he brought up “We’ve been here for like an hour and we aren’t even close to getting on.”
“I know! I don’t even want to get on this ride.” y/n confessed.
“You don’t?”
“Nah, I’m not a fan of horror rides.”
“Really? Me either!”
That’s when a sly smile spread across her face. “You wanna ditch these guys and go get a funnel cake? It’s not like they’ll even notice.”
He and y/n walked away from the long line without Jungkook or Jieun noticing.
The food stand was their next destination. The two of them were so hungry they ate almost every item they had. Jin paid of course and it was worth it. Finally he had someone with an appetite like his and actually enjoyed every bite. It was only after their feast that they plopped down on a bench and let the food go down. Now it actually wasn't that hard to talk to y/n, if anything he couldn't get himself to stop talking. It was nice having someone to talk to that didn’t make a big deal that he was an idol. There was something about her that made him feel something he hasn’t felt in a long time. He felt normal around y/n. As the sun started to set, the once refreshing breeze turned cold, making Y/n shiver next to Jin. Noticing this, Jin immediately took off his jacket and placed it on Y/n’s shoulders.
“Thanks!” She said with a warm smile
“Oh there you guys are!” they heard a familiar voice.
Jungkook and Jieun walked up to them. “We’ve been looking for you guys for a while now. We thought you were on the ride with us!”
“Well, you guys could have called us.” Y/n pointed out, causing a bit of back and forth between the two of them.
All the while, Jungkook smirked as he noticed just how close they sat together. “So, are you glad i dragged you along?”
“Shut up.”
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It was the usual group project. Get in groups of three, choose a country and talk about their communication styles. Easy right? Not when the teacher chooses the group for you. Instead of getting to be with his two fellow straight-A friends, Namjoon was stuck with Hoseok, the class clown that can't be still for two second and y/n, some girl he didn't even realize he had for class cuz she sat way in the back.
So here he was waiting in the library with “j-hope” (what hoseok kept asking to call him by) waiting for y/n to show up. According to J-hope, y/n agreed to meet up at 4, but it was already 4:30 and she was nowhere in sight (not that he was really sure he knew what she looked like). Couldn’t he just text her? No. Neither he or jhope were able to get her number. So for now they just had to wait.
He should just be glad that jhope even showed up. “Ok, well let’s just get started on brainstorming then.” he mumbled pulling out the rubric. “What countries were you interested in doing?”
“I don’t know. The U.S?” Jhope sighed while texting away on his phone
Of course he would choose something way too easy that everyone else would go for. “Well i was thinking about India or-”
“Guys! I’m here! Sorry i’m late! Traffic was crazy!” a soft voice from a bushel of beautiful hair cried as it neared the table.
The prettiest little hands moved the hair out of the way, to reveal a just as pretty face.
“It’s cool y/n.” J-hope said.
Oh shit this is y/n? She’s so- so pretty! Ih this really her? Do I really have her for class?!?  “Y-yeah. It’s cool we- we just got here too.” he stuttered, getting a “seriously dude” glare from J-hope. Why am I so nervous? She’s just a classmate- a pretty classmate- a really pretty classmate.
She set her things and sat right in front of him. He could feel his cheeks burning just being arm's length away.
“Bro, you cool?” J-hope suddenly asked. “Your face is getting red.”
Shit it was that obvious. “What?!? I’m fine. I’m- like totally fine. I’m cool.” It was time to try to get back to business. “So, uh, what country did you want to do?” he automatically asked y/n with a sweeter tone. Gotta stay cool. She’s just a person… that could possibly be the love of my life. Is this love at first sight? Is this that? Does it feel like this?!?
“Well, I was thinking about South America or Latin America in general. I’d be cool doing any latin country really. Maybe Brazil since it is a latin country that doesn’t speak spanish. Or maybe even-” after a few seconds he was lost in her words.He had no idea what she was saying, but her voice sounded so sweet saying them. All he made sure to do was nod every so often to not look that weird.
Then suddenly his phone beeped. Any distraction was a good one to get his face back to a normal shade. HE took the phone, reading “text from Jung Hosoek (speech)”. J-Hope was right next to him, why did he text him? He turned to J-hope only for him to signal back to the phone. He opened it and read. “Bro. blink every once in awhile.”
Then another beep. “You fucking like her dont you!” another beep.” You like her you like her “
“Shut the fuck up!” he couldn't help but say it out loud and kicking J-hope’s leg
“Excuse me?” y/n suddenly said in a whimper
And suddenly Jhope burst into laughter.
“Oh my gosh! No! Not you! I didn’t mean you!” he tried to apologize over jhope’s cackling. “I-i was telling J-hope that!”
“But he wasn’t talking.” She pouted
Jhope only laughed more. He wouldn’t stop laughing it was making everything worse.
He could feel everyone in the library looking at them now.
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The ld librarian appeared out of nowhere with the angriest look on her face. “All of you out! Now!” she ordered in an angry whisper.
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Y/n and Yoongi have been in the same piano class for years. So it was no surprise that their teacher paired the two up for a duet to perform at the annual showcase at school. The only problem here was that Yoongi hated Y/n. As the top two in their entire class, it was natural for a little competition to surface and Yoongi would almost always come in second. Upon learning that he’d be doing the duet with her, Yoongi turned to his friend Jimin, a dance major also participating in the showcase, to rant to about his frustrations.
“I just don’t understand why it has to be specifically with her” Yoongi exclaims in disgust.
“I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with her,” Jimin replies, “I actually think she’s kinda cute.”
“She’s not cute. Have you seen her face? With her shaped eyebrows and her too many eyelashes,” Yoongi scoffs, “And her style? yuck...Who wears black and white everyday?”
Jimin looks at Yoongi with a confused look.
“Uhm...You do?”
Yoongi looks down at what he’s wearing and rolls his eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
“If what you mean is you like her then yeah I totally get what you mean.” Jimin laughs
“Seriously Jimin, I don’t like y/n like that, not at all.”
On the night of the performance, Yoongi stood backstage waiting for y/n. Rolling his eyes he checks his watch. Of course she’s late. He thought. I swear if she’s late for the performance--
His thoughts were cut off short when y/n walked into the waiting room, wearing a stunning gray off the shoulder dress to match his gray tie.
“I’m here!” she said, “Sorry...It took a little longer than expected to get ready”
Yoongi was in awe. Her hair was put up into an elegant bun, with a few curls hanging off to the side. Although she was wearing makeup, it was the right amount to highlight her natural features. Unexpectedly Yoongi’s usual smart and sarcastic remarks weren’t anywhere in his mind. All he could think about was how beautiful y/n looked.
“Yoongi. Y/n. Stage. You’re next” announced a nearby crew member.
Yoongi and Y/n both walked backstage, nearing the stage. Standing behind the curtain, they waited for their cue to go onstage. Just as the performer before them finished, which happened to be Jimin, Yoongi and y/n waited for the stage crew to pull out two grand pianos to the center of the stage.
“Good luck you two.” Jimin whispers as he catches his breath.
Finally upon announcing the next performer, Yoongi took Y/n’s hand leading her over to her piano before sitting at his own. Then the music starts and as each beautiful note is being played, Yoongi glanced over at y/n admiring her graceful movements, without missing a single note. Y/n smoothly played every key, perfectly harmonizing with Yoongi’s. It was like a fire sparked in Yoongi’s body as they performed, he now saw y/n in a different light. He smiled as he took another glance at her. While Jimin stood to the side shaking his head. I knew he’d figure it out soon enough.
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It was Hobi and Jin’s turn to buy groceries for the Bangtan dorm and he was walking down the street towards the supermarket.
“Milk...Cereal… EIGHT PINTS OF ICE CREAM? Who wrote this list?” Hobi complained as he catched up to Jin who was already navigating the aisles.
“Because we are celebrating Bang PD-nim’s birthday this weekend. Have you already forgotten?” Jin sighed as he threw down some sprinkles into the cart. “Now can you go get the vegetables? I’ll go to the meat” Jin said as he walked on. Hobi sighed but listened to his hyung and made his was to the veggies.
What he didn’t expect however, was to see you there. Why did you have to be here? Slightly panicking he hid behind one of the fruit islands as he continued to stare at you. You were once an underground dancer, just like him. However your passion in life changed and he lost contact for a while. But just a couple of months ago you ran into each other at a coffee shop. He got super happy, and you exchanged numbers.
Since then you talked almost daily and met up occasionally for a cup of coffee or dancing a bit for the sake of it. However, lately Hobi had been scared to meet up with you or even text. He was scared for something but he didn’t really know why. You always made him happy and feel warm… What was he so afraid of?
Hobi almost screamed as a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked back and met up with the disappointed face of his hyung. “Go. talk. to . her.” Jin says as he pulled up the younger by his shirt. “You really need to get on with it, I’m tired of you denying you have a crush on her and avoiding her because it’s hurting both of you.” he speaks with great wisdom. Crush? On whom...Y/N? No way…
Then it hit Hobi, he did have a crush on you, and a serious one at that too. “I ca- I can’t” he stuttered as he looked at Jin for help. The older rolled his eyes as he dusted off Hobi’s shirt before grabbing his shoulders.
“mAn uP HoBI” he said as he shook the boy back and forth “just talk to her. There’s nothing to be afraid of okay? She’s still the same Y/N, you said so yourself when you got in contact with her again. Now, go. Talk. to. Her!” he said before pushing him in your direction.
“Welp here we go” he muttered to himself as he walked up to you.
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“I seriously am so mad that she wouldn’t let us pair up!” y/n huffed “we have been together on all our projects this past year and now she assigns us with different people?!?”
“I know!” he only chimed in.
He was just as upset that he and y/n couldn't be paired together in the project. This meant no more staying over late at each other's houses with homework as their excuse, no more walks to the library as just the two of them, no more late night texts over projects that quickly turned into a conversation not about the project.
“And I got paired with Hongseok!” she continued
“Ugh”, just hearing his name made his blood boil a bit. Hongseok was the class pretty boy, all the girls were in love with him, even y/n for a small period of time. When the teacher announced that Hongseok and y/n would be paired all the other girls gasped, like they literally gasped. They were all so jealous of y/n. And he had to admit he felt a bit of jealousy over the whole thing. He wasn’t too sure why, but he just really didn’t like the fact that y/n wasn’t going to be his partner and hongseok of all people got to work with her.
“Like don’t get me wrong, he’s hot and all… but he’s not you, you get me?”
“Oh so I’m not hot?”
“...Um…” she was quiet for a moment. Her eyes danced all over the place and her cheeks grew pink despite the cold they were walking in “Uh, we are talking about my problems here, not about you. So back to me, i feel he is going to make me do all the work. Honestly, I feel he uses any partner he gets to do most of the work and that’s why he has an average grade.”
“Me too.” that was probably why he hated hongseok, yeah, that had to be the reason, he just lowkey had a bad vibe that y/n would be forced to do the work for the two of them…
The snow flurries filled the sky, being carried by a cool breeze. Despite their last class being such a downer, the walk home was pretty enough to cheer him a small bit.
“At least the weather is pretty right now.” y/n said suddenly as if she was in his head.
“Yeah I was thinking the same thing.” he mumbled as he watched the tiny flakes of snow fly around them.
Then there was a flake that caught his eyes. He watched it dance slowly in the breeze and then it suddenly stopped because it got caught in y/n’s hair.
He laughed to himself at the sight but then soon fell quiet. There was something different about y/n. The light shined on her a bit differently  and just the way she was looking up at him for the corner of her eye… she looked so pretty.
“Tae?” even the way she said his name suddenly sounded like so nice
“Uh yeah?” he was brought back to reality.
“You ok? You were kind just staring at me all stupid”
“Uh, what, shut up- I was just -”
“Hey tae!” another another voice suddenly said
Instantly he jumped up, swinging his head over to find his partner standing right next to him “Jimin?!?”
“Am I interrupting something here?” he asked with a sly smirked as his eyes moved between he and y/n. “Finally asking y/n out? Cuz it’s about time!” he just laughed
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Training. It was an all day everyday thing and tonight wasn’t the best practice. It was a bit past 11 and they were all still up trying to get the moves done. More specifically, his members Jin and Namjoon were still having alot of trouble. Things got frustrating and thankfully Namjoon, soon to be “Rap Monster”, let everyone take a half hour break to calm down.
Now he was taking a stroll down an almost empty street to just clear his mind.
It was a nice night, there was a cool breeze, a full moon that lit the way. It was much nicer than the hot, fluorescent lit dance rom
Everything was cool, until he felt something hard poke into his back.
“Give me all your money!” he heard in an awkward grunt. It wasn’t such a feminine voice but it for sure wasn’t a man voice. But that didn’t matter, what mattered was that he needed to get out of this alive
He stuck his arms up. Slowly turning around with eyes shut tight. “Please don’t hurt me!” he squealed. “I don’t have my wallet on me. I really don’t! Just please let me go. I have my eyes closed so I don’t even know what you look like!”
Then suddenly he heard a laugh. A cute girly laugh.
He opened his eyes and saw a  girl, a cute girl that he could have swarn he recognized. She had her cellphone held out, the thing the was poking him in the ribs.
“What the fuck?!?”
“Sorry Jimin! I had to!” and her voice brought it all back
“Y/n?!?” he couldn’t believe his eyes. He hadn’t seen his old dancing buddy in years, not since she moved and they lost contact. And she looked so different now. She had real clothes on. He was so used to seeing her in practice clothes. She was taller now and her body was so much curvier than before and her face, she looked so different but exactly the same all at once.
Instantly it was a sense of relief and excitement that took over him “Oh my goodness I fucking hate you right now!” he said before he attacked her with a hug. “
Her arms tightened around him as her laughter died down.
“I can’t believe it’s actually you! What are you doing here?!? Are you stalking me or something?!? Honestly like this feels so fake right now. Am I dreaming?!?”
“I’m here for a school trip, so only a week! But I snuck away from the hotel and was just walking around and then I saw you!”
“And you thought mugging me was the best way to say hi?!? You really haven’t changed!” he laughed.
“You have no idea how relieved I am that it was actually you and that,  you know,  you didnt turn around and like punch me or something hahaha.”
“You got really lucky, promise me you’ll never do something that stupid to any of your other friends. But what have you been up to?!? We haven’t talked in so long!”
“Eh, mostly school. I am on the dance team! But other than that nothing too much… And you?!?”
“I’m a trainee now! I am actually on break from practice!”
“Oh my gosh! I know a future famous person! That explains why your body actually felt all nice and hard!” she said, with her hands flying back to his abs.
He couldn’t help but like feeling her hands on him. He liked this type of attention.
“That also explains why you kinda stinky right now!” she laughed
“So first you mug me, then touch me with no warning, and now insult me all within 5 minutes after not having spoken in years?!?”
“I am trying to make up for lost time!”
Talking to her again was as if nothing had changed. She still had the same sense of humor, but was all the more...beautiful.
“Uh, Jimin?” suddenly Namjoon’s voice was heard besides them.
“Namjoon?” His mind went blank for a split second. “Oh, uh,this is y/n! She’s an old friend of mine! Y/n, this is Namjoon, he is a fellow member, He’s actually the leader oooooof Bangtan boys!” he said cheerfully.
Namjoon rushed a polite bow, and turned to him, “Time to get back to practice, we’ve all been waiting for you!” he said seriously
Jimin couldn’t help but feel sad that his reunion with y/n was cut so short. With a monitored hug, he said his goodbyes (making sure to exchange numbers) before he followed his hyung back to the practice. The annoying walk back only made his ruin with y/n all the more bittersweet. It was so much nagging when all he did was catch up with childhood friend
“She’s not your girlfriend right?” “ You don’t like her right?” “You know we aren't allowed to date!”
Despite the nagging comments and the need to focus on the dancing, he was actually the one that couldn’t get in the zone. Y/n kind a just filled his mind. He couldn’t stop replaying her laugh in his head or get rid of the image of her smiling so cute. He was too eager to get home and text her
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It was the usual Monday night and Jungkook was setting up his laptop for another round of Fortnite with Taehyung. After a hard day of recording and learning new choreography, there was nothing more he wanted to do than to unwind and play his favorite game with one of his best friends. Just then, Taehyung comes into his room, just as he was logging in.
“Jungkook, I’m inviting my friend, y/n, to our server. Is that okay?”
“Are they any good?” Jungkook asks as he types in his password.
“I don’t know, this is my first time playing with her”
Jungkook sighs, but reluctantly agrees to play.
As Jungkook and Taehyung log-in, they wait for Y/n’s request. Jungkook rolls his eyes as minutes tick by on the clock. He even goes downstairs to pick up a few snacks. By the time he got back to his laptop, a notification had already popped up on his screen. Finally. Jungkook puts on his headphones, accepting Y/n’s request and finally starts the game. As soon as the game started Jungkook was in full gamer mode, he concentrates on the amount of kills he has while keeping track of Y/n and Taehyung’s health. After a while, Jungkook starts getting a little irritated at the fact that he, as well as his team, keep dying before they can claim victory. The more they lose, the more rage Jungkook let out into the microphone.
“Taehyung, spot me. Y/n stay there and make sure no one gets inside.”
Just then a notification appears that y/n had died. Jungkook starts getting anxious. Without Y/n, there is more of a chance for him and Taehyung to die. Suddenly, bullets fire and Jungkook is yet again defeated.
“Dammit Y/n! If you didn’t die, we would’ve gotten a victory!”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t find the direction of the shooter!” Y/n huffs into the microphone.
Y/n only groans. “If you guys would just let me lead, then maybe we’d have a victory!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Fine. Lead us in this round” he says as they all jump from the battle bus.
In the next round Jungkook was absolutely shocked to see how much of a skilled player y/n is. It was like she knew where every enemy was. She called out commands that prevented their group from getting killed. Now they were in a very tight situation, it was their team against the final team in the server. They knew exactly where they are but the problem was how they were going to defeat the other team. Jungkook didn’t want to admit it but he was nervous for y/n’s next call. Throughout the entire game, he loved the fact that Y/n new exactly what to do in the game. Suddenly y/n led them to the enemy’s hideout and finally they won. Jungkook’s eyes widened as he yelped in joy. Upon winning, the three noticed how late it was and decided to end things there. As Jungkook logged out of Fortnite with a big smile on his face, Taehyung walks into his room holding his phone up to his face.
“Jungkook, Y/n wanted to tell you something over the phone” Taehyung says as he hands Jungkook the phone to Jungkook.
He was on facetime with y/n.
Jungkook fixes his focus on the screen to find a cute face. His heart pounds as y/n thanks him for letting her lead the group. A cute girl who can game as good as he can. I think I’m in love. 
After hanging up, Taehyung immediately looked at Jungkook with a sly smirk on his face. “You like her, don’t you?” he teased
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-Admin Boat, Admin Cloud, Admin Satellite
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ksjknj · 6 years
I am screaming hahaha Jungkook checking his abs hahahahah on the last live he knows jhopeeeee has them well define but that was too hilarious omg sorry but can’t wait for jhope’s reveal haha.
my reply to this is super late but i think it’s an okay timing nevertheless, seeing that hoseok has just mentioned this ..
actually in their last live jeongguk accidentally revealed hobs doesn’t have abs… and his latest tweets only confirm that + show he’s obviously pressured to get some now
i think it was fine to be excited about the reveal, but i think we should all - now that he’s expressed his concern about it - tell him it’s not his abs we care about.. after all i’m sure we’d all appreciate him doing hope on the street way more
so please if you can send a tweet tagging bts and maybe even using the hashtag that has spread to tell hoseok he doesn’t have to do it. hopefully he sees it and doesn’t feel as pressured
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rainbowannabeth · 6 years
A Theory for Answer
Hey so I don’t normally ever write about the theories surrounding BTS’ MVs, because let’s be real, I would be here all day.
I have found something I have noticed that has started to become more apparent within the MVs, notes, etc.
So for those who remember the Wings Short Films, each film ended with a circle becoming something to represent one of them, and in the case of three of them, combine with another member.
Now the MVs and short films have shown us the same three pairs: Yoongi/Jungkook, RM/V, and Jimin/JHope.
Each of these pairs seemingly have something significant for each other.
However, we see after short films #4-6 that Jungkook and RM’s circle combine, as well as V and Hoseok, and Jimin and Yoongi.
But why?
We see the OG pairs have their own troubles that happened because of them being in each other’s presence.
Yoongi and JK’s fight (as seen in the Run MV)
RM and V grafetting things and getting in trouble with the law, and later RM unable to answer V’s phone call (Wings Short films # 3 and 5).
JM accidentally bumping into Hoseok’s girl-friend and Hoseok leaving Jimin behind to take the girl to the hospital. (Highlight Reel)
LY Tear was all about the bad parts of love and things that happen that can make us heartbroken, or whatever. While these pairs struggle before the tear era, what if these struggles the pairs go through indirectly reference Tear’s concept. It may not be the bad parts of romantic love, but friendships as well.
Jin’s role is being strongly supported as a time-traveler and trying to save each of the boys from suffering from their consequences. However, he keeps failing in one way or another.
Which leads me back to the pairs that are given in the short films.
What if these pairs (JK/RM, V/JH, JM/S) are the ANSWER to Jin’s dilemma? The answer to the boys’ sufferings is love themselves, and the way of doing this is leave behind the cause of the sufferings. Even if that includes leave behind some of the boys.
These pairs hinted in the Wings short films will help each other love themselves and save them from their sufferings.
In the recent notes:
Jimin wants to go back to the arboretum and asks Yoongi to go with him:
“In the end, I had to go to the Flowering Arboretum...Yoongi hyung came and sat next to me after I’d already let three buses go by...From far off, the shuttle bus for the arboretum was coming. The bus stopped and the door opened. The driver looked at me. On impulse I spoke, ‘Hyung, do you want to come with me?’” (Jimin 19 May Year 22)
JK is with RM at his container:
“...Due to someone shaking my shoulder, I opened my eyes. It was Namjoon. Strangely enough, a feeling of security fell upon me...I nodded my head. And then I spoke. ‘Will I be able to become an adult like you?’ Namjoon hyung turned to look at me. (Jungkook 2 May Year 22)
Hoseok stops V from killing his father and being there for him afterwards (V and Hoseok 20 May Year 22)
Before this, each of the boys were on paths of self-destruction or destruction of others. Suddenly, these pairs together are seeming to heal one another. It is clearly these pairs are connected.
JK and RM both came from families that were not ideal. JK had an abusive step-brother and mother didn’t care. RM’s father was sick, and he ran away from home. Both the boys wanted to be free from their burdened lives. This is why we see the same raven imagery in their short films.
V and Hoseok grew up without a mother, a mother who abandoned them. V’s father was abusive and Hoseok grew up in an orphanage for ~10 years. There’s a popular theory that the two are separated brothers, supported by the fact they both see the same imagery of the woman holding a child, titled with EVA, in their respective short films.
Jimin and Yoongi’s relationship isn’t exactly clear but they have opposing themes (fire and water). We still do not know what happened to Jimin at the Arboretum, but let’s assume he witnessed a death there, which would certainly cause PTSD and the seizures. If this is indeed the case, both the boys are connected by witnessing the death of someone they knew. Jimin is afraid of the Arboretum and Yoongi is afraid, or at least refuses, to play the piano ever again.
Perhaps their connections can help them heal and to eventually love themselves, and thus avoid their destructive behaviors.
Sorry if this theory is kind of scattered, but this is the first one I’ve written. I hope my points make any sense haha.
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taehyungeyo-blog · 7 years
BTS Reacting to You Asking Them to Take a Bath With You
Jin: “Baby, will you come take a bath with me?” He would be a bit shocked at first since this is not a normal occurrence, but wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. Being the gentleman he is, he will stop what he’s doing, start the bath, get wine and some snacks, light a few candles and join you in the bath.
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Namjoon: “Namjooooon, come take a bath with me.” This guy would be hella down for it tbh. Just thinking of you laying your back against his chest in the steaming water was already getting him excited. Right when you asked him he jumped up from the couch and started grabbing towels from the linen closet trying to keep his cool, but once you turned your back to him he whispered under his breath, “yES”
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Jhope: “Hobi, you wanna take a bath together?” This cutie didn’t even try to contain himself. As soon as those words left your mouth his face immediately brightened as he started doing his happy dance. “YESYESYES OF COURSE BABY!!”
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Yoongi: “BABE”, you called from yours and Yoongi’s shared bathroom for the third time. You waited a few seconds before you heard footsteps outside the door and your boyfriends somewhat scratchy voice saying “What?”.  You could tell he had just woken up. “Get in the bath with me..” He gave you a look, “Baby, I’m too tired.” he groaned. You shot him your puppy eyes and he immediately caved. “Fine, move over”, he says while getting undressed. As he got in behind you he tried to keep his cool and hide how happy he was with you against his bare chest.
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Jimin: Jimin is used to this question since you guys spend so much time together. You both have showered multiple times together to save time due to both of your busy schedules. Although this particular day was harsh on both of you and you guys needed a stress relief..and nothing makes Jimin feel better than spending time with his girlfriend.
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Taehyung: I feel like Tae’s reaction would be very similar to Hoseok’s tbh. He would just be very hyped that you would want to spend such an intimate and personal part of your day with him. You asking this favor would just melt his heart.
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Jungkook: “Kookie, will you get in the bath with me?” This question would have him shaking in his boots lmao. He would obviously agree because he would do anything for you, but since he’s so awkward the situation would just make him uncomfortable. But after a couple of minutes with you passed by and he got used to your touch, he would calm down and his body would become less tense.
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So this is my first writing thing ever lmao so i’m sorry if it sucks haha. I hope you enjoy !! :)
*had to repost*
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yeoldontknow · 5 years
hello! i was wondering if you were still hoping to get more fic recs? i have some but i don't want to be bothersome haha!
hi anon! 💗💗 yes please!! please send them my way!!
for anyone who saw yesterday's announcement and is wondering if i want more: please still feel free to send me fic reds for the following members ~
chanyeol / hoseok (jhope) / seokjin / shownu / minhyuk / jaebom
they can be hosted on ao3 or tumblr. please send them in ask or a message (if we're mutuals) ⭐️
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SMUT --- JHope and Reader
Storyline: You're a trainee at BigHit and were practicing your choreography one night. After a while, Hoseok walked into the studio you were in. This isn’t the first you two had practiced together. You enjoyed the company, especially someone as great as him. Also, it gave you the opportunity to get to know him on a more personal level.
Hoseok walked in on you. “oh hey, how long have you been here?” he asks. “I’ve been practicing a little bit” you say. “Thats cool, can I practice with you?” he says. “Of course, you can always teach me some things!!!” you say, “Yea, I can do that” He says, with a sly grin on his face. He takes off his jacket and turns on his music. Y’all begin practicing and go at it for a few hours. It’s around 2am now and you two agree to head home. He asks if you’d like to walk you home, since it was so late. You say sure and begin walking. But in order to get to your house, you have to pass his neighborhood. So, when you are getting close to his apartment he asks if you’d like come to inside to eat and he’ll take you home afterwards, of course you say yes. You get up to his apartment, take off your jacket and shoes off. He heads straight to the kitchen and you follow. You sit down at the table, while he starts making you two food. Wile the foods cooking, y’all are just talking about random stuff. Once the food arrives, you pull up a youtube video to watch while eating. After eating, you tidy up and say “well, I guess I should get going..”, which J-hope responds, “no, we should stay. It’s really late, you can just sleep here tonight”..  you hesitate at first but he says “Please don’t leave”.. You nod and sit back down.
He takes you up to his guest room and you plop down on the bed. He’s starring at you... “you’re a really intriguing person, you know” he says. “Am I? haha how so?” you say. “just the way you are.. you just make me want to know you.” he says. “know me? hoseok you do know me ahaha” you say. “but I want to know you better, like the little things haha. Hey have you ever played 20 questions!” he says. “you’re silly.. but yes, you wanna play?” you say. “yeah.. we should. It will be fun” he says. “Okay, you first.” you say. “alright, nothing off limits” he says.
 You two go back and forth on simple questions, like favorite food, favorite color, favorite song, etc. 15 minutes pass and J-hope’s questions are getting more personal. “Have you ever had a boyfriend?” “yeah, but its been years.. I was dating someone when I first started at BigHit, but it was barely serious. There were no real feelings involved.” you say. “How about you?” “Yeah, I dated this one girl, but she left me for another guy.. :(” he says. “Aw, thats terrible. I bet she’s regretting that now.. “ you say. “yeah, haha it hurt a lot. But, that was a long time ago, so I’m over it haha… so have you ever been in love?” he says. “No, I don’t think so. I don’t think I’ve gotten close enough to anyone to be in love.. how about you?” you say. “Thats how I feel, like with that girl, I thought I was in love then, but now that I look back, I wasn’t in love, but I hope to experience real love one day” he says. “you will, I know it. Once your journey with BTS is over, then you can find love. It’s waiting for you.” you say. He smiles and nods, and says “Halle, are you a virgin?”. You gasp and laugh, you were not expecting that. “ahah no, I’m 21 hoseok!!” you say. His demeanor is completely different than yours though, you were laughing but j-hope is dead serious. “do you have sex a lot?” he asks, skipping your question to him. “Uhm.. well no.. I’d say like twice a month, at most haha. Why do you ask?” you say. “don’t you hate it… I haven’t had sex in ages. It drives me crazy” he says. “yeah, its really ridiculous that the agency won’t let you—” he cuts you off. “you know, I dream about you a lot.. too much probably” he says. You’re speechless at this point. You know where he’s going with this. “I dream about touching you, kissing you… *look at you* fucking you…” he says. Your eyes widen and you let out a laugh. “What why are you laughing? Y/n!!” he says. “I just never would’ve imagined this.. I’m shocked” you say. His hands are on your legs now. His touch is turning you on. “Can I please you?” He asks, practically in position already. You shake your head yes and he gently takes off you pants and underwear. “damn.. you’re beautiful” he says, his mouth right at your pussy. You feel the breath from his words on you. You giggle and cover your eyes with a pillow, you’re embarrassed but so ready. His tongue touches your insides and you gasp loudly. He’s slow at first.. almost as if he’s warming up. His tongue tracing your pussy, going up and down, in between your lips. After some teasing, he reaches your clit and does his magic. His pace increases with every second, raising you to your climax. Your breathing is getting heavier, barely releasing a “ooo gahhd, hobi”. Its like your words leveled him up, making him go even faster. His hands were wrapped around your thighs, securing your position in front of him. You were so close at this point and it wouldn’t take much more for you to cum. He uses his hands to spread out your lips, fully showing your clit. He flicks his tongue and sucks your clit until you cum. He licks you clean and moves up towards you. His body is in between your legs and his head is on your stomach, just staring at you. “gahh you’re so beautiful” he says. 
 You pull him up towards you and kiss him. The kiss is so sweet and soft, but you flip him over and it turns aggressive. “My turn to please you ;)” you say. You  pull off his shirt and kiss him down. Kissing his neck and biting his ears. Moving lower, you reach his dick. You pull off his pants and underwear and rub his hard dick. “ooh yeah” he says. You suck his dick for a couple minutes, but the hop on him. You both moan when he enters you. His hands are on your waist, feeling every thrust you make. “So stunning” he says looking up at you. His sweet comments made you smile. You leaned in to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around you. With holding you in a secured place, he thrusts himself in you. He’s doing the work now. “ah that feels so good” you say, your head in the crevice of his neck. He flips you over and is on top now. He re-enters in you and goes hard. He’s thrusting so fast and moaning so loud. He’s got your legs in his hand, using you to stabilize him. “y/n, baby where do you want me to cum?” he asks, pulling out. You open your mouth and he does as you wish. After he came, he plopped down beside you and laid there in silence till you both caught your breath. You look up at him and laugh. You were in awe at him, his precious good looks but crazy good sex skills geeked you out. He laughs too and says “i’m glad we did that, thank you” “dont thank me haha, thats weird” you say. He puts his clothes back on and turns on the TV. You both watch TV until you fall asleep together.  
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taeguboi · 7 years
J-Hope x Reader “Oops”
Request: ‘ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a scenario with Jhope based off of the song Oops by Little Mix? I thought it'd be cute so yeah ☺’
I may have loosely based this on the angsty section of this reaction post because I was stuck for a back story haha. Enjoy!
You were beautiful, sprawled out on his bed, aching for his touch. He loved the way you begged his name as he stared at your perfect body in admiration, making you wait as he took in your features, beautifully sunken into the bed sheets…
You looked up at him hovering over you with hooded eyes of lust, bare skin so delicious that you looked good enough to eat, hair down, resting in different directions, almost in as much of a mess as you were for him.
It had started out with random flings, fooling around when the mood was right, but gradually it became booty calls, and fucking on actual beds rather than up against the wall of a club or in the back of a car… and somewhere down the line, not known to you, he fell for you.
But you were the one to break it off. You couldn’t do this anymore. You just thought your feelings would go away, but they just wouldn’t. Your first time with him happened literally after you confessed to him, and though the feelings weren’t returned, the moment just seemed to overtake the both of you, resulting in you first hook up.
You guessed you thought the feelings would go away, that this thing between you two would start to feel like nothing more than what it seemed to be on the surface.... The signs should have been there when you found yourself unable to stop going back to him, although you knew the consequences it was progressively having on your heart... so, you guessed wrong.
The only reason Hoseok was the best you’ve ever had was because it always feels better with someone you love, and it was always continuing to feel better, and better, and better with each time. There was only so much time in which you could deny that you loved waking up next him, that every meeting with him was filled with anticipation that… that maybe something in his heart had changed.
That moment of him opening his heart to you never came for the entire half a year you had been doing this together. It was breaking you. You knew you had to walk away.
Little did you know though that he was lying on his bed right now in the exact same way you were lying in yours, longing for one another’s company. That image of you under his touch is what’s running through his mind right now, but that’s just among the various memories with you which he looks back upon fondly.
The movies nights, day out at the beach... sure, they were with your other friends too, but it was the little things you shared that started to have a significant impact on him; sharing ice cream, splashing water onto each other in the sea, snuggling on the couch...
All of the things he took for granted through being just your friend were suddenly the things he longed to do the most. How he needed to see you again so that he could catch up on the latest drama with you, and how he wanted to hold your hand because you’re too scared to get in the glass elevator alone.
He could kick himself for not giving things a try when he had the chance to. He should have known that he would have ended up falling for you... Did he perhaps just want something that he couldn’t have now that you were gone? After all, he still felt indifferent, even when you told him you wanted to break things off, back off a little, have a little space...
Or was that indifference denial? Denial, because you were breaking things off, which obviously meant your feelings had disappeared enough for you to be able to walk away like this.
He couldn’t see the tears emerging from your eyes though. Or the way just thoughts of him tugged on your heartstrings, but then again, you guess you can’t literally see it either because love is blind.
Love is blind. It’s the same thing he’s thinking too as he looks back on you friendship that somehow turned into a string of hook-ups... At first he needed you sexually, nothing more... Now he accidentally needs you because you made his heart flutter. Even now as he thinks about you. Even now whilst he’s upset about you leaving this behind, his heart still flutters in a good way about you.
That’s what makes him climb out of bed.
It’s what makes him race down the street on his bicycle.
And that’s why he’s outside your door right now, calling you -- not on the phone, no. He’s out loud calling up to your bedroom window.
You swear you’re going crazy, because now you can even hear his voice. Just go to sleep, y/n, you tell yourself, shutting your eyes , shuffling restlessly on your mattress.
Fortunately, the voice in your mind doesn’t make another sound... your phone is a different story
Dammit, why didn’t I take the sound off...?
You wonder if you somehow managed to fall asleep so soon when you see his name on the screen, but you know you’re all too wide awake... This is either going to be a pleasant surprise, or more heartbreak.
“Open your window. Now.”
The call hangs up, and you guess you have no other choice but to follow these brief instructions...
You open the window, taking the catch off the side so you can open it completely.
“Hoseok? What are you doing here?”
“Something I should have done a long time ago!” he calls from below. “Look! I think I was scared! Trying to push aside something that was possibly there all along... I don’t want this to be the end!”
“I love you y/n!!!”
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cookiefest · 7 years
would you rather - bts edition 🌟
tagged by @softmchi 🍑
bold = would rather do that ;;
- build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope - get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga - go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook: he’d make me go on all the rides i’m too afraid to go on so it’s good for me haha - do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin: i would DIE but anything with jhope... - kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga: sweats - babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v: DOGS, ALWAYS - meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family - film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v: as funny as v would be in a sketch.... jhope - hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook: he’d be so soft - go to paris with jin OR to london with suga: i wanna be bougie with jin - film a drama with jin OR do a photoshoot with rap monster: this is literally my dream i’m crying - attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook: please let me slay the carpet with nj i’m beggi - spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope: exploring a city AND hanging out with hoseok??? sign me the FUC up - fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook: EITHER WAY I FEEL LIKE IM BETRAYING MY FRIENDS ASDHASJK - have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin   - have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep - have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga: again, i would die, but, - go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga: did you mean: the best beach photoshoot EVER - have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line: 👀 - celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin: this would be the softest christmas EVER and i want it 
mm i tag @chukyuus, @deep-sea-memory and @princess-of-despair ✨
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