eddiespornstache · 2 months
Eddie comes back from Vegas and he’s like … “Buck, do you remember Tommy Kinard?” and Buck very dishonestly says “yeah that pilot guy you’re friends with now, right?” like he didn’t spend the whole evening trying to explode Tommy and/or Eddie with his mind, he’s not sure, and Eddie’s like “yeah so I think last night we got married.”
and Buck waits for his psychic abilities to rage-manifest but they don’t so he says “Eddie, man, haha, you’re straight” and Eddie says “yeah well about that, we had wedding night sex and I definitely liked it more than I think I would have if I was straight” and Buck very seriously considers calling up Taylor to see if she’s got anything going on that night and would she like to inadvisably hook up because apparently everyone’s doing it
but he talks himself off that ledge and says “well you guys are going to get divorced right,” and Eddie’s like “yeah he’s already started on the paperwork but would it be crazy if I asked him out so we could try doing things in the right order?” and Buck is like, fuck it, I’m shooting Abby an email asking her for recommendations for Europeans haunts to completely ghost your old life in—
except he’d miss Maddie and Chris and Bobby too much so he’s stuck hanging around while Eddie very shyly comes out to his son, and starts kissing Tommy every time he brings him coffee at the station, and of course Tommy is nice enough to bring coffee for everybody else too, so Buck pours his down the sink without having a sip
and now when he goes to the Diaz house to pick Chris up for a Buck and Chris Day, Tommy’s there cuddling Eddie on the couch, or washing the dishes, or mowing the yard in a very revealing tank, which, who’s he showing off for if he’s supposed to dating Buck’s best friend anyway?? Buck should be the one wearing slutty clothes since he’s the one who’s single. which he does. to prove a point.
and Eddie and Tommy keep inviting him to hang out with them and Eddie keeps saying it’s important all his best guys get along, so what’s Buck supposed to say to that? no to going the beach and bowling and the airfield with them? no to going out to dinner at a very classy upscale restaurant? no to drinking too much pinot noir and going have a crisis bathroom? no to accepting their invitation to go to Vegas the next week?
no to stumbling into the Vegas hotel room feeling finally feeling those mental explosions going off in a new way with Eddie gasping into his neck and Eddie’s hands curling around his hips and the look in Tommy’s eyes not being jealous at all, but hungry? and has Buck always wanted to kiss his best friend’s boyfriend like that? and why does it seem, from the way Eddie’s steering him toward Tommy, that said best friend very much wants that to happen in front of him, right this second?
and when Buck wakes up the next morning, and Eddie’s nestled in the dip of his collarbone and Tommy’s hand is splayed possessively over his stomach, there’s no rings or certificates. but Buck has said “I do” to something, and as the morning sun streams in through the windows since they forgot to pull down the shades, he can’t really bring himself to regret it
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
i feel like almost the entire cast is not only infantilized and the common accepted ver of characters is straight up just inaccurate or a compilation of headcanons. yes i love tim but you do realize that he has an actual personality besides himbo, right? his entire character was making jokes to deflect his fear and trauma and once things started getting horrifying and undeniable he broke. that is human behavior not just ‘oh haha he’s the hot one’. martin is treated more like a complimentary piece rather than someone who has his own hurt outside of jon and latched onto him and refused to give up because really, who else did he have? the cast weren’t THAT close. and last thing and maybe my biggest problem is with the common slutty elias thing. YES i love it yes i love slutty characters and avatar of the whore jokes but you do realize this was a 20 something man who was possessed by apocalypse jeff bezos right. you realize that it comes with extremely horrific non-consensual undertones with all that lonleyeyes content right. this old ass man possessed and used the body of someone who’s consciousness was still SOMEWHAT intact this whole time. this post will be too long if i mention jurgen leitner so im leaving it here
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 5 months
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ah yes my favorite duo 💃🕺 : centuries old eldridge horror and his ✨favorite man slut✨
close-ups and my ramblings under the cut (it’s a lot guys. i have a lot of feelings about them and i was just YAPPING 😫)
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yall really ate up my last post with Nightmare which omg thank u guys so much for that 🥺
now here’s more 😈
slutty manservant isn’t the only outfit Killer has, but it’s definitely his favorite lmao (the amount of times he’s been asked if he’s a Lust variant is crazy 💀. don’t get me wrong tho they r besties 💅)
the trench coat vibe was also definitely the way to go with Nightmare and i just 😫
now what’s their dynamic?
i definitely feel like my version of Nightmare and Killer are very much a “talks and listens” duo like shown with the chibi little guys
honestly tho, at first their relationship was strictly business and transactional, but the more time they spent together, the more comfortable they got in each others company and eventually became friends and equals and maybe more
and i feel like during all of that it’s just the two of them. Murder and Horror don’t show up until waaay later once Killer and Nightmare’s relationship has already been established
and no their relationship (whatever it may be, romantic or not i’ll be honest i still haven’t decided 🥲) isn’t toxic, as how i c my Nightmare isn’t anything like cannon Nightmare if that wasn’t already clear
my Nightmare, once free from the rage fueled haze of his corruption, is actually rather calm, collected, and dare say kind in his own way (he is a man of action and very few words)
he doesn’t create negativity out of malicious intent, but rather out of necessity, and actively will comfort those who are greatly struggling, which is how he first came into contact with Killer, seeing him isolated in his dying world
Killer was the first person Nightmare had attempted to “comfort” per say, and was freshly free from his corrupted mentality, hence, y he wasn’t very good at it lol. also, the corruption was reason he hadn’t gotten to Killer sooner in the first place, as he as actively enjoying the suffering Killer was going through at the time. if that makes sense???
anyway, sure they might have been cold to each other at first, with a lack of comforting on Nightmare’s part which somehow turned into a partnership?? but nothing was ever abusive within their relationship
i feel like the turning point for them would be that Nightmare admits to Killer in a moment of vulnerability that he was the first and only person to treat him like he wasn’t some, abomination. monster. freak
he’s never judged him based on his poor past actions, nor is role/duty
he accepts him. and all of him. fully and with all of his flaws not that he has any
(god i love them)
i do feel like if they were in a romantic relationship it’d be rather casual in a way that makes it clear there’s something going on between them, but they’re definitely not the type for pda (veeerrry rarely and only in front of people the trust. it’s a different story when they’re in bed tho 😏)
they’re the old married couple that banters and teases each other but with much more sexual tension lol
ok that’s enough yapping from me haha
if you’ve made it this far genuinely ur the best like wow 🥹
this was a looooot of nonsense so thanks for taking the time to read it all
i’ll be honest i still have more to say but like 💀 nah im cut off-
maybe someday tho…
alright bye 😘
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julians-boywife · 11 months
Hi fungers. Do NOT read this it's just me rambling about my funger 1 body hcs so I don't forget them. I love you ♡
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Starting off with my wife, Cahara. I think he's medium height, shorter than Enki and Rag so like 175 cm. I think he'd be pretty tan and have a bit of a red/orange undertone. His hair is thick and wavy and it seems like he has made a decent attempt at taking care of it. On a similar not idk what kind of skin care and what not they had back there but he certainly takes care of his appearance. He needs to look good for his wife obviously.
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This man is not as stinky as he looks. I'd like to think he showers daily but he can get rid of the candle and old book smell on his skin and clothes. He probably reads books in the bath. Anyway he is quite thin and malnourished but also has a fat ass and slutty waist??? Like why do you need that?? Also a bit taller than Cahara 180.5 cm or some shit idk I'm making it up.
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This man is huge. Comically. 187.2 cm and jacked. Guys, you'll never guess who I find most attractive. Anyway, he is the idea of a Greek God body to me. He's tan like Cahara but has less color because he lives and breathes snow. Fat tits??? Yes um I think so. I'd also like to think he doesn't use soap when he washes himself but somehow isn't stinky. He just smells like ash and damp forest but it isn't bad.
.... 17 cm, uncut, red tip- 🔫💥💥💥💥 woah guys who said that haha what
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My favorite girlfailure. I don't even like girls but I'd let D'arce fck the shit out of me. Anyway sorry about that. I'd like to think she's got a bit of a tan from training outside and freckles scattered here and there. She is strong woman and has a healthy amount of muscle and fat but her body is mostly lean. I am a tiny titty D'arce ENTHUSIAST and ACTIVIST. Justice for tiny titty girls I see you I love you. 168.5 cm I love her she's so dear to me.
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STINKY !!!! UGGOO!!!!! sorry I have a raging love hate relationship with this fuckass. I think he looks really silly in his sprite for no reason lmao. Anyway this man is ETHEREAL just absolutely gorgeous. I wish Miro made him look more feminine in the game do girl Le'Garde justice. He defiantly only takes bubble baths like a fucking loser. He's 176.7 cm and is like weirdly insecure about not being taller?? I feel like if you jokingly called him short he'd throw a hissy fit.
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Nosramus also looks really silly in their sprite oh my god. Honestly I think Nosramus is intersex and just refuses to choose either or. They're pretty pale from being away from sunlight for so long and have a yellow undertone. They are surprisingly not stinky and take care of themself somehow and it's unclear what access they have to water or soap. They just always smell clean no matter what.
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dev1lm4n · 1 year
thinking about dbf!joel (always) but more specifically him with denial and being all condescending just makes me feel some kinda way
i haven't had the time to right about dbf!joel (i hope that stands for dad's best friend joel because if it doesn't, i'm gonna be so embarassed lol) since i haven't had the opportunity to have a good enough plot for it :( but i thrive for him as well. like imagine this:
nsfw under mdni!
dbf!joel acting all cocky and shit when you asked him whether he's an experienced man or not. then proceeded to tell you of one of his endeavors with that shit-eating grin of his.
dbf!joel who acted all high and mighty when you asked him whether he could help you release some pent up stress
dbf!joel who's the same man whose been perving up on you, looking through the persistent small gap of your room at the late hours of the night, pocketing your panties from the laundry line and sniffing 'em at night to stroke his cock
dbf!joel who couldn’t take it anymore when you decided that the next best place to take off stress was on the vibrating washing machine
dbf!joel who practically drooled at the sight of your tiny little panties printing wet marks atop the white machine, wet pussy too desperate to cum
dbf!joel who took hold of your hip from behind and rutted his throbbing confined cock against the crack of your ass
dbf!joel who warned you that your old man could walk in any minute and see how slutty of a daughter he had. "i ain't never seen a sluttier girl than you.. never seen a real cock before, eh?"
dbf!joel who stuffed your needy, sloppy cunt with his uncut cock, stuffing you to the very edge until you're toppled over the washing machine. "you gonna keep all of me inside you like a good girl, are ya?
dbf!joel who whispered for you not to cum and instead act like a good bank for his load
dbf!joel who let his thick cum dribble down your thighs as he urge for you to continue doing laundry
yeah idk this was a lil weak since i wrote this in ten minutes haha!
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lookingfts · 4 months
Ooh ooh, I’m here for your ‘sugar daddy’ AU. Anthony gives off big ‘Daddy’ energy especially with scruff on his face. I’ve been reading some snippets you wrote. Loving it so far. 🥵
Can’t wait to see that version of ‘Kate thinks all the guys on the app are just old and lonely’ and then Anthony freakin Bridgerton rocks up to meet her in a 3 piece suit looking at her like he hasn’t eaten in days. 🔥 predator meet prey or is that the other way around?
And as for ‘daddy’ Anthony? Curious about what he thinks of the ‘sugar babies’ on the app. Does he think they’re just broke, immature and desperate?
But I like the theme of miscommunication between young and older and I am especially looking forward to the ‘class’ theme that looks like is going to be included (rich guy Anthony with status and power v working class Kate trying to scrape by) and how they will both end up on the same page.
Also, how much of a brat are you going to write Kate as in this? Not gonna lie I love a Kate that may be emotionally stuck in many ways but is sure of her sexual prowess and power. And I especially love that ‘alpha’ dynamic where there is a struggle with power between the 2 because Kate hates being dependent both physically and emotionally on others and tends to lash out as a defence. And Anthony has a need to be vulnerable/wanted and to protect and provide but at the same time is warring with his more haughty, snobby and dominant side. And Kate secretly loves uncaging him. 💥
Your smut is 🔥 but I love the genuine “I’m not supposed to fall for you… I only expected or wanted casual” relationship you write between them. Or my special golden kryptonite “feral Anthony loses his ever loving mind obsessing about the goddess that is Kate”. And you give me the best of both worlds. Which is why ‘say my name’ series is a constant addiction I keep coming back to. 🥰
Can’t wait for your moodboard too. I love how you push the envelope each time you create one. Slutty and tender is my lane. 😄
Haha some great ideas here! As for what he thinks of the "sugar babies" - I imagine that Anthony has spent his whole life around women who were looking for a wealthy man. Countless women have probably approached him and Ben at parties or clubs or while traveling, specifically because they're rich (well, and hot). So he assumes sugar babies are just more of the same; women who are looking for a wealthy man to spend money on them, take them to the best events, etc. It never really occurs to Anthony that some women are doing it because they can't make enough money any other way, because those aren't the kind of women he's been around. His first hint that Kate is different is when he asks what kind of luxury items she wants, assuming that's part of the normal exchange for the sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship, but Kate makes it clear she only wants the money. (Of course, he'll buy her a little something later on, because he sees it and thinks of her.)
Kate will definitely be a brat. She tries so hard when she meets Anthony to be agreeable and demure, assuming that's what a man like him would want. But on their first night together, he says something she disagrees with and Kate snaps at him. She thinks she's screwed it up, but quickly realizes that Anthony likes a woman who can go toe to toe with him. So she lets her claws out and it gets hot pretty quickly.
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sukunasweetheart · 2 years
Sugarbaby Sukuna, but he's older than you. Bruh Poe I'm LOSING MY MIND. (Sorry it's Nat again.)
AYO YESS hello nat >:)
in the one im working on right now, sukunas the younger one but older sukuna as a sugarbaby??? MY GOD idk why it sounds so appealing
a woman on top of her game, you, endlessly rich and beautiful, but you're lonely behind the scenes... so you pay this big hunk of a guy to blow your back out and give you kisses
yall know the psychology behind bdsm play? people who lack control over their everyday lives tend to seek it during sex and vice versa for the people who have that control in their daily life (not saying this applies to everybody tho)
imagine mid 30s sukuna working an ordinary 9-5 while you rule a whole company in your mid 20s. however in bed, he has you on the palm of his hand - needy for his fat cock,,, it gets even better if in his office, he's known as a quiet, more withdrawn unmarried man but does a 180 during sex haha
warnings; female reader, lots of degradation, unprotected sex, breeding, throat squeezing
"yeah, you like that? needy whore."
the words come out so easily now, despite the difficulty he had at first - addressing you like that. sukuna's cock plunges into your pussy, that's oozing with slick. with each thrust, an obscene squelching noise emits, pushing you into humiliation.
your moans take over soon enough, as he grabs your breast with a strong grip, pinching it without mercy.
"not gonna answer me? that's not nice, princess," he growls, reaching for your throat next. you gasp, holding onto his arm as he wraps his palm around your neck - aroused by his animosity.
"ye-yes sir... i love it," you respond accordingly, basking yourself in the pleasure he brings as his cockhead rams against your cervix the way you like it. the way you clamp around him has him gritting his teeth, getting him hanging on by a thread in withholding his orgasm.
"fu-fuck...quit clenching so much," sukuna tells you with a groan, dick pulsing inside of your tight hole. "can't help it... feels too good," you mumble breathily. he grips your throat tighter.
"what a slutty woman. with her slutty cunt," sukuna mutters in a haughty way. "i wonder what your employees would think of you, if they saw you like this - drunk on my cock."
he smirks at the thought of it and begins to pound you faster.
letting out a whine, your eyes roll back with your mouth agape. sukuna gathers his focus into making you orgasm, keeping at this pace until he witnesses your thighs shake, back arching against the mattress.
"a slut like you... is only good as a cumdump," sukuna continues his degrading, right as his dick reaches its limit.
his thick seed shoots into your baby bank, as sukuna shoves himself balls deep into your wet pussy, and your legs hug his waist, keeping him in place. sukuna pants, hips quivering as you suck him absolutely dry.
"oh, yes, yes, yes...! kiss me please, sir," you plead, looking up at him tearfully. he comes down and captures your lips, and then your tongue, as he continues to fill you up with his cum.
by the time he pulls out, his cock has softened significantly and sukuna finally plops down onto the bed in exhaustion.
"shit, my back hurts...i'm getting too old for this," he sighs. "that's rather concerning to hear," you tell him, with a frown.
you go quiet as you grab your phone from the bed stand, numerous minutes spent scrolling on it.
"...what are you doing?" sukuna questions, after a while.
"booking a full course massage for you. i can't leave my favourite sugarbaby with chronic back pain," you respond, without looking at him.
a full course massage huh... sounds pretty darn good, not gonna lie.
you come down and kiss him again, telling him he did a wonderful job today. strange how quick the roles reverse once the sex is done, you know? at this rate, the two of you will fall for each other... for real.
tagging @luvkun4
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pynkhues · 2 months
Gotta ramble a bit. The new trend of Louis 'the rockstar girlfriend' really starts to irk me. Mostly it's all fun and jokes but a lot of people really think this as a fact. And imo it's such an OOC concept. He's more of a "wealthy patron" kind of a guy, the record label owner etc.
He will NOT be standing in the middle of a sweaty screaming crowd, he will be in a private booth. he will NOT dress in low rise pants and slutty tank tops while waiting to sit on Lestat's lap, it's the other way around.
Am I missing something? Feels like yet another version of Louis the housewife and Lestat the patriarch but with 70s music scene terminology.
Yeah, I mean, we literally ended s2 on the note that Louis just wants to be left alone with the exception of mind calls with Daniel and the metaphorical door he's left open ajar for Lestat, I can't imagine he's going to want to be in a crowd of sweaty, fawning humans and pissed off baby vampires watching Lestat try to peacock his way out of a nervous breakdown, haha.
That's not to say I don't think he'll be around for the tour, I do, but like you said, I think it'll be in pretty specific contexts (and honestly, I don't even think they'll be back together until the end of the season, even if they do hook up).
I do think the fandom has problems with flattening Louis' character or cherry picking what they want to take from him, and of course, it's also indicative of that broader issue with same-sex ships where characters get forced into very constraining gender roles which can come across both as deeply sexist and homophobic, but I also think there's probably something to be said about mmm, a show that suddenly attracts a demographic of young fans? This is going to sound super weird probably, but I kinda put it a bit in the same category of people who think Lestat would like Taylor Swift's music - like, hoping not to rattle the cage with this one, but this man is a) 300 years old and b) bullied and murdered a tenor for being a bit pitchy lmao, I feel like there are better odds of Louis respecting her business acumen than either of them being a stan.
This isn't meant to be shade to younger fans (or Swift!) at all, of course, fandom space is for everyone and I've been that fan at points in my life, but, y'know, you bring your lived experience and ideas and fantasies to these sorts of spaces too, and I think that applies to how you might interpret or want to think / write about a character. To me, that idea of being that sort of rockstar girlfriend doesn't align with my interpretation of his character, nor with what I personally enjoy about him, but y'know, if people are having fun and being respectful, good for them. But yes, I agree that it's not my bag.
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ladytanithia · 1 year
Snippet Someday
Tagged by @dirty-bosmer - thanks for the tag! I tag @sunny-d-anomaly, @skyrim-forever (not sure if you've already been tagged by someone else), and @gwilin-stay-winnin. Of course, you are under no obligation to participate, but I hope you do!
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters of your current WIP) and share a snip from:
Your first chapter Your favorite chapter Your most challenging chapter
Alternatively, if you don't write longfic, feel free to share your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
Mine are from my longest story to date, which has become a series. It started out with Dalliances with Dunmer, and it is kind of an old fic in a sense, and also still a WIP. (My written soap opera, haha.)
From Dalliances with Dunmer:
First Chapter: Planting the Seed
When I started this story, I didn't have any real plan for it. I just had this idea that my "slutty" LDB had gone from disliking Neloth to realizing how intelligent he was and that his self-important bluster was a facade. She got Talvas (already her FWB) to conspire with her to seduce him.
"Master Neloth, are you not the least bit attracted to me?" She moved so that her barely covered breasts were in his line of sight, watching his face as she did so. She knew he could smell the essential oil she had daubed on her pulse points and between her breasts – a subtle mix of flowers and spice. Yes, there it was: a brief flicker in his ruby eyes as they skated quickly over her chest and quickly refocused on his notebook, a brief flaring of his nostrils as he inhaled her scent.
Acting purely on impulse, she reached out and placed her palm on his far cheek, gently but firmly turning his face toward her. He still refused to meet her eyes, but amazingly, he didn't protest her touching him.
"Listen, Neloth," she said gently. "I don't know how women treated you in the past, but I assure you, I don't play games. This is not a prank, and I am not messing with your head. I do find you to be handsome as well as intelligent, and I sincerely do want to take you to bed. I'm sure you think that love and sex are unnecessary and for the weak, but I believe you really need to get in touch with that poor, repressed sexual side you keep so tightly under wraps. I would love to assist you in researching THAT." She winked at him with a kind, understanding smile, knowing that he saw her even though he wasn’t looking directly at her.
Neloth covered his bewilderment admirably. "If you are quite done, Miss Miranja, I have pressing matters I must attend to. I will let you know the next time I have need for an assistant… or a test subject."
"As you wish, Master Neloth," Miranja said, releasing his face and stepping away. She smiled inwardly at his first use of her actual name. "Please think about what I've proposed, and don't keep me waiting too long. I want you so much it physically hurts." She darted in quickly and planted a moist kiss on his soft gray cheek. He made a small choking sound but otherwise remained impassive.
Outside the front door, she lounged against the wall and waited. After a few discreet moments, Talvas came out, smiling.
"He's muttering to himself," Talvas reported. "More than usual, that is. He’s obviously agitated."
Miranja smiled back impishly. "I hope, for all your sakes – you, Drovas, Ulves, and Elynea – that I can break him down and relieve his, um, frustration. I have a feeling he might be in a better mood once that's taken care of. Thank you for your… assistance."
Talvas gave a showy bow. "You are most welcome, my Lady Dragonborn. It is a pleasure to assist you. Saving Tamriel from dragons and sexual frustration, one dragon and one man at a time. I’m happy to be one of those men."
Favorite chapter: Dreaming of Revyn
This was a flashback where Miranja was remembering her first time with Revyn, who has become one of her dearest friends and favorite lovers, in spite of his jealousy.
He released her hand and began buttering some bread for them both. She tasted her stew, and suddenly realized how very hungry she’d been. The stew was amazing, and the buttered bread made it even better. She told him the story about Odahviing, Skuldafn, Sovngarde, Alduin, and the Tongues as they ate. Ambarys listened in when he was between serving drinks and food. They praised Malthyr for his culinary skills, and Revyn tipped Ambarys well when they were finished. Miranja slipped a couple more septims into the pile by pretending to bump the coins when she reached for her cup of flin.
“Walk with me back to the shop?” Revyn asked, offering his elbow once again.
Miranja gave him a doting smile. “Of course, sweetheart.”
As they walked, Revyn placed his free hand over Miranja’s and leaned his head in toward hers.
“This has been the most pleasant evening I’ve had in probably years,” he told her. “I can’t remember the last time I had a lady accompany me to the New Gnisis. Did you feel all the eyes upon us?”
“I did,” Miranja smiled. “It was indeed very enjoyable.”
It was a short walk, and they had arrived at Revyn’s door. He suddenly seemed nervous.
“Miss Miranja, would you… want to come back into the shop with me?”
Miranja smiled coyly at him. “For another drink? More conversation?” Her smile grew wider as Revyn’s skin grew darker. “To make love, perhaps?”
Revyn looked so embarrassed she thought the ground might swallow him up.
To ease his discomfort, she offered: “Would you believe me if I told you I’ve dreamed of you asking me this?”
His expression changed to stunned yet pleasant surprise. “Really?”
“Yes, silly!” she teased gently. “I couldn’t help but notice from the beginning what a kind, intelligent, and upstanding man you are. I love those qualities in a person. And your skill in speechcraft is very attractive, too. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now.”
Revyn fumbled with the lock on the door and finally got it open, ushering her in ahead of him before locking the door again from the inside. He stood awkwardly facing her, actually trembling slightly. Miranja saw this and realized that she was strangely nervous, too. This wasn’t her usual reaction to mutual attraction, but it was pleasant in a novel sort of way.
“May I kiss you, Revyn?”
“Of course,” he breathed, glad to let her make the first move.
Most challenging chapter: Mystery solved
This one was challenging because … emotional reasons. More than this snippet would be a spoiler. Context: Miranja has been kidnapped by the Morag Tong and taken to Highpoint Tower, where she is bound naked to a rack and gagged.
Now Miranja understood why Neloth had worked so diligently to repress his emotions, isolate himself, and not form attachments. She understood why he had tried to cut her off. But it had been too late for that. His own worst enemy had been right under his roof, seeing and knowing everything. Talvas may be an apprentice, but he had already outdone his master in the art of deception. She could see through Neloth, but Talvas – Talvas! – had utterly blindsided her. She refocused her attention on what Talvas was saying now.
"I was thinking perhaps once I replace Neloth, you might want to be my wife. Think you'd like being the wife of a powerful mage-lord? Maybe you could even help me bring him down by using those considerable charms of yours to get close and either convince him or kill him for me."
Miranja's heart was utterly broken that Talvas could betray both her and Neloth this way, especially her! After how good she'd been to him, and all they'd been through together. Betraying Neloth she could understand, since he'd been pretty harsh on Talvas, and Telvanni wizards – as Talvas aspired to be – were notoriously ambitious. But how could he do this to her?
Now that she thought about it, she did remember him occasionally mumbling to himself that one day Neloth's power would all be his. But she'd never thought he could actually be this conniving. She was nearly choking on both the gag and her own anguish.
"What's wrong, Miranja? You love me, too, don't you? You said you wanted to see me succeed." He couldn't stand her not being able to verbally respond, so he took the risk of her shouting and removed the gag.
"I can't go along with this, Talvas. Have you lost your mind? Why are you in such a hurry? Master Neloth is already old; can't you just wait for him to die a natural death?"
"I didn't want him dead, originally, but when the Sarothril family responded to my message and offered me a bounty I couldn't refuse, I figured what the hell. The sooner Master Neloth is dead, the sooner I can take his place, AND I get rich in the process."
"This is not the Talvas I know," Miranja lamented.
"I'm sorry, Miranja, but you're right - Master Neloth IS old. What's a few decades sooner? Even a century? His days of abusing and experimenting on apprentices are over. And if this isn't the Talvas you know, then maybe you didn't know me as well as you thought you did. In fact, you helped me make my decision."
"Our trip to Skyrim showed me that I'm more powerful than Master Neloth wants to admit. And of course, all the gold we split from our bandit raids and such helped me pay the Morag Tong. Neloth's been purposely holding me back and putting me down because he doesn't want me to overtake him. But I'm onto him now. And I've had enough. It's my turn."
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razorsadness · 1 year
a journal entry comprised entirely of excerpts from letters & postcards written to friends
(@belialjones and @endreal - don't peek if you don't want spoilers!)
I remember in one of the letters you sent me, you asked what my current inspirations are, and even though they've changed since then, I thought I'd reply. What's inspiring me right now is: the photography of Nan Goldin, the art of Tracey Emin, the novels of William T. Vollmann, John Waters and David Lynch films, and the poetry of Cynthia Cruz, Forough Farrokhzad, and Alexis Rhone Fancher.
I'm currently on a little vacation with my family, up on the peninsula of Wisco. I've been reading a lot and hiking in the woods and going to the beach.
My vacation has been great. I've been reading poetry & eating pizza & watching the Perseids meteor showers.
I accidentally broke my own heart the other day. I had my 'on repeat' playlist on shuffle and what songs played back to back? Paul Westerberg's "Got You Down," followed by R.E.M.'s "Nightswimming." Fucking oof.
In general, I've been going thru a bout of nostalgic melancholy. What else is new? Haha, but really though. You know, I'm writing about all this stuff for RC #27, and reminiscing about one era of my life inevitably turns into reminiscing about others. And then I was up in Door County, driving down old familiar roads, listening to old familiar tunes, and remembering driving those same roads, listening to those same tunes, getting stoned with my friends circa 1997-2003, and I don't even miss getting stoned but I do miss those friends. I try to have a positive attitude about things changing, but I still get sad driving past places and thinking about what's gone—and more than that, who's gone. And I was thinking about the summer of 2013. And then I was thinking about the summer of 2012 and how that summer I was all nostalgic for the summer of 2006 and how it seemed impossibly far in the past, and then timeghost showed up and was like: "Oooo...2012 was closer to 2006 than it is to nowww, ooo..."
I realized that my whole life, I've been trying to get back to this mythic Perfect Summer that didn't really exist. Right now, I'm missing 2013 & 2012. In 2012, I wished it was '06. In '06, I wanted '03. In '03, I wanted '00; in '00, I wished it was '97, and on and on.
Other than that, I've been having feelings about small towns and Americana. It's kinda weird. On the one hand, I'm a deviant radical queer artist. On the other hand, I love so much Americana. But I think you get it.
I've been having hella zine/zinester nostalgia. Next year marks 30 years that I've been making zines. I'm thinking about putting a book together of the best stuff from my first 30 years of zines, and then having a release party w/ local bands n' stuff.
I've been particularly nostalgic for the early '00s Chicago zine scene. I'll never forget that time you and I went to Kinko's late at night to make Xerox art. 22 years ago, what the fuck? I also recently found my Loop Distro/Al Burian Totally Wants My Ass shirt. Oh man.
Recently I was having a bit of an identity crisis. See, I've always thought of myself as someone who gets crushes easily, and as a slut (in spirit, if not always in practice—meaning, even in a monogamous relationship I still have the desire to fuck lotsa people even if I don't act on it). But for a while I hadn't gotten a proper crush on anyone, and didn't really even think about hooking up w/ anyone but my partner. And it was weird! I was like, who am I, if I'm no longer the totally crushed out slut? But then after that, I had a couple sexy online convos w/ queer cuties, and got my flirt on IRL w/ a punk rock fella who lives in my neighborhood, a Scottish fiddle player, and a gorgeous redhead girl w/ a tattoo of a fox, and I was like: Oh. Guess I'm still slutty and crushed out, after all.
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divinedeathbed · 1 year
im gonna say that michael's sexuality and his confidence with sex stems entirely from his interactions with humanity. as much as my biological view of angels classifies them as animals in their own right, with animalistic behavior, just a lot of them are groomed to have that sexual drive gone. a nothingness, which is very true for high choir angels.
before the "creator" made man, michael had no idea what sex was. because of course he didnt. why would he. it wasnt until humans existed and his interactions with them sparked his curiosity, humans hitting on him in a human form, flirting, perhaps some michael/human romps-- realizing that human females/ feminine appearing angels had no effect on him. and that very pretty men /masculine appearing angels truly catch his eye.
that curiosity sparking a need in michael. seeking companionship, partners, human relationships were messy. how could one safely love a human when you're bound to enter heart break when that human inevitably dies and you, a several billion year old divine creature are left with a shattered heart.
seek other angels. limited choices to regular angels who also interact with humanity. very good. have some flings, enter a fwb situation with a very good lieutanant. Luck out and meet a gorgeous dominion who-- get this- understands human desires as well?? despite being in the second choir??
uh oh dominion is much like humanity than you thought. he has. flaws. deep ones. but the dominion is such a gorgeous man? how could he be bad? hes just looking out for you?? he loves you! doesnt he? oh he may not like your hair, or the way you dress. or the ones you love, or the angels you spend time with. nonono michael you belong with him! by his side! always! dont worry about the way he grabs your arm and glares at you when you speak too loudly about something you're passionate about! listen to him when he says the gold you're so accustomed to wearing and accentuating yourself looks too excessive! Oh michael you look so stunning in white! in a plain formless robe! Oh he desires you so much!
Live with that for thousands of years, stuck by his side, isolated from the ones you love. i think humans call this depression??? HAHA how could you be depressed you're with your love!!
inevitably, the dominion grows tired of you! so you decide one day to just run off!! haha!!
oh god how does one acclimate himself back into the angelic/human world?? isolate yourself. this time alone. you dont deserve sunlight!! haha!! what? oh god other angels are asking for you. you're fine!! right?? PROVE IT MICHAEL THAT YOU'RE FINE!! HAHA! sex. yes, indulge! cant be sad when you indulge in pleasure! using it to COPE. attractive male angels! attractive human men! attractive... males of other species! you love being fucked and treated like the whore you are! yeah! yeah? YEAH! god forbid someone tries to make love to you and worship your body UH OH tears! tears! no no no! cant have that cant have that. we're comfortable with gETTING FUCKED! be the cute slutty sub bottom! thats what you're loved for!
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muutosarchive · 8 months
Canonwise, your Peach, Dew, and Pap II are my favorites. I think you give Peach such a fresh interpretation where so many people default to either bad bitch or uwu cupcake princess, you know? But you've made her really unique and rounded. Your Secundo is, to me, the original spooky motherfucker; I love how you dive past the "slutty old bald man" perception fandom has to give him a genuinely romantic, thoughtful side that adds so much depth to him as a person, character, and Papa. I would love to be a sibling of sin during your Secundo's reign as Papa. And your Dew is the pinnacle. The poster. The mold for Dewdrop in my head. I think it's so easy to fall into this idea of him just being a brat, but you enforce a temper and an insecurity that makes him.... so lovely? And real.
OCs -- you know I love Judith and Flora. Flora is perhaps my favorite oc Ghoul. I love her gentleness and how it contrasts with how spooky she looks, the balance between taking care of plants and also the gift of necromancy. Judith is a fun take on the religious trauma background, and I adore reading her explorations. Sometimes it's just that simple haha.
🍭 @suffcring . ✨Who's your favorite muse of mine, and why?✨
wow, this is so nice of you first of all. i mean, i'm surpried you said peach but i'm so glad to hear that? i know she's such a classic &. i really did want to make her that three dimensional character mario set up but their stories sometimes don't have the capacity to cover. because i know she is more than a damsel &. she has that sweet, kind &. positive flow with also that rebellious side, running away with mario and the others in rpg when she was told to stay behind. she takes every opportunity to rough it with the boys and it's just a case of a character i've known and grown up with for so long that i just wanted to meld everything of her from every medium and create something rounded with it. it's the same with harley, using each era of her to influence her portrayal. as far as dew is concerned it's always difficult to pick up a character so many people love and that has an established fanon personality you know? &. that i feel like a lot of people either played before or play now, which goes for all the ghouls. there's so many directions you can go with them, but of course i wanted his temper to mean something, because anger issues &. pushing back is always indicative of something more and it's fun to try and piece it together. so i really appreciate that. to know that he's the poster to you of dew, it just... i can't describe how appreciative i am.
also of course papa ii is one of my own personal favourite muses i have. i often don't hesitate on his threads for any other reason that i'm afraid to tarnish what i've made for him, because it's very important to me. surface level fanon is great for inspo but if i was gonna write a character like secundo there had to be a greater purpose for it. much like dew, i took the opportunity of such little established canon to make something i was passionate about. same with omega. i saw papa ii &. he was immediately my favorite, he immediately appealed to me, &. the descriptions tobias laid for his personality &. inner workings really got my head going &. it evolved so easily into like... my guy. he's far far from perfect but more than he was made out as.
you're literally too nice to me rn, your favourite ghoul oc? i cannot fathom. but thank you, and honestly i never thought i'd even have a ghoul oc but she was a happy accident. i remember saying to someone i wanted her to have a reason to be. a reason to serve the greater story. i'm just so happy people liked her as much as i did, &. to this day she's one of the more consistent characters i can tune into. &. as far as judith is concerned i really love the different religious dynamics &. the religious trauma so i wanted to explore the other side where-as my priest characters are another side of the same coin. so thank you again for all of this it means so much to hear.
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corruptedcaps · 2 years
Masking Emotions
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“Hey, look at this mask I found. Isn’t it cool! Well I think it’s beautiful, I can't believe I found it at a thrift store for only five dollars. I'm planning on wearing it to the Christmas costume party next week. I might paint it. What do you think? Do you think it'll be a hit? My costume? I don’t know yet actually. Here let me out this on and maybe it’ll spark some ideas."
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“Oh my god, I don’t know how it’s possible but the mask has changed my entire body! Look at my lovely tanned skin, my blonde thick hair and my big round boobs. Isn’t this incredible? I feel so sexy! I can't believe how much it changed my appearance. I feel like a totally different person. It's amazing. I can't wait to show it off at the Christmas party next week. I just know I’m going to be a hit."
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“I know I should be saving the mask for the party next week but it just feels so yummy to wear it. I was invited on three dates already! Of course I turned them all done, they were all penniless nobodies. I’m waiting for Callum. We’ve been in university for nearly four years and he’s never even said hi before but that was before the mask. Yeah he’s with our bully Bianca but I’m just looking for him to notice me, that’s all. I’m not some man stealing bitch. Now get out of here, I think I see him coming.”
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“What do you think of this for my costume? Yeah it’s a slutty Mrs. Claus costume but so what? If I have the body now why not flaunt it? Oh Callum is going as Santa? Huh isn’t that a coincidence? Regardless, look how hawt I look! What do you mean it’s not really me? Well maybe I’m better this way. I definitely feel better. Don’t be jealous, it’s not a good look on you. Neither is whatever you’re wearing.”
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“Look at these flowers Callum got me, isn’t he the sweetest. Callum broke up with Bianca so he was fair game. So what if I fucked him before he did to sweeten the deal, all that matters is he’s all mine now. Oh not this again. This is who I am now. I’m the kind of girl Callum likes. Hot, mean and bitchy. I like who I am now. No strike that, I LOVE who I am now. The old me was such a pushover loser but now I’m a force to be reckoned with. Even Bianca had realized that and maybe you should too!”
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“You little bitch! You were trying to trick me into taking off the mask weren’t you? Haha god that’s pathetic! Hate to let you down but I’ve bonded permanently with the mask. It made me into the hottest, meanest slut on campus, how could I resist? Lucky for you there is still a part of my loser self in here that doesn’t want to hurt you so get out of my sight, I don’t ever want to see your ugly face again.”
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“Get the hell off me loser, what were you even trying to do? Ugh what are you blabbering about? Only the best friend can destroy the mask? What mask? What friendship? You really have lost it. Even if I entertained whatever nonsense you were spouting, you really think you are my best friend? I don’t even know you. Bianca is my bitchy BFF and always has been, she would do anything for me. Watch I’ll prove it. Bianca be a babe and chuck this stalker out of my party and be as rough as you feel like being.”
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lewdbabies · 3 years
How BNHA characters react to “is this seat taken?”
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(all characters aged up)💗
warning:MDNI18+,smut,language,raw sex, breeding, praise kink, degradation kink etc
Katsuki Bakugo
“That’s my lap dumbass”
Grips your waist as you squirm regretting the entire prank, he likes to watch you suffer in embarrassment(has a major dom kink) always has control of the situation.
loves teasing you, he loves that flustered shy squirm you do.
Slides his hand up your skirt, whispering in your ear how you have to be quiet of people will catch you.
“Shhh don’t want anybody finding you in such a slutty position now do you?”
“Matter of fact who fucking cares if they catch us it’ll be that much more exciting having a crowd witness that pretty little pussy drenching my hand!”
Nibbles your earlobe while whispering nasty shit in your ear.
“You just wanted an excuse to sit on my cock, yeah you like feeling how hard I am for you”
Plays with your clit through your wet panties until you gush on his hand and he sucks your juices from his fingers.
“Now get the hell off me, you know I Hate pranks.”
Tamaki Amajiki
“T-that’s my lap bunny, w-what are you doing…are you okay?”
Places a hand on your forehead checking for any signs of a fever.
“A-are you not feeling well I can carry you home”
You grab his trembling hands guiding them safely under the cover of your skirt, his eyes widen as he blushes a bright red.
He’s afraid of you being caught but he loves how naughty you’re being for him.
He embraces the moment, freeing his rock hard cock from the waist band of his sweat pants.
He pulls your thighs positioning his tip with your dripping entrance before slamming you down bottoming out in a single thrust.
“You gotta be quiet bunny it won’t be any fun if we get caught, I’m gonna make you feel so good princess “
“Of course you can sit on my lap babybird”
Pulls you down without hesitation, wrapping his strong arms tightly around your waist hugging you to his chest.
Creates a shield around you with his wings before yanking up your top to palm at your pert nipples.
“I could fuck you right now and nobody would see.”
Slides your panties to the side as he impales you on his thick cock.
His hips lift from the public seat as he fucks into you at a feral pace,his hand covers your mouth trapping your screams.
“Sing for me song bird let the world know how good my cock feels making a mess of those sweet insides”
“Fuck you’re gonna make me feral fuck fuck fuck-“
He hooks two fingers in your mouth as he shoots his load deep in your sopping cunt.
“Haha what is this y/n are you pranking me right now! You know I love pranks!.”
He laughs playing along with your antics, his hands grip the plush skin of your thighs.
The sharp point of his teeth grazes you as he nips softly at your exposed shoulder.
He trails up your skirt, fingering at your throbbing clit through the lace of your panties.
“I like the way you squirm cutie pie it’s so damn adorable”
“It wouldn’t be very manly of me if I didn’t make you cum right here and now “
Leaves hickies all over your neck, he claims you asserting his dominance.
Fingers you so fast and hard that drool falls from your parted lips.
“Yeah baby louder show them how good your man makes you feel”
Hey loves I had a name change my old name was “animebiddies“ just wanted to let you guys know in case you wanted to find me 💗
creating tag list comment if you’d like to be added🥰🍭
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
haha gonna expose u in all ur slutty glory for zeno robinson lmao it cant be helped smh. he definitely uses a voice closer to hunter’s but its also a bit more playful yet mature… very gud voice so ur gonna have a field day XD
omg kisaki’s daughter would be the more competent version of senju XD uses her impeccable charm to get what she wants certainly.
i just imagine that one skid that is like
Kisaki: “Alright smash his kneecaps and he will talk, I am at a parent teacher conference right now. Anyway you said she enjoyed finger painting thats great”
the little princess gets escorted to the private school in a limousine every day by kisaki’s most trusted second in commands on days he cannot bring her to school himself. only the best crayons, best paper, best teachers, nothing is good enough for his little girl and he is not stopping at anything.
also lets be honest, its not hanma’s kid who needs to be kept away from kisaki’s daughter, its the other way around XD
little menace probably also helps her daddy at his job because she is the best at interrogation because its just 7 hours of her non stop repeating the plot of my little pony to the captives until it drives them insane
also pls imagine kisaki back at the job w bebe in the baby carrier so wifey can catch a break, just giving the meeting like normal and not acknowledging shiet omfg
many many thoughts
gonna be a whore on main and have to turn in my god damn dom card....god damn it I knew this day would come 😒😔
Kisaki's daughter goes to private school while Hanma's kid goes to public school and frankly Kisaki does not hide his grimace every time his daughter talks to the "rift raft" even if Hanma's like, his only fucking friend 😂
ok but Kisaki is letting his daughter read word for word her 100k fanfic as well as her 50k character analysis on Rainbow dash and what she brings to the show but what could have been better. And already the kidnap victim is sobbing to make it stop. To which Kisaki tells them to shut up his daughter has very many creative ideas and needs a third party audience (cuz you know Kisaki has listened to the growing fanfic and tells his daughters how perfect she is as a writer but she demands a third party editor hence why there's someone tied up in your kitchen) At this point they're sobbing and your daughter flat out says daddy's gonna shoot them in the foot if they keep interrupting her reading. Kisaki pats his daughter on the head and just goes "that's right dear, reading comprehension is very important in this family" 😂
please tired slightly flakey new dad Kisaki who (of course) only hands his kid off to Hanma. But it lasts only thirty seconds cuz Hanma's doing like fucking airplane with the five month old and Kisaki's freaking out in the middle of a meeting 😭 Hanma's just holding Kisaki's baby above his fucking 6'5 head like "Man it's fine, I did this with my kid and he's totally fine." And Kisaki is trying to scale Hanma like King Kong to the tower and everyone in Toman is just watching this unfold when this was supposed to be a meeting about lost assets and failing funds 😭
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
okay just to fuck with you; fmk alternatives numbers 5, 8, and 10 with Josh Graves, Paul Warren, and Bill Monroe
I revoke your rights to talk to me <33333
fmk alternatives prompt
For people wondering, these are vintage bluegrass musicians. ^.^ They were active circa the 1930s or 40s onward. This is also going to be an extremely weird flex for stupid facts I know about them haha.
5. go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey
oh shit this one's perfect
- car trip: I am driving, I am driving, and I am driving. Because I'm picking Bill Monroe. And I have heard about his driving 'skills' (did they not have eyesight tests to get your license in the early Twentieth Century??? why was this man allowed to drive???). But Bill would chill with folks and write songs in the car. Maybe I can watch the Master's composition practice in action. Who needs a car radio when you have a mandolin fiend sitting to your right?
The downside to this is, in Ye Early Days, Bill Monroe's transportation went pedal to the medal, 95 miles an hour on tiny-ass two-laned country highways. He can try to pressure me all he likes, I'm driving safely. Let him pout.
- plane flight: Josh Graves. He was the only Foggy Mountain Boy, outside of Earl, who was okay with flying (so I'm not taking Paul on a plane). I can have a comfortable Josh regale me the wild hijinks, stupid pranks, and bizarre number of bus fires he's gotten up to during his musical career.
- Paul Warren. Train!!! There is enough room to pull a fiddle out on a train. And you bet your ass I'll make him pull it out and play a bunch of old, obscure folk songs. And maybe ask him a thing or two about technique.
8. share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
- car: Josh. I heard the story of Paul driving through a chicken coop with the band bus. That wasn't precisely Paul's fault, but I'll still trust Josh the most with a car.
- bank account: Paul. Josh was always pawning his bass to make it through the week. Bill Monroe and his son had several grandiose adventures of financial ruin. Meanwhile, Paul made his boss Lester Flatt write an 88¢ check for immediate reimbursement. Clearly, my money is safest with Paul.
- share a cake with: Bill Monroe. People threw big parties for Bill. He has enough cake to go around (food, not ass; food, not ass; I am not here staring at this old-- admittedly slutty-- man's buns). Gimme that cake. I can have like, nine slices and not feel guilty.
10. netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against
Ooooo, the ultimate question.
- Dodgeball: Bill Monroe. If he can chuck the balls in dodgeball half as well as he hurtled the baseball at opponents, this should be intense.
- ice-skating: Josh. Josh seems like the guy who enjoyed adventures. Let's adventure.
- Netflix and chill: Again I am doing a *G RATED* version of this [glares in the direction of you constantly accusing I have a crush on Paul]. Paul Warren. This gives me a chance to talk and get to know him. [glares in the direction of bluegrass biographers who haven't gotten to my favorite fiddler]
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