#HAHAHA HOW DO I TAG THIS. I had so much fun testing this and clicking around
copper-skulls · 2 years
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So the thing I've been working on since yesterday is finished! You can get to it here :) Fair warning: they swear at points. It's a little encounter thing for Code, actually made from edited guts of an old, old thing from 2015/2016. I'm nearly 100% sure no one following me here has seen it in action either.
Upgrades I did:
cooler background pattern
all the character text like. matches the current version of courier. I had a serious case of narrative dissonance when I was stuffing in the new sprites but still had old text in y'all.
less round corners.
flexing my flexbox with the buttons
fallback fonts!! even if they're embedded lmao
...relative links.
Past me really did all the heavy lifting with the dialogue tail and the base for the bg tbh lmao
...If anything is broken / leads to a 404, let me know. It's 31 pages I had to butcher for tungle and copy-paste by hand, so mistakes are bound to happen. (And yes, I know, I could've stuck this into a single page with javascript, but I don't find JS fun.)
ETA bcs I Forgot: This is technically a tumblr sub-page, but it won't work if you open it in the app! it has to be a browser. it like. ""works"" on mobile as well, it just scales awkward, sorry, I'm not a webdev.
if you can't read them at points, the narration should give you at least Some context, but yeah what they're saying makes sense.
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hahawhatislife · 3 years
Flowers (Mha drabble four)
[Please read all of the post's tags before reading. Thank you.]
A little dark this time. Including my new 'seven hours of mandated clinical death' idea for Moone. (First person pov this time; you read most of the story as Moone!)
I apologize for ooc-ness in advance!
(again, "different language text", please and thank you) :)
I couldn't see. That was the first thing I noticed. The next thing I noticed was that my hands were tied very uncomfortably behind my back. My ankles weren't tied, thankfully. I tugged at the binds on my hands gently. Oh, that's going to be sore later...
The smell of rot and decay reached me just before my blindfold was taken off. As my eyes focused, I tried to speak, but couldn't. Great, I must have a gag too. At least it only tastes like cloth and not anything else, I thought bitterly.
Finally, my eyesight cleared. Shigaraki was standing right in front of me. Toga was off to the side polishing one of her many knives, and Dabi wasn't in my line of sight. Probably behind me and to my left, if the smell of soot was anything to go by. Lo and behold, he did indeed step into my line of sight from my left, a small azure flame already lit in his hand.
I took as deep a breath as I could, then let it out slowly. This is going to be fun.
Shigaraki laid his hand on my arm, pinkie raised. I tensed and increased my breathing a little, but only to make them believe I was scared. I kept my head down and gaze fixed on Shigaraki's hand, biding myself time to build a terrified light in my eyes. I knew someone would see through it eventually, but I needed all the time I could get.
The 'conversation' between us passed in a blur. They never took my gag off, convinced my voice had something to do with my 'quirk'. They weren't exactly wrong, but they didn't need to know that. Eventually, Shigaraki got frustrated with my sparse, shaky answers.
He set his pinkie down. I screamed bloody murder through my gag, and willed the shadows under my skin to make it look like my arm was necrotizing under his fingers. To my surprise, it worked.
They left me to 'recover', but I knew that there was someone outside the door, waiting for me to try to escape. That won't be happening anytime in the near future. I could feel my need to rest creeping up on me, and fast. I'll go into 'hibernation mode' soon.
A plan started to form in my head. I didn't like it, but it would have to work. This'll be painful, I thought.
Hanahaki it is. Colored flowers would take too much time, so black flowers will have to do. I willed my shadows, my 'quirk', to manifest on my skin and in my hair. Black Fritillaria on my hands and arms, and a bit on my shoulders and the edges of my face. Some dotting my legs, just to be thorough. I grew a cluster of them to line the falsely necrotized skin on my arm. The little bells brushed at my clothing and skin, painful silk things that sprouted from my body.
Now to the bigger ones. Black Dahlia in my hair and covering the fake wound on my arm, completing the flowery patchwork. Clusters of them bloomed on my eyelids, cheeks, and throat. I knew they wrapped around my face like a blindfold, because all I could see were their dark crimson petals. More of them sprouted on my shoulders, wrists, chest, back, and legs, one right above my heart like a macabre boutonnière.
I stopped my fabrication of flowers, panting lightly. It hurt and felt like thousands of tiny needles all across my body.
I coughed. Once, then twice, then more as I fabricated petals of both flowers in my throat and mouth for me to cough out. I bit my tongue so the flowers would be coated in blood. Shadows slowly materialized in my chest, creating a wheezing sound whenever I managed to gasp in a breath.
I was hacking now. It sounded like I was coughing my lungs out. I kept fabricating flower petals in my throat. I'm going to have a sore throat after this. It'll be a miracle if I don't lose my voice for a few days.
The door to my room opened. Finally! Took you long enough to get concerned. The smell of smoke hovered over me. Dabi must be the one frantically untying my gag.
The smell of decay and old blood entered the room. Toga and Shigaraki must be here. I was still hacking, but now my back was being braced by Dabi. Who knew you had a soft side, eh buddy?
I couldn't hear them very well. My vision was going dark. They sounded panicked. Dabi gripped me a little tighter. He must be saying something like 'you better not die'. How sweet. I curled up and spat out more flower petals and blood.
I gave a few last coughs. I fell into my hibernation, and felt my heart stop.
Dabi kneeled over their hostage, who was frantically choking out flower petals and blood. Her face was turning blue. She hasn't gotten a proper breath in the last fifteen minutes.
Shigaraki and Toga stood in shock in the doorway. "Are you gonna get Compress and Kurogiri or what?" he yelled. Toga nodded nervously and ran out. Shigaraki was asking questions, almost seeming nervous.
The girl in his arms started wheezing more. She was still coughing. Crimson dripped down her chin and pooled on the floor in front of her, dark purple and red flower petals matching the ones on her body coming our of her mouth in waves.
"C'mon kid, breathe." She wheezed and coughed weakly. She started going limp. She was still coughing.
Dabi felt panic root in his heart. "No! Kid, you better not die on us!" She curled up and spat out more flowers. She was still coughing.
Compress burst through the door. "What wrong with the girl?!"
Dabi braced her back more, hoping to help her.
She was still coughing.
Just as Compress started to push his hands away, she coughed. Blood and flowers flew out of her mouth. She fell still.
Her shallow, wheezing breaths quieted under Dabi's fingers. Pressing his ear to her back where her heart would be revealed no pulse. Her neck didn't give him a pulse either. Her wrist gave him the same results.
Dabi shooed Compress' hands away. He laid her down on the floor gently, making sure not to get her dirty with her own blood. He was numb.
Dabi looked up, looked at Shigaraki and said, "She's dead."
They decided to give her back to the heroes. She deserved a proper burial, at least. Dabi carried the girl to the arranged meeting place.
He looked up at the old warehouse, then at the sea to his right. He breathed in the salty air, then carefully opened the warehouse's door.
Eraserhead and his intern stood inside. He stepped in, feeling his quirk get erased. The purple-haired kid was surprisingly composed, seeing as Dabi held his dead classmate. The kid asked him a question. Reluctantly, he answered, feeling himself fall under the kid's Quirk. It was one of the terms agreed upon, after all. He was asked a few questions.
"Do you have a weapon?"
"Is there anyone waiting to ambush us?"
"Has Moone's body been tampered with since her death?"
"Give her body to Eraserhead, then exit the warehouse."
Dabi walked over to Eraserhead and gently gave the girl to him. He then turned and padded out of the warehouse. Once outside, the kid's Quirk lifted from his mind. Dabi shook his head and scowled.
He looked at the warehouse. He walked off, back to the base.
Dabi stopped by a flower shop on his way back. He bought three flowers; a gardenia, a hydrangea, and a lily.
Once in the base, he returned to the room they had held her in. The one she had died in, his mind supplied.
He placed the flowers, tied up neatly in a white and yellow ribbon, on the chair she sat in. Dabi stared at them, arms crossed.
He left the room, door closing with a soft 'click!'.
Elsewhere, Toga hummed an American song she heard on the radio. "Somewhere over the rainbow..."
Heart. Slowly beating, but getting faster every second.
"Sensei! She's waking up!"
Lungs. Gently testing the confines of my chest, relearning how to work.
"Good. She has a lot of explaining to do."
Brain. Waking up, neurons firing like a gunshot salute.
My eyes fluttered open. I took my first wheezing breath in seven hours, clearing the shadows from my performance out of my chest. My fingers twitched, itching to pick the black ruby petals off my eyes. They were too weak to do anything right now.
Someone, likely Aizawa based on the smell of coffee and polyester, lifted my shoulders up and pressed a warm cup to my mouth. "Drink, problem child. The sooner you can speak, the better."
I drank the warm honey water he gave me. Ah, perfect thing to soothe my throat.
I batted his hand away after a few minutes of on and off drinking, taking the mug from him and settling it on my chest. The warmth of it seeped into my body, waking me up even faster.
My fingers felt like they were awake now. I started picking flowers from my face and skin, handing them to Shinsou once I couldn't hold any more. I continued picking flowers from my hair once I was done with my face.
Aizawa cleared his throat. "Is there something you want to explain, problem child?"
"I was gonna go into 'hibernation mode' anyway, why not fake my death in front of them and have them drop my body somewhere? I didn't expect them to return me to you, though." I rasped.
I smiled weakly. Aizawa just pinched the bridge of his nose.
I continued picking flowers off my skin. The one above my heart, the ones on my neck, what I could reach of my shoulders and back, my arms, everything I could get my hands on.
Shinsou piped up. "How... How did you get these flowers to grow on you?"
I smirked. I'm about to give this boy a headache, and I don't feel that bad about it. "Oh, it was my 'quirk'," I said casually.
". . . Wait, your what-"
I snorted.
"Damn problem children..." sighed Aizawa.
Shinsou stuttered, "I thought you only had one quirk?!"
"I do!"
"Then how did this- what-"
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royz-yade · 4 years
Royz Tomoya Rock and Read 064 Interview (English Translation)
Magazine: Rock&Read 064 Release Date: February 2016 Type of Interview: Personal Interview Scans by: kiba153chan (thank you!!) Translator: VerwelktesGedicht for Royz-yade
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– Tomoya-san, were you living in Osaka all the time until you moved to Tokyo? No, I was born in Sakai, Osaka, but during my 2nd year of elementary school we moved to Okayama. I lived there for five years and returned to Sakai in my 2nd year of middle school.
– Aren’t there any memories you have from the time before you went to Okayama? There are! I was very lively and was a kid that hurt himself a lot (laugh) When I realized “It’s raining!!” I ran around at the corridor, bumped into the sink and got a wound you had to stitch up. This started around the first year of elementary school.
– You were wild (laughs) So you were playing outside a lot? Yes. I liked competitions and I hated it if someone was faster than me. I didn’t want to lose to anyone. I also didn’t like it when I lost at swimming, so I practiced a lot. Since a long time ago I hated to lose.
– And then you moved to Okayama. In Okayama as well I ran around a lot (laughs) In front of our house there was a river and I went fishing. I also played a lot at the kindergarden. I liked the playground of the nearby kindergarden more than the one of my elementary school.
– What could you do there? There were many things to do. There was a net you could climb at and there was a climbing pole and the slide was going round. It was like a jungle gym.
– You where sporty, weren’t you? Yes! I liked it a lot! I even got along very well with the teachers there.
– That’s nice (laughs) Do you have siblings? I have a five-year-older brother (onii-chan). Back then I went fishing with the friends of my brother but when he entered high school they made fun of me a lot (laughs)
– Did you listen to music a lot? I was a kid that barely listened to music. Even though I did go to karaoke with my parents all we sang together were songs like “tentou mushi no samba”.
– That’s a wedding song!! (laughs) Somehow I remember that quite well (laughs)
– You said you learned swimming but did you also do other sports? In my fourth year of elementary school I started athletics in school. Not a particular type, we rather played tag or cops and robbers. It was that kind of club (laughs) But at the sports festival I thought I should do something and I took part in a relay race.
– In elementary school doesn’t a relay race mean that you were a hero? Yes, it should mean that!? Isn’t that normal? I wasn’t at all (laughs)
– Why!? (laughs) I don’t know (laughs) Being able to run fast in elementary school should make you popular… But actually I was just a kid who wanted to do sports.
– But in middle school, when you hit puberty, a couple of things have changed, haven’t they? Not much changed. I still went to the playground.
– You loved playgrounds so much (laughs) Well, I just liked moving around (laughs) And I went on a long trip with my bike. And after that, at a Game Center, I played “Dance Dance Revolution”.
– It’s said that people being good at this game already left the sphere of being human. That was the next part of my life.
– Really!? When I went to professional school I entered the Top100 of Japan [in this game].
– I have the impression that you do that with a really high speed. Hahaha. I was really slow.
– Unexpected (laughs) You returned to Sakai (Osaka) then. It was lonely, wasn’t it? Yes. I already had many friends [in Okayama] and there came so many to our house for my goodbye party. When they left in their cars, I ran behind them. It was really like a dorama about youth (laughs) But when I returned to Sakai the circle of friends from my elementary school has gotten bigger. My best friend from kindergarden had become a yankie and didn’t go to school anymore but when I came back that friend started to go to school with me again. But when I got more friends that person started not going to school again.
– A nice person! Yes, it was so nice! But since he was a yankie, I also became part of the yankie team (laughs)
– I see. How did this work out with your school life? Even though it was Sakai we lived quite at the countryside. In Okayama I participated in high jump but after returning to Sakai I started with hurdling. Actually I wanted to do sprint but there were so many people who could sprint well and I thought that it’s too difficult and that it’s not the level we had in Okayama! (laughs) I started hurdling that nobody did. I had pretty good results in the qualifying test and was among the Top 8! But when it got serious I lost by far (laughs)
– Because the hurdles were so high (laughs) Did you already start to listen to music at that time? During the end of middle school I was interested in A cappella. I wanted to take part in “hamonepu” (a tv programm) and gathered my friends around me for that. But they weren’t interested in it at all and we never made it to practice. Then, when I graduated from middle school, there wasn’t really anything special I wanted to do, so my parents told me that it would be better to have a job. That’s why I went to a technical college. But then I realized that this isn’t what I want to do and when they introduced the club activities and I watched my Sempai making pop music I wondered if I can do that also with A cappella. My advisory teacher also told me that this would be completely fine and so I joined. But… there weren’t any people who wanted to do A cappella (laughs)
– Well, they want to play an instrument (laughs) I wanted to do voice percussion and when I told them that they said that that the closest to that would be drums and if I don’t want to try. That was the time I came into contact with drums for the first time. And unexpectedly I could actually hit them well. Even the 8beat I could do right away, so I thought that this might really work out!
– And then you were in a band. What songs did you play? We only did cover songs. We often played songs of MONGOL800-san and L’Arc en Ciel-san. From there on we went with X JAPAN and played more and more Visual Kei songs. My Sempai who played the guitar had to repeat a year and I thought I can just jump in and did so along the way. But that guy liked Visual Kei and brought songs by Raphael we played. At that time we still didn’t use any kind of make up though.
– So the reason you started with Visual Kei was thanks to your Sempai? Yes. And the bassist also liked it.
– Did you already hold lives back then? We did at many events from our school and also had a session band with people from another school and performed at our city festival. We started playing original songs around my third year of high school.
– With all these songs you played, was there some that clicked? L’Arc en Ciel was a big thing for me. Regarding the drum phrases, there were some really difficult ones but also some for beginners, so they really helped me. And I practiced playing two bass drums with X JAPAN songs.
– Did you have drums at home? I had part time jobs and bought a drum set for beginners for 50.000 Yen. I closed the thin paper doors and hit the drums.
– Where there people who complained about it? There were. But my mother was on my side (laughs) I didn’t show up [at the door then] but she told me light-heartedly: “There were complains again.”
– She didn’t tell you to stop? She did say that I have to stop late at night or when we have guests but except for those times she let me hit the drums the whole time. She just said things like “I can’t hear the TV~~” (laughs)
– Hahaha. And did you think at that time that in the future you want to be a drummer? No, I didn’t. Rather than thinking “I want to become popular and sell my music!” I just enjoyed playing it. That’s why when we had to decide for our future path I said that I want to go to a music college because I liked hitting the drums. Right away they told me “No.”. But because I continued saying I want to go my parents gave in.
– And you went to music college. Before I went, I didn’t think I was good at playing the drums. But when I joined, our class got separated into something like “good”, “normal”, “horribly bad”. I was sorted into the middle class and this showed me how reality was.
– The middle class was probably the most difficult one. Yes. I didn’t feel like giving up but the people in the better class were really awesome guys. I didn’t know what was the best to do. Also, in the end it wasn’t like “school”. In the first year I had to study so much because I didn’t know any basics. I came to like it less and less. I didn’t like the classes. And because of that there were also times when I even started to dislike playing the drums.
– But you didn’t think about quitting. Back then I already was in a band and thanks to that I continued playing. After joining that college there was a meeting right away about people searching for members. That was how I joined the band and we even already used make up and held lives. After getting into college I started coloring my hair. People looked at me and said right away “This guy is Visual Kei!” and that’s how I entered that world. I wanted to try on Visual Kei as well and because I thought that coloring my hair was kind of Visual Kei-ish, I did it (laughs)
– What a success! But that band disbanded and I was in about four bands during my college years. I also helped a bit as support member and for recordings. I asked my teacher and there were also tests that introduced me to many different things. I accepted them and they turned out to be positive. My parents also told me to do many different things.
– You can move your body in a good way… That’s how you got that amazing score at Dance Dance Revolution (laughs) Yes (laughs). I stopped doing that once. When I started going to college I realized that I have improved a lot, so I started again. From that time I told my friends that I would be super happy if in the future our songs could be chosen at Dance Dance Revolution. With Royz I made that dream come true.
– Ooh! But you still can do that for Guitarfreaks and Drummania. But probably… When it comes to Dance Dance Revolution and Visual Kei there was only Golden Bomber-san. By the way, they let me compose the most difficult notes. I thought that I’ll make them complicated! (laughs)
– They really seem to be difficult (laughs) Coming back to the original talk, you had quite a couple of bands. My time as support member was the longest time though. I even made the experience that not one single person came to see us live. We even were the headliners but the people who came to the live all returned home and we were asked that evening: “Even if there is no fan left, are you still gonna perform?”
– And did you? We did but it was rather practice. The vocal was encouraging the live house’s staff. Like: “Are you ready?!” (laughs) Departing from that band, I tried it one more time with the guys from my local high school. When we started searching for members, I met Kazuki.
– And you felt like this band didn’t make any steps forward? Yes. We had twin vocals but why were those two always screaming “Voy Voy!” together (laughs)
 – So it wasn’t that one of them sang the melody and the other one did the shouting… (laughs) There was completely no meaning in having two vocals. When we disbanded Kazuki and I wondered if we shall try to form a new band together. We realized that we wanted to have a band that has more songs with melody.
– And that’s when you started Royz. But before starting band activities with Royz we were actually active underground for about one year. That time we had many member changes. Kazuki departed once and only Koudai and I were left. Before Koudai became our bassist we had about three other guys and about 3 or 4 guitarists. Subaru was our 2nd vocalist. There were so many changes that we really wondered how we can do that. That was all while working part time. The shop owner asked me if I don’t want to work there properly full time and I was considering it a lot.
– We’re considering those things when there are times we’re unsure about everything. Yes. My parents also asked me what I want to do and I decided on an age limit. If I can’t reach anything until that age, I would start searching for a proper job.
– And you made it in time. No, it was already the time when I really properly considered if I shall accept a job at a particular company or not. But I had a good feeling [about the band], so I told my parents to let me do this just a bit longer. And it made me think that my parents are really so nice.
– Looking back at it now, do you think you were a bother to the people around you? Yes (laughs) I think I asked many selfish things.
– So, you set up a time limit for yourself. Did you also get the feeling that because of this, Royz would be your last band? But since I was working a lot, it’s not that [the money we gained with the band] really saved me (bitter laugh) Koudai was properly active with the band. When Kazuki left I was alone, just like in the beginning, and there were days when I really wondered if I can do this.
– Kazuki-san and you formed this band. What did you think when the conversation about him leaving came up? Hmm… Somehow… I thought that this was the only thing to do. It made me go “seriously??” but since he decided for this, there was nothing I could do. And of course I was afraid of how things would go on.
– But there was nothing left to do but look forward. Yes. I’m that kind of person. I think I’m a mentally strong person. People are being stopped when they feel stress but I’m an optimistic person, so it didn’t make me depressed.
– Doesn’t your way of thinking save many people? Smoothing the tension, when you start talking the atmosphere changes. That’s why during interviews with you, I’m also not nervous. Hahahahahaha.
– I don’t think the other three are like that, so it makes me think that this ability is very important to keep the balance in Royz. Aah. That’s also something the other members told me. “If you weren’t here, we definitely wouldn’t have come this far.”
– I think the same. But it also led to troubles in the past. When our Tears-tour started, I was pretty serious.
– What happened? I think it’s super childish. I wanted to do this and wanted to do that. Even though the members‘ steps should be together, there were many times when I talked to the label alone. That time was hard.
– When did that start? I think after we turned into a 4-member band. But even before that I also think that we all somehow felt that something was about to change. But people don’t change that easily. I’ve learned a lot back then. We did talk about it and realized that we are about to change. We were also told by the people around us that we have changed but we ourselves didn’t properly know it.
– But the harmony didn’t really change. No (laughs) That was still left.
– But your works and lives did change. Yes. The relationship with our fans is pretty good. In the beginning it was “I!”. That feeling was very strong. Now it’s “What can we do, so that our fans have fun?” That feeling has priority now. But of course, if we don’t enjoy it, our fans wouldn’t either. That’s why we continue doing things also we enjoy.
– Last year you went on 47-prefecture-tour. Was that something big for you? It was huge. Until that time the longest tour was 30 concerts. It was a completely different thing to make it 47. There were also more and more places we’ve never been to and fans were waiting there for us. While we were giving concerts these people were smiling in such a wonderful way. It felt like this was a tour during which we felt like returning to this fresh, new feeling we had in the beginning. That’s what we were hoping for. Of course we were also happy that many people came to see us but those shining smiles that were telling us “I was finally able to see you live!”… I really liked that. Also the places we’ve been to before… I came to know them in a more deeper way and also the communication between us and the fans got stronger. We also went to see the famous places of those cities when we had a bit of free time.
– The four of you together? Yes.
– You’re really good friends, aren’t you? Hahahaha. You can also see it in our documentary (this interview has been held in mid-January) but it’s really amazing. I was usually driving the car and we really made it to various places. I also wanted to take a photo together with our Royz-go [the car], so I used it for this time’s photo shooting.
– You did. But speaking of this change, that you changed or didn’t change, I’d rather call it “growing”. That would be nice. 
– This year as well you will go on a 47-prefecture tour following your new album. And the place we were shooting today was the hall of the tour final at Odaiba. Since our Supernova-tour we are holding our tour finals at Zepp [DiverCity]. For our THE BEGINNING final we had more people come to our live than before but we still couldn’t make it being sold out. Right now, rather than walking forward as a band, we want to make this place being sold out. That’s why we decided on this place.
– Making Zepp DiverCity being sold out is a goal you can reach soon. But you don’t think that it’s enough now? I wonder if it is. Since THE BEGINNING we’ve decided to properly tell our fans what we are feeling in our heart. The concerts are important but is it really that important? We started to think that way.
– Explaining your thoughts and feelings is the most important task Subaru-san has to do, isn’t it? Yes.
– But Subaru-san holds really good MCs now, doesn’t he? Yes! Recently they are really good! We’ve learned a lot during our “FAMILY PARTY” time – also personally. At the previous countdown live Junji-san (Kiryu) let me play on his drumset but it really made me think: “It’s so different!”. When you’re sitting there, there is a lot of space in front of your eyes and I could see the fans so well. My drumset has cymbals in front of my eyes, so I barely see the fans. I changed that this year. I tried different things because I thought I want to bandy looks with the fans more often. You can’t convey anything if nobody can see your face, so I thought it would be nice if I can see more. I’m a person that people around me can’t see often.
– This isn’t only about your drumset, is it? Correct. But I get told that often (laughs) When I’m concentrating on something, I don’t have any interest in anything else.
– Maybe that also reflects in your drumset. I really think so (bitter laugh). I arranged it in a way that it was easy for me to play the drums. But I thought it would be better if more people can see me. Somehow I missed the timing and didn’t talk about it until now but actually I’m the band’s leader now.
– What?! Since when? Since quite a while (laughs) Koudai who used to be our leader for a long time gave this title to Subaru and Subaru gave it to me. (laughs)
– I see! (laughs) When the topic of who will be the leader came up, we were lost for while but in the end we needed to change it. Around that time I was told that people don’t really see me and I thought that might change if I become the leader. That’s why I said I’m gonna do and want to try it. But actually… it hasn’t changed for me (laughs)
– Well, it will happen little by little. It’s awesome that you feel like people come to see you. Yes! For me it’s my weakness (laughs) If I can achieve that, I think I can become a great person. All of the members complement each other. Right now it feels like we have a perfect balance… But I’ll still give my best to become a great person (laughs)
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lisinfleur · 6 years
Patreon Initiative - THANK YOU, GUYS!!!
Oh, hello guys!
It is that time of the month I tell you everything!
But the first and most important thing I want to tell is, as always:
To this month there is something special… I did not have any new patreon, but I should create a new title just for her… @ivarswickedqueen , you’re much more than just a Bror… You should be called “Mor” (Mom) or “Engel” (Angel)! I don’t know another way for you to be sweeter, more kind and amazing person than you are now!
Why am I telling this? Well guys, as you can see, the earning of Patreon site has increased even I don’t have any other new patreon (feel free to become one whenever you want babe girls!)…
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I used to earn $7 USD/month and now, thanks to this sweet person @ivarswickedqueen who raised up the value she gives me monthly, I’m now receiving $13 USD/month! There is no way for me to be more grateful! Thanks, sweet love! Thanks!
Thanks too to the amazing and lovely @bang-kim-bap and my sweet @directionlessbuthappy who are always by my side since this journey has begun! You guys ROCK!
This month you must have seen the post “Patreon’s Project – Rewards!” right? Well, that beautiful keylocker will be a reward to every single person who remains at least 03 months signed at the Patreon Project! Yeah!
Since I’m not able to make the lottery yet (my goals aren’t reached, but they will!) I found a way to gift my sweet patreons with more than just scenes, so now you sign one of my plans, Ven or Bror, stay for three months and then I’ll send you a handmade keylocker made by myself, with all my love and sweetness! Isn’t it lovely?
Also, we had a little change this month.
The last poll I made into Patreon’s site and I noticed it was hard for you guys to reach it so this time, I’m making the poll into Google Forms as a test.
Please let me know if it was easier to vote!
Now, one more time, THANK YOU for everything and let’s vote to the next Original Content HERE! If you have any doubts, you can read the faq below or send me an ask and I’ll gladly answer all the questions of your heart!!
Love ya all!
1. What is Patreon Project?
Let’s talk about Patreon Initiative a little: have you seen the orange button on my blog?
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This button is a shortcut to a site named Patreon.  In this site, my readers who want to support my work as a writer can sign a monthly payment of $1 or $2 USD and become one of my Patrons.
The Patreon’s Page is also a blog, like the Tumblr (with a little more of organization hahaha) where I’m publishing some original contents of my own work, with some scenes made especially for these readers that choose to become supporters.
From time to time there will be some polls to decide new themes to the original content that will be published both on Patreon Blog and Tumblr, but the patreon’s content will always receive some exclusive scenes and bonus interactions that only the patreons will be able to enjoy.  The polls’ links will be shared on Tumblr and the questions are now made through the Google Forms, but anyway, I suggest you register on Patreon’s site. DON’T WORRY, REGISTRATION IS FREE and concedes you access not only to my Patreon blog but also to a lot of other creators blogs, including ThatTypeOfGirl, a blog made for @hvitserksgirl with an incredible content for you to study and have fun at the same time! In three words? CHECK-IT-OUT!
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2. Why should I do it, Lis?
Well, we, writers, also need to work and if I can do it with you it will be very better!
3. I went there and I saw two values. What does it mean?
My patreons are subdivided into two categories: The Ven and the Bror.
The Ven
Ven is the Danish word for “Friend”, so you become a Friend of my blog, donating $1 USD monthly.
The Bror
Bror is the Danish word for “Brother”, so a Bror is a brother of my blog, donating $2 USD monthly.
Both of them earn:
Your own mention on this special monthly post;
Access to the lottery I’ll be explaining on question number 4;
Access to Patreon’s exclusive scenes on the original content that will be published on Patreon Blog and also on Tumblr;
A personal notification from me whenever the new original chapters are published.
After the third month of patreon paid,     the patreon will receive a handmaid keylocker like this one:
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It might come on other formats and other colors but I’ll add a new picture here every time the keylocker changes! It is a handmade crochet piece I did myself, using cotton line and all the love of my heart!
4. What is this lottery you’re talking about?
I have two goals in the Patreon Initiative, one at $300 USD and the second one at $600 USD per month. To be a Patreon doesn’t mean only donate to my work and I also don’t want to be the only one who’s receiving. So I found a way to make it cool for you - my patreons - and to other creators like me. Everyone here knows the MARVELLOUS work of @milbethmorillo with her beautiful draws and the Ragnar’s Sons Chibi collection that it’s a sweet lovely pie, right?
So, I decided to make a lottery every time one of my goals is achieved, to support her work and prize my patreons with a beautiful piece of her collections at Society6.com When my first goal ($300) is achieved, I’ll buy one of her items and raffle it between ALL MY PATREONS. Yeah. It doesn’t mean if you are a Ven or a Bror. Every patron will have the chance to be prized with one of the beautiful works you can see HERE.  The only difference is that if the winner is a Bror, he’ll receive the item plus a random sticker of her collection with an amazing drawing of hers. Isn’t it incredible?
5. And if the second goal ($600) is achieved, Lis, what happens?
Then TWO items will be raffled to DIFFERENT WINNERS in this month!
It is a way not only to thank you, my sweet supporters but also to divide your support with another amazing creator that deserves all our love and attention! If we receive a blessing, so let’s spread it, right?
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So if you want to support my work and help me to reach these goals, participate on this initiative, earn access to my original exclusive content and, at the time, the chance to earn a lovely item from @milbethmorillo ’s arts, click HERE or on the orange button in my page and BECOME A PATREON!!
Everyone is welcome! And for you, I’m thankful!!
6. What if I just want to make you a single donation, not a monthly payment?
So now you have the option to visit my Ko-fi page and pay me a coffee! Is a single payment of $3 dollars and will not be re-charged next month!
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7. What is a Premium Request?
A Premium Request is a request that you pay me to do. These requests will be prioritized on my queue and sent to the requester via e-mail in a PDF format that can be printed.
8. How can I make a Premium Request?
Follow the steps below:
Go to my Ko-fi page through the button on my homepage and pay me a coffee.
Send me a message there with your Tumblr name. 
Come here on Tumblr and make me an ask with your request. Do not forget to tag it putting “[PREMIUM]” before the text on your ask.
Don’t forget to include your email in the Ko-fi message or on your Tumblr ask to receive the PDF Document with your printable pages! Your request will be published on Tumblr and sent to you so you can print or keep it with you!
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flylittlerobinbird · 6 years
Um... hi!
Testing! Testing! Is this thing open?
I think it is. Oh well. So! I decided that it’d be good to chronicle what’s happening to me here. For one, none of my other friends would find out about this (don’t really want them involved in whatever this is) and for two, I have a lot of trash in my other blog so here we are!
Anyway, introductions I suppose? Uh... my name is Robin Villorente. Please call me Robin or Vinny! I like the colors orange and blue (Is this Naruto? It is Naruto) and most of my past time is just basically reading and writing. That’s all you guys probably need to know about me hahahaha...
So here’s the snitch. Uhm... I think it was a few months ago? Well, there was a stream that I accidentally stumbled into because it looked so interesting. The things that I saw in there... They weren’t nice and they certainly were traumatizing. Here I thought I setback myself from the ending there. But anyway, it was connected to a character created by Jacksepticeye named Antisepticeye. At first I thought that it was just acting and all that but... The reactions of the Puppet Collection vets in the chat during the stream was... so real.
It stayed with me. The feeling of hopelessness and the inability to do anything to help. It reminded me of that day. I never wanted to feel that way again. But anyway, so yeah. The event was called Puppet Collection.
Fast forward to a few months later, I often come back to the youtube channel once in a while to see if anything came up after the event. Nothing came up. As you might expect. But I watched the other videos, read the descriptions, curiously looked through the tags, and relieved the debugging 7 stream again.
And then, suddenly one day, all the videos began changing. First it was the descriptions and then the tags and then the display picture of the videos. To the point where the videos were all deleted.
4/20/2018, a video came up. It showed a curious video with a link underneath that led to another channel. Montauk Archives it was called. There in the description led to a tumblr blog that had a discord server invite.
I clicked it. And boom, a new world or rather timeline discovered. At first I was pretty skeptical as one might say. After all, how would you believe something like that? But then mysterious things began happening in the server and... I got hooked.
I also met some interesting people. The Puppet Collection vets who are deeply scarred and traumatized from what they went through (I don’t blame them. Jesus fuck), the mysterious moderators who are just as surprised as we are when we suddenly began appearing, and the other participants in this mystery ‘game’.
I’ll go into the specifics of the entire thing later on. This post is getting pretty long but I’ve always been the rambly type hahaha. Thanks for making it this far if you’re still reading.
Anyway, aside from the daily dose of drama and memes, everything’s been peachy in the server. I think we’re all slowly settling into a super dysfunctional sort of family that’s pretty much grudgingly coming to care about each other lmao.
Oh also! I met two people who also had a bird name like mine! They’re Lid and Finch! They’re both PC vets and they’re really nice! Lid’s like that disgruntled older brother (although his companion Jak reminds me of an angry disgruntled older brother who’d grudgingly help as long as you didn’t step on his buttons) and Finch is really nice. Lid had the name crow before we began shipping Aqua and Mack and then he changed into h2o2 lmao. (I can still remember Jak calling him crow fucker asadsasdasdsasdad)
The three of us are the bird squad! Although I’m more of an honorary member since they’re both PC Vets hahaha but I don’t mind. It’s fun talking to the two of them :D
That’s all for now I suppose. Geeze, this thing is really long. Wonder if anyone’ll read this hahaha. I wouldn’t be surprised if nobody made it this far. But if you did thanks for reading! And stay tuned for some more stories from me! :D
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i feel as if no one is going to stumble upon this even if i put ten thousand tags on it so i am just going to start •fuck it really does one over on me when i'm reading yaoi manga and the whole time i think i have the seme and uke figured out and THEN at the last moment they turn the fucking tables on me i had to get up from the desk and take a walk around the house before i recovered from the shock •trying to shave really quickly is just like purposely ripping your skin off i have so many places on my legs where it's bloody or the skin is gone...but they're so smooth hahahha •uuuu i really wish i was fluent in chinese...i've been trying so hard but it just never seems to click completely no matter how many new words i learn or how much i practice w language exchange partners or how much i speak it. these days when i'm on my phone 90% of the time it will be for learning chinese and i still suck at it...at least i can read more things than before and it's helped on my chinese tests ok now time for unpleasant deep rant •highly uncomfortable whenever my mom is being nice to me since with her it's like flipping a fucking switch, you never know when something will set her off and she'll start screaming again. ugh i can't even act natural around her anymore since she's screaming most of the time. the thing i fucking hate is that when i start crying when she's yelling at me i literally can't help it even if i try so hard not to cry, my eyes just start watering and i look so fucking pathetic, and up until the last one or two times all these years each time it happened she would either scream at me even more for 'daring to cry' or make fun of me. and i can't speak well since whenever i'm talking to people my ideas get all jumbled and i can't articulate what i really want to say, especially when i'm really worked up so last time i was hyperventilating and i couldn't stop so between breaths i was trying to say "let me write it down" since i really wanted to tell her what i thought and she literally would not let me speak and just kept telling me to stop being so dramatic and to pack up and go back with her. up until recently if i ever showed any emotion other than being happy and smiling around her she would just look down on me or make fun of me saying i was 发神经 again and it honestly pisses me off so much. and when i speak to her in a monotone or without emotion and deal with things purely objectively she gets so fucking pissed at me for 'having an attitude'? am i supposed to smile at you and be happy when you say such nasty things to me? what, so it's fine when you get angry and when you're done being angry everything is automatically forgiven? no one else is allowed to get angry at you for anything you do since you're always right? my god it's not enough to cuss me out in chinese, you have to cuss me out in english too and bring my father into it, the first time i ever go to get my makeup done with my own money and i feel happy you scream at me for 'purposely getting my makeup done like a prostitute' and there's no end to how far you will go to mock me all the way up to the entrance of the christmas party. yes it's not enough that i missed only one fucking question on my psat, i have to make a full score on the sat just to keep you quiet and probably a full score on the act too or there will be no end to it. oh my god don't you know i hate some parts of myself that i've not been able to correct ever since i was born and that i can't change overnight? •my dad needs to shut the fuck up and keep out of my business. motherfucker (haha i just realized that the term applies quite literally) you never ask a single question about how my life is going unless my mother screams at you for not doing anything for the kids and the only time you really get excited is when you either have a chance to brag about yourself or when you get a chance to yell at and criticize someone else. fucking useless loser out of a job for two years and not planning on moving his ass anytime soon except for maybe to starbucks to meet up with your indian friends and waste money. i fucking hate how he just joins in when my mother is yelling at me as if he's so justified just because he is my parent. telling me that my life is lower than shit when you do nothing but play with the dog all day. you pay ten times more attention to the dog than you do to your own fucking kids. haha is it because your dog will never wound your ego when it opens its mouth, it will never criticize you and it's always happy to see you? why don't you feed it more meat and all sorts of good things from the table until it throws up again on the couch and then you can kneel down and wipe it up with tender and loving care? •my friend :) keeps on going on and on about her family and her mom and her friends and whatever but i literally have no experience or personal knowledge about her family situation so what the fuck am i supposed to say each time??? and then she acts let down or disappointed when i tell her i can't give her any advice since i don't know much about it. and i rarely complain to her about anything, especially my family...doesn't it reflect poorly on yourself if you're just complaining to everyone about your family issues? stop airing your dirty laundry in front of so many people...stop being such an unreliable friend in other circumstances and generally being so useless... •i literally have no one to complain to so everything is just kept in my head. holy fuck i hate it when i have to smile and be friendly to the dullest or most shitty people. haha i'm so happy and lighthearted and carefree in front of everybody when really i get depressed so easily and affected by so many things and i can't tell anyone because literally no one is close enough to me??? and even if there were someone close enough there is no guarantee that they would be interested in hearing me go on and on about negative things. like personally i hate it when people keep complaining so i will just keep my thoughts to myself. i don't think i am justified in complaining that there's no one i have to listen to me when really i don't have much interest in listening to someone else do the same. but all the same i wish there would just be some place i could put these emotions. i hate people who go about every day buffeted back and forth by emotions--like get some control??? especially people who are blinded by their anger and can't listen to reason when they're mad... actually if i change my perspective around it seems to me that i am just a spoiled and entitled piece of shit. hahaha that's okay, i need to get pummeled about a bit more by reality before i can settle my head. hopefully i can remain anonymous and the colleges won't find my rants :) ...fuck it's an hour and a half past my bedtime my self-imposed bedtime of 8:30 how am i supposed to go to any college parties in the future if my bedtime is 8:30 卧槽
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