[CN] Victor x MC – S2 CH 46 (Eng Translation - Part 2)
“Perhaps you are the god sent from the heavens to protect me.”
“Who exactly are you?”
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Do remember to read Part 1 first: Here!
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released on the global server. ⌚  
【CH 46-13, after part 1】
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The airport lobby is packed with people. As pedestrians pass by the man, they all instinctively give him a wide berth, without even a sidelong glance.
MC: This isn’t rejection at all! It’s like the world has given you a “golden finger,” even more powerful than the “invisibility” Evol!
MC: Vic-Vic, do you think you can become rich by being an invisible person?
Man (Victor): [chuckles softly]  Talking nonsense again.
Despite his words, a subtle smile forms at the corners of his lips. After a pause, he speaks again.
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Man (Victor): Moving on––
My phone suddenly rings, and Anna’s name pops up on the screen. I mouth an apology to him and hastily answer the call.
MC: Anna, is there something you need me for?
Anna: MC, you finally answered the phone! I couldn’t reach you earlier, and there multiple pending tasks that need your authorization.
Anna: The previous advertising partners came to our office and informed us that the contract will expire next month. Additionally, we need to finalize the theme for the upcoming season of our program…
MC: Ask Minor to reach out to several advertising companies with the outstanding performance last year and inquire about their interest in collaboration and pricing. If the cost-effectiveness is not better than our current arrangement, we can proceed with contract renewal.
MC: As for the program theme, ask Kiki and the team to propose a few potential directions and send them to my email for review. I’ll try to finalize it within the next two days...
After ending the call, I notice that Vic-Vic is looking at me with a profound expression on his face.
MC: What’s wrong? You haven’t felt any new signs of rejection, have you?
Man (Victor): No, I haven’t. I was just surprised to see that you, who acted so recklessly in the desert, would still have a sense of order when it comes to work.
MC: …
So, is this how he viewed me when we were in the desert?
Feeling a bit indignant, I make up my mind to change his impression of me. So, with a firm grip on the man’s arm, I walk in large strides toward the airport exit.
MC: I acted that way only because I was in an unfamiliar environment. And now, you’re the one who needs to get familiar with the surroundings.
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MC: In Loveland City, you need to stick close to me, your host!
The footsteps behind me closely follow, and after a moment, a voice interspersed with helplessness and amusement pass by my ear.
Man (Victor): [extremely helpless, indulgent chuckle]  …dummy.
【CH 46-15】
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The sunlight seeps through the cracks between branches and leaves, casting warm and cozy light and shadows onto the city in the afternoon.
I purchase a set of casual clothes for Vic-Vic. After changing out of that weathered suit, we step out of the store. As we walk, I pause and gesture towards the faraway direction.
MC: That direction leads to the central hospital. It’s only a ten-minute walk straight ahead. There's also a square in the vicinity, which is perfect for leisurely strolls and relaxation...
My fingertips dance in the air, gently tapping on the distant skyscrapers.
MC: See that building? That’s LFG, the number one financial giant in the country!
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MC: It has ventured into many industries. My company was on the brink of bankruptcy, but fortunately, we received their capital injection and made a remarkable comeback…
The man listens quietly, his gaze lingering on the imposing silhouette of the building for a long, long time, as if lost in deep rumination. There is a touch of wistfulness in his eyes and the faint furrow of his brows.
As I watch his silent profile, a sudden pang of unbearable emotions pierces through my heart.
What would this person’s life have been like in the past? Would it have mirrored his current demeanor, occasionally taking moments to pause and gaze at the distant scenery?
While I don’t know what he must have been through that shaped him into his current state, I can’t help feeling that he shouldn’t be so lonely and alone.
The mirage he saw, the person he’s been relentlessly searching for, must surely be someone who had been by his side all along, right?
A bitter tang involuntarily overwhelms my heart. I let out a quiet sigh, speaking softly.
MC: Well, since there’s no rush anyway, let’s rest here for a while.
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MC: First, I’ll buy some things for you nearby. I’ll come back to find you shortly. Wait for me here, okay?
The man remains silent and simply gives a quiet nod.
I hurriedly dash to the nearby supermarket and pick up some essential daily supplies. Inadvertently, my gaze sweeps across the store windows, but I don’t see his figure.
I can’t help but freeze for a moment, setting down the shopping basket under the perplexed gaze of the shop assistant, and hastily rush out of the store.
…was he ostracized and forced back into that disordered space? Or did he run into some kind of danger?
As my pace involuntarily quickens more and more, I trot back to the footbridge, anxiously looking around in all directions.
Amidst scattered pedestrians on the stairs and the dense dancing shadows of trees on the street corners… until my gaze crosses over the bushes by the roadside, I finally spot that figure.
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He is half-squatted in the sandpit at the center of the street park, his gaze lowered as he observes something intently.
Encircled by the playful and joyous children, his tall, slender physique seems somewhat inharmonious. Yet, he remains completely unaffected, silently gazing at the palm of his hand.
It feels as if my heart, which was hanging in the air, has finally found its place to settle. I release a long-awaited breath of relief and quickly cross the road, taking a few quick strides until I reach him.
MC: How did you end up here? You scared me.
Man (Victor): A kid suddenly kicked his ball onto the road, and I stopped it.
As he says this, his gaze remains fixed on the sand particles in his hand, as if he is lost in memories.
Unable to resist my curiosity, I find myself squatting down beside him, asking him softly.
MC: You’ve been staring at it in a daze. Did it trigger any memories for you?
Man (Victor): No… but it feels somewhat familiar.
Man (Victor): It feels like… I may have experienced something similar in the past.
Something slightly stirs inside me, and a blurry silhouette seems to appear before my eyes. Despite my efforts to recollect, the details elude my memory.
MC: It’s probably a sense of déjà vu.
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MC: I have this persistent feeling that I used to play like this when I was a kid.
I speak while patting the sand mound several times, and with my fingertips, I causally poke a few holes and mold them into a rudimentary sandcastle.
MC: For instance, playing soccer or building sandcastles… it seems like these games are an integral part of everyone’s childhood.
The man’s eyes land on the outline of the sandcastle, and a flicker of light dances within his gaze.
He remains silent and simply loosens his grip, allowing the fine sand to slowly trickle through his fingers. Then, he turns his gaze to my empty palms. 
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Man (Victor): What about the things you went to buy?
【CH 46-16】
I follow his gaze, and feeling a bit embarrassed, I place my hands behind my back.
MC: I was in such a rush to find you that I left before settling the bill.
MC: …you’re not allowed to call me a “dummy”!
Before the man can say anything, I fix my gaze on his somewhat helpless expression and subconsciously begin to refute. He gives me a slightly teasing glance and speaks in a low voice.
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Man (Victor): Seems like someone feels guilty.
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MC: This is called “taking precaution in advance”! It’s not like you haven’t said it before, remember?
MC: Let’s go. It’s not too late to go together now, and you can also pick some other items that might come in handy.
I counter with a self-righteous air, and upon hearing the man with apparent helplessness, he unhurriedly follows behind me.
I can’t help but curl up the corners of my lips, and my steps also become a little brisker.
??: It’s been a while, QUEEN.
Hearing that word now makes me startled like a skittish bird. I involuntarily hold my breath and look toward the source of the sound.
A young man stands next to the display window of a designer toy store, his emerald green eyes firmly locked on me.
He appears very young, but there is a serenity in his eyes that belies his age.
MC: Who are you? Have we met before?
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Eos: In this world, you can address me as Eos. To be precise, this marks our first encounter.
The young man’s reply is delivered in an unhurried manner, carrying a sense of calmness that seems out of sync with the fast-paced times.
Eos: During our previous encounter in the Land of Advent, I faced various constraints and could only appear cloaked. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
[Tidbits]: Eos is referring to S2 CH 37; but now they remember it as erased and altered of the details where Victor was involved~ (┳Д┳)
Eos… the Land of Advent?
With these words, the memories of that moment when I was forced to reveal my identity in front of the main gods come rushing back to me.
Once again, as I recall the disheveled and anxious state from that time, my jaws tighten slightly.
At this moment, the man seems to sense the stalemate between me and Eos. He stands behind me and gently pats my shoulder.
A sudden boost of confidence surfaces in my restless heart. I subtly shake my head to reassure the man and lift my gaze to look at Eos.
MC: So, the great generation of the first gods reveals himself to me in his true form. What message do you have for me?
Eos: It just so happens that I spotted you, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
As if not picking up on the sarcasm in my tone, Eos points to a doll displayed in the shop window.
Eos: I wish to purchase this, but I’m unsure why, the shop assistant informed me that I’m not eligible.
MC: …
I didn’t anticipate the other party to speak in this kind of a deadpan tone about such a matter. But I still muster my patience and go over to take a look at the label.
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MC: This doll is a merchandise from a virtual reality game developed by a company called Infinite.
MC: You need to buy their blind box first, which has a chance of containing closed beta experience vouchers for the game. Then, within the game, you can obtain the eligibility to make the purchase…
MC: In short, it’s not something you can simply buy with money.
Eos: So that’s how it is…
Eos casts a glance at the game promotional poster on the side and shakes his head.
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Eos: The commercial norms in this world are far more intricate than what I observed in my records, yet the technological advancement is so far behind… never mind, it’s a waste of time.
What is this person talking about? Could it be that he came from another world?
As I ponder in my mind, Eos’s green eyes happen to shift onto my face.
Eos: Speaking of which, there are traces of fragments from many worlds on you. Have you been on a trip recently?
MC: What trip… hold on, how do you know I’ve recently traveled to many worlds?
Eos: The spacecraft Bennu, which I traveled on, was constructed using the power of QUEEN to establish interdimensional travel routes. As the QUEEN yourself, it’s natural for you to go on such trips.
[Tidbits]: The spacecraft Bennu is a reference to West Moon CH 10; where MC’s master aka Eos, explained to her how Victor had used his heart’s blood and the Demon King’s Pact to tear open the space-time rift caused by “Bennu” flying and sent the QUEEN aka MC to the past~ (┳Д┳)
I’m slightly taken aback by the person’s sudden matter-of-fact tone. Why is he suddenly being so prompt with his responses?
Although the answers don’t quite align with what I was expecting, I’m able to extract the key point from them––
This person is very familiar with navigating through different worlds.
— could it be possible to take advantage of the information gap between me and him to trick him into divulging something?
I swiftly glance at the man next to me. Perhaps I can also help him retrieve some of the things that belong to him.
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MC: Haha, yeah, but it’s still quite laborious for me to travel between worlds. After all, I still need to navigate through disordered space during the transition.
Eos: Disordered space?
A trace of surprise crosses Eos’s face when he hears the term, but it doesn’t seem like he is unfamiliar with it.
Eos: It seems that you haven’t yet found the correct approach to utilize your power, which is why you find yourself in that realm of exile.
Eos: It’s best to steer clear of that place.
MC: Why should I steer clear?
Eos: It’s not safe. If you meet someone who has been banished by time there, your own time and space regulations will be disrupted.
Eos: And if you have prolonged interaction with someone who doesn’t exist in this world, even as QUEEN, you will still be affected.
People banished by time? Someone who doesn’t exist in this world? He couldn’t be referring to someone like Vic-Vic, could he?
A pang of bitterness wells up in my heart, and I anxiously press for more information.
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MC: Is it possible for those who have been banished to return to their original world?
Eos: I’m not sure. I haven’t encountered a similar situation.
Eos’s voice pauses, and there’s a touch of interest in his tone.
Eos: Have you met someone like that?
MC: No, no.
I immediately deny it. Even though his tone is friendly now, I can’t forget the previous instance where he had provided assistance only to backstab later.
MC: I just… uh…
Man (Victor): You can say that you’re curious whether your power, in turn, would have an impact on the banished individuals.
As I find myself stumbling for words, a deep voice lands in my ear. I hastily repeat what he says. Eos mulls it over for a moment.
Eos: You can try to get that person to establish a connection with the world.
Eos: With someone to bind them, there may be a reason for them to leave their mark on the world.
MC: A bond, huh… I understand now. Thank you.
Although I’m unsure of why he is being so generous this time, I still politely thank him.
After glancing at the toy in the display window again, Eos lifts his foot and walks past me. However, just as he brushes by, he suddenly stops and offers me a smile.
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Eos: If you make any progress with that person who has been banished, you can contact me. It used to be one of my research alternatives as well.
His radiant green eyes seem to pierce through my face and fixate on the figure of “non-existent” Vic-Vic behind me.
Before I can gather my thoughts, Eos has already turned around and walked into the crowd, disappearing from sight in an instant.
I blink my eyes and turn around, forcing a wry smile as I look at the man.
MC: Unfortunately, he didn’t tell us much useful information either…
Man (Victor): It’s okay. It’s already enough.
The man withdraws his gaze from the spot where EOS has disappeared and speaks softly.
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Man (Victor): Didn’t you say we were going to the supermarket? Let’s go.
I nod my head. But as the supermarket gets closer and closer, I find myself unconsciously slowing down my steps.
Once he settles down, doesn’t that mean he will have established a connection with the world?
Does that mean he will no longer need me in his future life?
Almost as if guided by a mysterious force, I point towards the riverbank not far away.
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MC: …I-I just remembered that there’s an event tonight on the cruise ship, and I can you take there.
MC: We can buy daily necessities later. Would you like to go and see the river view?
I glance at the person next to me and extend an invitation as I pretend to be natural. But the ending notes of my voice trail off involuntarily.
A silence envelopes my ears, and the man doesn’t respond. I begin to feel a little apprehensive, but a moment later, I hear him speak.
Man (Victor): [chuckles very softly and a little knowingly]  Hmm, then let’s see the night of Loveland City.
[Anika’s Notes]: !!! Despite all the obviously painful call-backs, this “the feeling of the whole city under your feet at night dispels your anxiety” call-back somehow pierces my kokoro in places I cannot explain––  (┳Д┳)
【CH 46-17】
The river water glistens, and the cruise ship docked beside the pier is also bathed in the twilight. Vaguely, we can see a few scattered shadows on the deck.
I straighten my skirt and hand the electronic invitation on my phone to the waiter. They quickly scan it, and a warm smile lightens up their face.
Waiter: Miss MC, welcome aboard!
Waiter: The meals and drinks are all prepared. Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy. The ship will depart shortly.
I nod and leisurely step onto the gangway. It’s only when there is nobody around do I quietly whisper to the person next to me.
MC: How is it? The scenery here is very beautiful, isn’t it~
The man gazes at the scenery on both sides, and a subtle smile carrying a sense of solace graces his eyes. It’s an expression I’ve rarely seen on him.
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Man (Victor): [laughs softly]  It’s not bad.
As I watch his rarely relaxed side profile, the corners of my lips can’t help but curl up slightly. I tilt my head and gaze at the scenery on the river.
The lights in the nearby and far-off office buildings are lit up, creating shimmering reflections on the river’s surface, reminiscent of a flowing galaxy. The sound of a steam whistle shatters the brief silence as the cruise ship slowly moves forward.
The realization of having to part with him upon reaching the shore dominates my thoughts. I involuntarily smooth down my windblown hair while fixating my gaze on the river’s surface, speaking softly.
MC: After you’ve settled into your place, you’ll need to think about your source of income, right? If you need any help, you can come to me for anything.
MC: [MC’s Company Name] sometimes needs to conduct undercover interviews, and you should be able to handle them with ease.
Man (Victor): Are you this worried for just about anyone?
MC: …I certainly am not. It’s the fact that I’ve been through “life and death perils” together with you, so I’ll do the best of my abilities to help.
While speaking, a faint rumble suddenly emanates from my stomach. I cough lightly and shift the subject as if nothing has happened.
MC: I just noticed they’ve set up a buffet over there. Tonight, you can indulge yourself in a sumptuous feast!
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Man (Victor): [chuckles teasingly]  I suppose it’s not me who wants to indulge in a sumptuous feast, is it?
As I listen to his proficient teasing, a momentary glimpse of something seems to cross my mind, but I’m unable to grasp onto it. I let out a soft “humph” and walk with him to the buffet area, selecting a few dishes.
After just savoring the first bite of the crunchy lamb chop, the succulent and tender flavor instantly causes me to blissfully squint my eyes.
MC: Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. So yummy!
Man (Victor): [sounds like subconsciously musing to himself]  The lamb meat is fresh and not gamy. Indeed, it’s good. If it’s pan-seared with a little less heat and seasoned with white pepper powder, the texture would be even better.
I find myself somewhat amazed as I listen–– though, to be fair, he has already brought me numerous unexpected surprises.
MC: Were you a food connoisseur before? Or maybe a chef?
He half-jokingly lifts the corners of his lips.
Man (Victor): [chuckles teasingly]  What? Do you still need to hire a chef?
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MC: Well, it’s not entirely off the table…
??: Miss MC.
I haven’t yet finished my sentence when I hear a cordial greeting suddenly coming from behind me. I turn around and find myself facing a man dressed in a suit who holds glasses of wine, approaching me with a beaming smile on his face.
Taking a few steps forward, he seamlessly positions himself in the gap between me and the man.
Man (Victor): [clearly irritated by the audacity]  …
The man furrows his brows slightly. Without showing any outward sign, I silently take a half-step back, the corners of my lips curling into a subtle professional smile.
Sun Jing: The name’s Sun Jing, the one who contacted you via email. Thank you so much for doing us the honor of attending this networking event.
MC: Thank you as well for providing this opportunity to admire the night view. On that note, your company has quite a reputation in the advertising industry.
MC: Our company is currently exploring potential new advertising partners for the upcoming year. I was wondering if there might be an occasion for us to work together?
Sun Jing smiles, and with perfect composure, he hands me one of the wine glasses.
Sun Jing: Absolutely. It’s just that the price quote for this year hasn’t been finalized yet. Once it goes through the departmental review, it will still need to be passed on to the board of directors for approval.
MC: Is that how it is? Well, in that case, please let us know as soon as there are any updates so that we can make the preparations accordingly.
Sun Jing: For sure. I’m also looking forward to the prospect of collaborating with a reputable company like [MC’s Company Name].
As Sun Jing speaks, his gaze casually sweeps over the wine glass in my hand. And then he turns around and walks away.
I withdraw my gaze and subtly straighten my posture.
MC: Ahem, did you hear that? [MC’s Company Name] is well-regarded in the industry. Once you’ve settled in, you can consider the proposal I just made.
I lift my wine glass as I speak, but the man stops me before it can touch my lips.
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Man (Victor): There is something a little odd about what that person said.
MC: What do you mean?
Perplexed, I elevate my gaze and observe the man as he watches the other’s party’s receding figure, furrowing my brows slightly.
Man (Victor): The price quotes of advertising agencies vary depending on the scale and type of projects, and there is no standardized flat rate quote listed in a table.
Man (Victor): The board of directors only focuses on reviewing and approving operational decisions, and they rarely get involved in documents of this nature.
MC: …how do you have such detailed knowledge about this? 
Man (Victor): Just intuition.
The man withdraws his gaze while he speaks, but his tone carries an unquestionable sense of certainty.
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Man (Victor): His words just now don’t hold up when examined closely.
Man (Victor): Are you sure he is the person you interacted with regarding business matters?
MC: Kiki was the one in charge of handling the coordination before, and I actually haven’t met him before…
The evening breeze from the river seems to give me a start, suddenly putting me on high alert. I scan the surroundings without betraying any emotions and can’t help but break out into a cold sweat.
Perhaps his words have triggered a sense of suspicion in me, as I can’t shake the feeling that the bearings of the guests on the ship seem somewhat unnatural.
Feigning an expression of watching the riverside scenery, I speak to the man.
MC: Something doesn’t feel right. I have this nagging feeling that quite a few people here are keeping a close eye on me?
Man (Victor): Why don’t we verify it, then? The area behind the cabin is a blind spot where your view can be obstructed. Let’s go there and wait for a few minutes.
Man (Victor): If they really entertain ulterior motives, they might also come closer to ensure you remain within their sight range.
After pondering for a moment, I act as if the wind is making me cold and shiver, positioning myself towards one side of the cabin.
The heavy iron plates separate me from the view of others. I suppress my wildly beating heart and carefully observe the long, narrow aisle.
Sure enough, footsteps resonate outside the passageway. Several guests seem to nonchalantly walk nearby, but their gazes dart toward me intermittently.
…it’s not just unfounded suspicion. These people are indeed observing my every move.
I exhale a light breath, watching as the man wanders among the guests for a while, seemingly listening intently to something. As he approaches me, his face takes on a graver demeanor.
MC: Did you hear anything just now?
The man glances at those suspicious-looking individuals.
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Man (Victor): Almost everyone on the ship is Mr. Sun’s people.
Man (Victor): Something was also added to the drink he gave you earlier.
I slightly tighten my grip on the wine glass, my heart tightening as well.
To rephrase this, I was ensnared in a trap from the moment I set foot on this cruise ship.
【CH 46-19】
Beneath the drapery of the night, silence permeates the river’s surface, occasionally cut through by the slow sailing of one or two cruise ships. But they always remain at a considerable distance.
Currently, calling for help may not ensure our escape from danger and could instead beat the grass to scare the snakes.
I force myself to calm down and lift the wine glass to my lips, speaking in a hushed tone.
MC: We need to make them expose their intentions so that we can act accordingly, don’t you think?
The man seems to realize something, as a subtle sense of disapproval crests between his eyebrows.
Man (Victor): Pretending to be unconscious is equivalent to surrendering the initiative, which involves a significant amount of risk.
MC: Of course, I’m aware of that. But, it’s only when I successfully “become unconscious” that they can lower their guard and reveal their true color.
MC: As for the risks… with an exclusive trump card like you by my side, I have nothing to fear.
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MC: Perhaps you are the god sent from the heavens to protect me.
I pretend to remain calm as I speak, but my voice betrays a barely perceptible tremor. The man’s gaze lands on my face, and he suddenly speaks.
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Man (Victor): [sighs, carrying an undertone of complex emotions]  Does this classify as employment?
I freeze for a moment, but then I smile, slightly raising my lips.
MC: Mhm, I’ll pay you ten times your regular salary.
I speak while raising the glass, pretending to have finished the drink under the watchful eyes of the individuals at different proximities.
Then, I pretend to lean against the railing, giving the impression of being slightly drunk. After a brief moment, I hear him remind me.
Man (Victor): Mr. Sun is checking his watch; it’s about time.
Steeling my heart, I shut my eyes and topple straight backward.
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At the right moment before I would’ve landed on the deck, the pain I anticipated didn’t hit me. Instead, my back is gently cradled by a touch.
Man (Victor): [the tone of “Victor-indulgent-exasperation”]  Are you a dummy? Couldn’t you have fallen sideways?
As I surreptitiously pout my lips, I hear a brief lull in the distant conversations, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps.
Man (Victor): He is coming towards you.
Man (Victor): Relax a bit, don’t squeeze your eyes shut so tightly. The quivering of your eyelashes is too obvious.
MC: …
Heeding the suggestion, I adjust my expression accordingly. Almost immediately, I hear Mr. Sun’s probing voice ringing out.
Sun Jing: Miss MC? Are you feeling unwell?
Sun Jing: Do you need me to call a doctor for you? Miss MC?
I remain completely motionless, my eyes shut tightly, letting him impatiently call out to me several times without giving out any reaction whatsoever.
After a brief silence in my ears, a cold snort reaches me. The anxiety in Sun Jing’s voice has now been replaced by a frigid coldness.
Sun Jing: All good, she’s passed out.
Sun Jing: Hurry and tie her up. You guys, go to the cockpit.
As his words echo, my wrist is gripped without warning, and I’m dragged a few steps before being forcefully pushed, causing my back to collide with the wall.
In front of me is pitch-black darkness, with only the sensation of coldness coursing through my wrist. Then, in the next second, something rough and coarse coils around my wrist.
I exert myself to restrain my shudder and hear a familiar voice speak up.
Man (Victor): [softly]  Don’t be afraid, it’s just a rope. He doesn’t have any weapons to harm you with.
With the reassuring certitude, my strained nerves are finally able to relax a little.
While my eyes remain shut, I hear hurried footsteps fading away and then returning, followed by someone speaking in a low voice.
??: Boss, everything has been set up.
Sun Jing: Then don’t waste any more time. Lower the speedboat immediately.
Sun Jing: The only way we can ensure the organization’s efforts were not in vain is by pushing the blame for this woman’s death onto those people.
Organization… could they be members of GR? Or is it BS?
Sun Jing: When the moment comes, and NW finds evidence pointing to BS, it will be a spectacle to watch those Evolvers fighting like dogs amongst themselves!
Given their hostile attitude towards Evolvers, undoubtedly, they are from GR. But why would they want NW to implicate BS?
As my thoughts are racing at lightning speed, I suddenly hear the man speak in a low voice.
?? (Victor): How did it come to a point where even lives are at stake?
?? (Victor): Is this the “industry giant structure” you want to recruit me into?
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MC: …
I exhale slowly, still maintaining an expressionless face as if I were in a deep state of unconsciousness, and listen to the footsteps gradually receding into the distance.
The surroundings lapse into quietude, and I can faintly hear the sound of the waves.
Man (Victor): Don’t be scared, they’ve all left.
Accompanied by the sound of his voice, the rope tightly binding my wrists is sliced into several segments, falling onto the deck.
I heave a sigh of relief and open my eyes, only to see that the deck that was brimming with laughter and voices earlier has suddenly become devoid of any human presence.
The only sound present is the sound of the ship cutting through the waves, enveloping us from all directions.
MC: Where have they all gone?
Man (Victor): They have already disembarked from the ship.
I cast a suspicious glance across the desk but don’t notice any peculiarities. After mulling for a moment, I turn to him with a hint of helplessness.
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MC: It’s often said that a bystander can see things more objectively than those involved. Can you help me analyze the current situation?
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Man (Victor): [visibly taken aback]  …this is a matter of life and death. Are you sure you want to seek the help of someone you’ve only known for such a short time?
MC: It’s stemmed from my trust in you! Furthermore, judging from what we’ve just experienced, I think you have strong analytical abilities.
The man arches his eyebrow slightly, suggesting he has no objections.
MC: Actually, I have a special kind of power in me…
I try to organize my words as comprehensively and succinctly as possible, explaining to him the “CORE” in me, the attacks by GR, and the persistent undercurrents in this ostensibly peaceful world.
MC: …lately, GR’s actions have either been forced to cease or they have failed to achieve their goal.
MC: I initially thought they would lay low for some time, but today they hastily devised this plan…
The man ruminates intently for a while, then shakes his head.
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Man (Victor): Based on what you’ve told me, it seems more like they are already at the end of their rope.
MC: What?
Man (Victor): I’m unclear about the backgrounds of these organizations you mentioned. But in the business world, well-operated companies usually proceed in any direction with caution and thorough planning.
Man (Victor): Conversely, companies that have existing problems are more likely to take risks in order to secure funding.
Deep in contemplation, I prop my chin with one hand, my tone unconsciously tinged with admiration as I speak.
MC: How come I didn’t consider it from this angle before? Indeed, this sort of radical behavior can be explained if they’re in a do-or-die situation.
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MC: Your analysis is so strategically discerning… who knows, maybe you were in charge of a company that was even more formidable than LFG!
A smile, carrying with it a hint of helplessness, steaks through the man’s eyes.
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Man (Victor): [chuckles helplessly]  Exaggerating again.
MC: I’m being serious, you––
My words are abruptly interrupted by the sound of machinery operating beneath my feet. Accompanied by a slight vibration, the cruise ship, which has been at a standstill, suddenly resumes its functions.
Caught off guard, I find myself falling onto the sofa and grasping the railing with one hand, a hint of nervousness taking over my voice.
MC: Weren’t those people already gone?
MC: Then how could the cruise ship be moving forward on its own?
【CH 46-20】
The cruise ship races through the river, swiftly cutting through the layers of waves like an arrow. In the distance, the pier begins to come into view, its outline faintly becoming visible amidst the darkness of the night.
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The man and I quickly rush towards the cabin. But as soon as we open the door to the cockpit, we can’t help but be frozen in place.
On the massive dashboard, dozens of push buttons are densely arranged, and the text on them has become blurred and difficult to read.
The clock inlaid on the edge seems to be coated with a layer of oily film, flickering with a dim, red light.
I hurriedly take several steps forward, while my eyes dart around anxiously.
MC: Why are there no signs anywhere…
The man lifts his hand and grasps the helm, making a forceful turn without the slightest hesitation. Despite so, the cruise ship shows no sign of steering whatsoever and continues its direct course to advance toward the pier.
Man (Victor): …the navigation system is locked, and the helm now is just a mere ornament.
While we are talking, the outline of the pier becomes increasingly clear on our horizon. If this continues, the cruise ship will inevitably collide with the pier, resulting in a public accident!
I anxiously open my phone and begin searching. I can feel my fingertips tremble.
MC: Operating instructions… there must be driving manuals or guides available online for this type of cruise ship…
Man (Victor): I’ll give it a shot.
My head shoots up, a flicker of consternation crossing my eyes.
MC: You…
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Man (Victor): There are many things I don’t remember, but it seems like I have a sense of how things are done.
Man (Victor): It’s like the feeling I had when I could detect the loopholes in those peoples’ conversations before. I have an analogous feeling now too.
Man (Victor): Are you willing to take a gamble with me?
A familiar conversation echoes in my ears, only this time, the person who has to respond is myself.
I find myself struggling to curl my lips into a smile, gazing into his eyes.
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MC: Absolutely! Although I don’t know why, I feel like everything will be alright with you here.
The man nods and stands in front of the dashboard for a brief moment before decisively pressing several buttons.
The sound of the control keys reverberates intermittently, while the red light on the dashboard casts a flickering reflection on the glass, sending waves of alarms through the mind.
I stand nervously on the side, watching as the bow of the ship approaches the direction of the pier at top speed. After the man presses a certain lever, there is a sudden jolt, and the speed gradually slows down.
My tense shoulders instantly loosen to some extent, and only then do I take a breath and exhale.
MC: I’m overthrowing my previous assumptions. With such skill in operating the ship, you must’ve been a wealthy magnate who owned multiple cruise ships.
The man glances at me, his jawline beaded with a sheen of sweat.
Man (Victor): Chef, CEO, wealthy magnate… how many more guesses do you have about my identity?
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MC: After all, it seems like there’s nothing in this world that you can’t do!
I lean back against the wall as I speak, relaxing myself. Without meaning to, my palm supports itself on the surface of the clock casing in the corner of the control panel, staining it with a layer of grime.
I lower my head to wipe it off, but as I look closely, I notice the time jumping from 0:21 to 0:20 on the cleaned dial.
…are the digits on it moving backward?
As soon as this realization dawns on me, a wave of chillness instantly crawls through my entire body.
Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the colossal hull of the ship shakes violently, almost causing us to tumble in a downward trajectory.
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As I stagger and careen to the side, my head collides with a warm chest. A hand swiftly shields my shoulder, pulling me into an embrace and keeping me away from the oncoming blast waves.
I don’t know how many minutes have gone by before the noise finally calms down. I rise to my feet, placing a hand over my numb chest in lingering fear, and then I hear the man speak in a deep voice.
Man (Victor): Move cautiously and stay alert to any sounds in the surroundings.
Man (Victor): If I were the one and my intention was to kill the person, I wouldn’t have just orchestrated a single round of explosion.
My heart can’t help but sink. The man helps me up, and we both survey our surroundings from all directions.
Man (Victor): The lower compartment beneath the ship’s hold must have already taken in water. Let’s go to the stern first.
Man (Victor): The fire will draw attention from nearby rescue teams. There should be people arriving before the ship sinks.
I nod indiscriminately, steadying myself against the nearby wall, and begin walking towards the stern along the now slightly tilted deck.
After taking a few steps, I suddenly hear a subtle sloshing sound amidst the waves.
My heart tightens. At lightning speed, I lean over the railing to peer outside, and my eyes are met with the sight of another box flickering with a terror-striking red light, pulsating in sync with the ship’s tumultuous motion.
The digits on the display have already jumped from 0:05 to 0:004. Knowing there’s no time to actually turn my head, I let out a violent shout.
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MC: Watch out! There’s another bomb here!
An ear-shattering explosion erupts, and I’m hurled forcefully to the ground. My ears are flooded with a buzzing noise as I struggle to lift my head, only to find myself confronted by a searing surge of heat.
Instinctively, I use my arms to shield my head, bracing myself for the anticipated pain.
–– ***[the BGM pauses here for a few seconds, giving the impression as if your heart itself has stopped beating]***
All of a sudden, an astounding silence descends upon the surroundings, as if someone has pressed the pause button on the world.
I slowly open my eyes and see the crimson flames frozen motionless in the air. Countless luminous sparks and shattered shards of glass hang suspended, creating a spectacle of twinkling lights and shadows.
Amidst the frozen firelights, the man rushes towards me, his anxious eyes reflecting my figure.
I find myself in shock as I take everything in. It’s not until he reaches my side that I mumble––
MC: What did you do?
Man (Victor): [voice literally shaking like an earthquake]  I have no idea…
He casts his eyes down, gazing at his own palm, his eyes reflecting a mixture of complex emotions. After a brief moment, he finally speaks.
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Man (Victor): No, I know.
Man (Victor): [voice still shaking]  I might have… paused time.
MC: Paused time…
I feel as if a key has opened a small crack, allowing a hazy light to shine into the murky depths of sealed memories.
[Tidbits]: Just a refresher— the memories MC describes here are the call-backs to S2 CH 25 (will come back to this later)~ ╥﹏╥
Not so long ago, amid the chaotic ruins, it appeared as though there was someone resolutely standing in front of me.
His voice pierced through the mayhem of falling rubbles, shouting my name over and over again;
The palm that reached out to me was oozing vivid red blood, enveloping me tightly in his arms;
I make a desperate effort to remember that almost palpable figure, but my mind seems to be covered by a heavy layer of dust.
Tears rain down unknowingly, and an indistinct ache lingers in a certain corner of my heart. I grasp the man’s hand in anguish and helplessness, holding onto it like a drowning person clinging to a piece of driftwood.
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MC: [sobbing]  Why…
Why… who exactly are you?
Within the solidified flames, a black vortex suddenly materializes, accompanied by the unprompted sound of a mechanical violin. From within it, a person with hazed facial features walks out unhurriedly.
MC: …Zero?
I find myself momentarily stunned, as a slight sense of dissonance flickers in my mind. Why do I know this person’s name?
However, the other party’s gaze doesn’t rest on me but instead turns towards the person beside me.
Zero: [to Victor]  This is not a place where you can stay.
The black vortex abruptly swallows half of the man’s form, and Zero’s voice rises.
Zero: [to MC]  This is the inevitable price that Victor must bear… and so must you.
With the sound of these words, the speed of the swirling vortex suddenly accelerates.
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MC: Wait… wait a moment, VICTOR!!
Without a moment’s thinking, I yell out this name instantly, as if I’ve uttered this name hundreds and thousands of times before.
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MC: [sobbing]  I will definitely find you again!
Through the murky haze, I see the man’s head snap up. He parts his lips as if he is trying to say something.
In the next moment, his figure completely disappears into the vortex.
[Note]: CH 46 ends here, and it cuts into the next chapter. The following 2 monologues are about Victor, so I thought to include them~ :>
The hustle and bustle of the world resumes, making me feel a little disoriented.
The burning flames sting my eyes. However, no matter what, it cannot erase that disappearing figure from my mind.
✧ [Anika’s Analysis + Ramblings] ✧
this is long, like really really long. so a big hug from me beforehand haha ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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remedyturtles · 4 months
out of curiosity, are you an only child? I'm one of four brothers (aged 2-26) and have multiple estranged half siblings, and I've always found the way you write familial interactions between the brothers to be just. incredibly realistic and raw
Especially between Leo and Donnie - their interactions in your writing will occasionally (bar the codependency...) parallel interactions between my older brother and I to a T and it's. so touching
If you are an only child, what goes into writing familial interactions for you?
If not, do you have any specific memories or experiences of your own that you melt into interactions between the brothers?
Your writing brings me so much comfort and makes me love my brothers just a little harder
LMAO definitely NOT an only child hahahaha. i have an older sister and an older brother, then two bonus brothers
hmm! experiences... let's see. under a cut bc you got me rambling abt my family LMAO
our family groupchat is titled 'live and don't learn that's us'
once my brother drove over 12 hours all night to come rescue my sister and i after our car broke down during a road trip and the only payment he took was pizza
i still have an envelope that my brother slid under my door after a fight with other family that says on the top 'I HEARD YOU WERE UPSET BUT BIG BROTHER STILL LOVES YOU'
at my high school graduation, my brother took a very expensive trip home for two days just to walk me down the aisle. i did a speech and wasn't nervous at all bc every SINGLE time i looked out at the crowd he was looking at me with the fucking BIGGEST smile on his face
after my sister moved out and went to university she called me every single day
there was a girl that was going after my brother against his wishes and my sister picked up the phone when she called and threatened her so hard that she never talked to my brother again and like ten years later he was like 'yeah she just gave up one day idk what happened' and we were like 'um sister happened' and he was like 'WAIT WHAT' LMAO
for years me and bonus brother #1 would steal sister's phone and make her background a selfie of us and she never changed it and even one year was like 'hey the selfie is super old can you guys take a new one'
i also have a photo saved on my phone after bonus brother #1 got out of a surgery legit in his hospital bed with the caption 'i lived bitch'
i have been wearing a jean jacket i stole from bonus brother #2 for years and last time he saw me i was wearing it and he did not even remember it was his anymore
every snapchat i've taken of bonus brother #2 is captioned with 'bitch'
last christmas we did powerpoint presentations over discord. sister assigned everyone roles in star wars. brother provided a satirical how-to on home maintenance. bonus brother #1 talked about magic the gathering.
i didn't take many pictures but i do have this moment from sister's that made me laugh out loud:
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then another badly taken picture from brother's:
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i know what you're wondering now. rem, what did you do your presentation on?
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cue groans from my entire family. except, wait....
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the only use i've gotten out of my bachelor's degree LMAO
anyway if you got this far, the point is that i am definitely NOT an only child lol. we have issues too of course but they're pretty cool
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exhosionn · 5 months
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i’ve been here for a while and i still don’t know how to use this app anyways i need somewhere to post all my really random sampard headcannons so here we are honestly it’s really just random bullet points i’ve compiled and also most of this was written at 2am so there might be some spelling mistakes.. probably one other thing to mention, im not a lore reader,, i’ve been trying to recently because i find it really interesting but any details i’ve missed is bc i haven’t read it all yet 💔💔
gepard although hes not too great at taking plants (hes def trying tho) id like to think in his spare time he has like a book on floriography and goes to flower shops to buy sampo flowers with specific meanings?(like he goes to a flower shop and requests very specific types of flower arrangements)
sampo knows a LOT of things about belebog that no one else does some kind of like historical knowledge however i think the reason why sampo wont actually KNOw any floropgraphy is because with all his vast knowledge from across the universe as a masked fool, why would he bother to know something as ‘mundane’ as the meaning behind flowers.
to link to that, i think with sampos big world he sorrta gets dragged down to belebog in like a nice way and through gepard learns that the small things in life ACTUALLY matter or they noow matter. so for example these flowers he gets he never knows the meaning of them, def gets flustered by gepard initiating anything at all lmao.
i think sampo would ask around the underworld such as natasha, seele, even hook tbh about the meaning behind these flowers usually getting information from natasha. BUT he doesnt just outright ask he would like slip it into conversation because hes sly like that. Natasha very obviously catches on quite early on and although shes not as knowledgeable with the meanings she still retains enough information for sampo to start relying on her to help decode gepards bouquet.
one way or another serval catches wind of this (through natasha) and i think thats how she connects the dots
sampo most definitely leaves back notes with kisses on them on gepards windowsill (gep leaves his windows unlocked always.)
i can also imagine sampo to ‘retaliate’ somehow finding some extinct belobog flower and gifting it to geppie being all like ‘i bet ya can’t find the meaning behind this one’ lolll
gepard is a gay in denial in the sense that hes never had a crush on a woman but he sees madam poisson and he has a MASSIVE crush on her. everytime serval asks him if hes gay he brings up his ‘past’ crush on madam poisson.
gepard the 'nuh-uh' vs serval the 'yuh-huh’
serval has gepard as "gay man sighted in belobog" in her phone - sampard nation gave me these last two
serval and natasha they totally hang out at natasha’s clinic occasionally idk why i just see it
sampo kisses the scars on geps body
gep is taller w shoes one but actually shorter than sampo usually but no one believes sampo when he says thisn bc no one sees gep without his boots off.
sampo could be having the most absolute worst day and see gepard and feel beter same works for gepard except he doesnt realise it as much because gepard is more like ‘huh my headache clears from seeing sampo yeah he just uh annoys me so much that i think my heacache is clearing hahahaha’
soarkle and sampo sibling dynamic seems really funny but at times i also dont see it if we apply the whole sampo might be an emanator theory idk i think its silly at times but sometime it doesnt make sense….
on the other hand although it doesnt logically work sampo and seele sibling dynamic i actually really like it like a lot
i feel like gepard wears grampa pajamas?
although gepard def gets flustered by sampos flirting all the time, the one who actually initiated anything i believe would be gepard (ill go more into why i think so at a later date)
both of them are really light sleepers and have trouble sleeping all the time
also gep likes to hold onto sampo a lot when they fall asleep cuz he get scared that sampo might just leave randomly
i love these two sosososo much im going insane i need more headcannons to fill the brainrot
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
okay very brief munich gig report (mostly under the cut) i probably am forgetting 90% of stuff but let's goooo:
i got EE and i was there by 10 am? i was number 39 and i was pretty okay with this. i did end up getting a really good spot anyway
munich queue 💜💜 i mean, i've already made a post about meeting all of you, but it was truly lovely. i got so many gifts and bracelets! this fandom is full of talented, kind people
the soundcheck was ngvot (every single time i've been to a show i've heard ngvot at some point lol) and vem da greš, both of which i really enjoyed
I GOT TO GIVE NACE MY GIFTS!! like i don't even think he heard what i said BUT THEY'RE WITH THEM. FINALLY. i can be at peace now lol
i really enjoyed both Sector 5 and JC Stewart! they were both pretty good openers! i hadn't heard any of their music before, but i still had fun
AND I GOT BELE SANJEEEEEE. and bojan said we nailed it the first time which had me like "duh, ofc, i'm here????" I WOULD NEVER FUCK UP MY BELOVED BELE SANJE
we got both Šta bih ja & Schlager. i really really really wanted Bluza so hopefully in london 🤞 i enjoy Schlager more that i've listened to it live lol (and jance were very cute during this song)
on the topic of jance, everyone was mentioning the nacekris was strong last night but as someone who was right in front of jance and barely got to see the others honestly it was kinda hard for me lmao i didn't get those vibes at all. i was so shocked opening tumblr hahahaha. jance were super sweet and smiley and 🥺💕 a solid 95% of what i captured was them and i can assure you they were both very soft and happy
no pijano :((( but he did help bojan at the start of EW and it was very sweet, i love them so much
bojan spit on me. better said, he spit on jan but i was, well, right in front of him, so i got it too lmfao
during the UM bojan was also right in front of me because a little girl got to sing with him (and even went on stage!!!!) and then a super sweet 15yo girl who had her birthday yesterday also got to sing UM - i was next to both of them so i saw bojan VERY WELL. he didn't actually go into the crowd this time
during novi val i made a finger heart at nace AND HE SMILED AND DID ONE BACK AT ME. i know it was for me because everyone got the half hearts lmfao (and then @flananjan told me you could see the heart in a story they posted on their insta and i almost died on the subway back to the hotel)
at some point (i can't remember before which song but i'll probably figure it out when i look at the photos) i put my portuguese flag on stage and jan picked it up 🥺🥺 he then asked me in the softest fucking voice "Portugal?" and i was able to say two entire words to him "yes, Portugal" AND I DIDN'T EVEN DIE ON THE SPOT. he then placed it down and like idk i just!!!! jan knows i exist and i'm portuguese BYE
and when i thought the night just couldn't... well, get any better, JAN GAVE ME HIS PICK. his hand was warm and like way softer than i expected??? this is now my most prized possession. i literally CANNOT believe jan peteh himself gave this to me
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the boys didn't come out at the end because they were tired, apparently??? but i was still very happy about all of this. i'm now way less stressed for london (because i won't be carrying around a bag full of stuff for them omgggg) and manifesting i get to meet them then 🙏
munich, thank you for having me 💜💜💜 i can't wait to come back
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purpdrawsthings · 25 days
Oh, hello.
FINALLY, I've been waiting for ages to literally post this post rahhhhhhhhhhhh
Took me having to half-finish GSP's colors to finish it. You'll see why later =]
Oh yeah, before you scroll even more down, this is a fan art post lmao
Wait, did I spoil to much?
Bleh, enough rambling let's get onto the real stuff.
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Erm... Sir... Please stop feeding me lore or I'll have to forcefully give you fanart... /silly
Can you tell I love tv heads
Erm... Sorry for that =D
This guy looks epic, and I want more TSB lore just to see him. PLEASE PLEASE TOMM, DO MORE TSB LORE, AN MY LIFE, IS YOURS.
Woah what just happened.
Anyways uhhhhhhh let's move onto the next one.
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Coughs and dies
I didn't really plan GSP's colors so that's why it took me such a long time to post this.
I think if GSP were too even meet TSB he would be a bit frightened by his chaotic personality and weird ahhhh cartooney logic.
But he wouldn't find him as suspicious as 4 ofc ofc ofc =3
He's neutral/afraid of him hehe
Buttttt if he were to spend some decent time with him, he may find TSB less frightening and actually get close to him lmao.
Anyways uhhhhhhhhhhhh that's about I have to say ehehehehehehehheehhehehe
I uh... I hope Tomm would enjoy this post =3
Small note for Tomm : Love ur art, rlly inspires me, I still cannot understand or fathom on how the hell you even color things so beautifully
Wanna say something more poetic than that but rahhhhhhh my brain ain't cooking today 😭
You'll forever be one of my fav SMG4 artists =3
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ma3mae · 1 year
Make a part two??🥺🫶Maybe Chuuya and Nikolai?
No brain, just horny! 2
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Summary: Oh no! Your bf's acting all hot! What to do??? (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai, Fyodor)
Genre: fluff, crack, bit suggestive 🤓
A/N: ANOONNN WKDJEKHFKS HERE U GO, SWEETIE 🤩🤩🤩 how can yall find rat man hot, idk man 💀 his parts rly short bc I CANT WRITE HIM so see it as a small extra 💀💀 not proofread btw 💀
Part 1
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Nakahara Chuuya
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😳 yall wanna get railed by this man, huh??
Cant blame u tho 💀😭 😭
honestly i think his reaction would prob depend on his mood, lowkey like rampo
Just that his reaction would be a bit more intense EHEH
idk if hes kinda busy at the moment and annoyed bc work is being a hoe, hed prob be all impatient like "Damn, doll. Im barely holding myself back as well so just wait a bit, will ya?"
As much as hed love to indulge u immediately, he still values his work yk 😔😔😔
ok yk what would be funny tho? Like he told u he'd be having a meeting at his work place and honestly, its not hard enough to know where it is bc its like legit one of the highest buildings (idk maybe even the highest???) in yokohama lmaoo
And you've been waiting for him to come back home after two weeks but noooo, he has to report everything to his boss 🤓🤓🤓🤓
so you're like "alright, im horny and been waiting for too long."Guess where we're going yall 😋😋😋😋???
Jk nah but we makin our way over there and lets just say they only know u as "the love of his life who def shouldnt be messed with if they wanna live" bc he'd go haywire AS HE SHOULD if anything happened to u 💀
Anyway we know when the meeting's being held so oopsie, we "accidentally" manage to find him in the hallway with some of his colleagues
"Oi, isn't that your girlfriend over there, Boss??" not only tachihara but everyone's confused on why u r even there??
Chuuya just whips his head around and doesnt know if he should just yeet himself outta the building or be happy to see you bc
its especially bad if our boy still hasn't told you what hes actually doing bc no way in hell wants he to drag u into that shi 💀
Anyway you're just too excited so u ignore his to tomato face with a twitching eyebrow and you start to jog towards him but damn tf is that???
OF COURSE theres a bump sticking outta the carpet SMH SUE THE CLEANING STAFF😋
And obviously we all know whos gonna trip on that
But as embarassed as he is, your future hubby will make sure that you won't end up on the floor 💕💕
all you feel is a slight gust of wind and you can only open your eyes to see his gorgeous ones
"Don't just fall for me every time you see me, doll." LMAO thats so corny and he actually gets even more red when he realises wtf he just spouted out of his mouth but he couldnt help it 😭
Especially when hes holding you bridal style in his arms and you can feel him subconciously squeeze you tighter against him bc he missed his wifey
and we are just too whipped to stop ourselves from saying "Chuu chuu, i just couldnt wait anymore. Can we move this to our place? I'll be anything you want, even just a hole for you, mkay?"
thats the EXACT question that goes through his mind as he just stares at you like 😳
But he cant deny that it made him feel hot, even down there a bit...
"Come in when you're done, Chuuya." is all you hear from HIS fking boss as he just sends the both of you a smile as he enters the room before closing the door
Help our man, hes so TORN
All he can do is take a deep breath, trying to stop his face from heating up bc its already hot enough as it is
He'll gently set you down but still keeps a secure grip around your waist with one arm
His gloved hand tilts your face slightly up and all you see is a sea of blue
Letting his gloved thumb slowly glide on your bottom lip
"You really like teasing me. Dont'cha sweetheart? Just give me 15 minutes and then we'll be at home. Honestly might scold you for your little stunt but it's not like you don't like that, right? But I gotta say...."
cherry sweet lips lock onto yours for what seems like only a second before feeling them on your forehead
"I did miss you pretty much...and I'll make it up to you. Thanks for your patience, love."
now YOU'RE the one who's face is about to explode and that annoying ass smirk of his isnt even helping u but oh well
He should be lucky that you're so in love with him and that his handsome looks always manage to hold you back from yelling at him out of embarassement 💀😳
He gives you a peck on the lips before giving you on last squeeze
"Only a little bit longer, okay? Will give you a proper kiss when we're at home."
He makes his way back but stops "Also I love you but please... wait at home next time. No need for anyone to see your cute ass here. Only mine to look at, yk.." the last part kinda gets muffled under his breath as he tilts his fedora down to hide his heated face but welp, ofc u heard everything 😋
Anyway, you let him go to his meeting with a wave with ur hand bc he did promise to make it up to you and your body would be tingling with excitement until yall get back home for yk what 😋😋😋💅
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Akutagawa Ryunnosuke
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ngl he'd make a similar expression to this pic here 💀 like hes fking constipated or smth
Give my man some time pls bc its his first relationship and he needs some minute to get it through his head that you feel sexually attracted enough to him to yearn for him, broo
"Can't you just... wait until we get home? Why now?" SKKSKS you think he sounds so pissed but hes just so confused 💀😭😭
lmao just came up with a ridiculous scenario
idk some random wannabe gang is stirring up some trouble in yokohama
And how do u resolve this problem as fast as u can?
By sending one of ur best men there who legit just slices them all in mere secs 😋
but wait whats that?
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
You just stare wide eyed at your boyfriend as he stands there infront of the mall, choking the living shit out of what seems to be some weird thug
"Ryu, what are you doing here?"
He just clicks his tounge out of annoyance and casually tosses the man to the side as he makes his way towards you
Stopping infront of you, you only see his furrowed eyebrows and the annoyed look on his face
But if you look closely, you'll see a glimpse of worry in them💕
"I could ask you the same thing. Didn't I telll you to stay at home? And specifically to not enter this area?"
You can only sheepishly laugh at his words and the huff at your answer wasnt that helpful
"Well, the mall here had your favorite tea on sale and I really wanted to surprise you with it!"
He just puts a hand on his face as you peek over his shoulder, only seeing whips and bits of rashomon dealing with the thugs while you boyfriend seems somehow unbothered by their presence, hell he was legit not even aknowledging them at this point 💀
"Let me just finish this real quick and then I'll take you home."
"But I still have t-"
A glare from him immediately zipped your mouth shut, deeming it unnecessary to argue with him any further since he could be very very stubborn
"Just stay behind me and wait."
If you had to be honest, watching your bf just casually beat the shit out of 20 or more men without even breaking a sweat made you feel really hot
He might be stoic, blunt or whatever everyone would call him but at the end of the day, he'd make sure you're well protected and cared for, even if it would take some nudges from you to guide him
He was a fast learner after all in every aspect of your relationship
And it wasn't until he poked your forehead that you snapped out of your trance, your face beet red and only for him to raise an eyebrow at you
"Don't tell me you got sick from just being outside for a bit? I really don't know how someone frail like you had managed to live for so long."
Harsh words yet the gentle press of his hand against your forehead was telling a different story
"Hm, you aren't heating up that much. But I'll still be taking you home."
"Can you stay with me then? Because honestly, watching that fight somehow made me really horny."
🤨 > 😳
"Are you kidding me? How does watching me beat the shit out of some random wannabe thugs make you horny?"
You can only groan at his answer but couldn't keep the smirk on your lips from growing as you noticed the red hue on his cheeks
"It's just hot to see how easy it was for you to just casually fend of all of them. Not to mention, that it's always nice to have a reminder what a strong and reliable lover I have. I'm just really lucky, I guess"
Ah, you smart vixen.
Always using his praise kink for your advantage and oh boy, he knows
But he just can't help his rising pulse at what your words just do to him
"W-Why-? Y-You-???"
Suddenly he grabbing your hand, he turns his body away from you, only his back in your sight as he continues to walk
"Ryu, are we walking ba-"
"Told you I'm taking you home. Someone has to make sure nothing happens to you since you probably wouldn't even know how to defend yourself."
"Aah, I see. Well I'll be sure to thank you properly when we're at home." 😋🤩
A hitched breath and his grip tightening around your hand really made it difficult not to laugh at him
Well, atleast it was nice knowing that you weren't the only one eager to get home asap 💀💀
At the end, you thanked him as promised and he made sure to make you feel safe as always
"Oh, thank you for the tea... I guess.." he'd mumble in your ear as he pressed your back against his chest, his arms tucked comfortably around you. 🤭
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Nikolai Gogol
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erm 😨 how about no?
Do u not value life?
Jk but his goofy ass would NEVER let u rest if u even show him a tiny bit on how horny you are 💀💀💀💀
bro's like "ew human desires, they only bind u" lowkey (not as hard as fyodor but yk what i mean)
but hes sadly down bad for his future or maybe already wifey so 😉 how could he 😉 say no 😉
like idk lets say for whatever reason u r also part of their rat gang 💀 and its honestly a big headache to endure his weird and annoying antics every day
But thats what made u fall in love bc u have bad taste 😋😋😋 same tho
is prob gonna tease u about that too like "Oh, Y/N~ So many men out there and yet you still chose me?? Either you're just very desperate or you just don't care at all! But don't worry, I'm more than happy to be the one who's on your mind all day 🤩🤩🤩" he says as he's casually bombing a whole building and kills hundreds of people 🤩
Thats for sure gonna be blowing ur mind for weeks 💀 IM SORRY
throw him into a trash can or smth 💀 jkjk maybe im not 💀💀
anyway back to the scenario 💀
lets say hes as always acting like the 🤡 he is and disrupting everyone's life by being plain annoying
Ok so fyodor threatened to kill him for the 100th time? Check.
Sigma's crying in his office bc he just escaped random pairs of scissors flying at him for the whole day? Check. someone has to cut that atrocious hair away, okur💀💀💀
Getting hit by gf after randomingly stealing kisses from her?
"But why won't you let me kiss you, Y/N????"
Dodging his attempts for what would seem the 30th time for the day, you hastily continued to make your way to Sigma, a box of self made cookies in your hand.
"You've been harassing everyone for the entire day as always! And don't get me started on what you tried to do to Sigma!"
You could only hear a whine as fast footsteps tried to outrun yours, you wanting nothing but wanting to somehow lift Sigma's spirits up since no one else would make their time to comfort him after the inhuman pranks your boyfriend couldn't refrain from doing
"But he's just so funny, you know! How could anyone resist not teasing him all day?!"
"Teasing doesn't mean endangering his life! Only because YOU don't like his hair!"
"Hmm, but won't you atleast give me one kiss before you go?"
"nope, never. Bye!"
Aah, you really shouldn't have challenged him 😨
"Well, then I guess you won't be needing that then!"
"NIKOLAI GOGOL?! GIVE ME THE FUCKING BOX BACK!!" only hearing maniacal cackling quickly distancing itself from you, as he ran away with the box in his hand
Ah, he really was blessed with the perfect ability for him
Too stubborn and annoyed to realise his intentions, you quickly followed him, the urge of wanting to punch him pulling you towards him like a magnet
"A chase is what he wants? Okay, he'll get it." 😋😋
Knowing immediately that he made it too easy for the both of you as he nonchalantly laid on your shared bed, crumbs on his cheeks as he enjoyed your cookies, his mask casually laying next to him.
"You are more than an annoying child, you know that?"
"Yep but I don't care! Also how dare you only make cookies for your friend when you've got such a loving partner like me!"
A groan slipped out of you as you walkes over to him, earning yourself a "HEY?!" as you snatched the box away from him
"If you wanted some, you could have just asked like a normal person. I wouldn't have minded sharing some and Sigma probably not."
"Ugh, like a normal person? You know that's just boring~ buuuut if you really want me to then-"
You felt a pull at your wrist, making your chest hitting his as you landed on top of him, affectively stradling him
Both of your hands at the side of his head as you tried to lift yourself up, yet the arm around your waist stopping you, your faces only mere inches away from each other
A smirk splayed on his face as he wiped the crumbs away from his lips with his gloved thumb
Pressing it softly against your lips, the movement ingrained in your body as you opened them without any protest
a low chuckle at your cute actions as you licked the crumbs of his thumb before releasing it with a soft 'pop'
"Is that normal enough for you, my dove?"
Not letting the heat on your face and body stop you from throwing remarks at him, you merely stated "That wasn't asking, just plain seduction at this point."
Letting his eyes trail over your body and the hands next to him, tightly clutching the sheets only spurred him further on.
"Well, I've got your attention now, right?"
"You're lucky that I love you."
"Isn't it good to know we're both obesessed, dearie?"
A whine left his lips as you tucked at his hair at that statement, grazing your teeth across his neck before harshly biting on it.
"Well, then end what you've started then."
Getting hit by Y/N after randomingly stealing kisses from them? Hair pulled, make out sessions and more after annoying them? Double Check.
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Fyodor Dostojevski
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💀 im dead, you're dead, we're all DEAD
ok jk he wouldnt kill u bc even if he wont admit it immediately, he loves u 😋
but why would u feed his annoying god complex like that 😨😨
but guess what 😋 youve always had bad taste so why not be together with a terrorist 🤩
Ur only dates would be either sitting in his stinky room full of computers as hes been sitting there for days and you're chilling on his lap
or yall actually go outside to ruin someone's life 💅
and honestly, what better way to confirm that humans r horrible af when he sees you get turned on by his horrid acts 💀💀💀
"I just took a life infront of your very eyes and all you say is how hot that is? Well, aren't you ruined to the point of return? But that's what makes you so interesting, I guess."
i think it would be rly difficult to actually turn him on as well at first
Or catch him off guard tbh bc all you'd get is a condescending smirk of him just teasing you
He'll prob also just call u out about how horny you are but its ok bc he loves having that effect on you 🤩
"Is it seeing someone's eyes lose their light? Killing the gifted because the world would be purer without them? Tying them up and choking the life out of them? Or is it because I am the one doing these acts? Planning it all out, only for you to witness it? How about I'd do it to you, hmm?"I FEEL ITCHY AFTER WRITING THAT 💀
tbh it depends how "horny" u r tbh bc he'd prob make you beg for it first by just telling u off n stuff until you cant take ir anymore
Like if you want him then SHOW him how much you want him 🤩
he prob has not that much of a stamina but he'd make up for it with technique what am i writing rn😭😭😭😭
anyway you'd def be satisfied but he'd prob make you work for it first before tending to ur "needs"
im crying i hate this
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A/N: DAMN already hit 400 followers?? thinking of maybe doing smth for that, idk what tho. Got too many ideas 💀 and lmao sorry for the radio silence 💀 writers block and life, we love it.
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zuureleena · 1 year
i drew the mercs, miss pauling, admin, and my tf2 oc on the plane to uni 😭
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i did all of these a week ago and completely forgot to post them HAJAHAH miss p, the admin, and a rlly simplified ver of my tf2 oc miss lynn!! (zoey lynn hehe + js rambles abt her) under the cut
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IM ACTUALLY REWORKING HER DESIGN RNNNN bcs i made her on the sims 4 LMAO and realised how much better and concise she looked, but i really wanna try and make her look like someone you'd js see irl? sooOOo tryna make her also recognisable from silhouette alone and blahablahblah tho she isn't the kind of character that would rlly make too much of a difference in the tf2 universe
i js wanted to make a loveable character LMAO who'd have more of an impact on the relationships and kinda the story?
i liked the idea of miss p having an extroverted bestfriend who's also her wingwoman bcs miss pauling is obvs an awkward lesbian mess who needs help in the love department, and vice versa bcs zoey is into scout and miss pauling is js so glad to have him move on n realise that they r better as friends!! and that he needs to be with someone who isn't annoyed by him 24/7 (IM SORRY, LWNAKS MY SELF-INSERTEDNESS GOT IN THE WAY HAHAHAHA I CANT HELP IT) also, i haven't rlly thought of any orientation for zoey... i'm thinking of her js being a het woman or js whatever u wanna interpret her as!! cuz her sexuality isn't a core thing abt her
she's an absolute harbinger of chaos who'd do anyt for money and some company (this girl has been hella lonely n stressed out of her mind and i'll explain why in an oc post🤭🤭) and even tho she never outright admits it, she does enjoy the freedom of violence she gets to have as a mann co assistant 😭 (which will ALSO make sense when i explain her background to u guys later on)
and bcs of her long experience w shady bosses and asshole customers she's had to deal within all the jobs she's had, she catches onto the administrator's whole thing with the australium fairly early into the job, but she's in tooooo deep now and is like "damn. do i get myself out of this fucked up job (that i am fucked up enough to actually enjoy) or do i stay bcs i literally have everything i've ever wanted....shit." like,, she did say she'd do anyt for money but at the cost of what 😭 [also MAN i wish we got that final comic so i can js make zoey's suspicions make sense??!?@ but in a way it js works bcs it's js this massive mystery that we don't even know of ourselves???? so likeee, im js assuming its smth rlly dangerous or smth bcs helen literally goes to the most insane lengths to get australium and finish off her final... thingy.. that uh DEBT is it... i forgot what she called it BUT WHATEVER BUSINESS SHE HAD TO ATTEND TO B4 SHE DIED QOABJASH]
OH AND YEAH, zoey hates how bossy the admin is and is an ass abt it at times, and the admin wants zoey gone so badly bcs shes an annoying little shit (which she is and honestly, her and scout can be annoying shits tgt <3) but miss p always convinces her to keep zoey BAGAHAHA and they do get things done much faster w zoey there sooOoOOo 🌝🤭
i mean she does try to kill both miss p & l anyway but still, she can't deny that they r both good at what they do
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gollumsmygel · 8 months
alright I'll just let this out before I go to bed 😂 I just finished watching the KNB movie and it's so bad that it's so good HAHAHAHA
why is Kuroko picking a fight with Jabberwok(? idk how to spell that I'll correct that later) he gets too passionate that it's so cute
also why did they not initially take GOM + Kagami + Kuroko + Wakamatsu, Hyuga, Takao (basically team VS) as team to fight against Jabberwok in the first place?
my dumbass thought i'll at least see the others play but just as i expected it's mostly GOM+Kagami, Kuroko that played.
why not take the uncrowned kings tho instead of ya'know Hyuga, Wakamatsu, and Takao. i know they're good but in a worst case scenario wouldn't the uncrowned kings fair better against Jabberwok?
I find it funny that since Nash looks similar to Kise, Kise's hair is shorter in the movie compared to the anime. Don't they all look older too or is that the hair? Midorima reminds me of that anime guy who was splashed by water in the bathroom and turns out he has an umbrella (it's th hairstyle plus the glasses). And everyone's hair is shorter except for Akashi, Aomine, and Murasakibara.
(hate hate hate the change in Murasakibara's tied hair tho 😭) but the way he asked both Riko (calling her Rikocchin 😭) and Momoi for hair tie is so cute thooooo
anyway wrf is up why are they all getting injured? Kise and Aomine got injured during the series and Murasakibara got a broken arm(?) during the game wtf
I kinda can't sit still every single time Akashi interacts with his other self.. especially the last part. won't that make him kinda(?) the strongest member of GOM? literally can see the future. unless Kise perfect copies it.. (Kise doing perfecr copy + zone is so hot tho)
Akashi telling Kagami "You're our best friend and our best rival. We'll miss you" and other cheesy stuff is so funny bc that should be something a seirin member saying that 😭
and Seirin playing against GOM+ the subs (Wakamatsu, Takao) is so unfair lmao. Seirin literally struggled so much against them with Teppei in the team, why would Akashi propose they play 💀. Imagine fighting against Emperor eye, perfect copy, midorima's threes 💀 I'd just perish.
I couldn't take the movie seriously when they zoomed in one the remote when Midorima shot his threes 😭
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coldresolve · 23 days
shit this is kind of random but ur genuinely one of my fav authors ever and seeing u liking my posts is always such a like. delight 😭😭 hope this isn’t particularly narcissistic and i know it doesn’t mean very much to u but when i randomly opened tumblr today at 12:40 am and saw u liked my post relatively recently i got super excited hahahaha
anyways i’ve been really busy for the past few months and haven’t been able to catch up with mm except every now and then but i’m so glad to see the story get more developed and more people finding it because fuck i still remember stumbling upon the 1st chapter and reading that fake blonde line and reading each chapter over and over when there was only a handful of them out and making art of renee because i couldn’t get him out of my head and not knowing if the story would continue since the updates were relatively erratic but they did!! and i’m so glad they did and idek what i wanted to say except that i hope you know what a fantastic writer and artist you are and that, as someone who’s been following u since you were in the whump community, ur work has gained so much more depth and ur art even more storytelling?? ish?? over the past year or two or three and that i’m really proud of u in some weird parasocial way idk 😭😭
AAA this is so nice tysm!
yea i was scrolling thru the mm fanart tag n stumbled on a couple ppl i havent seen in a while like. oh i wonder if theyre still around etc. its good to see you are :>> i hope things settle for ya soon man
the updates are still erratic lmaO but we're in the Endgame so im giving myself a long leash for quality tbf. also have an hrt special brewing, some new art, stuff like that :)
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smooshi-graysimp · 6 months
I feel that there can be potential darkness in Larry and Lawrie and I will not not cook about it even if it’s trash
I’ve seen people draw L+L silly, goofy all that stuff and it’s not wrong it’s fun still. Thing is I think people think that L+L are 100% good (maybe I don’t think I seen enough L+L content tbh).
But I have a question, do they have morality?
You see in their voicelines they’ve never said they’ll do it for the good of people only that rules are the best and people should follow the rules.
Now listen Morality can equal to laws but laws can’t be equal to morality
For example, there could’ve been laws that hurt a certain minority or laws that would’ve shield people away from the truth of their country or something. You know dictators control.
And personally I think they’re more laws than morality or at least choosing laws over people/morality.
In my HC they prob see the world in a black and white situation. You’re either good or bad and though while there may be some cases that it’s gray I think they wouldn’t think about too much or they’ll follow the rules even if they care.
(Though this is a bit of a bad take since I HC Lawrie as trans but then again apparently there’s Transphobic Trans People soo there’s that but there’s still plenty of ways to explore this though)
And with this, this is why I like contrasting or have them interacting with Willow and Angelo.
Both Willow and Angelo are unapologetically themselves, yes they are mean and toxic but they’re themselves enjoying what they like.
And with their toxicity L+L have to control them the very thing that Willow and Angelo don’t like.
Which is why I like thinking interactions of them, it’s mostly comedy but I think there can be potential well say foils or opposite viewpoints ish.
Again Angelo and Willow are unapologetically themselves mean and toxic but what if I told you there can be still morality ish to them?
Ex: They can be mean to other mean or even worse people.
Plus they could have gray viewpoints (or I guess black ish gray they’re more in the selfish side)
Ex: I feel like both of them (or Angelo) would know that no matter what people will still hate you. You may be absolute perfection doing nothing wrong following rules and being a good person overall. People will still hate you. And plus you have yourselves you don’t need anyone to approve of what you are, you have yourself to be approve of. And so they don’t have to be nice to everyone. Yes selfish, but so everyone else is actually. And that person you hate that also hate you? There could be a very valid reason that they hate you. Heck you’re maybe the problematic one here. (Long story short basically the song Villain by Stella Jang)
And with their contrasting viewpoints L+L would be like “we’re just trying to help people and have them follow rules!” And Willow and Angelo “rules mules do you have any idea that they can be bad and toxic too?” L+L “I see you have chosen death” Willow and Angelo “see here you are wanting to help people but wanting to kill us? Aren’t we people too? Monsters can be human and human can be monsters. Anyways ew we’re speaking like we have morality so like- HAHAHAHA NOPE FOR FUN 4EVER FOOLSSSS”
Or if Willow and Angelo have a sad backstory (in my HC Willow getting taken advantage of and Angelo being rejected and hated by bigotry and yes that does make them hypocrites when doing the same to others but victims can be a holes too, maybe internalized hatred arc?) “then why didn’t people like YOU help us prevent from being THIS?” L+L “O_O, damn we’re sorry we can help-“ W+A “Ha? Help? Nahhhh we got this covered lmao we don’t neeeeeed help we have ourselves.”
(Also it has just occurred to me that L+L and W+A both have something to do with control so there’s that)
Oh and ig it also makes sense for the Starr park lore where Larry and Lawrie seemingly good is actually controlling people.
Other than that, that’s my rant, I feel like I badly explain this esp with Angelo and Willow morality thing part, and esp that there’s prob but most likely better people with gray morality thing (though it has just occurred to me… that Gray would’ve been the one DAMN IT- yea I see Gray as being part of Gray morality) but I do hope I get my point across people.
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impishtubist · 2 years
Oh wow, I was way too young back then but I find this fascinating - i'm referring to that post about the mwpp fandom in the early 2000s. Can I just ask you: what was people's initial reaction to SWM? And Sirius's family background? I mean, was there discourse around, did people generally like it / hate it? Were people upset about their hcs being ruined? I can't even comprehend interacting with the mwpp canon when it was still changing so much. Really really cool, I would like to know more!
Oooooh these are all GREAT questions! And I'm going to tag @broomsticks and @twentysevensummers here, because I think you're better suited to answer these historical questions than I am.
For my part, I was heavily heavily invested in reading Sirius & Harry fics (like I still am now lmao) but that meant having to read a TON of Sirius/OFC fics to get my Sirius & Harry fix. I was way less picky back then about the fics I read, because I had to be, lmao. There were SO MANY stories about Sirius having had a secret wife and kids when he went to Azkaban, and Harry then got adopted into that blended family after POA. Or, if Sirius was a single man when he adopted Harry in a fic, he usually then fell in love with the pretty, young Healer who took care of Harry post-Dursleys. I know, I know. Gag me.
Anyway, all that to say, the headcanons I ran into regarding Sirius's family usually involved him being very straight and having a secret family lmao. I didn't run into much that covered his parents/siblings. At least, not much that I remember anymore, 20 years later.
I don't remember much of a reaction to SWM, mostly because I noped out of the fandom entirely after OOTP. I read a few fix-its, and then HBP came out and ruined any hope of Sirius being resurrected, so I just.........left, lmao.
I also didn't run into much discourse, but then, social media sites where you can talk about headcanons/fics (like Tumblr and Twitter) weren't around. So basically it was me reading fics on fanfiction.net and then screaming internally about them hahahaha. I'm sure there was discourse on LiveJournal, but I spent my LiveJournal years squarely in Sherlock fandom, so I didn't see any of that.
I'm so sorry that I'm the worst person to ask this question of, lmao. I am putting this post in the Wolfstar tag, in hopes that other elder fans can actually answer your questions!
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✨ episode 4 - running commentary✨
- I'm not ready for this no no no no no DEEP BREATH ok let's go
- I will just say actually that ep3 has turned it around for me, like 100% and it is SO MUCH BETTER on tv than on the bigger screen, the screenings were fun but a Mistake
- anyWAY
- LESI???
- ok literally a hitchhiker lmao @theeminentlyimpractical wins this round HAHAH JTS SHAX JAHAHA mood swing
- oh my god i want them to be friends in an AU fuCK SHE WORKED IT OUT AZIRAPHALE LMAO
- lmao aziraphale???? YOU SLY DOG????
- this has to be a fuck moment right aziraphale? az?? CMON SWEAR YOU DUMBASS BITCH
- honestly aziraphale if it turns out furfur is an ex we need to have cocktails bbygirl tell me EVERYTHING YOU DIRTY HOE
- lmao walking dead au when, they really did end up down there huh I mean foregone conclusion but this gives me LIFE
- idc about hell I need the BOYS I need the dinner of motherfucking 41
- all the Nazis lmao get shredded bitches
- furfur lol this is doomed to failure
- aziraphale stop trying to offer him a handy I'm sorry but you need to TONE IT DOWN you nearly got blown up NOW IS NOT THE TIME offer him a blowy LATER
- this is so much better than I could have ever predicted NEIL YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARd
- also lmao the dinner is after the show??? idk let's see
- fucking HOWLING at the Nazi trio hahaha Steve pemberton is *the* moment lmaooooo
- OOP NO DINNER DINNER NOW??? Also lmao 'friends' I bet that BURNED Michael's mouth to FUCK
- crowley's face I'm DYING aziraphale you're so SILLY
- fuck me im so whipped for 40s Crowley and his lil jazzy wazzy hands
- ahhh magic shop!!!!!✨✨✨
- I know we said that aziraphale has the patience of a saint but I take it back Crowley is still an angel I'm convinced of it
- aziraphale literally has no self preservation I love him
- "leave the miracles to us" snarky ass bitch
- AHHHH HE TRUSTS CROWLEY FUCK YES the way he grabs his MF HAND no I'm done now
- aziraphale you are a disaster
- oh my god someone drag him off stage pLEASE
- Cmon Crowley you can do it bbygirl💓💓💓💓
- no fuck off furfur they need to snog go away OH MY GOD THEY KNEW EACH OTHER, jealous AZIRAPHALE?????
- oh I'm living for the zombies I love them
- lmao that photo hahahaha
- "retire the act"
- wait no come back u need to kiss now no
- fucking cockblocked by a scene change fuCK
- yes beelzebub NO BEELZEBUB lol another mood swing
- annnnnd he's back home💓💓💓
- I KNEW AZIRAPHALE WAS BENTLEY'S FAVE get shitted on crowley
- "a night to REMEMBER" lmao it BETTER BE
Oh no it's the ball episode next I BETTER GET THAT KISS but also an explanation for "u go too fast for me Crowley" bc that did NOT explain it
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mumblesplash · 9 months
your commitment to not only the rhyme, but the meter of your poems is so, so satisfying - I often see people neglect meter in stuff like song parodies or poems-as-fanart (which is fine! art doesn't have to be perfect!). but realizing that the first line of the secret life comic poem wasn't "for the record…" and instead incorporated /all/ the text (starting with the logo!! genius!!) and made the meter work exactly right in the first page was incredible.
I've been reading it out loud to myself now for days - you deserve the notes, the recognition, and the praise :)
i see what you did there with that final turn of phrase 👀
hahahaha tysm!!!! it’s something i’ve always been sort of picky about—english has these natural patterns of emphasis both within multisyllabic words *and* spanning entire phrases, the latter being a bit more flexible but still very much possible to make ‘sound wrong’, which makes sticking to a rhythm (especially throughout an entire back-and-forth conversation) pretty challenging and VERY fun to try and figure out.
(actually, in my experience song parodies are significantly *easier* to write (the words are anyway, music is Not one of my strong points) because following a tune takes a lot of the pressure off in terms of the overarching emphasis patterns)
but yeah this lil style experiment has been super interesting! v grateful to you and the other handful of people who both a) got the gimmick and b) went out of their way to mention it, i know it doesn’t usually occur to people to point out things they think are obvious, so i Mostly get feedback from people who *don’t* see the rhyme scheme
honestly i was concerned i’d messed it up for a while, bc after i posted the first part people kept saying it didn’t rhyme???? i thought i was going insane i was so confused lmao
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
OMG stay safe and I hope ur power comes back soon!!!
No fr opposite extremes of the spectrum LOL and LMAOAOAOA MADDIE??? I SEE HER CONTENT ALL THE TIME HAHAHAHA she’s so hilarious she’s in the bllk TRENCHES (her idea of going to make bllk themed yogurt was kinda funny and interesting tho ngl) I saw her “hear me out” video and I unfortunately lost my ears so um! I almost lost it laughing though when she got baited by a fake panel and was telling op to sleep with one eye open LMAOOO
NOO IMAGINE SHIDOU’S STRAIGHT IN THE WOMB??? Would be filing for harassment because HUH like fr between bros it’s just a weird little bro lingo communication thing but um
The canon content of some of them (Otoya and imamura) getting so desperate they go to Chigiri has me wilding like???? Bro get a grip SHSGSHS also the fact that they actually put jokes like that in canon
It’s so funny to me though none of my absolute favs are on the Ubers team but I like their team dynamic the most??? Like they’re fr the only team with like..communication skills and functioning member interrelations I love the Ubers family
Also WHAT IS IT REALLY?? I mean I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because Barou is ripped (I always find it funny that him and Kunigami who are both from Akita are like the two buffest dudes minus Tokimitsu maybe but he’s missing the aura LMAO) and Isagi is typically described as mediocre normal so
Oh yeah…the “I can fix them mentality”…lol…no I get what you mean that they make a womanizer version of them and revert them back to original and that somehow works better to them because their non-womanizing self actually exists but TOJI OF BLLK STOP THATS SO REAL it’s over when we get the cops and robbers and rock hard lines (speaking of I wonder how much of Shidou’s lines they’ll censor…? Because I’m of my friends there’s a couple that aren’t as in tune to the anime/shounen dude language and sometimes questionable phrases so im lowk stressing but er)
LMAO yeah it’s so confusing I lowk just go by the normal like…year convention? Like if you’re born in April you’re older than someone born in November if it’s said you’re in the same school year but I have no idea if that’s right…
Babysitter Karasu so true the only one he can talk to normally is Loki but even Loki wouldn’t intervene much I feel LMAO Karasu carrying PXG in more than one setting (Shidou is def the irresponsible older brother who probs puts you in a headlock to ruffle your hair and hypes you up to do things regardless of how safe it is LMAO)
No literally how epinagi and the LN released like days after we discussed it like?? Maybe now’s the time to sneak in all of our tabieitaken ideas and manifest them into reality LMFAO it’s time for us to wait for the next LN announcement if Otoya and Karasu show up you KNOW it’s real
I lost my mind like rich boy Karasu with two dogs and a cheating dad??? Then he said sike and I fr felt like Hiori in that moment like wdym you made that up??? I feel like that gives us a bit of crumbs (like one tiny morsel) of more of the Karasu respect agenda like he was on his (hypothetical) mom’s side on that one!! But anyways I could see Karasu being a rich boy…
He def thinks birds of prey are the coolest fs…just a teenage boy with a bird nerd side
-Karasu anon
THANK YOUUU we are at my cousin’s house atm so luckily chilling 🤞🏻 still no power at my place unfortunately 😭💔 but hopefully tomorrow!!
YES MADDIE omg i see her all of the time she’s so funny like truly the face of the bllk fandom 😭 omg no because lowkey i think lorenzo is cute in like the way a rlly hideous dog is?? he’s not attractive to me at all but i feel such strong pity for him and his ugliness that i find him oddly adorable 😦 idk he seems relaxed too his dynamic w barou is hilarious…but i agree i fear i cannot hear her out this time
no because the unholy trinity of shidou + aiku + karasu and the bullshit they say would lowkey be my final straw DKSKSJ “here comes the dopamine” + “i’m going to put you on a leash” + “it’s so lewd how you got into that tight opening” all in one match…i’m joining chigiri in the witness protection program atp HAHAHA
the ubers are the only team that feels like a team HAHA like mc is a soap opera atm, bm is straight up war constantly, pxg is a bunch of dumbasses + karasu, and barcha is bachira otoya and some randoms 😭 and YES it’s almost the same length it’s crazy!! part of it too is barou is super tall and isagi is short for bllk (still way taller than me though 💔) and probably also the angle it was drawn at might’ve exacerbated it a bit but either way 👹 barou is the epitome of scary dog privileges bro you could go anywhere if you had that man w you 😩 also kunigami HELP that one panel of him squatting in the gym during bm why are his legs ENORMOUS?? he takes jacked to another level and it doesn’t help that he’s generally shown next to chigiri who’s on the slender side for bllk
exactly!! like it doesn’t feel as odd to show isagi or nagi being sweet and eventually treating a girl well even if you originally make them mean whereas otoya or aiku have 0 evidence proving that they are even fixable in the first place so people just steer clear HAHAH (not me though…me and otoya are locked in 🥱 going to write him in ways the world has never seen before). BUT NO AIKU IS SO TOJI CODED IDEK WHYYYY their voices are lowkey similar too…honestly i hope they don’t censor shidou because him being a freak is so integral to his character LMAOAOA although i’m only saying that because i know p much no one who watches bllk irl 😔💔
karasu and shidou being older than loki is so funny to me 😭 they’re better than me fr…if some french guy a year younger than me came and started bossing me around i’d throw a fit!! PLS karasu is the kind of person who’d yell at you if you do smth remotely dangerous whereas shidou would tell you to do a flip while you’re at it 😟 but at least you will always have a fan in shidou LMAOO no matter what he will be your biggest supporter (for better or worse)
THE NEXT LIGHT NOVELS BETTER BE SHIDOU KARASU AND OTOYA i need to know what kind of weird ass past shidou had that made him turn out like this…although i feel like they might not just because atm we know next to nothing abt him and maybe they want to keep him mysterious and have his backstory be like a big reveal?? if not shidou i’d be happy w like nanase or smth (perhaps aiku??).
NO LITERALLY i was like wait he’s rich…and has dogs…and supports his mother…MARRIAGE 🤩🤩🤩🤩 and then i was so betrayed when he revealed he was fucking around for no reason 😒 okay lowkey though i know that man has to be somewhat well off because why else would he be so into index funds and stock management and whatnot like that is the most upper class bullshit i can think of HAHAHAH him canonically being a finance bro is so heartbreaking 😰 karasu pls you’re better than this 🤧 jkjk he’s just trying to ensure he keeps the bag secured no matter what i have to respect it
okay wait this isn’t related to anything you said but i was reminded of this panel while scrolling tik tok and felt like i had to share
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nothing to elaborate on here LMAOO just like…he’s so majestic fr (although why is he standing like that LMAOAOA)
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measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 056: The Frightful Four!!! (SSM 41-43)
The last time, Peter became a lizard for a while. Fun stuff!
In this issue, mysterious enemies try to seem menacing and utterly fail, homophobia, as well as special guests and the best villain ever!
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Are you shocked, are you impressed, are you terrified yet? *snickers*
After using his powers to give his late paper to Professor Slater, Spider-Man interrupts Meteor Man at a microwave exhibition (...). We met this antagonist previously in Team Up, which shows you exactly how important he is. Bill Foster, whomst I know from Ant-Man and the Wasp (the movie) but who apparently has a different position, is giving a lecture nearby, but gets the opportunity to lend him a hand as Giant-Man.
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The art actually has a lot of trouble trying to convey how big exactly Giant Man is supposed to be. There's perspective, and then there's whatever is going on here.
Meteor Man gets away, they track him down, and Giant-Man casually drops in his internal monologue that's he's dying of radioactive poisoning. Wow. Um. Alright.
They fight, Meteor Man gets to grow bigger, but...
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Oh, between twelve and thirty feet? How audacious. How incredible. Show us, dude.
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Okay, this is better! Actually a nice page.
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That... was an issue alright.
Issue #42 has a neat cover!
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Peter is trapped in traffic and ends up swinging to his class boat ride thingy.
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I love this, because half the time I barely register that Marcy Kane and Debra Whitman are different characters. Digital issues (hey, have you seen these clean screenshots? Much better!)!
My opinions on each character: Philip is alright, I need him to have more of a personality. Marcy sucks, been there, done that (although I just read a spoiler about her and what the fuck, I'm curious to see how THAT plays out). Steve is hot and adorable. No opinion on Sloan and Debra.
I'm glad to see Peter's social life though. I still feel like these characters aren't anywhere as solid as the previous cast was, but I think jumping between both magazines really doesn't help either.
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I missed you, hon.
No but seriously, I'd be interested to reread SSM only focusing on it, I think it's probably a stronger experience.
Marcy Kane immediately aggros Pete, but Connors interrupts them. Meanwhile, the Frightful Four aren't far away! We've got the Sandman, the Wizard, Electro and the Trapster (who even is that? :p).
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They do a bit of mischief, and I'm pretty sure that cop is homophobic. "PARTNERS?", he says (lmao).
On the boat, Peter wonders whether he has a crush on Marcy (nooo) when Debra arrives.
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Some depth? Wow.
Anyway, before Peter settles on whether he wants a relationship with our desperate lady, the Human Torch cockblocks him.
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Why is this so funny?
She feels guilty about Peter getting away, and...
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New, rare poses!
Hell yeah. Sorry for the amount of screenshots but I really enjoy looking at these!
It wasn't the Human Torch, however, only our Frightful Four! The Wizard created a suit imitating the Torch and gives it to Electro.
Our hero doesn't get fooled for long, and a fight quickly breaks.
A hilarious moment is Spidey trying to figure out who's attacking him. The Sinister Six? No, the Frightful Four after replacing Madam Medusa with Electro? No, it's actually the Frightful Four after replacing the Brute with Electro! What a mess hahahaha
In his own words, Spidey's fighting a "foursome". *snickers again*
The fight goes badly for Spidey, until... Electro interrupts everybody because now, he wants to know who's under the mask.
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They sure are a bunch of idiots.
Their plan is to impersonate Spidey and eliminate the Fantastic Four. Uh-huh, sure. And the story continues in FF #218!
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This is a really cool first page.
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The Human Torch acts extremely gay with "Spider-Man" in this scene. He gets knocked out. The Thing and the security system are also quickly neutralized, but as our villains enter the building, Sue wakes up... she finds her brother, but is quickly attacked and subsequently, knocked out. And just when Mr. Fantastic gets unconscious as well, Spidey arrives!
The ensuing fight is fun, and at last, all's well.
Anyway, SSM #43!
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OH THIS IS GORGEOUS. THE SHADING ON PETER'S SHIRT. I LOVE IT. His face, not so much... Anyway, Steve and Peter being bros, hell yeah!
So bandits have broken into ESU and use Debra as a hostage. They get their stuff and get away, but not without Peter throwing a gadget of his at their car.
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His spider-tracer leads him to a twink.
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And what an ugly twink. Especially compared to this highly stylish Belladonna, what the heck, I love her.
I think I've been spoiled something on Roderick Kingsley, but we'll see how it goes.
Anyways, Belladonna wants to steal Roderick's ideas, apparently. Spidey decides to intervene. The villains get away, and Roderick's annoyed that Spidey ruined his apartment with the fight. However, our hero surmises that Belladonna wanted chemicals for her special gas.
The next day, at the Daily Globe, Sandy Jones is quickly charmed by Peter and she explains that Roderick is rumored to steal his designs. Plus, he has a show that night! Peter easily gets the assignment, and goes to his lab to work on countering Bella's gas.
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I love that second panel, it's a very strong one.
Debra's here, she bought what was on Peter's list. He's so happy he asks her on a date, to which she obviously agrees. I would too, girl.
Turns out what Peter was searching for was vinegar. He worries about reactivating his ulcer, which is a nice callback to a storyline from like, ASM 80 something. That's cool!
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This feels like a Pretty Little Liars storyline, I love it. Seriously, I love this issue! Also, Peter very pretty.
Anyway, Spidey stops the bandits, but Belladonna gets away!
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Oh, I really went from bored at very excited throughout this post, wow! Hell yeah.
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kenobster · 3 months
im a different anon but i can give you this information for free, if youd like. it was a long time ago but i think i found 5pe scrolling through anakin&obi wan tag sorted by recently posted or updated when it was around chapter 4 maybe.
ANON, that's so sweet of you to say!! Thank you so so much for providing me valuable data for my completely unclear purposes 😆
Haha, in seriousness, your ask actually surprised me because I didn't think anyone was finding my fic from my tumblr posts. 👀 Eventually I stopped even bothering to make the posts at all. So this encourages me to start making the posts again once I update the next chapter (hopefully this weekend😊). Thank you very much for that!
(Edit: Lmao, I realized belatedly you meant tags on Ao3!!! Sorry, bahaha. But it's still extremely valuable data, and I'm still encouraged by your kindness to make the tumblr posts anyway hahahaha)
Here, have a sneak peak at the opening lines of the next chapter as a present:
Wartime adrenaline boils the pain out of Anakin's blood. Heat in his shoulder rises like steam. His attention snaps to each object of danger in the room. The bulk of flammable fuel pods in the corner. A plasma pistol casually gripped by the Iyra's frontmost tentacle. Two blaster rifles holstered beside the Zygerrian's desk, and half a dozen tools strapped to his belt.  In a fraction of a second, Anakin's strategy clears into one of razor focus. With Obi-Wan at his side, he storms into the room. The blaster rifle on the left flies straight from the desk into his palm. The one on the right flies toward Obi-Wan, whose movements and intentions are as mapped out as his own. In the back of his mind, Anakin allows himself a fleeting appreciation for the Jedi Council. Maybe it didn't happen the way Yoda envisioned, but the mission has cured them of their problems all the same.
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