eiseryn · 6 months
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It's a very special girl's birthday!!!! April 1st is Cere's birthday!!! (Lei's best girl 😤😤😤)
So of course, I had to try to draw her as cute as possible to celebrate! It's not very good but I even tried drawing a hand... that's how you know I really tried this time LOL . Her hairstyle changes slightly every time I draw her but I think I've more or less settled on the bang style I'm going for with her.
Did you notice that there's a theme going on for the birthday art I've been drawing? 👀 Lei's friends are all wearing white turtleneck shirts and Lei's children are wearing black turtlenecks.
You will see the twin's birthday art in May as I've already drawn Ceres (M)'s birthday art in January... one of the hottest anime boy pics I've ever drawn frfr
Of Lei's friends... in 2024 I drew Vail and now Ceres so there's one more mysterious (?) friend to draw who will appear in August 👀 I already drew Lei and Elise in 2023 but I'll redraw similar outfits for 2024 heheh so wait until then >:3
There's another favourite I want to draw in June but they're not really a Lei close friend... so I wonder how I'll do the bday art for that char? 🤔 There's also bday art I wanna draw for someone in Oct... and since I missed it last year another in Dec 😭 Too many things I want to draw so little time.
More versions under the cute (textless ver + a purple bg for ~ contrast~)
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OMG one more OC headcanon!!! I hc that Rose gives her an anonymous birthday gift every year 😭😭😭 but she doesn't know who it's from 😭😭😭 I wanted to draw this but no time so maybe on the weekend? The comic script is in my head already 🙃🙃🙃 but alas I am behind on my work due to poor time management (as things are)
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minhtblue · 2 years
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after the most recent episode, i had to doodle some elans!
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panphilosopher · 2 years
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bananasareupsidedown · 3 months
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inconspicuous-spy · 6 months
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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This in the same episode that gave me the realization that Eri and Suletta are not one and the same??? That's just mean.
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kyuumon · 2 years
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Happy deathday dear no. 4
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fauning · 1 year
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Happy birthday you old old man 🖤
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claudtmblr · 2 years
Would really love to see next on g-witch that Suletta would suddenly remember their deal and would ask OG Elan on when was his birthday. And come said birthday, Suletta would give him a pair of earrings/danglings since she noticed that he didn't wear one anymore after their duel.
Then again, he's currently a standin for EP5 since ya boi is 'not ready' yet...
Would love to see his face when he realized that it would seem that his copy would matter to someone.
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asphodelflowers · 2 years
G-Witch Spoilers Ahead:
Episode 6 of G-Witch was wild. Episode 5 had me wanting that twink obliterated, but I didn't want him to get fucking vaporized. And at this point, if someone sings me the Happy Birthday song I'm going to get Vietnam flashbacks.
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(work is not nsfw, but this blog is generally intended to be 18+)
synopsis: cal forgets about his birthday. you don't.
pairing: cal kestis x gn! reader
content warnings: pining, fluff, reader is a jedi
word count: 1.5k
a/n: something short and sweet to say happy jedi survivor release everybody. game looks amazing & i'm so happy to see cal again. might be a part 2, but i'm not sure atm
if cal kestis has a million fans, then i'm one of them. if cal kestis has one fan, then i'm them. if cal kestis has no fans, that means i'm dead.
Cal decided that fighting the Empire would be a priority in his life five years ago.
After he destroyed the holocron so the force-sensitive children in the galaxy could live in peace, that was his vow.
The Mantis crew got to work; blowing up Haxion Brood bases and wiping out legions of stormtroopers at a time. The fight thrilled him and every battle only left him in anticipation of the next.
It got to the point where he struggled to think of anything but the fight. Every thought was the next move, their wrongs and the perpetrators. The scars, the injuries and the losses continued and Cal never wavered.
He knew it was an obsession, but he just couldn’t help it. It was a need, etched into his soul and a part of his identity. His was Cal Kestis. The rebel Jedi, the most wanted man in the Empire. And the most dangerous.
Then he met you. 
Well, he met you again, because he’d met you years ago, back when the temple on Coruscant was a Jedi temple. When Master Tapal was alive and little Cal’s mind couldn’t even fathom an Empire taking everything from him.
You’d been his crèche-mate and friend, long before either of you had been padawans.
In between lessons, you would spar or lounge in the dining hall, where most of the other younglings liked to loiter. He formed a puppy-love crush on you that made his Master chuckle. It’s only natural, Cal. The feelings will fade with time. He has half-right, Cal supposes.
He remembers vividly the last time he saw you when he and Master Tapal were minutes away from loading onto a cruiser with their clone troops. Thinking back, he’s embarrassed by how hesitant he was to leave you.
Don’t get all sentimental about this, you told him wisely. We’ll see each other when we get back.
It was so hard to tell himself you were dead. 
Cal Kestis was the last living Jedi, fighting against the Empire that deemed his kind a traitor and punished them for crimes they never committed.
You had died, so had your master and so had everyone else he once knew. That had been difficult for him to accept.
Merrin and Cere understood the pain and that helped, at times. Though sometimes he didn’t want to understand. He wanted to see you, feel your arms embracing him and hear your voice in his ear. He didn’t talk about you to them though. He wanted something for himself, a little what-if to hold on to during the nights he felt particularly melancholic. 
Then came his trip to Segra Milo, to speak with Saw Gerrera about his next move.
By that point, the Partisans recognised him on sight and offered him only a nod of acknowledgement when he passed by. 
There you were, in all your glory. Older, a bit more rough around the edges (like himself) and even more attractive than you’d been about nine years ago.
When the two of you locked eyes and time bowed at your feet, to allow you both this moment of silent disbelief.
“Cal?” you had whispered. He whispered your name back and you smiled widely. 
You embraced him like he had been so desperate for you to do. And he heard your voice, the one that had previously only reached him in dreams.
“I thought you died,” you told him.
“I thought you died,” he said, in a single breath. Emotion threatened to explode from his chest until Saw Gerrera cleared his throat.
“I hate to break up this lover’s reunion,” he said. “But we do have a war to fight.”
“Tonight,” you whispered into his ear and he felt like a padawan with a crush again.
Sure enough, the two of you made a rendezvous under the moonlight. The cavernous, dangerous terrain of Segra Milo felt so inviting that night.
You explained to him that you and your master had been ambushed by your own troopers. You and your master were separated when they received the orders and by luck, you weren’t the one in a room full of clones. Quietly you found an escape pod and left for the nearest planet. You cut your padawan braid and disassembled your lightsaber on the same day. The kyber crystal that powered it hung from your neck, hidden behind layers of clothing.
“One day I watched them string up a man for dropping his drink on a trooper's foot,” you recalled to him. “They claimed he had done it as an act of civil disobedience and that it was anti-Imperial activity. I rebuilt my lightsaber and started looking for the Rebellion the same day.”
You were the same person he remembered, only better. Now you were stronger and smarter, without losing your humanity. 
The next day, you were separated again. You were travelling to Devaron to provide the Partisans there with support. He tried to go with you, but you sagely reminded him of the danger of two Jedi being found together.
You exchanged comm links the night prior and hugged tightly before you boarded your ship and he the Mantis. It reminded him of the one you gave him before what he thought had been your demise. He prayed he wouldn’t have to remember this hug the same way. 
“Until next time, Cal,” you said, hopeful and bright.
“Until then,” he replied, leaving you with a smile.
The next time he saw you, he thinks he might have hugged you tighter than he’d ever hugged anyone.
There had been a next time, he thought. There could be another one.
And there was. In fact, there had been many next times. He couldn’t count on his hands how many times he had gotten to see you. On the good days, you spoke and drank together. On the days, you fought and mourned together. But you were together and it was so much easier than it had been before.
Recently he’d probably gone the longest without seeing you, which made him realise the effect you had on him.
The Empire was still are the forefront of his mind, almost always. It consumed his actions and words. Slowly but surely, however, you had been weaselling your way into an important position in his life.
He didn’t care about the Empire when he was looking at you and he may as well have not met an Inquisitor when he’s hearing your laugh. You were there and he didn’t need to think about any of that.
Then, when the gap you filled was empty again with your departure, he was consumed by the need to fight once more.
He forewent sleep and food, only collapsing when his body refused to preserve and eating when the hunger pangs came. Fight, fight, fight, was all he could think about. It never really occurred to him to celebrate his victories or even do simple things, like check the date. 
But you returned to him again and reminded him of what he was missing.
“A win like this is worth sitting down for,” you insisted, sitting beside him at the fire. “Besides, today is special.” His brow furrowed. 
“What’s today?” he asked you, which made you laugh, loud and beautiful.
“You can’t be serious, Cal.”
“I am! What’s today?”
“Cal,” you sighed. “It’s your birthday.”
His mind went blank as the gears started to turn. “Oh,” was what he came up with. You laughed at him again.
“Did you really forget?” you asked him. 
“I haven’t celebrated it in years,” he admitted and you frowned, making him wish he lied. He hated it when you frowned, though you did make a cute face when you were angry.
“Well we’ll have to make up for that, won’t we?” you announced, standing from your seat and downing your drink. “Stay here for a second.” He nodded and you slipped away.
You returned not long after, with something behind your back.
“Close your eyes,” you instructed. He looked at you curiously. “Just do it.” His eyes fell shut. He heard you shuffling and muttering something to BD-1. “Put out your hands.” He open one palm and pushed it toward you. “Both of them.” He opened the other. He felt a weight in his left hand, then in his right.
Cal was greeted by a cupcake in his left hand and a multitool in his left.
“I tried to find a cake, but apparently Devaronians aren’t very fond of them,” you explained. “And this,” you pointed to the multitool. “I bought this for you back on Corellia, but you were gone before I could give it to you. It’s got everything you need to keep Beedee in working order.” BD-1 chirped happily at that.
Cal was starstruck. He hadn’t experienced softness like this since before the Clone Wars. Suddenly his chest felt fuzzy and his face was hot. 
“Thank you,” he managed. “No problem,” you answered breezily.
He shared some of the cupcake with you, but you insisted he had to eat at least seventy per cent of it. The multitool found a place on his belt, though with the amount of combat he saw, he’d be using it soon.
You sat beside him at the fire on his birthday and Cal Kestis felt hope again in a way like he’d never felt before. Hope for not just the present, but the future.
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kotori-mochi · 6 months
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Late patreon B-day shout out!
Happy late B-day Maxim R!
I hope your birthday was a good one & I'm glade you like the drawing. Ceres Fauna (hololive)
I did try to go more anime style with the colors as I wanted to keep that glow she has.
If you want a free B-day drawing, I give them out on my patreon. As a thank you too the people who joined. Some ranks though don't qualify for one as these take a lot of time and I was swamped the last time I gave it too all ranks.
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(01.01.2024) Happy Birthday, Ceres!
"I can't believe it's my birthday again! Cheers! For my birthday gift, I wish The Belt and the Dwarf Planets Council will continue to do well. Peace! ☆"
Ceres was first discovered on 1 January 1801.
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eiseryn · 2 days
Lei's Birthday 2024 - Gift Shopping
Description: A short story featuring original characters from my cyberpunk campaign in a modern AU. Gigi plans a shopping trip for her best friend Lei's birthday gifts and brings along two of their friends. For some reason, Lei's boyfriend wants to tag along and Gigi isn't sure about how she feels about him with her beloved best friend. In spending a little more time with Vail, maybe Gigi will learn to see what her best friend likes in her man and find a way to support them?
Length: 1.5k words
Characters: Gigi, Vail, (mentioned: Lei, Ceres, Elise)
Relationships: Gigi + Vail (platonic), implied Vail / Lei (romantic)
It was September again. The smell of rain, the crinkly red and yellow leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes being available were all indicative of that. 
And what also came with September was the approaching of Lei’s birthday. Last year, Gigi had thrown a large surprise birthday bash, but this year, Lei’s birthday aligned with the mid autumn festival so Lei had requested something smaller. Who was Gigi to refuse her best friend’s requests? 
So the weekend before Lei’s birthday, which was unfortunately on a weekday, Gigi had called up the girls — which was what she liked to call Elise and Ceres — and planned a gift  shopping day. This was so that none of them would get Lei overlapping gifts. 
That had gone well. Elise efficiently picked up a scented candle and some bath bombs in Lei’s favourite floral scents. Ceres, the cute little thing, had said she already handmade Lei’s gift and simply came to pick up some gift wrap. Only when Gigi pressed and insisted, did Ceres reveal the carefully painted portraits of Cillin and Meng, Lei’s beloved cats. Gigi couldn’t help but pat such a cute girl on the head! 
Gigi herself already knew what she was going to get Lei — it had become a tradition for them to buy each other outfits for their birthdays. Usually they would try to get each other things that were similar to the other’s closet, but this year, Gigi wanted to challenge Lei a little outside of her comfort zone. This year, Gigi had opted for a multi-layered flowy white chiffon dress and a black corset-like pleather belt. Paired with some comfy leather boots and some scarves, it would have Lei looking like a pirate princess. 
Now Gigi herself and the girls all aligned with her expectations and they finished their shopping with relative efficiency. What she did not expect was a particular blue-haired man wanting to tag along.
And thus it lead to her current predicament now: 
“Vail, you could string a few beads on some cooking twine and give Lei that, and she would still call it the best bracelet she’s ever received.” Gigi said, with a dramatic sigh, holding the palm of her hand to her forehead. 
Vail had tagged along to all the shops the girls went to, saying very little as he followed behind them like some lost puppy. But it seemed that he was struggling with choosing what to get Lei for her birthday gift. 
Gigi didn’t have anything in particular against Vail. He was on the short side, had decent-enough facial features that could make him objectively “cute”, and he wasn’t an asshole. Even before he and Lei had officially started dating, Gigi could already tell that he was genuinely interested in Lei. And since Lei and him had been dating for some time now, Gigi could tell he made her happy. Even so, Gigi was not particularly impressed by him. In Gigi’s eyes, Lei deserved someone who would pluck the stars out of the sky for her. 
Gigi and Vail had been in the jewelry store for the past half hour and even Gigi’s bottomless patience had worn a little thin. Just a little. 
“Maybe,” Vail said, looking up at Gigi from the extensive earring rack he was studying intensely. “But I want to give her something nice.” 
Maybe if you knew what she liked, you wouldn’t be having such a hard time deciding, Gigi thought in her head, but didn’t say. 
Instead, Gigi sighed. “Why can’t you be like other guys and slap a ribbon on your crotch and call it a day?”
Vail made no indication that he had heard her, although Gigi could see that the tips of his ears had grown suspiciously red. 
Flipping her wavy red hair behind her, Gigi turned away from him and began to browse through the jeweled hair clips in the row over. “Well, if you would like my help so we can go home sometime today, I’ll just be over here.”
They browsed in a few minutes of awkward silence before he finally cleared his throat and said. “Do you know anywhere they might sell mooncake earrings?”
Finally! Took you long enough! Gigi screamed in her head. But again, out of manners, she did not say this aloud.
“I know just the place.” Gigi smiled, already beginning to walk out of the store. “Come on, let’s go get some cute earrings.”
The place she had in mind was a little artisan shop that featured small artists. It was a personal favourite of Gigi herself. Just the week before, Lei and Gigi had visited after class and Lei had actually picked up the mooncake earrings that Gigi was now recommending to Vail. 
Perhaps he does pay attention to what Lei likes, Gigi was beginning to realize as she promptly showed him the wooden shelf. She pointed at the golden yellow mooncakes, intricately carved with a Chinese character, and hanging from golden hooks. 
He picked up the earrings, and then shook his head and placed them back on the rack. “This won’t do.” He said. “She only wears silver.” 
That was something Gigi occasionally forgot herself until Lei mentioned it. Gigi was surprised that he even remembered.
After her initial shock, she straightened herself up and cleared her throat to say, “Hmmm I’ll ask one of the employees if they have any left in silver. I think there were some last week.” 
The employee was called over and after explaining the situation, the employee gestured to a hidden drawer underneath the display. After digging through it, the employee pulled out a pair of earrings on a cute red backing card.
The earrings were depicting white snowskin mooncakes and placed on silver hooks. The red backing card even had the design of a very round white bunny on it. 
“That looks great, thanks.” Vail said as the employee dropped the earrings in his hand. 
“Wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Gigi said to Vail with just a little bit of sass, after the employee had left to go back to their post. 
But Vail wasn’t looking at her or listening to her at all. Instead, his attention seemed to be on the glass display case that the employee was behind. Behind the glass, there were shelves of what appeared to be handcrafted rings of different kinds, nestled in velvet beds. 
Gigi placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. She knew Vail was serious about Lei, but wasn’t aware he was that serious. She watched him, seeing his brown eyes full of longing as he gazed at what was behind the glass. In those eyes, she saw someone who was willing to try to pluck the stars out of the sky for her beloved friend. 
Perhaps she had underestimated him more than once today. Although Gigi hated being wrong, she hated having the wrong idea about people more. 
“Vail?” Gigi said, her booming voice piercing through the quiet of the shop. “Is there something else you wanted to buy today?”
This seemed to shake Vail out of his daze and he shook his head. “Sorry, did you say something before? I didn’t hear it.”
Perhaps it’s not time yet, Gigi thought, but now I can see the future that Lei dreamed of coming true. For now though, Gigi would bide her time and make sure she got as much quality time with her best friend before she was taken away. 
Gigi shook her head, a small smile on her face. “It’s nothing important. I was just wondering if you were ready to go.” 
“Oh, right. Hmmm… I guess I can pick up a second pair of earrings. It seems there’s a deal for two.” Vail said, his gaze returning to Gigi and then the shelf.
“Right…” Gigi smirked at him, her hand firmly placed on her hip. “Well, after you’re done, let’s go find the girls. We’re getting bubble tea. My treat.” 
He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “Nah, it’s okay. Thanks though. I appreciate your help today so if anything, I should be treating you to bubble tea.” 
“Nonsense!” Gigi shook her finger at him. “It’s a tradition when I go out with the girls that someone treats the others to bubble tea. Not only is today my turn, but today you’re an honorary girlie. After all, we all came shopping with the intention of making our darling Lei happy, no?” 
He smiled then, something rare to Gigi, but something that might have been familiar to Lei. Very vaguely, at the back of her mind, did Gigi remember how Lei had swooned about his soft smiles. 
“Alright, you got me. I’ll buy the ingredients for the hotpot then.” Vail said with his small smile. 
“Throw in some prime-grade meats and it’s a deal~” 
Vail seemed to think about it only to humour her — Gigi knew he wasn’t going to refuse — before he nodded and said, “Deal.” 
Delighted, Gigi let out a laugh, which could be heard outside the store as she and Vail shook on it.
Author's Notes:
Gigi / Vail friendship is something I didn't know I needed until now. It's the best friend / boyfriend solidarity in supporting their fave girl
sorry this is kinda messy orz I didn't edit that much for once and this is really experimental / for fun
I know it's also super late for Lei's birthday but I've been dealing with other stuff so :'D if I have more motivation to write then I might do part 2 (Ceres POV) + part 3 (Vail POV) for Lei's birthday. There might be Lei POV for part 3 instead of Vail actually who knows 🤪🤷‍♀️
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
THE BALLOONS AND THE CAKE OMG ITS SO PERFECT , now some questions Mr devil :
What flavor is the cake ?
Does Saffron also have a bday list with stuff for us to do ? If so what are they ?
Does his family wish him happy birthday In private or do they just come to his house ? And if yes would saffy be annoyed?
Does he revive gifts other than our gifts?? ( I would probably give him another painting and take him out to dinner or a picnic )
C.C seems like a red velvet guy
Wear the matching outfit he bought months in advance, take at least thirty pictures with him wherever you go together to celebrate, let him mark you as permanent mates if you haven't already, let him put a picture of an ex if you have one or a friend he can't stand on his pinata, bratz/monster high movie marathon, give him his birthday kisses (yes all 3,000. No it doesn't have to be in the same day)
Baron and Verona do. Baron tries to punch him for every year and Verona baked his cake. You can see who he prefers. Ceres and Gemini have others deliver presents to him. He would burn anything from Orion and his father doesn't even know he exists
I imagine his fans and "friends" send him birthday wishes or cards, but he doesn't really care about gifts other than from you and those mentioned before
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mikoriin · 2 years
Happy birthday!
If you threw your characters into an AU, what kind of AU would it be?
thanks!! <3
i actually have an au for them! :D my first job was the bakery department in a grocery store so i made the au Bakery AU but its much more cafe themed.
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drew them in my uniform initially as cake makers, but i have a whole au now where everyone works at a dessert cafe! :D
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its a non magic au where everyone is human and its for slice of life fluff purposes haha. you can see everyones roles in the doodles! ceres and atheria are the owners who show up from time to time 😊
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