#HBD MEG!!!!!!
justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles | Brighton UK (Crossroads 6), March 12, 2023
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Jensen just yelled „are you not entertained?“ and then said „you don’t even know what that’s from, do you?“ to Danneel. „I failed as a husband.“ Danneel „remembers *Russel Crowe*“ (but not the line). (x)
Danneel complained because Jensen had them change the chairs to higher and less comfortable. Now Jensen is trying to direct us for a hbd video and complained we‘re as hard to direct as Jared. (x)
Danneel doesn’t yell at Jensen when he does something wrong in the house, just wordlessly shows him. Jensen demonstrated that. (I.E. dishes in sink and not the dishwasher) (x)
“i put my pots in the sink and danneel says why don’t you put them in the dishwasher and i say they find their way and she says HOW DO YOU THINK THEY FIND THEIR WAY JENSEN?!”  (x)
Fan congratulates them on The Winchesters! Cheers in the room  (x)
Winchesters set. How to set the tone. Jensen started by giving a talk on day 1 to Drake and Meg. Same talk Kripke gave J2 while filming Wendigo. Show begins and ends with their relationship on and off camera. (x)
Jensen sat down and had a talk with meg and drake similar to what kripke gave him and jared during the filming of wendigo about how the show starts and ends with their relationship on and off camera  (x)
Jensen is telling the story about how Kripke sat him and Jared down at the beginning of the show and told them that they had a responsibility as the leads. “We had the most fun on this set doing what we love to do”.  (x)
Jensen says Drake was really eager for directions as to how to be the best that he could be. Meg is a natural-born leader and just went “oh, I get it”. (x)
“yes we took the kids in baby no i have not driven baby i haven’t even asked” - danneel  (x)
They took the kids out in Baby but Danneel has never driven it. Danneel talks a little more and corrects her pronouns to „she“ when talking about the car. (x)
Danneel hasn’t driven Baby yet, but not because Jensen won’t allow it, just because she hasn’t thought about driving it! Also said it smells “like a boat”  (x)
danneel said baby doesn’t start the same as she does on the show and jensen GLARES and everyone goes WHAT and she says oh no she sounds the same she’s just slower  (x)
jensen ended up complaining that the show used a different cars sound than the impalas bc people used to come over expecting his baby to sound like ‘BRUMMMMMMMMM’ and instead it was more ‘PTH bfbfbfbf’ and he said it was embarrassing    (x)
They used to use a fake sound for how Baby would start, and Jensen actually begged them to change it to something more similar to how it actually sounds.  (x)
Danneel’s mom was calling Jensen’s phone and he actually considered answering it until Danneel gave him THE “no”  (x)
Danneel hasn’t driven baby yet and says it smells like a boat  Danneel says it doesn’t start like it does on the show.  Jensen has just confirmed that it is in fact a boat engine lol .  (x)
baby 1 is jensens, baby 3 is jareds, baby 2? stunt car. insanely damaged little gal with all these stunt items on it  (x)  jensen refuses to remove any scratch or dint from baby or let anyone grease or oil the hinges of the doors !!!! (x)
They had to remove the radio in Baby while they were on SPN because (quoting Jensen) “Jared and I are CHILDREN”  (x)
jensens talking about the truck he drives in big sky and how it’s a complete pile of shit and that he couldn’t get the door open and had to use a screw driver in some of the takes to open it  (x)
jensen keeps apologising for long answers bc there’s so many people waiting  (x)
Some RadioCo cheers for the third album!!  (x)
the fan said jensen is a musician and danneel nodded encouragingly (x)
Jensen still stands by the statements that he is “not a musician” and he “has three album to prove it”, and he’s “not an actor, and has fifteen seasons to prove”. Danneel just thinks he’s both.  (x)
Relationship with music. Reference to Jensen‘s former answer of „I am not a musician“. How about now? He stands by his comment. Not a musician. He has three albums to prove it. Much like he‘s not an actor. He has 15 seasons to prove it. (x)
Jensen would rather be pretty good at everything than really good at just one thing.  (x)
jensens talking about how as a teen he never was super amazing at one thing but he was good at everything in the sense of he was never a star athlete but he could play all the sports and it’s something he’s grateful to be able to dip into different talents and arts  (x)
“give everything a try.” advice they give to their kids    (x)
They’re trying to teach their kids that they can try anything they want, as long as they possibly can.  (x)
Danneel wants Jensen to do another play!  (x)
“she was like, jensen you’re gonna do it you’re gonna get it and i was like how do you know? and she said because i know you”  (x)
Danneel talked Jensen off the ledge when he was rehearsing for his play years ago. “I was gonna walk, and she just said ‘Jensen, you’re gonna get it’ and Jensen asked ‘how do you know that?’, Danneel said ‘because I know YOU’.” (x)
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jensens talking about his song writing process and how he builds it up through cords and vowels and then words from that and then tell a story through that. so music, melody then lyrics to that  (x)
Danneel is so supportive of Jensen - it is really shining through  (x)
Jensen about Adam staying in the cage for 10 years: HEY I DIDNT WRITE IT!  (x)  Jensen praising Jake Abel as an actor, but also as a very genuinely good person. (x)
“As Dean, I would’ve taken Adam under my wing and done my best to connect with him, despite about our father.” (x)
jensen said that dean would've taken adam under his wing and looked after him and that he would've loved to have had adam brought back sooner so they could've flushed out that dynamic more (x)
They have to be very careful about going through the proper channel to get spin-offs developed.  (x)
They’re actually talking about giving contacts to people wanting to pitch things. It’s a lot to go through from a legal standpoint but it’s doable. (x)
jensen said they have to be careful legally on how to take fan submissions for shows and how even getting the winchesters took a lot for them. they said the gersh agency is who they’re rep by and that that’s the best way to start” (x)
Jensen and Danneel have to be super careful when listening to pitches legally. Even when they started pitching The Winchesters, they were told to go through the proper channels. They have a special person to do pitches now.(x)  Danneel says Supernatural is one of the best fandoms“ and Jensen corrects her that it‘s “THE best fandom”. (x)
jensen says he would do his audition as if it was the last performance of his life. he said if u sit waiting on the callback it’s the worst thing you can do (x)  “it’s like if you’re a painter, the more you do, the better you get. build that confidence, build a thick skin, but not too thick that it blocks the world. just the negativity, bring in positivism always!” (x)
What would they tell their younger selves when they started acting? Jensen got the advice that acting is a game in numbers. The more you do it, the better you get. The more you try, the more chances. Every audition was his final performance. Don’t wait for callbacks (x)  Same goes for writers and artists. The more you try, the better you get. Build a thick skin, embrace positivity. (x)
“Get a thick skin from negativity, embrace positivity ” (x)
jensen said there’s always a story he wishes he tells at conventions and forgets till after the con now he’s on the spot he can’t remember  (x)
Funny story in their back pocket but nobody asked it yet? Jensen has those, but currently forgot them all. He had one yesterday but Danneel forgot it too. „We have three kids.“ (x)
french mistake when we got pitched that episode i remember saying as long as i don’t have to play anyone other than dean winchester you can put me anywhere or call me anything you want, i’m still playing dean because i know where he is and he’s in me  (x)
“jared played a lot of variations of sam but i was just dean for most of the series until michael dean or demon dean because i was like NOPE don’t take dean away from me and i’m still like this” (x)
HBO SPN question! Danneel: “Dean would have been able to swear a lot more!” Jensen thinks it would have been actually pretty similar to the Boys. “Watch the Boys, and then put that into SPN, and you’ll have HBO SPN” (x)  At the heart of it, it would’ve been the same show.”(x)
Jensen recalling his scene in Lazarus rising - “it was HOT in that box!” It was like being in a sauna underground. And he had to do it twice. (x)
Lazarus Rising. It was summer and it was about 50°C in that box under the earth and Jensen was in it, could barely hear the crew. But thankfully he could hear Kim‘s significant voice through the dirt and neoprene. (x)  The hole was cut in the neoprene but dirt on top of it. Jensen didn’t have to do a lot of acting because he was so happy to get out of that hole. Then Kim said „let‘s go again“ and Jensen yelled „fuck you, Kim“. (x)  Danneel says that story just gave her so much anxiety and she could never do that. In the scene before, Jensen was in a coffin and they put crumbled oreos instead of dirt. Jensen turned his head and had Oreos in his ears for a week. (x) 
“there’s not a lot of directors i’d do that for but i’d pay every dollar to do that for him again”  (x)
When talking about Samuel Winchester, Robbie wanted „someone like Tom Welling“ and at some point Robbie asked if Jensen couldn’t just call him. So he did and Tom agreed before Jensen was even done with his pitch. (x) 
They actually started refering to Tom as a ‘placeholder’, same build, same age, etc. and then Robbie asked Jensen if Jensen and Tom were keeping in touch, and Jensen was like “yeah! … *realizing* OH”. He then actually called him to ask if he was interested.  (x)
He‘s happy that he and Danneel are now in a place where they can call and ask close friends they trust to come in for jobs. Jensen hopes he‘s also one of those people that others trust and call to be on something. (x)
jensen said it before and stands by wishing we got longer time in purgatory says how benny is one of his favourite characters and there’s a reason in atomic monsters he brought benny back and it wasn’t written in the script he just wanted to give a homage to that storyline (x)
When Danneel was first up as Anael, Jensen flew home to be Mr Mom while she worked in Vancouver. A storyline Jensen wanted more of is Purgatory. Benny is one of his fave characters. He called Ty for Atomic Monsters, wasn’t scripted. (x)  Second to that is Michael. Danneel: „Because you liked the outfit.“ He did.(x)
How much input do they have into the Winchesters and who’s idea was it to bring Dean back? They both chose Robbie has the writer because they love his writing. Similar story to getting Tom Welling on the show, “I would love to get Robbie! … Oh, I should call Robbie!” (x)
Whose idea was it to bring Dean back? When pitching The Winchesters, he wanted Robbie because he‘s one of his fave writers on SPN. The others all already have successful shows on TV. (x)  And then the Ackles told Robbie to „go nuts“. Robbie is a big Dean fan and „wanted to write Dean again“. He wrote the voice over, send it to Jensen. Jensen read it out loud and unconsciously changed words.Robbie took notes. Called it „going through the Dean machine.“ (x)  Jensen fake complains again about having to do the 6 page exposition in The Winchesters finale. But it was cathartic to him and fun for him & Robbie. (x)
Robbie was the one who write the Dean voice over and then Jensen would record and add stuff and then go “oh shit did I fucked that up?” And Robbie went “no, you just made it ‘more Dean’!”  (x)
Jensen referring to himself and Robbie as the “Deanarrator” (x)
jensen basically said that by episode one and two they both jus sat back and watched and got to see the show unfold thanks to robbie (though jensen loved to be needed to be like HERES WHAT DEAN WOULD DO when asked) (x)
“oh they’re gonna rewrite canon it’s gonna be a DISASTER! then i come in and i’m like lol it’s an alternate universe… SUCK IT!” (x)  “which i have to say that opens up a LOT of opportunities guys… a lot! in senses of multiverses… a lot of shows do it, why not us” (x)
Jensen has been trying to get Danneel to come to cons for a while but she always said „no, that’s your thing“ and he replied „it could be your thing too“. (x)
“thank you for being here see y’all real soon! and THANKYOU for making danneels experience amazing she wasn’t sure she thought it was my thing i said it could be her thing too. y’all are AMAZING!” (x)
‘Thank you for making Danneel’s experience amazing - I keep telling her this could be our thing!’ (x)
Jensen just thanked us all for making Danneel’s first experience on stage at a convention fantastic and memorable one and that they will definitely be coming back to the UK (x)
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yeonjuins · 2 years
hbd i love u <3 i hope that this year you get !! all the opportunities you wish for and deserve and that you continue to make memories that you'll carry with you all your life with a smile !!! giant hug!! i am spiritually sending u a box of shin ramyeon and a brown teddy bear. etc. MWAH!
i love u meg ): thank u so much im giving u the biggest hug in return
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xaracosmia · 9 months
hi it's meg it's 1/9 and today is saturn hwbm's birthday. i think she's 26 now? tyyyyyy kiss kiss
<3 assistant yuri
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togeqii · 1 year
hbd meg!!! i hope ur birthday is as wonderful as you are!!
ur so sweet ty persie 🥹🥹🫶 i also hope it’s a good day!!
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omg aléksday????? happy happy birthday i hope that you’ve had a nice day filled with things and people that you love !!! i feel like we’ve been mutuals much longer than we probably actually have been bc we spent so long being mutuals in law but like. what was i even waiting for i think i was just vaguely intimidated bc u were always so cool when i saw u pop up around our little corner of the internet 😭😭 anywaaaays MWAH i really hope this year and the next and the next and so on just keep on getting better and that you have lots of reasons to smile and laugh this year !!! sending u. ur favorite silly little beverage in spirit !!! and also ur favorite dessert. have the wonderful day u deserve im sorry im so late wishing u hbd !!!!
naurrrrrr meg this is so cute 🥺 thank you sm please know that i also found u intimidating kjndkjsgbk as i always do with mutuals in law it is just a story bound to repeat itself i think lmao but i appreciate u sooooo much and i will gladly accept your offerings of food and drink hope u are not a fairy trying to trick me into staying in the fairy realm.... <3333333
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hoonietual · 2 years
OMG IT’S LULU DAY !!!! hbd lulu i’m sorry i’m late but i hope you had the most best day and got to have the birthday dessert of your choice! may this coming year bring you so so many reasons to smile n laugh. MWAH ily !!!
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nickmillerscaulk · 4 years
guess what, guess what! 
it’s @mego42‘s bday. 
guess what else, guess what else!
to celebrate, i’m putting the rest (so far) of my ~beth x rio / rio x annie bffs~ drabble/WIP/draft/mess under the cut! it’s still a LONG way from being finished and it’s technically the second part of a two-part one shot (two shot?) i’m writing. knowing myself, i’ll end up rewriting everything below until it’s unrecognizable. not to mention, i have yet to even write the first part hahahaha
ok so this entire thing under the cut was built around a line of dialogue from ‘set it up’—it just so happened to reveal itself in the form of a rio/annie friendship.
happy birthday, meg!!!!! 💛💛💛💛
Beth and the friend-of-a-friend she forgot the name of about four drinks ago are playing beer pong against Annie and Rio on the edge of the patio, while the other guests mingle around the spread of snacks on the deck and another group plays bags on the other side of the yard. Despite the focused effort and the white wine running warm through her veins, Beth’s losing. And hard. Which means Annie has gone from comfortable to confident to cocky (a direct result of Rio egging her on, no doubt) in record time.  With the buzz of the crowd competing against the cicadas as the evening has worn on, Beth realizes she can’t hear her opponent’s conversation anymore—can’t hear their ‘pong coaching’ as her sister called it. Drunk Annie is familiar territory, but seeing Rio like this?  It’s new, it’s exciting. He’s like a kid in a candy shop—youthful, innocent, determined. He’s practically glowing.  This time, Annie nods and focuses, then closes both eyes and tosses the ping pong ball, creating a perfect arch that falls way too short of the intended cup. Rio laughs into his cup of beer, then steps up for his own turn.  It could be worse, Beth thinks just as he lands a ball in the last cup and Annie reacts by jumping on him and clinging to his lanky frame like he’s a tree and she’s a koala. Except—Rio wasn’t expecting Annie’s enthusiasm (ha, amateur), so the two of them end up landing in a pile on the ground, their arms locked around each other still. "Oh my god, stop! Stop hugging each other. You are not friends,” she says, biting back a snort. “Oh c’mon, Beth. We’ll let you win the next one.” “Yeah, c’mon, Elizabeth.”  “Yeah, Elizabeth,” Annie mimics. “You loooove us.” “That is…not the point,” Beth argues, though even she isn’t convinced. Annie makes untangling herself look surprisingly effortless, then continues, “Don’t you want two people you looooove to also love each other?” She pushes herself up and off the ground, but Rio is slower. Beth feels briefly vindicated, until Annie reaches her arms out and down to him, motioning with grabby hands for him to latch on so she can help him up. “OH, OH! What’s that creepy kids show? With the song about loving each other?”  When he finally stands, he casually wraps an arm around Annie’s shoulder and she leans into it. They both smile at the restrained horror that’s translating to something along the lines of a pained smirk on Beth’s face. The more they hang out as a trio around other people, the more Annie realizes this could be a good thing for all of them—or, at least a fun thing.   The thrill of testing Beth’s patience is unmatched and she’s finally found someone to navigate and expand those limits with. Better yet, this is someone who basically turns her older sister into putty. Someone who lights her up like a switchboard—and there are few things Annie enjoys more than pushing all the right buttons.  “Mister Rogers?”  “What? No, gangfriend. The one with the—with the big purple—” Annie’s head springs off of Rio’s shoulder. “Shit, wait. What is he? A dinosaur?” “Right, right…Barney,” he offers. “Dang, man. You’re so smart.” Annie’s eyes are practically glistening as she bends her neck back so far, Beth worries it won’t come back up. That they’re stuck like this, together, forever. Rio laughs, turns back to Beth, and tilts his head more than he probably realizes. He watches how her face scrunches up in that horrified-but-don’t-know-where-to-start way he’s grown extremely used to. He doesn’t hate it. She clocks his reaction in return, hesitates, and retreats.  Best not to feed the beast. Especially when that beast is Annie and Rio with their arms linked around each other.  “Annie, stop. This is entirely about the two most chaotic people I know who are destined to only do the most chaotic things together. I guarantee I’m not the only one worried about what shitshow disasters could come of this…” she flicks her hand back and forth between them before dropping the f word. “...friendship.”
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aadmelioraa · 3 years
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The Other Woman
Aethelflaed x Eadith, 1950s AU, rated T, 2.4k
When Eadith began her affair with Aethelred the last thing she expected was his wife to enlist her help divorcing him.
Aethelflaed tilts her head to one side as if she's appraising a piece of art. “You’re very pretty. I had hoped you would be clever as well.”
Eadith breathes a laugh. “Why on earth is that?”
“It would make what I’m about to do easier,” Aethelflaed says, pinning the cocktail napkin beneath her drink under one fingernail and dragging it towards the outer edge of the table.
Read on AO3
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
Morning sunlight filters through the windows. In the air, the citrusy scent of lavender and lemon cleaner mingles with dust particles caught in the rays. It’ll be a mess by the end of the day; the kitchen is, after all, the epicentre of activity in the Hood-Hemmings household. Fluorescent lights illuminate stacks of used dishes and dirt-stained skirting boards indiscriminately, but they can never quite capture the versatility of the room. At any moment, the wood countertops and checkerboard tiles might transform into a lively dance floor, a charming cafe, a paper-strewn study.
This is more than just a kitchen. It’s a storybook with walls.
happy birthday @kaleidoscopeminds kitchens are for lovers but they are also for meg
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chaeryybomb · 5 years
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Happy birthday to our Prince Hyunjin!!!
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sammytolbert · 6 years
HBD // Meg & Sammy
The rest of her pack and family had gotten her throughout the day, much to his relief since something had come up that required a visit from him to a specific client’s house, but when he was finally able to pick her up, Sammy couldn’t help but smile as she went on about how her day had gone. That was another thing about her that he enjoyed, that when she began, she wouldn’t stop. He didn’t even have to fill up any blank air with unnecessary chatter, there would be enough meat for an orphanage by the way Meghan went into depth. Once the topic had finally come to a close and they neared the destination he had chosen, a hand went to grab her’s, looking over at the crowned head that he already knew was of Brooklyn’s doing. “I figured you’d get tired of being around a shit-ton of people all day, so... Don’t get mad, I just got a room at the Peninsula. Got Kyle to give me a bottle of your favourite, and got the kitchen staying up to make you whatever you want to eat.”
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kitchenscene · 2 years
thank you ily more <3
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amurphyao · 4 years
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beasttrash · 4 years
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hbd meg and welcome to the club 💙💙💙
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yvonneho113 · 4 years
I have had this in my drafts for quite a while but since today it's my 22 birthday and PJO and Grey's Anatomy are two of my fav things in the world I decided to post it today!!!!!HBD TO MEEEE💙
Ok, so now I'm excited thanks to some fics that I found that are Pjo x Grey's Anatomy sooooooo now I want to write about which specialty I think each character of PJO would be into.
Thanks to @literature-and-rants and @buoyantsaturn for the inspo.
Will Solace
I'm starting with him because he's the most obvious one. I think he would be in General or Trauma surgery, specially trauma since he's already a combat medic in the pjo world so it's basically the same.
Percy Jackson
Pediatric surgery, I can imagine him as an Alex Karev type. Also, I truly believe he would be really good with children judging from his juvenile/dorky type of personality and also because it's canon (from the way he talked with Meg in TOA).
Annabeth Chase
Cardio or general surgery, no doubts. I just see a lot of her in Bailey and Christina Yang so I guess that's the reason why. To me she seems like a very determined, steely, driven kind of person. Neuro bc daughter of Athena, obviously. I feel that is the perfect mix of hand coordination and wits, something that I think Athena kind of embodies as a goddess.
Jason Grace
Neuro for a similar reason to Annabeth but the talent come from him and not his parentage. Trauma because I feel trauma surgeons are like super in charge and bossy because of their specialty and the situations they take care of, Jason was praetor so I see him really comfortable as a Head o Trauma department or something.
Piper McLean
For some reason I can imagine her in Plastics, probably because of the connection my mind makes with her being a daughter of Aphrodite but also because I think she would like the idea of being able to help people to feel more like themselves. Also ENT because of the connections between all of this (hearing and speech) and charmspeak.
Leo Valdez
Ortho for obvious reasons I think. All the mechanics, and handywork it requires definitely go with his traits as child of Hephaestus.
Nico Di Angelo
Oncology, I just think he would be able to handle really well the fact that most of his patients have low chances of survival (I see him only treating like really severe or advanced cases of cancer). I suppose it's the fact that he's a child of Hades that makes me think that he would excel in this area.
Frank Zhang
Ortho, my reasoning behind this is that you need a lot of strength to put back in place broken bones and Frank is definitely the person to go to in this case. Him and Leo would be the Ortho surgery ✨dream team✨.
Hazel Lavesque
OB and fetal surgery, it took me some time to decide with Hazel. I don't think this would be a perfect fit but maybe close enough, I think her kind personality would be great to soothe soon to be mothers.
Grover Underwood
Derma bc he's just has too much nervous energy to function as a surgeon or EMT because he would be great with rescue situations due to his experience as a seeker (I also seem to remember that he used to teach a Wilderness survival course in CHB).
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Peds, she would be great with children like Percy. But, all I can see her as is an artist soooooo, it could work maybe but meh.
Reyna Ávila Ramírez Arellano
Trauma, the exact same reasons as Jason. I just feel she would have a lot of authority to command the Emergency Room or any other situation that required doctors of this specialty (such as combat surgeons at war).
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ofclubsandtea · 8 years
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Happy Birthday, my birthday buddy!
(That background was a total bitch but i did it out of love) 
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