#beth x rio x annie
1-800-local-slut · 11 months
rio getting to know shy reader but realizing she far from that now that’s she’s getting comfortable with him.
He's Right
I hope you like this! I made it hella suggestive at the end. Please let me know what you think! I just started this show Rio is literally my baby daddy but I'm only like four episodes in so I'm if it's too out of character.
Likes and reblogs are very appreciated!
Pairing: Rio (good girls) x shy! black! reader
Warnings: cheating, mentions of traumatic past, cursing, suggestiveness at the end, reader has a boyfriend
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I need him in a way that isn't natural, I need him in my draws NOW.
"Can I help you with anything sir?" Rio glanced up, his sharp eyes leaving the book he was examining.  The Lord of the Flies or some shit. He was sure he read it in school. But that didn't matter. What mattered was the woman standing before him. His eyes flicked to her neckline, seeing the star shaped necklace around her chest. That right there was perfect, telling him everything he needed to know about her relation to his target.
The woman was the younger sister of King Jericho. Otherwise known as some lame ass pimp who made the mistake of stealing from Rio. And no one steals from him and gets aways with it.
He still remembers how he was sitting with Marcus in a McDonald's drive through. Marcus was eating chicken nuggets, getting barbecue sauce and shit all over his mouth. Rio was telling him to take it easy, then he heard chiming. His phone rang, and Mick told him that their man went ghost. And when they couldn't find him, that meant they couldn't find Rio's money. And THAT was a problem.
So to make a long story short, Rio had to go the long way and go to his family. Mom sent him and Mick packing, dads dead. Only person left was his sister. And that led him to the gorgeous brown skinned woman before him.
"Of course you can, mama. I need help, I'm looking for King." His eyes scanned over her entire body, looking for something, anything, that could get him some help. Her brown eyes, and long eyelashes blinked at him but they didn't show fear or recognition. Instead she stared patiently waiting for him to continue. Nothing, time to try something else.
"Is that a series? Or an author? Do you know the genre?" Trying her best to do her job, he watched her reach into her side for her walkie talkie. So she didn't know about the King part, time to check if she knew about Jericho.
"Nah, it's none of that. I'm looking for Jericho." And there it was. The second the words left his voice in his usual charming manner her eyes filled with panic. Goosebumps appeared on her brown skin and one of her hands flew to her hair. He noticed for the first time that it must be a wig, black hair was in waves down her body and parted down her middle. For some reason her shiny hair was oddly enticing to him. Her teeth sunk into her plump, glossy lips and Rio's eyes flickered over them.
"Like...from the Bible?" Her soft voice was like music to his ears. If only that sentence wasn’t so stupid.
"...The Bible." He repeated while narrowing his eyes. Either he was being played for stupid,which was not a smart thing to do or she was stupid. He wanted to believe the woman he just found attractive even for a moment wasn’t an idiot. 
“Nah girl. I think you know what I’m talking about.” Placing the book that was still in his hands on the table behind him. Her chest was heaving quickly and she was clearly beginning to panic. Rio moved his eyes up to Mick, who was looking at a cookbook with Snoop Dogg on the cover. With a wave of his two fingers, Mick began to intercept her escape.
“I don't, I'm sorry. I don’t think I can help you, maybe you should check somewhere else.” Slowly turning on her heels, she walked head first into Mick. His solid chest stopped her, and nudged her glasses further up on her face. Stepping back she softly groaned and readjusted her lenses.
“Now, this looks like an interesting book. Can you tell me what it’s about?” Rio asked, sitting down and Mick led her to put her plump behind, that Rio noticed when he saw her through the shop's window. She nervously took a seat. While clenching and unclenching her hands on her skirt, Rio watched her with observant eyes. With a glance, he motioned to the book attempting to get her to tell him the truth. With a shaky breath one of her manicured hands reached for the book.
“It’s Lord of the Flies. It revolves around this group of British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island and try to govern themselves. Things go bad really really fast.” Her brown eyes met him once more and he smirked. In response, she looked down at the table and snuck two looks at him.
“Oh nice nice, it got a nice ending n shit?” With a swift nod, he hummed. He kept his eyes trained on the golden star dangling from her chest, probably bought with Rio’s money.
“Alright, here’s the deal. Your brother’s a bitch. He stole from me and ran out, and I need to find him. And I need you to tell me where he is.” She swallowed thickly. 
“And who exactly would you be?” 
“My name ain’t important moma. Just know, I know you. I know your mom, I know your auntie and your grandma, I know your boyfriend too. You mom is vicious, she sent my ass packing and told me to try you next.” Her eyes got wider and wider with each sentence. He’d probably be shocked too if his own mom sold him out. Her brother had always been trouble for her. At least that’s what he gathered. She’s had to get him out of trouble more than once. Mostly out of trouble with men, going on dates and what not for his sake. No way they weren’t talking any more. 
“Look, I don’t know anything about my brother. I haven’t talked to him in like 3 years! I can’t help you. Whatever debt he’s got with you, I can’t settle it.” With a scoff and a sigh, Rio rolled his eyes lightly. Her eyes went wide at his laughter, her finger digging into her nails. She was afraid of him. He didn’t like that, but that brother of hers seems  to have gotten her involved with a lot over the past few years.
“Relax, ma I ain’t gonna hurt you. I just need you to tell me where he is.” Her head shook quickly, her hair flying around wildly. She was still denying contact.
“That’s a nice necklace. You enjoying 21?” Her face went stiff. Her mouth opened slightly to respond, her glossy lips parting. Then they shut quickly as he saw tears well up in her eyes. He was right. The necklace was sent to her apartment by her brother exactly one week ago for her 21st birthday.
“I can’t help you. I don’t know where he is, this didn’t have a return address. It came in an Amazon bag! I mean, if I could I’d help you but I can’t do anything for you gentlemen.” She was trembling in her seat, and two tears escaped her eyes. But if she could receive something from him, she could learn exactly where he was. And given he had no leads, he had to settle for asking her to find out for him. 
She was crying like he had threatened her, and he partially imagined what type of people she had been around to warrant a reaction like this.
“Look ma, I just need you to stop crying. Can you do that?” He asked and she nodded, wiping tears from her face.
“I can’t just let you go though. Your brother sent you something and I need you to find out where he sent it from. That’s it. Tell you what, put this book on hold for me. Imma be back tomorrow, with enough to pay for it. Nothing’s gonna happen to you, I just need you to learn this for me.” He slid out of his seat, leaving the trembling woman there and she placed her face in her palms in dismay.
“Shit! What the fuck Rio?! You just break into my fucking house, you couldn't give me a phone call?” Growled the woman in a  slightly drunken anger. She turned on the lights next to the door and kicked off her heeled shoes. His eyes looked up and down her curved figure and she glared at him. Rio let out a laugh and his head lolled back on his shoulders. He was sitting on the back of her couch, petting her black cat who purred gently. Rio already found out that her cat adored anyone who fed her. 
“Well yeah baby. We still haven’t found your punk ass brother.”  Her eyes rolled hard into her head, and she threw her purse down and came around to the couch. Plopping down on her couch, Rio looked over at her soft skin covered by her golden dress.
It had been about two months. Two months since Rio went into the bookstore she worked at. Two months after the third day he entered the shop and she informed him that she found him. Then when he got there and found Jericho skipped out once again. And from there, something about her kept Rio coming back to bother the shy woman. Except she wasn't what he thought at first.
The woman slouched on the couch right next to him was vulgar, loud and proud, abrasive and more. She cursed at him, cursed out the TV, cursed out her mother and grandmother and boyfriend. She cursed out Rio. She was perfect for him. She was nice to him, despite their off putting first meeting. She put him in his place when she felt he needed it. She wasn’t afraid to tell him to shut his goofy ass up in her exact words. But still, sometimes he’d look at her and she looked just about ready to fold for him. And Rio liked that shit.
Now in a golden mini dress that she wore, with body glitter all over her breast was enticing Rio. She smelt like a mix of vanilla and a bar. In truth, if she could find her brother for him he didn’t care anymore. He could find him on his own with the clues they found at his last known location. In fact, soon enough they’d get their final location. He just liked bothering her. And it wasn’t like she was even bothering to look for him anymore. Last he asked she told him to suck her dick, she wouldn’t be searching for shit. 
“What’s wrong baby, you have a shitty night?” He asked, taking one of his large hands and cupping her face. He noticed her thighs pressed together with intense pressure. A smirk came across his face, and ran a thumb over her stained lips. She leaned into his touch and he waited for his answer.
“My boyfriends being a cunt again.” She sighed and her cat jumped into her lap, patting his paws on her soft thighs. Rio wanted to do that too, boyfriend be damned.
“Oh yeah?” He asked his hand itching down to her neck and his pinky scraping over the chain of that star necklace. That same necklace that pushed them to meet. Her eyes stayed glued to his, as she glanced up at him with wide eyes.
“He’s going on about not trusting my friendship with you. Then he told me to get the fuck on, since I didnt want to dance at the club. He was like ‘oh you rather dance with that other nigga?’ and I was like  ‘he’s not a fucking pussy, he could probably dance better than you’ so he told me to fuck off and I left him and told him not to come home tonight. You’re the other nigga in question. The niggas trippin, he keep bitching about it. He says he knows you wanna fuck me. He’s being a bitch, it’s making me want to cheat on him.” Suddenly he smirked at her. She raised an eyebrow, still feeling the heat of his hand on her throat and rubbing her thighs together.
“And what if I told you he was right?” His hand was now lightly around her throat, and he brushed pieces of her curly afro out of her face with his free hand. Slowly she began to process his words. Then a wicked smile crossed her face and she licked her lips.
“You should do something about that then.” Her voice now low and seductive, as he saw sparks of mischief in her eyes. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her soft ones. They pulled away for a moment and he lightly squeezed her throat harder. Licking his lips, he tasted the liquor and her strawberry lipgloss.
“I’m about to show you what else I’m better than his ass at.”
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misshazelevers20 · 1 month
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Good Girls +  Reductress part 13
part 12 part 11 part 10 part 9 part 8 part 7 part 6 part 5  part 4 part 3 part 2 part 1  
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Girl I love all your analysis and meta and commentary, here, in the comments on AO3, everywhere! I wish you had been on Tumblr in the GG heyday when a lot more discussion was happening. Since you weren’t, what’s YOUR fave Brio headcanon? Top 5 Brio and/or show moments for you? Opinions/rankings on Annie’s love interests? Give it all to me if you wanna!!!
Anon, that is so sweet! Thank you so much! ❤️ The validation for someone who loves to hear herself talk. Haha! The way I love Brio and every unspoken thing between them. I could talk for hours. And so funny because in the show’s heyday I was such a passive watcher. It was the pandemic that really escalated my fixation and fandom participation. I know I missed so much fun involvement. But really though, I can’t believe how active and committed this fandom still is, over a year after cancelation. Once Brio get their hooks in you they have you forever, I guess.
I think if I had to pick my favorite headcanon (there are so many!), it would be about this smurfing scene.
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I was absolutely obsessed with this whole scene for a while there! The way Rio is just sitting out there. Not texting her, not calling her. Just sitting there in the dark. She only saw him because he flashed his brights at her when she was taking trash out. So by all presumptions he’d been there a while. And when she asked him what he’s doing he said, “Just thinking.” Oh, you’re thinking? What are you thinking about, Rio? Sitting alone in the dark outside your gf’s house. 🤡
The headcanon is that s4 finally started to show us glimpses of brooding Rio, and in this particular moment he was sitting in his car, regretting all his life choices. This came on the heels of one of his first vulnerable moments – “Kinda like being almost pregnant,” when he touched the wet money. He showed his hurt in that moment and I think that hurt continued to show in this smurfing scene. He’d been all in his head out there all alone. Maybe hating himself, maybe hating her. Maybe wondering why he keeps fucking with her at all. Wondering why he even cares that he took all her stuff but she didn’t even care and just bought new stuff with HIS money, and was inside with her husband who she kept enabling despite him being a terrible person. Rio didn’t know exactly how he was terrible. Just that he was. And on top of all that, she was in there thinking about what wonderful people she and her dumbass husband are, and thinking how Rio’s a bad person while Rio himself is outside her house fixating on her entitled ass and helping her and trying to think of ways to divert heat off her while she’s probably plotting to kill him or jail him or whatever it is she decided to plot next. Just that turmoil in his head, I’m convinced he was fidgeting his beautiful little fingers and brooding about Beth.
And then she came outside and he flagged her down because he just couldn’t help himself and she acted so put out by his presence like usual.
“Just thinking.” About you.
“You’d rather I do it inside?” Where you’re hiding your true self as if you’re better than me. As if you deserve my kindness. As if you deserve my money. As if you aren’t a conniving bitch who’d kill me if she could and take everything I have, take a father from his son and not blink an eye.
“How’s Dean?” You had enough yet? Has he fucked someone else yet? You like how he makes you feel? How he has no idea who you are? Hates who you are. Wants you back barefoot and pregnant, serving him. But you want him, huh? Wanna spend my money on him? Let him have rule of the kingdom I made? Get me out of the way so you can ruin everything I created? For who? For you? Or for him?
The way he looked at her and the way she didn’t even see how he looked at her in this scene. The way she slinked down in her seat when Dean came outside and Rio watched her with all that self-hating resentment he felt for her. Yeah, he needed something from her. And yeah, he threatened her to get his way. But it cost him something, too. The way this man has no idea how to extricate himself from toxic situations. He almost feels safe in them. Chaos is familiar to victims of abuse so he seeks it out because he doesn’t know how to be without it. And Beth is nothing but chaos.
I appreciate the ask! I can do more of these. There are so many moments between them that are so laden with meaning that’s unspoken and unacknowledged. I just love them. These emotionally stunted little babies with all their big feelings. 🥰🥰🥰
All of Annie’s love interests are tied at 0/10 wouldn’t recommend. I could do a whole separate TED talk on Annie and her problems. 😂
Top 5 moments:
1. Bathroom scene
2. Family dinner (his hand on her back omg!!!)
3. “That’s what I am? Work?” (The huuuuurttttt!)
4. Smurfing scene (poor Rio)
5. “If you need something, darlin’…” (lmao, Rio! You just spent two seasons terrorizing her. And now you’re here with that sparkle in your eye telling her she should have known she’s your favorite little baby and you’ll do anything for her. 😂)
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pynkhues · 1 year
For the top 5 ask game I was wondering your favourite Brio moments and favourite of the girls’ moments? Xx
Nice! Thank you!
Okay, for the Brio moments, I'd say In no particular order:
All of 2.04. Yes, of course the bathroom break, but honestly all their scenes in this episode are so great. From the opening scene at the bar which just brims with her exhaustion and his excitement, to the last scene in Boland Motors where Rio both listens to her (doesn't tell Dean what they did) and doesn't (destroys the corvette), it's just hot and emotionally complex and good. Genuinely one of my fave eps of tv ever.
The bench scene in 3.06 where Beth and Rio finally confront reality. This scene just aches in all the best ways. I know a lot of people found their lack of communication frustrating, but I loved the way it made scenes like this one really pay off. They both feel like they're nearing breaking points, and the wound between them is still bleeding, and nothing they've put on it is making it stop, and you just feel that. I love it a lot.
"If you need something, all you gotta do is ask" in 4.15. It still makes me insane.
All of 3.04. I know, it's kind of another cheat, but the early scene in the bar where they're both so emotionally wasted juxtaposes so perfectly with the tension and promise of the money making scene at the end. The fact that it plays into all those things that make their dynamic so interesting - the way they can't stay away from each other, the fact tht he sees her, the fact that she always steps up for him - - it just gets me in all the best ways.
The Dubby in 2.07. I've done enough unhinged posting about this ep to last a lifetime, haha, so I'll just leave that there.
And for the girls - - I'd be here forever if I was talking about all my favourite scenes with iterations of them, so I'll try and keep it to trio moments:
Annie and Beth give Ruby the full cut at the hospital after Sara's seizure in 1.05. Honestly one of the scenes that encapsulates the show for me. Funny and tragic and always empathetic, it just shows off Christina, Retta and Mae's friendship chemistry like nothing else.
Ruby shooting Big Mike in the foot and Beth and Annie's reactions in 1.03. I SCREAM.
The bachelorette party scene in 4.08. Absolute cinema magic, they're on fire, I love them.
All of 2.08 - the flashbacks, Annie setting Beth and Ruby up, the crack in Beth's voice when she says she'd always choose Ruby. 10/10 ep actually, I love it very, very dearly.
All of 3.08. This one's maybe a surprise, but the episode where they retrieve Boomer is such a good one, especially for the push-pull between their motivations and the way we get to really see their growth from the start of the series. I love that it's Ruby who's actually the most accepting of the situation, and that Annie's the one who can't really cope. All three of them act the hell out of the episode, and play off each other so well, and I think especially given it felt like we got less of the girls together in s3, it really means a lot to me as an episode over all.
Ask me for my Top Fives
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 1 year
@michelleelizabethtanner : About the Brio "reunion", Do you think, Rio oblige Rhea to call Beth, or did she do it alone? Also, how do you think they (Rhea and Rio) react about Beth truth? Like Rio, about Beth being the mom and Rhea that Beth "kill" Rio?
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rioannie · 2 years
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Annie realizing what everyone sees in him😒😩😶🤧
Gifs by @sdktrs12
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peachraindrops · 2 years
*blows some dust off an old Brio WIP from the corners of my WIP folder*
“Beth! Tell me again why we’re in gang friend’s ride?” Annie grins, just needing to hear the last sentence again so she could take a mental snapshot of the image and save it forever.
Beth side-eyes her and groans, “You heard me the first time. I’m not saying it again.”
She scuffs back, “Pleaseeeee. Come on. Once more.”
Her pointer finger goes up and wiggles as if that proves she would really only ask to hear it one more time and Beth sighs.
When she doesn’t answer right away, Annie’s rogue finger goes to the radio and starts clicking all around the buttons until Beth smacks her hand away. The last thing she needed to do was explain to Rio why Annie was in his car or all the buttons were sticky.
She made the mistake of agreeing to pick Annie up from work since her car was booted again and didn’t even think about the repercussions or the questions she’d get slammed with. They were in such a weird groove with each other she forgot the people closest to her knew nothing about it yet.
Today it was just nice to be in a car that didn’t wasn’t overwhelmingly sticky or littered with old Mcdonald's french fries and garbage.
Annie coughs impatiently.
A few seconds go by and Beth smirks, sighing, “Rio had to borrow the minivan.”
Annie pauses, rolling her hands like she’s waiting for the rest of it, “…for?”
Beth laughs and shakes her head back and forth. “He needed the room for Marcus’s carpool rotation, Annie.”
They both laughed, but mostly Annie, while Beth shook her head and tried to hold it all in. The thought of Rio driving around 5 or 6 little kids and arguing about snacks and music did tickle her.
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misshazelevers20 · 8 months
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Good Girls +  Reductress part 12
part 11 part 10 part 9 part 8 part 7 part 6 part 5  part 4 part 3 part 2 part 1  
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kennarose1108 · 5 months
Rio x Reader (YOU SAVE HIS LIFE) Part 2
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Two months had gone by and Rio had healed mostly. But the relationship between you two had blossomed into something... More. There was already something new when you first saved his life but it had grown into something more than a companionship. But he never talked about it. It was nothing personal, he just didn't like talking about his feelings.
That's just who he was.
But he showed his affection in certain ways. Pet-names were a big one. Baby, sweetheart, baby-girl, and of course ma or mama. Another way is he liked putting his hands on you. Like if you had your back to him let's say, making something to eat, he'd put his hands on your shoulders and watch you. Or when he started to leave the apartment he'd give you a kiss on your head, forehead, or cheek before leaving. There was only one bed in the apartment and you offered to sleep on the couch but he refused, saying it was your own bed and you could sleep in it. But he wasn't much for cuddling. In bed, he liked his space but while you both slept you'd cuddle up to him but he didn't push you away or anything... But he'd still never admit he liked it.
When things started going back to normal for him he didn't want you going to meetings or getting involved with his work. He said it was 'too dangerous' and who were you to argue with him?
His other way of showing his affection is buying you things. You cannot even count how many pairs of dresses, shoes, handbags, and clothes in general he bought for you. You don't wear half of them but you appreciate them regardless.
He refused to talk about Beth, Annie, or Ruby. He just wouldn't. Which worried you. You didn't want them dead, you still cared for them.
So... Today you decided to leave while he was out on a meeting to visit Beth. He didn't like it when you left without him. It worried him. But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him...
You quickly left the house and you had to walk to her house since the only car you both had was his and he was currently using it. Luckily you didn't live too far Beth. When you got to her house your stomach turned as nervousness hit you. What if she was dead? You don't think you would be able to handle it.
You got to her front door and your hand raised to knock on the door but you hesitated. But you quickly swallowed the lump in your throat before knocking quickly. You heard footsteps walking towards the door and thank god it was heels. Unless Dean was wearing Beth's heels you knew it was Beth coming towards the door. You let out a relieved sigh before another lump filled your throat... Shit... What would you say to her? How do you explain that you saved the person who had been torturing her for months and now wants revenge?
But before you could think any further the door opened. Beth took in who you were and she let out a small gasp. Her lips parted and her eyes widened.
"Hey, Beth..." You choke out.
You were now sitting in her kitchen. She made some coffee and handed you the mug and you took a sip. She leaned against the island in her kitchen and stared at you.
"I'm sorry for... Not answering your calls... Or when you came to my apartment you banged on my door but I didn't answer..." You say while staring at the mug in your hands. She stared at you for a solid thirty seconds before finally speaking, "Is he alive?" She asks. You couldn't answer that question... Which was an answer in itself but she wanted to hear it from you.
"Y/N-" "Yes." You say. She lets out a shaky sigh. "You saved him... Why?!" She shouted. "He was dying Beth!" "He did horrible things to us! For months! We were free! We had a way out and you went and saved his life?!" She scoffs.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yells. You shake your head. "Why did you even come here?" She asks. "...To make sure you were still alive." You finally looked at her since you entered her home. She stared at you with a facial expression of disgust, anger, and fear.
"You went missing. For months. We didn't know what happened to you. You didn't answer our calls, our texts, whenever we went to your apartment you never answered..." She says. "I couldn't." You sigh. "I shouldn't even be here..." You take another sip of coffee and the warm liquid soothes you a bit.
"Is he keeping you captive?" She asks. You shake your head, "No... He... Cares about me." Beth scoffs again. "Oh please..." She says with a roll of her eyes. "If he didn't I'd be dead right now. But I'm not. That means something, doesn't it?" You say. Beth just stared at you and you didn't have anything left to say... Except this, "If I were you I'd leave town. He's not too pleased with you and he's been leaving the apartment recently... It's a matter of time before he shows up here." You say before standing to your feet. "Thank you for the coffee but I have to go." You turn to leave but she calls out to you, "Y/N wait!" She quickly runs up to you.
"Will I see you again?" She asks. You think for a moment... Will you see her again? You sigh. "No. Because if you do I'll be with him. And I think we both know how that will go." You say before turning and leaving her home.
You walk home with a mind full of thoughts and a heavy heart. But it only got worse when you got to the apartments and saw Rio's car in the parking lot. Your heart skipped a beat...
He came home early.
What would you say? What would you do? Should you walk away? Should you face him?
You need to face him.
You went inside the apartment complex and to your apartment door. You let out a sigh before unlocking and opening the door... There he was. In all of his glory. Just sitting on the couch, staring at the wall, and seemingly lost in though. You shut the door behind you and stood there.
"I can explain..." You say. "Oh yeah?" He says without moving his gaze from the wall. He stood up and kept his gaze on the floor before walking over to you. Once he stood in front of you he finally looked at you. "Where did you go?" He asks.
"...Out." You croak out. He raises his eyebrows, "Out?" He repeats. "Where is... 'Out'?" He asks. You hesitated before saying, "I went to Beth's..." He sighs deeply. You both stared at each other. You weren't afraid, you knew he wouldn't hurt you. You were just nervous. Nervous of making him upset with you.
He clicks his tongue, "Did you tell her I was alive?" He asks. You don't answer which then... He knew. He sighs and turns away from you, "Goddammit Y/N..." He mutters. "I'm sorry... But she asked and what was I supposed to say?" "No. You were supposed to say no." "Is that a rule all of a sudden?" You two argue.
He walks back over to the couch and sits down. "Are you mad at me?" You ask. "...I'm not mad you left. Because you can leave whenever you want... But I'm upset you told Beth. I wanted to keep it quiet for a little longer." He says. You walk over to the couch and sit next to him.
"Sorry... I just wanted to see her again. I should've expected she'd ask about you." You say while sighing deeply. "It's fine. I'll just speed up my plan." He says before placing a kiss on the side of your head. "...Plan? Are you going to kill her?" You ask. "Does it matter?" You scoff. "Yes! It matters. She's my friend Rio..." This time he scoffs, "She tried to kill me Y/N." Shit, He was getting mad. If he didn't use any pet-names that means he was getting pissed.
"I-I know but-" "But nothing. We're not negotiating this." He says. "So that's it? You just kill my friend and that's the end of it?" "Yeah." He answers quickly. You stare at him with a tearful gaze, which he hates. He didn't like seeing you upset. But there was no way he was going to negotiate something this important.
He sighs, "Listen to me," He starts while gently resting his hand on the back of your head. "You're my girl... Alright? And I would do anything to make you happy... But she tried to kill me." He says while rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of your head. A tear rolled down your cheek but he was quick to wipe it away. "...Please. Keep Annie and Ruby out of it." You beg. He nodded. "I can do that." He says softly.
"But let's forget about this for now," He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. "How about you and I go out tonight hm...? You can put those pretty clothes to use." You smile and play with the rings on his fingers. "I'd like that..."
You were both now at his favorite bar. Since it was a Friday night it was booming so when you both got out of the car he grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours as you both entered the bar. He pulled you through the bar until he got to stools and you both sat down. You both ordered some drinks and after that he looked at you with a smirk.
"What?" You say with a chuckle. He leans in and gently brushes your hair behind your hair and whispers, "You look stunning..." And you did. You were wearing a cherry red clubbing dress with black heels and jewelry and of course, your makeup was done. You smile at him with a faint blush on your cheeks. "Thank you." You say. "What do you think of this place?" He asks. "It's nice. But with you, I was expecting something... More." You say. He raises an eyebrow at you, "Oh yeah? Like what ma?" He asks curiously.
You shrug, "I dunno... Just more." You say with a smirk while crossing one of your legs over the other which you saw how Rio looked down at your legs before leaning back. The bartender brought your drinks and you both take a sip out of your drinks.
You felt a presence behind you, a guy leaning on the bar while looking at you up and down. He was too close to you in Rio's eyes and he didn't like it. Rio grabbed your chair and pulled you closer to him in the most obvious way possible.
The guy behind you takes the hint and rolls his eyes before walking away. You chuckle, "Jealous?" He smirks. "Of course. You're my girl." He says while brushing some hair behind your shoulders.
You both sat and talked and drank just a little bit. You both didn't dance or party, you just enjoyed being out with each other. Eventually, you both left and went home. You were now just entering your apartment.
"These heels are killing me. I haven't worn a pair in a long time." You say while taking off your heels and setting them next to the door. He just smiles at you.
You smile back at him before cupping one side of his cheek and kissing the other. "Thank you for taking me out tonight... I had fun." You turn to walk to the bedroom but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back into him. He holds his hands on your waist and presses his forehead against yours. He lets out a deep sigh and enjoys the feeling of you against him.
"...You're important to me. Y'know that?" He says. You nod slowly. But as you both stand there he leans in further and kisses you. This is the first time he has kissed you on the lips... It felt good... It felt amazing.
One of his hands went to your jaw and his tongue slipped into your mouth. The kiss was slow, sensual, and full of emotion. He cared for you, deeply, and you cared for him. As you both kissed each other it started to get more passionate and lust-filled. Both of his hands were on your face now as he kissed you hard. He then lifted you off the ground, making you wrap your legs around his waist, before he carried you off to the bedroom.
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hotdilfs11 · 7 months
.  .   ˚ . Have we got our lines crossed? - Don’t waste my time, Victor Lundberg
Part 2 !!!
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✩ parings. (blk!reader x Rio)
✩ summary. Valarie was secretly a gang leader, and no one knew about it; however, she retired due to the FBI following her around for the past five years. Rio is a gang leader that her best friends work for; however, he has feelings for Valarie, but she doesn't really have them for Rio. Is she going to fall in love with him, or will they be at war?
✩ warnings. cursing, threats
.  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .
Beth's house-
A guy named Rio showed up at Beth's house, threatening all of us because of the money we took from the grocery store. I mean, I would too since we took over half a million, but it is what it is. We honestly didn’t know that he owned the grocery store or had ties with them, but I guess he did. Rio has a tattooed eagle on his neck and a buzz cut. He has warm, hickory eyes full of mystery, dominance, and a touch of familiarity that gave me comfort and excitement. He came in with three other guys. They all had a big build with tattoos and were wearing all black. Rio was also wearing black, but he was shorter than the other guys that were surrounding him; however, his body gave off a sense of security and self-confidence, making the three other guys look weak. His face contorted with rage, and his body was tensed up while he slowly paced throughout the kitchen as he made heavy eye contact with all four of us. His thick, husky voice echoed through the house as he made this short speech about getting his money back. I toned out half of it because I had made that speech a hundred times to people, but it sounded way better. We were all standing in the kitchen, surrounded by the guys he was with. Beth, Ruby, and Annie were all in tears, pleading for their lives, but I looked at him with a deceiving glare, not giving a crap about what he was saying. He was boring me, and I think he noticed that when he looked at me. He paused for a minute, and a heavy silence flooded the air. His eyebrows furrowed as he started walking slowly towards me. His jaw clenched up as his thick hazel eyes met mine in fury.
He wiped his mouth slowly as he got closer to me. "Oh, I’m sorry, am I boring you?” he said in a threatening voice. I looked up at him with an unbothered expression. "Nah, carry on, though,” I responded to him in a nonchalant tone. He started getting closer and closer to me, and my body started to tense up. I stood up straight as I kept eye contact with him, not giving him any satisfaction, but all he could do was give me a grim smirk. He chuckled. "So... you think this is funny, huh?"
I took a step towards him and looked up at him with a blissful smirk growing on my face. "Yeah, I actually do.” I paused. "Rio, right?"
I could see the anger on his face grow heavier by the minute when those words spilled out of my mouth. However, all he could do was laugh. He backed away from me, turning his back away from all four of us. “So you bitches think it's some kind of joke, huh?"
"No, we don't,” Beth said in a sharp yet anxious manner, looking at me with a scared look on her face.
I shrug my shoulders. “I think it’s fucking hilarious,” as the crack of my heels echoed through the house as I took my first step on the cold, hickory floor towards him, catching Rio's attention. He turned around in a swift motion as his cold, hard eyes caressed over my body. I stand closer to him as my chest brushes over his, feeling his body heat bounce off him and onto mine. Rio hovers over me and chuckles softly, breaking eye contact with me for a minute.
He looked back at me with a deceiving smirk on his face. “You got a lot of balls, ma; I like it.” He said it in a husky voice as he walked away from me and right out the door with everyone he brought
with him. I look over at him walking out with a smile painted on my face, amused by him even though it's a bad thing to feel like that but I did.
A months later:
Working with Rio has its ups and downs, but I’ve been through worse. My girls have been struggling with keeping up with the lies and guilt, especially my sister Ruby. All we're doing is spending fake money and turning it into real money, and I don’t know what's hard about that. They can’t keep up with any of this because of all the mistakes they're making, and I can't tell them because I don’t want them to know what I did in the past. Anyway, we almost got caught two times already, and it's kind of painful to watch, but I’m doing this for my girls and giving them what they need. It's not like I need the money I’m set for the rest of my life, but I know they don't, so I'd rather help them more than I ever did. They make their mistakes, and they’ll all move on from them, but this mistake was stupid as fuck even for them. And it's not even Ruby or Annie's fault; it's Beth's fault because she lets her emotions get the best of her. It’s been like that since I was a kid, and it’s not like the task was hard. It was just delivering trucks to a warehouse; however, Beth got pulled over, but she discovered that there was nothing in there, and the cop let her go. After that, she went to Rio, pissed him off, and threw the keys at his face. “What we had here is done; go home,” Rio said in a calm voice.
Now? I’m the one who has to get them out of it. We're in the kitchen as they tell me about the little plan they have for me.
“Please Val.” Ruby said it in an anxious voice. “You're the only one he has feelings for,” she announced quietly.
My eyes widened, and I looked up at Ruby, annoyed at what she just said. I lean against the counter, rolling my eyes. “The feels, Ruby, are you fucking kidding me?”
Annie sighs as her eyes furrow in worry. “I mean..." she says slowly as she anxiously plays with the sleeve of her shirt.
I turn my head towards her, letting out a soft chuckle. “So you guys all think that he..." They all slowly nodded their heads simultaneously, and I just looked at them in disbelief. I let out a frustrated sigh as they just all looked at me like lost puppies. “All you have to do is ask him to get us back in the loop; that's it." Beth announced softly, but all I could do was look at them with a dumbfounded look on my face. "Please,” Ruby begged. I looked into my sister's saddened eyes and sighed, "Fine, I’ll do it for god's sake, but if I get killed, I'm going to be pissed." They all had an innocent smile on their faces, and all I can do is roll my eyes at them.
Two days later:I stepped out of Beth's house, slamming the front door as I walked down her driveway towards a black Range Rover. I wore black jeans and a black fitted long-sleeve shirt. My black stilettos clacked against the rocky sidewalk as the illuminating car drew me closer to it, sending a bitter chill down my spine. A dash of excitement hit my body when I pulled the hasty black door handle, revealing Rio gazing over my body, looking up and down at me. I felt his strong pair of eyes still caressing my body after I got in the car
with him. I liked the feeling of him admiring me, but I’m here for business only. Rio lets out a soft chuckle, and being coy, he says, “You look so good today. Is this all for me, baby? Aww, you shouldn't have."
I roll my eyes and look at him with a judgmental glare. "Nah, I wore this for me, Rio. Now please drive.” I said as I turned my head away from him, looking out the window. I can still feel his eyes admiring me, but I didn’t pay any attention to him. He drove off after.
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pynkhues · 2 years
unrelated to the asks game, but still Brio shipping question because my life is a joke and I'm never going to get over them. do you think C&C Brio are big on milestones in their relationship (e.g., 5 years together)? similar but different note, how do you think Mick/Demon/idk his main crew reacted to Rio moving with Beth?
Hey! Sorry about the late reply, anon, I've had a crazy few weeks, plus I was taking a little break from GG. But yes! Half-back now, haha.
Do you think C&C Brio are big on milestones in their relationship?
I think they love a non-traditional milestone. Like I really headcanon that Rio thinks of their anniversary as the day she robbed him, which is something that mortifies Beth at first, but something she really warms to, especially as, with hindsight, it feels like the anniversary of her finally taking control of her life.
I like the idea that they'd think of their milestones together in that sort of non-traditional way, so they'd be less inclined to celebrate five years together than they would say, two years since Beth closed her first deal. I also love the thought that they'd celebrate petty things to annoy each other, haha, like Rio always marking the day Beth broke into his apartment, or Beth marking the day Rio tried to cook something and almost burnt down the kitchen.
They're the worst, and I love that about them.
How do you think Mick/Demon and his main crew reacted to Rio moving in with Beth?
I think they were verrrry unsure at first. It's a huge step for anyone! Let alone someone who lives the lives Rio and Beth both do.
I think Mick was probably relieved in some ways, because he knew Rio was staying at Beth's a lot, and they were starting to conduct business there before the move, and with the new house having better security and more privacy, that's definitely got its perks for all of them.
A lot of his guys too I tend to think didn't really get it at first. Like they got it in the sense that Beth's obviously insanely hot, but she's got four kids! And she's not the sort of woman they usually have around their circles! And Rio wife'd her like, immediately after she robbed him! Something he usually kills people for! But I think as Beth became more of a fixture in their lives and careers, and clearly a real partner to Rio, that they liked her a lot more.
I do headcanon that Rio's guys find Annie a lot of fun too, which goes a long way to thawing Beth to them as well.
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Hi I have a request for Rio (sorry it might be a bit long)
So the reader is like the queen of the empire (she's his wife) along with rio being the king obviously like in the show and yk on like the first or second episode when he's in Beth's house interrogating Beth and the girls his wife is there to, in a badass outfit and she doesn't like Beth at all no matter what rio says about her so she's talking really calm and stuff and interrogating Beth more than the other girls and rio let's her have her moment. (They have a daughter around 3 or 4) When they get home rio goes and puts her to bed. He comes back to reader and she's like mad because she doesn't like Beth and the way she looks at him, it leads to an argument that wakes up they're daughter and she's scared that they will get a divorce since her bestfriends parents did from an argument. They reassure her and everything that they aren't getting a divorce and never will then they put her back to bed and they make up with soft makeup sex. Sorry it's kind of out of order in a way
Pairing: Rio x black!reader Warnings: smut, my writing skills, cussing, bit of jealousy, mentions of guns, attempted murder on Beth (?), bit of choking but in a loving way
Word Count: 3.9k
sn: I know this probably wasn't exactly as the request was written but ... I guess it's close? sorry. Also dk what to title this either.
reader's outfit
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(not my pic. got this off pinterest.)
"Where's my money Elizabeth?" A question that seemed to be asked at least once or twice a month. And it was a question that YN was sick of asking, all her other plugs, and cash cover-ups never had this problem. Just Elizabeth.
The desperate housewife sat around her dinner table in fear as she, her sister Annie and their friend Ruby came face to face with the consequences of their actions. The three wives and mothers robbed a grocery store almost a year ago, in this shitty economy YN understood the reasoning but she couldn't excuse it this time because the money that they stole, belonged to her and her husband Rio.
The couple had worked hard for what they had, no they didn't have a regular 9-5  that wasn't their thing they were more into fast money and money that couldn't be taxed. They had drugs and fake cash that was laundered through stores just like the grocery store the girls hit. They moved weight through the States and sometimes Canada. They built their empire from the ground up, falling out with each other once in a while but it never lasted long.
When they first hunted down the women YN wanted her money and to be done with them, however, Rio had different plans despite his wife's warning that one day they'd rat him out. More specifically Elizabeth. YN didn't like her. Didn't like the way she looked at Rio, talked to him, or playfully touch him but he always reminded her that it wasn't a big deal and he had no feelings toward the older woman. But she didn't care, she felt disrespected... it was disrespectful.
Elizabeth was on thin ice.
YN sat down with her pistol in her lap, her leg draping over the other, a scowl on her face. She watched as Beth's eyes ran down her body, taking in who was in front of her YN was covered in an all-brown set, she wore a dark brown top paired with light brown pants, her brown leather thigh-high heels and her long brown coat-- she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward.
"I'm waiting for an answer."
"Why don't we wait until Rio gets here?" Beth bit. YN smirked. "Because I'm here, bitch. This is my money sweetie in case you forgot. And if I ever feel like it I could clip you right now."
Beth swallowed and darted her eyes over to Annie. Annie quickly shook her head declining any offer to speak. Beth sighed reaching behind her chair and dropping a heavy black duffle bag on the table, YN nodded for Mick-- their right-hand man, to go count the money and see if it was all there. Beth and YN never broke eye contact, it was like a catfight was going on without anyone ever physically fighting. She noticed the sly smirk on YN's face, almost the same one Rio always had.
Just then, the back door opened causing everyone to turn around thinking Beth's husband had come home early but it was just the man of the hour and the one Beth was waiting to see. "Sorry, I'm late, Elora is hard to bribe." He chuckled at the statement about their daughter. "How'd she shake you down this time?" YN asked changing from her work voice to her home voice, which was a lot softer. When it came to him she was lovesick, a softie, a simp. And the feeling was mutual from his end. Rio planted a quick kiss on her lips before explaining his story. "She said to me if I don't give her some Cheetos before I left, she won't talk to me again." YN stifled a laugh, the five-year-old knew how to guilt trip her own father. "You gave her the small bag?"
His sudden silence was the answer for her. "You are a sucker."
The three women watched in a mixture of amazement and shock, it was like they'd forgotten they were in a room full of people. It amazed Beth to see YN go from intimidating to almost submissive. He delivered another kiss, this one lingering for a while. He couldn't get enough of her. "This a new outfit? You look good ma." Rio pulled back to ask, his breath tickling her chin. "Thank you." She smiled pinching his nose. The mood changed as Rio finally acknowledged the women in the room. "Ladies, I hope all our money is there."
"It is." Beth squeaked. Mick counted the last of the cash and turned around shaking his head. "Oh, so close," YN said sarcastically as she pouted. "Be nice." He nudged. Rio wasn't blind to the bit of jealousy that his wife expressed, but she knew that business was business and usually kept her attitude to herself at his request. She stood up from her seat and sashayed over to the table where the women sat, she placed her hands in her pockets and shrugged. "You're short," Said YN. "No, we're not," Annie replied.
She tilted her head. "Yeah, you are love."
"Actually, we're over." Annie pulled a shoebox from under the table, it's assumed she had it there the whole time, she opened the box and presented YN with... "Dolls?" YN looked over her shoulder at Rio and raised her eyebrows. "They brought us dolls. Maybe Elora can play with them."
Rio chuckled and nodded. Annie began to take out a few and line them up on the table. "These are super rare collectibles." She continued. "Treasures." Beth slyly chimed in only to receive sharp daggers from the woman. "These rare treasures go from ten to fifteen G's on eBay." Annie persuaded. "And you don't even have to worry about legwork because we've done most of it for you."
YN liked Annie, she was amusing and if she had to sell you a story she would go all out for it. It was Ruby's turn to speak, she slid a folder toward her, she liked Ruby as well-- she didn't say much. "These are the username and passwords to our eBay accounts, plus auction tips to maximize your profits."
She took a moment to really comprehend what they were telling her, her shoulders bounced as a petty laugh followed. "So, you want us to sell your dolls?" Still not calling them by their correct name. Beth squinted. "Tell her about Hans."
YN gasped playing along. "Oh, I would love to hear about Hans."
"Let me show you our little drummer boy," Annie nervously chuckled, YN leaned down resting her arms on the table presenting the palm of her hand, her brown stiletto nails tapping against the wooden table. The figurine was placed in her hands and she began to examine it, "Hans here is one of only twelve- AAAH!" The girls screamed in unison as Hans was smashed to pieces and scattered in every direction. YN closed her eyes, her nostrils flared as she tried to calm down. "This some kind of joke to you?" Annie opened her mouth to speak but realized the question was rhetorical. YN stood up straight and crossed her arms, she looked over at Elizabeth who had pure fear in her eyes, and that is what she fed off of. "I'm done playing with you guys."
She turned to walk away and nodded at Mick and another man, Ricky, giving them the okay to trash the place. They got straight to it, tossing over flower pots, and decorative plates that sat on top of a mini China buffet and in the process they tipped that over as well smashing anything inside. As the men wandered around the first floor breaking everything in sight the couple sat next to each other watching the chaos. "Hey did you talk to Maurice about that order?" She asked nonchalantly. Rio snapped his fingers. "Knew I was forgettin' somethin'." He responded equally unbothered.
"What are they doing?" She heard Annie ask. "They're making it look like a home invasion."
"So they could kill us." Beth finished. She looked over at the couple who were invested in a different conversation, she scrambled trying to figure out a way to appeal to both of them. "You think we should pick up food on the way home?" YN asked absentmindedly. Rio nodded a bit too distracted by his phone to vocalize his answer. "Wait! Please we can get you the rest of the money!" Ruby begged. "Please! We have children, we have families!"
Mick proceeded to screw the silencer onto the barrel of his gun. YN leaned back waiting for the job to get done, the first person with the barrel to their temple was Elizabeth. A smile crept on YN's face. She was trembling, shaking, her eyes shut tight as she silently begged for a miracle. Ruby and Annie held onto each other as they watched, seemingly reminiscing on all the time they had together as it looked like it was all coming to an end.
Mick looked back for approval from either of them to pull the trigger. Beth noticed YN looking over at Rio waiting for him to put away his distraction enough to give an answer. She wanted to make sure they agreed on what was going to happen. Elizabeth took this opportunity to blurt out, "You guys are idiots."
"Beth!" Annie shouted. YN's head snapped in her direction. "The fuck did you just say?"
That tone was Rio's cue to step in otherwise she'd take this job into her own hands and he needed nothing more than the mother of his child getting her hands bloody. That was his job. "What are you gonna do? Blow our brains out all over the room? That's how it works? Someone shorts you and gets tossed out like trash." She wept. YN didn't need to hear this nor did she want to.
But Rio. Rio let her continue to talk. "No one cares, no one notices. But that's not us. We pay taxes, we... take our kids to P.F Changs. We take orange slices to soccer games."
In the monologue she was delivering not once did she look at YN, all her focus was on Rio. YN sat up with her arms crossed, her eyes shifting between her husband who was drinking in every word and the woman who was feeding them to him. "And when bad things happen to good people, it gets around. News outlets, social media gets a hold of it and there are hashtags everywhere... so if you want all that attention over a few grand, then you're not the smart businessman that you think you are."
She could see her husband taking what Elizabeth said into consideration, as always. She was boiling inside. "So go ahead," Beth challenged. "Tell him to pull the trigger and we'll see what happens."
YN opened her mouth but Rio shook his head, Mick slowly brought the gun down from Beth's skull and she let out a sigh of relief. But YN was pissed, she sucked her teeth and stomped out of the home. What was so good about Elizabeth that Rio spared her life? For as long as they'd been working together she had never seen him let anyone go not even for the smallest things, if he didn't kill them they'd learn their lesson a different way but for Beth he just excused her. She was infuriated, her skin so hot she had to remove her jacket once she got inside her car, she didn't wait for him or the other guys she just sped off to go deal with other business that they had.
Rio could hear the tires screech from inside the house, he hung his head knowing he was in big trouble once he got home. He left the women in Beth's destroyed home, hoping they considered this as a warning and went on his merry way.
The rest of the day was nothing but cold, he only received icy looks from the meeting that he had with his wife. Choosing not to shoot Elizabeth wasn't something he wanted to do but he had to, he didn't want to admit it but Beth was right-- he was just thinking about what would happen if all of it tracked back to them. It was something he worried about constantly especially after having their daughter but he usually had a contingency plan and this time he didn't. At least not yet.
He didn't say anything to her in regards to what happened earlier, his work was his work and the home life he'd deal with at home. Rio checked his watch as he pulled into the driveway of his home, all lights were off except for the light radiating from the television in the living room. He softly smiled knowing Elora was probably awake watching a movie while his grandmother was asleep next to her. The driveway only held his car and her own, there was no site of YN's yet.
He decided to wait in his vehicle until she popped in, he scrolled through their messages. Nothing new. A few minutes later her headlights flashed in his side mirror, he opened his door and stepped out standing with his hands in his pockets. YN sighed stepping out of her car and wandering over to the trunk as if Rio's eyes weren't boring into her every move. The rustling of plastic was heard as she reached for some grocery bags.
"Need help?" He offered, but she ignored him and trudged past him. She unlocked the door leaving him in the dust. "Mommy!" Elora squealed. "Hi pumpkin, how was your day?"
"Great! But Grandma fell asleep again when we were watching Shrek."
Rio shook his head, just like he predicted. Elora turned her attention to her father, running straight into his arms. She was a daddy's girl there was no denying it. She held onto him as he sat her on his hip, and they followed YN into the kitchen. She noticed the big pot on the stove and silently celebrated the fact that her in-law cooked. "Did you get ice cream?" Her daughter asked enthusiastically. "I did, but it's soft. Think you can save it for tomorrow?" She pouted. "Okay,"
"You get anything for me?" He teased, "Mhm."
He rolled his eyes heading back into the living room to wake up the older woman, he had offered her to stay the night but she declined informing him that she had something going on at church the next day. He told her to call so they'd know she was safe and bid her goodnight. The air was still, the tension thicker than cold peanut butter. Elora was all clean and in fresh new pyjamas laying in her bed with a book in her hand, YN and Rio were only one bedroom over. She sat on the edge of their bed putting her bonnet on her head and moisturizing her body. "What did you want me to do baby?" He asked almost in a pleading voice, he hated when she gave him the silent treatment. "You already made your decision Rio."
He huffed. At work he was Rio, at home he was Christopher or baby, or honey, or even baby boy. "Why you lettin' business and jealousy mix mamas? I am yours, I been yours. You know I have no feelings for that bitch."
"Christopher I have told you over and over that this woman is going wait for the right time to turn you the fuck in and it seems like you don't want to hear me." She retaliated raising her voice a bit. "When Beth turns you in do you think it's just you that's getting fucked over? Everything we worked hard for will be gone! Elora won't have her parents anymore because you want to play Captain Save a Hoe. It seems like you're not thinking this time."
Rio clenched his fists. "You don't think I know that? I did that shit because I'm looking out for my family aight? You know I got a plan with all this."
Unbeknownst to them, their daughter stood behind the ajar door holding her stuffed Elephant tightly. She'd never heard such loud volumes from her parents and it was causing her to panic, her small mind suddenly drifting off to her best friend who recently informed her that her own parents weren't together anymore. Elora whimpered, she didn't want that for her family. "Why are you guys yelling?" Her soft voice spoke.
They both turned to the little girl, guilt read on their faces. "Are you guys getting divorced too?"
"Divorced? Baby, no one's getting divorced. Where's this coming from?" Her father asked motioning her to come inside, she was lifted off the floor and into her mother's arms as she sat on her lap. "Nia said her parents used to yell at each other too and now they live in separate homes. Are you guys going to live in separate homes?"
The string of questions crushed them, they never wanted their child or future children to think that about them. Yeah, they had little disagreements here and there but it wasn't enough to hate each other. "Ells, we are not Nia's parents okay? Some adults have disagreements that can't be solved but we always solve ours right?"
YN looked up at Rio, "Mama's right LoLo," He laid down on the bed to get closer to her. "You know how long it took me to make your mommy my wife? Too damn long. I'm not letting her go, trust me. I love her way too much, I love you even more and our family is not going to change."
The reassurance made her feel a bit better, the kiss on her head from her mom softened the blow. "Does that make you feel okay?" YN asked and she nodded. "Alright, bedtime booger," Elora whined. "I'm not a booger."
Rio laughed scooping her in his arms, "Yes you are. Say, goodnight mommy."
"Goodnight mommy."
"Night honey."
He winked at her and ran off with their child. She smiled sincerely hopping off the bed and grabbing their laundry basket, she'd do at least one load before she went to sleep. YN snuck off to the basement and into the laundry room.
Meanwhile, upstairs Rio had fallen asleep in his daughter's bed. A small shift from her turning around woke him, he glanced at the clock in her room it was almost midnight. He carefully slid out of the bed, tiptoed to the door and closed it going unnoticed. He walked down the hall stepping into their bedroom only to be greeted by its emptiness. He turned around and headed down the steps, he peeped inside the living room still no sign of his girl.
He ran down the basement steps to see his wife folding some laundry that had been forgotten in the dryer, her back was turned and she was unaware of his presence. She reached over grabbing another shirt to fold when she felt a sudden trail of fingers run up the sides of her thighs. His chest pressed against her back, the small friction he received was enough to make him grow.
His lips gently pressed against her neck. "You smell good." He mumbled. YN acted as if she was unphased by this but he caught on. "Don't be like that baby, you know you still love me."
She put down the shirt she was folding and turned around to face him, his hand resting on her lower back, pulling her as close as he could. Her hands rested on his face, "You need to listen to me." She poked. "I am." He answered looking down at her, all the love and joy he felt for her could be seen in his eyes. She hated that she couldn't stay mad at him, she could barely last one second, let alone one hour.
He leaned down planting a quick kiss on her lips before saying, "You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize you or Elora. I'll do everything to protect yall." 
"I know." She breathlessly replied feeling his lips ghost over hers, she leaned forward softly pressing their lips together, her hands cupping his cheeks pulling him in as close as possible. With no hesitation, Rio dropped his hands under her thighs lifting her off the floor and onto the table in the laundry room where she still had a pile of unfolded clothes. His hands explored her silky smooth skin while they fought feverishly through their kiss. She softly moaned feeling his clothed bulge against her bare clit, he caught on and repeated the action. "Rio... take them off, please." She begged using her feet to pull them down. He chuckled deciding to give her what she wanted. 
Her eyes glued on the hem of his boxers, her brown orbs followed them down to the ground and back up at his girth. She reached down carefully taking him into her hand, she gently tugged him closer to her heat, where she dripped for him. Ached for him, to stretch her out. She ran the tip between her lips, tapping it against her clit before sliding it down and guiding him inside. "Baby..." She whimpered, and he captured her in another kiss. They melted into each other, moaning between smooches until he was fully inside her cove. 
Rio pulled out and pushed back in, her eyes rolled, and he started thrusting agonizingly slow. Her head tipped back and he took the opportunity to connect his lips to her neck, sucking under her jaw as she cried out. "Christopheeeerr..." Lustfully dragging out his name. He covered her mouth whispering, "Do you want Elora to wake up?" 
She shook her head, giggling under his palm. With every hard stroke he gave her the table shook, she was sure it was going to break. YN's nails dug into his biceps, her legs locked around his waist, he could feel her thighs trembling. Her erotic moans went straight to his dick, his hips snapping against hers as he went harder, the sounds of bare skin slapping bounced off the walls. The two silently prayed it'd go unnoticed. 
Rio's hand glided its way up her torso, following the straight path to her neck, she held back a smile as his fingers gently wrapped around the column of her neck. 
He didn't necessarily want to choke her too hard, he just liked the view of it all. Her lips parted as her whimpers came out broken, her eyes closing in absolute pleasure and bliss. He leaned down, whispering sweet nothings to her-- about how much he loved her, how pretty she looked when she was like this. She finally uttered the words, "I'm cumming baby." He continued. Encouraging her to, "Cum all over this dick, mamas." 
YN's body stiffened as a wave of ecstasy washed over her, he smirked easing up on his strokes. "Oooh, yes daddy!" She whined. He delivered one more thrust burying himself in a deep spot, she convulsed around him, she was soaking. He kissed her forehead, down her nose bridge and finally her lips, suppressing her growing moans. Her mind drew a blank as he lay inside her seeping pussy, her constant convulsing around him was enough to bring him a bit closer to his own edge. "You love me?" He muttered. 
"Yes," YN replied. "You trust me enough to know I got us?" 
She nodded.
"Good. You'll always be my priority." 
I don't think yall understand how long this was in my drafts, I did not want to post it but I'm in my "fuck it" mood right now. if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic reblogs and comments are appreciated. I will be deleting some of my fics and rewriting them, some of them just don't feel right to me for some reason, so if you see something with a familiar title it's a re-write.
peace and love
tags: @rio-reid-whoreee @skyesthebomb
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peachraindrops · 2 years
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Good Girls Appreciation Week 2022 has started! Don't forget to post or like/reblog posts across your dash!
Thanks to everyone out there participating in one way or another!!! Let's have some fun! XD
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sarahleenyc · 2 years
Beth & Rio (Brio) Fanfiction
1. “Rough Night” By MichelleElizabethTanner
The season 5 we should of had.
2. “Irresistible” series by @wakeupflawless 
High School Brio.
3. “Do Not Collect $200“ Series By Linzackles @mrslackles
Aftermath of Season 2.
4.  “Only You Show Me What Warmth Is” Series By@riosnecktattoo​
Fluffy Brio.
5. “Plans Wrapped in Rubber Bands” By Civilllove @blainesebastian
Alternate Season 2.
6. “When We Talk” By Toalan
Season 4 Brio Start to trust each other and build a relationship. Also, there is some 
Mick X Annie cuteness.
7. “A Special Kind Of Business” By CaptainCabinets
High School Brio (Takes Place in the 90′s).
8. “The center and Circumference” Series By Flashindie  @pynkhues​
Brio Move in Together and make it Work.
9. “A Rational Choice” By FireinsideforFun
Aftermath of Beth Shooting Rio in Season 2.
10. “Both Sides of The Law” By @joeyjoeylee
Brio in Law School.
11. “A Song In the Halls of The Dark” By ms_scarlet / @mego42​
12. “And Did You Know Im Wild For your Skin” By Fortunehasgivenup
Rio is a tattoo artist. Beth is divorced.
13. “Shared History” By Brokensatellites
Brio Meet as Teenagers.
14. “I Pose and Take Pictures(Then Send Them To People I Don’t Know By)”
Beth Is an Instagram Model.
15.  “The Show Must Go On” By ThoughWeAreWorldsApart
Alternate Season 1.
16. “I’m Just Going To The Store(To The Store) By Fortunehasgivenup
Beth is Pregnant and Meets Rio at a Convenience Store.
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