#nmc writes
newmoonclan · 23 days
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The Story of Nightstar
I wanted to do a comic going over the story of Nightstar since I stopped doing the moon comics, but still wanted to go over the ideas for the story I had myself, I made this.
This goes over the things I made of the past, the intro comic, as well as what happened in the clangen, what I'd gotten to and what happened later. More in-depth explanation of the story and what happened in the clangen after where I left off below.
I really wanted to like the design of the next leader so I tried picking cats whose designs I liked, so the deputy changed several times. Bluestripe ended up dying so I chose an older cat who would die earlier since there were no other cats whose designs I liked.
There was a kit born into the clan who I wanted as the next leader but alas they also died before even reaching adulthood. Next was Wolverinewish, a loner the clan found wounded who joined the clan. In the end she was the only one whose design I liked enough to set as the next deputy.
Nightstar was taken by humans while on a patrol and it got me real nervous as I would have to figure out what to do about it if they were gone for forever. I was thinking they were killed by the humans but left to bleed out, but in the end they managed to return to the clan.
In the meanwhile though the game made Wolverinewish the next leader, Wolverinestar. Now the clan had two leaders in the game. I decided to let Wolverinestar stay as the leader and wait out for Nightstar to die to be the actual switch for the two. That Wolverine stayed as temporary leader while Nightstar was gone and returned to deputy duties after they were back.
Nightstar's death was a rather anticlimactic. They were bit by a snake and slowly died from it. For the story I decided that Nightstar realized their time was coming and only let Wolverinewish to enter the den they were staying in.
Then they revealed the ability they were given by Smoketrail: the ability to take over other cats' bodies upon death. They needed to be in close proximity upon death or it wouldn't work. Smoketrail, who died abanoned, couldn't find any body to move to and became a spirit. Nightstar always kept a spare body around when going around to make sure they had one.
Wisteriashell sees Wolverinewish walk out of the den, pronouncing Nightstar dead and themself as Wolverinestar, the new leader, she is clueless that it is in fact Nightstar themself.
Nightstar continues leading the clan in the new body, gathering power and finally takes on MoonClan, defeating it with smaller numbers as the cats of the clan weren't very loyal to begin with.
Nightstar continues switching bodies unknown to everyone else. The clan cats tolerate them better than the previous leaders as they know how to appeal to them, while hiding the fact that they are taking over the bodies of each new leader.
As a side note I also thought about Rootstar and Duststar having their own special powers. Rootstar had the ability to somewhat see the future, though very flawed. This was one reason for his take-over of other clans. He foresaw a threat outside of his clan, but in the end he himself was the cause of it.
Duststar's power was the ability to read other cats' feelings. Lie detection, general vibe checks and the sorts. He knew Nightflash was rebellious, but didn't see them as a threat. What could they do alone? Most other cats weren't very willing to rise up against him either.
Nightstar could have used the body snatching ability to take over someone important and close to Duststar to assassinate him, but knew it wouldn't work with Duststar's ability, so they went for the more straightforward method.
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wibreth · 1 year
A summary I saw posted on discord! I did not write this ❤️
ok here's my effort at collating all the high-level updates.
Neopets is now a standalone entity after JS's closure.
New head of said entity is Dominic Law (staff name probably Altador...that's what he goes by in NMC server), who previously headed NMC and saved Neopets through a "management buyout deal"
New TNT has raised $4M from external investors to be used for rebuilding the brand/site.
Plan to incorporate Ruffle to save Flash content. 50(!) games will be returning via Ruffle on July 25th!
Plan to launch new mobile app "World of Neopia", "a social life-simulation game in which you live your ideal Neopian life from the perspective of a Neopet"
Plan to increase communication. "releasing monthly updates, hosting regularly scheduled AMAs, and launch an exciting new brand ambassador program"
New unified home page launching July 20
Plan to relaunch Island Builders
Plan for "a virtual concert"
Plan for a new plot (called "The Void Within" per the youtube video)
Launch 2M NC giveaway, which ends Aug 6
Neopets Metaverse has been cancelled. Some assets will be used for World of Neopia, but world of Neopia will have no crypto/NFT elements. Collectibles continue to exist and can be traded on secondary markets but have no utility.
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
for the i wish you would write meme, post scf winner's room? if you're into winner's room. if not, your thoughts on post scf mattdrai break up to future fic exes to lovers
ok so i'm not NOT into winner's room, but i have to be in the exact right mood to vibe with it, you know? i'll read and enjoy it but don't think i'll ever write it because i get way too caught up in the logistics + consent issues when i am the one pulling the strings. like my immediate thought here is, when is anyone going to have time for a winner's room sesh admist all the celebrating??? i totally get the appeal of the concept but i think you'd need someone more able to commit to the bit than i am to figure out how to write it 🙈
so: post-scf breakup to futurefic makeup!
i do think matthew winning the cup is such a delicious moment for a breakup because while it is a totally logical place to realize, yeah okay this conflict of interest is too big to overcome, it still feels like a petty kneejerk sore loser reaction. like, oh, you beat me for the cup? well , fuck you, you can't have me anymore, and i hope that sucks for you. and even if that's not what leon would think/feel when he's not drowning in grief and frustration, it's what he feels in that very specific awful moment, and then it's done, and he has to hold onto that grudge so tightly for years to justify it.
there are several fics already of the "they end of on the same team later in their careers" genre but that's fine, we can have another one. i think it would be great here. it's been long enough that leon losing the cup to matthew and the whole rivalry there is kind of like, well, people assume that he's over it. it's been years! he didn't have florida in his nmc! he must be fine with going there! and sure, he's fine with going to the team, it's just matthew he has a problem with. also kinda has a problem with the return his team got for him, like, they had to retain salary for florida to take him, which is just embarrassing. he's having a kind of off season, that doesn't mean he's not worth his paycheck.
and oooh, it's rough. not because matthew is awkward around him, but because matthew is picture perfect cordial friendly welcoming committee. he's shaking leon's hand, welcoming him to the team, introducing him to guys and cracking jokes about how obviously everyone already knows who leon is. but none of them know the real history between leon and matthew, and it is both a relief and a special kind of excruciating to have to act like this is just a fully fresh start. he's the new guy in the room; he won't be afforded the grace to hold a grudge anymore. it's up to him to make a good impression. he's never been very good at not wearing his heart on his sleeve, but he has to try.
insert here a painful slow burn reconciliation where leon tries to be friends and runs smack into the emotional wall matthew has thrown up against him — acting the part of the welcoming committee and being actually glad that leon's here are two totally separate things. and leon is wrong about no one knowing about their history, too (he learns, mortifyingly, one night when samuel corners him with some mild threats about how he needs to treat matthew). of course he makes friends on the team but it sucks because everyone loves matthew so much that it's hard to feel like anyone is really in his corner. he misses being on a team that loved him that much.
but ofc things will slowly thaw and matthew will start slowly making genuine efforts instead of just performative efforts to include him in team stuff, and he starts getting his groove back on the ice, and eventually things will come to a head where maybe leon (drunk, in his feelings for whatever reason) tries to kiss matthew, which matthew is NOT having, and they finally have the big fight they need to have — best day of my life and you tried to make me feel shitty about it; yeah well worst day of my life and it was your fault, etc — and once they're finally being honest they can finally, tentatively work their way back to each other. and bone tenderly about it.
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3416 · 5 months
emma as a scared new leafs fan WHY are so many people saying this will be the core last season together?
they say it every year, lol. it's mostly just frustration over losses, but if anything, this year it's a weaker threat than ever because auston and willy just signed multi year expensive deals, and jt and mitch, whose contracts are expiring after 24-25 season, both have nmc meaning they cannot be traded from this team without waiving that............. and that really does not happen to star players much at all. imo if they were gonna move anyone from the core, it probably would have been willy last summer, and instead, they gave him everything he wanted and signed him long term which indicates to me mitch will probably get the same treatment. as for jt, he'll take a probably significant paycut and stay but. every dumbass is out here writing fanfiction in their heads for why mitch or jt would ever agree to uproot their whole lives and families to be moved to a team for basically no reason. they have all of the leverage here, and there's no threat of them being traded and if you go watch them talk to the media, you'll see how calm it is. if it's the end of anything, it's the end of the coaching staff imo.
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erinkeifer · 10 months
i’ve been following not my code for a while and it is so good!!! i absolutely love your writing, i think you are so talented and every chapter captivated my attention (: i definitely wasn’t expecting the ending, but i still loved it nonetheless! our boy ani is just too passionate to let something like what happened to reader go. i can’t wait to see what story you post next!!
OMG, you're so sweet that I'm at a loss for words! Thank You x1000!♡
I admit, I enjoy playing with the plot and always allow myself to take a few risks—especially when it comes to endings. From the start, I wanted NMC to be a blend of fluffs & angst (and a bit of spice, of course, huhuh), so it's a huge relief for me that you enjoyed the ending!
In my lineup of works in progress, I already have two new one-shots, and I'm super curious to know what you'll think— not to mention a new (very long) story that I'll promote here once it hits Wattpad—but there, I'll likely be grappling with over 30 chapters(!)
Thank you for being with me, and thanks for your lovely message! Kisses!♡
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dustbunnyprophet · 2 years
Mandalorian Dating Systems and Calendars
After spending the whole afternoon developing a dating and calendar system for the Mando-centric fic I’m currently writing, I ended up with not one, but two different systems (and some headcanons about the Galactic Republic dating system).
For simplicity’s sake let’s assume the Galactic Republic uses predominantly the year of the Ruusan Reformation epoch for their dating system. The year 0 ARR (After the Ruusan Reformation) corresponds to the year 1000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). The calendar system is the Coruscant-based standard one with the year’s length being 368 days. The date notation is yyyy.ddd (e.g. 948.126 ARR is the 126th day of the year 948 After the Ruusan Reformation).
Mandalore was founded in 9991 BBY so they began their dating system with the Founding of Mandalore (FoM). I headcanon the Taungs decided to keep their calendar system unchanged after leaving Coruscant and eventually colonizing Mandalore which means a Mandalorian year has 368 days just like the Galactic Republic one. Unlike the latter, however, the Mandalorian year begins 67 days later (e.g. 9253.1 FoM, the first day of the year 9253 since the Founding of Mandalore would be 262.68 ARR). 
Why a 67 days discrepancy? It would be weirder if they were synchronised.
Since I cannot imagine the New Mandalorians would want to use the FoM as their dating system, and considering the movement began after the Mandalorian Excision, the New Mandalorian Calendar (NMC) system will use the Excision (738 BBY, 262 ARR, 9253 FoM) as year 0. The length of the year and the New Year are identical to the traditional Mandalorian calendar system.
So basically
0 BBY = 9991 FoM = 738 NMC = 1000 ARR
Cheat sheet:
BBY: Before the Battle of Yavin
FoM: Foundation of Mandalore
NMC: New Mandalorian Calendar
ARR: After the Ruusan Reformation
Some notable dates of Legend/Disney canon events in the various dating systems:
934 ARR (9925 FoM, 672 NMC, 66 BBY) Jango Fett is born
940 ARR (9931 FoM, 678 NMC, 60 BBY) the Mandalorian Civil War begins
943 ARR (9934 FoM, 681 NMC, 57 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi is born
948 ARR (9939 FoM, 686 NMC, 52 BBY) the Battle of Korda VI is fought; Sheev Palpatine is elected Senator
955 ARR (9946 FoM, 693 NMC, 45 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi becomes Master Jinn’s padawan
956 ARR (9947 FoM, 694 NMC, 44 BBY) the Battle of Galidraan is fought; the Stark Hyperspace War begins
959 ARR (9950 FoM, 697 NMC, 41 BBY) Anakin Skywalker is born
961 ARR (9952 FoM, 699 NMC, 39 BBY) Anakin and Shmi Skywalker are sold to Gardulla and begin their lives on Tatooine
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academiawho · 1 year
90-Day Productivity Streak
8 Oct '23 - Day 20 (🎉)
With @stillreeloading and @helpineedtostudy
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I woke up early today and completed reading and writing ncert for breathing chapter. We had a test today on digestion and breathing and I scored highest - 395/400.
Today wasn't as productive as I'd wanted it to be because (here comes story time beneath the cut🥲)
So we know nmc declared syllabus cuts for neet 2024 and the internet is losing its head. So I asked my coaching teachers about it and they're still under the impression that it's fake news. First period teacher. Second. And then third and last. Last period was physics and I asked phy sir about the syllabus cuts and how the coaching inst is gonna plan it. Will the schedule change? Could nmc withdraw the syllabus cuts due to backlash or something?
Now see, he was already ending the class 10 mins late and I asked him in hopes he'd give a concise answer. And that's where I made a mistake. He stopped the entire class and interrogated and basically mocked me for asking the question. He didn't want me to base my preparation on coaching and coaching ke mock tests. And he left us 15 mins late and now everyone hates me.
I understand why the other students are brisk with me but I feel so bad (that a delay was caused), embarassed (that I caused the delay) and angry (because I hate being mocked and the sir really knows how to make light of concerns. he thinks he's being cool but that's also called being... IDK how to describe it it's a vibe I don't like).
So I all but cried when I reached home. Everyone already thinks I'm a loser goody-two-shoes childish girl who doesn't know her stuff. But now I think they'll be more weird around me?
I've been told it's ok they'll be like that but like.... I need friends who can communicate ok? And one of my friends/benchmate was also bristling with me.
I hate it.
I've never been this rude to people. But then again they've never done exactly this so idk how I would have reacted. I hate being the adhd kid. This'll prolly be nothing tomorrow.
For those who read this, thank you for putting up with me (or rather, sorry). I just shared this bcz I thought it would feel better, lighter.
Hope your day went better than mine💛😵
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
🖊🖊 for Ollie and Blair!
Ollie's business is mostly legitimate right now, but it wasn't always. They used to be more involved in subterfuge and the occasional knife jab. There wasn't really an ethical pull to the change; they're a nice person, but not one with a strong compass for right and wrong.
They're based on a type succulent that's popularly sold as a novelty houseplant in little unreasonable but cute pots, and are quite succeptible to overwatering and mineral scalding. To minimise the impact of water (both fresh and salt), when sailing they wear head-to-toe thick oiled/waxed attire. When deeply inland, they opt for more fanciful things.
Ollie also has a fursona. It's an otter in a neon purple, green, and blue palette.
As for blair...her missing fingers, neck scarring, and bad leg are all results of the nightmare pod she was stuffed into as a sapling. It wasn't direct physical torture - rather, the moist goop facilitated a nasty fungal infection that lingered after conversion and required debridement and cauterization, and wasnt treated until serious damage took affect. While she's full NMC and won't be easily extracted, she doesn't like to remember it, and has been taught that these are weaknesses that others would exploit if they could, and that she should be embarrassed that she 'let it happen' in the first place - that she wasn't strong enough, that she let herself be helpless instead of fixing it sooner.
Her tabloid writing is her own contribution to nightmare. It isn't always as direct as mocking the pale tree - often, it's somewhat targeted harassment and libel of individual dreamers under a pseudonym with no obvious nightmare ties, written to ignite anger and embarrassment and turn them against people - "who leaked that secret? I saw you reading that - how could you! What must people think of me? Why should i take the high road?"
She's a ranger, and her pet is a nightmare hound the size and shape of a teacup pomeranian named Integrity. She made him rather than converting a fern hound - too picky about appearances. He's very cute and obedient when she's looking, but WILL bite ankles and eat smaller pets when unattended.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
Tomato and watermelon for Kerra and Cyprian, if you're still taking the fruity asks 👀
I will absolutely take more of the fruity asks! :D Thanks a bunch!!
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Kerra is misunderstood mainly by the public, or just generally by people who don't know her very well. People will assume any number of things about her based on the things they know she's done or based on their limited interactions with her. I think I talked a while back about what her reputation's like amongst other sylvari (I should go find that post--and actually, I think you're the one who inspired me to make it, Nero), but as far as the general public goes, it's...not necessarily an inaccurate image, just not...complete, might be the best way to put it. The public (and the news, often) has trouble reconciling the legendary figure of "The Commander" with someone who has a modest house and partners and children, or the laughing figure dancing imperfectly on the beach with the person who's taken down a god and six dragons. People tend to see one piece and assume it's all of her, or take something she's done that they love/hate and put her on a pedestal/vilify her for that thing.
Cyprian is, in main canon, nowhere near as well-known as Kerra. He's misunderstood, but less so than her, simply because the amount of people who understand him at all is far lower. He has ~4 people who really understand him at this point, and most others assume he's either an ass/standoffish/just doesn't want to interact as he's not the most friendly in the world. Only the last of those things is (sometimes) true. As far as AU!Cyp goes, he deals with a lot of similar misunderstanding to Kerra, but he's a bit more of a controversial figure than she is because he's just the slightest bit more willing to get on people's nerves (not to mention that he does indeed have a past prior to becoming Commander that isn't entirely positive). I could write a whole essay on how other sylvari see him, and I might do that at some point, actually.
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Just answered this one for Kerra here! :)
As far as Cyp goes, though...hmm. The fact that he killed a not insignificant number of people both a) with his mind and b) while technically still asleep is something he really sees no reason to share and has no desire to share with anyone. He's not the most open book in the world (by a long shot, haha), but this is definitely something he intends to keep secret until or unless there's some reason that keeping this secret becomes impossible.
(And for a bonus, AU!Cyp is never going to share the details of his former relationships--whether they be platonic/romantic/something else--within the NMC with anyone. It's an open secret that he used to be part of the Court, but most details of that experience are staying as secret as he can keep them.)
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mbbsblogsblog · 13 days
Explore MBBS Opportunities in Mauritius: A Pathway to a Successful Medical Career
 Hello, dear visitors, fulfill your dream of pursuing MBBS overseas.
Have you ever heard of MBBS in Mauritius!
Every year many Indian MBBS aspirants join MBBS in Mauritius. If you join MBBS in Mauritius you will surely lead a amazing life style and successful MBBS career. This page serves as a guide to MBBS in Mauritius.
Ria Overseas is committed to offer you all possible opportunity for joining MBBS in Mauritius. We would like to extend you need-based services for fulfilling your dream of studying MBBS overseas. Now dive into the discussion about MBBS in Mauritius.
MBBS Duration in Mauritius:
If you want to study MBBS in Mauritius, you need be prepared to study for five years. The curriculum is virtually identical to the MBBS course in India because it follows the NMC format. The first four years of the MBBS degree are dedicated to classroom study, with the final year set out for a comprehensive internship program in all of the hospitals or healthcare centres affiliated with the medical college or university.
Medium of Teaching:
For the convenience of all foreign and national students, medical institutions and universities in Mauritius have maintained English as the language of teaching. This is why most universities require IELTS band scores so that MBBS candidates may demonstrate their English language competency. If you already have a qualifying score, this is an extra benefit; if you don't, you'll need to prepare for one and get the needed score.
Two intakes are held each year, between July and February. Mauritius provides intakes twice a year for the convenience of overseas students.
Eligibility Criteria:
 All MBBS institutions or universities seek for the following common criteria:
·       You should have studied Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and English at the +2 level and scored 60% on your aggregate class 12 test.
·       Your age should be between 17 and 30 years old at the time of application.
·       NEET-UG qualification is required.
·       A strong academic background is helpful.
·       Good physical and mental health is essential.
·       English language fluency is required.
·       Some medical institutes may need an IELTS qualification.
MBBS in Mauritius: Required Documents:
·       10th and 12th grade mark sheets and pass certificates
·       The NEET UG Scorecard
·       A medical certificate.
·       A copy of the birth certificate.
·       Relevant documentation to demonstrate financial soundness.
·       A valid passport.
·       Passport-sized pictures
·       Students' identification documents
·       Student VISA
·       Letter of Invitation or Acceptance
Why Study MBBS in Mauritius?
 The Medical Council of India guides the MBBS syllabus of Mauritius' medical colleges.
·       NMC has recognised medical institutions in Mauritius, which means you may now obtain a licence to practise medicine in India.
·       Mauritius provides class lectures in English, making it easier for Indian students to grasp what is taught and conveyed in class. It also allows you to write your tests without a linguistic barrier.
·         Medical universities in Mauritius feature skilled Indian faculty members who are willing to help and support you.The student-teacher ratio is extremely excellent since the medical batches are broken into tiny groups and given undivided attention.
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expertmedico · 30 days
ExpertMedicos Best Consultants Mbbs abroad consultants in jaipur
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MBBS degree abroad has become an increasingly popular option for students in India and around the world. The allure of international education, combined with the promise of high-quality medical training, makes studying MBBS abroad an attractive choice for many aspiring doctors. At ExpertMedicos, we specialize in helping students navigate this journey, providing expert consultancy services to make your dream of studying MBBS abroad a reality.
Why Study MBBS Abroad?
Choosing to study MBBS in abroad can offer numerous advantages. International medical programs often provide high standards of education, exposure to diverse clinical practices, and the opportunity to learn from distinguished faculty members. Additionally, many institutions offer programs in English, which simplifies the learning process for international students. The global recognition of degrees from renowned medical universities ensures that graduates are well-prepared for medical licensing exams and career opportunities worldwide.
ExpertMedicos: Your Trusted Consultancy in Jaipur
For students from Jaipur considering studying MBBS in abroad, ExpertMedicos is here to offer comprehensive support. Our consultancy is dedicated to providing personalized guidance throughout the entire process, from selecting the right university to assisting with application procedures and visa requirements.
Personalized Guidance
One of the key services offered by ExpertMedicos is personalized consultancy. We understand that each student has unique needs and preferences. Our team of experienced consultants works closely with you to identify the best universities that align with your academic goals and financial situation.Medical universities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, etc. follow an internationally recognized international curriculum. Universities in these countries are accredited by major organizations such as WHO and are aligned with the National Medical Council (NMC) officially known as the Medical Council Of India (NMC / MCI)
Application Assistance
The application process for studying MBBS in abroad can be complex and time-consuming. ExpertMedicos simplifies this process by providing step-by-step assistance. We help you with preparing and reviewing application documents, writing personal statements, and meeting deadlines. Our goal is to ensure that your application stands out and meets the requirements of your chosen medical schools.
Visa and Documentation Support
Securing a student visa is a crucial step when studying MBBS abroad. At ExpertMedicos, we provide detailed guidance on visa applications, including necessary documentation and interview preparation. Our consultancy ensures that you are well-prepared to meet the visa requirements of your chosen destination, making your transition to studying abroad as smooth as possible.
Financial Planning
Studying MBBS abroad involves financial planning. ExpertMedicos offers advice on managing tuition fees, accommodation costs, and living expenses. We also provide information on scholarships and financial aid options that may be available to help reduce the financial burden.
Why Choose ExpertMedicos?
Choosing ExpertMedicos as your consultancy in Jaipur means benefiting from our extensive experience and deep knowledge of international medical education. Our team is committed to providing reliable, transparent, and tailored services to ensure that you make informed decisions about your medical education.
With our support, you can confidently navigate the complexities of studying MBBS in abroad. We are here to turn your aspirations into reality, helping you embark on a rewarding medical career with the best education and training possible.In conclusion, if you're considering studying MBBS in abroad, ExpertMedicos is your go-to consultancy in Jaipur for expert advice and support. We are dedicated to making your journey smooth and successful, from the initial stages of application to settling into your new academic environment. Contact us today to start your path towards a promising medical career abroad.
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benchmarkedu · 2 months
UK NMC Nursing Registration Guide for Overseas Nurses
Nurses play a vital role in healthcare, especially evident post-COVID-19, and the UK faces a significant nurse shortage. Overseas recruitment, particularly from Kerala, India, is crucial. This NMC Nursing Registration Guide outlines steps for international nurses to work in the UK.
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Advantages: Nursing in the UK offers diverse specialities (adult, mental health, learning disabilities, children’s nurse, midwife, nursing associate) and various roles (school nurse, prison nurse, health visitor, neonatal nurse, general practice nurse, occupational health nurse).
Steps for Registration:
Fully Trained Nurses:
Prepare financially (£1,170 for fees/tests).
Collect necessary documents (identity proof, qualifications, health declaration, character proof, language proficiency).
Register with NMC, complete CBT and OSCE within 2 years, and secure a visa.
Apply for jobs with the NHS or other healthcare facilities.
Graduated Nurses:
Apply for a postgraduate degree in the UK or a trainee nursing associate position.
Enroll in a UK university for a nursing degree (3-4 years), choosing a specialty early on.
English Language Tests: IELTS (overall score of 7) or OET (grade B overall, C+ in writing). Preparation is key, with resources like Benchmark OET offering courses and practice tests.
Summary: This guide aids international nurses in navigating the UK registration process, highlighting required steps, specialities, and language proficiency, ensuring a smooth transition into the UK healthcare system.
For more info: https://edubenchmark.com/blog/uk-nmc-nursing-registration-guide/
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argroupofedu5 · 3 months
Vyas Medical College: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Excellence
The Bachelor of Medication and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program in Rajasthan offers a comprehensive medical education, mixing conventional and present day practices. Rajasthan, known for its verifiable and social lavishness, is home to a few prestigious medical teachers giving fabulous education and training within the field of medicine.
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Medical Education in Rajasthan
Medical education in Rajasthan is directed by the Rajasthan College of Health Sciences (RUHS), beside other independent teachers. The state has various government and private medical colleges, each prepared with state-of-the-art offices, experienced staff, and differing clinical introduction.
Admission Process
Admission to MBBS programs in Rajasthan is primarily through the National Qualification cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG), conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The admission process includes:
NEET-UG Examination: Aspiring candidates must qualify NEET-UG with a least required percentile.
Counselling Process: Post NEET comes about, the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) and the Rajasthan State Counselling Specialist conduct counselling sessions for seat allocation in different colleges based on NEET scores and preferences.
Document Verification: Candidates must verify their reports and meet eligibility criteria including age, educational qualifications, and residence requirements.
Educational modules and Preparing
The MBBS educational programs in Rajasthan take after the rules prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI), presently supplanted by the National Medical Commission (NMC). The program spans five and a half a long time, counting one year of mandatory internship. The curriculum is divided into three stages:
Pre-Clinical Stage: The first year focuses on fundamental sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry.
Para-Clinical Stage: The next one and a half a long time covers subjects like Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Forensic Medicine.
Clinical Stage: The final two years concentrate on clinical subjects counting Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, and Community Medication.
Down to earth Exposure
Understudies pick up viable encounters through clinical postings, research facility work, and revolutions in different divisions. The internship year is vital, permitting understudies to work in real-life therapeutic settings, handle patients, and create viable abilities beneath supervision.
Prominent Medical Colleges in Rajasthan
SMS Medical College, Jaipur: One of the most seasoned and most prestigious medical colleges, known for its fabulous staff and comprehensive training.
Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur: Eminent for its research commitments and well-rounded clinical preparation.
RNT Medical College, Udaipur: Offers a mix of quality instruction and different clinical exposure.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the medical colleges in Rajasthan provide robust training, challenges such as tall competition, thorough scholarly pressure, and the requirement for more advanced infrastructure in some regions endure. However, the openings for growth, assorted clinical exposure, and a solid foundation for future specialisations make it a rewarding path.
Vyas Medical College, Jodhpur
Vyas Medical College, Jodhpur, set up under the Rajasthan Vikas Sansthan, is a striking institution advertising quality medical instruction and healthcare services. Affiliated with the Rajasthan College of Wellbeing Sciences (RUHS), the college is recognized by the Medical Board of India (MCI).
Framework and Offices
Vyas Medical College brags cutting edge framework, counting:
Lecture Theatres: Prepared with audio-visual helps to encourage compelling learning.
Laboratories: Well-maintained labs for subjects like Life structures, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathology, and Microbiology.
Library: An endless collection of medical writing, diaries, and advanced assets.
Lodgings: Comfortable accommodation for students with all essential conveniences.
Clinic: A fully useful educating clinic giving practical preparation and healthcare services.
Scholarly Programs
The college offers an MBBS program, following the educational programs endorsed by the MCI/NMC. The course structure incorporates hypothetical classes, down to earth labs, and clinical preparation.
The college prides itself on a group of profoundly qualified and experienced staff individuals devoted to giving quality instruction and cultivating a conducive learning environment.
Admission Process
Admission to the MBBS program at Vyas Medical College takes after the same method as other medical colleges in Rajasthan:
NEET-UG Capability: Candidates must qualify the NEET-UG exam.
Counselling and Seat Assignment: Conducted by the Rajasthan State Counseling Authority based on NEET scores.
Eligibility Criteria: Verification of educational qualifications, age, and residence status.
Clinical Training
Clinical training may be a critical aspect of the MBBS program at Vyas Medical College. The instructing hospital, prepared with different specialties, allows students to pick up hands-on encounters in diagnosing and treating patients. The college emphasises viable skills through:
Clinical Postings: Rotations in different departments like Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Internship: A mandatory one-year internship in the teaching hospital to solidify clinical abilities and knowledge.
Research and Development
Vyas Medical College energises research activities among understudies and faculty. The institution gives back for research ventures, distributions, and participation in conferences and courses, cultivating a culture of ceaseless learning and innovation.
Community Services
The college actively locks in community health programs, organising camps and awareness drives in rustic and urban areas. These activities help students get open health challenges and contribute to the community's well-being.
Extracurricular Exercises
Vyas Medical College advances a holistic advancement approach, encouraging students to take an interest in extracurricular exercises such as sports, social occasions, and student clubs. These exercises help in developing leadership skills, collaboration, and an adjusted way of life.
Future Prospects
Graduates from Vyas Medical College are well-prepared for different career ways, including:
Postgraduate Studies: Pursuing specialisations through NEET-PG.
Government and Private Practice: Working in clinics, clinics, or beginning private homes.
Investigate and Academia: Engaging in medical research or joining academic institutions as faculty.
Pursuing an MBBS in Rajasthan, particularly at a school like Vyas Medical College, offers a mix of quality education, practical preparation, and holistic advancement. The rigorous educational modules, experienced staff, and broad clinical exposure plan students for fruitful careers in medication, contributing to the healthcare sector's development and advancement.
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aredugroup · 4 months
Pursuing MBBS in Uttar Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide to Uttar Pradesh’s Top Institutes
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The interest of a medical degree in India could be a thorough, however fulfilling travel, particularly when attempted at prestigious institutions that offer strong educational programs, state-of-the-art offices, and comprehensive clinical preparation. In Uttar Pradesh, the Career Institute of Medical Science (CIMS) and Venkateswara Established of Medical Sciences (VIMS) in Amroha stand out as excellent choices for aspiring specialists. This article digs into the qualities of these two organisations, exploring their scholarly offerings, infrastructure, faculty, student life, and the overall impact they have on medical education within the locale.
Career Institute of Medical Science (CIMS)
Academic Excellence
CIMS offers a rigorous MBBS program planned to supply a solid foundation in medical sciences. The curriculum is meticulously made to cover essential medical subjects, beginning with fundamental sciences in the initial a long time and advancing to progressed clinical preparation. The program adheres to the rules set by the National Medical Commission (NMC), ensuring that students get a high-quality education that's both comprehensive and up-to-date.
CIMS is prepared with present day infrastructure that supports a successful learning environment. The campus highlights progressed address corridors, well-stocked libraries, and state-of-the-art laboratories. These offices are essential for fostering an environment where students can flourish academically. The library, in specific, could be a valuable asset with a broad collection of medical writing, counting textbooks, diaries, and advanced resources.
The institute prides itself on having a group of highly qualified and experienced workforce individuals. These educators are not only specialists in their respective areas but dedicated tutors committed to the scholastic and professional growth of their students. Their teaching methods include a blend of traditional lectures and innovative approaches such as case-based learning and interactive sessions.
Clinical Training
Clinical training at  Career Institute of Medical Science may be a significant component of the MBBS program. The foundation has affiliations with a few eminent hospitals, giving students the opportunity to gain practical experience in real-world medical settings. This exposure is crucial for developing clinical abilities and understanding patient care.
Research and Innovation
CIMS emphasises research and innovation, empowering students and workforce to lock in on research projects that contribute to the headway of medical science. The institute's research centres and research facilities are equipped with the latest technology, empowering high-quality investigation and innovation.
Student Life
Life at CIMS expands past academics, advertising a dynamic campus environment with different extracurricular exercises. Students can take an interest in sports, social events, and community benefit programs, contributing to their by and large advancement.
Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), Amroha
Academic Excellence
VIMS Amroha offers a comprehensive MBBS program that's planned to create competent and compassionate medical experts. The curriculum is adjusted with NMC standards and emphasises both theoretical knowledge and viable abilities. The program covers a wide range of medical subjects, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their future careers.
The infrastructure at VIMS is planned to bolster a holistic learning involvement. The campus includes present day classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and a comprehensive library. The library is an essential asset for students, advertising to get access to a vast array of medical books, journals, and online databases.
VIMS boasts a team of experienced staff members who are devoted to providing high-quality education. These professionals bring a richness of information and expertise to the classroom, utilising innovative teaching strategies to lock in students and enhance their learning experience.
Clinical Training
Clinical training may be a core component of the MBBS program at VIMS. The institute has partnerships with different clinics, allowing students to gain hands-on involvement in clinical settings. This practical training is vital for creating the skills and confidence needed to excel within the medical profession.
Research Opportunities
VIMS energises students to lock in to inquire about exercises, giving opportunities to participate in research projects and clinical trials. The institute's research offices are prepared with modern technology, supporting a wide extent of research endeavours.
Student Life
Student life at Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Amroha is dynamic and dynamic, with various extracurricular activities and student organisations. These exercises give students opportunities to create leadership skills, investigate their interface, and construct a sense of community on campus.
Comparison and Conclusion
Both the Career Institute of Medical Science and Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Amroha offer extraordinary MBBS programs, but they each have special strengths that prospective students ought to consider.
Academic Rigour: Both institutes offer comprehensive MBBS programs that follow NMC guidelines, guaranteeing high-quality instruction.
Clinical Preparing: Both CIMS and VIMS give broad clinical training through affiliations with reputable clinics, giving students the viable experience they need.
Research Opportunities: Both institutes encourage research and innovation, offering resources and support for students to lock in in research projects.
Location and Environment: While both establishments are in Uttar Pradesh, their areas in different parts of the state might impact a student's choice based on individual preference or calculated considerations.
Campus Life: Each institute has its claim special campus culture and extracurricular offerings, which might offer unexpectedly to understudies depending on their interface and way of life.
Choosing between the Career Institute of Medical Science and Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Amroha for seeking after an MBBS in Uttar Pradesh ultimately depends on personal preferences and needs. Both institutes give excellent education, extensive clinical training, and ample research openings. Prospective students ought to consider variables such as area, faculty, infrastructure, and campus life when making their decision.
In summary, both CIMS and VIMS are stellar teachers who have significantly contributed to the field of medical education in Uttar Pradesh. They not only prepare students with the information and skills needed to excel within the medical calling but cultivate an environment of inquiry about, development, and holistic advancement. Aspiring medical experts can certainly select either founded, knowing they will get top-notch instruction that plans them for an effective career in medicine.
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erinkeifer · 10 months
Hi! Can you write more chaptered stories with the reader being new and having anakin as her master. I would love if they could have the enemies to lovers, one bed trope & forced proximity tropes? Thank you!
Hi! Thank you for asking! ♥︎ I'll be straightforward - I've fallen in love with this idea, and I absolutely have to take on this challenge!♥︎ It's something I somewhat wanted to achieve in Not My Code, but it turned out much lighter than I originally planned. Forced proximity, the bed-sharing trope, and a thread of a new, somewhat forced Master/Padawan acquaintance? I'm totally into it! After finishing the last two parts of NMC, I'll focus on how to start this - I can already envision a lot of mutual dislike at the beginning, lots of arguments, and basically, hatred? And suddenly, the weight of this proximity hits them, one bed... Damn, I see a lot of spice in this! Please stay tuned - I'll be working on it! Thanks again for the message and the idea!♥︎♥︎♥︎
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rabbitgardens · 6 months
actually need to think abt revyls life before the whispers but After it was free from the court....i think it was definitely shoved into a like. Nightmare Reconditioning Unit as a sapling that made it go along with a lot of heinous shit but that conditioning, even with the years of it being beaten into it, never stuck (is it because of its weird fucky magic or because it always held onto the hope that the tree could love it again. we will never know)
so once zaara got it the Fuck out of there the two were on their own for a while, making their way through maguuma to kryta where zaaras crew was based, trying Very Hard not to get spotted by the nmc
(i was gonna write more abt the time they spent one on one but im going to be so real i lost my train of thought)
once the two link up with zaaras crew again, revyls Ecstatic to meet non sylvari, unaffiliated with nightmare, who are friends with its Cool New Friend!!! It slotted into zaara's crew surprisingly easily, based mainly on their combat and stealth prowess which proved useful (mainly in their endeavors to take over laughing gull island because zaara Personally finds tadhia covington annoying. thats the entire reason), it took a while for revyl to develop social skills of any kind though, which did not at All help first mate rika sunstalker's dislike of this weird little plant his boss (read:intense insane keeps him up at night would do anything for her would die for her girlfriend) came back with
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