#HBIC effie
ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt : I offer you a prompt in the form of a plot twist: Haymitch is going into the arena with Katniss for the 75th games. No fake baby bomb for Katniss, but Effie tells him she's pregnant before he leaves
You know I HAD to do it. It’s too good to resist for long XD The title comes from the song “You” by Keaton Henson that kept popping up when I was writing it.
My Life’s Best Part
Effie’s staring at him, dumfounded, and Haymitch can’t help but think he should have listened to Chaff and not waited until the last moment to unload everything on her. But even now that he’s told her, he still doesn’t think it’s a good idea to tell her anything at all. He still doesn’t think…
“I wouldn’t have told you any of it.” he adds with a wince, turning away from her and crossing the short distance to the roof’s hip-high wall. They waited until the children came back down to sneak up there, to have their own moment – a moment that isn’t about desperately fucking each other in her room, too aware that it probably will be the last time. The roof is quiet outside of the distant clicking of the wind chimes she hang there a couple of years ago, the rush of the city spreading at their feet has long become background noise he barely even registers anymore. “If I had a choice I wouldn’t have told you any of it.”
None of the rebellion. None of the plan. None of it.
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uncloseted · 4 years
In the early 2010s, characters like Michelle and Katie weren't as liked as their more quirky counterparts (Cassie & Effy) but looking at shows like Euphoria, it seems like conventionally attractive HBIC type characters gain the most popularity in irl. For example, most girls in the 2010s tried to be and act like Effy but now most girls are trying to be and act like Maddy Perez. Do you think there's an explanation behind this? Is it bc of the rise of social media or is it just society changing?
That’s a really interesting question.  My guess would be that from roughly 2005-2015, there was this cultural idea that the best girls are the ones who are “not like other girls”.  There were a lot of female characters in media at that time who were defined by things like not wearing makeup, being brunette, not caring about fashion/shopping, being “nice” (even when they’re actually not that nice), being “quirky”, hating pop culture, and other ways of generally setting them up in opposition to “normal girls”, who in this case are painted as being vain, popular, and bitchy.  Cassie and Effy are both very much “not like other girls”, and while Skins does a good job of fleshing Michelle and Katie out and giving them places where you can connect with them, I think the cultural conditioning of the time made a lot of people feel like they’re supposed to like Cassie and Effy more.  
I also think that Cassie and Effy are unusual in that for a lot of people, their characters were the first time that they saw themselves reflected on screen.  Cassie was a groundbreaking portrayal of anorexia in many ways, and she was socially awkward and kind of strange and had low self-esteem.  Effy was a similarly groundbreaking portrayal of psychotic depression, which doesn’t get talked a lot about, and what the ups and downs of having depression are actually like.  She’s a female character who gets to be (outwardly) unemotional and afraid of vulnerability, as well as very much in charge of her sex life and her sexual identity.  Up until that point, I think those traits had been mainly seen in male characters, and so people were attracted to the idea that a woman could be like that, too. 
As for what changed, I’d really love to read an essay on this from an actual scholar (so if anyone has seen something like this, please send it my way), but I think it was a couple of things.  First and foremost, we stopped praising people who insisted that they were “not like other girls” and started making fun of them instead.  Alongside that, you started getting portrayals of “popular girls” that were more nuanced and painted them as real people, with their own hopes and dreams and struggles. I think Michelle and Katie were at the very beginning of this wave, and we do see Katie get redeemed in the eyes of the fandom (”I’m Katie Fucking Fitch, who the fuck are you” is widely considered to be an iconic moment in Skins history).  
Mini is the first character who’s sort of free from that.  She gets to be a classic teen movie mean girl in a way that Michelle and Katie didn’t, set up in opposition to “not like other girls” Franky, and the entire first segment of their interactions is about that.  Mini wants Franky to be more like “other girls” (aka, her) because she’s threatened by Franky’s individuality and what that means about her own identity.  Franky wants Mini to let go of the idea that she needs to be a certain way, and she tries to get her to let go of her preconceived notions of who she “should” be so that she can just be herself.  In acknowledging the trope and then putting it to rest, Mini and Franky both get to break out of their respective molds the audience has put them in and be their own people.  As a result, Mini is one of the most popular characters from generation 3. 
Moving onto Euphoria, I think in the time between when Skins ended in 2012 and when Euphoria started in 2019, our cultural mores have changed a lot.  We’ve started seeing people as people, rather than as tropes (which is something Euphoria does really well, since it has a narrator to tell you exactly what’s going on in each character’s mind), we’ve decided that it’s not okay to body shame or slut shame people, and we’ve decided that part of feminism is unquestioningly accepting other women’s life choices, whether we agree with them or not.  I think a result of that has been that social media has embraced (for lack of a better term) the “ho aesthetic” that Maddy embodies. Her stated goal in the show is to “not do anything” on a rich man’s dime.  She doesn’t have aspirations or goals outside of being a trophy wife.  She’s reclaimed her sexuality in the sense that it’s now a tool for her to get what she wants.  And I think for a lot of people, that’s aspirational.  You can be a paragon of feminism without having to actually change any of your desires, beliefs, or actions. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that which are more than the scope of this ask, but I think that’s where Maddy’s popularity comes from.  She embodies a particular version of 2020s feminism that hasn’t been celebrated or really even been seen on TV before, and people who ascribe to that kind of feminism see her as an icon of that movement. 
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foreheadface · 7 years
what would you change about the hunger games
Galanna NEEDS to happen. it could work out. Johanna goes to D2 Post MJ and meets Gale who is getting over Katniss and it could- it could work and asdfghj
I need more Hayffie. I always need more Hayffie
I wish the first movie was waaaaay better. I would put that bit in where like Effie’s going over politeness w/ Katniss and she’s JUST the HBIC RTYUIO
I SORT OF wish FLaw had just stuck w/ Effie going to prison. It would have made the side plot w/ Hayffie more dramatic… AND I get that like Haymitch isn’t “the main focus” or anything but like, the movies fucked him over. fghjk 
I WANT THAT SCENE where Katniss and  Peeta are watching the past Games footage in CF. and they watched Haymitch’s and like qwertyuihgfd MY POOR BABY
I need the Effie scene from the first book with her bitching at Katniss JUST EVERY SCENE
OR in response to no 5, if he HAD to put Effie in, couldn’t she at least wear the regular uniform and no make-up and stuff????? that woulda been great.
the whole first movie pls
parts of cf
parts of mj
more abt the victor’s prostitution stuff. I feel like that’s rlly rlly important
UM for Haymitch to have dark hair. I love Woody Harrelson and I think he did a fantastic job with Haymitch but… like…. Haymitch is Seam okay? He was born in the Seam to most likely Seam parents. He has dark hair and dark skin. Jenifer Lawrence, I could kind of get used to, but BLONDE HAYMITCH AWSEDRFTGYHUJIKO
the mutts in thg (1) didn’t look as creepy or as hellish as I imagined hem to be
no reaping videos in cf???????????????? or like lack of a lot of the stuff I imagined????? 
annie look a little too old…. or maybe I just didn’t like her actress
and um annie has dark. brown. hair.  what was it w/ the castining director and avoiding brunettes?????
i just was rlly looking forward to the kids watching the videos of all of the victor’s games
WHERE THE FUCK WAS PORTIA???????????????? SHE LIKE WAS CAST BUT LIKE WHERE WAS SHE??? I get that katniss is the main character but Peeta’s Stylist needed to be there too??? and Portia was important???????
MADGE???????????????????????????????????? HELLO????????????????????
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Fixing A House
Haymitch had been sitting in his car for a long time, staring at the monstrosity of glass and steel he hadn’t known could exist only a few miles away from his classic house in his classic town. It must have been built during one of his most serious alcoholic binge periods because… Well, he was pretty sure even he who took pride in not getting involved in anything concerning the town or its people would have noticed something like that being built.
It was awful.
A modern heap of steel cubes with bay windows that afforded no privacy at all. It was his nightmare idea of a home. A literal glass house. Well… house. The word seemed too small to describe the… thing in front of him. Its only saving grace, Haymitch figured, was the absence of neighbors for miles around. Although if a crazy serial killer took a liking to stalking a single woman living in a glass house, that might not be the blessing she banked on.
For the fifth time, he glanced down at the bottle of wine on the passenger seat and wondered exactly in what trap he was about to head into.
The wine was cheap. The woman clearly was not.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
It’s been ages since my last soulmate au. Admit it, you’ve missed it XD So, here you go! Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Bleeding Colors
Haymitch’s mother doesn’t like the concept of soulmates.
He has countless memories of watching her cry in their tiny kitchen at night, her thumb rubbing on the name looping around her left middle finger. She never finds out because he’s good at hiding and he’s always very quiet not to wake his brand new baby brother. But he watches and he knows she hates the soulmate thing because he knows the name on her skin is his father’s and that’s not enough to keep him home most night.
Eventually, it’s  not enough to keep him home at all.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Happy Birthday, @akachankami!!!! This was supposed to be fluff but, you know how it is, so now it’s steamy XD Basically Hayffie said: have some spice on that cake so… Yeah. I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you soooo much! Penguins forever! <3
Tequila, Mud & Laughter
There had been far too much tequila involved.
Even Haymitch could admit that. The bar was as dreadful as they came because you could trust Chaff to hunt the worst bar in the whole city in hopes Twelve’s escort wouldn’t found them – joke was on him, she always did manage to figure out where they went – but the liquor was cheap and the people uninterested in the celebrities in their midst, which made it perfect. Perfect enough that they could all let go without fear of consequences.
“One day, they’re gonna kill each other…” Finnick slurred from the chair right next to him. The boy was half-slumped on the table, his green eyes glassy from all the liquor.
“You mean Jo’s gonna bash Trinket’s head in.” Chaff corrected with a snort.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: Hey! Did I tell you I loooove your work? ^^ more seriously, may I prompt for HaDS ? You may already have done this but I don't remember reading so.... could you so one where Effie got her skirt stuck in her tights/panties after going to the bathroom, Haymitch noticing but not telling her and leaving her like that all night or until someone else tells her? I'm sure you could make this hilarious. Please?🥺
A Peek
Effie was in a foul mood.
She had known tonight would likely be bad – mostly because Viola was at it again with the most disparaging lies she could think of and Effie had yet to find a way to pay her back in kind – but it had turned out to be even worse. If she had to endure yet another conversation full of people trying to pry out of her if she had or had not actually used plastic surgery to have her ass redone, she might just scream.
She might just scream regardless, she mused, inspecting her reflection in the thankfully deserted lady restroom.
As if the Games weren’t already difficult enough every year… To add to this with such a level of pettiness…
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
It was so mean last week… Enjoy some good steam with a pinch of fluff ;)
Tug Of War
Effie sighed with pure relief when Haymitch’s weight finally lifted off her back. Not because she particularly minded him crushing her but because of the familiar heaviness in her limbs, of the way her body hummed in satisfaction… She would have been happy to remain there all day, truth be told, but being half-sprawled on the penthouse’s dining-room’s mahogany table probably wasn’t a good idea. His friends had a tendency to wander in uninvited and she wasn’t in any particular mood to give that kind of show.
“You’re good?” he asked, a bit hesitant, his hands lingering on her hips as if he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t collapse if he let go.
He didn’t usually bother to ask.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: Hello! I have a request for HADS :) So of course, as we know, the styles in the capitol are always changing, but they always have one thing in common: lots and lots of bright color. Would you consider writing something where the trend that year is black and white and Effie is very much not happy about it because she loves color? And maybe Haymitch is just really confused as to why the capitol was suddenly black and white? Thanks! Have a lovely day!
Black And White
Haymitch was doing his very best to lose track of time, to blend every day into the next with the hopeful thought that one day he would stop waking up and have to deal with the hell his life had become since he had won the Second Quarter Quell.
Unfortunately, there were times in the years when it was harder to do that than others. Summer was one of them. Which was why he wasn’t entirely surprised to hear hammering on his door piercing the fog of his hangover that morning. For a second, he contemplated just staying prone where he was – on the couch, it seemed, still wearing his clothes from… three days ago? – making her work for it because… why not? If he had to be miserable for at least a month – it would be closer to two or three if he didn’t leave right after Twelve inevitably lost – he might as well make her just as miserable as he felt. It was only justice, after all.
The decision was taken from him when he heard the front door being forced open – forced because he had anticipated the invasion and had piled in front of it all the trash bags he hadn’t bothered to toss away in weeks.
“Oh, goodness!” a familiar voice shrieked.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
A little unprompted one. I think I used the “you’re lying. I know you’re lying. You know how I know? Because you’re a bad liar.” line from a prompt list that should be reblogged on the-hayffie-penthouse (but it must be in the older reblogs because this one shot was actually written before 2021 so… XD)
Always The Bloody Hawthornes!
Effie was so exasperated that she tossed her arms in the air in frustration, pacing the limited available space in the tiny compartment Thirteen had allotted her. “Oh – You are lying!”
Haymitch let out another sigh, clearly frustrated himself, but didn’t move from where he was sitting at the small table, burying his face in his hands. “Effie…”
“I know you are lying.” she snapped, not bothering to pause to listen to his claims that nothing had happened and nothing would happen and it was all in her head – how cliché. It only fed her fury. How fucking cliché. “You know how I know? Because you are a bad liar.”
A glint of offense shone in his eyes when he dropped his hands to glare at her. “Ain’t that bad of a liar or we wouldn’t be here fighting over shit, we’d be dead in the Capitol.”
“Oh, of course, that would be what you deem worthy of an answer.” she sneered, pausing her pacing to face him. He had the decency to squirm under her glare, at least, to wince… “Go for it, I dare you. Tell me again how I misunderstood the situation.”
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: Can i prompt a fic where, in the middle of one of their screaming matches during the games, Effie slips up and comes out with something so aggressively capitol and probably personal to Haymitch that she totally oversteps a line with him. Ive read a few fics where its him that grovels to Effie post-fight but I’d like to see a scenario where he genuinely swears he’s done with her during the phase where they’re at least somewhat involved and it would hurt her to lose him as a friend if nothing else
 A Lovers’ Spat
Haymitch tossed his head back as he swallowed the shot, barely feeling the burn of the hard liquor sliding down his throat. He hit the glass against the gleaming wood of the bar once, barely glancing at the Avox bartender who didn’t need to hear the order anyway.
If the man would just relent and leave him the bottle, it would all go quicker and easier.
“Might want to slow down a bit.” Chaff snorted behind him. “It ain’t even dinner time yet.”
It might not have been dinner time yet but the mentors’ lounge was packed anyway and he wasn’t the only one trying to get wasted. Some victors were trying to figure out their alliances, others were just commiserating, some were making plans of attacks to better corner sponsors…
First day of the Games, it was always busy in there.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: Hey! First i love your work, second I got a prompt that came to me watching Life as we know it! ^^ (if you did it already or something too close , I'm sorry I didn't see it...) Effie being jealous in four during a stroll with Haymitch and Finn, and "the way women look at men a child" you know.... ;)
A Show Of Belonging
Finn was the sweetest child and Effie loved him to bits.
“He is so cute.” she commented out loud. “Look at his little face…”
A little face that was very busy laughing his heart off. The five year old was very determined to win his game with Haymitch and Peeta – a game which consisted mostly of climbing them and pushing their head down until they went underwater. She didn’t think he really needed the water rings on his small arms but she had insisted just in case. Annie had entrusted the boy to them and she intended to hand him back in the state she had found him: breathing and not drown.
“He is cute.” Katniss agreed next to her, shifting a little so she was more completely in the parasol’s shade. Her burn scars didn’t really need the extra exposure and Effie silently nudged the sun cream toward her.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Hello and Welcome, Welcome to what must be the 74th Christmas story I put out there XD
So, funny story, @akachankami​ sent me a post from an ad about a guy promising to be the worst possible partner for Thanksgiving in exchange for a free meal (the post will be reblogged on my blog if you want to check) and told me to write it. Being of easy persuasion, I did decide to do a Christmas version. Obviously I didn’t intend for it to turn into a full blown chaptered story but, hey, when do I ever, right? At this point, I’m a running joke.
@effie-trinket​ (tumblr) / PhoenixRisingOnTheMoon (AO3) also saw the post and wrote a wonderful Thanksgiving one shot that I encourage everyone to go read because it was absolutely awesome. She kindly told me she didn’t mind if I wrote my Christmas version anyway so… I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed yours!
This will be updated one chapter a day up until the 24th. I love feedback and will do almost anything for it, as most of you know, so feel free to shout at me.
Oh, I didn’t say but this is obviously crack.
I hope you have fun!
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Chapter 1: 
The biting cold made the little of Effie’s face that wasn’t hidden beneath her pink woolen scarf and its matching hat with the pompom on top tingle but she was still smiling. Because even though the snow had darkened on the pavement and been pushed aside, it was still snow and the chill in the air told her they could expect more of it later. Because the whole city was wrapped in twinkling lights and tinsels. Because children were excited and running around, stopping at every shop window to admire the various cheerful displays. Because it was Christmas and Christmas was her favorite time of the year.
Her smile widened when she pushed the door of her own shop, relieved to get away from the cold – a little less relieved to notice the lack of customers. Humming along to the soft Christmas music that played on repeat from the shop’s speakers, she made her way to the back where her friend was standing behind the cash register, skimming through a magazine, looking bored.
Portia brightened immediately when Effie placed two to-go cups on the counter in front of her though.
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
Prompt: Please may I prompt a fic where either effie or haymitch accidentally massively slips up in an interview with Caesar (or in some sort of public forum) and says something that very heavily implies hayffie are in a relationship? I could totally imagine Caesar over analysing every single thing his guest says so I imagine he’d notice instantly if one of them said something that they just couldn’t possibly have known if they weren’t dating 
Mention It All
Haymitch hated the losing Districts interviews.
It was a filler program when nothing much was happening inside the arena and they generally had little to do with the Games themselves – unless no victor or escort had juicy gossip to dissect, then it was all about analyzing tributes’ actions but, in this city, there was always juicy gossip. The interviews were live and Caesar was always in fine form and Haymitch had lost track of the conversation because they had been talking in circles for what felt like hours.
Well, Caesar and Effie had been talking in circles for hours. It was too fucking early in the morning, Haymitch hadn’t expected to be dragged out of bed so early. He was still drunk from the night before and from the healthy amount of moonshine he had slipped in his orange juice while his escort was puzzling over what he should wear. Their appearance was a last minute decision apparently, and the sobering pills she had forced him to swallow hadn’t kicked in yet. His head felt like it would burst but given that it was currently filled with cotton, he wasn’t sure how that could hurt.
Mostly, he had been sitting on the settee next to Effie since the interview had started, staring into the audience, progressively slouching until a well-placed accidental nudge of her pointy elbow reminded him to sit straighter. They had done the slouching-nudging routine at least ten times by then.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: idk if you have already done something similar but could you do a one shot with haymitch feeling guilty after cinna's imprisonment and maybe effie trying to console him. i'm here for all the angst that you are capable of (secretly hope also for portia to have a role in this). the sadder, the better.
A Last Time On The Roof
The elevator’s chime was both a relief and a source of dread. Haymitch didn’t move from his vigil by the living-room’s bay windows, keeping an ear toward the screen and the live feed of the arena. Night had fallen, the kids had set camp with Finnick and Mags… They should be alright for a few hours.
He should grab some sleep too while he could but…
The sound of his escort’s clicking high heels announced her. “I could not find either of them. It is as if they simply vanished!”
“Told you not to go poking that bear.” He sighed, more tired than he cared to hide. As an afterthought, he brought the cup of coffee he was cradling in his hand to his mouth. It was cold. And it wasn’t as good as liquor at clearing his mind.
“Yes, well… I was hoping to, at least, locate Portia.” Effie snapped. Her voice cracked but she cleared her throat and, when she spoke again, it was perfectly composed. “I never liked Cinna, you know. He is quite a… wild card. This dress show last night was quite spectacular but something rubbed me off the wrong way about it.”
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(ff seems glitchy today so maybe check AO3 if it doesn’t work out)
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: May I prompt effie and chaff actually somewhat getting along for once whilst having a drunken conversation about what kind of women they’re into (although let’s face it, they would probably still manage to entirely disagree with each other hahah)
Bonding Time With Eleven’s Victor
Effie cornered her prey while he was alone at the bar.
If Chaff was alarmed at her sudden appearance at his side, he didn’t comment, not even when she slid on the stool right next to his. Then again, the party had been raging for a while now and he was obviously in his cup.
“Hello, love.” he greeted her with his usual leering smile and lifted eyebrows.
No surprise though.
“Hello, Chaff.” she answered cheerful as you pleased. She signaled the bartender who immediately slid her favorite cocktail in front of her. Being famous had its advantage. It was only when she had her drink firmly in hand – she wasn’t taking any chances with glasses in a public place – that she finally turned to Eleven’s victor. “Please, do not make this difficult. I need to know what is going on and I need to know yesterday.”
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