andrej-delany · 8 months
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juliaandthephantoms · 2 months
Wir haben vorher einen hdw rewatch gemacht und dabei ist mir was aufgefallen.
In jedem von Adams Flashbacks hört man ihn seinen "Papa" anflehen und anbetteln, dass er ihn nicht einsperrt, ihn nicht verprügelt, von ihm ablässt etc.
In dem Rückblick aus Rolands Sicht, wo sich Roland auch an die Garage erinnert und von der wir später erfahren, dass er sich an alles erinnert, hört man Adam nicht flehen.
Fast so als ob Roland dieses Betteln so egal ist, dass er es nicht mehr wahrnimmt.
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nerd-on-duty · 8 months
Tatort Saarbrücken (Spatort) English subtitles - 2024 edition (episodes 1-5)
For all international fans who want to watch Tatort Saabrücken (of annual tumblr trending fame) but don't speak German, fear not:
Send me a DM and I can send you a link for English subs :)
(Please do not send asks as I can't post them publicly and I've had the unfortunate experience of privately posted ones eating links or disappearing into the tumblr void, never to be seen again...)
For return customers: as of today (04 Feb 2024) the newest episode (#5 - Der Fluch des Geldes (FdG)) is now live! The Drive link is still the same and the ReadMe has been updated as well, so check that out for links and guides as always.
More info under the cut
You can pass them along to other people privately (though please also ask them not to post them and to let anyone else they'd like to share them with know as well!), but I really don't want any beef with the channel (which is publicly funded and can afford far fancier lawyers than me, who is none-funded and can afford no lawyers) because these are not official in any capacity nor do I want to leave anyone with the impression that these could be official. They're a simple homemade attempt at letting non-German-speaking fans participate in the epic highs and lows of Spatort because there currently are no official English subtitles. Any mistakes are entirely my own, I don't own any of the copyrights to Tatort or any of their characters or plots, yadda yadda.
That being said, if you notice any typos, translation errors, missing or out of date links or anything else, please do let me know so I can update the files accordingly!
As I've gotten a few messages this year apologizing for being late: if anyone sees this in the future - yes, this is still up to date. You can shoot me a message at any time of the year and I will get back to you as soon as I can (usually within 24-48 h). If you still haven't heard from me after a week (especially if there's still new posts coming in on the blog) feel free to poke me again - I promise I'm not ignoring you, I most likely just haven't seen the notification.
If you want to filter spoilers for the new episode in the meantime, block #spatort spoilers to avoid seeing them on this blog (I generally use this tag for posts related to new episodes in between the official release and uploading the subtitles)
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dasloddl · 1 year
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it’s them
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Stellt euch mal vor, in eurem näheren Umfeld passiert etwas schlimmes und die Direktorin bringt in einer ganz normalen Geschichtsstunde zwei Herren von der Kriminalpolizei in den Klassenraum und dann steht da Adam vor euch, ein 'Polizist' im Doppeldenimlook und fürchterlich, komisch blond-orangenen Haaren.
Ich glaube, ich könnte ihn nicht ernst nehmen. I'm sorry.
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theoniprince · 2 years
.:"Es tut mir leid, Leo.":.
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satriaproto · 11 months
Kamen Rider Vantia
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andrej-delany · 9 months
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honeydewhale · 2 years
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This was one of the pieces I did for @usoppshipzine I had a lot of fun working on it and everyone was so hard working and talented! Check it out, it's free!
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dasloddl · 1 year
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spatort + (tit) text posts 4
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Der Bunker ist aber auch ein hässliches Haus.
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skyward-floored · 7 months
He is furious.
Volga storms into Cia’s lair, shoving monsters and minions out of his way as his gut burns with rage. His mind is focused on only one thing, and nobody dares try and stop him as he approaches the sorceress. Cia is reclining idly on a chair as he enters, but Volga is unconcerned with whatever she’s doing, striding to her side as his chest heaves with anger.
“Oh Volga, I didn’t expect you back yet,” Cia hums, sounding only mildly interested. “Was your mission a success?”
Volga glares at her.
“You knew he was my son.”
Cia slowly blinks, and she flicks her gaze up, red eyes unreadable.
Volga slams his spear into the floor, a snarl escaping his lips. “The Hero. He is my son. And you did not see fit to divulge this information to me.”
“Oh that,” Cia hums, resting a hand on her staff, almost casually. “It never came up.”
“He claims you told him,” Volga hisses, feeling the urge to shift into his dragon form and demand answers. “Weeks ago. You saw it fit to inform him, and yet kept this information a secret from me?”
Cia has the audacity to laugh.
“It changes nothing,” she says with a wave of her hand, meeting his gaze. “I knew it would serve only as a distraction to our goals. That is why I informed him, and not you— it now consumes his thoughts, and the Sheikah leader’s as well. Their minds are filled with distractions, which makes them more susceptible to mistakes.”
She strokes a hand along the length of her staff, and her eyes flash.
“And Link is the Hero, and therefore mine. His relation to you is of no concern.”
She waves her hand in a clear dismissal, and turns back to whatever it was she was doing before.
Volga narrows his eyes, smoke trailing from his nose as he stares at her. He had not concerned himself much with Cia’s infatuation, focused only on the goals which she set before him. But now, learning his son is the object of such lust...
There is a different sort of fire in Volga’s chest now, one that he has not felt in nigh over eighteen years. Something that burns not only for himself, but for the hatchling he did not know existed until mere hours ago.
They may be enemies, but the boy is his kin.
And Cia seeks to chain him to her side, without any choice on his part.
“He is not yours,” Volga growls finally, the fire growing in his chest. “I am his kin, and therefore if he is anyone’s, he is mine. I reject your false claim on him.”
Cia’s hand tightens on her staff, and the fire in his heart stalls, a creeping fog overtaking it.
“Make no mistake, dragon,” she says in a low, cold voice. “You are only here by merit of your usefulness. And I do not tolerate meddling with what is rightfully mine.”
The fog creeps deeper, soft and inviting as it spills in. It beckons him to sink into it, but Volga resists, glaring at Cia.
“Witch,” he spits, starting the transformation into his dragon form, “you have no honor, using magic to persuade me. Curse you—”
Volga’s grip on his spear loosens, and he grunts, his transformation stopped as pain ripples up his chest and through his head. The fog follows it, dark and thick as it spills through, and the conversation and reason he had stormed in sink away into it, lost in the mists of his mind.
Cia smiles.
“Leave me, dragon. I have work to do. I will call you when I have another mission that requires your skill.”
Volga grunts again, a distant buzz of pain in his head. His anger is gone now, the fire nothing but embers whisked away by Cia’s magic, and he nods, giving the sorceress a small bow.
Then he turns and leaves the room, Cia watching him go with that same small smile.
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theoniprince · 1 year
It was at this moment he knew,
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he is totally in love with his best friend, but...
... er wird Leo wahrscheinlich auf Distanz halten müssen, wegstoßen und verletzen, damit dieser sich von ihm fernhalten wird und es wird besser für sie sein, glaubt er, weil Leo dann sicher sein wird, auch wenn es ihm wahrscheinlich das Herz brechen wird, ihnen beiden und er ignoriert dabei vollkommen, dass Leo, der Kümmerer, nicht lockerlassen wird, weil dieser sich um Adam sorgt...
(die chronologische Reihenfolge der Bilderist in der Folge selbst anders. So passt es aber besser für den post :D Der Blick wirkt einfach so... als würden ihm unendlich viele Dinge auf einmal bewusst werden und einige davon sind leider nicht positiv. :/)
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quiltofstars · 8 months
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Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger 3 // Eric Coles (coles44)
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lu-inlondon · 8 months
Autos im Spatort
Das fleißige Lieschen
Leo - SB TY 7177 Mercedes E 300 T-Modell (Kombi)
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Adam - SB B 3330 Mercedes GLC 300 4-matic (Baujahr 2018/19)
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Der Herr des Waldes
Leo - SB TY 7177 Peugeot 308, 2. Generation (Baujahr 2017-2021)
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Adam - SB B 3330 Skoda Kodiaq (1. Generation, 1. Facelift; Baujahr 2021-2023 - ganz neu!)
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Esther - SB GL 2003 Ford Focus IV (Baujahr 2018-2022)
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Das Herz der Schlange
Leo - SB TY 7177 Peugeot 308, 2. Generation (Baujahr 2017-2021)
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Pia (?) Ford (Focus IV s.o.)
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Die Kälte der Erde
Leo - SB TY 7177 Peugeot 308e (3. Generation; Baujahr ab 2022)
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Pia - SB B 3330 Skoda Kodiaq (1. Generation, 1. Facelift; Baujahr 2021-2023)
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Esther - SB GL 2003 Ford Focus IV (Baujahr 2018-2022)
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Der Fluch des Geldes
Leo - SB TY 7177 Peugeot 308e (3. Generation; Baujahr ab 2022)
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Adam - SB B 3330 Skoda Kodiaq (1. Generation, 1. Facelift; Baujahr 2021-2023)
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satriaproto · 9 months
The last arts of 2023
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Ultraman Vidarr
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Kamen Rider Mushido (both made for HDW events)
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