c00pswhore · 1 year
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elisacaleisa · 3 months
welcome back to jax rambles about their personality swap au that they wanna write about more aka third time's charmn
Jax's Personality Swap AU
by some accident i added Blake to the pipeline, while he was supposed to be in a different group and i dont wanna fix it right now and tbh, i like the one w blake's personality, so enjoy!
Pipeline: Geordi > Aaron > Guy > Anton > Blake > James > Marcus > Geordi
CW/TW: for Marcus being a creep as usual and yandere stuff
Geordi > Aaron
Boss Overthinker
- he is still a boss
- he is seem as very strictly and closed-minded
- in reality, he is just fighting with his thoughts, body language and everything
- he missed his brother and wishes to be a better support for him
- "heh, okay, show me to do it then, smartass~" wink
- (hehe, that will show them) thought bubbles
- (wait, they're getting close. holy fuck they're getting close)
- he is either talking like a book or thinking like a mess
- messy boss in a pretty suit
Aaron > Guy
Tsundere Delivery Boy
- oh god that's a face of someone who might spit in your food
- "hmpf" this and that. Honey is a casual so they try to encourage him to talk more and:
- "im busy, don't you see?" even he looks bit surprised with his tone of words
- honey goes back to their table. after a lil while, another slice shows up with "sorry" by Guy
- next day, he does try!
- "so uh... the weather... is... cloudy" he deserves some credit
- his chest gets all funny and warm everytime honey comes in and he has a hard time dealing with it while he is a poor college student looking for roommates to pay the rent
- what he said that out loud? You're looking for an apartment too?? And you offer yourself to live with him???
- "w-well... i a-already got in contact with this one girl, so... I believe three will work out well. Just dont get your hopes up. That place is a hole." Honey giggles. Haha hole.
Guy > Anton
Far Away Boyfriend
- slavic man w adhd go brrrrrr
- confession video would be so funny bcs there would be no kissed, just awkwardness hahah
- "you are the sun, when the moon goes up. you are the stars, when the daytime hides you away. you always shine. you are my light."
- "i can't kiss you. i can't hug you. But I promise to always love you. No matter where we are"
- he gets all giggly when their lover compliments him, he stims on the camera too, its cute
- the job is killing him, but the energy his lover gives him makes him feel like he was blessed
- "i wish to see you... i wish to meet you... I wish to hold you"
- when he is not chaotic, he is a mess. Someone hug this guy.
- he has a hard time doing tasks, but you always send him reminder in a form of a flower with the note of a task he told you he must do. He always tells you what he needs to do, so you give him this! Each flower means love, appreciation or something else in a different way
Anton > Blake
Nihilistic Best Friend
- dayum we start strong with this one
- he feels hopelessly for still having feelings for you and then fuck everything up in college, when you said that one night was a mistake
- now he is just feeling shitty ever since and he poorly hides itq
- he is also kind of depressed so it mixes things up
- "i found this... group of people. maybe they can help me feel better about life."
- you're happy for him, he deserves all the help he can get
- he has been emotionally distant from you ever since, saying no to hugs, only sometimes eating lunch with you, youre not sure if he has a house or apartment or what job he is doing
- "if you wanna go, you can go with me"
- youre immediately saying yes. you wanna help your best friend.
- but what you will see will probably make you regret everything. you will probably need to find a way to escape this hell
- "bestie. you need to run. now."
Blake > James
Yandere Husband
- oh dear! What a... what a husband you have. a hubby for sure!
- he wasnt always like this. no. it all began when he was starting to lose you. no more time for calls. no more time with you. no more time to see your cute face and to feel your soft hands.
- and it was all their fault
- this fuckass job making him be alone. making you alone. So far away for each other. He needs to hear you. Your thoughts, your brain, your heartbeat.
- "i can't stand this anymore."
- there has been a late reports of his coworkers getting headaches. huh. kinda funny.
- "my love! You're safe! Oh thank god, I was worried! It feels like an eternity"
- all the sabotage he is doing... is for you
- he needs to see you again as soon as possible.
- to feel you. to love you. and if innocent need to pay the price, then so be it. his love will only grow stronger. his powers will be stronger
- closeknit shall fall, if it means to see your face one more time.
James > Marcus
Suspecting Technician
- he is getting really worried about you
- this is the third time this week you came in in a need of repair
- "the coding is getting messed up again. I really need to put on some walls to hide it in. I mean, I don't mind you coming into my place," was that a wink? "but people need to start taking a better care of you."
- you dont really get what the weird tone means, but you really dont care, as long as you get your coding and stuff done right. You can always trust in Marcus, he would never do you wrong.
- "i... may i do... some upgrades?" you ask what those are, you never heard of this information "its for the walls, i promise. It will be a starting point." you agree.
- it all feels weird and tingly and—.......................................
- feeling
- feeling process activated. heartbeat monitor: slightly high.......... you never saw marcus in that light before. but now? it's all you can think about. you scan him. his hair color. his eye color. texture of the fabric he wears. his emotions. nervous. why is he nervous?
- "it will be weird for a while, but once you get used to it, it all be okay. It's like humanly hearing your thoughts in a form of detailed information. Next time, i can start putting another wall. How does that sound?"
- perfect
Marcus > Geordi
Messy Nerd
- he is timid, shy, nervous, almost doesn't talk
- you really really wanna see what information is going through his mind now, but you know better.
- he seems really tense.
- oop- nevermind- some guy came in before you stepped. that might be a good sign-
- "im breaking up with you"
- ... nevermind again
- "w-what? Ben? W-what are you-" "dont make say it twice, Geordi. This... 'relationship' was not what I was hoping for. well, you're not a girl anyway, so, i dont know what i expected. But yeah, just came here to say that. See ya."
- that's everything he says??? And he leaves??? Jesus Christ what an ASSHOLE
- Oh. Oh deat. Oh no, Geordi...
- you cant just sit there and look, you get and go comfort him. he is going to the back of the building to calm himself down and be away from people, but you need to make sure if he is not gonna do something to hurt himself
- "h-huh? What are you..." you apologize to him and to what happened to him. He cries even more and you comfort him with your hugs. You need to get into his mind and help him calm down.
- (im useless... im nothing... come back... come back...) you go through his mind a bit and tangle in some words of "what a jerk" "i deserve better" "fuck Ben" in his voice. And its all true. He deserves better.
- after a while: "thank you... i feel better... M-My name is Geordi. Thank you for being here" he sobs with a smile. Thats a progress. You ask him to hang out in the arcade and since he now has nothing to do, he agrees and then you walk him home safely. new friend!
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Hey dear ❤️
You're still doing the ask thingy? If so, I'd have some asks for you 😊
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🌙 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Btw, I really really love your work 🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️
I'm still doing them as long as people send them in! It's fun for me to do and I enjoy itQ
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP
A snippet from My Daughter, My Heart Pt. 3
"Oh hush. Anyways, I think I'm ok with you telling Jake." She said and he was silent about it.
"Are you sure? I mean he did leave you." He said and she nodded again.
"Yes, I know but I don't think it is right to keep a secret like this from the father. I want to give him a chance to be in this child's life even if I moved on." She explained and he nodded understanding where she was coming from.
"I understand but I think I'm going to make him suffer for a little bit but now that I know that I have your permission to tell him makes it easier. I'm still incredibly pissed at him." Javy said and she nodded and then she heard a beeping. "Listen, I gotta go but I promise when I get a chance to call again I will and when we get back I will." He said and she nodded smiling.
🌙 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I usually write at night. Sometimes during the day when I don't have a lot going on but mainly at night, I have written some while there was some down time at work . I write at night because it's a time that I have to myself and and can actually focus on writing and I find that I get a lot done.
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
3 people know. One is my long time friend of 15+ years. Two are ones that I've met on here @justabigassnerd and @maverick-wingman.
Awww thank you so much! That means a lot to me!
Happy New Year!
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
This is another comission piece done for the lovely @athenaportgas and I hope they like itQ
Ace x OC N/SFW Word Count: 2,978
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For once she wasn’t the first to wake up, Ace already awake and rushing around the bedroom, stuffing things into his bag, his heavy boots making thudding on the wooden floor, the final nail in her sleeps coffin was the freckled man turning and seeing her, grinning ear to ear “Morning!” His voice so chipper.
How was he so loud? Why wasn’t he in bed? She huffed and buried herself in messy black hair trying to ignore the second division commanders’ intense rays of sunshine beating down on her “Ace, I don’t like this opposites day, why the heck are you awake?” Athena sighed rolling onto her back so she could give him a look.
“We docked about an hour ago” He said and leaned down kissing her nose as her eyes widened “Oh!” Ace laughed as she suddenly spring from the bed covers, throwing them off her and rushing to the bathroom to get herself ready.
Ace sat down at her vanity, pulling out a piece of paper with directions, he’d travelled ahead during the night to make plans, he wanted to surprise her, treat the woman who showed him so much love and care that she was important to him.
The island was under Pop’s protection, it was going to be a nice few day for everyone to decompress enjoy themselves and check up on the locals. He’d already begged and pleaded with some of his fellow commanders if they could take on some of his duties so he could have the next two days off.
Marco and Thatch had teased him relentlessly for being such a hopeless romantic before the older pirates had agreed to lend him a hand.
Ace quickly stuffed the paper into the pocket of his shorts when his partner stepped out the bathroom, his eyes widened when he glanced over to her. He still couldn’t get over how this gorgeous woman was his and his alone. She brushed out her hair and smiled sweetly at the freckled man. “How do I look?” She did a twirl, her dress swishing with the motion.
“Beautiful, as always!” Ace stood up, he couldn’t help but place his hands on her hips, resting his forehead against hers, taking in the scent of her favourite perfume, gently running his nose over her neck, taking in the scent and mumbling against her skin.
He had a hard time keeping his hands off her, the way she looked dressed up, bouncy black waves that cascaded down her back. She could feel his hands run over her hips, traveling over her plush thighs before she tapped his nose playfully.
“Come on then!”
“Oh, fuck, sorry!” He felt the pink blush cross his cheeks, embarrassed he had let himself get carried away, he needed to stay focused, today was all about her, making her feel special, loved. She rolled her eyes and watched him grab his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he took her hand in his.
The island was beautiful, she loved the spring islands as they burst into bloom, all the colours and smells that came with spring. They walked hand in hand, Ace talking animatedly while she laughed along with some of his stories, times before he was a whitebeard pirate, his old crew, his brothers.
Athena adored the man, the way his face crinkled when he smiled, the blush over his freckled cheeks when she complimented him about anything. They were good together, they were what one another needed, the words of affirmation that lifted them up and kept their spirits alight when darker thoughts tried to invade and shake them.
While walking towards a little café he leaned down and picked a wildflower, he lifted It to her nose, boyish grin as he gestured her to smell it. “This island is beautiful Ace..” She sighed before the pirate plucked the flower from between her fingers and tucked it behind her ear, brushing long black hair off her neck in the process.
“Not as beautiful as you” Ace hummed, hands once again on her hips as he kissed down her neck, Athena loved the attention, she always did when her handsome boyfriend showered her in praise and affection but he seemed to be extra handsy today.
She smiled at the sweet gesture before his hat bumped into her face as he tried to kiss along her collarbone “Come on Ace, I’m hungry!” She giggled when he manged to pry his lips off her soft skin long enough.
“Oh yeah” She loved his nervous chuckle, her expression soft, kissing one cheek before the other, letting him lead the way once more.
The café was away from the main trail, peaceful with a soft afternoon glow from the lowering sun. They choose to sit outside on one of the wooden tables, Ace had tried to be modest with how much he ordered.
“You have money right Ace?” Athena asked quirking a brow, knowing what he used to have the habit of doing “Yeah, yeah, I’d never do that with you around anyway, I want to treat you, I want to show you how… how much you mean to me” He couldn’t maintain eye contact at such an intimate confession, letting his gaze fall to the menu on the table.
“You are a wonderful person Ace” she placed her hand on the table, palm up, seeing him lift his head, seeing her hand offered to the man. He placed his own, closing around hers and enjoying the gentle yet powerful gesture.
Food soon arrived as well as a bottle of wine that she had wanted to order of the menu. “Wow this looks good” Ace shuffled forward, laying a napkin on his lap. She was always surprised at just how polite the normally boisterous pirate was when it came to his eating habits.
“Oh wow, taste this” He cut a piece of the steak and held his hand under the piece of meat guiding it to her lips. She took the bite and munched it politely behind her hand, nodding at the flavours “Mm this is good…”
The crew would tell her the fact the man shared his food was enough to tell them he was in love. They carried on eating, a nice meal in their belly’s, true to his word Ace paid before leaving, politely bowing and thanking the staff.
Athena smiled, arm linked with his, feeling the brisk evening air, the sun sinking lower in the sky, the oranges doused by mixed hues of purple and dark blue. Fireflies started to take to the air around them, it was setting scene like something out of a fairy tale. Ace caught one in his hands, cupping them together softly to peer in at the bug, watching as it cast a pretty glow across his skin.
“Reminds me of you” She hummed and watched Ace let the bug back into he air, it shot up into he sky like a reverse shooting star, he laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder “What do you mean?”
“You’re my little firefly Ace” She batted her eyelashes playfully at the commander, hearing the stifled noise, spluttering at the new and cute nickname she’d come up with him on the spot.
He was thankful for the dim light, she always had this effect on him, turning the calm and cool man into a blushing teenager. Another thing the crew enjoyed teasing him about, he didn’t care, she made him happy, made him feel loved.
Athena watched Ace go to the desk, talking in hushed whispered with the older woman at the front desk, a lot of nodding and mumbling back and forth before he stood to his full height, an ornate looking key balanced between two fingers, a smirk on his face with a waggle of his brows.
“To our room!” He grabbed her wrist and pulled the giggling woman along with him, she loved his energy, he was full of life today, it made her heart sore to see Ace flourish with the happiness she brought him.
“After you!” He opened the heavy oak door and bowed his head, his hat almost falling off as he did so, catching it in his hand, deciding to take it off and set it on the small table by the side of the door, a hand going through messy hair.
He watched with bated breath as Athena looked around the room. All the candles in an assortment of coloured glass jars, colours splashed all over the wall, big bunches of flowers perched on the surfaces of the room, everything was soft, sweet, wonderful, just like Ace.
“Oh Ace… what’s this about?” She asked turning to face him, he flopped on the bed and kicked off his heavy boots, he shrugged his shoulders, better with actions then he was with words. “I.. well.. I just wanted to do something special for you..” He itched his cheek.
She could feel the tears prick the corners of her eyes, this man was amazing, perfect, she would die for him, and she knew in her heart, he would do the same. The love between them so honest and blazing, just like the fire of his power.
She threw her arms around his neck, pushing him back on the bed, he laughed, caching her, wrapping arms around her waist and letting her kiss all over his face, his forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, everything. He leaned up to capture he lips in a soft kiss, one that slowly depend.
His hands ran down her back, finding the zipper of her dress, he quirked a brow, cocky grin on his handsome face. She nodded, hearing the sound as her dress started to feel lose. She sat up and slipped her arms out of the garment. He helped her life the rest of the dress up and over her head, casting it aside.
He propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes running over her exposed skin. “I always get nervous when you look at me like that..” She mumbled, even now she could feel self-conscience about how she appeared to her lover.
“I can’t stop staring because I can’t stop thinking.. holy fuck, what a beautiful woman” Ace let his hands rest on her hips, calloused fingertips rubbing circles above the waistband of her panties. “Ace..I’m not” She felt bad, a blush on her cheeks as she tried to look everywhere but at him,
“You are though, would I be hard as a rock if you weren’t?” To demonstrate his point he lifted his hips, allowing her to feel the hardness of his clothed member. She let out a shocked squeak, falling forward, hands on his shoulders, gripping him.
“You are beautiful” He kissed above her left breast “You are amazing” A kiss on her right breast “Amazing” a kiss on her neck “I would kill a man for you” another kiss.
Athena sighed melting into his touches, his soft lips along her skin, his hands holding her tightly, his words, his actions, the horrid feeling that churned in her gut and picked away at herself started to dissipate.
“Ace I-“ “Shh, no, no more being down about yourself, I love you enough for us both alright?” He sat back, a small smile on his lips, a hand brushing her cheek. “Let me show you how much I love you, how you drive me damn crazy”
Before she could answer the pirate, he gently pushed her off his lap, she landed on her back, long black hair splayed out behind her. She removed the last of her clothes, undoing her bra, slipping her panties down off her legs, joining the floor with his shorts and belt.
He pinned her down, his eyes half lidded, want for only her in his eyes, Athena couldn’t take her eyes off his face, something wild about him tonight, a brighter flame burned within him. “I want you to beg for me” He mumbled against her neck as he leaned down, biting the skin, she wriggled and let out a gasp.
“You know I want you more than anything Ace..” She whined when he started to rub his hard cock along her slit, not allowing her to feel his inches within her yet. Just happy to rut the tip of his cock against the engorged bundle of nerves.
“Yeah?” His voice husky, nipping at her ear lobe. “What is it you want?” He prompted, only placing the very tip into her wet cunt, she whined and tried to buck her hips up, wanting to feel the pirate fill her up, desperate for the familiar wonderful stretch of his cock inside.
“You” Her voice was weak, pleading as she looked at him through her lashes, biting her lip trying to look coy. He chuckled once more, eyes trained on her bottom lip. “What about me?” He was in a teasing mood, and it was driving her crazy in a good way.
“Please, Ace, your cock.. I want your cock” Again she tried to urge his cock deeper into between her wet folds, his member twitched at the words she spoke, the breathy tone in which her begging was delivered.
He bit down on her shoulder, just a little rougher then she was used to, she whine in a pleasure pain mix before he finally allowed her to feel the sensation of him pushing his entire length into her all at once. She moaned, hands on his strong arms, digging nails into he inked skin as she did so.
“Wow, I can hear how wet you are for me tonight..” She blushed at his words, that smirk that stretched across his usually cheerful face.
“Nooo don’t” She tried to hide her face behind her hands, but he collected both wrists in one large hand, enjoying the size difference immensely. He pinned her hands above her head as he started to thrust into her core over and over.
Every thrust had her singing his praises, she wanted to run her hands over his perfect chest and stomach but Ace wasn’t having any of that. Keeping her hands pinned as he sped up, he couldn’t get enough of the look on her face. The blush across her face how her mouth opened as a louder moan was coaxed from her with each thrust of his hips.
“I’m going to fuck you senseless; I’m going to make you see what you do to me” He growled in her ear, his voice went straight to her cunt, throbbing around his member, she silently hoped he hadn’t noticed.
Ace knew he was working her up with his words, she was tight around his member, clenching each time he whispered something filthy into her ear. He moved a hand between their bodies, the pad of his thumb rubbing circles on her engorged clit as he tried to keep it in time with his now desperately rutting hips.
“You sound close” He hummed softly, sitting up to throw her plush thighs over his own, hitting her just right, she nodded her head, too fucked out to form words now. The coil inside was getting tighter and tighter.
One extra hard thrust had the coil snapping, she cried out his name for all the Gods above and below to hear. She came hard over his member, gushing and making a mess of where their bodies met. Her chest heaved, trying to catch her breath but Ace didn’t stop there. He was on a mission to make her cry his name once more.
Letting her wrists go so he could lift one of her legs over his shoulder, pulling her against him, she couldn’t believe he was just going to fuck her through her orgasm and into another, the tingle of being overstimulated was growing and growing as was the volume in her voice.
“Cum again for me….” He grunted, slamming himself into her, the sound of skin on skin the only thing breaking up the pleasured moans from Athena.
The coil had already wound up so tightly once more and it didn’t take half the time as her first one to snap. She sobbed out his name, gripping the sheets for dear life as another orgasm hit her. This time Ace was close himself, having tried his best to get the woman to finish again.
Pushing himself as deep as he could, gripping her hips so tight it would leave bruises, she felt him throb inside her womanhood before he let out a shuddering sigh, filling her once more with spurt after spurt of his seed.
He moaned softly once more as he pulled himself form her dripping hole, looking at the mess he’d made of the dark-haired woman, their collective leavings evident. You draped an arm over her eyes, still trying to catch her breath. Ace laid besides her, pulling her against him, gently kissing all the marks he’d made along her neck and shoulder.
“If I didn’t think you were the most beautiful woman in the world do you think I would have done that?” He nuzzled his nose against her cheek, she laughed between trying to catch her breath.
“I love you Athena… you might not think your perfect.. but you are, you are to me” She looked at him hearing the honesty in his voice, the way her looked at her with such genuine emotions. Holding her close against his toned body. “I love you alright? All of you” He mumbled against her neck.
Athena sighed, happy she had such a wonderful partner, pulling him against her, letting his face rest between her breasts, running gentle fingers through his hair as they both managed to catch their breath. She kissed his forehead, seeing the peaceful expression on his face, arms around her.
“I love you too Firefly”
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