rodethecyclone · 5 months
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At long last, Conrad gets a bio!
Conrad is the co-host for the morning announcements at Saint Cassian’s (alongside @kingcho’s Enid Crossings) and the semi-host of a low-budget community radio station. His voice is literally inescapable, hence being designated the “loudest boy in town.” Despite his stereotypical “bully jock from an 80s teen movie” look and weird local celebrity status, Conrad is never mean on purpose, but he’s not exactly attuned to the feelings of others, and frequently runs his mouth and says the worst possible thing for a given situation. His concept is loosely inspired by a niche genre of campy 1950s and 60s novelty songs about lovable teens dying in horrendous car crashes. Practically joined at the hip with @kingcho’s finest loser, Enid Crossings. Bonus info: he has four brain cells on the best of days, seems to drive that terribly on purpose, he’s a massive ham, his sense of self crumbles without an “audience,” he has canonically violated the Geneva convention, and word around the school says that he and Enid are more than just friends.
(Psst! For more info, check out his Karnak-style intro spiel with stage directions below the cut. If you still need more, follow his tag here on my blog, or ask me directly if you want!)
“Conrad Curtis. Born August 5th. Leo…evidently. Favorite ride: the plate-breaking game.
Born into a long-running small-town-celebrity tradition, Conrad inherited a ‘poster boy’ spot on Uranium’s very own community radio station, 104.5. With a pair of enthusiastically supportive parents, a spot on what could charitably be called the Saint Cassian’s baseball team, and excessive peer adulation, Conrad has never known anything short of praise and smooth sailing…with the sole exception of the day he learned that he had only been raised Catholic so that he could eventually become ex-Catholic, as all his forefathers had been.”
[A random cardboard cutout of the Pope appears from behind part of a broken carnival game. CONRAD throws a fastball at it, knocking it down.]
“In perhaps his first introduction to a regular human with a regular life, he befriended Enid Crossings during their tenure in a school production of Bye Bye Birdie. Enid ran tech backstage. Conrad played…”
[CONRAD performs an abhorrent, Elvis-esque hip swivel.]
“…himself. Despite the fact that Enid had caused his father’s infertility due to grievous testicular trauma during Field Day games only a few years prior— don’t act that part out, please— the two quickly became inseparable, operating as the school’s morning announcers.
Hotshot. Golden boy. Voice of the North. Uranium’s radiant son.
Conrad Curtis. The loudest boy in town.”
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jerrythebug · 3 months
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The movie outfits are so awful because Max('s intern) designed them himself
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glitterhoof · 1 month
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say hiiii frankie
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3416 · 1 year
to think about mitch being so open about wanting to be picked and preferred and included..... so earnest about it that he's lovingly teased (and can deal it right back).......... meanwhile auston is Not open about it, too Chill.... doesn't seem to have a preference yet. you just know it's something he wants.....
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waywardstation · 2 years
boss im so sorry,, ill vote for ingo but if he goes against komaeda,,, my pfp speaks for itself m sorry boss
okay but this is going to be so fun, i actually wondered if there's going to be a sexyman poll now that tumblr has em and im so excited :))
UNDERSTANDABLE OP I’m honestly surprised Ingo beat him the first time around haha
and yes!! I am looking forward to it. I know it won’t be as big as what happened the first time around, but I’m looking forward to the rematch and seeing how different the votes will be now that it’s being hosted on tumblr instead of twitter! 
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flutteringfable · 8 months
i keep wanting to say stuff like rest in peace regarding matpat but like. hes not dead. *grabbing myself by the shoulders* please don’t get hit by apollos dodgeball please stop reflexively saying that
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steaksex · 1 year
Yiu guys are so lucky im too lazy to learn enough anatomy to draw raunchy pictures of my ocs. Im making a new one and half of his existence is for me to give him a voyeurism kink and the other half of his reason for existing is him having a big gushy sloppy wet pussy with a cute twitchy tdick and for him to get so overstimulated he cries over the dumbest things. Actually now that im saying this you guys should be begging mw to improve so i can draw this
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
May I request a yandere bat family with a Venti! Reader who has powers similar including his personality (except the reader doesn't drink alcohol)
I love your writing take care 🍟✨✨✨
B-but Venti’s whole personality is about alcoholism-
I’ll try my best tho so here ya go.
TW/CW: Reader takes the form of Bruce/Damian’s ancestor so they have black hair. But it isn’t their true self so make of it as you will. Soft Yandere. Multiple Invasions of Privacy.
You’re an immortal wind spirit. You reached the level of godhood quite a while ago and spent your days roaming the Earth.
Let’s say you were friends with Bruce’s (and therefore Damian’s) ancestor long ago, and after their death you took their shape.
Knowing these two’s genes you were quite the good looking fellow. Almost blending in as their distant relative.
You have no need for food, or other basic necessities. Hell you didn’t even need to go to school as your dominion over the wind allows you to know everything that has been spoken.
But you took it upon yourself to always be there to guide your friend’s progeny, and thus you found yourself in Damian’s school as his classmate.
You seemed pretty lax. Carefree. Maybe even lazy. Damian didn’t really care much about you aside from the fact that you looked a bit similar to his father. Many people had black hair anyways. It’s not like you were super cute and his eyes kept wandering back to you or anything.
But then you aced many of the classes.
He never saw you study. In fact you spent most of the class trying to distract him or conversing with his other classmates.
This caused him to do an investigation about you, where he found out that you don’t even exist.
At least in the eyes of the government and even the files his father kept.
You meet Tim similarly. Let’s say you three of you go to the same college and similar to Damian, you also decided to take care of the other batfamily.
You kind of bullied the poor guy.
You clicked pretty quickly and he was swift to start stalking you. But then also found himself with the same trouble of your ‘non-existence’. But unlike Damian who launches a full investigation, Tim has a one track mind.
He results to surveillance.
Dude has no care whatsoever about your privacy. He watches you wherever you go.
You know this, and are kinda bummed that you have to pretend to pee and do other human things. But since you’re immortal and well- know everything- you don’t have a sense of privacy + don’t react like a normal person.
Instead you pay him back by bullying him on his perversions
Like when he jerked off to you changing clothes
Or his secret collage of you which definitely contained photos of you being naked.
People are kind of offput by how Tim is obsessed over you, but are just completely baffled by how you reacted.
Like instead of going to the police or something you breach his privacy back instead and expose him. You don’t even seem perturbed just annoyed too.
In any case all this, including Damian’s investigation leads to you confessing the truth, and telling them that you were there to be a guide and whatnot.
Of course, everyone but Tim are a bit skeptical. But ever since you began helping them in vigilantism and showing just how much you knew and helped them they eased up.
Bruce has a little resentment since you weren’t there when his parents were killed. But gets over it once he found out how you’ve been tirelessly repenting
By stalking them
But I mean at least you tried
The rest I’ll cover more in the other ask that also requested Venti! Reader. Hopefully I’ll get to that soon.
EXTRA: Damian definitely witnessed your exchange with Tim and was jealous that you were giving his predecessor attention.
So he bullied him with you.
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brokenmenswhore · 2 months
betrothals & brothels | aegon, aemond, & jace
part 3
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pairings: aegon targaryen x stark fem!reader, aemond targaryen x stark fem!reader, jacaerys velaryon x stark fem!reader
series summary: aemond targaryen tells the realm that you, the lady of house stark, are to wed him and secure a partnership in the north. in protest, you agree to marry jacaerys velaryon, affirming the north’s allegiance to rhaenyra. when the news hits king’s landing, aegon decides it’s better to have you under his watchful eye until the political partnership is solidified, but doesn’t realize you have a life away from your duty as a stark
chapter warnings: angst (a lil from everyone)
a/n: are you guys dying for the smut are you just dying for it i promise we’re almost there
series masterlist
────── ☾ ──────
“This is your fault!” Aegon screamed, bursting into the small council room, doors swinging shut as he slammed a thin piece of paper down on the table in front of Aemond.
Aemond remained level-headed, eye traveling down to the paper in front of him as he began to read.
“You,” Aegon stomped forward, an accusatory finger pointed at his brother, “you granted her access to a raven. She must have asked him to come. This is on you.”
“Speak plainly, Aegon,” Alicent snapped, elbows resting on the table as she wiped her fingers across her eyes in frustration, “we do not understand your hysterics.”
“The precious prince allowed his newly betrothed to send a letter to Dragonstone,” Aegon spat, “without clearing its contents.”
“I do not understand,” Alicent spoke.
“Our beloved nephew has requested to visit,” Aemond spoke, completely unphased by the rage exhibited by his brother, “he is aware the Stark girl is here.”
“Jacaerys requested an audience with you?” Alicent clarified, bewildered at the boldness of the young prince.
“He must only be so bold by request. She must have requested he ask such a thing. He would not do it on his own. I dare say his cock is not big enough.”
“Aegon!” his mother scolded, taking a deep breath, “I assume we are all in agreement that this is not permissible?”
Lord Wylde, Master of Laws, raised a hand, “if I may, Your Grace, denying this request may only worsen things.”
“How?” Aegon asked.
“If the boy does not intend to commit an infraction against the crown, denying him travel may seem like an act of fear. The false queen may believe you see her as a threat that cannot breach the castle walls, for if she does, she will take the throne.”
“And you think her capable of doing such things should she be in my presence, Lord Wylde?” Aegon said, standing at the head of the table, palms flat against the wood.
“Your Grace, I mean no offense-“
“We are talking about Jacaerys, not the false queen, Lord Wylde,” Aemond interrupted, “and he would not dare try anything rash. He knows he would not survive a battle against my sword.”
Aegon raised a hand and gestured toward his brother. “Are you saying you think the crown should allow this visitation?”
“I do not see why not.”
“Are you simply trying to absolve yourself of guilt, brother?” Aegon’s tone began to calm down, “for you are the one to blame here.”
“Why don’t I simply ask the girl if she requested his presence?” Aemond suggested, sighing through the words in annoyance at his brother’s temperament.
“She would not tell you,” Aegon replied.
“I believe she would. She is many things, but she has not yet proven herself to be dishonest.”
“If she is so trustworthy, why did she insist on sending a letter without clearance in the first place? What do you possibly think her writings contained? A declaration of her love for you?”
Aemond slammed a hand on the desk and stood up abruptly, his chair sliding back on the stone floor behind him. Aegon was taunting him now.
“If you think yourself incapable of holding ground against our nephew, then by all means, brother, deny his request. I, however, know that no destruction could come from the hands of Jacaerys. I believe him too weak. Do you not?”
Aegon sighed in frustration, trying to remain discreet with his eyes as he glanced to the members of the council, all staring at him in wait.
“Mother?” he spoke, head turned toward Alicent, awaiting her input.
“It is rather dangerous,” she began, her mild slightly changed, “but I believe it may be taken as a sign of good faith. We simply must be diligent in our protective measures upon his arrival.”
Aegon dropped his head. He did not want Jacaerys to come to King’s Landing- he hated his young nephew. Jacaerys was Rhaenyra’s heir, making him a direct threat to Aegon’s crown, and Jacaerys was the reason everything with you had become so difficult. Aemond was not a great help, but if Jacaerys had not proposed a betrothal upon hearing Aemond’s announcement of his intentions to wed you, Aegon would not be in this predicament.
Denying this request was an assurance of Aegon’s safety against the Blacks, but could also be taken as a gesture of war, a true strife between a broken family. Accepting this request put Aegon’s livelihood in danger, but he did not want to appear weak enough as to think Jacaerys could be a legitimate threat to him or his power.
“Does no one think the boy may have ulterior motive?” spoke Ser Tyland Lannister, Master of Coin, “we are discussing inviting the enemy into our walls. There should be no question about what decision is best. He should not come.”
“What do you believe he is capable of, Ser Tyland?” Aemond asked, almost mocking.
“For one, how are we to ensure only he will arrive? Granting him access to our city may spark a chain reaction. Other Blacks may think it okay to come here. Rhaenyra herself, for one.”
The small council remained quiet, debating upon Tyland’s words. Many of them had not considered the possibility of Rhaenyra taking the opportunity to come, likely on dragonback.
“We should be worried about Rhaenyra always, not just if her son were to come,” Ser Criston Cole chimed in, “if she intended on bringing herself and Syrax here, she would have done so. She does not need a formal invitation. I believe her capable of doing as she pleases, when she pleases. The threat of her arrival is always imminent, I do not believe it more prominent should we allow your nephew to come, Your Grace.”
“Ser Cole is right,” Aemond agreed, “the same applies for our young nephew. If he wanted to, he could simply arrive of his own volition. He, instead, had the courtesy to request an audience with us, lest he decide to take it by force instead. We should take this request as a gesture of good will.”
“Does no one understand how detrimental this would be?” Aegon said, clearly becoming frustrated with the council he was receiving, “we are at war. There is a tremendous deal of pressing matters to attend to and we are here, discussing if it is wise to allow the enemy into our home.”
“None of us believe this war could have been avoided,” Alicent’s tone was calm, pulling Aegon out of his head, “but I believe there are those of us that wish it different. He is still your family, and he truly may just want to see the Stark girl. Maybe this will render our situation capable of change.”
Aegon took his mother’s words to heart. He was perhaps the only one who truly wanted a war, he was angry, and he wanted to spill blood, but he trusted his mother. Catastrophes may have been avoided if there was still a sense of family amongst the Targaryens.
“Tell him to come,” Aegon said, “but only come alone.”
Aegon had considered storming into your chambers, voice raised and demanding to know the contents of your letter to Jacaerys, but he had not seen or spoken to you since his moment of vulnerability. He did not know what to say or how to act in your presence, and he thought it better to avoid placing himself in any circumstance that would require him to think of it.
Instead, he found himself beside Aemond, watching from atop the Red Keep as Vermax’s wings came into focus, a hint of green visible in the distant sky when the sun hit at just the right angle.
When Aegon felt comfortable that it was only Jacaerys who was approaching, he retreated to the throne room, Aemond maintaining his position to assist in security measures should the King’s Guard need him.
Jacaerys landed Vermax directly in front of the Keep doors, the wind from the dragon’s wings nearly knocking over guards and smallfolk alike.
The moment Vermax calmed, Jacaerys left his mount, feet not on the ground for a moment before the King’s Guard rushed him and began to pat him down. His hand remained tightly secured to the hilt of his sword, at is always had, as the men stepped away, gesturing him forward. Jacaerys nodded, entering the keep and directing himself toward the throne room. He expected nothing less of his uncle, knowing his desire to appear powerful would manipulate his choice of placement.
He marched forward, the guards desperately attempting to keep up with his footing, as he swung the doors to the throne room open, finding Aegon sat upon the mess of swords, expecting his entrance.
Jacaerys did not bow, the only reason he stopped at the steps of the throne being a gesture of good faith, an assurance he did not intend to charge his uncle, sword in hand.
“It has been quite a while, uncle,” Jacaerys spoke, matter-of-factly.
It bothered Aegon to no end that he did not speak first. “As it has.”
Jacaerys and Aegon exchanged a glance for a brief few moments, neither sure of how to initiate a conversation.
Jacaerys took a deep breath, fighting with every cell of his being to remain calm. “You know why I am here, uncle. Where is she?”
Aegon smiled, his posture resting in a casual position on the throne. “You already know her whereabouts. Is that not why you’ve come?”
“Let me see her.”
“Let me. See her,” Jacaerys repeated, a pause between the words.
“Or what?”
Jacaerys cocked his head to the side, trying to control his breathing. He refused to be the reason any hostility was initiated.
“Do you think I’ve traveled all this way for a bickering match?”
Despite Jace’s better judgement, he could not mask his bitter tone.
“You asked to come. I do not remember ever promising you an audience with the Stark.”
“Her brother misses her dearly.”
“I am sure he does.”
“As do I.”
Aegon did not expect anything remotely close to a genuine confession from Jacaerys. He searched Jacaerys’s eyes for any hint of regret, but to no avail. Jacaerys had meant to toy with Aegon’s heart; there was hope that if Aegon could view him as human, as family once again, he would he more lenient with granting requests. He knew Aegon had a somewhat tender heart underneath his cold exterior.
“She is not a piece of property, Aegon, tell me where you are keeping her.”
“Soon she will be wed to Aemond, in which case, she will be more my family than yours. She is not property, sure. She is Aemond’s.”
“We do not hold family hostage.”
“How is your mother? Hm?” Aegon started, beginning to play with the fabric on the hilt if his dagger as he shifted the subject, “still crying over a lost throne?”
Jacaerys’ nostrils flared in annoyance, the muscles on his neck flexing as Aegon laughed, happy to have garnered a reaction from his nephew. He loved to tease Jace, annoy him, get him all worked up, and force him into a rage. Jacaerys knew this, and fought against it as hard as he could.
“Be nice, brother, Jacaerys is family after all,” Aemond interrupted, a confident walk taking him across the room until he was standing but a few feet away from Jacaerys. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to see the girl? She is all too pleasurable to look at.”
“Mind your tongue, uncle,” Jacaerys snapped back.
“You are rather possessive of my betrothed,” Aemond teased.
Jacaerys took a deep breath, bowing his head briefly to reset his temperament. “Where is she, Aemond?”
“In her room, where else?”
“It is not her room if it is not her home.”
“Aemond will be her home soon,” Aegon chimed in, “and I’ve already told you you may not see her. She is not permitted to leave her chambers.”
Jacaerys’s brow furrowed in slight confusion as he looked back and forth between his two uncles. “First you kidnap her, and now you do not even grant her the courtesy of leaving a singular room?”
“Though I will say, Aemond seems to have no issue letting her out at will,” Aegon spoke, resentment evident in his voice.
“Meaning what?” Jacaerys asked for clarification.
“Meaning nothing,” Aemond said, rushing to get the words in before Aegon could elaborate.
The three Targaryens exchanged glances, unsure how to continue. The conversation was going nowhere, and Jacaerys was concerned about Aegon’s previous comment. What was Aemond doing to you?
“I did not come all this way for nothing,” Jacaerys stated, “let me see her.”
“What do we get in return for granting you an audience?” Aemond bartered.
“The gift of keeping your life.”
Aemond snickered. “You could not beat me if you tried.”
“I do not wish to. I, however, will do whatever it takes.”
“You would dare draw your sword at us just to speak with your Northern whore?” Aegon threw your scandalous reputation at Jacaerys, hoping it would strike a chord and cause him to act irrationally.
“I would,” Jacaerys focused on Aegon, “and if she is truly a whore, you should exhibit no true possessiveness toward her.”
Aegon stood, ready to combat his nephew’s words, potentially with his dagger.
“Under supervision, of course,” Aemond spoke, cutting off Aegon’s thoughts and actions, “I’m sure such a thing can be arranged.”
“I do not answer to you,” Jacaerys spat.
“Then why did you ask permission to come here?”
“I will not be responsible for worsening a war.”
Aemond gave Jacaerys a slight nod. Aemond’s greatest gift was his inability to be manipulated. Each and every decision he made was cold and calculated, never faltering on his own personal plans.
“I’m sure you expect conditions.”
“I do not need a handmaiden present to speak to my future wife.”
“You will not have a handmaiden present,” Aemond sighed, “but I require to be present for anyone who expects an audience with my betrothed.”
Aegon sighed and threw his hands up. Aemond had a habit of negotiating, despite never seeking Aegon’s authority to do so.
Jacaerys remembered your letter. It is imperative that he believe me good on my word. He was angry, and unafraid to contest your betrothal to Aemond, believing you to still be betrothed to him. He would call you his betrothed to the ends of the earth, but he was cautious to not mentioned your promise to him in your letter.
If it meant he could see you, he would bear more time spent with his uncle.
Aemond showed Jacaerys to your quarters, silence befalling them both. They had much to say to one another, but neither of them wanted to fight. Aemond just wanted Jacaerys to leave, and Jacaerys just wanted to see you.
Aemond gave a small knock to your apartment door, something he never did.
The unfamiliar sound caught you off guard. “Come in,” you called toward the door, expecting to see an inexperienced handmaiden enter.
When Aemond appeared, you stood up abruptly, nervous as to why he was here in the middle of the day. Was he revoking your access to the streets? Had Aegon discovered your secret? Was he aware of your business in the streets? Were you being further punished for existing?
Every worry, every thought, every nervous feeling swiftly left your body as Jacaerys walked through the door, stopping short the moment he saw you. Your breathing caught in your throat, a sharp gasp lost before it could be completed.
Jacaerys’s features softened the instant he saw you. He nearly forgot how beautiful you were. The crown had only given you lavish green dresses, forcing you to look as one of them. Despite Jacaerys’s internal recoil at the sight, you wore the color well, and he knew it was not your choice. He believed that you would look beautiful in any color, even that of the enemy.
“Jacaerys,” you spoke, so softly he wouldn’t have heard it if he wasn’t giving you his complete attention.
“Hi,” he spoke, both of you completely frozen in place.
Aemond noticed the way you looked at his nephew. Your eyes was softer than they were when they were focused on him, your gaze usually cold and callous, unable to show any vulnerability in front of him. When you looked at Jacaerys, your features relaxed so much, you nearly cried. It bothered Aemond. He did not realize how much you truly resented him until he saw how you gazed upon someone you did not resent.
“W-“ you choked. You were nearly crying from overwhelming disbelief, and a lack of trust at the situation, “what are you doing here?”
“I had to see you,” Jacaerys said, moving his feet toward you in desperation to touch you, “I had to know you were alright.”
Jacaerys took your hands in his own. His voice dropped, low and soft enough to signify his words were only meant for your ears, not Aemond’s, “and I missed you.”
A few tears fell from your eyes as you disconnecting your hands, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled him close. Jace’s hands wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly as he pulled you as close to him as he could. Your bodies melted together, the comfort of one another consuming you until your eyes blinked open and you saw Aemond, the sudden reminder that you were not alone, and you were not as safe as you felt in Jacaerys’s arms.
You pulled away from the hug, turning away from Jacaerys and taking a seat in front of the fireplace. Despite the early hour, the fire was lit, the dancing of the flames the only entertainment and stimulation for you during your days.
Jacaerys followed you, kneeling down on the floor in front of you. “Are you okay?” he counciled.
You discreetly gestured toward the door, reminding him that Aemond was present, and therefore you had to act differently than you would if you were alone.
“He insisted on supervision,” Jacaerys explained, disappointment in his voice.
“Nothing more pressing to attend to?” you called toward the door, turning slightly so Aemond knew the question was meant for him.
“You know I like to keep an eye on you,” Aemond responded, referencing him escorting you at night, hoping the mystery of his words would bother Jacaerys.
Jacaerys took a sharp breath. “I want you to come back with me.”
Your eyes widened. “I do not wish to remain here, Jace, but Vhagar is capable of melting much more snow.”
You could both hear Aemond snicker behind you, but neither acknowledged it.
“If you stay here, I fear they can force your hand,” Jacaerys pleaded.
“They have already forced my hand,” your voice broke, fighting any sadness or tears in your confession.
“You have promised yourself to me,” Jacaerys whispered, hoping Aemond was not intent on listening, whispering almost inaudibly “or did you not mean your written words? I will not allow them to force you to abandon me.”
There was no volume low enough to avoid Aemond’s impeccable hearing, especially when he was determined to hear every word his nephew spoke. Aemond stomped over in a rage.
“You what?” Aemond snarled, eye focused on you.
“What?” you responded, playing dumb with a confidence that had him almost believing you.
“I trusted you,” Aemond was furious, “I trusted you to do the right thing, and instead you sent a raven saying you intend to honor your betrothal to him? Did we not have an understanding?”
Despite his anger, Aemond mostly felt betrayed. He thought there was an unspoken understanding of trust between you two, and he was jealous of your affections toward Jacaerys.
“Have I given you any reason to relinquish your trust in me?” you combatted.
“Do you think me a fool?” Aemond spat, “I heard your little catch-up.”
You stood, Jacaerys following suit and standing guard next to you as you began to raise your voice at Aemond. “What did you expect of me? You hold me captive, begin to burn my house, force my hand in marriage, confine me each and every day, and only let me free to pursue your own exploits. Did you think me growing affectionate toward you for simply unlocking a door that I do not deserve to have locked? You and your brother have been nothing but cruel. The only kind thing you’ve done for me in my time here is allow me to see Jacaerys, and I am sure you have your own reasons for such things. You should not dare take issue with me, Aemond.”
“Our agreement, lest you forget, included you renouncing him and acknowledging your betrothal to me. You did not follow through, and therefore there is no understanding between us anymore. I’m sure you will find the dungeons quite comfortable.”
“Try as you will, you are simply mad that she cannot be controlled,” Jacaerys defended you. He knew you didn’t need it, but he would try regardless.
“Mind your tongue.”
Jacaerys unsheathed his sword, pointing the tip at Aemond. The room stilled for a moment.
Aemond made a swift move to mimic Jacaerys’s actions, the two men armed, your body the only thing between them.
You desperately wished you had some sort of weaponry as defense. You always wanted to learn the skills of the sword, but the men of the Watch never let you participate, only allowing you to spectate.
“Do it,” Aemond taunted.
“You do not have the authority to banish someone to the dungeons, for you are not the King,” Jacaerys matched his tone.
“Strike me, nephew. If you truly dare.”
“Would you both please sheath your weapons? Aemond, I am nothing more than your prisoner. The dungeons cannot hold my temper the very same way this room cannot.”
“Then you shall not mind the change of scenery.”
“You underestimate me,” you threatened.
“You underestimate us both,” Jacaerys huffed in anger.
“Well well well, I see this is going well,” Aegon smiled, strutting into the room, “I expected nothing less.”
“She must be taken to the dungeons, brother,” Aemond informed.
“I told you as such upon my arrival,” you reminded them.
Aegon approached you. “Shall we?”
“I would hope you know me better than to simply go at will.”
Aegon called the King’s Guard stationed by his side at all times to enter the room, four different men swarming you and holding your arms behind your back. Jacaerys dropped his sword down, looking for any entrance to help you, but found none. You jumped and kicked and clawed, adamant on not going down without a fight. You elbowed one of the men straight in his nose, blood rushing down his mouth and chin as he stumbled backward at the sudden pain. You took the opportunity to twist the arm he was holding back in front of you, punching the man directly in front of you. As your fist approached his face, Aemond caught your wrist, gripping tightly as he shoved the arm behind your back again, his other hand occupied with the sword that was now at your throat.
You remained cautiously still, but refused to show any sense of fear.
“Do it,” you spat, “it would be a great relief from spending the rest of my days with the likes of you.”
The blade pressed harder into your neck. Jacaerys stopped closer to you, but Aemond shot him a look. Jacaerys raised his sword again, the tip facing Aemond again. “Drop it.”
“Make me,” Aemond replied.
Aemond shoved his body into your side, nearly making you fall as you stumbled closer to the door, the men of the Guard seizing the opportunity to walk you out of the room and toward the dungeons, Aemond keeping his hand around your wrist.
Jacaerys and Aegon were left alone in your (now previous) chambers, the sun beginning to fade from the windows.
“You may take your leave now,” Aegon said.
“You do not expect me to just leave when you’ve impriso-“
“Take your leave.”
Jacaerys sighed. He needed more strength, more dragonfire, more support. He knew his talents, but he knew himself not capable of defeating both of his uncles on his own. He hated Aemond, but he would be a fool to not admit Aemond’s capabilities when wielding a blade.
Jacaerys stomped out of the room, ignoring anyone in his path as he marched back to Vermax.
When you were placed in your cell, the men immediately locked the door and left, leaving you trapped with Aemond peeking into your cell as if you were a caged animal.
“Feel safer, do you?” you taunted, “is a woman truly so much of a threat to the one-eyed prince?”
“You are here by your own volition,” Aemond told you, “it did not have to come to this.”
“I could have spoken those words to you the moment you commanded Vhagar upon my home.”
Aegon dropped his head. “What will it take for you to not be so combative?”
“I will never stop being combative, especially so long as you treat me like this.”
“I would not have to treat you like this if you stopped acting like this.”
You began to raise your voice. There was no point in holding back now. “This started when you decided to announce a betrothal to the realm that I did not consent to! I had no reason to ever know you until your idiot brother saw no other way to secure an alliance in the North but to strip me of my right to choose a proper husband! I never wanted any part of your war, Aemond, and now you are punishing me for it.”
Aemond slammed his hands against the cell door, the metal violently banging and clashing. “I have never, in all my years-“
“That’s enough,” Aegon interrupted, “leave us, will you brother?”
Aemond desperately needed to calm down, his breathing erratic, his cheeks red. “I was in the middle of-“
“Leave us.”
Aegon was serious now, glaring at his brother until he was out of sight.
“You stupid fucking whore,” he spat at you, “it was my brother’s own fault for trusting you.”
“You’re the one who allowed Jacaerys to come here, are you not? I had no part in such.”
“Did you not request his presence? In your special little letter to your prince?”
You gave him a confused look. “You believe I told him to ask for such things?”
“I would not trust if you denied it, so do not even bother,” Aegon sighed, taking a seat on a guard stool a few feet away, resting his elbows on his knees as he clasped his hands together.
“So what is your plan? To keep me captive forever? To only let me out on my wedding night and force me to carry your brother’s seed? To hope that I die in child birth and allow your men to find my newborn crying on this floor?”
“What do you expect me to do with you? I need your house on my side.”
“I’d rather you have asked nicely, to speak plainly.”
“And you would have bent the knee if I had?” Aegon questioned.
“Absolutely not.”
“So you see why I must resort to force.”
“Did you ever question whether or not you are deserving of my House’s allegiance? Do you truly think yourself worthy of any noble house’s support? You resort to pain and force and threats, but never bargain with any Lord or Lady for how their allegiance to you may benefit them. You are not fit to be a king.”
“I am!” Aegon yelled, shooting upward and approaching your cell door, “I am fit to rule, and I am ruling! You shall wish your brother bends the knee to me. You will be terrible collateral damage should he not.”
“You have imprisoned me in your dungeon, Aegon, is that not damage enough for you?”
“Winterfell has not yet raised my banner.”
“Winterfell will never raise your banner,” you stated.
“We shall see.”
“You will not see,” you fought back, “my brother is much too smart to bend the knee to you. He knows me capable of caring for myself, even with your constant bitching and bombardment.”
Aegon sighed. He put his face as close to you as the bars would allow him. “I have never loathed another as much as I loathe you.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
Aegon stomped away up the stairs and out of your sight, leaving you abandoned in your prison cell. You began to scan the room, looking for any way to escape. No windows, makes sense. Solitary, no one else around, not that they could be much help. The lock can be picked, but there’s nothing here I can use to unlock it. They would not be so stupid as to leave something that I could use to-
As the thought crossed your head, your hands clasped your stomach, and you felt the multitude of adornments on your gown. The King and his brother had made one grave mistake: they locked you up in one of the finest gowns you had ever worn, which included a Targaryen house symbol pin sewn into the center of the navel area fabric.
A pin.
────── ☾ ──────
tags: @torchbearerkyle @dracaryxzs @hangmanscoming @callsignwidow @velvetcrowbarcherry @kravitzwhore @darlingisntit @not-neverland06 @albionfay @cluz1babe @flusteredmoonn @sab-falco
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crushedsweets · 6 months
So in ur AU, wtf is Jeff's deal like whats that guys problem?
Lots of love -@amparently
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i havent read through everything so im not 100% sure its all accurate to my current thoughts, BUT the website screenshots are correct!
if you meant literally "whats his problem" as in Why He's Like That.. (prob wrote this 100 times but thats ok with me)
he grew up in a very stereotypically nice family. golden retriever, two parents, good brother, two story house in the suburbs. but he was always hyperactive, bratty, wanted attention - and in school, teachers and peers started shoving him into a box. it started off as simple things, till they were punishing him for 'breathing disrespectfully.' he'd talk during quiet time, and they'd take away his recess. he'd be too rough in tag, had to sit out during P.E. he doodles while the teacher is talking, teacher snatches the paper and throws it away. he'd drop a pencil, the teacher is shouting at him. students could lie about him and everyone believed it. they'd "warn" his upcoming teachers, already setting a bias for him - which eventually became warranted.
everyone kept pushing him further and further into that role of a troublemaker, till he flat out became a bully.
but when he picked on Randy's sister, that entire group began fucking RELENTLESSLY harassing him. theyd jump him, splash him with gasoline and play with lighters by him, smash his head against concrete, dump bleach on him, shatter his phone, this and that. he had waaaayyyyy too much pride to tell anyone, either. it was when liu went to juvie that SOMETHINGGGG really infected jeff.
so, the operator is usually stuck in alabama. thats where slenderman is, who is the physical core of their shared being - but there have been a few 'containment breaches' where he makes his way to other states. jeff was the first (and only) person he ever infected farrr away from alabama. even after the operator returned to alabama cuz it hurt to be far, jeff remained...like that. and he eventually stumbled down towards alabama, naturally drawn to it cuz thats where the O/S system is at
the operator let go of him BECAUSE him being in new jersey was too difficult to maintain, and he operator doesnt want him anymore.... so jeffs just...stuck
TLDR; i wanted him to reflect how some students get shoved into a box, and it prompts further poor behavior, till it spirals out of control as they get older . even with great parents and an amazing home life, external factors are HUGE
but also he naturally is a little shit and probably wouldve been an asshole regardless of how people treated him... i just think its interesting how people fill out certain roles
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dragonridernoobie · 6 months
I am back>:D if you have watched Jazmin hotel or seen TikTok’s of it, then you should understand what I mean when I say NIFTY READER! A reader who is like Nifty>:D
If you have not seen videos of nifty, here is one to help you:>
For bayverse Optimus, TFP Shockwave, TFP Soundwave, and TFP Ratchet>:3
Thank you! Make sure to take care of yourself
Yes, I've seen it, who hasn't? IL 100% do this, hope you like it! Sorry it took a bit, been shiny hunting on pokemon.
Optimus prime (bayverse)
When optimus met reader, it was when the decepticons destroyed part of the city.
He was trying to get thru the city to get to the decepticons who were somewhere in the city.
While he drives thru the city, he came across reader who was running around, cleaning.
He tried to tell them that this place was not safe but quickly can see the this human...was diffrent.
Reader was running around, giggling, cleaning and actally dusting off broken prices of the building.
Reader noticed optimus and somehow got on his shoulder without noticing him.
Reader asked alot of questions like "new you the bad guy?" And "are you a girl robot?" And "how can you die?"
(Comome, have you seen the bayverse optimus? He got some good as tits)
Optimus told them to go to safety but nifty said no.
2 weeks later, optimus now has a little, word, and Violent. Friend.
Ratchet TFP
When ratchet met reader when they arrived at base with the kids.
He was amazed how fast reader was and how......weird reader was.
Though, he won't say he liked reader more then the other kids but you can tell.
He liked reader since she actally helps and keeps the base clean...a little to clean.
I think ratchrt had a mini spark attack when reader came to him, covered in energon, and holding a now dead spark.
Yyyaaaaaaaa, she killed the decepticon who hurt him.
Let's say ratchet now was scared of reader.
Ratchet made sure to set some ground rules on what to do and what not to do.
Reader dident like them but understand.
Ratchet usually was alone at base so he was kinda happy reader was there to talk tohim.
Even if reader was chasing after the cockroach.
Soundwave TFP
When Soundwave met reader, is when he gets a notification that there's a breach on the ship.
When he went to go look for the intruder, he wasn't expecting to find a human, stabbing a now dead trone, yelling, "STAB! STAB! STAB! STAB!"
Soundwave used his tentacles to grab ahold of reader, but failed since reader was just to quick.
Que, reader hiding on the ship.
Reader hid in the wall and vents.
Only coming out to attack any unexpecting victims.
Soundwave was actally enjoying himself with reader, since he actally had somome and something that can give him a run for his money.
So, he left food and water out.
Gave up trying to catch reader but doesn't hurt to try once in a while.
Megatron dosent need to know.
Shockwave TFP
When Shockwave met reader, it was when Soundwave cought them (form his story) and brought them to him.
Soundwave showed the recording of reader killing one of the drones.
This peaked Shockwaves intrest.
So Shockwave starts to try and experiment on reader.
It fails.
Reader keeps escaping the holding container and dosent run away
Oh, no, no no no
Reader becomes the most annoying shit ever
They start to distroy his lab.
Anything that can be pushed off, destroyed by water, anything.
This pissed off Shockwave so bad.
At the end, he just threw reader out of the air lock to get rid of them.
Que, reader runturning. 😈😈😈
My shiny end-game team!
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if you know don’t give it away, also i know all my followers have read it so i’m kinda hoping this breaches containment here
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faeriescorpio · 7 months
Mission Impossible Dashboard Simulator
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Why is it called the Impossible Mission Force if we've succeeded at almost every mission we've done? Impossible mission? More like possible mission
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
she mission on my impossible til i task force
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
this was an unnecessary addition to my post. i have your IP address.
#im going to tell Bravo Echo 11 what you wrote
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📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
I can't believe that they decided to tell the public that it was a gas leak. how many gas leaks per month will the public accept??? theyre so gullible smh
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
dude... don't know how to tell you this. it was really a gas leak this time.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
oh my god?! you're joking. well i guess one of them had to be real
⚙️ tiredofthisshit Follow
ha! got you. you're just as gulible as the general public it seems.
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
📺 failed_da_field_exam Follow
guys can we not reblog this. can we stop reblogging please
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
i hate it here. let me resign.
#officelife #imissbeingafieldagent #workingforkittragefuckingsucks
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📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
Hey guys. I'm new to tumblr. My partner told me to make an account. He also said to tell you guys some stuff about me but that seems like a breach of information.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
Dude. I promise no one's going to know it's you. You can share something, like, what's a hobby of yours?
📼 BE11-deactivated10112023
i climb things.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
...no. That's what you do for work.
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
hello? did you just delete your account???
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🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
guys talking to some of my peers and im encountering some strange opinions. just want to clear things up.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
jeez. reading the tags and some of you need a raise in morale. sure this was the only option that left you alive or free but after a certain amount of years most of you should be allowed to retire to a civilian life. couldn't be me though. i fucking love shooting people.
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🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
sometimes a workplace rivalry is just as good as a workplace romance
🎞️ should_you_choose_to_accept Follow
guys OP let his team leader give real nuclear launch codes to a terrorist. dont follow him
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval.
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💻 hackerrrman Follow
you guys will not believe how insane my team is guys. the mask machine broke again and my team leader decided we would just go without masks. does anyone else have this problem?
📡 tango-foxtrot32
omg yes!! we always keep TWO mask machines on hand for all of OUR missions because one of them is always breaking! ive complained to the tech team so much but apparently its 'our fault' and we need to 'be more gentle' with the machines
💻 hackerrrman Follow
what do they mean, "be more gentle"?? i mean my team once had a guy slam the mask machine against our targets face and it broke. but i cant imagine other teams doing that
📡 tango-foxtrot32
yeah no that's.... why did you use the mask machine as a weapon? i... our problem is that we've been 'making too many masks at once' according to the tech. what.... how have your other mask machines broken....
💻 hackerrrman Follow
well now i don't want to say.
📡 tango-foxtrot32
#goodlord #imscared
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🚐 vanguy Follow
so was anyone going to tell me that the prisoner ive been transporting to america was actually the most wanted terrorist of our times. or was i supposed to find out when i dropped him off and the CIA congratulated me for keeping him contained.
🎯 mycircus-mymonkeys
It wasn't your buisiness to know. especially if you're going to be talking about it on social media.
🚐 vanguy Follow
im so sorry please dont fire me
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⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
day 78 of saying FUCK THE CIA
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
⌛️ fuckthecia Follow
HELL YEAH! day 1 of saying FUCK THE MI6
🪈 ihatemi6 Follow
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🎙️ good_evening
good evening everyone. you probably could figure out already by my manner of typing, but I am in fact the person who voices all your mission dossiers. I just want to say that I'm also responsible for gathering and summarizing all the information you need. and let me just say. you all have some serious shit going on. jesus christ.
🔪 i-fucking-lovefieldwork01 Follow
🎙️ good_evening
and what? I'm glad I'm not a field agent. LOL
#my average day is me reading papers out loud #your average day is 'if your team is caught or killed you will be disavowed' LOL
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♟️ its_treason_then Follow
guys why is Lane kinda.... 😳
🚐 vanguy Follow
??! no he's fucking not
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
politely i disagree with you.
🚐 vanguy Follow
YOU'RE looking at dossier photographs. *I* saw him IRL
♟️ its_treason_then Follow
omg you met him?! can you get his autograph for me please
🚐 vanguy Follow
what is wrong with you?!
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🪣 hr-sux Follow
do you guys ever just sit in a local coffee shop and try to profile random strangers for fun
🗝️ washington_locale Follow
no? wtf
🪣 hr-sux Follow
what? theyre civilians. its fun
🗑️ techboy33 Follow
girl.... in D.C.? ain't no one a civilian
📁 imf-heritage-post
Official IMF Heritage Post
986 notes
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🗂️ days-without-disasters Follow
0 days without a disaster
📡 tango-foxtrot32
🎮 letmewearamask Follow
dude... you don't even want to know....
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thats all for now ^w^ i have more ideas
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gaymalefartstories · 8 months
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(NSFW. This story contains a farting fetish. If you are under 18, stop reading now.)
(**SPECIAL WARNING*** This story contains consensual non-consent (2 very drunk guys having sex). Rest assured, all parties within the story are okay with the events taking place, but if such things offend you, stop reading now.)
(1003 words)
Tristan and Miles stumble back to their dorm room after a wild party at one of the frat houses. They were both quite drunk, but Tristan had drank at least twice as much as Miles did. Miles had to support Tristan as they walked.
“Du..Dude…I love you, man…,” Tristan slurred as Miles caught him from face-planting on the sidewalk.
“Yea, love you too. Help me out a little, huh?”
“N…No, seriously. Yer an…an amazing friend.”
“God you’re wasted,” Miles grumbled.
They struggled their way back to their rooms with minimal incident. Tristan was barely standing by the time they breached the threshold, and Miles had resorted to dragging him all the way inside and into the bathroom. He sat him down on the toilet and took a second to catch his breath and steady himself.
“You got it from here man? I really don’t want to have to strip you.”
“Ya man, I’m good…”
Miles was skeptical, but he wasn’t going to argue. “Alright, just yell if you fall down or something.”
Tristan grinned and drunkenly looked at his friend. “Sure you don’t want to shower with me, bro?”
Miles did want to shower with him, but he was too drunk and tired. Instead he rolled his eyes and called out to him as he left the bathroom, “G’night man. See you in the morning.”
Miles went into his room, fell into his desk chair, and smacked his forehead on his desk. “Ow,” he mumbled into the room. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to sleep or die in that position, but he decided he was just going to let whatever happen, happen. As he drifted in and out of consciousness, he heard the shower turn on and other noises he tried really hard to ignore.
A loud thump from the bathroom jolted Miles awake. He noticed the shower was off and he listened for a few more moments to make sure he didn’t need to go check on Tristan. He heard the bathroom door open. Shuffling steps. His door open? Then he heard the springs of his mattress creak and groan and the covers of his bed swish and rustle as if a body had fallen on his bed. The fuck?
Miles pulled his head up and looked at his bed to find Tristan, buck ass naked, laying on it still mostly wet from the shower.
“The fuck you doing?”
“Mmmmnnggff.” Tristan’s words were muffled by the pillow his face had landed in. Miles sighed and lifted himself up to shuffle over to hear what he had said, trying not to stare at his friend’s ass the whole time.
Tristan turned his head to face Miles. “Fuck me”
“C’mon man. I want dick.”
Miles was still drink, tired, and grumpy from having to deal with his drunk roommate at god knows what time in the morning. But another sound overrode his brain and sent all available blood rushing to his cock.
A gawd awfully loud, and wet, fart erupted from Tristan’s ass. His hole sounded wet and loose, and the smell from his ass wafted over to Miles’s nose. It was like a mating call beckoning for someone to come fill him up. And Miles was happy to answer that call.
Miles pulled himself onto the bed and put his face between Tristan’s legs. He dove right into his ass while spreading his cheeks to expose his still sweaty and musky hole. Apparently, Tristan hadn’t done a very good job in the shower.
Right before Miles could actually get his tongue to Tristan’s hole, another airy and sputtery fart ripped out on his face. The smell of concentrated ass made him pause only for a second while waves of arousal rolled through his body, but his tongue was eager to taste his friend. He finished his dive with his tongue out and plugged Tristan’s hole mid-fart. He sealed his lips around his wet hole, then pulled back his tongue to let the rest of the fart fill his mouth. He swallowed all of it and released it all back out as a belch that echoed in his room.
Tristan wiggled his ass as Miles rimmed him and struggled to get his pants and underwear off. Tristan’s cock had created a puddle of precum that was sticking to his abs.
Miles finally released his own cock and brought it up to Tristan’s hole. No lube required. His cock was dripping with pre and his friends ass was already pretty loose. He slid his cock from Tristan’s balls up to his hole and slid all the way inside easily.
Tristan moaned under him and started sliding his ass up and down his cock. Miles held himself above him and enjoyed his cock being massaged. Tristan grinded his cock against the bed and squeezed his ass and legs around Miles, making him moan in pleasure. They continued this way for several more moments before Miles put his hands on Tristan’s back, using his body weight to pin Tristan down, and started fucking him.
Miles’s hips and balls slapped against Tristan’s ass. Trapped air farted out and tickled his balls every time Miles slammed against his ass and added a hot sensation. Sloppy noises from Tristan’s ass echoed in the room as the boys fucked. As Miles neared climax, he increased the frequency of his thrusts, grabbed Tristan’s shoulders, and shoved his member as deep into him as he shot his load. Tristan bucked his ass back into Miles as he felt his friend pulse and throb inside him. His cock shot several ropes of cum onto the bed and his abs. Both boys were locked in orgasm for several glorious seconds.
They collapsed at the same time. Tristan lay in his load while Miles fell on top of him. Miles laid on him while he went soft, then, when his cock slipped out, he rolled over onto his back beside Tristan. He fell asleep listening to the soft snores coming from his roommate.
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nkgrimmie · 22 days
Oh yeah, if the cg explained the scp foundation to Chosen, Purple, and Mango then that would be considered a major security breach.
"yeah so these guys showed up at the house, forced Alan at gunpoint to give them his devices so they could learn more about us, and then locked all of us up here. They also did something that would make other humans forget he existed. It's really messed up, he's lost everything. Apparently they study and contain anything considered 'anomalous' and the fact that he can create life is why we've been locked up. They're trying to study this and they're doing tests and it's really messing with him! They won't even call him by his name and instead use a number because they don't want to acknowledge that he's a person! And there's nothing we can do! If we leave now he'll be all alone in this horrible place."
Chosen would remember what it was like being held captive and treated like an object, and while they don't forgive Alan for that it still isn't something they'd wish on anyone.
ough.... and like chosen would just have no idea what to do!! cause like. yeah he's really powerful and stuff they still can't actually... do anything! he's a stick, they're humans! at most all he could do would be maybe shut down all their devices, but they've never done that before... and have no idea how. and they don't even know if that'd be possible!
oo..... imagine if MT and chosen try to find their way into a researcher's computer and wreak some stick figure-style havoc, trying to find stuff to learn more about this situation
(also, sorry for being very slow with asks rn, im a little busy atm ^^' not busy enough to be unable to answer asks though!)
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S E 7 E N : P R O L O G U E - P A R T 1 N E
Yay it's finally here! kind of a long chapter, so it's in parts!
Warnings: MDNI18+ Sexual assault, sexual harassment, religion, angels and demons, mentions of hell, angels are bad guys, demons are good guys, sinful pleasures, dry humping, fingering, making a deal with the devil.
“Hey y/n, go ahead and take these, we have to dispose them.”
“The government has aligned with Senator Forras’s decree and that all scriptures, novels, and materials that contain any mentions of supernatural forces, any other type of religion, or mentions of demons are to be banned and disposed. The officials are making the rounds to do a thorough inspection of every establishment, so we need to get rid of them.”
You frowned as you received a handful of books, some were enjoyable for you to read, and yet you had to bid them farewell as you tossed them into a large bin that was arranged to be picked up later in the week. It was filled with piles and piles of books, some of which were classics.
‘What a shame…’
There were many people, like yourself, that questioned the belief and mission of Voia Domnului, the overly powerful cult that started out as small group led by overly, self-righteous religious ‘freaks’ that proclaimed the world has sinned. The cult was, and continues to be led by Michael Forras, who now is the self proclaimed Senator.
At first, the world deemed the cult just like any other, a bunch of lunatics that blabbed out religious nonsense of how everything was a sin, that everyone has sinned. They were harmless, for the most part, the only concern was getting them to stop blocking roads and clear passage of major establishments since they had often protested in mass groups, rather angrily, nearly every single day.
Forras, used to be viewed as a man who lacked any common and good sense. You recalled the moment he appeared in the media, speaking of how he personally ‘knew the Lord’ and that a day of reckoning was breaching. Every day when you were on your way to work, you would overhear the things that the community used to say about him…
‘What a joke, can you believe this guy?’
‘My wife says that she went to high school with that guy, he was just as nutty back then as he is now.’
‘I can’t believe people are buying into his bullshit.’
Now, things are different…much different.
He no longer was just the cult’s leader, but he controlled the city, the country…he was even on his way in leading the continent as people swarmed around him with their devotion and loyalty, although you wonder if it was just merely out of fear from him…or the angels.
Ever since the day where those…monsters had appeared, God only knows if anyone ever heard you reflect what your true outlook was, you’d disappear like the rest of the ‘non-believers’, as society has now called them.
People who had rational sense, a lot of them still had believed and enveloped religion and the belief of God, yet the moment they reflected their voices out and claimed that the events occurring between the angels and ‘the selected’ to be questionable, each one disappeared and was never seen again. Anyone who also spoke out against the Voia Domnului or the Senator, were also considered heretics. If anyone mentioned how the non-sensible actions of the ‘Angels’ and Senator Forras’ will, was a tactic of control and a coordination of inheriting power and wealth, would surely die by the hands of Forras’ cult members, or so you suspect, since many of them would disappear overnight.
When it came to your true outlook, you believed in a higher power, you believed in God and you never took it upon yourself to follow the Bible strictly, but you carried out your life being a naturally respectable and caring person. Whenever someone needed help, you were there for them. Should someone need money to help buy groceries, you aided them. You made countless donations, helped promote education and success for the youths of the city, and even volunteered at local orphanages. You weren’t by any means, a bad person, or a sinner. You were just human, but a good one.
December 2nd of last year, things had changed. The world had changed.
You’ll never forget as you were on your way to the Pacific Archives, a historical public library that you used to enjoy working at, not anymore.
Often, you were always reading the books as you worked, enjoying the amount of creativity found in the hidden gems of each shelf, each genre.
You were an active college student, back when advanced education wasn’t considered a ‘sin’, so it only made perfect sense to work at the library where you could continue your studies and find time to do homework while getting paid.
The building had two floors, the upper being the library itself, and the first floor was the massive café and shopping center.
Just like any other day, you went downstairs to grab your favorite drink. The barista, Lily, was one of your best friends, she started to work at the café once she heard there was an opening during one of her visits while you were at work.
You both had laughed and enjoyed a conversation as you sipped on your white hot-chocolate mocha flavored drink, when suddenly another barista’s voice pierced the lounge.
“Everyone! Look at the TV!”
Everyone’s eyes shifted their gaze towards the massive wide screen smart television that was mounted on the wall, turning up the volume, the staff and customers all watched in horror as the media played countless footage that was filmed of what happened, not too far from where you worked.
“This is Stacy Holcomb from Channel Nine news, here reporting of the… abnormal event that is taking place….you can see behind me as the camera crew are trying their best to take footage of what seems to be….a humanoid figure approaching a single man on the street. The mysterious entity has been seen targeting this man, and has been conducting serious bodily harm against him, paramedics and aid have been thrown out of sight each time they go near to save the man….it looks like-“ “OOOH MY GOOOOOOD!!!!”
The shrilled screams in the background took over the audio as the elongated, almost alienlike features of the entity brutally took the man’s head off...slowly. It’s hand mutated into that a of a blade, resembling a machete as it sawed it’s way through the man’s flesh. It wasn’t a clean cut, to say that it had decapitated the man was an understatement…it tore his head off…ripping it from his body after sawing it halfway through.
The cameras shifted the lens to the ground afterwards, indicating that the crew was running away upon filming what had just transpired.
“What….the fuck???” The barista exclaimed out in horror.
Everyone, including yourself, were left speechless. Some of the customers were crying, while others were in shock. You felt your heart drop, there was a sense of fear and curiosity that you found its way lodged deep within your chest.
‘What….was that?’
It wasn’t until later that day, when Forras came out publicly and announced that the mysterious entity, was God’s own angel. Being someone who self-claimed as the mediator of God’s guardians, he elaborated the structure of the ‘execution’ as justice served for the sinful actions that the deceased had committed while alive.
“I have seen God…I speak to him and his guardians. The Angels have come to cleanse the world, because we have taken many offenses against God’s holy rule and spat in his face as we continue to tarnish his good will. Those of us who have lived amongst the sinners, the filthy beings that keep offending his holy will, have tried to warn you all. Now is the time, I ask you to all believe in the will of Voia Domnului! Believe in our decree! We have preached time and time again that God’s will is en-route, and it has now finally come! We ask for you all to join us! Become a part of God’s will and help aid our mission in getting all sinners to repent and accept their fate, so that we may once again live in a world where only truth and God’s holy name is preached!”
Everyone was in disbelief, no one knew what to believe or what to do. However, as the days went on, more people were targeted, or as Senator Forras had claimed, they were ‘selected’. It didn’t take long for people to switch sides and start to find comfort by joining Voia Domnului, in hopes that they would save themselves from either the cult members or the angels.
“The angels know of your sins! It is futile to hide! Let it be known that once the angels have selected you based off your series of offense towards God, you too will be publicly executed, so we at Voia Domnului ask you, to repent now, as you too will be selected to die in his holy name.”
Maybe there was some truth in what he said, or maybe it was just fear and desperation, either way, at the time, you weren’t entirely sure what to believe. You remained as calm as possible, given that the world had lost it’s good sense. You tried your best to not lose yourself out of fear, but it was hard. It didn’t take long, but you found yourself as the lone wolf, where unlike the rest of the world, where everyone was hysterical, everyone feared that they were next to be selected, you continued to live your life with as much of a positive mindset that anyone could have while living through this excruciating period in world history.
You tried…and you were doing so well, but things had gotten worse.
Almost as if it happened over night, everything changed in an instant. The world felt cold, and empty, there were many times you felt like you were the last person standing as you would take a look around and notice that the route to work looked different. People looked different. The sky…the ground…everything…everything looked different.
No one went out anymore, the streets laid empty as the cult encouraged for society to lay dormant in their homes, as going out, especially at night, was considered a sin. So much, that the cult gained favor and authority, powered by the government to assign long standing members of the cult as high profiled officials. They assigned random members to roam the streets at night, as an established curfew was enforced, no one was allotted to be out passed 10pm. Not only that, but other activities and sources were all banned and punishable by death had anyone breached said bans.
Social media was banned because it was a sin, TV was a sin, music that wasn’t approved by Voia Domnului was a sin, certain foods that were known to be an indulgence of the devil, such as chocolate and apples were a sin. Personal opinions were a sin. Books, talk radio, internet, and all other forms of entertainment was a sin. Everything…everything was a sin.
While you thought it was over the top, you hadn’t formulated your own opinion on what had happened on December 2nd, you remained impartial for the most part, as you watched people, friends, and family all succumbing to Senator Forras’ will and join Voia Domnului in order to be ‘saved’. Even Lily.
“You should join us, it’s, a really good group. It makes sense once you complete their course requirements.”
“Course…requirements?” you raised a brow at Lily’s statement.
“Yeah, when you join, you have to take a pledge and then they put you through a 3-month course where you cleanse your body and learn the will of God.”
You shook your head subtly as you listened to her talk about the cult…or as she liked to put it, the ‘group’ since cult would have been considered a derogatory term for Senator Forras righteous figures.
“No…I don’t know…I just…I don’t know what to think yet. I just want to-“
“Shhh!!!!” Lily harshly shushed you.
“Y/n…you can’t talk like that. Say what you will about other matters but do not talk like that…otherwise you’ll be considered a non-believer.”
Recalling the events that surmised where the public speakers that defied the cult’s leading and Senator Forras’ actions, you heeded Lily’s warning. You didn’t want to disappear like they did, God only knows what happened to them as Lily, being a part of Voia Domnului, didn’t even know. It was against the rules to speak of such matter to the cult leaders.
“Just…think about it, okay? I don’t want you to get selected.” She gingerly tells you as she rubbed your hand. “We need each other…we’re all we’ve got in the world now. You’re my best friend and I just want us to stay that way.”
You nodded as you hugged her. For a moment, you sincerely did consider it, not because you believed in the decree of Voia Domnului, but more so because of Lily’s words.
But then your world shattered that following week….when Lily was selected.
“y/n! Please-please listen to me real quick-“
“Lily….what’s wrong?” you looked at her with great concern as she appeared before your doorstep, hysterically crying, face swollen from tears, and her voice stuttering.
“Please…just listen…umm……” she tucks in her lip as the tears built back up in her eyes once more.
“…I…I’ve been selected…”
Your eyes widened…your heart skipped a beat and your breath held in upon hearing her words.
“Yes….I..I’ve been selected…y/n…” her voice trailed off.
“No…Lily! No! Y-you can’t be-“
“No I was…..I came home today and…there was the message written in blood on my wall.”
The message…was always delivered in the same manner to those that got selected prior to. A message written in the walls of their home, their work, or even on buildings in the street; the words were always drafted in blood, no one knows whose or where the blood came from, but it would always be fresh as the message would have drips that trailed down, catching the public’s eye. It would always have the selectee’s name, followed by ‘7 days.’ Only seven days…until each one of them died.
“Y/n…I’m scared….i can’t tell the group…I cant-“
“Lily…there’s gotta be a mistake. Do you know anyone else that has the same name? What if-“
“No……y/n…..it is me….they’re going to come for me….”
Your heart sank as you placed your hands on her shoulders, tears streaming down your face.
She really truly was the only person you had left in this world, you grew distant from your family ever since they joined the cult, they had refused to associate with you unless you joined them. But your heart never felt it true to be a part of an organization that promotes death in such a manner, regardless of the deceased being sinners or offenders against God…how could someone like sweet, wonderful Lily be selected?…How could she ever be…?
“No….please…..don’t leave me…not like this….this can’t happen….”
“Y/n…please….please hold me I’m so scared.”
You tightly embraced her. She had stayed at your place for most of her remaining days, and you watched as her persona had changed. She had remained quiet and aloof; she wouldn’t eat, she wouldn’t sleep, and she wouldn’t talk, until the sixth day, 24 hours before her proposed execution…
“Y/n…I’m leaving…I’m going to inform Senator Forras…”
“Lily…there has to be a way out of this…I’ve known you my whole life, you’ve never hurt anyone! You’ve gone to church every weekend; I’ve never been to church and I’m still here. In a lot of ways when it comes to praising God, you’re a better person than I am. Please….”
She merely shook her head. Dark circles under her eyes, her lips pale and crusty from lack of moisture as she refrained from even drinking water. It was as if she wanted to die before the angels did the deed.
You stayed silent…she was already moving towards the door. Reaching for the knob, she turns to you before opening it.
“Y/n…you’re my best friend…and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to leave you alone…I’ve accepted what’s going to happen…there is no choice. Just please…take care of yourself, and look after my family….but also…” she pauses for a moment, as she hiccups the sobbing tears and stuttered cries of her voice as her head dips down.
“Y/n….i never did anything…..you’re right….i may not have been perfect but I am not a sinner. I even joined this stupid cult….but it doesn’t matter….it was all wasted. Please…if for some chance…if the world goes back to normal someday…please let everyone know that I am not…I’m not a-“
You nodded, knowing full well what she was talking about. “I know you’re not Lily…you’re not….”
Both of you broke down.
You wanted to hug her once more, but you found it hard to even move. With a sad smile, she whispers “take care…” before leaving.
The media had a habit of promoting Senator Forras’ decree by filming and disbursing the footage of each execution, as a method to set the example of what surmises if you’ve sinned. You’ve never went out of your way to watch the profiles of each selectee on the day of their execution, but there were times when in passing or out and about, you would glance at the large billboard that aired the awful events. A glimpse of a man’s body being torn apart, or a woman being burned alive, there were countless methods that the creatures took in carrying out the deed.
The day Lily died, ou never watched what happened to her, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, so you stayed at home that day, refraining from exposing yourself to the public at risk of overhearing about her death. You had shut the world out, and narrowed yourself into a corner, all so you didn’t have to hear….you didn’t want to know how they did it…not with her.
Not long after Lily’s death, was when the Senator banned education. Schools for younger children was regulated by the cult members, colleges and universities alike were all shut down, and while they hadn’t forced it…yet you sense that the risk of losing your job was near since you were the only one that hadn’t taken the pledge and joined Voia Domnului.
“Y/n! The Senator! The Senator is coming! He wants to see the library!”
Your eyes widened with concern.
‘Why does he want to come here?...I hope it’s not because he knows that i was friends with Lily…does he? He already thinks she’s a sinner, is he going to assume I’m one too? Are they going to ask me why I didn’t join Voia Domnului?’
You caught yourself overthinking, though that wasn’t hard to do since everyone in the city, the country, and the entire continent, walked on eggshells. Yourself including. For if it wasn’t the angels that you had to worry about, it was Senator Forras and his posse that performed their own manner of executions towards non-believers.
“Everyone! He’s coming up! All of you stand in a line-“ the head staff looks at you. “Y/n…you stand at the very end, out of the doorway. If he asks you, just tell him that you’re going to join Voia Domnului, but don’t say anything else.”
You nodded. You knew the staff had your best interest at heart, though they often times reprimanded you and would always try and convince you to join, yet you refrained. Especially since, not long after Lily’s death, selectees were reaching in the younger ages. Children…babies in fact, some of which hadn’t lived for more than 8 hours, were getting selected.
‘How can a child be a sinner?’
It seemed like no one cared; everyone paid no mind to that fact. It was as if everyone was just looking out for themselves. Since you had worked here for quite some time, the staff looked at you as family, like a daughter almost. You appreciated the gestures and them trying to look out for you, but deep down, you followed your heart. Somehow you knew…there was something more to what was happening, even though it was a gut feeling, and you could very well be wrong, you just somehow had this hunch that something wasn’t right.
“Alright, he’s coming. Everyone just stand and he’s going to do a walkthrough, apparently, he wanted to see how the inspection is being done and he chose our library.”
Everyone nods and stands, shaking. You weren’t sure if everyone was excited for their ‘group’ leader or if they were just fearful that he may find something in the archives that violates his will, which of course he believed to be God’s own.
You and the staff spent five days clearing out the library, it looked so vast and empty now. The shelves would only contain a scarce number of books.
‘Can you even call this a library anymore?’
The double doors were opened by a security team as Senator Forras walks in. He was a taller man, older, possibly in his fifty’s and had a very sharp and pointed nose. He had short dark hair and looked to be of average built.
He was dressed in extreme luxury, with a high branded suit and tie, along with fine leather shoes, a large overcoat draping his shoulders, and assorted diamond rings decorating each finger, the man looked to be living a grand lifestyle.
Your voice issued a hint of skepticism as you minded your thoughts in your head. Wasn’t this man supposed to be the temperance and modest type? Why is he dressed so lavishly?
“Ah! Staff…members of the community, thank you for welcoming me here today. It is truly a blessing to see you all here doing God’s work.”
The staff members issued out their gratitude and continued the conversation as they offered the Senator his tour.
All went well, and by ‘well’ you only meant that the Senator had looked pleased and kept nodding with approval as the tour continued. You and the rest of the staff members continued with your tasks, as the main head of the library took over the tour.
“Thank you, you are doing a good thing.” The Senator issues as he takes the head staff’s hand in both of his and issues a warm and seemingly friendly hand-shake. “Continue to do his bidding.”
You snuck out as the Senator bid his farewell with the staff members, wanting to hide in the bathroom for a moment and avoid interacting with him. The last thing you wanted was to put yourself in the spotlight and be questioned on whether or not if you were a part of Voia Domnului, which you suspected he would have been able to tell seeing as you didn’t’ bear the ring that each member was gifted upon graduating the three-month course requirement.
A moment or two had passed as you stood right by the bathroom door, ear pressed up against it to see if you could hear the Senator leaving.
‘It’s probably safe for me to go back now…’
Swinging the door open, you looked to your left and saw the wide double doors propped open. Only the staff members were seen inside, back to their tasks.
‘Oh good.’
You issued a mental smile as you started to walk towards the entrance to the library, when suddenly…
“Young lady…” his voice was filled with intrigue.
P A R T 2 W O
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii
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