oddsconvert · 1 year
★ for Izaak please?
★ - sad headcanon
The closest thing Izaak ever had to a best friend was his bunkmate in juvie. They were pretty much inseparable, ride or die together. His friend's sentence was up before Izaak's and he was released early. When Izaak got out and tried to track his best friend down, he could never find him again. It devastated him.
So Izaak is a deeply lonely person. He hates solitude. That's partly why he took Henley as a pet - for the company. And I would think the smallest part of him (and he would never admit this to himself or anyone), is kind of glad Henley is with him during his captivity. So he's not all alone in the ordeal.
Izaak taglist: @emmettnet @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @sorrowful-hyacinth
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varicrux · 1 year
izaak talking to your dog is inconspicuous because of the power in his voice when talking to animals, like you'll hear english, but the dog / animal will hear whatever language they understand. you're not gonna catch izaak barking at your dog
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I’m curious about your Francis headcanon now. I remember someone also made a headcanon where Francis secretly thrives off the relationships he ruined by his home wrecking, thus the Hoon man doppelgänger reflects his twisted personality. I also kinda headcanon him as a cold monster, at least for my serial killer Francis AU. Now that I’ve seen yours, I’m interested to know more.
Well so far, I’m steering him to a more irredeemable asshole approach + the fact that he’s not mentally sound either, knowing mental health wasn’t taken seriously back then and you’d basically be thrown into the slammer for the rest of your life lol
The only people who’s aware of his true nature are Angus, Izaak, and Nacha.
Angus and Izaak are his best buds cause the fandom has decided they’re all besties. They actually don’t mind Francis as Angus is a con artist, and Izaak uses his appearance to get stuff so. They usually meet each other at the local bar and discuss about their life, jobs, relationships, blah blah blah, and all that jazz.
Nacha on the other hand, is too afraid to do anything about Francis’ behavior as she fears what he’ll do to her if she tells. (He’d most likely kill her and hide her body then whistles as if nothing happened, just like that).
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madamplague · 5 months
wwhar are your headcanons for Izaak from hit game That's Not My Neighbor ™️
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I am so eepy right now, but the people need to KNOW
° First things first, this man may LOOK like a himbo: but I headcanon him as a smart fella. How else can you be a reporter in a Doppler filled world AND survive???? (or not even get a scratch on that beautiful face???)
° Clark Kent vibes. I love to imagine this man with a southern accent, or at least a country-boy accent
° This man may be kind and sweet and a perfect angel- but god FORBID he isn't looking his best (rarity who?) He will be dramatic and make it EVERYBODY'S problem
° This man is EXTREMELY extroverted. He is the guy to start a conversation in ANY scenario: and he's actually really fun to talk to
° Aro vibes from this guy. He'd rather have best friends than a partner, and he'll come up with every excuse why he won't date. Not the right time/Too busy/Too expensive, anything to get people off his back.
° Literally friends (or positively acquainted) with EVERY neighbor
° Likes to mostly hang out with anybody living alone, or just having a tough time socializing (Francis, Steven, Angus, or anybody who's even remotely sad)
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° I know everyone has different interpretations about Melting man, but I like to imagine he just... got too hot
Anywayyyyy that's it. Ok my headcanons are REALLY unhinged, but I guess that's what happens when a fandom has zero idea about their personalities except for the ones portrayed (really well imo) through their design :3
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leemalkovich · 8 months
💥 What was their worst relationship?
The concept of 'good' and 'bad' is skewed in Lee's mind. So is love and anger, violence and affection. His mind has a habit of misconstruing one thing into another entirely. With that said—
Izaak Walker, given that they wanted to kill each other and all. Still do.
Complete obsession. Murder as a gift, and murder as a weapon. Death threats and the scars to match. Izaak wears his stigmata and Lee still wears his ring.
If Lee didn't want to kill him that badly, he wouldn't like him so much.
He wants to kill him, and his sick mind twists it. He wants to kill him, and one day he will.
So really, perhaps that's what makes it the best.
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art-o-bart-o · 5 months
Opinions on Izaak x Angus
I don't mind it lol, they definitely seem like frenemies to friends to lovers. But I like Izaack and Francis cus awww big silly guy and sad guy get all lovey dovey and cozy and happy and silly silly happy happy.
Cough cough t4t headcanon here and there too cough cough /pos
Not that Angus and Izaack can't do that, but I can vision Francis and Izaack like that more. But hey i don't have a problem with Angus and Izaack lol, there's many ships in this fandom 👍🙏
I think they'd be silly /pos
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sacrfces · 2 years
izaak is so funny bc he handles the dogs that are considered biters or aggressive at work, and he's the type of dude who'll look at a dog that just bit him or put his teeth on him with this Terrifying Glower and his whole energy will shift and he'll say some shit like "put your teeth on me again and see what happens. there are few men who're allowed to bite me and YOU are NOT one of them sir"
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olaetus · 3 years
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name : izaak montgomery. age : 23. ethnicity : black / part latino. orientation : closeted homosexual. height : 6′0″. occupation : dog groomer / part time model. location : costa mesa , california. family: isalia montgomery ( mother ), derek montgomery ( father ), chachi montgomery ( younger sister ) & thomas montgomery ( older brother ). where izaak can be found: malls / stores, beaches, concerts, his salon, elderly & disabled living establishments, walking dogs, sometimes clubs.
biography link.
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weiwwuxian · 6 years
Hey Izaak! I have a very important question for you: What would your ideal Malec fanfic involve? What are your favourite tropes, themes, headcanons, etc? Inquiring minds want to know!
lmao i can read anything that involves malec but i LOVE fake dating and single parent lol, also soulmates fics are always intersting bc you can write it in so many waysif it has any texting between characters then im soldi also like fics set in world inverted bc i really miss them
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precursd · 6 years
I literally cant stop crying over louie I'm sitting up in bed crying at 3am thinking about newt's grief over him and his anger at the other triplets and how for the first time, really, he understands why people in the street who have lost people scream at him for his tattoos. Thinking about him wanting to get a tattoo for Louie but he can't bring himself to sit down and figure out what because that makes it feel final. Thinking about him shutting himself up for days working too hard and too long because if he can't be okay at least he can be productive bc Louie would want him to learn and create because he was the only pilot who had a genuine love for discovery and curiosity. Thinking about when he and Hermann actually have a baby, and they bicker for months fondly but passionately over the name but the moment Newt holds him, he tears up and mumbles "Levi"
Yknow, like Leviticus.
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honeyxmonkey · 4 years
it's been a rough day honey, i require your STRONGEST varigo headcanons
I dont know when you sent this aaaggghhhhh
Okay okay-
Hugo is such a huge cuddler. Like, he loves to cuddle with Varian at all hours of the day. He's so touch-starved and once he gets a small taste of physical affection he can't get enough of it. He's constantly hugging Varian from behind, or pulling him onto his lap to cuddle with him because he just needs some gosh darn love okay?
Also his love language is physical touch cause yeet.
Varian's is words of affirmation. Hehe.
They love to have alchemy competitions like they did when they were traveling for the trials. Although, now its alot more flirtatious.
Yeah so thats what I got for now 😁
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oddsconvert · 1 year
☾ - sleep headcanon and ⭐️- sad headcanon for the atoyom boys?
☾ - sleep headcanon (I'm sorry these are headcanon but also canon, I can't help myself)
IZAAK SLEEP-TALKS, PEOPLE. YEP. So be prepared for him to be fast asleep murmuring to himself and saying stuff like "please...n...nnnomore-" as Henley is like WTF 😳
Also Henley always slept with the light on back home. He's terrified of the dark, needs the room to be well-lit to sleep. Otherwise he's panicking out of his skull.
★ - sad headcanon
Izaak has mommy issues :( big time. She left when he was a teen and he's very sensitive over it, it's a sore topic for him. He will shed a few tears over it. It's the feeling of rejection and unworthiness. He wonders if his life would have gone differently had she stuck by him.
Henley's not entirely sure he even wants to escape. He's scared of his own autonomy and choice. It's been so long of someone telling him what to do, when to eat, when to sleep, when to breathe. Everything's been decided and controlled for him - he's terrified he won't fit in with the real world again. He needs someone to tell him what to do. He's not allowed to make decisions. He can't be trusted with them.
Henley tag list: @livelaughwhump @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @sorrowful-hyacinth
Izaak tag list: @emmettnet @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @sorrowful-hyacinth
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a-princesxcourt · 5 years
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Character Name: Mica Galena Solis
Fandom: Steven Universe
Age: 17 (A year older than Steven)
Pronoun: She/Her
Occupation: Student, Wants to be a Geologist 
Family members and/or significant others: Bio Father: Izaak (Dad), Adopted Father: Thaddeus (Tad/Pops), Bio Mother: Savanna
Personality traits: Studious, Realistic, Blunt, Honest, Alert, Kindhearted
Character history (where is he/she from?): Grew up with her biological mother, who did not treat her well. Eventually, Mica was left alone at home for a few days with little food, until the cops showed up with CPS and took her away around the age of 8. Mica then lived with her father and his husband, until she was 17. Around then, her dad took a new job, and they moved half way across the country, and to a small town named Beach City (a few months after Spinel’s injector). Adjusting to this new town has been hard, and not having any friends is hard too, plus it seems her mother must have moved here a few years ago because Mica is pretty sure she keeps seeing her around and it’s really freaking her out. Also every time she introduces herself, for some reason these people keep asking where her gem is? It’s really weird here.
Physical traits:  Dyed purple hair, Hispanic, slight buck teeth, freckles on cheeks, keeps hair in two low pig tails most often. Dark brown eyes.
Biggest motivator: Herself, and her fathers
Biggest fear: Being sent to live with her mother again.
Things s/he likes: Board games, cats, rocks, gems, her gem collection, textbooks (but only on geology), being able to date rocks and soil quickly
Things s/he dislikes: Math teachers, People pronouncing her name as “Mike-a” instead of “mee-ca”, 
Reference Photo Here
FaceClaim: Sarah Jeffery 
Muse: It came with strings and Isn't that cruel? Aren’t I a fool? ( Mica );
Visage: Visage ( Mica );
Responses: Response ( Mica );
Musings: Musings ( Mica );
Headcanon: Head Canon ( Mica );
Wishlist: Wishlist ( Mica );
Au: Alternate Universe ( Mica );
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ftniamh · 8 years
headcanon // after exams
niamh had never known a detail about either of her birthparents and she wasn’t allowed to find out until she was 18 --- muggle laws. she knew one of them had to be a muggle, she did have a birth certificate, a muggle one which had somehow magically appeared with her at the wizarding hospital. however unknown to most it had been her father that had dropped her there, the girl’s mother dying soon after the small redhead was born. the man had wanted nothing to do with the pregnancy though towards the end he had a change of heart and had come back, only to hear the news. her mother, a muggle, had left the girl in care of an orphanage. something soon rectified and she was ‘taken care of’ and the wizard never heard about his daughter ever again, he came from an esteemed pureblood family in america and couldn’t have the girl taint that. the man remarried and had three sons. yet, the memory of the small child he had held so very young and for such a short time never left him and one day he broke, and the man did everything he could, he just needed to talk to the girl. the news of this would reach the redhead on the last day of her exams, and as soon as they were over she would pack up her things, her results would be mailed anyway. this had been something, a part of her she had wanted to find out ever since she could fathom how she came to be. though admittedly she was a little scared. and angry. this man had been one who had abandoned her. not wanting to do it alone, she asked one of her closest long-time friends izaak to come. he too had experienced loss and perhaps he would be one of the best people to come on the trip with her, he was not only someone she trusted and cared about, but someone who she knew would understand how hard it might be. so the pair of them set off for america, after the girl said her goodbyes, where they were to meet someone she had wanted to know her whole life.
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aethermade · 7 years
ellie has opened my eyes i’ve been on their dick for too long. it’s time for a new izaak. a better izaak. 
anyways i first met ell when i opened up my timothy blog and i was so scared to talk to them they were like, the most rp famous person in my eyes and when they made the first move to contact me it changed my whole life they were my first real friend on this site and years later i still love them so much. whenever i see them on my dash i know that i’m in for a good laugh or some good headcanons because ell takes such a tender care for their characters you can really tell how much heart they have in writing and as a person i’m so proud of their advances in art and their college career and god i’ve never been prouder of a person than when ellie posted that they were on the deans list i honestly love them with all of my heart and there’s no ends of the earth i wouldn’t go to for them
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feargender · 7 years
Character hcs: joan watson, harry potter and maia roberts
AAAHHHHH Izaak thank you! (I already did Maia but I’ll do the others happily)
Joan Watson wow loml thank u
sexuality headcanon: biotp: idk idk I’m really far behind on Elementary rip but she deserves a nice gfbrotp: Joan/Sherlocknotp: romantic Joan/Sherlock and also Joan/Mycroft was weirdfirst headcanon that pops into my head: Joan was never one for a lie in but living with Sherlock has honestly taught her to appreciate lazy weekends. one way in which I relate to this character: I too live my life following around a loser in funny sweaters telling him to Not Be Like This but lovingly.thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing??? flawlesscinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
Harry Potter
sexuality headcanon: bi (no one is straight shut up)otp: Harry/Ginny, Harry/a safe and secure lifebrotp: Harry/Ron/Hermione and Harry/Luna and Harry/Remus and Harry/Siriusnotp: ??? Harry/Cho? is Harry/Snape a thing bc that’s a sinfirst headcanon that pops into my head: HARRY JAMES POTTER IS AUTISTIC AND GOODone way in which I relate to this character: not observant. never have a clue what’s happening. my mother’s eyes.thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Why you keep listening to Dumbledore why’d you name your son Albus Severus Harry c’moncinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
send me a character
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