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biloveyou · 1 year
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I'm the problem, it's me 🙃
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nickclosefoster · 2 years
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d.a.d.d.i.e.s. hq after hours
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athemarina · 1 year
writeblr comeback!! (for real this time!!)
hello (again), marina here! i am back from another long break, and this time i am determined to rejoin the writeblr community properly, because i really truly missed it here!
it's been a couple months since i've been here, and there have been a couple of changes in my life and to the way i want to run this blog, so i thought i'd give an update to anyone who might still remember me and maybe get to know some new writers! <3
who am i?
i am marina/mina, 27, from austria. i've been on writeblr for quite some time now, but had to take a break due to work and uni being really demanding, and also my personal life kinda falling apart lol. but i've realised once more that writing is one of the things that give my life meaning and stability, and i want and need to reconnect with it.
i work full-time and am still finishing up my degree, so i'm quite a busy bee. nevertheless, with uni summer break just around the corner, i want to spend more time writing and finding inspiration here!
some random interests of mine: philosophy, linguistics, the beauty of greece, musicals, folk songs and folklore, horses, and formula 1. what a list.
what do i write?
i have put all of my previous wip on hold because i had no time to work on them at all the last few months. right now i am in the worldbuilding phase of a new fantasy story (it takes some elements from children of the king but will go in quite a different direction! there's robots in it now!!) i want to take working on this new wip really really slow though. i've spent the last couple months feeling horribly burnt out and don't want to push myself around so much anymore. so while a proper intro post will have to wait for a bit, i'll still share some of the stuff that's floating around in my head and can't wait to get to know other people's wips again!!
i want to try my hand at writing poetry and flash fiction! it's not something i've dabbled with a lot in the past, but i really want to expand my horizons!
i have read quite a lot this year and would like to share some reviews / media analysis as well!
things i love to write and read....
all kinds of fantasy, anything that includes vampires, grief and healing and not-healing from it, characters who make all the wrong choices, questions of identity, queerness, and love.
if any of that vibes with you, let's be friends pls!!
i'd love to be part of the community again, and i love talking about reading / writing / just about anything so pls never hesitate to send me a message if you wanna chat <3 i also love to do tag and ask games, but it might take me a while to get to it!
thank you for reading, and thank you all for being such a lovely community here! i'm back babyyyy
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toastermelody · 1 year
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is this anything
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hailsatanacab · 10 months
close enough to be whole again || chapter 18
🎊 new chapter update new chapter update new chapter update 🎊
#dpxdc#dpxdc fic#dcxdp#dcxdp fic#desktop tumblr lets you edit links to put a title instead of 'show chapter' but mobile doesnt 😭😭😭#oh hello guys how are you i didnt see you there!!#dont mind me just casually dropping a chapter after........... too many months being inactive#im so sorry#ive been trying to get the other writing ive got going out of the way but like#theyre all turning into monsters too!!#idk how i feel about this chapter :/#the next chapter is going to have to undergo major rewrites before its posted#but! BUT! ive got a solid idea of where it goes after that so thats good news!!#because i was really stumped for such a long while#....... now i just gotta write it tho haha#after my holiday!! then its fic time BaBey!!!#poor danny in this chapter - poor damian too#at this point damian isnt necessarily against the idea of ghosts being (he knows ghosts are real!) its just more of a#'if ghosts arent real than danny is just confused and hes not dead please hes not dead dont let him be dead' sort of situation#ya get me?#promise they will talk about it and it will get better#just..... its gonna be a few chapters 😬#also in an earlier draft danny called dan a little bitch but damian misinterpreted it as danny calling damian a little bitch#and that was so funny to me - BUT to me it read more in damian's way so like i didnt want danny to get readers like that too#so i took it out but i kinda wish id left it in because its Funny#uh hmmm what else............... bruce sure is surprised about ghosts in amity huh#thats the trouble with writing Smart People#for i am Not Smart#BUT i do know the plot so that helps!!#anyway!! im at limit so let me say thank you for waiting ily all and i hope you enjoy it!! ily ily ily and thank you thank you thank you 🩷
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mattodore · 1 year
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#making my two favorite ocs like oh i’m gonna give you both sooo many character flaws you’ll be helplessly drawn to each other bc of it#river dipping#theodore doe#echthroi#cw drugs mention#questionnaire lb#hello all........ i come bearing good news: theo's doc is already at 9.2k words <3#not so great news: i actually still have 29 questions left so.......... um. i'm still not done...#😂🔫💥#i'll definitely be making some cuts for length once i'm done answering all of the questions#like i simply can't have this go over 11k at any point... bc that would be....... just too much. like just way too much.#editing is gonna be rough when i get to it like i can just tell but whatever kill your darlings etc. etc.#also :) i've been so good at not opening tumblr or letting anything else distract me which is how theo's doc is already this long#in such a short amount of time like!!! i'm really proud of myself actually!!#i'm trying to finish it quickly bc i miss being on here but dfjkhh when i took that three hour break the other day to catch up i lost all#of my motivation to write and ended up stopping for the day bc i felt like everything i was writing was awful and ooc 😭#so i'm holding off....... i do see my activity feed and i'll get to it i promise i'm not ignoring anyone on purpose!!#or. well i guess i kind of am but jsdkchddkj i'm just trying to get this done first!!#honestly i'm moving pretty fast tho so i feel like i'll have this done soon :) theo favoritism etc. etc.#okay... i need to go now........ i've rambled here for much too long#just felt compelled to drop another little update since my blog is inactive otherwise#logging out...... wish me luck friends and lovers
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dollsuguru · 4 months
will be starting on the professor!geto request soon! :3
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Karl!!!!! Karly Karl Karl!!!! have the birds started chirping for hou yet?? :o they have for me!! I can hear bird song when walking to and from school and it's amazing <333 bird song beloved <3333
throws confetti at you hehe
Cloud!!!!! Hi hi hi hi!!!! If you mean are the birds chirping right this moment, then no (because it may or may not be the middle of the night for me ehehe) but since spring has started I’ve seen and heard a bunch of birds!! Honestly one of my favorite thing about life is hearing a sound of birds after a seemingly long winter :)
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godsqeed · 2 years
so this account might be good as dead for now i GUESS. but i keep thinking... pondering... to bring a canon mdzs muse to tumblr, yet canon rp is not something i am familiar with at all HOW DO PEOPLE GO ABOUT THIS. 
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percysjakcson · 1 year
Shadow and bone is about to come back??? Okay, watch me coming out of my slumber after months of inactivity, only for the return of my beloved crows 🥹❤️
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shwarmii · 10 months
i love being the Older, More Experienced Fan of something so i can help the new fans out (opposite of gatekeeping bc its more like im one of those sign-spinners outside a pizza place you just fell in love with)
like ive been a One Piece fan ever since i picked up the manga from my local library at 9-ish years old (kind of funny: i had no anime/manga-loving peers, and tho my brother liked anime/manga, he didnt discuss it with me; i found it on accident because comics and manga were put together. so no one recommended One Piece to me and, in fact, i had wrongly assumed it wasnt well-known just bc my peers didnt know it. i just had read all the other manga in our teeny section, so that was how i started reading One Piece: out of pure "i guess theres nothing else new" lmao rip. id only been avoiding it because, it had the most volumes out of any other series there, yeah, but it was also missing random volumes like 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12 type shit. but id go to Barnes & Noble and read the missing volumes and not buy them bc i was poor and watch the show online to fill in the library's gaps)
and now, bc of the live-action show, i have friends and people i am a fan of getting into One Piece. and the anime-onlys of both, i get to tug on their clothes on our private texts or in their comment sections/their askboxes and say "go and switch to OnePace.net at some point. youre fine for now, but the anime eventually pads shit out and ruins the pacing (thus hurting the fights and comedy) because they didn't want to catch up to the manga's material. so OnePace.net is an edited version of all the anime series' episodes to better match the manga's pacing". which i then do tell them the difference between filler (beach episodes type shit, i love those) and padding (making a 15 second arm-wrestling match last 2 minutes, and have much of it be repeating animation where the two guys are just teeth-gritted and glaring silently with those Anime Growls Of Efforts) and that, in my opinion, One Piece does have plenty of good anime-only filler— which OnePace does cut out. but, it also cuts out the padding. and the padding is a REALLY BIG problem the further you get into the show. so watch the filler episodes/movies if it sounds fun to you too, but otherwise just switcg to OnePace. at some point. like. the beginning of One Piece's anime is fine because they had a lot of manga content then, so it isnt an issue until later but, yeah, at some point: switch over lmao
and now i have a bunch of anime-only friends texting me thanks as well as content creators, because i just pointed them towards something they didnt know they would need and now will fully avoid a problem they didnt know would eventually happen. its cool and exciting to see a fandom take care of one another and the source material like that. it also helps shine a light on WHY people complain the One Piece anime is too long AND helps you avoid that shit
bc, yeah, a lot of fans say "ditch the anime altogether, it gets slow; the manga is better" but i think you should encounter media the way you want to. if you have options, take your pick of those options. i like both because i like seeing how things get adapted, what do they change, add, leave out, so on. i like watching subs and dubs for that same reason, so of course i like reading manga in tandem with watching anime too lmao
and idk, it just gives me joy to see new fans reply back to my Fandom Elder tip/s with a "OOOOHHHH THANK YOU" and whatnot. gives me serotonin ♡ like hell yeah, no problem, have fun on my lawn, you whippersnappers, ill be here in my rocking chair if you need me lmao rip
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kunfetti · 11 months
Might have to gif Sunghyuk after work 😌
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palentonga · 7 days
I've been in regular contact with Laila @lailashaqoura and she's asked me to help spread her family's fundraisers. The first belongs to her immediate family, the second to her extended family, who her cousins Tala @talanassar and Rahaf @rahaf3nassar0 have been helping to spread, and the third belongs to a relative of hers, represented on tumblr by @haifaaziz98. The situation in Gaza is incredibly dire, food and clean water are running out where they aren't already gone, and there is no medical care for Laila's pregnant mother or for Tala's mother, who has breast cancer. Today is supposed to be a holiday, but instead they suffer. We have already waited too long, we need to get this family every bit of help we can. If you have any money to spare at all, any extra purchases you can cut out (buying coffee drinks when you have food at home, video games you wanted to buy, etc.) please send that money instead to a family struggling to escape genocide, and do whatever you can to share these fundraisers as far as you can, either on tumblr or on other social media. I understand how your faith in mutual aid can be shaken after so long, but your participation in this, either financially or socially, does matter. Families have escaped genocide because of the spreading of fundraisers. As @stuckinapril put it, these fundraisers are not just window dressing, they are the window itself. These fundraisers are the lifelines of Palestinians attempting to flee death and begin their lives again. Anything you can do to help matters. If it incentivizes you any, I'm offering artwork in exchange for donations to Laila and her family, examples below the cut. The users @mimibayra , @theflowerpaw, @worthyofmygrace, @soapfriendotake2, and @rebecca-levin-art. If you're an artist, please consider DM-ing me and tossing your name into the ring. The account @creativesforpalestine also offers commissions in exchange for donations to any verified fundraisers. I'm setting 20k as a short-term goal for Laila's fundraiser, 15k for Tala's, and 20k for Issam's. Please consider donating to Tala's fundraiser especially, she has received very little donations in the past week.
€17,330/€45,000- €2,670 TO €20K
€11,617/€40,000- €3,383 TO €15K
€15,493/€20,000- €4,507 TO €20K
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appsa · 3 days
Hey guys! This is important so please dont scroll past this.
Wafaa's old blog got shadowbanned, and its just yet another example of how far tumblr will go to silence palestinians when theyre already struggling to get by because of illness, starvation and the constant violence. It should alarm you just how frequent this is becoming with palestinian bloggers having to remake 3-4 times when theyre already living through the worst things imaginable.
If you don't know who she is, Wafaa Alnhal is a woman in her 40s who had left for Egypt a little after the occupation attacked for medical treatment. She has since been working hard to spread her campaign and evacuate her family who she had to leave behind in Gaza, despite her own ongoing struggle with her health issues and making rent.
Initially her goal for her gfm had been 35k, but recently she's had to raise it to 50k because her daughter has gotten hepatitis from the polluted water in Gaza. Her family is suffering- all 15 of them including 4 young children and a newborn baby- and they will have to live with the damage for the rest of their lives. It's taking its toll on Wafaa too, who's had to neglect her own health and wellbeing to raise funds for them.
She's made a new blog @wafs-posts and you all should follow her there to get updates from her on the situation directly. You should be listening to her instead of hearing this from me.
Her gfm is currently at 12k/50k
They still have a long way to go, so please dont let tumblrs censorship slow them down
Her campaign has been verified, and there is a raffle being conducted (by @/ibtisams) to raise funds for her campaign so please give it a look, and consider taking part there are some truly beautiful journals to be won.
Please follow the raffles for palestine account and take a look at the other artwork thats up for grabs too!
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victoria-kon · 1 year
A new beginning
I have returned to Tumblr after many years lol. This used to be a Disney and Dog page, but now it’s my own personal page. I missed being on here, so happy to be back :)
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