#HELP the little gremlin that lives in my head won't stop telling me to do a backflip!!!!
teelahselai · 2 years
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i needed a new discord icon
Arval really said >:3
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 15 !!! AND part 16 !!!
TWO IN ONE WHAT these eps are kinda short ?? or my thoughts are idk ?? so I put them both together on one post 😬 but anyway let's go batcherssss 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x11
Crosshair you little gremlin 💕
can someone please explain to me why Orn Free Taa has extra lekku, weird tiny ears and three fingers instead of four ??? mans looks like a different species 👀
"They fought for us and they have earned our respect" settle down Cham we all know you're gonna change your mind in 5 minutes hush
"uncle Gobi" 🥺
Hera watching the birds in the sky 🤲 following them with her hands 🥺
Howzer you absolute king 👑
Eleni and Gobi scheming together hehehe
I just know Eleni is SO proud of Hera 🥲 she's so much like her mom fr
"my hope is that you won't ever have to live a life like mine" ~ General Cham Syndulla ... meet General Hera Syndulla
"no take offs or landings" this is actually so adorable tho
Wrecker carrying all the weapons himself like he's only doing one trip with the groceries from the car to the house hehehe
Hera asks about the Marauder and Omega's like 'this beauty' *pat pat*
I wanna see Hunter's face watching Hera and Omega together 🥺
they're besties forever 💕
it's Hera's dream to live on a starship 😭
lmao could've had a bad batch reunion rn but Crosshair had other plans
Omega: ☝"did you know flying is about a feeling?" Tech: I have no idea what this means
Howzer being the only one to question imprisoning a child 😭
Eleni didn't even wait for the speeder to stop moving before jumping out 💅
"attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa" ??? attempted ?? did he not just die ???
The Bad Batch 1x12
"how unfortunate for your people to see your fall" LMAO Rampart I've seen s2 👀
Howzer immediately plotting to save Hera 💕
Hera and Chopper are absolute menaces and I respect them both for it
Gonky being part of the bad batch family 🤲
"you gave her our comm channel?" ~ Hunter is so done pls 😂
Tech: "children often overreact" Omega: "no we don't" YES OMEGA 🙌👑 she is so passionate and caring and loving and loyal I genuinely feel so proud of her 💕
Omega: "isn't that what soldiers do" Hunter: 😯
Wrecker @ Chopper: "what's his problem" how long do you have buddy?
Hera asking them all so desperately to save her family 😭😭😭 she has always cared so deeply
y'all I'm confused did Orn Free Taa actually survive that shot to the head? I feel like Rampart has no reason to lie about it?
they all peeking with their binoculars
Hunter's little 'let's move' gesture 🥰
Hunter hearing the droid and his sneak attack just dropping down on it 👌 bro how did you get up there so fast ??
knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kni-
Tech: "oh good" lolol
Wrecker's face when Hunter says Crosshair knows they're there 😭
Omega grabbing Hera's hand 🤲
Echo's face explaining to Hera why they're after Cham 😭😭
"I don't care about any of that, I just want my parents back" she's just a little kid in the middle of a war she doesn't understand 💔 this is too real and absolutely heartbreaking
"She's trying to save her family Hunter. I'd do the same for you" you tell him Omega 💪👑
Howzer and Crosshair staring at each other.....
Chopper and Hera having a lil chat 🥺
Omega: "he's my brother, they all are" Hera: "you're lucky" she really is 🥺
Howzer is trying so hard to protect Hera even with Cham hating on him and refusing to help save his own daughter 🙃
Omega and Hera came up with a strategic plan and now Hunter's on board 🥰
Tech is worried about them going by themselves 🥲
Echo getting caught scaling the wall: "a little help?" lmaooo
AND Hunter's little "hey" to distract the reg before pulling Echo up 💀
"I won't tell if you wont" lmao I love these two together 💕
Omega: "don't shoot down our shuttle" Tech: "wait what shuttle?!" ~ how many heart attacks does Omega want to give Tech this episode 😂
Hera blowing up an imperial refinery........ 👀
Tech: 'Omega what was that explosion?!?! Omega: hehe don't worry about it 💀
Omega: "do some damage Wrecker" Wrecker: "that I can do!" Wrecker happy makes me happy 🥰
Hunter telling Cham and Gobi that Hera hired them 💀
Hera: "we're getting the hang of this" Tech: "yes your dangerous and uncontrolled manoeuvring is as confusing to them as it is to us 🙂" he is so far past done with them oml 😂
Howzer 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hunter looking back at him before they leave 😭
Howzer's whole speech in this scene 😭😭😭 it reminds me of Fives giving his pep talk to the cadets 🥲
Hunter sensing Crosshair??? and what if I never stop crying ??
my heart is breaking for Howzer I love him so bad 💔
Wrecker Omega high five 🥺
Tech teaching Hera and Omega 🤲💕
"Tech showed me how to scramble a ships signature" TECH TAUGHT HERA ONE SKILL THAT SAVED HER ASS A MILLION TIMES 😭
"keep an eye on your brothers, they need it" ~ Hera, the wisest person in the show fr
...did Chopper just say "Chopper out"
Crosshair has too many expressions to count this last scene, asking to hunt the batch down... my theory is he never had his chip removed but that venator engine fried it and it slowly stops working... we know that a lot of the chips are slowly starting to stop working in other clones, maybe its the same for Crosshair ?? so he's feeling a lot of confusion at hunting them down ?? maybe idk lol
two more down!!! my internet is still shocking and it's taking me like an hour to watch each ep bc of all the buffering 🥲 but anywayyy thank yalls for joining 💕💕💕
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demons2003 · 1 year
Robin! (Steve x Eddie)
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Description: Accidents happen sometimes. When alcohol is added to the mix, it can be worse. So, what happens when Robin accidentally tells the group all about Steve’s secret?
Steve’s pov
Like always, everyone was at my house for another event that we had all planned. After a long school year, we decided that it was time to celebrate Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and Eddie finally graduating after the year we all went through. All the kids were here as well because they’d use any excuse to use my pool instead of the public one. Eddie was even able to get the rest of Hellfire to join the party, which made the evening better for Eddie, even though they still avoided being around me.
“Steveeee!!” I hear Robin in the other room yelling. I laugh to myself and yell back, “What’s up Rob?” I hear a groan and shuffling of lots of feet heading towards me. I look up from the drinks I’m getting for me and Eddie, to see Robin and Dustin walking into the room. “Tell your Gremlin of a child to stop trying to get us together!” She yells at me, pointing at Dustin. Dustin puts his hands up in defence and yells back, “But you’re perfect for each other! And you already act like you are in love! Why won't you just date!” I laugh at that and pick up the drinks and head back into the living room where everyone else is sitting around and talking among themselves. “Dustin for the last time, Robin and I are just friends. Platonic soulmates…” I start and Dustin finishes, “With a capital P.” I nod at him and hand Eddie his beer, sitting down right next to him. “So, stop trying to get us together,” I tell him as Robin walks over and sits herself in my lap.
Dustin dramatically points it out and waves around to everyone else. “How the hell do you call that friend behaver?” He asks us. Robin and I look at each other confused and Robin asks sarcastically, "Wait, people don’t do this all the time?” I try to hide my laughter behind my hand but Dustin notices anyway and glares. "Leave it alone Dustin,” I tell him, pointing towards him to get it across that this needs to end. “But you haven’t dated anyone else in months!” Dustin yells out, everyone in the room turning to us all to find out what's happening.
I stare at Dustin surprised and look to Robin for help. “I’m allowed to not date people,” I try to say, looking around and sinking into the couch. “But you’ve also stopped flirting with every girl that walks into Family Video!” Dustin states, seeming quite proud of himself for what he noticed. “I haven’t found anyone that’s court my interest,” I say, hoping that that’s a good enough answer for him. Of course, it isn’t though. “Dustin, leave him alone, he’s probably dating someone and doesn’t want to tell us about it,” Max smugly tells him, causing Dustin to light us. “You’re right!” I take a swing of my beer and look at Robin for help but she’s taking a sip as well. Shit, this is not going to go well for me.
“Is it someone we know?” Lucas asks, the rest of the kids all sitting in front of me now to find out the new information. “I’m not dating anyone!” I yell, trying to hide on the couch but Eddie slides his arm around me to prevent me from getting away. I glare at him but he just smirks back, but not his normal smirk. Something different is hiding in this one. It’s still got his cocky nature but something else is hidden. “Come on Harrington, tell us who caught your attention,” Eddie whispers, leaning a little closer to me. I stare at him for a bit too long, my gaze dropping to his lips for a second before shaking my head. “No one. I’m not dating anyone. Tell them Robin!” I plead to Robin and give her my best puppy dog eyes. “He’s right. Hasn’t had any action in months. Been too busy falling in love with someone,” Robin replies, taking another sip of her drink. I freeze a little and look at Robin to shut up, but it’s already too late.
“Ah huh! So? Who is it?” Dustin asks, pointing at me. I groan and fall as much as I can into the couch without leaning into Eddie. “It’s no one you know,” I grumble and pull Robin further into me to hide. “It’s someone we know,” Max yells excitedly. I glare at her and run a finger slowly across my neck, which she does right back. “Ok, Lucas, Max, El, Mike and Will! Come over here,” Dustin waves over to the table and the rest follow quickly after. “I hate you,” I whisper into Robin's ear but she just laughs at me. “You love me!” Robin says, leaning back and falling into Eddie. “I don’t believe I do Robin but I’ll take it,” Eddie says, smiling down at Robin. “Hey Steve?” I hear to my left. I look over and see Nancy sitting down next to me. I push Robin onto the couch between Eddie and I, moving my body so my focus is on Nancy.
“What’s up?” I ask her. She leans into me a little to make sure no one else hears her and asks, “Could I talk to you for a second?” I nod and motion towards the kitchen. She nods and as we both move from the couch I hear glass shatter. I look over to the noise and notice all of the kids looking over at us shocked. “It’s Nancy?!” Mike yells, clearly annoyed. I groan while Nancy laughs at the situation. “That's done and dusted. Not going back there. Why don’t you bother Robin about it, she already knows,” I snap at him and drag Nancy over to the kitchen.
When we are out of sight and out of hearing distance, I turn back to Nancy to hear what she wants to talk about. “You ok?” I ask her quietly, still aware that someone could be listening to us. Nancy looks around the kitchen nervously before trying to look back at me. I step closer and place a hand on her shoulder to help her calm down a little bit. “Hey, what’s going on?” I ask her, lifting her chin to look at me. She lets out a breath and squares her shoulders. “We dated,” She states. I look confused at her and nod my head. “And I wanted to ask you something before I did it,” She asks, getting a little shy again. “What is it Nance?” I softly ask, trying to get back in her line of sight. “I want to ask Robin out, on a date,” She blurts out, scaring me for a second at the panic in her voice. I stare at her and watch as she slowly tries to walk away. I shake my head and laugh a little. She stops in her tracks and looks confused at me. “God Nance, I thought you were dying for a second,” I laugh, leaning against the counter. She smiles at me and relaxes more. “I felt like I could have,” She says, walking over to me.
“You should definitely ask Robin out,” I tell her after a while of just standing there drinking silently. “That wouldn’t be weird for you though? Your best friend and your ex together?” She asks me, clearly concerned for me. I laugh a little at her and shake my head. “I want Robin happy. If you’re the one that does that, I won’t stand in the way. But if you hurt her, I have a nail bat in my car waiting to be used again,” I tell her, smiling brightly at her. Nancy smiles back at me and jumps into my arms. “Thank you, Steve,” She whispers to me, giving me a big squeeze. I smile into her hair and squeeze her back.
“OMG, just tell us who it is already! I’ve had enough of them!” We hear Jonathan yell from the lounge room. I laugh and let go of Nancy. “I think it’s time to get back in there,” I laugh, motioning for Nancy to go in front. As we turn the corner I hear Dustin yell, “But that’s all the girls that we know. Who the hell is it then?” I laugh and shake my head. They really aren’t going to get this at all. “Oh come on, are you sure that is everyone you know? You’ve only said the girls,” Garth says to Dustin. I stare at him to see if he might know something but he just seems to be giving Dustin ideas. “Oh come on. It’s Steve. He’s the straightest person here,” Mike says which I secretly roll my eyes to. It’s like they don’t know me at all. Robin bursts out laughing as I start to walk over to her and I freeze a little.
I stare at her with wide eyes as I notice everyone else looking at her confused. “What the hell are you laughing at Robin?” Eddie asks her, looking down at Robin who seems to have gotten more comfortable since I left. “Robin,” I lowly worn her, trying to snap her out of it a bit. Nancy is quicker and tries to cover her mouth but Robin moves out of the way and yells, “That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day! Steve straight! Ha!” Nancy covers her mouth and looks over at me concerned. Robin follows and seems to notice everyone in the room and my frozen and stiff stance. “Oh, fuck, Steve,” Robin whispers but I just turn from the room and start to walk up the stairs. “Steve!” I hear Robin yell, followed by a thud. I try to ignore it and lock the door to my room, hoping that no one follows after me.
Eddie’s pov
Steve isn’t straight??? But, since when? I’ve had a chance this whole time? “Omg, what did I just do?” I hear Robin whisper to Nancy on the floor. Oh shit, Steve isn’t the one to tell us. I look around the room and notice everyone looking over at us with confusion. “What the hell just happened?” Jeff asks, looking between Robin and Nancy on the floor and me. “It was me fucking up,” Robin whispers. I slide down onto the floor and put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s ok,” I whisper and softly rub her shoulder. “Why didn’t he tell us?” Dustin snaps a little, looking in the direction Steve went in. I glare at him and shake my head. “It isn’t that easy man,” I snap at him, trying to get him to shut up. He rolls his eyes and looks back over at me. “But it’s not. We all know about you. What’s the harm in knowing about Steve!” Dustin yells at me, moving towards the stairs. I jump up from my spot and get in his way.
“Get the hell out of my way,” Dustin snaps at me, pushing against my chest. “Dustin,” I say lowly, grabbing onto his wrists. “Let me go!” He snaps again, trying to get out of my grasp. I look over at the group and find almost everyone but Nancy and Robin have moved outside. “Dustin, I need you to calm down before you try and go talk to Steve,” I try again, hoping that being calm will make it better. Dustin looks at me pleadingly and whispers, “Why couldn’t he tell me?” “It isn’t easy to admit sometimes to yourself. Let alone admit to others. He might still be trying to process that he likes guys, man. He needed to get there in his own time,” I tell him, pulling him into my arms. Dustin sighs but excepts the hug nonetheless. “Can we please go talk to him now? I wanna make sure that he's ok” He pleads into my chest.
I look down at him and try to work out what to do next. On one hand, Steve may appreciate having Dustin there to talk to. On the other, Steve might feel ambushed. But then again, Robin would normally be the one to deal with all of this. Maybe she should be the one to deal with it. I look over to Robin to find her leaning in Nancy’s arms and looking sadly over at Dustin and I. “Robin? What should we do here?” I ask her, hoping that she can snap out of it enough to help us out. She looks up at me sadly and whispers, “We should all go in. I think he’ll need us all right now.”
I nod at her and lead Dustin towards the stairs. “What if he doesn’t let us in?” I ask back at her, worried that he might not want us at all. Robin's silent answer worries me and I look behind me at her. She looks over at Nancy but she just shrugs sadly as well. “Dam it,” I whisper and move up the stairs as quickly as I can. Please let us in Stevie. I need to know that you're ok.
Steve’s pov
I lean further into my pillow as a quiet knock sounds at my door. Fuck, no one can see me like this. “Go away!” I yell, my voice only slightly cracking from my crying. “Would you please let us in Stevie? We’re worried about you,” Eddie’s voice sounds through the door. God dam it. Why did they send Eddie up here? Robin knows I can’t say no to him. “I don’t wanna see anyone right now Eds,” I yell back, hoping that he will just go away. “Please Steve. Just open the door for us,” He says, much softer than last time. I sigh but get out of bed and walk over to the door.
I unlock it and lay face down on my bed again, waiting for the door to open. After a few moments of silence, I hear a creaking of the door opening followed by footsteps coming into my room. I don’t lift my head from the pillow but I feel four dips in my bed. A hand runs through my hair on my right and I look over to it to find Robin with a tear-stained face looking down at me sadly.
I jump up from my laying down position and cup her face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask her, wiping away her tears. She laughs and leans into my hand. “I betrayed your trust,” She whispers, eyes dropping away from mine. I shake my head and try to get into her line of sight. “It’s ok Rob. You didn’t mean it. I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner honestly. You can’t keep secrets when you’re drunk,” I whisper to her, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She sadly nods but still looks away from me. "I'm so sorry Steve," She whispers to me, leaning more into me. I softly smile at her and shake my head. "I know Robs. You didn't mean it. I shouldn't have left your side. Not your fault." I whisper to her as she nods and wraps her arms around me. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I hear Dustin whisper on my other side.
I take a deep breath and look over at him, bracing for disgust or anger. When I look at him though, all I see is concern. “What do you mean buddy?” I ask him, pulling Robin into my lap. “That you like boys,” Dustin snaps, which earns a slap on the back of the head from Eddie. “Be nice,” He snarls at him, looking back at me with concern. I softly smile at Dustin and let out another sigh. “I don’t like boys really. I only like one boy,” I whisper to him, glancing at Eddie for a brief moment. Robin snort and says, “Oh come on, we got further than that.” I smile at her and shake my head. “Oh be quiet,” I tell her fondly. “But why didn’t you say anything? We still would’ve loved you. I would've still loved you,” Dustin pleads more.
“Dustin…” I start but he shakes his head. “I don’t understand. Eddie told us he was gay! Why couldn’t you admit you liked guys to us!” Dustin snaps more. Eddie places a hand on his shoulder and tries to pull him back but he shrugs it off. “Dustin. I could barely admit to myself that I liked a guy. Robin spent weeks trying to get me to understand that I liked one. I couldn’t bring you into my mess,” I reason, looking at Eddie for some help. He nods and looks at Dustin. “This isn’t as easy as a straight relationship Dustin. If Steve couldn’t understand it how were we supposed to,” Eddie backs me up, smiling softly at me. Dustin looks up at me and I watch as he slowly processes what he’s been told.
“So, I’m still your best friend right?” He questions, looking up at me with hope. “Of course buddy,” I whisper, ruffling his hair a little bit. “Hey! What about me?” Robin whines. I laugh and squeeze her tightly. “Well, you’re my soulmate so it doesn’t matter,” I tell her, laughing as she fakes gags. I laugh and throw her to my side. “Are you ok?” Nancy speaks up, still looking at me with concern. I smile at her and nod. “Yeah, I feel better now. Wasn’t how I planned to tell everyone but at least it’s out there,” I say. "Yeah, it's never great being outted like that but at least you were with a group of people that love you," Eddie says. I smile at him and nod.
“So, now that you aren’t worried about our reaction. Who’s the guy that you like?” Dustin says, leaning forward again. “Not now Dustin!” Eddie snaps but he also looks curiously at me. I smile at him and shake my head. “You have to guess if you want the answer to that,” I whisper, looking at Robin to make sure she doesn’t spill the beans. She sits up quickly and looks excitedly over at Dustin. “Ooooo, I know that one,” She exclaims, putting her hand in the air as if she’s in class. I laugh at her while Nancy quickly covers her mouth. "Oh no you don't. Not again," Nancy whispers, causing the rest of us to laugh at them both. “Hey Nance? Could you make sure everyone downstairs is okay? Let them all know that they can stay the night. Also, get Robin into a bed?” I ask Nancy, her nodding as soon as I started talking. Nancy helps Robin off my bed and leads her out of my room leaving Dustin, Eddie and I alone.
Dustin looks pleadingly at me but I just smile at him. “I’ll start guessing,” Dustin says, looking at me while Eddie moves to sit next to me. I smile wider and lean against Eddie’s chest. “Do it,” I challenge. Dustin’s smile widens and he looks up at the ceiling to think while Eddie wraps an arm around my waist. “Jonathan?” He asks, looking back at me. I laugh and shake my head. “Nope, next.” “Um, Argyle?” “Nah, too high for me.” “Gareth?” I feel Eddie tense and look around me to see my face. “Ah, none of the older Hellfire boys like me anyway,” I hint, hoping that at least one likes me. “But that only leaves Eddie and he’s definitely not your type,” Dustin suggests going back to thinking. I smirk at him but stop when I notice Eddie frowning at the comment. I glare slightly at Dustin for upsetting him before explaining, “He’s not my type? What’s my type then?” I ask Dustin, hoping that he’d get the hint.
Dustin looks back at me confused and shakes his head. “Well, someone like Nancy probably. Big wide eyes, badass, is nice to all of us kids, loud, confident, has really curly hair….” He starts explaining, looking at Eddie in a different way. Eddie tenses and looks at me again. I smile at him and ask, “And Eddie isn’t any of that?” Dustin shrinks a little and laughs. “Omg, you like Eddie!?!” He asks, looking up at me in hope. I nod and look slightly at Eddie. “Yeah, would you go help everyone else for a second?” I ask him, hoping that I could talk to Eddie for a second. Dustin nods excitedly and rushes out of the room.
I smile at him and look back at Eddie, hoping that I didn’t just ruin our friendship at the very least. “Eddie?” I whisper, trying to break his staring contest with the wall. He snaps out of it and looks at me with so much hope. “Did you mean that?” He whispers. I smile at him and turn around, straddling him as I go. “Yeah Eds, you are definitely my type,” I whisper, smiling down at him. He smiles up at me and slides a hand around my neck, quickly pulling me down to press our lips together.
It was like nothing else that I’ve experienced before. His lips were soft against mine but his stubble was brushing against me, leaving a slight burn. Eddie moves one of his hands to my waist and sharply pulls me against him so we’re chest to chest. I moan at the impact and bury my hands in his hair. He laughs at my reaction and pulls back a little. “Am I dreaming right now?” He asks me, looking up at me dreamingly. I laugh and shake my head. “Nah Eds, this is real. This is so real,” I whisper, pulling him back to me so I can keep kissing him till we run out of breath. 
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
I can't believe I forgot that it is Spicy Sunday today. I would to request kathony reconciliation sex in the ACUPOP au of an au🌶🔥❤. There would be so many feelings, but I also imagine that it would be difficult to find a location since Neddy is attached to the hip with his daddy.
I've been waiting all day for spicy sunday requests and not a single one came in. Tragic.
But! This might be interesting to do. Kate and Anthony as horny young parents who haven't seen one another naked in a very long time but Anthony also desperately wants to spend time with the son he's just realised existed.
Now, There is going to be a part 4 for this AU where Kate tells Mary and Edwina that she's coming home but I haven't written that so for now, here's this.
It sounded stupid to say it, given he'd first found out about him approximately 52 hours ago, but Anthony loved his son.
Edmund was everything he'd ever imagine his children with Kate would be when he'd sat alone in the house he'd bought for them to live in together. He was so full of love, overflowing with it, his hand clasped in Anthony's for every waking moment (other than the time Anthony had taken to punch Alistair Cowper in the stomach and promptly evict him from the hotel room Anthony was paying for). Sitting on Anthony's knee, telling him about all the things he liked, all the things he didn't. And Anthony couldn't take his eyes off him. He already loved him, so desperately.
The problem was, Anthony also loved Edmund's mother a little desperately. And, having just found her again after five years, just as beautiful as he remembered. Just as whip smart, and curious, and perfect. Anthony couldn't help but feel a little... well desperate, honestly.
And truly, he hadn't minded that Edmund had sat on his knee on the end of the only bed in Kate's tiny flat, and said
"Daddy, are you going to stay with me and Mummy tonight?"
His head nodding before he'd even thought about it. "Course I am, buddy."
Edmund had fallen asleep between him and Kate, their hands clasped over his back, laying awake into the early morning trading facts about the last five years, her voice in his ear as he drifted off to sleep I love you
And it was beautiful. But now Anthony wanted his wife. Every second they were alone today they ended up pressed tightly together, hands roaming, tongues tangling as his hand slipped between her legs while Edmund was in the bathroom until she shuddered against him.
"Come to my hotel tonight." He couldn't stop himself.
Kate hummed, kissing his cheek as she straightened her clothes, "I think you'll find we'll have the same problem there, babe. A tiny little gremlin between us."
Anthony scoffed catching her arm tugging her back against his chest. "I can get them to change me to a suite. Two rooms, a whole living room between us, won't that be lovely Mrs Bridgerton?"
Fuck it felt good to call her that again, to hear her breath catch in his ear, just the way he remembered.
Kate cleared her throat as Edmund's little footsteps thundered down the hall her eyes sliding from his as she caught their son, kissing the top of his head. "Neddy, tonight your Daddy's taking us to stay somewhere very special, where you can have a whole bed even bigger than our bed all to yourself, what do you think?"
Edmund paused, looking back at Anthony, his brow furrowed, "Can I take my new Triceratops?" he gestured at the toy Anthony had bought him this morning, despite Kate's protests.
"Yeah buddy, he'll fit too."
Anthony really hadn't meant to puff out his chest proudly when he'd said to the desk clerk who was swapping over his keys, his belongings having already been moved to his new room And if I could have one for my wife as well please.
But he couldn't help it, he was so fucking happy, to have Kate back, to have Edmund, to get a second chance at the life he wanted, and nothing was going to ruin it. Not even the way Kate poked his ribs as they stood in the lift.
"I forgot how important you were."
He really hadn't meant to jump on Kate the second Edmund was in bed. Looking even more tiny in the middle of a kind sized bed, a happy smile on his face as he slept, but Kate apparently had other ideas.
Almost the second the door closed behind them, her lips found his. Slow at first, her hand fisted in the front of his shirt, her tongue sliding lazily against his, already back in sync. And he couldn't help himself. His hands grew bolder with every second, roaming over her, his pulse hammering in his ears as he rediscovered her, Kate's teeth nipping at his neck, at his ear, along the side of his jaw, everything about it intoxicating as he walked her backwards through the hotel room, holding her against the wall at random intervals when he couldn't wait any longer to have her pressed against him.
"God, I've thought about this all day." Kate groaned as they stepped into the bed room, the door closing softly behind them before she pressed him against it, stepping between his legs, her hands tugging at his clothes, pulling his sweater over his head a gasp drawn from her chest as her lips found his chest.
Anthony's head lolled back against the door fumbling for her shirt as well, his chest aching, "You think about me?"
An odd laugh fell from Kate's chest "Anthony, I'm 24 and I have a five year old, no one's lining up to date me. I don't have a lot of options when I need... relief."
He bit back a curse, claiming her lips again for a long moment, his hips snapping into hers unbidden, the mental picture of her grinding against her own hand while she thought about him a little too heady. "Let me show you how much I still love you."
He could hardly breathe as the words fell from his chest, waiting for her smile to creep over her face, her eyes shining up at him as she nodded, tugging at his jeans, her own disappearing as he walked her backwards, covering her body with his the second she toppled back against the mattress.
"You're so beautiful, Kate, now more than ever." He'd never meant anything more in his entire life.
Her fingers threaded through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead, "You are too."
His forehead dropped against hers, their lips meeting again and again as his fingers trailed up her thigh, her legs falling open for him, a gasp mingling between them as they found their mark, he couldn't breathe, as her hips ground against him her hands clutching him tightly, his muscles burning from keeping himself hovering above her, their eyes locked together as her soft little noises bounced off the walls, his chest pounding with pride as she fell apart against him, swallowing her soft cry with his lips, forcing it to become part of himself.
"Well. It's good to know you haven't lost your touch." Kate's voice was breathless, desperate against him, but she didn't give him any time to calm himself, any time to recover from how perfect she was before her lips found his neck again.
nipping and sucking and teasing, her hips grinding against his leg as his eyelids fluttered closed, her voice hot in his ear as she shifted, until he was in the cradle of her hips.
"Love me, Anthony. Just love me."
a groan ripped its way free from his chest when they started moving together, a muffled Fuck, Kate I've missed you so much falling from his lips, and he was really, truly lost to her, to them. Everything about it felt just as perfect as it had the morning she'd left, their hands clinging desperately to one another as though they were the last thing keeping them tethered to the planet, and honestly, maybe she was.
It should have been embarrassing, how quickly it was over, but he couldn't help it. Just like always with Kate, he couldn't help it, the smell of them was mingling in the air, her hands, warm and hot against him as she writhed underneath him, her voice cracking in his ear. I love you, I love you, fuck Anthony I love you until she was falling over the edge again, dragging him down with her, his hips snapping desperately against hers, until he collapsed against her with a silent scream.
"Wow. We're still really fucking good at that." Kate sighed after a long moment, the sweat cooling on their bodies between them.
And Anthony couldn't help but laugh, barely able to lift his own head, "Maybe too good at it."
He fell asleep that night to the sound of his wife's heart beating steadily in his ear and he slept better than he had in five years.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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badass-women-league · 4 years
7- Tony’s bachelor party
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3 weeks before the wedding
Everything was planned. Tony and Ziva were fixing the last detail about the ceremony. They had rented a house in D.C for a few weeks before and after the wedding. Tonight was Tony's bachelor party and he was getting ready to leave. Tali asked:
-"why do you have to go ?"
Tony kneeled down before her and said:
-"I told you, aba is gonna spend some time with some friends then we'll see each other tomorrow ok ?"
Tali was clearly not happy about the idea of not seeing her father for the rest of the night. Tony kissed Tali's forehead and stood up. Ziva was leaning on the door frame of the living room. She said:
-"Tali why don't you go play in your bedroom.. I have to talk to aba for a minute"
Tony winced and said:
-"aba is in trouble"
-"no he is not.. not yet"
Tali ran away and Ziva walked closer to Tony. She stroke his chest and said:
-"don't drink too much out there."
He kissed her and answered:
-"oh you know I will.."
-"Yes I know..."
The doorbell rang. Tony opened the door, Nick appeared and asked:
-"you ready man ? Hey Ziva!"
Ziva greet Nick with a smile. Tony walked back to her and kissed her tenderly. He said:
-"you sure you'll be alright ?"
-"yes don't worry about us"
Ziva turned to Nick and said:
-"you take care of him and you bring him back to me in one piece"
Nick nodded:
-"copy that !"
Tony and Nick where about to leave when Ziva stopped them by saying:
-"oh and Nick.... no strippers!"
Nick's smile faded away instantly. Ziva closed the door, leaving them on the doorstep. Nick looked worried, he turned to Tony and said:
-"I am a dead man"
Tony gave him a friendly tap on his shoulder and said:
-"it surely won't look good on the wedding pictures..."
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His head was painful. Opening his eyes was probably one of the hardest thing to do at this time. He did it and looked around. He was in an hotel room. A pretty luxurious one. He had no memories of the last hours. He realized that he was lying on the ground next to the bed. He stood up and stumbled. The room was a complete mess. He looked at the bed and saw a human form on it. Nick. He walked to him and pushed him:
No answer. He pushed him harder and shouted louder:
As an answer he heard Nick groaning through the bedsheets. He was obviously in the same condition as him.
-"Wake up Nick! Where is McGee ?"
Nick raised his head and looked around to see that the room was a total mess.
He sat on the bed and said:
-"please tell me that I don't have Mick Tyson's tattoo on my face"
Tony who was looking for McGee said:
-"ah, movie references... You are good !... where the hell are McGee and Palmer ?!"
Nick check his face on the mirror and answer:
-"ah don't worry I am sure he is probably down stairs calling his wife or something like that"
Tony stumbled on something hidden under bed sheets on the ground. That thing groaned. They both looked at it. Tony carefully removed the bedsheets and said:
-"found him"
Tony helped Mcgee standing up. Mcgee groaned and asked:
-"what time is it ?"
Nick grabbed his phone and said:
-"we have a problem..."
Nick stood up and showed his phone to Tony:
-"it's been two days since we left D.C"
-"what ? No it's impossible"
Tony grabbed his phone and realized that Nick was right:
-"25 missed calls. Ziva is gonna kill me. Find the autopsy gremlins I have to call Ziva"
Someone knocked on the door. Tony sighed and angrily opened the door and said:
-"raah what ?"
Standing in front of them was Ziva and Ellie.
They looked very pissed off. Tony smiled and said:
-"hey! I was about to call you... what are you doing here ?"
Ziva and Ellie walked inside the room. Ziva looked around and answered:
-"We have been looking for you for hours. What happened here ?"
Ellie waved an empty bottle of whisky and answered:
-"this happened"
Ziva was so upset that she started mumbling in hebrew. Tony panicked even more:
-"she's swearing in Hebrew, that's really not good"
He walked closer to Ziva and grabbed her by the waist. He asked with a childish face:
-"you mad at me sweet cheeks ?"
Ziva was upset but she could not resist his smile. She sighed and answered:
-"Don't !"
-"what ?"
-"don't try the "sweet cheeks" on me.. I'm pissed"
-"I know, I am sorry, I promise I'm gonna make up for this"
He kissed her. Ziva said with her lips were still on his:
-"you know you gonna have to do better than that"
Nick suddenly walked out from the bathroom, holding Jimmy to help him walk:
-"found the autopsy gremlins. Ellie ? What are you doing here ?"
He was so surprised that he dropped Jimmy who collapsed on the floor.
-"oops sorry dude"
He helped him to get back on his feet. Ellie was shocked and asked:
-"oh my god Jimmy what happened to your hair ?"
Jimmy was confused:
-"my hair ? What's wrong with my hair, let me see"
They all shouted "NO!" to Palmer who was now even more confused and worried. Nick advised him to rest on the bed and added:
-"don't worry about your hair it's pretty...."
-"...Original" answered Ellie
-"yeah, original, that's the word"
Tony was having a talk with Ziva a few feet away from them. Tony was seeking forgiveness from Ziva by putting on his most charming smile and husky voice:
-"I am sorry. I didn't wanted you to be worried. You ok ?"
He placed his hands on her belly.
-"I was worried. You know how hard it is for me when you are not around. You disappeared for 2 days.. I thought..."
Tony cut her off before she could finish her sentence:
-"hey I am here, I am fine.."
Nick interrupted them by saying:
-"and at least there was no strippers..."
Tony, Ellie and Ziva frowned at Nick. He asked confusedly:
-"what ?"
For only answer he got a slap on his head by Ellie who said:
-"really Nick ?"
Nick stroke his head and complained:
-"ouch, why did you do that ?"
-"because this is what Gibbs would have done AND you deserve it"
Later that night.
Tony and Ziva were back home. Ziva was lying on the bed. Tony appeared and leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed to look at his future wife. She raised her eyes to him, trying to look as serious and annoyed as she could. Tony smiled and walk to the bed. He laid down on the mattress and started to caress Ziva's belly. He spoke to it:
-"hey you! I'm your dad! Your mom is pretty upset right now so I hope I'm gonna survive this and get to met you when you get outta here"
Ziva couldn't hide her smile. Tony continue:
-"I'm sorry if I brought anxiety to both of you, I didn't meant to and now little one please close your eyes because I am about to show your mom how much I missed her"
He left Ziva's belly to get to her face and kissed her. He caressed her hair and kissed her neck. He put his hands under her shirt to explore her body. After minutes of foreplaying Ziva knew he was aroused enough. She smiled and stopped him. Tony was confused. She kissed him and said:
-"goodnight Tony.."
Tony panicked:
-"what ? No, don't do that please, you can't"
She laughed:
-"oh yes I can!"
-"this is your way of punishing me right ?"
Ziva bit her lip, she was enjoying this moment. Seeing Tony naked, aroused and desperate. She kissed him and whispered:
-"now we are even !"
And she turned her back on Tony. Leaving him frustrated and cursing Nick in his mind for making him drink so much.
The next morning
Tony has been waiting for Ziva to wake up for more than 1 hour. She was still not moving.  He was looking at her, his hand on her belly. He slowly moved to place his head close to her belly and whispered:
-"you have to be a boy. I'm gonna be very happy if you are a girl but I can't survive having 3 girls at home. I need someone on my side"
Ziva smiled and stretched her arms. Tony was surprised. He laid back on his back and said:
-"morning sleeping beauty"
She yawned and answered:
He kissed her neck and asked:
-"are you still mad at me ?"
She took some time to think about it and answered:
-"Let me see...I'm not sure...maybe..."
He grabbed her waist and started an assault on her neck which he smothered with kisses. She burst into laughter until she finally admit her defeat:
-"alright alright you won.. you won"
-"Do you have any idea how frustrating this was ?"
She laughed and answered:
-"that was the point"
-"You won't get off my hook that easily. A frustrated DiNozzo has no limits !"
He resumed his kissing, very determined to remedy to the frustration he felt all night.
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peacefulspock · 6 years
The Quodo Fic I'll Never Write
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[[Alright, I'll post what I have then! It's pretty bare bones but I couldn't get the idea of Quark leading Odo on a galaxy wide goose chase out of my head. Thank you to @boomdeyadah for cleaning this up enough to share 😚]]
Odo has been gone 5 years, and while he enjoys his time in the Link he never can quite stop thinking about his friends. In fact, the longer he's gone the more he worries what kind of mischief Quark in particular is getting up to.
His thoughts are too individual, can't truly harmonize with the Link. In an effort to stop the dissonance, the mass conscious redoubles it efforts to truly absorb Odo. He's almost wooed by the ease of it all until he realizes he's lost an entire 8 months to the Link’s latest effort. Time. It's the concept of time that truly and finally drags him out of the swirling, golden ocean of his people. He has all the time in the universe. Quark does not. Quark will grow old and die and he could miss it all if he lost himself to the Link.
"I'll just go visit. That's all. I'll keep an eye on Quark until he passes because somebody has to make sure he's not up to no good."
Just keeping everyone else's pockets safe and then he'll go home. The link would still be there after all.
So he goes, not wanting to acknowledge the relief he feels while docking at the station or the gentle warmth that settles over him at seeing Kira and his old friends. Until he gets the news and it’s like someone filled his old bucket with cold water and dumped it on his head. Quark is gone. Missing. Has been for over a year. And of course Quark would be so pleased to know that people looked for him. Extensively. Even a year later Rom and Kira are still regularly discussing any new clues to his whereabouts.
"I never thought I'd miss that little gremlin, Odo, but this station isn't half as fun without him. Don't tell him I said that when we finally find him, though."
Kira is sympathetic and Odo might be sick to his stomach if he had one. He tries not to think of Quark lying dead on some backwater planet in the wilderness, or curled up in some rotten back alley after a deal gone wrong. He'd probably just scammed someone big time and scuttled off to a random moon to enjoy his stolen riches.
It takes Odo a day to decide he's going to personally find Quark after some catching up with his friends and colleagues. It's all of three days before his nerves have him saying goodbye and shipping out at warp like a man on a mission.
"The quicker I get this over with, the better," he tells himself.
He's already read over the case file a dozen times, poured over every detail. He estimates it'll take him a week to find Quark. A week comes and goes. Then two. A month. Three months. It's six months before he gets a real break and boy is it a revelation. He's going through a small, barely lived in room on a no-name freighter light-years away from the station when it hits him. Quark had been here. Maybe for weeks. He'd been here and clearly caught wind of Odo barreling at him through space because he'd left in a hurry. The sheets were still wrinkled and a hastily scribbled note was left for him on a dingy table.
[[Go away, I didn't break any laws. Leave me alone. Don't you have anything better to do than harass me?]]
No, he doesn't. Quark really was on the run. From him. He doesn't want to see Odo at all. Odo  contemplates letting him go, albeit briefly. Quark probably has a reason for avoiding him. Something criminal no doubt. So he's going to try even harder to find him. He has to see him again at least once. Then he'll really go home, for sure. He was going to arrest Quark for whatever crime he had clearly committed and then leave.
Except, it takes two years to catch Quark. That's a long time to think about why you're still after a man that you've pretended to hate. Ample time to consider that all the evidence says Quark really HASN'T committed a crime and yet you’re still using it as an excuse. Too much time to ponder the unwanted ache his absence has left since the moment YOU left HIM on DS9 without so much as a goodbye. Two years is a long time for him realize he's let self-sabotage and uncertainty get in the way of what relatively little time he can get with Quark compared to his own long, indeterminate lifespan.
What has he done? What has he done? Visions of Quark walking away for good this time fill him with dread.
"Can I fix this?"
He's determined to try. Over the long months it becomes clear Quark is intentionally leaving him clues here or there so his trail never grows cold. Sometimes letting Odo get so close he swears he sees the flash of coattails out of the corner of his eye. He's not sure exactly why Quark is leading him on but it's all the hint he needs to keep searching.
Finally, FINALLY, the game of cat and mouse is over and he's got his eyes on Quark for the first time in almost a decade. They're on a remote planet in the middle of nowhere and there's a tension between them as heavy as the years Odo has wasted. He doesn't even get a word in before Quark is pushing him, face already warm with angry tears. He fires off questions and insults quick as a knife and Odo listens patiently.
"Who do you think you are?"
"It's been years, I said leave me be."
"Why can't you leave well enough alone?"
"I never wanted to see you again anyways."
Odo doesn't know what to say but he talks anyways.
"Why did you leave? I would have left you alone if you'd asked on the station."
It's not accusatory but Quark reacts like it is.
"You're one to talk about leaving! You walked away without looking back!"
It's true. Odo knows it's true and some piss poor apology isn't enough to fix it but he still gives one, still says everything he's been too afraid to say. Quark is all hissing and righteous anger until Odo cradles his face and quietly asks if they can try again. Because saying I love you was still too hard, too vulnerable but it was the TRUTH. Had been before he'd left, too, and leaving for the Link had been like a breakup even if neither had said so.
"I won't leave again. I promise. Who else is going to keep you on your toes? I'll even sign a contract if you want."
And THAT sounds suspiciously like marriage but Quark latches onto it anyways.
"Damn right you'll stay. I don't have the funds to keep running from you anyways."
It's not perfect, of course, but it's a start. That first kiss, desperate and clumsy as it is, really helps seal the deal. Since neither really HAS to be back on DS9 anytime soon, they're on the planet enjoying each other in peace another few months before Quark is itching to check on his bar.
Later, they're still the bickering old fools they've always been, but even a blind man could see the open fondness they have for one another. Quark never ends up making a contract but he likes to threaten to every chance he gets. Odo smiles a bit too warm while he says he doesn't recall agreeing to sign any contract, and holds Quark's hand a little too gently for the teasing to have any weight.
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