emi-g · 1 year
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Verde Visión: Deleted Scenes
I would've loved to have Chapter 22 ready yesterday, the 1-year anniversary of when I posted the first chapters to AO3. But it's turning out to be a long one (and an important one) and needs a little more love. Also, work has me feeling like our girl Mirabel here these past few weeks. (It's a good burned out! But it's still burned out...)
But I like marking milestones, so I went back into my snippets folder in Scrivener and pulled out some scenes that I cut from the story so far for various reasons.
Spoilers for Verde Visión below the cut.
Chapter 6
[In the final version, Bruno finds Flora y fauna del desierto de Sonora on his bookshelf on his own. But before that, Isabela was supposed to come in after his talk with Mirabel and give it to him.
I think I cut it because it felt weird to have her come in just for that. But then I went on to have plenty of other characters do similar things so...??]
A moment later, he heard his door creak open. "Mira, please," he sighed, "just knock first?" He turned to frown at her but found Isabela making her way through the antechamber instead. "Oh, hey Isa." He straightened his back and wiped at his face with a napkin, hoping his eyes weren't red. "Doing a little night gardening?" he asked, and went back to poking at his soup, now congealing, not expecting a response. When it came to regular visitors to his room, Isabela couldn't be more different than Mirabel. Where Mirabel was inquisitive and loquacious, Isabela was focused and reserved. She would wander in, borrow a book or tend to the cactus garden she was growing in the sandy ground floor of his tower, and then wander back out, sometimes with barely a word. She'd always had a regal bearing even as a young girl, but since the reconstruction of the house (and the family), it was like she no longer felt the need to perform all the social pleasantries that had been expected of her her entire life. She could just be herself. Her strange, fabulous, slightly-menacing self. She scared him a little bit, but if she was happy then he was happy for her. And she showed her affections in other ways, like decorating his room with plants that thrived in the arid environment. Breezing past him, she patted him on the shoulder, and started climbing the bookshelf ladder. "Ah, going for a book? Let me know if you find a good one," he said, then pitched his voice up to a falsetto, "'Thank you, Tío Bruno! You're my favorite and most talented tío!'" A while later she descended the ladder, book in hand. And then to his surprise, she placed it front of him on the workbench. He read the cover, Flora y fauna del desierto de Sonora. "Your future wife is from Sonora, Mexico and she's big into nature," she said. "Read up so you have something to talk about later." She squeezed his shoulders and made her way back to the door. Bruno almost exploded. "Ahhh not you too! Are there any secrets in this family? Y'know, of course not, I should really know better by now," he grumbled, and then called after her, "Nice talking with you, Isa! You know I love our little chats!" She twirled around to face him, her eyes twinkling with amusement, and then pointed into the rafters. "Your new friend is cute," she said, and then slipped out the door backwards with a wink. He swiveled on his stool and peered upwards. What now? Could no one in this house just leave him alone to wallow in his misery for even a single night?
Chapter 15
[A scene from when Esme is sad and restless because she hasn't seen Bruno in a week. She goes to visit Sofía at the café, not realizing it's too early for anyone to be awake.]
When she arrived at the café, she found the patio was empty. Of course it was, she thought, the sun had barely risen, no one else was up at this hour. Well, no one except the Espinosas, judging by the warm and inviting smell of baked goods wafting out of their window, preparations for the busy day to come. Not wanting to distract them, she turned to head back to the schoolhouse. "Esme?" She whipped around and saw Sofía leaning out the front window. "What are you doing out there, Profe?" she said, smiling brightly. "Get in here and let me put you to work!" She made good on her promise, setting Esme to the task of shaping the pandebono dough into rolls and rings. Esme wasn't fast, but she didn't need to be, the pace of life was slower here. Things happened when they happened, what was the rush? And it was soothing, rolling out little ropes of cheesy dough, like making snakes with modeling clay, and then forming them into donuts and laying them on the wooden peel. "You know, if you're looking for company, you should sit out on the patio after this," said Sofía. "You're still kind of a mystery to most folks, I'm sure they'd love to chat." "Hmm, no thanks," said Esme. "I'm pretty sure I know what they'll all want to talk about." Sofía hummed an acknowledgement. "Most of them have given up trying to warn you away from him, you know. Now they're just praying for you." She smiled slyly. "They say he's seduced you with his evil ways." Esme chuckled to herself, picturing Bruno hopping around her classroom with a bucket on his head. "Well, his evil ways are pretty unconventional."
Chapter 16
[This was originally the beginning of the chapter, where Bruno is going to see Esme for their Friday date night totally platonic coffee and conversation.
Cut because it was one of those scenes where I was just having fun imagining logistics and infrastructure in the encanto and it didn't really add anything.
Also, one of the most flagrant examples of how lazy I am when I pick names for random townspeople. Oh, you designed the fountain? You're Señor Fuentes.]
"Now, class, we've learned that gravity is what feeds the fountain, but can anyone tell us what it is that causes the water to spray into the air?" "Water pressure," Bruno answered under his breath. He shifted his body a few inches to the left to avoid the edge of a clay tile digging into his hip, and rested his chin in his hand again. Currently, he was laying on his stomach on the roof of one of the buildings adjacent to the square, peeking out from behind the roof's ridge. He'd very nearly walked right past Esme and her class on his way to the schoolhouse this Friday afternoon, too absorbed in thinking about what they'd talk about tonight. (And very grateful to have the chance again.) But just as he'd been preparing to jump an alleyway, he'd heard her voice and found them gathered around the town's large stone fountain in the square. They'd even carried the blackboard into the plaza for Esme to sketch a cross-section of the fountain's workings on. Today, he wasn't the only one overhearing her lesson. A good number of the town's residents, intrigued by the spectacle, had gathered to observe. For that reason, he was being very careful not to be spotted up here. The last thing he needed was for the them to fear that he was lurking above them as well as in their nightmares. Thanks for that one, Camilo. A hand went up, and Bruno smiled proudly. "Yes, Mirabel?" "Water pressure?" "You got it!" Esme confirmed, to his niece's beaming satisfaction. She turned to face the older man beside her, wearing a smartly-pressed guayabera and shielding himself from the sun under a sombrero vueltiado. "Señor Fuentes, can you tell us more about it?" Along with the change in venue, evidently, Esme had also invited a guest speaker. Bruno's smile widened. It was good to see he was still around. Señor Fuentes had been a young man about Bruno's mother's age when he fled the violence that had engulfed their former hometown. Alma had counted him as one of their many blessings when she learned they had an engineer among their numbers. And one so passionate about his work that rather than packing his single bag with clothes or money, he'd brought along only his instruments, his most precious possessions. When he was a boy, Bruno had followed him around from time to time, full of questions about his work that he answered with patience and genuine enthusiasm. Those were the days when his gift had felt the most useful. When he could look into the town's future and tell him where they would lay the next road or build the next house. And Señor Fuentes, though he would always verify the suitability of a site with his instruments, was grateful for the time saved finding it. "One of the first major pieces of infrastructure we built here was an aqueduct that carried water from a nearby spring in the mountains to this fountain," he said. "This is where everyone without access to a well used to get their water for drinking and cooking. And water pressure is what makes it possible. Of course, we had to make sure that there was enough pressure to make it flow, but not so much that it would take your head off when you opened the spigots!"  That got a laugh from the class. And as he continued, Esme wrote a formula on the board. "One foot of height creates 0.433 pounds per square inch of water pressure," he said. "Considering the terrain, calculating the height is a little more complicated than we have time for today, but assuming a water elevation of 163 feet, how many psi is that here at the fountain?" Bruno didn't bother trying to answer that one. He'd never been as interested in numbers as he was with letters. Esme, on the other hand, seemed to have a natural affinity for them. Sure enough, when no hand went up, she answered, "Seventy."
Señor Fuentes looked at her with an expectant little smile. "Don't be shy, Profesora." "Point five seven nine," she added, a bit bashfully, and then waved a hand as her students gave her a teasing round of applause and cheers.
[Bruno follows them back to the schoolhouse and overhears Esme and Señor Fuentes from the alleyway.]
"And thank you for the invitation! Before I go home and boast insufferably about it to the lady of the house, I have a question for you, Profesora," he said. His voice, all warmth and amusement, took on a curious note. "Tell me, when can we expect you and Bruno Madrigal to tie the knot, hm? It's been a long time since the last Madrigal wedding, and we're quite looking forward to it."
Bruno flattened himself against the wall and held his breath. He'd never liked to keep Esme waiting, but he suddenly wished he'd been late getting here today. He wasn't sure he should be hearing this.
There was a pause. Long enough to tell him Esme was surprised, but short enough to tell she wasn't that surprised. He wondered, with a wince of sympathy, just how many times she'd been asked that since she'd been here.
"What makes you think we will?"
His heart fluttered a little in his chest.
It's not like he should want her to agree with the prophecy. In fact, for her sake, he sincerely hoped she was dead set against it. Still, he knew that hearing her refuse it outright would've stung.
But she hadn't. Not exactly.
"Come now," said Señor Fuentes. "Surely you've observed by now, his accuracy rate is one hundred percent! It would seem to be only a matter of time."
"A hundred percent?" she asked, with playful skepticism. "Do we really have enough data points to make that kind of claim? What if it's actually ninety-nine point nine nine repeating?"
Señor Fuentes chortled in response to her deflection. "Profesora, you're a lot like me, I suspect. So I'll leave you with some advice. Every once in a while, do what your heart tells you to do, and not just your head."
Well, bless the man for trying anyway.
But there was no time to think about that now. Bruno needed to prepare his best pose for lurking ominously in a doorway. Because soon Esme would be looking for him in the supply closet and he wouldn't be there. Which meant, for once, he'd be able to surprise her. 
He pulled his hood over his head and snickered to himself in anticipation.
He really should've known better.
"There you are!"
With a strangled yelp, he whirled around and found Esme approaching with a book and a stack of papers. "How the—" he sputtered. "Seriously, what is it!? Can you read minds or something?"
"Please," she scoffed, "isn't one curse enough? And can you carry these for me?" She didn't wait for an answer before circling behind him and setting about putting her materials in his bag.
Chapter 21
[Another example of just me entertaining myself.
This bit used to be how Bruno figured out where Esme was headed after she runs away from Casita, but I cut it because it interrupted the urgency of the chase and there was already an established way for him to know—an earlier vision.]
Agustín had a theory about Bruno's library. A theory that the books in it were magical reproductions of all the books in the valley.
His theory had been proven correct just days ago, while Bruno was reading to Antonio.
He was in the middle of explaining what the book meant by flocks of birds showing up on "radar", when he'd stopped and realized that he was simply repeating what Esme had originally explained to him during her lessons on World War II. It would be impossible for a book in his library to reference radar. Because it wouldn't have existed before the valley sprang up around them fifty years ago.
That is, unless it was a reproduction of a book Esme had brought into the valley with her. It would explain why he couldn't remember having ever seen that book on his shelf before that night Esme had climbed his tower. It would also explain what a detailed guidebook to the Sonoran Desert was doing in a small town in the Colombian rainforest in the first place.
For the first time, he'd flipped to the front of the book to check the date it was published—1946.
A full forty-six years after they would've been cut off from any printed word besides what they brought with them or wrote themselves. And while there was a small press in town, this wasn't their mark.
Agustín had been ecstatic when Bruno showed him the proof for his theory. And since they now knew the library would add books when new ones were written or brought into the valley, he now theorized that the reverse might be true. That books in the library might disappear if their counterpart was destroyed or left the valley.
Bruno could now tell him that his second theory had proven correct. Unfortunately, it was because Flora y fauna del desierto de Sonora (D. Chavez) was gone from his desk.
Which meant Esme had already left the valley with the original copy.
[Dun dun dun!]
Chapter 21
[Just some some silly Bruno dialogue I cut from the scene with him and Esme at the river, because Félix's advice ended up a little different in the final version.]
Félix's advice echoed in his mind. Tell her what you're thinking, be honest with her. "You're looking pretty bedraggled." Not THAT honest! "Ahhh I mean, bedraggled and pretty! Both! Kinda like when one of the rats falls into the mop bucket, ya know? They're all soggy and stuff and their fur's all sticking up in all directions but they're still real cute?" Stop! Talking!
Oh, Bruno, you try so hard.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, I'll see y'all again soon.
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Hi sex witch, long time listener, 3rd (?) time caller. You've always been kind and patient with my somewhat odd questions so I figured I'd come to you with something I've wanted to ask someone for a while. Ok so basically I'm 19 (20 this fall) and I feel weird about the fact that I've never kissed anyone or really ever had any romantic interactions beyond holding a girl’s hand at camp when I was 15. Honestly, when I've been asked in the past if I'm a virgin people usually just shrug it off but a few weeks ago I had to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being asked about my first kiss and having to say that I, a second year college student, have never kissed anyone. Realistically, I hear a lot about how people, especially queer and/or disabled people (of which I am both), don't need to operate by the same “milestones“ as everyone else but it seems like that’s always referring to like “don't feel weird if you’re still a virgin at 17” rather than whatever my deal is. Basically, I'm partially asking for reassurance and also just asking how to not feel weird about this kind of thing because it feels like the more time that goes past the more embarrassing it is. Also, if/when I ever actually have a relationship how do I explain this without feeling like I am going to fall over and die from embarrassment. Sorry for rambling, love all the work that you do :D
oh hey, welcome back! go ahead and grab your usual seat. I have a cup of [beverage of your choice] for you.
I would like to open by saying it is of course fine to feel a bit bummed or disappointed or generally odd by your lack of romantic experiences with other people, especially if romantic relationships are something you would like to have in your life. they seem like they can be fun, if you're into that sort of thing, and it's very rewarding to make connections with other people. there's nothing wrong with feeling a bit sad about missing out; please just honor those feelings if they're in you and attend to them constructively rather than letting them become a sort of self-pity soup you wallow in for perpetuity.
now, having acknowledged that your feelings are perfectly legitimate and fine and normal to have: it's time to stop feeling embarrassed about experiences you haven't had, because you may as well be embarrassed about having never been struck by lightning.
"Makenzie, why on earth would I be embarrassed about that? I have no control over being struck by lightning. it's a thing that happens entirely at random, and happens more as a result of freak happenstance than anything else. even if I tried to increase my chances by, say, standing next to a lightning rod in a storm, I still couldn't guarantee it would happen."
yeah, babe. exactly. finding a romantic connection is exactly like that, in that you can only put yourself out there and hope. what happens next is mostly a matter of dumb luck and being in precisely the right place at the right time for something electrifying to happen. how could it possibly reflect poorly on you that that's not happened yet?
the main thing is that, whatever your feelings on the matter, anyone else who feels the need to get weird or judgmental or demand an explanation when you explain your romantic history is a clown to whom you owe no explanation. in much the same way you're not required to explain, say, the exact nature of your queerness or your disability, their lack of understanding is their problem, not yours.
as for any future partners, what is there to explain? you certainly have less work to do than people who need to catch new folks up on entire romantic histories. "I've never dated, I've never done this before, you're the first person I've done x with," those are all perfectly satisfactory. any relationship involves learning how to be a good partner all over again, and someone with no prior romantic experience whose willing to learn is frankly a much better prospect than someone whose had many partners but isn't interested in listening to what a new one needs. if your prospective partner(s) can't understand that, their loss I suppose.
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yeongwonie · 2 years
STUPID CUPID! — park sunghoon
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SYNOPSIS. alone on valentine's day, you decide to sign up for the student council's fundraiser: a matchmaking survey, hoping to at least get a few laughs out of the whole ordeal. little do you know, park sunghoon (your archenemy since junior high) has the same idea. but it's fine! your student body president, kim sunoo, would never tamper with the matching system, right?
PAIRING. park sunghoon x f!reader
TAGS. enemies to lovers, matchmaking
WARNINGS. cursing, i'm not funny, slow burn, minimal d!ck jokes (+ more specific warnings will be added to each chapter!)
FT. enhypen, txt's soobin and hueningkai, itzy's ryujin and chaeryeong
STATUS. completed! (02/20-06/04)
NOTE. first smau hehe i'm excited!! timestamps and dates are accurate to the story but u don't have to pay attention to them! send an ask to be tagged :)
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00 — prologue (0.4k)
profiles pt. 1 | profiles pt. 2
01 — we need money
02 — you're what?
03 — hey soulmate
04 — just got whiplash
05 — (no one believes u!!!!)
06 — "future gf"
07 — sunghoon sympathizer
08 — like a pokemon
09 — happy anniversary (+ 1.5k)
10 — nervous aura
11 — at the end of my rope
12 — On my way! (+ 0.8k)
13 — he almost felt bad!
14 — sunoo senses
15 — hypothetically
16 — jake's detective era
17 — top secret confidential
18 — freaking tf out
19 — deep breaths, jungwon
20 — the anti-sunghoon militia
21 — making promises
22 — all (wo)men do is lie
23 — google, why can't i sleep?
24 — a weird coincidence (+ 0.9k)
25 — women's history year
26 — sunghoon redemption arc?
27 — i 85% forgive you
28 — dance battle!
29 — rehearsal (+ 1.4k)
30 — stage one: denial
31 — love is such a strong word
32 — this is all metaphorical
33 — like it was (+ 1.2k)
34 — seafood luvrs
35 — nobody nobody nobody
36 — unsolicited advice
37 — what you wanted (+ 1.9k)
38 — dark and mysterious
39 — mental fortitude
40 — hey sunghoon
41 — fluffy white dog contest
42 — the friend zone
43 — double meanings
44 — hey past self!
45 — act surprised
46 — i think you should yolo it
47 — platonic lunch date (+ 1.2k)
48 — one of the oomfs
49 — we don't work together (+ 0.8k)
50 — stupid cupid! (+ 1.1k)
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3K notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook:Crossroads(Intro) 🔞
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In which you've always been inferior to golden child Jeon Jungkook- the boy with better grades, better manners, better intentions. The boy who everyone knew, everyone loved, including you. The boy with the brilliant future ahead, big intentions and even bigger goals. The boy who cried when you left his side, who got told by his parents that you've taken your life, that you're gone, that you're never coming back. The boy who fell apart, ran away, desperate to forget it all.
Tags/Warnings: childhood friends to ???, dark pasts, mentions of depressive thoughts and medication, mentions of suicide, bad parenting, mentions of drug usage, mentions of sleeping around, more TBA as the story progresses
Additional Chapter Warnings: heartbreak, depression, mentions of suicide and self-harm, fluff lol but it's very little, Major Angst
Chapter Length: long
⚠This is not an easy fic. It covers very harsh subjects such as mental health, depression and self-destruction. Please seek out help if you need it. You're worth someone else's time, believe me.
"You really shouldn't be doing that, what if you hurt yourself?!" Jungkook urgently tells you, carefully setting you down after letting you jump into his arms from the fence you'd climbed over.
"Nah, you'll always catch me." you tell him instead with a grin, tapping the tip of his nose, making him roll his eyes- though he has to grin as well, while you take his hand, swinging it back and forth with every step you both take.
It's sad you can only meet like this these days.
And if his parents knew who he was sneaking out with, he knows he'd be done for- they already hate you for whatever reason there might be. He himself can't see any; you're lovely, caring, a bit overly excited sometimes, but absolutely adorable. "I'm gonna get a tattoo!" you suddenly say hushed, sitting next to him on the swing while he doesn't move on his, looking at you.
"you're 15, no one's gonna tattoo you." he says worriedly, already well aware of your sometimes sneaky tactics of getting your way. You don't take the rules too seriously, and while you don't ever hurt anyone, you like to bend things to fit yourself. "Y/N.." he threatens, and you pout at him, stopping the swing.
"You still don't call me baby." you say playfully dramatic, and he blushes, averting your gaze. But then you get up, and maneuver your legs over his, sitting on his lap while his feet are now flat on the ground to steady you both, your arms around his neck. "say it." you say quietly, and he can't help but be enchanted by the way your lips move.
You're really pretty.
Your black sheer tights are ripped from your mom's cat that plays a little too roughly sometimes, and the silver chain around your neck has a little heart locket hanging from it- a cheesy gift from himself to you, when he'd confessed almost a year ago, a blushing mess in the back of the school.
You'd been his first kiss that day.
"Koo- hey koo, here." you giggle, wind swaying your dyed hair a little so you have to shake it out of your face. "I'm waiting." you say, and he groans stubbornly, throwing his head back in frustration.
"It's weird." he shyly complains, and you laugh, now hugging him closely, head on his shoulder, your breath tickling his neck.
"that's fine." you say quietly, and his arm wraps around you while the other holds the chain of the swing. "I love you." you whisper, and he smiles to himself.
"I love you too." he mumbles, making you giggle in childish excitement, swaying your legs around.
He really wishes he'd called you baby.
He never did.
His new apartment is nice.
It's a cozy little hideout away from everything, finally a place of his own where he's the one who dictates what happens. There's not much furniture put up even months after moving in, but he's lazy and can't seem to find time these days to really do it.
Right now he's eating cereal on his couch while watching a random docu series on his old playstation 4, the fan of the console buzzing in the background like it always does. He likes white noise like that- it fills the silence in this place, helps him sleep better.
Maybe he should get a pet.
Right now however, as he finishes his breakfast, he needs to actually go out for once and talk to someone. He's been eyeing the tattoo place downtown for a while now, their instagram page full of amazing pieces he'd love to get placed under his skin. There's not much space left in his sleeve tattoo, but it feels awfully empty in one specific spot.
One he doesn't like to look at.
He'd had to wait years to finally get something to cover up the scars, skin by now finally healed enough to support the ink he's going to have settled under it. Finally he will be able to cover it up, let go of that memory.
The sun outside is harsh, his bucket hat luckily preventing it from shining into his eyes too much. He's constantly got the curtains closed and apartment dark, his eyes aren't used to the natural light outside too much. He technically even needs glasses- maybe he will get one these days.
Inside the parlor, it's awfully nice. He can't help but notice how much more inviting this one looks to the last one he'd visited- everything awfully cozy and simple. "hey." someone says, cat-like eyes scanning him lazily, though not unfriendly at all. "need help?" the young man wonders, and Jungkook nods as he walks closer.
"I've been texting with a Yoongi on Instagram? I'm Jungkook." he explains, and the guys eyes widen a bit before he nods, smiling faintly as he greets him.
"ah, thought it was you but wasn't sure. Here-" Yoongi says, placing a big black book on the counter for Jungkook to browse through just like they'd agreed on. Yoongi knows why he's getting what he's getting, knows the nature of this specific job- and he sympathizes a lot with the younger male. He's had his fair share of darkness in his past as well- though not to the degree Jungkook has had to face.
"What about that one?" Jungkook asks, pointing to a page in the sketch book of templates the studio has to offer, making Yoongi shrug who turns the book around to check.
"That's still free to be used." he informs the younger guy. "the artist isn't in for tattooing today, but I can schedule an appointment if you want. she'd want to make it more personal to you as well- she likes to make shit unique, you know." he tells him.
"can't you do it?" Jungkook wonders, leaning on the front desk next to the sketchbook, lazily so.
"nah. We don't touch stuff that's not ours, unwritten rule." he says, before looking up. "lemme ask her real quick when she's free." he says, before.. Looking underneath the table? Jungkook is confused for a second, before he hears a sleepy voice answer Yoongi's gentle question.
"tomorrow. Wait which one is it?" you wonder, before getting up, eyes still tired and mind a bit hazy.
Jungkook's blood freezes at the sight of you.
"hmhm, tomorrow. Give him my number or something." you simply say, before disappearing again.
"heard her. Tomorrow at 4, make sure to bring a good amount of time. I'll text you her contact and stuff- you okay there?" Yoongi chuckles, while jungkook just nods, walks out, and battles the nausea in his car.
That was you, no doubt. He'd recognize that face anywhere, it's been haunting him for years after all, fueling his nightmares ever since that day his parents spoke to him about what happened. You're not supposed to be here. You're not supposed to be the one to ink his skin tomorrow, you're not supposed to ever cross his path ever again in the first place.
You're supposed to be dead.
"No-" he says quietly, silently, before he shakes his head frantically. "no. You're lying. She wouldn't." he argues, suddenly feeling as if there's no oxygen left in his lungs.
"Jungkook you know how selfish she's always been." his father sighs. "you'll get over it-" he starts, but Jungkook snaps, at his father, for the first time. His voice is cracking, it's angrily raspy as he barks out his words.
"Don't talk about her like that!" he says, eyes already filling with tears. "she wouldn't.." he says, but his father doesnt back down.
"look at what she did!" he accuses. "ruins your future and then hangs herself the minute she's done playing-"
But the man doesn't get any further as Jungkook's fist collides with the nose of his own father, cartilage cracking disgustingly under the impact, blood flowing seconds after. His mother is holding her hands in front of her open mouth in shock, while Jungkook himself runs out of the house, down the street.
You wouldn't.
He's seen you yesterday, you'd been fine. you'd joked around with him like always, kissed him with that giggle of yours, his sweater baggy on your body as he'd given it to you since it had turned out to be colder than it was supposed to be. He'd seen you shiver- and you'd smiled, before giving him a kiss, calling him baby because you knew it would make him shy.
It had worked.
He trips as he climbs over the fence just like you'd always done, scrapes his shin and palms on the gravel below, but when he walks closer to your apartment complex, he only sees your mother petting her cat near the window of your little balcony, crying.
She's crying.
Why is she crying?
You're not gone.
You wouldnt. You promised to never leave him no matter what life would put between the two of you. You always compared you both to romeo and juliet, but always made sure to add that you'd both have a happy ending, not like the original. You'd beat the odds and live happily ever after. You promised to give him that happy end he always dreamed of.
You wouldn't break your promise.
He remembers how he'd fallen to his knees right then and there, empty, broken, world suddenly background noise as his brain forces him to imagine you swaying from the ceiling like he's seen in horror movies. He remembers almost pulling his hair out at the thought, unable to deal with those images. He remembers his mother leading him back into his dad's car to drive back home.
He remembers the pain.
He always will.
"You could've told me!" you yell at Yoongi after realizing what just happened.
You sigh, sitting on the floor carelessly before burying your face in your legs.
Jeon Jungkook had been standing in this very place, and you'd agreed to tattoo him tomorrow of all days. That's not even enough time to fake falling sick for fucks' sake!
"I didn't know you knew each other." Yoongi raises his hands in defense. "you two have history?"
"you remember the boy I told you about?" you say quietly, before reaching into your shirt, pulling out the silver locket.
"Oh fuck." Yoongi sighs, squatting down close to you. He remembers that day- you'd finally opened up to him, spilling your heart and explaining why you are the way you are. "hey, maybe he didn't realize it's you. It's been what, 6 years?"
"seven." you correct him, and he gently pats your head.
"I can tell him to not come here tomorrow." Yoongi seriously tells you. "I don't want you to face something you're not comfortable with." he explains, and you look at the inside of the locked, tiny picture faded. "hm?" he tries to break you out of your thoughts.
"he won't stay anyways once he realizes who I am." you say quietly. "after all, he probably hates me." you say.
"who knows." Yoongi tries to reassure. "maybe it's time for your happy ending?" he smiles carefully, but you just start to cry into your knees at that.
There's no way you can face him.
But maybe It's time to face your past.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
Observer Mirabel came tumbling through a portal, looking like she was from a zombie survival game. She was bloodied and bruised, she had a bleeding nose and a black eye. While scrappy Mirabel looked like she just started a bar fight and won everytime.
9 year old Mirabel stared at her, eyes wide. She did not expect two of her older self to go through a weird oval door.
Observer Mirabel puts both hands on her knees, breathing heavily.
"Hey uh- me- should I call you past me? You don't have my- forget it, who's your mom again? Just makin' sure you remember." Observer Mirabel asked the younger Mirabel, meanwhile Scrappy Mirabel was stretching her arms.
"Your my future self! I-" "Answer the damn question!" "Ok! Mi mama is Julieta Madrigal!" Younger Mirabel says, both older Mirabel's sigh in relief.
"Thank the gods. Scrap! Did you hide it better?" Observer Mirabel asked Scrappy Mirabel, who nodded after walking out of a certain direction.
"Yep, I hid it better than Pepa and Felix. Mostly Pepi though but yeah." Scrap adds the last part. The three don't hear the footsteps going to the nursery door.
Younger Mirabel was practically vibrating on the spot from excitement. "Are you both from the future!? What happens?" She asks, noticing that her future selves were covered in blood and bruises.
"You're hurt! I'm going to grab an arepa" Scrappy Mirabel stopped the kid from leaving by grabbing her by the collar.
"Ay, don't do that, we don't need to waste de tu madres food, alright? This is a minor injury for us. Just bruises but no wounds." Observer rolls her eyes at the last part, 'no wounds? What about our bleeding noses idiota.' She thinks.
Just as the child was going to respond, the nursery door slowly opened.
"Mi mariposa, is everything-" Pepa stopped in her tracks, seeing three Mirabel's, two of them were bleeding.
"Tia Pepa look! They're my future selves! They stopped me from doing something bad!" She happily exclaims to her mama tia.
Pepa looked at the older Mirabels in horror. One looked like 15 while the other was 16.
Observer and Scrap were looking at her, wide eyed, they both looked at each other after a moment.
Pepa was horrified that these were the future selves of her hija sobrina. (They actually weren't her future Mirabel.)
The three froze.
The two of them jumped out of the window, Pepa yelling and running after them.
Casita was helping them escape, but Pepa was faster for some odd reason. They were heading to Julieta's stand, which were she was at.
"JULI! STOP THE TWO!" "Pepa? What do you-" Julieta was cut off by two people running and dodging her stand.
"Sorry Julieta!" Both Mirabel's yelled back at her, Pepa was still running after them. After looking closely at the two teenager, she swore and ran after them also.
Scrappy Mirabel looked at Observer Mirabel, she looked back and nodded.
Scrap began jumping over every object infront of her and jumping on bouncy but stable things for speed, while Observer turned on her roller skates and began to kick herself for speed too.
"Are she still after us!?" Scrap yelled to Observer, who looked back. "FREAKING JULIETA IS AFTER US TOO!" Observer stared behind them in shock, both forty-three year olds were running.
"JUST TELEPORT US BEFORE BOTH MOTHER'S CATCH US DAMN IT!" Observer rolled her eyes, she began to use her gift when suddenly a vine grabbed them by the ankles.
They were instantly upside down, Isabela was looking at them in curiosity, Pepa and Julieta were already there with her.
"Why are they bloody and bruised?" "Juli, they're Mirabel from the future, something happened to them." Pepa answered her hermana, looking at the two in horror and sadness, tears were pricking her eyes.
Scrap punched Observer, "You were too slow now look at us, caught by the damn old ladies." Observer looked at her in offense.
"Old!? They're not even fifty yet!" They're going to be in this AU for a long time.
(Meanwhile, Scrappy!Julieta facepalmed when she doesn't see Scrap eating with them.)
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kiiboslostahoge · 2 years
Childe hcs bc I can
Hey guys, sorry for being inactive lately! I've been feeling kinda burned out with Genshin(Weird mental health situation and endgame stuff) but I'll try to be more active in the future. Anyways, hope you enjoy this self-indulgent shizz 🖤
Lee. Wears the mask of a tickle monster, but Lee. Capital L.
He's the kind of person to deny being ticklish. Even when squirming and laughing. Even when it's his own siblings.
Childe is this 'Perfect weapon' so nobody ever touches him making tickling kinda confusing for him bc he's super sensitive but also high-key touch starved Lee.
Additionally, the fact that he, this 'abyssal monster' has such a silly weakness and LIKES IT embarrasses him SO much. He loves hates teases for this exact reason.
He has wrecked everyone he's friends or closer with at some point in the past. Even Lumine. I do not take constructive criticism.
Scariest ler in existence, okay? He has an electro delusion and an agile build, he ain't even gonna bother with the death spots, but if he does...
All fun and games for the incarnate of the tickle monster till he gets a taste of his own medicine
One time, a treasure hoarder ended up actually managing to take his bow by tickling his ribs(The poor treasure hoarder was dared to do this by their friends. They did not make it out alive oop-)
Everyone knows this, but he laughs like a little girl and the twins think it's hilarious. Aether never gets to hear it tho, Childe always wrecks him
One time, Childe's delusion strikes were getting too fast, so Lumine grabbed him by the shoulder blades. Childe giggled. The knowledge that her grip back then was weak enough to tickle someone haunts her to this day yet Childe's weakness provides her with all the billet drops and artifacts she wants
Then, there's the fatui
His subordinates don't tickle him that much bc they know what happened to that one treasure hoarder(Tbf, no one wants to be tickled by a complete stranger in the middle of the fight)
The harbingers and the Tsaritsa, on the other hand...
The goddess herself looks at him, the guy who mastered all weapons other than the bow at 14, and sees 'baby'
Most people can't be with him for 15 minutes without fearing for their lives, but to the harbingers(not signora), he's like a toddler with a simultaneously masochist and sadistic streak
Summary: Get rekt Childe
Scaramouche acts like a total tsundere towards him. The sixth gets rekt alllll the time, but sometimes he wrecks Childe back. Additionally, sometimes Scaramouche just wants to make someone suffer, but Pierro or the Tsaritsa warn him not to torture more recruits.
Screw it, I'm going full-on crazy. Sometimes Pulcinella, the fifth tickled him as a kinda punishment because 1. Childe thought that the pain would help improve his self-control and therefore wants to push his limits(Dont tell me you want a little kid telling about getting beaten up by Mitachurl while you're just following procedures) and 2. He sees Childe as a little brother and can't bring himself to hurt him ~Ehe~
Signora is in denial. She is desperately trying to convince herself he's just some monster from the abyss(So is Childe himself, honey. You ain't special) Said 'delusion' is not helped by Childe screeching like a girl because Scaramouche was feeling particularly angry. One day, she will poke him in the side, she just needs to work through the real hatred first.
Then there's Zhongli.
Where do I even start?
Chronological order, ig
Childe always teased Zhongli for being so uptight, and one day he just pokes Zhongli's side
Minimal reaction, but he's a harbinger, and most of all, Scaramouche's coworker. Gotta read between the lines
From then on, he starts wrecking our dear consultant. Gotta make the uptight man laugh somehow, amrita?
One day, Zhongli pokes him in the side not thinking he's actually gonna be ticklish. Childe was ticklish.
That day, the feared harbinger squealed like a little girl, brought down by the lightest touches.
Now, Zhpngli has two forms of vengeance
When Zhongli's feeling gentle(Most of the time) he just gently massages the hips of our dear harbinger. Enough to elicit those kinda asmr-ish giggles, yannow, those kinda held in ones? Those, and they are so cuute oml like bucket list-
Other time, massage the hips and give the ribs dragon-tongue raspberries. Childe's gotta have more lives than a cat, cuz hes died sooo many times 💕
In summary: Childe scawy ler, blushy lee. Tyy for coming to my ted talk.
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Earth to Duchess by Admiral at the Bow of Nails
Disclaimer: No one owns Loki; he’s just a hot pain in my sass. No one owns Thor. I don’t own Marvel, Viacom, SHIELD, Darcy Lewis, Drs Erik Selvig and Jane Foster or Marvel's interpretation of an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Mythological similarities are mostly coincidental
A/N: Part 1 of the Sigyn Timeline of the Duchess Series, (find masterlist here)! This part directly follows Chapter 7. Still looking for a beta for future chapters, so if you’re interested, hit me up
Series Warnings: Loki/fem!reader. Reader has nickname and backstory but no physical description. Language; fluff; smut: vaginal intercourse (m/f), panty theft, masturbation, cunnilingus, fingering, public nudity; drinking; seismophobia. Warnings will be added as the series goes on. I’m considering adding additional pairings with other characters. Let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in.
Series Summary: This series begins during Thor (2011) and generally follows along that plot. After Loki’s visit to the SHIELD encampment, the timeline branches
Timeline Warnings: Pregnancy, torture, Odin being his usual shitty self
Timeline Summary: This timeline follows the Sacred Timeline through the end of Thor (2011), at which point you're stranded on Asgard until the end of Avengers/beginning of Dark World
Chapter Warnings:
Chapter Summary: You prepare for your next trip to Asgard and catch up on what's been going on in Puente Antiguo
Word Count: 661
On your bed you find the PJs you were wearing when you arrived in Jötunheimr. Everything is clean and neatly folded. Notably, your panties remain missing.
After taking extra care to pack half your lingerie and consumable necessities, you place the bag on your alter, asking “Um…could you get these to Asgard when you have a chance?”
“Of course, darling,” the bag vanishes and you jump. That’s going to take some getting used to.
You pour yourself another cup of tea and change your clothes, hanging your overdress and cloak, then tossing the underdress on the dry clean pile. The kransen and broaches are carefully placed with your jewelry collection.
You make a mental note to repot your rootbound plants in the morning if you’re still here, then pickup your phone to respond to Darcy.
Darc’ 12:51 PM: A bunch of guys from something called Shield came and stole all our equipment
Darc’ 12:52 PM: WTF?! They took my ipod! I just downloaded 30 songs onto it. Damnit
Darc’ 1:41 PM: Jane left. Apparently decided to take Thor (hella cut homeless guy) to get Meyu-meh. He says it’s a hammer
Me 11:47 PM: Hey, sorry for not responding earlier. I didn’t have my phone on me. Any word from Jane?
Me 11:48 PM: You’re not going to believe this, but I’ve been with Thor’s brother for the last 24-ish hours
Darc’ 11:52 PM: He has a brother? How do you know his brother?
Darc’ 11:53 PM: Selvig thinks he’s crazy. Are you sure this is the same guy?
Me 11:54 PM: We’re definitely talking about the same person. I saw Thor last night
You pause, wondering how exactly you’re going to explain how you ended up in Jötunheimr, or how you know Loki for that matter. You comb your nails up your scalp and realize you forgot to pack hairbands, “Shoot.” You get up and put about 20 hair ties on your wrists. That should hold you over until the next time you get back.
Me 5-3-11 12:15 AM: I’ve been having these weird dreams for a while. I thought they were just dreams until last night
Me 12:16 AM: Thor’s brother, Loki, was always in them. Last night I woke up (and I know how crazy this sounds) in Jötunheimr. Not Norway. A completely different planet or universe or something
Me 12:18 AM: Loki and Thor and some other Asgardians were there. Loki took me to Asgard. He just got me home a few hours ago
Me 12:20 AM: Actually, the Bifrost (this rainbow bridge we used to get back) left some interesting markings on the street. I’ll go down and take a pic. They look like something Jane would be into
Me 12:25 AM:
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Darc’ 12:25 AM: Yea, that’s how Thor got here. Thanks for the pic. It’s the only piece of evidence we’ve got now that stupid Shield took all our stuff
Me 12:27 AM: No problem
Me 12:31 AM: Loki should be there in a few hours. Hopefully the five of you will be able to work something out with Shield and get Thor settled on Earth
Me 12:33 AM: Loki’s trying to keep things stable politically, but I can tell he misses his brother
Me 12:34 AM: I’m going to crash soon. I might end up over there or in Asgard or wherever Loki is. I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose, but I keep teleporting if I’m asleep when he’s upset
Me 12:38 AM: At least that’s the common denominator so far. Anyway, rest has been hard to come by
Me 12:39 AM: If you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s most likely Asgard, but I’m sure Loki and Heimdall will get me home as soon as they can
Darc’ 12:40 AM: Ok, get some sleep. I might see you in a few hours. Let me know when you’ve got your phone next
Me 12:40 AM: Will do
Next chapter here.
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
What Do I Do Now?
Hello my dear fellows! We reached the last meta from season 12! This is a sad one, my friends, I know. But we embrace the destiel angst, as good shippers, right?
So, let's cry again with Dean again at the end of this season.
Let's start...
The Promise
When the episode starts we have Kelly Kline dressed in light blue.
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Gif credit @kingofthecrxssroads
The light blue and white color talks about purity and is related to divinity. Those are the colors weared by Virgen Mary, the mother of God, which is now very meaningful to see Kelly Kline, the mother of the future god, wearing the same colors.
After this beautiful detail in the visual Narrative, let's focus on that promise that changed Castiel's priorities for ever.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
This is gonna be the new mission for Castiel. His change of priorities, the cause of the future Destiel break up in season 14. This promise will lead Castiel into his decision that will en with his death, exchanging his life for Jack in Heaven, the deal with the Empty.
Then, in another scene, we have this dialogue:
KELLY: Tell me again. Tell me again what you saw.
CASTIEL: Right, I saw– I saw... I saw the future. I saw a world without pain or hunger or want. I saw the world that this child... that your child...
CASTIEL: ...will create.
CASTIEL: And it is a world without fear and without suffering and without hate.
CASTIEL: I saw paradise.
This is a reflection of episode 15x19, with Jack as the new God, defeating Chuck, creating a new Paradise, Heaven.
Another interesting visual Narrative was Jack's room.
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Pic credit @fallenandinlovewithhumanity
The tree represents: FAMILY, each word of his name is colored in TFW colors BLUE, YELLOW AND RED. The meaning is all over that wall, Jack's family, Jack's parents will be Sam, Dean and Castiel. The family settled with strong roots, like a tree.
Noe the rainbow 🌈 in the Bible represents THE DEAL BETWEEN HUMANITY AND GOD, is a promise of no more harm. An example of it, was the rainbow that appeared after The Great Universal Flood.
I will talk here about a little and funny foreshadow... You'll pick it up quick!
MARY: All right, then. Kind of always wanted to punch the Devil in the face. So how do we find them?
Yes, my friends, this was an easy one, right? Is a Foreshadow of Mary Winchester punching the devil, not just once but twice, one in season 13.
Another beautiful and blatant parallel was this one...
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Gif credit @godshipsit
Those are the same words Mary said to Dean when she was pregnant.
This marks the Jack as Dean's mirror. The kid will try to be like him, to follow his steps. Because just as Dean is a role model to CAS, he will be the same to Jack.
Another foreshadow of Castiel's dead, and example of those who takes bad decisions to have a win, was Crowley.
SAM: Crowley...why did you do it? Save Lucifer– What did you want?
CROWLEY: I wanted to win.
The desire of a win is remarked as the precursor of bad decision. First we will have Crowley explaining why he let the devil out, which will end in his death, and then we will have Castiel at the end of this episode dying after taking a collection of bad decisions. But for Dean it will mean to get Castiel back in 13x06.
Dean and Cas
The reuniom between Cas and Dean was full of dramatism, jealousy and sassy looks, just to exalt their relationship as romantic.
We all recall the scene in which Case opens the door, and everyone is there: Sam, Mary and Dean, but CAS just calls DEAN hahaahaha. Is just Dean for his eyes, well, that's love.
We have Dean and Sam giving a discourse about loyalty and family and work together... Very dramatic.
DEAN: Look, Sam's right, okay? We'll work through our crap. We always do. But right now, we are here to get you, get Kelly, and get gone.
They heard Kelly, and Mary goes to assist her. But then Dean keeps scolding and talking to Cas, but Castiel replies with his sassy self:
DEAN: Hey, if he shows, can you flame on again? Can you torch Lucifer like you did Dagon?
CASTIEL: I don't know. No, that wasn't me. That was the child. And in case you haven't noticed, he's a little busy.
After this Dean will show himself in pain, just to caught CAS attention, like a annoyed boyfriend that doesn't want to ask for help to his boyfriend, because they're fighting, but whining and moving his harmed knee to his boyfriend, is a great method to get away from the fight they're having, showing Castiel 'look how i was hurt when you weren't there, you weren't there so I had to carry with this pain in my knee.' Believe me, i know this method very well. Hehehehe. So, it works, because Castiel goes immediately to heal him.
DEAN: [bends and grasps his injured knee] Aah. Son of a bitch.
CASTIEL: Here, Dean.
CASTIEL: Let me.
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Gif set credit @shirtlesssammy
So, this is the beginning of jealousy Dean has Because Castiel will put Jack first on his list, just like now, Because is the arriving of a son, and that's a crisis for couples.
Look how Dean accepts his healing, and then smiles shyly, happily, goofily, avoiding Castiel's eyes. He is happy because he got the attention he wanted from his angel. Because even after fighting for the bad decisions CAS had taken, he is still his Cas, and he'ss still caring about him. After feeling Cas was acting odd, this healing is like getting him back.
Another scene full of jealousy, coming from Dean feeling Cas was staying away from him, doing his own life, is this scene:
SAM: Whoa. Cas, what is this?
CASTIEL: As I said, it's– it's Earth. But this Earth is locked in eternal war between Heaven and Hell. There are armies of angels fighting hoards of demons, and the few humans that remain are caught in between.
SAM: How do you know that?
CASTIEL: A friend told me.
DEAN: Oh, good. Now you're makin' friends? That's...
Dean is jealous that Cas is making friends out of his sight.
CASTIEL: You don't have to worry. The child, he opened this door. He'll close it.
DEAN: You sure about that?
CASTIEL: I have faith.
DEAN: Really? In your unborn baby-God?
DEAN: Well, then, you're a dumbass.
Jealousy again, reflected in how Castiel is having faith in Jack, and how he used to have faith in Dean. So Dean is feeling maybe, he is replaced slowly by this child.
After this Castiel explains to Sam and Dean that this Apocalyptic World is a world in which they never born. Trying to remark that Dean and Sam are important to our world.
Then, AU!Bobby mentions bullets that kill angels and Dean goes...
DEAN: Wait, angel-killing bullets? Awesome.
And sassy married look from Castiel...
As I said, everything is so dramatic, because they're so married.
Another important scene was Lucifer appearing in front of them, and saying the following words...
LUCIFER: You're right. What should I do? Oh, God! Don't strike me dead! Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. "We can't. God is watching." No. Chuck "walked." He's gone.
When Lucifer mentions this, Castiel turns around to see Dean. It was filmed that way toake us see that was a thought in Castiel's POV, this is something that will be developed to in episode 14x15 and 14x17. In the first one, Peace of Mind we will have a Castiel's POV, with pink color everywhere (representing happiness) and green all over (representing Dean) as something forbidden, something HE CAN'T HAVE, the second episode, we will have a girl and a boy making out inside a car, and the girl is afraid of her dad finding out their relationship, HE COULD SEE US. As if they were doing something prohibited. Both examples are linked to this scene, and Castiel's Sacred Oath.
Crowley's redemption arc was him sacrificing for the boys. As a prelude of this.
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Gif credit @inacatastrophicmind
Castiel sacrificing himself for Sam and Dean, and dying after this...
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Pic set credit @akitescoldstrings-blog1
The dead that had been foreshadowed for two seasons is here. Stabbed by the back, the bright light showing he is dying, Dean's desperate shout, and his worst nightmare becoming truth.
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Gif credit @they-stare-i-ship
The burnt wings on the ground is another sign that Cas is gone for real. Dean's facial expression is the most sad we an see, defeated, he will bend down on his knees.
Sam will run to the cabin, because Jack is coming, even with Mary falling with Lucifer into the AU, even with Castiel dead, Sam is focused on the mission. But Dean can't. He can't react, because he had just seen the love of his life dying in front of his eyes. And nothing will be normal again for him.
To Conclude:
This episode is linked to with season 15 final episodes. Talking about the new Paradise the New God will bring.
It shows too the role Cas, Sam and Dean will have in Jack's life.
It talks about sacrifice for love, and how Castiel will change his priorities, leaving Dean feeling a little jealous about it.
And this episode ends with Castiel's dead, in front of his lover.
Hope you like this meta. See you in the next one in season 13!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
Of you wanna read the previous metas from season 12, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, December 13th 2020 9:07 PM
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Hey for the ask thing, all the questions you're comfortable with answering
oh boy!!! heck yeah fun shit thanks my dude! little did u Kno…… I LOVE oversharing !!! lmao muahahahahaha i’m probably gonna answer all of them thank u for enabling it lmfao
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
yah on Rly Bad days
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
like… 3.5? i like the dark but,,, ‘m Scare,,,,,
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Orange Turnip
4. What is your favorite word?
it changes tbh,, hm but i can’t think of any rn!
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
i’d be….. a nice oak! thicc and full of secrets
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i didn’t lmao reflection what’s that
7. What shirt are you wearing?
i’m wearing the dress i wore to work
8. What do you label yourself as?
annoying or boring lmao but also the Goblin King and that is Good
9. Bright room or dark room?
i still don’t know if this is referring to like paint shade or like the amount of light it gets or like if i sleep in a bright room or dark room so like??? *shrug emoji*
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
i was?? drawing i think
12. Who told you they loved you last?
i think it was @wrenn-frug​ 💕💖 lov u fren!
13. Your worst enemy?
dunno man probably myself but that sounds cliche so like??? the sun bc it always burns me
14. What is your current desktop picture?
a screenshot from song of the sea!!! lOVE that movie!!!! i’d post it but like?? i don’t think i have it saved anymore or if i do i don’t feel like looking but it’s that one scene where they’re walking thru the pretty field towards the trees and there’s foxes in the corner and she’s playing the shell it’s so pretty,,,,,
15. Do you like someone?
uh yah my cat
16. The last song you listened to?
Young God - Halseygood song lov it,,,,
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
orange turnip my dude i Hate
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
uh nobody ????
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my squishy thighs and my fantastic stretch marks (which have taken me YEARS to accept)
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
????????????? secret???? talent?????? lemme check, ,, , , *reaches into a bag* nope bitch empt y aint got No Talent lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
okay so like this is really dumb and i partially answered this in this ask abt the flushing toilets @ night thing but like to elaborate and make it even more dumb not only am i afraid to flush toilets @ night bc it’s just rly creepy and loud to me (esp if i’ve been asleep) but like,, , sort of in the same vein of fear is that when i was little my older sister told me that there was a ghost in the toilet and if i don’t flush it’ll get me and like i kno it’s not tru but like,,,,,, Sometimes,,,,,, (i must clarify i’m not scared of toilets themselves but like flushing freaks me out sometimes like @ night or if i don’t flush fast enough lmao don’t look @ me i’m a mess)
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Excuse? is this like that i can ONLY eat this sandwich or is it that this is the only sandwich i can ever eat or like i can only ever have one last sandwich bc honestly i’m Not Okay with any of those scenarios no matter how many ingredients i get for the initial creation
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Dream daddy dating simulator lmao uh?? also probably more food for archie bc he is Expensive
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Ireland probably. always wanted to see ireland
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
“Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out” like???? no???? if u don’t drink alcohol why would u want a lifetime supply??? unless i could like…. sell it??? whats the Most Expensive kind i’ll just get an unending supply of heavenly Expensive Alcohol to sell for incredibly inflated prices to the rich bc it’s From Heaven and give the money to the poor bc like,,, why not
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
bitches gotta keep they damn opinions to themselves if they can’t respect somebody’s life based on factors they can’t help (race, religion, orientation, gender etc) also no money like We Don’t Need It i’m so tired of Needing money
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Fuck bc u can use it in So Many situations
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
o shit probably the twenty dollar metallic watercolors i got bc shit son??? actually probably like my laptop or smth idk
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my childhood thx
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
this is.. not a questionalthough it is a wonderful scenario
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
none of them bc if the celestial gates of the beyond is real then all the people i’d want to bring back are probably in a Better Place or something and why would i want to drag them to Hell?
34. What was your last dream about?
Cannot remember to save my life altho i kno it was rly weird and convoluted
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
u did not put anything Here so i will Ignore
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
yAH it’s fun!
38. What is the color of your socks?
not wearing any
39. What type of music do you like?
A Lot
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets,,, evening is so nice mm m
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
chocolate ayyyy
43. Do you have any scars?
a couple but like for Dumb Reasons
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I’ve graduated hs but i wanna be an animator when i decide which college to go to
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my brain pls bartender can i have a Healthy One (correction to favorite word #4: fav word currently is deign)
46. Are you reliable?
i would like to think so
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
are you happy?
48. Do you hold grudges?
YAH but only if i’ve been Pushed Too Far which is Pretty Damn Far by most ppls standards
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
none I am Not a God
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
i have had So Many???? the most recent one was two times in a row random ppl i barely knew asked me for my netflix account bc they didnt have one and like…. bro what who R U,,,,, (i had literally only talked to the first guy once for ten minutes on fb)
51. Are you a good liar?
is the sky green? don’t think so
52. How long could you go without talking?
Very Long but like Only on Bad Weeks
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
None my hair is Magnificent (idk)
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
like birthday cake? never but i lov to bake cakes so like i bake myself cakes all the time
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
i am so bad @ accents i can’t even Read in my Head in accents even though i know what the accent Should Sound Like
56. What do you like on your toast?
peanut butter and banan slices
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
working on a picture of a tiger redraw
58. What would be you dream car?
a Bike bc i Do Not Like cars
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
i only sing in the shower when nobody is home (which is infrequent bc my mom is Always here) bc i am self conscious around most ppl but like Music,,,,, also when i was little i would pretend that i was standing in the rain all sad like in movies lmao
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
i follow an astrology blog and i read homestuck i mean,,
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
i??? A maybe bc there are a lot of ways to write it pretty idk but like specifically capital A ig
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragons they’re fire-breathing friends and i love them
64. What do you think about babies?
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
U Didn’t put anything Here either so like how abt i give u a random fact abt myself that seems good my favorite bird is the lammergeier bc they’re basically irl dragons and they’re so pretty??? love them??? also i hate monkeys and apes esp chimpanzes bc they are scary and too much like humans to me i don’t like them
BOY that took way longer than i thought bc i had to feed my cat halfway thru and everything and like this is a Long Post sorry guys but ayyyyy this was fun thanks ari
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