ashes-in-a-jar · 2 years
Just knowing that date-wise the Scottish Safehouse era was happening around the same time as Sukkot (Sukkot 2018: September 23-30, escape from the panopticon: September 25) and if one (or both!) of them was Jewish, Jon and Martin would be building a succah together outside the cabin.... 🥺
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taegularities · 11 months
C&f jk makes me so giddy like he’s so hot 👀
Jungkook, flashes a crooked smile: "Ah. Hot. By now I have heard it in this context often enough to understand that you do not mean my body temperature. So."
Jungkook, a ring-clad hand to his chest, slightly bowing: "Thank you very much, love."
ask my characters! 🤍
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aggressivedaikons · 8 months
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diangelosdays · 1 year
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wylan and the other crows
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kitamars · 1 year
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oh no! more ginhiji
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kimaisalloren · 6 months
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catos-wound · 18 days
i hauv wound-sucking disease its where i see the wound and immediately latch on to it as if i were an infant nursing. yes its incurable
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inkclover · 1 year
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💖💛Girliepops be vibing heyo!☀️🏓
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They have me in such a chokehold y’all don’t even know—
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cabinetduo · 7 months
ouuu do u guys ever think abt how often schlatt pitted the Manberg cabinet against each other like encouraging bullying and dog piling during meetings, singling out whoever he decided deserved the brunt of his anger that day. and in order to protect themselves from schlatt (and maybe also because they all wanted his approval) they'd go along with it like super fucked up daily crucifixions. Like they were all desperate for him to respect and maybe also love them and the cost of that was all of their dignities and relationships right
but like, in private like away from him or one on one it was a little chiller, and I'm talking abt tubbo and quackity specifically obviously. like they don't trust each other even a little, one social mistep in private conversation is enough for it to be used as political ammunition to gain schlatts favor later right? but when they're not with him it's way less intense. guard goes down a little, you can be open about how much you fucking hate the guy or how annoying it is that he refuses to do his own paper work or how there's no way in hell the entire country is going to make it through the fall on spider's eyes alone
but like one more thing also. schlatts crazy paranoid and his paranoia is wildfire contagious
so like, with all that in mind, when cquackity spills to schlatt that tubbos a spy, he was feeling a little betrayed too. that's how I imagine he'd justify it. I mean he'd seen tubbo sneak down to those tubbos and covered it up, yknow solidarity and all that but for him to be a spy? after all they'd been through? for him to have an easy way out of hell after quackity sacrificed his dignity his pride and his morals just to get a fragile grip onto a country he can't even call his own?
whatever WHATEVERTRRR I just, on the podium when schlatt reveals that tubbo is not going to just be imprisoned but executed fo u think it hit cq that this was not just another game of hot potating being schlatts target. like he'd won obviously, schlatts love was his to claim after a move that big but he'd won a shitty fucking prize
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kirschetein · 9 months
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Fret not. You still hold... ..."academic value".
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owlyflufff · 9 months
Personally so endeared and haunted by the way tristamp vash acts towards wolfwood because, yes they've gotten into disagreements, misunderstandings and moral dilemmas in the short span that trigun stampede's screen time allowed but this version of vashwood feels, so much kinder. There's an unspoken familiarity to their dynamic despite it being different.
The way vash just slowly, and painfully easily, starts becoming more open with tristamp wolfwood throughout the episodes. The last few episodes especially he just looks and acts at wolfwood like he's seen this coming, like them arguing and wolfwood countering his pacifism feels so familiar that when vash gets a glimpse of wolfwood's kindness he just starts smiling. Cause yeah, it feels familiar.
But even he doesn't know why.
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This line.
This line, it's meaningful in the context of trigun stampede alone but imagine the weight of what vash could really mean if he remembered wolfwood in both 98 and trimax. I cant word the weight of it due to important events and naturally I don't want to spoil anyone on my blog but if one ever considers putting this with the context of 98 and trimax, to know that vashwood have been there by each other side for that long, to know wolfwood had been there to support vash for that long.
it just puts more weight on this line because vash really is grateful for wolfwood. Whether it's the 98 anime, trimax manga or even the short journey he had with wolfwood in trigun stampede,
Vash will always be grateful for everything.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year
Oh god my inbox keeps showing there's one ask in it and when I go check it shows up empty
I've had this glitch before and usually I can solve it by going to the browser because usually it's visible there even when it doesn't show up in the app
But now it isn't showing up in the browser either!! What do I do it's driving me insane!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
hmm okay but like imagine. springtrap is in every sort of pain you can imagine daily. physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and he spent 30 years trapped in a broom closet so bro is probably very mentally unstable. so like. imagine how he would feel upon receiving affection for the first time in all those years. i think his brain would explode. all this agony that he walks around with daily, and then one day hes given a hug and the gentle press of another person against him. holding him. makes him feel sturdy even though he's basically falling apart. maybe a quiet remark of fondness particularly stabs him in the chest. i mean, he would come undone. he hasnt felt good like this in years.
he wouldnt be able ta get enough of this good feeling. seeking out physical affection whenever he can, even when its just from brushing past each other or fingertips lingering for a split second. always needing ta be near. finding solace in being an arms length away. the praise he would try ta draw out. "hey look at this thing i did i truly am the best at this sort of thing," the way he would cherish being spoken about in any positive manner. just the way it would feel so good ta have someone give him some much needed attention and praise. and ta feel such positive emotions abt and around them in return. the way that even with all the agony he experiences he is blessed to be afforded a single break from all of it. if only for a moment, to feel it all melt away...
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pansyfemme · 1 month
going back to school. day after tommorow. well technically tommow its 1am here but. sunday. and i am. so anxious i have been shaking nonstop
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jowbokitten · 10 months
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Genovember: Day 19 decided to redraw Geno in his dress again cuz I'm lazy bvfhdvb
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lil-vibes · 5 months
Narinder becoming a velcro cat after he and Lambert sort out their ,,,, situationship is my favourite thing actually. this man WILL get his cuddles or there will be consequences. the middle of sermon, out on crusades, he straight up ambushes lamb from a tree once or twice. there are 14 new holly days bc Narinder refused to let them get up from bed. its great
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